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Vrou verloor hand by werk, soek hulp
Turkish warship on maiden visit
Marshallino Beukes
Me Elsa Arises (30) het op 18 Julie 2012 haar linker hand verloor, na ‘n ongeluk met ‘n vleis-saagmasjien by haar vorige werksplek, Debonairs Pizza in Swakopmund. Sy is tans werkloos, as gevolg van die verlies van haar hand.
Volgens Arises is sy op die dag van die ongeluk gevra om te help “patties” opsaag, aangesien daar niemand aan diens was om hierdie taak te verrig nie. Sy noem dat sy geen werks ondervinding met ‘n saagmasjien gehad het nie. Tog het sy daarin geslaag om met behulp van ‘n mede-werker die eerste houer vleispasteie op te saag. Ongeveer 15:00 het sy blykbaar probeer om op haar eie meer op te saag, aangesien daar niemand beskikbaar was om haar te help nie. “Die masjien het nie stewig gestaan nie en toe dit gekantel het, het ek dit probeer keer”, vertel sy. Sy het voorts genoem dat sy hierna teruggestaan het en “’n koue gevoel” by haar linkerhand ervaar
Elsa Arises
het. Tot haar skok het sy besef dat die lem haar hand mors-af gesny het. Sy het die toesighouer, ene Simon, geroep en die ambulans is ontbied. Die wond is toe met swart plastieksakke toegedraai om die bloeding te probeer stop. ‘n Kliënt, wat die konsternasie opgemerk het, het daarna aangebied om haar na die hospitaal te neem, omdat die ambulans blykbaar te lank geneem het om op te daag. Dieselfde nag is sy na Windhoek Staatshospitaal oorgeplaas, waar sy vir drie dae behandeling ontvang het. Haar werkgewer, mnr David Oosthuizen, het haar aangeraai om te rus en na twee weke was sy terug in die tuig. Hierdie moeder van drie kinders (14, 9 en 7 jaar) moes veg teen die trane, toe sy noem dat sy egter nie met een hand haar
werk kon doen nie en besluit het om die handoek in te gooi. Op hierdie stadium het kennisse haar blykbaar probeer oortuig om die besigheid vir vergoeding vir die verlies van haar hand te nader. Sy noem dat sy aan haar bestuurderres gesê het, “dis reg, die Here is daar”. Die eienaar van die besigheid het telefonies aan namib times genoem dat hulle wel alles in hul vermoë gedoen het om haar by te staan. Hulle het haar ook finansieël tot hulp gekom. Sy is tans tuis en ontvang ‘n maandelikse bedraggie van Social Security waarmee sy haar kinders en bejaarde moeder onderhou. Me Arises noem dat sy bereid is om te werk, indien sy ‘n geleentheid gegun word en vra die publiek vir hulp.
Nissan tumbles Toyota A Nissan Navarra bakkie (N 20067 WB) and a Toyota Dyna truck collided at the intersection of Nangolo Mbumba Drive and 17th Road on Saturday at about 14:45. The impact of the collision caused the truck to tip over. According to a witness on the scene, the driver of the truck climbed out of the capsized vehicle and ran away. Fortunately none of the passengers in the vehicles involved in the collision sustained serious injuries despite considerable damages to both vehicles.
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Coming to
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Lady May @
See more photos on page 3.
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Two Goal Hero
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Be sure to spoil your mom with some of our amazing special offers, coming soon!
Fresh Cut Roses (Bunch of 20)
N$99.99 Food Lover’s Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoëb, Swakopmund, Tel: 414 400 • Fresh Produce Market, 69 Moses Garoëb St, Walvis Bay, Tel: 207 152 • Valid From: Tuesday 6 - Thursday 8 May 2014 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY! • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 050514 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST
6 MAY 2014
Picture by Piquet Jacobs
launched Piquet Jacobs
NANLO was formally launched on May 1 under the slogan “Each worker, a NANLO priority”. The occasion was also used to commemorate the international Workers’ Day commonly known as May Day.
Workers celebrating the launch
The workers in Namibia submitted a Constitution as required by the Labour Act, Act no.11 of 2007 under sections 52 to 57 after the controversial moratorium that was unilaterally imposed by the office of Labour Commissioner on the registration of new trade unions. The Namibia National Labour Organisation (NANLO) was
finally registered on the 12 February 2014. NANLO believes that the workers deserve an independent, fearless and loyal trade union movement that will lead them into the future as victors of their own destiny and not as victims or prisoners of history. NANLO embraces and welcomes every worker regardless of his/her religious beliefs,
political membership, gender, tribe, culture, skin colour etc. “With NANLO we will make it”, sang the workers. Former National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW) secretary general Evilastus Kaaronda submitted an application to register the Namibian National Labour Organisation (NANLO) on 5 November 2013.
Henties Bay Council unveils Anri Jacobs The Henties Bay Town council has approved a capital budget of N$33 703 888 for 2013/2014. The Deputy Mayor, councilor Mapanka speaking on behalf of the Mayor, councilor MA Haufiku, the Mayor of Henties Bay said, the proposed budget for 2013/2014 represents an 8,7% growth in the operating budget. “The approved 2013/2014 current operating budget amounts to N$29 475 305 (N$26 711 442 for 2012/ 2013 and N$19 954 902 for 2011/2012),” said councilor Mapanka. Rates and Taxes increased by 7% of which 5% serves as contribution to Erongo Regional Council. Water supply increased with 6% and all other services increased between 5-7%, with the exception of Business; advertisements and other tariffs that can be seen as “Luxury” tariffs which increased with bigger percentages. The Rental Hanger tariff has not increased in the last 15 years, as well as the Sand Mining tariffs and other rental tariffs.” The Deputy Mayor further said that the budgeted staff expenditure represents 56% of the total operating budget (a 1% increase in comparison to the previous year. “This is due to the taking over of electricity service by Erongo RED in July 2005, and also to the new extensions of Henties Bay which made it necessary to expand the staff numbers. The sewerage plant also has a huge effect on our current budget, excluding capital projects relating to Sewerage plant. Two percent of the total operating budget is represented by Subsistence and Traveling, which will enable the Council to source
funding for much needed capital projects as per capital budget,” councilor Mapanka said. An amount of N$10 025 579 has been budgeted to maintain and improve Parks & Gardens, Roads, Engineering Services, other Emergency Services including Fire Brigade and Ambulance. (This amount is excludes Capital Projects). Total capital budget amounts to N$67 130 000 of which N$58 880 000 represents own funding, N$6 000 000 is represented by TPEEG, N$750 000 is represented by Sewerage Fund and N$1 500 000 represented by Finland subsidising. The Chairperson of the town council, councilor M. Skini shared that throughout the past few years they have seen a rapid growth in the town’s finances, to such an extent that the budget skyrocketed from N$19,9 million in 2011/2012 to N$33,7 million this year. “We should however not see this growth in isolation but look at the bigger picture. By this I mean the expansion of the town. Henties Bay is growing rapidly as previously anticipated” Mapanka said. He added that two new townships have been created in Henties Bay town and two in the Omdel Township, while other developments are also in the starting blocks, ready to commence with statutory procedures and these include Namib Desert Investments, Omohuungo, Golf Resort and Hallie Investments. Mapanka said council needs to find best practices on how to maintain the
N$33 million budget
Henties Bay - Picture courtesy of Travelnewsnamibia town in a sustainable but affordable manner without compromising quality services. Said Mapanka, “Decentralisation has been with us for some time. This does not mean only from the Central Government to the Local Authority but also from the Local Authority to the community. If there are services to be outsourced, as the leaders we have to look into it without shifting the responsibility. This is what I meant with best practice.” The current expenditure budget consists mainly of three main sub votes: For the current book year of 2013/2014 a total of N$16, 4 million will go to remuneration which represents 55% of the budget. N$11, 6 million representing 39% of the budget will go to general expenditure and N$1,5 million which represents 5% of the budget will go to repairs and maintenance. For the book year of 2014/ 2015 a total of N$18,98 million representing 56% of the budget was allocated for remuneration. 39% of the budget amounting to N$12, 99 million will go to general expenditure. N$1, 5 million representing 5% of the budget will go to repairs and maintenance.
Mr Skini said the high percentage of the salary budget also contains an element of development and the development budget amounts to N$67,13 million. The total expenditure for the fiscal year stands at N$100,83 million. “If we now look at the bigger picture then the salary budget will be only 19%,” Mapanka remarked. Commenting on the development budget he said, every resident in the town wants to know what developments are taking place and added that people want to invest in a town that is growing. “In fact I would like to remind my fellow councilors that the Constitution is very clear on our duty to ensure the socio-economic up liftment of our people. Therefore I am proud today to announce to our public out there that we recommend to Council a development budget of N$6,71 million of which N$42,4 million is ongoing projects from this year while N$24.6 million will be for new projects,” the deputy Mayor said in his address. Some of the Major capital projects budgeted for 2014/2015 include, Extension 4 Omdel: Soft Planning: water network, roads, streets, sewerage,
electricity) and servicing of 77 erven for which N$2 000 000 has been budgeted for. A further N$1 000 000 has been budgeted for the Omdel Sewerage that includes the connection to Sewerage Pump Stations. About half a million dollars been budgeted for the upgrading of Libertine Amadhila Street including 500m of soft planning. For the establishment of extension 5 at Omdel as well as phase 1 servicing, N$5 000 000 million has been budgeted for this project. It will include, TIPEGG and Municipality (Water, Sewerage and Electricity underground network installation.) “Coming to the revenue to be derived to balance the current expenditure to the amount of N$33.7 million the tariffs will be adjusted, and I am proud to say, with an average of only 5-7% which is well below, and in the vicinity of the inflation rate of 6.5%. I have said in the beginning that we had to keep the affordability of services in mind and that is why we did not adjust the tariffs beyond the inflation rate. Yet I have to reiterate that although the budget increased with 8, 7% we managed to keep the financial burden on our rate payers low,” Mapanka said.
6 MAY 2014
Turkish warship on maiden visit Otis Finck The Turkish Naval Frigate Gediz which is part of a four member fleet of the Barbados Turkish Maritime Task Group docked in the port of Walvis Bay for a brief visit on Thursday.
also to conduct the first ever sail by Turkish Republic Naval force units through the Cape of Good Hope. The objective is to improve current bilateral relations with African nations and to establish new ones. The partnership will also contribute to the safety of sea lines of communications; provide associated support of operation active in the Mediterranean. The initiative will also support ongoing antipiracy efforts and support African capacity building efforts in the maritime industry via training and exercises. Visiting Turkish naval officers made courtesy calls to local authorities, scheduled military and security trainings and also conducted humanitarian assistance activities such as basic physical examinations and health care training, food, school and medical supply distributions in Walvis Bay. The ship is the sixth of “G” class frigates in the Turkish Navy and has taken part in numerous national, international and NATO related exercises and operations since 2000. It also participated in counter piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and embargo operations against Libya. It is manned by twenty two officers and 113 crew members of whom 81 are enlisted. The Gediz has a displacement of 4 200 tons. It is equipped with two LM 2 500 (40 000 horse power) Gas Turbines with a maximum speed of 30+ knots and a fuel capacity of 630 tons. The TCG Gediz is the first and sole ship named as Gediz, which is a town of Kütahya situated in the Agean area of Turkey. The Gediz is one of the most modern and powerful assets of the Turkish Navy and is able to perform operations in all three tactical areas of sea, land and air tactical warfare. The ship was modernised with the Genesis Combat Management System and fitted with ESSM Guided Misiles in 2010. Building of the ship began on December 19, 1978 and it was commissioned to the US Navy on 4 November 1981 under the name of USS John A. Moore (FFG19). The USS John A. Moore was decommissioned on 1 September 2000 after nearly two decades of service in the USA Navy and commissioned to the Turkish Navy as “TCG Gediz (F495) on the same day. The ships insignia is representative of the navy customs and crew of the vessel with the traditional colours of dark blue and gold symbolising the sea and excellence. The gold anchor depicts the historical prominence of the Turkish Naval Forces. The two stars on the emblem symbolize honour, and distinction. The black silhouette of the ship placed in the centre of the emblem emphasise the central importance of sea power in the world and the combination of the Turkish Navy values.
Walvis Bay and Swakopmun Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:24 h and sunset will be at 17:33 h on Tuesday 6 May of 2014. The moon will rise in the east (76º) at 12:06 h and will set in the west (283º) at 23:43 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 0:55 h and the next low tide at 13:10 h. The first high tide will be at 7:10 h and the next high tide at 20:05 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:23 h and sunset will be at 17:34 h. The moon will rise in the east (76º) at 12:06 h and will set in the west (283º) at 23:44 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 0:45 h and the next low tide at 13:00 h. The first high tide will be at 7:10 h and the next high tide at 20:00 h.
The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:24 h and sunset will be at 17:33 h on Wednesday, 7 May of 2014. The moon will emerge in the east at an angle of 79º at 12:44 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 2:20 h and the next low tide at 14:30 h. The first high tide will be at 8:35 h and the next high tide at 21:25 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:24 h and sunset will be at 17:33 h. The moon will emerge in the east at an angle of 79º at 12:44 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 2:10 h and the next low tide at 14:25 h. The first high tide will be at 8:30 h and the next high tide at 21:20 h. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:25 h and
sunset will be at 17:32 h On Thursday, 8th of May of 2014. The moon-set will take place at 0:33 h at 278º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (83º) at 13:21 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 3:45 h and the next low tide at 15:55 h. The first high tide will be at 10:05 h and the next high tide at 22:35 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:24 h and sunset will be at 17:32 h. The moon-set will take place at 0:33 h at 278º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (83º) at 13:21 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 3:40 h and the next low tide at 15:45 h. The first high tide will be at 10:05 h and the next high tide at 22:35 h.
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/O Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
Turkish Ambasador Deniz Çakar flanked by Gediz officers at the press conference onboard of the ship on Thursday
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
aru ru
Lieutenant Avci Ilker explaining the workings of the weapons
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
The Turkish Ambassador to Namibia Deniz Çakar addressing members of the press onboard the vessel, pointed out that the Turkish Naval visit signified the beginning of closer cooperation between Turkey and Namibia. “This is the first but definitely not the last friendly visit by our naval forces to Namibia which is being regarded as a strategic partner by us. The Gediz brought about four and a half tons of food aid that will be distributed in drought stricken areas, 80 wheel chairs and 300 school bags. In addition,Turkey is also working hand in hand with Air Namibia with the objective of taking the airline to a higher level” she pointed out. The Commander of the Gediz Altan Altinkaya announced that the second Frigate named Oruçereis and the corvette Heybaliada which was also scheduled to visit the port of Walvis Bay were forced to proceed to South Africa due to adverse weather conditions and will be joined by a fourth ship of the task force fleet an oiler YB. Kudret Güngör where they will execute live guide missile and gunnery firings in the Denel Overberg test range between 7 and 8 May. The four member task group just completed an exercise in the Bay of Guinea and will be deployed for 102 days and will sail approximately 15 000 nautical miles. The complete fleet accommodates four Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technical teams, four Amphibious Assault teams, one Seal team, and three Seahawk Helos. The objectives of this year’s activation are to conduct presence operations in the oceans around Africa in line with Turkish foreign policy and
Obtaining Fishing
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
6 MAY 2014
Keep your money safe
Public holidays – and especially the month of May in Namibia – tend to revive the holiday mood as they accord Namibians a chance to rest and give children more time to play. “Unfortunately fraudsters don’t take time off, and people are less vigilant with their money they spend and carry more cash during public holidays,” says Oscar Capelao Chief Financial Officer at FNB Namibia. He added: “Public holidays tend to provide easier targets and Namibians need to be careful not to fall victim to thieves and fraudsters. I would therefore like to provide Namibians with a few tips to safeguard their money and themselves during the upcoming long weekends.” Watch out at ATMs ATMs are a common spot for thieves to take advantage of people. Don’t accept any help from anyone, and make sure you are not distracted at any time. “Pay attention to what you are doing at an ATM. Also be on the lookout for ATMs that look suspicious and not in proper working condition.”
“Card skimming is a popular way for fraudsters to get your details. This happens by placing a card reader over the card slot on the ATM,” warns Capelao. “If you suspect anything odd, immediately push the cancel button, retrieve your card and report the incident to the closest ATM security guard.”Make sure that you keep your card safe at all times, and never write your pin down or give it to anyone, not even a family member. Finally, when you are at the ATM, make sure you cover your hand when you are keying in the pin. You never know who is trying to look over your shoulder. Be careful with cash Thieves know that the festive season is a time when most people carry around more cash than usual. “Rather do electronic banking where ever you can,” suggests Capelao. “There are many other alternatives to
obtain cash such as swiping your debit card and using Cell phone Banking or Online Banking or using the FNB app.”Not only is using electronic banking safer, it is more cost effective than drawing cash. “If you have to pay in cash rather consider other mobile money options which allows you to send money to anyone even if they do not have a bank account such as e-wallet. This can be to family, friends or paying someone else. It is far safer than cash,” says Capelao. Make sure that you only draw the cash you need, even if you are tempted.”To be safer, don’t flash your wallet around, try not to keep all your cash in your wallet or handbag and never keep your cash, pin and other important documents such as your identity document and your driver’s licence together,” advices Capelao.
Always keep your pin safe Memorise your pin. Whether it is Cell phone banking, drawing cash at an ATM or swiping your debit card, if you keep your pin secret, your money will be safe. Don’t write it on a piece of paper and change your pin regularly. Pay attention Thieves depend on you not concentrating in order for them to make their move. “Make sure that you pay attention at all times.” Even though it is a long weekend and you may be relaxing with your kids at a busy mall, you still need to be aware of your surroundings and what you are doing with your money, your cards and your personal belongings,” says Capelao. “Look after yourself these upcoming public holidays and you and your money will have a happy holiday,” concludes Oscar Capelao Chief Capelao. Financial Officer
Choose how to distribute your Estate FNB Namibia’s Lucas Kotze, Head FNB Trust Services this week issued a statement in which he pointed out a number of ways in which a customer’s Estate can be distributed. “We have mentioned the importance of planning ahead in the event of death and this includes the use of instruments to determine what is best for your own unique position.” Kotze went on to say that it was important to know the difference between an Inter Vivos Trust and a Will and to compare the usage thereof in conjunction with one another. He advised that the main purpose of a Will was to identify the beneficiaries to whom one wishes to leave the property upon death. “The Will also designates the executor of your estate who will be responsible for the collection of your assets and the distribution thereof in accordance with your Will, and the discharge of your debts and liabilities. An executed Will becomes operative upon your death. Therefore during your lifetime, you can make a Will, revoke it and/or amend it as frequently as you choose.” “An Inter Vivo Trust is a written agreement in terms of which assets or cash is managed by trustees on behalf of third parties, the beneficiaries. The document is called a trust deed and is registered in the office of the Master of the High Court. Property or cash is then donated and transferred to the trust in order to create a division of the property between that of the founder and the trustees for the latter persons to manage these assets or cash. The trustee of such a Trust can be a person, a bank or a trust company. Unlike a Will, a Trust becomes operative upon your creation of it and
you transfer property into it while you are still living. A Trust generally provides for the payment to you and your beneficiaries of income and sometimes capital held in the Trust. Upon your death, the Trust continues its operation and the assets remain that of the Trust but can be distributed depending on the discretion of the trustees. You can serve as a trustee
Lukas Kotze of the Trust but the divorcing of your assets from yourself should be a clear cut case and that is the reason why an independent trustee is normally appointed. A successor trustee can be designated in the Trust or in your last Will and Testament, which gives continuity required in your trust. Kotze also highlighted some advantages and disadvantages of a will and an Inter Vivo trust and said: “A will is the most basic way to plan an estate. With little up-front costs, a Will is very easy to establish. A Will offers a lot of flexibility for an individual who has a spouse, minor children or others for whom he or
she wants to provide support after his death. A Will also allows you to plan for personal matters, such as funeral arrangements, how your children should be raised, care for your surviving pets or any other personal matter you might need to add. Samesex partners and unmarried couples can use a Will to grant rights and provide financial support to their domestic partners. The probate process for a Will extends protection against fraud, embezzlement and mismanagement of your estate assets.” Advantages of a trust include the fact that the assets are already out of the personal estate of the founder and are hence not subject to payment of estate administration cost and the assets are still available for use by the beneficiaries. A good example of this is where parties are married in community of property and upon the demise of the first dying, assets and bank accounts in the joint estate are frozen until released by the executor. If the assets or cash are in the trust, the surviving spouse who must also be a beneficiary can use the funds or assets without being limited by the estate administration process. The Trust can further authorise the successor trustees to manage your property if you are incapacitated or become incompetent after the creation of the trust. Trusts are taxed on the same levels as that of individual tax payers. Benefits received from a trust will be
Estate planning Whether you are wealthy or not every person should regularly evaluate the structure of their estate and the provision contained in their Last Will and Testament. This is according to Standard Bank Namibia’s expert on Estate Planning Letitia du Plessis.
Letitia du Plessis Manager of Standard Executors and Trustees at Standard Bank Namibia
“Planning for the day when you are no longer with your loved ones is not a positive experience, but it is absolutely necessary. During the time of grief, rather spare your family the trouble of handling an estate with no provisions made. It can become an administrational nightmare for the ones left behind,” says Du Plessis. Estate planning is an essential part of financial planning which requires inputs and reviews during the lifetime of the estate owner. Estate planning will address things like: sufficient liquidity to meet the financial obligations of the estate; protection of inheritances for heirs; continuity of trading businesses
and/or farming operations; as well as minimizing estate duties (estate duty is not currently charged in Namibia). A review of your estate may identify needs for the redrafting of the Will, additional life assurance cover, the establishment of a trust, or the wisdom of making donations to family members. “Standard Executors and Trustees offer professional services related to will drafting will safe custody, trust establishment, administration of trusts,” says du Plessis. In addition, Private Banking has a dedicated financial planner who is available to discuss your estate planning and investment requirements.
taxed in the hands of the beneficiaries, but when capital is paid to the trust as a loan account, the capital repayment to a beneficiary is capital and therefore tax free. The use of only trusts in the planning
process without a will is not recommended, but the use thereof in conjunction with a will can be a useful instrument and if properly managed, can contribute to the financial successes of our children and their descendants.
6 MAY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.
letters the to
or edit
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.
Residents Association News The lecture by Mr M. Amendick on “The Municipal Waste Water System’’ held on 9th April was very well attended by an interested audience, which resulted in a long question time. A lot of computer animations made it easy for the layman to understand the topic, thank you Mr Amendick, for an interesting evening. Surely the committee will organise more events with talks by high-ranking municipal office-bearers in the future. The SRA Executive Committee is very unhappy about the condition of most of the historical buildings in the centre of town which are Woermann Haus and Damara Tower, the old municipal office building and Altes Amtsgericht to mention just a few. Our dissatisfaction with the condition of these valuable buildings was expressed in another letter of complaint to the municipal authorities. Deterioration has to be stopped soonest and funds made available for the restoration of these architectural jewels. Good news is that in the budget presented at the last council meeting an amount of N$19.5 million has been allocated to amongst others renovations to the Woermann Haus, Museum and other buildings belonging to council, we are gratefully looking forward to our problem buildings getting a decent face-lift within the near future.
Good news is that the Minister of Local Authoities has cancelled any intended building plans on the socalled Woermann Brock/Woolworths parking area. It will remain a public parking area, however constantly overutilised, as the traffic department does not manage to enforce the one hour parking law in the CBD. We welcome the Minister’s decision and at the same time appeal to the traffic department to enforce the law. Eventually, after a delay of six months, the figures for the SAIMSA games held locally during September last year were published by council at the last monthly meeting. The total income as reflected in the financial statement for the event was N$1 226 150.00, made up by two contributions from Council totalling N$1 196 200.00, the balance of N$29 950.00 coming from other sources. Against this is an expenditure of N$1 145 588.33, leaving a surplus of N$80 561.67. As the contribution by Council to the tune of N$1 196 200.00 could not be recovered by the operations of the organisers the actual loss to the Swakopmund ratepayer is N$1 111 563.84.
A huge amount down the drain due to mismanagement which has upset Mayor J. Kambueshe very much at the last council meeting and he undertook personally to reorganise the Local Organising committee of the Municipal Sports Club to avoid a repetition in future. It must be pointed out that Cllr. V Steinkopff representing the SRA on council was from the outset against this project, which ended in a complete financial disaster. The mayor had words of appreciation for the continuous presence of members of your committee at the monthly council meetings and also for the positive criticism being exercised by the Swakopmund Residents Association. Thank you for the recognition Mr Mayor. A very well attended Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 29th April. The following Officebearers elected: Margit d’Avignon secretary, Holger Ahrens chairman, Volker Steinkopff treasurer, Lutz Hecht vice-chairman, and Hilde Geduldt, Ann Grant, Abilas Gaseb, Valencia Beukes, Immanuel Somseb and Kerry McNamara as additional members.
writes There is an illegal Truck-port at the new NHE extension in Kuisebmund.
The area is a residential area. Why do they not put up a truck port in Meersig. No they won’t. …to make it worse street names don’t even exist and there is no traffic road sign.
namib times
reader’s comments
Dapper vrou weer gewapende inbreker af
‘n Inwoner van Swakopmund, Me Juanita Steyn, het verlede Donderdag namiddag ‘n vermeende inbreker op heterdaad in haar woning betrap en hierdie dapper vrou kon daarin slaag om hom by die deur uit te boender. Ina Pieterse Ek wens dit kan meer male gebeur, hulle moet sy gesig wys. Welgedaan. Estelle van Urk Die inbreker se gesig moet gewys word, waarom word dit altyd weerhou. Amanda Fest-Visser Mooi Juanita (baba!! hehe) Hy is darem seker gevang al? Kobus Myburgh Mooi Juanita, jy wys dat mens nie net moet gaan lê dat hulle maar kan vat soos hulle wil nie. Dapper opgetree hoor. Ek
saluut jou. Magda Rousseau Kirsten So maak mens. Mechtild Hedwig Haskell Dis baie goed, wees maar net waaksaam vir die terug kom, miskien nie hy nie, maar 'n vriend of twee. Riana van Wyk mooi so, ek is bly jy het die oorhand gekry en nou het jy sy identiteit Juanita. Denise Van Bergen Well done, Ms. Steyn!
Missing teenagers please come home Two teenagers disappeared from their home in Pretoria on 7 April and indications are they could be hiding in Namibia. Sybille Güther About the missing kids: I saw a very similar looking girl at Home Affairs Office in Swakopmund today, and she was there alone. It's difficult to tell from the black and white photograph of them, perhaps if one could see more colour photos of them one could identify them bette? I don't want to get anyone’s hopes up. Maybe you can contact Home Affairs to find out if there's any paperwork needed to be done for Kim Swartz? But I'm really not sure if it was her. Michael Brink If home life was so great, why did they run away? Brenda Beukes Meisie lyk baie bekend. Jul moet dalk di polisie stasie in Windhoek Namibia laat weet. Linda Smit Tromp Dit is altyd die arme ouers wat die seerste kry oor kinders en hulle dinge. So maklik word 'n finger na die ouers gewys.
Ouers maak ook foute... maar ouers wat oral soek.... gee om, anders kon hulle mos maar net alles gelos het. Katja Basler Brenda, the police station in Windhoek is completely useless and hopeless. Don't worry they won’t be able to act accordingly... But if life was so peaceful at their home can't imagine why they ran away... Marshall Feris Ek kan hulle verstaan Namibia is 'n lekker plek. Ek het ook maar so weg gehardloop uit Pretoria uit.
Swakopmund wants moratorium on sale of land to private developers The decision to involve private developers in the servicing of erven has led to an increase in the price of erven and has resulted in the Municipality of Swakopmund losing potential income of more than N$525 million over the past decade. Peter Baron Van Ginkel A bit late I would say and all the friends got their land.
Peter Odendaal Well well ...took them a long time to find that out!
Traffic department orders public to remove redundant vehicles The Walvis Bay traffic department has expressed concern about broken down vehicles parked in public places and warned that these vehicles will be removed by the traffic officials if not removed by the owners within seven days. Jonathan Moswa What about Police vehicle overtaking on solid line when not in emengence? JJ Fourie And what about the vehi-
cle standing in same street to n/times for months now? Kobie Kotze Still took them nine months to act!
6 MAY 2014
Joyce Meyer coming to Namibia Madelaine Laubscher
Well known motivational speaker, Joyce Meyer will make a historic visit to Namibia at the end of June. She will hold three shows in Windhoek from June 26 - 28. She is famous for her life changing sermons urging people to live a victorious life. Teaming up with her for the shows is the dynamic worship team from Hillsong South Africa. Joyce urges people to live a peace ful and happy life. She speaks humorously, about her bitter past and how she has risen above her raising. A victim of sexual abuse, she shares the difficult times with her audience and uses playful jabs at stereotypical church behaviour. The charismatic Christian author and speaker began leading an early-morning Bible class at a local cafeteria and became active in a church in Fenton, St Louis, Missouri. A few years down the line, Joyce became the church’s associate pastor. Her ministry is one of the leading churches in southern Africa. Joyce earned her doctoral degree from Life Christian University, an unaccredited institution in Tampa, Florida and she was given an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity by Oral Roberts University, an accredited institution in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She is the author of books with the titles such as Battlefield of the Mind, The Confident Woman, Living Beyond your Feelings, and many more. On 27 and 28 June an evening festival will take place at the Independence Stadium Olympia in Windhoek which will start from 15:00 onwards. You can download a registration brochure on the website at www.festivaloflifenamibia.org
WALVIS BAY • Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 6 May: Interkerklike gebedskring - Katolieke Kerk om 09:00. • 14 May: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.
SWAKOPMUND • BRIDGE: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: swakoptm@ gmail.com. • Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • 3 May - 8 June: Group - Exhibition at Woermannhaus - Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil and acryl paintings under the title: “Colours - Celebrating Life.” The opening introduction will be held by Ms Christiane Berkrer at 3 May, 17:00. • 6 May: A lecture will take place at the Swakopmund Museum at 18:00. It will be held by Pastor WA Moritz and will be in German. The lecture will be about Bethanie and the diamond missionary HH Kreft. All are welcome to attend. • 10 May: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church presents Live Langarm Dance with B Brother’s (Rehoboth) at the Tamariskia Town Hall.
Joyce Meyer
• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No.2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people • Permanent collection & selected Art: offer till end of February.
Namas high ti 10 NAMIB TIMES
6 MAY 2014
Anri Jacobs
The long awaited annual Namibian Music Awards (Namas) rocked the serene coastal town of Swakopmund over the weekend and John Ekandjo described the event wich drew more than 15 000 online followers as one of the biggest in Namibia. The winners for Friday night’s Industry Awards are as follows: Lize Ehlers was awarded as the Most Socially Responsible Artist Of The Year. The Lifetime Achievement award was won by Axali Doesb. The award for Best Acapella went to “I’ll Hear Your Voice” by VMSIX. The Best Afrikaans Award went to “WilJy In My Arms LêVanaand” by Elvis se Seun. Hold My Hand Ft. Sinna-G by KaniBal won the award for Best Collaboration. The award for Best Gospel Song went to “Zuva-Ekundungu” by VMSIX. Best Instrumental (inclusive of Jazz) went to Hi Tilite by Erna Chimu. The Best Non Album Single went to “God Will Fight My Battles” by Stella. The award for Best Reggae went to “Prisoner of Love” by Mr Rhee and the Best Rock/ Alternative went to Adamantine by Tonetic. Vanity walked away with the award for the Best Single Album with “Get to Know You”. Best Traditional went to “Hai-Serute” by Erna Chimu. Christian Polloni was awarded as Best Producer for Hai Serute by Erna Chimu. For Most Disciplined Artists of the Year Freeda walked away as the award winner.
This year’s Radio Song of the Year was “My Note Book” by Exit and the Entertainment DJ of the Year was Max T. The Entertainment Journalist of the Year was won by Gordon Joseph. Friday night’s show was an exclusive event only attended by VIPs and 800 guests watched the show. The awards fever peaked on Saturday night when an audience of 4 000 people watched the amazing artists perform on stage at the Swakopmund Sports Centre. The Saturday night winners are as follows: The Special Nama award went to The Dogg. Best Album of the Year went to Boere Rock by Elvis Se Seun and Best Male Artist of the Year went to “KwateniOmnona” by Gazza. Best Female Artist of the Year was Erna Chimu with “Hi Tilite”. This year’s Best Newcomer award went to “Rise & Shine” by Jean-Michael and the Song of the Year went to The Dogg with “Nuka”. The Best Kizomba award went to “Indikupapatele” by Blossom. Best Kwaito Award went to Exit with “My Note Book”. The award for Best Afro Pop (inclusive of township disco) went to “Tuli Mo Hole”
by Vanity. Lettie walked away as the Best Damara Punch with “Khorixas”. This year’s Best Group Duo was “Getting Back to Basics” by VMSIX and the award for Best House went to “Nuka” by The Dogg. The Best Music Video award went to “KwateniOmnona” by Gazza and Best Oviritjie went to “Onguae” by KallefaTjiriange. Floritha walked away with the 2014 Best R&B with “Don’t Judge”. The award for Best Rap/Hip Hop went to “More Love” by N.I.A. The Best Shambo award went to “Ondjila” by Tunakie and the Best Soukous/Kwasa award went to “We Do It This Way” by Lady May. Castro walked away as the Artist for the Best Live Performance and the Exit as the Most Popular Artist of the Year. In addition to the Nama awards, this year’s 2014 NAMA winners Gazza and Erna earned themselves slots to take part at the TribeOne Music Festival and one of Africa’s biggest music festivals. The TribeOne Music Festival will be held in South Africa in August or September. TribeOne, as a proud sponsor and partner
of the Namibian Annual Music Awards, has awarded the overall winner of the ‘Best Male’, ‘Best Female’ and ‘Best Album of the Year’ categories of NAMA 2014 the opportunity to perform live at the Tribe One Dinokeng. In addition As part of their prizes, Erna Chimu (Best Female Artist of the year) and Gazza (Best Male artist of the year) and Elvis se Seun best Album of the year will form part of the official main stage line up at Africa’s biggest music festival in September. MTC John Ekandjo congratulated the winners for elevating Namibian talent to new heights. “You have exemplified the future of the music industry and we are proud that the NAMAs could assist in providing access to such a great platform to showcase musical talent.” Ekandjo said that the event went according to expectations and all went well. “We had 15 000 people worldwide following the Namas live including countries like China, Vietnam and many more. This was definitely one of the biggest events to take place in Namibia. At one stage we had 20 000 hits in Namibia alone!” Ekandjo said.
On the Blue Carpet
g good
Namibian Artists lookin
Selma Kaulinge
One of the Beauties
de hit Swakop NAMIB TIMES
6 MAY 2014
chatting Castro ow artists with fell
Ricardo M an the Bravenetti (coach of Warriors)
Mayor of Swakopmund Honorable Juuso Kambueshe far right and friends enjoying the Namas
Erna Chimu Mid Performance Andries-Hendrik Potgieter and Lize Ehlers (Center)
Namibian designers at the NAMA 2014 Industry Awards
Performing Artists
Lady May