Super Moon Captured in
In a bid to save jobs and sustain operations, the Namibian government hassteppedintorescue430employeesattheWalvisBaycanningfactory, EtoshaFishingCorporation.
The government's intervention comes in the form of an allocation of 5000 metric tonnes (MT) of Horse
Mackerel quota through the Ministry of Fisheries and Ma-
rineResourcesaspartof the Governmental Objective.
For decades, Etosha FishingCorporationhas beenakeyplayerinthe canning industry, supplying leading brands
like Lucky Star and Glenryck South Africa withpilchards.
However, since 2015, the company has been grapplingwithadecline in pilchard stocks, leadingtoabanonpilchard
harvesting in 2018. To stayafloat,EtoshaFishing had been importing pilchards from Morocco, but this solution has become financially unsustainable due to
volatile exchange rates andhighimportcosts.
Earlier this year, the company had initiated termination of employment procedures as the shortageoffishforcan-
ning threatened its viability However,the allocation of the 5000 MT relief quota has granted a temporary
Continued from page 1
reprieve, retracting the termination notices issued to employees in March and April.While this quota offers shortterm relief, the companyacknowledgesthat it will not be sufficient to ensure long-term sustainability The ActingManagingDirector, Volker Paulsmeier, said in a statement, "the allocation of the 5000mtreliefquotaisonlya short-term relief measureandwillnotbeable to sustain operations in thelongterm.
Operations at the cannery will however not commence with immediate effect as the companyisintheprocessof sourcing catch capacity to land the quota, however,isconfidentthatit will be able to do so within the 2023 fishing season ”Paulsmeier further added that the last couple of years have arguably been the mostdifficultinthehistory of their existence, with consecutive losses recorded annually “As a result, we requested 10 000 MT of horse mackerel from the government to keep the
company afloat.”He also indicated that the quota given by the government isonlyashort-termrelief measure and will not be abletosustainoperations inthelongterm. Paulsmeier said, “employeeswillhowevernot beexpectedbackatwork immediately, as they will have to work on a turnaround strategy to make thecompanymoreprofitable. We will be kept abreast of developments at the company.We are extremely grateful to the Government and the Ministry of Fisheries for this lifeline. It prevents thecanneryfromshutting its doors for good. The relief quota buys us a little more time to refine and put in place our turnaround strategy to ensure extended employment terms for our workers as part of our long-term sustainability strategy He explained that diversification is pivotal to the future success of the company “These plans however need time and investments for implementation.”
Paulsmeier expressed his
appreciationtowardsthe company's employees for their patience and resilience amid trying times.“Ourworkforceis atthecentreofallofthe company's efforts to remain operational,” he assured. Though operations at the cannery will not begin immediately, thecompanyisconfident that it will secure catch capacitywithinthe2023 fishing season to fully utilise the allocated quota.Paulsmeierassured the employees that they will be kept informed of the developments and the company's efforts to becomemoreprofitable. As the last couple of years have been among the most difficult in the company's history, Paulsmeier applauded the resilience of the employees amid challenging times. He assured them that the workforceremainsatthecore of all efforts to keep the company operational.“Ourworkforceis atthecentreofallofthe company's efforts to remain operational,” he assured.
This week, Swakop Uranium made an excitingannouncementto the media, revealing thatithassurpassedits production target in thefirsthalfof2023by an impressive 10%
The company is on track to achieve its annual target for the year if this trend continues.
According to a statement issued this week, uranium production at Swakop Uranium's Husab Mine has increased by 10% compared to the H1 budget commitment. The halfyearuraniumproduction in 2023 reached 2,426 tons, showing a remarkable 45% increase compared to the same period in 2022 This significant improvement in uranium production is attributed to the exceptional mining and milling performance so far, with mining volumes up by 29 6% and milling volumes up by 20.2% compared to the same periodlastyear
Swakop Uranium's Executive Vice President, Irvinne Simataa, emphasised the importance of maintaining cost prudence in areas like water, electricity, unplanned maintenance, and implementing plans
TheSwakopmundMunicipality'sTrafficandLaw EnforcementSectionteamedupwiththeNamibian Police (NamPol) to intensify visibility and combat crime during the "month-end crime run" operation. This joint initiative, organised by NamPol, occurs during the last week of each month,coveringSwakopmundanditssurrounding areas. The strategic partnership between the two law enforcementunitsbringstogethertheirresourcesand expertise, amplifying their effectiveness in curbing criminal activities. By increasing their presence throughout the town, they aim to deter potential criminals and foster a safer environment for Swakopmund'svibrantcommunity
The "month-end crime run" operation has proven its success in the past, resulting in the apprehension of numerous criminals and the preventionofvarious offenses This concerted effort underscores the commitment of the authorities to prioritise the safety and wellbeingofresidentsandvisitorsinSwakopmund.Linda Mupupa,thePublicRelationsOfficeroftheSwakopmund Municipality, emphasised the significance of this operation, saying, "the coordinated approach of this operation assures the community that measures areinplacetoaddressanysecurityconcernspromptly Additionally, the operation serves as a reminder that crime will not be tolerated, and those who engage in illegalactivitieswillbebroughttojustice." Moreover,thecollaborationbetweenlawenforcement
units and the community strengthens the bond between them, encouraging public participation in reporting any suspicious activities. This weekend, Honourable Councillors actively participated in the operation, gaining firsthand experience of the activities.
The Municipality advises that the individuals depictedinthepicturesaccompanyingthisarticleare not necessarily guilty of any offense. Their images are used solely to raise awareness of the ongoing efforts to combat crime and create a crime-free Swakopmund.
Irvinne Simataa, Swakop
Uranium's Executive Vice President
to address water supply challenges in the second halfoftheyear
The company is also committed to executing multi-million-dollar maintenance plans on both plant and mining equipment to sustain currentperformance. With these efforts, SwakopUraniumisconfident itwillachieveandexceed benchmark reliabilities of assets, ensuring uranium production meets and exceeds budget production guidance. “This performance is an incredible feat for the company, and we remain focused on sustaining it fortheforeseeablefuture. Having regard tour performanceandthelessons from H1, management remains confident that, despite the challenges of H2; we are poised to deliver and exceed our businessobjectives,”said
Simataa further revealed that the company has directly invested over N$6.5 billion in stripping costs for the development of Zone 1 Stage 3andZone2Stage3open pitpushbacks. Additionally, N$81 million has been spent on CAPEX for various equipment acquisition and resource development projects. Looking ahead, Swakop Uranium plans to invest an additional N$290 million in the construction of a demonstrationheapleach plant, which will unlock future uranium production potential, especially in low-grade ore. This investmentaimstosecure ore reserves for future processing in the plant and support the Life-ofMineplan.
To explore the economic feasibility of processing lower-gradeuraniumore, SwakopUraniumisinthe processofinvestinginthe construction of a pilot Heap Leach plant, at an estimatedcostof N$290 million.
Heap Leach pilot plant testswillbeconcludedby the end of 2025, after which further investment will be made t expand to a commercial HeapLeachplantiffound to be economically feasible,”statedSimataa.
In a commendable display of organisational excellence, employees of the Swakopmund Municipality'sWorks Department were seen diligently attending tocriticaltasksthisweek.TheWaterTeamwasobservedreplacingwatervalvesin Vineta, while the Sewerage Team was actively cleaning the pump station at the Paddocks. These efforts reflect the Municipality's commitment to providing excellent services to residents and ensuring the efficiency and reliability of essentialfacilities.
However, amidst these positive developments, concerns over the ongoing sewerage issue in the Swakopmund paddock area persist. Residents have been vocal about the continuous sewerage spillsandinadequateclean-upattemptsthathave plaguedthelocalityforsometimenow
Lastyear,amajorwastewaterspillon4February leftthepaddockgardensadjacenttothePlatzam Meer Mall flooded with wastewater, posing significant health risks and causing inconveniencetotheresidents.Toexacerbatematters, the clean-up efforts were delayed for weeks, leaving dried sewerage waste exposed and unsanitised.
Residents, frustrated by the lack of concrete answers from relevant authorities at the time the Swakopmund Municipality reached out to the Namib Times in desperation. Many expressed their disappointment with the clean-up attempts, whichtheyfeltwereinadequateandhalf-hearted. Theabsenceofpropersanitationandminimaluse ofsandtocoverthewastefurtherexacerbatedthe situation, causing distress among the affected residents.
Apart from the physical inconvenience, blocked pipeswerereleasingharmfulgasesintothedrain
systems inside houses in the surrounding area, creating an unbearable living environment for residents.
Addressing these pressing concerns, the Municipality recently took action to shed light on the complexitiesoftheissue.Acontractorworkingin the paddock explained that the wastewater collection from the low-lying paddock area posed challenges due to gravity constraints. To address this,thedrainsinthepaddockwouldeitherneedto beliftedtoahigherlevelorrequiretheinstallation ofadrainagepump.
Recognising the urgency of the matter, the Municipality has taken the initiative to devise a comprehensive solution to tackle the sewerage issue effectively Collaborative efforts are underway to exploreviableoptionsandfindalastingresolution to prevent future spills and safeguard public health.
While addressing the long-standing issue might require time and resources, the Municipality is dedicated to ensuring that residents' concerns are duly acknowledged and resolved. The Swakopmund Municipality encourages residents to continue reporting concerns and contributing to theongoingdialoguetofindviablesolutions.
TheWalvisBayMayor,TrevinoForbesextendedanopeninvitationtotheWalvis Bay and surrounding communities to the inaugural Walvis Bay Maritime Festivalstartingtoday,4August.Thefestivitieswillcontinueuntiltomorrow,5 August, under the theme 'preserving a healthy ocean ecosystem for a resilient economy'.
Forbes stated that the festival will celebrate the town'srichmaritimeheritageandwillhighlightthe importance of preserving the ocean for a sustainable and resilient economy “It will feature various activities, exhibits and educational programs for all groups. The festival aims to shed light on the significant contributions of the blue economy to our town's economic growth and development. This event provides a platform for industryplayerstoshowcaseandsharetheirwork, products and innovations.” The mayor added that byshowcasingthevariousindustriesundertheBlue Economy, the hope is to demonstrate the diverse opportunitiesandeconomicpotentialthatliewithin theoceans.“Thefestivalwillofferinsightsintothe stridesthelocalbusinessesandorganisationshave madeinharnessingtheresourcesoftheseasustainability Attendeeswillhavetheopportunitytolearn
about the latest technologies, initiatives and best practices that are driving economic growth while maintaining the health and vitality of our ocean ecosystem By engaging with industry professionalsandwitnessingtheirworkfirsthand, attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the Blue Economy's significance and its potential for thetown'seconomicprosperity.”
The Walvis Bay Maritime Festival is a follow-up event to the World Ocean Day celebrations that were hosted in Walvis Bay, which was deemed a resoundingsuccess.
The official opening of the festival is slated for 11:00, with the minister of fisheries and marine resources,DerekKlazenasthekeynotespeaker On Saturday, from 9:00 a street parade will commence form the Narraville municipal offices, withavarietyofcompetitionsstartingat10:30.
TheSwakopmundCouncilhasissuedawarningtoresidents about scammers attempting to defraud them by impersonating the Mayor of Swakopmund, Cllr. Dina Namubes. The deceptive individuals are using various tactics to trick residentsintomakingunauthorizedpayments.
With scams and identity theft on the rise, the Council urges all residents to remain vigilant and cautious of any suspicious phone calls or text messages requesting payment for services related to vehicle breakdowns, traffic fines, water bills, hou-
sing, or other municipal-related accounts.
It is crucial for residents to know that the Mayor of Swakopmund, the Chief Executive Officer, and other Municipal officialswillneverrequest direct payments into t h e i r p e r s o n a l accounts.
All legitimate payments must be made through the relevant cashiers at authorised locations, including the Municipal Head Office, Matutura SatellitePayPoint,and the Rest Camp. Traffic-related payments should be made at the magistrate court or NATISOffices.
EdwinTjivangurura(43),MelvinModise (28), Boniface Mapani (33) and Charles Louw (28), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matterwaspostponedto22Augustforfixing oftrialdate.Theaccusedhavebeenwarned.
JosefLazarus(34),appearedontwocounts of rape and three counts of kidnapping charges.Thematterwaspostponedto9August for fixing of the trial date.The accused remainsincustody
MorgenGonteb(37),appearedonacharge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft.Theaccusedisatlarge,andawarrantof arrestwasissued.
Uatona Kavetutjo (20), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto31 Octoberforfixingoftrialdate.Theaccused isonbail.
Sylvia Andreas (31), appeared on a charge of theft by false pretenses. The matter was postponedto14Septemberforlegalaid.The accusedisonbail.
HelenaAnanias (32), appeared on a charge oftheftfromemployer Thematterwaspostponed to 14 September for further investigation.Theaccusedisonbail.
HelmutMckay(43),appearedonchargesof assaultbythreatandcrimeninjuria.Thematter was postponed to 31 October for mental observationreportintermsofsection79.The accusedwasreleasedincareofguardian.
Petrus Shetuyuka (23), appeared on a chargeoftheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 13 September for fixing of trial date. The accusedisonbail.
DavidIhuema(25),appearedonachargeof possession of dependence producing substance.Thematterwaspostponedto12Septemberforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused remainincustody
PieterVan DerWesthuizen (66), appeared onachargeofassaultcommonreadwithprovision of the domestic violence act, act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 14 September for further investigations The
PetrusPovanhu(25),appearedonachargeof robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 2 October for legal aid.Theaccusedisonbail.
AlfonsWitbooi(47),appearedonachargeof theft.The matter was postponed to 2 October forfixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.
CurtisNoabeb(33),appearedonachargeof rapereadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto5Septemberforfurtherinvestigation.
Filip Kapewasha (29), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harmreadwithprovisionsofthedomesticviolence act, act 4 of 2003 and assault common.
The matter was postponed to 2 October for fixingoftrialdate.Theaccusedisonbail.
Kevin Gaoseb (22), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 28 November for plea and trial. The accused remainincustody
Richard Richie Katjiparatjivi (39), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30August for further investigation.
Deon Horaib (29), appeared on a charge of assaultcommon.Thematterwaspostponedto 18January2024forpleaandtrial.Theaccuse remainincustody
RobertoTjitavi(20)andJosefDaniels(29), appearedonachargeofdealingindependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 13 November for lab results. The accusedremainincustody
KleopasUushona(29),appearedonacharge ofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto13September for further investigation. The accused remainincustody
Johannes Mangela (29), appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving and failuretoascertaininjuriessustained.Thematter was postponed to 5 October for further investigations.Theaccusedremainincustody
CassiusSechogele(42), appearedonacharge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol
level.Thematterwaspostponedto 12 September for legal representation. The accused remain in custody
Eliaser Ntaango (26), appeared onachargeofassaultwithintentto do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 4 September for further investigation. Theaccusedremainincustody.
DelPiLaarLyllyGorettaCoimbra (33), appeared on a charge of maliciousdamagetoproperty.The matter was postponed to 11 October for continuation of trial. The
Suniel Pallais (33), appeared on achargeofassaultbythreat.The matterwas postponed to 13 September for further investigation. Theaccusedisonbail.
Esley Gaoseb (32), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm read with the provision of the domesticviolenceact,act4of2003and assaultbythreat.Thematterwas postponed to 18 September for further investigation. The accusedremainincustody
We have what you need at No.
31, 10th street East, Walvis Bay or call 064-203132 We
TheWalvisBaymunicipalityhasgiveninprincipleapprovaltotheRuralConstituencyofficeoftheErongoRegional Council for land to be allocated for the establishment of a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Centerin Kuisebmond.
According to the chairperson of the management committee councillor Richard Hoaeb, the land is situated in Kuisebmond, and comprises of erven 4598 and 4599 measuring in extentof1317m².
“According to the application received, the Walvis Bay rural constituency received anamountofN$1700 000 from the Erongo Regional Council to construct a MSME's center in Walvis Bay
The main aim of this centre is to assist the local traders with a facility to do their business. This envisaged development will provide a much-needed facility for the small and medium traders in the Rural Constituency of WalvisBay.”
Hoaeb added that the centre will blend in with the surrounding environment “The opinion is held that thisfacilitywillcontribute to the growth of especially small businesses in Walvis Bay
Further to that, this development is in line with the call by the government for a conducive environment to be created by SME's.
The erven in question has also been previouslyidentifiedfora SMEfacility “It therefore perfectly suits the needs of the applicant as well as the future plans of the WalvisBaymunicipal council.Thereisadire need for SME trading facilities in Walvis Bay Thus, the application to provide land for such enterprise is supported. Since the intendedcentrewillbe establishedwithfunds from the Regional Council and as the area has already been earmarked for the establishment of informaltradefacilities, it is also recommended that the requested ervenbeprovidedfree ofcharge.”
The councillor further explained that the envisaged centre will consist,amongothers, of the following: two salons, two barbershops, two upholsterers, two fruit and vegetables vendors, twoTVrepairandtwo cellphone repair shops,twotailors,two clothing shops, two shoerepairshops,two kapana stall, two food stalls and one retail shop.
vis Bay Rural Constituency Office indicated that the office does not have the expertise and capacity tomanageandoperate such a centre once completed.
“It was thus requested that the facility, once completed, be handed overtotheWalvisBay municipality for management and administration.”
Furthermore, the council recommended that the ownership of the two erven remain with the Walvis Bay council and that the WalvisBayRuralConstituencydonatesback totheMunicipality,all improvements to be constructed on erven 4598 and 4599 Kuisebmond.
“It was recommended that the municipality manage and operate the centre after its completion and that a further report regardingthephysicalmanagement and administration of the centre and complete human resourcesandfinancial implications, be submitted to council Lastly, that ministerial approvalbesoughtfor in terms of the Local Authorities Act regardingdonations.”
The Directorof theAfrican Labour& Human Right Centre, MrAugust Maletsky,inarecentletteraddressedtotheOfficeoftheProsecutor-GeneralinWindhoek,hasvoiceddeepconcernoverthereinstitutionofcriminalproceedingsina ten-year-old case pending in the Magistrate's Court of Walvis Bay, involving Granville Liuwellen Noble and Grant Brandon Noble in Case Number WVBCRM-1099/2014.
TheAfrican Labour & Human Rights Centre, an organisation dedicated to safeguarding fundamentalhumanrightsinNamibiaasoutlinedin Chapter 3 of the Namibian Constitution, has formally requested the withdrawal and permanent stay of prosecution for the accused persons. The letter, dated 25 July 2023 and addressedtoMrsMarthaImalwa,urgestheProse-cutorGeneraltomakethedecisiononorbeforeFriday, 29September2023.
At the core of Mr Maletsky's concerns is the assertion that reinitiating criminal proceedings, nearlyadecadeaftertheirinitialwithdrawal,may potentiallyviolatetheaccusedpersons'rightstoa fairtrialasenshrinedintheConstitution.African Labour&HumanRightsCentrepointsoutthatthe discretion to decide whether to proceed with a prosecution or withdraw it is a fundamental function exercised by the Prosecutor-General. This function must align with constitutional provisions, and any action taken in contradiction totheseprovisionsisdeemedinvalid.
The letter references Article 18 of the Constitution, which mandates all administrative bodies
and officials to act fairly, reasonably, and in accordance with common law and/or statute. It also affirms that persons aggrieved by administrativeactsanddecisionshavetherightto seekredressfromthecourtsoratribunal. Furthermore,theorganisationhighlightstheprinciple "justice delayed is justice denied," expressing that no new evidence justifying the nearly ten-year delay has been presented Regardless of the presence of new evidence, the organisation contends that proceeding with the prosecution without addressing the potential violation of the accused persons' constitutional rightswouldbeunacceptable.
Theorganisation,intheletter,appealstotheoffice of the Prosecutor-General to review the reinitiation of the prosecution and withdraw the proceedings without further delay by the stipulateddeadline.Shouldtheirrequestnotbemet,the organisation asserts its intention to approach the High Court of Namibia as Amicus Curiae, or "Friends of the Court," to seek a review and possible overturning of the decision to reinstate theprosecutioninthecase.
Namibia witnessed a momentous breakthrough in animal welfareastheJusticeforAnimalsTrustrevealedasignificant milestone in the fight against animal cruelty In a powerful announcement on Tuesday, the Trust highlighted the legal frameworkprotectingdogsfromcommercialexploitationfor theirskin,meat,oranybodyparts.
This groundbreaking discovery was the result of tireless research conducted by the Justice for Animals Trust, aimed at safeguarding the welfare of non-human beings. The revelation brought newfound hope to the causeofanimalwelfare,asitwaspreviously believed that no regulations existed under the Animals Protection Act of 1962 concerning the killing of dogsforconsumptionpurposes.
The only notice ever issued under the AnimalsProtectionAct,datedJuly14, 1972 (RSA GN R.1246/1972 (RSA GG 3612)), unequivocally prohibits thekillingofdogsforcommercialpurposes. The law is clear: anyone who kills a dog with the intention of using its skin, meat, or any other part for commercialgainisguiltyofacriminal offense and may face a fine or imprisonmentofuptosixmonths,orboth.
The Chairman of Justice for Animals Trust expressed heartfelt gratitude to Sally from Namibia Animal Welfare Association (NAWA) for her invaluable contribution in discovering this vitalinformation.TheTrustrenewsits commitment to protecting the welfare ofanimals,especiallydogs,andstressesthatdogsarefriends,notfood.
This landmark discovery strengthens the resolve of the Trust and other animalwelfareinstitutionsintheirpursuit ofjusticeforanimals.Thehopeisthat thislegalsupportwillbolstereffortsto end animal cruelty and promote compassion towards man's non-human companions.
Inresponsetotheissueofdogslaughter for human consumption, The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Namibia and its Branches firmly oppose the practice, citingthreecorereasons:
1. Inhumane Slaughter Methods: Currentmethodsofdogslaughterinvolve cruelty, including beating, bludgeoning, and hanging of dogs to death, which are offenses under the Animal
Protection Act of 1962. The SPCA pledgestotakeactionagainstanyreportedcasesofsuchcruelty
2. Dogs as Companions: Dogs have long been valued as companion animals, possessing unique abilities to read social cues and serving in various capacities, such as service and emotionalsupportanimals.
3. Public Health Concerns: Consumption of dog meat poses public health risks, including zoonotic disease transmission like trichinellosis, cholera, and rabies. Proper meat inspection procedures at abattoirs are crucial to prevent disease transmission, and unauthorised consumptioncouldleadtoserioushealth consequences.
TheSPCAemphasisesitsdedication toassistingincasesofanimalcruelty andpromotingthehumanetreatment of animals. They encourage individualstoreportanyinhumaneslaughter or attempted acts to the nearest SPCA, as they continue to support animalwelfareacrossthecountry
The SPCA plays a vital role in rescuing and assisting animals in need throughout Namibia, housing thousandsofanimalseachyear Theyrely on donations from private individuals and corporate businesses to fundtheiressentialwork.TheSPCA of Namibia includes the Windhoek ShelterOperationsandanadditional seven branches throughout the country They are located in Grootfontein, Keetmanshoop, Lüderitz, Oshana, Otjiwarongo, Tsumeb, and Walvis Bay "We are a registered Welfare Organisation (WO6) established in 1949, here to prevent cruelty to animals and promote animal welfare in Namibia. The SPCA Namibia headquarters oversee the policy and positions on important animal welfare matters for all of the SPCAs."
The Walvis Bay Municipal Council has recommended the allocation of certain unserviced land portions in Narraville, to various private developers, for the deliveryofserviceservenandorlow/middleincomehousesinWalvisBay.
According to Richard Hoaeb, the Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Walvis Bay Municipal Council, to fast track the delivery of serviced land and the ultimate provision of housingsolutionsforWalvisBaythereisaneedto involve other, private stakeholders. “Currently various private developments around town contribute towards alleviating the demand for servicedlandandhousing.Theopinionisheldthat this Council, together with private stakeholders, will be more effective and able, to address the demand and delivery of serviced land and housing.”Headdedthataproposalwasmadethat councilenterintoprivatetreatysaleswithprivate developers. “This is by means of alienating certainportionsoflandtosuchprivatedevelopers, at a reduced price for unserviced land, with the aim to develop such land. It is furthermore proposedthatprivatedevelopersdevelopthetotal portions of land alienated to them, after which a certainnumberofdevelopedervenberetainedby thedeveloperforfurtherdevelopmentandprofit, and a certain number of erven be returned to Council free of charge. The developer is then to pay only for those erven retained by the developer.”
Kitchen and shop equipment is available for sale.
Equipment includes:
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·Wooden picnic chairs and tables
·Six-plate gas stove
·Potato cutter, bar fridges, flat top griller And many other items.
Please call 064 209171 (office) for appointment to view and make offers.
Viewing and calling: Monday to Saturday from 08h00 to 15h3o.
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Thecouncilorexplainedthatatameetingheldin August 2022 it was resolved that approval be granted for the alienation of Narraville extension 9,10,13and16totheprivatesector “Unserviced land was recently offered toVenmar Fishing and
President Links Estate for N$50 06/m³
Therefore, the opinion is held that the erven be offeredtopotentialapplicantsatN$50.06/m³.He explainedthatitwasrecommendedthat128erven (57 541 m²) of unserviced land in Narraville, Extension 9, be sold by private transaction to Fillemon Mbango Investment, at N$50.06/m², andthatFillemonMbangoInvestmentCCreturns 27 fully serviced erven to the council. It was further recommended that 176 erven (87 966m²) in Narraville Extension 10, be sold by private transactiontoNansungaPropertiesatN$50.06/m² and that Nansunga Properties returns 38 fully servicederventocouncil.
Additionally,150erven(58,452m²)ofunserviced land, in Narraville, Extension 13, be sold by private transaction to Lithon Developers at N$50.06/m² and that 32 fully serviced erven be returnedtothecouncil.Finally,199erven(80557 m²) of unserviced land in Narraville, Extension 16, be sold by private transaction to Topaz Construction at N$50.06/m² and that Topaz Construction returns 41 fully serviced erven to council. Hoaeb added that various conditions need to be met by the private developers for the processtobeproperlyexpedited. “Additionally, 80% of the funds generated by means of sale of extensions 9,10,13 and 16 remainder Farm 63 Narraville be earmarked for the development of Farm37andthattheremaining20%beearmarked forothercouncilcommitments.”
A member of the Deamaru Group
Tel: 064 20 4999 / 081 795 8775
TheNarravillePrimarySchoolunder13 rugby team received a sponsorship comprisingofnewshirts,bagsandballs. Oshiwana Penduka Marine Products CC sponsored 23 practice rugby shirts, 23 match day rugby shirts, 23 rugby bags, threematchballsandsevenpracticeballs. As seen on the picture is Shaun Beukes, director of Oshiwana Penduka Marine Products CC, Linda Shivolo, director of
M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO YOU SUFFER FROM: ?
· Chronic Sinus Problems
· Blocked Nose
· Ongoing Tonsil Problems
Oshiwana Penduka Marine Products, Mr Conrad Farmer, the acting principal of Narraville Primary School and Colin StevensfromDS9Sportwear
Photos contributed
The grade 9 class of Walvis Bay Gymnasium visited the Namib Times Walvis Bay office on Thursday morning to learn and understand more about the newspaper and journalism.
who initiated the visit stated that he wan-tedthelearners to gain a better under-standing of
“I hope that more journalists comes out of Walvis Bay Gymnasium.”
the printing press, write an article, take a few pictures and help inthedesignofamock frontpagenewspaper
The learners had the opportunity to visit Walvis Bay Rural constituency councillor Florian Donatus celebrated his birthday with with the Children of NaravillePrimarySchool.
Donatusonthedaydonatedschoolshoes andsockstosomeofthevulnerableboys and girls at the school. He also had an opportunity to sing with the grade 2D’s and enjoy his birthdaycake,sweets and chipswiththelearners.
In the Estate of the late Teopolina Kashululu who died on 10 September2020andwasresiding at Erf 4774, Consortium S t r e e t , K u i s e bmond,Walvis Bay, Namibia.
AntoniusResidenzseniorenouetehuis inSwakopmundisopsoekna'ngeregistreerdeverpleegstervironsverpleegafdeling. Verkieslik 'n persoon met 'n mate van vorige jare ondervinding in bejaarde-sorg. U hooftaak is om die holistiese sorg van ons inwoners te organiseer en te monitor U werksure sluit skofwerk en naweekwerk in.As u dit geniet om ons inwoners wat hulp nodighetophuloudagtehelp,hetuop dieregteplekgekom!
Doen aansoek by: of bel ons by: 064 403415.
Noticeisherebygiventhat the First and Final Liquidation and DistributionAccountislyingfor inspectionattheofficesof the Master of the High CourtatWindhoekandthe Magistrate’s Office at WalvisBayforaperiodof 21(twentyone)daysfrom date of publication hereof forallinterestedparties.
If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executrix will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.
Legalpractitioners Altstadthof
15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:MAT18262-PH/ta)
Description: Repair and service of Baader machines
Type :
B51/B52 Skinning Machine
B188/ B182/ B588 Filleting Machines
B182hf Heading Machine
Trio Fds 35i Deep Skinning Machine
B601 Bone Separator
Applicant must have a national certificate with N5 and higher Also a certificate of Baader qualifications issued by Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud Baader
Experience : 10 years working experience in a white fish factory or freezer trawler CV : to be sent by email
Or Baader Namibia, P.O. Box 2657, Walvis Bay No phone calls.
Closing Date : 10.08.2023
JTC PRIVATE SCHOOL IN WALVIS BAY has the following Teaching Post: Temporary Assistant Teacher Social Studies / Grades 4-7
! A recognized 3-year tertiary teaching qualification on NQF Level 6. OR an appropriate recognized 3-year tertiary non-teaching qualification (or equivalent) on NQF Level 6 in relation to the subject to be taught plus a 1-year teaching qualification.
! Majored in Social Studies 4 - 7.
! Be a Namibian Citizen
Important clauses in the submission of applications:
! An application letter neatly and grammatically formulated
! Recent testimonial/s
! Certified copies of ALL relevant Educational Qualifications and Academic transcripts and ID document
! Curriculum Vitae
! Faxed, emailed, scanned and copied applications will not be accepted and/or considered in the recruitment and selection process.
Applications must be submitted/hand delivered to/at the following address:
The School Principal JTC Private School ERF 5940, Tutaleni Uugwanga Street Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay
Enquiries: The Principal: Tel: 064- 209097
Closing date: 11 August 2023
An Equal Opportunity Employer and leader in the Namibian Fishing Industry
Location: Walvis Bay
We are seeking a highly analytical and detail-oriented professional with a passion for financial analysis and cost optimization to join our team.
Key responsibilities
· Accountable for the on-going analysis of process constraints, target costing projects, margin analysis, and tracing costs back to underlying activities.
· Construct and monitor those cost-effective data accumulation systems needed to provide an appropriate level of costing information to management.
· Provide business data and analysis to all managers within the organisation to assist in business decision-making and control.
· Be involved with general management, working with managers to analyse cost and revenues.
· Provide monthly management accounts, and budgets and forecasts to aid business planning.
· Involved in cost analysis and cost-reduction projects, competitor analysis, variance analysis, tender preparation and review, strategic planning, long and medium-term planning, as well as investor appraisal.
· Grade 12
· Qualified Certified Management Accountant and registered with a professional Institute
· 5 years' experience in a similar role
· Must have excellent knowledge of the Income Tax laws, GAAP, Company laws
· Strong background in financial and cost/budget management
· Ability to formulate strategies and operationalise the strategies
· Must have demonstrated leadership skills
· Able to use own initiative and take quick decisions independently
· Excellent verbal, numeric and written communication skills
· Able to present and communicate information
· Computer literate on an advanced level
· Must be analytical, detail conscious, forward thinking and dynamic
· Must have excellent planning and organisational skills
· Able to deliver on results and on time
· Able to work under pressure and adapt to change
· Able to resolve complex problems in an innovative way
· Willing to work overtime when required
· Must be a Namibian Citizen with a valid driver's license
Your benefits
We offer a market related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage, retirement savings plans, and career development opportunities. Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a wellestablished company in the fishing sector
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to by not later than 18 August 2023
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments
Inthe Estateofthelate Erika Elizabeth Herzberg who died on 12 June 2023 and was residing at Unit 213, The Haven, Swakopmund, Republic of Namibia.
Creditorsanddebtorsof the above Estate are requested to lodge their claims against the Estateorpaytheirdebts
to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 (Thirty) days as fromdateofpublication ofthisadvertisement.
PIETERHAMMAN Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/amMAT19448)
PleasetakenotethattheMunicipalityofWalvisBayintendsto apply to the Municipal Council and the Urban and Regional PlanningBoardforthefollowing:
·SubdivisionofRe/Farm38WalvisBayintoPortion1 (±258ha),Portion2(±815ha)andtheRemainder (±1655ha);
·SubsequentsubdivisionofPortion1into12Portionsand theRemainderand;
-Portion2fromUndeterminedtoSpecialforaTruckPort withancillaryuses
-Portion12fromUndeterminedtoUtilityServiceforan existingsubstation
The Remainder Farm 38 is situated south of the C14 Road in WalvisBay Thepurposeoftheapplicationistounlockavailablelandforfuturedevelopment,andintheshortterminparticularindustrialdevelopmentandaTruckPort,whichismuch neededinWalvisBay
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanandRegional PlanningAct,2018(No.5of2018)andintermsoftheWalvis BayZoningScheme. Pleasetakenotethat:
(a)ThedetailedplanliesopenforinspectionatRoom101ofthe officesoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,CivicCentre,NangoloMbumbaDrive;
(b)Anypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionstotheproposed applicationmayinwritinglodgesuchcommentsorobjections, together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipality of WalvisBaywithinfourteen(14)daysofthelastpublicationof thisnoticeand;
(c)Written comments/objections must be submitted before or on17:00Thursday,24August2023.
Applicant: MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay Tel:+264642013229
Rezoning: From “General Residential: 1/150m2” to “Institutional” ConsentUse:ForanInstitutionalBuildingtopermita Clinic/Dispensary/MedicalConsultingRooms
Take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owner of erf 3325 Kuisebmond (Etosha Street) to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay and the Urban and RegionalPlanningBoardforrezoningandconsentuse asabove.
The above application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The purpose of the above application is to establish a MedicalCentreinanInstitutionalBuildingonthesite.
(a)therezoningandconsentuseapplicationliesopen forinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsandBuilding ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay situated at Civic Centre, Walvis Bay or can be;
(b)Writtencommentsorobjections,togetherwiththe groundsthereof,mustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00 Friday, 25 August 2023 to the addresses provided below:
Manager:TownPlanning Section PrivateBag5017 WalvisBay townplanning@
VollgraaffRealEstateherewithintendstoapply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for the Resident Occupation Special Consent, to operate an “administrative office” on the premisesofErf377,Myl4Extension1(c/oEagle Close & Baobab Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.
Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication totheSwakopmundMunicipalityandtheapplicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 18thAugust2023.
ContactPerson:MrsA.Vollgraaff,Cell:081861 7135, or
Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
CONSENT: To Establish anAir B&B ON ERF NO: 14M TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: 34 Kovambo Nuyoma Ave.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:anAirB&B.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 18 August 2023
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MichaelGoldmann,POBox,2657,WalvisBay
StewartPlanning P O.Box2095 WalvisBay 064280770
Iamaladylookingfor domesticwork,Ican staywithkids.Iam readytostart immediately
Iamlookingfor domesticworkfor3 daysaweek.
Iama34yearoldlady lookingforanykindof workinWalvisBay.I haveexperienceof workinginhotelsas housekeepingsupervisor, shopsasacashierand domesticworker.Iam trustworthyandnon alcoholic.Icanworkfor afewdaysinaweek.
Iama32yearold lookingfordomestic worksuchascleaning, washing,ironing.Iam trustworthyand hardworking.Readyto startimmediately
Iamlookingfor domesticworkfor3 days.
JOBWANTED: Iamahardworkinglady lookingforworkasan officecleaner,guest house,restaurantor domesticwork.Mondays toFridays,willingto workSaturdaysand Sundays.Canstart anytime.
Contact:0812691253 0813953431
Iama24yearoldman, lookingforajob anywhereinNamibia withexperienceasacore cutter,corewriter,core weighingandqualified tooperateadumptruck.
JOBWANTED: Iama33yearoldman lookingforanykindof workinWalvisBay
Ekisopsoekna huiswerkofkinders opas.Ekisgeesteliken 28jaaroud.Ekkan EngelsenAfrikaans praat.Dorp,Lagoon, Meersig,Langstrandof Fairways. Maandae,Woensdae, Vrydaeoftweedae.
E is‘nbetroubare rika vrouopsoekna huiswerkvir daeper 5 weekinSwakopmund.
Kontak:0810383925 0817845974
Iama49yearoldlady lookingforjobasa caregiver.Iama professionalladywith 19yearsofexperience andqualifications,Iam verywarmhearted, creative,hardworking, friendlyandaboveall pateient.
SwakopmundorWalvis Bay
JOBWANTED: Jessicaisdringend opsoekna3dae huiswerkofstrykwerk, ekhetondervindingen kanenigetydbegin. Maandae,Woensdaeen Donderdaeverkieslik inSwakopmundof Langstrand.
JOBWANTED: Iama46yearold woman,lookigfor domesticworkin Swakopmundornearby areas.
Contact:0812060577 0812080699
JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund only.Ihaveexperience andqualificationsin Hospitalityand Tourism,Iamreadyto startassoonas possible.
Contact:081737 5211/0816977287
JOBWANTED: Aladylookingfor parttimeorfulltime domesticwork.
Contact:085787 9548
JOBWANTED: Mycurrent housekeeperislooking fordomesticworkin Swakopmundfor2to 3daysperweek.Sheis hardworking, trustworthyandeager tolearn.Shecanstart assoonaspossible, Shehastwo references.
MrsDeirdre: 0811499297 MrsRosi:081477 2996orcontact Aweneforthejob: 0813045730
D-ManSalesherewithintendstoapplytotheSwakopmund Municipal Council for Resident Occupation Special Consent to operate an “Administrative office” on the premises of erf 4155, Swakopmund, Extension 12 (22 Tanzanite street) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningSchemedetailsofwhichareobtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and PlanningServices.
Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 25th August2023.
Contact person: Mr J. Bukes, Cell: +27 82 568 7112or0814151367 or Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.
Hiermee maak die Lourens familie bekend die heegaan van hul liefdevolle Pa, oupa en broer
Sak: 13.11.1943
Op: 01.08.2023
Vir navrae kontak
Leon of Gerda
CoastaloutfitsDolphinsRugbyClubanddefendingchampionsSpartaUnited1 have secured their spots in the Namibian Rugby Union's (NRU) First Division League quarterfinals, scheduled to take place tomorrow in Swakopmund and Mariental.
Leading the log, Dolphins will host Okahandja Highlanders at the Tamariskia Sport fieldinSwakopmund,whileSpartaUnited1willtraveltoMarientalforamatchagainst MarientalRugbyClub.Bothgamesaresettokickoffat15:00intheirrespectivetowns. Theotherquarterfinalgamesareasfollows:
- Vipers vs Eastern Bulls and Etosha Rugby vs Ocean Swallows in Windhoek at the HageGeingobStadium.
The NRU First Division league semifinals are scheduled for 12August 2023 at the HageGeingobStadiuminWindhoek.
With the start of the second term of the school year, all the different school sports leagues have commenced.
This weekend promises exciting school sport action with the Inter High School Sports Day at Pro-EdAcademyinSwakopmundandtheWalvis Bay Primary Schools Sports Day at the school's sportsfield.
The Inter High School Sports Day, taking place today and tomorrow at Pro-Ed Sport Park in Swakopmund, will showcase the best of sports action between Walvis Bay Private School and Pro-Ed Akademie. The sports teams from these
two private schools on the coast will compete in Archery,Chess,Netball,Hockey,andRugby Meanwhile, the Walvis Bay Primary Schools
AnnualSportsDaywillbeadelightfulexperience for learners participating in Netball, Rugby, and Hockey Held at the school's grounds, this wellorganised sports day emphasises fun and the opportunitytomakenewfriends,withenjoyment forbothplayersandspectatorsalike.
Rudi Bowe
FNB Kudus will be seeking to claim back-to-back wins when they welcomeFNBUnamtotheJanWilkenStadiumonSaturday.
Kudus,secondonthepointstandingwouldliketotakerevengeonlastyear's semi-finalontheirhomegroundandretaintheChandlerPlatoChallengeCup andatthesametimesecuretheirsemi-finalspotintheNRUPremierleague.
Five-timePremierleaguewinnerUnamissixthplaceonthelog,fivepoints fromthesemi-finalspotwouldliketogetfullpointstomoveupthelogina semi-finalspot.
Top of the NRU Reserve point standing Kudus 2 will host Unam 2 and the KuduBokkiestakeontheUNAMladiesonthehomegroundinWalvisBay.
Walvis Bay Junior Golfer, Kyle Johnson set a new course record at the Namibia Junior Golf FoundationJuniorOpenheldlastweekendatHentiesBayGolfClub.
TwentyjuniorgolferscompetedfortophonoursattheJuniorGolfOpenthatwaswonbyJohnsonwho playedanexcellentnewcourserecordof62shotsinhissecondroundonSaturdayandrepeatedthisscore in his third round on Sunday Owner of Damian Sports Academy (DSA) and Tournament Director, Damian da Silva said that the players in the A and B divisions played 54 holes, while the C and D divisions'competitionwasover36holesandtheplayerswithoutahandicaponlyplayednineshortened holes.
ConnorGibsonofDSAwinstheAdivisiongrosswith230strokes,RudiAusebwinstheBdivisiongross with248strokes,JustineNaobebwinstheBdivisionnetwith242strokes.
Othercategorywinners:C-sectionbestgross,FrancoisleRoux(176strokes),C-sectionbestnet,Weitz vanNiekerk(DSA,180strokes),D-section:EmilioMaboh(51points),EthanJohnson(45).
ThetournamentprizesweresponsoredbySwitchEnergyDrinks,withDSAsponsoringcaps. DaSilvasaysDSAwillstartjuniordevelopmentatHentiesBaybutwillneedfinancialassistance."We wouldappreciatemoreexposureinJuniorGolfintheareasofdevelopment,coaching,tournamentsfor thejuniorsandmoresponsorships,"saidDaSilva. Thoseinterestedcancontacthimon0817921059.