9 june namib times e-edition

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Surge in corruption cases

ACC Erongo branch reports increase of cases registered

The Anti-Corruption Commission's Erongo office noted an increase of thirteen corruption cases registered since last year. Sinceitsinceptionin2012,theofficehad315registeredcaseslast year, 74 Active and 10 Prosecutor General's Decision Pending Cases. Last week duringACC's 9thAnnual Media Briefing, the officerevealedthecasesnowstandat328of which82areactive casesand11arependingPGDecision.

The Erongo ACC office has three investigating officers, plus one vacant position for an investigating officer and one Police Officer seconded, assistinginvariousduties.

The office has registered328casesonthe Case Management System since 2012.

Currentlytheofficehas 82activecases(matters not finalised, either in court, PG further instructions and/or ongoing investigations)

Eleven cases from the Erongo Office are pending Prosecutor General's Decision, one case was returned last week to arraign (summons to be issued). Two cases

are at the Prosecutor General, pending instruction for further investigations and 19 casesareincourt.

Listed are some of the casescurrentlyincourt with the Chief Investigating Officer for ACC,WillemOliver:

A C C - H Q O - 0 7000159(SWK-CRM-

Continues on page 2

NAMCOR Responds to Sungara Transaction Reports

TheNationalPetroleumCorporationofNamibia(NAMCOR)has respondedtorecentmediacoverageregardingtheacquisitionofa working interest in Block 15/06, known as the Sungara Transaction. To address concerns raised by the public and media, NAMCOR has released a statement to ensure transparency and provideaccurateinformation.

Recognising the public's ongoing interest in the matter, NAMCOR acknowledges the importance of sharing precise details to maintain transparency The corporation assures the public that all parties involved are fully committed and working together to bring this significant transaction to a close.

NAMCOR expects the completion oftheTransactiontooccurin2023. Considering the commercially sensitivenatureoftransactionslikethis,

NAMCORappealstothemediaand the Namibian nation at large to exercise patience and understanding. Given the circumstances, NAMCOR is currently unable to disclose further details or provide additional information regarding theTransaction.

NAMCOR emphasises its commitment to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance and adhering to all legal and regulatoryrequirements.

Continues on page 2

Investment Roadshow in Paris

Boosts African Energy Sector, Namibia's Potential Shines

Positive Vibes for Narraville Youth

Over half million raised

at gala dinner

At a fundraising gala dinner held by De Duine Secondary School in Narraville Walvis Bay on Saturday, 3 June, an amountofwelloverhalfmillionNamibiandollars(N$500000) was raised for the completion of the boundary wall and the constructionofastate-of-the-artsportsfields.

Continues on page 2

namibtimes Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7019 FRIDAY 9 JUNE 2023 N$6 inside Page 16 Page 3 Sports News Page 5
ANTI-Corruption Commission's Deputy Director-General Erna Van Der Merwe, Chief Public Education and Corruption Prevention Officer Tobias Amoonga, Seniro public Education and Corruption Prevention of the ACC Lienette De Jagger, Chief Investigating Officer Willem Olivier, Felistas Kavara Nghwada an investigating officer at the ACC and Seth Ndeiluka also an investigating officer for ACC seen with members of the media in Swakopmund The Minister Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon. Derek Klazen received a token of appreciation from the Principal of De Duine MrAnton van Wyk Eileen van der Schyff Rudi Bowe Sharlien Tjambari

ACC Erongo

1508/2015), pending the finalisation of a case file in Swakopmund courts on mining claims, involving officials of Ministry of Mines and Energy, in the allegations of payments of bribes for taking over and shifting of mining claims, dimension stone mining. Appearedincourton16May2023,thecasewaspartly heard,andthetrialwasorderedforcontinuationinthe Swakopmundcourt,itwaspostponedtoNovemberthis year ACCERO-22-003389(SWK-CRM-3521/2022),there are allegations that a police officer solicited and received bribes from accused persons in exchange for destroying fingerprints or to destroy case files under investigation. Investigations completed, case is at the PGfordecision,thecasecontinuesincourt.

Another case of interest is case no. ACC ERO-21003222, involving investigations pertaining to awardingoftendersofCOVID-19GrantsbyNational Planning Commission for infrastructure development ofhostelaccommodationatschools,ablutionathostels and schools, and kitchen equipment are underway

There are allegations of awarding of tenderers with relationships to some staff members of Regional Council- ongoing to determine such relationships and allegations of non-completion of the work, progress questionable. Investigations in this matter have not beenfinalised.

Olivier said the evidence collected included evidence from the Ministry of Education, the Tender board, tenderdocuments,bankstatement,etc.TheMinistryof Education has given information in the report of the progress of the work. Investigations now focus on specifictenders/relationshipsetc.

Continued from page 1

Whenreportingcorruptpracticesandallegedpracticesas defined in Chapter 4 of theAnti-CorruptionAct,Act 8 of 2003, firstly you need to notify the Anti-Corruption Commissionofthecorruptpractice,intermsofSection17 of the Anti-Corruption Act (ACA), the ACC will then acknowledgereceiptandexaminetheallegationsinterms of Section 18 of theAnti-CorruptionAct, the next step is Section 20 of ACA which is initiating or assuming investigationofacomplaint,thecommissionwillthenstart withinvestigationsbyassemblingevidenceandexchange informationwithappropriatebodiesintermsofSection21 oftheACAandafterinvestigationsthecollectedevidence isassembled,thematterwillbereferredtotheProsecutor GeneralforadecisionintermsofSection31oftheACA.

PenaltiesforcorruptionoffensesaresetoutinChapter4of the Act. Corruption risk areas include Procurement –in awarding of tenders, abuse of office or position and or solicitingofbribes,Misuseoffuelcardsbypublicofficers, Land Sales-soliciting of bribes, Recruitment-soliciting bribes- inducement for jobs, Revenue-soliciting of payment as an inducement to pay refunds for VAT/TAX, Traffic offenses –soliciting of bribes inducement for violationtrafficoffensespublictotrafficviceversa.

Some of the challenges that hamper ACC investigations are the issue of hostile witnesses, collecting evidence, recording statements, legal challenges, challenges faced by distances in the region, delays on trials for various reasons, delayed and or nonresponse from stakeholders such as OMA's, MTC, Banks etc. Olivier said it is very important that the public should take note that ACC is empowered to issue summons to persons and institutions tofurnishinformationanddocumentsthathaveabearing oninvestigations.

Education has transformative potential

“Educationhasthetransformativepotentialinbringingaboutpositivechangein society as it empowers individuals with knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities.”

ThiswassaidbytheMinisterofFisheries,Derek Klazen at De Duine Secondary School's gala dinneronSaturday,3JuneatWalvisBay Klazen added, “education acts as a catalyst for social progress and transformation, builds sustainable development and is fundamental to achieving sustainabledevelopmentgoals.Itexposespeople tonewideas,diverseperspectives,anddifferent cultures,fosteringempathy,toleranceandunderstanding.Educationhasthepotentialtobreaking the cycle of poverty and can bridge the gap between different social classes, genders, ethnici-

NAMCOR Responds to Sungara

Continued from page 1

The corporation acknowledges and appreciates the public's trust and supportduringthisperiod,remaining dedicated to serving the interests of Namibiaanditscitizensintheenergy sector

The statement was issued by the NAMCOR Board of Directors, sig-

nalling their intention to keep the public informed while respecting thesensitivityoftheongoingTransaction. NAMCOR urges the public and the media to remain patient, allowingforasmoothandsuccessful completion of the Sungara Transaction.

Over half million

Pioneersinthefishingindustry,individuals and captains of industry showed their generositytocreatethepossibilityofbetter sports facilities and the safety of the learners.

The construction cost of the sports fields and the completion of the boundary wall will commence as soon as all the finances and pledges is received. The sports fields that consist of a Swimming pool, an athletic track, and rugby, netball and footballfieldswillbedoneinphases.

Delivering the keynote address, Fisheries and Marine Resources Minister, Derek Klazen said the overall objective of the fundraising event was to raise muchneeded funds to complete the boundary wall and the construction of a state of the artsportsfields.

Klazensaid,“DeDuineisaschoolwithits rich history and its ability to produce qualityteachers,lawyers,doctorsandother professionals is also in need of additional financialassistancethatwillmakeiteasier for teachers to create that conducive environment where learning can flourish andqualityeducationcantakeplace.”

ties, and regions through the provision of equal opportunitiesforlearningandgrowth.”

Theministersaidtransformativepowerofeducation is a force that can inspire, empower, and mobilise individuals to shape a better world.“It thereforegoeswithoutsayingthatifanyonewants to change the world for the better, investing in educationiswhereoneshouldstart.”

According to Klazen the Namibian fishing industry remains one of the most vibrant job creationsectorsinoureconomy,especiallyforthe youth. “With about 18 000 Namibians directly employed in the fisheries sector, Klazen said and further explained in line with global average employment figures in fisheries, every direct fisheries job creates at least three indirect jobs in servicessuchaslogistics,supportservicessuchas packaging and supplies to the vessels, financial services among others. “This means that our fisheries support at least 72 000 jobs in Namibia. Assuming a dependency ratio of five persons for every employee, fisheries support the livelihood ofatleast360000Namibians.Itthereforeremains encouragingseeingthevariousbusinessnotjustin thefishingsectorchoosingschoolsandothercivic institutionsasbenefactorsoftheircorporatesocial responsibilityorcorporatesocialinvestments.”

Accordingthefisheriesministeritremains encouraging to see various businesses not just in the fishing sector choosing schools and other civic institutions as benefactors of their corporate social responsibility or corporatesocialinvestments. It is the believe of the minister that the business community plays a significant role in supporting and contributing to the success of local schools like De Duine SecondarySchool.

“The responsibility of the business community towards local schools is to activelyengage,support,andinvestinthe educational development of learners, teachers, and the school environment. By doing so, businesses can contribute to the growthandsuccessofthelocalcommunity whilealsonurturingaskilledandeducated futureworkforce”Klazensaid.

Klazen added “the provision of top tier education comes at a cost and as such, schools are in need of additional funds to makeitpossibleforthemtoprovidequality education to children and De Duine SecondarySchoolisnoexception.”

School Board Chairperson Donovan

Paulse said that the gala event was a huge success even that the school did not reach the target that were set for the need of additional financial assistance,the completion of the boundary walland the construction of a state of the art sports fields.

Paulse said, “we still need more money to completetheboundrywallandtoupgrade theschool'ssportsfields.”

An old scholar of De Duine Secondary School Professor Anthony Brown said to

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the alumni of De Duine, “The simple yet profoundconceptofpayingitforwardhas the potential to transform lives, uplift communities,andcreatearippleeffectof kindnessandcompassionthatreachesfar beyondoutimmediateactions.”

Professor Brown added that the school has produces every profession you can imagine.“Icallonyouasacommunity,as the recipients of the illustrious De Duine kindness to pay it forward to others, creatingachainreactionofgoodwilland positivity, become the community that will make a good mark that no one will erase.”

He encouraged communities of Walvis Bay to engage in acts of kindness, no matter how small, to send a ripples of positivity into the next generation of incrediblemoversandshakers.“Ifwecan model kindness and generosity, with no uncertainty we will inspire others to do the same, fostering a community where acts af goodness are not only valued but alsoexpected.”

According to Professor Brown talk is cheap, action speaks louder than words, “todayIcallonyouasthecommunityto maketheyourmark,invest,plantaseed, build cornerstones and help De Duine Secondary School to establish a conduciveenvironmentthatwillproduce alunexploredprofessions.”

Brown concluded by challenging the alumninomatterhowsmalltojoinhimin this community that will reach out and touch somebody's hand to make this a better world a better place. “I know you can.”

ProfessorBrownhaspledgeN$50000for thenextfiveyearstotheupliftmentofDe Duine Secondary School whilst Magan KambanzerapledgeN$5000forthenext fiveyears.

Fisheries minister Derek Klazen and his family pledge the building material for twenty meter of the school's boundary wallwhilstMrRudiKahmannfromArch Builderspledgesthelabourforthetwenty metersoftheboundarywall.

Albertina from Vital Trends has pledged matric outfits for five disadvantaged girls/boysfortheirgrade12farewelland Jeronette Benson pledged manicures and pedicuresforthesamelearners.

The Principal of De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk announced that Minister Fisheries and Marine ResourcesHon.DerekKlazenwillbethe patronoftheschool.

The Principal of De Duine Secondary School Mr Anton van Wyk on behalf of the school board, management, parents and learners thanked the pioneers in the fishingindustry,individualsandcaptains of industry for their contributions to the school.

It’s hard to believe that it has been 8 years since you came into our lives - it feels like only yesterday that we were anxiously waiting on your arrival.
You have brought us so much happiness over the years and we can’t wait to see all the amazing things you will do in the years ahead...
You are such a precious gift from God and we are truly blessed to be your parents.
Mommy & Dadda
Minister of Fisheries, Hon Derek Klazen Rudi Bowe

Investment Roadshow in Paris Boosts African Energy Sector, Namibia's Potential Shines

TheAfrican Energy Chamber's (AEC) Invest inAfrican Energy Forum commenced on 1 June at the Westin Paris Vendome in Paris,Francewithadynamicstart,featuringnotablefiguresfrom the energy sector. The forum aims to amplify European investments inAfrican energy projects and strengthen the partnership betweenthetworegions.HonTomAlweendo,Namibia'sMinister ofMinesandEnergy,H.E.BrunoJean-RichardItoua,Ministerof HydrocarbonsoftheRepublicofCongo,andH.E.DidierBudimbu Ntubuanga, Minister of Hydrocarbons of the Democratic Republic of Congo, among others, delivered speeches during the openingceremony.

AEC's Executive Chairman, NJ Ayuk, emphasised the importance of drivingdealsandcreating opportunities for investment Minister Itoua highlighted Congo's progress in gas monetisation andexpressedthegoalof reaching three million tons per year of liquefied natural gas exports by 2025. Meanwhile, Minister Ntubuanga showcased the Democratic Republic of Congo's potential for hydrocarbons and discussed efforts to attract investment.

Namibia's Mines Minister, Alweendo, acknowledged the importance of understanding investors' perspectives and fostering a conducive environment for deals. He also mentioned an upcoming conference to emphasise the significance of investing in Africa. The event highlighted the continent's energy transition and the logisticsindustry'srolein supporting Africa's energy availability and connectivitywiththerest oftheworld.

The Namibian government clarified its stance on increasing stakes in energy and mining projectsledbyglobalplayers such as Shell and Total Energies Minister Alweendo emphasised that the government aims to use royalties from existing contractual agreementstocreateafundfor local entrepreneurs. This fund would enable them toparticipateinthegrowing energy and mineral industry and promote local capacity building.

"We need to make sure investments are mutually

beneficial so that African people can see that resources are working for them," stated Minister Alweendo. The strategy focuses on directing oil and gas revenue towards thelocalcommunitywithoutchangingexistingcontractual terms The government, through NAMCOR,itsnationaloil company, intends to reinvest the funds raised into thecountrytocreatemore valuelocally

Maggy Shino, Petroleum CommissionerattheMinistry of Mines and Energy, emphasised the commitment to maintaining contractualtermswhileensuring final investments are made. The government's stake in every oil and gas license, represented by NAMCOR, aims to increase value addition to the Namibian economy

With significant growth expected in the energy market, driven by recent discoveries, the government prioritises local content, promotes participation from local and private players, and supportsanewwaveofentrepreneurs in the energy sector

Inaseparatedevelopment, Namibia's national oil company, NAMCOR, presented investment and partnership opportunities at the Invest in African Energy Forum. With recent oil and gas discoveriesbymajorcompanies like Shell, TotalEnergies, and Qatar Energy, Namibia has emerged as an attractive exploration and productionmarket.

NAMCOR aims to harness the country's full potential, projecting it to become one of the top oil producers by 2035 and

doubling Namibia's GDP inthenextdecade.

NAMCOR plans to expedite the development of the recent discoveries, targeting first oil production by 2029 The companyalsohighlighted theKudugasproject,with planstoproduce400MW ofpowerstartingin2026. Namibia's investment potential extends beyond hydrocarbons, as it seeks toestablishitselfasaglobal hydrogen producer and exporter NAMCOR is actively engaging in renewable energy, green hydrogen, and research and development programs.

NJAyukstatedattheceremony, “Namibia continues to make significant strides towards becoming a global energy giant

Notwithstanding the milestones that continue to be achieved regarding its oil and gas sector, the country has taken an accelerated approach to maximisingitsrenewable energyresourcesincollaboration with global partners.Thisgreenhydrogen project will open up significantavenuesforthe country,usheringinanew era of industrialisation, energy access and revenue generation and positioning the country as a global green hydrogen contender As Europe looks towards the lucrative opportunities inAfrica, partnerships such as those between Namibia and Germany serve as a blueprint for other marketsacrossthecontinent.”

These developments set the stage for the continent'slargestenergyevent in October this year, the African Energy Week (AEW) 2023, that will be

held in Cape Town, South Africa. Namibia's frontier potential and investment opportunities across the energy value chain will be showcased,withafocuson oil and gas monetisation to combatenergypoverty

In conclusion of the Paris investment roadshow,Africa'senergysectorreceiveda significant boost, and Namibia's potential shines brightlyontheinternational stage, attracting attention and opportunities for collaborationandgrowth.

Source: African Energy Chamber

African Engery Chamber Eileen van der Schyff


Joas Tico Doeseb (40), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producingdrugs.Thematterwaspostponedto 4Decemberfortrial.Theaccusedhasbeen warned.

Francois Nel (27), Valencia Van Wyk (39), and Jesaya Garoeb (32), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 November for plea and trial.

Francois Nel is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. His co-accused are on bail.

Manus Salomons (44), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto2 October for continuation of trial. The accusedisonbail.

Nassibu Mabalama Ciza (35), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponedto25Augustforprosecutorgeneral's decision.Theaccusedremainincustody

Morgen Gonteb (37), appeared on a chargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal and theft. The matter was postponed to 1 Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail.

Rejoice Ndjahera (30), appeared on a chargeofpossessionofdependence-producing substance.The matter was postponed to 27 November for plea and trial. The accusedisonbail.

Ester Lungameni Ndapewoshali (40), appearedonachargeofassaultwithintent to do grievous bodily harm read with provisionsofthedomesticviolenceact,act 4of2003.Thematterwaspostponedto28 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.

BenhardKabeniBenhard(27),appeared onachargeofhousebreakingwithintentto stealandtheft.Thematterwaspostponedto 9 August for further investigations. The accusedisonbail.

Richard Richie Katjiparatjivi (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter waspostponedto31Julyforco-accusedto be re-arrested. The accused remain in custody

Siegfried Oxurub (38), appeared on a chargeofdealingindependence-producing substance.Thematterwaspostponedto22 August for further investigation The accusedremainsincustody

AbiusNangukui(30),appearedonacharge offailuretoprovidebreath/bloodspecimen 1stalternativetocount1-RoadTrafficActDriving under the influence of intoxicating liquor Thematterwaspostponedto23September for continuation of trial-defence case.Theaccusedisonbail.

Barnabas Gao-goab (39), appeared on charges of rape and assault by threat read withtheprovisionsofthedomesticviolence act,act4of2003.Thematterwaspostponed to 7 August for fixing of trial date. The accusedisonbail.

Absalom Amadhila (50), appeared on a chargeofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodilyharm.Thematterwaspostponedto1 Novemberforpleaandtrial.Theaccusedis onbail.

FestusMatheus(26),appearedonacharge of dealing and possession in dependenceproducing substance. The matter was postponed to 9 August for lab results. The accusedisonbail.

Naweseb Thomas (46), appeared on chargesofassaultwithintenttodogrievous bodily harm and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 7 August for continuationoftrial.Theaccusedisonbail.

Namambo Kamati (25), appeared on a chargeofdealingindependence-producing substance.The matter was postponed to 20 June for co-accused to be re-arrested. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest wasissued.

Johannes Philipus (27), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level.The matter was postponed to 20 June for sentencing. The accused is on bail.

Theodor Narusrb (33) and Magnius

Brando Shamavangu (29), appeared on a chargeofhousebreakingwithintenttosteal and theft. The matter was postponed to 10 July for further investigation. The accused areincustody

Elrico Ceaer Robert (27), appeared on a chargeofrape.Thematterwaspostponedto 17Julyforprosecutorgeneraldecision.The accusedremainsincustody

WayneWilburVellem(22),appearedona charge of robbery The matter was postponed to 20 June because the accused was absent. The accused is at large, and a warrantofarrestwasissued.


FestusIndongo(20),appearedonchargesofforgery Thematterwas postponedto3Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedisonbail.

Court SwakopmundCourtReport Walvis Bay Court

Taimi Nandjambi Amakali (24), appeared on charges of theft and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 19 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Alisen Smith (40), appeared on charges of fraud and money laundering.Thematterwaspostponedto26Julyforfurtherinvestigation.The accusedremainsincustody

Maxwell Jantjies (27), appeared on charges of drug possession.The matterwaspostponedto12Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused remainsincustody

GiovanniBenitez(29),appearedonchargesofdrugpossession.The matterwaspostponedto20Juneforplea.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Raura Shipulwa (33), appeared on charges of theft and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 19 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Moses Vilho (20), appeared on charges of robbery with aggravating circumstances.Thematterwaspostponedto13Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

WilbardNdilinawa(21),appearedonchargesofassault.Thematter was postponed to 11 July for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody

Anthony Terrence (28), appeared on charges of theft and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 19 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Angel Nosiku Mutatela (31), appeared on charges of assault. The matterwaspostponedto12Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccused isonwarning.

Brumelda Ochurus (25), appeared on charges of theft and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 19 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody

Petrus Reinhold (40), appeared on charges of theft and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 19 July for further investigation.Theaccusedremainsincustody.

RevivalMichelleGowases(21),appearedonchargesofassault.The matter was postponed to 3 August for further investigation. The accusedremainsincustody

Johannes Martin (30), appeared on charges of robbery The matter was postponed to 02 August for further investigation. The accused remainsincustody

Le roy Ice Murphy (32), appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 15 November for plea and trail. The accusedisonbail.

MariaTobias (32), appeared on charges of child neglect.Thematter was postponed to 30 November for plea and trail. The accused is on bail.

Paloma Nicolette Venter (50), appeared on charges of fraud. The matterwaspostponedto22Juneforplea.Theaccusedisonbail. Simon Oscar (35), appeared on charges of assault. The matter was postponedto13Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsin custody

LizaneThiersen(35),appearedonchargesofassault.Thematterwas postponedto12Julyforfurtherinvestigation.Theaccusedremainsin custody

Filimon Daniel (29), appeared on charges of theft of copper The matterwaspostponedto1Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedisonbail. Justus Tomas Kalomo (39), appeared on charges of theft of copper Thematterwaspostponedto1Augustforlegalaid.Theaccusedison bail.

FilipusShimanda(25),appearedonchargesofattemptedmurder The matterwaspostponedto30Augustforpleaandtrail.Theaccusedison bail.


Positive Vibes for Narraville Youth

Eliphas Sheepo

Narraville, in Walvis Bay, has been identified by Positive VibeTrust(PV),anon-profitorganisationasthekeysitefor theimplementationoftheInclusion,AcceptanceandSafety Project targeted to marginalised and vulnerable youth, which has been commenced through four day consultation workshops, from 5 June, with various stakeholders in the community Program Manager, Nortin Brendell stated “the trust will act only as a technical advisor to capacitate organisation that are already active in the community”.

ThishasbeenreflectedintheirpartnershipwithMPowerCommunityTrust, whichisacommunity-basednon-profitorganisationthatadvancesthehealth and human rights of LGBTIQ+ and male commercial sex workers in the Erongo,OtjozondjupaandKhomasregion.

Brendellfurtheraddedthattheirmissionis“torespondmeaningfullytopublichealththreatsbyempoweringsexualandgender-diversepersons,inpartnership with stakeholders and community led monitoring, through creating awareness, and providing education, human rights-and psychosocial support.”

Executive Director of MPower Community Trust Stewart Langenhoven wishedtoclarify;“althoughourownorganisationhasitsownagendas,this partnership with PV will be solely focused on the issues prioritised by the community through data collected from these workshops and future consultations.”


From: Oompie Marius, Tannie Lolla, Tevin & Keanu

Celebrating 14 Years of Success with Bay Auctioneers

BayAuctioneers, a company that has been in the market for over a decade, and whose greatest strength is teamwork, is still going strong. The company aims to keepbuyersandsellerssatisfiedbyobtainingthehighestpossiblemarketpricefor thesellerandthelowestpossiblemarketpriceforthebuyer

Bay Auctioneers was established in 2009 by Quintin Jonck, Kristin Jonck, and Susara Terblance as auctioneering service company QuintinJonckstartedwithauctioneeringservices inSwakopmundin2008andreceivedhistraining attheCollegeofAuctioneering.

Jonck furthered his training and skills development with local auction houses Showrooms and Warehouse in Sam Nujoma Street & Grand Ave Walvis Bay in 2010. Bay AuctioneersalsohaveshowroomsandanAuction house in McHugh Street 5 Swakopmund with auctions every Saturday So, send the items you wanttogetridoftoanyoftheirauctionpremises fortheweeklyauctions.

Bay Auctioneers specialise in selling property, construction, selling businesses, car showrooms and selling bakkies, trailers and cars, trucks, containers, building materials, industrial machinery&tools,generalgoods,furniture,gold jewels, Namibian art, and assets. They also buy goldjewellery,goldcoins,andlooseassetsifyou donotwanttowaitfortheauctions.Theyprovide auctioneering services anywhere in Namibia and therestoftheSADCregion.AtBayAuctioneers, assetscanalsobeturnedintocash.

A local marketplace was created for buying and sellingnotonlyinWalvisBayandSwakopmund, butintheentireErongoregion.Thecompanyhas Vehicle Sales and a “Park and Sell” showroom opposite the Fruit and Veg shopping complex in

Swakopmund where they do bank finance and pawn vehicles, bikes and trailers. They also have second-handshopsandpawnshopsinWalvisBay and in Swakopmund in the street behind the SwakopPrison.Theyfurtheraimtosolveproblems by selling unwanted items or turning assets into cash. Bay Auctioneers established themselves as themarketleaderintheErongoregionandmoved into other regions of Namibia. They provide professionalserviceandputtheirclientsfirst. The team works together as a family, and this creates great team spirit to achieve customer satisfaction. They believe in the motto of “happy employeescreatehappyclients”.Eightypercentof theirstaffhasbeenwiththemformorethantwelve years.Theirteambelievesindevelopingtheirskills and almost all are trying to get their driver's licenses,theyalsodocomputerskillsdevelopment andconstructionandmaintenancedevelopment.

Bay Auctioneers also keep up with the newest technologyonthemarketandcontinuallyupgrades and develops their auction software, auction programs, and alarm/camera monitoring systems. Over the Covid-19 period, they never stopped developingandhaveamajoronlineauctionservice nowwithover6000regularbuyersandmorethan 54000clients.

Bay Auctioneers work with the police's secondhand goods departments and are registered with them to stop crime in coastal towns. This also creates a professional environment for employees andclients.CostsatBayAuctioneerarekeptaslow as possible to keep their services affordable for everyone.

Their property agent business will start soon, and they are currently looking for partners to team up with them. Many new things are to come countrywide. Clients can expect fast, sufficient services.

Quintin Jonck also serving the community at a charity auction on behalf of charities serving the DRC communities. Bay Auctioneers is strongly involved with support to the DRC Community Centre. With a daily feeding program and day-care. Talk to us if you would like to support in any way

6 NAMIBTIMES 9JUNE2023 Quintin Jonck +264 811434368 bayauctioneers@gmail.com McHugh Street, Swakopmund 4 GrandAvenue, IndustrialArea, Walvis Bay 081 143 4368 / bayauctioneers@gmail.com AUCTION HOUSE
No.4 GrandAvenue Industrial area Walvis Bay opposite Woermann Discount Liquors McHugh Street behind the Swakopmund Prison opposite Woermann Hardware we have ourAuction House with weekly auctions. Pawn Shop in Sam Nujoma Street opposite Shoprite next to the Engen Service Station our newest addition Pawn Shop in McHugh Street behind the Swakopmund Prison Park & Sell Car Sales opposite Food Lovers Swakopmund where we sell fast Sharlien Tjambari
our smile brings joy to every heart.
May the same joy follow you wherever you go and whatever you do in life. Happy Birthday!

Indulge in Class and Comfort: Experience Carlo's Boutique Guesthouse and Explore Namibia Hassle-Free with Carlo's Shuttle

and Tours!


Immerseyourselfinthe charmofCarlo'sBoutique Guesthouse's beautifully decorated rooms,eachdesignedto create a cosy and inviting ambiance. Enjoy the modern amenities, including flat-screen TV's with DSTV channelsandaccesstoNetflix,ensuringyourentertainmentneedsaremet. Relax by the heated swimming pool in the tranquil seating area, allowingyoutounwind andfindserenity

Carlo's Boutique Guesthouse is conveniently situated within walking distance of the lagoon With quality customer satisfaction and excellent value for money, the guesthouse strives to make your experienceexceptional. Four out of five bedrooms feature private bathrooms, ensuring added convenience, while all rooms guarantee ultimate comfort All nine

bedrooms feature private bathrooms, fridge, airconditioning and tea- and coffee facilities, ensuring added convenience while all rooms guarantee ultimatecomfort. Enhance your stay by exploringthewonders of Namibia with Carlo'sShuttleandTours.

As a trusted name in transportation services, the shuttle servicecaterstobothcorporate and leisure needs. Services include airport shuttles, daily shuttle services between the coast and Windhoek, private transfers, chauffeur services,andmore.

With 14 years of operational expertise, Carlo's Shuttle and Tours prioritises customer comfort, safety, and punctuality. Their experienced, Englishspeaking drivers engage with clients to

ensure a personalised andenjoyablejourney

Carlo's Shuttle and Tours fleet is meticulously maintained, ensuring topnotchmechanicalcondition and cleanliness. They are equipped to handle additional vehiclesanddriversat shortnotice,providing flexibility for your transportationrequirements Explore the stunninglandscapesof Namibia with tailormade tours, including trips to Sossusvlei, Damaraland, Etosha National Park, and other captivating destinations.Theservice's day tours to Spitzkoppe, Cape Cross, Sandwich Harbour 4x4, Walvis Bay, and Swakopmund are designed to create lasting memories. Trust Carlo's Shuttle and Tours for your transportation needs, whether it's staff transport, airport transfers,

or shuttle services for organised groups, seminars, conferences, or events

The 24-hour manned office ensures roundthe-clocksupport,and our mature and sober drivers prioritise your safety

Contact us today to experience the touch ofclassandcomfortat Carlo's Boutique

Guesthouse and embark on unforgettablejourneyswith Carlo's Shuttle and Tours.Callusat+264 81 419-5886 or email info@ walvisbayguesthouse.com.

Visitusat62Nangola Mbumba Street, Walvis Bay, Namibia, andletuselevateyour stay and transportation experience to newheights.

For more information k i n d l y v i s i t wwwwalvisbayguest house com and wwwcarloshuttlenam ibia.com

beautiful dining area
Breakfast included with every booking to feast your taste buds Carlo van der Heever with his guest at Carlo Boutique Guesthouse Enjoy a swim in our heated swimming pool Mr and Mrs van der Heever with their staff ready to serve you. Reach your destination safely with Carlo Shuttle & Tours Staff ready to serve you - lunch, dinner and braai available on request. theperfectblendofluxuryandconveniencewithCarlo'sBoutiqueGuesthouseandCarlo's ShuttleandTours.LocatedintheserenebeautyofWalvisBay,Carlo'sBoutiqueGuesthouseoffersa delightful retreat from the daily grind. As a registered establishment with the Namibia Tourism Board,theguesthouseiscommittedtoprovidingclientswithanunforgettablestay.
Schyff Reach your destination safely with Carlo Shuttle & Tours We do: - Schedule busses between the coast and Windhoek - Private transfers to any destinations - Gravel road transfers - experts in transfers to and from Sossusvlei as well as Damaraland and Etosha National Park - Day Tours - Spitskoppe, Cape Cross, Sandwich harbour 4x4, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund -Airport transfers - VIPChauffeur Services -Airport transfers And much more... Call us today for your booking... Tel: +264 64 205537 / Cell: 264 81 270 4395 or +264 81 419 5886 Email: carloshuttle@iwayna / www.carloshuttlenamibia.com.na Bookings can be done via: 081 419 5886 online@www.walvisbayguesthouse.com / info@walvisbayguesthouse.com We are situated at 62 Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay, Namibia Walking distance to the lagoon. We offer fully equipped rooms as from N$700.00 - Breakfast included. -All rooms air-conditioned -All rooms with a small fridge -All rooms with TV’s and DSTV - Free wifi - Secure parking - Heated swimming pool
Eileen van der

Walvis Bay Beauty Queens Shine in Miss Namibia 2023

In a glamorous event organised by the NamibianBroadcastingCorporation(NBC)inpartnership with Debmarine at Droombos, it was announced Walvis Bay beauty queens, Aina NghipuilepoandJénicaEngelbrechtmadethe toptenoftheMissNamibia2023competition. Aina Nghipuilepo (24) hailing from the harbour town of opportunities, holds a bachelor's degree in international business management and Trade, from Stamford International University and a higher certificate in Paralegal Management.Nghipuileposaidshehasadreamthatincorporateseveryoneinoursurroundings,whereweupliftand buildthecommunity,wefindourselvesin.“Adreamwhere we stir up inspiration and tickle the imagination of those undertheinfluenceofourvoices.IdreamofaNamibian

youththatisGod-fearing,onethatisnotcrippledbyfear,but onethatrisestotheoccasionwithfireintheireyes.Iam,that Namibian youth. I have a dream for the Namibian youth, where the world is our runway, and we strut it gracefully Crowned with success and destiny, there is no room to compromise,” Nghipuilepo said and added that the Miss Namibia platform is an opportunity to echo the legacy of servingherpeopleandbuildingcommunities.“Itservesasa helping hand in achieving our national development strategiesaswellasthedustainabledevelopmentgoals.Itake thisopportunitytoreacheverycornerofNamibia,totackle substance abuse where hope seems impossible, and to unleashthepotentialofeveryNamibianchild,”shesaid.Her unwavering commitment to serve her community had her working with international anti human trafficking organisationsinThailand,suchasNightlight,A21andSealed

LifeMinistries.Nghipuilepo concludedwithaquotefrom WaltDisney,“allourdreams cancometrueifwehavethe couragetopursueit.”

JénicaEngelbrecht(27)isa young Namibian entrepreneurthatownsherownbusiness,Jen'sEvent. Engelbrecht said the most important aspect for her was to stay consistent. “That's why I set goals for my personal and professional life.” Engelbrecht said, “I recentlylostmymom,Jenny Mynhardt,shewastheoneto motivate me to take chances on myself and enter these competitions. My rock is gone, but I am stronger than ever because of her I'm doingitmom!

OneofEngelbrecht'sdreams is to bring awareness to the unemployment rate in Namibia,especiallyamongst the youth “I have a foundation that's being launched in two weeks to help with this crisis in our country As a Miss Namibia finalist I can proclaim that I am consistent and disciplined Therefore, I know what differences I can makeinthelivesofouryouth once my foundation is launched On a personal level,Iwillcontinuewithmy business and allow it to grow,”shesaid.

Engelbrechtadded,“it'seasy to get lost in your daily routine, wake up every morning the same time, makethesamecupofcoffee,

get dressed, drive to work, see the same people, work with difficult clients, more coffee, have lunch, and count the hoursdowntill17:00.Stopandsmelltheflowersonceina while.Remembertosmileatastranger Getcreative.Switch upyourroutine.SayYEStomore.Goforawalk.Makean effortwithyourappearance.Cookahealthymeal.Cuttoxic peopleoutofyourlife.Fallin-lovewithyourselfthisseason. Begrateful,”sheconcluded.




Nearly all materials react to WD-40 as they would to high grade aliphatic petroleum spirits with the same exposure, i.e., spray, quick dip or prolonged immersion. WD-40 contains no silicone, PTFE or chloroflurocarbons.


No visible effects on surface of various types of rubber sprayed with WD-40. Certain types of rubber will swell upon prolonged immersion in WD-40.

HIGH STRENGTH STEELS: (for hydrogen embrittlement) Certified SAFE according to the Lawrence Hydrogen Effusion Test.



The following fabrics were exposed to WD-40 with no effect, expect slight staining which was readily removed with naphtha or dry cleaning solvent: Nylon, Orlon, Wool, Dacron, Cotton.


Many types of paint on various surfaces have been exposed to WD-40 with no effect. Wax polishes and certain wax coatings may be softened by WD-40.


The following plastics were immersed with WD-40 for 168 hours with no visible effects:

• Polyethylene

• Delrin • VinylTeflon

• Formica


fog). If longer protection is required, WD-40 should be lightly reapplied when necessary

• Polypropylene

• Polyester

• Epoxy

• Acrylic

• Nylon Clear polycarbonate and polystyrene may stress craze or crack in contact with WD-40.

Rudi Bowe EAR-NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST… at the Coast DR PIETER TROOST M.B.,Ch.B.(University of Pretoria) FCS (SA)ORL (University of Cape Town) LMCC (Canada) DO YOU SUFFER FROM: ? · Chronic Sinus Problems · Blocked Nose · Ongoing Tonsil Problems · Snoring · Stop breathing while sleeping · Ear Problems LET US HELP : Book a consultation… 061224349 SWAKOPMUND: Cottage Mediclinic WALVIS BAY: Welwitchia Private Hospital DR PIETER TROOST WWW.ENTNAMIBIA COM Come visit @ 160 Cicumferential Road & BUCO collect your FREE sample of this amazing product. Terms and conditions apply. • Appearance: Slightly cloudy • Colour: Light amber • Odour: Slight, characteristic odour • Specific Gravity: 0.80 at 25ºC • Viscosity: (ASTM D445) 2.5 cSt at 40ºC • Flashpoint (minimum): 43ºC closed cup • Percent Non-volatile (minimum): 30% by weight • Percent Volatile (maximum): 70% by weight aliphatic petroleum distillate • Pour Point: Below -73ºC • Coverage: 14m2 to 24m2 per litre • Boiling Point (initial): 149ºC (minimum) • Weight, applied coating: 1.7 x 10-3 kg/m2 • Thickness: 0.0025mm to 0.0076mm Tested on freshly sanded mild steel panels: Under actual conditions the duration obtained using WD-40 will vary with the type of material being protected and the conditions of exposure.
Covered or indoor storage – 1 year or longer
Protected exterior storage 6 months to 1 year
Normal exterior exposure 30 to 60 days
Severe exterior exposure 15 to 30 days (near
beach, high
salt spray







PleasetakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintendstoapply, onbehalfofregisteredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvisBay,theUrbanand RegionalPlanningBoardandtheEnvironmentalCommis-sionerforpermissionfor thefollowing:

Rezoning of Erf 3662 Kuisebmond (C/o Khomashochland and Gold Street) from “General Residential 2” (1:150m²) to “General Business” to permit the redevelopmentoftheerfintoagroceryshopwithaliquorstore. Applicationforan EnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheaboverezoning.


PARTICIPATION/SCOPING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A FISH SHOP AT ERF. 2604 (MONDESA EXT. 4), ERONGO REGION, NAMIBIA MONDESA FISH SHOP (Or the Proponent) intends to construct and operate a fish shop at Erf. 2604 (Mondesa Ext. 4) within the Swakopmund Municipal boundaries (Erongo Region, Namibia). Erf. 2604 has been rezoned for this activity; however, the activity may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

PUBLIC NOTICE: This public notice is in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be launched w th the Environmental Commiss oner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate public consultations and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC.

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process.

In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I & APs by contacting: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu

Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P. O. Box 4120, Swakopmund

Email: Mobile: +264 816343170 nelumbu7@gmail.com


Notice is hereby placed to inform all potentially Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an applicationforEnvironmentalClearanceCertificate willbemadetotheEnvironmentalCommissioner,in line with the provisions of Environmental ManagementAct 7 of 2007 and its Regulations of 2012, in respect of the envisaged exploration activities for industrials minerals, dimension stone, precious metals, base and rare metals and nuclear fuel minerals.

ProjectLocation:EPL8801islocated19kmnorth ofArandis town in Erongo Region and falls largely onstatelandandpartlywithinTrekkopjefarm.


All Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are cordiallyinvitedtoparticipateinpublicconsultation meeting on the 17th of June 2023 in Arandis CommunityTownHall - Registration,aswellassub missionsofI&APscomments(includingtherequest for the Background Information Document), must bedoneonorbefore14thJune2023,to:






Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.

Paradise 2 Entertainment trading as Big Boss GamblingherewithintendstoapplytotheMunicipality of Swakopmund for special consent to operate a Place ofAmusement- Bar & Gambling on the premises of erf 3739, (No 58. Waterberg Street)MondesaExt.8.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge such objection/s in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours.

Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis3July 2023.

Contact person: Mrs Chrismari Oosthuizen Cell: 0814319292


Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.

The aforementioned application are submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land from residential to commercial use is a listed activity, and an applicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatewillbemadeintermsofthe EnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).


(a)therezoningapplicationliesopenforinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsand Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay situated at Civic Centre,WalvisBayorcanbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b) Potential interested and affected parties are invited to register with Stewart Planning,andanypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionstotheapplication,mayin writinglodgesuchobjectionsandcomments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice;

©Registrationandwrittencommentsorobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron 17:00Thursday,6July2023.


StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na 064280773

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking to employ an: HUMAN


We are seeking a motivated individual as Human Resources Practitioner As a member of the team, you will oversee and manage the Human Resources and Payroll departments to ensure the efficient and effective management of the organization's workforce. Key responsibilities include: strategic management; budget and forecasting; HR reporting and payroll; full recruitment process; performance management; training; employee relations; policy development, implementation and communication; AA reporting; vessel crew rotation; wage negotiations. If you honor our values

We care● We serve● We think smart● We grow people● We talk to each other● We walk the talk And have the following skills:

· A Degree in Human Resources Management

· Minimum of 5 years' proven experience as HR Practitioner in a manufacturing environment

· Good computer skills on an advanced level (MS Office & VIP)

· Good knowledge of various legislations

· Must be able to manage a small team

· High ability to think analytically and creatively to resolve problems

· Able to take initiative and decisions

· Have a high attention to detail and accuracy

· Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

· Have high integrity and adhere to principles and values

· Be able to cope with a demanding work life

· Must have excellent numeric and verbal abilities (preferably multi-languages)

· Must have excellent planning, organisational and administrative abilities

· Must be able to cope with pressure and set backs

· Must be a Namibian citizen with a valid driver's license

Please email your resume, cover letter, and any relevant supporting documents to: yvonne@gendev.com.na by no later than 23 June 2023.



C l a s s i f i e d s






Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com








Landscaping&plant doctor

Originalpalm&tree trimming


Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.



TraditionalDr Herbalist

DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)







NewlybuiltTownhousein OceanViewSwakopmund.

TOLET:WalvisBay Hannah'sCottages


*Construction *Painting

*Paving *Slasto

*Swimming Pools

*All electrical work

*Building and renovating all types of buildings

*Sealing of any kind of roofs

Call: 081 211 6686

Anywhere along the coast



Smashandgrab windowtinting



Lights&cheap repair

Findusatunit3 FactoryPark10th StreetWalvisBay

ContactAlex; 0815829224 0817029900

ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADC countries,suchas bringingbacklostlovers in4days.Removalof badluck,verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.

Pregnancyproblems, jobsandpromotions, business,protectionof bodiesandhousesfrom witchcraft,protectionof kraalsfarmsfrom thieves,winingtenders, andcontracts,revenge kapsule,rejuvenatemens powerduringsex,magic walletandgetrichwithin shortnotice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epelipsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillnever regret.






Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’

Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc.

WalvisBay& Swakopmund.

Cell: 0812017887

FromMalawiisin WalvisBaywith30years vastexperiencein variousproblems& diseasessuchasbringing backlostlover,togeta newjob,towincourt cases,tocleanoutbad luckfromyourbody,to passexams,topass driving,toprotectyour bodyfromwithcraft,to boostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyou sleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbad dreams,amantobe stronginbedduringsex, awomantohavefeelings foraman,headaches, swellingofyourbody, madness,epilepsy,joints pain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneeda newbaby,periodpains, torecoverstolen property,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafila Street

TraditionalDoctorMoyo Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyour realgoals,hereisyour doctortoproveeverything foryou.Hehelpswith differenttypesof problemssuchascourt cases,loveaffairs, marriageproblems,weak erectionswhichisunable tosatisfyyourwoman, vaginatightnessforman tofeelalwaysattractedto youhouseproblems,all typesoftransmitted sickness,highblood pressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluck spirits,jobproblems,stop loverfromcheatingyou [manorwoman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyour life,yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup.

Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreet MondesaSwakopmundor call: DrMoyo0813395913

(TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboost yourbusiness-Peopledon’t wanttopayyoubackPregnancyProblemsProtectionofFarms,Houses, CarsandAnimals-Sexual transmittedsickness-all sicknessAsthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexuality-Spiritual doctorsinneedofmore spiritualpowers,etc. House Nr.(79)3191D.Johanna BensonStreetKuisebmond, WalvisBay Cell:0813033149


Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeninginpeople's lifeandhebringsbackall yourluckwhichistaken throughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:

1.Removingbadluck completely


3.Destroystokoloshiinyour life4.Restoringbirthrights lucky


6.Breakingthechainsof familyproblemsand diseases

7.Providepowerful protectionagainstyour enemies

8.Blockingyourpartnernot tocheatonyou

9. Cureallwitchcraftdiseases

10.Bringsbackfinancial happiness


12.Customerattraction boostyourbusiness






18.Treatingcancer,TB, diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke, Bp,wombpain,jointpain, gout.

19.Hipandmanhood enlargement

20.Removingblackspotson yourskin

21.Stimulatesexualdesire andlonglastinginbed. Don'thesitatetocontacthim nowto witnesstheendofyour problems.




Available1July singleorcouple singleperson N$3200.00


Deposit50%ofrent W/Eincl. Garageavailable.

NearShoprite Callorwhatsapp


-2BedroomswithBIC -2bathrooms(eachbedroom withit'sownbathroomand toilet)


-OpenplankitchenwithBIC, builtinstove+balcony



-Securedarea,nearthemalls inOceanview

-(Furnished)N$10000.00 p/mexclusivewater,prepaid electricity

-(Unfurnished) N$7500.00p/mexclusive water,prepaidelectricity


Contact:0818002358/081 3789008


TwoBedroomflattoshare (LibertinaAmathilaStreet) superquietandsafecomplex Swakopmund,Town-CBD, BIC, W/Eincluded. N$3000.00p/m



TwoxNewlybuiltbachelor apartmentswithbuiltin cupboards. N$2900eachpermonth






Forviewing,call 0813456508.

TO LET: Office / Retail Space


CBD Swakopmund 97 m². Water, Electricity and Body Corporate Levy


Contact: 081 143 6730 or 081 406 0400

TORENT: WalvisBay,Kuisebmond Kabeljoustreet onebedroomflatwithopen plankitchenandlivingroom withprivatebathroomina veryneatandsecurearea. Highfencedwallsandfully interlocked.Nogarage. Idealforasinglepersonora couple. W/E incl.





TORENT: Swakopmund Tamariskia

Two-bedroomflattorentfor N$5500.00waterincluded andpre-paidelectricity

Availableonthe30thJune 2023 Contact:0812898668 /0814351012/0814344858.


Onebedroomflat,free wifi,secureparking N$2300.00p/m


Contact:0812867210/ 0812059653

Modern3bedroom, 2bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,bigprivate courtyard.

Blinds,G4SandN$200free water.Dishwasher/stove. Noanimals.Strictselection Quietsafecomplex

Availablefromimmediately N$7600.00p/m




Groot1slaapkamerwoonstel metensuitebadkamer.Groot binnebraai.sitkamermet oopplankombuis,metstoof plusgarage. W/Lingesluit. Woonstelnuutoorgedoen. Onmidellikbeskikbaar Geendiere.


DepositN$2000.00(kan afbetaal)


TORENT:Narraville Kokerboomstreet

Onebedroomflatwithinside toiletandshower builtincupboardsinkitchen andbedroom. Builtinstove W/Eincluded. N$4000.00p/m

Plusdepositpayablein 2months



WalvisBay:ToRent:TWO Bedroomflat–Partly furnished.

Nr3–55,SamNujomaSpacioustwobedroomwith showerandbath.Queenbed plus2xsingle.BIC,kitchen -microwave,stoveand fridge.Sittingroomwith cornercoach,diningtable and4chairs.Curtains/blinds. Indoorbraai.Alarm. Singlegaragewithremote door.Prepaidelectricity Sorry–Nopetsorsmall children.Nomunicipal connectionfees.





TORENT:1bedroom bachelorflat


DepositN$1000.00 w/eincl.Nopets




Dune, OmaruruStreet -830m².Shortwalk seafront.3boundaries walls-N$420,000 negotiable. SouthDune, Brukaros Street -1165m².Very closetobeach. 2boundarywallsN$780,000negotiable. Bothfullyservicedin wellestablishedareasof holidayhomesand permanentresidents. Contact info@henties.com 0816720827

BARGAIN 1450m²

VacantLandforsale HentiesBay

BusinessorResidential Omdelextension3

Plotservicedandready tobuild N$400000.00 (negotiable)

Contact: namibpearls@gmail. com




*JohnOttostr 18174sqm

*PatrickLungadhastr 47764m²and 19476m²

CALL:Brunhilde: 0811282228


FORSALEORTOLET: Unit4andunit5at IndustrialPark, Swakopmund. Canbeusedforworkshop, officeandstorage.Areain m² Unit4-156m² Unit5-154m²

Contact:0811291683 MrStrauss


SectionaltitleKuisebmond-Prime Area




Garage Tenantinplace

SellingN$550000.00 0815544888or 0812957837

ALL YOU NEED IS ID, payslips 6 month’s bank statements & HOSSM (government) Mondesa Hights, Swakopmund RSVPJaco - 081 243 0727 Jacky -
861 4696
JUNE 2023

C l a s s i f i e d s



JTC Private School in Walvis Bay would like to inform the public that our enrolment for Pre-Primary & Grade 1 for 2024 academic year will take place on Saturday, 01 July 2023

Time: 09H30

Venue:At school

For details, please contact 064-209097 or 0812800648




Urgentlylookingfor 2bedroomflatwithbic andbisinkitchen W/EinclorWaterincl andelectricityprepaid NarravilleorTown N$4000.00permonth

Contact: 0817354142 0812088616



Iamlookingforapickup bakkietobuyaround WalvisBay, Swakopmund,Henties Bayatareasonableprice.


Lookingfor195 l or207 l chestfreezertobuyin WalvisBayor Swakopmund. Secondhand.





SAILBOATFORSALE Sailboat“McGregor26"


JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfora domesticworkinWalvis Bay.Readytostart




Iama24yearoldladyin WalvisBay,Kuisebmond lookingfordomestic workfromMondaysto Sundays.Itisformy school.


JOBWANTED: Ladylookingforwork suchasironing,washing babysitting,cleaning.I amreadytostart



JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workorbabysitting. Readytostart



ANGA: Iama44yearoldlady lookingforoffice cleaningordomestic work.Iamhardworking andhonest.WalvisBay





Iama28yearold dedicatedand hardworkingyounglady lookingforanykindof workinSwakopmund, LongBeach.Ihavebasic computerskillsandIam availabletostartanyday



Twoladies51and36year oldarelookingfor domesticworkor babysittingworkin Swakopmund.Weare hardworkingwith experienceandreadyto startimmediately

Contact:0812379540/ 0817225033


Iama34yearoldman lookingforanycleaning work,securityguard,car washorfarmworkin Swakopmundor surroundingareas.





(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)

NoticeisgiventhatanapplicationintermsoftheLiquorAct,1998,particularsofwhich appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.


2.Nameofbusinessorproposedbusinesstowhichapplicationrelates:TruethLounge, P.O.Box7620,WalvisBay

3.Address/locationof premisestowhichapplicationrelates:Erf5783,RockStreet, Kuisebmond


5.ClerkoftheCourtwithwhomapplicationwillbelodged:ClerkoftheMagistrate’s Court,WalvisBay



Ahumble24yearoldis lookingfordomestic workorhousekeeping.I aminWalvisBayandis readytostartanyday MondaystoFridays07:00 -17:30.Icanspeak AfrikaansandEnglish.



Ekis‘n32jaaroue betroubaredameopsoek nahuiswerkvir3dae‘n week.Ekkanonmidellik begin.Walvisbaai, LagoonofMeersig.



Ekisopsoeknawerkin Walvisbaai,Dorp, MeersigofLangstrand. MaandaetotVrydaeof 3dae‘nweek. Drinkofrooknie.Kan ooknawekeuithelp. Hetverwysings




A33yearold hardworkingandhonest ladylookingfordomestic work,housekeeper, office,hotelorlodge.I have3yearsexperience atSuricateTownLodge. Contact:0812332394

Godvreesendedameis opsoeknahuiswerk.Ekis 28jaaroudDamara sprekend.Ekiseerliken baiegewilligomteleer KangoedAfrikaansen Engelspraat.Lagoon, Meersig,Fairways,ekkan enigetydbegin,vir3dae ‘nweekof‘nvolleweek. Rookofdrinknie.

Kontak:0816991037 0814548461

WERKGESOEK: Ekisdringendopsoekna huiswerkvir2-3dae‘n week.Ekkanskoon maak,stryk.Walvisbaai. Ekisbetroubaaren hardwerkendenhetgoeie verwysings.


VICKY: ekisopsoeknahuiswerk ofstrykwerkvirDinsdae enSaterdaeinWalvisbaai, Swakopmundof Langstrand. Kanonmidellikbegin.


JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workorofficecleaning.

WalvisBay,3years experience.




Iamlookingfordomestic workIhave2years experienceandisvery hardworking.Mondaysto Fridays.WalvisBay


Iama33yearoldwoman livinginSwakopmund, lookingfordomestic work,laundryassistantor daycarework.Ihave manyyearsexperience,I knowhowtoironwelland Ilikechildren.Iamkind, hardworkinganda peacefullady

Pleasecontact: 0813364363



Apalliativecaregiveris lookingforwork,Monday toFridayinSwakopmund, Icanalsolookafterbabies orteachkindergarden.I workedatMediclinicSwk andTheLionsOldAge Home,Ihavereferences. ContactPetronella: 0818257692/ 0816883423.

JOBWANTED: Iamayoungladylooking for2or3daysworkora weekinSwakopmundor inareasofRossmundor Mile4,Iamreadytostart immediately


Isuzu4x4 N$110000.00CASH CallAndrew: 0811456045 0813316200
CASH! Toyotasingleordouble cab4x4orDifflock
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7.DateofmeetingofCommitteeatwhichapplicationwillbeheard:12July2023. Anyobjectionorwrittensubmissionintermsofsection28oftheActinrelationtothe application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21daysbeforethedateofthemeetingoftheCommitteeatwhich theapplicationwillbeheard. 12 NAMIBTIMES 9JUNE2023


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John Rock Prophet's Debut at Godenfang: A Night of Music, Fundraising for Promiseland's Foster Care Project

Eileen van der Schyff

In a memorable evening filled with live performancesandcharitablecontributionstowards Promiseland, the stage was set under a free-form tentasJohnRockProphettookthespotlightinhis debut performance, joined by the talented Janelle Bothaandfollowedbyanafter-partyfeaturingDJ Mickey G on Friday evening, on 2 June at Godenfang, Walvis Bay The event served as a fundraisinginitiativeforPromiselandwiththeaim of making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerablechildren.



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Bottles of wines were auctioned at the event, and the spirit of giving was embraced which secured N$22 220 of funds to Promiseland.

Jenny Esterhuisen

Project Coordinator of Promiseland told the Namib Times, “The moneysraisedwillgoto different projects of the Promiseland Project ”

To enhance the experience, a cash bar was available, along with a delectable selection of pizzas, burgers, and a potofGlühwein.

Promiseland's Foster CareProject,initiatedin 2011, provides a stable and nurturing environment for two children under the care of a foster mother The project ensures that the children receive essential provisions such as housing, groceries, clothing,education,and emotional support

While the original plan aimed to establish a clusterfostercarecentre for more children, legislativerequirements andfinanciallimitations have posed challenges inrealisingthisgoal.To address the pressing need for a secure and stable home environ-

ment, the Trust has optedtoleaseasuitable house equipped to meet the children's needs. A dedicated caregiver or foster mother resides in the home, offering round-the-clock care Social workers regularly assess the children's progress and the effectiveness of the fostercarearrangement.

The objectives of the Foster Care Project encompass creating a permanent and loving family environment where children can thrive, reducing the trauma caused by frequent relocations, ensuring consistent access to education, fosteringself-worthand dignity,promotinghealthy social interaction, and complementing the efforts of Social Servicesinplacingchildren who require a safe and protected environment.

Community support plays a crucial role in sustaining the project's financial viability

Regular, committed funding is essential to cover the monthly expenses of the foster care home over an extended period By purchasing a ticket to


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the event, attendees contribute directly to the cause, making a differenceinthelivesof these vulnerable children.

InadditiontotheFoster Care Project, Promiseland's initiatives extend to the Feeding Project, which provides daily home-cooked meals for approximately250-300 children in need. They also collaborate with a local community project, supporting the daily nourishment of around 2,900 underprivileged children attending seven schools inWalvisBay. Moreover, Promiseland's Forming Project includes a pre-primary school that prepares vulnerable children for formal education, emphasizing character transformation and ethical values These various projects aim to empower the less fortunate community througheducation,instil independence and goaldrivenattitudes,nurture ethical values and spiritual growth, and enablechildrentoreach their full potential and purpose.Together,these endeavours strive to create a brighter future anddeveloptomorrow's leadersforthecountry The children of Promiseland are in dire need of second-hand school clothes and shoes The initiative runs a school-clothescampaigninaidofthose children who can not afford school clothes andstationery Promiseland can be contacted at +264 81 398 9641 or via Email management@promis eland.com.na


SSFD season-ending awards ceremony

Both on and off the pitch, Khomas Nampol were winners at Southern Stream First Division (SSFD) season-ending awards ceremonyheldatAtlanticHotel,WalvisBayonFridayevening. KhomasNampolwalkedawayastheleaguewinners,coach,topgoalscorer andfairplayawardsoftheseason.KhomasNampolCoach,FortuneEichab receivedtheCoachoftheSeasonAwardandEricTsamtheTopGoalScorer award for his 14 goals whilst the team received the fair play award. SSFD Marketing Officer Rhuuksie ||Garoëb was the recipient of the Chairman's Award.

Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes said at the SSFDseason-ending awards ceremonythattherearenoshortcutstosuccessasitcomesbyhardwork. The mayor said the absence of the business community at the award ceremonyisaclearindicationthattheNamibianFootballAssociationandits membershavenotearnedtheirconfidence,cooperation,andsupport.Forbes said, “the Southern Stream First Division should continue to work hard to producethenecessaryfootballersforthenationalfootballteamsatalllevels. ItismyhopeandbeliefthattheNormalisationCommitteewillfasttrackon theirmandatebypresentingasubstantiveExecutivecommitteethatwillearn theconfidence,cooperation,andsupportofthebusinesscommunity.”

SSFD Chairperson, Jakobus Markus, said the 2022/23 season was a very memorable one for the Southern Stream First Division Football League. “More importantly, our clubs challenged themselves and recorded competitive performances.” According to Markus, the recent Southern StreamFirstDivisionleaguecreatednew-foundenthusiasmandbeliefinour memberclubsandtheirplayers.“Asateamyouralliedanationandbrought immensepridetofootballinthecountrybysettingthepacetobefollowedby others,”Markussaidandadded,“everysingleoneofyouplayedapart.You showedusthataspirationsarepossiblerealities,thatwhenwesetourmindsto achievingacommongoal,wecandomorethanmerelydream.Behindthese performances is not just the work of players – there is a team of unsung heroes,regardedbyplayersasmorethanjustcoaches,butalsomentorsand friends.”

MarkusaddedtheSSFDhadsomechallengeslikeashortageoffinances,long travelling distances, early kick off times of matches on Sunday, double headers, but SSFD tabled a proposal to the NC to split the SSFD league. “I want to do an open invitation to the corporate world to join this vehicle, SSFD,itwillbeasocialresponsibility,butcertainlyaninvestmentforagood cause”hesaid.

Markus acknowledged the generosity of NFA Normalisation Committee undertheChairmanshipofBisseyUirab,forhisunwaveringsupportoverthe pastfootballseason.



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School News
Johan van Es
Top Goal scorer of the season Eric Tsam Southern Stream First Division league winners Khomas Nampol The recipient of the Chairman's Award Rhuuksie ||Garoëb Coach of the season Khomas Nampol coach Fortune Eichab
Rudi Bowe

Boys run out with a new look

The first and second teams of Sparta Rugby Club will be running out with a new look after Metrotech Calibration Services - Pty Ltd and DME Namibia Solutions sponsored newrugbyjerseystotheclub.

The coastal rugby clubfromWalvisBay whoplaysintheNRU First Division league extend their sincere gratitude to the sponsors.

Sparta 1 will kick off their 2nd round on Saturday 10 June against the first team of Dolphin Rugby Club in Swakop-

mund. The two coastal teams will at the same time play for the Atlantic Derby Cup sponsored by South WesternExpress. It is going to be a huge game when The Black andThe Purple meet at theTamariskiaStadium at 15:00. The day will also see the second team of Dolphins in

action against a CoastalBarbariansteam.


11:00 - 12:30 Mini RugbyAcademyclinic

12:30 - 13:00 Old crocksrugby

13:00 - 15:00 Dolphin

RC ll vs Coastal Barbarians

15:00 Dolphins l vs Spartal


The annual Bank Windhoek Betterball Stableford

Betterball Stableford with a twist was held in just aboutperfectweatherconditionsattheRossmundGolfClubonSaturday3June.

With a field of over 40 golfers - teeing off in anticipationofwhatlayaheadbythegreen–each flagsticktoldit'sstory–onetocount,combined ormultiplier–therewasplentyofOh!!No's–kan ditnieglonie–Ionlyhaveoneshotleftandit'sa multiplier

The scores came into the clubhouse slowly but surely–someofthepartnershipshadgreatscores –musthavedovetailednicely–whilstothersjust enjoyed the beer It was great to see the Bank Windhoek team again led by Nicolette Viljoen whoofficiatedatprizegivingandpromisedtobe therein2024,aroundthesametime.

TheOverallWinnersontheDaywerethefather and son combination of Fritz & Fritz Jr Coetzee with an excellent 69 points – playing off 5 & 3

The BAYWASH Individual Stableford Golf Day

The BAYWASH Individual Stableford Golf Day with four bonus holes drew a fieldof33golfersonSaturday,3JuneattheWalvisBayGolfCourse.

TheformatwasIn-dividualStablefordwithfour bonusholeswherethescorewouldbedoubled. Afterthesponsor,BossieBosmandrewthefour holesandtheywerenumber1,4,11and13and afteralltheaccountingwasdone,itwasWayne Hart who shot the lights out with 43 points and the added four holes were another 11 points giving him a total of 54 points for the round. Wynand Moller shot 40 points and his bonus being 9 came in second with Kyle Johnson scoring 38 and bonus 10 third. There were surprisingly no two clubs (Nardos pin placing keeping the money in the club for the next week).

The closest to the pins on were won by Pieter Fox 2/11 and Kyle Johnson on number 7. Michael Green was present to hand out the prizesandonthephotoisAndreBurger,Wayne HartandMichaelGreen.

The word is that the sponsors for the BAYWASH Individual Stableford will be back next

year–greatnewsandthankstoBossieBosmanand Dirkforthesponsorship.

The SENIORS group seems to have taken off pretty well. The past two weeks have seen infiltrators from Swakopmund come and beat our toppiesonourowncourse.ThankstoTieniedeWet andDawnDippenaarfortheorganizing. Thisweekendwillbeaclubcompetitionduetothe factthatagoodfewofthemembersofWBGCwill be travelling to the Sages event in Gobabis. The competitionwillbebogeyplus.

The HIS HOUSE fund raiser that was scheduled for this Friday has been postponed by a week and will now be held next Friday 16 June and the MultiSave Medal/WIP will be on Saturday, 17 June.

The Namibia Ship Chandlers will be on 24 June whilst the It Guru sponsored golf tournament and theLocalSageswillbeontheweekendof1and2 JulywiththePromiselandfundraiseron7Julyand theWBGCcompetitionon8July

NIIHA training camp

Namibia Ice and Inline HockeyAssociation (NIIHA) and the National Program held their annual “long” recently held a training camp at the MTC Dome in Swakopmund.

The five-day training event loaded with matches, skill building, team building and fun The camp started with a fun styletournamentWednesday night, followed by individual sessions the whole of Thursday morning and afternoon, then matches on Thursday night.

Friday saw two team training sessions and matches at night. Satur-

day morning was a team training session, followed byateambuildingcompetitionbetweenalltheplayers The team building competition was a collectionofphysicalchallenges (push-ups, sit-ups, running,etc.)andthenaphoto and video scavenger hunt thatsenttheteamsoutinto Swakopmund to find or create each task given to them.

More matches were play-

ed on Saturday night and on Sunday a last team training session to close off the weekend This campalsoservedasaspecial“kick-off”asNamibia has been invited to participate in the European Championships, held in Belgium from July 20 to July31.

Namibia will be the first non-European country to everattendthisprestigious event.Namibiahasbeena

steady presence in the world of inline hockey overthepastdecade,climbingtherankingsinJunior MenandJuniorLadiesand having consistent performances with their Senior MenandSeniorWomen.

Last year the Junior Ladies of Namibia claimed its first everWorld ChampionshipdefeatingUSAin the gold medal game, in Argentina. While the Junior Men, in the same

course handicaps, respectively; 2nd Place: Marco Swarts & Tendakai Chinyundura 64 points;3rdPlace:Rina&BillyKnight63points count out over Wim Hollander & Dean Kock ; 5th Place: Helmut Ndjendja & Sebulon Tsuseb 60points.

Was a good day to shoot a 2-club well done to Justin Noabeb & Tendakai Chinyundura – who sharedthepool;unfortunatelytheNearesttothe Pin markers were lost in transit – the allocated prizes went out by lucky draw – this always bringsinalotofbanter Tothesponsorwesaythankyouforawonderful day;thefantasticprizesandlastbutnotleastthe excellent snacks supplied on their behalf, after prizegiving, bytheclubhousekitchen.

Championships, reached themedalroundforthefirst timeever The long training camp weekend also served as a mini-trial for an U17 team that will go with to Belgium Coach-selected players in certain age groupscameandgavetheir best and got to experience what an actual National Camp is like and what it is allabout.

Attheendoftheweekend, Lourens Borstlap and Max Ihms were selected to join theplayersthathadalready been selected from the beginningoftheyeartrials. The two players were very excited to be selected and arelookingforwardtojoiningthenexttwocampsand beingapartoftheProgram.

Namibia will send: Senior Women, Junior Men, Junior Ladies and U17 to

Belgium to compete A

Senior Men's team was not available at this time Danielle Dobberstein, who makes her return to the National Team this year, hasrepresentedNamibiain the Senior level of the World Championships 4 times (2008, 2013, 2014 & 2016) and after a short breakinthesport,tostarta family,isbackandlooking sharp and brining her unique blend of tenacity

andgrittotheteam. Following the camp she said, “This camp was great. Everyone is getting alongnicelyandthereisa real sense of team and friendship.Ithinkthiswill make us tough to play against. I am really happy with everyone and looking forward to the next camp.” The next national trainingcampwillbeheld in Swakopmund from 23 to25June.

NAMIBTIMES15 9JUNE2023 School News
Displaying the new rugby jerseys for Sparta 1 are Harry Basson, Cee-Jay Scholtz, Dawid Coetzee (Metrotech Calibration Services), Megan Coetzee (Metrotech Calibration Services), Neil Grimbeek and Ridahwaan Mouton The annual Bank Windhoek L/R: Winners Bank Windhoek Betterball Stableford: Mark Jacobs (RGC Vice Captain); Nicolette Viljoen (Bank Windhoek Representative); Fritz Coetzee Jr.; Fritz Coetzee; Sherlien Horases (Bank Windhoek) Andre Burger with Wayne Hart and Michael Green

namib times Sport Send your sports news to

The Chandler Plato Challenge Cup

Rudi Bowe

TheChandlerPlatoChallengeCupisontomorrowastheNRUPremierClubs,FNBKudu1and FNBUnam1clashattheUnamSportFieldinWindhoek.

The Walvis Bay outfits will enter their matches againsttheWindhoekoutfitwithconfidenceafter their emphatic victories in the premier and reserve against FNB Rehoboth last weekend at theJanWilkenStadium.BothteamsfromKudus will, however, expect a massive challenge againstUnam.

Kudus 1 surprised Unam 1 last year as the harbour town boys beat the student's home and away However, the students beat Kudu on their homegroundinthesemi-final.

Tomorrow's match will be a horse of a different colourasthestudentsareathomewheretheyare unstoppable and the coastal boyties would like make up for the semi-final lost at the end of last yearandkeeptheirpositionontopofthelog.

Unam 1 will be hoping to redeem themselves fromback-to-backdefeatsatthehornsofcoastal outfitKuduslastseason.Thestudentshaveonly won2ofthefivegamestheyplayedandaresixth onthelogwith9pointswhilsttheharbourtown boysareontopofthelogwith24pointsaftersix


With PJ Walters and Lloyd Jacobs back from nationaldutyandLezardoVos,AurelioPlatoand JustinNewmanalsoinactionandChadPlatothat madehisreturnthetwoweeksagotheKuduBulle willbeatfullstrength.

FNBKudus2wouldliketobuildontheirwinning streak to keep their position on top of the NRU Reserve log. This boytjies lost the first match against Unam 2 on their home field but beat the youngstudentsinWindhoeklastyear

Thecoastalboytjiehavewon4ofthefivegames andareleadingthelogwith25pointswhilstUnam 2areonthebottomofthelogwithfivelossesafter 5games.

However, as everyone knows, FNB Unam is a formidableteamandinfrontoftheirhomecrowd Kudus need to fire on all cylinders if they want a chancetowinatall.TheKuduBokkieswouldlike togetbacktowinningwaysastheywilltakeonthe UnamBokkiesonthehomegroundinWindhoek.

Father and son second and third

Coastalrallydrivers in AllanMartinandhisNavigator,MarethaOlivier their and J&P Hydraulics 4x4-Skoda R5; Zachary Martin and his Navigator, Jannie Coetzee J&P Hydraulics 2x4-VW Golf took in their second and third overall 2023 M&Z Motors Tara Rally at the on Saturday.

This year's edition of the M&Z 2023 Tara Rally was very competitive with total of 17 a rally carscompetedin12stagesovertwo days in Windhoek and and around Rehoboth.

Wilro Dippenaar and his navigator CarolynSwan PZNPanel withtheir Beaters4x4-FordFiesta1.6T theare overall winnersin hour, 39 1 minutes,and18seconds50seconds aheadofAllanMartinandMaretha Olivier in 1:42:37in the S4 class whilst Zachary Martin and his navigator Jannie Coetzee won the S2classin1:54:59. Eight of the original ten entries completed the rally Berto Mostert andChanéHavenga(S2),aswellas PierreRöhmandPieterSteyn(S1), unfortunately had to throw in the towel.

T date for the he Namibia Rally Championship 14 and 15 is set for JulyinGobabis.


Overall: 1 Dippenaar/Swan, 2 Martin/Olivier, 3 Martin/Coetzee, 4 Pieter Greeff/JP Robinson, 5 Rolf Pretorius/Katja Pretorius, 6 Wido Bartsch/Raymond Fourie, 7 Michael Kotze/WayneRust.


Rally Class 1st Wilro Dippenaar and ; Carolyn Swan (S4) 2ndAllan Martin , andMarethaOlivier(S4) 3rdZachary , Martin and Jannie Coetzee (S2) 4th , PieterGreefandJPRobinson(S1) 5th, RolfandKatjaPretorius(S3) 6thWido , BartschandRaymondFourie(S2) 7th, MichaelKotzeandWayneRust(S3)

Super rally Paul Oosthuizen and ; JohanduPlessis(S1)

Challenge Class 1st Rian Kritzinger ; and Ian Stander (CR1) 2nd Ekko , EisenbergandRassieRietz(CR1) 3rd, MariusandJackyvanZyl(CR1)

Super rally 1st Werner Barth and ; Christel Fourie (CR2) 2nd Laic , BathfieldandJohanSteyn(CR1)

Kudus Premier Team: Hoebeb Anthony, Luaan Karsten, Swartz Craig, Kotzee Enzio, Arangies Tertius, Emamdien Mogamat-Alie, Lezardo Vos, Jacobs Joshua, Paulse Rayton, Plato Aurelio, Andrews Paolo, PJ Walters, Newman Justin, Jacobs Lloyd and Plato Chad with Viviers Zwandre, HoesebSydney,NamasebGregory,NaholoCoday,PolsterJivino,BeukesGeraldoandBusselJayden asthereserves.

Kudus Reserve Team: Calaca Lorenco, Strauss Tiaan, Solomon Shaiden, Nel Christian, Arangies Tertius, Alexander Jansen, Koning Jarreth, Vries Franco, Nash Percy, Irongwa Atshivudhi, Beukes

Darren, Mckay Vernon, Tjazerua Michael, Williams Zane with Lensley Roberto, Theron Carlo, LotterringWilliam,RossouwHenri,FerisEhanandSeisterBrandon.

FromleftareMarethaOlivierandAllanMartin(secondoverall),Tara championsCarolynSwanandWilroDippenaar,andZacharyMartinand JannieCoetzee.PhotoMotorMediaNamibia(Facebook)

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