9 april namib times edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6908 FRIDAY 9 APRIL 2021 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Municipality of Walvis Bay’s “questionable” waterfront deal Original agreement changed at Deeds Office - land does not have to be returned to municipality after Afrikuumba Joint Venture expires in 50 years....................... Floris Steenkamp By the single strike of a pen, the municipality of Walvis Bay in 2018 lost 80 % of its ownership in two plots (4939 and 4941) in the lagoon suburb earmarked for a waterfront development. The municipal swimming pool and cricket fields are currently situated on these two plots respectively. The two plots were the Walvis Bay munici- municipality as to how registered in the pality, Muronga Hain- the previous Swaponame of a Joint gura, in 2018 signed a led town council and Venture company, bond cancellation to officials handled the Walvis Bay Water- scrap this condition matters around the front Properties, in against the title deed waterfront developwhich the Walvis that the land has to be ment. Bay municipality returned to the munici- Haingura serves on the holds a 20 % stake pality after 50 years. Board of Directors of a n d A f r i k u u m b a Officials at the munici- Walvis Bay Waterfront Construction, owned pality of Walvis Bay Properties and so does b y b u s i n e s s m a n are now scrambling to the municipality's Titus Nakuumba, locate a copy of the General Manager for holds an 80 % stake. Joint Venture Agree- Community and EcoA formal agreement ment and various coun- nomic Development, is in place which cil resolutions that Agostino Victor. Both stipulates the Joint could shed light onto are currently on susVenture would only the decision to alienate pension for alleged be in existence for a the land permanently. financial irregularities period of 50 years. The town council also at a Government-funAfter the 50 years recently indicated it ded low-cost housing period the Walvis wants to pose a number scheme which had to Bay municipality's o f q u e s t i o n s t o be administered by the ownership of the two Afrikuumba Construc- municipality of Walvis plots with improve- tion with regard to the Bay. The other susments would be fully status of the waterfront pended officials are the restored. project. After the latest municipality's proIn what is regarded discovery of the bond perty manager Jack as highly question- cancellation, the scope Manale and housing able now, it was dis- of questioning is ex- official Constance covered this week pected to broaden Summers. t h e t h e n C h i e f beyond Afrikuumba In what follows below Executive Officer of Construction to the Continues on page 2

Another state hospital horror unfolding at Swakop state hospital Eileen van der Schyff At the time of going to press yesterday afternoon a woman remained hospitalised at the Swakopmund state hospital, waiting for days already for a medical-induced still birth to take place of her child that died in her womb early on Monday morning. To make the matter tic fluid in her womb kongo and her life even more horrifying was low and that this partner, David Makari is the woman claims put the fetus at risk. arrival at the hospital her child would have An emergency caesa- medical staff on duty survived, had medical rean was scheduled for s a i d t h e y c a n n o t staff at the state hos- the same night at appreciate the urgency pital acted promptly to 10:30. and that the private deliver the child However, when ShiContinues on page 2 through emergency caesarean. The devastated paents, David Makari and Sara Shikongo, shared their horrifying story with Namib Times. Giving birth should be one of the most joyous occasions. Parents would understandably be devastated should something go wrong and a baby dies. If the family believes the death is due to a hospital's negligence, the tragedy is aggravated. On Saturday (3 April) at 20:10 Shikongo was referred by her private doctor to the Swakopmund state hospital after a sonar showed Grieving and devastated parents - David Makari the amount of amnioand Sara Shikongo

inside “Covidtruckport not sustainable anymore

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Food parcels to lift the burden

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Mobile clinics from GIZ

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Sports News Page 12


Waterfront deal

9 APRIL 2021

Continued from page 1

is in chronological order, the events that followed since Council adopted in principle a Joint Venture with Afrikuumba to develop a waterfront up to the latest discovery of alleged irregularities: *On 16 July 2013 Council adopted a resolution to approve in principle a Joint Venture with Afrikuumba Construction for a waterfront development in the area where the municipal swimming pool, an adjacent park, the cricket club, and tennis club are currently situated. *On 17 December 2013 Council held an Extraordinary Council meeting in which the Joint Venture Agreement (JWA) was approved. It was further resolved that the municipality of Walvis Bay contribute the two plots to the Joint Venture. At the time the land's estimate value was N$80 million. In this same meeting it was further resolved the shareholding of the municipality in Walvis Bay Waterfront Properties would be 20 % and Afrikuumba Construction 80 %. The Joint Venture would be for a period of 50 years, whereafter the municipality would again become the sole owner of the land. *On 22 July 2015, the Minister of Urban and Rural Development granted approval for this Joint Venture. Although the minister granted approval in mid-2015 for a Joint Venture, it must be noted at this point that Walvis Bay Waterfront Properties (Pty) ltd was already established in 2013 (company registration number: 2013/1138). *Plots 4939 and 4941 was registered in the name of Walvis Bay Waterfront Properties (Pty) ltd on 13 October 2016 (title deed number T6238). The conveyancer was the law firm Ellis Shilengudwa Incorporated (ESI). *A number of conditions were registered against the title deed, one of which was that the land would revert back to the municipality of Walvis Bay after a period of 50 years. *On 4 September 2018 the condition to return the land to the municipality of Walvis Bay was cancelled by a bond cancellation signed by Muronga Haingura (Bc5996).

New Street Renaming Committee for Walvis Bay Fifteen Walvis Bay residents were elected to serve on the harbour town's Suburb- and Street Naming Committee. These residents, along with town councillors and the two regional councillors for Walvis Bay, will be deciding on the names of both existing and future suburbs and streets. Council approved the proposal of these fifteen residents at its monthly meeting in March this year. The Committee is as follows: Kuisebmond: Regional Councillor Florian Dunato, Mr Antonius Muremi, Mr Andreas Imalwa, Mr Salmon Namwandi, Mr Petrus Bonnie Ipinge and Mrs Emma Ananias. Narraville: Councillor S Mutondoka; Councillor O Andrews and Regional Councillor Deriou Benson. Walvis Bay Proper: Mayor Trevino Forbes; Councillor Leroy Victor; Mrs Nadia Figueredo; and Miss Valencia Izaaks. Meersig: Mrs Nelmari Simon. Langstrand and Dolphin Beach: Mr Herrold Page.

Jerome Mouton and Alf Kathindi on Namport Board of Directors The Ministry of Public Enterprises announced Namport’s new Board of Directors this week. Two new appointments that are of particular interest is that of Mr Jerome Mouton, a former senior official at Namport who was closely involved with the commercial development of Namport for many years as well as Mr Alfeus Kathindi who for many years headed port operations. The Directors are: Ms Evangelina Hamunyela (Chairperson and only member whose previous tenure was renewed); Mr Jerome Mouton (Deputy Chairman); Mr Isac Tjombonde; Mr. Alfeus Kathindi; Ms Vincia Cloete; Ms Amanda Pick and Mr Shiwana Ndeunyema.

State hospital horror Continued from page 1 doctor was just out to make money out of them. They were further informed the state hospital does not allow private doctors to work at the state hospital. The devastated Makari spoke to Namib Times on Tuesday. “The maternity staff at the Swakopmund state hospital was not helpful. The nurse managing the maternity ward allegedly refused that the caesarean be carried out”, he explained. On Sunday evening the maternity staff put the woman on oxygen. They again removed the oxygen at around 03:00 on Monday. “By this time, the little movement my wife felt inside her womb had completely disappeared”, said Makari. When Namib Times spoke to the equally devastated Shikongo on Tuesday, she insisted her baby would have survived had the planned emergency caesarean been carried out.

“My baby died inside of me. I believe my baby could have been saved”, she said. At the time the newspaper spoke to the parents, it was already more than twenty-four hours since she received medication to induce a still birth. Whilst at the hospital the newspaper wanted to question the nurse managing the maternity ward. The reply was “she is out”. A senior medical officer was available to comment. Her explanation was the mother was too early in her pregnancy for a birth. That is despite the reporter showing her proof the estimated date of birth was scheduled for approximately 12 April 2021. This senior officer then changed her tune and indicated staff at the hospital are not allowed to speak to the media. She referred all further inquiries to the Regional Health Office. Namib Times spoke with the father just before going to press yesterday and the situation remains unchanged. There was no still birth yet. The clock was ticking critically for the mother, as the dead fetus in her womb can cause life threatening bleeding or septicemia.

Governor urges truck operators to use new double way behind the dunes......... Governor Andre also made use of the opportunity to urge heavy trucks operators to divert to use the newly completed MR44 road behind the dunes, 7 in order to further decongest the B2 coastal road. The dual carriage way is almost complete, with an estimated seven kilometers to be constructed to the connecting point on the C14 near the Walvis Bay International Airport.

Street name for First Lady... The Municipality of Swakopmund honoured Namibia's First Lady Mrs. Monica Geingos with a street name yesterday. The street is in Mondesa's Extention 10, behind Mondesa Clinic, intersecting with Waterberg street, leading to the Tamariskia residential area.

9 APRIL 2021



Temporary “Covid-truckport” Kuisebmond-B2 intersection open for traffic - proves within not sustainable anymore The temporary truck port that was established in May last year to control the movement of truck drivers to curb the spread of Covid-19 is no more sustainable. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group's Wellness Services Manager, Mr Edward Shivute, attributes this to a decline in donor support the past few months. “The need for the temporary truck port still educate truck drivers about the Coronavirus, as remains a priority in Walvis Bay”, Shivute it deems a shift in mindset as a power tool to said in an interview with Namib Times combat Covid-19. recently. He urged stakeholders in the logistics industry, especially transport, to recommit themselves to keep this facility open. He also urged Government to remain committed. Shivute explained as a new Covid-19 variant has been detected in South Africa, WBCG see the need more than ever before to sustain this temporary truck port. The spread of the virus must be countered at all cost. Although the temporary truck port is at threat, the Walvis Bay Corridor Group continues to

hours to ease traffic burden

The newly constructed intersection connecting Khomas Hochland Street in Kuisebmond to the B2 coastal road was recently opened for traffic. In the first hours it proved to lessen the traffic burden on the Narraville-B2 intersection. The road that was constructed at a cost of approximately N$5.5 million which included the installation of streetlights and the relocating of palm trees. The official opening was attended by the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Cllr Trevino Forbes, the Erongo Regional Governor, Cllr Neville André, the Regional Councillor for the Walvis Bay Rural Constituency, Cllr Florian Donatus, as well as several other municipal councillors. The intersection is a welcome relief to motorists as it provides a new access to Kuisebmond and will reduce traffic volumes at the Narraville/B2 intersection. In his keynote address, Governor Andre applauded the municipality of Walvis Bay for addressing challenges faced by the community and road users.


9 APRIL 2021

Food parcels for the disadvantaged Rudi Bowe

Elsie Tjiute and Charles Neidel from the Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Office, Principal at De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk and Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Councillor Deriou Benson together with Virginia Nghifikwa, Seuntjie Kauare and Victoria Elikana also from the Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Office

The Walvis Bay Urban Constituency Office recently donated 20 food parcels that consist of maize meal, macaroni, rice, sugar, two juices, coffee, oil, soya mince, frozen chicken and tomato sauce to De Duine Secondary School. The Walvis Bay Urban Constituency handover of the food parcels that Seaside Councillor Deriou Benson said at the Primary School, Immanuel Ruiters Primary School, Kuisebmond Secondary School, Duinesig High School and Kuisebmond Primary School received 10 food parcels to each. Benson said “My office would love to stretch our reach to the communities of the Urban and Rural Constituencies of Walvis Bay, as we do not want to exclude anyone and that we would definitely to do this more frequently. Benson added that the funds for the food parcels were made available to serve as Covid-19 relief by the Erongo Regional Council. “We approached the local schools to identify learners in dire need of food assistance with in the entire Urban and Rural Constituencies of Walvis Bay” Benson said. The Principal at De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk said that they identified 20 recipients 'learners' by consulting with the teachers, who know which learners are in real need. “We are truly grateful for this donation and know that the learners will definitely appreciate this gesture” Principal Van Wyk said. In the same week Orano Mining Namibia donated food items to the value of close to N$10 000 to the DRC Women's Community Project that was established in 2010 under the wings of Katutura Projected and Grow Together Kindergarten in Swakopmund for their daily soup kitchen. The DRC Grow Together Kindergarten caters for children between the ages of 3 to 5 and prepares them for school with the help of retired schoolteachers on the site in container classrooms. Each child receive a warm daily meal on site, while the soup kitchen also caters for other children from the community.

Appreciative kids from the DRC Grow Together Kindergarten with some of the donated parcils. Photo contributed

9 APRIL 2021



All new Agility Orthopaedic Centre in Walvis Bay

Agility Orthopaedic Centre had their official opening at the Multi-Disciplinary Centre in Walvis Bay yesterday morning. The centre offers functional rehabilitation treatment protocols as well as equipment for musculoskeletal conditions. The centre is equipped with professional doctors, physiotherapists, orthopaedic surgeons and biokiniticists. Agility promotes effective recovery, flexibility and mobility to patients. Read more about the it in next week’s edition of the Namib Times.


9 APRIL 2021

GIZ donates goods worth N$6 million Rudi Bowe

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) donated goods worth N$6 million, which includes three fully furnished mobile containers clinics. Covid-19 hygiene material such as isolation tent, masks, disinfectants and other protective gear and a vehicle to the Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG) last Thursday at Walvis Bay. WBCG has been at the forefront of fighting communicable and non-communicable diseases in the logistics sector and the Wellness Service has been responsive to the medical and health

challenges in their sector, including cross border trips, recording, as well as monitoring and surveillance of truck driver wellness. The Head of Component at GIZ Transport, Mobility and Ogistics

Project, Ursula HeinRooinasie said the goods procured as well as the salaries of staff at the container clinics donated by her department are aimed at assisting WBCG's efforts to prevent the further spread of Covid-19 and to enable effective operations at border crossings and along corridors. Hein-Rooinasie said it is important for stakeholders of the transport industry to have a

renewed vision with new strategies to preserve public health, economic recovery and sustainability. It is our intention to strengthen rules and regulations put into place by the Namibian Government, while ensuring the continuation of logistics operations.” “The support is part of a bigger package towards the transport sector implemented by GIZ. The second component focused on public trans-

WBCG project coordinator Edward Shivute and Sister Verah Mhambi in front of the mobile container clinic in Walvis Bay port, where the City of Windhoek municipal buses as well as taxi drivers were supported with preventive measures against the spread of the Coronavirus” Hein-Rooinasie said. WBCG Chief Executive Officer Mbahupu Tjivikua who received the donation said that it came at the right time for the transport and logistics fraternity of Namibia and the SADC region.

Tjivikua said “This sponsorship by GIZ is not a cure or treatment for Covid-19 but an effort to mitigate the impact and contain further spread of Covid19. It will ease pressure on our thin and overstretched financial resources and will also financially and psychologically boost the morale of the staff and improve their productivity as well as the sustainability of WBCG.”

“The three mobile clinics will be stationed in Walvis Bay, Keetmanshoop and Outapi with six other active wellness centres at the ports of entries in Walvis Bay, Katima Mulilo, Oshikango, Windhoek, Gobabis and Otjiwarongo. These centres offer free wellness services to truck drivers and the communities they interact with, including commercial sex workers” Tjivikua said.

9 APRIL 2021




9 APRIL 2021

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net





We need Cars, Bakkies, bikes and trailers PARK & SELL CAR SALES 0818810188 0811475475 Swakopmund WE COLLECT AND SELL ANYWHERE Save and secure parking Professional service WE SELL YOUR CAR FAST

Training KHEYA HEALTH CARE TRAINING INSTITUTE Courses on offer Care giver KHCTI invites interested applicants for a certificate in care giving Admission Requirements: Minimum requirement grade 10 or 12 certificate ADDRESS: Unit 3 Lexor Park, Grand avenue Industrial park, Walvis Bay Application due date: 15 April 2021 For more information please contact 081 554 5273

SERVICES THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202 818, Walvis Bay Expert service in general tailoring- One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.

SODA CLUB & SODA STREAM REFILLS MODEL 60 = N$ 130.00 MODEL 30 = N$ 110.00 Free Delivery in SWAKOPMUND Contact: 081 739 6318

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast





NYASA HERBALS AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him in town, next to Choppies Supermarket Call, text, whatsapp 081 740 7321

INTERNATIONAL TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr. Oupa Chimeza the Giant, stop suffering and crying There is hope, Oupa Chimeza is in Walvis Bay with very strong medicine from Malawi, he has 23 years experience in various problems and diseases. He is professional in bringing back lost lovers within a short time, pregnancy problems, court cases, job problems, stop drinking alcohol and smoking. Hips enlargement, debts, BP, stroke and many more, come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life. Call Oupa Chimeza 081 558 7112

100% Dr King Mbabani The old man from Swaziland is here for you. Specializing in: * Bring back lost lover in 2 days * Stop your cheating lover * Open your luck * Success in Business and more customers * Make mens penis / private parts big and strong permanently * Control early ejaculation * Make more rounds during sex * Help men and women produce (pregnancy and fertility) * Reduce women private parts * Bring back stolen property * win court cases and lotto, gambling. Come and witness the power!! Call Dr King Mbabani: 081 458 5885

MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547


DR LOVE ABU YAKEEN I only deal with love and relationship problems Lost lovers bring back same day. Attraction of the highest order. Be sweet and attractive Get marriage proposal Contact: 081 862 1832

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Opportunity just comes once am the Great Chief Zhivago call me now or whatsapp for your serious problems to be solved, i have good news to all ladies out there I come with solutions to your problems, to dry the wetness of a woman wen making love, your man to understand you after quarrelling, to love you mor and ot going to other women, to keep your marriage strong and happy, call back lost lovers, instant money work of leadership money rituals business to move forward, marriage problem, promotion in work place, lack of jobs client problems sickness, court case girlfriend / boyfriend problems, lack of child family problems, when you want something from someone, when you want power, when you need population inside your work or church and many more. 081 201 7556

Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274 DR BABA KAREEM Lucky means being in the right place at the right time, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *pregnancy problems *Menhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744 DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Dr Zania: 081 254 9875

100% Dr KOI KOI and Professor GONONDO Wipe your tears and stop suffering I am old enough, I don't have time to play with people who have serious problems, I work with experience, I don't rush for peoples money without helping them first. Don't lose hope because another Dr failed you. Come to me!!! The only Miracle water from the Volcanoes Are you stressing of money * Love/relationship * Lost & building properties * Job searching * Court cases * Pregnancy * Bad luck /remove evil spirits / get rid of enemies * Unhappy marriage * Mens penis enlargement * Spirit powers for pastors/ Sangomas/ political/ leader * Finish unfinished job with 69 years of experienced Zamba & Joseph Only man you can trust for quick and effective results. 100 % guaranteed. Call Dr Koi Koi and Prof. Gonondo: 081 301 3297 Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from witchcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win contractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

DR FAMBA WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU Well experienced traditional Doctor who destroys all types of witchcraft power that is happening in people's life and he brings back all your luck which is taken through witching he genuinely helps with the following problems: 1. Removing bad luck completely 2. Brings back lost lover 3. Destroys tokoloshi in your life 4. Restoring birth rights lucky 5. Stop bad dreams 6. Breaking the chains of family problems and diseases 7. Provide powerful protection against your enemies 8. Blocking your partner not to cheat on you 9. Cure all witchcraft diseases 10. Brings back financial happiness 11. Job opportunities 12. Customer attraction boost your business 13. Promotion 14. Tracing stolen properties 15. Winning gambling 16. Winning love partner 17. Cure weak erection 18. Treating cancer, TB, diabetes, Epilepsy, stroke, Bp, womb pain, joint pain, gout. 19. Hip and manhood enlargement 20. Removing black spots on your skin 21. Stimulate sexual desire and long lasting in bed. Don't hesitate to contact him now to witness the end of your problems. Contact: 081 396 1919


9 APRIL 2021


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT To Rent Narraville : Neat & Private 1 bedroom backyard flat. Spacious open-plan, with built in cupboards, bathroom & kitchenette. W& E included. Extras: Camera & detector, for security. Aluminum windows & Door N$ 3 600.00 Single & N$ 3 900.00 couple. Serious & sober people only. Deposit N$ 1500 negotiable and Garage optional Cell 081 229 7390 Available 01 April To Rent Fairways W/B, 1 bedroom flat + Garage N$ 4 500.00 p/month Water Included prepaid electricity excl. Deposit required. Available Immediately. Contact 081 333 5230 TO LET LANGSTRAND - PRAIA LONGA: Upmarket Furnished Flat offering two bedrooms, two bathrooms, balcony, open plan kitchen – living – BBQ area, single garage. Views on the Dunes and the Ocean. Rent N$5,800.00 p.m Pre-paid electricity. inclusive of water (max N$300/month). Available 1 May 2021. Call Koos 081 293 2073 TO RENT: Hermis Outside room N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Inside room N$ 2000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419 TO RENT: Workshop in Walvis Bay, 10th street, No.273, Erven 2349. 370m² including Office space and store room. 380V power. Security system. Yard interlocked. Volker Dieckhoff lapaloma@iway.na Tel. 062 518152; 081 2479648. TO RENT: WVB Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma 214 modern 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, dining room Big courtyard at the back Garage. Dishwasher, blinds, G4S and water included. Pre paid electricity. Quiet safe complex N$ 6 100.00 p/m Deposit payable over 2 months. Available 1 Feb 2021 No pets, No agents Contact Frank/Hannah 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Narraville near Sentra shop With kitchen / lounge and shower No garage N$ 3 500.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposit negotiable W/E incl. Available 1 April 2021 Contact: 081 611 1111



FLAT TO RENT, KABELJOU STREET, KUISEBMOND!!!!! Available Immediately Safe and Secure Location Price: N$ 2300.00 p/m Deposit required Price includes Water, Electricity is Pre-paid Call: 0812780918 / 0811473455

TO RENT: Kuisebmond freestanding one bedroom flat Spacious kitchen area and toilet. Prepaid electricity. With free water N$ 2 700.00 p/m Available immediately. Contact: 081 299 1348

TO RENT: Bachelors flat available for rent from 1st April 2021 in Kuisebmond. N$ 2 000.00 p/m excluding water & electricity. Pre-paid electricity available. N$ 2 000.00 deposit payable. Please contact: 081 129 4458 TO RENT: Narraville 1x bedroom flat Open plan kitchen Built in cupboards No garage N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 negotiable Available 1 May 2021 Contact: 081 450 7439 081 220 5705 TO RENT: 2 bedroom freestanding house with garage N$ 5 500.00 p/m Water incl. 237 Nangolo Mbumba Str Contact: 081 233 9828 TO RENT: Kuisebmond Karl Hagendorn street Kitchen, toilet, shower with warm water W/E incl. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Can move in end of April Contact: 081 285 7631 081 759 4950 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat Toilet and open plan kitchen with indoor braai area. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2000.00 Contact: 081 351 4477 TO RENT: 5 bedroom house to let in Narraville. Big Lounge and tv room, fitted kitchen. BIC in bedrooms. Prepaid Electricity and water excluded. Rent is pre-payable and deposit required available 1 May 2021 N$ 7500.00 p/m 081 230 1763 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat to rent in Walvis Bay, walking distance to Duneside High School and Welwitschia Hospital. Corner unit with BICs and stove, open plan kitchen and lounge area, balcony & undercover parking N$ 4 500 p.m (Water incl & Electricity excl). Available immediately. Contact 085 746 1350

TO RENT: Koraal str Narraville Bachelor flat BIC, stove N$ 1 500.00 deposit N$ 3 200.00 p/m Available immediately Contact: 081 578 2854

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Freestanding 2 bedroom house for sale in Arandis by owner, No Agent. BIC and BIS, Open plan lounge and kitchen. N$ 450 000.00 Contact: 081 554 7605 PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT Owners looking for buyer or tenants to temporarily lease out their family home in Meersig. For prices and more information please contact 081 127 1997 081 454 8165 PROPERTY FOR SALE: Walvis Bay, Narraville N$ 2,140 mil (all costs included) Block of flats Zoning / general residential 4x2 bedrooms Both bedrooms with fitted cupboards Kitchen area, open plan lounge, 1 bathroom Each with own courtyard and braai area 2x double garages Prepaid metres Erf size 624m² If you want to make a future investment urgently call 081 396 9360 081 256 1355 081 779 8355 TE KOOP: Hermes Neate street N$ 1950 000.00 3 bedroom house Double garage Plus a 1 bedroom flat Contact: 081 142 6942 FOR SALE: Business erf in Tutaleni Ugwanga Street extension 3 6859 Kuisebmond 350m² N$ 360 000.00 Contact: 085 200 0333 FOR SALE: Two bedroom house in Seapoint, Kuisebmond N$ 550 000.00 Transfer costs included. Contact: 081 124 4700

VACANCIES VACANCY: Sales Assistant Honest Computer literate Work under pressure Vibrant Namibian citizen Fluent in English and Afrikaans References required Please forward cvs to: The Manager P.O. Box 4032 Walvis Bay

VACANCY: Walvis Bay Looking for 1x person who can do professional facials, make up artist, manicures and pedicures (nail tech) Should have own equipment! Only serious only people Contact: 081 868 1995 APL NETWORKING MARKETING All networking lovers, get opportunity to join us in this top networking marketing company. Not yet launched in Southern Africa. The first meeting will be held on 18 April 2021 (Namibia) We are marketers and distributors Quality health care and beauty care Make some extra income joining fee is N$ 25.00 More information Call Mrs Esta 081 293 1005 (Walvis Bay) Mrs Kadhila 081 241 5447 (Swakopmund) Mrs Aina 081 280 9353 (Swakopmund) Salmi 081 843 9235 (Walvis Bay) Mrs Mathengu 081 250 0055 (Gobabis)

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

WANTED QUICK CASH QUICK CASH..!!! We buy gold jewellery and coins for cash. Jewellery can be broken. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Karibib and Usakos. We are mobile and can come to you 24/7. Contact: 081 867 4319 / 081 867 0959

Containers CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

CARS FOR SALE: Beekman, Canopy for Nissan NP 300 Double cab in excellent condition N$ 13 500.00 and one canopy for Toyota Hilux DC Model 2010 used for N$ 2000.00 Contact: 081 221 5802 TE KOOP: BMW 320 D voertuig N$ 190 000.00 107 000 km Contact: 081 142 6942



JOB WANTED: A 38 year old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. I have bricklaying experience, plastering, welding, painting, ceilings etc. Ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 247 2400 081 257 3400

WERK GESOEK: 2 betroubare dames, Rosa 38 jaar oud en Janet 31 jaar oud is opsoek na huiswerk, stryk werk of by ‘n kare was plek in Swakopmund, Kramersdorf of Langstrand. Ons het ondervinding en verwysings. Kontak: 081 338 0848 081 869 9419

JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for domestic work, waiter, housekeeping, cashier or any kind of work. Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 740 6062 081 309 6323 JOB WANTED: I am a 20 year old lady looking for work in Walvis Bay or at Langstrand. Waiter or housekeeping, I can also look after elderly. Contact: 081 855 2842 JOB WANTED: Johannes is looking for housekeeping work. I stay in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 347 4544 JOB WANTED: Hilma is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 411 3947 JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. I have 9 months experience in joinery and cabinet making and a N3 certificate. I also have experience of working in a restaurant as a waiter. Contact: 081 328 6244 081 642 8044 JOB WANTED: A 32 year old lady looking for domestic or nanny work. I n Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Contact: 081 660 0799 081 717 4872

WANTED BEST CASH PRICES PAID ON THE SPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF YOUR GOLD RINGS BANGLES, CHAINS COINS, ETC EVEN FOR THE BROKEN ONES WE ALSO BUY CUT DIAMONDS Please visit DESERT JEWELER & CURIOS Prior calls are essential Cell: 081 408 1550 We have moved to 85 Hage Geingob str Walvis Bay OPPOSITE International School of Walvis Bay *** If you don’t want to sell your items, YOU CAN PAWN your gold and diamond jewellery or even a car


JOB WANTED: Two hardworking ladies are looking for domestic work. We have experience in ironing, cleaning, washing windows and taking care of kids. We can work Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. We stay in Walvis Bay. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 714 4955 081 556 9115

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AFRICAN LEATHER CREATIONS: SPECIALS ON VELDSKOENE Come to our factory shop for footwear and see!!! Next to Karakulia, Swakopmund. Tel: 064 402 633

JOB WANTED: I am a 31 year old ldy looking for day care, nanny, domestic worker. 07:00 - 17:00 only. Contact: 081 203 1410 CHIRISTNA: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai. Drie dae ‘n week, Dinsdae, Woensdae & Donderdae strykwerk. Kontak: 081 862 4803 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work, cleaning and ironing. In Walvis Bay, can start immediately. Contact: 081 392 7158

JOB WANTED: A young trustworthy and hard working lady is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Please contact me on: 081 889 4167 JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for cleaning and ironing work in Swakopmund, Long Beach, Walvis Bay and Henties Bay. I have experience and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 226 6014 JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady looking for a job. I am hardworking and can work under pressure, I am a peaceful person and can communicate well with others. I am available to start as soon as possible in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 484 7783 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of skoonmaak werk vir 1 of 2 dae per week in Swakopmund, langstrand en omgewing. Ek kan ook Saterdae in kom, ek is baie vriendelik en betroubaar. Kontak: 081 558 3772 / 081 613 6244 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na werk, enige werk, skoonmaak werk of strykwerk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek is baie betroubaar en kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 211 2303 WERK GESOEK: Zelma is ‘n 37 jarige dame, opsok na huiswerk vir 3 dae in Swakopmund of Walvisbaai, ek het verwysings en is baie betroubaar. Kontak: 081 867 1584 JOB WANTED: 2 ladies are looking for any kind of work in Swakopmund, we are hardworking and have cleaning, cooking, housekeeping and waitress experience. Ready to start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 708 7859 / 081 729 0290 JOB WANTED: I am a 43 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay for three days a week. I have 13 years experience, ironing, cleaning. I have references. Meersig or Fairways. I am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 211 1185 WERK GESOEK: Yvonne Kansies is 'n 33 jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk, skoonmaak werk, voltyds in Swakopmund, ek is baie betroubaar en hardwerkend. Kontak: 081 390 7477


9 APRIL 2021



Please take note that Van Der Westhuizen Town Planning & Properties on behalf of the owner/s of Erf 4133, Swakopmund, Ext 12, herewith intend to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for the following:

In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund.

Rezoning of Erf 4133, Swakopmund, Ext 12, from “Single Residential” with a density of 1:600m² to “Institutional” for the purpose of an Oncology facility. Any person having any objection against such application should lodge their objection/s in writing within 14 days of the last publication to both the Chief Executive Officer of Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant during normal business hours. Closing date for objection is 30 April 2021. Applicant: A van der Westhuizen Email: andrew.namfu@gmail.com Cell: 081 122 4661

Case No.: 133/20 In the matter between: Municipal Council Of Swakopmund Plaintiff and Dorethea Gamases Defendant In execution of a Judgement against the above defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 12/05/2020, the following goods listed hereunder will be sold in Execution at the following address: Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund, auction starts online 11 June 2021 at 10:00 and ends 14 June 2021. 1 x Defy Fridge 1 x H i s e n s e Microwave 1 x White Toaster 1 x Big Wall Mirror 1 x Music System Conditions Of Sale: Voetstoots - Cash to highest Bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 30 March 2021. Attorneys for Plaintiff KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund Tel:064-405051 Fax:064-402159 Swakopmund Ref.: HV/ZBMUN100/2978-COLL





(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Esbi M Shaw, PO Box 582, Swakopmund 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Casa Al Mare Guesthouse 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: 8 Moses Garoeb street, Swakopmund 4. Nature and details of application: Liquor License 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrates Court of Swakopmund 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 9 April 2021 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9 July 2021

Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Esbi M Shaw, PO Box 582, Swakopmund 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Buonissimo Streetfood 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Strand 913, Jetty Street, Swakopmund 4. Nature and details of application: Liquor License 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrates Court of Swakopmund 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 9 April 2021 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 9 July 2021

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

9 APRIL 2021




The Atlantis over 30 players are standing (fltr) - Peter Elago, Armando Pedro, Shaya Mwelasi, Alex Kirov and Oswaldo Dos Santos. In front is Quinton Mathews, Icy Katiti, Rudolf Bester, Ballie Koci, Packs Katukula, Steven Damaseb and Charlie De Gouveia

Dieter “Steini” Steinmetz Easter Soccer Cup Rudi Bowe

The Atlantis Sport Club hosted a 5-a-side soccer tournament on the club's sport field over the Easter weekend in Walvis Bay. The Atlantis B team is the winner of the first edition of the Dieter “Steini” Steinmetz Easter Soccer Cup after beating the Atlantis A team 4-1 in the finale. The eight teams that participated in the tournament were; Atlantis A, Atlantis B, Guan's Packaging A, Guan's Packaging B, Tunacor Fisheries, Namibian Pie Company, OTB Sport and Wesbank Transport. A total of 32 games were played and 103 goals were scored. Organiser Oswaldo Dos Santos said that the Easter tournament was hosted in honour of Dieter “Steini” Steinmetz the Honorary President until he passed away last year at the age of 78. He was without a shadow of doubt the backbone and pillar of the Sports Club's Foundation. According to Dos Santos, Steini was a left winger for Atlantis Football Club and also represented Namibia (that time South West Africa) at a provincial level and upon his

retirement, he was named Honorary President of the Atlantis Football Club.” Namibian Pie Company beat Guan's Packaging A 3-1 to end third at the Easter tournament. The Atlantis over 30 players beat a Namibian over 30 NAVY team 18-0 in an over 30 eleven a side. The top goal scorers were Bernito du Toit with 15 goals and Renaldo Humphries with 7 goals with Xylo Farmer and ShadiekHumpries the top goal keepers The Atlantis Sport Club thanked the Walvis Bay Mayor all the players and the sponsors Cavema Fishing, OTB Sport, Hydroweld, Namibia Ship Chandlers, Cave fishing and staffs, Playtime Namibia Sport Development Trust, the seasoned Erongo football referees Andre Helmut, Jason Ngesheya, Akuumba Andrias and Deon Gamab who officiated the matches, the Atlantis F.C management and Atlantis Sport Club .

VACANCIES Vacancy for a Operational Supervisor at Gruhn Builders Performance areas: 1. Perform minor & major services and repairs on BELL FEL'S, Trucks and Vehicles 2. Diesel Mechanic experience 3. Supervize Loaders, Sites and Job Cards 4. Must be pro-active, self motivated and prepared for 24 HR operations 5. Honest & reliable 6. Sober habbits In Return the company offers the following: 1. Monthly Salary 2. Onsite accommodation 3. W+E Included 4. Transport 5. Company Cellphone Applications can be sent to: lagoonch@mweb.com.na 064-217 901

The Namibian Equestrian Federation is looking for a Level 3 Equestrian coach to head the Youth Camps for 2021 – 2022. Must have the following criteria: · Equestrian Coaching Experience with a strong Dressage & Jumping background · Equestrian Coaching Qualifications with a strong Dressage background · A strong riding and horse management background · A reasonable level of flexibility of working hours – must include weekends. · First aid and CPR certificate · Current Driver's License and own transport. Key areas of this role include: · Plan and coach regular lessons · Assist in the selection of suitable horses and to help train existing and new horses to standard. · Maintain reports and records for all riders. · Preparation of horses · Maintain Horse Management Records · Maintain a safe riding environment. · Volunteer training and management · Ability to work late afternoons / evenings and some weekends. RSVP to Lien de Wit Email secretary@namef.org.na Closing date : 15.03.2021



9 APRIL 2021

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Kudu Rugby Club ready for Rudi Bowe new season With no club rugby last year due to the covid pandemic, Kudu Rugby Club is ready to host Rehoboth Rugby Club tomorrow, Saturday, 10 April at the Jan Wilken Stadium in Walvis Bay with no spectators. After 12 months since the Coronavirus outbreak that led to the suspension of rugby in the country the Namibian Rugby Union (NRU) plans for the smooth return of the league that will be played over only one round and end with the finals on 17 June 2021. With the pandemic continues to affect the game at all levels the NRU said that this year's league could consist of two separate competitions with the second league competition set to commence later in July. The new league gets underway this coming Saturday, with Wanderers hosting Western Suburbs and United will host Reho Falcon, while Unam and Grootfontein, have byes. The NRU appeals to all clubs to adhere to the Covid19 regulation. NO SPECTATORS are aloud at the games. The first teams for tomorrow's games are: Kudus: Donell Gonteb, Quentos Damens, Chesbrough Lawrence, Marvin Kotzee, Luke Jansen, Aurelio Plato, Percy Nash, Ernesto Bampton, Alexander Jansen, Virgil Bampton, Fernando Wolher, Joshua Jacobs, Hauta Veii, Derio Benson and Lorenco Calaca Rehoboth: 1 Kevin Cloete, 2 Jeandre Cloete, 3 Ludgerro Hochtritt, 4 Conwill Draghoender, 5 Dylan Farmer, 6 Chester Diergaardt, 7 Boris Majiedt, 8 Cameron Mcnab, 9 Ascher Coetzee, 10 Henrique Olivier, 11 Jaden Bussel, 12 Diego Loubser, 13 Hillian Beukes, 14 Brandon Dentlinger, 15 Xauvier van Wyk, 16 Udo Mall, 17 Delano Coetzee, 18 Francois Visagie, 19 Titus Mathias, 20 Samile Loubser, 21 Shaun Mouton, 22 Paulus Hangula and 23 Penalty Try. The second team is players are. Kudus Benito Bezuidenhoudt, Daniel Jeneke, Cedric Naraseb, Alister Miller, Lezardo Williams, Leeroy Stevens, Cameron Stevens, Cosmos Makgone, Jarreth Koning, Zicco Haihambo, Allie Zaim, Aldrin Majiedt, Tjino Tjirare, Jarren Koning and Sidney Halupe Rehoboth; 1 Graham du Toit, 2 Shadillo Zaal, 3 Bennie Garab, 4 Tshooparo Kosmas, 5 Nick Kotzee, 6 Robert Werner, 7 Salvador Visagie, 8 Brandon Rickerts, 9 Romarlin Brandt, 10 Shaquille January, 11 Phillemon Mwanga, 12 Milon Lucas, 13 Elroy Hammerslaght, 14 Dino Gowaseb, 15 Shaken January, 16 Max Anderson, 17 Mike Eliazer, 18 Nick van Wyk, 20 Gurthley Beukes, 21 Romeo Visagie, 22 Elroy Diergaardt and 23 Penalty Try with Johann Wohler as the coach, assisted by Cameron Hein-Dentlinger and Marschell Diergaardt the team manager.

Action between Kudu Rugby Club and Rehoboth Rugby Club in 2019 at Walvis Bay

The top finisher of the women's race at the Hollard Gravel & Dirt MTB 75km Marathon Series held at Moonlight Resort outside Swakopmund

New record at West Coast MTB Rudi Bowe

From sand dunes to riverbeds, there was no cruising for top finisher Ingram Cuff as he set a new men's record at the second leg of the Hollard Gravel & Dirt MTB Marathon Series that were held on Saturday at Moonlight Resort outside Swakopmund. The West Coast Gravel & Dirt MTB powered by Hollard series brought purple power to the coast as professional and novice cyclists adventured through the scenic coastal landscape and the off-road track challenged runners for the first time. We are happy to announce that we had a record number of 400 entries for West Coast Gravel & Dirt MTB powered by Hollard that consists of a full marathon (75km), half marathon (35km) for the fifth successive year as well as 14km and a 5km off-road trail race for men and women. The organiser of the event Silvio Suardi said that the level of cycling witnessed at the event was impressive and that the development of cycling in Namibia is excellent and on the right path as you have a look at all the youngsters that are coming through. Ingram Cuff won the men's 75km race in a time of 2:29:43 with Courtney Liebenberg the winner of the women's 75km race in a time of 3:00:50. The first 14kmtrail run was won by Erick Goeieman in a time of 55:56and Nicoleen Karsten was the first woman over the line in a time of 1:09:40. The third out of eight legs of the Hollard Gravel

& Dirt MTB Marathon Series will take place later this month in Windhoek. “We appreciate every little bit from our sponsors and once again a huge thank you and appreciation for our main sponsor, Hollard Namibia as well as Food Lovers Market, NBL, E-Med24, Megasave Swakopmund, Panamor, Interpack, Kaleidoscope Marketing, West Coast FM and PowerBar” Suardi said. The results of the main events for men and women are as follows: Men's 75km MTB 1. Ingram Cuff 2:29:43 2. Jeane-Paul Burger2:29:44 3. Bergran Jensen2:29:45 Women's 75km MTB 1. Courtney Liebenberg3:00:50 2. Nina Holtrup3:02:31 3. Jeane Heunis3:05:15 Men's 14km race 1. Erick Goeieman55:56 2. Pierre van Rensburg56:11 3. Petrus Shigwedha59:09 Women's 14km race 1. Nicoleen Karsten1:09:40 2. Lydia Thiel 1:13:10 3. Inka Krafft1:14:36

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