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Attacked Dorcas Mhungu
Children's safety
The owners of Kleines Nest Bed and Breakfast in Walvis Bay were attacked by two men who entered their home and business premises in the early hours of yesterday. Narrating the horrific ordeal, Johann van den Berg said he arrived with his wife from Windhoek around 00:30 where they had gone to see off their son who was leaving for a rugby tournament in South Africa. They retired for the night but around 03:00 04:00 they woke up when two men started attacking them w i t h
bricks. Their assailants covered the faces of the victims with the duvet to conceal their identity. “It was just blood all over the bed as the criminals continued with their attack. My wife (Melani) said she saw that the two men were wearing black plastic bags as gloves. They demanded money and I told them the only money that we had was the N$1 500 on the bedside. They took it,” said Van den Berg.
However, the robbers did not believe him and they threatened the couple with death if they did not give them more money. They asked where the computers were kept and Van den Berg told them the equipment was in the office. One of the men stayed behind while the other went to the office. Before he left for the office he demanded to know how to disable the alarm and disarmed it.
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Continues on page 2
Johann van den Berg
Ongeluk eis weer twee
Page 5
Ocean Swift
Marshallino Beukes Twee persone is Woensdag, tussen 17:00 en 18:00, op slag dood, nadat ‘n 1-ton Kia vragmotor en ‘n Mercedes Elegance (N2136K) in ‘n botsing net buite Swakopmund betrokke was.
Die ongeluk het by die C34 afdraai na Hentiesbaai plaasgevind. Volgens bronne was die sedan voertuig vanaf Swakopmund op pad en die ligte vragmotor op pad na Swakopmund, toe die ongeluk gebeur het. Die vragmotor was blykbaar van plan om by die hoofweg in te swenk en daar word vermoed dat die bestuurder hom met die afstand na die Mercedes kon misgis het. ‘n Vroulike passasier in die Mercedes
en die vragmotor se bestuurder is noodlottig beseer. Hulle is intussen geїdentifiseer as mev Martha David (42) en mnr Joel Shituleni Lungameni (25). Drie passasiers in die Kia vragmotor (twee mans en een dame) is met hoofsaaklik sleutelbeen- en rib breuke deur Emed Rescue 24 en Eagle Christian Ambulance Services na die Swakopmund Staatshospitaal gehaas. Die bestuurder van die Mercedes en twee passasiers is ook met
Page 6
West Coast Flow
Page 11
Goud vir Walvisbaai beserings gehospitaliseer. Al die beseerdes se toestand word as stabiel beskryf. Vol-
gens aanduidings was wyle mev David die Mercedes-bestuurder se eggenote, met hul seun en ‘n ryloper wat
ook in die voertuig was. Volgens mnr Terrence Ward van ECAS het die oorledenes veel-
en massiewe hoofbeserings opgedoen. Mevrou David moes deur die Swakopmund Vervolg op bladsy 2
Bladsy 12
4 JULY 2014
Swakopmund playgrounds in the limelight Marshallino Beukes
The state of playgrounds and parks in the coastal town of Swakopmund is a matter of concern to the town’s Municipality and vandalism appears to be the main cause. Swakopmund mayor, Mr Juuso Kambueshe, invited the media for a tour around the town in order to scrutinise the various recreation areas. The contrast between parks in different suburbs were clearly visible, with Mondesa and Tamariskia’s playgrounds being the worst affected. An official statement by the town’s Municipality states that it is very costly for the Council to develop and maintain these playgrounds, but several options are however being investigated. One of these options is the building of small kiosks,
which will be leased on contract to community members at a low rental price. The lessee will then
be tasked, in terms of the contract, to look after the playground. The Council’s response
SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication
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Mrs Ekenia Andreas
on vandalism was that they are pleading with the community to look after their own assets, since vandals are members of the very same community for whom the parks were created and from whose pockets the funds to create and maintain the parks must come. Mrs Ekenia Andreas, a municipal employee, responsible for the upkeep of Tamariskia’s playground, said that she has to pick up broken bottles and other objects lying around at the playground, every morning. She further noted that the playground is used by young people to smoke cannabis and also for drinking alcohol. Community members in suburbs such as Kramersdorf and Mile 4, in conjunction with the Municipality, have taken the responsibility to look after the recreation areas in their area and this is exactly what the Mayor wishes other suburbs to emulate. He invited community members to come forward with initiatives to combat
Assaulted Continued from page 1
The men had gained entry into the house through the bathroom window. “The man who disarmed the alarm moved around the house and went into the garage. He ransacked the vehicles’ compartments looking for valuables.” The other criminal who kept the couple hostage in their bedroom, spotted the safe and demanded the key. He unlocked the safe and found a rifle which he removed and placed on the floor. “I still have not figured
out what was stolen but a lot of my wife’s jewellery was taken. We don’t know how many people were involved but only two entered the house. Before the men left they took all the house keys, both car keys and remote control and locked us inside to make sure we could not get outside and see where they were going. We discovered the house keys in a flower pot outside the house,” Van den Berg said. He said he waited for five minutes before he pressed
the panic button. GS4, St Gabriel Ambulance and the Police arrived within minutes. “The response was fantastic,” the victim added. The couple was admitted to Welwitschia Hospital and treated for cuts and shock. They were discharged late in afternoon. Mrs Van den Berg was too emotionally bruised to be part of the interview. Inspector Erastus Iikuyu confirmed the robbery and said investigations are continuing.
Ongeluk Vervolg vanaf blasy 1
Brandweer met hidrouliese toerusting uit die wrak gesny word. Mnr Lungameni is deur die impak van die ongeluk ‘n paar meter ver uit die Kia geslinger. Hierdie ongeluk volg kort op die hakke van nog ‘n noodlottige voorval, verlede naweek in Walvisbaai, waartydens me Estelle Louw (35) en mnr Joseph Gretorius Christiaan (38) tragies die lewe gelaat het. Meneer Jean Cilliers (20) het in
tussen op klagtes van strafbare manslag en dronkbestuur Maandag in Walvisbaai voor die hof verskyn in verband met die voorval. Hy is borgtog van N$9 000 toegestaan en die saak is uitgestel tot 4 September vir verdere ondersoek. Die polisie wil weereens ‘n dringende beroep op voertuigbestuurders doen om ten alle tye die padverkeersreëls te gehoorsaam, waaksaam te wees en hulle te weer-
hou van dronkbestuur, asook om binne spoedbeperkings te hou. In die meeste padongelukke wat plaasvind speel spoed en dronkbestuur ‘n rol en die Swakopmund verkeeshoof, Melvin Cloete, maan padverbruikers om mekaar in ag te neem wanneer hul bestuur en ook om hul houding te verander, rakende die feit dat baie voertuigbestuurders nie omgee vir hul passasiers of ander padverbruikers se lewens nie.
Swakopmund mayor Mr Juuso Kambueshe vandalism and how to keep the recreational areas in a good condition. “These areas are developed primarily for children and they should feel free and safe while playing. The playgrounds cannot be policed, especially at night (when vandalism occurs mostly),” the Council statement reads.
Playground equipment is installed at only a few of the 36 public open spaces in the town. The Council explained that the reason for this is that most of this equipment has been manufactured from steel and the high cost of maintenance plus the risk of vandalism makes it
challenging to install this equipment at more parks. Modern playground equipment, made from plastic and similar compounds are being investigated for future use, the Municipality states. It is also envisaged that during 2015/16 more playgrounds and gardens will be created.
Scammer poses
as staff member Madelaine Laubscher Three Walvis Bay residents were duped by a con artist, posing as a Natis employee, who demanded money to be paid into a certain bank account in order to help them get their learners licences after failing the test. Mr Eben Platt, the Chief traffic officer of the Walvis Bay traffic department, spoke to the newspaper and warned the community that Natis will not be held accountable for these scams. “I want to address the issue regarding scammers posing as Natis staff members. Recently three people became victims of a new scam. One victim lost N$1 500, another lost N$2 000 and another lost N$500. These victims failed after writing their learners licence tests. Soon after, they received a call from a person posing as a Natis staff member and were told that if they pay a certain amount into a bank account, they will receive their learners’ licences,” he said. The newspaper spoke to
one of the victims who was swindled out of N$1 500. “I received a call from mobile number (081 641 1816) and the caller said he works at Natis and that the system has changed and I had to pay money into his account to get my learners licence. My learners licence expired and I needed to rewrite it and I failed. This man, who calls himself ‘Haihambo’, said he can get me the new learners licence without trouble and all I had to do was pay N$1 500 into an account. He gave me the account details which were a First National Bank account. After the payment was made (photo) I called the man, but he did not answer the phone. I then contacted Natis. I was informed that they
have no such person working for them and I realised I had been duped. I went to the police station and the police called the man. The man was insulting the police as he denied everything,” the woman said. According to the victim she still has to lay a charge of theft against the man. Platt is advising everyone receiving such calls in the future to immediately phone the Natis supervisor or himself adding that Natis will under no circumstances make a call to anyone asking for a payment. “We only accept payments at the office, handed directly over to the persons behind the receiving desk. We will never ask for money elsewhere, not even in the queue at the Natis offices,” he said.
JULY2014 2014 44JULY 4 JULY 2014
Parking space squabble Madelaine Laubscher
A Walvis Bay resident had the tyre of her vehicle deflated for parking in front of a motor spares shop while doing business next door. The female driver told the newspaper that she parked her vehicle in a public parking space and the shop owner, Mr Paul Loetcher deflated her tyre. Loetcher, when confronted about his actions by the owner of the car told her that she had parked on private property. She said when she parked her car, she went into a shop next to the spares outlet and when she returned she discovered what was done to her car. She went to the police station to report the incident.
A police officer accompanied her to the business owner and the police officer instructed the shop owner to fix her tyre or face criminal charges for his actions. Loetcher was asked to comment and he said, “She was parked on private property. The security guard told her not to park there but she ignored him. There is a clear sign signifying that it is private property. I did however fix her tyre after the police arrived. I believe that because she was warned not
Deflated tyre
The alleged culprits
Dogs terrorise Narraville community
Sign stating private property to park there and ignored the warning and the signboard, she had no right to complain. I do not mind that she spoke to the newspaper as it is free publicity to me anyway,” he said. Mr Loetcher also said people must read the sign that says private property in order to prevent future misunderstandings. “I come to the front parking every day and find it full of cars, but then there is no one in my shop. I
clearly lose business. The complainant cannot call it damage to property as she illegally parked on private property,” he said. The complainant told the newspaper on Tuesday that she was told it is not the first time Mr Loetcher has deflated a tyre of a vehicle for parking in that space. “I parked in the street in front of the business. I was told by the security guard that I am not allowed to park there, however I parked in the street, not
at the parking area of the business. There is only a signboard at the back that states you are not allowed to park there and I understood that one may not park at the back. I was parked in the street next to the pavement. The fact still remains, even if I was at fault, the man still had no right to flatten my tyre as it is considered malicious damage to property and that is not the proper manner to handle a situation,” she said.
Children’s safety threatened Madelaine Laubscher
Concerned residents have voiced concern about the safety of primary school children who are left to cross the busy streets, carrying luggage too heavy for their ages, after they are dropped off by a bus for the long weekend break. A worried resident from Kuisebmond said she has witnessed small children between the ages of six and seven trudging on foot to Kuisebmond with heavy luggage bags, after being dropped off by a bus from Utuseb, where they are schooling. “These are small children left on their own. They have to walk to the other side of Kuisebmond after being dropped off at one
end of Kuisebmond. Everyone knows that Kuisebmond is big. They are at risk of being either hit by a car when crossing the street with such heavy bags because drivers drive at high speed or they can easily be mugged by criminals. Could the bus service rather not stop at four different areas to ensure that they get home safely instead of dropping them
all at one spot?” she asked. Another resident said a similar danger looms for school children who cross the road at Flamingo Primary School. “I have to flash warning lights at some drivers every morning in front of the Flamingo Primary School because they do not stick to the speed limit. Can the scholar patrol not at least come out at 06:50 accompanied by a teacher?
There used to be traffic officers patrolling the area every morning but I do not see them anymore. This is nerve-racking,” she said. This resident also said that children are vulnerable and it is depressing for her to see them having to struggle to get home on their own. “We as a community should bear in mind that children are our future and they need to be kept safe,” she said.
Gr 1 learner crossing the street with heavy bags
Mavourlene Gaes
According to a resident of Narraville, a group of violent dogs (belonging to the same person) are roaming the streets of the suburb and are scaring the residents of the community into isolation as they are hesitant to move around freely in fear of running into one of these dogs. The complainant related how the owner of the dogs shouted at him on Friday afternoon to take pictures of the dogs and put them in the newspaper. It is alleged that the residents have done everything they possibly could to handle the problem of the dogs, but the problem still remains and the members of the community are tired of feeling threatened in their own neighbourhood. The owner of the dogs responded to the allegations and said it was an accident that his dogs left his premises. He said that, because of a previous incident when the dogs escaped, he made sure that his dogs do not
leave the yard unaccompanied. He also added that his dogs may have been out in the street but they have never bitten anyone. When contacted for comment, kennel master of the Walvis Bay SPCA Peter Brooks said they receive many complaints, not only from the residents of Narraville but also from Kuisebmond. “Yes we received many complaints regarding dogs but we are there to protect the animals against cruelty, however in the case of these specific dogs, the residents can contact the Municipality for assistance or alternatively the SPCA,” he said.
4 JULY 2014
Laptop thief arrested Piquet Jacobs Police conducting a stop and search operation at the entrance to Narraville on Saturday morning, found 14 laptops in the boot of a taxi. One of the passengers, a Zimbabwean national, claimed that they belonged to him. The laptops were packed in three bags and hias Mutumbulwe to claim his laptop at are all suspected to be stolen. Four have the Narraville Police Station. already been connected with housebreaking Stefanus Adriaan Oosthuysen, a resident cases reported in Omaruru, Swakopmund, of Langstrand, is also requested to conNarraville, Tutaleni and the Walvis Bay tact Detective Sergeant Johan Henry Geiseb at 0812629842 or 064-219045/ Police Station. People whose laptops were stolen or lost 41/71. The police also appeal to memmust go to Narraville Police Station with bers of the public to properly secure their proof of purchase documents to claim their premises as criminals are always on the laptops. The Police is also appealing to Mat- prowl.
Station Commander, Sergeant Beukes (seated) and Criminal Investigation Unit Commander, Detective Sergeant Geiseb
ACC pounce on fraud suspects The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) arrested two suspects on Wednesday. They are Mr Daniel Amaambo (29), employed as a clerical assistant at the Ministry of Youth, National Services, Sports and Culture in Windhoek and Mr Simon Nehoya (30), the owner of Acro- Tech. Mr Amaambo unlawfully and intentionally certified fictitious invoices amounting to N$178 000 to the Ministry for cartridges never delivered. During the investigations it was found that the N$178 000 was processed by Mr Joseph Heita a co-accused who was arrested and charged in December 2013, now out on bail. The processing of payment was performed on the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) of the Ministry.
According to the Bank records it was also found that Mr Simon Nehoya issued cheques to the bank, he also requested for a special clearance and withdrew money. Mr Daniel Amaambo and Simon Nehoya appeared in court on Wednesday. Both accused suspects were denied bail and the case is remanded to 16 July 2014 in the Windhoek Magistrate Court for further investigations. This is not the first cases on fraud and corruption involving fictitious payment for services or goods not delivered in the Ministry of Youth, National Services, Sports and Culture the ACC is investigating. Therefore the ACC appeals to officials within the Ministry concerned or public members who are aware of a suspicious tender
Mr Daniel Amaambo
Mr Simon Nehoya awarded to either a private person or a company to deliver services to the Ministry to report it to ACC for investigation. Their identity will be maximally protected.
Cocaine dealer nabbed
Otis Finck
Johannes Shivute (31) appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates court on Monday 30 June on a fresh charge of dealing in drugs, (crack cocaine) with a street value of N$4 000. Public Prosecutor Eden Iyambo opposed bail due to the seriousness of the offence and the fact that the accused has another pending drug case. Shivute, who resides at Flat 13 of the Quick Investments Flats complex, was arrested on 28 February 2014 at his flat in Kuisebmond and appeared in court on charges related to being found in possession of drugs, dealing in prohibited substances and was granted N$1 500 bail. The accused indicated on Tuesday to the court that he will appoint an attorney of his own choice to conduct his defence. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis postponed the matter to 6 August for further investigation and ordered that the accused remain in custody at the Walvis Bay Police Station holding cells. Law enforcement officers arrested Johannes Shivute known as “Pinto” on Saturday at 08:00 in Walvis Bay and charged him with dealing in cocaine – contravening Section 2(c) read with Section 1,2(i) and /or 2 (ii), 8, 10, 15 and Part II of Act 41 of 1971 as amended. On the day he was arrested, Police officers followed Shivute and instructed him to pull off the road in Sam Nujoma Avenue. He parked his vehicle, suddenly jumped out and started running with the officers in hot pursuit. Shivute allegedly scattered various pieces of crack cocaine while he was running. He stopped and was taken into custody after a warning shot was fired by one of the
officers who picked up numerous pieces of crack cocaine allegedly thrown away by the fleeing suspect. The police offcers also discovered four small pieces, two moons (a large quantity of cooked crack cocaine used by distributors to supply drug merchants) and a blade used to cut cocaine into smaller pieces. In another drug related case Nestor Katangolo (31), a resident at Erf 4 Kalahari Street in Narraville appeared before Magistrate Andre Matulich on a charge of dealing in cocaine and alternative charge of being found in possession of cocaine. The case was postponed to 21 July in order for the accused to obtain legal aid. A concerned community member called on the community to come in their numbers to the court whenever a suspected drug dealer appears in court in order to make their voices heard and oppose the granting of bail to the suspects. The resident said doing so will help to combat the scourge of drug cases on the rise at the harbour town. “The community have the power to influence the court. A case in point is that of the alleged drug dealer Gavin Knoble” he said. Concerned members of the community picketed outside the court and opposed bail.
Walvis Bay Court Report 1 July 2014 · Nestor Katangolo (34) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 23 September 2014. The accused is on bail. · Vanessa Uiras (27) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 July 2014. The accused is on bail. · Michael Wenk (44) appeared on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 6 August 2014. The accused is on bail. · Leeroy Daniels (25) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500. · Titus Sharambo (32) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500. · Eslin Noble (26) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 15 July 2014. The accused is on bail. · Romanus Shilongo (28) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 6 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000. 2 July 2014 · Johanna Noreses (36) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 2 October 2014. The accused is on bail. · Charles Namiseb (29) was absent at his hearing on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 August 2014. The accused is in custody. · Engelhart Gariseb (57) appeared on charges of fraud and theft. Co-accused Fransina Noreses (41) was absent at the hearing. The matter was postponed to 3 July 2014. The accused are on warning. · Hilma Helmuht (38) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 8 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000. · Elecelei Chikalu (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 9 July 2014. The accused is on bail. · Benedict Engelbrecht (22) was absent at his hearing on charges of theft and fraud. The accused is at large. · Manfred Schroeds Wayne (27) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. · Timoteus Natangwe Haipinge (38) appeared on a charge of theft out of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 17 July 2014. The accused is in custody.
Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court - Charges of robbery, housebreaking with intent to commit robbery and possession of a firearm, without a license against Michael Kauhona (36) and Malakia Iputeni (37) were struck from the roll. This follows after they were in custody on this case, but were acci-dentally released in Rundu on another criminal matter. Their whereabouts are currently unknown. - Shaun Ross (32) and Bernatus Kariseb (30) appeared on four counts of stock-theft. The matter was postponed until 16 February 2015 for plea and trial. - Peter Nakaneno (20) appeared on a charge of rape.
The matter was postponed until 3 October 2014 for the Prosecutor General's decision. - Esser Uazeua (31) appeared on three counts of rape and assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. All charges were withdrawn after the complainant died. - Daniel Shixungileni (34), N Shivute (41) and Andreas Valombola (30) appeared on charges of robbery, possession of a fire-arm without a license and possession of ammunition. The trio remain in custody until their bail hearing on 11 July 2014. - Ruben Megameno (37) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. This matter was postponed until 04 September 2014 for plea and trial. - A 16-year old boy appeared on a charge of rape. He was released in his guardian's care until his next hearing on 15 August 2014. - Lydia Kandetu (41) appeared on corruptly using her office or position for gratification, or alternatively corruptly using false document by agent (ACC Act). The matter was postponed until 24 November 2014. - Dunga Inry Uiseb (30) appeared on two counts of rape and attempted murder. The matter was postponed until 23 September 2014 for plea and trial. Magistrate's Court - Emwee Van Blerk (39) appeared on a charge of possession of explosives. The matter was postponed until 1 October 2014 for further investigation. - Martin Shikongo (29) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was withdrawn. - Thomas Nakathingo (30) appeared on a charge of assaulting a member of police. This matter was postponed until 24 September 2014 for plea and trial – final remand. - Rinaldo Garoëb (26) appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed until 15 September 2014 for further investigation (final remand). -Amon Daniël (50) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed until 10 September 2014 for plea and trial. - Josephina Nghaamwa (29) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. She was found guilty and sentenced to three years imprisonment. - Nico Engelbrecht (19) appeared on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft, supplying of a fire-arm and supplying of ammunition. The matter was postponed until 21 July 2014 for plea and trial (final remand). - Donna Lee Hochobes (26) was supposed to appear on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. She however did not show up and a warrant of arrest was issued. - Sydney Somseb (30) appeared on charges of indecent assault, discharge of a firearm and rape. He will reappear on 14 July 2014 to hear what the Prosecutor General has decided (final remand). - Stanley Tjipurua (37) appeared on charges of fraud and forgery. This matter was postponed until 14 October 2014 for further investigation (final remand). - Given Kavari (24) was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment on a housebreaking with intent to steal and theft case. -Meriam Shinedima (28) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed until 8 July 2014 for the defence case. Riaan Du Rand (29) appeared on a charge of impersonating a member of police. The matter was postponed until 23 July 2014 for legal representation.
Traffic officers concerned
Madelaine Laubscher
Mr Eben Platt, the Chief traffic officer of the Walvis Bay traffic department has expressed concern about traffic related issues that the public must be made aware of. He was responding to concerns raised with the newspaper by one resident about the seemingly increasing number of vehicles driven around without registration numbers. “It is prohibited to drive a vehicle without a registration number. If caught, the fine is N$1 000. There are drivers who apply for a special permit for vehicles in transit. We always advise these drivers to display their documents where they are clearly visible. If seen driving a vehicle without a registration number or a special permit, the driver will be prosecuted. We will keep our eyes open for these vehicles,” he warned. Platt also raised concern about truck drivers who do not leave enough space when driving behind another truck making it difficult for drivers who want to overtake them and manoeuvre back into the lane. He advised the truck
drivers to leave space equivalent to four vehicle lengths of the vehicle they are driving and the truck in front of them. “As traffic officers we are gobsmacked with the recent number of accidents that were reported. I have to emphasise the fact that we are extremely unhappy as people die due to pure ignorance. You as a driver have to change your attitude and follow the rules and regulations because it is completely unacceptable what has transpired over the past few days regarding road accidents,” he warned. Mr Platt also sent out a stern warning to the youth of Walvis Bay who drive vehicles and drag race through the streets and intentionally taunt police officers while they are on patrol. “Adhere to the rules,” he concluded.
4 JULY 2014
Youth Games Fourth PTA Tennis Series medallists celebrated
The impressive achievements of the Namibian athletes who participated at the African Youth Games in Gaborone, Botswana last month were celebrated by the Namibian National Olympic Committee last week Friday.
The Namibian team returned from the Games with 14 medals and an impressive 10th position on the medal ranking. The following Namibian athletes won medals against Africa’s best in Gaborone. Gold: Sonja Adelaar swimming 100m freestyle, Zanré Oberholzer - swimming 100m backstroke, Lize Moolman/Sedi Jacobs - tennis doubles and JeanPaul Burger - triathlon. Silver: Sonja Adelaar swimming 200m freestyle, Caro Els - golf, Max Ipinge - boxing welter (69kg), Titus Kaluwapa - boxing light welter (65kg) and Tristan de Lange - mountain bike. Bronze: Sedi Jacobs - tennis, Zanré Oberholzer - swimming 50m backstroke, Branden Plaatjies - mountainbike, Kristien Kruger - high jump and Viza Ujaha - high jump. Special recognition was also given to Siranda Horn at the celebration ceremony for her excellent performance in the high jump competition at the African Youth Games. Due a rule change announced by the African continental athletics body the day before the competition, only one athlete per country was permitted to participate in each discipline at the Games. Due to this rule change Siranda was forced to participate in a B-category competition, out of contention for any
tournament causes upsets The PTA Tennis Series resumed last weekend after a break of nearly two months. The lengthy break, however, didn’t affect the quality of tennis played as the youngsters showed some great action over the two days in Windhoek. In the Mini category, Stefan Weitz claimed his first win of the season. Weitz went into the tournament as one of the favourites, coming in at second at the last event, and surely lived up to the expectations. The second place went to Zeta Kaises, while Jozikee Tjaimba came in
third. Meanwhile, there was another surprise winner in the Midi category as Mike Kambonde stormed to the top. So far, this division had been a two-horse race between Adam Diggle and Beyonce Boois, with Faith Kahuure also in the mix of things. But this weekend Kambonde stole the show to leave Hendrina Apollus on second place. Diggle held on to third. In the beginners division,
Randel Kavandje continued his dominance over the rest of the field. The aspiring youngster from Windhoek took the top honours for the fourth time in a row already, making him the overwhelming favourite to win his division of this year’s edition of the PTA Tennis Series. Megano Sheeya had to settle for second while Delicia Dirkse came third. The Intermediate division was won by Carlo von Rooi, who made his
debut at the PTA Tennis Series. The newcomer triumphed over Cleet Farmer in second place and Brandon Maasdorp in third place. At this tournament all participants once again collected points for the PTA Tennis Series Ranking. Throughout the series, players accumulate ranking points on a 12 month rolling basis with the overall winners announced at the end of the year.
Siranda Horn achieved a new personal best in the high jump
Max Ipinge (left) won silver for Namibia in the welter weight (69kg) category at the Youth Games medals. With a new personal best performance at a height of 1.70m, 16 year old Horn would have won a bronze medal in the girl’s high jump competition. Namibian Chef de Mission, Monica Böhm, praised Siranda not only for her strong result, but also for her exemplary sportsmanship and mental strength with which she was able to perform at personal best levels under her adverse circumstances. All Namibian Youth Games performers were awarded with certificates
from the Gaborone 2014 organisers, certifying their performances, as well as a financial incentive and bonus awarded by the Namibian National Olympic Committee. The third edition of the African Youth Games will be hosted in 2018 in the Algerian capital, Algiers where the Games will once again be aimed at athletes aged 14 to 18, offering them a platform to prepare for the Olympic Games, contribute to the development of sport and foster Olympic values on the continent.
Rossmund Golf Club News In a howling gale force east wind of about 40km/hour, 60 men and 7 lady golfers bravely turned out to play for the much sought after Swakopmund Open Golf Title, on Saturday 21 June. Well done, it is the very and winner D Haimbondi Botha. first time in its history (119). Overall: Net winner Last weeks’ Wednesday that the start of the ‘Open’ E Mulombelewa with 106 competition, again sponhad to be delayed due and runner up P Shimoshili sored by Brigadoon B and to the adverse weather with 109. Gross; S Boni- B was poorly supported, conditions. But the en- fatius (114) and winner G but the 18 hole winner was J Kok, runner up H Blom, thusiasm was there, the Shikodi(112). competitive spirit was On the same day, five of and the best 9, won by P there, a memorable day our Swakop Senior golf- Bassingthwaighte. was had by all who par- ers headed to Karibib to See you next Wednesday ticipated and there were compete in the annual with a new sponsor for ‘Central vs Coast’ match, July. A reminder, 9 Hole very few withdrawals. Most important, Multi- for the Fanie Augustyn players must play the back nine for the competition choice Namibia did their inter Branch Trophy. very best to sponsor this Having lost the match in this week - tomorrow. annual event, thank you 2013, our Seniors Team Saturday was our monthly (depleted by the poor ‘feeshing ‘competition Mr Roger Gertze. First the ladies. L Brink weather) managed to bring again by kind sponsorship won with a net score of 83, the coveted trophy back to of Novanam. The Medal followed by C Els with 86. Swakomund. The widow play winners were: Ladies Gross: W Calitz (106), and of the late Fanie Augustyn - Ms E Burns. Junior - L winner, C Els (88). Men’s presented the trophy, which Nandi (70): ‘C’ Division ‘C’ Division - Net Winner: for the first time was - C Haoseb (72): ‘B‘ DiviE Uushona with 78, named in honour of her sion - M Swarts (79), runner-up R Barnard on late husband, whose fa- and ‘A‘ Division - P 81. Gross: S Tsubeb (96) mily - OK Supermarket Shomolshili (69). Overall and winner I Suze (87). (in Karibib) has sponsored E Bonifatius (68) Weather ‘B’ Division - Net Winner: the trophy for many years. a little cooler, but it was M Ludeke with 113 and D They donated generous another good month-end Benson with 114. Gross: prizes and we thank them Competition - thanks NoT Haimbondi (130) and for their ongoing support vanam. “Golf is not a game of great shots. It’s a winner W Profit (127). ‘A and sponsorship. ‘ Division - Net: Winner S Well done; T van Rens- game of the most accurate van der Merwe with 116, burg, was the overall win- misses. The people, who and K Wentzel with 117. ner and the Swakop ‘team‘ win, make the smallest Gross: B Britten (122) included T Botha and C mistakes.” (Gene Littler)
Action at the PTA Tennis tournament
WBM Flags 28 June 2014
Last Saturday 45 players were involved in the ever popular flags competition. Wouter and Kurt were lucky this time around as the east weather did not hamper their sponsorship like the past few years. This format draws lots of attention and players enjoy it very much. It was evident that even those who did not play made bets on whose flag will be planted first or were on the course. It certainly works on your nerves if your shots get less and less and you do not see any flags in the ground. Wooden spoon winner, Jaans Stander played in our hand. His day was so bad, he could just have played with a broom and putt with a spoon! The delight on his face approaching nr 14 and he actually saw the first flag next to the green certainly gave him some joy and hope for better days. Very good golf overall and many a players planting flags close to the club. Nearest to Pin was won by Wayne Hart and longest drive by Piet Fox. 1st place Kevin de Reuck, 2nd Pieter van Aarde, 3rd Wayne Hart, 4th Frans Grobler and 5th Danie van Antwerpen. Kevin Wentzel won the Stableford competition followed by Chris Tempo on 39 points. Wouter, Kurt and Sue Allen. Again a big success and thank you very much. This Saturday Multisave is our sponsor. Better Ball Stableford with a multiplier on all par five’s. Rules of Golf Sometimes we think that we know a Rule of Golf and then find that there are exceptions, which we also have to take into account.
An example of this is touching the line of putt. The beginning of Rule 161a states; The line of putt must not be touched and then we see the important word, “except”, followed by these seven situations where a player is permitted to touch their intended line of putt; (i) the player may remove loose impediments, provided he does not press anything down; (ii) the player may place the club in front of the ball when addressing it, provided he does not press anything down; (iii) in measuring – Rule 18-6; (iv) in lifting or replacing the ball – Rule 16-1b; (v) in pressing down a ball-marker; (vi) in repairing old hole plugs or ball marks on the putting green – Rule 16-1c; and (vii) in removing movable obstructions – Rule 24-1. Note that in two of these situations, removing loose impediments and addressing the ball, the player will still incur a penalty if they press down on their line of putt while doing so. Does it
follow that when a player is repairing ball mark damage on their line of putt they must not finish the repair by tapping it down with their putter head, or their foot? The answer is no. There is no restriction in Rule 16-1c as to how a player repairs damage that has definitely been made by a ball. For many of us that may include pressing down the area, to ensure that the surface is flat following the repair and so will not subsequently divert the roll of our ball. Rule 8-2b is also relevant to this subject; When the player’s ball is on the putting green, the player, his partner or either of their caddies may, before but not during the stroke, point out a line for putting, but in so doing the putting green must not be touched. A mark must not be placed anywhere to indicate a line for putting. So, the player, their partner, or either of their caddies must be careful that they do not touch anywhere on the intended line of putt, whether it is with a hand, a
foot, a club, or a flagstick. But once again there is an exception; Decision 16-1a/12 clarifies that if a player walks on their line of putt, there is no penalty if they did so accidentally and their line was not improved. I covered the definition of Line of Putt in this earlier blog; it is not always a straight line between the ball and the hole. Concession in Stroke Play Play-off: The commentators at the fifth play-off hole of the BMW International Open in Cologne, Germany, between Henrik Stenson and Fabrizio Zanotti, last Sunday, were confused when Stenson conceded the tournament win to Zanotti. Concessions usually only apply in match play, but the relevant part of Decision 336/3 states; If there is a strokeplay play-off between two competitors and one of them is disqualified or concedes defeat, it is not necessary for the other to complete the play-off hole or holes to be declared the winner. Good golfing.
From left Kurt Brits, Kevin de Reuck and Herman Smidt
4 JULY 2014
FNB Classic Clashes Swakop Secondary School
FNB Classic Clashes Mr Kleophas Ntoni from Swakopmund Secondary School said his team was looking forward to lots of action today.
Dave Hammond
Namibian hockey making headlines Anri Jacobs The Namibian hockey team consisting of 11 players have departed to Toulouse, France to take part in FIRS (Federation Internationale de Roller Skating) tournament. One of our local hockey players, Marcel Baas was sponsored by the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre with funds of N$10 000 to support him on this trip to take part in FIRS in France along with the rest of the Namibian team. ARCH also sponsored the men’s team with equipment and gear. The Indoor Sport Centre as well as ARCH have played a great helping hand in allowing well-known local hockey player Dave Hammond to take part in the world championship inline hockey tournament namely IIHF (The International Ice Hockey Federation),
World Championships earlier in June in Pardubice in the Czech Republic. The Indoor Sport Centre and ARCH helped Dave with sponsorship amounting up to N$10 000 for the trip, and consisted mostly of travel and accommodation sponsorships. Badberg Wine Seller also made a sponsorship of N$4 000 to support Dave on this trip. Dave plays for Coastal Pirates and contributes greatly to hockey in Namibia. Dave played for the Canadian team at the tournament and the team took second place overall with a silver medal.
“We believe that SSS will emerge as winners of the FNB Classic Clash. It will be an exciting soccer game that will be preceded by a
game between teachers of the SSS and Coastal High just to spice up the day. Swakopmund Secondary School has won the past
four games and the preparations started early this year while heavy training sessions have been conducted for the past three
weeks.” The two schools will face each other in Swakopmund at 14:00 at the Mondesa Stadium. Tomorrow De Duine High
School and Namib High will play another FNB Classic Clash soccer game at the Narraville soccer stadium in Walvis Bay.
Swakopmund swimming club back on track Anri Jacobs
The Swakopmund Swimming Club (SSC), coached by Denti Louw held the first short course Gala in a long time, and what a success! A short course gala was held at the Water Cube Swimming pool at Live It Health and Fitness during Friday and Saturday of this past weekend. Four short course galas are usually held during the year during which swimmers place their times for the nationals. Due to the swimming pool being closed for quite some time, the swimming club lost a lot
Paul Van Biljon, Trish Hammond, Marcel Baas and Buttons Heyns
Mail your contribution to sport@namibtimes.net
The SSC swimmers: Back row - Ashley Louw, Ansune Boshoff, Maximilian Betts, Oliver Kittel, Thomas Kittel, Jack Della-Marta. Front row - Ruhan Boshoff and Hendrik Vermeulen of their swimmers and now have only nine swimmers. They have however not lost hope and are looking forward to a bright future. It is their hope that the next
national swimming competition will be held here in Swakopmund around August, if all goes according to plan. Old Mutual sponsored the Water Cube Swimming
Pool of Swakopmund with starting blocks as well as lane dividers. This plays a great role in allowing competitions to take place here at the coast.
The SSC wants to thank Old Mutual for this donation as well as thank Charmaine Smit from Live It for making it possible for SSC to be able to compete and be back on track.
Wynand Breytenbach (15), Luke Jansen (16), Chad Plato (16) and Marlon van den Berg (15) were selected to be part of the u/16 Grant Khomo Team. They are currently in Windhoek on a training week but will represent Namibia in Pretoria from 3 - 10 July where they will play against various South African teams. We wish them well and trust that they will make Namibia proud.
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4 JULY 2014
4 JULY 2014
in Walvis Bay for a
Registered Nurse Main Duties and Responsibilities: · General Nursing duties · Administering of medicines · Training of care givers Qualifications: · Qualified as Professional Registered Nurse · Currently registered with Namibian Nursing Board · Minimum of 5 years experience · Experience in geriatric care is advantageous · Fluent in English and Afrikaans (German added advantage) · Valid drivers license and own transport Personal Requirements: · Good interpersonal skills · Passionate about caring for elderly people · Honest and reliable · Sober habits · High level of integrity and confidentiality · Namibian Citizen or Permanent Residence Forward complete CV with references to: e-mail: hishouse@iway.na or fax to 088647240. Closing Date for Application: 11 July 2014 Only short listed applicants will be contacted.
Rolls-Royce is a world leader in marine solutions, providing products, service and expertise to more than 30,000 vessels in the offshore, merchant, naval surface and submarine markets. It designs ships and its product range includes propulsion systems featuring diesel engines and gas turbines, propellers, thrusters and water jets. RollsRoyce also provides maneuvering and stabilizing systems and deck machinery. Around 30 per cent of Marine turnover is derived from service support activity, with a global network of sales and service offices in 34 countries. Rolls-Royce equipment is in service with more than 2,000 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries. For Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty)Ltd, we are seeking to employ a high caliber candidate for the following position, which will be based in our Service Centre in Walvis Bay. Service Engineers Propulsion Key responsibilities: · Work alone or as part of a team to repair or overhaul marine equipment and systems to meet specification and tolerance's · Verify dimensions and clearances to ensure conforming to specification · Conduct tests and inspections to Quality Assurance / Quality Control standards · Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams and technical order to determine methods and sequences of assembly · Inspect, analyze, record calibration results and produce Service and Technical Reports · Ensure that all work is done in accordance with applicable legal and Company procedures and instructions, including Health & Safety policies · Knowledge share and support the on the job development of other service personnel where appropriate. Key Technical / Professional competencies: · Educated to Grade 12 & N3 or equivalent in a relevant discipline, with evidence of technical competence. · A good understanding and knowledge of a range of products, systems, their functionality and applications, gained through previous technical experience. · Skilled in both Mechanical and controls is preferential · Verbal communication and written reporting skills in the English language · Practical IT skills · Commercial awareness Process and Project Coordinator Key Responsibilities · Manage the customer services support teams to drive on-time delivery and responsiveness through processes that focus on cost, quality, customer satisfaction and profitability. Monitor the processes using relevant metrics and reporting · Support the coordination and development of working procedures for repair & overhaul, upgrading, and turnkey projects, including pre-calculation and invoicing in the Area with particular emphasis paid to other R-R offices in the Area · Identify preferred suppliers for equipment, technical capability and resources required for service projects/activities. Act as the key interface for managing the supplier relationships · Pro-actively improve, monitor and report compliance against Rolls-Royce quality management requirements (as in QMS) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Prepare for and manage internal and external audits as required · Work with the Project Support Manager and Service Centre Manager to actively seek opportunities to grow and improve service delivery · Support the implementation of the RDC project (Regional Distribution Centre) for the improvement of spares delivery and World Wide Exchange Program for components · Coordinate / liaise with clearing agents with regards to Imports and Exports · Provide assistance with travel, consulate and security administration · Support the Project management process with administration of new projects Key Technical / Professional competencies · Demonstrated organizational capability, preferably within the marine sector · Good verbal and written communication skills · Fluency in English · Pro-active self-starter · Preferred experience working in the Marine sector · Relevant experience in previous Service support roles Rolls-Royce offers an attractive remuneration package, and excellent career prospects and the training opportunities that are inherent in a growing first class multinational organization. To apply for this role, please submit your application letter, CV and supporting evidence of qualifications to: Calandra Beukes Office Manager Email: calandra.beukes@rolls-royce.com
4 JULY 2014
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Teresa Harmse, P.O. Box 31426, Windhoek. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Nando’s, Swakopmund. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Fruit & Veg Centre Line, Shop 3, Mandume Ndemufayo, Swakopmund, Namibia. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor License. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodge: 4.7.2014. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which
application will be heard: 13.8.2014 Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
Vacancy Great World Constructing
and Trading CC 1 Translator
∙ At least 10 years' working experience ∙ At least undergraduate diploma ∙ At least TEM-8 ∙ Skillful in English and Chinese ∙ Be loyal and Honest ∙ Be hardworking and contributive ∙ Namibian will be the first choice Email your CV to: wxllzz@163.com
7 Technicians Gecko Drilling have to following positions available for a limited duration contract (12months) : a) b) c) d)
Namibian Certified Blaster Surveyor Blast Drill Operator – Atlas Copco ECM 660 and T45 specific Dangerous Goods Driver / Pump Truck Operator
Requirements: Documented proof of qualifications and experience. Gecko provides a market related salary, pension, accommodation and applicable bonuses. CV's to be e-mailed to johan.wagner@gecko.na or delivered by hand. No faxed CV's will be accepted Closing Date: Monday 7 July
∙ At least 15 years' working experience ∙ Command of English and Chinese ∙ Skillful in plumbing, electricity and ventilation as well as woodworking ∙ Proficient in computer skills ∙ Be loyal and Honest ∙ Be hardworking and contributive Email your CV to: wxllzz@163.com
Vacancy Translator Bonsec Investment 253 CC ∙ At least 2 years' working experience ∙� At least undergraduate diploma � ∙ At least TEM-8 � ∙ Skillful in English and Chinese � ∙ Be loyal and Honest � ∙ Be hardworking and contributive � ∙ Preferably male aged 25-35 � Namibian will be the first choice Email your CV to: obama522@sungroupna.com
4 JULY 2014
Toyota Keeps Its 'i' On The Road Just imagine: it's Monday morning. You leave your apartment on the outskirts of Grenoble, in the French Alps, at 7:25 to go to work. Half asleep, you take the tram to the city centre, a 20-minute ride. You get off, and wait for the connecting bus for five minutes. Ten minutes later, the bus drops you off five minutes from your office. It's 08:05. You're late, again, for the 08:00 meeting and haven't even had time for coffee. Sometimes, for more flexibility, you take your car. You drive to the city but this means you must leave even earlier, at 07:15 - and that's not a guarantee you'll arrive on time, with traffic and the time it takes to find a parking spot. Sound familiar? Wi t h C i t é l i b b y Ha:mo, say goodbye to stress and delays. During your tram ride, you whip out your smartphone. With an app, you can visualise the availa b l e To y o t a i ROADs at your usual stop. In a few clicks, you reserve and pay. Another app can also allow you to see the status of traffic and public transport before you leave, so you can plan the best r o u t e t h a t d a y. Once you get off the tram, all you have to do is flash your phone onto the charging station to release your i-ROAD.
In six minutes, you ride to the charging station near your office, two minutes away. It's 7:53 - plenty of time for a coffee before the 8:00 meeting. You've just saved 30% of your commute time. Going somewhere else that morning? No problem. There are around 30 stations in Grenoble, a network tight enough to get you as close as possible to your destination. Urban transport of the future will become a reality in October in the French city of Grenoble thanks to a partnership between the City of Grenoble, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole, EDF Group, Citélib and Toyota of course. 70 Toyota "i-ROAD" and "COMS" ultracompact electric vehicles will be available in a carsharing scheme, promoting interconnectivity between public and private electrified personal transport. Ve h i c l e s c a n b e charged at around 30 charging stations managed by Sodetrel (EDF Group) and located close to public transport stops. Called "Citélib by Ha:Mo", this innovative service is ready for pre-registration by Grenoble commuters on www.citelib.com and will be operational for a three-year real-
life test. Connected to the public transport system's IT infrastructure, this new carsharing scheme will complement Citélib, the current car-sharing service of Grenoble, by allowing users to pick up one of the small EVs at one location and drop it off at another. The project also aims to promote interconnectivity of public transport methods (trams, buses, trains) and a new type of personal mobility using small vehicles that don't take up as much space as a normal car. The main idea is to allow commuters to drive the first or last kilometres of their journey for increased flexibility and timesaving, thus contributing to reducing traffic congestion and
improving air quality in city centres. The Toyota i-ROAD (two-seater, 3-wheel with Active Lean technology) introduces a completely new and fun way to drive. Very compact, it combines the exceptional handling of a motorcycle or a scooter with the comfort and stability of a car. Four i-ROADs occupy the footprint of a single car.
4 JULY 2014
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Lagoon Big Townhouse, beautiful location. 3 bedrooms, Kitchen, BBQ, Scullery bathroom, big Courtyard, Garage. N$ 1 150 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 FORSALE: HouseatOceanView, ext 22 Swakopmund Newlybuilt3bedroom housewithB.I.C KitchenwithB.I.Cstove Lounge,diningarea, scullery Entertainmentareawith internalBBQ MainbedroomwithEnsuite anddressing 2bathrooms 4garages Valued:N$2080.00 Selling:N$1850.00 ContactOwner: 0814541947 0813283895
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA'S COURT Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. Not to be missed!! N$ 1 150 000-00 Saloom 0813821888 Suna:081 210 7823 suna.kritzinger@pamgolding. com.na SWAKOPMUND LONGBEACH Secure 3 bed flat 2 bth, BIC, open plan. Double garage. Fire place Lock up and go. N$ 1,280,000.00 ALSO TO RENT FREE STANDINGHOUSE FROM 1380 000 3 bedroom, 2 bath Kitchen with lots of BIC Indoor BBQ With own garage RENTAL HOUSE 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms Indoor BBQ, Double garage Close to beach N$ 11000.00 ARANDIS STAY IN STYLE 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Open Plan Modern look N$ 435 000.00 Rental contract in place CONTACT US TODAY FOR YOUR PROPERTY NEEDS PLOT FOR SALE: Otavi District 207 HA 4 bedroom house shedd etc. Contact: 081 164 2308
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Elegancia Investment Kuisebmond 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms Single garage N$ 760 000.00 Tamariskia 2 bedroom house Huge Erf N$ 785 000.00 Arandis 4 bedrooms Huge Erf N$ 260 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480
IYALOO COURT ARANDIS 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. FROM N$ 435 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 FOR SALE: Tamariskia Dolphine Village: 2 bedroom town house, open plan kitchen, 1 garage. Secure Complex. Value: N$865 000.00 Selling: N$800 000.00 Contact: Cameron: 081 142 3932 Dea-da: 081 239 3717 Private sale Swakopmund House with flat in ext 15 Erf 849 sqm. House with garage 260 sqm. flat with garage 73 sqm Big 3 bedroom house each with own ensuite bathroom, Two spare bedrooms 4,4m x 4, Main bedroom 5,2m x 4,9m Ensuite in main bedroom with corner bath, two Hand wash basins, shower and toilette Braai room with sliding doors to outside Guest toilette and outside toilette, Big open plan living Kitchen area Seperate laundry room Double garage 8.4m x 6m Alarm system and beams outside Flat with one bedroom 4x 4m with bathroom Living/ kitchen area with build in cupboards single garage
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE DOROTHEA PARK WALVIS BAY LUXURIOUS DOUBLE STOREY 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. N$ 1 150 000.00 each RHODA 081 413 1313 EMILY 081 293 0335 ELIAS ESTATE & PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT EEPD TO LET VINETA House, 3bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen,Lounge, Tv Room,bic & stove,garage, Guest bedroom with own bathroom N$8000 Water & Electricity Included FOR SALE TAMARISKIA Newly build 3 bedroom house, open plan kitchen & lounge, Garage, bic & stove, fully tiled. Big yard with a lot of space to extend. N$1 050 000.00 Deposit Required on all rentals Contact Likkius @ 0813769599/0813006797 Facebook: Elias Estate & Property Development
Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Saloom 0813821888
House for sale in Walvis Bay area Hermis. 3 Bedrooms: Main Bedroom with walk in closet, 2 Bathrooms, Bar with own toilet, lounge, TV room, Kitchen with indoor braai & Double Garage. Contact: 0813840378
Selling for N$2,450 milj 081 128 4612 or 081 691 1368
Warehouses Weighbridge Area Walvis Bay Perfect location! 247-267m² from N$ 1 780 000-00 each. Claudia 0811277783
NARRAVILLE Sole & Exclusive Mandate. Brand new development. Newly Built 3 bed, 2 bath units with lounge, Kitchen, indoor braai & garage. N$ 865 000-00 each. Claudia 0816051984
SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com
Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com
Apartment with sea view 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms on upper level Braai, large open plan kitchen, lounge and guest toilet on lower level Please eMail: bonsec24@gmail.com or tel 081 124 2446 for more information
PROPERTIES TO RENT SWAKOPMUND HOUSE TO LET Brand NEW 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages, Garden. Pre-Paid Meter N$ 12580.00 Contact Martina 081 124 3885 SWAKOPMUND FLAT TO LET CBD 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages. Pre-Paid Meter N$ 6135.00 Contact Martina 081 124 3885 TO RENT: Lagoon 2nd floor complex, 3 bedrooms, kitchen (B.I.C) Bathroom, sitting room & garage. N$ 6 000.00 Water excl. Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 648 1590 081 370 6678
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
PROPERTIES TO RENT WALVIS BAY RENTALS Fairway Estate Imm. Avail. 2 Bedr Unit 2 bathr, Double Garage N$ 7,760.003 Fairway Estate Avail. 1/8 4 Bedr. house, 3 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge, entertain-ment Area with BBQ, Double Garage N$ 14,000.00 Fairway - Avail. 1 Aug 3 bedr. house, 2 bathr. open plan kitchen/lounge, entertain-ment area with BBQ, double garage, guest room/bachelor's flat N$ 13,000 Meersig - Avail 1July 3 bedr. house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge with BBQ, double garage N$ 11,000 Meersig - Avail 1Aug 2 bedr. house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge with BBQ, double garage N$ 9,000 Central - Avail 15 Aug 2bedr. unit, 1 bathroom single garage N$5 000-00 Dolphin Beach - House 5 bedr, each en-suite, fully furn, double garage N$35 000-00 2 Bedr unit, single garage N$5 000-00 SWAKOP – IMM. OCCUPATION 2 Bedroomed Townhouse Double Garage N$11 000-00 Please call Merle for all your rental needs. Merle: 081 726 1990 Office: 22 1417 TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND: 2 Bedroom Townhouse with 2 Bathrooms, private courtyard with Braai and Garage. N$ 6 000.00 p/m. W/E excl. Deposit payable. Contact Erwin during office hours: 081 124 0987 TO RENT: Bachelors flat in Kuisebmond, Namport. Bathroom and toilet inside. N$ 2 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 228 4894 081 620 0378 TO RENT: Newly built 2 bedroom flat available in Narraville N$ 3 800.00 With garage, alarm included. Contact: 081 141 0419 081 221 9890 TO RENT: Brand new 1 bedroom apartment + garage, BIC's in kitchen, burglar bars, own private entrance, BBQ facility, N$ 4 400.00 p/m Water incl/prepaid elect excl. No pets. Immediately available. dep req. Contact: 081 247 6806
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND, Vineta: Family home with 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining room, Kitchen, Guest toilet, Double Garage. N$ 8 000.00 p/m W/E excl. Deposit payable. Contact Erwin during office hours: 081 124 0987 FLATS TO RENT: Spacious flats to rent in Kuisebmond, Namport area House No 4780 Agaat Street near the big white church. N$ 1 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Available from 1 August Deposit Required. Contact: 081 203 8866 081 227 1260 Shop to Rent in Town 90square meters N$ 8 134.50 ex VAT Available immediately Office Space to rent Walvis Bay 70m² Available 1st of August Contact 081 619 4482 Available 1st of August TE HUUR Walvis Bay: Kamers aan enkel Persone. Geen kinders, babas od diere nie. Geen plek vir motors. Water en ligte ingesluit. Huur + deposito vooruitbetaalbaar. Skakel: 081 351 3225 TO RENT Mondesa: 2 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen. Contact Max: 081 274 8222 TO RENT Mondesa Swakopmund: Townhouse in complex to rent near Woerman mondesa. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, garage, Kitchen with BIC and Living Room. N$4500.00 + N$2000 deposit. Contact: 081 229 7768 TO LET IN WALVIS BAY: 1 Bedroom Flat Near Lagoon Lounge/Kitchen/Bathroo m/Toilet Prepaid Electricity Alarm. Garage N$ 3 800 pm + Deposit Available Immediately contact no 081 279 6054. TO RENT Tamariskia 2 bedroom, open plan kitchen and lounge with bathroom house available immediately. Water included with prepaid electricity, N$4 500.00 per month and N$2 000.00 deposit. Contact 081 249 4291
MONDESA TO LET Flat, 1bedr, bathr, kitchen N$ 2500.00 W/Incl pre-paid electricity OLETWENI Bachelor flats N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl TAMARISKIA Flat 2bedr,bathr,open plan kitchen,garage N$ 5000.00 W/Incl pre-paid electricity 3bedr house, 2bathr,lounge, kitchen N$ 5500.00 W/L Excl For sale Mondesa 4bedr house, 2bathr,lounge,kitchen dinning room, study room single garage suitable for B&B N$ 1.50 000 .00 All these properties are immediately available Viewing can be secured strictly on prior appointments All deposit required Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesna mibia.com WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Narraville Groot slaapkamer met toilet en stort. Groot oopplan kombuis + sitkamer. N$ 3 300.00 W/L ingsl. Verkieslik ‘n jong getroude paartjie of enkel persoon. Kontak: 081 205 458 081 249 2051 TO RENT: 2 bedrooms House to rent in Kuisebmond, Namport Erf 4846, Oshivelo street Readily Available Monthly Rent of N$2700.00 paid in advance, W/E excl. Deposit of N$ 2 700.00 required Contact: 081 280 5501 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET TAMARISKIA FLAT 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/lounge. Water included & pre-paid meter. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com TE HUUR: W/L ingsl. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Kontak: 081 367 3584 081 666 4438
4 JULY 2014
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Daniel Tjongarero Str. Swakopmund 30m² Contact: 081 128 7230
FAIRWAYS WALVIS BAY Room to rent in big house W/E incl. Garage and Alarm system included. Use of house facilities. Will have own remote and keys. Must have sober and neat habits. Must also be single and a pet lover. Deposit and monthly payment upfront. Available immediately. N$ 3 300.00 p/m Contact 0812623103 to view.
Exclusive and Elite Estates TO LET MILE 4 - FLAT 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms Own yard N$8500.00 OCEAN VIEW: Ideal for companies Accommodation: sleep ± 20 people N$65 000p/m HAGE HEIGHTS: 3x 2 bedroom flats Water & electricity included N$5200.00 Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot&Plan. 2&3 Bedrooms, 1&2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic, lounge/dining, garage. PRICE RANGE FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com
TO RENT: Mondesa Court. Swakopmund 2 bedroom Townhouse, Kitchen, BIC, Stove, Lounge, Two Bathrooms, Garage. N$ 4 500.00 plus N$ 2 500.00 Deposit. Available Immediately. Contact: 081 300 7426 TO RENT Swakopmund Old Industrial Area: WORKSHOP - 102m, lockable store room, alarm, 24 hours caretaker, ample parking. N$3 950.00 Excl VAT STORAGE - 52m, N$1900.00 Excl VAT STORAGE - 38m, N$1450.00 Excl VAT Tel: 0855 800 700 TO RENT: Narraville Bachelors flats for single people. N$ 3 000.00 W/E incl. Deposit will be required. Contact: 081 240 8716 UNIT TO RENT: Fairways 3 bedroom, 3 toilets, double garage, no boundary walls. N$ 8 000.00 + Dep. W/E incl. Contact: 081 293 0251 TO RENT: Longbeach Furnished flat Parking behind gates. W/E incl. DSTV incl. N$ 4 500.00 for one N$ 6 000.00 for two Contact: 081 368 8259 064 205 714 FLAT TO RENT: Swakopmund OU Tamariskia One bedroom flat with shower, open plan, kitchen, close to Primary School, Shops, Medical Centre. N$ 3 100.00 p/m W/E incl. 1 July 2014 Contact: 081 203 5020 081 122 1516 081 611 33159 WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Walvisbaai Naby Shoprite 1 slaapkamer, klein kombuis, stort en toilet. W/L ingsl. Geen garage N$ 2 500.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposito Kontak: 081 605 7490 081 614 3799 SWAKOPMUND FLAT TO LET In Town 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Tandem Garage Pre-Paid Meter N$ 5720.00 Contact Martina: 081 124 3885
TO RENT: (Langstrand) 3 Bedroom House N$ 9 000.00 p/m Spacious living area, double garage, garden Contact 081 203 5754 Available 01 Aug 2014 RENT - GRANNY FLAT WITH GARDEN -SWAKOP Close to beach + WB Vineta. 2 bedroom granny flat with single garage available asap. private + secure. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Contact Sharon 081 272 1555 TO RENT: Newly built 2 bedroom. Lounge, kitchen, toilet with shower. Flat at the backyard for sober couple. N$ 4 000.00 W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 Deposit. Contact: Nadia 081 341 5242 Nalie 081 454 5061 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET MAHETAGO Inside room with bathroom N$2000.00 W/Incl Bachelor flat N$2500.00 W/ Incl 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3850.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2750.00 W/L Incl JABULANI Bachelor flat N$2900.00 W/L Incl TAMARISKIA 3bedrooms bic, 2bathroom Open-plan kitchen bic with stove Single Garage N$6000.00 W/L Excl Avible 1 August 2014 All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com
NARRAVILLE HOUSE available immediately, 3 bedrooms, main bedroom 1 B.I.C 2 bathrooms Kitchen with B.I.C Living room Boundary walls and alarm included Water included & electricity not included N$4500 + Deposit Call Mia: 081 217 4334 TO RENT: Independence Beach, Omugulugwombashe Circle 1x bedroom flat with kitchen and a toilet available ASAP. N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 451 1391 TO RENT: Kuisebmond Koeldrank Fontein Area 2x flats 1x bedroom, open plan kitchen and lounge, toilet and shower (hot water) N$ 2 700.00 p/m W/E incl. BACHELOR FLAT: Duinesig Area Kuisebmond 1x bedroom flat 1x toilet and shower hot water 1x Open kitchen and lounge N$ 1 900.00 p/m Contact: 081 868 0686 TO RENT: 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen N$ 2 800.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 240 9800 TO RENT: Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house N$ 3 200.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 128 8672 TO RENT: Kuisebmond - 1 newly bedroom flat, with kitchen, shower, toilet, beautifully furnished. N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/ incl. Electricity pre paid. Meersig - 1 bedroom, with toilet and shower W/E incl. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, garage N$ 990 000.00 CALL EMMA: 081 122 8067
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS FLAT Batchelor. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/lounge. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com
PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Looking for an Erf to buy in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay Contact: 081 810 3498
WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. Urgently looking for a garage to rent for a car in Narraville, preferably near Sun Valley Development Area. Contact: 081 485 2674 Wanted: Excavator Operator for Contracting work at Neckertal Dam Keetmanshoop. Cell: 081 394 4026 WANTED: A single lady looking for a ghetto to rent in Kuisebmond. N$ 600.00 - 650.00 Can move in anytime. Contact: 081 471 9157
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO HIRE Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150
CARS FOR SALE: VW Syncro for sale. 208 000km. Ideal Beach vehicle. VW recommended engine replacement (2L Jetta brand new 60 000km ago). It has spares and is ready to view. Looking for N$40 000.00 - Voetstoots. Contact me at: 081 149 7620 FOR SALE: Mitsuishi FTO V6 24 valves Bargain N$ 25 000.00 Contact: 081 205 6190
OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect
FOR SALE: RAV 4 2001 Model. N$85 000.00(neg) To view and Test drive at Alfons Motors Tel: 064 407 135 Cell: 081 322 2914
Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444
email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com
CARS FOR SALE: 2004 Toyota Condor Estate, TX 2.4 I Electronic Mirror and windows N$ 80 000.00 (neg) Contact Shilongo: 081 211 6578 FOR SALE: 2011 VW Amarok D/C 4x4 120kw. With aluminium cab, Running boards, replacement bumper. 47 000km. N$360 000.00 Contact: 081 100 2156 Can Am Quad 4x4 in perfect condition 800 cc only 88 hours N$ 90 000 New quad Trailer to match N$ 35 000 081 63 86 300
2 x Yuejin Fh 2 trucks for sale.
1. 2012 model, fairly good condition, in daily use. 2. Later model with minor mechanical problems. Both for N$ 100000.00.
Contact 085 604 9001
FOR SALE: Polo vivo 2010 model , 71 000 km , N$ 90 000.00 Contact: 081 230 4814 FOR SALE: 2004 Nissan Hardbody 2.4, D/C, 4x4, Good Condition Canopy. Contact: 081 360 5898 TE KOOP: Land Rover Series 3 (Station wagon) Nuwe Tyres, Root Rack Nuwe voerblaaie, nuwe shocks Kontak: 081 262 8950 FOR SALE: 2003 Opel Corsa 1.4I White, fully serviced, new tyres. N$ 28 000.00 Contact: 081 249 3038 FOR SALE: 2004, Ford Ranger bakkie. 2.2 Long Bakkie. Good condition & Full house. N$55 000.00 Contact: 081 222 8936
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
N$250 each
Contact 081 617 1351
HANNAH’S TUISGEBAK 1x Jacuzzi, 2 seater plus love seat, very new. Surrounded in a wooden frame. Seldom use have too little time. Excellent Buy: Must undo and take it away. Is in working order 1x ¾ bed good condition N$ 800.00 1x second hand dishwasher N$ 800.00 1x computer stand drawers, etc, new N$ 500.00 Second hand but as good as new clothing, and new shoes and second hand shoes Size 6 shoes, female 18-20 years The dishwasher, clothes, shoes can be viewed between 4 and 6 Book for an appointment due to busy office hours. 2x garden shredders N$ 500.00 each We are decluttering. Contact Hannah: 081 124 2151 PRICE LIST FRO FISH: · Crabs/kg N$60.00 · Hake Fillets 5kg 4-6 N$295.00 · Hake F/crumbed 5kg N$250.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks 5kg N$160.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks kg N$35.00 · Fish Mince/Blocks kg N$45.00 · Mince Pillows/kg N$40.00 · Fishfingers/kg N$49.50 · Snoek Whole/kg N$45.00 · Snoek chops/kg N$43.00 · Angel whole/kg N$25.00 · John Dory whole/kg N$20.00 · Sole/kg N$70.00 · Yellow tale whole/kg N$55.00 · Red fish/kg N$28.00 · Kabeljou N$55.00 · Kingklip whole N$95.00 · Hake Heads N$10.00 · Chicken Quarters 10kg N$360.00 A SELLNG ORIGINAL 100% BRAZILIAN HAIR! Please contact: 081 734 7532 Thank you FOR SALE: Bloupunkt LID flatscreen Tv. 37cm , 22inch. N$3000.00 Contact: 081 127 8583
FOR SALE at Klimas Glass (Tel: 462687) 4x 2-Cup suction lifter (load capacity: each 60kg) Suitable for glass and other flat sheets. Price for one: N$ 550.00 incl. Vat
4 JULY 2014
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
VACANCY: TRAINEE SALESMAN Requirements: Minimum grade 12 Age 18-25 years Ability to speak, read and write English and Afrikaans. CV to be handed in personally at: Magnum Hardware + Hobby 140, Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay
BARLADY Desert Tavern is looking for friendly, reliable persons to work as Barlady. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans Cv’s can be submitted @ Desert Tavern after 15h00 in Swakop Str or Mailed to: Info@desert-tavern.com Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
JOB WANTED: A born again lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. For 3 or 4 days. Can be ironing, washing and cleaning. Loves kids and is hardworking, humble and honest. I have a experience of five years. Willing to come with copies of my documents Contact: 081 847 4812
FOR SALE: Oil Painting from Arnfried Blatt, year 1962, book value. N$15 000.00neg Call: 081 127 8583
ANIMALS DAIRY CATTLE FOR SALE: 1x Bull 8x Cows 5x Calve Registered Braunvieh Swiss Cattle Tsumeb District Contact: 081 164 2308 FOR SALE: Black Labrador puppies for sale, nine weeks old, first injection and de wormed. N$ 1 725.00 Please Call 081 147 2636
GARDENING FOR SALE FOR SALE: Fern Palms And planted. 081 638 6300
ACCOMMODATION Yoshi Bed and & Breakfast gladly welcomes you to Walvis Bay. We offer clean and friendly bed and breakfast facilities in the centre of town. One person per night ( ¾ bed) N$220.00. One person per night (queen bed) N$250.00. Breakfast offered upon request. Be our guest and enjoy the beautiful Yoshi experience. Contact: O81 148 6387 OR 081 140 5392 SELF CATERING ACCOMODATION AVAILABLE IN WALVIS, NARRAVILLE N$ 150.00 Single N$ 200.00 Double N$ 290.00 per unit For more information contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 271
VACANCIES IT VACANCIES Computer Technician (Post in Walvis Bay) - Diploma in IT Hardware - Self motivated person - Able to work under pressure - Prepared to start immediately Mail CV hr@netmac.co.za Closing date: 05 July 2014 Details on remuneration and duties will be disclosed to short listed candidates
VACANCY SEAMSTRESS - STRONG COMMUNICATION SKILLS - EXPERIENCE ON THE INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINES - VIBRANT - NAMIBIAN CITIZEN FLUENT IN ENGLISH & AFRIKAANS - ABILITY TO LEARN FAST - HONEST PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P.O.BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY Vacancy: Sales Rep Walvis Bay & Swakopmund We are a young, passionate and innovative Advertising Media company. We are looking for a freelance sales rep to seek out new clients and bring in new business. This would be on a commission basis only (rate negotiable) Best candidates must be; Self confidant Have a good communication command Have a basic understanding of marketing. Send your applications to wbadvertiser@outlook. com FABULOUS “Smart clothing & Footwear” Vacancy Sales Ladies x2 Requirements *At least Grade 10 Certificate *Fluent in English Drop your CV at Fabulous opposite JET in Walvis Bay. Closing date 11 July 2014 ALL-ROUNDER HANDYMAN For work shop and building Sites in swk Needed Starting 6 June, CV to Handyman1@iway.na
WERK GESOEK: Hardwerkende, betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk, strykwerk, kantoor skoonmaak. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 361 8403 JOB WANTED: A 32-year-old lady with 5 years experience is looking for domestic work or office cleaning. For 3 or 5 days a week. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 365 0372 KANYANGA: Am a 35-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 785 8806 LOIDE: I am a 44-year-old woman looking for ironing and cleaning work for 3/5 days a week. Im non alcoholic and a non smoker. I have 3 years experience. Contact: 081 637 8745 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 37-jarige-vrou wat opsoek is na 3 dae huiswerk per week. Kan op Langstrand, Meersig, Lagoon, Dorp en Narraville. Kan by n Gastehuis, Lodge of enige skoonmaak werk. Skakel: 081 324 6035 081 672 0732 ROSINA: Opsoek na huiswerk, 2/3/5 dae ‘n week en ook Saterdag. In Narraville, Lagoon, Meersig (Walvis Bay) Contact: 081 450 2323 ALETHA: Betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk. Kan 3 dae ‘n week werk, en is bereid om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 690 3773 JOB WANTED: A young 24-year-old lady is looking for any kind of work. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 862 8429
ALBERTINA: Ek is ‘n betroubare dame opsoek na 3 dae werk in die week. Maandae tot Vrydae. Contact: 081 488 1673
WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai verkieslik in die dorp. Kontak: 081 241 7346
Maria: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk. Ek is betroubaar. Verkieslik in Swakopmund. Maandag tot Vrydag. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 403 2076
JOHANNA & NANCY: We are looking for any kind of work, housekeeping, babysitting or office cleaning. Johanna: 081 485 2193 Nancy: 081 485 2193 JOB WANTED: A 32-year-old lady is looking for chef work. Can cook any kind of food and has 13 years experience. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 207 4605 081 395 5921 JOB WANTED: Looking for taxi driver work to drive between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund or a minibus or a company truck. I have C1G,P license. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 310 7369 Senthia: I am looking for domestic work, house cleaning, babysitting, attached. In Walvis Bay or Langstrand. For the whole week. Contact: 081 686 4558 Rosy: I am looking for domestic work like house cleaning, babysitting. In Swakopmund or Lang-strand. For the whole week. Contact: 081 391 2570 WERK GESOEK: Ek is dringend opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund. Ek is 35 jaar oud. Kan 3 dae werk of n volle week. Ek drink of rook nie. Kontak: 081 032 2671 Selma Haimbodi(36): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk. Maandag tot Vrydag. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 278 4836 of 081 659 6702 WERK GESOEK: Twee dames is opsoek na Tuisverpleging werk. Kan mooi na bejaardes omsien. Het n sertifikaart en goeie verwysings. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: Lucia(40): 081 783 5542 Elizabeth(45): 081 4204106 JOB WANTED: Human Resource first year student, with Grade 12 Certificate, two years experience in housekeeping ad cleaning with customer care experience for one year is looking for part time or full time job in Walvis Bay or Swakopmond except for tuckshop and bars. Contact: 081 817 5695
JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old lady is looking for domestic work, cleaning and ironing. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Contact: 081 218 8894 WERK GESOEK: Baie betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak of kinders oppas werk. Sal dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 321 7734 JOB WANTED: A 37-year-old lady with Grade 12 certificate is computer literate, MS Word, Excell and has good typing skills. Looking for any kind of work, stock controller, cashier, domestic work or operational operator. Can multi task. Contact: 081 649 8654 JOB WANTED: A 33-year-old lady is looking for cleaning or babysitting work. Very hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 274 9366 TENGA: I am a 25-year-old lady looking for work. Worked at previous shops in Rundu, such as, OK Foods, Fruit and Veg. Contact: 081 442 2595 081 335 8845 KLAASEN: Hardworking and loyal lady with sober habits looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay town area on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Can start immediately. More than 20 years of experience. Call at: 081 794 7099 PAULINA(45): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk. Maandag tot Saturdag, kan ook Sondae werk. Ek is n Nama vroutjie. Skakel: 081 445 8252 Menetha(40): Ek is n betroubare vrou opsoek na huiswerk. Ek kan enigetyd begin. In Swakopmund verkieslik. Maandag tot Vrydag. Kontak: 081 669 3893 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. If you are interested please contact: 081 409 8073 JANE(28): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund. Maandag tot Vrydag. Ek kan ook omsien na kinders. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 495 2390
Job wanted: I am looking for the following posts full time: - Office work / Reception - Manager position It can be in Hotels/Guesthouses. I have good qualifications like Bookkeeping, Business and Staff management. Contact: 081 127 8583 NANGURA: Ek is ‘n 42-jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak, strykwerk of hotel kamers skoonmaak. Vanaf Maandag tot Vrydag. Kontak: 081 616 3232 RENATHE: Looking for domestic work from Mondays to Fridays. In Narraville, Lagoon, Meersig & Long Beach. Contact: 081 380 2025 081 443 3112 REGINA: Opsoek na 2 dae huiswerk, Dinsdae en Donderdae. Kontak: 081 878 0599 ANNA: Betroubare 33-jarige dame is opsoek na huiswerk of strykwerk. Dorp, Meersig of Lagoon. Bereid om kinders op te pas. Rook of drink nie. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 214 6590 NAOMI: I am a 20 year old lady looking for domestic work for 5 days. Very hardworking and can start immediately. Sober habits Contact: 081 881 1362 ATHINA: Ek is opsoek na werk, huiswerk, kinders oppas of enige ander werk as ‘n kassier ook. Sal enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 611 2639 081 395 5854
Namib Times
GARAGE SALE: 148 Peter Mushihange Str Walvis Bay Central Saturday 05 / 07 / 2014 10:00 till 14:00
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
4 JULY 2014
4 JULY 2014
Youth Games Fourth PTA Tennis Series medallists celebrated
The impressive achievements of the Namibian athletes who participated at the African Youth Games in Gaborone, Botswana last month were celebrated by the Namibian National Olympic Committee last week Friday.
The Namibian team returned from the Games with 14 medals and an impressive 10th position on the medal ranking. The following Namibian athletes won medals against Africa’s best in Gaborone. Gold: Sonja Adelaar swimming 100m freestyle, Zanré Oberholzer - swimming 100m backstroke, Lize Moolman/Sedi Jacobs - tennis doubles and JeanPaul Burger - triathlon. Silver: Sonja Adelaar swimming 200m freestyle, Caro Els - golf, Max Ipinge - boxing welter (69kg), Titus Kaluwapa - boxing light welter (65kg) and Tristan de Lange - mountain bike. Bronze: Sedi Jacobs - tennis, Zanré Oberholzer - swimming 50m backstroke, Branden Plaatjies - mountainbike, Kristien Kruger - high jump and Viza Ujaha - high jump. Special recognition was also given to Siranda Horn at the celebration ceremony for her excellent performance in the high jump competition at the African Youth Games. Due a rule change announced by the African continental athletics body the day before the competition, only one athlete per country was permitted to participate in each discipline at the Games. Due to this rule change Siranda was forced to participate in a B-category competition, out of contention for any
tournament causes upsets The PTA Tennis Series resumed last weekend after a break of nearly two months. The lengthy break, however, didn’t affect the quality of tennis played as the youngsters showed some great action over the two days in Windhoek. In the Mini category, Stefan Weitz claimed his first win of the season. Weitz went into the tournament as one of the favourites, coming in at second at the last event, and surely lived up to the expectations. The second place went to Zeta Kaises, while Jozikee Tjaimba came in
third. Meanwhile, there was another surprise winner in the Midi category as Mike Kambonde stormed to the top. So far, this division had been a two-horse race between Adam Diggle and Beyonce Boois, with Faith Kahuure also in the mix of things. But this weekend Kambonde stole the show to leave Hendrina Apollus on second place. Diggle held on to third. In the beginners division,
Randel Kavandje continued his dominance over the rest of the field. The aspiring youngster from Windhoek took the top honours for the fourth time in a row already, making him the overwhelming favourite to win his division of this year’s edition of the PTA Tennis Series. Megano Sheeya had to settle for second while Delicia Dirkse came third. The Intermediate division was won by Carlo von Rooi, who made his
debut at the PTA Tennis Series. The newcomer triumphed over Cleet Farmer in second place and Brandon Maasdorp in third place. At this tournament all participants once again collected points for the PTA Tennis Series Ranking. Throughout the series, players accumulate ranking points on a 12 month rolling basis with the overall winners announced at the end of the year.
Siranda Horn achieved a new personal best in the high jump
Max Ipinge (left) won silver for Namibia in the welter weight (69kg) category at the Youth Games medals. With a new personal best performance at a height of 1.70m, 16 year old Horn would have won a bronze medal in the girl’s high jump competition. Namibian Chef de Mission, Monica Böhm, praised Siranda not only for her strong result, but also for her exemplary sportsmanship and mental strength with which she was able to perform at personal best levels under her adverse circumstances. All Namibian Youth Games performers were awarded with certificates
from the Gaborone 2014 organisers, certifying their performances, as well as a financial incentive and bonus awarded by the Namibian National Olympic Committee. The third edition of the African Youth Games will be hosted in 2018 in the Algerian capital, Algiers where the Games will once again be aimed at athletes aged 14 to 18, offering them a platform to prepare for the Olympic Games, contribute to the development of sport and foster Olympic values on the continent.
Rossmund Golf Club News In a howling gale force east wind of about 40km/hour, 60 men and 7 lady golfers bravely turned out to play for the much sought after Swakopmund Open Golf Title, on Saturday 21 June. Well done, it is the very and winner D Haimbondi Botha. first time in its history (119). Overall: Net winner Last weeks’ Wednesday that the start of the ‘Open’ E Mulombelewa with 106 competition, again sponhad to be delayed due and runner up P Shimoshili sored by Brigadoon B and to the adverse weather with 109. Gross; S Boni- B was poorly supported, conditions. But the en- fatius (114) and winner G but the 18 hole winner was J Kok, runner up H Blom, thusiasm was there, the Shikodi(112). competitive spirit was On the same day, five of and the best 9, won by P there, a memorable day our Swakop Senior golf- Bassingthwaighte. was had by all who par- ers headed to Karibib to See you next Wednesday ticipated and there were compete in the annual with a new sponsor for ‘Central vs Coast’ match, July. A reminder, 9 Hole very few withdrawals. Most important, Multi- for the Fanie Augustyn players must play the back nine for the competition choice Namibia did their inter Branch Trophy. very best to sponsor this Having lost the match in this week - tomorrow. annual event, thank you 2013, our Seniors Team Saturday was our monthly (depleted by the poor ‘feeshing ‘competition Mr Roger Gertze. First the ladies. L Brink weather) managed to bring again by kind sponsorship won with a net score of 83, the coveted trophy back to of Novanam. The Medal followed by C Els with 86. Swakomund. The widow play winners were: Ladies Gross: W Calitz (106), and of the late Fanie Augustyn - Ms E Burns. Junior - L winner, C Els (88). Men’s presented the trophy, which Nandi (70): ‘C’ Division ‘C’ Division - Net Winner: for the first time was - C Haoseb (72): ‘B‘ DiviE Uushona with 78, named in honour of her sion - M Swarts (79), runner-up R Barnard on late husband, whose fa- and ‘A‘ Division - P 81. Gross: S Tsubeb (96) mily - OK Supermarket Shomolshili (69). Overall and winner I Suze (87). (in Karibib) has sponsored E Bonifatius (68) Weather ‘B’ Division - Net Winner: the trophy for many years. a little cooler, but it was M Ludeke with 113 and D They donated generous another good month-end Benson with 114. Gross: prizes and we thank them Competition - thanks NoT Haimbondi (130) and for their ongoing support vanam. “Golf is not a game of great shots. It’s a winner W Profit (127). ‘A and sponsorship. ‘ Division - Net: Winner S Well done; T van Rens- game of the most accurate van der Merwe with 116, burg, was the overall win- misses. The people, who and K Wentzel with 117. ner and the Swakop ‘team‘ win, make the smallest Gross: B Britten (122) included T Botha and C mistakes.” (Gene Littler)
Action at the PTA Tennis tournament
WBM Flags 28 June 2014
Last Saturday 45 players were involved in the ever popular flags competition. Wouter and Kurt were lucky this time around as the east weather did not hamper their sponsorship like the past few years. This format draws lots of attention and players enjoy it very much. It was evident that even those who did not play made bets on whose flag will be planted first or were on the course. It certainly works on your nerves if your shots get less and less and you do not see any flags in the ground. Wooden spoon winner, Jaans Stander played in our hand. His day was so bad, he could just have played with a broom and putt with a spoon! The delight on his face approaching nr 14 and he actually saw the first flag next to the green certainly gave him some joy and hope for better days. Very good golf overall and many a players planting flags close to the club. Nearest to Pin was won by Wayne Hart and longest drive by Piet Fox. 1st place Kevin de Reuck, 2nd Pieter van Aarde, 3rd Wayne Hart, 4th Frans Grobler and 5th Danie van Antwerpen. Kevin Wentzel won the Stableford competition followed by Chris Tempo on 39 points. Wouter, Kurt and Sue Allen. Again a big success and thank you very much. This Saturday Multisave is our sponsor. Better Ball Stableford with a multiplier on all par five’s. Rules of Golf Sometimes we think that we know a Rule of Golf and then find that there are exceptions, which we also have to take into account.
An example of this is touching the line of putt. The beginning of Rule 161a states; The line of putt must not be touched and then we see the important word, “except”, followed by these seven situations where a player is permitted to touch their intended line of putt; (i) the player may remove loose impediments, provided he does not press anything down; (ii) the player may place the club in front of the ball when addressing it, provided he does not press anything down; (iii) in measuring – Rule 18-6; (iv) in lifting or replacing the ball – Rule 16-1b; (v) in pressing down a ball-marker; (vi) in repairing old hole plugs or ball marks on the putting green – Rule 16-1c; and (vii) in removing movable obstructions – Rule 24-1. Note that in two of these situations, removing loose impediments and addressing the ball, the player will still incur a penalty if they press down on their line of putt while doing so. Does it
follow that when a player is repairing ball mark damage on their line of putt they must not finish the repair by tapping it down with their putter head, or their foot? The answer is no. There is no restriction in Rule 16-1c as to how a player repairs damage that has definitely been made by a ball. For many of us that may include pressing down the area, to ensure that the surface is flat following the repair and so will not subsequently divert the roll of our ball. Rule 8-2b is also relevant to this subject; When the player’s ball is on the putting green, the player, his partner or either of their caddies may, before but not during the stroke, point out a line for putting, but in so doing the putting green must not be touched. A mark must not be placed anywhere to indicate a line for putting. So, the player, their partner, or either of their caddies must be careful that they do not touch anywhere on the intended line of putt, whether it is with a hand, a
foot, a club, or a flagstick. But once again there is an exception; Decision 16-1a/12 clarifies that if a player walks on their line of putt, there is no penalty if they did so accidentally and their line was not improved. I covered the definition of Line of Putt in this earlier blog; it is not always a straight line between the ball and the hole. Concession in Stroke Play Play-off: The commentators at the fifth play-off hole of the BMW International Open in Cologne, Germany, between Henrik Stenson and Fabrizio Zanotti, last Sunday, were confused when Stenson conceded the tournament win to Zanotti. Concessions usually only apply in match play, but the relevant part of Decision 336/3 states; If there is a strokeplay play-off between two competitors and one of them is disqualified or concedes defeat, it is not necessary for the other to complete the play-off hole or holes to be declared the winner. Good golfing.
From left Kurt Brits, Kevin de Reuck and Herman Smidt
4 JULY 2014
FNB Classic Clashes Swakop Secondary School
FNB Classic Clashes Mr Kleophas Ntoni from Swakopmund Secondary School said his team was looking forward to lots of action today.
Dave Hammond
Namibian hockey making headlines Anri Jacobs The Namibian hockey team consisting of 11 players have departed to Toulouse, France to take part in FIRS (Federation Internationale de Roller Skating) tournament. One of our local hockey players, Marcel Baas was sponsored by the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre with funds of N$10 000 to support him on this trip to take part in FIRS in France along with the rest of the Namibian team. ARCH also sponsored the men’s team with equipment and gear. The Indoor Sport Centre as well as ARCH have played a great helping hand in allowing well-known local hockey player Dave Hammond to take part in the world championship inline hockey tournament namely IIHF (The International Ice Hockey Federation),
World Championships earlier in June in Pardubice in the Czech Republic. The Indoor Sport Centre and ARCH helped Dave with sponsorship amounting up to N$10 000 for the trip, and consisted mostly of travel and accommodation sponsorships. Badberg Wine Seller also made a sponsorship of N$4 000 to support Dave on this trip. Dave plays for Coastal Pirates and contributes greatly to hockey in Namibia. Dave played for the Canadian team at the tournament and the team took second place overall with a silver medal.
“We believe that SSS will emerge as winners of the FNB Classic Clash. It will be an exciting soccer game that will be preceded by a
game between teachers of the SSS and Coastal High just to spice up the day. Swakopmund Secondary School has won the past
four games and the preparations started early this year while heavy training sessions have been conducted for the past three
weeks.” The two schools will face each other in Swakopmund at 14:00 at the Mondesa Stadium. Tomorrow De Duine High
School and Namib High will play another FNB Classic Clash soccer game at the Narraville soccer stadium in Walvis Bay.
Swakopmund swimming club back on track Anri Jacobs
The Swakopmund Swimming Club (SSC), coached by Denti Louw held the first short course Gala in a long time, and what a success! A short course gala was held at the Water Cube Swimming pool at Live It Health and Fitness during Friday and Saturday of this past weekend. Four short course galas are usually held during the year during which swimmers place their times for the nationals. Due to the swimming pool being closed for quite some time, the swimming club lost a lot
Paul Van Biljon, Trish Hammond, Marcel Baas and Buttons Heyns
Mail your contribution to sport@namibtimes.net
The SSC swimmers: Back row - Ashley Louw, Ansune Boshoff, Maximilian Betts, Oliver Kittel, Thomas Kittel, Jack Della-Marta. Front row - Ruhan Boshoff and Hendrik Vermeulen of their swimmers and now have only nine swimmers. They have however not lost hope and are looking forward to a bright future. It is their hope that the next
national swimming competition will be held here in Swakopmund around August, if all goes according to plan. Old Mutual sponsored the Water Cube Swimming
Pool of Swakopmund with starting blocks as well as lane dividers. This plays a great role in allowing competitions to take place here at the coast.
The SSC wants to thank Old Mutual for this donation as well as thank Charmaine Smit from Live It for making it possible for SSC to be able to compete and be back on track.
Wynand Breytenbach (15), Luke Jansen (16), Chad Plato (16) and Marlon van den Berg (15) were selected to be part of the u/16 Grant Khomo Team. They are currently in Windhoek on a training week but will represent Namibia in Pretoria from 3 - 10 July where they will play against various South African teams. We wish them well and trust that they will make Namibia proud.
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