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Boys run out with a new look

The first and second teams of Sparta Rugby Club will be running out with a new look after Metrotech Calibration Services - Pty Ltd and DME Namibia Solutions sponsored newrugbyjerseystotheclub.

The coastal rugby clubfromWalvisBay whoplaysintheNRU First Division league extend their sincere gratitude to the sponsors.


Sparta 1 will kick off their 2nd round on Saturday 10 June against the first team of Dolphin Rugby Club in Swakop- mund. The two coastal teams will at the same time play for the Atlantic Derby Cup sponsored by South WesternExpress. It is going to be a huge game when The Black andThe Purple meet at theTamariskiaStadium at 15:00. The day will also see the second team of Dolphins in action against a CoastalBarbariansteam.


11:00 - 12:30 Mini RugbyAcademyclinic

12:30 - 13:00 Old crocksrugby

13:00 - 15:00 Dolphin

RC ll vs Coastal Barbarians

15:00 Dolphins l vs Spartal


The annual Bank Windhoek Betterball Stableford

Betterball Stableford with a twist was held in just aboutperfectweatherconditionsattheRossmundGolfClubonSaturday3June.

With a field of over 40 golfers - teeing off in anticipationofwhatlayaheadbythegreen–each flagsticktoldit'sstory–onetocount,combined ormultiplier–therewasplentyofOh!!No's–kan ditnieglonie–Ionlyhaveoneshotleftandit'sa multiplier

The scores came into the clubhouse slowly but surely–someofthepartnershipshadgreatscores –musthavedovetailednicely–whilstothersjust enjoyed the beer It was great to see the Bank Windhoek team again led by Nicolette Viljoen whoofficiatedatprizegivingandpromisedtobe therein2024,aroundthesametime.

TheOverallWinnersontheDaywerethefather and son combination of Fritz & Fritz Jr Coetzee with an excellent 69 points – playing off 5 & 3

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