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Investment Roadshow in Paris Boosts African Energy Sector, Namibia's Potential Shines
TheAfrican Energy Chamber's (AEC) Invest inAfrican Energy Forum commenced on 1 June at the Westin Paris Vendome in Paris,Francewithadynamicstart,featuringnotablefiguresfrom the energy sector. The forum aims to amplify European investments inAfrican energy projects and strengthen the partnership betweenthetworegions.HonTomAlweendo,Namibia'sMinister ofMinesandEnergy,H.E.BrunoJean-RichardItoua,Ministerof HydrocarbonsoftheRepublicofCongo,andH.E.DidierBudimbu Ntubuanga, Minister of Hydrocarbons of the Democratic Republic of Congo, among others, delivered speeches during the openingceremony.
AEC's Executive Chairman, NJ Ayuk, emphasised the importance of drivingdealsandcreating opportunities for investment Minister Itoua highlighted Congo's progress in gas monetisation andexpressedthegoalof reaching three million tons per year of liquefied natural gas exports by 2025. Meanwhile, Minister Ntubuanga showcased the Democratic Republic of Congo's potential for hydrocarbons and discussed efforts to attract investment.
Namibia's Mines Minister, Alweendo, acknowledged the importance of understanding investors' perspectives and fostering a conducive environment for deals. He also mentioned an upcoming conference to emphasise the significance of investing in Africa. The event highlighted the continent's energy transition and the logisticsindustry'srolein supporting Africa's energy availability and connectivitywiththerest oftheworld.
The Namibian government clarified its stance on increasing stakes in energy and mining projectsledbyglobalplayers such as Shell and Total Energies Minister Alweendo emphasised that the government aims to use royalties from existing contractual agreementstocreateafundfor local entrepreneurs. This fund would enable them toparticipateinthegrowing energy and mineral industry and promote local capacity building.
"We need to make sure investments are mutually beneficial so that African people can see that resources are working for them," stated Minister Alweendo. The strategy focuses on directing oil and gas revenue towards thelocalcommunitywithoutchangingexistingcontractual terms The government, through NAMCOR,itsnationaloil company, intends to reinvest the funds raised into thecountrytocreatemore valuelocally
Maggy Shino, Petroleum CommissionerattheMinistry of Mines and Energy, emphasised the commitment to maintaining contractualtermswhileensuring final investments are made. The government's stake in every oil and gas license, represented by NAMCOR, aims to increase value addition to the Namibian economy
With significant growth expected in the energy market, driven by recent discoveries, the government prioritises local content, promotes participation from local and private players, and supportsanewwaveofentrepreneurs in the energy sector
Inaseparatedevelopment, Namibia's national oil company, NAMCOR, presented investment and partnership opportunities at the Invest in African Energy Forum. With recent oil and gas discoveriesbymajorcompanies like Shell, TotalEnergies, and Qatar Energy, Namibia has emerged as an attractive exploration and productionmarket.
NAMCOR aims to harness the country's full potential, projecting it to become one of the top oil producers by 2035 and doubling Namibia's GDP inthenextdecade.
NAMCOR plans to expedite the development of the recent discoveries, targeting first oil production by 2029 The companyalsohighlighted theKudugasproject,with planstoproduce400MW ofpowerstartingin2026. Namibia's investment potential extends beyond hydrocarbons, as it seeks toestablishitselfasaglobal hydrogen producer and exporter NAMCOR is actively engaging in renewable energy, green hydrogen, and research and development programs.
NJAyukstatedattheceremony, “Namibia continues to make significant strides towards becoming a global energy giant
Notwithstanding the milestones that continue to be achieved regarding its oil and gas sector, the country has taken an accelerated approach to maximisingitsrenewable energyresourcesincollaboration with global partners.Thisgreenhydrogen project will open up significantavenuesforthe country,usheringinanew era of industrialisation, energy access and revenue generation and positioning the country as a global green hydrogen contender As Europe looks towards the lucrative opportunities inAfrica, partnerships such as those between Namibia and Germany serve as a blueprint for other marketsacrossthecontinent.”
These developments set the stage for the continent'slargestenergyevent in October this year, the African Energy Week (AEW) 2023, that will be held in Cape Town, South Africa. Namibia's frontier potential and investment opportunities across the energy value chain will be showcased,withafocuson oil and gas monetisation to combatenergypoverty
In conclusion of the Paris investment roadshow,Africa'senergysectorreceiveda significant boost, and Namibia's potential shines brightlyontheinternational stage, attracting attention and opportunities for collaborationandgrowth.
Source: African Energy Chamber
Joas Tico Doeseb (40), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producingdrugs.Thematterwaspostponedto 4Decemberfortrial.Theaccusedhasbeen warned.
Francois Nel (27), Valencia Van Wyk (39), and Jesaya Garoeb (32), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 November for plea and trial.
Francois Nel is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. His co-accused are on bail.
Manus Salomons (44), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto2 October for continuation of trial. The accusedisonbail.
Nassibu Mabalama Ciza (35), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponedto25Augustforprosecutorgeneral's decision.Theaccusedremainincustody
Morgen Gonteb (37), appeared on a chargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal and theft. The matter was postponed to 1 Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.
Rejoice Ndjahera (30), appeared on a chargeofpossessionofdependence-producing substance.The matter was postponed to 27 November for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.
Ester Lungameni Ndapewoshali (40), appearedonachargeofassaultwithintent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act 4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto28 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.
BenhardKabeniBenhard(27),appeared onachargeofhousebreakingwithintentto stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 9 August for further investigations. The accusedisonbail.
Richard Richie Katjiparatjivi (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter waspostponedto31Julyforco-accusedto be re-arrested. The accused remain in custody
Siegfried Oxurub (38), appeared on a chargeofdealingindependence-producing substance.Thematterwaspostponedto22 August for further investigation The accusedremainsincustody
AbiusNangukui(30),appearedonacharge offailuretoprovidebreath/bloodspecimen 1stalternativetocount1-RoadTrafficActDriving under the influence of intoxicating liquor Thematterwaspostponedto23September for continuation of trial-defence case.Theaccusedisonbail.
Barnabas Gao-goab (39), appeared on charges of rape and assault by threat read withtheprovisionsofthedomesticviolence act,act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponed to 7 August for fixing of trial date. The accusedisonbail.
Absalom Amadhila (50), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto1 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.
FestusMatheus(26),appearedonacharge of dealing and possession in dependenceproducing substance. The matter was postponed to 9 August for lab results. The accusedisonbail.
Naweseb Thomas (46), appeared on chargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 7 August for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.
Namambo Kamati (25), appeared on a chargeofdealingindependence-producing substance.The matter was postponed to 20 June for co-accused to be re-arrested. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest wasissued.
Johannes Philipus (27), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level.The matter was postponed to 20 June for sentencing. The accused is on bail.
Theodor Narusrb (33) and Magnius
Brando Shamavangu (29), appeared on a chargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal and theft. The matter was postponed to 10 July for further investigation. The accused areincustody
Elrico Ceaer Robert (27), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto 17Julyforprosecutorgeneraldecision.The accusedremainsincustody
WayneWilburVellem(22),appearedona charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 20 June because the accused was absent. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.
FestusIndongo(20),appearedonchargesofforgery Thematterwas postponedto3Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.