8 april namib time e-edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6959 FRIDAY 8 APRIL 2022 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Novanam above the law?


World Autism In what seems to be playing out as a game of cat and mouse, Awareness Skeleton Coast Trawling Pty (Ltd), the subsidiary of Novanam Month Piquet Jacobs

Ltd, has now informed Nautilus Fishing Industries Pty (Ltd) that they in fact have no intention of complying with the arbitration award which was found in favor of the joint venture company, Neavera Trawling Pty (Ltd), to the tune of N$ 60 million including interest by senior advocate, Andrew Corbett. This has in turn encouraged Nautilus Fishing Industries to apply for this award to be made an order of the High Court. Before addressing the matter at hand, it is vital to understand the lengthy history between Skeleton Coast Trawling (the defendant) and Nautilus Fishing Industries (the claimant); the two companies have been partners through Neavera Trawling since 1996, conducting business through two Continues on page 2

Ciske Smith-Howard Steps Sharlien Tjambari down

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CRAN Imposes Temporary stand still

The Swakopmund Constituency Councillor Ciske SmithHoward stepped down from her position as constituency councillor on Friday, 1 April during the Erongo regional council meeting which takes place ones a month. SmithHoward resigned after her fellow councillor laid a motion of no confidence in her. During the meeting, while tabling his motion, Councillor Florian Donatus the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency Councillor and a member of the Independent Patriot for Change said that Smith-Howard defies the orders of the party that nominated her to council and continues to disrupt meetings and uses foul language towards fellow council members in the chamber. Donatus further accused Smith-Howard of subjecting other members to her own personal restrain by bringing her personal issues with her political party to the chamber. Donatus said: “Her defiance of the restraint, which is part of the code of Continues on page 2

Rotten spill cause for busy Walvis Bay Road closure Eileen van der Schyff

A Seanam Fishing truck, carrying a skip filled with fish and squid waste tipped over spilling the entire rotten load onto both lanes of the left side of the road surface of 18th road close to Cymot at Walvis Bay late yesterday afternoon. The Walvis Bay Fire Brigade, Municipal Hazardous Waste Inspector, Riaan Archer and Jannie Coetzee from Bay Wash - Hazmat Hazardous Material were hard at work yesterday afternoon with cleaning efforts of the road surface and to open the road for the busy traffic flow. Cleaning was still ongoing and the section of the road that was impacted, closed off at the time of going to press.

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School News

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Sports News Page 16


Ciske Smith-Howard Continued from page 1 conduct cannot be condoned, as that in itself is disrespect of the very code that she is supposed to uphold. Her disruptive manners and foul language usage in the council chambers when she attends council meetings can no longer be tolerated.” Donatus further said that as a result of the above mentioned the quality of collective leadership had been compromised and the relationship between the chairperson and fellow council members is challenged and the image and integrity of the Erongo regional council as a result of the conduct of SmithHoward has placed council in dispute. The trust that the fellow members had in Smith-Howard had been broken. Councillor Ernest Weather in his motion said Smith-Howard is deemed not fit to hold the position as such, because she is inadequate of such as providing leadership and vision. According to Weather, Smith-Howard makes decisions that other members feel as being detrimental to the effective functioning of the council. Weather also accused Smith-Howard of failing to unite to unite members of council who are divided under her leadership, and she lacks proper judgement of issues affecting the council. Commending on the allegations levelled against her by Donatus, SmithHoward asked council to ask Donatus to produce evidence which would show her guilt in infringing on the integrity of the council and what she said or did that place it directly in dispute. Smith-Howard said, “perhaps his lines are a bit crossed, or maybe he was having an emotional day when he wrote this motion. He is clearly wanting the position of chairperson for himself and has influenced my fellow councillors by using emotive language and running to the media to secure a place for himself at the head of the table. Although I do not know how the opposition party will vote him into that position unless some sort of arrangement is already in place.” Smith-Howard demanded proof from Donatus, proof of many of the allegations Donatus levelled against her. Smith-Howard further said she agrees that council had become directionless, under the guidance of a Chief Regional Officer that overreaches her powers and acts “outside of the law”. She further agreed that council is divided, but this according to her was caused by individuals who have allowed political leaders to dictate how council should operate. “We have allowed those with no standing here in this very house a say. We are further dealing with a CRO whom overreaches her powers and directly prevents progress by being slow on implementing the decisions taken in this house.” Smith-Howard continued: “There are councillors in this house that have forgotten where they came from and who have put them here, they are under a spell of someone trying to pull their strings like little marionettes and the sad thing is to witness how they simply allow their powers to dwindle away the 'promise' of power. A typical display of belly politics. When it was time to vote her out, Councillor Kennedy !Haoseb suggested that council gets a legal opinion before voting for a motion of no confidence in Smith-Howard but no councillor in the chamber was interested in getting a legal opinion on the matter. It was after this that Smith-Howard said, “to make it easy for this house and not to divide you further, I think the sentiments are quite clear. I will thus hand in my resignation as chairperson of this council so that we don't have to go into a vote. I think it is the right thing to do, as I said I will stand by whatever this house decides so I will not put you to a vote. Smith-Howard remains an ordinary member of the Erongo Regional Council.

8 APRIL 2022

Novanam above the law? Continued from page 1 successive joint venture agreements, the most recent concluded in 2017, to which the award relates. It was agreed between the two companies that the claimant would contribute its quota, whilst the defendant would contribute its expertise and resources to exploit the quota as well as being responsible for the financial administration of the joint venture. Within the agreement between the two companies, provision was made for any future disputes to be resolved by way of private arbitration and that any ruling made in arbitration be final and binding on both parties. In 2016, a dispute arose between the two companies regarding the defendant's failure to properly account for the joint venture. This would become the basis for the wire-drawn arbitration process of nearly four years. During the course of the arbitration, the defendant profusely denied that it had a duty to account, and in any event, it had accounted to the claimant for its financial management of the joint venture. Furthermore, as a means to delay the arbitral process various exceptions, special pleas and defenses were raised by the defendant as per the Companies Act. What was found to be ironic, however, is the defendants disregard for these very laws. The arbitrator in his award states, “When regard is had to the financial management of the first joint venture agreement and the current JVA by the defendant, it presents a disturbing picture in regard to both joint ventures, including a failure to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act and the Income Tax Act.” The arbitrator further stated in his award, “In support of an application to vary the arbitrator's directions, the defendant's expert, Mr McHardy, filed an affidavit where he confirmed that there were significant shortcomings and deficiencies in the defendant's financial records in respect of the JV. He thus made seven recommendations which he insisted that the defendant should address before the defendant could file its statement of defense. It is common cause that none of these recommendations were implemented by the defendant, despite the arbitration being delayed for the defendant to have sufficient time to attend to rectifying the shortcomings and deficiencies in its financial records in respect of the JV.” The arbitrator adds, “In my view, the 'wait and see'

approach adopted by Mr Tordesillas, and generally by defendant, as to what might emerge from the arbitral process is demonstrably at odds with the defendant's fiduciary duty to account to the JV and its duty to make full discovery in the arbitration proceedings.” Although drawn out, the arbitration brought to light several questionable factors, including false tax returns submitted by the defendant to the Receiver of Revenue with their financial manager, Mr Gusta van Zyl, admitting in his testimony that directors could be prosecuted for the way business was handled within the joint venture. It was also confirmed by the defendant's expert witness, Mr Neil McHardy, during cross examination that there was in fact no proper accounting during the life of the joint venture. In response to Namib Times' article, the managing director of Novanam, Mr Miguel Tordesillas, explicitly denies the deficiencies of their accounts, stating that full financial statements have been compiled up to 2021. This, however, goes against the findings of the arbitration, as stated by the arbitrator, “The claimant made much of the fact that there were draft financial statements in respect of the JV for the 2019 financial year but that the statements were neither made available to Mr McHardy nor discovered by defendant in the arbitration.” The arbitrator adds to this in saying, “This lack of transparency is a disturbing feature of the evidence which emerged during the proceedings, and gave the distinct impression that the defendant sought some tactical advantage by delaying, and in this instance failing, to reveal relevant financial information”. Tordesillas further states that Skeleton Coast Trawling is “keeping to its side of the bargain”, however they are again found in contradiction with their refusal to honor the payment as outlined in their letter of non-compliance found on the Namibian eJustice System. According to sources within the fishing industry it is clear from Skeleton Coast Trawling's conduct that they are in total disregard of Namibian laws and the Namibian Constitution, and in their contempt to honor the arbitral award they are making a mockery of the Namibian judicial system.

Smith-Howard proclaims to deal with allegations levelled against her Sharlien Tjambari

During an interview with the media, after her resignation from her position as the Swakopmund Constituency Councillor, Cllr Ciske Smith-Howard proclaimed to deal with the allegations levelled against her by fellow Councillor, Cllr Florian Donatus during the Erongo Regional Council meeting last week. Donatus accused Smith-Howard of being disruptive in meetings, using foul language towards fellow council members in the chamber and bringing her personal issues with her political party to the chamber. Speaking to the media after she stepped down, Smith-Howard said: “I will deal with those allegations, because they have been made in a public forum and printed media before this meeting was held. You have seen now that there was no proof provided for those allegations and they are of a nature that is damaging my reputation, I will most certainly deal with it.” Smith-Howard however said she will not pursue legal actions against council. She said it will be a waste of council funds and her time and energy. She will use that energy into serving the residents of Swakopmund, she said. As an ordinary member of council, Smith-Howard will continue to bring motions to the house. Smith-Howard added: “Now it is up to the new chairperson to deliver. I will make sure solely that the motions I bring

serve my community.” During her time as the Swakopmund Constituency Councillor, Smith-Howard assisted and procured, with the assistance of community members, an entire Covid-19 facility in the Tamariskia Town Hall to the value of N$1.5 million, she assisted in procuring and donating N$100 000 worth of food parcels to the poor communities in the informal settlement, which she personally delivered, even though she was six months pregnant and she procured 5000 vitamin tablets and immune boosters which she continues to hand out to the elderly on a monthly basis when they collect their pension. SmithHoward also assisted with the set-up of a full greenhouse at the Swakopmund Constituency Office to assist in food security with the help of her colleagues at the constituency office and many more. Smith-Howard has assisted community members tremendously, and vows to continue to assist and support.

Website: www.namibtimes.net

8 APRIL 2022


School News


Press Release

NovaNam has appointed Shita Shimwe as the Group General professional career,” Manager for Human Resources said Group Managing NovaNam has appointed Shita Shimwe as the new Group General Manager responsible for Human Resources from 1 April 2022 and he will be joining the Group Executive management Committee. In his new role, Shimwe will direct and manage all Human Resource responsibilities for NovaNam. Shimwe comes with a wealth experience spanning over 14 years in the Human Resources space, having worked at leading organisations namely Standard Bank Namibia, Office of the Prime Minister, Namibia University of Science and Technology and Namibian Police Force. “My 14 years background is a culmination of exposure in various industries, which although unique from the fishing industry will bring

diverse insights to the NovaNam Group. Academically, I am pursuing a Master of Business Analytics (Eaton Business School), hold a Bachelor of Human Resources Management Honors (NUST 2014), National Diploma: Human Resource Management (NUST - 2007) and a professional Prosci Certification in Change Management (2021),” said Shimwe. “I am thrilled and honored to join the diverse NovaNam team. With my experience, I

will collaborate with the business leads as well as the operational team to contribute to the transformation of the people agenda, ultimately adding value to the Brand and Human Capital value chain,” said Shimwe. “We believe that with his eagerness and commitment to achieving success as well as his leadership skills, talent, performance, and discipline management, in addition to staff mentoring and coaching NovaNam stand to benefit from his experience.

We therefore take this opportunity to welcome Mr. Shita Shimwe to the NovaNam family, and more specifically to Lüderitz and we further wish him all the best and success in his new

Director Edwin Kamatoto Contact person and issued by: Anne-Marie Molatudi Cell: +264853273715-

mail:marie@ragroup nam.com

For more info contact Arno Engels Cell: 081 860 8326 email: mountsinainamibia@gmail.com


8 APRIL 2022

Court Walvis Bay Court Report Ndeukondjela Ukongo (26), appeared on a charge of culpable homicide. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a N$12 000 fine. Rodriques Geriseb (29), appeared on a charge of assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 11 April 2022. The accused is on bail. Anthony Afrikaner (31), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 25 April 2022. The accused is on bail. Alexander Jonas (28), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 6 June 2022. The accused is on bail. Wilbard Mwashekange Titus (45), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 1 April 2022. The accused is on bail. Cleophas Uugwanga (30), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 May 2022. The accused is on warning. Eddy Tumeliso Mulijani (32), was absent at his hearing on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft and rape. The accused is at large. Jimmy Links (34), appeared on a charge of escaping. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 24 months imprisonment. Charles Kisting (33), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 7 April 2022. The accused is on bail. Ambili Abisai (30), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or a N$3 000 fine. Jacobus Vermeulen (49), was absent at his hearing on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The case was struck from the roll. Matheus Hauwanga (31), was absent at his hearing an a charge of theft. The case was struck from the roll. Rosalus Shivolo (43), appeared on a charge of culpable homicide. The matter was postponed to 19 May 2022. The accused is on warning. Jason Paschke (24), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a N$7 000 fine. Johannes Visser-Engels (35), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a N$9 000 fine. Joseph Amukwaya (23), appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 24 May 2022. The accused remains in custody. Sackaria Iipinge (22) and Gerard Timoteus (26), appeared on charges of robbery. The matter was postponed to 24 May 2022. The accused remain in custody. Deon Haraseb (29) and Quinton Tjizao (24), appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 May 2022. The accused remain in custody. Ennis Kgobetsi (25), appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 5 April 2022. The accused is on warning. David Thomas Shoombe (42), appeared on a charge of attempted murder. The case against the accused was withdrawn. Petrus Jason (33), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 19 May 2022. The accused is on bail. Immanuel Shoombe (36), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 30 June 2022. The accused is on bail. Luan Badenhorst (28), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 3 August 2022. The accused is on bail. Danielo De Wee (31), appeared on a charge of theft of a firearm. The case was struck from the roll. Eliaser Haimbodi (27) and Andrew Muwara

(29), appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 12 May 2022. The accused is on bail. Selwyn Uiseb (23), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 1 June 2022. The accused is on bail. Benhard Eiseb (36), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 31 May 2022. The accused remains in custody. Absolom Alfredo (32), appeared on a charge of robbery. The case against the accused was withdrawn. Immanuel Ochorub (52), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 days imprisonment or a N$7 000 fine. Joseline Madona Van Wyk (25) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 May 2022. The accused is on warning. Chantelle Bruwer (38), appeared on a charge of failure to comply with instruction or direction of an authorized officer. The matter was postponed to 19 July 2022. The accused is on bail. Petrus Nambundunga (35), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 19 May 2022. The accused remains in custody. Ennis Kgobetsi (25), appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Even Shipanga (31), appeared on charges of resisting a member of the police, assault on a member of the police and crimen injuria. The accused was postponed to 24 May 2022. The accused remains in custody. Isaskar Asser (19) and Jerome Junior Vos (27), appeared on charges of fraud. The matter was postponed to 24 May 2022. Ricardo Samuel (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 24 May 2022. The accused is on bail. Johannes Beukes (50), appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 7 April 2022. The accused is on bail. Anthony Marvin Both (40), appeared on charges of failure to pay maintenance. The matter was postponed to 7 July 2022. The accused is on warning. Micheal Lifasi Seun (35), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 11 May 2022. The accused is on bail. Jacobus Cornelius Visser (49), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a N$9 000 fine. Erikson Shipiki (26), appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft and robbery. The matter was postponed to 16 May 2022. The accused remains in custody. Matengu Fred Nchindo (45), driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a N$9 500 fine. Abel Filipus (29), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 6 July 2022. The accused is on bail. Erica Shipe Kezumo (37) and Asnath Talicky Nderura (41), appeared on charges on assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 7 July 2022. The accused is on bail. A minor (17), appeared on a charge of theft of copper. The matter was postponed to 27 April 2022. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Jehrome Cornelius (35), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 25 April 2022. The accused is on custody.

Elifas Nangolo (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 May 2022. The accused remains in custody.

Roman Catholic Churches, Swakopmund 10 April – 17 April - Easter 2022 10 April - PALM SUNDAY 08h00 08h00 09h30 10h00 10h00 10h00

Holy Mass Service Service Holy Mass Service Service

Holy Rosary St. Bakanja – DRC St. Stefanus - Tamariskia Sancta Familia St. John – Arandis Holy Redeemer – Henties Bay

14 April THURSDAY - HOLY THURSDAY (Institution of the Holy Eucharist and the Priesthood) 18h00 18h00 18h00 18h00 18h30 19h30

Holy Mass Service Service Service Service Holy Mass

Holy Rosary Blessed Bakanja St. John - Arandis Holy Redeemer - Henties Bay Sancta Familia - Mondesa St. Stephanus - Tamariskia

15 APRIL - GOOD FRIDAY OF THE LORD'S PASSION (Special collection for the Holy Land NB: 15:00 THE WAY OF THE CROSS IN ALL PARISHES 15h00 15h00 15h00 15h00 15h00 15h00

Service Service Service Service Service Service

Holy Rosary St. Stefanus Sancta Familia Blessed Bakanja – DRC St. John – Arandis Holy Redeemer – Henties Bay

16 APRIL - SATURDAY - The Lord’s Resurrection EASTER VIGIL 18h00 18h00 18h00 18h00 19h00 20h00

Holy Mass Service Service Service Service Holy Mass

Holy Rosary Blessed Bakanja – DRC St. John – Arandis Holy Redeemer – Henties Bay St. Stefanus Sancta Familia

17 APRIL - EASTER SUNDAY OF THE LORD'S RESSURECTION 08h00 08h00 09h30 09h30 10h00 10h00

Holy Mass Service Service Holy Mass Service Service

Holy Rosary St. Bakanja – DRC St. Stefanus Santa Familia – Mondesa St. John – Arandis Holy Redeemer – Henties Bay

8 APRIL 2022

School News



World Autism Awareness Month / World Autism Acceptance Month Eileen van der Schyff

World Autism Awareness Month, also known as World Autism Acceptance Month, in April, aims to not only raise awareness, but promote acceptance of the condition, celebrate differences and teach inclusivity towards autistic individuals. This year marks the 15th World Autism Awareness Day. Autism is a complex developmental condition affecting a child or adult's ability to interact, communicate, and progress. Autism Spectrum Disorder is a term used to describe a wide variety of neurological and developmental conditions. It can include trouble with speech, social interaction with others, repetitive behaviour as well as sensory aversions, such as sensitivity to sound and light. Individualized treatment approaches and early intervention are very important. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach to treating autism. In Namibia, 82 per every 10 000 children is on the spectrum. Platz-am-Meer Mall and Stepping Stone School, a special education school for children with Autism and other learning difficulties in Swakopmund, raised Autism awareness at the mall on Saturday, 2 April, which is also Autism Awareness Day. Free cotton candy was available, children walked around with painted faces and enjoyed the mascots that walked around the mall. Cartel Street Food is partnering with Stepping Stone School to do their part in raising Autism Awareness through the month of April. By purchasing a delicious blue bun burger from the Cartel (or other scrumptious meals). The fish and chips truck, Fork 'n Nice is also helping Stepping Stone School to raise funds, by selling Autism Awareness stickers with their meals, and by supporting them you will contribute to supporting the school in their aim to make a difference in the lives of Autistic children at the coast. Western Saloon, in their contribution towards helping autistic children at the coast, for every pizza they sell this month, one dollar will go to Stepping Stone School Namibian musician, Riaan Smit will be performing to raise Autism Awareness and raise funds for this special needs school at the Trendhouse in Swakopmund on Thursday, 14 April. Entry is free. In another attempt to raise Autism Awareness, Stepping Stone School would like to visit and introduce themselves to local businesses with a small group of children, after which the businesses will be awarded with an “Autism Approved” certificate.


8 APRIL 2022

CRAN Imposes Temporary Stand Still 291 Mass Houses un-occupied Sharlien Tjambari in Swakopmund Period On The Award Of Class TeleDuring his visit to the coast on Thursday, 31 March, Vice President of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba visited Swakopcommunications And Broadcasting mund's Mass Housing site. The construction of 291 mass houses in Swakopmund was put on hold, because the main conService Licences The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) subsequent to various stakeholder consultations in 2021, was implored to conduct a market study for the telecommunication and broadcasting sectors. The aim of the research is to determine the current market level of competition, market saturation, and any existing barriers to entry. “CRAN conducted preliminary research by studying the preceding Sector Review Reports and international best practice. Through this investigation, it was determined that the envisaged market study on the telecommunication and broadcasting markets must be based on a fixed data set, parti-cularly the number of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Service Licensees currently in the market. Therefore, it is apposite that CRAN maintain a still market, in terms of market players, while conducting the study,” states Emilia Nghikembua, Chief Executive Officer, CRAN. CRAN therefore resolved, to temporarily suspend the award of new telecommunication and Broad-casting Service Licences for the period 1 October until 30 September 2023. In order to mitigate the potential impact of the temporary postponement, and cognizant of the provisions of the Communications Act (No. 8 of 2009), from 1 April, CRAN will accept new applications for Telecommunications and Broadcasting Service Licences, and consider such applications before 30 September. These applications must be submitted to the Authority before 30 June. “CRAN will not accept or consider new applications for Telecommunications and Broadcasting Service Licences from 1 October until 30 September 2023. CRAN will, however, consider applications for amendment, withdrawal, transfer, and cession of existing Telecommunications or Broadcasting Service Licences when practically possible, and if such shall not result in a change of the data-set,” added Nghikembua. During the duration of the market study, CRAN will accept and consider applications for Spectrum Licences from existing service licensees only, and will also accept Spectrum applications for bands that are service licence exempt.

The market study research will include public stakeholder consultations, and the final report and recommendations will be submitted to the Minister of Information and Communications Technology (MICT) Honourable Dr Peya Mushelenga as per the provisions of the Communications Act. In consultation with the Honourable Minister CRAN will adopt and implement the conclusions of the Market Study in order to achieve a competitive market and eliminate barriers to market entry. “While the temporary postponement of the award of new Telecommunication and Broadcasting Service Licenses will impact the business plans of prospective providers or Telecommunication and Broadcasting services, it is paramount that CRAN continuously intervene in the market dynamics to ensure fair competition, and remove barriers to market entry for the benefit of consumers,” concluded Nghikembua.

Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services.

NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF SWAKOPMUND TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services. Onkudhu Micro-Finance herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate an Administrative Office on the premises of erf 1632, (Omulondo Street) Mondesa Proper. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours. Closing date for objections or comments is 5 May 2022. Contact person: Mr David Elago or Mrs Anna Egumbo, cell: 0813559514/0816869679 Email: egumbo93@gmail.com or Mr. J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403.

Media Emilia Nghikembua CEO CRAN


tractor failed to pay the sub-contractor. In the first phase of the Swakopmund Mass Housing project, 133 houses were completed, and are all currently occupied. Speaking to the media during the site visit, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Swakopmund Municipality, Alfeus Archie Bemjamin said the remaining three sites/phases could not be completed because of the main contractor failed to pay the sub-contractor. The matter has been in court for the past seven years. According to Benjamin, some of the 291 unoccupied houses are ready for occupation and can be reconstructed. Benjamin said the Mass Housing Project is a very important project, because 22 000 people in Swakopmund are in need of housing. “We hope that with the Vice President's visit, this matter can be taken up, and can be addressed at national executive level as soon as possible. Going forward, once the issue is resolved, council is forever ready to see what we can do to get the houses occupied so that people can move in.” Benjamin explained. Second Vice President of Namibia, Nangolo Mbumba also visited the Swakopmund Urban Agricultural Project on Friday, 1 April.

NOTICE FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Environam Consultants Trading cc (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following: PROJECT NAME: Proposed Development of !Nara Namib Special Economic Zone on a Portion of Farm 58, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

The owner of General Residential erven 875 & 876, (Bernard Esau Street),Tamariskia Swakopmund, herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special permission for Building Height Relaxation from 10m to 14m.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The project entails the following: · To provide serviced industrial stands · To provide custom-made industrial superstructures · To provide rail-linked large industrial sites

Contact person: Mr Conrad Scheffer (Architect) Tel 064 203125 and or Mr. J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 4104403.

PUBLIC MEETING: A Public consultation meeting will be held on 14 April 2022 at 11:00 am. The venue of the meeting will be Narraville Community Hall.

Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 22 April 2022.

REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing, kindly contact: Email: colin@environam.com Fax: 061 258 470 or Mobile: 081 458 4297 on or before 21 April 2022.

PROJECT LOCATION: Farm 58 Walvis Bay, Erongo Region


Port Log

8 APRIL 2022




School News

8 APRIL 2022

A Walk to Remember Eighth graders pay tribute to fallen artists The Learner's Representative Council (LRC) and grade eight learners of Westside High School recently held a successful tribute concert. The premise of the concert was to pay respect to music artists who passed on. Mrs Innes was the brainchild of the themed concert, and with the help of her zealous colleagues, Ms Amily Mintoor, Mrs Karin Claasen and committed LRC members, the event was a great success. The four major artists, whom the learners paid tribute to, was Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Brenda Fassie and Tupac Shakur. After weeks of strenuous rehearsals, the Michael Jackson group was able to pull off the intricate dancing moves of Michael Jackson's hit song, Thriller. The learners were dressed as zombies and looked the part thanks to the make-up artistry of Mrs Julien Swartz and Mrs Aletta Beukes. The Brenda Fassie group showcased a wedding ceremony by acting and dancing to a medley of Brenda's Famous wedding songs, Vuli'ndlela and Wedding Day. Rodriques Huseb stunned the audience with his rapping skills of Tupac's hit song, Dear Mama. The Tupac group also simulated the scene of the night when Tupac was tragically murdered. After an exhilarating dance of Whitney Houston's Higher Love, Shevoque Klein and Tia Hei-Gauses mesmerized the audience with their vocal performances of the hit songs, Dance with Somebody and I look to You. Other artists whom the LRC members also paid respect to are: Nina Simone, Riky Rick, Killer Kau and Mpura. “I enjoyed the concert a lot. It was great entertainment, and I could see that a lot of effort went into the preparation for the event,” said Mrs A Benade, a parent of a grade 8 learner. Mrs Innes said that the theme was initially rejected by some of the grade 8 learners as the learners preferred an “Amapiano Concert”. However, she pushed through with the theme and allowed learners to also pay tribute to Amapiano artists like Killer Kau and Mpura who lost their lives in a car accident in August last year. The parents were greatly entertained and supported their children. The learners were also ecstatic that their preferred genre was catered for, which is the new Ampiano genre. The Westside High grade 8 teachers would like to thank the parents, learners, teachers who assisted and LRC members for their indispensable support and commitment to make the concert a success.

Westside High School was delighted to host one of its main fundraising events. On Friday morning, 1 April, more than a thousand Westside upper primary and high school learners walked a total distance of 10km to the aquarium and back. The Junior Primary learners (grade 0 -3), however; walked a shortened 5km of the total distance. The last Fun Walk of the school was hosted in 2018, and with the relaxation of the Covid-19 restrictions, it was possible to recommence with this exciting fundraising event on the school's calendar. It was not only school children who participated in the fun walk, but parents and family members of the leaners were also invited. The Swakopmund community applauded the Westside High teachers for maintaining the discipline of such a large group of learners. The learners walked orderly on the sidewalk from the Platz am Meer mall to the marine Aquarium. Mrs Nancy Harases and Ms Laubscher were very impressed with the orderly manner in which learners walked in public. After the walk, learners were awarded with a

delicious ice-cream. Curry “afval”, braaivleis and hot dogs were sold at affordable prices at the school. The teachers, who accompanied the learners, said their fitness levels were tested, but that it was indeed fun. The Westside staff thanks the learners and parents who contributed towards making this event a success. A special thank you to Mr. William Innes and the committee teachers for their meticulous planning to ensure the success of the event.

NOTICES & VACANCIES NOTICE IN TERMS OF THE URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING ACT, 2018 Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owners, to the Municipal Council of Walvis Bay for consent for the following applications

EXTERNAL VACANCY - SAFETY OFFICER FIXED TERM CONTRACT Location and Reporting Structure This position will be based in Swakopmund and will report directly to the HSE Manager. Duties & Responsibilities • Develop and implement the Health & Safety Management System, including hazard identification, risk assessment, inspection reports on compliance of PHSS -Project Health Safety Specification, EMP – Environmental Management Plan. • Monitor and audit site contractors’ operations and conduct emergency drills. • Conduct incident and accident investigations and propose preventative measures. • Implementing critical controls by advising relevant departments on necessary actions to rectify deviations and non-compliances. • Conducting inductions for employees, contractors and visitors as required. • Compiling and maintaining safety training matrix and training records for area (s) of accountabilities. • Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by the Manager. Qualifications and Experience Required: • A National/Higher Diploma health & Safety. (NEBOSH added advantage). • A minimum of 3 years work experience in Occupational Safety field. • Must have undergone the following training: Risk Management; SAMTRAC, Safety Auditing, ISO 45001, Legal Liability, Emergency Coordination. • Good knowledge in the Microsoft Office package with good Power Point Presentation and Microsoft Excel skills. • A valid Code B drivers’ license. Closing date: 11th April 2022 All applications meeting minimum requirements must be accompanied by a detailed curriculum vitae, an application letter, and certified copies of qualifications and ID documents which are non-returnable. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Please forward applications to: Human Resources Department: D&M Rail Construction (PTY) LTD P.O. Box 3065 Vineta, Swakopmund Email address: info@dmrail.com Applicants who are not contacted within one week after the closing date, should consider their application unsuccessful.

Ref: Application Description 8336-8340K: Erven 8336, 8337, 8338, 8339, and 8340 Kuisebmond Extension 11: Rezoning from General Business to Single Residential with a zoning density of 1 dwelling unit per 300m² (1:300m²) 3537N:

Erf 3537 Narraville Extension 5: Rezoning from General Business to Single Residential with a zoning density of 1 dwelling unit per 300m² (1:300m²)

Application for the subdivision of the above mentioned properties are in process and the intent of the rezoning applications is to justify the future use of the subdivided portions for residential purposes with the corresponding Single Residential land use zone rights. The abovementioned applications are submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. Please take note that – a) the complete applications lie open for inspection at the Town Planning Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive or can be downloaded from www.sp.com.na/projects; b) any person having comments or objections to any proposed rezoning, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the Chief Executive Officer of the Walvis Bay Municipality and with Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publication of this notice; c) Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00 Tuesday, 3 May 2022 to the address provided below. Local Authority Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Walvis Bay P. O. Box 5017 Walvis Bay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na Applicant: Stewart Planning P. O. Box 2095 Walvis Bay melissa@sp.com.na

8 APRIL 2022


School News


Character Building at Pro-Ed Academy For the past 5 years Pro-Ed Academy has been following the Character-Building program introduced to them by the Adonai Trust. This is a program in which each positive character trait (responsibility, trustworthiness, respect, integrity etc.) is represented by a colour and an animal. Throughout the year these traits are dealt with as a theme by the whole school. Notice boards are decorated, pillars have been painted, specific coloured clothing is worn for a day and different activities are done in order to help the children understand the trait and its characteristics. According to Anri Maritz of Pro-Ed Academy, the school have, in the past, done a coin laying in aid of Rhino Conservation (red - caring - rhino) and the Feed a Paw initiative came to school and educated children on pet care. Maritz said: “At present we are working on Respect. During the first week we dealt with Respect for others. Children were encouraged to wear 2 different shoes to school each day - A flip flop and a tekkie of a heal and a bare foot - This reminded them of how it feels to walk in someone else's shoes.”

Maritz further said, last week their theme was “Respect for Nature” - All the children brought empty food tins from home as well as Spekboom (also known as the Portulacaria Afra) cuttings. On Thursday the Gr. 7's planted the cuttings in the tins and on Friday morning they were in the parking lot handing out these Spekboompies to all the parents coming to drop off kids at school. Tied around the tin was a Bible verse - Gen. 1: 29 - God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Leaners handing our SpeKboompies to parents

NOTICES & VACANCIES Job Title Department Reporting To

Spekboompies planted by the learners Pro-Ed Academy Principal also received a Spekboompie MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY

We are looking for a professional and experienced HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER to manage our Human Resources department. Reporting to the Managing Director. The Human Resources Manager coordinates the implementation of people-related services, policies, and programs, assists and advises company managers about Human Resources issues. He/she leads HR practices and objectives that will provide a high performance culture that emphasizes quality, productivity and standards, goal attainment, and the recruitment and ongoing development of a superior workforce. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Recruitment & Retention: managing talent and succession planning; taking overall responsibility for recruitment activities and employee retention. · Payroll: payroll administration and processing of company payrolls and maintenance of payroll system and leave planning system. · Labour/Industrial Relations: handles routine labor relations matters related to bargaining agreements and maintain knowledge and understanding of laws and regulations, affirmative action, unions, etc. · Policies & Procedures: implementation and reviewing of policies, procedures and processes, affirmative action plans, organizational charts and labor agreements. · Employee Relations: managing absence, disciplinary, grievances, sickness etc. Measure employee satisfaction and identify areas that require improvement. · Employee Wellness: safety, welfare and health.



· Bachelors degree in Human Resources. · Five years of professional human resource administration and industrial relations, minimum of 3 years’ experience at senior level. KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES: Extensive knowledge of the VIP system. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Attention to detail, numerical ability and data entry skills. Excellent time management skills with the proven ability to meet deadlines. Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, conflict resolution skills, strong analytical and problem-solving skills. · Work independently with no or minimum supervision.

· · · · ·

Omualu is an equal opportunity employer and previous disadvantaged persons are encouraged to apply. Please forward your CV to: The General Manager Omualu Fish Processors Pty Ltd P.O. Box 747, Walvis Bay Email: marianna@omualu.com.na Tel: 064 285 600 Closing date: 14 April 2022 Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.

LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Jonas Hango P O Box 3973, Walvis Bay, Namibia. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Lighthouse Bar. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf No.1105/50 Barber Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Shebeen Liquor Licence. 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Walvis Bay. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 30 April 2022. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 8 June 2022. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

: :

Internal Sales Administrator Namibia – Rosh Pinah Country Manager

JOB REQUIREMENTS Business Need / Purpose of Role: Reporting to the Country Manager, Namibian Region, the Internal Sales Administrator will process requests for quotations &administer sales orders for Namibian based customers, ensuring that quality and high level service standards are always met , in accordance with company policies and procedures. Minimum Qualifications: * Matric / Grade 12 * Sales and Marketing or Administration Qualification (Advantageous) * Computer Literate -MS Office suite, ERP Systems,(Advantageous) * Must be a Citizen of Namibia Minimum Experience: * At least 4 years related experience in a similar function * Thorough knowledge of International Trading Terms (Incoterms) * MS Office - Intermediate to advanced. * Infor LN Desired Experience: * Sales & Marketing or Administration * Warehousing/Stores. * ERP System – experience. SAP/Infor LN * MS Office. Key Tasks: * Including but not limited to: * Liaise with customers regarding their spares & OE enquiries. * Prepare sales / service quotations, orders, invoices, purchase orders on BAAN LN as per the SOP. * Capture quotations submitted on Sales force and keep Sales force updated. * Expediting of customer orders and back orders. Reconciliation Bi-monthly order book. * Prepare Commercial Invoices & Packing lists. * Monitor and resolve customer GIT issues. * Assist debtor's department in maintaining / improving debtors ageing. * General office duties. * Apply the LEAN principles to operations. * Adhere to SHE and Housekeeping requirements at the branch and customer sites. * Always adhere to the Duty of Care Policy. * Receipt Stock. * Maintain customer procurement Web pages. Minimum Skills / Abilities: * General management skills / Leadership skills / Communications skills / Administrative skills / Customer Focused / innovation skills / Financial planning, control and management skills / Financial acumen / Self-motivated / Computer literate / Read and Interpret documents Interested candidates who meet the above minimum requirements are invited to submit their detailed CV application with proof of qualifications to Freddy Lukhwareni at (freddy.lukhwareni@mail.weir) by 8 April 2022. WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COMPANY If you have not heard from the Company 10 working days after the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Effective Date: 1 April 2022 Expiry Date: 14 April 2022 Authorised By: Florence Chadinha


School News

8 APRIL 2022

Archery Ranking Shooting Pro-Ed Academy school participated in Archery Ranking shooting on 2 April at Elnatan, Stampriet. Junior Girls Overall: Danya Laas - Champion Skyler Viviers - 4th Amy Henning - 7th Zayden Arendse - 8th Shantelle Adriaanse - 10th Danya Laas was chosen for 2022 Namibia Learners of Pro-Ed Academy also participated in the Junior national junior team that will be competing in the Africa genesis archery federation Open Chess Tournament in Windhoek, on 2 April. Franslo Wiese - 8th tournament in July. Senior Girls Overall: Results: Junior Boys Overall: Monique Laas - 5th *Jathan Hangula u/10 4th *Ashron Damens u/14 3rd *Indila Abrahams u/14 3rd *Jonathan Platt u/18 7th All four learners qualified to take part in the closed tournament at the end of the month where they will get a chance to play for a place in the Namibian/National Junior Chess Team Hoërskool Westside se Sillvano Van Wyk vier sy uitmuntende prestasies tydens die streeksatletiek byeenkoms wat op Saterdag, 2 April, by die Vineta Sport Stadion plaasgevind het. BROILER PRODUCTION MANAGER Sillvano Van Wyk is 'n voormalige leerder BROILERS DEPARTMENT van Hoërskool Kamwandi in Henties-Baai. Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is a fully integrated broiler production operation Hy is tans 'n graad 12 leerder by Hoërskool established in 2012 and situated 30 km north of Windhoek on the A1 Highway Westside. Sillvano het met sy ongelooflike on the farm Klein Okapuka. naellope na die eindstreep stof in die oë van Sillvano Van Wyk spog met eerste plek tydens die Namib Poultry (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer with the following vacancy available at our state-of-the-art Processing Plant. Interested and sy mededingers geskop. Met 'n tyd van streeksatletiek byeenkoms suitably qualified candidates as well as candidates from the designated 10.91 sekondes vir die 100 m naellope en groups are invited to apply. 22.58 sekondes vir die 200 m naellope, plaasvind. PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE POSITION spog hy met goue medaljes in albei Sillvano sê dat hy sy liefde vir atletiek in To manage the broiler department effectively and productively. wedlope. Hy kwalifiseer vir die nasionale 2015 ontdek het toe hy in Khorixas skool KEY FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES atletiekbyeenkoms wat in Windhoek gaan gegaan het. Die skoolhoof het hom forseer · General Management of Broiler production units. om deel te neem aan naellope wat 'n · Plan & implement SOPs & Bio-security plan. bedekte seën was, omdat hy daarna · Strategic planning & budgeting for the overall broiler division as well as reporting against budget. gekwalifiseer het om deel te neem aan die · Production planning & balancing of broiler production as well as reporting on streeksatletiek byeenkomste. Dit is toe performance against the breed standards. waar hy besef het dat hardloop sy passie is. · Planning, implementation & execution of ventilation programs, lightning programs & heating of the chicken houses. Sillvano se doelwit vir die volgende · Planning & implementation of feed programmes. atletiekbyeenkoms is om sy spoed te · Procurement of feed & farming consumables. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER verbeter in die 100 m wedloop na 10.50 · Manage Vaccine stocks, vaccine programmes and general health status of the Broilers, doing Post Mortems weekly. sekondes en 22.07 sekondes in die 200m VACANCY: Shop Manager BASED IN: Walvis Bay · Report health status to the Veterinarians. Identify respiratory and disease REPORTING TO: General Manager: wedloop. Dit beteken dat hy harder moet challenges, outbreaks. Seapride Foods Coastal oefen as ooit tevore. · Manage scheduled & general farm land, farm building & chicken house maintenance. Duties: Overall Management of all shop functions, Die Westside gemeenskap hou duim vas · Manage scheduled cleaning & disinfection of chicken houses by the including (but not limited to): vir Sillvano en wens hom alle voorspoed company or its contractors. · Marketing toe. · Manage manure removal by the company or sub-contractors.

Junior Open Chess Tournament

Westside juig oor Van Wyk se goue medaljes

· Manage mortality removal & disposal to the abattoir. · Management of the manure site, composing of manure & selling manure to farmers. · Manage the procurement of shavings & wood as well as the manufacturing of bedding for all chicken houses. · Manage the bedding preparations of chicken houses. · Managing catching teams of broilers & supply to the abattoir. · Procurement of farming maintenance consumables. · Management of house preparation, house cleaning, general welfare & vaccination. · Stock take & reporting. · Performance Management / Appointments / Disciplining of Employees MINIMUM QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCE · Grade 12 (NQF 4) with the minimum requirements. · Seven (7) years' managerial experience. (Compulsory) · Ten (10) years' experience in the Poultry Industry. (Compulsory) · A National Diploma (NQF 6) in Animal Production (Compulsory) · Knowledge of the SKOV ventilation system will be an added advantage. · Fully computer literate. (All MS Office Suites with advanced Excel) · Namibian citizen or eligible to obtain a Work Permit and / or Permanent Residence. · Highly proficient in written and spoken English and Afrikaans with demonstrable business communication skills. · Valid Code BE driver's license with own reliable transport. The company offers a competitive salary and market related employee benefits. Candidates who qualify for above position, should send a short CV to the HR department. Email: HRsalaries@npi.com.na ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED FOR INTERVIEWS, CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 17th of April 2022

· · · · · · · ·

Store merchandising Ordering Receiving Stock Control Customer relations Security Reporting into management Ensuring promotions and deals are set-up/ executed timeously · Maximizing shops profitability Required Qualification: · Grade 12 minimum · 3 years' experience in similar and or management position Required Skills / Competencies: · Highly developed organisational skills and ability to multi-task; · Good people skills & the ability to interact successfully with customers/colleagues; · A meticulous and thorough nature with a keen attention to detail; · Able to work under pressure and to tight deadlines; · Maturity to handle a range of situations. · Energetic and dynamic. · Take initiative and ownership of position Closing date: 15th April 2022 Email updated CV with detailed previous work experience to: jobs@seapride.com.na CV's may also be given in directly at the Office in Walvis Bay for attention HR Manager.

NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDING AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent use, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Iiwana Yahangana Pamwe Investments cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for an “administrative office” on the premises of Erf 3949 Unit 9 Swakopmund Einstein Street Extension 10 as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing, and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours. Closing date for objections or comments is 29th April 2022. Contact person: Mr Roben Snydewel, Cell: 081 308 1138, Email: rogelsn@gmail.com or Mr J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +264 (64) 410 4403

8 APRIL 2022


School News


Promiseland attends Sunshine Centre Athletics Rudi Bowe Sports Day Promiseland Trust, a non-profit welfare organization (NGO) established in 2009, participated in an athletics sport's day organized and hosted by the Sunshine Centre in Walvis Bay on 26 March. Promiseland Project Coordinator, Jenny Esterhuizen said they at Promiseland joined hands with the Sunshine Centre and with Emmanuel Ruiters Primary School in Kuisebmond to make this a special day for the vulnerable community and young people with special needs and disabilities in Walvis Bay. Esterhuizen said, “Our goal was to make the day special and fun for our children and teachers. All the smiles and happy faces made the day a success, and we at Promiseland will continue building our partnerships and grow the sports day event every year”. While Promiseland learners are very young we managed to divide them into relevant groups where they participated in the 60 and 80 meter and relay. They also took part in the old fashioned 'Sak resies' and standing long jump against peers

similar in age and abilities. “For most of the children this was their first experience in many of the activities but from most of the feedback it seems that the jumping castle won the popularity competition for the day” Esterhuizen added. Esterhuizen said these accomplishments would not be possible without the help and support of long term and short-term sponsors. “We would like to thank Tunacor for transporting us to and from the event, as well as Charlies Meat Market and OK Grocer for sponsoring the boerewors and rolls. A heartfelt thanks goes to Sunshine Centre, Luzelle Lestrade and her team, We appreciate the arrangements, time, and information given for this event, It was a great experience and we enjoyed sharing this day with you, as you are an inspiration to us,” Esterhuizen concluded.

PUBLIC NOTICE THIS SERVES TO ADVISE ALL RE WALVISBAY RESIDENTS AND ALL IN ADVANCE OF CONSTRUCTION WORK / ROAD REHABILITATION THAT WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE INSTERSECTION OF HIDIPO HAMUNTENYA & CIRCUMFERENTIAL ROAD, WALVIS BAY. · Site establishment to commence 11 April 2022 · Road activities to commence 11 April 2022 · Construction period from April 2022 – May 2022 Due to our concern regarding all road users' safety, please be careful when driving in this vicinity. Please adhere to temporary road signs and beware of road workers and earthmoving equipment. We appreciate your understanding, patience and co-operation and apologise for any inconvenience caused during the period of construction.

An Equal Opportunity Employer

VACANCY ESTATE NOTICE Estate No: E 635/2022 In the estate of the late Renate Hecht, Id No 450403 00166, who died on 29 June 2021, resided at No.24 Palm Gardens, Daniel Tjongarero Avenue, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST 237/0001-50)

ESTATE NOTICE Estate No: E 635/2022 In the estate of the late Magdalena Sifafure, born on 18 June 1968, Id No 680618 0023 3, who died on 23 June 2021, resided at Erf No.5, M o n d e s a , Swakopmund, Namibia and who was married in community of property to Paulus Katanga Sifafure.. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice. H VISSER Agent of the Executor c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (Ref: HV/lm-EST 264/0001-70)

NOTICE OF THE CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Cash Loan) ON ERF NO: 7231 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: Khomas Hochland Street. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Home Based Business (Cash Loan). Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 29 April 2022. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Natalia Nghishidivali, P O Box 7353, Walvis Bay email: shangelaocashloan@gmail.com

Blue Sea Fishing Company, requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced ACCOUNTANT with the following attributes: · Good organizational and prioritizing skills; · Excellent communicating skills; · Be able to use own initiative; · Strong excel skills; · Must have good analytical skills; Duties include, but are not limited to: · Maintenance of all accounting systems and functions. · Oversee the preparation of month-end, quarter-end and year-end financial statements. · Oversee the procurement processes. · Oversee financial requirements · Ensure timeliness, accurate and usefulness of financial and management reporting for management and government/Ministry's · Develop financial business plans and forecasts. · Monitors, analyzes, and reports on inventory valuation, production, and various other costs. · Analyze operations profitability · accomplish a comprehensive analysis of transactions to identify problems, recommend solutions, and drive implementation of improved practices, tools, and policies. The Minimum requirements needed: · Be a Namibian Citizen; · Diploma in Accounting or equivalent; · Must have at least 5 years' experience in the accounting field, · Auditing background will a distinct advantage. · Good command of English language Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned Candidates from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. Please forward applications to: The Human Resources department, Blue Sea Fishing (Pty) Ltd, Walvis Bay, Namibia. By e-mail to rodrick@bluesea.com.na Closing date: Monday 18th April 2022


8 APRIL 2022

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR swk@namibtimes.net


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*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast DRIVING INSTRUCTOR: Do you have a private car and no driving instructor? I can teach you with your own car for as little as N$ 50.00 per hour, Swakopmund. Contact: 081 377 0311 BACK 2 BASICS (Swakopmud) Struggling with Maths??? Grades 4 - 6. An experienced Math teacher can help you reach your goal!! Emphasis on basic skills... no distractions.... Help your child and rest your mind!!! Contact: 081 243 0646.

ASHIKANGA CONSTRUCTION We offer: * Interlock, laying and paving * Building Construction * Yard Construction * Demolishing walls, tiling and painting. Swakopmund Walvis Bay Contact: 081 348 7979

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication







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Dr. Jerico The Witchdoctor Practising as: Jumah African Traditional Healing Methods He is an expert and experienced Traditional medicines and practitioner of herbs of different types He is an expert and experienced in: Natural and artificial diseases, witchcraft and magical diseases, weather and created diseases, African and foreign diseases, love issues and problems, marriages and financial issues and problems, court cases, farm and home protection, livestock development and protection, body protection, confining and catching thieves, employment and business opportunities, luck and lucky charms, gambling and lotto, charms of any kind, talismanic rings and belts, sea workers protection, sea lag diseases and many more... N$ 100.00 Marriage counseling, stress and depression counseling, business counseling and consultation and plans are also done at a fee. Call today Dr. Jerico the witchdoctor of all times 081 725 2579 Come and see the best doctor! You will live a healthy, successful life in 2018 and beyond!

MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR GOGO DIMBA The name that carries weight. Is in Walvis Bay with over 40 years experience. And is specialising in various problems and diseases such as! Bringing back lost lovers in 4 days, binding your lover to be yours only and to stop him/her from cheating. To get a man or a woman of your choice Removal of Badluck Cleaning out your complicated and challenging court cases Jobs and promotion pregnancy problems Winning tenders and contracts Rejuvinate mens power during sex and to boost weak erections Penis enlargement – revenge Recovering your stolen property To stop woman from prolonging menstruation and many more complicated problems and other diseases. experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Come and visit a doctor with a difference for appointment call 081 327 4510

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887

TO RENT: Swakopmund, Tamariskia Two bedroom flat with TV room, carport and kitchen to rent for N$5000.00 - N$5500.00 water and electricity included. Contact 0812898668 /0814351012 /0814443858

Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo: 081 339 5913 M A L A W I A N TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

DR ABU YAKEN DR LOVE Dealing with only love problems Expert in lost lovers Marriage problems Call love line 081 862 1832

Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274 DR BABA KAREEM Lucky means being in the right place at the right time, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *pregnancy problems *Manhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744

DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Dr Zania: 081 254 9875

Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street. D R K A M U Z U Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, d i s e a s e s , m a n p o w e r. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547

INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr. Oupa Chimeza the Giant, stop suffering and crying There is hope, Oupa Chimeza is in Walvis Bay with very strong medicine from Malawi, he has 23 years experience in various problems and diseases. He is professional in bringing back lost lovers within a short time, pregnancy problems, court cases, job problems, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Hips enlargement, debts, BP, stroke and many more, come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life. Call Oupa Chimeza 081 558 7112 MAMA SINDI A well known South African female doctor Sangoma from Kwazulu natal (Durban) is here to heal, treat and solve your problems. Lost lovers will be back to you, women problems, work, lucky charms, protection and many more. Located Lagoon, Walvis Bay Mama Sindi 081 327 4512 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti - Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get ten-ders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back - Pregnancy Problems - Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D. Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

NYASA HERBALS AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him in town, next to Choppies Supermarket Call, text, whatsapp

Narraville One-bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen and sitting room. The flat is situated in Roman Street 36. Direction: Turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and drive in Roman Street. The flat is behind the house at Roman Street 36 Rent: N$ 2 700 per month and water is included. A deposit will be required. Prepaid electricity is installed.

081 740 7321

Contact: 0814554176


TO RENT Narraville In a secure flat complex .Very clean. Interlocks in yard. 2 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Open plan Lounge & Kitchen. N$ 2 950.00 per month and water included. Contact: 085 733 3833 TO RENT: 1 May or 1 June 2022 Walvis Bay - Fairways Gracemere Court Townhouse: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen-living-bbq-toilet, backyard, laundry, double garage. Asking N$ 8 500.00 per month plus utilities Call Koos: 081 293 2073

TO RENT: Walvis Bay Two Bedroom flat at Block of Flats. Duplex - Sunny two bedroom, BIC. Bathroom, open plan kitchen & sitting room. Stove. Single garage. Prepaid elect. Sorry – NO pets. N$ 5500.00 p/m plus deposit. Available immediately. Contact: 081 250 4694 Walvis Bay: To Rent Two Bedroom flat. M4 - Spacious and sunny two bedroom with both en-suite bathrooms. Lots of BIC, open plan kitchen, sitting room. Stove. Big outside braai with seating. Alarm. Remote garage door. Prepaid electricity. Sorry –No pets. Pensioners friendly. No municipal water deposito. N$ 6500.00 p/m plus deposit Available Immediately. Cell: 081 250 4694 Apartments to rent in Mondesa, Swakopmund Monthly rent: N$5500 *2 bedrooms with bic *1 bathroom *open plan kitchen with bic and lounge area *single garage with laundry facilities * yard *pre-paid electricity *running water included Deposit: N$ 5500 (payable over 2 months) For more information contact Susan Curtis estates 081 146 6218

8 APRIL 2022


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR swk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT - NARRAVILLE. 1 Bedroom flat for single or couple B.I.C. Fully tiled bathroom with shower + toilet, electric geyser. Open plan kitchen / lounge with B.I.C. Build in stove with extractor fan. Fully tiled floors, aluminum windows, Dstv dish, outside braai, interlocked yards, alarm system and W & E included. N$ 3500.00 p/m . No deposit. Rent payable upfront. No garage + no pets. Available immediately. Contact no. 0812475248. TO RENT. KUISEBMOND. Very spacious 1 Bedroom flat with open plan , B.I.C. Own prepaid meter and Garage. Close to Namsov kindergarden , Already available. Contact no. 0811248480. TO RENT. WALVIS BAY, KUISEBMOND, KABELJOUSTREET. One bedroom flat with open plan kitchen and sitting room with private bathroom. In a very neat and secured area. No garage. Ideal for a single new starter. N$ 3700.00 p/m Including Water & Electricity. No deposit needed. Available immediately. Contact no. 0811278229. TO RENT. CENTRAL IN TOWN . WALVIS BAY. BACK YARD FLAT. 2 Bedroom, no b.i.c. Toilet and Shower. Prepaid Electricity & Water included. Kitchen. Sitting room. Deposit N$ 3900.00 per month. Available now. Contact no. 0812559066. TO LET - MT Flats Mahetago, Mondesa Swakopmund Neat & secured big single rooms. Near shopping centre/ main road. Rent N$1400 N$1900. Deposit N$1000.00. Water & electricity included Contact: 081 252 2724 To rent in Walvis Bay Town, near Schools 3 bedroom house with pet friendly yard, kitchen and full bathroom Double Garage and Burglar Bars. Water and electricity excluded To rent for N$7500 pm N$7500 Deposit required! Available immediately For more info message 081 277 9268

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat, included small courtyard, stove and single garage Monthly rental N$ 4900.00 Deposit required – may be paid over 3 months C o n t a c t 0 8 11 2 9 7 9 9 7 Pamela landline 207997 TO RENT. Very Spacious one Bedroom flat with garage. Has a courtyard. No animals, Water included. Prepaid electricity. Area, In town. N$ 5000 per month Deposit N$ 5000 Walvis Bay. Available 1 May. Contact 081 272 4003 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat to rent in Walvis Bay, walking distance to Duneside High School and Welwitschia Hospital. Corner unit with BICs and stove, open plan kitchen and lounge area, balcony & undercover parking for N$ 4 850 p.m. (Water incl & Electricity excl). Available 16 April 2022 or 1 May 2022. Contact 085 746 1350 TO RENT: Secure double storey Town house at Tamar Village Walvis Bay to rent 2 x bedrooms, full bathroom, open plan kitchen/lounge, BIC, single garage, court yard, prepaid electricity. W&L excluded. Deposit required. N$6000.00 p/m. Available from 01/5/2022. Cell 081 122 6455. TO RENT. TOWNHOUSE – MEERSIG EXT 1 Available from 1 June 2022. Open plan kitchen with B.I.C. / Stove. Living area / Build in bbq. 2 Bedroom with b.i.c.. 1 Bathroom with shower and toilet. Double garage with remote controlled door and Storeroom. Fitted blinds throughout. Paved courtyard with washing lines. Dstv dish and No pets. Water & Electricity excluded. N$ 6000 per month plus deposit. Contact no. 0814703109.



FOR SALE: Bargain Swakopmund, Ocean View - Freestanding home close by Spar, Pro Ed School, Mall, Service station. Spacious home offering: 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, office, kitchendining-living-bbq area, scullery, courtyard, 3x garages, 750m² erf. Asking N$ 2.18 mil. Contact Koos 081 293 2072 Albertina 081 877 4468


UNIT FOR SALE: Di Walri Court (completely renovated) 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen/lounge 1 garage, courtyard Contact Tel 064 202 072 Cell: 081 607 6621 House for Sale Oceanview Ext 22 - Selling below valuation - Close to School and Service station, Modern Design house on 600 Sqm erf, 3 Bedroom, main bedroom ensuite, Guest bathroom and toilet, Open plan kitchen/Dinning and sitting area. Study/TV Room, Scullery, Entrance Foyer, Tandem Garage, Outside braai, and toilet. Selling price N$ 1680 000.00 Excluding costs. Contact: 085 550 3629 / 081 127 1962


VACANCY Hotel General Manager Requirements At least 10 years' experience in the Hotel/Lodge industry. Excellent interpersonal skills and customer service. Basic Bookkeeping skills. Basic Human Resources Skills. Excellent skills in stock and Inventory control. Must have a Drivers license. Must be computer literate. Must have sober habits Must be able to work under pressure. Must be in good health and fit. Must have no dependents or pets. Age between 40 and 55.

Please forward a short CV to theartoswald@gmail.com

Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for and interview. An equal opportunity employer requires the services of the following : *GAMBLING MANAGER * OPERATIONS MANAGER *BAR LADIES *MANAGERS * SUPERVISORS We are urgently seeking to employ competent persons with knowledge of the gambling industry to fill the above position as soon as possible Requirements · Good Communication skills · Able to work flexible hours · Must be able to work with people Namibian citizens can forward CV's to : Email : employmentcreations @gmail.com CLOSING DATE : Friday, 25th April 2022

TO HIRE Trailer for hire in Walvis Bay. Please contact Mr. Smith on 081 216 6585

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


Now opening in Walvis Bay Office 13 – Pelican Mall A-M-B-T-I-O-U-S SALES AGENTS NEEDED!!! Excellent opportunity for self-motivated individuals who want to join LE MORGAN Sales company to promote our product range through appointments leads and referrals To advance into management. WE OFFICER Great Incentive Full Training Commission Basic Salary Medical Aid Call Meagan 0813565956 VACANCY: PRAX ENGINEERING CC an equal opportunity employer invites candidates who are passionate about marine and mining industry, and with uncompromising standards of excellence, to a career in the industry. Position Sales man Requirements • Grade 12 • Diploma in diesel mechanic • 5 years’ experience in sales • Computer Literate • Valid driver’s licence • A mechanical engineering and sales background will be an added advantage • A vibrant, friendly and trustworthy candidate who is ethical and can cope well under pressure. Closing date: 14 April 2022 If this is appealing to you, please send your application and supporting documents to email: info@praxengineering.com Visit our website: www.praxengineering. com Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted

TO HIRE CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770



FOR SALE Brigges + stratten industrial commercial pump 1/c 6.5 3.65 plus 100 meter hose + electric pump Generator Turner Morris 7.5 k.w Honda GX 390 only done 56 hours Concrete mixer Pine rafters 3* Porlines 4.8 8* 4.8 cx 150 rafters 7* 3.8 x 150 rafters 7* 3. x 150 rafters 7* 2.3 x 150 rafters Contact: 081 445 7452

JOB WANTED: I am a 40 year old woman looking for domestic work, 3 days a week, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am hardworking with good reference. Contact: 081 251 4350

FOR SALE. NISSAN NAVARA with V8 LEXUS engine converted 4 +4, very god condition. N$ 95000.00. Contact Reinhold (for viewing). Contact no. 0813333625. FOR SALE: Ford figo 1400 16 valve, twincam (airbags, aircon, new tyres, cd player 2014 MODEL Roadworthy, neat Contact: 081 825 9426

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old looking for domestic work in and around Swakopmund. Contact: 081 781 8387 / 081 275 2557 JOB WANTED: 3 sisters are looking for work. A 35 year old is looking for domestic work, waitress, cleaning, hairdresser and housekeeping Contact: 081 634 4085

A 27 year old is looking job in hospitality and domestic work. Contact: 081 591 6908 a 25 year old is looking for finance manager or accounting finance. Contact: 081 231 4700 WERK GESOEK. Ek is dringend opsoek na huiswerk vir Maandae en Donderdae. Skakel 0812726140.


Site office container including shower and toilet for hire. Please contact Richard: 0814496822

JOB WANTED: I am looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. I have day care work experience. Contact: 081 588 4418 JOB WANTED. I am a 34 years old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact no. 0812133485. JOB WANTED: A lady of 37 years old is looking for housekeeper, babysitting, daycare or office cleaning in Walvis Bay. Can start immediately. Contact no. 0816984213. JOB WANTED: A young lady is looking for domestic work for Saturday in Walvis Bay. I can do also ironing. Contact no. 0813100672. JOB WANTED: I am 34 years old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. I have 10 years experience in cleaning and ironing. Contact no. 0812882620. JOB WANTED. A lady is looking for general work, babysitting, office cleaning and do filling in the office. Contact no. 0815761939. JOB WANTED. A young lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Have 2 years experience. Contact no. 0814803470. JOB WANTED. I am a 33 years old lady looking for domestic work, cleaning in guesthouses or housekeeper work in Naraville, Langstrand, Meersig or Lagoon. Contact no. 0813938912. JOB WANTED. Two woman age of 27 -28 years is looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Contact no. 0817910040 – 0812235758. JOB WANTED. A 33 years old lady is looking for domestic work or cleaning job in Walvis Bay. Can start anytime. Contact no. 0814838621.

8 APRIL 2022


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR swk@namibtimes.net JOBS WANTED


WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na werk in Swakopmund vir Dinsdae en Donderdae, enige skoonmaak werk. Ek is ‘n baie hardwerkende vrou. Kontak Christine: 081 665 3129

JOB WANTED. Am looking for driver work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Have B. E Drivers licence and 28 years experience in driving all over Namibia. Experience in Aluminium and Glass work. Contact no. 0814554022.

WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na 3dae of ‘n week se huiswerk in Swakopmund, Langstrand Ocean View, Myle 4 en Kramersdorf, ek kan ook kinders oppas of kantoor skoonmaak. Ek rook of drink nie en kan enige dag begin. Kontak: 081 221 7989 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na werk, skoonmaak werk of stryk. Ek is baie betroubaar, ek kan onmiddellik begin in Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 211 2303 JOB WANTED: A trustworthy lady is looking for any kind of work, cleaning, day care kindergarden, i can stay with kids, take away or restaursants. Mondays to Fridays. Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 354 4998 JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays or 2 - 3 days a week. I have 10 years experience. Walvis Bay Can start anytime. Contact: 081 410 1966 JOB WANTED: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai, Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan huis skoon maak, was en stryk ek is baie hardwerkend, kan ook na kinders omsien. Kan naweke ook uithelp. Kan onmidellik begin. Het ondervinding en goeie verwysings. Kontak: 081 207 8463 WERK GESOEK. Ek is n 38 jarige dame opsoek na werk vir 5 dae of 3 dae per week. Dit kan kantoor skoonmaak werk of enige ander werk wees in Walvisbaai. Skakel 0816547173. WERK GESOEK. Ek is n 36 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae of vir n week, dit kan ook was en stryk werk wees. Kan enige tyd begin. Skakel 0813041493. J O B WA N T E D : Melissa is a 38 year old looking for a job, it can be either domestic work, in the hotel industry, guesthouse or lodge work in Swakopmund. I have 8 years of experience and good references. Contact: 081 292 4952 / 081 233 2098

JOB WANTED - 31 Year old woman urgently looking for any type of work please. Half day/ Full day/ Temporary. Do have a drivers license & computer. Experience: Receptionist, Personal Assistant, Office Management, Supervisor, Administrative, Bookkeeping, Security & Care giver. Please contact me at 0812976286 JOB WANTED - I am a young lady looking for housekeeping work, stay in or to come in daily, also looking for kind of admin work in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 367 6609 / 081 766 3421. JOB WANTED - I am a 36 year old lady looking for domestic work, cleaning, ironing, babysitting, looking after the elderly or office cleaning work anywhere in Swakopmund. I have experience and available to start any time Monday to Friday. Contact: 081 227 4691 JOB WANTED - I am a 29 year old looking for job, domestic job or printing shop. I can start any day from Monday to Friday in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 222 1079 JOB WANTED - I am a lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Long Beach, I am specialised in ironing, cleaning or housekeeping and laundry work. I am ready to assume my duty as soon as possible to your quick response. I have grade 12 and 2 years experience in domestic work. Contact: 081 683 2258 JOB WANTED- I am a 34 year old woman looking for domestic work from Monday to Friday in Swakopmund or Long Beach. Contact: 081 314 2627 JOB WANTED: I am a 28 year old healthy and hardworking lady looking for domestic work around Swakopmund, I have 2 years experience. Contact: 081 394 7253 JOB WANTED. I am a 26 years old young lady looking for domestic work. Well motivated and hardworking lady. Contact no. 0814700078

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

School News

8 APRIL 2022



AGA Namibia ranking shoot African Genesis Archery (AGA) Namibia held ranking shoot on Saturday 2 April at Private School Elnatan. At the event the three AGA Namibia teams that will represent Namibia in the 2022 Africa Genesis Archery Federation Tournament on 2 and 3 July 2022 were announced. Archers from as far as Outjo and Walvis Bay participated with some in the hope to better their position in the ranking, some to be chosen for one of the teams and others for their first ranking competition. Spirits were high, old archery friends caught up and new friends were made. Two of AGA Namibia's best archers, Burton Weakly and Marionette de Waal, struck a bond when both of them, shooting together on the same butt, made a double 50, twice. Our overall champions for the day in the junior and senior categories were as follow: Junior Boys Champion: Wynand Olivier (Moria) , Runner up: Jericho !Garieb (CHS) , 2nd Runner up: Kian du Plessis (Berg-Op) Junior Girls Champion: Danja Louise Laas (Pro-Ed) , Runner up: Annere Wamback (Berg-Op), 2nd Runner up: Talya vd Merwe (Roots)

Burton Weakly and Marionette de Waal

Senior Boys Champion: Burton Weakly (WHS), Runner up: Gabriël Mwiya (CHS), 2nd Runner up: Dehan von Watzdorf (Danie Joubert) Senior Girls Champion: Diedere Mostert (BergOp), Runner up: M a r i o n e t t e d e Wa a l (WBPHS), 2nd Runner up: Charmaine Nanus (CHS) Our three AGA Namibia teams selected are as follow: Namibia National Team Namibia Development Team Namibia AAG Team Annere Wamback Alexander Abrahams Andila Jaarsak Aurelio Gariseb Anrika van Zyl Anja von Watzdorf Burton Weakly John Conner Burmeister Nel Christie Agenbach Charmaine Nanus Damian Beukes Johan Raes Danya Louise Laas De Wet v Niekerk Avelino Josè Dehan von Watzdorf Emilia Shipiki Christie van Niekerk Delron Gaoseb Jan Hendrik Prinsloo Rhonelle Raes Denzel Nanub Jannie Booysen Marius Louw Diedere Mostert Kira Binding Ernst Khöne Gabriel Mwiya Lara v Rensburg Carine Kruger Jane Ras Melissa de Jesus Josè Floors Abrahams Jean-Pierre Khöne Mybri Schoonbee Douw Steyn Marionette de Waal Shaun Tjihara Jasper Ras

Namibia National Team

Namibia AAG Team PUBLIC NOTIFICATION AND INVITATION: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) FOR THE SUBDIVISION, CLOSURE, REZONING AND STREET CREATION IN SWAKOPMUND, ERONGO REGION. Notice is hereby given to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that applications for Environmental Clearance Certificates will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007) for the following activities. · Subdivision of Erf 3654 into portion A and Remainder for the creation of a street on the Remainder of Erf 3654. · Subdivision of Erf 1023 into portions A, B and Remainder, permanent closure of portions “A and B” as “streets” and Rezoning of portions A and B from “street” to “general business” · Subdivision of Erf 3778 into portion C and Remainder, permanent closure of portion C as a “street”, and Rezoning of portion C from “street” to “general business” Proponent: Municipality of Swakopmund EAP: Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc The intended activities cannot be undertaken without any EIA being undertaken. I&APs are hereby invited to register, request for Background Information Document (BID), and send their comments to eia@greengain.com.na on or before 29 April 2022. The need for a public meeting will be communicated to all registered I&APs.

Namibia Development Team

For more Information: Cell: +264 81 142 2927 Email: info@greegain.com.na

NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF SWAKOPMUND TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and Planning Services. Onkudhu Micro-Finance herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate an Administrative Office on the premises of erf 1632, (Omulondo Street) Mondesa Proper. Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours. Closing date for objections or comments is 5 May 2022. Contact person: Mr David Elago or Mrs Anna Egumbo, cell: 0813559514/0816869679 Email: egumbo93@gmail.com or Mr. J. Heita (Manager: Town Planning)


8 APRIL 2022

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

FNB Kudu Boytjies set for U/20 Rudi Bowe Barthes Trophy Three Under 20 Rugby players from FNB Kudu Rugby Club at Walvis Bay are set to represent Namibia at the U/20 Barthes Trophy, which will take place in Kenya from 9 to 17 April 2022, at the Nyayo National Stadium in Nairobi. These three coastal rugby players, Alexander Jansen, Gregory N amas eb and Darren Beukes were selected with 20 other U/20 Namibians to represent Namibia, along with hosts Kenya, Madagascar, Senegal, Tunisia, Zimbabwe, Ivory Coast and Zambia in the U/20 Barthes Cup. The tournament, which serves as the Africa's U20 championship, features eight teams. This year the tournament will be played on a knockout basis over three match days with four quarterfinal fixtures on Saturday, 9 April, with the semi-finals set for Wednesday, 13 April, and the title decider will be played on Sunday, 17 April. Namibia's under-20 men's team received their national colours on Tuesday, 5 April, from the Namibia Sport Commission in Windhoek, and left for Kenya on Wednesday, 6 April, and will get the tournament underway on Saturday against Cote d'Ivoire in the opening game at 9:00, paving the way for the second clash between Tunisia and Zimbabwe. Madagascar, losing finalists in 2021, will take on Zambia in the day's third fixture before hosts and defending champions, Kenya takes on their next-door neighbours, Uganda in the final quarterfinal fixture. Match Day 2, Wednesday 13 April CM1 9.00am Loser Namibia's under-20 men's team that are representing the country at the U/20 Barthes Trophy in Kenya

QF1 v Loser QF2 CM2 11.30am Loser QF3 v Loser QF4 SF1 2.00pm Winner QF1 v Winner QF4 SF2 4.30pm Winner QF2 v Winner QF3 Match Day 3, Sunday 17 March 2022 PO1 9.00am Loser CM1 v Loser CM2 PO2 11.30am Winner CM1 v Winner CM2 Bronze Medal Match: 2.00pm Loser SF1 v Loser SF2 Final: 4.30pm Winner SF1 v Winner SF2 The Namibian Under 20 team are: Forwards Jano Otto, Lucky Mauha, Iyambo Tshuuya, Bernd Beddies, Upahee Muhuura,

Alexander Jansen

Darren Beukes

Gregory Namaseb

Frederich Grobbelaar, Franco Pearson, Conwille D r a g h o e n d e r, H e n r i Rossouw, Riaan Grove, Rowan Jansen (captain), Alexander Jansen, RayEezFeris. Backs: (vice-captain), Brian Bayer, Adriaan Steenkamp, Geraldo Beukes, Darren Beukes, Niel Holtzhausen, Rashano van Rooi, Patrick Karsten, Owen Hawanga, Quirine Madjiedt, Janes van Zyl. With Dominic Diedericks, Lister Cochrane, Joe Losper, Enrique Husselman, Ethan Koopman, Nathan Isaacs, Keenan Januarie and Hendrick Schalkwyk the non-travelling reserves. All photos contribured.

The Rivalry Continues In Swakop Rudi Bowe TThe rivalry between FNB Kudu Rugby Club and FNB UNAM it set to continue tomorrow, Saturday 9 April, as the two clubs will clash in Namibian Rugby Union's (NRU) leagues at the Tamariskia Stadium in Swakopmund. The big clash of the day is between the two Premier league teams, Kudus and UNAM. Both teams won their opening games, and it promises to be a tough encounter and season defining for Kudus. With a few changes to the Kudu starting team up front that were necessitated with prop, Viviers, unavailable and Codey Naholo, who received a red card last weekend against Rehoboth. At the back, National Center Justin Newman's returns to the starting line-up. Lyodd Jacobs moves to fullback with Paulo and Ashton as wingers. Kudu will have to improve on its disciplines if it wants any say in the game. Ihe game against Rehoboth, they gave away too many unnecessary penalty kicks, and will have to be drastically improved upon. Up front, Kudu captain, Cameron Langenhoven, along with Lezardo Vos, Jossie Jacobs, Shaun White and Tiaan Arangies will have to keep Unam's eight in check. It is going to be an exciting battle without a doubt. Unam does have the advantage that they have been playing together for a few years and know each other very well. Kudus on the other hand has an exciting backline. Percy Nash remains a nightmare for any team, his experience remains valuable. Kyle Wentzel gets another chance at flyhalf tomorrow to prove his worth, and with centers like Michael Hummel and Justin Newman on the outside it can be deadly. The Reserve league teams, FNB Kudu RC and FNB UNAM RC will also be full of action. In their last match last year in the semi-final, Kudus 2 won the match by 16 – 15. Both of their league matches were also balanced on a knife point until the last minutes and tomorrow sense is not going to be any different. The Kudu RC 1st Division team will host the second team of Sparta United also at the Tamariskia Stadium tomorrow. Kudus has selected a formidable team with props Henning and Rooies making their debut in the blue and white and with the likes of Wardo Sitzer and Wikkie Bampton up front, Sparta will have their handful. At the back, the always steady Ulriato Lawrence, will dictate the match and together with fellow backs Leroy Stevens and Pakkie Jeneker it should be a hard game of rugby. The Kudu Bokkies will clash against the UUNAM Steenbokkies. The teams weigh well against each other, and their matches in the past have always been very exciting. Great responsibility rests on the Bokkies' Tammy Lee Roodt and Faiza to pull this one through the drift. Sparta United's women's team that has only started playing for a few months will play their first league game as they host Okahandja Huskies at the

Tamariskia Stadium tomorrow. This weekend's games promise to be full of excitement and should not be missed. The program for the day is: Sparta United's women's vs Okahandja Huskies at 10:30 Kudu RC man's 3 vs Sparta United man's 2 at 11:30 Kudu Bokkies vs UNAM Sprinbokkies at 13:00 Kudus 2 vs UNAM 2 at 14:00 Kudus 1 vs UNAM 1 at 15:45 With a long season ahead and with a bunch of away games ahead the club is asking the community to turn up in hordes for support. Kudu RC will have “Langarm' dance with Georgie Steyn and his band on Saturday 9 April from 20:00 at the Narraville Primary School Hall to help the club with its travel expenses. Entree fee is N$100 per person. Tickets are available from the Kudus management or players, or you can also pay at the door. Kudus Premier league team: 15. Jacobs Lloyd, 14. Andrews Paolo, 13. Newman Justin, 12. Hummel Michael, 11. Mukwiilongo Aston, 10. Wentzel Kyle, 9. Nash Percy, 8. Jacobs Joshua, 7. Vos Lezardo, 6. Langenhoven Cameron, 5. Arangies Tertuis, 4. White Shaun, 3. Calaca Lorenzo, 2. Viviers Z w a n d r e , 1 . Craig Swartz, 16. Hoebeb Anthony, 17. Koning Jarren, 18. Brussel Charlton, 19. Groenewaldt Lorenzo, 20. Paulse Rayton, 21. Visser Shylo and 22. Kotzee Marvin. Kudus Reserve team: 15. Williams Zane, 14. Koltz Algirnon, 13. April Zuriel, 12. Tjazerua Michael, 11. Visser Shylo, 10. Izaaks Giovanni, 9. Langenhoven Deven, 8. Besser Sheiton, 7. Koning Jarreth, 6. Shoombe Casio, 5. Camm Clayton, 4. Wohler Fernando, 3. Mate Unoa, 2. Strauss Tiaan, 1. Hoebeb Anthony, 16. Joubert Henning, 17. Oosthuizen Gert, 18. Nortje Nicholaas, 19. Makgone Cosmos, 20. Bampton Virgil, 21. September Daniel and 22. Stevens Lee-Roy Kudus First Division team: 15. Lee-Roy Stevens, 14. Breyton Kennedy, 13. Daniel Jeneke, 12. Ulriato Lawrence, 11. Ashley Maclobo, 10. Brandon Seister, 9. Lovelle Delie, 8. Ernesto Bampton, 7. Lorenko Klaase, 6. Virgil Bampton, 5. Deano Doyle, 4. Luwardo Sitzer, 3.Gert Oosthuizen, 2. Henning Joubert, 1. Francois Oosthuizen, 16. Aswin Nash, 17. Brandon Brendell, 18. Simon Kwakugu, 19. Daniel September, 20. Jivino Polster, 21 and 22. Gio Sitzser The Kudu Bokkies team 1. Madelein Van Der Bijl, 2. Ramone Van Der Bijl, 3. Faisa-Lee Tjivava, 4. Emilyn Marais, 5. Jasmine Naholo, 9. Nessy Jansen and 10. Tammy-Lee Roodt. With 12. Queen Gom-Khaises, 13. Jackqueline Van Schalkwyk, 14. Amor Klein, 16. Luka Entin 17. Shanay Kearns, 18. Candida Delcarme, 19. Panduleni Jahannes, 20. Liode Iyambo, 21 and Zenobia Van Wyk the reservices.

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