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Municipality Acts on Swakopmund's Paddock Sewerage Issue
In a commendable display of organisational excellence, employees of the Swakopmund Municipality'sWorks Department were seen diligently attending tocriticaltasksthisweek.TheWaterTeamwasobservedreplacingwatervalvesin Vineta, while the Sewerage Team was actively cleaning the pump station at the Paddocks. These efforts reflect the Municipality's commitment to providing excellent services to residents and ensuring the efficiency and reliability of essentialfacilities.
However, amidst these positive developments, concerns over the ongoing sewerage issue in the Swakopmund paddock area persist. Residents have been vocal about the continuous sewerage spillsandinadequateclean-upattemptsthathave plaguedthelocalityforsometimenow
Lastyear,amajorwastewaterspillon4February leftthepaddockgardensadjacenttothePlatzam Meer Mall flooded with wastewater, posing significant health risks and causing inconveniencetotheresidents.Toexacerbatematters, the clean-up efforts were delayed for weeks, leaving dried sewerage waste exposed and unsanitised.
Residents, frustrated by the lack of concrete answers from relevant authorities at the time the Swakopmund Municipality reached out to the Namib Times in desperation. Many expressed their disappointment with the clean-up attempts, whichtheyfeltwereinadequateandhalf-hearted. Theabsenceofpropersanitationandminimaluse ofsandtocoverthewastefurtherexacerbatedthe situation, causing distress among the affected residents.
Apart from the physical inconvenience, blocked pipeswerereleasingharmfulgasesintothedrain systems inside houses in the surrounding area, creating an unbearable living environment for residents.
Addressing these pressing concerns, the Municipality recently took action to shed light on the complexitiesoftheissue.Acontractorworkingin the paddock explained that the wastewater collection from the low-lying paddock area posed challenges due to gravity constraints. To address this,thedrainsinthepaddockwouldeitherneedto beliftedtoahigherlevelorrequiretheinstallation ofadrainagepump.
Recognising the urgency of the matter, the Municipality has taken the initiative to devise a comprehensive solution to tackle the sewerage issue effectively Collaborative efforts are underway to exploreviableoptionsandfindalastingresolution to prevent future spills and safeguard public health.
While addressing the long-standing issue might require time and resources, the Municipality is dedicated to ensuring that residents' concerns are duly acknowledged and resolved. The Swakopmund Municipality encourages residents to continue reporting concerns and contributing to theongoingdialoguetofindviablesolutions.