namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6371 FRIDAY 18 JULY 2014 Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Pay increase for security workers
Little Bakers Club
Madelaine Laubscher
Namibia Transport and Allied Workers Union (NATAU) informed its members and the general public of the conclusion of the recent collective and minimum wage agreement negotiations for the security sector. Mr Matuundju King Kavaka, a spokesperson of the union, said the collective minimum wage in Namibia sets minimum hourly rates that employers must pay their workers. According to him it covers almost all workers in Namibia in the security sector. “The main aim of this agreement is to sustain and improve the living standards of workers in the sector, to reduce poverty and very importantly, to maintain social peace. The agreement runs until 2016 for renegotiations,” he said. The criteria that were used to determine the minimum wage involved the needs of employees and their dependents, the capacity of the employer to pay, the level of wages in Namibia, the existing social benefits such as social security, the economic factors and the requirement of economic development. Kavaka said there are no variations or exclusions based on region, the size of the employer, the industrial sector or occupation. “Workers cannot be excluded on the basis of their hours of work, employment pattern, length of service or contract status. Every security officer in Namibia is entitled to the minimum wage. The breakdown of how the wages are set from now until 2016 are as follows: The new minimum entry level as from 1 August 2014 will be N$5.30. This will then be adjusted to N$6.75 on 1 August 2015. Salary increments for all employees currently earning N$5.00 per hour will now be N$6.75 hourly. Continues on page 2
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Statement on EPA
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CRIME BUSTERS: Delegates at the CID conference
Legends Studio
Investigate the crimes Marshallino Beukes The Minister of Safety and Security, Mr Immanuel Ngatjizeko, officially opened the Criminal Investigation Directorate (CID) Conference on Wednesday in Swakopmund and, in no uncertain terms, spoke out against the piling up of unsolved criminal cases in the country. Minister Ngatjizeko stated that critically and objectively that the liaising between memthis scenario paves the way for address these challenges and ber countries is within the people to come to the conidentify remedies for effective mandate of the CID. “It is exclusion that some investigators solutions. He further noted that pected that your office coare unable or unwilling to do the State has paid thousands of ordinates with the Ministry of their jobs. He further dollars over the years to Justice to ensure that fugitives emphasised the fact that many compensate claims, related to are timely extradited to the of these unsolved cases are unlawful detention of offenrequesting countries,” he reinternal cases against some ders. This, according to the marked. police force members and Minister, can be avoided if Minister Ngatjizeko noted insisted that this issue receives proper investigations are conthey recognised that, although the necessary attention and be ducted before arrests. He crime is a national problem, its resolved. advised that preliminary control is primarily the “In some instances, cases are investigation should be conGovernment's responsibility withdrawn at court, due to the ducted in each case and serious and said that when officials fail fact that a case docket was not cases be guided by the Office to prevent, or cannot deal brought to court, or cases are of the Prosecutor General. effectively with crime, negapostponed several times, beNgatjizeko furthermore pointive consequences will follow. cause the investigation is inted out the fact that Namibia “The escalating crime rate complete or outstanding,” has made headlines in tracing requires that resources, which Ngatjizeko stated. and arresting of wanted fugicould be devoted to other He urged the Conference to Continues on page 2 tives from other countries and
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Gospel Queen
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18 JULY 2014
Investigate Fleeing thieves cause havoc CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 social problems, be p r a c t i c e s a n d e x diverted to crime con- periences with key trol, resulting in further stakeholders in the adentrenchment of ills, ministration of criminal such as poverty, lack of justice; to devise ways housing and inadequate and means how to operam e d i c a l c a r e , ” h e tionalise and implement indicated. The Minister the resolutions and reis also of the opinion commendations of the that police force mem- Senior Command Conbers should be re- ference 2013, the Enmunerated on perfor- larged CID Consultative mance and not on the Meeting 2012, the time they served in the Workshop on Case Docket Management 2011, force. The objectives of this Southern African Refive-day Conference are gion Police Chiefs to strategise how to Cooperation Organieffectively and effi- sation (SARPCCO) and ciently investigate b i l a t e r a l r e c o m offences and alleged mendations, as it relates offences; to identify to their strategic obbest practices, aimed at jectives. enhancing regional It finally aims to devise police cooperation in ways how to implement the fight against cross- the resolutions of the border crimes. Further- recently ended seminar more the Conference and National Conaims to foster relation- ference on Gender ships and share best Based Violence.
Piquet Jacobs
Chaos erupted on Monday afternoon in a chain reaction which started with two South African families, who became victims of theft from their cars, leading to a high speed car chase and an accident near Kuisebmond. Cruiser on the wrong side of the The thefts took place at Dolphin Beach and road. The thieves' car hit the Land Langstrand. Mr Jan Peter Brink from WorCruiser, causing it to crash into one cester in the Western Cape and Mr Johan of the roadside poles, before crasDreyer from Secunda in Mpumalanga, were hing into one of the poles themspending time with their families in the selves. dunes when the thieves, three men driving a The trio fled on foot in the direction white Toyota Corolla (N5063WB), struck. of the nearby houses of KuisebThe neighbourhood watch in Swakopmund mond. Within moments, police was informed of the incident who then The getaway car traced the owner of the getaway car contacted the neighbourhood watch of but he claimed he lent it to someone Walvis Bay. else. Police are still searching for the The police were then notified and they gang of three, whose identities are immediately went out to the Narraville known by now. Apparently this is Bridge, to trap the suspects. A wild chase the same vehicle that is responsible began when the robbers realised that the for numerous reported thefts. police were on their trail. The stolen items were returned to During the chase, with the police hot on their the rightful owners, made possible heels, the driver of the fleeing car lost control by cooperation between the The Toyota Land Cruiser that was hit by the different law enforcing entities. of the vehicle while trying to overtake a Land fugitives’ vehicle
Airtime/mobile data disappearing Anri Jacobs and MadelaineLaubscher
Pay increase for security workers CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
This means that there will be an increase of N$21.00 per shift. Security officers will now earn N$81.00 per shift. This translated as N$2 106.00 if one works 26 shifts per month. The total increase is N$546.00 per month. The N$6.75 will be adjusted to N$7.00 from 1 August 2015 as an automatic increase without negotiations. The shift bonus is now done away with in order for the employees to claim overtime as per the Labour Act,” he said. NATAU wants to urge security company owners not to be anti-union as NATAU only wishes to implement sound labour relations and to curb exploitations of workers. Kavaka also urges owners of companies to not victimise workers and to not replace workers who are entitled to the minimum wage with those who qualify for a lower rate or who are excluded altogether. “We call on the employers association to inform their members accordingly about the new minimum wage agreement,” he said. According to Kavaka, NATAU will embark on serious information dissemination and information gathering of non-compliance companies as they will be taken to book by the relevant authorities. “Our mandate would like to inform the working class and the public at large that we will strive to improve and promote better living conditions in work areas mandated by NATAU. We strongly feel that this year the union have negotiated much better. We want to show our appreciation,” he said. Mr John Natangwe Kwedi, the General Secretary of NATAU, told the newspaper that they really mean business at this stage in time when it comes to supporting minimum wage workers. “We have signed this new condition. We encourage employers to adhere to these new negotiations. We will not allow employers to deviate from this new agreement. These workers have families that depend on them,” he concluded.
A large number of subscribers countrywide complained that their mobile data has been vanishing from their phones and, according to most customers, MTC explained that it is due to system changes. The namib times received numerous complaints about mobile data/airtime vanishing from people`s mobile phones. According to them, after enquiring at MTC about this issue, MTC allegedly said that it could be due to system changes or it could also be due to subscribers not switching off their data when not using the internet. The newspaper created a group page on a social network where people could voice their concerns about mobile data (airtime) disappearing from mobile phones and to put down issues with cellular data experienced with MTC. Numerous complaints and questions have risen regarding this matter. Over 170 comments surfaced, all of which were complaints. The collection of comments on this social network shows that MTC customers are unhappy. The newspaper compiled 10 comments for publishing. 1. Since last month my phone has also been way more data hungry than usual. I have an Iphone 5s running and as I've read in most of
the comments on this group this problem doesn't seem to affect only Apple phones. I have been keeping track of my data usage over the last two weeks and have pinpointed the issue in my particular case. Most of the data being used on my phone is by 'mapping services' which falls under 'system services' and is a service shared by all apps that use the GPS. As I understand it, this service shouldn't use close to the amount of data that it's currently using and I've had cases where it uses 100+ megabytes in an hour. 2. I joined this group as I saw that I was not the only one having problems. I have not seen MTC yet, however I did ask them for a detailed billing as I could not believe I was going through so much data. I had to wait nearly 2 weeks to get the detailed account and when I eventually did, it says in 4 days (June) I used over N$3 000 worth of data (5.7byte). On the one day in May it says I used 1.623 bytes and was charged N$356.
In June for the one day it says I used 1.722 bytes (N$1 126) and on another day 1.149bytes (N$1 092). Huge jump on rates as of June compared to May. 3. I am on Tango and S u p e r Aw e h . T h e money simply disappears. My friend has a Nokia 3310 and lost N$30. 4. Mine did this. I lost N$100. 5. My husband has a contract phone and this happened to him. MTC says this is due to system changes. 6. I had the same issue with data but I actually got a refund from MTC and I just paid N$104 on my contract which was N$500 cheaper because they overcharged me. I always look and enquire because I can't believe the amount of data or money we pay for the service rendered and trust me it isn't all that great! 7. N$200 airtime simply disappeared this weekend. 8. Had the same issues when I was in Namibia. N$300 airtime was gone within a day after I did not use it. At this stage I loaded airtime again. It shows that it is
loaded and that the scratch card number was used but the balance is N$0. 9. N$50 credit gone in a day I was mostly on my Wi-Fi. The moment I went onto mobile data it was gone. 10. In 2 days I have apparently used N$600 worth of data. Half of this after 12 in the evening while I was sleeping. Then customer care tells me it's because I have an iPhone and I must switch off my data. Very strange that having an iPhone has never made me use such excessive amounts of data. 11. I just called and was informed it's not MTC's responsibility to inform clients that there is a new app on the iPhone system that causes excessive data usage and when I asked why Samsung clients have the same problem she could not answer me. An email was submitted to Mr John Ekongo from MTC regarding these issues. He was provided with a list of comments of almost two pages long as well as a spreadsheet of data usage and official questions from
the newspaper. The namib times received the following feedback from Mr Ekongo: “It has come under our attention that customers are not happy with what they call “high data usage” on their handsets. Being a customer-centric company and in line with our customer expectations, MTC therefore wish to inform all customers that the matter is being investigated and receiving the highest priority. At the moment our technical teams are running various tests with our own devices and with customers' devices visiting our offices to get to the bottom of this matter. We would like to thank our customers for reporting this matter to us because it allows us the opportunity to resolve the matter speedily, and we would therefore like to thank our valued customers for their patience and we wish to assure them of our dedication to their telecommunications needs.” Following this response we will continue to investigate to see if the problem will be identified and solved.
18 JULY 2013
Charity begins at Hotel Eberwein and labour union shake hands Marshallino Beukes home Anri Jacobs The Epango Group continues to reaffirm its commitment of improving the lives of vulnerable people in the Erongo Region. This commitment was once again demonstrated when the voluntary charity support- and care group fed approximately 300 children from Swakopmund's DRC informal settlement last weekend. Speaking at the event, Mrs Ratonda M Katjivikua, member of the Epango Group said poverty could only be broken if community members made it their responsibility to care for others as much as they do unto themselves. “We are the community, these vulnerable children are part of us, they are our nation's hope for the future and it is up to each one of us to see them through the parent of crime, which is poverty,” Katjivikua remarked. Since its establishment 3 years ago by 10 women from Swakopmund, the Epango group has been actively involved in supporting the Namibian Government's visions of unity, through its various charity initiatives, such as the donation of canned food and financial assistance to some children of the Omatjete Primary School and the 'Swakopmund Senior Citizens Day'. Epango also donates blankets to vulnerable children during winter times and this is just a few of their outreach endeavours.
Mrs Katjivikua, in the same breath stated that the monthly contributions from the10 members towards their charity initiatives are not sufficient in reaching the groups objectives and made a special appeal to the Erongo community and Namibian Government for support in all forms. “Please assist us to assist others. That pair of shoes appearing to be old to your child will be brand new to some of these children. That extra blanket you have been staring at for years as you have one too many, will change the lives of some of these children,” she appealed. Concluding by thanking members of the community who assisted in making the day possible, Katjivikua also gave a special thank you to the Governor of the region, Kleopas Mutjavikua in his absence. The Governor, according to her, has never missed the group's charity events and is always available when the community calls. This noble exercise comes a day after the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon's call on all stakeholders with influence to prioritise on youth development at the World Population Day celebrations under the theme “Investing in young people”.
The Namibia Commercial, Catering, Food and Allied Workers Union (Naccafwu), which has been operating since 13 June this year signed a recognition agreement with Hotel Eberwein on Wednesday. Hotel Eberwein decided to join hands with Naccafwu, in order to have a third party who can regulate a peaceful relationship between the company and their workers. The union is there to develop and foster a lasting and peaceful relationship between the employer and the employee. Through the recognition agreement, Naccafwu is now Hotel Eberwein's and their
employees' exclusive bargaining agent. The union said that they are very thankful for the recognition agreement signed between them and Hotel Eberwein and that they hope for a long and good relationship with the hotel and their employees. They lastly added that they have the best of the employees as well as the company at heart. Hotel Eberwein added that they expect
From left – Rosalia Nautoro (shop steward), Steven Tjiweza (Regional Organiser), Samuel Siririka (National Coordinator at NACCAFWU), Pat Lorenz (Hotel Manager), Kurt von Francois (Labour Consultant at IR@WRK) nothing but a great relationship with the union and believe that they will walk a good
road together. Ms Lorenz shared that she is also thankful for Mr von Francois' intermediary
work which is a clear indication that he has everyone's interest at heart.
NCCI tackles leadership Marshallino Beukes
The Swakopmund branch of the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) conducted a breakfast meeting at Napolitana Restaurant in Swakopmund this week, focusing on the vital role of leadership skills. In his welcoming remarks, Swakopmund mayor, Mr Juuso The guest of honour was motivational speaker and also the Kambueshe, described the NCCI as part of the country's Executive Chairman of the Olthaver & List Group of business arsenal and urged the business fraternity to make companies, Mr Sven Thieme. optional use of this institution. He emphasised the utmost importance of Small and Medium Enterprises were also leadership skills, not only at the advised by him to join the body and by workplace, but in daily life as well. “I do doing so, create an opportunity to not know why no course such as advance their businesses to the next level. Leadership Skills exists at Universities”, He mentioned the recent N$2 million he commented. equipment boost to entrepreneurs in the Mr Thieme noted that at the Group, Erongo Region, commenting that some people are their most important asset. He small businesses have a misconception further indicated that most Namibians about this Government scheme. “This have the trend to think they cannot equipment was rendered for free by the achieve anything on their own, without Government, but it's the business's outside help and that this should change. responsibility to make good use of it, “We at Olthaver & List proved that regarding job creation and economic tendency wrong and so could you”, he growth”, the mayor stated. remarked. Business people attending the Mr Heinrich Hafeni (Chairman of He concluded by saying that people's meeting were, in conclusion, presented Swakopmund NCCI) mindset regarding business should change, with motivational clips, supporting them in as one cannot run a business successful without leadership improving their leadership skills. skills.
18 JULY 2014
Fleeing suspect apprehended The suspect
Otis Finck
Duin Street residents in Narraville were woken up by a loud bang yesterday morning, minutes after midnight.
Swakopmund Regional Court
When residents arrived to investigate, they saw a black sedan vehicle (N13375S) speeding away and discovered that it had crashed into a Toyota sedan (N5356S) of the Rio Tinto Mining Group, which was parked in the street. The culprit apparently did not stop after his vehicle crashed onto the stationary vehicle. He then tried to detach his vehicle from the one he had crashed into. After a struggle he managed to break his car free and fled from the scene. He drove to 8 Joe Davis Avenue where he started banging frantically on the door of the house. The female home owner got up to investigate and discovered a stranger at her door and a damaged vehicle parked in her yard. She then contacted her brotherin-law who notified the police. In the meantime members of the Narraville Neighbourhood Watch arrived at the scene of the crash. They followed the trail of debris and scratch marks left on the road from the vehicle of the fleeing suspect and tracked it to Joe Davis Avenue where they caught up with the confused and heavily intoxicated suspect. The police arrived and promptly arrested the man. Unit Commander for Narraville Police Station, Detective Johan Heinrich Geiseb confirmed the incident. “We arrested and charged a Mr Berry Haimbodi (aged 37 and who is apparently a lecturer at the Namibian Fisheries Institute) in connection with the incident. He was allegedly on his way from a night club when he was involved in the accident. Haimbodi will appear in court on charges related to drunk driving, negligent driving and fleeing the scene of an accident without ascertaining the damages” said Geiseb.
The victim
Donation in aid of investigations
-Frans Haukongo (19) appeared on a charge of murder, alternatively culpable homicide. He was found guilty on the alternative charge and sentenced to 8 years imprisonment, of which 2 years are suspended for 5 years. -Bonswitha Memory (19) was found guilty on a charge of murder. She was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment, of which 2 years are suspended for 5 years. -Deon Christiaan (32) appeared on a charge of rape. He was found not guilty and discharged. -Kefas Kauzuu (30) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 22 September 2014 for plea and trial. -Daniel Shixungileni (34), Nato Shivute (41) and Andreas Valombola (30) appeared on charges of robbery, possession of a firearm without a license and possession of ammunition. Bail of N$10 000 each was granted to Shivute and Valombola. Accused number one, Shixungileni was denied bail and remains in custody. The matter was postponed until 12 September 2014 for legal aid. -Harry Hermanus (34) appeared on a charge of rape. The trial will continue on 25 September 2014. -David Dean Jaques De Klerk (28) appeared on a charge of fraud, alternatively theft. This matter was postponed until 8 August 2014 for legal representation.
Gender links hosts I-Stories for GBV victims Mavourlene Gaes Gender links hosted a two day workshop at the Walvis Bay multipurpose centre this week, under the theme “I-Stories to help Gender Based Violence victims tell their side of the story”.
Representatives of the plolice receiving the equipment Piquet Jacobs Okkie and Nicci Theron donated two digital cameras and a multipurpose photocopy machine to the Police station in Walvis Bay, in aid of improving the flow of functions at the station. The Theron's were at the police station a while back when they were told that there is no working photocopying machine at the station and that they don't even have cameras to capture crime scenes. The couple immediately decided to do something about the situation. Chief Inspector Patrick Muhita gratefully accepted the donation which was presented to him by Mrs Theron, promising to make sure that the equipment will be put to good use.
The workshop was aimed at informing and encouraging and so far many stories have been produced. women that have been abused, to speak out against their The project has since been decentralised and has already helped towns like Berseba, Tses, Grootfontein, Otavi, abusers and to heal in the process. Sarry Xoagus Eises, the Gender Justice and Local Outapi, Oshikuku, Ongwediva, Walvis Bay and will now Government Country Manager of Gender links, who was move to Windhoek. “In each town there is proof that women have been abused, toddlers are also the facilitator of the workshop being raped and women as old as 79 years encouraged the women to write down have been abused. Violence has no their struggles on paper. boundaries, it goes to all homes even She explained the reason for letting them those of prominent politicians and on the write down their experiences on paper is streets” Xoagus Eises said. because not everyone is good at “It just doesn't stop, prayer days were expressing themselves orally, but if they held in the hopes of putting an end to write down what they went through it GBV but nothing has helped. It is the makes it easier for them to go into detail number one crime committed against and release all the negative energy. women and children in our country; we The workshop created the much needed need to redirect our efforts. Although we platform for the 20 women who have won some battles, the war is still not participated in the workshop, raising over,” she continued. their voices and awareness against Next year is said to be the deadline of the Gender Based Violence (GBV). Southern African Development ComXoagus Eises added that normally these munity (SADC) whereby all countries are women and children are translated into Sarry Xoagus Eises expected to have curbed GBV. It is known numbers (statistics) but now those numbers have been turned into women and children with as the year to take stock on GBV. Next year, the SADC presidents must report on the stories to tell. The different women that attended the workshop have all progress of their countries regarding GBV since 8 August gone through gruesome pains and almost each and every 2008, the year of the signing of the protocol. “We should one of the bad experiences they had involved men that have a strategy and men should get used to the reality of were either related to them or men that they trusted to sharing power, because that is one strategy that will not be reversed once it has started” she concluded. protect them. I-Story writing has been active since 2006
AU's immunity endorsement for heads of state alarms IBA and SALC The International Bar Association (IBA) and the Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) note with alarm the African Union's (AU) endorsement of immunity for serving heads of state and other senior government officials, having recently agreed to a Protocol that would bar their prosecution for grave crimes. The IBA and SALC call upon individual African states not to sign or ratify the Protocol as currently drafted. The Protocol on Amendments to the Protocol on the Statute of the African Court of Justice and Human Rights, adopted at the AU's recent summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, vests the African Court of Justice and Human Rights with jurisdiction to prosecute those responsible for crimes such as genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, among others, but simultaneously provides that serving heads of state
and senior government officials may not be prosecuted. IBA Executive Director Mark Ellis, stated: 'Far from advancing accountability, which should be the case given that there is to be a new court able to pronounce on the most serious crimes, this development delays accountability. The provision generates perverse incentives for abusive leaders to remain in power so that they are shielded from prosecution. And it ignores the obvious reality that these types of massive, systematic crimes are
generally perpetrated by those who wield greatest power. Those most likely to commit these crimes are given greatest protection from prosecution.' The decision by the AU places it in direct conflict with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which provides that the ICC rules 'shall apply equally to all persons without any distinction based on official capacity. In particular, official capacity as a Head of State or Government, a member of a Government or parliament, an elected representative or a govern-
ment official shall in no case exempt a person from criminal responsibility.' (Article 27). 'But it isn't only that the AU, by its decision, creates contradictory legal norms,' said Nicole Fritz, director of SALC, 'It also contradicts its own founding charter, which requires that it protect human and peoples' rights. It disregards its own Panel of the Wise, which, concerned for impunity on the continent, recommended the building of institutions that promote impartiality, accountability and fairness. An institution that
exempts heads of state and government officials from responsibility is not impartial, accountable or fair.' The International Bar Association (IBA), established in 1947, is the world's leading organisation of international legal practitioners, bar associations and law societies. Through its global membership of individual lawyers, law firms, bar associations and law societies it influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession throughout the world. The IBA's administrative office is in London. Regional offices are located in: São Paulo, Brazil;
Seoul, South Korea; and Washington DC, US, while the International Bar Association's International Criminal Court Programme (IBA ICC) is managed from an office in The Hague. The International Bar Association's Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI) works to promote, protect and enforce human rights under a just rule of law, and to preserve the independence of the judiciary and the legal profession worldwide. The Southern Africa Litigation Centre (SALC) promotes and advances human rights and the rule of law in southern Africa, primarily through strategic litigation support and capacity building. SALC provides technical
and monetary support to local and regional lawyers and organizations in litigating human rights and rule of law cases in the region. SALC also provides training in human rights and rule of law issues and facilitates networks of human rights lawyers and organizations throughout southern Africa. SALC works in the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. In addition, SALC supports litigation in South African courts that advances human rights in the southern African region.
Little Bakers Club baking up a feast at the coast NAMIB TIMES
18 JULY 2014
Anri Jacobs
On the fourth of July the Little Bakers Club was born and since then has grown in numbers up to today where they have 12 members participating every Friday and Saturday. Little Bakers Club teach children how to cook and bake simple, healthy tasty meals and snacks. Learning to cook and bake becomes very effective if we can start early in life and also have fun at it. That is why Little Bakers Club was created to help kids create their own recipe for cooking and baking success. This amazing backing club came to life when Mrs Enie Magson, owner of the club’s daughter suggested they start something where children can be taught about cooking and baking. The idea of Little Bakers Club was tested out on little Leanne’s birthday by hosting a
Masterchef birthday party. It was a success and from that day they never looked back. Mrs Magson said that there is little to do for children in Swakop and this is something wonderful for them to take part in. At Little Bakers Club, children do not simply learn to bake and cook, it is about much more than that. Little Bakers Club provide children with the foundation for a life full of healthy cooking and eating. They help children improve their food preparation skills, teach them healthy nutrition in a fun manner, give them the opportunity to learn about food from differ-
ent countries and these classes also improve socialising skills for children. Mrs Magson added, “If having fun and learning an important life skill aren’t enough for you, there are plenty of other educational benefits derived from taking part in Little Bakers Club. Here are a few of the skills and learning abilities that kids can develop. “Some of these include improving sensory skills through tasting, hearing, touching, smelling and seeing. Children will be exposed to and identify different foods. Motor skills are practiced and refined by being actively involved with food. Also, food
Little Bakers Club kiddies with Leanne Magson at the front left, who is the founder of the club.
preparation enhances eye-hand coordination. To add to that mathematics is practiced in every cooking lesson. Kids will count, measure and follow recipe directions in the food-related activities. Of course safety comes first and during food preparation you can teach children the importance of safety when dealing with food, utensils and appliances. Social skills are also developed since working with other children will give the kids a sense of sharing and cooperation and an understanding of how to interact with others in groups. They will be able to learn from one another. Emotional development, which is such an important part of a child’s education and development is also practised. As children learn to make something for themselves, they develop a sense of independence and a positive self-image. Finally language skills are put to test since food activities provide a rich opportuni-
ty to learn the names of foods and utensils. Many food activities can also encourage conversations about food likes, dislikes and experiences children had with food. Fatoween, a little fat owl, is the club’s trusted mascot who brings them good luck, and was named by Leanne, the Founder of Little Bakers Club. Mrs Magson shared that she takes the children through each recipe step by step so that even when she may not be with them, they will be able to repeat the recipe by themselves. These kids also do not only bake and cook, the classes are filled with tons of educational factors. Each week the Little Bakers Club chooses a topic and bakes and cooks accordingly. Mrs Magson explained, “Next week our theme will be cutting and everything involved in it. The children will learn how to work with knives, the dangers of knives, how to hold them and cut with them. To teach them how to execute
these things we will be make two different fruit salads. Each week we teach them different important skills.” Little Bakers Club has two classes, one on Friday which is for the kids of ages 7 to 11 and on Saturdays there is a more advanced class for those from ages 11 to 15. There truly is something for each and every child, be it boys or girls added Mr Magson. “Not only girls need to know how to cook,” she added with a chuckle. Not only does Little Bakers Club teach the children valuable skills in the kitchen, but also in life. The kiddies will be making their own recipe of cookies to hand over to the doggies at Swakopmund’s SPCA. They will also, after doing this choose an old age home to which they will deliver soup which they will also make themselves. Mrs Magson, along with the Little Bakers hold it close to their hearts to give something back to the community. Mrs Magson has walked
a long road with baking and cooking. She shared that as a child of Leanne’s age she was more interested in books than in cooking. Though her mother always tried to encourage her to step into the kitchen she never truly felt the need or passion, until she was married and realised she could almost burn water, which is when she started teaching herself. She added, “I found a need within me to teach myself everything there is to know about baking and cooking, and I have not once looked back. I continuously strive to better myself.” Mrs Magson said that they are one big family. Along with the support of her husband, son and Rossetta for who’s support she is beyond thankful, this has become a growing succes and everyone is invited to join their fast growing family! You can find them on Facebook under ‘Little Bakers Club”, and you can visit their website at: http://littlebakersclub. wix.com/home.
18 JULY 2014
Statement on EPA by the Minister of Trade and Industry
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Minister Calle Schlettwein
Swakopmund Office
Development Cooperation Agreement between the EU and South Africa, exports from the EU to SACU will continue and also enter our market because of the SACU trading arrangements. Once the EPA agreement is in force, all external tariffs will be harmonized within SACU regarding the EU. Finally Hon. Speaker, allow me to thank my counterparts in the Ministries of Finance, Agriculture, Water and Forestry, Fisheries and Marine Resources, as well as the Attorney General and the Director General of the National Planning Commission, our negotiating team and all other staff members who participated and supported this process and who were able to obtain important improvements from the interim agreement. I also wish to thank the private sector who provided important input into the process and who stood together with us through thick and thin. I thank you. C.H.G. Schlettwein
Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides
The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:42 today and sunset will be at 17:35. The moonset will take place at 278º west at 11:07. The first low tide will be at 00:50 and the next low tide at 13:05. The first high tide will be at 07:10 and the next high tide at 19:40. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:41 today and sunset will be at 17:35. The moonset will take place at 278º west at 11:07. The first low tide will be at 00:45 and the next low tide at 12:55. The first high tide will be
at 07:05 and the next high tide at 19:40. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:41 Saturday and sunset will be at 17:35. The moon will rise in the east (80º) at 00:03 and will set in the west (282º) at 11:50. The first low tide will be at 02:00 and the next low tide at 14:10. The first high tide will be at 08:15 and the next high tide at 20:50. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:41 Saturday and sunset will be at 17:36. The moon will rise in the east
(80º) at 00:03 and will set in the west (282º) at 11:50. The first low tide will be at 01:50 and the next low tide at 14:05. The first high tide will be at 08:15 and the next high tide at 20:45. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:41 Sunday and sunset will be at 17:36. The moon will rise in the east (76º) at 00:59 and will set in the west (286º) at 12:34. The first low tide will be at 03:15 and the next low tide at 15:35. The first high tide will be at 09:35 and the next high
tide at 22:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:40 Sunday and sunset will be at 17:36. The moon will rise in the east (76º) at 00:59 and will set in the west (286º) at 12:34. The first low tide will be at 03:10 and the next low tide at 15:25. The first high tide will be at 09:35 and the next high tide at 22:05. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:41 Monday and sunset will be at 17:36. The moon will rise in the east (73º) at 01:55 and will set in
Port Log
the west (289º) at 13:19. The first low tide will be at 04:35 and the next low tide at 16:55. The first high tide will be at 11:00 and the next high tide at 23:20. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:40 Monday and sunset will be at 17:37. The moon will rise in the east (73º) at 01:55 and will set in the west (289º) at 13:20. The first low tide will be at 04:30 and the next low tide at 16:45. The first high tide will be at 11:00 and the next high tide at 23:20.
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
text, some 750 pages long, will be legally checked and verified. Following agreement on the final text, I will approach Cabinet to obtain concurrence on signature and thereafter its submission to this August House for ratification. If there would be any uncertainty or point of contention, the option remains to re-engage the EU at political level. The time frame for these processes is not fixed and could extend to a year or more. I nonetheless wish to inform the Hon. Members that bilateral trade will not be affected. The EU had previously announced that middle income countries which had not entered into an EPA by 1 October 2014 would be excluded from the current transitional duty free quota free access to the EU market, a stance which we vigorously opposed. However, on the basis of the initialing of the agreement, the current market access will continue on duty free and quota free terms until the agreement has been ratified. Similarly, on the basis of the current Trade and
aru ru
revenue needs, despite restrictions on the use of export taxes for industrial development purposes as such. 4) With regards to the infant industry protection provision, we secured a permanent rather than a temporary duration of the option to implement this measure, as well as the entitlement to apply it according to the SACU agreement. 5) We have also achieved improvements and greater fairness in the bilateral safeguard mechanism to shield us from sudden inflows of larger quantities of EU goods and importantly, the EU has agreed to eliminate all subsidies on the goods exported to Namibia. For newly liberalized agricultural goods a special agricultural safeguard has been established. A temporary safeguard mechanism was also created for sensitive products from the smaller economies in SACU, including Namibia. 6) Concerning trade in marine products, we have established a transparent and predictable framework for the exports of fish products from our EEZ to the EU in recognition of Namibia’s fisheries management capacity. In addition, no right of first refusal is required any longer. It is on the basis of these and other more technical but still important improvements which we have negotiated for since 2007 that our negotiating group has concluded the negotiations. Yesterday, the text was initialed in Pretoria, South Africa, marking the formal end of the negotiations and freezing the text. Hereafter the negotiated
titative restrictions upon entry into force; 3) the freezing of existing export taxes and the prohibition of new export taxes; 4) a highly restricted use of infant industry protection; 5) the limited nature of the bilateral safeguard mechanism proposed by the EU and the refusal of the EU to agree to a special safeguard mechanism for agricultural goods to be liberalized under the EPA; and in addition 6) Namibia refused to accept the right-of-firstrefusal that the EU insisted upon regarding the use of leased fishing vessels for the catching of fish from Namibia’s Exclusive Economic Zone for entry into the EU market duty free and quota free. With regards to these matters I am very pleased to inform the Hon. Members that we have made important advances regarding all of them. 1) As for MFN, we have negotiated that there is no automatic extension of the MFN treatment to the EU regarding any better treatment that we may in future negotiate with another major economy, thereby keeping options open for future South-South trading arrangements. 2) Regarding quantitative restrictions our position prevailed that we remain entitled to use such restrictions on imports as long as they are compatible with our obligations under the WTO. 3) As for export taxes, we achieved a significant reversal in that Namibia would be able to apply export taxes without major restrictions for economic purposes including infant industry protection and
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
Minister Calle Schlettwein provided an update on the negotiations between Namibia and the European Union towards the establishment of an Economic Partnership Agreement in Parliament. His speech was delivered as follows: The Hon. Members will recall that we have been engaged since 2007 in an intensive process of negotiation towards a final Economic Partnership Agreement that would create a stable and reciprocal, but nevertheless asymmetrical, trading relationship between us and the EU. The Hon. Members would also recall that a number of important and strategic issues prevented Namibia from agreeing to the interim EPA that was concluded in 2007 and that Namibia in fact never signed this agreement. That decision was taken by my predecessors in this portfolio, notably the Hon. Immanuel Ngatjizeko and the Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Dr. Hage Geingob, and was based on an assessment that the demands from the EU would amount to an unjustifiable encroachment into our developmental policy space over and above our obligations in the WTO. We should be proud of the fact that Namibia as a member of the negotiating configuration took strong and consistent policy stances during the negotiations despite the threat of isolation or exclusion from market access, and at the risk of insurmountable divisions within the negotiating group. Our resolve was that the unresolved issues must be addressed to avoid that they would constrain Namibia’s future trade and industrialization. These matters were principally: 1) the Most Favoured Nation treatment that the EU insisted upon; 2) the abolition of quan-
Obtaining Fishing
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
18 JULY 2014
Future kids and Junior Town Council members
Swakopmund’s Junior Town Council pays a visit to Future Kids Anri Jacobs Last weekend the Junior Town Council (JTC) of Swakopmund made time to brighten the lives of the children of Future Kids in Mondesa. The JTC donated various educational toys, including soft toys, cups, puzzles, colouring books and much more. The children, along with the teachers, received the JTC and the donation with open arms, big smiles, a warm heart and songs and dancing. It was wonderful to see the children so happy along with the honest thankfulness and appreciation for what they have received. Future Kids has a total of 59 kids with two teachers taking care of and teaching them. The school consists of a pre-primary section and after school homework classes. The homework classes are mostly attended by Tamariskia Primary School students. The
JTC decided to make the donation to Future Kids since they found this school to be one of those to have the greatest need for these educational toys in Swakopmund. Future Kids receives no assistance from the government and only survive their monthly school fees which each child has to pay, namely N$200 per child. The head of the centre, Mrs EwalaLingongo shared that she is unbelievably thankful and pleased that the JTC came to visit the school. She added that it is such a good thing that students and people visit schools and pre-primaries to see what is going on in the community and what needs there may be and to see the
Some of the happy recipients
Showing gratitude young people of the JTC playing an active role in helping schools like Future Kids. The JTC said that it brings them a lot of joy to help the school and brighten up the children’s day. They thanked Future Kids for all of the excitement, fun games and dancing with which they were welcomed at the school. They shared that the
JTC believes in the vital role that education plays at a young age. This is after all the building blocks of a child’s future and ultimately our countries future. “In our country the saying goes, ‘Education is the door to our generation’s future,’ I however believe that pre-primary is ultimately the Key to a child’s future,” concluded Mrs Lingongo.
18 JULY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
letters @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times reader’s comments
acebook Dangerous driving!
Wounded dog found in dunes
A man sitting at the back of this vehicle is holding the trailer while the driver drives through the industrial area of Swakopmund.
A seriously injured dog was rushed to a veterinary surgeon with the hope to save its life after it was found semi-conscious in the dunes near Narraville.
Toni Hart Poor pup! Rest easy you in a MUCH better “world” now! Thank you SPCA volunteers and the person who found her! Deriou Benson Wie doen sulke dinge???ek wens ek kan dai mens vang dit doen... Cecilia Celliers Ai, sulke goed is so ontstellend... Hoe kan `n mens so iets doen?? Hartverskerend... Rika Pretorius SPCA walvis, julle doen goeie werk! Bronvan Moonpie Croza This is sickening to say the least. Luckily for this poor little guy there are still good people out there. A lil of topic this good samaritan’s pet is the “dreaded” pitbull. A breed in recent weeks that was labeled as vicious, blood thirsty beasts?? I say a dog adopts the personality of its owner. Michaela Schroeter How can someone be
so cruel indeed. I hope this doggie survives! Else Teske What is wrong in Walvis Bay? They cannot treat their animals properly, maybe they should not be allowed to keep pets :-(( Oliver Nederlof Ag shame poor dog!!!! The dog did NOT deserve this!!!! Why can’t people take responsibility of their animals? If you have a dog or a cat or any other kind of pet, Keep the animal INSIDE of your property. How difficult is that? This is just CRUELTY TO ANIMALS! Orelia H Clarke Ek wens net IEMAND act hie op, die dinge gebeur te gereeld en almal is te gerus ,dit is hoekom die mense al honde en katte eet. Maar niks word aan die saak gedoen nie, ons praat van 'n lewe hier, dis so te se ook MOORD ! Jerry Teofelus I wonder th owner of ths dog
Photo contributed has been feeding his or her dog untl at ths stage bt ltr on he or she thrw it a way or strt hurtng up th animal for nothng wht a hell is ths? Mario Steenkamp Mense dit maak my siek, hoe kan mense dit doen? ek moet iemand vang so iets doen ek sal mal raak. dankie vir die ou in die foto wat hond ingevat het. Jenny Finnies Is the man f….n stupid? I dont like someone kills animals i love my dog very much its my baby its someone hurts him i shall kill him with my 2 hands really. Sarah Kwizi I don’t deny the fact that there are ruthless animal
bullies out there but it wasn’t human hands... Read the article carefully, the 3rd paragraph! Allan Roodt Waar is die dae waar die straathonde gevang was en SPCA toe gevat word en die eienaars n stewige boete gekry gekry het veral as die hond sonder n lisensie was? Es Xz Ek wens mens kan aan diere mishanderlaars doen wat hulle aan die diere doen...’n oog vir ‘n oog en ‘n tand vir ‘n tand!!! daai dier kan nie homself teen ‘n monster verdedig nie. Cayleen Lee Hoole Some people are barbaric and id love to get my mits on one of them. poor poochie.
Domestic violence charges can no longer be withdrawn at police stations Victims of domestic abuse at the coast will no longer be allowed to withdraw charges of domestic violence at the police charge office as before, but will have to appeal to the Magistrates’ Court. Hilga Garas Com // Marie Faden Should good. Nausheen Abbas Hoebeb we are very be enforced all over Isabell Groenewald Well done! this is why proud of you... keep the country. Wow i love this good I love Namibia up the good job. Desiree Freeman job !!!!!!! Andrew Meyer ExJenny’s Pictures Na- Well done.... Ursula Thomas cellent! mibia Beste nuus ooit Neil Mazenge Very Hoogtyd.
Concerned Narraville resident writes On a Sunday morning in mid-June the pitbull of Mr (name withheld) escaped from their yard
and attacked a small dog in front of Fanie’s Shop in Narraville. Please put this in the
newspaper. What if this pitbull got hold of a child?
Tender awarded for N$4 billion fuel storage facility at Walvis Bay Construction of a massive storage facility at Walvis Bay, capable of holding 75 million litres of fuel, will start within the coming weeks. Nieuwoudt Boshoff So that brings the total to 7 Billion dollars in Tenders being awarded to China Harbour Engineering in a matter of 4 months! Well done... I wonder how many more Chinese ‘Engineers’ will be brought in to man the construction phase... More jobs lost to Foreign Interest while Namibian people
suffer and live in abject poverty. Oj Iininga Why we can’t import oil from our neibour ANGOLA??? Some response says Angolan oil are not good to Namibian cars! This was th weakest point! Everyday people are travelling from Namibia to Angola and thy fill up in Angola especial the foreign-
ers and I never heard any damage caused by Angolan oil. And why other countries are still using them include Angola? There in Angola you can fill up your car at lowest price ($300) while here at Walvis Bay it cost $700. Galax August Hmmm and how many millions got lost in bribes? Theo Jaftha Yessss!!!!! Job opportunities for lot people!!! Denise Van Bergen How many Namibian are qualified and have the experience to handle the construction of such a massive and very delicate plant?
18 JULY 2014
Let’s stop the carnage
The recent spate of vehicle crashes at the coast claimed innocent lives and the sharp increase in such occurrences has been met with mixed reactions by our readers. It is however evident that speed, alcohol, reckless driving and a blatant disregard for the road rules are contributing factors to the slaughter on our roads. We publish the following comments, suggestions and hints from our readers with the hope that it might change the behaviour of ignorant road users as well as create awareness amongst our general readers and all other road users. Let’s work together to stop the carnage. An accident involving a light delivery vehicle (LDV) and a bus occurred about 40kms outside Swakopmund between 16:30 and
17:00 on Monday. Leandri Hamman Dis vreeslik, maar ek moet byvoeg, mense wat voertuie wil verbysteek sonder om die voorste mense eers kans te gee is 'n alledaagse gesig en maak my boos! Dankie Gaomuses Careless drivers, wht dont they undrstand with the term, DO NOT OVERTAKE! Ur putn risk on other people! Phillips Petrus Nghifinwa This road become deadly road in Namibia, but still am asking myself, for 36 year the Rossing mine exist and with a lot of fleets using this road but I have never heard any accident in-
A light delivery vehicle (LDV)
volve Rossing bus, this shows that despite the volume of vehicles that re using this particular road, am call all the road users to be extra vigilant and adhere to traffic rules by all times. Jaco Oberholzer Het die bakkie vandag op die pad gekry net anderkant Usakos, hys verby my met 'n hel se spoed, gevoel of ek stilstaan. Jandre Jansen van Vuuren Daai bus drywers is roekeloos. Tee Tee Henoch Drivers not checking their mirrors before overtaking. Gene Eugene Phillips Petrus Nghifinwa j is reg, hukom was di rossing busse nog ni in so 'n snaakse ongeluk of altans in n ongeluk ni, dis omat hulle goeie training kry en reward word, thumps up vi hulle, di mense moet net padtekens in 8 neem eni roekelose bestuur by hul huise los, dis al. Neruth Xaweb Authorities must realize or be made aware how busy this road is due, high commuters rate, mine workers busses, goods vehicles and goods trucks from Walvisbay put load on this road.
Marius Smit Wag so n bietjie. Dit is 'n siekte op ons paaie van mense wat 2 en slegs tot 5 of meer voertuie op n slag wil verby gaan. Asb adb, hou op met enigge ander verskonings en maak julle oe oop en kyk hoe doen die mense dit. Jenny Finnies Is di paaie budluck of wt mt 'n mens dan nu maar vlieg of per trein nu maar ry te erg is te erg dit word nu elke dag nt te erg sos dit gan pad ongelukke word nt te erg nu mense ek se altyd dont drink and drive 'n ander se lewens lê ook daronder wees tog versigtig en pp di hoede di padvarke mt ni dink di pad is nt vir hule bedul ni dis vir ons ander ook wt dit ook daagliks gebruik dink ons
lewe ook nt ni aan jule self ni. Zula Aby-Malawyer Jonez That road is not safe anymo.... Erongo police must at least put up two roadblocks maybe it gonna help. Zupha Candice Nicole Camm Ek kan dit nie glo. Sunshine tours se drivers ry baie versigtig, hul het cameras in di busse en hul spoed word gemonitor.dit klink nie reg ni. Serious accident on the B2 route 12/07/2014 Trust Juli Age restriction for license holders 30yrs. Johanna Strauss Dit is meer jong mense wt ongelukke maak en veroorsaak Want hul dink hul bestuur vermoee is goed! Calvin Landers Shu lucky no one died... iesh
Serious accident on the B2 route
we young drivers, rather not say anything. Willa Hanekom Schafer So lyk SPOED! Veronica Ndeuja Age limit to licence holders pls. Paulus Matheus Y cnt we namibian follw the instructn? Heinrich Wambo Richter The road users either do not understand the road signs and marks or they are ignorant. They speed and overtake where its probited to do so. Ann Van der Schyff This is madness... is this a indication of how many drivers on our roads are irresponsible, or of how many of them abuse alcohol and then drive... both very scary! Zhivago Elnino Groenewald The Namibian roads are not bad people are bad... if it takes u 5 hours to drive from swakop to walvis let it be rather safe then driving like an idiot #my opinion. Helga Jäcksch Ek kan nie glo nie hoe hierdie mense ry nie. Maar enige iemand kry mos sy licence. Daar moet strenger ogetree word. Onskuldige mense is betrokke omdat die idiote
Another accident occurred in Walvis Bay hulle dood ry... Hier in oorsee ry so baie karre maar min ongelukke. Another accident occurred in Walvis Bay on Saturday morning and miraculously no one died. Pendapala Ashipala Whether black or white nobody is immune to accidents. Even the report above doesn’t mention skin colour. Spirit of One Namibia One Nation please. Gawie van Vuuren Gooi speedhumps. Jacques Venter Of course another taxi involved. Werner Salpeter Why am I not surprised that there is a taxi involved?
18 JULY 2014
El Niño expected to affect the regional climate in coming months Jade McClune
Parts of Namibia and southern Africa will be affected by major climate events related to the El Niño phenomenon in the coming months. According to forecasts by the Climate Prediction Centre of International Research Institute for Climate and Society, there is a significantly increased likelihood that an El Niño event will develop between August and October and it is expected to continue through early 2015. El Niño refers to a climate event: warming of the surface temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean. El Niño events tend to develop during the period April-June and reach their maximum strength during December-February. They typically persist for 9-12 months, though occasionally lasting for up to two years and tend to recur every two to seven years. Historical patterns indicate that El Niño climate events increase the prospects of below-average rainfall during the main crop-growing season in southern Africa. ReliefWeb, of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of HumaniNino_nasa1 tarian Affairs notes that the most common impact of an El Niño is reduced rainfall during the main December-March crop-growing season in southern Africa. Although not all locations in the region are equally affected by El Niño climate events, the humanitarian agency noted that the areas most frequently affected by
below-average rainfall are situated along a belt that extends from southern/central Mozambique in the east and stretches westwards to Namibia, as well as the western half of South Africa. On the other hand, it is also predicted that the north-eastern and western parts of the region can likely expect aboveaverage rainfall from October-December during an El Niño. An El Niño typically occurs when the equatorial easterly winds (from east to west) over the Pacific are lighter than average, resulting in warmer than average Surface Sea Temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean, but because of the sheer size of the Pacific any changes have global effects. A briefing paper of the United States Agency for International Development published recently by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network said that “changes in the equatorial Pacific Ocean are related to major weather and climate fluctuations around the world, with varying consequences for populations in different locations. USAID said their “analysis of crop water balance models suggests that below-average rainfall during El Niños is likely to result in reduced crop yields during the main agricultural season.” “In the past, much of Botswana, Namibia, and Angola
Drought also had above-normal rainfall during around 4 out of 10 El Niños… In contrast, parts of southern Mozambique, southern Zambia, and southern Zimbabwe have a 50% likelihood of having below-average October-December rainfall during El Niño years, which means that the start of the season can be delayed along with planting for the main agricultural season.” Data published by The Earth Institute at Columbia University towards the end of 2013 suggested that El Niño conditions could mean 2014 would become the hottest year yet recorded. It is understood that climatic changes in the temperatures of the Pacific Ocean could have farreaching effects on global weather patterns, on fisheries and agriculture in other parts of the world. The cycles of the El Niño are considered one of the major causes of annual variation and instability in climate patterns worldwide.
Western route through Etosha Park now open to all
Great news for all travellers planning to visit the Etosha National Park in Namibia is that the Galton Gate Route between the Galton Gate and M'Bari in Western Etosha is now open to tourists. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the USsponsored Millennium Challenge Account are
promoting the opening of the western part of the Etosha National Park to tourists. The project aims to create a
number of new tourist routes, circuits, linkages and lodge opportunities inside and outside the park.
The road was reclassified from a 'Restricted Use' Tourism Zone to an 'Open Access' Tourism Zone on 28 February. Prior to the reclassification of the route the western parts of the Etosha Park were only accessible to a limited number of licensed tour operators and to overnight guests of the Dolomite Camp. It is expected that due to Galton Gate's strategic location, the numerous conservancies and rural communities to the west and north of the Etosha National Park will experience an increase in socioeconomic benefits from increased tourism in the area. Interesting features and attractions along the Galton Gate route
Elephants at Etosha
Etosha National Park 2
include three distinct ecological types: quartzite and dolomite hills, flat landscape dominated by shrub mopane vegetation, flat landscape with mixed mopane tree savanna, steppe grass-
land and pan edge grasslands. Lion and elephant are frequently seen at the waterholes along the route, as well as some of Namibia's endemic birds, including the White-tailed Shrike,
Damaraland Hornbill, Carp's Tit and Rockrunner. The globally threatened Lapped-faced Vultures, the largest and most dominant of the vultures, are commonly seen at the waterholes. Some special characteristics of the area include high concentrations of game around Renostervlei and Ozonjuitji-M'Bariwaterholes, especially in the dry winter months from May to November. Hartman's Mountain Zebra (Equus equus hartmannae) and Burchell's Plains Zebra (Equus equus burchelli) are also found along this western route.
18 JULY 2014
Benefits of switching the geyser off with Eenghono Energy Technologies cc Mavourlene Gaes
Eenghono Energy Technologies (EE Technologies) is an SME that has been in the technical industry for a year now with the aim of reducing the cost of electricity usage by offering the best reliable technology that will last for years. EE Technologies sells a geyser timer which is a simple device that controls the time the geyser is being used. With the geysers in the normal households permanently on, the electricity bill will always remain high which can account for unnecessary consumption. The compact geyser timer is designed to reduce the on time of the geyser through the day by only having it switched on when required. According to Norman Nendongo, the CEO of EE Technologies, power supplying companies tell their customers that 40% of electricity consumption is due to geysers that are always turned on but they still give little information on the relevance the geyser energy consumption carries. The function of this device from EE Technologies is to switch
off your geyser during peak hours or only when needed to reduce electricity demand by preventing what we call load shedding. The average household requires only 4 hours of hot water which is between 04:00 - 06:00 in the morning and again 16:00 - 18:00 in the evening. EE Te ch n o l o g i e s sells a well known brand called Geyser Wise, a timer that works on both normal
What makes the timer more effective is that the display gives the client feedback like the temperature feedback, whether the element is on or off, it will also tell you when you have a faulty element. It even shows the day of the week, the overheating protection, has a holiday mode, real time feedback and lastly a backup m e m o r y b a t t e r y. Once the timer is programmed and working, you leave it
electrical geysers and on solar geysers. Geyser Wise comes with its own complete set of a display unit, digital thermostat, a user's manual and its very own power supply box.
to do its job all year round. The display has a 5 meter cab le th at allows the owner to install their displays where they feel comfortable to monitor the geyser at any
given time. The company promise a 20% save on the hot water bill, once installed. EE Technologies has already installed four timers last year just to test the product and they we are proud to say they have saved as much as N$2 000 for one of their clients. “The lifespan of Geyser Wise is about seven to ten years meaning it's a once off investment that you won't regret in these tough times where electricity is expensive. All the fear and myths of switching off the geyser are not true until you test it out for yourself and start saving money and
your electricity� Nendongo concluded.
12 NAMIB TIMES NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDING AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATION Notice is hereby given in terms of clause 6 of the Swakopmund town planning scheme regulations that the town council considers to the following consent uses, erections of buildings and uses of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering services. Erf 178, Swakop Riverbed Plots, Ptn 6 of Griesenau 51, Okakambe Trails cc portion. Special permission to operate an: accommodation establishment, tourist entertainment, Sport activity provider, general dealer and whole seller, administrative office. Contact person: A van der Westhuisen. Tel 4104403 (planner: Town & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections duly motivated in writing with the Chief Executive Officer until 25 July 2014.
18 JULY 2014
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Consultancy) Health Care Service ON ERF NO: 979 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Theo Ben Gurirab Avenue, No 32 In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Health Care Services on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 1 August 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Daco Medical Services, P.O. Box 50132, Bachbrecht, Windhoek.
WALVIS BAY COMMUNITY CHURCH CHURCH OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR The above position is available at the Walvis Bay Community Church as from 01 August 2014. Requirements: · Presentable and good character · Namibian Citizen · Fluent in English and Afrikaans · Good communication and correspondence skills · Grade 12 · Computer Literate · Skilled in Pastel, Excel and Word · Be able to work with people · Accounting and bookkeeping Closing date: Monday 21 July 2014 Should you meet the requirements kindly submit your CV and supporting documents for the attention of Leani van der Nest via email to wbcchurch@iway.na Only shortlisted candidates will be notified and no documentation or CV's will be returned.
Rolls-Royce is a world leader in marine solutions, providing products, service and expertise to more than 30,000 vessels in the offshore, merchant, naval surface and submarine markets. It designs ships and its product range includes propulsion systems featuring diesel engines and gas turbines, propellers, thrusters and water jets. RollsRoyce also provides maneuvering and stabilizing systems and deck machinery. Around 30 per cent of Marine turnover is derived from service support activity, with a global network of sales and service offices in 34 countries. Rolls-Royce equipment is in service with more than 2,000 marine customers, including 70 navies, and energy customers in nearly 120 countries. For Rolls-Royce Namibia (Pty)Ltd, we are seeking to employ a high caliber candidate for the following position, which will be based in our Service Centre in Walvis Bay. Service Engineers Propulsion Key responsibilities: · Work alone or as part of a team to repair or overhaul marine equipment and systems to meet specification and tolerance's · Verify dimensions and clearances to ensure conforming to specification · Conduct tests and inspections to Quality Assurance / Quality Control standards · Read blueprints, schematics, diagrams and technical order to determine methods and sequences of assembly · Inspect, analyze, record calibration results and produce Service and Technical Reports · Ensure that all work is done in accordance with applicable legal and Company procedures and instructions, including Health & Safety policies · Knowledge share and support the on the job development of other service personnel where appropriate. Key Technical / Professional competencies: · Educated to Grade 12 & N3 or equivalent in a relevant discipline, with evidence of technical competence. · A good understanding and knowledge of a range of products, systems, their functionality and applications, gained through previous technical experience. · Skilled in both Mechanical and controls is preferential · Verbal communication and written reporting skills in the English language · Practical IT skills · Commercial awareness Process and Project Coordinator Key Responsibilities · Manage the customer services support teams to drive on-time delivery and responsiveness through processes that focus on cost, quality, customer satisfaction and profitability. Monitor the processes using relevant metrics and reporting · Support the coordination and development of working procedures for repair & overhaul, upgrading, and turnkey projects, including pre-calculation and invoicing in the Area with particular emphasis paid to other R-R offices in the Area · Identify preferred suppliers for equipment, technical capability and resources required for service projects/activities. Act as the key interface for managing the supplier relationships · Pro-actively improve, monitor and report compliance against Rolls-Royce quality management requirements (as in QMS) and Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Prepare for and manage internal and external audits as required · Work with the Project Support Manager and Service Centre Manager to actively seek opportunities to grow and improve service delivery · Support the implementation of the RDC project (Regional Distribution Centre) for the improvement of spares delivery and World Wide Exchange Program for components · Coordinate / liaise with clearing agents with regards to Imports and Exports · Provide assistance with travel, consulate and security administration · Support the Project management process with administration of new projects Key Technical / Professional competencies · Demonstrated organizational capability, preferably within the marine sector · Good verbal and written communication skills · Fluency in English · Pro-active self-starter · Preferred experience working in the Marine sector · Relevant experience in previous Service support roles Rolls-Royce offers an attractive remuneration package, and excellent career prospects and the training opportunities that are inherent in a growing first class multinational organization. To apply for this role, please submit your application letter, CV and supporting evidence of qualifications to: Calandra Beukes Office Manager Email: calandra.beukes@rolls-royce.com
18 JULY 2014
LEGENDS Studio presents Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Legends Studio in Swakopmund, using the latest technology in generating healthy bodies and minds, is rapidly gaining more and more popularity at the coast. Their latest treatment for weightbenefits include, weight loss, loss, smoothing of cellulite, heals decrease in facial puffiness, acne, body detoxing, reducing of smoothing of cellulite, soothing of water retention, skin firming and muscle soreness, increasing of cirtoning and preventing and culation, relaxing of muscle treatment of varicose veins, cramps, skin firming and toning, involves a lymphatic drainage relieves limb pain due to obesity massage. and hard work, improves quality This massage helps deliver of breast milk and reduction of cellular waste and microscopic edema post lipo suction. villains and bacteria, which may cause cellulite to the lymph nodes. It is essential, because the lymphatic system lacks a pump of its own to transport the lymph through the body and must rely on movement, muscular contraction and also to flush the fluid. Only 6-12 sessions are needed and
18 JULY 2014
18 JULY 2014
Mavourlene Gaes Simon Peter Isaacs, better known as “L`amour Isaacs” was born in the 70's in the south of Namibia but it was only when he moved to Walvis Bay, like many others in search of a better life, that he came to realise music was his life. He comes across as a very passionate, determined and hardworking person who, although life has handed him some raw deals, never gave up. He completed his formal education at JA Nel Senior Secondary School. L`amour chose to do reggae music, which he describes as fundamental music. He said it not only has a spiritual side but a revolutionary side that are the ingredients to any “lekke” reggae jam. The love he has for reggae music was inspired by Lucky Dube, Bob Marley, Peter Tosh and his father. “I always listened to them when I was at
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. * Sat. 2 Aug.: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. * 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.
school and found their music and lifestyles very inspirational,” he added. The struggles of life bought him to the harbour town after having lived in various towns before, in search of decent living conditions. He started singing in 2008, the same year he released his first album
which featured Rastone. Two years after his first album, L`amour released a second album “One love” that was about love and our daily struggles. It was sponsored by the National Arts Council of Namibia. The album received great response from the public and gave him
the much needed push to come up with his third and recent release “Genocide” which he made public in the middle of last year. The ten track album is focused on the Herero and Nama People that were massacred in the 1904-1908 war of National Resistance. Genocide was recorded at Dot Com Stu-
dios here at the coast with the final mix and mastering done by //Gaixub !es Entertainment. In conclusion L`amour urged the Corporate world to give them sponsorships and help them grow as artists “because the best music is produced at the coast”.
Queen of Country Mavourlene Gaes Debbie Viljoen was born 35 years ago and is now one of the most listened to artists when it comes to Gospel and Children's music in the world.
Debbie Viljoen
She grew up in Klerksdorp in South Africa and attended school at Schoonspruit High School. After her secondary education she went for further studies at Tswane University of Technology where she did a course in Public Relations Management. Debbie says her father is the reason she discovered her love for music because not
Gospel only was he a member of a band but sometimes they practised at home where she could watch them with admiration. She worked for a local radio station in South Africa and that is where the producer of the station convinced her to seriously start considering getting into the music industry as an artist. “I have always wanted to be on stage, even as a baby,” she said. The public has been responding very well
to her music and they love her albums. Debbie is not assigned to any record label but works through her agent, Peace Music and also with Storm Music Events for her Children CDs. She released her first album “Song for Jesus” in 2009, followed by “I am blessed” which she released two years after her previous CD. Debbie released her latest album “Soldate vir Jesus” last year and has to date released three albums
* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. Markets @ 10:00 - 14:00 (29 June, 3 Aug, 31 Aug, 28 Sept & 2 Nov). * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. *Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 26 July.: German Lutheran Church, Jumble Sale at Haus der Jugend next to church as from 8-10. * 26 July.: Mascato Youth Choir in concert with The Leuvens Meisjeskoor at the Namib Primary School Kultur Aula starts at 19:00. * 1 to 3 August: Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre: SISC Opening - includes Springbokfees hosted by Springbok Legend Burger Geldenhys - Potjiekos Competition tickets available. Saturday, 2 August Areva/SISC Fun Run & Walk. * 2 Aug.: Bio and Fleamarket at Wild Rocket (former Arkaden Café) every Saturday from 9:00 -12:00. Contact 081 127 5442. * 2 Aug.: Huwelik Seminaar met Ds Johan Serfontein aangebied deur Swakopmund Congregational Vroue begin om 10:00 by die Swakopmund Primêre Skool. * 30 Aug.: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church, Tamariskia, Langarm Dance with Swingers at the Swakopmund Town Hall starts 20:00 till late.
18 JULY 2014
Aflegging en vrywillige bedanking: IN LIFE PROPER PLANNING PREVENTS POVERTY
SWAKOPMUND SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE Danny Beukes is 'n geregistreerde FinansiĂŤle Adviseur, gemagtig deur Sanlam Namibia, en is gereed om u spesifieke behoeftes saantespreek.
Skakel hom gerus by 0811282256.
INFORMATION EVENING FOR NEW APPLICATIONS FOR 2015 You are hereby cordially invited to attend this event, @ Swakopmund School of Excellence, 5 Offen Street, on 22 July 2014 at 18h00 Tel: 064-403103 Email: ss.excellence@yahoo.com NB: Limited space still available for Grade 2, 3 and 4
18 JULY 2014
ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Cornelius Swanepoel, Namibian Identity Number 480319 1001 4 of No 255 Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay, who died on 1 May 2013 (Master’s Reference 745/2013), and was unmarried. In terms of section 35 (5) of Act of1965, notice is hereby given that the Second & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Walvis Bay. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS, AGENT C/O KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P.O. Box 1455 Swakopmund Tel: (064) - 405051 Reference: HEA/AW EST101/0001-50)
ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Eva Ida Marie Martha Rollin, Identity number 181221 0006 6, of Marie Douglas Frail Care Centre, Swakopmund, Namibia who died on 2 May 2013 (Master’s Reference 1490/2013 WHK), and who was unmarried. In terms of section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the First & Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek . Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS, EXECUTRIX C/O KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P.O. Box 1455 Swakopmund Tel: (064) - 405051 Reference: HEA/AW EST 103/0001-50)
Visit our website at www.namibtimes.net
A A N N C C E E LANGARM DANCE with Presents ! ! D D A A N N Date? 30 August 2014 C C Time? 20:00 till late.... E E Venue? Swakopmund Town Hall ! ! Admission: N$100.00 single D D A A Snacks Available - CASH BAR!! N N C C Contact: 081 122 5271 / E E 081 122 6328 ! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE! DANCE !
Live Band
18 JULY 2014
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55” LED TV
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4 499
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18 JULY 2014
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Shop 14, Maerua Lifestyle Centre, Windhoek (061) 303 840 • Cnr Schlachter and Moses Garoeb Street, Swakopmund (064) 419 600 • www.homecorp.co.za All terms include deposit, VAT/GST and finance charges. Terms subject to credit approval. Accessories optional extras. Bring your ID and latest payslip/salary advice to ensure rapid response to your credit application. We will beat any price on presentation of a written quote from another retailer within 10km of the Home Corp Store, if stock is available at the other retailer. Products may vary from photograph. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. No dealers allowed. Handset specifications subject to change without notice. While stocks last. E&OE. GO Advertising 70634 RHP
18 JULY 2014
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Die Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Mascato Jugendchor konzertiert gemeinsam mit dem Leuven Meisjeskoor aus Belgien Deutschland in Namibia dankt
"Der Botschafter der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in Namibia, Onno Hückmann, sowie die gesamte Botschaft dankt den namibischen Fans für
ihre Unterstützung während der WM und gratuliert der deutschen Mannschaft zu ihrer überragenden Leistung!“ Gundula Perry
Presse und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit; Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Windhuk.
Der namibische Küstenchor Mascato mit Chorleiter Theodore Cookson vor der Kulisse der Swakopmunder Jetty. Fotos: Privat!
Der Botschafter gratuliert den Gewinnern des besten Fan-Outfits. V.l.: Fannes Namhunya (3. Preis), Botschafter Onno Hückmann, Gundula Perry (2. Preis) und Sven-Eric Stender (1. Preis).
Worte der Woche Facebook Sprüche
Gerührt? Verlegen? Erfreut? Dem 1200 kg schweren Walross-Brocken Nikolai wird eine Fischtorte überreicht. Buchstaben erröten nicht. Markus Tullius Cicero Alkohol lässt Gehirnzellen absterben, aber sehr selektiv, nämlich die Gehirnzellen, die für Vernunft, Schamgefühl, Verlegenheit und Beherrschung verantwortlich sind. P.J. O'Rourke Es gibt Dinge, über die spreche ich nicht einmal mit mir selbst. Konrad Adenauer Die Gewalt ihrer Reize zu verdoppeln, gab die Natur dem Weibe die Scham, die holdseligste der Grazien. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
1. Urmenschen hatten nur Biofleisch, viel Bewegung, keine Zigaretten, keinen Alkohol und sind trotzdem kaum älter als 35 geworden. 2. Anstatt mich ständig zu Facebook-Spielen einzuladen, wie wär’s denn mal zum Kaffeetrinken oder zum Grillen? 3. Im nächsten Leben werde ich Kaffeevollautomat. Du wirst geliebt, bekommst den ganzen Tag Aufmerksamkeit und ständig drückt dich jemand. 4. Ein Fehler tut weh, aber später nennt man eine Anhäufung von Fehlern Erfahrung, und die bringt Erfolg.
Ein gemeinsames Konzert des Mascato Jugendchores und des Leuvener Mädchenchores wartet am 26. Juli auf Sie. Der Mascato Jugendchor unter der Leitung von Theodore Cookson bedarf sicherlich keiner Einführung. Der “Leuvens Meisjeskoor”, der 1964 als Jugendchor begann, besteht aus etwa 40 Sängerinnen und wird seit über 30 Jahren von Nicole Boogaerts geleitet, die am Konservatorium in Leuven doziert.
Als Universitätsstadt bedeutet Leuven pulsierendes Leben. Es finden viele Feste und andere Events statt. Der Chor tritt häufig auf, auch in Krankenhäusern, Altersheimen und Schulen, ebenso für AIDS-kranke Kinder, Behinderte und überhaupt für Menschen, die Hilfe benötigen. Der Chor hat bereits an mehreren nationalen und internationealen Chorwettbewerben teilgenommen und in großartigen Werken wie der Matthäus-
Passion von Bach, Orffs ,,Carmina Burana” und dem “Requiem” von Fauré mitgewirkt. Zu seinem 50. Bestehensjahr tritt der Leuvener Mädchenchor in diesem Monat zum dritten Mal in Südafrika auf und wird Namibia zum ersten Mal einen Besuch abstatten. Sie dürfen sich auf ein buntes Programm freuen, das von klassischen Werken über moderne Kompositionen bis zu Liedern
aus bekannten Musicals und der beliebten Popwelt reicht. Das gemeinsame Konzert der beiden Chöre findet um 19h00 Uhr in der Kulturaula der NPS statt. Karten zu N$ 80,- sind bei der Swakopmunder Buchhandlung erhältlich. Wer mehr erfahren möchte, kann sich mit Ally Namupala unter der Nummer 081 1285119 in Verbindung setzen.
Der Mädchenchor aus der Hauptstadt der belgischen Provinz Flämen-Brabant der Region Flandern, die etwa 20 km östlich von Belgien am Fluss Dijle liegt.
MASCATO YOUTH CHOIR in concert with
THE LEUVENS MEISJESKOOR These two choirs will be joining forces to give Swakopmunders and all lovers of music a concert to remember.
Werbung wagen und gewinnen! Zwecks Werbung melden Sie sich bei Mikkie Kriel; 0812869519; E-Mail: marketing. namibtimes@iway.na
Möchten Sie zeigen, wie Sie sich nach dem Sieg der Deutschen in der FußballWM 2014 fühlen? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; Fax: 400182; E-Mail: susannkinghorn@gmail.com
When: Where:
26 July 2014 Namib Primary School Kultur Aula Swakopmund Time: 19:00 Tickets: N$ 80-00 Tickets are availabe at the Swakopmunder Buchhandlung For any enquiries please contact the Mascato Admin team (081 1285119)
18 JULY 2014
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Namib High School: Landlauf und Talentshow!
Die Namib High School hat mit den Einnahmen ihres jährlich stattfindenden Landlaufs die Suppenküche ,,House Bethany” unterstützt. Diese Suppenküche ist vor 14 Jahren ins Leben gerufen worden und sorgt fünf Tage in der Woche dafür, dass 150 Kinder eine warme Mahlzeit erhalten. Der Betrag von N$ 17 400, der durch den Landlauf eingesammelt worden ist, reicht aus, um diese bedürftigen Kinder ein Jahr lang mit Nahrung zu versorgen. Das letzte Event des LRC (Learner Repre-
Jumble Sale
Jumble Sale Saturday 26 July 2014 at Haus der Jugend next to Church as from 8 - 10
WM zwischen Granitgestein
Liebe Küstenleser, die Fußball-WM ist zu Ende und man fällt in den grauen Alltag zurück. Vorbei ist es mit den grölenden, originell geschmückten Massen im MaracanãStadion von Rio de Janeiro, die neben den Starfußballern für eine Unterhaltung anderer Art sorgten. Welch ein elektrisierendes Gefühl muss es sein, zur WM auf der Tribüne in Brasiliens zweitgrößter Stadt zu sitzen, umringt von farbenfrohen, sexy und verrückten Fans,
Mitglieder der Schülermitverwaltung der NHS. Von links: Nuricilia Neels, Johanna Haifene, Kylie Williams, Nicole Jenneker, Amanda Brandt, David de Beer und Theo Amakali. sentative Council) fand am 26. Juni statt. Das war die ,,Mysteriöse Talentshow”. Die wunderschöne Dekoration wurde schon lange im Voraus geplant. Es fanden zahlreiche Proben statt, und viele Talente sind dabei entdeckt worden. Ein Dank geht hier an Andelinde Wieland, Herrn Motonane, Frau Hornickel und Frau Steenkamp. Ein gut besuchter Abend ging zuende, und die Teilnehmer waren glücklich. Die Show begann mit großen Erwartungen und endete in großartigen Erinnerungen. Die Talentshow der Namib High School war ein voller Erfolg, und alle Teilnehmer waren begeistert dabei. Hinten von links: Cosmos Anna Schwietering Makgowe, Johannes Gaoab, Lucio Carlos, Toivo Toivo, Eugene Gaseb, Johanna Haifene, Elrich Xoagub, Hans Schindler, Nicole Jenneker, Giovanni Stoffel, Sebastian van Oppen, Frau Coenie Greeff, Benjamin Maasdorp; vorne kniend: Theo Amakali und Juriaan Job.
German Lutheran Church
Locker vom Hocker
Möchten Sie sich von Ihrem KrempelGespenst befreien? Bringen Sie Ihr Gerümpel im Kirchenbüro vorbei. Wer beim Jumble Sale der Deutschen Lutherischen Kirche helfen kann, rufe Frau Walter unter der Telefonnummer 461709 an. Jede Hilfe ist mehr als willkommen.
tilope), der Gesang des leuchtenden Rotbauchwürgers und der trompetende Ruf der farbenprächtigen Gabelracke zählen, gibt dem lärmenden Fußballspiel an der Theke der Lodge seinen extra Kitzel. Bekanntlich liegt im Kontrast eine wonnige Wirkung. Wenn man die deutschen Fußballspieler im Endspiel zäh wie das Leder ihres Balles, den sie so gekonnt jongliert haben, auf einem Bildschirm auf Klein Aus-Vista zwi-
tete. Natürlich hatte der phänomenale Sieg Deutschlands gleich passende Rundmails und whatsapp-Bilder und -botschaften zur Folge. Das beste war ein Bild von Mario Götzes spektakulärem Treffer mit dem Titel ,,Götzseidank!” Angeblich soll der
Fußball-WM zwischen dem Granitgestein von ,,Klein Aus-Vista”, ein Reiz ganz besonderer Art! Fotos: Susann Kinghorn die Begeisterung ver- schen dem Granitge- Trainer der deutschen sprühen. stein im Süden unseres Nationalmannschaft, Nun, ich habe die dies- magischen Landes um Joachim Löw, Mario jährigen Semifinale die Weltmeisterschaft Götze, kurz bevor er und das grandiose kämpfen sieht, dann auf das Spielfeld geholt Finale in einem viel ist das zwar weit ent- wurde, zugeflüstert kleineren Rahmen und fernt von der Atmo- haben: ,,Du bist besser einer wesentlich ruhi- sphäre des Estádio do als Messi und entscheigeren Umgebung er- Maracanãs, aber trotz- dest das Spiel.“ Wenn lebt, aber das hatte dem einfach famos. das stimmt, kann ich auch seinen Reiz. Beim Halbfinale auf der Kalahari Anib Lodge war zwar nur eine kleine Gruppe von Zuschauern zugegen, ein buntes Gemisch aus deutschen, amerikanischen, südafrikanischen, italienischen, französischen und namibischen Sokkerfans. Trotzdem durfte man eine mindestens ebenso enthusiastische Euphorie bei diesem Spiel miterleben, wie im berühmten Stadion in Rio, als Deutschland die hilflosen Brasilianer bereits in der ersten Die Euphorie ob des wiederum nur sagen: halben Stunde zerlegte großartigen Tores des ,,Ist es nicht phantasund das Gastgeberland nun in die Annalen des tisch, welch eine Wunder WM 2014 mit 7:1 Fußballsports einge- derwaffe positives schlug. Welch ein auf- henden Mario Götze Denken sein kann? regendes Spiel! Das wurde jedenfalls ganz Und sie liegt in unseren B e w u s s t s e i n , a m bestimmt nicht da- Händen!” nächsten Morgen eine durch gedämpft, dass Wanderung durch das man sich im Desert Ihre hohe, gelbe Gras auf Horse Inn im Gon- Susann Kinghorn dem roten Sand der dwana Sperrgebiet stillen Kalahariwüste Rand Park befand, wo unternehmen zu dür- draußen der Wind fen, wo einzig wieder durch die Weite der die Grunzlaute des Wüste pfiff und die Hartebeest (Kuhan- Kälte auf einen war-
18 JULY 2014
Namibia Dragon City CC Technician - At least 8 years' working experience - Command of English and Chinese - Skillful in plumbing, electricity and ventilation as well as mechanic - Proficient in computer skills - Be loyal and Honest - Be hardworking and contributive Email your CV to: obama522@sungroup-na.com
On behalf of our client, a very well established company trading within cold storage
DHL Express Namibia PTY (Ltd) seeks a vibrant individual to assume the role of a Courier for their Walvis Bay branch. The position is based in Walvis Branch.
COURIER As a Courier your role will be to ensure all deliveries & collections are timeously expedited, in terms of DHL network standards. To provide an efficient, friendly & courteous service to customers to maintain service excellence & DHL's reputation as market leader. To ensure all shipments are correctly coded and all relevant documentation is processed using the prescribed channels. You are required to provide any potential sales lead to sales team & quality feedback about changes to shipment profiles or information on competitors. The following key capabilities/competencies are required: Effective communication skills/ interpersonal understanding, customer orientated, computer literate, accuracy and attention to detail, ability to work well under pressure, building interpersonal relationships, a minimum 2 years experience as a Courier would be an advantage. Key requirements for the successful candidate are a National Senior Certificate or equivalent. A Code 10 Drivers licence is preferred.
Closing Date: Friday, 25th July 2014 Only short listed candidates will be contacted. Kindly submit a detailed CV without supporting documents to:
VACANCY Gecko Namibia (Pty) Ltd is a 100% Namibian-owned Company and is an equal opportunity employer. Gecko offers competitive remuneration packages, relative to the successful candidate's skills level and experience. We would like to invite suitably qualified and committed candidates to apply for the following position
Personal Assistant to the Director of Projects This position requires a highly skilled person, who is capable to work in a project environment, with its dynamic and demanding nature. The candidate must be creative, flexible and willing to go the extra mile. The applicant must be able to work unsupervised, meet tight deadlines and must have excellent communication skills. The successful candidate must have the following attributes: · · ·
Have 10 years' Personal Assistant experience, working for a senior executive; A relevant Tertiary qualification ( added advantage); Posess a valid drivers' license.
The successful candidate will be responsible for: · devising and maintaining office systems, including electronic data management and filing; · arranging travel itinerary, visas and accommodation and, occasionally, travelling with the manager to take notes or dictation at meetings or to provide general assistance during presentations; · screening phone calls, enquiries and requests, and handling them when appropriate; · meeting and greeting visitors at all levels of seniority; · organising and maintaining diaries and making appointments; · dealing with incoming email, faxes and post, often corresponding on behalf of the manager; · taking dictation, drafting letters and writing minutes; · carrying out background research and presenting findings; · producing documents, briefing papers, reports and presentations; · organising and attending meetings and ensuring the manager is well prepared for meetings; · liaising with clients, suppliers and other staff; · prepare budgets and manage accordingly; · do basic bookkeeping and human resource management functions.
Duty station: Swakopmund Please forward only relevant applications to: maggie@gecko.na or fax at 061-225304
Closing date: 31 July 2014 Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
The position reports to the Service Centre Supervisor. This is a challenging customs role in a highly pressurized environment. If you are interested, please send your CV (in word format) to Deon.Louw@dhl.com before 22 July 2014.
18 JULY 2014
“Christus en jou Huwelik”
Huwelik Seminaar met Ds. Johan Serfontein aangebied deur Swakopmund Congregational Vroue Datum: Saterdag, 2 Augustus 2014 Tyd: 10:00 Plek: Swakopmund Primêre Skool Kostes: N$300.00 per paartjie (Buffet ete ingesluit)
Kontak: Cecilia 081 229 2939 “Die huwelik is ‘n geskenk van God aan ons Die kwaliteit van ons huwelik is ‘n geskenk van ons aan Hom”
Vacancy Walvis Bay Position: Driver We are seeking a customer service orientated individual Requirements: 1. Grade 12 with minimum E aggregate 2. Be in possession of a valid drivers license (code b) 3. Namibian citizen 4. Work experience in a service related industry The cleaning and quality checks of our vehicles will be the candidates main priority. The candidate must be able to work in a fast paced and pressurized environment.
Get Your Life Back ! If You Want To Drink And Do Drugs, That's Your Problem But, if You Want To Stop, That's Our Problem Alcoholics And Narcotics Anonymous Meet Every Monday And Thursday At 18h30 At The Roman Catholic Church, West Coast Fellowship Swakopmund 0816067743
Transferring of vehicles to different coastal Avis branches. The candidate must be able to pay attention to detail and follow stipulated procedures. Please hand deliver or email CV's to Melanie Honiball: mhoniball@mweb.com.na
Certified copies of all relevant documentation must accompany the CV. Only short listed candidates will be contacted for an interview. We offer a market related salary plus benefits Closing date: 25 July 2014
Bannerman Resources is a uranium exploration and development Company with its primary asset, the Etango Uranium Project in the Erongo Region. Bannerman has completed a Definitive Feasibility Study and now plans to build a heap leach demonstration plant that will enable fast tracking a commitment to the development of the Etango project in a rising uranium price environment.
Major responsibilities
Vacancy - Senior Metallurgist The purpose of the Senior Metallurgist role is to manage the metallurgical process of the Heap Leach Demonstration Plant and to independently evaluate, select and using sound professional judgment apply relevant engineering techniques, procedures and criteria. The Senior Metallurgist will also critically evaluate planned metallurgical processes for the Etango Uranium Project and contribute towards achieving improvements.
§ § § § § §
Skills and Competencies §
This position is based in Swakopmund and the Senior Metallurgist will report to the General Manager.
Health, safety and environment leadership; Manage metallurgical aspects of the Demonstration Plant; Provide specialist metallurgical insight and reporting; Metallurgical Planning & accounting systems; Team leadership and membership; Continuous improvement, project management and cost control.
§ § § §
Mineral/Metallurgical/Chemical/Extractive Metallurgy/Process engineering degree or equivalent; Minimum of 7 – 10 years’ post qualification metallurgical experience in a process environment; Exposure in the uranium industry, a distinct advantage; Management/leadership experience an added advantage; Excellent written & verbal communication skills, commercial awareness; advanced analytical skills.
Suitably qualified candidates are requested to send a comprehensive CV via e-mail to mvanwyk@bannermanresources-na.com . Bannerman Resources is an equal opportunity employer and preference will be given to candidates from designated groups.
Closing date for applications – 28 July 2014
18 JULY 2014
Quality headlines Isuzu surge into Africa
As the new Isuzu Pick-up continues its engagement in key African markets, ongoing processes of quality management and engineering development ensure that the new Pick-up is built in Africa, for Africa. Engineered and built by General Motors in South Africa for both the domestic and export markets, the Isuzu Pick-up followed extensive testing and engineering leading up to its launch in 2013 - covering some 1.3-million kilometres of strenuous driving in extreme conditions. th "With the 6 generation Isuzu Pick-up, we took an unprecedented approach to its development with specific focus points directly related to the African markets in which it is designed to serve," says Quality Manager at General Motors South Africa (GMSA), Andy Alexander. "Along with our highly qualified and experienced engineering team, and involving the various departments who are jointly responsible for the design, development and production of this world-class pick-up, we left no stone unturned in the development process. The Isuzu heritage of innovation, toughness, durability, reliability and functionality was put to the ultimate test.� Quality in every facet of production With the harsh environments of the African continent dictating vehicle specifications and design - including fuel quality, road conditions, consumer demands and vehicle versatility Isuzu engineers not only had to design and develop specific elements of the Isuzu Pick-up to cope on a long-term basis, but also ensure the quality of each and every aspect that goes into the production of an internationally renowned pick-up - to ensure complete peace of mind and trouble-free motoring for the customer. Built-in quality (BIQ) at the Struandale plant in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, is the most important element in this regard. At every stage of the production process - from the body shop and paint shop to assembly and final inspection each element is verified to ensure maximum quality in all respects. Subscribing to a Global Manufacturing System (GMS) which enforces global regulations and requirements on the GMSA plant, key focus areas are monitored to ensure ultimate production quality.
Clear objectives for Pick-up in Africa Benefitting directly from GMSA's high engineering involvement with the new Isuzu Pickup, the vehicle was fine-tuned and toughened to operate without problems in the harsh African environment. The difference: GM Total Confidence Adding power to the quality promise behind GM vehicles is a group of highly-competent and professionally-trained individuals who are dedicated to customer service, product quality and an enjoyable, long-lasting ownership experience. To this end, National Service Technical Forums are held in South Africa whereby SubSaharan Africa service technicians are able to liaise with their South African colleagues to share knowledge and experiences, in order to improve the GM product and service offering in Africa. These quality assessment processes, which also include problem identification, analysis and solution implementation, form a combined effort to improve quality between the various GM departments - including source plants across the globe where shared knowledge allows for global product quality improvement. Furthermore, an experienced aftersales division in South Africa is on hand for technical product support to assist in identifying and correcting any problems in the shortest possible time, regardless of where the customer may be situated. A dedicated Service Operations Manager for Sub-Saharan Africa is also available, situated in Kenya, to ensure efficient communication and relationship management between the customer and GMSA. The result of customised design, development, engineering and production done in Africa, for Africa, is thus a vehicle which has been specifically designed to be used in its various African markets with absolute confidence. In this regard, all new Isuzu Pick-ups are available as stan-dard with a comprehensive 3-year/100 000 km warranty (whichever comes first) in place for extended peace of mind for the consumer.
18 JULY 2014
18 JULY 2014
For the Swakopmund Municipality
: :
Friday, 08 August 2014 at 11:00 Available at the Cash Hall at the Municipal Head Office c/o Rakatoka & Daniel Kamho Avenue. N$ 50.00 Mr M Cloete
: LEVY : ENQUIRIES : +264 64– 410 4651 Tel. : 0886519124 Fax Tenders in sealed envelopes clearly marked TENDER NO: T43/2014 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A LASER SPEED DETECTION AND DIGITAL IMAGING CAMERA MACHINE and addressed to the Chairman of the Tender Board must be placed in the ‘red’ tender box at the Ground Floor, Municipal Offices, c/o Rakatoka Street & Daniel Kamho Avenue, Swakopmund or be posted to the Chairman of the Tender Board, P.O. Box 53, Swakopmund. Notice No.
E.U.W. Demasius Chairman of the Tender Board
TENDER NOTICE NO. 57/2014 SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND COMMISSIONING OF TWO (2) 110KVA POWER GENERATING UNITS AND RELATED ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR Tenders are hereby invited for the “Supply, delivery and commissioning of two (2) 110kva power generating units and related electrical switchgear” to be used at two sewage pump stations of the Municipality of Walvis Bay. Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashiers at Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Telephone +264 – 64 – 201 3236. Tender documents shall be issued against payment of N$287.50 (VAT included). Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board on or before 11:00 on Friday 08 August 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre should be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Tender Board. Tenderers shall take note of the fact that the submission of the following documents with the completed tender will be to your advantage: (a) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Social Security Commission; (b) Business Registration Certificate; (c) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Receiver of Revenue in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT) if applicable.
SEMTRAC N$ 8500 10days Safety Officer Practical Implementation, N$ 1500 3days ISO 18001 N$ 1400 2 days SHE Representative N$ 900 1day Risk Assessment N$ 1400 2days Occupational Health, Safety & Environmental Management N$ 3500 5days Accident/Incident Investigation N$ 1400 2days Mines Health & Safety N$ 1400 2days Health and Safety Management Systems N$ 2200 3days HAZMAT N$ 2200 5days First Aid Level 1 N$ 750 1day First Aid Level 2 N$ 1050 2days First Aid Level 1, 2 &3 N$ 2400 5days Fighting Level 1 N$ 450 1day Fire Fighting Level 2 N$ 1020 3days Preliminary Fire Fighting, First Aid Level 1,2,3& HAZMAT N$ 4000 10 days Oil Spills Emergency Respond N$ 1000 2days Practical Construction Regulation N$ 2200 3days Industrial Fire Fighting N$ 1000 3days Scaffolding Erector & Dismantling N$ 1600 3days Scaffolding Inspectors N$ 700 1day House Keeping N$ 1000 2days Safe Staking and Storage N$ 1000 2days General Health and Safety in Construction N$ 1400 3days Working On Heights & Fall Arrest N$ 1600 3days OHS Act 85 of 1993 N$ 2500 5days Tel: 061-214 635 | Fax: 061-214 903 | Email: info@daisy.edu.na www.daisy.edu.na DAISY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS /ACC. CHK 8003602330 BANK WINDHOEK/BRANCH CODE 482-972 Walvis Bay: 081 321 9095/081 481 1320/081 129 8359 Keetmanshoop: 081 481 1320/081 129 8359 Windhoek: 081 129 8359/0814811320 To register a 50% deposit is required on registration and full amount to be paid before final exams. Fax or E-mail your deposit slip as reference please.
Tenders will be opened by a committee of the Local Tender Board directly after closing of the tenders in the presence of tenderers' representatives, who choose to attend, in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay.
Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd An equal opportunity Employer Elgin Brown & Hamer Namibia (Pty) Ltd. is a Marine repair company operating three floating docks. This company consist of various divisions geared to perform large ship repair works and other related projects.
Further information can be obtained from the Engineer: Water, Mr Andre Burger at +264 64 214 308 during office hours. JAJ KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD.
Main purpose of the position: The Procurement and Logistics Manager reports to the Chief Financial Officer. The position requires that the person shows an understanding of the Namibian laws related to procurement and logistics and is enable to implement the procurement strategy in accordance to these regulations.
Qualifications, Skills, Competencies and Experience Requirements: The successful incumbent shall: ∙ Be in possession of a recognized tertiary qualification in Supply Chain Management. ∙ Have a minimum of 5 years' experience in procurement and contract administration of which 3 years must have been at managerial level ∙ Good knowledge of National Legislation and procedures in respects to supply chain management, logistics and inventory management ∙ Have good analytical and problem solving skills ∙ Have good verbal and written communication skills ∙ Have effective management and skills ∙ Be highly motivated and energetic individual with the ability to implement change in a sustainable manner ∙ Ability to work in a high pressurised environment Remuneration: EBH will provide remuneration and benefits relevant and appropriate to the position. Closing Date: 31 July 2014 Should you meet the requirements and are willing to contribute to the success of the organisation kindly submit your CV and supporting documents for the attention of Mr. Petrus Pandeni Salomo via fax to (064) 218 6001 or e-mail to petrus.s@ebhnamibia.com ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE NOTIFIED. NO DOCUMENTATION OR CV'S WILL BE RETURNED
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The incumbent will be responsible for among other things: ∙ Design, develop, implement and maintain the company's procurement and logistics strategy (directives, rules and guidelines). ∙ Management of the Procurement function to ensure maximum value add to the company ∙ Establish, manage and implement Procurement Policies and Procedures ∙ Procurement of all company requirements in terms of goods and services. ∙ Establish, implement, manage and regularly report on relevant Procurement Key Performance Indicators. ∙ Building and sustaining relationships with our suppliers and customers for the improvement of operations and to reduce cost. ∙ Management of inventory and stock holding ∙ Compile, manage, adjudicate and submittal of tenders to the Company Tender Board / Committee. ∙ The development of a procurement strategy in terms of cost reduction, advancing local procurement and contract establishment while supporting localization initiatives ∙ Budget Control and Management ∙ Management of resources and subordinate effectiveness ∙ Coordinate Health, Safety, Security and Environmental Challenges within the Department
VACANCY: CONFERENCE MANAGER JOB TITLE : CONFERENCE MANAGER REPORTING TO : General Manager Criteria ü Namibian citizen or permanent resident. Attach a copy of your passport with application. ü Previous Hotel and Reservations experience would be to advantage ü Knowledge of Hotellinx would be to advantage ü Formal Qualification would be to an advantage Key Areas of Responsibility • Liaising with clients and securing individual, conference and event bookings • Managing conferences on the day which they happen • Quoting & Invoicing • Reservations Management • Securing and Maintaining optimum occupancy totals • Assist with guest queries • Assisting with hotel operations • Ensuring general maintenance of property is maintained • Manage hotel in absence of General Manager Closing Date: 18 July 2014 Applications If you are interested in applying for this vacancy and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a brief CV to: SeaSide Hotel and Spa Email: info@ssh.na
Experienced, Multi-disciplinary, Engineering Consulting Firms are hereby invited to register their interest for “The provision of consultancy services for two sewage pump stations and rising mains in Walvis Bay”to be used by the Department of Water, Waste & Environmental Management for future planning. Terms of Reference are obtainable from the Cashiers at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264 – 64 – 201 3236. The documents shall be issued against payment of N$57.50 (VAT included). Submissions, consisting of (a) a Technical Proposal and (b) Two Financial Proposals, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documentation as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board in separate envelopes on or before 11:00 on Friday 8 August2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre should be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Tender Board. The Technical Proposal will be opened by a committee of the Local Tender Board directly after closing of the tenders in the presence of tenderers' representatives, who choose to attend, in the Oasis Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. The Financial Proposal of qualifying submissions, will be opened in public on Friday 15 August 2014 at 11h00. Tenderers shall take note of the fact that the submission of the following documents with the completed tender is compulsory: (a) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Social Security Commission; (b) Business Registration Certificate; (c) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Receiver of Revenue in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT). Further information can be obtained from the Engineer: Water Management, Mr André Burger at telephone 064214308 during office hours. JAJ KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD.
18 JULY 2014
VACANCIES A Multinational company engaged in Shipping and Logistics wishes to appoint the following for their new setup in Walvis Bay
OPERATIONS MANAGER The ideal candidate ∙ Should have been in a similar position in Namibian shipping and freight market for 5 years ∙ Should have a thorough knowledge of the Namibian shipping requirements, port and customs regulations ∙ Should have a thorough knowledge of the freight market, cargo pattern/movement in Namibia ∙ Should have a good working knowledge of MS Office packages and good communications skills ∙ Should have good relations with the relevant port, customs and other authorities
ACCOUNTANT Requirements · B.Comm (preferably) with ± 5 years experience Job Specification · MIS Reporting · Variance Reporting · Statutory Compliance · Proficiency with VAT / PAYE / UIF / B-BBEE / Internal & External Audit · Debtors / Creditors · Banking · Principal Revenue & Disbursement Accounts Salary will be commensurate with the candidature. Please apply with full particulars to info@dssrsa.com
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE NO: 55/2014. SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND COMMISSIONING OF ONE (1) NEW COMBINATION SEWAGE CLEANING TRUCK. Tenders are hereby invited for the “Supply, delivery and commissioning of one (1) new combination sewage cleaning truck” to be used by the Liquid Waste Section in the Department of Water, Waste & Environmental Management. Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashiers at Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Telephone +264 – 64 – 201 3236. Tender documents shall be issued against payment of N$575.00 (VAT included). Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board on or before 11:00 on Friday 01 August 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre should be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Tender Board. Tenderers shall take note of the fact that the submission of the following documents with the completed tender will be to your advantage: (a) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Social Security Commission; (b) Business Registration Certificate; (c) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Receiver of Revenue in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT) if applicable. Tenders will be opened by a committee of the Local Tender Board directly after closing of the tenders in the presence of tenderers' representatives, who choose to attend, in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Further information can be obtained from the Superintendent: Liquid Waste, Mr Willie Baard at 064/214317 during office hours.
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The namib times is looking for suitable candidates to filll the following positions:
VACANCY 1 Urgently looking for a News Desk Manager (Trainer) Must have qualifications in Journalism, Marketing and Communications Knowledge of all areas of newspaper production will be of advantage Duties include: Train, Interview and hire writers and reporters or negotiate contracts, royalties, and payments for authors or freelancers. Prepare, rewrite and edit copy to improve readability, or supervise others who do this work. Develop story or content ideas, considering reader or audience appeal. Verify facts, dates, and statistics, using standard reference sources. Read, evaluate and edit manuscripts or other materials submitted for publication and confer with authors regarding changes in content, style or organization, or publication. Review and approve proofs submitted by composing room prior to publication production. Confer with management and editorial staff members regarding placement and emphasis of developing news stories. Plan the contents of publications according to the publication's style, editorial policy, and publishing requirements.. Supervise and coordinate work of reporters and other editors. Please Mail all CV's to: wvb@namibtimes.net Closing date for applications: Friday 18 July 2014 Please note only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
VACANCY 2 Trainer Creative and Digital Media
We require the services of a motivated, pro-active and suitably qualified Trainer The Digital Marketing Manager will provide digital marketing consultancy to the marketing and journalistic team– including website, email and social media channels. They will also lead training and support for the marketing team in digital marketing methods and tools. Skills such as videography and editing would be advantageous Please Mail all CV's to: wvb@namibtimes.net Closing date for applications: Friday 18 July 2014 Please note only shortlisted applicants will be contacted.
JAJ KRUGER Secretary Local Tender Board
VACANCIES & NOTICES WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Dental Practice ON ERF NO: 2680 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Hidipo Hamutenya Drive 2 In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Dental Practice on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 8 August 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Jason Gurirab, P.O. Box 1256, Walvis Bay.
18 JULY 2014
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
NOTICE: All Former RUL members are invited to a meeting, 22 July 2014 at Coastal High School at 18h00.
BeatAccMath Presents
INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Obtain excellent management skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: 085 635 8415 064 220 280
VERF Moenie dakke en mure laat lek nie! Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwerke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!!
CARPET & UPHOLS T E RY C L E A N I N G AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone C H E M - D R Y CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
JUMPY!!!JUMPY!!! JUMPING FOR JOY For kids Birthday Parties Book your jumping castle at Coastal Jumpy For Cheap cheap Prices Small Castle 3x3m = N$ 400.00 each per day Small Castle 3.75x3.75m N$ 400.00 each per day Big Jumping Castle 3x6m N$ 450.00 per day Kids 20 chairs and 5 table sw with cover for N$ 450.00 per day. Contact: 081 289 6640 081 608 5648 Email: coastal.jumpy@gmail. com
MONDESA PHARMACY Dear Valued Clients Kindly note our new weekend trading hours (Effective from 19th July 2014) Saturday: 09h00-16h00 Sunday & Public Holidays: 10h00-14h00
LOST / FOUND / REWARD OFFERED VERLORE Papegaai gevind in Walvisbaai. Een Meyer Papegaai. Kontak: 081 252 2388
HEALTH 4S SLIMMING CAPSULES The Number 1 FAT BURNER worldwide! 100% natural product with the best quality herbs. Assists with fat burning & fat trapping Appetite Suppressant Increase Metabolism N$ 645,00 (1 month supply) Contact Tania: 081 297 9704
HAIR Brazilian keratin treatment / relaxer N$ 595.00 All hair types especially ethnic hair. Brilliant treatment for broken, frizzy and processed hair. PROMOTES GROWTH AND SHINE Appointments @
BEAUTY RENEE’S FASHIONS I DO.... Bio sculpture Gel Colour Overlays N$ 160.00 French tips/clear tips N$ 250.00 Sculptures N$ 250.00 Eyelash extensions N$ 150.00 Eyebrow shaping + waxing N$ 40.00 I sell boutique style handbags and shoes. Contact: 081 490 3154 We are opposite Protea Hotel at Alzeta Hair Salon in town.
EDUCATION MOBILE NURSING DAY CARE … professional private nursing and day to day care offered to patients at their homes in Swakopmund. We take care of the elderly and ill patients according to their needs on short and long term basis. Please contact: Sister Monika Mayer at 081 284 4884
Extra Classes for Accounting and Mathematics WE FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS TO MAXIMISE UNDERSTANDING Grade:6-10 Location: Narraville,Walvis Bay N$ 300 per class/month For more information contact us on 081 497 2195 or email: beataccmath@gmail.com Smarter children.Better Namibia
COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL COURSES: Food preparations / cook Waiters / Waitresses Receptionist /Front office Cleaner Barmen Free Basic Computer. Register anytime. No qualifications needed Just a copy of your ID Swakopmund & Walvis Bay 081 462 8224 085 5531910 DIAL-A-WAITER Email: dialawaiter@gmail.com COURSES ·Office Administration ·Personal Assistant ·Front desk Manner / Receptionist Telephone skills ·Voice work ·General Office/Clerk ·Customer Care ·How to prepare yourselves for an interview ·Leadership ·Anger Management ·Customer Care / Satisfy your client ·Barriers to Communication Milestone Training Workshop Book your seats limited space available Training will start on Wednesday 23 July 2014 @ 14h00 Until 16h30 in the AFTERNOON Until 25 July 2014 from 14h00 until 16h30 Until 16h30 in the AFTERNOON Bring along a valid ID Obtain a certificate Study material provided Exercise in training Venue 138, Theo Ben Gurirab Street Price N$ 1500.00 Contact: 081 322 0177 Mrs. Kolbe
INTENSIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT TRAINING: Obtain excellent personal assistant skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact 085 635 8415 064 220 280
081 143 4368 064 220 387 Walvis Bay
SERVICES HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@mweb.com.na
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick
“The Service Makes The Difference”
PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 THE SKYPE CALL CENTRE International Calls Copies, Fax and email CC Registrations CCTV Cameras with remote access (Next to Motovac) Open Daily 07:30 to 21:30 Contact: 081 242 2224 064 209 435 JACK OF ALL TRADES We specialize in the following: *Burglar Bars & Security GATES *Plumbing *Building Renovations (Roof, Paintwork, etc.)\ *Welding *Piping & Boiler making work You name it, we do it for you! Call us: 081 203 4610 081 887 2645 DA Consulting & Engineering Services cc Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, No job to small 8 year roof repair guarantees Contact: 081 638 6300 SERVICES: I buy gold and silver jewellery and coins. Contact: 081 344 3794 081 315 9178
A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA
Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960. COASTAL PAINT WORKS: VERFWERK Seel Dakke en Mure Teen water en stof/sand Lekkasies Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217
MATRIC DANCE DRESSES; WEDDING DRESSES Designing of your dream dress at affordable prices. Also: - Bridesmaids - Mother of the bride - Evening - Day wear - Alterations - Invisible mending Call Salomie Lifestyle creations at 081 728 4865 Situated in Swakopmund RAIWIN SHUTTLE SERVICES: For all you transfers to Walvis Bay Airport or other favourite destinations Contact Rainer: Cell: 081 273 9309 Email: raiwin@iway.com LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER (LGBT) Friendly Service Includes: Nuptials Divorce Civil Union - Marriages Legal Wills Surname Changes (Legally) Contact: 085 635 8415 064 220 280
KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance namibia.com Steyn’s Renovations For all your renovations with personal attention. Contact Steyn: 081 435 0622
FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town! TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887. TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund NEED A LIQUOR LICENSE??... We help & advise you to obtain a liquor license within 60 days! Call:
085 635 8415 064 220 280
Garden Refuse + rubbish removal. Also planting of Palm trees. Contact: 081 335 6901
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
18 JULY 2014
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
SERVICES PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848
PROPERTIES TO RENT Swakopmund Mondesa Court 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Living room, Kitchen, Single Garage, Alarm system N$ 4500.00 excl water / Prepaid, 1 August 14 Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Hage Heights old house 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen Living room, entertainment room with inside braai. Double garage Laundry room N$ 8500.00 excl w&L 1 August 2014 Contact: Charlene 081 365 3843 Ansu: 081 242 9198 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Hage Heights - Face brick house, 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr. Study, Scullery, Dining, Living room, Outside room with toilet Servant toilet, Double remote garage N$ 8800.00 excl w&L 1 August 2014 Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Fully Furnished 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room Double remote garage. Center of town N$ 9900.00 excl w&L Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Swakopmund Minette court - Center of Town, 2 Bedr, Full Bathr, Guest toilet, Kitchen open plan living room, Single garage N$ 6000.00 excl w&L Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 House to rent as from 01/09/2014 N$ 9 000,00 p/m excluding water and electricity. 2 x bedrooms, 1 x bathroom, kitchen and lounge in main house. 2 x outside rooms with bathrooms. Outside braai area with garden. 3 x garages Only serious tenants need apply, Contact cell: 081-248 8656
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET 1 September 2014 Swakopmund Old Industrial Area Warehouse 150m² Plus 90m² office Rent N$9000 + VAT 3 Phase power if needed Tel.: 405408 RENT - GRANNY FLAT WITH GARDEN -SWAKOP Close to beach + WB Vineta. 2 bedroom granny flat with single garage available asap. private + secure. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Contact Sharon 081 272 1555 TO RENT: Longbeach Furnished flat Parking behind gates. W/E incl. DSTV incl. N$ 4 500.00 for one N$ 6 000.00 for two Contact: 081 368 8259 064 205 714 TO RENT: 32 m² Storeroom in a secure complex in the centre of town. N$1 400.00 Vat excl Contact: 081 342 0000 TE HUUR Walvis Bay: 1 Slaapkamer woonstel vir 1 of 2 persone - Geen kinders. Geen Garage beskikbaar. Elektrisiteit en water ingelsuit. Huur per maand N$3000.00 + N$2500.00 deposito. Skakel: 081 351 3225 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat in Walvis Bay. Bathroom & kitchen. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Available from 1 August. Contact: 081 304 6074 TO RENT: YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE... Longbeach Ext 1. Newly built four bedroom house, three bathrooms, ope plan kitchen, B.I.C, double garage, indoor braai, fully alarmed, burglar bars. Two minute walk to the sea. Pet friendly. N$ 7 800.00 One month deposit W/E excl. Contact: 081 697 8588 064 204 986 Email: manzur@iafrica.com.na RENT DIRECTLY FROM OWNERS AND SAVE AGENCY FEES!! HOUSE TO LET Ocean View, Swakop: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Kitchen, Lounge, Inside braai. 2 Garages free standing. Alarm in. N$10 000.00 W/E not inclusive, 1 August. Lindy: 081 180 0909
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO RENT: 2 seperate Rooms with full bathroom to rent in Big House in Walvis Bay, Fairways (close to town) Free Use of all facilities in the home. Includes Full Bathroom, Bic, free Wi-Fi, W&E. Has own keys to move in and out as you wish. N$ 2 900.00 p/m (excluding garage and bed) NO deposit for one person. N$ 3 300.00 p/m (including garage and bed) NO deposit for one person. Available as from 1 August. Kindly phone me or sms me at 081 687 6446.
TO RENT: 2 bed-room flat with BIC available in Walvis Bay, as from 1st August 2014. This flat is central-town located, just 5 minutes' walk onto CBD. This is ideal for young couple/single parent with/without kids or friends to share. N$3,800.00 payable in advance. plus one month deposit. W/E incl. NO GARAGE AVAILABLE PLEASE! For viewing please call 0811273037.
HOUSE FOR RENT Tamariskia Swakopmund: Next to Rossing Foundation. 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms bic. 2bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms and 1 bedroom with one separate bathroom. Open plan kitchen with bic and large living room. N$7000.00/m Water incl. Deposit required. Available 1 August 2014 Contact: 081 128 4734
TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Dassie Str. 2x rooms to rent N$ 1 800.00 each Hot water and electricity incl. Contact: 081 698 5463 081 147 1885 TO RENT: Kuisebmond 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom N$ 1 900.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 1 000.00 deposit. Contact: 081 402 773 TO RENT: Kuisebmond New house 2 bedroom. W/E excl. N$ 3 200.00 p/m Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: Swakopmund Two bedroom Townhouse, Kitchen, BIC, Stove, Lounge, Two Bathrooms, Garage. Mondesa Court. N$ 4 500.00 plus N$ 2 500.00 Deposit. Available 31st July. 081 300 7426
TO LET/SWAKOPMUND TOWN CENTER 2 B/RM BATH/OPEN PLAN, 2 GARAGES, CLOSED BALCONY, PLUS KOOPKRAG N$ 6300.00 AVA IMM. KRAMERSDORF BEAUTIFUL BACHELOR FLAT, FULLY FURNISHED , NO GARAGE N$ 4250 W/L INCLUDED VINETA: ONE B/RM,O/PLAN, GARAGE 4000.pm JP 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES HOUSES TO LET – SWAKOPMUND 1. Vogelstrand – walk to the beach from this lovely 3 bedroomed home. N$14 000pm 2. Rossmund – Executive home in golfing estate. N$22 000pm 3. Kramersdorf – upmarket house with private garden – beautifully maintained. N$20 000pm Phone Barbara 081 656 2619
TO LET MAHETAGO Bachelor flat N$2500.00 W/ Incl
CAPRICORN ESTATE AGENCY Agent: Elani van Staden 081 867 1654 elani@realestatesnamibia. com BUY * SELL*RENT “Swakopmund & Langstrand” Mile 4 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 Garage, pre-paid meter, ground floor, no pets – N$6720.00
2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3850.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity
Kramersdorf 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 garage, w&e excl – N$ 5600.00
OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl
Flat, Mile 4 Fully furnished, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, floor unit with garden, no pets, w/e excl. - N$ 8960.00
TO RENT Walvis Bay - Narraville: Bachelors flat N$2500.00, W/L Incl. Contact: 081 647 9780 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT
MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2700.00 W/ Incl JABULANI Bachelor flat N$2900.00 W/L Incl KUISEBMOND 2bedrooms bic, bathroom Open-plan kitchen N$3500.00 W/L Excl Avble 1/8/2014 All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com
House, Mile 4 Double storey, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, double garage, indoor bbq, scullery, spacious living, dining, kitchen – N$ 10 080.00 Langstrand Bachelors flats x 4 + 2 bedroom unit, from N$4300.00 – N$ 5000.00 And many more, you are more than welcome to give me a call if you are looking for anything specific!
TE HUUR Kramersdorf Swakopmund: Gemeubileerde bachelors woonstel. Geen motorhuis, maar veilige parkering. Water en ligte ingesluit. N$3000.00p/m. Deposito vereiste. Skakel: 064 402 536 TO RENT: 1x new bachelor flat available in Kuisebmond ASAP. N$ 2 500.00p/m W/E incl. Warm water available and parking area. Contact: 081 451 1391 TO RENT: Secure and cosy town house 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, spacious open plan living dining are with bbq, fitted kitchen, double garages, outside courtyard. N$ 6 500.00 p/m W/E excl. Contact: 01 29 8676 HOUSE TO RENT: Neat and spacious 3 bedroom, B.I.C, huge kitchen, open plan lounge and dining area, foyer, bathroom with shower, separate toilet, laundry, outdoor braai, interlocks, burglar bars, alarm. Garden with shed. Garage. Behind W/Bay High School. N$ 7 200.00 p/m Plus deposit. W/E excl. Contact Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 Emma Nangolo Kamatoto Properties To Let Town - Beautiful 2 bedroom duplex town house, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, kitchen, lounge, garage near schools, shops, offices, central Town Water incl. N$ 6 500.00 Meersig - Spacious outside bedroom with toilet and shower W/E incl. N$ 2 000.00 Kuisebmond - Newly built flat, kitchen, bedroom bathroom W/E incl. N$ 2 600.00 SALE Town - Beautiful 2 bedroom duplex town house in Central Town. N$ 1 250 000.00 Call Emma: 081 122 8067
Swakopmund Tamariskia Apartment 1 Bedr, Living room Kitchen, Bathroom N$ 3300.00 excl w&L 1 August 14 Contact: Charlene 081 365 3843 Ansu 081 242 9198 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Swakopmund Sand en See Ground floor apartment 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen open plan living room Inside braai, Private courtyard, Double remote garage, No Pets No small children N$ 7700.00 excl w&L 1 August 2014 Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Dunen Weg Near CBD 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen open plan living room Balcony, Tandem Garage No Pets, 1 Sept. 2014 N$ 7700.00 excl w&L Contact: Charlene 081 365 3843 Ansu: 081 242 9198 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Swakopmund Silver Sands Myl 4 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Living room, Kitchen, Balcony with braai, single garage N$ 5500.00 excl w&L 1 August 14 Contact: Rhuan 081 333 5594 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Ansu: 081 242 9198 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Santorini 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen open plan living room Double remote garage Courtyard, Single storey 1 October 2014 N$ 6 300.00 p/m Contact: Charlene 081 365 3843 Ansu: 081 242 9198 Swakopmund Mondesa Court 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Living room, Kitchen, Single Garage, Alarm system N$ 4500.00 excl water / Prepaid, 1 August 14 Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund Hage Heights old house 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Kitchen Living room, entertainment room with inside braai. Double garage Laundry room N$ 8500.00 excl w&L 1 August 2014 Contact: Charlene 081 365 3843 Ansu: 081 242 9198 Nadia: 085 562 2111
Swakopmund Hage Heights - Face brick house, 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr. Study, Scullery, Dining, Living room, Outside room with toilet Servant toilet, Double remote garage N$ 8800.00 excl w&L 1 August 2014 Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Rhuan: 081 333 5594 Nadia: 085 562 2111
Swakopmund - Minette court - Center of Town, 2 Bedr, Full Bath-room, Guest toilet, Kitc-hen open plan living room, Single garage N$ 6000.00 excl w&L Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111
18 JULY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL:smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Swakopmund Fully Furnished 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room Double remote garage. Center of town N$ 9900.00 excl w&L Contact: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Rhuan: 081 333 5594
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
FAIRWAY ESTATE Brand new! This sunny home offers 3 bedr, 2 bathr, huge open plan living area, fitted kitchen, BBQ, double r/c garage, alarm and tiled throughout. BARGAIN!!! N$1 590 000 FAIRWAY ESTATE
This stylish 3 bedr house consists of 2 bathr open plan lounge, dining TV room, fitted kitchen, scullery, BBQ, garage parking 4 cars and lovely garden
N$2 150 000
JOEY 0811293293
FOR SALE Fairways: New development! 3 Units Available - The good life awaits you in one of these modern homes, offering 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage only N$1 680 000.00 each. A Must See! Come and see this home that radiates good taste, quiet charm & quality construction for only N$1 900 000.00 Dolphin Beach Listen to the waves roar just outside the door of this beach apartment Lots of windows for sunset views from this 3-storey beauty. It can be yours only N$1 900 000.00 (neg.) Meersig: Lovely & spacious! Own this nicely renovated 3-
bedr house with flat & garages (3 cars) & big yard for children
& pets. N$2 095 000.00
Meersig Ext. 1: Brand new house with full view of the lagoon, situated in a secure neighbourhood. Double storey, 5 bedr. house with modern open plan kitchen lounge and dining room. N$2 600 000.00 Lagoon It’s hard to find such a well built home at such a good price! Large 4-bedroom house with spacious 2-bedr flat and 3 garages. Great neighbourhood, lovely garden
for only N$3 150 000.00
PLEASE PHONE ONE OF OUR AGENTS: Eugene: 081 737 9708 Elmari: 081 250 7176 Cecilia: 081 129 5407 Lydia: 081 241 8980 Office: 064 272580 HOUSE FOR SALE Ocena View Swakop: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Dining room. Inside braai, Newly build. 2 x Garages. Free standing. Close to Ocean View Shopping. N$1.9 mil Lindy: 081 180 0909 FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Property TO RENT in Swakopmund 147m² Available Immediately Contact: 081 412 8868 Suitable for Office Space, Training Centre or Conference Facility
HOUSE FOR SALE Tamariskia Swakopmund: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Dining, TV room. Kithcen. 1 garage. Alarm system. Prepaid electricity. Close to Cottage Hospital. N$995 000.00 Transfer costs not Inclded. Lindy: 081 180 0909 BIG FREE STANDING HOUSE FOR SALE Ocean View Swakop: 7 Bedrooms, 6 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining room, TV room, Bar, Inside braai. Guest Toilet. 7 Garages. 3 floors. Swimming Pool Heated. Alarm inside with beams outside. CC Reg. And a lot more to see. N$5.2 million For more info contact Lindy: 081 180 0909 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com Private sale Swakopmund Brand new house with flat in ext 15, Erf 844m², Total area under roof 334m², Main house with garage 261m² 3 big bedrooms each with en suite bathroom, Braai / entertainment area Guest toilette and toilette for gardener, Open plan living / kitchen Laundry room, Alarm system with beams outside. Flat with single garage 73m², open plan living kitchen area, bedroom 4 x 4 meter, Bathroom Selling for N$ 2,38 milj 081 128 4612 or 081 691 1368
SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW & BEAUTIFUL! Huge 3 bed, 3 bath, Open plan living / kitchen, Indoor BBQ, scullery & 3 GARAGES! N$ 1 850 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 SWAKOPMUND VACANT PLOTS 600m² - N$ 550 000-00 600m² - N$ 580 000-00 600m² - N$ 590 000-00 600m² - N$ 620 000-00 662m² - N$ 760 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 SWAKOPMUND BEGINNERS PERFECTION Neat 2 bed 1 bath Townhouse With 1 bath, open plan kitchen / Living area and garage in Secure complex. N$ 850 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950
SWAKOPMUND Very spacious plots near mile 4 for as low as ± N$635 000 for 734m² Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com EXCELLENT CATTLE/GAME FARM BETWEEN GOBABIS & WINDHOEK WAIVER IN PACE!!!! +- 5087M2 Price: 16,400,000 Please call: Dieter - 0853028813 Daphne - 0811299799
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs namibia.com ERF FOR SALE Kramersdorf 875m² - N$800 000.00 Contact: 081 272 9634 HOUSE FOR SALE – PELICAN VILLAGE 2 Bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, open-plan, Kitchen & lounge, Single Garage Valuation N$880 000, SELLING FOR N$ 800 000.00 Cell: 081 143 6730 or 081 235 3550 ( after 17h)
FOR SALE Sunny 3 bedr family home with 2 bathr, open plan living, comfy kitchen, double garage, large grounds and walking distance to Lagoon. N$ 1 570 000. Phone 081 767 1750
MTN PROPERTIES ARANDIS 3bedrooms bic, bedroom. Lounge, kitchen, Parking area N$380 000.00 2bedrooms , bathroom Open-plan kitchen Plus 2flats each have 2bedrooms Bathroom and open plan kitchen Generate monthly income N$9000.00p/m N$650 000.00 HENTIES BAY 2bedrooms, bathroom Open-plan kitchen N$180 000.00 cash only MAHETAGO 3Bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Dinning room, Lounge, Garage, N$990 000.00 3Bedrooms bic,2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, study room. Garage, & big yard 600sqm N$1.12m Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiapropertie s@yahoo.com
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs namibia.com