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Walvis Bay Beauty Queens Shine in Miss Namibia 2023

In a glamorous event organised by the NamibianBroadcastingCorporation(NBC)inpartnership with Debmarine at Droombos, it was announced Walvis Bay beauty queens, Aina NghipuilepoandJénicaEngelbrechtmadethe toptenoftheMissNamibia2023competition. Aina Nghipuilepo (24) hailing from the harbour town of opportunities, holds a bachelor's degree in international business management and Trade, from Stamford International University and a higher certificate in Paralegal Management.Nghipuileposaidshehasadreamthatincorporateseveryoneinoursurroundings,whereweupliftand buildthecommunity,wefindourselvesin.“Adreamwhere we stir up inspiration and tickle the imagination of those undertheinfluenceofourvoices.IdreamofaNamibian youththatisGod-fearing,onethatisnotcrippledbyfear,but onethatrisestotheoccasionwithfireintheireyes.Iam,that Namibian youth. I have a dream for the Namibian youth, where the world is our runway, and we strut it gracefully Crowned with success and destiny, there is no room to compromise,” Nghipuilepo said and added that the Miss Namibia platform is an opportunity to echo the legacy of servingherpeopleandbuildingcommunities.“Itservesasa helping hand in achieving our national development strategiesaswellasthedustainabledevelopmentgoals.Itake thisopportunitytoreacheverycornerofNamibia,totackle substance abuse where hope seems impossible, and to unleashthepotentialofeveryNamibianchild,”shesaid.Her unwavering commitment to serve her community had her working with international anti human trafficking organisationsinThailand,suchasNightlight,A21andSealed


LifeMinistries.Nghipuilepo concludedwithaquotefrom WaltDisney,“allourdreams cancometrueifwehavethe couragetopursueit.”

JénicaEngelbrecht(27)isa young Namibian entrepreneurthatownsherownbusiness,Jen'sEvent. Engelbrecht said the most important aspect for her was to stay consistent. “That's why I set goals for my personal and professional life.” Engelbrecht said, “I recentlylostmymom,Jenny Mynhardt,shewastheoneto motivate me to take chances on myself and enter these competitions. My rock is gone, but I am stronger than ever because of her I'm doingitmom!

OneofEngelbrecht'sdreams is to bring awareness to the unemployment rate in Namibia,especiallyamongst the youth “I have a foundation that's being launched in two weeks to help with this crisis in our country As a Miss Namibia finalist I can proclaim that I am consistent and disciplined Therefore, I know what differences I can makeinthelivesofouryouth once my foundation is launched On a personal level,Iwillcontinuewithmy business and allow it to grow,”shesaid.

Engelbrechtadded,“it'seasy to get lost in your daily routine, wake up every morning the same time, makethesamecupofcoffee, get dressed, drive to work, see the same people, work with difficult clients, more coffee, have lunch, and count the hoursdowntill17:00.Stopandsmelltheflowersonceina while.Remembertosmileatastranger Getcreative.Switch upyourroutine.SayYEStomore.Goforawalk.Makean effortwithyourappearance.Cookahealthymeal.Cuttoxic peopleoutofyourlife.Fallin-lovewithyourselfthisseason. Begrateful,”sheconcluded.


Physical Characteristics Effect On Materials


Nearly all materials react to WD-40 as they would to high grade aliphatic petroleum spirits with the same exposure, i.e., spray, quick dip or prolonged immersion. WD-40 contains no silicone, PTFE or chloroflurocarbons.


No visible effects on surface of various types of rubber sprayed with WD-40. Certain types of rubber will swell upon prolonged immersion in WD-40.

HIGH STRENGTH STEELS: (for hydrogen embrittlement) Certified SAFE according to the Lawrence Hydrogen Effusion Test.


Corrosion Protection

The following fabrics were exposed to WD-40 with no effect, expect slight staining which was readily removed with naphtha or dry cleaning solvent: Nylon, Orlon, Wool, Dacron, Cotton.


Many types of paint on various surfaces have been exposed to WD-40 with no effect. Wax polishes and certain wax coatings may be softened by WD-40.


The following plastics were immersed with WD-40 for 168 hours with no visible effects:

• Polyethylene

• Delrin • VinylTeflon

• Formica fog). If longer protection is required, WD-40 should be lightly reapplied when necessary


• Polypropylene

• Polyester

• Epoxy

• Acrylic

• Nylon Clear polycarbonate and polystyrene may stress craze or crack in contact with WD-40.

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