Namibian Trainees Head to Angola for Oil and Gas Training
The Petroleum Training and Education Fund (PETROFUND) is pleased to announceagroundbreakinginitiativeaimedatenhancingthevocationalskillsof Namibians in the oil and gas sector. Through a collaboration with Subsea 7, an internationaloilandgasservicecompany,andSonamet,anAngolanoilandgas trainingcentre,13Namibianswillreceivespecialisedtraininginvitaloilandgas fabricationandinstallationskills.
The selected trainees, who possess Level 3 weldingandfitting&turningqualifications,were chosen from PETROFUND's comprehensive oil andgasCVdatabase.Theyunderwentarigorous selection process, including interviews conductedbyexpertsfromSonametandPETROFUND, as well as OGUK medical clearance in Walvis Bay To commemorate this milestone, PETROFUNDhostedasend-offeventforthetraineeson Friday,31May,inWindhoek."Wearethrilledto
send our trainees to Angola for this invaluable training opportunity The skills they will acquire willbeinstrumentalinadvancingNamibia'senergy sector, and we look forward to their contributions upontheirreturn,"saidN. N. Mulemi,ChiefExecutive Officer of PETROFUND. Established in 1993 by the Government of the Republic of Namibia,PETROFUNDismandatedtobuildskills in Namibia's upstream oil and gas industry This
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Swakopmund Resident Raises Alarm on Phone Robberies in Mondesa ·Calls for Police Action
LuciaHamalwa,amemberoftheSwakopmund community, has taken it upon herself to warn fellow residents about perpetrators who are robbing peopleandsnatchingmobilephonesin Mondesa, particularly in the areas of OletweniandNHE.
Duringhervisittothe NamibTimesofficein Swakopmund, Hamalwa said, “I would
liketowarnthepublic that there are assailantstargetingphones
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Exxon and Shell Consider Major Investment in Namibian
Oil Field
Exxon Mobil Corp. and Shell Plc are among the leading energy companies consideringbidsforasignificantstake inGalpEnergiaSGPSSA'soffshoreoil field,theMopanediscovery,according toBloombergNews.
Sourcesclosetothematter,whospokeonconditionofanonymity,revealedthatTotalEnergiesSE and EquinorASAare also eyeing the 40% stake Galp is offering. The Mopane field is situated in the Orange Basin within petroleum exploration licence 83 (PEL 83), an area noted for its recent substantialoilandgasfinds.Galp,whichholdsan 80%operatingstakeinPEL83,partnerswiththe National Petroleum Company of Namibia (NAMCOR) and Custos Energy, each holding a 10% share. The company's recent “in place” estimates suggest the Mopane complex contains about ten billion barrels of oil equivalent, potentially valuing the entire asset at around N$367.6billion.Currently,Galpisworkingwitha financial adviser and has invited first-round bids
for half of its holding, with submissions due by mid-June.Thesetalksarestillintheirearlystages, and the potential for additional bidders remains. Should Galp fail to reach a satisfactory deal, it mayopttoretainitsstake.Thesourcesnotedthat this strategic move comes as part of Galp's broader efforts to optimise its portfolio amidst a dynamicenergylandscape.Representativesfrom Galp, Exxon, Shell, Total-Energies, and Equinor have all declined to comment on the ongoing discussions. The PEL 83 license is strategically located north of PEL 39, home to Shell's discoveries at Graff-1, La Rona-1, and Jonker-1, and adjacent to PEL 56, where TotalEnergies recentlymadeasignificantoilfindattheVenus-1 well. Despite no fields being approved for development yet, there is a palpable sense of optimism. Officials from the Namibian Ministry of Mines and Energy and NAMCOR have even visitedGuyanatogleaninsightsfromitsrecentoil boom,whichhastransformeditseconomy
Source: BloombergNews
Fishermen Village and Investment Trust Launched
The October 2015 Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation recently launcheditsFishermenVillageandInvestmentTrustunderthetheme“Enabling andFosteringabrightfutureforfishermeninNamibia”inWalvisBay
The federation, established in 2021 aims to address the housing shortage among fishermen by providing tangible solutions through the purchase and development of land in municipal areas. The October 2015 Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation with an active membership of about 600 fishermen, most of whomlosttheirjobsduringtheillegalstrikeheld in October 2015, raised about N$200 000 at a fundraising event at Walvis Bay The group has saved N$3 million to buy land to live at their plannedfishermen'svillageatportion18ofFarm 37. Urban and Rural Development Minister, ErastusUutonicommendedtheSeafarersUnited LandHousingFederationforinitiatingeffortsto fight poverty and address the housing issue at WalvisBay Hestatedthatheandhisministryis proud to associate itself with the communitybasedinitiativesuchastheSeafarersUnitedLand &HousingFederationasitwaspartlyformedto empower fishermen in becoming equal partners in the fight against poverty and to address the housing issue here in Walvis Bay Uutoni, reemphasisedthatallcitizensofthecountryhavea right to decent and affordable housing and shelter “Thisinitiativeclearlydemonstratesthat you have not forgotten your fellow human beings, and it is impressive that the federation offers hope and meaning to the lives of men, women and children who share the very same hopes we all have for better, safer and more promisinglives,”Uutonisaid. According to Uutoni, the government, through
the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, believesinandwillcontinuetosupporttheworkof community-based organisations such as the Seafarers United Land & Housing Federation that wish to assist toward contributing to the national drive towards providing affordable housing and proper sanitation to our people especially those in theultra-low-andlow-incomecategories.Fisheries and marine resources Minister, Derek Klazen applauded the progress and cooperation of the group.Klazensaid,“whenIwasapproachedbythe group, I asked if they knew what they were doing becauseitisnotaneasytask.Whatmakesthisgroup specialisthattheywereunemployedforalongtime. Some, however, decided to drive taxis and do smallerjobsandmanagedtocontributetothefund. They have been busy N$3 million from unemployed people is a lot. It is impressive.” Klazen challenged the municipality of Walvis Bay andtheministryofUrbanandRuralDevelopment. “We have a huge housing backlog and yet people whoarehelpingthemselves.Weallneedstocometo the table.” Klazen also called on the fishing industrytoassistindroughtrelief.“Letusassistour country in this drought Officially, I will communicate with everyone in the industry to see how we can assist our people. Given the high housing backlogs, local authorities should work with organisations and associations who want to help themselves and others to provide housing, ensuring theprocesses aresmooth,”Klazenadded. The president of the Seafarers United Land & Housing Federation, Matthias Ndeulita, said, from
Swakopmund Resident Raises Alarm
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inspecificareaslikeMondesaWoerman Brock, between Mondi Heaven andMondesaCourtflats,nearbyChipo'sChurch,justtomentionafew I was also attacked around that area. I openedapolicecase(CaseNo.09-052025), but there are some recordings of similar incidents from different occasionsthathavehappenedtosome people over the last four years.” To enhance safety, Hamalwa proposes that the police initiate patrols during the early morning hours, starting at 05:00, to safeguard individuals as they commute to work.Additionally, Hamalwa said, “The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) must ensure comprehensiveprotectionofphonesuntil theyreachtheirintendedusers. Unfortunately, it appears that the Namibian police are no longer prioritisingphonetracking,eveninminor cases.”
In a telephonic interview with Chief InspectorIleniShapumba,UnitCommanderofCommunityPolicinginthe Erongo Region, the Chief Inspector those who choose not to report on grounds that there will be no satisfactory assistance from the local police have lost faith and trust in the police,andShapumbaisdiscouraging that. According to Chief Inspector Shapumba,theRegionalCommander consistently directs all Station Com-
manders to ensure that communities are protected and served professionally in the region. “We exist to servethepublic.Wehaveinformation on robberies and housebreaking particularly in Mondesa and Kuisebmond areas.” Chief Inspector Shapumba further said the Police in the region have initiated crime prevention operations where station members are complemented by members from the regional office and these operations are headed by senior officers, deputy commissioners, and chiefinspectors.“Whoarethoseculprits,wherearetheycomingfromand where do they go back after committing crimes? They come from the community, rob the community returnintothecommunityandevensell the stolen property in the community.”The Chief Inspector said. Chief Inspector Shapumba wants a situationwherecommunitieswillrealise that the police's success depends uponpubliccooperationwiththelaw enforcement officers. “If we join hands,wewillisolateourselvesfrom thewould-bepotentialcriminals.” Shapumba said those who are committingcrimesneedtorealisethatone can't live forever, “Your arrest is inevitable, and anything can happen to you. Change your ways, work hard, obtain a driver's license, and find a job.Prayforachangedlife,orwewill arrestyouoneday.”
Namibian Trainees Head to Angola
Continued from page 1
partnershipwithSubsea 7 and Sonamet highlights PETROFUND's commitment to enhancing the capabilities of Namibiansintheoiland gas sector The training program in Angola is expected to provide the trainees with hands-on
experience and advancedknowledgethatwill be crucial for the country's future projects in oilandgas.
List of Trainees: Welders (Oil and Gas): Chris V Muukua, Wesley U. Geiseb, Nestory Lininga, Nestor P.Agapitus, Liyambo I
the groundwork laid in 2021 to the formalisation of the federation, every step was guided by a shared vision of stability and a brighter future for all involved. He said the federationaimstobuyportion18of Farm 37, where the construction of 150housesisanticipatedforthefirst phase of the project on a land mass that covers close to 464 754 square metres. “Our mandate is to restore the dignity of fishermen, promote development and have quality affordable houses for all our
Augustus Fitters and Turners (OilandGas):Manoel Mateus, Shalom S. Chaka, Kamwi V Kamwi , Christoph Thobias, Romario Mouton, Harold Aebeb, Michael Tweumuna, Kaudinge P Gabriel
members We are a properly managed group and intend to do moretosaveourfellowNamibians,” Ndeulita said and added that they cannot do it alone. “The demand is rising.As part of our strategic plan, we intend to improve the quality of the environment at Farm 37, while forming architectural beauty factors that will increase income and improve the welfare of fishermen and their families ” Ndeulita, appealedforhelptoimprovethewelfareoftheformerfishermen.
Provision of Affordable Housing for Workers
The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation, Utoni Nujoma, urged the government and private sector to act in the best interests of their workers by providing affordable houses and improving working conditions andwages.
The minister said this during the October 2015 Seafarers United Land and Housing Federation's launch of the Fishermen Village and Investment Trust last Friday inWalvis Bay The October 2015 Seafarers United Land and HousingFederationestablishedin 2021 addresses the housing shortageamongfishermenbyproviding tangible solutions through the purchase and development of land in municipal areas. This initiative by the federation to purchase and develop land inWalvis Bay for the eventual construction of low-cost houses for over 600 active fishermen and their families has been commended as a noble gesture that directly complementsgovernmentefforts.The minister said that the lack of decenthousingisanationalconcern, needingstrategicinterventions.“I salute the Seafarers Housing Federation for their contribute to the national drive towards providing affordable housing and
proper sanitation, especially for those in the ultra-low and low-income categories.”Nujomaaddedthatthegovernment sits with the task of eliminating the informal settlements. “It will take time as it is not easy Let's stand together and work together I am sure within our lifetime; we are going to eliminatetheinformalsettlements,and everybody will have a roof over their head – that is the commitment we are givingyou,”Nujomasaid. WalvisBay Municipal Councillor, Richard Hoaeb saidthatthishousingprojectisnotjust about building houses. “It's about restoring dignity and also a beacon of empowerment,apilotinitiativethatwe hope to replicate in other towns and regions where fishermen have faced similaradversities.” Hoaebsaid,“this initiative is and must remain a fishermen's project as it is designed to directlybenefitthefishermenandtheir families. The fishermen welcome the assistance and guidance of stakeholders, but any interference or attempts to hijack this project will not be tolerated.” The Secretary-General of the federation, Thomas Mununga said since the fishermen received the N$4 000 stipend through GERP, it has changed their lives. “Some of these fishermen were very creative and did not remain lackadaisical, despite some forces and elements that tried to weaponise the fishermen's issue.” Munungaaddedthatthefederationapplied for land at the Municipality of Walvis Bay, which has been reserved for the group.“Wehavealreadysubmittedour townshipestablishmentlayoutplanand arejustwaitingforfinalapprovalbythe lineministrysothatwecanseehowwe can develop it. We have a long road aheadofusandalotofworktodo.Let us work together to see how we can assistthesefishermen,”Munungasaid.
Invitation for Development Proposal for theAllocation and Development of Erf 6928, Extension 25, Swakopmund from Non-Profit Entities
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63 (2) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund invites development proposals from established non-profit entities for Erf 6928, Ext 25, Swakopmund measuring 2 479m² at N$ 136 345 00.
Proposals from religious institutions will be considered.
In order to be considered the following requirements must be complied with:
∙ The applicants must provide the registration document of the institution or a conveyancer's certificate indicating that the institution is properly constituted, i.e. duly certified copy of the constitution in English.
∙ If a constitution is submitted, it must clearly indicate the assignees who are empowered to sign documentation on the institution's behalf; and
∙ The name of the entity in which ownership of the property shall vest in an acceptable form for Deeds Registry purposes.
∙ Provide proof of financial ability to purchase the erf and to develop the erf immediately after transfer Proposals from commercial entities will not be accepted.
A reverting clause will be registered against the title of the property to ensure the development of the property within 5 years from date of sale.
The proposal document and site plans can be obtained from Ms A Uushona at the Swakopmund Municipal Building, Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund.
The duly completed proposal documents in an envelope together with the required documents, clearly marked with the name of the proposer and stating “Development Proposal for Erf 6928, Extension 25, Swakopmund” must be placed in the blue wooden box, marked “Development Proposals for Institutional Erf” on the Ground Floor next to the Enquiry Desk, at the Municipal Office Building on / before Friday, 12 July 2024 at 12:00 Only proposals attached to the municipal form will be accepted. Enquiries: MrsAUushona, auushona@swkmun.com.na, 064-4104216
The Council for the Municipality of Swakopmund is not obliged to accept any proposal and reserves the right to withdraw this invitation.
Consultations Held on Electricity Tariff by ECB
The Electricity Control Board (ECB) held public consultations meeting in Swakopmund recently on the Erongo RED electricity tariff applications for the2024/2025financialyear
The public presentations aimed to enhance electricity end-consumers' involvement in determining end-consumer tariffs. The consultations further aimed to gather public input so that when the ECB conducts the review, the public's views and opinions are taken into consideration. In his welcoming remarks, Pinehas Mutota, the Executive of Economic and Market Regulation at ECB,statedthatundertheElectricityActno.4of 2007, ECB is mandated to regulate the electricity supply industry regarding the provision, use, and consumptionofelectricityinNamibia.According toMutota,theECBalsooverseeselectricitytariffs, including the review, setting, and approval of generation, transmission, and distribution tariffs, in accordance with established tariff methodologies. Mutota also mentioned that about a month ago, ECB approved the generation and transmissiontariffs,referredtoasBulkTariffs,withan8% increase.ThistariffappliestotheREDswhenthey purchasepowerfromNampower SincetheREDs selltoend-consumers,theyalsosubmittheirtariffs for approval, leading to the recent public consultation and presentation. Mutota explained that according to section 27, sub-section 2 of the Electricity Act, the ECB board may periodically revise approved tariffs upon application by the
licensees (the REDs) and may request further informationontheapplication.Hestatedthatthey expecttoreceiveanapplicationfromErongoRed for the financial period 2024/2025. This tariff would be effective from July 1st of the current year TheChiefExecutiveOfficerofErongoRed, Immanuel!Hanabeb,sharedapresentationonthe rationale behind their tariff application, highlighting cost drivers and other relevant factors. !Hanabeb stated that considering all costs and challenges, Erongo Red has opted for a 7.3% increase for their cost-plus application. He further explainedthatthispercentagewaspresentedtothe boardonMay17thandapprovedbyErongoRed's boardofdirectors.Accordingto!Hanabeb,oneof thefactorsdrivingthisdecisionisthe8%increase in the cost of electricity, alongside other operationalchallenges.ErongoRedhasacapitalbudget ofapproximatelyN$230millionforthenextyear, focusing on stabilising the network and ensuring reliable service. Additionally, the company has allocated N$23 million for peri-urban electrificationandN$66millionforruralelectrification. Accordingto!Hanabeb,theseamountsarenotincludedinthecurrentapplication,buttheyindicate thecompany'scommitmenttoprovidingservices andconnectionstothecommunityinthefuture. Erongo Red believes that improving access to electricityforeveryoneintheErongoRegionwill enhancetheirlivelihoods.Stakeholderswillhave another opportunity to submit written comments to the ECB; the submission dates will be communicatedatalaterstage.
Find us at the corner of Wasserfal street & Otavi Street or contact us @ 064-461866
Fire Claims Mother and Daughter in Kuisebmond
In a tragic incident early Wednesday morning, a fire broke out in a residentialareaofKuisebmond,WalvisBayresultinginthedeathsofa mother and daughter Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson fortheErongopolice,confirmedtheincidentandprovideddetails.
The fire started at approximately 6:18 at a house on Kwilimba Street, originating in a ghetto adjacent to four other similar structures. The blaze quicklyspread,destroyingsixghettosandtheircontents.
The main house on the property also suffered significant damage, with its walls and windows scorched by the flames. The victims, Lineekela Ndeumyema, a 38-year-old Namibian woman, and her 16-year-old daughter,LineaKombada,tragicallysuccumbedtotheirinjuriesinthefire.
NAMCOR Announces New Board of Directors
The National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) has announcedtheappointmentofitsnewBoardofDirectors,settotake effecton1July2024.ThisnewboardisexpectedtosteerNAMCOR towardsstrategicgrowthandenhancedoperationalexcellence.
Key Appointments:
Board Chairperson:
Ms Florentia Amuenje, a seasoned professional coach and HR executive, brings a wealth of experience from her roles at TransfoCoaching and various board positions, including NTA, NAMDIA, and Debmarine.
DeputyBoardChairperson: Ms Tersia Gowases, the General Manager of Information Technology at the Social Security Commission, holds a Master of Science degree and a US patent, reflecting her innovative contributions to IT management.
The new board also includes:
Mr Godfrey Ngaisiue: An accomplished geophysicist with over 20 years of experience in theminingindustry
Mr Oscar Capelao: A Chartered Accountant and Deputy Executive Director at the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises, with extensive experience in financialmanagement.
MsAnna S. Libana:An expert in petroleum regulations and energy management, with over 15yearsinthefield.
Mr Trophimus T Hiwilepo: A seasoned businessandITprofessional with a rich background in the oil industry and international experience.
The Acting Managing Director of NAMCOR, MrEbsonUanguta,
expressed his confidence in the new board. "The depth of skill and experience that our new board members bring to NAMCOR is truly remarkable. I am confident that their collective expertise will not only guide NAMCOR in achieving its strategic objectives but also unlock the full potential of Namibia's energy sector This new leadership marks a pivotal moment for our corporation as we strive to excel and innovate in the dynamic energy landscape. We look forward to their contributions as we navigate the challenges and opportunitiesahead."
Head-On Collision Sends Truck Crashing into House in Narraville
Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, provided details of the head-oncollisioninvolvingatruckandapick-upandsubsequentcrashintoahousethatoccurred onSundaythispastweekendinNarraville.
The accident that happened at approximately 18:20 on Sam Nuyoma Avenue in Narraville, involved a head-oncollisionbetweenawhiteCinotruckwitha foreign registration number, driven by a 39-year-old Zambian man, and a white Isuzu double cab vehicle driven by a 54-year-old woman. After the head-on collision, the truck continued and crashed into a bedroomofahousecausingsignificantdamagetothe property
suspectedofbeingundertheinfluenceofalcoholor another substance, refused to take a Breathalyzer test.Hewasarrestedonchargesofdrivingunderthe influenceandrefusingtocomplywithpoliceorders. The passenger in the truck, a 17-year-old male, sustained minor injuries and is currently receiving medicalcareatthehospital.ThedriveroftheIsuzu vehicle reported chest pain and sustained an open woundonherleftleg.Remarkably,alloccupantsof thehouseescapedunharmed.
Murder and Possible Rape in Otjimbingwe
· Suspect Arrested for Murder and Rape
TheErongopolicehavereportedanincidentin Otjimbingwe involving the murder and possiblerapeofalocalwoman.
Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for theErongopolice,provideddetailsonthecase. On Sunday,thisweekendatapproximatelymidnight,the suspect took the victim, Frieda Rooi, a 58-year-old residentofOtjimbingwe,tohishome.
Itisallegedthattheyengagedinsexualacts.Around 6:00 in the morning, the suspect noticed that the victimwasunresponsive. Hethendraggedherbodyfromhisroomtoanearby
river,leavingthebodythere.Uponreturninghome, thesuspectinformedthehomeownerabouta“dead person” at the river No visible open wounds were observedonRooi'sbody
The suspect, a 24-year-old Namibian male, was arrestedfollowingthediscovery Itwasreportedthat Rooi and the suspect had met for the first time on Saturday, 1 June, at a local Cuca shop in Otjimbingwe.
Thepolicewillconductanautopsytodeterminethe exact cause of Rooi's death. The investigation is ongoing.Nextofkinhavebeeninformed.
Erongo Police Conduct Successful Drug Raids in Swakopmund
Inaseriesofcoordinatedoperations,theErongopolicemadesignificantdrug-relatedarrestsin Swakopmund on Wednesday Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, reported that the actions resulted in multiple arrests and the seizure of substantial amountsofcannabisandmandrax.
At approximately 12:30 in the afternoon, police conducted a successful operation at a house on Anakie Nashilondo Street following a tip-off about drugdealingactivities.Anundercovertestbuyledto thediscoveryof2gramsofskunkcannabis,valuedat N$100.A26-year-old Namibian male was arrested onchargesofdealingincannabis,contraveningAct 41/71 Section 2(a). Later that afternoon, at about 2:20,asecondoperationtookplaceataresidenceon Timoteus Frans Street. This undercover operation, spurred by similar intelligence on drug sales, uncovered 418 grams of skunk cannabis, valued at N$20900.
A23-year-old Namibian male was apprehended for dealing in cannabis, again contravening Act 41/71
Section 2(a) An intelligence sting operation occurredat3:15onRudolfKambandaStreetandled totherecoveryofalargequantityofdrugs,including 606full,9halves,and3quartersofmandraxtablets, 16 parcels of majad cannabis, and a total of 3,811 grams of skunk cannabis. The total value of the seizeddrugsisestimatedatN$111310.
TwoNamibianmales,aged24and20,werearrested onchargesofdealinginbothcannabisandmandrax. Chief Inspector Shapumba commended the police's
efforts. "Our members are doing extremely good, and we should commend them. Arresting drug dealers requires intelligence-led policing and covert/smartoperations.
While we congratulate our members for a job well done, we extend our appreciation to those brave community members who share information and even resources to help the Police in successfully removing drug dealers from communities." He further emphasised the importance of community cooperation. "Some people say, Police know the drugdealersandtheirhouses.
Even drug dealers know the Police and our uniforms, and they are always careful before the Police and openly do their things in public. It's not sufficienttoknowthatthispersoninsultspeopleor thispersonisathief.Ofcourse,itgivesusreasonsto monitor the conduct of the suspect. However, we don'tarrestpeopleonassumptions.
Wearrestobjectivelyandwithevidence.Weshould allworktogether,andwearecallinguponeveryone, young, children, and older When you see any consignment or any dealing or suspicious acts of drugs,informthePolice.Ourdedicatedofficerswill nabthem."
Namibia's New Visa Regime
TheSADCBusinessCouncilTourismAlliancehasexpresseddeepconcernover Namibia's proposed restrictive visa regime, which could severely hamper the country's tourism industry and economic growth. This policy shift appears to contradictNamibiaAirportsCompany'srecentlylaunchedairaccessstrategy, “Air Connect Namibia”, aimed at increasing international flights and connectivity Theimplementationofstrictervisarequirementscouldhaveadetrimental impact on various sectors of Namibia's economy, including tourism, hospitality,transportation,andretail,allofwhichrelyheavilyoninternational visitors.
Natalia Rosa, Project Lead for the SADC Business Council Tourism Alliance, stated, "Arestrictivevisaregimecannegativelyimpacttheentiretourismvaluechain.Ithinders not only leisure travel but also business travel, conferences, events, education, and trade, thereby limiting overall economic growth and development." The Alliance highlights successful examples from across Africa, including Rwanda and Zambia, where visa liberalisation has significantly boosted tourism, foreign investment, and overall economic growth. According to the AfricaVisaOpennessIndex2023,visaopenness is crucial for Africa's tourism industry andservesasacatalystforeconomicgrowth. "WeurgetheNamibiangovernmenttoreconsider these restrictive measures and engage in dialogue with stakeholders to find solutionsthatbalancesecurityconcernswiththe needforeconomicgrowthandregionalcompetitiveness," Rosa added. "Aligning visa policieswiththeairaccessstrategyisessential to maximise the benefits of increased flight options and attract a larger influx of travellers.Namibiacouldlookatasuccessful examplelikeRwanda,whichhasseensignificantgrowthinitsMICE(Meetings,Incentives,Conferences,andExhibitions)tourism sector due to visa liberalisation and investment in infrastructure." The Alliance suggests exploring alternative solutions such as implementingmoreefficientvisaprocessing systems(e.g.,e-visas),targetedvisawaivers for specific groups, or enhanced security measuresatborderstomitigatethepotential negativeimpacts.
TheMinistryofHomeAffairs,Immigration, SafetyandSecurity(MHAISS)hasannounced plans to introduce an entry visa requirement for nationals from countries that
have not reciprocated Namibia's favourable visapolicies.Thisdirective,unveiledbyEtienne Maritz, Executive Director at MHAISS, aimstoestablishfairandbalanceddiplomatic relations.Thenewvisarequirementwillaffect citizens from 31 nations, including Belgium, Canada,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany, Britain, and the United States. Maritz emphasised Namibia's history of generous visa policies, which have not been met with equivalent measures from the affected countries.
“Thisdecisionunderscoresourcommitmentto fostering fair diplomatic relations,” Maritz stated. The ministry will provide detailed information on the implementation date and application procedures through diplomatic channels in due course. Nationals from the affected countries will be required to obtain visas upon arrival in Namibia, involving an applicable fee and an online visa application system. Maritz assured that the measure is designedtoupholdtheprincipleofreciprocity ininternationalrelationsandisnotintendedto hinder legitimate travel. While the Namibian government seeks to balance international travelnormsandupholditscommitmenttofair diplomatic practices, the potential negative impact on tourism cannot be overlooked. In her statement, Rosa stated, Namibia, once a pioneer with its remote working visa postCOVID,risksfallingbehinditsregionalpeers if it adopts more restrictive measures. The SADC Business Council Tourism Alliance remains committed to supporting Namibia's tourism industry and advocating for policies thatpromotesustainablegrowthanddevelopment.Rosaconcluded,"allbarrierstoentryfor international visitors must be critically examined and addressed to encourage longer stays, increase spending in the economy, and acceleratetherecoveryofthetourismsector.”
Strengthening Customs Cooperation and Trade Facilitation in Africa
Sharlien TjambariIpumbuShiimi,MinisterofFinanceandPublicEnterprisesinNamibia, attended the 30th Governing Council Meeting of the World Customs Organisation East and Southern African Region (WCO ESA), which convened for the first time in Namibia, Swakopmund, last week. He emphasised the im-portance of fostering trade partnerships for economic growth and urged intensified efforts to enhance intra-Africantrade.
Over the course of two days (23 and 24 May), discussions centered on the effective implementation of trade agreements such as theAfrican Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA), revenue mobiliaation, customs modernisation, compliance,andsecurityenhancementthroughdatamanagement,aswellasthe well-beingofcustomsstaff. Shiimi,highlightedNamibia'srecentestablishment of the Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) as a semi-autonomous revenue agency, a move aligned with international best practices. Addressing the delegates,Shiimiemphasisedtheneedforcustomsadministrationstoaligntheir efforts with the aspirations outlined in the African Union blueprint, Agenda 2063 He stressed the significance of effective border management, digitalisation, transit facilitation, and data utilisation in promoting regional economic growth and stability Shiimi underscored Namibia's commitment to enhan-cingborderoperations,exemplifiedbytheintroductionof24-hourborder operationsandtheestablishmentofOne-StopBorderPostsincollaborationwith neighbouring countries like Botswana. He also emphasised the importance of capacity building, regional partnerships, and compliance enforcement in fostering sustainable develop-ment and combating transnational crimes.WCO Secretary General Ian Saunders emphasised the importance of active participation and feedback from member states in achieving the organisation's goals. He highlighted the role of the WCO in enhancing global customs community success and international trade security, urging continued investmentandcollaborationtoachieveevengreateraccomplishments.
Logos Hope Returns to Namibia
Logos Hope, the world's largest floating book fair, is returning to Namibia after seven years, and will be open to the public at the Port ofWalvis Bay from 5 to 21 July.
Entrywillbefreeofcharge for children under 12 years of age and senior citizens above 65 years old. Logos Hope is a ship operated by GBA Ships,
knownforitsfloatingbook fair and educational programs.Ittravelsaroundthe worldtoshareknowledge, help, and hope with the peopleitvisits.
During a press briefing on LogosHopethisweek,the Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope, said that the return of Logos Hope is not just
an event; it is a celebrationofknowledge,culture, and the spirit of global unitythroughvoluntarism. Itopesaid,“theship'svisit toourshoressymbolisesa
uniqueopportunityforour communities to engage with an array of literature; embrace different cultures and foster learning and understanding.Weareparticularlygratefulfortheinvaluable contributions of theLogosHopecrew,adedicated and diverse team from different countries who selflessly volunteer their time and skills to ensure that every port of call becomes a center of inspiration and transformation.” According to the Project Managers, Paulenta Kevo and Susan Wuershom, and their coordinator, Kleicy Amaral, Logos Hope's onboard book fair offers an expandedselectionofover5000 different titles of books at affordableprices. Theycoverawiderangeof subjectsincludingscience, sports, hobbies, cookery, arts, medicine, languages, and faith. With children's titles, academic texts, dictionaries, atlases, and more, the book fair is somethingthewholefamilycanenjoy Logos Hope, the world's largest floating book fair, is not only a haven for literature enthusiasts but alsoaplatformforlearning and cultural exchange Amaral said that the VisitorExperienceDeck,open to the public, beckons exploration.FromtheWelcomeArea, offering an introduction to the vessel through a short movie and
interactive displays, to the International Café, where delightful treats like ice cream, drinks, and snacks are available for purchase, there is something for everyonetoenjoy Alongsidetheship'sbookfairand café, the onboard visitor experience will be enhancedinWalvisBaythrough aseriesofengagingevents for young and old. Teams of Logos Hope volunteers willalsoserveontheshore in local communities. The ship is open for day visits, divided into sections for a maximum of one hour per person, and can take between700to800peopleat a time. Logos Hope adheres to strict safety regulations, including regular drills, security checks, and health protocols,toensurethesafety of visitors and crew members Itope encourages everyone in the Erongo Regionandbeyondtotake full advantage of the opportunities presented by Logos Hope. Explore the vast collection of books, engageinmeaningfulconversation with the international crew, and participate in various programs and events to be hosted during the ship's stay The governor also calls on privatesectorstovisitthevessel and to buy literature books for the community and school libraries, “so that we can complement ourgovernment'seffortsto promote a reading culture
inNamibia.”Accordingto Itope, in 2016 when Logos Hope last visited theportofWalvisBay,38 000 Namibians visited her Thistimethetargetis tohave80000visitorsonboard the Logos Hope during her visit to Walvis Bay Port. 'We, therefore, encourage all sectors and peopletojoinusaswereceivetheLogosHopeon5 July 2024 and make this visitaresoundingsuccess. There is a small entrance fee for adults, while children under 12 and senior citizens above 65 years old are admitted free of charge. Details on the entrance/ticketfeesandprogramforthedifferentslots will be shared on social media platforms and with news outlets at a later stage.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstosell,byprivate transaction a ±1 000m² portion of Portion 9 of Farm 42 [Langstrand] situated along the First Street servitude road leading to the Langstrand Resort, nearby to the Langstrand Resort andErik'sCoveRestaurant
and the Langstrand Caravan Park, for general business/general residential purposes to The Sports Village Number Thirty Eight CC (Gunther Heimstadt/Ocean Key Development).
Description: Portion of Portion 9 of Farm 42[Langstrand] Area: ±1,000m²
Zoning: PublicOpenSpace [To be consolidated with adjacent General Business Portion 8 of Farm 42 Langstrand]
N$3,566,400 – excluding VAT or N$4,101,360 –includingVAT An additional amount of N$356,640 – excluding VAT (N$410,136 – including VAT) is to be paid to the Council's Landscaping/ GreenBeltFund.
Full particulars pertaining to the intended sale by private transaction will lie open for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday 18 June 2024 at Room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond For more information, M
Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3232 duringnormalofficehours.
Any person objecting to the proposedsalemay,inwriting, lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager: HousingandPropertiesatthe above address or to
Educational Tools Delivered to Pro-Ed Primary School by Local Leo Leaders
District 410W Leo Chairperson Johnathan Harris, Omega LeoPresident,andAlphaLeoExecutiveZiaRothandelivered a significant donation of educational tools to Pro-Ed PrimarySchoolinSwakopmund.
This generous initiative was made possible through the sponsorship of Nel's Estate.Thedonation, which includes a range of essential educational materials, is aimed at empowering students and supporting the school's educational programs The tools will aid in enhancing the learning experience for the students, providing them with the necessary resources to succeed academically JohnathanHarris expressed his gratitude to Nel's Estatefortheirsponsorship, emphasising the importance of community involvement in education.
Email all your news & school news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068 or mail to: desiree@namibtimes.net
An opportunity exists for and candidates to apply for the mentioned position at the Lüderitz Waterfront interested qualified Development Company (LWDC). LWDC is not only an employer of choice but a commercial public enterprise. The LWDC is an emerging force in providing solutions and is at the center of infrastructure development.
We therefore seek to recruit an , and with a " attitude. enthusiastic dynamic, energetic self-motivated multi-tasker can-do" Ideal candidate will have an artisan skill Reporting directly to the office of the CEO. with strong multitasking abilities.
* Oversee all maintenance works, inspect and ensure top class maintenance levels are adhered to.
* Supervise Cleaning Department and Contractors.
* Oversee all repairs and ensure that works are completed on time and within budget.
* Coordinate all operational and technical aspects.
* Providing the technical support for all events held at the premises of Lüderitz Waterfront.
* Maintain safe working procedures and efficiencies throughout the premises.
* Diploma from recognized institution in one of the following fields:
* Logistics
* Information Technology (IT)
* Code B Driver's License
* At least 5 years' experience working in property maintenance environment.
* Strong organizational skills.
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective working relationships.
* Integrity and good interpersonal skills.
* Positive attitude, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work in a collaborative manner LWDC offers a competitive, total remuneration package with a standard range of benefits in line with the requisite responsibilities, qualifications and experience.
Qualified applicants should submit their applications in writing, accompanied by a cover letter, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, proof of qualifications as well as names and full contact details including e-mail addresses of at least three credible workrelated references via email to soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na
Only applicants who meet the set requirements or job specifications will be considered for further selection processes. Applications to be mailed to the Lüderitz Waterfront Office under the heading: TECHNICAL AND LOGISTICS OFFICER
Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 78
Enquiries regarding this vacancy should be addressed to: soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na Office telephone: +264 63 202702
Closing date for applications is th Friday, 28 June 2024
An opportunity exists for interested and qualified candidates to apply for the mentioned position at the Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (LWDC). LWDC is not only an employer of choice but a commercial public enterprise with the vision to create a significant destination for business, tourism, education, culture and sports. The LWDC is an emerging force in providing solutions and is at the centre of development.
The successful candidate shall ensure that financial, commercial and operational best practices are implemented. A proven track record of achieving financial goals, building sustainable businesses and delivery of strategic projects will be beneficial. We therefore seek to recruit an enthusiastic, dynamic, energetic and self-motivated candidate with a "can-do" attitude. Reporting directly to the CEO, the successful candidate shall assist our organisation in managing the commercial waterfront properties and to oversee business operations successfully PRIMARY OBJECTIVES OF THE POSITION
* To formulate and implement guidelines that will assist the organisation in amplifying brand visibility, enhance client and stakeholder relations, and improve organisational growth through events held at the premises that effectively communicate business strategy and branding.
* To maximise the commercial use of the waterfront rentable facilities in order to ensure the profitability of the company's business units and to achieve sustainable development and long-term success.
* Attract and retain tenants in various business units of the company
* Bachelor's Degree from recognised institution in one of the following fields:
* Business Management
* Business Administration
* Property Development
* Marketing
* Project Management
* Code B Driver's License
* At least 5 years' experience at Senior Management Level
* Demonstrated ability to build and maintain effective working relationships
* Integrity and good interpersonal skills
* MBAwill be an added advantage
LWDC offers a competitive, total remuneration package with a standard range of benefits in line with the requisite responsibilities, qualifications and experience.
Qualified applicants should submit their applications in writing, accompanied by cover letter, a detailed Curriculum Vitae, proof of qualifications as well as names and full contact details including e-mail addresses of at least three credible work-related references via email to soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na
Only applicants who meet the set requirements or job specifications will be considered for further selection processes. Applications to be mailed to the Lüderitz Waterfront Office under the heading:
Lüderitz Waterfront Development Company (Pty) Ltd
P.O. Box 78
Enquiries regarding this vacancy should be addressed to: soraya@luderitzwaterfront.com.na Office telephone: +264 63 202702 th Closing date for applications is Friday, 28 June 2024
InTheHighCourtOf Namibia (mainDivision) Inthematterbetween: AdriAdeleJanse VanRensburg ExecutionCreditor and WecaOff-roadCentre CC ExecutionDebtor In execution of a judgement against the above defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on the 17November2023,
property will be sold in execution by public
auction on Friday, 28 June 2024 10:00 at Erf at 3965,NewtonStreet,New
4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/Procurement/ for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the bid levy (nonrefundable) N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.
5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 14 June 2024 at 10h00 am. Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.
6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi
Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.
All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details: Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217
E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na or
Procurement Manager Melani de Klerk
Tel: +264 208 2319 Email: m.deklerk@namport.com.na
LearntospeakGerman withanexperienced mothertongueteacher
Registernowtoqualify foradiscount.
Landscaping&plant doctor
Originalpalm&tree trimming
Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs
Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.
Coastal Household&Office.
Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
reg:cc2016/00135 cell:0815554728 0858009797
whalesinvestment6@ gmail.com
apartments warehouses
skimm,ceilings,walls, decks,pillarsetc
Specialiseinthe following:
Paintingprivateschools& governmentschools
Homeimprovementand tenderingofanypainting
Minesexplorationasany onceoffpainting
ContactBonifatius 0813695552
Wedo: NewHouses
Carpentry Contact:0814791522
M-S Electrical Services
We specialize on the following repairs:
üGeysers + Geyser timers (saves electricity)
üWashing Machines + Servicing üAir Conditioners
üGas refill ( cars and fridges) üCompressors
üInstallation of CCTV
cameras üRepairing of all electrical and electronic appliances üRefill air con in cars and trucks
üInstallation of intercoms
üAuto garage doors
üMicrowaves üStoves
üRepairing of WAP machines
üSecurity alarm system
üHouse wiring
üElectrical gates
üTV mounting on the wall and dstv insallations
üElectrical motor 3 phase, single phase
üAny electrical equipment we can fix.
Taking all your electrical needs seriously
All repairs have 3 months
Contact: 081 299 9960
(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,to recoverstolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeninginyour life,youwillneverregret.
Smsorcall:0816431482 findtheOldmaninKuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
He can help you through:
Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love AffairsMarriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Businessesprotection at HomeRemoval of TokoloshiMens’Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
DoctorBombaBazuka–thenameisenough ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperienceand hasdonewondersandgreat thingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourloveand tobeyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleasedfrom prison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast.I knowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnowyour timehascome.Comeand experiencethewonderful miracleshappeninginyour lifeandyouwillneverregret. Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
TraditionalDoctorMoyo Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyourreal goals,hereisyourdoctor toproveeverythingfor you.Hehelpswith differenttypesofproblems suchascourtcases,love affairs,marriageproblems, weakerectionswhichis unabletosatisfyyour woman,vaginatightness formantofeelalways attractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoplover fromcheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyour life,yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreet MondesaSwakopmundor call:DrMoyo081339 5913
DRWANJAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringbackyourlostlover samedayGetaloveof yourchoice.Getmarried quicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice. Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating.Tomakeyour loverhimorhertolove youonlyPregnancy problems.Manhood enlargementfrom5cm30cm.Hipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problemsRemovebad luckusingLyolaoil.Get jobquicklyandclearyour debts/loans. Contact:0814095373
DRNYAMBE-Payafter successsamedayresults
Bringbacklostlover samedayGetloveof yourchoicetoamanor woman.Getmarried quicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice. Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating,makehimorher loveyouonly.Manhood enlargementfrom5cm30cmHipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problems,luckcharm
Wincasinogamblingwin tenders,winpromotionat work,wincourtcases, protectionyourbody,get jobquicklyofyour choice,clearyour debts/loansWashoutbad luckusingkhambaand manymore.0812916966
SameDayresultscallor whatsapp0813675266
Bringbacklostloverthe sameday
Getmarriedquicklyto manorwomanofyour choice
Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating
Manhoodenlargementss xlHips/breast enlargement
Getjobquicklyofyour choice.DoctorBabaKing Mponda0813675266
Upstairs:Doublestorey housecomprisesof3 bedrooms(mainroom ensuitewithawalkin closet)eachwithbicand balcony,spacioustvroom orlounge.
Downstairs:Asecondtv room(lounge)guest toilet,spaciouskitchen withenoughbuiltin cupboards,gasstove,a secondkitchenarea, diningroom, entertainmentbar,study areandtwobraaiareas, laundryarea,garagefits 3cars.
Plus!!a2bedroomflat withbic,openplan kitchenandlivingarea
N$3200000.00 costs excluded.
KindlycontactNdeshi 0816817260
TORENT:WalvisBay, Kabeljoustreet
Onebedroomflatwith openplankitchenand livingroomwithprivate bathroominaveryneat andsecurearea.Builtin cupboardsinkitchenand bedroom.Highfenced wallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforasingleperson orayoungcouple. N$3950.00p/m
Water & Electricity included.
Availableimmediately Contact:0811278229
TORENT: Vineta,Swakopmund
Consistofbedroom, bathroom,openplan kitchenandlivingarea. Cupboardsinkitchenand bedroom.Fullytiled floors.Owngarage,yard andentrance. N$5000.00permonth includeswaterandG4S alarm.Prepaidelectricity Immediatelyavailable. Call:Lynette081122 7878orDanny081604 6996.
TORENT: WALVISBAYFLAT IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLEnear WelwitchiaHospital. Lounge,kitchen,onebig bedroom,buildin cupboards,bathroomand toilet.Waterincluded, prepaidelectricity Single N$4500.00orCouple N$5000.00 Call:0812527474
Properties Wanted
Areyousellingyour house,erven/plots?We arelookingforproperties tobuyforouresteemed clients. Erf(plots)andhouses.. WalvisBay,Swakopmund andWindhoek
PleasecallNdeshi 0816817260 TNTPROPERTIES
EQicecream machine forsixmonths Available immediately
Termsandconditions apply.Swakopmund
Contact:Celicia Forfurtherdetails +264817568956
CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.Cowboys. 064418150or 0811464770
Scaleofsalary: Dependingonsuitability
Closingdate:30/06/2024 MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS
Matric Certificateordiplomain procurementwillbean advantage. MINIMUM EXPERIENCE
5years'procurement experienceinthe constructionindustry
Strongexperiencein computersoftware
Mustbefluentin AfrikaansandEnglish
Mustbewillingtowork longhours. Musthaveavalid Namibiandriver'slicense andowntransport.
Executionand managementofall procurementrelatedtasks, dutiesandresponsibilities toensurethat constructionsiteshasa constantandtimeously supplyofmaterials, primarilyinan administrativecapacity Onlyshortlisted candidateswillbe contacted.Submitcvto hannelie@hefergroup. comonorbeforeclosing date.
2014Chevrolet Utility1,4P/U 118000km–clean car,serviced PriceN$120000 neg Call: 0811419695
FORSALE: MitsubishiDelica. 1995.2800ccturbo diesel,5-speed,4WD.N$48,000. Oneownersince 2004.Voetstoots. Contact: 0812164876.
IamayoungladyinWalvis Bayaged25islookingfor domesticwork.Ihave grade12with26pointsand DinEnglish.Iam trustworthypersonwith goodhabitsandeagerto learn.
Iama36yearoldlady Lucialookingfordomestic work.Ihaveexperienceof 4years.Iamreadytostart anytime. Contact:0814903619
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk vir3dae.Enigesoortskoon maakwerk,klerewasen stryk.Langstrand,Lagoon, Meersig,Narraville. Contact:0812549716 0812644400
JOBWANTED: a36yearoldladyis lookingfordomesticwork Tuesdays,Saturdays& Sundays.Ihavemorethan 10yearsexperience,very neatandpunctual.Iam basedinWalvisBay Readytostartanytime. Contact:0814101966
JOBWANTED: A35yearoldladyis lookingfordomesticwork/ housekeeping,Meersigor Langstrand. Contact:0812866721
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforcleaningor receptionwork.Ihavea certificateinoffice administration. Contact:0817325507
JOBWANTED: Iama35yearoldladyis lookingforhousekeepingin MeersigorLangstrand. Contact:0817866560
JOBWANTED: Iama40yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay Contact:0818233071 0857974105
JOBWANTED: Iama25yearoldyoung ladylookingfordomestic workoranykindofworkin WalvisBay.Ihavegrade12 Iamveryhardworkingand haveexperience.Iamready tostartanytime.
ReferenceMevMaritz 0818144440
JOBWANTED:Iama32 year old lady, looking for any kind of work such as Domestic work, nanny work, sleeping in work in Swa-kopmund I am willing to start anytime. Contact:0816343535
JOBWANTED:Iama43 year old lady, looking for any kind of work such as Domestic work, nanny work, sleeping in work in Swakopmund.Iamwilling to start immediately Contact:0814684858
JOB WANTED: I am a mature lady looking for domestic work for 5 or 3 days per week in Swakopmund, I can also look after children and elderly people. I am willing to start immediately Please contactme:0814009860
JOBWANTED:Iama29 year old lady looking for cleaningwork,ironingand washing, I am studying as acaregiverandhave1year experience, if you need
RheinhardtAttahDoëseb “Xabaxaba”
*30 January 1970 - +24 May 2024 Isaiah 57:2
Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death. Burial at Kuisebmond Cemetery In Loving Memory Of Our Beloved
help with an elderly person I can help. Contact: 0814271038
WERK GESOEK: Ek is dringend opsoek na 3 dae of ‘n week se huiswerk in Swakopmund, ek sal in enige plek werk. Ek kan kinders oppas of kantoor skoonmaak, ek drink of rook nie Gereed omte begin. Kontak: 081 557 7685
JOBWANTED:Iama29 year old lady looking for workinSwakopmund,3or 5 days per week, I have experience I am hardworking and trustworthy andwillingtostartassoon
as possible. Contact: 081 3096895
WERKGESOEK:Lindy isopsoeknahuiswerkvir ‘n week of 2-3 dae in Swakopmund, ek is hardwerkendenbetroubaar Kontak:0812923868
JOB WANTED: I am Sarafina 28 years old lookingfordomesticwork inTown,LagoonorMeersig Ready to start anytime.
WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na inslaapwerk in Swakopmund of Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 455 9695
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self Catering)ONERFNO:342TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET NAME & NO: 20 -1st Street, North,Meersig,WalvisBay
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: AccommodationEstablishment(Self-Catering). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan21June2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Anna JBrand,POBox2432,WalvisBay brandaj@iway.na
Memorial Services:
Date: Friday, 7 June 2024
Time: 20h00
Venue: House No.15, Viringa Street, Seapoint, Kuisebmond
Funeral Service:
Date: Saturday, 8 June 2024
Time: 08h00
Venue: House No. 15, Viringa Street, Seapoint, Kuisebmond
Time: 09h00
Venue: Shalom Parish - ELCRN, Walvis Bay
For Enquiries: Sendelly !Gonteb: 081 213 0048, Aletta Boois: 081 383 8702
Coastal Youth Chess to Compete at African Championships
The ' Erongo region s best young chess players are set to participate in the 15th edition of the African Youth Chess Championships slatedfor15to23Juneat the Kopanong Hotel andConferenceCentre in Ekurhuleni, Gauteng South Africa.
Forthefirsttimeinthe history of the Coastal Chess Association, under the auspices of the Namibia Chess Federation, twelve young chess players from the coast qualified to represent Namibia at an international chess competition.
These players from Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, went through a rigorous route to achieve their place in the Namibia NationalTeamintheir respective age categories.
They first had to go through the Namibian National Junior Open and was then filtered through to the Namibian National Junior Closed through which they earned their respective deservingtopspots.
Thecoastalplayersare JathanHangula,Ethan Innes, Reuben Petrus, August-John Mungunda, Curstan Armstrong, Ashron Damens, Vinaye Lebusa, Angelique Brown, Annalese Brown, Amelia Brown, Vedika Kambueshe and SiglindeAbrahamwill not only represent the country but also the region against chess players from Angola, Madagascar, Egypt, Kenya, Malawi, Ghana,Namibia,Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mauritania, Tunisia, Nigeriaandalotmoreto be announced soon as per the African Youth Chess Championship social media platforms.
Erongo Region’s chess players that will be participating in the African Youth Chess Championships
Position: Operations Manager Area: Based in Walvis Bay
Individual must have:
1. Strong managerial experience
2. HR experience
3. Sales experience
4. Strong operation background andAdmin experience
If you don't have the above experiences, please don't apply Email CV to meganj@sanitech.co.za
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intends to apply, on behalf of registered owner, to the Municipal Council of Swakopmund and the Urban and Regional PlanningBoardforpermissionforthefollowing:
Rezoning of Erf 4058 Swakopmund Extension 7 from LocalAuthoritytoGeneralIndustrialwithconsenttooperate a Noxious Industry while the rezoning is in progress. ApplicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificate. Itistheintentionoftheownertoformalizeandlegalizethe existing land-use that has been trading as Swakopmund Abbatoironthesite.
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018)andtheSwakopmund Zoning Scheme. The proposed land use is a listed activity, and an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of SwakopmundsituatedonthecornerofRakotokaStreetandDaniel Kamho Avenue; or can be downloaded from www sp.com.na/projects;
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive OfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundandwithStewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.
(c) Registration and written comments or objections must be submittedbeforeoron17:00Thursday,4July2024.
LocalAuthority: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
Position: Depot Manager Area: Walvis Bay
Individual must have:
1.Strong managerial experience. 2.HR and IR experience
3.Sales experience
4.Operations & Admin experience
5.Will be overall accountable for the performance of the branch in terms of Sales, Ops and Admin. CV to meganj@sanitech.co.za
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanningintendstoapply totheMunicipalityofWalvisBay and/orMinistryofUrban andRuralDevelopmentforthefollowingstatutoryapproval: Rezoning: Erf 1400 Kuisebmond Proper (20 Kingklip Street):RezoningfromSingleResidential(1:300)toGeneralResidential1(1:150)withconsenttoproceedwithdevelopmentwhiletherezoningisinprogress.
Erf 1400 Kuisebmond Proper is developed with a dwelling house and related outbuilding. The owner wants to convert theexistingdwellinghouseinto2dwellingunits(flats)and addanother3moredwellingunits(flats)asprovidedforby theWalvisBayZoningScheme.
The application is submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), and the WalvisBayZoningScheme,asamended.
CONSENT: Homebased (Personal Trainer/Bootcamp) ON ERF NO: 964 TOWNSHIP/AREA: MeersigSTREETNAME&NO:18PioneerStreet. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, noticeisherebygiventhatI/we,theundersigned,have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Homebased(PersonalTrainer/Boot-camp).
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplication maybeobtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms 101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthis application, must lodge such objection, together with groundsthereof,withtheGeneralManager:Roadsand BuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 28June2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT:Marieke Hamann,POBox129,WalvisBay email:mieke.d7@gmail.com
StewartPlanninghasbeenappointed,asabove,andinterms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme and Urban and Regional PlanningAct, for the rezoning of erf 3620 SwakopmundExtension1fromGeneralResidentialtoInstitutional. Erf3620SwakopmundExtension1isdevelopedandhasan areaof±2,560m².Itissituatedinnorth-centralSwakopmundin a well-established predominantly residential but mixed-use neighbourhoodandwedgedbetweenVinetaandTamariskia.
Theintentionofthisrezoningandconsentuseapplicationisfor permissiontoestablishaPlaceofInstruction(PrivateSchool) on Erf 3620 Swakopmund Extension 1 as an extension to the existingandadjacentSwakopmundPrivateSchoolsituatedon Erven1772,1774and3622SwakopmundExtension1. The full application is available to download from www.sp. com.na/projectsorcanbeinspectedatTownPlanningDepartment: Municipality of Swakopmund, Room Number CO-12, c/oofRakotoka/DanielKamhoStreet,Swakopmund.
Take note that any person that has objections to the proposed rezoning may lodge such objection, in writing, together with groundsthereof,withtheMunicipalityofSwakopmund:Town PlanningandtheapplicantonThursday,4July2024.
ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund TownPlanningSection P.O.Box53,Swakopmund T:0644104418 E:jheita@swkmun.com.na
Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer
MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403
(a) the planning application lies open for inspection, during normalofficehours,atRoom101,TownPlanningSectionof Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning,122SamNujomaAvenue,WalvisBay Anelectronic copy can also be requested from Mr M Mberira: mario@sp.com.na
(b) interested and/or affected parties can register with StewartPlanningandsubmittheirwrittencomments,representations, input and/or objections to the planning applicationtogetherwithgroundsthereof.
(c)thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandtosubmit written comments, representations, input and/or objectionswillbeonorbefore17:00Thursday,4July2024.
LocalAuthority: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
Manager:TownPlanningSection MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017 okakero@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339
Applicant StewartPlanning, POBox2095, WalvisBay T:064280770 E: mario@sp.com.na
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund, and/or Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/ortheMinistryofEnvironment,ForestryandTourismfor thefollowingstatutoryapprovals:
1. Remainder of Erf 1440 Matutura Extension 7: Subdivisioninto14Erven(13PortionsandRemainder).
Rezoning Portions 1-12 and Remainder from General Residential2withadensityof1:250m²toSingleResidentialwitha densityof1:300m².
RezoningPortion13fromGeneralResidential2withadensity of1:250m²toStreet.
2. Swakopmund Abbatoir Rezoning: Erf 4058 Swakopmund Extension 7: Rezoning from Local Authority to General Industrial with consent to operate a Noxious Industry while the rezoning is in progress.Application for an EnvironmentalClearanceCertificate.
3.SwakopmundPrivateSchoolRezoningandConsent:Erf 3620 Swakopmund Extension 1: Rezoning from General Residential to Institutional.The intention of this rezoning and consentuseapplicationisforpermissiontoestablishaPlaceof Instruction(PrivateSchool)onErf3620SwakopmundExtension 1 as an extension to the existing and adjacent Swakopmund Private School situated on Erven 1772, 1774 and 3622 SwakopmundExtension1.
The applications are submitted in terms of the Urban and RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018),Swakopmund Zoning Scheme, as amended, and/or the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
Takenotethat: the complete application lies open for inspection at the Town PlanningDepartmentoftheSwakopmundMunicipality,onthe cornerofRakotokaandDanielKamhoStreetSwakopmund,or canbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects. any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality and with Stewart Planning within14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice. Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Thursday,4July2024.
LocalAuthority: Applicant: ChiefExecutiveOfficer StewartPlanning MunicipalityofSwakopmund Town&RegionalPlanners POBox53Swakopmund POBox2095WalvisBay jheita@swkmun.com.na mario@sp.com.na 0644104403 064280773
namib times Sport
Rhythmic Gymnastics Qualifiers
ThefirstqualifyingrhythmicgymnasticscompetitionhostedbytheWalvis Bay Gymnastics Club saw a total of 350 junior and senior gymnasts competelastFridayandSaturdayfortophonoursattheattheJanWiken IndoorSportComplexinWalvisBay.
Gymnast fromWalvis Bay Gymnastics Club, Infinity Rhythmic Gymnastics Club, International School of Walvis
Bay Gymnastics Club, Atlantic Gymnastics Club, Oceanview Gymnastics Club, Tsumeb Gymnastics Club, Elite Gymnastics Club, Parkies
Gymnastics Club, and Windhoek
Rhythmic Gymnastics Club competed inthequalifiers.
Thenextcompetition,whichwillbethe second qualifying round, is set to take placeon16and17AugustinWindhoek and will be hosted by Elite Rhythmic Gymnastics Club and Parkies
Gymnastics Club PHOTOS:
Annual Target Archery Winter Shoot
A total of 10 archers participated in multiple classes and divisions at the Annual Target ArcheryWinterShoot on Saturday, 25 and Sunday 26 May at the SFC Sports Grounds in Swakopmund.
Any weather is good weather for archery, but over the past weekend the weather was really good at the coast for the 2024 Winter Shoot which was probably the reason a few Namibian records were improved.
According to theVice President Target Archery Association of Namibia (AAN) Jacqueline Coetzee was the Spirits very high on Saturday for the World Archery Dou-
ble 720, which amounts to 2 x 72
arrows per archer to give a final score out of 1440 and the 18m Qualification Round with a World Archery Double 300 - 2 x 30 arrowsperarcherfora final score out of 600 onSunday Coetzee said, “An Elimination Round is held after the qualification for those
which contain more
than one archer; this is where 2 archers then go head-to-head until the winneremerges.”
SheaddedthattheWinter Shoot competition was a nice warm-up for the upcoming Target Nationals which will be takingplaceinWindhoek on the new Archery Range at Yellowstone Trails in the hills just behind Ludwigsdorf
“The Target Nationals promises to be an ex-
citingonewith24archers participating and includes archers from South Africa.”
Our medal winners for the World Archery Double 720 in the various Classes/Divisions wereasfollows:
JuanReid–GenesisCub Boys–Gold
DeVilliersVisser–Compound Open Standing
Janko Du Plessis –DevelopmentCompound
Eugène Thuynsma –CompoundMen–Gold
Jan-Lotz Du Toit –
Compound Open StandingMen–Gold
Babette Taljaard – CompoundWomen–Gold
Jacqueline Coetze –Compound Women –Silver
Jean-Pierre Kohne –Compound Cadet Men –Gold
LutzWahlers – Barebow MasterMen–Gold
QuinnReddig–Recurve Women–Gold
Namibian Records brokenonthatday: Compound Women: 345 pointsfortheSingle360BabetteTaljaard
Compound Women: 1366 points for the Double 720 - Babette Taljaard
Recurve Women: 1198 pointsfortheDouble720 -QuinnReddig
Barebow Master Men: 606 points for the Single 720-LutzWahlers
Barebow Master Men: 1195 points for the Double 720 - Lutz
Our medal winners for the World Archery Double300inthevarious Classes/Divisions were asfollows: DeVilliersVisser–Compound Open Standing Men–Gold
Jan-Lotz Du Toit - Compound Open Standing Men–Silver
Janko Du Plessis –CompoundU15M–Gold
Babette Taljaard – CompoundWomen–Gold
Jacqueline Coetzee –Compound Women –
Linda-Mari Pocsi –Compound Women –
Bronze Kohne, Jean-Pierre –CompoundU18M–Gold
Wahlers, Lutz –
Barebow Master Men –Gold
Namibian Records brokenonthatday: Compound Women:
293 points for the Single 300 - Babette Taljaard.
PHOTOS: Contributed