Namib Times Virtual Edition

Page 1





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Tower crumbles after hitting dry well

inside Help for fire victims

Page 3

Jade McClune

Photo by Otis Finck

Biscuits competiotion

Page 9

Night of the Arts

Page 11

Dancing Ladies

CELEBRATING THE AFRICAN CHILD: Yesterday 16 June, the African Union and its partners celebrated the Day of the African Child (DAC), in commemoration of the bloody 1976 protests by school children in Soweto, South Africa. They protested against an education system designed to further the purposes of the apartheid regime. The brutal response of the apartheid security agencies to the unarmed students’ protests resulted in the death of many. The 1976 protests contributed greatly to the eventual collapse of the apartheid regime. In 1991, the African Union Assembly passed a resolution designating 16 June as a Day for the celebration of the African child. During its 21st Session, the Committee of Experts deliberated upon and adopted the theme “A child friendly, quality, free and compulsory education for all children in Africa" as the DAC theme for 2014.

New classrooms for !Nara Primary School Piquet Jacobs !Nara Primary School in Kuisebmond officially inaugurated 5 new classrooms and 2 storerooms, donated by the Japanese Embassy, last week. The school opened in 2011 with 10 classrooms, 10 teachers and 475 learners. In 2012

they applied for the Japanese sponsorship, but were denied. In 2013 they were called by

the embassy to reapply, which led to them being accepted for the sponsorship to build

the classrooms and storerooms. They hope to have an office block standing by next year. Continues on page 2

Page 12


The mineral exploration company, Tower Resources, which has been searching for oil and gas offshore Walvis Bay over the past three months, lost two thirds of its share value on Friday following the announcement that no oil or gas reserves were found during the company’s first two drilling attempts in Namibian waters. In a brief statement to the London Stock Exchange, the company said the Welwitschia-1A well, off the Namibian coast was found to be dry and would be plugged and abandoned. Following its announcement of the “disappointing find”, Tower’s share value went into virtual freefall on the LSE as its market capitalisation fell from over N$1.4 billion to just N$438 million in a matter of hours. Head of Exploration for Tower Resources, Nigel Quinton confirmed that “no hydrocarbons were encountered” at the second well drilled on Prospecting Exploration License Block 10, in which Tower hold a 30% stake. Its partner, the Spanish oil and gas giant, Repsol, which spearheaded the drilling campaign found that the area proved to be “less developed”

than initially projected, the company said. Tower said drilling had been also delayed due to “late rig-delivery and operational issues during drilling and logging, including the onset of winter weather conditions.” The value of Tower’s shares had shot up by more than 10 per cent in the first week of March, when it announced that the brand new Rowan Renaissance Drillship had arrived from a construction yard in South Korea to begin drilling at PEL 10, but on Friday investors responded rapidly to the news of a duster by showing their heels. Analysts said around N$914 million was wiped from Tower’s market value on Friday, in response to the news that Tower’s drilling partner, Repsol had come up dry at the Welwitschia-1A well.

Normal Selling Price N$12.99 each


Juicy Paw Paws



Normal Selling Price N$9.99 each

Sweet Pineapples


N$5.99 each

Golden Bananas

N$10.99 per kg





1 x Juicy Paw Paw 1 x Sweet Pineapple 1 x Avocado 1 x Golden Banana Pack 1 kg

Food Lover’s Market Centre, 50 Moses Garoëb, Swakopmund, Tel: 414 400 • Fresh Produce Market, 69 Moses Garoëb St, Walvis Bay, Tel: 207 152 • Valid Tuesday 17 - Sunday 22 June 2014 ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY! • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 1106 14 • NO HAWKERS • NO TRADERS • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST

Continues on page 2


Hitting dry well Continued from page 1

By Monday, the share price of Tower had fallen to 0.8 British pence (down from 6.5 pence in March). Towards the end of May worrying news had seeped out that Repsol’s first attempt to strike oil at the Welwitschia-1 well had to be hurriedly abandoned after serious problems were encountered at the wellhead, which had apparently “slumped”. A decision was taken at the time to plug the first well and to spud a second well (A1) some 50 metres north of Welwitschia 1. Tower then announced that there was a further problem at the second well and that “Repsol has since reported a further operational delay to the drilling programme due to a fault with part of the Blow-Out Preventer control system,” sparking concerns over a potential environmental disaster among industry observers. Regarding the cost implications, Tower said the “expectations from the operator (Repsol) are that

costs will now be around 10% in excess of the US$91 million gross firm well budget. The estimated cost of continuing the current well to test the deeper targets, including the Albian, now appears to be as much as a further $40 million gross.” “Despite our interest in the deeper targets, with their large potential resources, this raises the question whether it may be better to wait for the full analysis of the current well before deciding whether and where to drill a second well and test the deeper targets with the benefit of that further information. As a result, the partners have agreed not to drill further at this time and to evaluate the information and its implications for the block. The well is being plugged and abandoned,” Tower said. The Rowan Renaissance Drillship is chartered by Repsol at a day-rate of US$619 000. The Welwitschia-1A was drilled to a depth of 2 454 metres true vertical depth.

Classrooms Continued from page 1

Principal, Ms Christine Gontes, expressed her appreciation toward the Japanese Embassy for their big helping hand in the education of the !Nara Primary School, “finally our children are not forced to come in for afternoon classes due to a lack of classrooms.” Education Inspector, Ms Monika /Gawises, made the welcoming remarks and said in her speech that, “Assistance of this nature will forever cement our development in Namibia, be it economic, academic or in all spheres of our endeavour. We take recognition

of your ever increasing involvement in efforts to upgrade the educational standard of our country.” The Deputy Ambassador of the Japanese Embassy, Mr Shinichi Asazuma, was present at the event, and in his speech mentioned that in his home country, Japan, there is a city called Nara located in the Kansai region. “In 2010, Nara celebrated the 1 300th anniversary of its ascension as Japan’s imperial capital”, he said. Asazuma along with Councillor Benson Uakumbua, cut the ribbon to officially open the classrooms.

17 JUNE 2014


Rössing workers resolve to oppose immediate job-cuts Rössing Uranium Mine was due to start its latest round of retrenchments on Friday, June 13, but the decision as expected, faces some opposition from the affected workers.

A union meeting was held at the mine shortly after 17:00 on Thursday, where Rio Tinto’s plan to cut 265 jobs over the coming weeks was top of the workers’ agenda. Inside sources indicate that the union members resolved to put the retrenchment process on hold. It is understood that the planned job cuts will affect workers in all departments across the entire operation and a large number of workers are vehemently opposed to the job-cuts, whole others are opposed to the terms of the retrenchment packages, which are on offer until 27 June. Rössing branch chairman of the Mineworkers Un-

ion of Namibia, Abiud Kapere, confirmed last week that the workers are concerned “about the way the retrenchment process is being conducted”. He said there is some confusion over the fact that while negotiations were still ongoing, the management started making presentations to its employees on who will be affected by the cuts. Kapere said the general meeting resolved to engage Rio Tinto with a view to putting the retrenchment process on hold for now until formal negotiations with the bargaining unit have been concluded: “Why not call off the retrenchments and return to the normal pro-

tocol?” he asked. Workers, who spoke to the namib times after the meeting, wanted to know why the retrenchments have to be done so urgently. One woman explained that they feel aggrieved, because the company is apparently using the same terms under which workers were retrenched last year, as a basis for the current round of layoffs. They are further concerned about the scale and impact of the job cuts. Some mineworkers complained that posts are only being reduced on the lower end of the scale and the cuts affect mainly those workers in the bargaining unit, whereas officials in top management

are not as heavily affected by the cuts. This could however not be independently confirmed at the time of going to print. On Monday last week Rössing MD Werner Duvenhage had confirmed to the press that the mine decided to cut its workforce from 1 168 to 930 employees. The 22% reduction of the workforce will also affect contractors at the mine. He said this was largely necessitated by the steadily plunging price of uranium on the world market. The Rössing MD also announced at the press briefing that all production at the mine’s processing plant would remain

Jade McClune In response to a long-running disagreement between Swakopmund Council and several plot-owners along the Swakop River, the municipality has decisively rejected calls for the construction of a new access road to the Dorob National Park. Council records indicate that over the past two years a number of complaints were received from the owners of Plots 140 and 141, as well as Richthoven 237 and 156, about excessive dust and speeding, as well as damage to their property as a result of traffic on the D1901 route. “These allegations were directed against tour operators using the route, as well as the transport by Messrs Namspace cc, a business illegally operated on plot Tannenhof 74,” Council said. “Apart from the traffic complaints, Mr Langenhoven (of Plot 140 and 141) also claims loss of use of property due to the road passing centrally through the plot” in an area earmarked for cultivation. The D1901 route bends southward from the tarred B2 road near Nonidas and runs just to the north of the smallholdings, cutting through Plot 140 and 141 as it snakes past the irrigated areas and into the Dorob Park. Although the route actually dates back to the time of

Jonker Afrikaner and the first Bay Road that was built in the mid-1800s, when cattle were the principal means of transporting goods and it served as an emerging trade route with the coast, today it is mainly used as an access route to Tannenhof 74 and the farms east of it, as well as by tour operators going into the desert. Council observed that the “reported traffic misconduct could not be substantiated” by evidence and that changing the route would be both costly and environmentally risky. It was argued that “due to the historic and continued use of the road, unilateral closure of the road by the present owners is simply not acceptable” and after a lot of back and forth, in which the matter escalated from the desk of the mayor, to the councillors and town engineers, to the ombudsman and to the lawyers, the issue has lately been referred to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. Council’s view is that “a known and used road may

not be denied while still in use” and it has since resolved to formally register a 20-metre ‘Right of Way’ Servitude over the road that runs through Plot 141. The common law definition of such ‘servitude’ refers to the legal right that one person has to use or enjoy the property of another, acquired by means other than a lease or sale. As for compensation to the plot owners, the management committee said the road has neither been widened nor re-routed and it had in fact been in existence for at least 160 years by the time the plot was acquired. Moreover, the plots were sold voetstoots and that a right of way had been registered over Portion 40 as a whole; thus “compensation is not considered appropriate.” The municipality simultaneously rejected the proposal by the affected plot owners to build an alternative road, on the grounds that it would be prone to damage by flooding along the Swakop River and the cost to Council would be

considerable. Compared to the existing 1.5km route, the proposed new road would be 2km long and would “serve the benefit of only a few plot owners”, Council said. Maintenance costs would also be high, given that the road would be located in the riverbed and road construction material would have to be brought in to provide a firm road surface, it was argued. As to its legal claim, Council holds that when the small holding plots were first established on Portion 40 of Farm 163, the Roads Authority ‘de-proclaimed’ the section of road over Plot 141 currently under dispute. Ownership and control of the road thus reverted to the local authority. It was noted that the confusion arose largely due to the failure of the National Planning and Advisory Board to clearly stipulate the Right of Way servitude, at the time, meaning that in the intervening period there has been no legal access route to the farms east of Plot 141.

Marshallino Beukes Die United People’s Movement (UPM) het vandeesweek aan die namib times te kenne gegee dat hulle beplan om inwoners van die Erongo streek toe te spreek aangaande die huidige stand van sake rondom besoldiging vir oud - SWA Gebiedsmag soldate, asook noodsaaklike inligting rakende die komende verkiesing. treer was, dui die korrupte praktyke van die Swapo regering aan,” lui die persverklaring. Die Anti Korrupsie Kommissie word as “nutteloos” beskryf, nadat hulle blykbaar nie die sogenaamde korrupte aksie ondersoek het nie. Die skrywe, voorgelê deur Van Wyk, beweer verder dat die Namibiese president se weiering om na oud-soldate se

shut down completely for the rest of June, while maintenance work is being conducted. The outcome of the negotiations between the MUN and Rio Tinto is eagerly awaited by many coastal residents who are watching developments at the mine very closely, given that the ongoing job-cuts will undoubtedly affect the livelihood of many families, businesses and towns in the region. In 2013, the company declared a turnover of around N$2.97 billion, but showed a meagre N$32 million as profit. It paid N$83 million in royalties to the government and paid out no dividends or corporate tax.

Council refuses to build new road along river

UPM wil oud-soldate kom toespreek Die Party se voorsitter, mnr Jan J van Wyk het gister telefonies hierdie vergaderings bevestig. In ‘n persvrystelling noem die UPM dat die regerende Party, Swapo, ‘n beweerde bedrag van N$36 miljoen, wat blykbaar deur die vorige Suid-Afrikaanse Regering aan oud-SWAGM lede beskikbaar gestel is, verkeerdelik aangewend het. “Die wyse waarop hierdie geld adminis-

Jade McClune

pleidooi te luister, “beledigend” is. President Hifikepunye Pohamba het vroeër vanjaar te kenne gegee dat persone, wat onder die vlag van die destydse apartheids-regering van Suid Afrika geveg het, nie op veterane status aanspraak kan maak nie. Mnr Lukas de Klerk gaan blykbaar tydens die byeenkomste meer lig op hierdie onderwerp werp en ook terugvoer-

ing aangaande onlangse verwikkelinge in die verband verskaf. Van Wyk het voorts aangedui dat die UPM beplan om ‘n permanente leierskap in die Erongo Streek saam te stel en dit gaan ook op die agenda wees. Kandidate vir die komende verkiesing gaan blykbaar tydens ‘n Party-kongres, einde Julie, genomineer word. Sprekers tydens

die vergaderings sluit in mnr Bismarck van Wyk (UPM president), mnr Jan J van Wyk (UPM voorsitter) en mnr Lukas de Klerk. Die eerste vergadering gaan op Saterdag, 21 Junie 2014, in Walvisbaai gehou word (Katolieke kerk, Narraville om 15:00). Swakopmunders kan die vergadering op Sondag, 22 Junie 2014, in Franciska van Neel straat 508 bywoon.

Hentiesbaai is op Maandag die 23ste aan die beurt, wanneer inwoners by die Naasteliefde Kerksaal, om 19:00, toegespreek gaan word. Laaste aan die beurt is Karibib en inwoners kan Dinsdag die 24ste, om 19:00, by die Gemeenskap Saal die vergadering bywoon. Vir verdere navrae kan mnr van Wyk by 081 213 7339 kontak word, of Lukas de Klerk by 081 213 5095.

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 Advertising Classifieds Marketing/Sales Jacqueline Farmer Cell +264 81 147 7653 Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Dorcas Mhungu Cell +264 81 409 8414 Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Sport Otis Finck Cell +264 81 299 1211

Swakopmund Office

Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 4610824 Advertising Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 Anri Jacobs Cell +264 81 892 9893 PRO-Print Jenny Jackson - Swakopmund Cell +264 81 149 2155 Moya Davids - Walvis Bay Cell +264 81 208 4047

17 JUNE 2014




Community helps shack fire victims

Members of the community have come forward with building material to help victims of recent shack fires that destroyed their homes in Kuisebmond. Madelaine Laubscher The two sites were visited on Friday where the fires literally destroyed everything the families owned. It was evident that hope is what filled their hearts and the owners were busy rebuilding their dwellings with material they were supplied by various members of the community. A local resident, Mrs Taati Niilenge, called on the Walvis Bay community to join hands after she witnessed how 38 shacks went down in the two fires that claimed the life of one woman. She felt the need to help and members of the community heeded her call. “I witnessed the ordeal and was determined to help, be-

cause I saw people weeping as they stared at their homes being consumed by flames. There was nothing they could do. It was heartbreaking to see the children standing outside in the cold weather with nothing but the clothes they were wearing. Thus I decided to ask the community to help… and help they did. I own an education centre known as the Faith Education Centre which is a centre based on hope to uplift children. These children agreed to help, thus they asked their parents` assistance as well. We posted a proposal on a familiar social network page, requesting assistance

from the public. Within only two days people have donated warm clothes, blankets and building material in abundance. Help is coming continuously,” she said. The Walvis Bay community quickly collected heaps of clothes, blankets, food and building material (pallets) to rebuild their homes. The victims, young and old, were hard at work. According to the victims, 18 shacks were destroyed during the first fire that broke out on a Sunday and a woman died while 20 shacks were destroyed during the second fire two days later. “We currently sleep at good Samaritans’ houses until our

Rebuilding homes with donated pallets

Shack rising out ot the ashes

Community members lend a helping hand houses are rebuilt. During the day we are working on rebuilding our houses with the pallets. We still need more pallets though. Our children

Fire victim at work

go to school wearing ordinary clothes that were donated after we lost everything. We are very grateful for what was already given. Thanks

to everyone who helped, we will soon have our own homes again,” Taati said. ‘I am very proud to be part of Walvis Bay after

seeing how quickly help came from everywhere. The people have outdone themselves and for that I am grateful,” she concluded.

Nominate your Women of Excellence With just five days to go before the closing of nominations for the Namibian Women of Excellence initiative, Standard Bank Namibia encourages the general public to make last efforts to nominate outstanding women from their respective communities for the 2014 Women of Excellence Award.

Standard Bank Namibia’s PR & Communications Manager Surihe Gaomas-Guchu

“There are so many women out there who are contributing to the upliftment of the poor and the needy in our communities and their unselfish commitment and dedication to the vulnerable and contribution to poverty alleviation needs to be recognised. These can be women who without financial means or reward voluntarily sacrifice their time and effort to reach out to those in need of their charity,” says Standard Bank Namibia’s PR and Communications Manager Surihe Gaomas-Guchu. Standard Bank Namibia in collaboration with the Miss

Namibia Pageant is searching for excellent women at women-run charity organisations. Nominees are placed in one of two categories, one for women who have contributed greatly to the less privileged and the second for “a spirit of generosity and kindness.” “Standard Bank Namibia’s main involvement with the Miss Namibia Pageant revolves around its sponsorship towards the Namibian Women of Excellence initiative,” explains Gaomas-Guchu. “Standard Bank supports the development, empowerment and recognition of women in

all sectors of society. By sponsoring the Miss Namibia Pageant and the Namibian Women of Excellence project, Standard Bank Namibia is contributing towards raising awareness of the important role women play in our Namibian communities,” says Gaomas-Guchu. Standard Bank has launched its fourth search for the Standard Bank Namibia Women of Excellence Award during the crowning event last year. These winners will be announced during the pageant in the 2nd of August 2014. Last year Standard Bank Na-

mibia rewarded Women of Excellence, Michelle McLean of the Michelle McLean Children’s Trust and Patricia Sola of the Hope Initiative Project with a total of N$35 000 each. Michelle McLean was recognised for the amount of funds she raises and invests in needy communities every year, while Patricia Sola was recognised for the amount of time she volunteers towards the Hope Initiative Project. “Women of Excellence” entry/nomination forms can be collected at the Standard Bank Head Office in the Town

Square Centre, Windhoek on the 4th floor, Marketing Department, or from all Standard Bank branches from the branch manager. The entry forms can also be downloaded from the Miss Namibia website: Nomination forms should be submitted by the closing date Friday the 20th of June 2014. Judging of entries will be done as from Tuesday the 24th of June 2014. Standard Bank Namibia is one of the gold sponsors of the Miss Namibia Pageant upon which it once again pledged N$70 000 this year.


17 JUNE 2014


Verdagte ashoop moordenaar wil self Mondesa moordsaak trek na kant Misdaad Verslaggewer sy man staan in Hoërhof toe, verdagte distansieer hom van Die man wat verdink word daarvan dat hy sy minnares op die ashoop in Walvisbaai met 'n bladveer doodgeslaan het, wil liewer sy eie verdediging voor die Hoërhof waarneem. hy gehardloop het en ongeveer 120 Die polisie het die 38-jarige Otto meter van die toneel is 'n kledingAngula op 22 November 2012 in stuk en 'n gebreekte stuk van 'n hegtenis geneem terwyl hy promotorveer langs mekaar gevind. beer wegkruip het in die omgeBeide items is deur die polisiewing van Walvisbaai se vullisbamptes as bewysstukke geneem en hope, na hy na bewering sy vrienvolgens een van die beamptes was din, die 22-jarige Martha Nakale, hulle feitlik seker dat die stuk met 'n gebreekte bladveer dood motorveer die moordwapen is, aangeslaan het. Angula en die gesien die wond aan die oorledene slagoffer het herwinningswerk se kop daarop gedui het dat sy met 'n gedoen op die vullishope tot die redelike skerp voorwerp geslaan dag dat sy dood op die stortingswas. terrein aangetref is. Angula is na 'n kort soektog Na meer as 'n jaar en 'n half in aangekeer en teruggebring na die aanhouding het Angula verlede toneel, waar hy ondervra was en Vrydag voor die Hoërhof in uitwysings gedoen het. Windhoek aangedring dat hy Adjunk-kommissaris Ottilie Kasliewer self sy eie verdeding sal waarneem en wou sy staatsaanDie beweerde moordwapen huupulwa, die hoof koördineerder van misdaadondersoek in die gewysde regsverteenwoordiger Angula onder arres in November 2012 Erongo-streek, het kort na die ontslaan. Luidens 'n berig in The Namibian het Angula volgehou voorval gesê: “Die man, wat in hegtenis geneem is, maak dat hy inderdaad skuldig is aan die moord op sy minnares 'n lewe uit die asgate. Hy en die (vermoorde) vrou was en dat hy die volle verhaal van die moord nog nie aan sy volgens die ondersoekbeamptes in 'n liefdesverhouding betrokke. Hy het haar met die stuk metaal, wat prokureur uiteengesit het nie. Sy regsverteenwoordiger, Christian Nambahu, het aan vermoedelik deel was van 'n pak bladvere, oor die kop Regter Alfred Siboleka genoem dat hy alreeds talle kere geslaan en sy het op die toneel gesterf.” Die omstanders Angula se getuienis aangehoor het ter voorbereiding vir het gesê dat die twee oor 'n tydperk van drie jaar glo 'n die hofsaak en het toe sy kommer uitgespreek oor die baie stormagtige verhouding gehad het en dat verskeie sielkundige toestand van die beskuldigde. klagtes van aanranding deur beide al by die polisie Angula voer aan dat hy nog nie heeltemal aan Nambahu gemaak is, net om kort daarna weer teruggetrek te word. verduidelik het hoe hy die vrou doodgemaak het nie. Een van Angula se medewerkers het gesê dat die Die namib times het die dag na die moord berig dat 'n beskuldigde gereeld by haar huis gekom het. Tydens die groep vrouens besig was met vrywillige herwinnings- besoeke het sy hom herhaaldelik versoek om die werk toe hulle iemand uit die rigting van die stortings- verhouding te verbreek, omdat sy bang was dat dit in terrein om hulp hoor skree. tragedie sou eindig. Terwyl hulle in die rigting van die hulpkrete gehardloop Een van Angula se kennisse het op die toneel gesê dat die het, het die geskree skielik stil geraak en het hulle toe 'n verdagte hom die vorige Woensdag meegedeel het dat hy man sien weghardloop van die toneel af. baie ongelukkig was aangesien al die geld wat hy verdien Kort daarna het die vrouens op die liggaam van Martha het in 'n bankrekening was wat die oorledene oopgemaak Nakale afgekom, wat hulle onmiddelik as een van hul het, maar dat sy dit nie vir hom wou gee nie. medewerkers geïdentifiseer het. Die beskuldigde het vroeër tussen sy medewerkers laat Een van die groep het toe die nommer van die polisie val dat hy vermoed dat die oorledene die geld gebruik het verkry, waarna hulle die gereg na die moordtoneel en dat sy dit nie vir hom kon teruggee nie. Die oorledene ontbied het. Hulle het die polisie meegedeel dat die man het na bewering ook aan die beskuldigde gesê dat sy hulle wat vanaf die toneel gehardloop het aan hulle bekend verhouding wou verbreek na 'n geweldadige stryery was, aangesien hy eweneens 'n herwinningswerker by vroeër daardie week. Regter Alfred Siboleka sou teen die stortingsterrein was. gister (Maandag) 'n besluit neem oor hoe daar met die Polisiebeamptes het sy spore gevolg in die rigting waarin saak teen Angula voortgegaan word.


Elifas Hailonga, wat tans tereg staan op klagtes van moord en aanranding op sy verwagtende minnares, het verlede week sy eie getuienis misken toe hy voor die Hoërhof getuig. Die moordsaak spruit uit 'n voorval in Desember 2011, toe die 32-jarige Hailonga in hegtenis geneem is te Swakopmund na hy vermoedelik sy 23-jarige vriendin, Helena Nghipunyati, wat op daardie stadium vyf maande swanger was, met 'n mes doodgesteek het buite haar plakkershut in die agterplaas van 'n woonhuis in Mondesa. Volgens berigte in die nasionale pers het Hailonga verlede week voor Regter Nate Ndauendapo ten sterkste ontken dat hy ooit tydens sy eerste verskyning op 19 Desember 2011 voor die Landdroshof op Swakopmund erken het dat hy die verwagtende Nghipunyati in haar rug gesteek het, met die gevolg dat sy drie dae later oorlede is. Die twee was blykbaar vir meer as twee jaar in 'n intieme verhouding toe sy op 16 Desember 2011 vermoor was. Hailonga pleit nou onskuldig op die klag van moord en aanranding. Hy het selfs sy eie regsverteenwoordiger, Titus Mbaeva, se pleitverduideliking aan die hof teengestaan en ontken volstrek die verduideliking wat Mbaeva voorgelê het, dat Hailonga wel 'n mes gegooi het, en sodanig die slagoffer noodlottig gewond het. Die verdagte moordenaar het getuig dat hy haar glad nie met die mes gesteek, of gegooi het nie, maar wel die mes teen die grond gegooi het toe sy weg van hom af gehardloop het, kort na sy aankoms by haar woonplek. Volgens hofverslae het Hailonga wel met sy eerste verskyning voor die Landdroshof in 2011 reeds erken dat hy sy minnares gejaag en gesteek het, maar het op daardie stadium genoem dat hy blykbaar nie bedoel het om haar dood te steek nie. Hy wou haar glo net in haar agterstewe wond. Die nadoodse ondersoek het bewys dat haar dood veroorsaak was deur die meshou in haar rug, en dat haar longe gevolglik platgeval het.

Donation to Correctional Piquet Jacobs Services Swakopmund Court Report

Regional Court

Assistant Commissioner Jerry Moses, Senior Superintendrnt Veiko Aramas and Superintendent Heinz Amupadhi receiving the donation from CHEC Project Deputy Manager Xu Yuqing The China Harbour Engineering Company LTD donated N$12 000 to sponsor a sports tour by Walvis Bay Correctional Services officials. The tour will start on Wednesday, 18 June and end Sunday, 22 June. The officials will be taking part in different sport codes such as soccer, netball, volleyball and pool and they will compete against the Correctional Services of Lüderitz, Keetmanshoop and Hardap. The tour is seen as important to the officials as they will be awarded the opportunity to learn more from their counterparts in the other institutions in the south of the country. Assistant Commissioner at the prison, Jerry Moses, accepted the donation on Monday afternoon, and said “We are very happy about the generous donation”.

Misdaad Verslaggewer

- Cornelius J Van Niekerk (50) appeared on a charge of fraud, with first alternative theft. The fraud case against him was withdrawn on request of the Public Prosecutor. He was however found guilty on the alternative charge and sentenced to 3 years imprisonment or N$30 000. Van Niekerk was additionally sentenced to 2 years imprisonment, suspended for 2 years. -Tadeus Nghifikepunye (35) appeared on a charge of rape, alternatively committing a sexual act with a child under the age of 16. He was found guilty on the alternative. The accused will be sentenced on 1 July 2014. -Johannes Kavali (20) appeared on charges of rape, assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, common assault and assault by threat. This matter was postponed until 2 September 2014 for plea and trial. -Hascum Winckler (20) appeared on a charge of murder and was found guilty on a charge of culpable homicide. He will be sentenced on 20 June 2014. -Thomas Isaacks (59) appeared on a charge of rape, alternatively committing a sexual act with a girl under the age of sixteen. The matter was postponed until 24 June for plea and trial. -Licius Hindjou (28) and Lennon Hindjou (26) appeared on charges of murder, defeating the course of justice and crimen injuria. This matter was postponed until 11 September 2014 for continuation of the trial.

-Venepiko Tjimbundu (21) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 8 September for plea and trial. -Maria Mushako (19) appeared on charges of murder (domestic violence act) and concealment of birth. This matter was postponed until 15 August 2014, in order for her to obtain legal aid. -A 17-year old boy appeared on a charge of murder, alternatively culpable homicide. He was found guilty on the latter and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, of which 2 years are suspended for 5 years. Magistrate's Court -David Namundjembo (29), who appeared on a charge of fraud, was ordered to reappear in the Rundu magistrate's court on 14 July 2014. -Johanna Kaapanda (25) failed to turn up on a charge of theft in the Magistrate's court. A warrant for her arrest was issued. -Dawid Beukes (26), Andrew Bareno Pitt (25) and William Beukes (20) appeared on charges of fraud and uttering a forged instrument. This matter was postponed until 30 June 2014 for legal aid. -David Auxab (18) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 28 August 2014, awaiting the Prosecutor General's decision. -Bonifasius Nalungu (24) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 21 September 2014, awaiting a decision from the Prosecutor General's office. -Sanet Garbers (50) appeared on a charge of refusing to provide specimen. This matter was postponed until 20 October 2014 for plea and trial. -Dragon Vuljicin (63) appeared on 6 counts of rape. The matter was postponed until 1 September 2014, awaiting a decision from the Prosecutor General.

Public warning

The police warned the public against engaging in any transactions with Savanna Guest Farm car sellers or similar telephonic transactions. The Namibian Police have issued a public warning against individuals who recently placed an advertisement in a local newspaper purporting to sell cars at the Savanna Guest Farm, reportedly situated in the southern part of the country. Inspector Stephan Nuuyi of NAMPOL's Public Relations Division told the media at a weekly news briefing that certain individuals were involved in telephonic transactions with the fictitious car sellers and were conned into depositing money into the accounts of the fraudsters. When the buyers launched enquiries about their transactions, they were informed that their cars were experiencing mechanical problems while on its way to be delivered. The victims ended up being swindled out of large sums of money and the fraudsters became unreachable on their phones.


17 JUNE 2014

Farewell to a legacy


“I have run with perseverance and finished the race. Whether I have finished the race successfully or not, is not for me to say – I will leave that to our customers, Board, my colleagues and executive management of Standard Bank Group to be the judge.” This is the touching sentiment with which Mpumzi Milford Pupuma officially retired from Standard Bank Group after 37 years including a 7-year span as Chief Executive of Standard Bank Namibia. For many who attended the Standard Bank farewell dinner it was indeed a night of splendour, fond memories and recollection of friendships nurtured over the years. He thanked the Standard Bank Group for giving him the opportunity to head Standard Bank Namibia and said that the last seven years in Namibia have been fulfilling and has given him valuable executive working experience. “I am now a complete banker. I arrived in Namibia as a bank official and I leave Namibia as statesman,” said Pupuma with enthusiasm in which he described as his last public address before retirement. Known for his great presence and stature as a leader, Pupuma reflected on how he came to Namibia as a young man hailing from the Eastern Cape and climbed up the ranks within the Standard Bank Group. “I never would have envisaged becoming the Chief Executive of a bank when I was a boy growing in a village in the

rural areas of the Transkei. I can rightfully say I am proud and humbled to have served the Standard Bank Group,” said Pupuma as the audience gave him standing ovation. Taking a walk down memory lance indeed brought back mixed feelings for Pupuma who now looks forward to retirement at the age of 60. “There is something very special about our blue bank and that is that - we are family,” he said. He laments that he was fortunate enough to be posted in Namibia to manage a bank which was destined to grow over the years. “I can recall our most formidable transformation of Standard Bank Namibia as we undertook the localisation of Core Banking system. Thanks to this system, our bank is instrumental in moving forward with innovation and helping us perfect our banking strategy today.” During his reign as Chief Executive there were notable achievements. Back in 2007, 90% of the bank’s Executive Management were expatriates and today 90% of them are competent Namibians. Furthermore Standard Bank Namibia is signatory to the Namibia Financial Sector Charter that guarantees Equity Participation by Namibians. He’s optimis-

tic that by 2019, 25% will be in the hands of local Namibians. Staff complement, assets have also doubled since 2007. Given these milestones, speakers at the recent farewell dinner hosted in his honour praised Pupuma for his loyal and professional leadership that ties in well with his warm personality with everyone. “Mpumzi, my paths have not crossed with a lot of individuals that come with your levels of energy, your sense of humour, genuine laugh, openness, warmth, your continued passion and your particular way of expressing yourself at times,” saidStandard Bank Namibia Board Chairman Herbert Maier. “Thank you for having given this bank the time and having accepted the responsibility during and even through some challenging times, said Maier. As a people’s person Pupuma is also praised for always having a “great presence” in his leadership style. “Whenever there were challenges Mpumzi would always tell me ‘kalooko’ which in his language means ‘My friend - the situation is real, but I’m on the ground.’ The quality of leadership that Pupuma has is one of those rare qualities – that’s the quality of presence. You

will know whenever he is around,” praised Board Member Jerry Muadinohamba. On his part Standard Bank Chief Executive Junius Mungunda alluded to his steadfast visionary leadership. “Thirty-seven years with the bank - that is with one employer is a lifetime and this in many respects is a fatherly hand-over. Thank you for your guidance, patience, understanding and support over the last 3 months.” Vassi Naidoo, a previous CEO of Deloitte in South Africa once said “leadership in a business is

about handing over what was given to you to the next generation in better shape. It will be my challenge to take Standard Bank Namibia to even greater heights.” Like the legacy himself, Pupuma’s farewell coincidentally fell on a night of big celebration – not only on the night of the FIFA World Cup kick-off with formidable teams like Brazil versus Croatia, but it also reflected on the type of man who loves to celebrates his passion for Standard Bank. And just like Brazil he has come out triumphant.

Celebrating his Standard Bank legacy in style is outgoing Chief Executive Mpumzi Milford Pupuma.

Accompanying outgoing Chief Executive Mpumzi Pupuma and his wife Margreth are (in front) Standard Bank Namibia Board Member Dr Ndapewa Humunime, Board Chairman Herbert Maier and his wife Kordula Maier and Mpumzi’s relative Vuyokazi Mbilini.

Bank pleads compliancy with Affirmative Action Laws

Ian Leyenaar, CEO of the FNB Group responded to allegations that have been made about the Bank’s behaviour with reference to employment equity in a press statement recently.

“While it is not our style to address such issues through the media, we believe that the statement carried information that is incorrect and cannot go unchallenged. As a matter of fact, FNB is proud that it is often referred to as ‘the people’s bank’. An accolade we have worked hard at and will protect as much as we can. Therefore, thank you for joining us at this media conference. FNB Namibia is a well established and upstand-

ing corporate citizen that has been in the country for more than 107 years. FNB Namibia was the first bank to list on the NSX and still has the largest market capitalisation. The bank has a proud history of inclusion in Namibia, supported by a solid value system and was the first corporate to implement a broad based black economic empowerment scheme in 2004. FNB Namibia is a signatory to and a firm proponent of the transformation goals as

set out the Financial Services Charter. We would not have remained the leading bank in the county if we did not uphold the letter and spirit of the country’s laws. This includes our support and adherence to the transformation agenda of Government. FNB currently employs 1 829 people of which 1 587 are previously disadvantaged, representing a total of 86.7 % of our workforce. 1 170 are female employees with only

4 are non Namibian staff members. Previously disadvantaged make up 54% of all managers. Of the 16 EXCO members, 7 are female and 6 are previously disadvantaged, while 2 of the 5 area managers are previously disadvantaged as well 16 of the 27 branch managers, of which 11 are female. FNB follows world class employment practices, which also covers recruitment procedures. Hence, we also deny the allegation

that all senior and strategic positions are filled without advertising and request anyone with information to the contrary to submit such. There are individual instances where the business requires the appointment of specialists to protect huge investments and where skilled shortages require immediate action, one such appointment is the project leader that must protect our investment of more than N$435 mil in the new FNB building in

Namibia. Another allegation is that FNB submitted the AA Report without the Union’s input, we deny this allegation as devoid of all truth. In compliance with the Act, FNB established an Affirmative Action Committee to facilitate consultations, the AA Committee includes members of the union and others as per section 24 of the Act and records are kept as per Section 26. The union, as part of the internal AA Com-

mittee, was present and participated in deliberations regarding the content of the report and did not raise the concerns during the said deliberations. As a committed corporate citizen, we will remain dedicated to the important strides already made and continue to engage and support our various stakeholders. FNB encourages all stakeholders to engage the organisation directly should clarity or further information be required.”



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17 JUNE 2014


Bank stands firm on ethics Permits Obtaining Fishing

Standard Bank Namibia is committed to upholding high ethical standards in its operations and expects a high standard of ethical behaviour from all of its employees.

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Standard Bank Namibia’s Head of Human Capital Isdor Angula and improving our business in the communities in which we operate. Our success depends on a strong, healthy and committed workforce that embraces our core values and therefore, it

is of utmost importance that all employees believe in and internalise the Standard Bank Code of Ethics and value based behaviour,” concludes Angula.

Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:41 and sunset will be at 17:25 today, 17 June. The moonset will take place at 10:16 at 260º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (97º) at 22:15. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 05:40 and the next high tide at 18:10. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:41 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moonset will take place at 10:15 at 260º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (97º) at 22:16. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 05:35 and the next high tide at 18:10. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:25. The sun will rise in Walvis

Bay at 06:41 and sunset will be at 17:25 on Wednesday, 18 June. The moonset will take place at 11:01 at 265º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (92º) at 23:16. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 00:15 and the next low tide at 12:30. The first high tide will be at 06:35 and the next high tide at 19:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:41 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moonset will take place at 11:01 at 265º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (92º) at 23:16. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 00:10 and the next low tide at 12:25. The first high tide will be at 06:35 and the next high tide at 19:05.

The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:42 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moonset will take place at 270º west at 11:44 on Thursday, 19 June. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 01:25 and the next low tide at 13:35. The first high tide will be at 07:40 and the next high tide at 20:15. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:41 and sunset will be at 17:26. The moonset will take place at 270º west at 11:44. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 01:15 and the next low tide at 13:30. The first high tide will be at 07:35 and the next high tide at 20:15. Source;

Port Log

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

with sporadic cases of misconduct due to the actions of some our employees which were not consistent with our values and ethics. However, we wish to assure our customers that a strong ethical base is the foundation upon which our business is built. Therefore, we will continue empowering and reminding our employees of the basic principles of our Code of Conduct in an effort to ensure that our actions and decisions at all times are consistent with our core values,” says Angula. “Standard Bank Namibia is committed to moving forward and making progress real for the interest our employees, as well as our valued and prospective customers. This commitment implies tirelessly growing

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individual and teams. In turn, it is the responsibility of all employees and our valued customers to report unethical conduct or seek advice when they are uncertain about the ethics of any action or decision” explains Angula. In support of its ethics, Standard Bank Namibia has eight corporate values, which directs and serves as a guideline for employee decision-making and behaviour. These are namely: serving our customers; growing our people; delivering to our shareholders; being proactive; working in teams; respecting each other; upholding the highest levels of integrity; and lastly, guarding against arrogance. “It is really unfortunate that the bank had to deal


Standard Bank’s Head of Human Capital Isdor Angula says the bank has its core values and corporate identities and strives to make these alive by continuously educating all existing and prospective employees about its Code of Ethics and Corporate Values. “Due to the nature of our business, we have zero tolerance for unethical behaviours and we placed strong emphasis on value based behaviours. Standard Bank’s Code of Ethics provides parameters on acceptable principles within which Standard Bank employees make decisions and on behaviour. It is our responsibility to make sure that the code of ethics is available to all employees and clarifies what is expected from each

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies


17 JUNE 2014

Keeping babies warm Anri Jacobs

Printworx started to collect blankets recently to donate to newborn babies delivered at the Swakopmund State Hospital. The initiative headed by Printworx is called “Makemyday”, and people are encouraged to bring blankets to the Printworx showroom in Moses Garoëb Street in Swakopmund. Mr Freddie van Niekerk, the director of Printworx, said that the initiative was embarked on after one of his employers told him about a baby who died after being exposed to the cold weather at the coast. Earlier, Van Niekerk had bought all his workers blankets after they told him they did not have enough blankets to keep them warm in winter. ”Since I am a father myself I couldn’t even imagine a child dying because of the

cold, when a blanket costs N$49. This is when the idea was born and I immediately put together the idea and mailed it to everyone as well as sharing it on Facebook. Thankfully a few people have already come to drop off some blankets,” Van Niekerk said. The arrangement was made that the State Hospital in Swakopmund will contact Printworx whenever a baby is born. Printworx will then personally deliver the blanket to the mother, he added. The company anticipates that the project will be in full swing soon. Printworx themselves will also donate blankets towards the initiative.

The company is hopeful that members of the public will heed the call to help the needy. Van Niekerk said people need not buy new blankets but can also give used blankets lying around in their homes as well as baby clothing. Everyone is urged to drop off a blanket or baby clothing at the Printworx office in Moses Garoëb Street next to CTM in Swakopmund at any time during the day. Those who donate must please leave their contact details and cell phone numbers so that Printworx can contact them once the blankets have been delivered and maybe even send them some pictures.


Langer Heinrich Careers Day Marshallino Beukes Langer Heinrich Uranium held a Careers Day on Saturday at Namib High School in Swakopmund. Approximately 120 Grade 12 learners attended this occasion, where they had the opportunity to explore possible career paths. Representatives from UNAM and Polytechnic also attended in order to answer questions on the various courses, provided by the two tertiary institutions. During his speech, Langer Heinrich’s managing director, Mr Simon Solomons, described the occasion as “a defining moment in the learners’ lives” and urged them to gain maximum value out of the day. The Inspector of Education (Swakopmund Circuit), Mr Olivier,

Langer Heinrich staff noted that education is the most important key to freedom in various ways and levels. “Education can free us from poverty, the past, a life of parasitic dependence on

others, families or the government,” Olivier stated. He further described hard work, determination, diligence, discipline and willingness as some of the only

keys to success. Olivier concluded by warning learners that “there is no escalator to success – if you want success, you will have to take the stairs.”


17 JUNE 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.

letters the to

or edit

Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.

acebook Worker loses hand –

namib times reader’s comments

Walvis Water

Irwin Byl of Walvis Bay sent in this photo of water from his tap in town flats near Spar and wants to know: “What’s happening to our water?” Esme Scheepers Van Wyk Water proe ook snaaks (Langstrand). Es XZ Water mooi skoon, naby wvb hoerskool Amelia Profitt My familie in Unionstraat se water is ook skoon. Brumie Jaylene Harris Ons water is ook vuil vsn tyd tot tyd. Meersig 11de straat noord Elvira Bock I’m staying behind Shoprite area water always full of white stuff looking like powder i hope everyone boils water and drink vbottled water its best free from diarhoa lol. Annelize Ebersöhn Stry-

dom Ek bad nie eers my kinders daarin nie! James Pearce Lishman Eeeu maar smaak Walvis en Swakop se water nog so brak soos in die sestigs amper ondrinkbaar Hanelie Nel Röhl Sjoe sou ook graag wil weet? Gawanas Dandago Geen wonder ons kry so maagwerke, Bianca Luvhermadly Gawanas Mayb u only notice it 2day bt dis iets wat lnk aan km! Anna Ntembie Mzaba Let us knw coz its not healthy Tunino R Haskell Oh my word!

Taxi trails and tribulations in Windhoek Sent in by a reader. That’s just how we roll in Windhoek. Theo Shennie Halukolo This is embarrassing Doraan Cilliers Africa ...say nothing more Ruben Daries Vandag ‘n yskas, môre ‘n hangkas! Sommer so verby die traffics want hulle worry mos hoeka nul en ‘n bietjie! Maak mos self gebruik want die multi task service. If you

get my drift? Ann-Louise Thorsen Dalton What a cool ride! Danny Black G Gaseb Ta d ouenze s nu woelig Amai AJ Lmaooo Oliver Nederlof Has anyone seen my fridge? Quinton Willem It ran away!!! Claudia Morgenroth Salkunga Now i seen it all!! Only in Nam!

Andréa Drékizz Bock Unbelievable, cant stop laughing now

Swakopmund Residents Association newsletter We are very concerned about the future water supply situation for our town, seen against the background that Namwater, a couple of months ago, got instructions from higher authority to reduce the present extraction of fresh water from the Omdel dam which is our main supplier. As the Omaruru River has not been flowing for a couple of years, no replenishment of the underground volume could take place and a critical situation has risen with Swakopmund growing at a fast rate. Due to the presently unattractive Uranium price the Areva mine is not in production, allowing the fresh water produced by their desalination plant near Wlotzkas Baken to be used by the Municipality via Namwater. Should the Uranium price rise in the near future making it profitable for Areva to go into production they will use the desalinated water themselves and Swakopmund could face a crisis unless another desalination plant is put into operation by Namwater. Council had hardly allocated a huge amount for the resurfacing and upgrading streets in the last budget and already workers are busy at various locations bringing

relief to traffic in general. Especially residents in Südstrand Street occupying the luxury flats will be delighted by this improvement. Pavements in the CBD are partly in a very bad condition, consideration should be given to the many elderly pedestrians and improvements been done. Another attempt has been made by Council to sell the old historical building in Daniel Tjongarero Street which previously housed the Municipal offices and is in a very bad condition. Hopefully Council is successful this time and we will soon see the building in its former beauty. The amphitheatre is another place desperately needing cleaning up on a regular basis. The toilets are locked and so septic from the outside that nobody feels attracted to use them. The hidden corners are an alternative instead and the stench spread by

them is unacceptable. Occasionally tourist busses with passengers from luxury liners in Walvis Bay doing a day trip to Swakopmund stop right there and this septic surroundings are the first impression of Swakopmund they get. Are you happy with that situation Mr Health Inspector? Some time ago a plate with inscription honouring a SWAPO elder was attached to the structure. Unfortunately his admirers who were responsible for the plate honouring their hero seem to have forgotten about him very quickly, judging by the filth and rubbish gathering there. Is this a way to honour your heroes? We have pointed out this misery in previous newsletters already and apologised for repeating ourselves, hopefully this appeal will not fall on deaf ears again. Toilet facilities are a problem in almost every Na-

mibian town. If they are not provided, there is a multitude of complaints and accusations. Sadly, where they are provided they rapidly become problem areas because of vandalism abuse, misuse and terribly unhygienic conditions. A workable solution needs to be found and perhaps Swakopmund, a leading Municipality in many respects can set this example. Constant attention and supervision are needed; we look for a thoughtful solution. Irritation was caused amongst the public in recent weeks by the public toilets in the mole area and within the lighthouse building. They were available very irregularly, either closed or mobile toilets offered as an alternative, but, only temporarily, occasionally none available whatsoever. What must we answer our tourists who are in need of our facilities?

Employer responds

I would like to bring to your attention that Famous Brands believe that certain omissions in an article regarding our former worker Elsa Arises, and again in another (follow up) article the last being 23 May 2014. I have personally discussed and supplied the facts on behalf of Famous Brands, to your reporter Mr Marshallino Beukes. We were not given any opportunity in writing to comment on the final article as he had indicated that he would not even consider placing it in the first place as it would hurt her future should all of the facts become public knowledge. It was not a true reflection of the information we supplied. Your reporter chose to omit vital parts of the information we provided. This led to our company being “branded “as unfair and without compassion while hinting that we acted unlawful. He first state that Elsa has lost her job, purely because she lost her hand. That is untrue. She lost her job because she and others was found guilty of fraud in a disciplinary hearing conducted by an independent institution. She and the co-workers were aided by their union but the facts of the case were clear and resulted in their dismissal. The case against them was that they had fraudulently made sales totalling more than N$250 000 on the Infinity system and used the rewards thereof for their personal gain. She was appointed to make the patties and had been in our employ for more than three months when the accident took place. Not because there was nobody at work or on her first day. We do not sell meat pies (“vleispasteie”). She claims that the machine was not standing sturdy. We have had the Mayor of Swakopmund in our shop after the first article was placed and before that various lawyers, union officials, personnel of the ministry of Labour etc.………All of them inspecting to see where they could protect her, should we have done anything wrong or should we be at fault of anything. The reason why we have not been sued is because we have not done anything wrong. We have been praised in the newspapers for the manner in which we handled the situation. Don’t you find it odd that only now two years later we become the bad company? When it happened we did not have a car on standby as we do our deliveries with motorbikes. A customer came to our aid. I was in South Africa with a team of our workers on a training course. I found out about this within a few minutes after it had happened.

We immediately arranged for an ambulance plane to go pick her up. They advised us that the plane would take longer to get in the air and back and they started driving with an ambulance the moment she was stabilised enough according to the call of the doctor. We contacted Dr Pompie Burger, who is one of the best orthopaedic surgeons in Namibia, and he was on standby and did the operation in the Roman Catholic hospital in Windhoek. We took responsibility for all hospital costs in writing before she even left Swakopmund. They were unfortunately not able to save the hand. It was not done in the “Windhoek Staatshospitaal” as per the article. I flew back on the first flight I could and me and my wife was with her every day she was in hospital and we arranged for her to be taken back to Swakop by her manager in his car. After that on various occasions did we buy her family groceries, normally at Woerman and Brock. We arranged for her and all our workers to receive counselling and psychiatric guidance to enable them to cope with the shock. She received counselling from a psychiatrist. We also arranged for physiotherapy sessions and a prosthetic hand. She was welcome to stay at home as long as it took but then the physiatrist said we must get her to keep busy any way we could. We gave her the position of answering the phone wich needed only her one hand as she was righthanded and lost her left hand and she then came in on days when she felt like it and other days not. We applied for a payout at workman’s compensation and filled in all her papers. They then made a payout and started paying her a monthly amount. We also assisted her in getting her cheque every month. We kept paying her salary and taxi money although she would for days on end not show up for work. When she was due for an increase or bonus we gave it to her. She was later only coming to work to collect her pay and we continued to pay that and all dues she would have been entitled to. She then started turning up and made food and then left and took it home. It was reported and me and my wife drove through to have a meeting with her. We met with her, her mother and aunt and we explained to her that we were paying her

salary on top of her workman’s contribution without her doing any work but that showing up and taking meals was not something she could do. She claimed that she was told that we should give her millions for her hand. We explained that this was why we paid workman compensation and that they decided on the amount according to the scales as determined by Government. After this she kept coming in and taking food and would then use abusive language towards our managers so we decided to just let it be. We then found the fraud with the infinity cards and contacted the police to investigate the matter. We were unsure as to whom was involved. During the investigation video footage showed how and who swiped their cards. All the evidence was collected and Elsa was recorded as she came in and would fraudulently swipe her card and then proceeded to buy with her rewards at other businesses belonging to the Infinity system. She was found guilty at a hearing and signed her final settlement on the advice of her union representative. When we realised she was involved we could not keep her out of the process. We then withdrew the criminal case against her but then had to withdraw it against all the other persons found guilty as well. We cannot condone fraud and theft and the law went its way regarding the Labour side and that is why she left our employment. We can prove all of this in writing and on video. We do not want to hinder her chances of getting another job but the articles, although by the way mentioning that we said we tried to help her, does not create the impression that our company, consisting of over 3 000 stores worldwide, plays fair. The mayor felt so moved by the story that he personally came to inspect and assess what had happened. This is defaming to our character and we would like to give you the opportunity to set the record straight. Our wish would be that it is done in such a fashion that it does not prohibit her from getting a job, but we will leave it to you to figure out how that can be done. We thank you for the time you spent reading this and will send you any documents you would need to verify the facts of what we said here to be the truth. De Wet Oosthuizen


17 JUNE 2014


Fifth annual Bizzkids Competition launched Bank Windhoek launched the fifth annual Bank Windhoek BizzKids Competition, an entrepreneurial competition designed to help scholars realise their business ideas. The competition, which was established five years ago, is a platform created for scholars across Namibia, between the ages of 8 and 16, to sell and promote their own products and services. The scholars are encouraged to enter the competition and win the opportunity to put their business savvy to the test, during the Bank Windhoek Kidz Fun Fair and Family Expo, scheduled to take place on 31 October and 1 November 2014, at the Doc Jubber Hockey fields, in Windhoek. The Bank Windhoek BizzKids Competition’s main objective is to educate the Namibian youth about entrepreneurship and give the young entrepreneurs an opportunity to enter a competition whereby they can win one of 10 exhibition stands at the Bank Windhoek Kidz Fun Fair and Family Expo. Last year, Keanu da Silva (13) and Keyat da Silva (11), trading as “Team D” from Eldorado Secondary School and M H Greeff Primary School, walked away with prize money of N$5 000 for themselves and N$2 500 for each of their schools. The two

brothers, who impressed the judges with their business acumen and sales techniques, despite their young age, sold work plans for children to do household chores to teach them to be responsible and at the same time earn pocket money for household chores done. Keanu and Keyat da Silva will again enter the Bank Windhoek BizzKids Competition this year and they surely challenge all the other kids to also enter and stand the chance to walk away with the BizzKids title. “The Bank Windhoek BizzKids experience was one of the best highlights of our lives. We truly learnt a lot and gained confidence in dealing with the public. It is our goal to become business people one day and we knew that taking part in this competition could only be good for us. We have continued to do small business and people take us more serious now. We know that our school work is important and that is why we have found a balance with our business. The follow-up book, “My Get and Spend Book” together with “My Do and Get Book” will be

Middle: Mbo Luvindao, Branch Manager: Specialist Finance Emerging Small and Medium Enterprises (ESME) at Bank Windhoek, Bank Windhoek Smiley, and some of the Grade 2 and 3 pupils from Pionierspark Primary School (Parkies). show-cased at the Windhoek Show this year. We would also like to motivate other children that want to enter the competition, to just put their minds to it. It is fun, and the experience is valuable and awesome. Don’t be afraid to take the chance and remember to smile to potential customers and be

confident during the competition,” said the Da Silva brothers. Speaking at the launch at Pionierspark Primary School (Parkies), the Branch Manager: Specialist Finance Emerging Small and Medium Enterprises (ESME) at Bank Windhoek, Mbo Luvindao, said: “The BizzKids Competition is part of

Bank Windhoek’s contribution to the development and growth of Namibia’s economy by creating youth that is willing to take risks and think beyond traditional ways of doing business. It is imperative for Namibia to encourage entrepreneurship among the youth in order to inspire entrepreneurial values at a

young age.” Besides the launch, Bank Windhoek will also give presentations at various schools across the country, to provide more information about the competition to the learners. The closing date for entries is 9 September 2014 and the finalists will be announced on 15 September 2014. For more

information and to download the entry form, visit the Bank Windhoek, or Kidz Fun Fair and Family Expo websites, at www. or www.kidz-fun-fair. com. Entry forms can also be obtained from all the Bank Windhoek branches and agencies countrywide.


LEISURE Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3 WEDNESDAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4 09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Fiesta S13

TODAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4

09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Boerekos S1 10:00 Safari 4x4 Roetes 10:30 Groen Reis S1 11:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3 11:30 BVP 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 14:30 Fiesta S13 15:00 Proesstraat S3 15:30 Superrugby 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Thomas @ S1 18:00 Villa Rosa S9 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 e.Nuus 19:30 Sterlopers S1

10:00 Superrugby 11:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1 11:30 Boerekos S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 14:00 Wie le waar S2 14:30 Impresario S1 15:00 Groen Reis S1 15:30 Sterlopers S1 16:00 Thomas @ S1 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Woef en Kie S3 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 e.Nuus 19:30 Kwêla S16 20:30 Groen Reis S1 21:00 Robinson Regstreeks S6 21:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 22:00 Impresario S1 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 e.Nuus 00:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 01:00 Wie le waar S2 01:30 Boerekos S1 02:00 Fiesta S13 02:30 Sterlopers S1 03:00 Hoor Hoor S1 03:30 Kokkedoor S2

04:30 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3 THURSDAY 20:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 21:00 Wie le waar S2 21:30 Impresario S1 (Encore) 22:00 Woef en Kie S3 22:30 Villa Rosa S9 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 e.Nuus 00:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 00:30 Leef jou Reis S2 01:00 Proesstraat S3 01:30 La't Wiel S14 02:00 BVP 02:30 Sing Stories S1 03:30 Hoor Hoor S1 04:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3

04:30 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord

06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4 09:00 Villa Rosa S10

09:30 Vallei van Sluiers S3 10:30 Woef en Kie S3 11:00 Wie le waar S2 11:30 Thomas @ S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Groen Reis S1 14:30 Kwêla S16 15:30 Robinson Regstreeks S7 16:00 Sewe Sakke Sout

16:30 Boerekos S1 17:00 Koowee 17:30 Geure uit die Vallei 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 e.Nuus 19:30 Bravo S4 20:00 Kokkedoor S2 21:00 Sterlopers S1 21:30 Safari 4x4 Roetes 22:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 e.Nuus 00:00 Thomas @ S1 00:30 Sing Stories S1 01:30 Fiesta S13 02:00 Groen Reis S1 02:30 Boerekos S1 03:00 Robinson Regstreeks S7 03:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 04:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3

TODAY 06:00 MasterChef Australia: Th e Professionals S1 07:00 Raising Hope S4 13 07:30 Criminal Minds S9 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 Taste Of Romance, A PG 11:30 The Goldbergs S1 PG13 12:00 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 The Good Wife S5 PG13L

15:00 Nashville S2 16:00 Royal Pains S5 17:00 The Blacklist S1 18:00 The Middle S5 PG (Season Starts) 18:30 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 19:30 Chicago Pd S1 20:30 The Blacklist S1 (Series Ends) 21:30 Shameless S4 18SNL 22:30 Looking S1 18SNL 23:00 Crisis S1 00:00 Fargo S1 01:00 Butter 16SL

03:00 Gambit PG13VL 05:00 The Talk S4 WEDNESDAY 06:00 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 07:00 The Goldbergs S1 PG13 07:30 Crisis S1

17 JUNE 2014 Lives S1 18:30 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 19:30 About A Boy S1 (Series Ends) 20:00 Two And A Half Men S11 13L 20:30 The Mentalist S6 13V 21:30 CSI S14 22:30 Shameless S4 18SNL 23:30 Game Of Thrones S4 00:30 Red Dawn 13VL 02:30 The Host 05:00 The Talk S4 PG

13:00 The Talk S4 PG 14:00 The Mentalist S6 13V 15:00 Criminal Minds S9 16:00 24: Live Another Day S1 17:00 Hawaii Five-O S4 13V 18:00 Mike & Molly S4 13SL

00:30 Looking S1 18SNL 01:00 Last Week With John Oliver S1 01:30 Dragon Eyes 16VNL

THURSDAY 06:00 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 07:00 The Middle S5 PG 07:30 About A Boy S1 08:00 Two And A Half Men S11 13L 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 Star Trek: Into Darkness PG13V 11:40 The Middle S5 PG 12:05 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 13:00 The Talk S4 PG 14:00 Nashville S2 15:00 Almost Human S1 13VL 16:00 Chicago Pd S1

17:00 The Mentalist S6 13V 18:00 Friends With Better

21:30 Fargo S1 22:30 The Blacklist S1 23:30 CSI S14

18:30 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 19:30 24: Live Another Day S1 20:30 Hawaii Five-O S4 13V 03:00 Take Shelter 13VL

08:30 The Talk S4 PG 09:30 42 13L 11:35 Friends With Better Lives S1 12:00 MasterChef Australia: The Professionals S1 05:00 The Talk S4 PG


Don’t allow any Newspaper vendors into your house or business. A number of them had been caught stealing cellphones and wallets when entering premises in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Buy your Newspaper only from vendors on the street


17 JUNE 2014

World Music Day




Together with communities the world over, Namibia will be celebrating World Music Day on Saturday, the 21June 2014. Concerts will be hosted in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Keetmanshoop and Ongwediva, with close to 120 groups or solo artists performing. As usual on World Music Day, all artists have committed to perform for free, and all concerts are free for the public. Windhoek will be hosting 2 concerts this time to accommodate an ever increasing number of artists

who want to perform, but also to cater for the cold winter nights. During the day from 10:00 to no later than 18:00 the action will happen at the Palmtree Park next to the train station in Bahnhof Street. From 20:00 in the evening the music will continue at the Warehouse Theatre with live acts including Hip Hop star Wambuseun, Afro-Pop artist Pa-

tricia, Reggae-man Ngatu and the Formula Band, Indie-musician TONETiC and NAMA 2014 Female Artist of the Year, Erna Chimu. In line with previous years, Windhoek’s concert will comprise of live music only, while the other towns will also accommodate acts with backing tracks. Swakopmund’s concert will take place at the Am-

phitheatre from 11:00 to 19:00; in Keetmanshoop activities start at 10:00 at the Multi-Purpose Youth Centre; and in Ongwediva events kick off at 09:00 at the Maroela Mall, ending at around 17:00. A detailed program for each town can be downloaded on na . This year marks the 19th anniversary of World Music Day in Namibia.

The tradition of celebrating a day of music on the 21st of June, the day of summer solstice in the Northern hemisphere, started some 33 years ago in France and has since spread to all corners of the world. The event is facilitated by the Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre with the support of dbAudio, Areva, Total Namibia, Base FM and West Coast FM.

Night of the Arts a success Madelaine Laubscher

An evening of elegance was the order of the night on Saturday at the Walvis Bay Town Hall as talented artists from the coast performed to raise funds for His House Care Centre. The renowned local artists who performed showcased a lot of talent. The administrator of His House Care Centre, Mrs Ina Jones, spoke about this glamorous event.

“This is the fourth event of its kind held for His House. The idea behind it originated from a dire need for financial support. Some of the senior citizens do not have enough financ-

Portrait of Elephant displayed


es to afford the monthly rent. We care deeply for these citizens and thus we usually try to raise funds to be able to take good care of them and to accommodate them,” she said.

Local artists who entertained the audience with their remarkable performances included the C-Gals choir, the Marimba Band, Rhythmical Gymnast Performance, Percival Rinquest, the Ghecos and ballroom dancing. Local artists exhibited paintings for public viewing on Saturday and Sunday in support of the senior citizens and promoting their artwork. Funds raised will be used to renovate storage rooms and pay rental bills. The centre was opened in February 2005 and currently houses 21 senior citizens who are unable to care for themselves. The institution was started to offer a homely en-

vironment to deserving elderly people and offers 24 hours care to the vulnerable citizens. The institution is registered with the Ministry of Health as a convalescent home. The institution started with five senior citizens and over the years the tenancy has grown to the current 21. At the moment the institution is full and there are people on the waiting list. “Thank you for all the donations made towards the event. I also want to thank everyone who attended the event and for all the support. We are grateful and would not have been able to host such a successful event without your help,” she concluded.

Painting exhibited at Night of the Arts

• Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 20 June: Safari Dance - Namib Desert 4x4 Club. • 25 & 26 June: Desert Hearts Revue presented by Walvis Bay Private High School. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 28 June: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 2 August, Saturday: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. • 5 August: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.


• Bridge: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: swakoptm • Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • 18 June: Power Point presentation by art historian Karin Voigts on the Life & Work of the painter Vincent van Gogh (German presentation) a the Woermann Haus Gallery at 19:00. • 23-24 June: Private School Swakopmund presents William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream a the school Hall starts at 18:30. • 27 & 28 June: Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre: Oceanview Rhythmic Gymnastics Cham-pionships. • 1 to 3 August: SISC Opening week includes Spring-bok Legend Burger Geldenhuys hosting the Spring-bokfees.


• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 -13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


Chinese naval visit official reception Chinese ambassador Xin Shunkang, Seretary General SWAPO party youth League Elijah Ngurare and Senior Captain Li Peng Some of the guests welcoming each other Cheng

17 JUNE 2014

Two Chinese nationals at the function

Swakop Mayor Juuso Kambueshe, Chinese ambassador Xin Shunkang and Marco Swartz and wife

Welcoming the chinese navy

Traditional dancers performing for the Chinese navy officers Ecstatic Chinese nationals waving to the navy officers as the ships dock in Walvis Bay

Waiting to welcome the Chinese navy officers and say it with flowers


17 JUNE 2014


Country Idols in town Jaques Delport (second from left) with the entertainers at the Country Show Bobby Angel, Dennis East, Daleen, Billy Forrest and Esmond

Billy Forrest and Daleen singing a country lovesong

Shannon, Lani and Howard at the Country Show at Sarah se Gat on Friday Beautiful ladies enjoying their night at the Night of the Arts event

Picture namib times caught up with the Winnaar couple (Edwin and Sylvia) at the Laundry, shortly after the World Cup match between Spain and the Netherlands

Michael and Lizelle were happy to serve the customers at the Country Show at Sarah se Gat on Friday

Aunty Carolina Clarke het onlagns haar 80ste verjaarsdag gevier.



17 JUNE 2014



AS FROM 13:00 ON 19 JUNE UNTIL 21 JUNE 2014.

INFORMATION EVENING FOR NEW APPLICATIONS FOR 2015 This event will take place Thursday 19 June 2014 @18h30 You are hereby cordially invited to attend this important event.

We would like to WELCOME Dr. P. R. Cronjé to MEDCARE MEDICAL CENTRE Swakopmund! 064 - 402923!



17 JUNE 2014

CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent: Home base office ON ERF NO: 557 TOWNSHIP: Centre Of Town STREET: 17th Road and Sam Nujoma Road In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Home base office on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 8 July 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: M Carballo, 17th Road & Sam Nujoma Road, Walvis Bay. P.O. Box 5506,Auspannplatz, Windhoek.

W/Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services cc Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services in Walvis Bay has vacancies for

CRANE OPERATORS 4 x 20 to 60Ton

The successful incumbent should conform to the following minimum Requirements: · Code C OR CE driver's license with valid GP · Valid Crane Operator Certificate (CULMEN) · Fitness /Medical Certificate including eye-test · Minimum 3 years' experience · Namibian Citizen · Be willing to travel out of town at times and work extended hours if required · Consistent and dependable · Sober habits · Literate in English and Afrikaans Main Responsibilities: · Safe & Efficient handling of client cargo commodities and company equipment as instructed by management · Daily & Weekly Maintenance Checks · Completion of Job Cards The Company offers: · A competitive salary commensurate to experience level · A team focused and rewarding working environment · Career development and training opportunities Written applications, including a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and any contact references should be addressed to: The Office Administrator P O Box 1149 Walvis Bay E-mail: or fax: 064 205442 Closing date for submission of applications: 20June 2014 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and no documents will be returned.

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following: a portion of Public Open Space Erf 1966 Narraville to Mr H J Cookson (the Applicant). Description: Portion of Public Open Space Erf 1966 Narraville Area: ± 5,000m² (subject to survey) Zoning: Public Open Space Purchase Price: ±N$ 374,750.00 (N$74,95 per m²) An additional amount of ±N$37,475,00 is to be paid for landscaping and the establishment of the green belt. Full particulars per-taining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Thursday 10th July 2014 at Room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3294 during office hours. Written objections, fully motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 on Tuesday, 15 July 2014. A VICTOR General Manager Community and Economic Develop-ment Municipal Offices, Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Fax: (064) 209 146


Vacancy announcement: Instructor The Namibian Nature Foundation (NNF) in partnership with the BirdLife International Global Seabird Programme has a vacancy for an Instructor to join the Albatross Task Force, based in Walvis Bay. Requirements · Namibian citizen or Permanent Resident · A tertiary-level qualification in marine science, environmental science and / or biology or zoology, or other related field · Excellent knowledge of environmental issues · Willing to spend extended periods at sea · Able to conduct research and gather data according to protocols · Able to synthesize information and data and produce concise written reports Knowledge of Afrikaans and Oshikwanyama, knowledge of seabird identification and a sea-safety certificate would all be advantages. Applicants may download the detailed job description from the NNF website: (click on 'Jobs'), and should email a CV of not more than two pages with three contactable references, certified certificates of Grade 12 and tertiary-level qualifications, and a covering letter detailing how they meet the requirements of this position, to the Namibia Nature Foundation ( by 17h00 on Friday 4th July 2014, indicating “Albatross Instructor post” in the subject line. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.

Bureau Veritas Namibia requires the services of 6 persons for sample preparation and 1 person for laboratory assistant. The position will be for fixed term contract. The right candidate needs to be energetic and flexible, possess excellent communication skills, be able to multi-task efficiently and enjoy team work. You will need to be able to work unsupervised and shift work may be required. Essential criteria - Minimum year 12 level education in sciences field - Computer literacy - English literacy Desired criteria - Tertiary qualification in chemistry or other area related for the Laboratory Assistant position. Suitable candidates are invited to submit: a) A cover letter describing their previous and current working experience, b) a curriculum vitae detailing relevant qualifications and experience, c) the names and contact details of three work-related referees, and d) certified copies of qualifications. The application should be emailed to or delivered at Bureau Veritas (Pty) Ltd, Corner of Newton and Einstein Streets, Industrial Area, Swakopmund. Applications have to be received by 19th June 2014. Only short-listed candidates will be invited for interviews. No documents will be returned.

P O Box 63, 2nd Street East, Walvis Bay Republic of Namibia Tel: (+264 64) 217500 Fax: (+264 64) 205273 Email:

United Fishing Enterprises (Pty) Ltd wishes to express their sincere gratitude and thanks to the below mentioned companies & people for their recent generous donations towards the annual WB Round Table Winter Knights campaign. This campaign helps destitute Namibians during the chilly winter months by collecting blankets & funds. We are indeed grateful to you for your benevolent support, which in turn helped us indirectly assist the less fortunate in our community. A person is given two hands…, one for helping himself and the other for helping others…. Your support played a key role in the success of our participation in this most worthy cause: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


We could not have done what we did without donors such as you and we look forward to working with you in the future. We, and those we serve, deeply appreciate your generosity.

Round Table is a professional organisation for young men between 18 & 40 years of age. The main objects of Round Table is to promote fellowship between young men through the medium of their profes-sional & business occupations, To emphasise the fact that one's calling offers an excellent medium of service to the community, To cultivate the highest ideals in business, professional & civic traditions, To recognise the worthiness of all legitimate occupations & to dignify each his own by precept & example, To foster responsible citizenship & loyalty to their country, To further the establishment of peace & goodwill in international relationships, & to do so by means of meetings, lectures, discussions & social activities.

Motto: Adopt, Adapt, Improve!

A total of N$ 140000.00 was raised in the form of cash donations, blankets & clothing. Many companies who annually purchase street corners have now begun a “tongue-in-cheek” competition amongst each other which has had a positive effect on donation amounts & RT36 is truly thankful for such support. Distribution has already begun with blankets & food hampers being purchased with the proceeds earmarked for various instances within the Walvis Bay & surrounding communities.

Walvis Bay Round Table No. 36 would like to take this opportunity to thank the following for their selfless contribution & hands-on assistance with this continuously successful project: United Fishing, Namsov, Transworld Cargo, NHP, Terra Nova, Remax, Wesbank Transport, Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire, Hydroweld, WBM Accountants, Penny Pinchers, Indongo Toyota, Rentech, AT De Klerk, Cato Fishing, Baleia Do Mar, Heat Exchange, Namib Diesel, Benguella Enterprises, as well as the general public, who opened their walContributed: John Kotze RT36 PRO lets with a smile at each intersection.


17 JUNE 2014


JOEY 081 129 3293


Walvis Bay

064-202788 FOR SALE


1918.07m² Ground Floor Plus 4 offices and 41 Parking bays contact Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 Jackie – 081 246 3590 Hettie – 081 270 4333


Retha Muller

081 250 2889 FLAT FOR SALE Walvis Bay Erf 696

Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@

TO RENT SWAKOPMUND WALKING DISTANCE FROM JETTY Fully furnished 3Bedr Townhouse, 2 Bathr, D / Garage N$ 14 300.00 p/m

2 bedrooms, single garage. N$710 000.00 Contact Du Plessis: 081 127 6049 HOUSE FOR SALE Swakomund Ext 22 Erf 6215 Adjacent to Mile 4 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/Lounge Double garage. N$1 500 000.00 Contact Du Plessis: 081 246 9325

CLOSE TO TOWN AND BEACH 2 Bedrh flat, 1 Bathr, Lots of BIC. T/ Garage VERY SECURE N$ 6 600.00 PM

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Double garage. Open plan kitchen/Lounge N$1 485 000.00

SWAKOP INDUSTRIAL 485m² Ware house with 180m² yard Very secure N$ 17050.00 + VAT pm ARANDIS NEWLY BUILD UNITS 2 Bedr, 1 bath, openplan Kitchen / Lounge, Carport N$ 3000.00 p/m CONTACT US TODAY (064) 464 033


TO LET FAIRWAYS – A MUST TO VIEW Brand new modern 3 bedr house N$14500 available immediately MEERSIG 3 bedr. house – avail imm. @ N$7500 p.m. WAREHOUSE – WALVIS BAY 630m² N$35.00 pm² available immediately LONGBEACH – BEAUTIFULL VIEW 3 Bedr. unit avail. imm. @ N$8000 p.m

DIANNE 081 239 6323

For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only N$860 000 (excluding commision) Contact Neville Smith Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email:nevillesmith@cfs


Walvis Bay


Industrial Offices in town to let for N$3630.00 W&l included Warehouse in Light Industrial, 200m² for N$9 900.00, exl Vat Offices in Heavy Ind, 145m², first floor for N$13 560.00, Vat incl Shop Central town avail 1 June, 310m² N$23 530.00, Vat incl Shop/showroom with office/store rooms to let in Heavy Ind for 180 sqmN$15 940.00, 260sqmN$23 530.00, Vat incl Big Warehouse near Weighbridge with offices, 1900sqm for N$116900.00 Vat incl

Moira Cell 0811476475 or Lana Cell 0813501827 or office at 064-202788


PLOT + PLAN HOUSE FOR SALE Swakopmund Ext 23 Erf 5866 Adjacent to Mile 4

MILE 4 STUNNING 3 Story House Entertainment area, Indoor BBQ, D / garage 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Include Modern Furniture, Full Sea view N$ 15 200.00 p/m

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TOWN CENTRE Bachelors flat, Semi Furnished, S/ Garage N$ 4200.00 EXCL W&E

SEA VIEW VINETA SECURE LOCK Up &GO 2 Bedr Flat, Kitchen, Lounge / Dining area D/ Garage N$ 5 500.00 p/m EXCL W&E




N$ 1,070,000.00



Ruim 3 slaapkamer grondvloer woonstel met 2 badkamers, sitkamer, pragtige kombuis en motorhuis met privaat binnehof. Loopafstand na die see en inkoopsentrum in Vineta


Narraville 1 Bed flat for N$3025.00 W&L included 1 Bed flat for N$2350.00, N$2750.00 and bigger for N$2950.00, W&L Exl 2 Bed flat for N$3500.00 W&L Excl Kuisebmond 2 Bed flat for N$3625.00 W&L Exl Moira Cell 0811476475 or Lana Cell 0813501827 or office at 064-202788

Contact Du Plessis: 081 127 6049 PROPERTY IS WEALTH

Walvis Bay

064-202788 Town - Flats

Room with shower & toilet W&L incl – N$2035.00 Bachelor flats in Hermis W&L incl. N$2420.00 1 Bed flat in Town W&L included N$2695.00 1 Bed flat in town N$3245 with garage, W&L incl 1 Bed flat, open plan with bathroom N$3850.00 1 Bed flat, kitchen, living room, garage, spacious in town for N$4045.00 1 Bed flat, kitchen, lounge bath (Big) garage N$4950.00 2 Bed flat+garage in Hermis – N$5000.00 2 Bed flat, garage, secure complex Fairways N$5250.00 2 Bed flat, lounge, kitchen pet friendly with garage , Water incl for N$5500.00 2 Bed flat, duplex, pet friendly with garage in Meersig for N$6050.00 Moira Cell 0811476475 or Lana Cell 0813501827 or office at 064-202788


TO LET WALVIS BAY N$5600 3 bed townhouse near town, with single garage N$6000 2 bed townhouse walking distance of the Lagoon KUISEBMOND N$2150 brand new bachelor flat in NHE area Please call Talitha 081337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315

CAPRICORN ESTATES TO LET SWAKOPMUND/FLAT S N$ 5300.00 1 bedroom, o/p, garage, CBD (beauty) N$ 5600.00 2 b/r, large, garage CBD (secure) N$ 13,000.00 p/m + 3 bedroom, 2 bath, ent area 2 garage home in old Venita plus large 2 b/r flat worth N$ 5500 p/m which makes your house only N$7 500 p/m (good deal) JP VN DER WALT 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES



N$1.4 Mill Reg in CC MEERSIG Situated in a quiet area this 4 bedr Duplex Townhouse offers 2 baths, fitted kitchen, open plan lounge, dining, BBQ and double r/c garage. N$1.8 Mill Reg in CC




door 4m wide by 4.5 high.

MAHETAGO 3Bedrooms bic,2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove ,lounge, study room Single Garage, boundary wall & big yard 600sqm N$1.26m


Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay



Swakopmund For Rent in Ocean View: Double storey 3 Bedroom townhouse for rent, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, spacious lounge and kitchen, Inside braai, single Garage N$ 6000.00 p/m Water excl. electricity (prepaid), no pets allowed, Contact: 081 295 3744

LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Workshop 174m², office with kitchenette & 2 toilets in secure complex. Chain operated


SWAKOP 14ha RIVER PLOT 3 bed, 2 bath house with 2 bed Guest apartment, 3 garages, Butchery, storeroom, warehouse, Staff housing, pig sty, etc. N$ 3 850 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

WALVIS BAY 20 4505

3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen with bic 2braai inside and outside 2sitting rooms, TV room Interlocks in yard and boundary wall N$930 000.00


LONGBEACH BEST BUY SEA VIEW! Beautiful 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, with open plan living, garage, patio, balcony, FURNITURE INCLUDED. N$ 1 175 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950



KARIBIB GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY Own this 3 bed, 2 bath house with garage, store room, 3 outside toilets, 2 offices & 2 shops PLUS another erf with carports For Bus Depot. PRICE ON REQUEST Gogga 081 870 9950


OMDEL HENTIES BAY GEM IN THE DESERT Beautiful neat 3 bed, 2 bath house with 3 living areas, out Door BBQ and garage. N$ 905 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

Swakopmund Ocean

View Bargain Plot for sale Near Spar Supermarket Only N$685 000 875m² (Commission excluded) Don’t Delay! Residential Erven Near Mile 4 Affordable plots!! price as low as N$395 000 (cost and commission excluded) Tamariskia Plot and Plan for sale 3bedroom with garage and 2bathrooms BIC for only N$980 000 (cost excluded) Don't Delay! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email:nevillesmith@cfs

HENTIES BAY Plot Ext 2, 507sqm N$130 000.00



SWAKOPMUND BEST BUY EVER! Enormous 5 bed, 4 bath house with 4 living, study, 3 garage, Servants quarters, indoor BBQ, patio, balcony with sea view. N$ 4 250 000-00 NEG! GOGGA 081 870 9950


ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMENT 2bedrooms bic,bathroom Open-plan kitchen bic Parking area N$435 000.00

Shop space to rent in town N$2,500 Ideal for a Beauty Therapy, Nail Technician Call 081 381 0800


W/Bay, Meersig For the big family 5 bed, 3 ½ bath house with kitchen, laundry, dining, lounge TV Room, Indoor bbq, Study, 2 Garage with outside flat. N$ 1 990 000.00 Saloom 0813821888



Swakopmund Vineta Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath house with Lounge, kitchen, 2 garages & outside flat N$ 1 590 000-00 Saloom 0813821888

CAPRICORN ESTATE AGENCY Agent: Elani van Staden 081 867 1654 elani@realestatesnamibia. com BUY * SELL*RENT Flats from: N$4 000.00 - N$6 000.00 Houses from: N$ 6 000.00 – N$ 15 000.00 And many more, you are more than welcome to give me a call if you are looking for anything specific!

Houses 3 Bed house, 2 bath + 4 garages and 1 Bed flat Meersig for N$11 000.00 3 Bed house, 2 bath + 4 garages and 1 Bed flat in Lagoon for N$13 200.00 3 Bed house, lounge, tv room, single garage, carport Meersig N$12 100.00

Meersig Modern 2 Bed duplex, lounge to fitted kitchen, 2 bathr, study, indoor BBQ double garage N$7000.00

Moira Cell 0811476475 or Lana Cell 0813501827 or office at 064-202788


Warehouses Weighbridge Area Walvis Bay Perfect location! 247-267m² from N$ 1 780 000-00 each. Claudia 0811277783 FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Theo Ben Gurirab, Street Bachelor flat Bathroom (shower+toilet) Open plan kitchen. W/E incl. N$2 800.00 p/m N$2 800.00 deposit Contact: Dennis Henry 081 480 0272

TO LET - WALVIS BAY LAGOON N$3000 1 bed flat without garage N$6000 2 bed townhouse walking distance of the Lagoon INDUSTRIAL N$4700 130m² workshop in the light industrial area KUISEBMOND N$1800 brand new bachelor flat in Topaas str N$2150 brand new bachelor flat in NHE area N$3300 brand new 2 bed unit without garage N$3500 brand new 3 bed unit without garage N$3850 brand new 3 bed with garage N$4000 3 bed unit with garage in Agaat street Please call Talitha 081337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 Emma Nangolo Kamatoto For Sale 2 bedroom apartment open plan lounge / kitchen garden garage N$ 870 000.00 negotiable Dolphin View 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan lounge / kitchen N$ 900 000.00 Lagoon Bachelor flat Kitchen, bathroom, court yard, garage N$ 630 000.00 TO LET Longbeach Beautiful house to rent per day or month Price negotiable Call Emma: 081 122 8067

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email:nevillesmith@cfs FOR SALE: Shutter board house. “Shack-in-a-pack” Very good condition and available for viewing (Erf 3484 New Location, Mondesa). N$ 8 000 (negotiable) Contact: 081 809 3116

17 JUNE 2014



Classifieds OR

Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Saloom 0813821888

GESOEK: See front erf gesoek , Langstrand area / omgewing, stuur besonderhede van erf en fotos na

2bedrooms.bathroom Open-plan kitchen N$3500.00W/Incl TULINAWA 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$3700.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity OLWETWENI Outside room N$1200.00 W/L Incl 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Inside room N$1900.00 W/L Incl Bachelor flat N$2750.00 W/L Incl JABULANI Flat: 1bedroom, bathroom and kitchen N$2800.00 W/L Incl Avbl: 1 July 2014 All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yahoo .com


TO RENT: Bachelor woonstel in Lagoon Area, Walvisbaai. Ten volle gemeubileerd. Veilig en privaat. W/L ingsl. Gedeeltelike DSTV. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Geen troeteldiere of kinders. Geen garage. N$ 3 100.00 p/m Deposit ingesluit. Kontak: 081 247 1687 TE HUUR: Een slaapkamer woonstel in Walvisbaai, Dorp W/L ingsl. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Dep. Onderhandelbaar. Skakel: 081 881 0471 TE HUUR: Narraville 2 beds, bathroom, open plan kitchen with build in stove. W/L ingsl. Beskikbaar 1 Julie 2014 N$ 3 300.00 + deposito. Kontak: 081 122 6363 WANTED: Looking for house to buy for cash in Kuisebmond. Will pay fair price from N$ 200 000.00 Contact: 081 377 6844 TE HUUR: Enkel plek te huur W/L ingsl. N$ 2 500.00 Kontak: 081 367 3584 081 666 4438


Vryheid in Jesus Christus Bediening Handelinge 2:38 Bekeer julle en laat julle doop in die Naam van ons Here Jesus Christus tot vergewing van jul sonde en julle sal die gawe vandie Heilige Gees Ontvang. Vir Geestelike Hulp of berading kontak: 081 418 5530

VDM PASSENGER SERVICES Daily Shuttle Starting between W/bay - Longbeach SWK From 1 July 2014 Bookings essential Opening special N$ 50.00 one way N$ 70 return Contact: 081 465 5655 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund. DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, male weak erections, enlargement, body slimming, work and business promotions, bad luck, education (memory), court cases, win gambling and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection from being fired at work. Diseases like blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, poor vision and tears from the eyes, swelling of stomach and feet. Adults above 70-years and kids below 5-years free treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. NEED A LIQUOR LICENSE??... We help & advise you to obtain a liquor license within 60 days! Elmarie 081 764 2090. 081 632 8999


FOR SALE: 2010 3.01 Ford Everest 110 000 km Extras include: Roof rack, tow bar, escape gear seat covers. N$ 195 000.00 Contact: 081 128 9195

FOR SALE: 2007 Mazda 6 Atenza Station Wagon. 1.8 Petrol. 95 000km. Roadworthy done. N$66 000.00 Contact Joseph: 081 128 1455 FOR SALE: 2011 White Opel Corsa 1.4 Canopy, extras, 45 000 km N$ 110 000.00 Negotiable. Contact: 081 325 3532

MOTORBIKES FOR SALE: Bike Engine 2x12 Kawazaki Engine complete in frame can be started N$ 20 000.00 Contact: 081 255 9318

VACANCIES SITE FOREMAN: Requirements: 3 years trade national certificate in construction * 7-10 years experience Contact: 081 668 7035 ELLERINES FURNITURE WALVIS BAY Credit Manager Minimum qualification: Grade 12 A minimum of 2 years experience in Management Capacity with a logistics / Retail Environment Advance MS Office Skills (word and excel) A food understanding of our company’s business is essential Good interpersonal and communication skills with the ability ti communicate at all levels Good leadership skills with the ability to train and develop others Ability to work under pressure A strong team player Customer service orientation to internal and external customers Written applications should be forwarded to: The Manager Faror Cillie Venter



Vacancy: Employment opportunity for a Auto Electrician & opportunity for a Auto Electrician apprenticeship Applicants mail your CV To: Fax: 202 384 Vacancy Orion Computers: Walvis bay Branch have the following vacancy available Computer Technician Interested candidates can mail their CV's to or drop it off at our business premises. VACANCY: Very experienced driver needed 15 years experience. Good salary for right candidate. Please deliver CV to 115 Sam Nujoma Ave, Walvis Bay Contact: 203 631 VACANCY: Well established construction Company is looking for Builders and Plaster people in Walvis Bay Contact: 081 633 8693 Gevestigde Konstruksie Besigheid is opsoek na bouers en pleisters in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 633 8693 VACANCY, SWAKOPMUND: QUANTITY SURVEYOR REQUIREMENTS: Very Reliable Minimum 2 years related experience In the above mentioned field Salary Negotiable Must be Namibian Mail CV's to za


I need a lift, Monday’s to Friday’s from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. 06h00 From Swakop to Walvis Bay and 15h00 from Walvis Bay to Swakop. I can contribute to the fuel. Please contact: 081 897 0783 WANTED!! Urgently looking for people who do plaster work, installing ceilings and do tiling. Please contact Fabian: 081 683 3645


ELASTHA: Looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. 3 days a week. Very friendly and reliable. Cell: 081 386 0382 EVELINE H: I am a 25-year-old lady looking for domestic work like cleaning, ironing, etc. In Swakopmund. Contact: 081 408 4023 JOB WANTED: A 24-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Am very hardworking and honest. Must be 2 or 3 days per week and is honest. Has 3 years experience in cleaning and ironing. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 407 7764

Namib Times

BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT: Kabeljou Area N$ 2 500.00 Plus deposit. W/E incl. Available from 1 July 2014 Contact Meon: 081 149 1201 081 333 8010

TO RENT: Narraville Spacious 2 bedroom flat W/E incl. No pets allowed. N$ 4 000.00 p/m N$ 2 000.00 deposit Contact: 081 814 0307

Inside room with bathroom N$2000.00 W/Incl

DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541



SWAKOPMUND Centre of Town TO LET 3 Bedroom Flat, 2 Bathrooms, Single Garage Indoor Braai, Pre-Paid Meter, N$ 6690.00 Contact Martina: 081 124 3885

Bachelor flat I\immediately available: 1x Bedroom with b.i.c 1x Open kitchen with lounge 1x Toilet and shower Kuisebmund / Near to Duinesig Combine School Price N$ 1900.00 W+E included Preference for single working tenant Big Flat available from 25th of June 2014 1x Bedroom with b.i.c 1x Open kitchen with lounge 1x Toilet and shower Kuisebmund / Near to Koeldrank Fointein Price N$ 2700.00 W+E included Preference for two patner working tenants Single and working tenant Contact: 081 868 0686 en to let. N$ 2 500.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 315 1622

TO LET MAHETAGO Outside room N$1200.00 W/Incl


TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND, Vineta: Family home with 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining room, Kitchen, Guest toilet, N$ 8 500 p/m. W & E excl. Deposit payable. Contact Erwin during office hours: 081 124 0987

FLAT TO RENT Kuisebmond / namport: Single fat to rent Very neat and secured For details and view Call:081 244 0044


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite

OFFICE / SHOWROOM SPACE TO RENT: WALVIS BAY 6th Street CENTRAL TOWN VERY SECURE WITH ALARM SYSTEMS ETC. 1. Office / showroom Showroom space Floor area: 130 m² Small store room Kitchenette Toilet Aircon Samsung telephone system Water included Price: 85 per square N$ 11 000.00 p/m 2. OFFICE SPACE: WALVIS BAY 6TH STREET Floor Area: 2 x separate offices Kitchenette Toilet Aircon N$ 5500.00 p/m Contact: Caroline van Wyk Cell: 0811294399 Office: 064-202028

TE HUUR: Twee slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar in Vineta, naby Woermann Brock inkoop Sentrum. Geen diere en geen kinders asb. W/L ingsl. Kontak nommer: 064 413204 of 081 617 0928

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


17 JUNE 2014

Classifieds OR


TRAINING INTENSIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT TRAINING: Obtain excellent personal assistant skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: Elmarie 081 764 2090 /081 632 8999. INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Obtain excellent management skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: Elmarie 081 764 2090 / 081 632 8999.


NATURAL HEALTH PRACTITIONER Quantec Health Namibia HEIKE BECKMANN HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT CONDITION YOUR GENERAL HEALTH IS IN? ...... THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!! Heike uses the latest Radionics Technology to scan your body so that you know your health state. The Quantec Device is the only biocommunicational system to scan your BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. THIS WILL BE YOUR ANSWER!! Heike only prescribes Natural Medicine and helps you to change your lifestyle. Heike is focusing on the following: Ÿ Allergies - Hay fever - Sinus Ÿ Arthritis - Gout Pain & Cramps in legs Ÿ ADHD in Children Ÿ Diabetes - Blood Pressure Problems Heart Diseases Ÿ Colon & Digestive Problems Ÿ Menopause & Hormone Problems Ÿ Sleeping Disorder Anxiety - Panic Ÿ Different Detoxes Parasite Cleanse Heike will be at the coast till 26 June 2014. For appointments and further information, Heike at 081 344 9000 E-mail:



ALZETA HAIR & NAILS I do Bio Sculpture Gel Overlays Sculptures and beautiful nail arts We are opposite Protea Hotel Town Centre Contact Reinette: 081 490 3154 KELLY’S BEAUTY SCHOOL Nail Training N$ 3 000.00 Eye lashes Training N$3 000.00 Marble and stamping art Training N$ 1 500.00 Starter kit and Certificate included. Call for bookings 081 129 7908

2009 Citi Golf Citi Xcite 1.4 Petrol 69000 km Full Service History Excellent Condition N$90 000 onco Swakopmund Contact: 081 316 8765 (After 6pm) 081 350 5686

FOR SALE Nissan 65 seat bus plus a 4 ton baggage trailer for sale. Contact: 081 129 3177 Swakopmund



Are you in the need for Cash! Cash! Cash! and you have Jewelry. You can bring it to our shop in Swakopmund, Walvis Henties and Arandis even if its broken and revive cash immediately you can also loan Money against your Jewellery for a 30 day period Contact No: 081 344 3794 081 663 0163

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail:

Stenleys Building and Renovations for all your building and renovation jobs Contact me at 081 315 9178 for free Quotations. We specialized in the following: * Building * Roof Sealing * Carpentry * Painting * Interlocking (pawing) * Welding * Tilling and Renovations we are operating in Swakop, Walvis bay and Henties bay.

Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

AUCTIONS PLAAS OP VEILING Klingenberg Nr. 274 / 5 Grootfontein 5466 Hektaar Donderdag 26 Junie 2014 @ 12H00 WAIVER BESKIKBAAR! Veilingsperseel: Namboer Windhoek Geboue: Hoof gebou 180m² / 3 Slaapkamers , 2 Badkamers Buite geboue 160m² / 2 Badkamers , 3 Voertuig afdakke / Stoorkamer Kampe: 12 Kampe Waters: 5 Boorgate 2 ingerig met son panele 2 met windpompe 1 met “mono” pomp + lister enjin Sterk en vlak water Wild: Kudu's Eland Klein wild Veilingsvoorwardes: Aanbod voor veiling sal oorweeg word. 10% Deposito asook 6% koperskommissie plus BTW op omset, betaalbaar deur suksevolle koper met toeslaan van bod. Fotos: Vir enige navrae, of besigtiging kontak: Piet Coetzee 081 124 2242 Zirk Coetzee 081 200 3542 Kantoor: 061 259 607 Epos:

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses Men’s power se-xuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.. OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance



PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.


Baard Transport / Block & Brick

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 ROMMEL VERWYDERING / RUBBISH REMOVAL Rubbish / junk removal from your home or business including offices, retail locations, construction sites and more Vervoer van rommel, bourommel en huistrekke en vele meer Contact / skakel: 081 386 6803 VERF Moenie dakke en mure laat lek nie! Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwerke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!! Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock 081 607 8320 COASTAL PAINT WORKS: VERFWERK Seel Dakke en Mure Teen water en stof/sand Lekkasies Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217

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TO RENT: 6m Containers to rent Phone Riana 064 209 166. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.


17 JUNE 2014

May the Lord Bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you and give you peace. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the bereaved


Family and friends. You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

From: Narraville Primary School Principal, School Board members, teachers and learners

Wintworth William Mouton ( Wenty) * 20 Maart 1953 - + 13 Junie 2014

And in the days to come, we will surely meet him again where death can no longer tear us apart. Our deepest sympathy with the loss of

Mr Wenty Mouton From: Narraville Primary School Principal, School Board members, teachers and learners.

Diep betreur ons die heengaan en neem ons afskeid van ons dierbare vrou & moeder



† 08.06.2014

wat na `n ernstige siekte van ons geneem is. Jy was `n ligstraal vir baie.

Woensdag 18 Junie 2014 19h00 by die Anglikaanse Kerk Vrydag, 20 Junie 2014 19h00 by huis no 9 Pelikaanstraat Narraville

Rus sag in die hand van Jesus. Ons sal jou nooit vergeet nie.

Verdere begrafnisreëlings sal in Vrydag se koerant verskyn.

Van: Jürgen, Annemieke, Reuben & Shani-Lee

Death Notice:

Ms Doreen Brown * 4 May 1919 - + 9 June 2014

MEMORIAL SERVICES Wednesday, 18 June 2014 19:00 at the Methodist Church, Sandfontein Street Friday, 20 June 2014 19:00 at house no 4, Mautamanene Street FUNERAL: Saturday, 21 June 2014 07:00 at house no 4, Mautamanene Street 08:00 from the Methodist church

James Whittaker MEMORIAL SERVICES: Wednesday, 18 June 2014 19:00 At Rhenish Church (next De Duine), Kruis Street, Narraville Friday 20 June 2014 19:00 At Rhenish Church (next to De Duine), Kruis Street, Narraville FUNERAL: Saturday, 21 June 2014 08:00 At home no 53 Ceaser Martin Street 09:00 From Rhenish Church, Narraville ENQUIRIES: Derek 081 122 0844 Tiesie 081 240 8713 Ralph 081 775 5077

FOR INFO CALL: Elizabeth Brown 081 489 1008 Moira Liswaniso 081 260 1452 Jack Brown 081 299 3699

Moth Altmann was a loyal member of Escarpment Shellhole in Walvis Bay.

May God grant you perfect peace that drives away all sorrows and fears.

Benita Böhmcker

Psalm 23 Die Here is my Herder...


To the Mouton family and friends

* 05 March 1937 + 16 June 2014 Be it known to all that Moth Hein Georg Altmann Has answered the Sunset Call on the 16th day of June 2014 and has gone to meet the Higher Command.

Moth Hein Georg Altmann

To the family and friends of the late Moth Hein Altmann, may you find peace in God's presence. We have lost a friend and a loyal member of our Brotherhood of old soldiers and you have lost a beloved family member. He shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary him, Nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember him.

17 JUNE 2014


Trace Sport Stars (Dstv channel 188)


Namib Diesel Social League Father's day behind the belt and a few extra kilos heavier, but man it was oh-so good. Fully charged and looking forward to unloading the extra energy on Wednesday.

FOOTBALL STARS: The biggest football stars from across the globe will light up the grandest stage this summer at the 2014 World Cup. It's not just the action on the field that captures the imagination; the most exceptional players can find their faces on the front pages of tabloids just as often as the back. Delving through the torrents of rumours and gossip, this show looks behind the headlines and uncovers the juicy stories that make the most famous names shine all the brighter. Tune in on Monday to Friday throughout June at 20:30 CAT (19:30 Local Time).

There should not be any problem with that, as the teams seem to be fired up with a serious competitive spirit this year. The results for th Wednesday 11 were as follows: Supatronix [4] vs Coastal Car Hire (2). Jaco de Witt vs Michael Stauder 1-3. Michi was pushed to the limit. His fitness and youth pulled it through for him. Leslie Bosman vs Wynand Breytenbach 3-1. What a battle. Wynand tried, but could not keep up with Les' speed and fetching on the court. Ze de Britto vs Joseph Payne 3-0. Another Supa match for Ze. Bykes Muashekele vs Oscar Fernandez 3-1. Another Supa contest. One got tired just watching the match. Bykes just managed to fend off Oscar. Pieter Beukes vs Lindsay Lottering 3-0.Pieter's game is definitely starting to pick up somewhat. Louisa Liebenberg vs Sam Webster 1-3. Sam's experience and sneaky shots paid off big time for him. FCS (5) vs Magic Discounters (1): Imanuel Amorongo vs Stefan van Tonder 3-2. 2love down, Imanuel managed to claw his way back to snatch an excellent win from Stefan, who played a superb game. Jenny Pahl vs Cabous Olivier 3-1. Jen relaxed a wee bit too much in the 3rd game, but otherwise she was always in control of play. Trevor Heath vs Brandon Grane 3-0. Trev weighed up his odds and took no chances. Carla Cummings vs Jorn Wormsbacher 3-0. Carla flew to the challenge and cut off Jorn's rockets with well placed play. Christo van Wyk vs Arlene Visser 3-0. Christo's power play gave him a definite edge. Carmen Pascual vs Ester Meyer 23. Ester playing against the crowd as well,

produced that little bit of magic that pulled it through for her. Steel Africa (1) vs Seawork (5): Jan de Smit vs Trevor Grane 1-3. Trev worked his magic to take out the steely determination of Jan. Sharde Fisher vs Jacques de Villiers 2-3. Sharde's complaining about his fitness, but me thinks Jacques' wiliness and reach on the court rewarded him with the catch of the day. Lucinda Rodrigues vs Peter Pahl 1-3. Lucy did great to take a game off Peter. Blackie Zwart vs Doyle de Haas 3-0. A steel performance by Blackie. Chris Bruyns vs Alberto Canellas 2-3. Alberto finally got Chris to bend under the constant pressure and reel in a good catch. Elsje van der Merwe vs Bruce Stewart 1-3. It seems experience once again triumphed over youth. Gateway Shipping (2) vs Fuel Pump Repairs Africa (4): Phillip de Villiers vs Clifford de Witt 0-3. Yep, Cliffy's the one to beat. Richard van der Meer vs Borja Romero 1-3. Hmmm. Much better result than the WC. Dylan Spencer vs Amanda Beukes 1-3. Amanda is on a roll. Hennie Koelman vs Theuns van Zyl. 3-1. Hennie clogged the fuel line and found the gateway to success. Bertus Fokkens vs Anneke Grobler 3-1. Bertus kept up the pressure and it seems fuel starvation may have been Anneke's downfall. Jacques Serfontein vs Goretti Jansen 1-3. A slight hiccup, but otherwise a smooth ride for Goretti. The sponsors must be commended on the outfits supplied to their teams. Everyone looks great. See you Wednesday.

MTC's Coastal Corporate Golf Day a success Anri Jacobs This past weekend MTC's Coastal Corporate Golf Day was held at the Swakopmund Rossmund Golf Course. MTC's Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo, described the day as a resounding success.

101 WORLD CUPS: This season, sports fans worldwide have their eyes set on Brazil and the 2014 FIFA World Cup. In the spirit of this football extravaganza, 101 World Cups present an insight into the world's other world cups. From the traditional to the terrifying, the sophisticated to the just plain nerdy, the show hosts scour the globe to find the most daring, fun and sometimes surreal exhibitions of international competition. Investigating the likes of the Siesta World Cup in Mexico and the Dwarf Tossing World Cup in Australia, the sassy hosts have this countdown covered. Tune in Monday to Friday throughout June at 20:00 CAT (19:00 Local Time).

Kudu Rugby Club preparing for Rehoboth Kudu Rugby Club will be playing friendly matches against Rehoboth's 1st & 2nd teams on Saturday, 21 June 2014. The club request all the players, as per the lists supplied to attend the practices on Tuesday and Thursday. If they can't attend, they must please contact the coaches, Mr Donovan Paulse (081 124 0214) and Mr Clifford Block (081 236 8241). 1st Team Players: Grant Kurz, Chris Klaassen, Markie Nangoro, Enzio Kotzee, Grant Nash, Dario Benson, Ricardo Kubas, Ashley Freygang, Percy Nash, Charlton Bussel, Casio Schoombee, Anthony Jevu, Richard Ockhuys, Tyrone Melando, Elmo Byl, Craig Swartz, Jason Van Rooyen, Griffin Griffiths, Ernesto Bampton, C J Clarke, Carlton Stevens, J R

Jacobs, Richard Forbes, Cameron Britz, Ivo Croza, Raundjua, Ronzan and Eladjo. 2nd Team Players: Wesley Kisting, Lorenzo Calasa, Charlton Dreyer, Pieter Kotze, Virgill Bampton, Waylon Strauss, Pieter Moller, Roger van Wyk, Marvin Bruwer, Dylan Jacobs, Sylvester Duiker, Simeon Dolian, Lot Petrus, Len Kooitjie, Kevin Zaahl, Lee de Wee, Heinie van der Merwe, Seagram Diedericks, Irwin De Mans, Marvin Miller, Henry Miller, Lucian Bampton, Marcell Olivier, Floyd Freygang, Shalako Groenewald, Shane Koppetch, Roberto Eiman, Jean Isaaks, Shalako Martin, Stevy Rodkin and Leeroy Daniels.

The corporate Golf Day is an initiative which was born out of MTC Key Accounts Department. This department is solely responsible for cate-ring to the service needs of MTC high value clients and national corporates. At the moment its current status numbers nearly 5 000. The main aim of the initiative is to foster business relations with MTC whilst at the same time utilising the platform as a means for feedback and business expectations interactions with clients. Ekandjo emphasised, “Through activity such as the Coastal Corporate Golf Days, we place emphasise on interacting with our clients whilst engaging in conversations over the pitfalls of our customer relationship management strategy. In a nutshell we can only describe these interactions as a means of us to

hear our cus-tomer concerns first-hand, whilst aiming to improve on our service delivery.” He continued saying, “Whatever feedback we receive from our customer, we take it seriously and adopt it into our Customer relationship strategy, and what a way to hear how our customer feels about our service

during a good round of golf in a pristine environment such as Swakopmund's Rossmund Golf Course.” Altogether, twenty teams attended the MTC Coastal Corporate Golf Day, and the winning spoils went to Intumba Trading, Swakopmund Municipality and Nampol Henties Bay Teams who came in a joint first three positions all tied at 89 points. Aggreko Power had 88 points followed by EDI with 85 points, Standard Bank Walvis Bay Branch had 84, FA Developers scored 83, Namibia Defense Force tallied at 82 together with Bidvest, Cellular World and Premier Construction. MTC Money scored 81, followed by Navachab Gold Mine with 79, Etosha Fishing and DRE Welding both tallied at 78. At 76 points it was MTC Team 1, followed by Mondesa Community at 75, Erongo Red at 70

points and SICS and MTC Team 2 completed the last two spots tied at 69 points each.

Australia wins hockey world cup Australian and drag flick specialist Chris Ciriello scored a hat trick in a 6-1 victory against Netherlands to help his country to win the men's field hockey World Cup hosted in The Hague. The Dutch was off to a good start Sunday with Jeroen Hertzberger opening the scoring in the 14th minute. Ciriello equalised with the first of three successful penalty corners by him six minutes later. The Australians then dominated for a long period. They kept possession and confined their opposition in their half of the field. Kieran Govers, Glenn Turner and Jamie Dwyer also added goals for the winners. Argentina beat England 2-0 and took bronze earlier.


17 JUNE 2014

Schools Mountain Bike League underway

Caro Els (left)

FNB Namibia is the main supporter of the FNB Schools Mountain League which is currently underway and supports this league with an amount of N$40 000. Ingrid Goeieman, Manager: Sponsorships and Donations: “Skills development is one of the Foundation’s focus areas and this includes for example Rugby, Tennis, cricket, netball to name but a few but we are most certainly no strangers when it comes to supporting cycling considering the FNB Desert Dash, Pick n Pay Cycling tour and the like.” She continued to say that the league was aimed at bringing an awareness of the outdoors to all scholars of ages U/8 to U/18. “Scholars leading a healthy outdoor lifestyle would be able to approach school with a healthy mindset and we like the idea of healthy mind, healthy body coupled to our young people.” Scholars participating in this league generate points for their respective schools culminating in the annual award to the school with the points generated over 4 events. Scholars are required to participate in at least 3 of these in order to qualify for final championship points. Aiden de Lange, organiser: “The goal is to have as

many schools as possible, from all parts of Namibia, participating in the finals. From the final Namibian selection a qualified team will compete in Magaliesberg, South Africa in the SA Schools final planned for early October 2014.” The first event was held in April and the last one will take place on 2 August 2014.” De Lange added that over the last three years scholars from various schools in Windhoek have been participating in this Schools Mountain Bike League. “In Namibia this series has been recognised by FNB Namibia as a premium platform to bring awareness to the importance of a healthy and outdoor lifestyle to the youth of Namibia. In line with the rapid growth of the sport of mountain-biking the FNB Namibia Schools Mountain Bike League has drawn additional participation from coastal riders at each of the events hosted in both Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Coastal riders will also be included in the run up for selection to compete in South Africa. The upcoming Namibian finals scheduled for 2nd August 2014 hold the promise of a great turnout with the student riders using this event as their last chance to increase their schools and their own point’s qualifications.” Adding momentum to the FNB School Mountain Bike League, Pantum Copiers in conjunction with Waltons Namibia, also proudly support this series.

Els crowned Namibian Ladies

Open Strokeplay Championship The 17-year-old Caro Els from Swakopmund won the Namibia Ladies Open Strokeplay Championship sponsored by Bank Windhoek on Sunday. Nineteen golfers entered the championship played over two days. On Saturday the women teed off at the Omeya Golf Course and on Sunday they played at the Windhoek Golf and Country Club. Although the wind at some times made it difficult for the golfers, they are satisfied with the quality of golf played over the two days. The two under 20-players making a name for Namibian golf and themselves, Caro Els and Jessica Dreesbeimdieke,

came first and second while the newly elected president of Namibian Ladies Golf, Thea Groenewaldt, came in third place. Their overall gross scores for the weekend were Els (158), Dreesbeimdieke (162) and Groenewaldt (178). Ann Dumsa had the best nett score (149) and Heidi van Niekerk had the second best nett score of 151 for the weekend. Renate Graupe won the Stableford competition with a score of 62. Loide Ngenokesho won the prize for Nearest to

the Pin for her performance on the third hole, while Jessica Dreesbeimdieke’s drive on the 18th hole won her the prize for the longest drive of the tournament. It was the 27th year in a row that Bank Windhoek sponsored the Namibia Ladies Open Strokeplay Championship. Bank Windhoek congratulates the newly elected president, Thea Groenewaldt and her team on their election and wishes them well for their tenure.

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Blue Waters reward players Mavourlene Gaes

Blue Waters Soccer Club bid farewell to the players on Saturday marking the end of the Namibia Premier League season. Although the season has club. This club has been the Sam Nujoma come to an end, the Chair- very active over the past Stadium. Pirates man of the club Hafeni year empowering the youth. were leading 2-0 Ndemula believes it ended Murangi added that because when the lights on a high note. of the work BW does with went out. He promised the players the young people of the African Stars that come next season Blue country, they have been a defeated Blue Waters (also known as the positive influence to the Boys with 3-0 Beautiful Birds) will be youth. The youth programs last Saturday number one. have helped to decrease and will have to Ndemula also added that the number of children in score two goals next season there will be school skipping, increased in eight minu16 teams, four more teams academic confidence and tes to obtain a Hendrik Somaeb, LHU Blue than this season. “The 16 school effort. draw. Should Waters Player of the year. teams will drain us finan- Black Africa will have to they achieve increased to 16 teams next cially, as the entire costs wait until later today to this they will will be about N$2 million. know if they have secured finish equal on points with season. We want the NPL to reward another and their fourth Black Africa but with a bet- Rundu Chiefs temporarily at least eight teams and consecutive Namibia Pre- ter goal difference and as averted relegation with 2-0 victory over Tigers and will Blue Waters will be one of mier League (NPL) title. the League Champions. those teams” he said. The delay is due to the fact Stars’ appealed to play the have to win their promoThe Chairman encouraged that African Stars will only full game rather than just tion relegation matches in the players to do more, and conclude their season later eight minutes remaining Tsumeb to ensure they conadded that the team needs on today after they played over again but they were tinue competing in Namibia’s top flight league. more supporters and some- the last eight minutes of unsuccessful. thing needs to be done. their interrupted game in Black Africa drew 0-0 with Orlando Pirates and Civics Blue Waters, according March against Orlando Pi- Tura Magic on Saturday drew 1-1 and Eleven Arto Ratonda Murangi from rates. and finished the league with rows defeated LHU Blue Waters 4-3 in NPL matches Langer Heinrich Uranium The match was disrupted in 46 points. (LHU) is not just a soccer March by a power outage in The Premier League will be on Saturday.

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