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Mass Housing
Walvisbaai inwoner Card sterf eensame dood Cloners arrested Jade McClune
A massive case of fraud and card-cloning was uncovered in Swakopmund on Sunday.
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Ma rk h i s
w o rd s!
Foto Bernabé Blaauw
Two men were taken into custody at Vineta in connection with the fraudulent money-making scheme. Two of the suspects were arrested at Woermann Brock in Vineta, Swakopmund, on Sunday at around 11:00am. Police however, yesterday confirmed that a third suspect was also arrested. The men were noticed by a security guard on duty, who became suspicious about the amounts of money they were withdrawing at a Standard Bank ATM in Mondesa. Page 3 Ondersoekbeamptes verwyder die ligaam van mnr Angello Ferris nadat hy dood in sy woonstel aangetref is The security guard alerted the police and Neighbourhood Watch Bernabé Blaauw members, who then swooped ‘n Bekende in sekuriteitskringe, mnr Angello Ferris (43), is Saterdagoggend dood in sy woonstel down on the alleged fraudsters aangetref nadat vriende en ‘n voormalige kollega verskeie dae tevergeefs probeer het om met hom in when they were apparently about to withdraw more money in verbinding te tree. Vineta. ‘n Voormalige kollega van het dieselfde buurman gesoek toe hy nie sy selfoon ontbied wat opgedaag het Sources close to the action said om die toneel te ondersoek the police found N$45 000 on mnr Ferris, mnr Frikkie iemand gestuur om Ferris te geantwoord het nie. Buys, het Saterdagoggend gaan roep om saam te kom Saterdagoggend het Buys en mnr Ferris se liggaam te the men and another unspecified om ongeveer 11:15 op die eet aangesien hulle steeds ten einde raad na Ferris verwyder. amount in the vehicle. The oorledene afgekom waar oor hom bekommerd was. se woonstel te 105 Theo- Die toestand van die ligaam two had apparently withdrawn Page 11 hy in ‘n sittende posisie Daar was geen reaksie op Ben Gurirab straat, waar en die feit dat die oorlede around N$130 000 between langs sy bed, die lewe die persoon se geklop nie hy alleen gewoon het, gery se selfoon op die bedkassie Saturday and Sunday. en daar is aangeneem dat om te kyk of hy hom nie in voor hom gelê het, het die One source noted that it is gelaat het. die hande kon kry nie. vermoede laat ontstaan dat suspicious that they were able to Mnr Ferris is Dinsdag- hy uit is. oggend laas lewend gesien Die bure het egter nie ver- Toe daar nie reaksie op die dood tussen Dinsdag- withdraw amounts of N$10 000 toe hy deur een van sy bure der onraad vermoed nie sy geklop was nie het hy en Woensdagoggend moes in a single transaction when most ATMs have a lower limit. aangesien die oorledene aan die deurknop gedraai ingetree het aangesien mnr gegroet is. At this stage Police sources Die buurman het aan die tot onlangs by ‘n seku- waarna die deur oopgegaan Buys hom vanaf Woensdag said it was too early in the probeer kontak het. verslaggewer gesê dat riteitsfirma werksaam was het. investigations to be certain hy bekommerd was oor en hulle vermoed het dat ‘n Sterk reuk van ont- ‘n Polisie woordvoerder about the methods the suspected binding het mnr Buys ge- het aangedui dat geen fraudsters used, and did not want mnr Ferris aangesien hy hy dalk skofte werk. nie eintlik gepraat het nie Die voormalige kollega noop om nadere ondersoek gemene spel vermoed word to speculate about how they maar gelyk het asof hy van Ferris, mnr Frikkie in te stel waarna hy op die nie en slegs ‘n lykskouing obtained the cloned cards and the onder geweldige spanning Buys, het ook vanaf oorledene afgekom het. Hy sal kan verklaar waaraan pin numbers.
Sade Paulse
ANOCA games
Page 23
verkeer. Woensdagoggend
Woensdagoggend na hom
het onmiddellik die polisie
mnr Ferris oorlede is.
Continues on page 2
Card Cloners
Continued from page 1
20 MAY 2014
Nuwe paaie vir Erongo beplan Jade McClune
Die algehele pad-en spoornetwerk in die Erongo streek sal oor die komende jare massiewe veranderinge ondergaan. Dit blyk nadat die Ministerie van Werke verlede week in Walvisbaai aangekondig het dat die regering eersdaags sal begin met die opgradering van die pad agter Duin 7. Volgens die adjunkminister van Werke, Kilus Nguvauva, sal daar ‘n brug oor die Swakoprivier gebou moet word om die dubbele
laan roete tussen Walvisbaai en Swakopmund agter Duin 7 te regverdig. Hy het verder genoem dat die B2 pad direk tussen Walvisbaai en Swakopmund ook opgradeer sal word en dat die konstruksie tenders vir die werk in Januarie 2015 al toegestaan sal word. Daar sal ook binnekort besluit
word oor wie die tender kry vir die ontwerp van ‘n nuwe pad tussen Swakopmund, Hentiesbaai en Uis. Die pad agter Duin 7 sal waarskynlik tot groot voordeel wees vir die ontwikkeling van nywerhede en om die druk op die hoofroetes te verlig, veral wanneer die grootskaalse ontwikkeling van
die nuwe hawe, industriële park en Trans-Kalahari Spoorlyn in volle werking begin tree. Dit is ook van belang vir ons lesers dat die Walvisbaai Stadsraad alreeds in die laat sestigerjare ‘n amptelike raadsbesluit geneem het om die B2 roete tussen die hawestad en Swakopmund in ‘n dubbele laan te omskep.
Uncertainty over mass housing
However, it was mentioned that Standard Bank was not the only Jade McClune bank that the suspected Builders were erecting the first wall for a new fraudsters withdrew house on the outskirts of the DRC on Friday. cash from. The police were also It would be the first The company tendered in the at a construction cost of not able to provide brick-house dusty township on the N$5 910 per square more information about the method used by the northeastern edge of metre. Ferusa Capital has published an invitation to fraudsters by yesterday Swakopmund. companies interested in Despite the hype around afternoon, as the building the 600 houses it the mass housing proinvestigations are still at gramme, many low- was contracted to deliver. an early stage. income residents at the It tendered at N$5 651 per The suspects’ names coast are sceptical about square metre for a total were also withheld in whether they will qualify sum of N$173 million, the meantime. They will for homes under the while Delta Group won a appear in the SwakopN$91.6 million contract scheme. mund Magistrate’s Residents are concerned to build a further 400 Court today. that they simply do not houses (N$5 297/m²) for earn enough. The cost low-income families. of the new houses will The total amount bud- Builders at work in the DRC its own Tender Board. range from N$204 000 to geted for Swakopmund months. is close to N$850 million, It is understood that Tired of waiting for N$404 000. the Ministry of Finance solutions to the housing During the first phase but according to reports, of the mass housing pro- the National Housing En- has yet to release any problem, the person funding for the mass living at this erf in the gramme, 3 034 houses for terprise has already run WALVIS BAY OFFICE DRC decided to take low-income households into hurdles in the housing programme. Tel: 064 20 5854 are expected to be built implementation of the The release of the funds matters into their own Fax: 064 20 4813 in Swakopmund over the plan, given that the apparently stalled, be- hands. E-mail: wvb@namibtimes.net funds have not been cause the government’s Workers, who did not next two years. One company, Power released from Central procurement and tender want to be named, said ADVERTISING Oyeno, was awarded a Government and NHE regulations were not they were contracted to desiree@namibtimes.net tender worth more than has been forced to pay the followed when NHE was build the house by the CLASSIFIEDS N$583 million to build 2 contractors from its own commissioned to fast- person living at the erf. marysia@namibtimes.net reserves over the past two track the process through Asked whether the build034 houses. MARKETING / SALES
Second-hand reports suggested that one of the methods used to get the pin numbers was a phone camera positioned just right to capture customers’ data. The men, one of whom is a resident of Swakopmund and the other from Walvis Bay, were driving a vehicle with Walvis Bay registration, when they were taken into custody. Standard Bank was not prepared to comment on the matter yesterday and referred all questions to the police.
Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 lolla@namibtimes.net
Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net/marketing.namibtimes@iway.na
Madelaine Laubscher 081 602 2918 madelaine@namibtimes.net
Piquet Jacobs 081 370 6992 piquetjacobs@hotmail.com
Mavourlene Gaes 081 448 8275 mavourlene@namibtimes.net Dorcas Mhungu 081 409 8414 dorcas@namibtimes.net
Otis Finck 081 299 1211 sport@namibtimes.net
SWAKOPMUND OFFICE Tel: 064 461866 Fax: 064 461824 ADVERTISING
Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 - jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 - marketing.namibtimes@iway.na
Marshallino Beukes 081 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net
Anri Jacobs 081 892 9893 anrinamibtimes@gmail.com
Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 Moya Davids 064 20 5854
ing plan was approved by the municipality, people in the area said it was only a temporary measure, because winter is setting in and would stand only until a longterm solution can be found to the housing problem. The industrious owner could not be reached for comment.
Pensioenarisse moet herregistreer, Erongo Red Marshallino Beukes
Die plaaslike elektrisiteits-verskaffer, Erongo Red, is besig met die herregistrasie van senior burgers, ten einde te verseker dat die regte persone baat vind by laer tariewe wat spesifiek vir pensioenarisse daargestel is. Volgens die woordvoerder van Erongo Red, mnr Benjamin Nangombe, is hierdie stelsel alreeds twee jaar gelede in werking gestel, met die uitsluitlike doel om bedrog te bekamp. Hy het verduidelik dat
senior burgers dalk in die tussentyd byvoorbeeld tot sterwe kon kom, of verhuis het en dat persone, wat nie veronderstel is om baat te vind by spesiale tariewe nie, dit mag misbruik. Pensioenarisse kan by enige Erongo Red
kantoor aansoek doen vir herregistrasie en volgens Nangombe beplan hulle om gedurende Junie ‘n “Road Show” van stapel te stuur, waartydens vergaderings met gemeenskappe organiseer gaan word en herregi-
strasie kan ook hiertydens gedoen word. Hy raai pensioenarisse egter aan om die herregistrasie af te handel voordat die verhoogde elektrisiteitstariewe op 1 Julie 2014 in werking tree. Senior burgers betaal tans
N$1.20 per eenheid, vir die eerste 250 eenhede en N$1.35 vir die volgende 500 eenhede. Huidiglik dok nie-pensioenarisse N$1.54 vir die eerste 250 eenhede op en N$1.82 vir die volgende 500 eenhede.
Shacks destroyed by fire in Kuisebmond Madelaine Laubscher & Piquet Jacobs
Shacks were razed to the ground by a fire that started in one of the shacks in Oshivelo Street, Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay around 17:00 on Sunday evening. there just after 17:00. 17:10 by the members of Deputy chief of the Fire public that whenever there shacks were destroyed. Brigade, Mr Denis Basson is a fire they must call the According to the residents By that time the flames the Fire Brigade. said the fire started in one Fire Brigade and refrain they lost everything in were extinguished and I have photographic of the shacks and five from attempting to put out the fire. “We lost all our members of the Fire proof that the fire was shacks were destroyed in the fire themselves. household equipment, Brigade were just making extinguished by us and We have professional all our clothes and sure that no further fires not by the residents of the the inferno. shacks that burnt down. He said residents tried people to do that as well furniture and important can erupt. to extinguish the fire but as the correct equipment.” documents,” a resident Asked to comment on the Whenever we receive a residents’ allegations, Mr call we go to the scene after realising that the Yesterday, when another mourned. flames were getting out namib times crew visited “We had to extinguish the Willie Van Zyl from the without any delay,” Van of control, they called the the scene of the fire, the fire ourselves as the Fire Walvis Bay Fire Brigade Zyl said yesterday. Fire Brigade after 17:00 owners of the shacks Brigade only showed up refuted the allegations Shack fires are common in Kuisebmond and and a team rushed to the blamed the Fire Brigade four hours later after we against them. “A shack takes more or people have lost lives in scene immediately. for taking too long to called them. Nobody was injured or attend to the fire, claiming We killed the flames with less three minutes to burn previous incidents. situation is died and according to if it had responded in time, sand and water,” a resident down to the ground, not The by the hours as it is alleged. We aggravated Mr Basson the shacks some of their assets would alleged. However, the namib received a phone call at closeness of the shacks were not occupied at the have been saved. time the fire broke out. They further alleged times reporter, who first exactly 16:15 and a truck to each other and risks of He added that the cause that by the time the Fire attended the fire incident was sent out to the scene fire are heightened by the multiple electricity cables of the fire could not be Brigade arrived, the on Sunday evening, saw right away. flames were connected to the shacks determined. residents had put out the the Fire Brigade team at The “I just want to warn the fire themselves and 11 work when she arrived extinguished at around from the main houses.
20 MAY 2014
Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire is transporting two tanks from Walvis Bay to Tsumeb on behalf of Manica Group Namibia for their client Autotec. The largest of the two tanks is 7.9m high, 8.5m wide and the total combination length of the 300Ton Goldhofer Modular Trailer is 34.124m. The tanks are to be installed at the Acid Plant currently being erected at the Dundee Precious Metal's Tsumeb Mine. Photo Contributed
Anri Jacobs A workshop was held from 12 to 14 May in Usakos under the theme, “My rights as a woman and Namibian citizen! Gender and Human Rights awareness-raising for Namibian citizens”. The project will be implemented over a period of three years. political office in Namibia and 420 decision makers, at local, regional or national level. The activity will also focus on the enhancement of the participation process regarding women and politics. Besides focusing on the state structures and responsibilities of the institutions, the women will learn about their political rights and the electoral process. They will become familiar with the opportunities they have to engage in politics, and the rules and regulations of the electoral laws. The project will help to contribute to a gender sensitive Namibian society, where human rights are protected and women enjoy equal opportunities without fear of discrimination, marginalisation or harassment. The project is also aiming at encouraging
Marc his words!
One of South Africa's top comedians, Marck Lottering, is set to vow coastal residents with his brand new one-man show, “This is Captain Lottering Speaking”.
Women's Action for Development in Usakos
The main objective is to contribute to a gender sensitive Namibian society where human rights are protected and women enjoy equal opportunities without fear of discrimination or harassment. The delegation of the European Union to Namibia approved extensive funding towards the project. The workshop focuses mainly on the fact that the prejudiced perception still exists, 24 years after independence, that men in general are more advanced than women in terms of academic achievement, knowledge of their rights and knowledge of the functioning of State mechanisms. Activity 6 and 7 of this project will be training workshops that will be conducted over a period of five months aimed to reach 1 950 women aspiring to run for
women to claim their rights and to report the violation of these rights. This applies to their rights as being equal to men with regard to political rights and their social environment has to acknowledge their rights, to observe and to protect them. The target groups include women and men, traditional authorities, community based organisations, journalists, teachers, law enforcement agencies, constituency councillors, spiritual leaders and magistrates. A wide scope of topics regarding the Namibian Constitution will be covered in the workshop and some of these include the three organs of the State, how laws are made, fundamental human rights and freedoms, Bill of Rights, principals of state policy, administration of justice among them. The gender related laws that will be covered
include gender and related concepts, gender and culture, gender and marriage, gender and rape, combating of Rape Act of 2000 and many more relevant topics. A training workshop targeting political decision makers will be run to mitigate constraints faced by women that include social environment and their political activism and their political party structures that do not allow them to be as successful. This workshop will address the issue of women's representation in Namibian politics and will focus on Members of Parliament, Government representatives and cadres of political parties.
All the usual suspects including Aunty Merle, the housewife Galatia Geduldt, Smiley the taxi dude and Colleen the cashier from hell will take turns to entertain Walvis Bay at the Town hall on 21 and 22 May in a show billed not suitable for children. This time everyone's going to the airport and the audience should make sure that their seatbelts are fastened for the trip for Aunty Merle with her very strong opinions on airline food while Galatia is thrilled to be flying to Johannesburg to work on her album, finally. Aunty Merle is a housewife from Belgravia Road in Athlone. She was one of Marc's first characters and has become a firm favourite with Lottering fans. Her husband is Dennis the plumber and, as she puts it, were it not for Dennis “her drain would have still been blocked”. Smiley is a “taxi gaartjie” from Cape Town. He collects the fares on the taxi. He's streetwise and never at a loss for words, particularly when he sets his eyes on young pretty travellers. He has often been heard to
say: “if you get on my taxi, jy sallie relaxie, 'cos why I'm the gaartjie that makes you feel sexy”. Galatia Geduldt is determined to be the next Mariah Carey. And she will stop at nothing to realise her dream. She's
Marck Lottering tried her hand at Idols, but they told her that while she has the right look, her singing voice is not up to scratch. But this will not deter her. She'll try again. In the meanwhile, she's a dancer at Mavericks. Pastor Brandon heads up the large “warehouse church”. Along with his gorgeous wife Lorraine and their twin boys, Jonah
and Noah, he has no qualms about being seen around town driving his SLK. He sighs when he sees the poor. As he puts it, the poor, for him, is always a great reminder from God as to what can go horribly wrong. Colleen is the cashier from hell! She's been a permanent casual for nine years. Her till is her throne. She hates customers who never have small change, and one would be forgiven for thinking that she's on a “go slow”. Lottering hails from Cape Town and he has been in the funny business for 15 years and continues to keep audiences in stitches across the country. He has extensive experience in both Television and Theatre. When Marc is not performing locally, he also entertains homesick South Africans abroad. Lottering has written no fewer than fifteen oneman hit shows for the stage. He has been the recipient of several prestigious awards along the way, and continues to play to packed houses all over South Africa.
20 MAY 2014
Walvis Bay Remax staff member donating blood
Calling on companies to donate blood Madelaine Laubscher
The Blood Transfusion Service of Namibia (NAMBTS) is calling on the corporate companies to donate blood and in the coast, Remax Coastal is one of the companies that has already dedicated itself to heed this call. A spokesperson at Remax Coastal said that nine of their staff members donated blood last week Tuesday and that more donations will be done. “We decided that we wanted to take up this challenge as it is a great way to help save a life and to become a regular blood donor. So far, nine people donated blood in Walvis Bay last week and we are expecting five more people from our Swakopmund office to also donate blood. We are also expecting the Brazilian Navy to join us in donating blood. We all think that it is the right thing to do and to help save someone’s life,” she said. The newspaper spoke to the Donor recruiter at NAMBTS, Mrs Magreth Mate who said, “We are running this competition between corporate companies to boost our
blood stock. We need to get a lot of people donating, thus we decided to invite companies. A lot of companies have donated so far and a winner is chosen every month,” she said. The organisation is appealing to Namibian companies to help them reach their monthly target of 20 000 litres of blood. The top company donor is awarded a trophy at the end of the month. “Donate today and take pride in the fact that you are saving lives. Every company must ensure that only the company’s employees that successfully donated blood are counted for the challenge. This will avoid unnecessary delays. To be eligible for the monthly trophy, companies must post a picture of their staff donating blood, with the amount of litres
they donated to our Facebook page,” she said. NAMBTS has three fixed site donation clinics. Besides these fixed site clinics, they also operate mobile clinics at various locations throughout Namibia. “We host approximately 80 mobile clinics per month, which include schools, corporate organisations as well as shopping centres. Through these mobile clinics we make it much more convenient, not only for our working community but for our school children as well as members of the local communities to be able to donate blood. We urge all corporate companies to join in on the challenge. Donate blood, donate life,” she concluded. For further information they can contacted at clinicplanner@bts. com.na
Shop Owner refuses to refund faulty cell phone buyer Madelaine Laubscher
On Saturday, a resident purchased a mobile phone from a wellknown cellular phone business in Walvis Bay. Mr Nico Adams discovered that battery of the phone was faulty and swollen and he took it back to the owner of the business who blamed the customer and refused to take it back.
15 May 2014 • Andreas Andreas (34) and Daniel Ashilulu (29) appeared before magistrate Andre Matulich facing charges of malicious damage to property. They were found not guilty. • Betheul Aron (35) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and sentenced to him to 20 months imprisonment. • Kweenda Abraham (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 9 June 2014. The accused is on bail. • Iipinge Geas Sakeus (25) appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine and possession of cocaine. The case was postponed to 14 July 2014. The accused is on bail. • Joey Jon (38) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 4 June 2014. The accused is out on bail. • Abisai Indongo (30) and Andreas Shangula (33) appeared on charges of theft. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014 and the accused is in custody. • Joseph Nashongo (35) ap peared on a charge of trespassing. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and fined him N$500. • Eliaser Iipinge (32) was absent at his hearing on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The accused is at large. • Onesmus Shilongo (25) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 21 May 2014. The accused is out on bail. • Ice Dickson (25) was absent at his
• •
hearing on a charge of theft. The accused is at large. William Scholtz (40) appeared on a charge of rape. The case was postponed to 11 August 2014. The accused is on bail. Timoteus Alweendo (21) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced him to 30 days imprisonment or N$500. Paulus Shekeya (25) appeared on a charge of robbery. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. Xaweb Teddy (28) appeared on a charge of assault by threat. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced him to 30 days imprisonment or N$200. Henock Nathipite (24) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced him to 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500.
16 May 2014 • Leeroy Daniels (25) appeared on charges of robbery and assault. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014. The accused is in custody. • Arthur George Pallais (33) appeared on a charge of failure to pay maintenance. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. • Paulus Shipanga (19) ap-peared on a charge of theft out of a motor vehicle. The case was postponed to 12 June 2014. The accused is on bail. • Joseph Nashongo (35), Wilson Malawi Gowaseb (27) and Petrus Andreas Ashimbamba (30) appeared on charges of theft. The case was postponed to 4 June 2014. The accused are in custody.
Faulty cell phone sold to customer Dorcas
He alleges that the shop owner sold him a faulty mobile phone that he refused to replace or give a refund and the shop owner does not want to take responsibility. “I am very upset. I bought a mobile phone and I put it on charge immediately for five hours. Afterwards I discovered that the battery had swollen inside the phone. I wanted to return the phone immediately, but when I got to the shop it was closed. On Monday the man who sold me the phone replaced the battery. I charged the phone again with the new battery, and when I charged it the battery swelled again and I returned the phone once again. The battery was replaced but the shop owner then showed me a crack on the phone. I told him that it was due to the pressure of the swollen battery, but he blamed me for dropping the phone and that I must pay for the screen.” Asked to comment on the alleged raw deal, the shop owner who chose to remain anonymous said, “I am more than willing to go to the police with this issue as I know I am right and any one with common sense would also see that I am right. Mr Adams paid N$550 for the phone. The battery was swollen and we replaced the battery without any problem. When
the battery was swollen the first time around, the phone’s screen was fine. We replaced the battery with a new one. Mr Adams returned to me again when the second battery was also swollen and I said I would replace it once more.” “However, when I switched on the phone to test the new battery I saw that the screen was now cracked. The battery swelling cannot cause the screen to crack as only the back side of the phone was pressurised. It is impossible that it would crack the screen. I told Mr Adams that if he would pay for the screen, I would gladly give him a new phone, but he refused my offer. I cannot take responsibility for a phone that did not break at my business. It is clearly stated on the receipt as well that there is no guarantee for physical damage L.C.D and broken stuff and Mr Adams signed the receipt,” the business owner said. Mr Adams in response said, “The owner of the business is trying to make me look like a liar who I am not. The screen cracked because the battery was swollen. I will not pay for a screen I did not break, I never used the phone I only put it on charge. I will see what happens from here onwards and decide if I will take further steps.”
Your child deserves a chance to live a full
• Baby dumping can kill your baby • You will be arrested • Phone us, your baby can be adopted
0 8 1
2 2 1
8 0 8 1
20 MAY 2014
Coastal High School receives N$15 000 Marshallino Beukes
Okanona Child Care Project donated an amount of N$15 000 to Coastal High School in Swakopmund and this money will be used to provide learners with nutritious meals, headmaster Calvin Martin said yesterday morning. At this occasion the school also received stationery and other equipment, which was handed over by Ms Lalie Grobler, manager of Waltons, Swakopmund. According to Mr Martin the school last year participated in a National art competition, orchestrated by Waltons Namibia. Ms Grobler said that their (Waltons') suppliers sponsored the
equipment, in recognition of Coastal High School being the Calendar School for last month. The school's artwork, which was entered for the art competition, featured on the Walton's calendar for April this year. Coastal High School, as well as the learners who competed in this National competition, were rewarded with cash prizes.
Ms Lalie Groenewaldt mnager of Waltons, principal Mr Martin and the competition winners from Coastal High School
20 MAY 2014
ABUZZ: The Port of Walvis Bay.
Picture courtesy of EBH Namibia
Sea routes the most common means of international trade
Sea transport accounted for 47.5% of total exports in March 2014, an increase from 43.4% in February and up from 45.4% recorded in the same month of the preceding year. Namibia’s total exports, down from 44.4% in the previous month and from 31.7% in the same month in 2013. The value of exports via road grew by 1.6% as exporter’s demand for the use of road reached N$1.6 billion compared to N$1.5 billion a month earlier, when compared to a year earlier, the increase was by 31.7%. Air transport accounted for 13.5% of total export earnings during the period under review; this is an increase from 12.1% in the previous month, but slid from 22.7% when compared with the same month a year earlier. Source National Statistics Agency
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Main Source of Imports - Source NSA
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Port Log
east (95º) at 00:22 and will set in the west (267º) at 13:01. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 03:00 and the next low tide at 15:20. The first high tide will be at 09:25 and the next high tide at 22:00. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:32 and sunset will be at 17:26 on Friday, 23 May of 2014. The moon will rise in the east (91º) at 01:21 and will set in the west (272º) at 13:43. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 04:25 and the next low tide at 16:40. The first high tide will be at 10:45 and the next high tide at 23:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:31 and sunset will be at 17:26 on Friday, 23 May 2014. The moon will rise in the east (91º) at 01:21 and will set in the west (272º) at 13:43. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 04:20 and the next low tide at 16:30. The first high tide will be at 10:45 and the next high tide at 23:10.
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 01:45 and the next low tide at 14:05. The first high tide will be at 08:00 and the next high tide at 20:45. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:30 and sunset will be at 17:27 on Wednesday, 21 May of 2014. The moonset will take place at 262º west at 12:17. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 01:35 and the next low tide at 13:55. The first high tide will be at 08:00 and the next high tide at 20:40. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:31 and sunset will be at 17:26 on Thursday, 22 May of 2014. The moon will rise in the east (95º) at 00:21 and will set in the west (267º) at 13:01. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 03:10 and the next low tide at 15:25. The first high tide will be at 09:25 and the next high tide at 22:00. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:31 and sunset will be at 17:27 on Thursday, 22 May 2014. The moon will rise in the
Imports by mode of Transport Source NSA
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?
Exports by mode of Transport Source NSA
Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:30 and sunset will be at 17:27 today. The moonset will take place at 11:32 at 258º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (100º) at 23:22. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 00:25 and the next low tide at 12:45. The first high tide will be at 06:50 and the next high tide at 19:30. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:30 and sunset will be at 17:27 today. The moonset will take place at 11:32 at 258º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (100º) at 23:23. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 00:20 and the next low tide at 12:40. The first high tide will be at 06:45 and the next high tide at 19:25. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:31 and sunset will be at 17:26 on Wednesday, 21 May of 2014. The moonset will take place at 262º west at 12:18. In the high tide and
The overall value of exports via sea transport advanced 27.7% to N$1.9 billion compared to N$1.5 billion a month earlier. When compared to the same period of last year, there was a 10.2% decline from N$2.1 billion. Road transport accounted for 38.6% of Namibia’s total exports, down from 44.4% in the previous month and from 31.7% in the same month in 2013. The value of exports via road grew by 1.6% as exporter’s demand for the use of road reached N$1.6 billion compared to N$1.5 billion a month earlier, when compared to a year earlier, the increase was by 31.7%. Air transport accounted for 13.5% of total export earnings during the period under review; this is an increase from 12.1% in the previous month, but slid from 22.7% when compared with the same month a year earlier. Sea transport accounted for 47.5% of total exports in March 2014, an increase from 43.4% one month earlier and from 45.4% recorded in the same month of the preceding year. The overall value of exports via sea transport advanced 27.7% to N$1.9 billion compared to N$1.5 billion a month earlier. When compared to the same period of last year, there was a 10.2% decline from N$2.1 billion. Road transport accounted for 38.6% of
Obtaining Fishing
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
20 MAY 2014
20 MAY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.
letters the to
or edit
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.
Kids and their quad bikes! Parents, please take responsibility for your children when it comes to quad bikes. My mother was nearly in a big accident due to a 13 year old recklessly pulling onto the road in front of her from the golf course so that she had to slam on brakes
with a massive truck behind her. Such nonsense should not be allowed, someone was nearly killed! Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze
namib times reader’s comments
Five shacks destroyed by fire in Kuisebmond Five shacks were razed down by a fire that started in one of the shacks at NHE House no 4810 in Oshivelo Street, Kuisebmond in Walvis Bay around 17:00 on Sunday.
RDP’s main objective is to take power from the ruling SWAPO Party
The Rally for Democracy and Progress wishes to inform the DTA leadership and other likeminded political parties that RDP was formed on the basis of true democracy, the rule of law and justice for all. It was formed to rescue the Namibian people from the claws of a failing government, led by the SWAPO Party, which has lost a vision. In the course of its existence, the RDP has realized the importance of working together with other opposition parties to strengthen its caliber in taking over the government. Our intention is not to remain the official opposition Party. It is regrettable that at a time when opposition Parties are expected to work together and face the SWAPO ruling Party that is messing up our country, the DTA has chosen to fight us, what an unfortunate situation? But, the RDP is not surprised because we know the background of the DTA. DTA was formed by the then South African colonial apartheid regime with the sole aim to deceive; betray and delay the Namibian independence. It was an open secret that the DTA was an instrument of suppression and oppression. This is a historical fact that thousands of Namibians have suffered and some have lost their lives at the hands of this Party, the DTA. That is why during its
tenure as a caretaker government on behalf of the apartheid South African regime, the DTA could not bring meaningful change in the lives of the Namibian people because it was never its aims and objectives. It seems, the DTA is stuck on their old philosophy of fighting against progressive forces, RDP, who are fighting for justice. The RDP, whose leadership is a composite of many youthful and visionary leaders and will never allow itself to be derailed from its political objective of bringing meaningful change to the Namibian people. No matter how long it will take, RDP has vowed to commit itself to its mission and vision to a just course. The RDP is happy and proud that since its formation it has never lost a credible person to DTA and we are sure we will never lose one. Jeremiah Nambinga RDP secretary of Information and Publicity
The law must apply to all The namib times has been alerted about a business owner in Swakopmund’s industrial area whose truck is obstructing other road users in Filip Street. A concerned resident said the truck owner parks his trucks in the street and he does repair work on the trucks by the roadside and sometimes even obstructs the traffic. The business owner was allegedly issued with a ticket in the past but after paying a fine he has left the trucks parked outside and continues with business as usual.
The resident said it appears the law enforcers are doing nothing about the business owner and questions the seemingly preferential treatment accorded the operator and questions why nothing is being done to punish this truck owner and yet other truck owners pay thousands of dollars each month for parking their trucks illegally.
If not now then when? I am a resident of Swakopmund. My question is when our municipality going to provide toilets to DRC resettlement and affordable houses?
We are voting every time for our leaders but they are just there for their own benefit. We are tired now and fed up. Ruben Swakopmund
Tate Gwa Junior Ja u said the land belong 2 municipality mos, so we wil continue lost our families in the fire cos of u guys don’t wanna gv land. Elizabeth Shigwedha Allocate land and make houses
affordable olny the solutions otherwise our families the (have nots) will continue to gut into this disgusting n evil fires... too sad. Rita Sowden Ai so jammer vir die mense.
Drivers please be cautious when you
approach the Narraville off ramp Rodrieck Geraldine Snyders Drinking and Driving? Michelle Scheffers Plz b so kind nd slap the idiot 4 me... Nolene Winborn OMW!!! Claudia Regueira Very dangerous. Jaco Snyders Driver is missing.
Minister angry about HIV+ women who refuse ARV treatment The Minister of Health and Social Services says he is deeply concerned about pregnant women who are HIV-positive and yet refuse antiretroviral (ARV) treatment that may help prevent the transmission of the virus from mother to child. Jundo Bonifasius This is very bad, most especially to the pregnant women. If they keep on refusing then they will end up transfering the virus to thier babies. Even to find out that there is a higher rate of HIV + among the age of 15. Please people HIV is not a death
sentence even though its uncurable, but its managable lets start taking our treatments. Meriam Kari-has More educational programs i guess. Kristofina Ndapandula Very shocking.
A view of the Namib Desert through the clouds From David Attenborough's Africa series on UKTV. Gray Cull And of course, there was the breath-taking site of the pink Flamingos in the Walvis bay lagoon flowing into the sea. I will always remember the dense fog in Walvis Bay when the cold Benguela sea current met the hot desert sands. You couldn't see more than a metre in front of you. The Namib coastline is so spectacular because when standing on the beach; on one side you have unlimited ocean and the other
side, unlimited sand dunes. And man it was fun tobogganing down Dune 7 on a piece of Masonite board !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karin Van Dongen Spectacular. Jane Buhren Breathtaking. Waltraud Mouton Stunning. Keneza Kayange It's beautiful... Jolize Gous Absolutely stunning. Regina Graf-Koopman Cool!!! I love it!! Hester Burger Beautiful Kerstin Maleika Strothmann
Wohoo david Attenborough in Namibia! Can’t wait to watch it.
Road blocked! Erna Loch I need to know why the road block between Walvis Bay and Dolphin is removed every time after a long weekend... Why can’t this be a permanent site for our police and traffic officers? We as tax payers have the right to protection, 50% of our road users between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund do not have a valid license or car insurance. With this to be a permanent site to control our road users, it will
reduce accidents, overloading cars and buses. This road between Walvis Bay to Swakopmund is a death road, I have seen over the past months so many accidents happen... This is not for me money or manpower wasted but a service to the community of Walvis Bay. Japie de Jager In other words, it's a waste of money and manpower at the coast? Why then permanent at Windhoek
boundaries? Denise Van Bergen No, it would definitely NOT be a waste of money and manpower. But those responsible for budgeting and deployment and so on, apparently think it is, and spend our money and manpower on various other things. I'm not sure, but I think that this is something that our Regional Govt. office should be paying attention to.
20 MAY 2014
20 MAY 2014
20 MAY 2014
Sade Paulse
Anri Jacobs
Sade Paulse was born and raised in the beautiful coastal town of Swakopmund. This talented 25-year old has a passion for music like no one else, it is completely and entirely who she is and what she stands for. She said her love for music developed at the early age of eight. “My love, more like my passion, my craze, my “vu-le-vu” for music started way back when I was very young. I was so fascinated by music that I started singing in a choir at that young age. When I was a little older, at the age of 11, I was asked to join the Mascato Coastal Youth Choir, under the leadership of Mrs Ena Venter. I think once you’re into it, it never really leaves you.” Sade shared that the person who inspired her to start singing is her grandmother. Her grandmother used to sing in a choir and taught Sade songs since she was very small. Her grandmother used to sing to her as well as to Sade’s mother. The people who have an influence in Sade’s life are her grandmother, her music teacher Mrs Wilna Liebenberg and her choir leader, Mrs Ena Venter. Artists that she has come to really learn the passion of vocals and music from are people like Lize Ehlers who has also come to be her friend. Sade was inspired by the way she takes simplicity and creates magnificence out of it through her music. She added, “People like the gorgeous Shishani Vranx who is not only my friend, but definitely someone who sings songs I meditate on. Another Namibian artist that truly inspires me is the joker, yet magnificent
Lownan Nangome, better known as Wambuseun. We used to be at school together a few moons ago.” Sade says she really looks up to him for making it happen for her and for music. Sade is not only an amazing singer but enjoys herself on stage and has an amazing stage presence. She described her style of singing mostly as soul/ ballad. She said that she is in touch with music and lyrics that stir feelings and have entertainment value. She added that she is a flirt on stage and said there is a spark that ignites inside an artist when on stage, that makes the performer shine a little more. We asked her what it is about singing that she loves most and in response said that it is the way people sing along when they know the song, or the way people appreciate her music. Sade loves entertaining people. She said it resembles a love affair. “Honestly I love the way my voice sounds. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be singing. I think God has given me a blessing and I absolutely love it! I also
feel that people should appreciate themselves a little more, you are your own happiness.” Sade has staged various amazing performing opportunities. She also performed alongside Lize at the Zahara concert in Windhoek. She also performed as a curtain raiser at the well-known singing competition “South African Idols.” Last year she took part in “Trustco’s Star Performer” talent competition, and this year for the first time the talented Sade Paulse will also be taking part in the upcoming competition, Afri-Visi. She said she loves the Afrikaans language and loves being able to express herself in her own language. “I am so happy to be able to have the chance to learn more about writing and I am very excited to take on this challenge.” When asked where she sees herself in five years, she said she will get married to the love of her life, be successful in her job and by then will have a kid or two. Apart from these aspirations, the next
assignment concerning her career is definitely the KykNet, Afri-Visie project. With her music, Sade sends messages of confidence, elegance and power. “To give people the ability to understand that power, only you can make it happen with God leading the way. You can touch people in ways you can never even imagine. In her concluding remarks and words of encouragement she said, “Do not be afraid, be proud of yourself; don’t be ashamed to blow your own horn for once in your life, because you can. You have been created for a purpose and you need to fulfil it before it’s too late. Choose the people you surround yourself with very carefully, they are the ones who celebrate your success with you.” Favourite food: Anything with Avo, cheese and olives. Favourite local artists: Gal level, Wambuseun, Lize Ehlers, SHISHANI. Celebrity crush: L o l , no one!! I’m too in love . Most annoying song in your head: Money on my mind – Sam Smith.
WALVIS BAY • Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 31 Mei: Vlooimark (Flea market) aangebied deur Gereforrmeerde Kerk, Walvisbaai, M.O.T.H. parkeerterrein regoor Woermann & Brock • 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. • 6 June: Round Table Winter Knights project. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre- Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 14 June: Bank Windhoek 4x4 Vasbyt at Dune 7. • 20 June: Safari dance - Namib Desert 4x4 Club. • 25 & 26 June: Desert Hearts Revue presented by Walvis Bay Private High School. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship Forever Faithfull. • 28 June: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring Rynse Kerk om 09:00.
• 1 July: NPS - Official opening “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre - Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 2 Aug, Saterday: St’ Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. • 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.
SWAKOPMUND • Bridge: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477
4499, E-mail: swakoptm@gmail.com. • Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • Up to 8 June: Group - Exhibition at Woermann-haus - Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil & acryl paintings under the title: “Colours - Celebrating Life.” The opening introduction will be held by Ms Christiane Berkrer at 3 May, 17:00.
ART EXHIBITIONS • Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month
09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country-Our people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.
Walvis Bay
20 MAY 2014
Swakopmund swimming pool pulling it through Marshallino Beukes
deposits are creating
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” This seems to be excess weight on the the case at the public swimming pool in Swakopmund (Water Perspex sheets, causing them to bend and the Cube). Recent media reports indicated that this public facility has a leaking roof which is causing a challenge to keep the swimming pool's water in the right condition. The owner of the swimming pool, Mrs Charmaine Smit, confirmed
that the roof is defective. “The roof structure of the Water Cube was not properly designed, causing the roof to leak, during the rainy season.” She further noted that no skywalk was built on top of the roof, making it impossible to
get access to clean the roof and rid it from sand and dust, blowing in from the desert. She said the sand and dust accumulate onto the mid-section of the roof, turning it into a mass of mud caused by the fog and rain. The sand
mud and water drip into the pool. Mrs Smit further explained that the mud contains iron and mica from the desert sand which have an adverse effect on the chemical composition of the pool water. The Water Cube experienced many obstacles
from the onset, including the extremely high running costs of the diesel burners, for heating the pool and providing warm water to the gym's bathrooms. Furthermore, incorrect lines were painted on the bottom of the pool and high pool chemical costs almost caused management not to pull through with the project. “It was definitely not plain sai-
ling to get things going, but with a lot of patience we managed to pull through the difficult times,” Mrs Smit stated. She added that the three major expenses are high chemical costs, diesel consumption and electricity. She is currently in the process of negotiating with the Trustees to find ways and means to reduce the running cost, which include the
proper sealing of the roof, as well as the erection of a sky-walk. Mrs Smit told the namib times that Old Mutual has approved sponsorship of the pool's starting blocks, lane dividers and an electronic time keeping system and she expressed hope that this equipment will be received in time for the pool's first gala event, at the end of June.
20 MAY 2014
‘RACE’ The Bank Windhoek Arts Festival and the National Theatre of Namibia (NTN) presents a play, ‘RACE’, the story of three attorneys, two blacks and one white, who contemplate whether to defend a white man charged with a crime against a black woman. ‘RACE’ will be performed at the NTN in Windhoek, on 27, 28 and 29 May at 19:30. David Mamet, one of the leading dramatists in the USA, is known to Namibians. In the early and late 1990’s, Unam’s Drama Department staged two of his earlier plays, namely DUCK VARIATIONS with Aldo Behrens and Danie Strydom and OLLEANA with Freddy Philander and Amanda Singhelwa. Other plays by Mamet included GLENN GARRY GLEN ROSS, SPEED THE PLOW, THE CRYPTOGRAM and many more. RACE premiered on Broadway on 6 December 2009, with James Spader as advocate Jack Lawson. Other well-known American actors who played in it were David Alan Grier, Kerry Washington and Richard Thomas. The Namibian cast consists of arguably the top actors in Namibia. They are Yanna Smith, David Ndjavera, Senga Brockeroff and Morne Botha. The play is directed by Aldo Behrens and Joseph Keamogetsi Molapong. Charles Strickland (white, mid 40s) a prominent businessman, has been charged with rape.
The woman accusing him is black; the lawyers realise that the case will be all the more difficult because race will be the dominant factor throughout the trial. The men expect Susan, a new attorney with the firm (black, early 20's) to help determine whether or not they should accept Strickland as their client, but Susan has other plans in mind. Her peers, advocates Jacky Lawson (white, mid 40’s) and Henry Brown (black, mid 40’s) had their work cut out to steer through the legal maces of the processes of law. “A white jury might assess a judgment of innocence as TREASON, and a dominant black jury could easily assess an innocent judgment as RACISM - a dilemma Mamet handles with eye-opening clarity,” said Aldo Behrens, Consultant of the Bank Windhoek Arts Festival (BWAF) and Director of RACE. In a time where the Oscar Pistorius case receives international exposure, RACE, a Court Drama, could surely fill in some gaps. Tickets are available at Computicket.
The RACE Cast
20 MAY 2014
REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From: Single Residential To: General Residential 1 ON ERF NO: 1015 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 66 TheoBen Gurirab Street In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Medium to High Density Residential Development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning first floor, room 101, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Tuesday, 10 June 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Bruce Stewart Town Planner, P. O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay (081 170 0960)
20 MAY 2014 Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4
TODAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4 09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Boerekos S1 10:00 Safari 4x4 Roetes S7 10:30 Groen Reis S1 11:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3
11:30 BVP 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 14:30 Fiesta S13 15:00 Proesstraat S3 15:30 Superrugby 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Thomas @ S1 18:00 Villa Rosa S9 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Sterlopers S1 20:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 21:00 Wie le Waar S2 21:30 Impresario 22:00 Woef en Kie S3 22:30 Villa Rosa S9 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Dagbreek Bestes S3 00:30 Leef jou Reis S2 01:00 Proesstraat S3 01:30 La't Wiel S14 02:00 BVP
09:00 Villa Rosa S9 09:30 Fiesta S13 10:00 Superrugby 11:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1 11:30 Boerekos S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 14:00 Wie le Waar S2 14:30 Impresario S1 15:00 Groen Reis S1 15:30 Sterlopers S1
16:00 Thomas @ S1 16:30 Hoor Hoor S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Woef en Kie S3 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Kwêla S16 20:30 Groen Reis S1 21:00 Robinson Regstreeks S6 21:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 22:00 Safari 4x4 Roetes S7 22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 01:00 Wie le Waar S2
THURSDAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord Oordenking S4 07:40 Koowee 08:00 Koowee 08:30 Binneland S4 09:00 Villa Rosa S10
22:30 Villa Rosa S10 23:00 Binneland S4 23:30 eNuus 00:00 Thomas @ S1 00:30 'n Spesiale Aand met... 01:30 Fiesta S13 02:00 Groen Reis S1 02:30 Boerekos S1 03:00 Robinson Regstreeks S7 03:30 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 04:00 Vallei van Sluiers S3 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3
NAMIB TIMES 15 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 Revenge S3 15:00 Almost Human S1
07:30 About A Boy S1 08:00 The Millers S1 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 The Internship 13L 11:30 The Michael J. Fox Show S1 12:00 Big Town Dance S1 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 15:00 Elementary S2
16:00 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 17:00 Chicago Fire S2 18:00 The Michael J. Fox Show S1 18:30 Big Town Dance S1 19:30 About A Boy S1 20:00 The Millers S1 20:30 Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. S1 21:30 CSI S14 22:30 Shameless S4 23:30 Game Of Thrones 00:30 Lawless 16VNL 16:00 Revenge S3 17:00 NCIS Los Angeles 18:00 Mike & Molly S4 18:30 Big Town Dance S1 19:30 Revenge S3 (Season Ends) 20:30 Hawaii Five-O S4(Season Starts)
06:00 Big Town Dance S1 07:00 The Goldbergs S1 07:30 Beauty And The Beast S2 13V 08:30 Survivor SA S5: Champions 09:50 Epic 11:30 Two Broke Girls S3
01:00 Wanderlust 16SNL
03:00 Jack The Giant Slayer PG13V 05:00 The Talk S4
12:00 Big Town Dance S1
TODAY 06:00 Big Town Dance S1 07:00 Raising Hope S4 13 07:30 Elementary S2 08:30 The Talk S4 09:30 Survivor SA S5: Champions 11:30 The Goldbergs 12:00 Big Town Dance S1 13:00 The Talk S4 14:00 The Good Wife S5 15:00 Nashville S2 16:00 Grey's Anatomy
17:00 The Blacklist S1 18:00 Two Broke Girls S3 18:30 Big Town Dance S1 19:30 Chicago Fire S2 (Season Ends)
20:30 The Blacklist S1 21:30 Shameless S4
22:30 The Blacklist S1
23:30 CSI S14 00:30 Looking S1 18SNL
WEDNESDAY 06:00 Dagbreek S3 07:30 Die Woord
22:30 Looking S1 18SNL 23:00 Beauty And The Beast S2 13V 00:00 Breakout 13VL 01:30 Prosecuting Casey Anthony 03:20 The Words 13L
05:00 The Talk S4
01:30 Impresario S1 02:00 Boerekos S1 02:30 Fiesta S13 03:00 Sterlopers S1 03:30 Hoor Hoor S1 04:00 Kokkedoor S2 05:00 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3 02:30 'n Spesiale Aand met... 03:30 Hoor Hoor S1 04:00 Geloof, Hoop en Liefde S3 04:30 Musiekvideos 05:20 Die Woord Oordenking S4 05:30 Dagbreek S3
09:30 Vallei van Sluiers S3 10:30 Woef en Kie S3 11:00 Wie le Waar S2 11:30 Thomas @ S1 12:00 Inkopie-uur 13:00 Sakefokus 14:00 Groen Reis S1 14:30 Kwêla S16 15:30 Robinson Regstreeks S7 16:00 Sewe Sakke Sout S1 16:30 Boerekos S1 17:00 Koowee Kinder-uur 17:30 Geure Uit Die Vallei 18:00 Villa Rosa S10 18:30 Binneland S4 19:00 eNuus 19:30 Bravo S4 20:00 Kokkedoor S2 21:00 Sterlopers S1 21:30 Proesstraat S3 22:00 Vir Beter of Baie Beter S1
06:00 Big Town Dance S1 07:00 Two Broke Girls S3
21:30 NCIS Los Angeles S5 (Season Ends)
03:00 The Incredible Burt Wonderstone PG13L 05:00 The Talk S4
Don’t allow any Newspaper vendors into your house or business. A number of them had been caught stealing cellphones and wallets when entering premises in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Buy your Newspaper only from vendors on the street
20 MAY 2014
Plot and Plan sale
Erf 5866. Ext 23 Adjacent to Mile 4. Price without future bathroom: N$1,485,000-00
Wesco Waste Management (Pty) Ltd Position: · We seek a suitable candidate to fill the position of a COSTING CLERK at the company. Reporting: · The incumbent will report to the Cost Accountant of the Company.
081 127 6049 WEST COAST JOINERY SUPPLIERS C.C. SWAKOPMUND Tel: 463204/5 We require an energetic, dynamic SALES PERSON who has a proven sales record. The person will be responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and managing quality of product and service delivery AND Will do face to face sales of products relating to Kitchen and Bedroom Cupboards. Will assist with restocking and purchasing Will need to have excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Afrikaans, communicating skills in German will be a positive. Need to have Computer literacy and strong administrative abilities. Competitive Salary. Please send your CV's online to salesswk@wjs.com.na or deliver it to the Manager at our Swakopmund Branch in Nelson Mandela Avenue.
Responsibilities: · Issuing of purchase orders · Daily labour summaries · Matching of supplier invoices · Capturing hours · Managing open jobs register · Prepare jobs for invoicing · Prepare monthly WIP and sales reports Minimum requirements: · A minimum Grade 12 qualification · Previous experience in a costing environment · Experience in Pastel Evolution accounting system · Computer literate · Good verbal and written Communications Skill · Namibian citizen Remuneration: · Wesco Waste Management offers a market related CTC package as well as competitive conditions of employment Interested: · Interested people meeting all of the minimum qualifications are invited to apply, BUT applicants must be prepared to undergo a rigorous assessment and interview process Please submit your CV and proof of qualifications with a covering letter to: E-Mail: recruitment@linkservices.com.na CLOSING DATE: 23 May 2014 Please note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
Wesco Engineering Services (Pty) Ltd Position: · We seek a suitable candidate to fill the position of a WORKSHOP STOREMAN at our Walvis Bay Branch Reporting: · The incumbent will report to the Operation Manager of the Company. Responsibilities: · Sourcing competitive prices for parts, ordering, tracking and ensuring parts arrive in the workshop on time to meet the needs of the Workshop Manager and the Technicians. · Raising purchase orders and receiving of goods ordered. · Office administration Minimum requirements: · 3 years stores or warehouse experience in the Engineering industry · The incumbent will be provided with training in this respect, but experience in utilizing computer programs as well as data entry skill will be critical for success · Be able to work unsupervised and meet set deadlines · Strong negotiation and exceptional communications skills · Computer Literacy with email, Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel · Procurement or Store Management Qualifications · Experience in Pastel Evolution accounting system · Well organized and focused on services delivery Remuneration: · Wesco Engineering Services offers a market related CTC package as well as competitive conditions of employment Interested: · Interested people meeting all of the minimum qualifications are invited to apply, BUT applicants must be prepared to undergo a rigorous assessment and interview process Please submit your CV and proof of qualifications with a covering letter to: E-Mail: recruitment@linkservices.com.na CLOSING DATE: 23 May 2014 Please note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
20 MAY 2014
PROPERTY TIMES Warehouse in Walvisbay. 173 m2 ready for occupation. In complex. Irmgard Redecker Estates CONTACT: 0812533157 EMAIL: Irmgard@redeckerestates.com
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only 25 ha plot near Omaruru N$860 000 ideal for your retirement. (excluding Irmgard Redecker Estates commision) CONTACT: Contact Neville Smith 0812533157 Cell: 085 370 7017 EMAIL: Tell: 064 412 320 Irmgard@redeckerEmail:nevillesmith@c estates.com fsnamibia.com
Walvis Bay
For Sale Starting out? Then this one is for you. Kuisebmond - Town House. 2 bed, open plan kitchen lounge, bathroom and garage N$ 350 000.00 Narraville – Corner House 2 bedr. house with open plan lounge kitchen, bathroom, and garage N$ 650 000.00 New Development Fairways - 3 bed,2 bath open plan kitchen, lounge, 2 garage N$ 1 400 000.00
For Sale Industrial Erf 3070m² N$ 2 200 000.00 Do not hesitate to contact
Hettie 0812704333
064 404028 Swakopmund
www.sunproperties namibia.com TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS Family home with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, inside BBQ, outside lapa, double tandem garage, big garden W&L incl Immediately available N$12 000.00 Lu: 081 261 0025 Briggitta: 081 666 1086
FOR SALE Well established Tourism and Accommodation establishment for sale in Swakopmund Please contact Cell: 0855526437
HOUSE TO RENT: Hermis 3 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, 2 badkamers, hoofslaapkamer met eie badkamer, groot kombuis met ingeboude kaste en oop plan eetkamer / sitkamer met ‘n groot stoep. N$ 6 800.00 Water incl. Electricity excl. Deposit 2 months to pay. Contact: 081 124 6565
TO LET MONDESA OPPOSITE COMRADES 1 X Bachelor Flat Including water Prepaid electricity, with hot water Own Bathroom with Shower / Toilet / Basin N$ 1 850.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 850.00 Non Refundable Contract Fee of N$ 150.00 applies to all Lease Agreement Single or Couple – no families Immediately Available Contact: 081 246 4906 or 462225 HOUSE FOR SALE – PELICAN VILLAGE 2 Bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, open-plan Kitchen & lounge, Single Garage Valuation N$ 880 000 SELLING FOR N$ 800 000.00 Cell: 081 143 6730 or after 17h00 081 235 3550 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS FLAT Bachelor. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 irene@cfsnamibia.co m www.cfsnamibia.com TO LET SWAKOPMUND 2x bedroom fully furnished, garage N$ 5 500.00 2x bedroom central plus garage N$ 5700.00 LONG BEACH ! Bachelor, Langstrand N$ 4 600.00 Beautiful two bed roomed flat with garage N$ 5 300.00 JP CAPRICORN, ESTATES TO RENT: 3x bachelor flat to rent in Narraville for single person / people. N$2600.00 each W/E incl. No deposit. Contact: 081 240 8716
HIGH CLASS TAMARISKIA: New 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, bathroom N$ 3500.00 + dep. Water incl. Preferably single / couple. Immediately available. Contact: 081 290 0073 081 354 2739 TO RENT Town Centre: 2 bedroom flat, BIC. Garage. Open plan kithcen - Lounge. W/L Included N$6500.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905 WORKSHOP / STORAGE Town Centre: 196m². W/E Excluded. N$11 000.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905 TO RENT: House to rent Kuisebmond 1x bedroom, open plan lounge / kitchen 1x bathroom Secure with burglar bars on windows and doors W/E excl. N$ 2 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 140 6623 TE HUUR: Huur van een slaapkamer flat, oop plan kombuis en toilet ingeboude kaste in kamer. Narraville. W/L ingsl. Verkieslik 1 of 2 persone N$2600.00 p/m Sel: 081 220 5705, 081 450 7439 en Tel: 204948 TO RENT: Lagoon area 3bedroom flat. Kitchen, living room, bathroom and garage. N$ 6 500.00 p/m Prepaid electricity Water excl. Contact: 081 668 1590 081 370 6678 TO RENT: Retail shop to rent Walvis Bay 100m² N$ 8 134.00 ex VAT Retail Business for sale Walvis Bay N$ 180 000.00 Contact: 081 619 4482 TO RENT: 3 bedroom house Fairways Double garage Available 1 June 2014 N$ 8 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 619 4482 TO RENT C/O Kabeljou & Dolphin Crest Str.: 3 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen with BIC & Stove, Lounge + Garage. Toilet & Bathroom apart. Rent: N$4800.00 W/Incl. Deposit required. Contact: Tangeny: 081 280 8838
TO RENT: Kuisebmond near Kabeljou Street 2 bedroom house. New built N$ 3 300 P/M W/E excl. Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: Amatist Str. Kuisebmond 2x 1 bedroom flats available. Open plan kitchen / lounge, bedroom, bathroom with geyser. N$ 2 700.00 & N$ 2 700p/m respectively Deposit required Contact: 081 240 9800 WANTED: We are looking for erven or houses in Kuisebmond. We buy Cash!! -No bank delays. Cell: 081 3578746 or email propertiesnamibia@ Gmail.com House for sale Swakopmund Newly build house with flat in ext 15 Erf 844m² Total area under roof 334 m² House 211m² Garages 50m² Flat with garage 73,5m² Main house Three bedrooms each with en suite bathroom Braai / entertainment area Outside toilette for domestic worker Open plan kitchen with separate scullery Alarm system with beams outside Flat Single garage open plan living kitchen area bedroom 4 x 4 meter Bathroom Selling for N$ 2,55 milj 081 128 4612 or 081 691 1368
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Swakopmund Ocean View Bargain Plot for sale Near Spar Supermarket Only N$685 000 875m² (Commission excluded) Don’t Delay! Residential Erven Near Mile 4 Affordable plots!! price as low as N$395 000 (cost and commission excluded) Tamariskia Plot and Plan for sale 3bedroom with garage and 2bathrooms BIC for only N$980 000 (cost excluded) Don't Delay! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com TO RENT: OCEAN VIEW, SWAKOPMUND Very spacious up market double storey townhouse with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite), Guest toilet, open plan living / dining area with in-door braai, open plan kitchen, single garage Situated close to Spar shopping in Ocean View. N$ 6000.00 Water excluded and prepaid electricity. Contact 081 240 3569 TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Narraville. Ingeboude kaste in kombuis & kamer. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Deposito betaalbaar. W/L ingsl. Kontak: 085 583 9993 081 289 9353 TO RENT: Great opportunity for investors for sale Mondesa, Swakopmund 1x1 bedroom flat on one erf. N$ 650 000.00 Cost excluded. Monthly rent income N$ 7 500.00 p/m for all. Contact Jacky: 081 722 8000 Zelda: 081 376 2436
TO LET VOGELSTRAND Luxury 3 bedroom town house, 2 Full bathroom guest loo, kitchen with stove and oven indoor fire place, braai double garage , sea view in secure complex. N$ 7 900.00 p/m Tamariskia Bachelor flat with a garage in a secure complex N$ 3 300.00 Contact: 085 124 9826
20 MAY 2014
PROPERTY TIMES Urgently Looking to Rent 3 Bedr. House, 2 Bathr, Dbl. Garage with additional Flat. Please contact Anthony 0811486000 HOUSE TO RENT: Hermis 3 slaapkamers met ingeboude kaste, 2 badkamers, hoofslaapkamer met eie badkamer, groot kombuis met ingeboude kaste en oop plan eetkamer / sitkamer met ‘n groot stoep. N$ 6 800.00 Water incl. Electricity excl. Deposit 2 months to pay. Contact: 081 124 6565 TO RENT: 3x bachelor flat to rent in Narraville for single person / people. N$2600.00 each W/E incl. No deposit. Contact: 081 240 8716 TO RENT: OCEAN VIEW, SWAKOPMUND Very spacious up market double storey townhouse with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 ensuite), Guest toilet, open plan living / dining area with indoor braai, open plan kitchen, single garage Situated close to Spar shopping in Ocean View. N$ 6000.00 Water excluded and prepaid electricity. Contact 081 240 3569 TO RENT: Kuisebmond near Kabeljou Street 2 bedroom house. New built N$ 3 300 P/M W/E excl. Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: Amatist Str. Kuisebmond 2x 1 bedroom flats available. Open plan kitchen / lounge, bedroom, bathroom with geyser. N$ 2 700.00 & N$ 2 700p/m respectively Deposit required Contact: 081 240 9800 WANTED: We are looking for erven or houses in Kuisebmond. We buy Cash!! -No bank delays. Cell: 081 3578746 or email propertiesnamibia@ gmail.com
HIGH CLASS TAMARISKIA: New 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, bathroom N$ 3500.00 + dep. Water incl. Preferably single / couple. Immediately available. Contact: 081 290 0073 081 354 2739
TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Narraville. Ingeboude kaste in kombuis & kamer. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Deposito betaalbaar. W/L ingsl. Kontak: 085 583 9993 081 289 9353
TO RENT Town Centre: 2 bedroom flat, BIC. Garage. Open plan kithcen - Lounge. W/L Included N$6500.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905
TO RENT: Great opportunity for investors for sale Mondesa, Swakopmund 1x1 bedroom flat on one erf. N$ 650 000.00 Cost excluded. Monthly rent income N$ 7 500.00 p/m for all. Contact Jacky: 081 722 8000 Zelda: 081 376 2436
WORKSHOP / STORAGE Town Centre: 196m². W/E Excluded. N$11 000.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905 TO RENT: House to rent Kuisebmond 1x bedroom, open plan lounge / kitchen 1x bathroom Secure with burglar bars on windows and doors W/E excl. N$ 2 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 140 6623 TE HUUR: Huur van een slaapkamer flat, oop plan kombuis en toilet ingeboude kaste in kamer. Narraville. W/L ingsl. Verkieslik 1 of 2 persone N$2600.00 p/m Sel: 081 220 5705, 081 450 7439 en Tel: 204948 TO RENT: Lagoon area 3bedroom flat. Kitchen, living room, bathroom and garage. N$ 6 500.00 p/m Prepaid electricity Water excl. Contact: 081 668 1590 081 370 6678 TO RENT: Retail shop to rent Walvis Bay 100m² N$ 8 134.00 ex VAT Retail Business for sale Walvis Bay N$ 180 000.00 Contact: 081 619 4482 TO RENT: 3 bedroom house Fairways Double garage Available 1 June 2014 N$ 8 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 619 4482 TO RENT C/O Kabeljou & Dolphin Crest Str.: 3 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen with BIC & Stove, Lounge + Garage. Toilet & Bathroom apart. Rent: N$4800.00 W/Incl. Deposit required. Contact: Tangeny: 081 280 8838
TO RENT: 3 bedroom house, double garage to rent in dolphin beach, available immediately for N$ 7 500.00 Can be rented out furnished or unfurnished contact 081 208 9694 / 081 208 4915 for details. ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC Your property Guru Mondesa / Swakopmund 5x bedrooms Kitchen & bathroom N$ 660 000.00 Needs TLC ARANDIS Erf 607m² 4x bedrooms Kitchen/lounge Bathrooms. Renovations required. N$ 300 000.00 Cash preferred. Contact: 081 866 9480 TO LET: Near Duneside Walvis Bay - Town 1x bedroom flat with B.I.C + alarm No garage, no pets For single persons or couples N$ 3 650.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 418 8004 TO LET VOGELSTRAND Luxury 3bedroom town house, 2 Full bathroom guest loo, kitchen with stove and oven indoor fire place, braai double garage ,sea view in secure complex. N$ 7 900.00 p/m Tamariskia Bachelor flat with a garage in a secure complex N$ 3 300.00 Contact: 085 124 9826
TO LET WALVIS BAY Close to Venus 1 bedroom flat, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, no garage, water included, has prepaid electricity N$3 300.00 p/m Available 1 June / July CENTRAL - 2 Bedroom unit in very safe complex, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen lounge, garage N$ 7 000.00 p/m Available immediately 1 June GARAGES monthly N$ 500.00 CENTRAL - 2 Bedroom flat, open plan lounge, kitchen, full bathroom, garage, has pre paid electricity N$ 4 950.00 W/E excl. Available 1 June TO LET NARRAVILLE 3 Bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, no garage, yard, has pre paid electricity. N$ 4 620.00 p/m Available 1 June Lagoon area - Neat 1 bedroom flat to rent with lounge, kitchen, toilet / shower, walk in cupboard and small garden. N$ 3 800.00 W/L incl. No smokers please 081 243 9544 FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CENTRAL 2 Bedrooms flat in complex, open plan lounge / kitchen, full bathroom, garage, pre paid electricity N$ 610 000.00 CENTRAL - Spacious 2 bedroom flat, lounge, kitchen, bathroom and garage, balcony N$ 640 000.00 FAIRWAY - Spacious, neat 3 bedroom home, open plan kitchen, lounge, 2 bathrooms, double garage N$ 1 250 000.00 MEERSIG - Very neat 3 bedroom home, open plan kitchen, indoor braai, 2 bathrooms, double garage N$1 650 000.00 To View contact: Laura 081 127 7071 Glen 081 124 9443
Mays Trading CC For Sale Flat For Sale ,Walvis Bay, N$ 1 480 000 3 bedrooms ,open plan fitted kitchen,2 bathrooms Brand new, secure complex, garage Good area ,Modern design Walvis Bay, house, N$ 2.1 million 3bedrooms ,2 bathrooms, Built-in braai ,Study, Built-in cupboards, Builtin stove, blinds on all windows,Interlocks,4 garages, bachelor flat with kitchen BIC Alarm system , Garden, Boundary walls Extension2, Langstrand Erf, N$ 550 000 582m², boundary walls Heavy Industrial erf, N$ 17 million 6000 m² (N$2834 per/m²) Warehouse on erf 2000m² Boundary wall New Industrial Erf,N$4,7million 4200m²,Boundary walls, Newly built office space(100m²) Plot & Plan, fairways, N$ 1670 000 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms, openplan kitchen with granite BIC Lounge with indoor braai , Double remote garage ,interlocks, boundary walls Walvis Bay Flat, N$ 640 000 1 bedroom, lounge, Kitchen, garage Narraville ,Houses for sale 2 & 3 bedroom houses N$650 000-00 to N$850 000-00 Brand New , quality houses Boundary wall We are urgently looking for houses, properties, town houses to buy for pre-approved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, Long beach and Dolphin beach. Contact Tracey: 081 302 3806 Mounien: 081 860 1938 Email:mickeymays@ iway.na
For Sale Starting out? Then this 1 is for you! New Develop-ment. Close to Lagoon 2 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen lounge, 1 garage and courtyard. N$ 880 000.00 For Sale Unit - Central 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen, lounge,1 garage and courtyard N$ 750 000.00 Double Storey Unit Central - 3 bed, 1 bath, Open plan kitchen Lounge 1 garage N$ 1 050 000.00 Erven for Sale Long Beach, Dolphin Beach, Meersig Ext. 1 Contact or Agents Ruth - 0812407350 Karien – 0812504690 Jackie - 0812463590
Walvis Bay Bachelor flat N$ 650 000-00 Rhoda 0814131313 Swakopmund HAGE HEIGHTS 4 bed house with 2 flats & 3 garages N$ 3 000 000.00 Suna 081 210 7823 Swakopmund Ext 22 NEW DEVELOPMENT 3 Bed, 2 bath, living area indoor braai and garage. from N$ 1 250 000.00 SUNA 081 210 7823 LONG BEACH N$ 1 050 000-00 - 3 Bed 2 bath, double garage SUNA 081 210 7823 HENTIES BAY 4 bed, 4 bath house with TV room with BBQ, Loft and double Garage. N$ 1 280 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 gogga.remaxatlantic@iway.n a VACANT ERVEN SWAKOPMUND 3 X 500m² Vacant erven, N$ 570.000-00 EACH. ARANDIS 2 X 450m²Vacant erven N$ 140 000-00 EACH. GOGGA 081 870 9950 gogga.remaxatlantic@iway.n a LONGBEACH 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse with open plan living, garage, patio, balcony, FURNITURE INCLUDED. N$ 1 175 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 gogga.remaxatlantic@iway.n a 14ha Swakop Riverplot 2 Houses lovely garden, butchery, plenty water, 2 x coldrooms, smoking rooms, 2 x dams, highly fertile land, Nam water 2 x 3 phase transformers Pig sties for 4,000 pigs, 9 x 18 warehouse. Pit for truck servicing, workshop labour housing N$ 3 700 000,00 Manie 0813179334 manie.remaxatlantic@iway.n a SWAKOPMUND 3 Bed, 2 Bath house with garage PLUS 500m² free standing plots to choose from N$ 1 250 000,00 Manie 0813179334 manie.remaxatlantic@iway.n a SWAKOP- MONDESA 2 bed, 1 bath house, open plan. N$ 700 000-00 Manie 0813179334 manie.remaxatlantic@iway.n a LONGBEACH Lalandi Complex – CC reg 44m² Bachelor flat plus garage. N$ 620 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - Meersig 3 bed, 3 bath house with open plan kitchen/lounge scullery, 2 Garages N$ 2 100 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY 3 bed house, open plan kitchen/lounge/dining room & garage PLUS : - 3 x 1 bedr. flats - rental income N$10 000-00 pm. - pre-approved plans for another flat & tandem garage. Business rights N$ 2 500 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518
CENTURY REAL ESTATE Narraville: Plot and Plan well design 2 or 3 bedroom freestanding houses selling from N$650 000-N$900 000 Lagoon: for sale 47m² erf N$630 000 Call Evy: 081 255 7511 FLAT TO RENT: WALVIS Bay. Theo Ben Gurirab Street. Bachelor Flat, preferably for single person or couples, Bathroom (shower+toilet) Open Plan Kitchen. W/E incl. N$3300.00 p/m N$3300 deposit Contact: Henry Dennis 081 480 0272 / 081 280 2328
SWAKOPMUND BRISE DA MER SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 134 - 163m² 2 & 3 Bed Townhouses with double garage from only N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 081 870 9950 Manie 081 317 9334
WANTED WANTED: I am looking for someone who can teach my 13 year old son guitar lessons. Contact: 081 208 4047
TE SOEK: Ek is opsoek na ñ Toyota Siyaya of Toyota Venture wat in ñ goeie toestand is. Ek kan N$40 000 N$50 000.00 renad betaal. Kontak: 081 442 9929 WANTED FOR CASH! EMPTY INK CARTRIDGES ,HP.CANON,SAMS UNG,LEXMARK. CALL/SMS 0813168925 EMAIL: Jesmapiye@yahoo. co.uk
20 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
SHALOM MARKET: Please note that our NUMBER HAS CHANGED to: 064 463 793
Classes: English First and Second Language extra classes for Grade 10 - 12. Please contact Luischen Sirakis: 081 239 2466
BAY AUCTIONEERS WALVISBAAI Park and Sell your car for free. 064 209 026 WE BUY Fridges, cars, trailers, anything of value. 081 143 4368
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@mweb.com.na
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”
WE BUY Gold Jewellery and SA coins. ID required. bayauctioneers@gmail. com Fax: 088 636 080 0064 209 026
PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 FINESSE TRANSPORT *Bou materiaal *Tuin vullis * huistrekke * aflewerings * rommel Ons is dames ons kan ! Kontak: 081 465 5992 SLABBERT CONSTRUCTION:
GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685.
CLASSES CLASSES: Gr 10 & 12 Math Classes offered N$ 300.00 p/m Per student Kuisebmond Contact: 081 249 1161
For professional services in the following: Any type of building work, all types of renovations, repair and sealing of roofs, paint work, paving, interlocks, tiling. We specialize in water and sewer reticulation. Please contact us via: Cell: 081 617 6900 Email: Slabbertconstruction@gm ail.com HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Are you looking for someone that can do your domestic work for you? Look no further... We offer all sorts of domestic cleaning services like laundry, housekeeping etc... Also upholstery cleaning rugs and carpets. Daily, Weekly and Monthly. Call us for more information: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502
VERF Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Gratis kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwerke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!!
Ons koop Goud, Silver en Diamante We buy Gold, silver and Diamonds Swakopmund Walvis Bay ,Henties Bay and Arandis 081 344 3794 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome. TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. KHOROMANA Is back in Walvis Bay after a long time. Home with very powerful medicine for various problems & diseases. Lost lovers, peaceful marriages. Business customer attraction. Work and promotions Producing of babies Nightmare problems Penis enlargement, Gambling. Weak erections Revenge. Unfinished jobs by other doctors. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life Contact: 081 495 8023.
A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA
HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, male weak erections, enlargement, body slimming, work and business promotions, bad luck, education (memory), court cases, win gambling and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection from being fired at work. Diseases like blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, poor vision and tears from the eyes, swelling of stomach and feet. Adults above 70-years and kids below 5-years free treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519.Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance namibia.com
Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock 081 607 8320
FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town! TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR Harry Gama A very powerful and experience doctor with a difference is in Walvis Bay for the first time. Exxpert in Lost lovers, peacefull marriages business customers attraction. Bad luck, catch thieves. Court cases. Protection of bodies and houses from witch craft. Removal of tokoloshis. Charms for luck. Gambling. Weak erections. Work promotions. Complicated diseases and other problems. Revenge and many more!! Call the old man: 081 661 1554 In Walvis Bay FRANSU RENOVATIONS Ons doen renovasies in en om u huis. Doen ook Plumbing. Kontak ons gerus vir n kwotasie. 081 616 3998 081 258 0166. COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217.
TSAUTAGO CAR HIRE: Car available for rent at affordable rates. (Short or Longterm rentals) Contact: 081 231 8572 081 339 9875
SWAKOPMUND: Ek pas kinders op: Babas - 2jaar = N$450 3jaar - 5jaar = N$350.00 Oggend tot namiddag 6uur. Saturdae net tot 2uur. Kontak: 081 820 1306
TE KOOP: Opreg geteelde Bull Terrier hondjies te koop. Eerste spuit en ontwurming reeds ontvang. Gereed om na hul nuwe huise te gaan. Kontak Shaun: 081 269 9890 Lizelle: 081 271 4030
FOR SALE: 2010 Mazda 2 Active Local for sale 53 000 km N$75 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 619 4482 FOR SALE: Nissan Navara 4x4 manual 4L V6 2007 Model, price Negotiable. Way of payment negotiable. Contact: 081 231 8572 081 339 9875 FOR SALE: 2000 Hyundai Accent 1.3 XS Green 084506 km Full service, leather seats Very good condition. N$ 27 000.00 Contact: 081 840 5230 FOR SALE: Red Audi A3 Give away price Automatic. N$ 30 000.00 Contact: 081 205 6190 FOR SALE: BMW body for sale in Swakopmund N$ 7000.00 Contact: 081 200 4722 FOR SALE: 7 series 728 BMW e23 N$18 000 Roadworthy derivable no problems And 15inch mag rims for sale N$2000.00 Contact: 081 200 4722
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
FOR SALE: AEG fridge / freezer, White in colour. Excellent condition (like new). On show ATLATEK Swakopmund. Contact: Althea cell: 081 246 9248 Atlatek: 064 402 291 FOR SALE: Selling engin parts for Jetta 4. 19 T.D.I Diesel 1. Diesel pump 2. Block 3. Turbo Charger 4. And many many more!! Call me: 081 284 1420
FOR SALE: Chevrolet Cruze 1.6 LS 78000 KM 2011 Model. Full service history N$137 000.00 (neg) Contact: 0816479780
GARDENING FOR SALE FOR SALE: COMPOST made from kelp, 5 different manures plus 5 more ingredients. Matured for 2 years, no smell, no flies. Get your garden ready for our eastwind south west wind riddled winters. 081 127 5442 for Swakopmund, 081 731 0898 for Walvis Bay
20 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Accomodation Monitronic Success College 6 thStreet (Behind Shoprite) Tourists, Travelers and visitors. Neat and safe rooms for overnight bedding. Double: N$ 400.00 Single: N$ 300.00 For bookings please contact: 081 671 6418 081 617 5952
VACANCIES ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC VACANCY: We are having the following positions available: Control Room Operators (Walvis Bay) Basic Requirements * Must be a Namibian Citizen/Prove of permanent residency * Must have grade 10/12 or higher * Can work under pressure * 2 x Photo Copies * Knowledge of Intelligent Monitoring will be and advantage If you meet the requirements, hand in your CV's at our office Situated in Hage Geingob Street No 59,Opposite JC Harris Park. Or email to the Operations Department Guards@security.com .na/easwvb@gmail. com V AC A N CY Receptionist wanted for our Walvis Bay Branch: Requirements: Computer literate, trilin-gual of advantage, light office work, full time, Please apply with full CV to Optiker Rohloff cc, Box 564, Swakopmund
VACANCIES: The Wreck Restaurant is urgently looking for a suitable candidate to join our team and fill the following vacancy:
VACANCY: Sales person required Age range: 18 - 30 years Send CV to: advertelectrical@gmail .com
Host / Hostess The successful applicant will report directly to the General Manager and will be employed on a fixed term contract basis which will be explained during the interview. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Namibian Citizen/Permanent Residence ·Must be absolutely passionate about people ·Age Group 21+ ·Valid Code B (08) Driver's Licence ·Have nerves of steel & the determination of a Pitbull ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Last book read : Thirty Nine Steps to Customer Satisfaction in the Service Industry ·Experience in a similar field in a restaurant or hotel environment is a pre-requisite ·Good people & communication skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Be computer literate (Word, Excel, Outlook, Restaurateur) ·Must have Solid references
Applicants must personally hand in CV's at Beach Lodge, 1 Stint street, Vogelstrand, Swakopmund during office hours or email CV's to hr@thewreck.com No telephonic enquiries or faxed CV's will be accepted! Short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview! We are looking for: Fashion Designers in Clothing Textile and Retail
Successful candidates must have the following: · Diploma in Fashion designing · 10 to 15 years of experience in fashion Designing in Clothing Textile and in Retail · Catapulted passion for Designing Must be able to do · Fabric trims, and excel in production planning & manufacturing · Merchandising & dealing with buyers · Quality Assurance or controller · Pattern making · Training others If you meet these requirements, please send your CV to Kaveri@iway.na by 27 May 2014
JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work at Lagoon, Meersig and Langstrand. Knows how to clean and iron. Contact: 081 712 0418 Any time ! TINA: Soek twee dae huiswerk. Maandae en Donderdae. Ek het goeie verwysings. Ek is bereid om onmiddellik te begin. Skakel: 081 362 3400 MARIA: ‘N baie hardwerkende jong dame is opsoek na werk, spesifiek in bly werk. Rook of drink niee. Baie nederig en lief vir kinders. Skakel: 081 299 2676 ARIEN: Opsoek na werk. Huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak, kinders oppas. Vir ‘n week Maandae tot Vrydae. Walvisbaai, Lagoon, Langstrand, Dorp en Meersig. Skakel: 081 465 9818 JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old woman looking for domestic work or Office cleaning work in Swakopmund. I have housekeeping experience and can work at Hotels or Guesthouses too. Contact: 081 673 1949 ANNA(39): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of “Nanny” werk in Swakopmund of rondom. Vir 2-5 dae per week. Ek het ondervinding en is hardwerkend, het verwysings ook. Kontak: 081 369 5188 LUCRESIA(30): I am urgently looking for work - housekeeper, nanny and Cleaning. In Swakopmund. Can start at any time. Contact: 081 349 8838 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ñ 30jarige dame, opsoek na huiswerk van 08h00 - 16h00 vir 3 dae per week. Kontak: 081 390 3985 JOB WANTED: A 23-year-old is looking for domestic work or babysitting. Mondays to Fridays Contact: 081 494 7758 JANE: I am looking for any kind of work. Please contact me can start as soon as possible. 081 855 1494
TOINI: I am looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Can be in a market, receptionist, fabrics as and administrator or working n houses in town. I am computer literate, studied MS Word, MS Excel, Supervising Management & customer care. I have grade 12 certificate. No jokes please. Contact: 081 335 7907 ANNA: I am looking for housekeeping work in Walvis Bay. Has 3 years experience as a domestic worker. Contact: 081 691 2692 ROSINA: Ek is opsoek na 2 / 3 dae of ‘n week se huiswerk. Geen Narraville. Kontak: 081 450 2323 My name is Timo, I’m a painter for the past 20 years and work for myself. I’m not very educated but can do quality work. Anybody interested in offering me a permanent job or someone who can manage and work for me. I have my own scaffolding, ladders, paint brushes and rollers, etc. I’m honest, hardworking and have reliable references. If you are interested in helping me please contact: 081 236 1095 WERK GESOEK: ‘N 33-jarige dame is opsoek na werk in Walvisbaai, 2/3/5 dae per week. Kan huis skoon maak, hardwerkend en kan baie mooi stryk. Kontak: 081 619 9482
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
20 MAY 2014
* 12 / 01 / 1953
+ 19 / 05 / 2011
Yesterday marked 3 years that you were taken away from us, but it still feels like it was Today. We miss you terribly and your emptiness surrounds us every day. We love you deeply...
From your Wife, Children & Grandchildren
Peter Roben Trim Boeta - Pikes
Spreuke 4 : 23 Wees veral versigtig met wat in jou hart aangaan, want dit bepaal jou hele lewe. ROUDIENSTE: Woensdag, 21 Mei 2014 Vrydag, 23 Mei 2014 19:00 at H & A Court, Pelicanstraat, Narraville Begrafnisreëlings sal Vrydag bekend gemaak word NAVRAE: Miemie 081 407 5984 Terence 081 759 4902
Loss and Grief “Loss and Grief”
Understanding death and human suffering ... blaming God? Blaming yourself? Angry? Depressed? Lost appetite or interest in life? Feeling Alone? Are you struggling to cope? If you have lost a loved one, you are welcome to join. Saturday, 24 May 2014 08:00 - 17:00 St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Narraville - Main Hall For more information, call: (064) 200064 or 081 621 7960 Michelle Rieth, 081 124 0402 Veronica Smeda, (064) 202074 Father, 081 272 4877 Deacon Damaseb, 081 294 3004 Hilma Kawiwa
* 07.06.1946 - + 10.05.2014
20 MAY 2014
Victory for ERA Junior Namibians off to ANOCA games Piquet Jacobs
Erongo Rugby Academy (ERA) was victorious against UNAM 3 after a hard game at the Narraville Stadium on Saturday. The match kicked off at 14:30, in fairly windy conditions, but the weather still permitted a good game of rugby. ERA got off to a flying start by pinning UNAM in their own 22metre area, for the first quarter of the game. ERA opened the scoreboard with a spark of individual brilliance by lock forward, Lee-Uwardo Sitzer, with a breakaway try under the uprights. Terasio Croza successfully converted the try, after missing a penalty goal, moments earlier. UNAM replied with a try later the first half to equalise the scoreboard. The wind played its part in a little bit more than necessary/usual handling errors by both teams. UNAM lost a player to the sinbin (yellow-card), after conceding multiple penalties at the breakdown. On the stroke of halftime, ERA's inside centre, Neil Grimbeek, scored his team's second try. With the conversion by Croza, ERA took a half-time lead of 14-7. The second half went on scoreless for some time, until UNAM broke the deadlock to even up the scores at 14 all, with a converted try. In the play that continued, ERA's Grimbeek, then put a clever little kick through, which was well chased by the wing, Ghinetro March, who scored the third and final try for ERA. Conversion was successful by Croza, and ERA took the lead again at 21-14. With 9 minutes left, ERA sealed the deal with a penalty by Croza, to take a 10 point lead with the final score at 24-14.ERA are now looking forward to their next game on 31 May against Eastern Bulls in Gobabis.
A sixty-member Namibian team departed for Gaborone, Botswana today to participate in the second edition of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) Youth Games from 22 to 31 May. Gaborone will host an estimated 54 African countries with 2 500 young athletes who will compete in 21 different sports codes. The Namibian athletes will compete in golf, boxing, athletics, swimming, cycling, tennis, table tennis, triathlon, rugby and netball. Namibian netball player, Vezembauua Mauano, will be Namibia's flag bearer at the opening ceremony of the games on Thursday. Monica Bohm is the chef de mission, with Erongo regional sports officer Bethold Karumendu as team manager. Namibia National Olympic Committee
(NNOC) president Agnes Tjongarero addressed the athletes and told them that they were fortunate to represent the country at such a young age since many Namibian athletes were never afforded such a chance at youth level. She called on them to behave and encouraged the team members to network with others. The maiden edition of the ANOCA Youth Games was held in Rabat, Morocco in July 2010. Two Namibians participated. Julia Handjene missed out on a medal after she came fourth in the 1 000m final and Ndapandula Nghi-
Namibian flag bearer for the Gabarone 2014 Games, Vezembauua Mauano, receiving the flag from NNOC president Agnes Tjongarero. Photo credit: Proactive
naunye finished fifth in the 3 000m final. "We are excited to have a big team of 60 athletes between the ages of 14 and 18 compete for Namibia at the second edition of the African
Kudus heerskappy by kus duur voort Vervolg vanaf bladsy 24
agter hul pale gaan kuier het. Groenewaldt het met een doelskop geslaag. Walvis het egter verwoed teruggeveg en soos verwag het Kudus hul hande vol gehad om Walvis se gevaarman, Luandre Duvenhage in toom te hou. Twee onverdoelde drieë deur hom het die telling teen rustyd op 17-10 in Kudus se guns te staan gebring. Walvis het in die tweede helfte met die wind van agter sterk aanvalle geloods maar rotsvaste verdediging het hulle verhoed om punte aan te teken. Kudus se agttal en in besonder die vaste vyf, was een te veel vir Walvis en veral in die skrum het hulle swaar geleef en is hulle by tye meters agteruit geskrum. Kaptein, Grant Nash, was weer die speler van ouds en tesame met Markie, Chris, Richard en Len was die vaste vyf Walvis se doodsteek . Kudus se bloedjong en onervare agterlyn verdien 'n klop op die skouers. Groenewaldt tesame met Calla, JR, Percy en Marvin Muller het kritici oor hul onervarenheid op hul neuse laat kyk met uithaler spel. Kudus ruik eerste punte in die tweede helfte met 'n strafskop voor Walvis met 'n strafskop van sy eie die telling op 20-13 te staan bring. Kudus se vierde en bonuspunt drie het gemoedere langs die veld laat opvlam nadat die bal maklik twee meter vorentoe was maar skeidsregter, Oscar Lambert, het nietemin die drie in die regterkanste hoekie toegeken. Walvis ondersteuners langs die veld het met mening gegrom oor die toekenning van die drie terwyl diegene aan se Kudu kant wou weet hoekom daar nou gegrom word aangesien Walvis se eerste kort aangee drie ook 'n meter vorentoe was en eweneens toegeken is. Luandre het onmiddelik na die afskop sy driekuns behaal toe Kudus nie die bal vanaf die afskop kon bemeester nie. Die eindtelling van 28-17 was 'n getroue weergawe van die wedstryd en kragmetings tussen die twee die klubs se spanne sal rillers bly, vol spanning, emosies en hoë gemoedere. Maar soos na die westryd getuig, bly rugby op die ou end die wenner met manne wat mekaar netnou vuisvoos geduik het en daarna hand om die nek van die veld afgestap het. Kudus reis oor twee weke na Windhoek om teen Wanderers te speel. Alle spelers word versoek om die week se oefensessies by te woon en moet vanaand sê of hulle beskikbaar is vir volgende naweek se wedstryd aangesien reëlings aangaande transport en verblyf getref moet word.
Keith Gelderbloem van United Builders het Saterdag ‘n borgskap van sweetpak baadjies aan Kudu Rugby Klub se bestuur en afrigterspan oorhandig. Hy verskyn met Donald De Koker, Clifford Block, Allistair Carollissen, Zane Jansen en James De Koker op die foto.
Youth Games. This is a significant improvement from the last games four years ago, where Namibia competed with only
two athletes", Joan Smit, secretary general of the NNOC, remarked at the official send off event for the team on Friday afternoon.
Bester scores for Namibia Substitute, Rudolf Bester came off the bench and scored the winner for the Brave Warriors in their soccer match against Congo in the first leg of their 2015 CAF Nations Cup qualifiers at the Sam Nujoma Stadium on Saturday night. The two teams will now prepare for the second and final leg in Pointe-Noire in Congo Brazzaville on 1 June 2014. Bester replaced Panduleni Nekundi with less than 20 minutes left to play and his first attempt was ruled offside. He received a through ball from Heini Isaacks, kept his composure and blasted past Congo's advancing keeper Henri Mafoumbi to give Namibia a well earned 1-0 victory with two minutes of normal time to go. Lazarus Kaimbi also hit the back of the net in the 25th minute but was ruled offside. Brave Warriors coach Ricardo Mannetti commented that he knew a goal would eventually come. He also thanked his two assistant coaches Ronnie Kanalelo and Mohammed Ouseb and all those that came to support the team on the day.
The Rock unifies titles Paulus 'The Rock' Ambunda succeeded in unifying the IBF/WBA International super bantamweight titles with a victory over Cristian Palma at Omuthiya in the early hours of Sunday morning.
Danie Jansen bestuurder van WB Hardware and Building Supplies het ook ‘n borgskap van sewentig gholf hemde aan die klub oorhandig. Fotos bygedra.
FNB Classic Clashes 2014 launched
FNB Namibia, together with its project partners Namib Mills, the Namibia Schools Sports Union (NSSU), the Namibia Rugby Union and various schools recently launched the 2014 FNB Classic Clashes. The theme for the FNB Classic clashes is “Game on - be a hero, be there”. The FNB Classic Clashes were first introduced in 2008 and they have, since then, become one of the most sought after sporting events amongst high school learners as they face each other in
the sport codes of soccer, rugby and netball in a first class setting that excites those who play and those who attend. Every year the FNB Classic Clashes also surprises with something innovative and exciting and this year the new FNB Classic Clashes song is sure to excite the crowds which
was re-done by our own Namibian Ponty because the old one was too difficult to dance to, according to the youngsters. The participating schools have grown from the initial 14 in 2008 to 42 with more schools vying to be included every year.
Ambunda who returned to the ring for the first time since losing the WBO bantamweight world title last year had the fight scored 116-112, 119109, 120-113 in his favour. Bethuel 'Tyson' Ushona defeated the Ghanaian Ebenezer Lamptey with a tenth round TKO victory and retained his WBO Africa welterweight title in the main supporting bout. The victory keeps his chances alive to land a title fight against WBO world champion Filipino Manny Pacquiao. WBO Africa cruiserweight title holder Vikapita Meroro defeated Tanzania's Alphonce Mchumistumbo. South African referee Wally Snowball finally called an end to the fight In Round 11. Kapena Naidjala lost via a split decision to Emmanuel Mungandjela in a welterweight fight over four rounds. Jeremia Nakathila won with a unanimous decision against David Eghumbo in a junior lightweight fight over four rounds. Johannes Simon beat Abner Mwafangeyo with a unanimous decision. Japhet Utoni beat Amagola Neaman with a TKO in the fifth round of a flyweight fight. Sakaria Lukas knocked out Immanuel Andreki after the first minute of their featherweight fight. Onesmus Nekundi beat Daniel Ausiku and won his super bantamweight clash by unanimous decision.
20 MAY 2014
GROND TOE: ’n Kudus speler stuit hier ‘n Walvisbaai opponent in Saterdag se wedstryd. Foto deur Otis Finck
Kudus heerskappy by kus duur voort
Na twee klipharde wedstryde teen Walvisbaai Rugby Klub het albei Kudu spanne kop omhoog as wenners van die veld
gestap. Soos met alle wedstryde tussen die klubs het humeure op en langs die veld weereens by tye hoog geloop. Albei spanne se dissipline het hulle by tye in die steek gelaat en om iemand uit te sonder as die sondebok is onregverdig. Soos reeds genoem is Kudus die jaar hard getref met agterspelers soos Aurelio, Rayton, Keeane, en
Tollie wat na ander klubs geskuif het terwyl Bevan (UJ), Lyod (Sharks) en Bok (UWK) Suid-Afrika toe is vir studies en slegs vakansietye vir die klub beskikbaar is. Claus se werksverpligtinge maak dit vir hom onmoontlik om rugby te speel. Om sake te vererger was die agterspelers van verlede jaar se eerste span wat oorgebly het
Jevu, Ivo, Charlton, Tyrone en Kebab almal ook buite rekening met beserings of werksverpligtinge Die ander twee kusspanne is ten volle bewus hiervan en het hierdie jaar dus die geleentheid gesien dat hulle Kudus as top span langs die kus gaan vervang. Harde werk op en van die veld blyk nou, na die eerste rondte die enigste
manier te wees om te verhoed dat Kudus steeds die septer gaan swaai langs die kus. Kudus se tweede span het Walvis se naasbestes met 10-6 geklop. In 'n wedstryd wat gou vergeet sal wil word is talle kanse om punte aan te teken, veral agterlangs, verbrou as gevolg van swak hanteerwerk. Hierdie aspek van die spel was kommer-
wekkend en kort dringende aandag. Kudus se 10 punte is deur vleuel Floyd Freygang aangeteken met twee uitstekende drieë. Walvis het twee strafskoppe deur die pale gejaag vir hul 6 punte. Die langverwagte kragmeting tussen die klubs se eerste spanne was oudergewoonte 'n riller met geen span wat bes wou gee nie. Kudus het 5
waardevolle punte uit die wedstryde gekry vir die 4 drieë wat hul gedruk het. Kudus het met 'n sterk wind agter hulle die wedstryd teen 'n geweldige tempo begin en nog voor Walvis besef wat hulle tref was hulle reeds na 20 minute se spel met 170 agter met buitesenter, Shalako Groenewaldt (2), en heelagter, Elmo Van Der Bijl wat
Vervolg op bladsy 23
Shooting Hoops
Royal Hoops were crowned Pre-season Erongo basketball tournament champions on Sunday in Walvis Bay.
Reggy Elkana from Royal Hoops was named most valuable player. Hoops beat Oceans 40-36 in the final of the Double Elimination Tournament. The Erongo Basketball league defending champions sent a clear message that they would not easily let go of the title with their victory. Spartans (3rd), Walvis Bay Waves (4th), Bullets (5th) and A Town Giants (6th) competed in the tournament at the Kuisebmond basketball court. The Erongo Basketball League is set to start as soon as the registration of the players is concluded.
Photo by Otis Finck
Kudus het Saterdag ten minste na die eerste rondte van die liga bewys dat hy nie so maklik van sy troon afgeskop gaan word as die nommer een span langs die kus nie.