Namib Times Virtual Edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6325 TUESDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2014 Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website:


Old municipal building up for sale

Stop sexual abuse

Jade McClune

Since the completion of Council's new office block on Rakotoka Street the grand old municipal building in the centre of Swakopmund has struggled to define its place. The sale of the old heritage building by way of closed bid auction is now on the cards again. At its last meeting, Swakopmund Town Council approved a recommendation to set a minimum price of N$14.5 million for the sale of the property located at Erf 989. In December 2013 the property was valued by Mr Abel Schoeman, an appraiser appointed by the High Court, in the following way: N$8 million for 2 147 m² of land; N$6 075 000 for the main building; and N$150 000 for other improvements, to arrive at a total value of N$14 225 000. The Trust Estate Co valued the property at around N$14.5 million. In January 2010 the Trust & Estate Company had assessed the same property to be worth N$11 880 000, whereas Nasikama Property Valuation Consultants set the value at N$18.3 million. On 28 January 2010 Council set an upset price of N$15.1 million, but this was later repealed in June 2011 and a new minimum price of N$20.1 million was set. Council noted that the “new owner will have to invest considerable funds in order to renovate the building, which is deteriorating,” but, as the property is a listed building, any future alterations and renovations will have to comply with the Town Planning Scheme and would be subject to conditions and requirements set by the National Heritage Council. The NHC prohibits the demolition of any building in the conservation areas, which is older than 50 years, without the written consent of Council. Continues on page 2

FOR SALE: Old municipal HQ

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So ry ons!!!!!

FATAL: Rescue workers remove the body of one of the three victims that died in a head-on collision on the B2 road between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund on Saturday evening.

Road carnage Claims four lives

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Afrikanerkultuur in die woestyn

Piquet Jacobs and Madelaine Laubscher Coastal road users appear to have dropped their guard pertaining to road safety and are dismally failing to adhere to road regulations after the festive season. This gross negligence is evident in recent driving behaviour and has led to a sudden increase in fatal accidents which claimed the lives of four passengers over the weekend. A white Nissan 1400 (N 2230 S) crashed into a police bakkie (POL 7146) at the Narraville bridge on Thursday night at approximately 21:28. Emergency services responded and had to remove the trapped driver of the Nissan bakkie with the Jaws of Life. The driver sustained severe facial injuries and was transferred to Windhoek for treatment. The cause of the accident is unknown. The driver (aged 32) of the Nissan apparently failed to see the police bakkie which was waiting to turn right into the direction of Narraville and then crashed into it. The passenger (aged 31) of the Nissan was removed from the vehicle by paramedics and received treatment for shock and injuries to his chest. He was taken to the Walvis Bay Hospital and was then transferred to the Welwitschia

Page 10 Hospital where he is being treated for hemothorax (internal bleeding in the chest cavity). The Boost for Desert presence of petrol leaking from one of the Lion and Rhino vehicles presented a fire risk and fire brigade conservation officials were on alert at the scene. A blue Corolla (N 18155 WB) crashed into Fish Eagle Take Away on Friday morning at approximately 06:00. A customer seated at one of the tables inside the take away sustained injuries. The collision caused him to be trapped between Page 11 the car and some of the tables. St Gabriel Community Ambulance Services crew members Kudus kies arrived on the scene and stabilised the trapped and nuwe bestuur injured customer. He was then transported to the Page 19 Walvis Bay State Hospital for treatment and was later transferred to Windhoek. He sustained a left leg fracture. Two other customers narrowly escaped injury. The driver was transported away from the scene under the guidance of police officials. Continues on page 2

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