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Swakopmund Mayor Impersonated in Fraudulent Scheme
TheSwakopmundCouncilhasissuedawarningtoresidents about scammers attempting to defraud them by impersonating the Mayor of Swakopmund, Cllr. Dina Namubes. The deceptive individuals are using various tactics to trick residentsintomakingunauthorizedpayments.
With scams and identity theft on the rise, the Council urges all residents to remain vigilant and cautious of any suspicious phone calls or text messages requesting payment for services related to vehicle breakdowns, traffic fines, water bills, hou- sing, or other municipal-related accounts.
It is crucial for residents to know that the Mayor of Swakopmund, the Chief Executive Officer, and other Municipal officialswillneverrequest direct payments into t h e i r p e r s o n a l accounts.
All legitimate payments must be made through the relevant cashiers at authorised locations, including the Municipal Head Office, Matutura SatellitePayPoint,and the Rest Camp. Traffic-related payments should be made at the magistrate court or NATISOffices.