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Over half million
Pioneersinthefishingindustry,individuals and captains of industry showed their generositytocreatethepossibilityofbetter sports facilities and the safety of the learners.
The construction cost of the sports fields and the completion of the boundary wall will commence as soon as all the finances and pledges is received. The sports fields that consist of a Swimming pool, an athletic track, and rugby, netball and footballfieldswillbedoneinphases.
Delivering the keynote address, Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Derek Klazen said the overall objective of the fundraising event was to raise muchneeded funds to complete the boundary wall and the construction of a state of the artsportsfields.
Klazensaid,“DeDuineisaschoolwithits rich history and its ability to produce qualityteachers,lawyers,doctorsandother professionals is also in need of additional financialassistancethatwillmakeiteasier for teachers to create that conducive environment where learning can flourish andqualityeducationcantakeplace.” ties, and regions through the provision of equal opportunitiesforlearningandgrowth.”
Theministersaidtransformativepowerofeducation is a force that can inspire, empower, and mobilise individuals to shape a better world.“It thereforegoeswithoutsayingthatifanyonewants to change the world for the better, investing in educationiswhereoneshouldstart.”
According to Klazen the Namibian fishing industry remains one of the most vibrant job creationsectorsinoureconomy,especiallyforthe youth. “With about 18 000 Namibians directly employed in the fisheries sector, Klazen said and further explained in line with global average employment figures in fisheries, every direct fisheries job creates at least three indirect jobs in servicessuchaslogistics,supportservicessuchas packaging and supplies to the vessels, financial services among others. “This means that our fisheries support at least 72 000 jobs in Namibia. Assuming a dependency ratio of five persons for every employee, fisheries support the livelihood ofatleast360000Namibians.Itthereforeremains encouragingseeingthevariousbusinessnotjustin thefishingsectorchoosingschoolsandothercivic institutionsasbenefactorsoftheircorporatesocial responsibilityorcorporatesocialinvestments.”
Accordingthefisheriesministeritremains encouraging to see various businesses not just in the fishing sector choosing schools and other civic institutions as benefactors of their corporate social responsibility or corporatesocialinvestments. It is the believe of the minister that the business community plays a significant role in supporting and contributing to the success of local schools like De Duine SecondarySchool.
“The responsibility of the business community towards local schools is to activelyengage,support,andinvestinthe educational development of learners, teachers, and the school environment. By doing so, businesses can contribute to the growthandsuccessofthelocalcommunity whilealsonurturingaskilledandeducated futureworkforce”Klazensaid.
Klazen added “the provision of top tier education comes at a cost and as such, schools are in need of additional funds to makeitpossibleforthemtoprovidequality education to children and De Duine SecondarySchoolisnoexception.”
School Board Chairperson Donovan
Paulse said that the gala event was a huge success even that the school did not reach the target that were set for the need of additional financial assistance,the completion of the boundary walland the construction of a state of the art sports fields.
Paulse said, “we still need more money to completetheboundrywallandtoupgrade theschool'ssportsfields.”
An old scholar of De Duine Secondary School Professor Anthony Brown said to
Continued from page 1 the alumni of De Duine, “The simple yet profoundconceptofpayingitforwardhas the potential to transform lives, uplift communities,andcreatearippleeffectof kindnessandcompassionthatreachesfar beyondoutimmediateactions.”
Professor Brown added that the school has produces every profession you can imagine.“Icallonyouasacommunity,as the recipients of the illustrious De Duine kindness to pay it forward to others, creatingachainreactionofgoodwilland positivity, become the community that will make a good mark that no one will erase.”
He encouraged communities of Walvis Bay to engage in acts of kindness, no matter how small, to send a ripples of positivity into the next generation of incrediblemoversandshakers.“Ifwecan model kindness and generosity, with no uncertainty we will inspire others to do the same, fostering a community where acts af goodness are not only valued but alsoexpected.”
According to Professor Brown talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words, “todayIcallonyouasthecommunityto maketheyourmark,invest,plantaseed, build cornerstones and help De Duine Secondary School to establish a conduciveenvironmentthatwillproduce alunexploredprofessions.”
Brown concluded by challenging the alumninomatterhowsmalltojoinhimin this community that will reach out and touch somebody's hand to make this a better world a better place. “I know you can.”
ProfessorBrownhaspledgeN$50000for thenextfiveyearstotheupliftmentofDe Duine Secondary School whilst Magan KambanzerapledgeN$5000forthenext fiveyears.
Fisheries minister Derek Klazen and his family pledge the building material for twenty meter of the school's boundary wallwhilstMrRudiKahmannfromArch Builderspledgesthelabourforthetwenty metersoftheboundarywall.
Albertina from Vital Trends has pledged matric outfits for five disadvantaged girls/boysfortheirgrade12farewelland Jeronette Benson pledged manicures and pedicuresforthesamelearners.
The Principal of De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk announced that Minister Fisheries and Marine ResourcesHon.DerekKlazenwillbethe patronoftheschool.
The Principal of De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk on behalf of the school board, management, parents and learners thanked the pioneers in the fishingindustry,individualsandcaptains of industry for their contributions to the school.