Namib Times Virtual Edition

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NO6374 TUESDAY 29 JULY 2014

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requests police transparency

Eco atlantic on oil

Marshallino Beukes Following a recent public meeting coordinated by Nampol and the Erongo Police Regional Commander, Commisioner Samuel // Hoebeb, in Swakopmund’s DRC informal settlement, a letter of concern was directed to the Ministry of Safety and Security (Erongo Regional Headquarters) by a DRC community leader, Mr Laidlaw Peringanda. In his letter Peringanda lashes out against alleged police brutality and the Commissioners’ failure to put crimes committed by police members on his agenda. He says “a rosy picture about the police force” was painted at the meeting and condemns it in the strongest terms. “Being a victim of police brutality, I am not afraid to speak out in public regarding some ‘rotten elements’ in the Police Force and that Nampol is one of the most corrupt institutions in the world. I can prove that,” the letter to the Minister reads. Cases which occurred during 2006/7 (with reference), regarding police officers allegedly assaulting members of the public and dockets disappearing are also mentioned in the letter. Mr Peringanda noted that he has conducted a survey in DRC, regarding the Police’s Internal Investigation Unit and it supposedly turned out the residents do not trust the police and called their service “pathetic”.

Page 3

Community gives big Page 3

Solitaire cable laying ship

Mr Laidlaw Peringanda Various media reports, including alleged misconduct in Nampol’s midst are also quoted, claiming disappearance/destroying of criminal dockets of highprofile murder, rape arson and other serious cases by members of the police. Due to public interest, the residents of DRC are calling for their own public meeting with Nampol, in order to raise their concerns with regard to crimes committed by police officers. An Independent Complaints Unit is also recommended. The letter furthermore asks Commissioner //Hoebeb to come forward with hard-core facts or figures about police crimes, which were committed during the past 10 years in the Erongo Region. //Hoebeb was probed to reply within five days, after receiving of the letter. Commisioner //Hoebeb yesterday confirmed receiving the letter and stated that he met Mr Peringanda at the public meeting and told him to address his concerns, as nobody is above the law.

Continues on page 2

Susan Mitchinson surrounded by her work

Namibia bids great artist farewell Madelaine Laubscher

‘Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending’ are

Page 6 the words that comes to mind as Namibia bids farewell to internatio-

nally renowned artist Susan Mitchinson (61), who sadly passed away

last week Monday after she lost the battle against cancer.

Star's death

Continues on page 2

Mining sector expected to shrink further in 2014

The primary industries of the Namibian economy contracted by 9.3% during 2013 and are estimated to contract by 0.1% in 2014. The primary sector is expected to rebound from the contraction in 2013, owing to positive developments across the sectors. It is however projected to improve and grow by 2.6% in 2015. In 2016, the primary industries are expected to grow by 7.5%, mostly due to increased production in the mining sector. The developments in the primary industries are mostly reflected in the mining and quarrying and the agriculture sectors. The mining and quarrying sector is expected to contract by 1.7% this

year, due to low production levels in the diamond and uranium sectors, but is expected to expand by 1.3% in 2015, owing to increased uranium and metal ores production. In 2016, the commencement of the full-scale production at the Husab uranium mine, Tschudi copper mine and the B2Gold mine will support growth in the sector.

The agriculture sector is also expected to rebound in 2014 from the severe drought in 2013. However, as pointed out earlier, the stringent import veterinary conditions by South Africa will likely reduce live livestock exports to that country. Secondary Industries The robust growth in the secondary industries is

projected to continue in 2014, reflecting the buoyant construction sector and increased electricity supply, although growth levels off in 2015 as the construction cycle nears the end. Growth in the secondary industries is expected to increase from 8.7% in 2013 to 10.6% and 5.2% in 2014 and 2015, respectively.

Continues on page 2

Page 11

Benson wins bronze

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N$11.99 per 100 g Assorted Cashew Nuts


29 JULY 2014


The issues behind Rössing’s desalination plant Rössing Uranium Mine’s newly proposed desalination plant will be located about 6 km north of Swakopmund. Although it is widely considered a positive move, a number of environmental concerns will however have to be addressed before the project can commence. A number of questions around the social and economic impact will be addressed as part of the Social Environmental Impact Assessment. The plant’s water intake will be in the vicinity of the existing Swakopmund Salt Works intake. To set up infrastructure to transport water to the plant, two alternatives are being investigated, a channel or a pipeline. A seawater receiving tank (or the existing salt works pond) will form part of the infrastructure. A pre-treatment plant to

remove sediments, solids and organic matter, most likely comprised of a Dissolved Air Flotation system will be built and a Modular Seawater Reverse Osmosis desalination plant with a capacity of around 3 million m3 per year (8,200 m3 /day). The media filters and Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant will be housed in a fenced-off area in the same building, approximately 60m x 20m x 6m high, while the post treatment and pre-treatment plants, and the storage tanks would be located adjacent to the plant building. Regarding the waste water outlet system and associated infrastructure, various discharge alternatives are being

investigated, including ‘beach disposal’ and ‘sea disposal’ options, within the Mining Licence area of the Salt Works. A new 11kV power line of approximately 6km would also need to be constructed, together with a new substation at the plant and a water supply line of roughly 850m would have to be connected to the existing NamWater pipeline, to transport desalinated water. In terms of its impact on the shoreline environment, construction of water intake structures and pipelines to carry feedwater and concentrated discharge may cause disturbances to environmentally sensitive beach areas.

Although the intake structures will be designed to maintain a flow of less than the minimum escape velocity for aquatic species, there is a risk of mortality of plankton, fish eggs and fish larvae when water is sucked in at the inlet areas. This potential impact will also be studied by a marine ecologist, as part of the SEIA process. Of concern to many fishermen and beach lovers is the discharge of brine. Aquatic species have a tolerance for natural salinity levels, however if these levels undergo significant change this can be detrimental to these creatures. In some instances chemicals are used to treat the intake water, which if re-

leased with the brine and can be harmful to marine habitats and receiving water environments, unless effectively mixed into the sea. Various specialist studies of the potential impacts associated with the discharge of effluent from the plant will be undertaken as part of the SEIA process The construction of the power line may pose a risk to local avifauna (birdlife) due to the increase potential for collisions to occur. Changes to the existing surface water structures in the area may also impact the local faunal residents and migrants. An avifaunal specialist study will therefore be undertaken.

Mining sector expected to shrink further in 2014 The buoyant construction sector is sustained by strong investment into the mining sector. Also, the rebounds in the electricity and water sector from negative growth in 2013 will support growth in the secondary industries. The rebound is attributed to good rainfall and the replacement of the runner at the Ruacana power generation plant and the completion of the refurbishment of Van Eck, which are expected to increase electricity supply. However, growth in the secondary industries is expected to slow down in 2016, as most of the construction activities are completed. The end

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Continued from page 1

of the construction boom for some of the biggest mines in 2015 is projected to moderate growth. The secondary industries are, therefore, expected to grow by a mere 2.2% in 2016. Tertiary Industries Although remaining the largest contributor to GDP, growth in the tertiary sector are expected to moderate in 2014 and 2015, reflecting sluggish growth in the tourism and wholesale retail sectors (Figure1). Growth in the tertiary industries is expected to moderate from 6.4% in 2013 to about 5.5% in 2014/15. In tandem with global developments, the tourism sector is expected to soften in 2014, before

picking up in 2015. Uncertainties in the main tourism export markets continue to be a drag on the industry, as tourists opt for affordable destinations. On the other hand, the wholesale and retail category is expected to be boosted by sustained and strong consumer demand reflecting expansionary fiscal policies, including 8% wage increase in the public sector from May 2014. The sector is nevertheless expected to moderate in 2015, when the expected fiscal consolidation takes traction. Risks to the growth outlook remain on the downside and are mostly centred on

global spill-overs. Slower-than-projected growth in advanced and leading emerging market economies remains a risk to a resource based country like Namibia. Depressed international commodity prices, if sustained, may slow or halt production at some of the mines, especially uranium mines, and delay oncoming investment projects and moderate growth. Moreover, the recently introduced stringent conditions by South Africa on the export of livestock may slow down the volume of livestock marketed and weaken growth in the livestock sector than under the base-

line scenario. The risk to inflation from the exchange rate fluctuations remains, especially if there are large swings, which may filter through to the domestic economy, contrary to the low-pass through experienced in recent years. Given the said risks, especially on low commodity prices and the stringent conditions on livestock export if protracted, economic growth during 2014-15 is expected to be lower than projected. Consequently, the economy is expected to expand by 5% in 2014 and 4.6% in 2015, respectively. Data source: Bank of Namibia

Walvis Bay Office

Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519

Journalists Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992

Swakopmund Office

Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 Advertising Classifieds Marketing/Sales Jacqueline Farmer Cell +264 81 147 7653

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Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 4610824 Advertising Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155

Staff Reporter The development of an additional source of water may have economic implications for other water users in the region. These potential impacts will be investigated by both economic and social specialists. The use of high-pressure pumps at RO plants can generate noise. Although the site will be located 6 km from Swakopmund at a site characterised by existing pumping operations (Swakopmund Salt Works), there is a possibility that increased noise will be heard by nearby receptors (i.e. at Mile 4). A specialist investigation will be undertaken as part of the SEIA. Desalination involves abstracting saline water from the sea and pumped

to the plant. Reverse osmosis (RO) uses semipermeable membranes and pressure to separate dissolved matter and salts from saline water. The desalinated or fresh water is then pumped to a storage facility for use. Brine, the process waste, is about twice the concentration of seawater consisting of everything that’s left behind during the process, and has a higher salt concentration than the input water. Simply put, desalination takes a volume of sea water and returns a little more than half at an almost double salinity concentration. Data source: SLR Consulting (Namibia)

Peringanda Continued from page 1

//Hoebeb however noted that he is not obliged to reveal this information to Mr Peringanda, as he has to follow the correct procedure, which is to work through the Prosecutor General’s office.

“If he has personal issues with the police, as he is alleging, he should come forward and report it, as it is his, as well as any Namibian citizen’s right to do so,” the Commissioner pointed out.

Namibia bids great artist farewell Continued from page 1

Her daughter, Abigail Guerier (34) told the namib times this week that Susan was effectively treated for cancer approximately five years ago, but that the illness returned and sadly she lost the battle. “After my mother was diagnosed with cancer she was successfully treated five years ago. The procedure went well. However the cancer returned about one year ago and sadly this time around she lost the battle last week Monday evening,” she said. Susan lived just outside Swakopmund surrounded by her horses. This was also where her studio was located. She was born and raised in Newcastle-upon-Tyne in England and received her master’s degree in Linguistics from the University of Caen in France. Susan taught herself how to express herself in art, thus she was largely autodidactic in her work and quite skilled in various mediums. Susan decided to make Namibia her home in 1984 and that was when she decided that it was in this ‘land of the brave’ that

she wanted to grow old. Her art was influenced by the African and Namibian people and it was depicted in most of her artwork. Susan was internationally renowned in her work and has done exhibitions widely throughout the years in the UK and various countries in Africa, Europe and Asia. Her works are displayed in several private and public collections worldwide. Furthermore, Susan’s work has been represented in various public institutions in Namibia and around the world such as the National Gallery of Namibia, the Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, the United States and the Oslo Teaching Hospital. Susan was recognised as a dynamic, sincere and candid artist. Her art was also described as portraying freedom of movement, expression, choice and association. She leaves behind her two daughters Abigail Guerier (34) and Rebecca Mitchinson (22). The funeral and memorial service will be held in Swakopmund on Saturday, 2 August.



Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595

Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Walvis Bay Moya Davids Walvis Bay Cell +264 81 208 4047

29 JULY 2014

Walvis Bay keeps 2030 in sight Piquet Jacobs

The Town Planning Section of the Municipality of Walvis Bay held a series of public meetings last week in Walvis Bay, Narraville and Kuisebmund, to present the newly approved Integrated Urban Spatial Development framework for Walvis Bay (IUSDF-WB) for the town. Walvis Bay is soon to be revolutionised, with the development plan set to kick-off and have results by 2030. The town planners will need 2 000 hectares of land to set their

plan into motion of developing an estimated 9 townships, which includes constructing 40 000 new houses, establishing at least 33 primary schools, 8 secon-

dary schools, 4 police stations, 20 day-care centres and 10 clinics – all of this by 2030. Ms Hilia Hitula, Walvis Bay town planner, presented the IUSDF-WB to

residents, to enable them to understand the big transformation Walvis Bay will be going through and for any input to be given before the implementation, which is esti-

Eco Atlantic forges ahead with oil exploration plans

Jade McClune An emerging oil and gas exploration company, in which a former minister of mines and energy has a key stake, said last week that it has managed to secure funding to start exploration off the coast of Walvis Bay. Eco Atlantic Oil & Gas Ltd announced that it entered into a farm-out agreement with Tullow Kudu Limited, a Namibian subsidiary of Tullow Oil plc through which Tullow will acquire up to 40% interest in the Cooper Block (Exploration License Block 2012A) in the Walvis Basin, offshore Namibia. Eco said its seismic testing programme is expected to commence in the fourth quarter of 2014. Depending on the establishment of a target, Tullow has also agreed to fully carry the cost of drilling an exploration well on the Cooper Block. In terms of the agreement, Eco Atlantic will initially transfer a 25% working interest in the Cooper Block to Tullow in return for a carry of the Eco's share of costs to execute and process the seismic programme, and the reimbursement of 25% of Eco's past costs of approximately US$1 million. This agreement, combined with Eco Atlantic's prior farm-out of a 20% stake in the Cooper Block to Azimuth, means all costs on an expanded 1,000 km2 3D seismic survey and interpretation are also covered. Seismic testing at sea has come in for heavy criticism though from stakeholders in the



local fishing industry. In 2013 the chairman of the Namibian Large Pelagic and Hake Long-lining Association, Matthew Hambunda, said the industry was urgently trying to address the issue, as seismic tests are typically conducted using an instrument resembling a 'sledgehammer' to create sub-sea acoustic waves. The intensity of the acoustic waves are measured as indications of potential underground resources, but the noise is also believed to be responsible for causing fish to flee from areas under testing. The impact of the subsea sonic waves is also said to be fatal to larger mammals, including whales and dolphins. Seismic testing in the Lüderitz basin was also blamed for the poor tuna catch last year. Eco Atlantic said if Tullow decides to participate in drilling an exploration well on the Cooper Block, it will be given an additional 15% working interest (known as the first transfer) in the Cooper Block, in return for taking on Eco's share of costs to drill an exploration well. A cost-ceiling has been set at US$53 million and the reimbursement of an additional 15% of the past costs. Eco Atlantic will remain the main operator until the second transfer, when Tullow will be appointed as the operator of the

Cooper Block. The completion of the first and the second transfer are still subject to certain conditions though, including approval by Namibia's Ministry of Mines and Energy and various other participants. AziNam Limited, which holds 20% working interest in the Cooper Block, has given their approval to the transaction. Eco Atlantic currently holds a 70% working interest in the Cooper Block, AziNam Limited holds a 20% working interest, and NAMCOR, the Namibian national oil company, holds a 10% working interest. Following the first transfer, Eco will hold a 45% working interest in the Cooper Block, Tullow will hold a 25% working interest, and AziNam and NAMCOR will retain their respective working interests. Director of Eco Atlantic Colin Kinley said: "Eco has taken a very strategic approach to the exploration of its Namibian assets; each well drilled in this frontier basin has helped to further define our targets… Attracting Tullow, one of Africa's most successful explorers as a partner, who now has well over 100 000 barrels a day under its belt, is exciting for us.” Tullow has interests in over 140 exploration and production licenses across 24 countries. Eco

Atlantic is an oil and gas exploration company focused on the new and bourgeoning energy play in Namibia. Through its Namibian subsidiary, Eco Namibia, it holds four petroleum licenses. In the offshore Walvis Basin, Eco Atlantic holds three license blocks covering more than 25 000 square km and an additional license block covering 23 000 square km (5 683 000 acres) which includes both onshore and offshore areas. Set up in 2008, Eco Namibia says it enjoys a longstanding relationship with the energy and oil and gas sector in Namibia. Former Swapo MP Helmut Angula holds a stake in Eco Oil & Gas and his daughter, Phillipine Angula in the company's local subsidiary, Eco Namibia. Angula served as Deputy Minister of Mines and Energy from 1990 to 1991, as Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources from 1991 to 1995, as Minister of Finance from 1995 to 1996 and as Minister of Agriculture, Water and Rural Development before moving on to become Director of the National Planning Commission. Upon his retirement from politics Angula went into business. His profile on Bloomberg Business says that he now acts as an adviser to the mining industry.

mated to start in the next 5 years. An independent study was done and concluded that Walvis Bay will double in population by the year 2030, with the town growing at an estimated rate of 4.7%, which is higher than the national growth rate of 2%, “we need to prepare and plan ahead to accompany our future, by judging the current tempo of economic development it is vital for us to plan ahead considering the impact of the estimated growth in population will have on our roads, sewage systems and water and electricity supply,” said Hitula. Provision will also be made to allocate land to Namport for future expansion, which will position Walvis Bay as the premier port in the region. The decision to proceed with the northern port development was made by Namport in conjunction with the government of Namibia and the Municipality of Walvis

Bay. The IUSDF-WB will cover allocation of land for future urban functions to the year 2025, including directions for growth beyond that date; location, size, and reticulation of bulk services, including water, sewage disposal, electricity and refuse removal; position and network hierarchy for main and distributor roads. Development policies for economic and physical development expressed in spatial (development zones) and sectorial terms; identification of implementation programmes requiring priority detailed planning and implementation; environment action plan identifying benefits, constraints and negative impacts requiring mitigation measures including an environment management plan as an important component of the IUSDF. In January 2010, the European Commission (EC) advertised a call for

proposals to obtain grants for Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development which aim at promoting an inclusive and empowered society in Namibia. A countryspecific funding was allocated to Namibia. Therefore, the strategic planning of the spatial development is funded 80% by the European Commission and 20% by the Walvis Bay Municipality while consulting is done by Urban Dynamics. Hitula added, “If supported by good planning and urban management, urbanisation can actually contribute to the economy of the town and the country as a whole. The dimensions of good development control are as much economic, social and environmental as they are physical. Also, in order to contribute to an improvement in the quality of life in Walvis Bay, the town must be well managed and controlled.”

Coastal businesses give big towards the Mayoral Relief Staff Reporter Fund Business community members from the coastal region pledged over N$700 000 towards the Walvis Bay Mayoral Relief Fund at a glitzy gala event held by the Office of the Mayor on Saturday. This appears to be one of the largest amounts donated to the fund in years, with property mogul John Savva contributing the “Lion's” share of the total with a N$450 000 donation made up of a plot valued N$400 00 and N$50 000. Consulate Engineering followed suit with a donation of N$60 000. Amanda van Rooyen of Best Cheer Investments and captains of industry from Elgin Brown and Hamer, China Harbour Company and Namport were amongst the other big and warm-hearted individuals and corporates present that also donated considerable amounts of N$20 000 and more. Welwitschia Hospital donated a CAT and MRI scan to the value of N$20 000. Various other donated items including cup cakes, cakes, a huge bottle of wine and paintings were also auctioned in aid of the Mayoral Relief Fund. Appearing upbeat with a sense of gratitude and satisfaction the mayor commended the support shown by the local business community, which seems to be growing year on year. “Over the years we have put this money to use in various sectors of the coastal

community where a need was evident,” Cllr Uillika Nambahu said. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who made the evening a success.” The fund was established to provide the needed assistance in cash or kind to distressed residents. Without the generosity of local businesses, the Mayoral Relief Fund would not be able to change as many lives as it does every year. “I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to especially the companies and individuals who unselfishly make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate every year,” Nambahu continued. “My office and the people of Walvis Bay salute you.” An updated list of the donations will follow soon.


29 JULY 2014


Tienerswangerskappe – die vet is in die vuur Marshallino Beukes Media beriggewing aangaande die feit dat byna 90 skooldogters in die Erongo Streek in die ander tyd is, het die kus behoorlik aan die gons. Mynwerkers word as die sondebokke, wat nie hul hormone in toom kan hou nie, uitgewys en hierdie stelling het baie van die manne behoorlik omgekrap. Vissermanne vaar glo ook in dieselfde bootjie. Volgens die media berig is Coastal High School in Swakopmund die staatskool wat die meeste toekomstige kiesers die eerste lewenslig gaan laat aanskou, met 'n totaal van 22 swanger leerders vir die jaar. Selfs Omaruru bly nie agter nie, nadat 'n skoolseun van S.I. !Gobs Senior Sekondêre Skool op die dorpie glo ook sy bydrae tot hierdie skool se 19 swangerskappe gemaak het. Nog 'n April maand-rammetjie van Swakopmund Sekondêre Skool het 'n lewenslange kontrak geteken, nadat hy bygedra het tot hierdie skool se 16 swangerskappe, aldus die koerantberig. Duinesig Gekombineerde Skool in Walvisbaai se syfer is blykbaar 9, met nog 'n skoolseun wat pa gaan word. Kuisebmond Sekondêre Skool in Walvisbaai en Uis se Petrus !Ganeb Sekondêre Skool, het glo onderskeidelik tot dusver 8 swanger leerlinge vir die jaar. Op Karibib kan 6 babas vanaf Karibib Junior Sekondêre Skool teen die einde van die jaar verwag word. By West Side High in Swakopmund is tot hede slegs 1 geval vir die jaar aangemeld. Skokkend is om die minste van hierdie verloop van sake te sê en die vraag op inwoners se lippe is, wie se skuld is dit? In die eerste plek moet volwasse mans, wat hulle aan hierdie onaanvaabare gedrag skuldig maak, defnitief pa staan vir hul onverantwoordelike optrede. Behalwe dat dit teen die wet is om met 'n minderjarige kind omgang te hê, is dit ook uit 'n morele standpunt prontuit onaanvaarbaar. Van hierdie mans is self pa's van dogters en ek glo nie hulle sal dit aan hul dogters gedoen wil hê nie. Die riemtelegraaf wil dit hê dat van die ou bokke wat so groen blare

soek, blykbaar getroude manne ook insluit. Die groen blaartjies is ook glad nie so onskuldig nie, met sjoebroekies, rooi lippies en pruilmondjies wat vir niks skrik nie. Alhoewel hierdie dogters nog onervare en onvolwasse is, is my mening dat die meeste van hulle presies weet wat hulle doen. Wat soek hulle in die eerste plek op straat of in ontspanningsplekke vir volwassenes, waar hulle meestal benader word. Hier kom klubs, ontspanningsplekke en shebeens ook ter sprake, want vir baie van hulle is die geklingel van hul kasregister belangriker as die minderjarige kinders in hul besighede. 'n Kollega noem dat hedendaagse opvoeding by skole ook 'n groot rol speel, aangesien kinders al van kleins af in seks voorligting ensovoorts onderrig word. Kinders word op laerskool al geleer van kondome, Vigs en voorbehoedmiddels, wat veronderstel is om hulle versigtig en waaksaam te maak, maar nee. Verby is die dae van die bye en die blomme. Sy noem voorts dat hierdie kinders te vroeg aan kennis van die lewe voorgestel word en dus te vroeg ryp gedruk word. Laastens kom die ouers aan die beurt. Dit is 'n feit dat opvoeding by die huis begin en daarteen kan niemand kapsie maak nie. Ouers, wat soek jou minderjarige dogter op straat of in shebeens en nagklubs? My redenasie is dat hierdie kinders nie daar hoort nie, al pronk hulle alreeds op 'n jong ouderdom met goed bedeelde liggame. Minderjarig is minderjarig en basta. Indien jy jou dogter die regte opvoeding gee, glo ek nie jy sal toelaat dat sy by plekke vir volwassenes uithang of laat nag nog op straat wees nie. Hierdie opvoeding sal ook, indien sy haarself dalk in so 'n situasie bevind, na vore tree en sy gaan haarself weerhou van seks met 'n volwasse man, of seks oor die algemeen. Lesers se terugvoering in hierdie verband sal waardeer word.

Suspects in Neumann murder case on trial Crime Reporter The five men, who stand accused of murdering German citizen Thilo Neumann in Swakopmund in 2010, are currently on trial in the Regional Magistrate's Court. Neumann (40) was tedly surprised and he had observed three wounded and killed at o v e r p o w e r e d t h e men approach Neuthe front door of his security guard at mann's house on foot house in the early Nuemann's plot and approached at around hours of 18 January when Neumann emer- 01:00. The house was 2010. Following a ged from his house to still under construclong delay the trial of check the cause of the tion and Neumann Fillemon Shilongo, commotion, he was lived in one of the Sem Mwaala Sham- summarily gunned finished rooms. ha, David David, down and killed on the Hanavi had tried to David Asino and Jo- spot. It is understood alert his boss, but he hannes Kambonde is the attackers were was held down by the now in full swing and armed with two guns attackers. He recalled the group has made a and an iron bar. that there was a n u m b e r o f c o u r t The guard on duty, Mr struggle between Neuappearances since 17 Festus Hanavi, repor- mann and the suspecJuly. ted that on the Mon- ted robbers, who shouThe suspects repor- day night in question t e d a t N e u m a n n :

WALVIS BAY 23 July 2014 · Tamsyn Wood (20) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 2 October. The accused is on bail. · Secilia Alpheus (24) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 3 months imprisonment or a fine of N$1 000. · Petrus Simasiku (39) appeared on a charge of impersonating a member of the Namibian Defence force. The matter was postponed to 20 August. The accused is on bail. · Trevor Kabonde (27) and Natangwe Naeman Angula (35) appeared on charges of fraud. The matter was postponed to 8 September. The accused are on bail. · David Shikongo (28) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500. · Steven Xaweb (28) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed 21 August. The accused is in custody. · Kilian Hangubeb (25) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 50 days imprisonment or a fine of N$1 000. · Athmanand Ramkisson (49) appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor's entry permit. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$1 000.

SWAKOPMUND Regional Court - Philemon Mbashe (34) of Oshakati faces two counts of rape dating back to an incident in 2012. His case was postponed to 15 October for plea and trial. - Moses Haakuria (24) of Otjivero, Omatjete, is facing a charge of rape and was released on bail of N$800. His case is postponed to 29 September for plea and trial. - Frans Haukango (19) was found guilty of culpable homicide and sentenced to eight years in prison, of which two were suspended on condition. - Bonswitha Memory Gases (19) was found guilty of murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison, of which two were suspended for five years on condition.

A Court

- Gavin Kavari (22), Job Kazenambo (32), Mohammed Fox (30) and Abuid Tjaverua

“Where is the money?” Then suddenly two shots rang out; Neumann's body slumped in the doorway. Hanavi told reporters at the time that he was also gagged by one of the men and left near the body of Neumann, while two others entered the house: “But they came right back out and started to run in a north-westerly direction.” He could only see the tail lights of their vehicle lea-

ving in the distance. A white Toyota pickup without any driver was found on a gravel road the next day, not far from the murder scene, where it had overturned. The police concluded that it could be the getaway car and followed the footprints. The suspects then fled on foot, scattering in various directions. Shilongo was found in the dunes on 19 January, while Shamha was arrested in Walvis Bay two

(28) of Mondesa face charges of assault with the intention to cause grievous bodily harm. Three accused were released on bail, but Tjaverua was ordered to remain in detention as the case continues this week. - Absalom Tjihikika (39) of Otjiwarongo faces one count of assaulting a police officer and one count of drinking in public. The matter was postponed to 11 September for plea and trial. The suspect is out on bail of N$800. - Max Shaanika (27) and Eliaser Shomagwe (21) both face a charge of theft from a vehicle that was properly locked. Shaanika remains in lock-up and his co-accused was granted bail. The case continues on 31 July. - Mathilda Gaoxas (35) of Mondesa faces a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 22 September to allow her time to get legal aid. - Johannes Amutenya (32) is charged with theft. His case was heard this week. - Gerson Alfred Beukes (23) of the DRC in Swakopmund was found guilty of theft and was fined N$2 000 or six months in prison. - Lazarus Johannes (30) of Mahetago Swakopmund faces two counts of housebreaking with intent to steal and must remain in custody until 28 September when the case is to be heard. - Linden Duwe (17), Wesley Narib (17) and Collin Goreseb (16) of the DRC in Swakopmund were charged with housebreaking, and intent to steal. Duwe was sentenced to 36 months each on two counts; Narib was given 36 months of which 18 months were suspended for five years. Goreseb was also sentenced to 18 months, which were wholly suspended for five years. He must do 500 hours of community service from 08:00 to 17:00 Monday to Friday. - Divan Rossouw (17) faces a charge of racial discrimination related to public amenities and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused was not in court and the warrant of arrest was extended. His case was postponed to 30 July. He was released into the care of a guardian. - Fillipus Barnard (35) of Mondesa is charged with culpable homicide, related to a vehicle accident. His bail was extended to 9 February 2015 for plea and trial. - Elda Kanguatjiri (33) was found guilty on two counts of theft and sentenced to a fine of N$800 for each violation. - Hileni Shikono (25) of the DRC in Swakopmund is charged with assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, her bail of N$1 000 was extended to 1 December. days later. The other suspects were tracked to various parts of the country. While four of the suspects remained in trialawaiting custody, 36year old Lazarus Kambonde managed to evade the police and fled to South Africa, where he was arrested only in February 2012. It is understood he was detected by an off-duty Namibian police office, travelling on holiday in the Western Cape, South Africa at

the time. In their bail applications, his co-accused reportedly implicated Kambonde as the one who fired the weapon that killed Neumann. It also emerged during Shilongo's bail application in mid- 2010 that Shamha was the one who drove the getaway car, which apparently belonged to Shilongo's wife. Neumann originally hailed from Darmstadt, Germany. The case continues.

29 JULY 2014




29 JULY 2014

Obtaining Fishing


The vessel is called Solitaire, it is a cable laying ship, which is used to connect underwater fibre optic cables around the world. Harbour workers report that the vessel has been lying in the channel for several weeks and is likely undergoing maintenance work before salling to the Americas. Photos contributed.

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

L端deritz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:37 Wednesday and sunset will be at 17:40. The moon will rise in the east (86o) at 08:32 and will set in the west (272o) at 20:44. The first high tide will be at 04:25 and the next high tide at 16:45. The first low tide will be at 10:10 and the next low tide at 22:30. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:36 Wednesday and sunset will be at 17:40. The moon will rise in the east (86o) at 08:32 hand will set in the west (272o) at 20:44. The first high tide will be at 04:20 and the next high tide at 16:40. The first low tide will be at 10:00 and the next low tide at 22:25.

The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:36 Thursday and sunset will be at 17:40. The moon will rise in the east (91o) at 09:08 and will set in the west (267o) at 21:34. The first high tide will be at 04:55 and the next high tide at 17:15. The first low tide will be at 10:40 and the next low tide at 23:05. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:36 Thursday and sunset will be at 17:41. The moon will rise in the east (91o) at 09:08 and will set in the west (267o) at 21:34. The first high tide will be at 04:50 and the next high tide at 17:10. The first low tide will be at 10:30 and the next low tide at 23:00.

Port Log

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:37 today and sunset will be at 17:40. The moon will rise in the east (82o) at 07:56 and will set in the west (276o) at 19:55. The first high tide will be at 03:55 and the next high tide at 16:15. The first low tide will be at 09:40 and the next low tide at 22:00. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:37 today and sunset will be at 17:40. The moon will rise in the east (82o) at 07:56 and will set in the west (276o) at 19:55. The first high tide will be at 03:50 and the next high tide at 16:10. The first low tide will be at 09:30 and the next low tide at 21:55.


aru ru

Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?


These vessels have also been in the channel at the Walvis Bay port for weeks now.

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies


29 JULY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.


Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments

acebook My mom is

Woman on rampage

A woman went on a rampage at the office of the namib times on Wednesday morning, destroying a computer and verbally attacked office staff, angered by a request from a journalist to submit a written account of her story. Taati Niilenge: What we need to do is pray for her, rather than make fun of her. She was indeed very intelligent at university and studied medicine. It’s unfortunate what happened... May God show mercy... RosyRose Andreas: All of you haters out there who are so judgemental, take a minute and who so easily judge, I have news for you: she actually needs your prayers. I attended secondary school with her and we were later together at varsity from where she proceeded to RSA and studied medicine in Durban. She was a very intelligent hardworking girl, and if I remember right, she only had her father by the time we were @ secondary school. She later married a Nigerian man, and after his death, alyhough I dont have the details of it, her two kids were taken by her in-laws and kept in Nigeria and they cut all communication with her. She was

trying to get them back and even sought assistance from the public via the NBC damara/Nama radio station. All these traumatic experiences took a toll on her and she was at some point in the mental hospital. There was a previous Newspaper story where she hitchhiked to Swakop and went on a rampage in that town's State hospital and clinic where she took patients passports, cancelled their prescriptions and injected them with water and gave them Panado's. I am actually dissappointed with the Namib Times reporting on the issue, a little research and proper digging would have uncovered a lot more and I think there is quite more to this story. It is regrettable that such intelligent brains have to go to waste like this and my heard bleeds for you Cindy, my suster ek bid dat die Abba Vader sy Helende hande oor jou sal uitspreek en vir jou genees en jou kindertjies by jou sal terug

besorg. Kombadayedu-Ikuwa Nghelo Shihepo-Nyati: I pray to God that she gets healed! She has a lot in her plate there's truth in part of her story! The hospital is to be blamed for this, why release a person that needs help all the time? She really needs deliverance! It hurts! Devano Seun De Bruyn: Sy het gebed nodig dis demone wat haar so ry...I met her a few times and believe me that’s black magic...let’s keep her in our prayers. Allison Grant-Kotze: This "lady" attacked us in our offices in Swakopmund!!! Told us she was an Advocate and a doctor! Johanna Kalondo: I think she is a danger to herself as well. Antie Dammie: I agree with you Kombadayedu on this. How can the hospital allow her to escape if they know she’s a danger to the public? Antie Dammie: Lock her

up for good!! She’s a danger to us all. I was also targeted by her on Monday with verbal insults. When she came in the foyer of the Walvis Bay Library and museum I just ignored her to save the situation. Then I locked myself in my office for a while until she left the building. On Wednesday she came back to the library and attacked a school girl. Called the cops but they didn’t turn up! She then went on her rampage to other businesses. Speedy Lioness Lala Zopa: She was also at our clinic (NAPPA Clinic, Kuisebmond) and spit on some of our clients. Apparently she is a Doctor and all Oshiwambo people are stupid and all are HIV positive. Marieka de Beer: Sy was in standard bank ook het 'n m......e scene daar gegooi en standard bank beskuldig van haar man se dood! Dink nie al haar varkies is op hok nie.

Traffic officers' appeal

The Traffic department of Walvis Bay has raised concern regarding vehicles left in public areas after instructions were given to remove these vehicles.

Shawn Thomas: Wat help dit net praat hier staan 'n trok al vir 3 maande en omlangs nog een by gekom ons praat praat net maar niks word gedoen nie Dianne van Tonder: Thank you Mr Platt!!! Leslie de Jager: Thanks Mr Platt. Speeding in residential areas is also a big

problem and need to be clamped down on. Good luck and again thanks for keeping our roads safe. Danny Beukes: Julle kan die trokke en trailers sommer vir scrap metal verkoop. recovering costs you know. Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze: Great. Now I hope all this "urging" will result in

action. Renthia Kruger: Thank you very much Mr Platt. After all the complaints at least action is now been taken. The 1st three trucks in Union Street have been removed already. Next step the quad bike racers in Union Street too. Again thanks a lot for action taken.

Mr Eben Platt

Tienerswangerskappe - die vet is in die vuur Media beriggewing aangaande die feit dat byna 90 skooldogters in die Erongo Streek in die “ander tyd” is, het die kus behoorlik aan die gons. Mynwerkers word as die sondebokke, wat nie hul hormone in toom kan hou nie, uitgewys en hierdie stelling het baie van die manne behoorlik omgekrap. Vissermanne vaar glo in dieselfde bootjie.

Es Xz: Ek gaan seker nou weer geblaai word van alle kante af, maar met die beskikbaarheid van beskerming in vandag se lewe, is dit stupidgeit as jy in die ander tyd beland as jy nog 'n flippen skoolgaande kind is! hou jou bene toe! Fransina Visser: Ja die kinders mag mos nie meer getug word nie en ons kry mos gehoorsame ouers, (kinders is baas in vandag se tyd vroeg ryp vroeg vrot). Chris Engels: Altyd die man se skuld, maar as jy net vir een oomblik kyk hoe gaan die jongmeisies aan, en ja hulle het ook hormone wat hulle lekker lus maak, dit vat twee om te tango en glo my die jongmeisie

tango 'n hond uit 'n bos uit, so moenie altyd die man die skuld gee nie. Zenobia Engeltjie Willemse: Dis piere nalatigheid x 24 en word nu nog soos 'n kind op gepas en hier sit die skoolkinners swanger op skool n k s bang om net my bene oop te maak nee my magtig, d....r di goed hule gni di mane blame ni hule weet wat hule dun, di ma en pa sal nu se hule kinners is gerape dan is dt hka di kind wat self wt di man gn op gesoek het. Bly weg van grt mens dinge af. Wat ht geword van geen sex vr troue of raak ees 21 en dan tree j in di grtmens wêreld in ha. Mari Brand-Oelofse: Die

meisies doen dit vir geld, so hulle is net so skuldig. Ronel Muller-Boshoff: Kry mos kraamverlof en mag terugkom skool toe nadat hul gekraam het. Daar sit vele moeders (sommige van twee kleintjies al) in die klaskamers. Erwin Dausa: Punt is mans moet weet wt reg is en wt vkeerd is. Wt dink 'n man wt 'n vrou ht en wt bsluit om mt 'n skoolgaande kind te gan lol. Hoe sou jy voel as aner man mt jou dogter neek. Sophia Motinga: Deesdae is dit die ouers wat saam met hul dogters dobbel, baie van die meisie leef saam met die grootmanne en dan gaan hulle van daar af

skool toe, die ma en aunty kry geld en kos so what? Dai is inhouse prostitution. Ons tyd het ons PAP Drie Keer gedag geëet omdat ons ouers nie die luxurious gud kon bekostig nie. Nou wil skoolgaande kinders alle luukse hede hê wat hulle nie kan bekostig nie. Los die manne uit hulle betaal vir hul dienste en praat met die meisies. Life skill teachers know your kids and coach them for the sound future. Danny Beukes: As jy swanger raak, het jy mos nie condom gebruik nie, met HIV so hoog? Seker maar ‘youthful living on the edge’. Kry vir julle.


My brother, Anthony had an accident on Friday night riding a quad bike.

He literally broke his leg clean off, saving for a bit of skin and calf muscle keeping it attached. He was rushed to Cottage Med-Clinic in Swakop. There they did some emergency procedures and gave him something for the pain, but also informed him that they don’t have the necessary tools and equipment to do the necessary procedure to reattached his leg and pin it in place etc. They had to send for the tools and equipment from Windhoek and would only be able to operate early next week.

This unfortunately leaves a lot of room for potential risk or infection and not to mention extending the time he will sit with excruciation pain. What did my mom do, you might be wondering? Well she took it upon herself to go to the hospital where the necessary equipment was to be sent from and offered to take it through to Swakop herself. Having organised this between the two hospitals she then drove to Swakop with the equipment and they were able to do the operation first thing this morning.

As I am writing this he is still in the operating room so no news on that front, but holding thumbs. So, in conclusion I just wanted to give a public shout out to my mom for doing such a wonderful thing and I thought it is an uplifting story to read for the locals who know him and my mom, and what a mother’s love drives mothers to do for their children. What a better platform for that than the most popular and most read newspaper. Regards, Jonathan Louw

Business owner irate over smoking ban

There we go: more unemployment! Well done, Minister of Health you are adding to the unemployed, because already the businesses are feeling the pinch! I trust you are in the process of creating some kind of trust to tend to the unemployed, when smokers can no longer attend public places, employers can no longer keep all employees, so there is going to be some retrenchments as it is no longer economically viable to keep them, as business is bad now. So everybody rid yourself of your fancy cars as the fumes are EVEN more poisonous, leading to lead poisoning resulting in leukemia! Let’s get back to the four footed donkeys and

horses and carts, back to the roots. What is this Minister’s problems with smokers and the condition with their lungs, is it because he is aware that both State Hospitals are so filthy and dilapidated that he knows his hospitals are unable to take care of the sick! Minister of Health, Mr Kamwi, what about the p…..g parade in Namibia? It too is a health hazard. As we are all well aware of by now, Namibia has a bit of an issue when it comes to their bodily releases and

public health. Pee, poop, it doesn’t particularly matter, because it all gets done on the sidewalk and streets. Why does the Minister of Health not act when it comes to public urination and defecation? You are interfering with our human rights as smokers and the majority of people are p…..g in the public. No point, we have to refrain from smoking, yet you can p..s in public. The Devil’s Advocate Unacceptable language removed - Ed

Short Letters Chris Engels writes

Lolitha Sappatini Harases writes

Greetings to all in Walvis from Ireland,keep up the good work namib times, great reading about my old town, have a great day!

I am a regular reader of the namib times. I came across a article of yours in the newspaper of 11 July 2014 titled “Cardo going places”. I was very much impressed by the courage and persistence of the young man. On the other hand, I was irked by the following and I quote “After he released his two singles last year, ‘Ama /nam te’ meaning truly love me in a local language and ‘Ons is hier’ in Afrikaans”. What seemed to stop you from merely stating that the song was in Damara/Nama or Khoekhoegowab for that matter? It is a local language as Afrikaans is. I feel that these types of ‘errors’ succeed in dividing rather than uniting us. I would very much appreciate your response on this matter.

Es Xz writes Ek het iets ‘uitgefiger’... dis vir Walvisbaaiers ‘n sport om oor oranje ligte te jaag... hoe vinniger, hoe beter, en lyk my ‘n wit FJ cruiser se eienaar bie vir eerste plek.... (gister middag half 5 by die WVB pvt hoërskool robot...) nog iets wat ek ook al opgelet het, hoe groter en duurder die kar, hoe groter die …. wat hom ry. Elvira Bock writes Hi, wil net vertel van my ongelukigheid oor ‘n sekere Shell garage in Walvisbaai, die kassiere is verskriklik ongeskik en vra kronies koeldrank of ‘n tip. Ek weier toe om haar ‘n tip te gee nou is ek belet van die kassier, hulle sal my glo nie weer help nie. Kan die eienaar nie kommentaar lewer asb.

Thank you for pointing that out to us. Failing to name the specific language was a mere oversight by the journalist, who is Damara speaking herself, and was not done on purpose - Ed

29 JULY 2014


Coastal community

mourns rising star’s unfortunate death

Mavourlene Gaes

The unfortunate and untimely death of Virguel Majiedt (22), better known as Big B to his friends and fans, caused a shock in the community. Virguel was on his way to Swakopmund when he died in a car accident on 12 July. Brendan, a close friend of Virguel, who was also travelling in the car with him, said the accident happened very fast. “We were travelling from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund at around 12:00. I had to give my mother her mobile phone and some money and we also had to go to the recording studio,” Brendan explained. He said that they were busy overtaking another vehicle, when the same vehicle tried to push them off the road.

Patrick, the driver, managed to get their car back on the road, but while trying to gain control of the vehicle, it overturned. Unfortunately, Brendan and Virguel were not wearing seatbelts and were thrown out of the car. Patrick had his seatbelt on and remained in the car. Both Virguel and Patrick were rushed to Windhoek. After being admitted to Katutura hospital, it was apparently clear that Virguel suffered a brain haemorrhage.

Doctors operated and tried to stop the bleeding but he passed away in the Intensive Care

Unit a few days after the accident. Both Patrick and Brendan survived the accident with serious

injuries, but sadly Virguel will be laid to rest this weekend in Walvis Bay.



WALVIS BAY • Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • Sat. 2 Aug.: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. • 2 Aug.: Vlooimark oorkant Woermann Brock by die Moth terrein. • 1-2 Aug.: Walvisbaai Oesterfees at Atlantis Sport Club with their main artist Dozi Saturday night. • 1-2 Aug.: Friday, Namib Times Blanket Drive - Saturday drop off of blankets at Pupkewitz Nissan, snacks and cooldrinks will be provided. • 5 Aug.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste Kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.


• Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. Markets @ 10:00 14:00 (29 June, 3 Aug, 31 Aug, 28 Sept & 2 Nov). • Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. • Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • 2 Aug.: Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre: SISC Opening - 08:00 Areva/SICS fun run, 09:00-17:00 Springbokfees, Potjiekos competition - Wine Auction by the famous Beyerskloof Cellar, different sport codes, Food Stalls, bazaar tables and lots more - something for the whole family. • 2 Aug.: Bio and Fleamarket at Wild Rocket (former Arkaden Café) every Saturday from 9:00 -12:00. Contact 081 127 5442. • 2 Aug.: 17:00 at Woermann Haus - Gallery: Reading (German) by Prof Obermair - “Carl Zuckmayer - 1914", remembering the start of the First World War. • 2 Aug.: Huwelikseminaar met Ds Johan Serfontein aangebied deur Swakopmund Congregational Vroue, begin om 10:00 by die Swakopmund Primêre Skool. • 9 Aug.: 17:00 at Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Opening of group exhibition Othele Mbate - Art in unity: David Amukoto and his “friends in art” present their graphics and craft work (till 9 September) • 30 Aug.: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church, Tamariskia, Langarm Dance with Swingers at the Swakopmund Town Hall starts 20:00 till late.


Virguel Majiedt better known as Big B

• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


29 JULY 2014

Harries Park Football Club Prize giving

essful year

A toast to a succ

Best dressed couple Lenny B and Janine

Photos by BernabĂŠ Blaauw

Marshall, Lorenzo, Melissa and Calandra

Serious boys

Coach Cyril Beukes and his beautiful wife

The Chairman and his partner - Eloma and Marlo Green


29 JULY 2014

Mayoral Gala Dinner 2014

The Mayoral Fundraising Gala Dinner held on Saturday night in Walvis was well attended by members of the

business fraternity in Namibia who gave generously to the initiative that raised close to N$750 000.



29 JULY 2014

Visit our website @

Aflegging en vrywillige bedanking:

Staan u voor 'n keuse van aflegging en/of vrywillige bedanking – indien wel, is daar 'n paar baie belangerike dinge wat u moet weet.: Daar is baie geld Ja, daar is baie geld wat nou moet gate toestop, · dinge binne en rondom die huis moet reggesien word, · die vrou/man wil 'n nuwe dit en die kinders dat hê. · En dan is daar skuldjies wat af betaal gaan word. · En dan is daar lojale vrinne en familie wat skielik 'n groot krisis opgedoen het, en nou moet u help… En daar is net soveel geld, · en voor jy jou kry, is die geld klaar, · en die huis is nie afgelos soos beplan nie, · die kombuis lyk nog net soos altyd en weet dat die Liewe Vader 'n weg sal maak. · Jy kan ten minste nog die geld wat geleen is terug vra, maar daar is geen waarborg dat jy dit sal terug kry nie.

Hier is so 'n paar wenke om jouself en jou swaarverdiende geld te beskerm. 1. Kry Advies En met advies word bedoel, professionele advies, want daar gaan ‘n verskriklike klompie mense rondom jou wees wat tog graag vir jou advies wil gee oor hoe om daai geld te bestuur. En meeste van hulle is besigheidsbeleggings en eiendom. 'n Gekwalifiseerde Finansiële adviseur is jou beste keuse, een wat darem weet wat hy doen. Jy het basies 2 algemene keuses 1.1 Bewaringsfonds (Preservation Fund) Hierdie belegging bied jou 'n belastingvrye opsie om jou geld in 'n ander pensioen produk te belê. Dit bied jou 3 jaar om ontrekkings te maak, indien jy heeltemal onseker is van jou toekoms. Jy betaal wel belasting op alle ontrekkings. Indien jy nog jonk is en baie jare tot aftrede het, kan jy hieraan dink. 1.2 Pensioen

Die opsie is natuurlik die beste een vir u aftrede, en die geld word eenvoudig in 'n pensioen belê tot aftree ouderdom, waar dit dan by aftrede uitbetaal word soos normaal. Hierdie opsie is ook goed indien u al in aftree

ouderdom is, want 'n derde van die geld is belastingvry, en die res kan belê word vir aftree inkomste. 2. Wees Suinig Onthou dat jy jou pensioengeld oor 'n lang tyd bymekaar gemaak het, en

om dit sommer so uit te gee aan nie-pensioen uitgawes, kan groot verliese vir jou beteken as aftrede aan die deur klop. Moet ook nie dink dis sommer min geld nie, want N$100 000 kan oor 15 jaar tot N$ 470 000 groei as jy dit reg


belê. Om dit nie nou te spandeer nie is dalk 'n baie goeie keuse. 3. Wees Eerlik Deur eerlik met ander en jouself te wees kan soveel pyn en lyding vermy word. Jy moet onthou dat jy nou in die werkloosheidsmark is, en jou geld self sal nodig kry. Deur sagte lenings te maak, kan jy jouself baie arm maak. Dit is nie lekker om afgelê te word nie, en wees eerlik met die mense rondom jou. Sielkundig kan dit 'n baie negatiewe uitwerking hê as jy nie berading kry nie. En alkohol en dwelmmisbruik, en selfs dobbelverslawing is van die newe effekte om jou beter te laat voel oor die situasie…dit vererger net alles. 4. Wees Slim Om geld in iemand anders se besigheid te belê, is nie baie slim nie, begin eerder self iets waaraan jyself kan werk en tyd spandeer, indien daar geen ander uitweg is nie. Enige besigheid wat nie

self kapitaal kan verkry nie, sal ook nie jou kapitaal kan terug betaal nie. 5. Kyk na kostes By oordrag van jou geld, by enige maatskapy, wees versigtig vir kostes, want niemand gaan dit vir jou verniet doen nie. Hierdie kostes word gewoonlik onderhandel tussen jou en die Finansiële Adviseur. Moenie skaam wees om oor kostes te gesels nie. 6. Onthou die Toekoms Jy mag dalk nou onmiddelik nie werk hê nie, maar jy het nog 'n toekoms. En jy MOET eendag aftree, en indien die dood sou intree, moet jy d a a r v o o r o o k v o o rsiening maak. Probeer om die geld terug te betaal aan jouself wat jy nou opgebruik. Danny Beukes is 'n geregistreerde Finansiële Adviseur, gemagtig deur Sanlam Namibië, en is gereed om u spesifieke behoeftes aan te spreek. Skakel hom gerus by 0811282256.


WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home based business (Place of Public Instruction) to have a College ON ERF NO: 4152 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Kabeljou In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a College on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 12 August 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Saara T Angula

29 JULY 2014

Blaster AEL Mining Services – Namibia (Pty) Ltd has a vacancy for a blaster. The successful candidate, who will be based in Swakopmund, will play a key role within AEL for ensuring the safe supply of quality product to the customer. Education & experience: · Grade 12 certificate · Valid code CE driving licence · Valid blasting ticket for open cast mines. · Suitable experience working on a mine in a production role

To find out more about us visit: Please send a brief CV (max 3 pages) to: Email: Fax : 064 406493 Please quote this reference number in the subject line: Reference number: BLAST_NAM Closing date: 01 August 2014


29 JULY 2014




TO LET MAHETAGO 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3850.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity LANGSTARND Bachelors flat With Garage N$4600.00 W/L Excl. Exclusive and Elite Estates TO LET Vineta Small 3 bedroom house + bachelor flat, double garage N$ 7,700.00 Centre Town Furnished 2 bedroom Apartment N$ 9,000.00 Unfurnished 2 bedroom Flat N$ 6,000.00

For sale; Swakopmund, Mondesa: Mondi Haven: 2 bedroom flat, two bathrooms, BIC & Build in Stove, single garage, a bargain at N$600,000.00 excluding costs, contact seller at 081 149 9191 / 081 284 7563

Office Space N$ 5,500.00 Mile 4 3 bedroom Flat ,2 bathrooms and Garage N$ 6,500.00 3 Bedroom flat Double Garage 3 bathrooms N$ 8,500.00 Hage Heights-Executive apartment 3 bedrooms,lounge kitchen Water and Electricity included N$ 15,000.00

FOR SALE: A residential plot in Extension 9 (Old Army Camp) Walvis Bay alongside Nangolo Mbumba Drive, 760m² in size is available for sale at market price. This is a direct private sale and therefore no Agents or proxies please. Contact: 081 129 5250

TO RENT Tamariskia: New back yard flat. Spacious one bedroom open plan kitchen, Shower, BIC. Prepaid electricity, water included. Rent: N$3300.00 Deposit: N$1500.00 Contact: 081 295 5914 HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa - Next to Woerman: 2 Bedrooms, open plan kitchen and Garage. N$5000.00 including W/L Contact: 081 272 9634

BACHELOR TO RENT: Narraville Own shower and toilet. N$ 2 300.00 p/m W/E incl. Singles only. Available 01 August. Contact: 081 290 1180

OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2700.00 W/ Incl JABULANI Bachelor flat N$2900.00 W/L Incl All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah TO RENT: Kabeljou Area, Mola Mola Cresent. Big bedroom, open plan kitchen. Bathroom and garage with G4S alarm. W/E incl. N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 413 1320

SUNA 081 210 7823 TO RENT: Kabeljou Area, Mola Mola Cresent. Big bedroom, open plan kitchen. Bathroom and garage with G4S alarm. W/E incl. N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 413 1320

Ocean View 3 bedroom House double garage N$ 10,000.00 Newly Build Upmarket Townhouses-FOR SALE 3bedrooms,3 bathrooms,2and half garages,lounge and kitchen N$ 1,650 000.00 Tamariskia 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Kitchen & Lounge Garage & alarm system N$5,500.00 Mondesa Available now 2 bedrooms 2 bathrooms kitchen garage & alarm system N$ 4,500.00 Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com

FLAT TO LET Jabulani - Mondes: Last 1 bedroom left with outside toilet and shower. N$1300.00 per month. Water and electricity included in the rent. A deposit will be required. Contact: 081 360 7641 HOUSE TO LET Narraville: 4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, double sitting rooms and kithcen. Thehouse is very spacious with comforable backyard to relax. Situated at Evergreen str. 50 next to Makarios Mini Market and Take away. The house is conveniently situated close to a mini market and easy to catch a taxi to town. Prepaid electricity has been installed. No garage. Photos can be provided on request via Whatsapp N$6000.00p/m, water included. Contact: 081 360 7641 1 Bedroom Flat to Rent in Hermis Walvisbay Open-plan kitchen and living area. Spacious 1 bedroom and bathroom with shower. Water & Electricity included. No garage, but parking space for a vehicle. Walking distance from Welwitchia Hospital. Immediately available. N$3600 p/m plus deposit Contact: 081 207 7651

Ocean View-Newly built houses 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms lounge kitchen and double garage N$ 12,000.00

SUNA 081 210 7823 PAMGOLDING suna.kritzinger@pamgoldi TO RENT Swakopmund Town Centre N$6600.00 Sunny open plan 2 bed, 2 bath flat, 2 garages R6600.00 Mile 4 N$6600.00 3 bed,2 bath Outdoor braai close to the beach Ocean View N$11000.00 3 bed 2 bath 2 gar free standing house FOR SALE N$1,850,000 Spacious, near school 4 gar, 3 bed, 2 bath, indoor braai BARGAIN BARGAIN ! ! ! N$1,390,000 This 3 bedroom house Is Charm with economy! LOCK UP AND GO! !N$1,100,000 In a secure complex 3 bed,2bath, singel garage Sea view to die for

Tamariskia: 1 bedr flat with bic, open plan kitchen with pic, bathr, water incl, prepaid elect. N$2800 + deposit. Immediately avail. Contact Jariet: 081 470 9806

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cf BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: Spacious & Neat 1 bedroom(bic), bathroom $ Open plan Kithcen (bic). Equipped with geyser. Fully tiled & ceiled. Secure property. N$2800p/m Contact: 081 626 1940 081 467 6366 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Very spacious plots near mile 4 for as low as ± N$635 000 for 734m² Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email:nevillesmith@

SWAKOPMUND FLAT TO LET In Town 2 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Tandem Garage Pre-Paid Meter N$ 5720.00 Contact Martina 081 124 3885 (CEA) Sales TO RENT: Newly build 2 bedroom flat with B.I.C. Garage. N$ 5 500.00 Available 01 August. Contact: 081 278 0246 WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Gemeubileerde eenslaapkamer wwonstel. Oopplan sit - en eetkamer en Kombuis, ingeboude kaste. Garage fasiliteite vir een voertuig. Alarmstelsel. Karg en water ingesluit. Verkieslik geen troeteldiere. Nierokers. N$4600.00p/m plus deposito. Beskikbaar 1 September 2014 Kontak: Tel: 064 463 943 Sel: 081 128 5407 vir besigtiging en verdere besonderhede.

DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND SWAKOPMUND Beautiful 2 bedroom home, with 2 en-suite bathrooms, lovely open living spaces and Spacious kitchen/dining area. Plus a separate selfcontained. One bedroom flat and a double garage Web Ref 680863 Price N$3,241.500 Please contact: Anzelle - 0811284990 DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND PLOT AND PLAN!! 3 DIFFERENT PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM!! Also various erven to choose from 249m2 under roof Price : N$ 1,620,000 Cornay : 081-2775788 FOR SALE: New House Erf 5866 Ext. 23 Swakopmund 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom Open plan kitchen, lounge Double garage Scullery. Corner Erf. PRICE N$ 1485 000-00 MTN PROPERTIES TAMARISKIA PLOT size 800m2 N$528 000.00 3Bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge, Garage, Plus 2Bachelor flat each bedrooms and study room, N$1.28mil 3Bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic Dinning, Lounge, Laundry Garage, Plus flat with 2bedrooms bic, Bathroom, Open planKitchen bic and Double Garage N$1.6mil LONG BEACH Bachelor flat Bathroom, Garage Registered CC N$645 000.00 SWAKOPMUND 3Bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen, Dinning, Lounge and Double Garage N$1,06mil 3Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, Study room, Kitchen, Lounge, garage N$990 000.00 Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn



29 JULY 2014


CLASSES BeatAccMath Presents Holiday Classes for Accounting and Mathematics WE FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS TO MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING Grade:6-10 Location: Narraville, Walvis Bay N$ 300 for 4 classes For more information contact us on 081 497 2195 or email: Smarter children. Better Namibia



081 143 4368 064 220 387 Walvis Bay

HAIR Brazilian keratin treatment / relaxer N$ 595.00 All hair types especially ethnic hair. Brilliant treatment for broken, frizzy and processed hair. PROMOTES GROWTH AND SHINE Appointments @ 081 383 8009


FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: SERVICES: I buy gold and silver jewellery and coins. Contact: 081 344 3794 081 315 9178




KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance

Baard Transport / Block & Brick TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 VERF Moenie dakke en mure laat lek nie! Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwerke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!! TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.. PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848 COASTAL PAINT WORKS: VERFWERK Seel Dakke en Mure Teen water en stof/sand Lekkasies Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund JR Interiors Custom made Blinds Curtaining Interior Design Interior Decorating Interior Consultation Henties Bay & Coast Rudi 081 422 4795 TO ALL THE LADIES!! I offer massages, for feet and back in the comfort of your own home. Please Contact: 081 247 6596 081 205 8203


1. Aerobics classes & cardio 2. TRX, kettle ball & high intensity training 3. Health, tone & fitness. 4. Zumba Fitness


1. Spinning classes & weight loss 2. Crossfit fitness training (3 classes) 3. Muscle gain & weights training

Contact: Willem 081 272 1437 Hannes 081 032 4777 Dr Absalom The healer and Astrologer This is your time to be free from all your problems like: Finance, business, untrustworthy partners, looking for a job, your relationship is not good or serious court cases, being in jail and wanting to come out, bewitched, recover lost or stolen properties etc. If you have unfinished jobs from other doctors. Contact Dr Absolom 081 247 6336

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541

HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502

Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


FOR SALE: 2006, 1.3 TOYOTA YARIS T3+ N$ 65 000.00 CONTACT: 081 298 2291

TRAINING INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Obtain excellent management skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: 085 635 8415 064 220 280

REMOVALS Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch 081 607 8320

FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail:


Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, No job to small 8 year roof repair guarantees 081 638 6300

Stop Stink PV personal vaporizers to replace cigarettes Some people know them as the E cigarettes easy to change your habit with this PV. We stock a wide variety, and have a special on. Starter pack for N$ 250.00 More than 60 flavours for N$ 50.00 on 10 ml bottle. Visit Largo Video and make a change with that Stink Habit Tel: 064 205 525 081 407 5773


OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Saws * Pumps * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@

VACANCIES Printing Industry Vinyl & Signage Applicator 2+ years Experience Please send Cv to management@

INTENSIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT TRAINING: Obtain excellent personal assistant skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: 085 635 8415 064 220 280

COURSES NAHOTA HOTEL COURSES: Food preparations / cook Waiters / Waitresses Receptionist /Front office Cleaner Barmen Free Basic Computer. Register anytime. No qualifications needed Just a copy of your ID Swakopmund & Walvis Bay 081 462 8224 085 5531910 DIAL-A-WAITER Email:

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685

HAIR SANNAH BRAZILIAN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC: Specials in 100% quality virgin brazillian hair 10 inch - N$ 1350.00. 12 inch - N$ 1500.00. 14 inch - N$ 1650.00. 16 inch - N$ 1850.00. 18 inch - N$ 1900.00. 20 inch - N$ 2 150.00. 22 inch - N$ 2 250.00. 24 inch - N$2 350.00. 26 inch - N$2 450.00. 28 inch - N$2 800.00. 30 inch - N$ 3 000.00. Flexi rods available call or visit us at Namport or contact us on 081 233 2893

CLASSES FIRST AID Class A Starts 5 August 2014 N$550p.p SAFETY REPRESENTING 30th July 2014 N$350p.p Contact:



081 143 4368 064 220 387 Walvis Bay NOTICES Prayer & Prophetic Services: - When: Every Saturday with Prophet Dennis Gamaseb - Where: Rejoice Pentecostal Church Rakatoka Str. Erf 680 Jabulani - Time: 14h00 - 17h00 GOD CAN STILL GIVE ANSWERS Contact Prophet Dennis Gamaseb: 081 415 3255 or 081 659 5799


29 JULY 2014

Death brings pain that time can only heal, No words could ease what you truly feel But with God, his joy is eternally sealed and cherish his memories that death can’t even steal

Anna (Meisie) Eberenz (nee Klazen) *20-07-1946 - +24-07-2014

Our deepest condolences to Otis Finck & family

We hereby announce the passing of our beloved mother. Service: 30 July 2014 (Wednesday) Evangeliese Sending Kerk, Time: 18h30 Service: 01 August 2014 (Friday) G21 Tamariskia (house), Swakopmund Time: 18h30

From: namib times Directors & staff members

Burial: 02 August 2014 (Saturday) G21 Tamariskia (house), Swakopmund Time: 07:30 For more info: Jasmine 081 242 2533 Chantle 081 657 1055 • Adri 081 367 9916 Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

JOCHEN GEBHARDT * 05.09.1946 - + 24.07.2014 knows not its own depth untill the hour of separation. Kahlil Gibran In loving memory we say Good-bye to our beloved Vadder and Appa

Funeral and memorial service to be held in Swakopmund on Saturday, 2nd August. For details contact: Abigail 0812630149

Your Biggi Sten and Karen with Tim and Pia Susi and Wimpie with Luca Ute with Salom Omi, Alfred Murmel, Nina, Lolly Smiley, Krümel This Sudoku did not work out A memorial service will be held at 15:00 on Friday, 1 August 2014 at the Walvis Bay Equestrian Centre

29 JULY 2014




Squash notes

Namib Diesel Social Doubles League Last week the NDSDL kicked off with a lot of enthusiasm, as quite a few players have come to enjoy playing doubles. It’s a lot more fun and many a time not as taxing as singles, although things can get a bit hairy with four players on the court at the same time.

The happy WBPHS netball team

Third place for WBPHS u/15 netball team The u/15 netball players of Walvis Bay Private High School took part in the National School League at Windhoek High School in Windhoek on Friday and Saturday. The team ended in the third place in our pool and got the 5th place in

Namibia. Well done to all the under 15 netball players

and Miss Judy Poggenpoel!A special word of thanks to our sponsors

for their generous donations and sponsorship throughout the season.

It’s also very entertaining and at times can be quite hilarious, very definitely a spectator sport. Play will be at Buccaneers every Monday and Wednesday till 13 August, thereafter on Wednesday and Friday for the final week. The results for Wednesday the 23rd were as follows:A Section EAE Sparkies bt Boeties 3-0. The spark was there. Michael Stauder/Trevor Heath took no chances against Trevor/Brandon Grane. Supatronix bt Koel by the Pool 3-0. Supa understanding between Ze de Britto/Stefan van Tonder gave them the upper hand against Hennie Koelman/Jacques de Villiers. Mr & Mrs Smith bt

Castle Lighties 3-2. Peter/Jenny Pahl had everything under control against Pieter Beukes/Sharde Fisher in a good five setter, but don’t be misled, things could have easily gone awry, as Pieter/Sharde seemed to have clicked very well. Gateway Shipping bt Terra Nova 3-1. Richard van der Meer/ Martin Krause laid waste to the new territory Jan de Smit/Carla Cummings tread on. Fuel Pump Repairs Africa bt Crown Jewels 3-0. Firing smoothly on all cylinders, Jaco/Clifford de Witt took the shine out of Wynand Breytenbach/ Amanda Beukes’ performance. B Section Steel Africa bt Double Trouble 3-1. A steel

performance by Chris Bruyns/Doyle de Haas put an end to any trouble that came their way from Anneke Grobler/Zaan de Witt. Girl Power bt Magic 3-2. Anina Huisamen/ Lindsay Lottering managed to retain the power in a long match to take out Poena/Connie Olivier. Rent a Drum bt Matt & Ann 3-1. Blackie Zwart/Bertus Fokkens played a good game and drummed it in with a good win. Well that’s it for the opening round. With the weather playing ball and swinging to the East it seems things could be a bit hotter on the courts this week. Everyone probably needs to thaw out a bit. Come support your team, see you there.

Home ground proves advantage for WBPHS rugby Last weekend saw the final match of the first part of the 2014 FNB Classic Clashes being held in Walvis Bay. Walvis Bay Private School (WBPHS) and HTS (Hoër Tegniese Skool) met on the rugby field in Walvis Bay and the hosts celebrated a 19:12 victory. HTS started on a high note and led 12:0 by half time. The second half belonged to the home team who also had a huge crowd cheering for them. They dominated the entire second half and managed to overturn the score to their advantage. Says an onlooker, “We almost witnessed a draw but during the final minute Walvis Bay showed a moment of brilliance and got a try minutes before the final whistle.” Johan Bothma, sport organiser at WBPHS said that the highlight of the game had been the winning try scored by Cammeron Langenhoven three minutes from the end. He added, “The game was played fairly and it was

very hard. Players of both sides competed very hard and in the end they gave it their all. The wind could have been a deciding factor.” FNB Man of the was Paolo Andrews Match of WBPHS. The FNB Classic Clashes will continue with three soccer games on 12, 19 and 20 September. On 12 September Concordia and Rocky Crest will meet in Windhoek while on 19 and 20 September the games will be in Ongwediva between Ongha Senior Secondary School and Nehale Senior Secondary School and Okatana Combined School and Haudano Secondary School respectively.

WBPHS celebrating their victory


29 JULY 2014

Johanna Benson wins

Commonwealth Bronze

Johanna Benson does it again for Namibia. A bronze medal was Namibia’s first podium position at the Glasgow 2014 Games, which no other than para-athlete Johanna Benson claimed for her country. Benson competed and claimed bronze in the long jump T37/38 event which is not her favourite event. The 100m and 200m sprint in which she has excelled at the recent Paralympic Games is not part of the Commonwealth Games program. Benson jumped a personal best of 3.82 meters at Hampden Park in Glasgow behind Aus-

Johanna Benson (right) with her Bronze medal on the podium

tralia’s Jodi Elkington (4.39m) and Bethy Woodward from Canada (4.00m) seen with Johanna in the picture. Benson had clinched bronze before at the Commonwealth Games, in the women’s 100m T37 at Delhi 2010. She is the fifth athlete to win two medals in paraathletics events and no athlete has won more than two.

Dolphin RC retain Oswald Campbell Trophy Dolphin Rugby Club and Kudu Rugby Club fought it out for the annual Oswald Campbell Trophy over the past weekend at the Vineta North Field in Swakopmund. The huge number of people that attended the match was entertained with 80 minutes of big hits, strong running and some extraordinary speed and skills of both teams.

The northwestern wind could not influence the tempo of the match as both teams fought it out to be victorious at the end of the day. Dolphin RC managed to hold on to a second half onslaught by

Kudus during their emphatic 22-10 victory. With the victory over Walvis Bay RC the previous weekend, the Men in Black was confident and highly motivated to pull off the

The victorius Dolphin team challenge from Kudus. From the kick-off Kudus piled the pressure onto Dolphins in the first ten minutes of the game, keeping them locked down in their own 22m area. The Dolphin fly-half used the wind to his team’s advantage and chased their rivals back in their 22. With Dolphin dominating the lineouts during the entire match this is where they placed pressure on the loose trio and fly-half of Kudus. Mbimbo Mbai picked up a loose ball at the edge of the 22 of Kudus to sprint through for Dolphin’s first points of the match to score under the posts. He added the conversion to make the score 7-0 for Dolphins. From the kick-off Kudus attacked again vigorously only to be denied once again by the Men in Black. Dolphins turned their defence into attack and returned the favour by mounting huge pressure in the 22 of Kudus. This earned them a kickable penalty, which was calmly struck by Mbimbo Mbai to make the score 10-0 in the favour of Dolphins. That was also the halftime score and after the break both teams were ready after some stern

and strong words from their Coaches. Kudus playing with the wind, used it to their advantage and pinned the Men in Black back in their own half and was rewarded with a penalty. It was sweetly struck by the trusted boot of their inside centre Charlton Brussels to make the score 10-3. After the kick-off Kudus piled the pressure again onto Dolphins and swamped their goal line with attacks with their big forwards. They however failed as the Men in Black stood their ground and held them out. Kudus then gained a scrum, 5m from the goal line and was awarded a penalty try for their hard work as Dolphins was penalised for obstructing the scrum. Charlton converted to make the score 10-10. In the process Dolphins were down with 13 men as Quinton Fielding and Arno Pretorius were both yellowcarded. Kudus also played with 14 men as their flyhalf Ivo Croza was also sent to the sinbin. Kudus had a numerical advantage over Dolphins on the field but could not turn it into points. However, Dolphins piled on the pressure with 13 men,

rampaging Kudus’ goal line after a fine break by Elroy Hammerslaght and Donovan Hummel. Grant Cloete managed to dive over the white line to secure Dolphins’ second try of the match to extend their lead by 5 points. Mbimbo missed the conversion and the kept the score at 15-10 for Dolphins. Kudus tried hard to get back in the 22m of Dolphin, but the Men in Black was highly motivated to keep them out and turned their defence into attack, maintaining the pressure on Kudus. With time running out Kudus however had a last chance to try to win the match, but the pressure asserted by Dolphins paid off which led to an intercept try by Dolphins winger Sean De Klerk, who sprinted through to touch down under the posts to make the score 2010 in favour of Dolphins. Marwin Kotze converted the try to stretch the lead to 22-10 as the final whistle blew after the conversion. It was a real Derby and an entertaining match for the supporters as they received more than what they paid for. This victory places Dol-

phins third on the Log with Kudus slipping down to fourth and Walvis Bay to fifth place. Wanderers remain at the top of the log with United in second place. The Kudus second stringers ended up with the same score line against Dolphins second stringers to secure a bonus point win for them with 2210. Dolphins still remain in the hunt for a place off spot for the semi-finals, but will have to earn a bonus point victory against a very strong and determined United team. It will not be an easy task for the Men in Black and therefore the Coaches are requesting the players to attend practises for the week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 18:30 at the Vineta North Field. All players must be there and should you not be available please contact your team manager. Dolphins would like to thank the Sponsors and supporters for showing faith and standing behind them this year and a big thanks for the family of the Late Oswald Campbell for sponsoring the trophy, making it an annual event.

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