Virtual Edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6379 FRIDAY 15 AUGUST 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website

Export Standards for horse No sewage inside


into the sea

Staff Reporter

Horse mackerel exporting companies have expressed concerns over the introduction of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) standards by the Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) amid fears of revenue losses due to certification processes. On Thursday the NSI held a stakeholders meeting for all local industry members directly involved in the Mozambican fish and fishery product exports market. Major industry players such as Gendev, Namsov, United Fishing, Erongo Marine and Atlantic Pacific Fishing to name a few, sat at the table which quickly turned into a heated debate as local businesses raised their concerns over the implementation measures that the NSI will take to ensure that horse mackerel products adhere to the international

food safety standard. Major concerns were raised as to how the testing, regulations and certification procedure would be implemented by the NSI. “The fishing industry never sleeps,” one of the stakeholders exclaimed. “Horse mackerel gets packed into loading trucks/shipping vessels as soon as it gets harvested from the sea. We lose up to N$1.2 million per day on a vessel that is not travelling through its required shipping route,” the stakeholder continued. The fishing companies argued that

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WACS repairs start

Mr Riundja Kaakunga (CEO NSI) and Mrs Cecilia Hinda (GM RCP) having to wait a few days to receive certification and results from the NSI could cripple the industry. No horse mackerel production company can recoup the cost of transport vessels waiting days for certification, they justified. Not only the products manufactured for export but also the trawling vessels would need to adhere to the HACCP

standard. The food safety standard is already being implemented in the hake exports market, however, the production processes of horse mackerel is different to that of the hake production market, stakeholders explained. “The model for hake cannot be copied and pasted into the horse mackerel industry,” a representative said. Just on sheer volume horse

mackerel production is more than double that of the hake processing in Walvis Bay. Horse mackerel exports are, by nature, volume driven as it is the staple protein food source for many African countries. It is also sold for as low a price as possible to supply this market with low-cost protein rich food. Any regulations that can increase the cost of

production could have a price hiking effect on the product. “Namibian food products should adhere to international standards,” Riundja Kaakunga, the CEO of NSI said. The regulatory body aimed to provide a better understanding of the standards and come to terms with how it could be implemented in the horse mackerel production industry.

Continues on page 2

Onderwyser in spervuur oor antwoordstel

Page 3

Riding for charity

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Inspired by nature

Marshallino Beukes

‘n Onderwyser van Atlantic Hoërskool in Swakopmund is verlede Vrydag gearresteer, nadat hy blykbaar die memorandum van ‘n eksamen vraestel aan ‘n leerling by die skool beskikbaar gestel het. Mnr Michael Cloete en die 17-jarige leerling is albei aangekla vir diefstal van ‘n memorandum. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder het die prinsipale van die spesifieke skool, me E Ipinge, later die dag by die Mondesa polisiestasie, waar hy aangekla was, opgedaag om

die saak terug te trek. Sy is blykbaar ingelig dat hy alreeds formeel aangekla is en dat hy Maandag, hierdie week, voor die Magistraatshof moes verskyn. ‘n Verteenwoordiger van die Ministerie van Onderwys in Swakopmund het Maandagoggend die klag teen die

onderwyser teruggetrek en aangevoer dat die saak intern hanteer gaan word. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder het die onderwyser, wie se memorandum aan die leerling oorhandig was, lont geruik, nadat die seun 100% in die spesifieke saak behaal het.

Dit wil voorkom asof dit nie die leerder se normale standaard is nie. Die Mondesa polisie is gekontak en by nadere ondersoek is mnr Cloete gearresteer. Die Direkteur van Onderwys (Erongo), mnr John Awaseb het gisternamiddag die voorval bevestig. Hy het genoem

dat sy kantoor ‘n inspekteur gaan afvaardig om die saak in diepte by die skool te ondersoek en indien genoegsame bewyse teen Cloete gevind word, ‘n saak van wangedrag teen hom geopen gaan word. Mnr Awaseb het voorts genoem dat die ondersoek

volgende kwartaal, wanneer die skole heropen, ‘n aanvang gaan neem. Mnr Cloete is nie geskors nie, maar volgens mnr Awaseb mag hierdie stap volg, indien daar bevind word dat sy teenwoordigheid by die skool die ondersoek mag belemmer.

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Erongo riders

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15 AUGUST 2014


Lower catches attributed to seismic tests Staff Reporter

Discharge into the sea

No raw sewage discharged into the sea Jade McClune

Surfers and fisherfolk, who frequent the beach area known as ‘The Wreck’, have repeatedly raised concerns over what appears to be the chronic discharge of sewage water into the sea. The namib times can reveal that this practise is expected to end within the next weeks, as a newly-constructed reservoir comes into operation. Environmentalists are concerned that currently there appears to be no monitoring of the impact of the fluids released into the sea on the overall health of the coastal ecosystem. In response to a number of questions directed to the Municipality of Swakopmund, the local authority yesterday dismissed suggestions that it is discharging any sewage water into the sea. The municipality said it closely monitors the quality of the effluent released into the sea. Municipal spokesperson Ms Allie Gebhardt said, “No sewage is ever discharged into the sea.” She said only “Purified Effluent (PE), which has been treated and sterilised with chlorine is occasionally discharged.” Observers have noted that during peak holiday season the amount of effluent released into the sea increases, as a result of increased pressure on the sewer system,

when holiday-makers flood to the coast. The amounts released into the sea depend on how much semi-purified water is used at the green areas in town, Ms Gebhardt said. “The quantity discharged [into the sea] varies, depending on the use of PE and the influx of sewage to the treatment plant.” She explained that during period of “high inflows into the sewer system and low usage of the effluent at green areas around town, more PE will be discharged into the sea, “while low inflows and high usage means that no PE will be discharged.” Asked whether they have a valid permit to discharge effluent into the Atlantic, Gebhardt said: “Yes, the Municipality of Swakopmund has a permit. The PE complies with the requirements of the disposal permit and the quality thereof is monitored.”

Environmentalists are nevertheless concerned about the potential impact of the effluent on coastal and marine life. Some claimed that the practise is undermining Swakopmund’s status as a premier tourist destination. It however emerged at a press briefing with Namibia’s Environmental Commissioner Teofilus Nghitila in Swakopmund on Wednesday that the entire practice of pumping semi-purified effluent into the sea is likely to come to an end as soon as the new reservoir outside town has been completed. Gebhardt explained that “The [new sewage] plant located near the waste dump is completed and operational. A new purified effluent reservoir has been built near the airport and is being finally tested hydraulically and will be in operation - if tested successfully - within a month. No waste water will be pumped there. It shall be purified effluent, which will be distributed from there to all the existing and new green areas in town and the suburbs.” Nghitila said that all risks to the fragile environment, such as the release of substances into the sea, require ongoing monitoring to assess and mitigate any potentially negative effects on the environment.

Captains of the Namibian fishing industry are seriously concerned over the impact of exploration and mining activities at sea and they say that the industry has suffered severe losses over the past year as a result of sub-sea seismic tests. The issue of seismic testing opinion, which made it clear The Confederation of Na- and unknown consequences within the fishing grounds that seismic surveys need to mibian Fishing Associations of phosphate mining on the was raised at the annual fish- comply with the Environ- (CNFA) reiterated this view sector. Mr Amukwa said the ing sector workshop held in mental Management Act, at the meeting in Walvis Bay nation must protect its reWalvis Bay this week. Seis- thus requiring an environ- this week, and called on the sources. mic testing involves crea- mental clearance certificate Ministry of Fisheries and “The known environmental ting sonic booms under the under that Act. Whatever Marine Resources to start impacts of marine phosphate water by the use of a type of the outcomes, the Minis- reviewing its Marine Re- mining are a major concern air-gun, or sledgehammer. try of Fisheries and Marine sources Policy Act and Re- for the fishing industry and The result is that the fish are Resources is still the custo- gulations during the 2014/15 its survival. However, it is important that the Minisdriven out of their habitual dian of Namibia’s marine financial year. ecosystem and needs to be The landed catch of Alba- try of Fisheries and Marine grounds. It is understood that the tuna, consulted before any deci- core tuna declined from Resources, the Ministry of sardine and pilchard sectors sion is made,” Amukwa told 4 046 tonnes in 2011 to a Mines and Energy and the are among the most heavily industry stakeholders at the meagre 643 tonnes in 2013, Ministry of Environment a report by Mr David Rus- and Tourism work co-operaaffected by ongoing seismic workshop on Tuesday. testing in the Atlantic Ocean “The point is just that the sel of the Benguela Current tively to sustainably manage offshore Namibia. The most way they [oil and gas explor- Commission presented at the our ecosystems.” recent statistics suggest that ers] are doing the seismic 5th Annual Science Forum He also spoke out about the the fishing industry lost an testing in fishing grounds, in 2013, says seismic blasts need to protect stocks from scaring off the fish, Mr are being conducted all illegal fishing operations: estimated N$2 billion. The chairman of the Confe- Amukwa told the namib along the western coastline “Monitoring, control and deration of Namibian Fish- times yesterday. of South Africa up to and surveillance [of vessels in ing Associations, Mr Matti A multi-disciplinary seismic including Lüderitz. Namibian waters] is necesAmukwa, said the fishing in- taskforce, led by Minister Russel’s research points sary to ensure the industry dustry has decided to seek le- Bernard Esau, was set up to a decline of 40-80% in is accountable. It is necesrecently to coordinate the gal advice, regarding the role tuna catches within a range sary to ensure that no illegal and mandate of the Ministry research and the interests of of 30km from the site of competing ministries. of Fisheries and Marine Reseismic testing. It is under- fishing, whether by local or sources, as well the Ministry Asked whether his office stood that the underwater international vessels, is alof Mines and Energy, in the has any responsibility for seismic blasts disorientate lowed.” issuance of clearance certifi- protection of the offshore fish, affecting their migrato- The purpose of meeting in cates for offshore oil and gas environment, Namibia’s En- ry routes, the formation of Walvis Bay this week was vironmental Commissioner, schools and breeding pat- to discuss the implementaexploration. Clearance certificates for Teofilus Nghitila said on terns; it also correlates with a tion of the Annual Fishing offshore seismic surveys are Wednesday that it may be decline in feeding patterns of Sectoral Execution Plan for currently issued by the Mi- necessary to review the fish, as well as deafness and 2014/2015 and to facilitate nistry of Mines and Energy overall legislation and regu- severe damage to organs. discussion between the lealations regarding clearance The local fishing industry ders of the fishing industry under the Petroleum Act. “The large pelagic fishing certificates for offshore mi- also remains highly cau- and the Ministry of Fisheries association obtained legal ning activities. tious regarding the likely and Marine Resources.

Export Standards for horse mackerel Continued from page 1

All food meant for human consumption, including frozen, canned, fresh fish etc and fishery products must adhere to the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) in order to be accepted into many European countries. The NSI is planning to adopt this food safety control standard for Namibian horse mackerel ex-

ports and later on other fishing exports. This means that there will be microbiological testing for Echoli, Staphylocous, and Salmonella as well as histamine testing on a monthly basis to ensure that products adhere to this standard. If the results of these monthly tests are negative, the NSI will need to

certify each batch, earmarked for export. There is currently a food testing laboratory in Walvis Bay and the NSI is looking to set up a possible food laboratory in Lüderitz as well. The outcome of this meeting will be especially relevant to all local businesses involved in the exportation of horse mac-

kerel, whether exporting to Mozambique or anywhere else in the world. In mid-September (15-19 September) the National Fish Inspection Institute (INIP) of Mozambique will travel to Namibia to audit the NSI and inspect whether fishing products, particularly horse mackerel, will be ready for export.

A royal wave to Iron Duke and Black Rover Staff Reporter

The Iron Duke and Black Rover Royal Navy vessels that arrived in the Walvis Bay harbour on Monday will be departing from Walvis Bay today. “We are here for a short break from our duties pa-

trolling the Gulf of Guinea, where we have been work-

ing with our partner nations to share experiences, offer training and work together against piracy, high seas armed robbery and other illicit maritime activities,” Jules Andrews, Weapon Engineer Officer for the Royal Navy said. Despite low key interaction with the Namibian Navy, the Royal Navy hopes to have contributed to an ongoing partnership which will be built on by successive visiting ships in the future. “Our visits have seen us gain a great deal of knowledge for the Royal Navy as well as allow us to share our experience to build capacity

Journalists Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992

Swakopmund Office

Black Rover Walvis Bay Office

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 Advertising Classifieds Marketing/Sales Jacqueline Farmer Cell +264 81 147 7653

Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Dorcas Mhungu Cell +264 81 409 8414 Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918

Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Sport

Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 4610824 Advertising Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155

and develop existing friendships and relations with our fellow naval services,” Andrews explains. The HMS Iron Duke is a Type 23 Frigate, with a Ship’s Company of 190 sailors from around the UK and Commonwealth. The Iron Duke is currently on a six month deployment away from the UK patrolling West Africa and the South Atlantic. She is one of a class of 13 Ships which form the Surface Flotilla of the Royal Navy, split between the Naval Bases of Portsmouth and Plymouth in the UK. The RFA Black Rover is one of two Small Fleet

Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595

Tankers owned and operated by the Brittish Navy her sister ship is RFA Gold Rover. Built by Swan Hunters and launched in 1973, Black Rover has served all over the world in support of UK and Allied Maritime Forces. Her primary role is to replenish other Naval units at sea with diesel and aviation fuel, called RAS (Replenishment at Sea). Black Rover is equipped with a single spot flight deck for the launch and recovery of rotary wing aircraft and a self defence weapons fit.

PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Walvis Bay Moya Davids Walvis Bay Cell +264 81 208 4047

15 AUGUST 2014



Environmental Commissioner inspects mines and quarries Jade McClune

Namibia's Environmental Commissioner, Teofilus Nghitila, says he is very proud of the coastal community for always standing their ground when it comes to the defense of the environment. A team from the ( N A C O M A ) , t h e the impact of industrial "We are beefing up the department of envi- directorate of parks development projects department, because ronmental affairs in management and re- on the fragile envi- our budget has been the Ministry of En- gional services. r o n m e n t . N g h i t i l a increased this year." vironment and Tou- This was the first such noted he was impres- Asked whether he is rism (MET) were in trip undertaken by his sed with the uranium satisfied that environthe Erongo Region department since the industry, where envi- mental consultants apover the past week to introduction of the ronmental officers pointed by the proinspect various mi- Environmental Man- have been appointed to ponents of various ning and waste dis- agement Act of 2007 monitor compliance of projects to conduct posal sites to assess came into force in mining activities with EIAs are truly indewhether companies 2012, Nghitila said. the law. p e n d e n t , N g h i t i l a Commissioner Teofilus Nghitila (left) and Rod Braby, Director of NACOMA that obtained environ- They inspected various He also confirmed that noted that there is curmental clearance cer- quarries, waste-dis- by law, developers can rently no statutory tificates are com- posal operations, tou- be fined up to N$500 body to regulate the at the moment, but we order to shut down or to block things. plying with the terms. rism sites, as well as 000 or 20 years in sector to ensure that are learning and rec- such business with im- We are there to facilitate, to address puCommissioner Nghi- aquaculture and irriga- prison for causing environmental practi- tifying where neces- mediate effect. “Public consultation blic concerns and protila said on Wednes- tion schemes, and environmental damage tioners meet the mini- sary". He said no major pro- with affected and in- pose mitigating meaday night that they waste disposal sites. and violating the terms mum standards. undertook visits to all The purpose of the trip of the Environmental The ministry has ap- jects, whether along terested parties is at the sures to reduce harm mining companies in was to check whether Management Plans, pointed consultants to the beachfront or in- heart of the EIA (En- to the environment," the region to assess developers are com- but to date his office look into the regula- land, can go ahead vironmental Impact he said. plying with the terms. has not issued a single tions regarding envi- without prior public Assessment) process, Nghitila concluded by their operations. The group made obser- fine or penalty. The ministry's team ronmental practitio- consultation and ap- and this represents a saying the whole purproval from his office. significant effort to de- pose of the trip was to vations, took notes, was accompanied on One of the challenges ners. If it is found that deve- mocratise environ- assess the situation on and will make recomthe familiarisation they face is, there is It is necessary to tour by members of mendations where currently only one d e v e l o p m i n i m u m lopers are not adhering mental management the ground, to raise the Namibian Coast necessary. Windhoek-based in- standards and a code of to environmental man- and sustainable deve- awareness and to Conservation and The aim is to assess the spector in their depart- ethics, he noted: "We agement plans, the lopment." "We are not boost public particiManagement Project situation and reduce ment. have limited capacity inspector can give an against development, pation.

WACS repairs to start this weekend Repair work on the West Africa Cable System (WACS) off Namibia's coast is scheduled to start over the weekend, says Telecom Namibia.

The landing of the cable in Swakopmund in 2011

The WACS is a 14 530 kilometer long sub marine communications cable system, connecting South Africa to Europe via West African countries, including Namibia and was officially put into operation on 26 June 2012. The total cost for the cable system was US$650 million. During the morning of 29 May, a cable fault affecting all traffic transiting via the Swakopmund cable station was detected on the WACS. Telecom Namibia in coordination with the WACS Consortium are preparing for the cable repair activity both on land, at the Swakopmund beach area, and at sea, starting tomorrow and the repair work is expected to end next Saturday, depending on various factors such as weather conditions, the outcome of the preliminary on-site inspection and development of the repair

vessel. The repair activities for the shallow water cable will require large industrial equipment to be deployed on the Swakopmund beach, while the large cable repair vessel will again operate very close to the shore to attend to the laying and jointing at the shore-end of the cable. The beach area will be closed for the duration of the repair activities. During the repair period, Telecom Namibia will reroute Internet traffic through other undersea cable systems to mitigate the impacts on customers. The WACS is transporting the majority of Internet traffic for Namibia, Botswana and Zambia and is considered of international importance.


Maatskappy vat minderjariges vas Marshallino Beukes

Met die skoolvakansie op hande en minderjariges wat die strate op horings neem in gedagte, het die G4S Sekuriteitsfirma in Swakopmund verlede Vrydagaand hierdie sosiale probleem by die horings gepak. Die manne van die bogenoemde firma het hul hande vol gehad met minderjariges wat laatnag op straat, asook in ontspanningsplekke vir volwassenes was. Hulle was verplig om ‘n hele paar reise na die Mondesa polisiestasie te onderneem om die sondebokke ‘n voorsmakie van die grootmenswêreld te gee. Tussendeur moes hulle ook op klagtes van onder meer rusverstoring, poging tot inbraak en huismoles reageer. Dit was duidelik dat baie van hierdie minderjariges die optrede as ‘n grap beskou het en dit glad

nie ernstig opgeneem het nie. Wat skokkend was, was die feit dat dit in die meeste gevalle die dogters was, wat die situasie as komies beskou het. Kinders van so jonk as 13 jaar oud is deur G4S opgeraap, waarna hulle by die polisiestasie goed die Leviete voorgelees is. Daarna is hul ouers en voogde gekontak om hulle te gaan haal. Die ouers is ook baie streng gewaarsku. Sommige besigheidseienaars besef nog nie die erns van die saak nie, aangesien hulle steeds nie kontrole uitvoer rakende die toegang van minder-

jariges in vermaakplekke vir volwassenes nie. Nog steeds blyk hul bankbalanse belangriker as die jeug se veiligheid en toekoms te wees. Die namib times het met die Mondesa bevelvoerder, Inspekteur Nghaamwa, gesels en hy het ook sy kommer rakende hierdie situasie uitgespreek. Hy het aangevoer dat besigheidseienaars, wat hulle die afgelope naweek skuldig gemaak het aan bogenoemde misdryf, vandeesweek onder vier oë gespreek gaan word. Die Wet maak voorsiening vir boetes wat aan oortreders opgelê kan

word. Die mening van jan publiek is dat daardie wet toegepas moet word en dat die ouers ook beboet moet word. Dit is beslis kommerwekkend dat dogters (en seuns) van so jonk as 13/14 teen 03:00 in die oggend nog op straat is en strenger maatreëls in hierdie verband word vereis. Voorts was dit ietwat teleurstellend dat slegs een polisievoertuig deur die verloop van die aand in die spesifieke area opgemerk is en die sigbaarheid van geregsdienaars, ten einde hierdie probleem hok te slaan, word ook sterk aanbeveel.

Court Swakopmund 14 August 2014 Regional Court - Lorraine Isaak (34) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed until 5 September for continuation of the trial. - Petrus Nicolae (23), Robert W. Van Wyk (38) and Clive Uvanga (19) appeared on charges of robbery and murder. The matter was postponed until 28 January 2015 for plea and trial. - Bernadus Langermann (20) and Wilfried Langermann (18) appeared on charges of murder and attempted murder. This matter was postponed until 26 September for legal aid. - David Dean Jaques de Klerk (28) appeared on a charge of fraud, alternatively theft. He will reappear on 8 December for plea and trial. - Dawid N. Katale (31) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 27 January 2015 for plea and trial.

15 AUGUST 2014


Magistrate’ Court - Three underaged boys (16; 15; 15) appeared on two charges of robbery. They were released in their guardians’ care and the matter was postponed until 28 August for the fixing of a trial date. - Fiina Mvula (22) appeared on a charge of child abandonment. This matter was postponed until 3 September 2014, when the trial will continue. - David Tuyeni Festus (25) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed until 13 October for the accused to gain legal aid. - Panduleni Itula (27), a 16-year old boy and Jefta Iyambo (21) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed until 13 October for legal aid. - Abuid Tjaverua (28) appeared on a charge of committing an immoral act with a girl younger than 16. Continuation of

Man assaults girlfriend’s sister for sex Mavourlene Gaes Andreas Tjindjumba (27) appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates' court on Thursday on charges of indecent assault and threatening to kill his girlfriend’s sister. According to the victim, she was drinking at a bar in Kuisebmond with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend left the bar and a while later she also went out to look for him because she wanted to go home. She testified that she met Tjindjumba outside and he asked her where she was going. The victim told him she wanted to go home, because it was late but that she was also looking for her boyfriend. The accused allegedly told the complainant not to worry, saying he was going to escort her home. “We walked in silence for a while until all of a sudden he slapped me and I fell down,” the victim explained. She said she asked him

why he was slapping her and he then told her he wanted to sleep with her. The victim told him she could not do it because he was her sister’s boyfriend but he persisted and said he was going to rape her and kill her afterwards so that nobody would link him to the offence. The victim said the accused started touching her inappropriately and as she resisted his indecent assault, a struggle ensued and Tjindjumba dragged her along on the ground. She told the court that she shoved him away and started calling out to her friend, who lives nearby, for help. When her friend ran outside and saw the

struggle, she too called out for help. More people came out of the house and managed to rescue the victim. Tjindjumba denied the charges as alleged by the complainant. According to the witnesses in court, Tjindjumba fled from the scene when he was asked what he was doing. “I am not denying anything, but I will say that none of the things she is saying are true and that she probably just wants me to go to jail,” Tjindjumba told Magisrate Andre Matulich. He was found guilty of the offence and slapped with a fine of N$1 000 or three months imprisonment on both charges.

Grootbek op Vrydag

REPORT the trial and judgment will be on 8 September. - McLoud Kakuizike (37) appeared on a charge of fraud, alternatively theft. The matter was postponed until 24 November 2014 for plea and trial. - Henry Jones (20) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed until 20 November for plea and trial. - Cyril Beukes (20) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. He was found guilty on an alternative charge, reckless or negligent driving. He was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and a fine of N$2 000. - Michael Swartbooi (24) appeared on a charge of rape. This matter was transferred to the Rehoboth Magistrate’s Court. - Salin Djuma (30) appeared on a charge of dealing in drugs. The matter was postponed until 15 October for further investigation.

- Immanuel Nowaseb (42) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 10 September for bail application. - Ebenhard Eiseb (46) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed until 6 November awaiting the lab results. - Mudani Kariseb (28) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 18 August for plea. - Khumbulani Sai (34) appeared on a charge of fraud and theft by false pretenses. The matter was postponed to 4 September for bail application. - Bongani Tembesia (43) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 18 August for plea.

Minderjariges moet glo gelos word… Marshallino Beukes My herhaalde beriggewing aangaande minderjariges in vermaakplekke vir volwassenes het wyd en syd kommentaar ontlok. In die meeste gevalle was dit positiewe kommentaar, maar wat ‘n doring in die vlees is, is die feit dat sommige persone se gevoel is dat hierdie kinders gelos moet word dat hulle hul eie koppe stamp. Ten antwoord hierop wil ek noem dat ek beslis nie soos Nero viool gaan speel terwyl Rome brand nie. Ouers sal moet verantwoordelikheid vir hul kinders begin vat en net so sal besighede waar alkohol verkoop word, hul prioriteite agtermekaar moet kry. Daardie jong kinders is die mense wat eendag die land moet lei. Sien u kans om deur ‘n spul alkoholiste en drankverslaafdes gelei te word? Ek dink nie so nie. Hierdie kinders, veral die dogters, wat laatnag op straat is of uithang in grootmensplekke, kan verkrag of selfs vermoor

word en wie gaan dan lang trane huil? As joernaliste werk ons daagliks met soortgelyke gevalle en weet maar te goed hoedat spyt in baie gevalle te laat kom vir slagoffers se naasbestaandes of families. Ek bid dit vir niemand toe nie. Ek is ook oor die kole gehaal aangesien ek genoem het dat G4S ‘n goeie werk gedoen het, rakende die minderjariges en dat slegs een polisievoertuig opgemerk was. Die Sekuriteitsfirma is nie werklik verplig om dit te doen nie, maar as verantwoordelike wetstoepassers neem hulle dit op hul

skouers. Ek kan eerstehands getuig dat G4S tussendeur ook blitsvinnig op alarms en ander noodoproepe reageer het. Ek doen weereens ‘n beroep op die polisie om strenger op te tree, meer sigbaar te wees en om daadwerklike aksie teen oortreders te neem. Waarom word sekere besigheidseienaars oorgesien en andere, wat hulle wel by die wet hou, geteiken? Hiermee sluit ek hierdie besprekingspunt af, maar die namib times gaan definitief voortgaan om die situasie onder ‘n vergrootglas te plaas.

15 AUGUST AUGUST 2014 2014 15


Lions trakteer oudstes Marshallino Beukes

Die Lions Tehuis vir bejaardes in Swakopmund het Woensdag van die mees senior burgers met koek en tee bederf. Al hierdie senior burgers is ouer as 90 jaar. Altesaam 20 van die 24 senior burgers, wat deur die Tehuis geїdentifiseer is, het die geleentheid bygewoon. Die ander vier kon dit

ongelukkig nie maak nie as gevolg van gesondheidsredes. Onder die vier afwesiges was ook mev Von Einsiedel, wat in

Desember 100 jaar oud gaan word. Die oues van dae het die dag terdeë geniet en volgens mev Petro Rabe van Lions, is


Living and Riding for charity

The Live to Ride Motorcycle Club recently made donations to three Walvis Bay organisations. Eyfi Valtysson, Public Relations Officer of Live to Ride MCC said the funds donated came mainly from income realised from Fish Eagle Rallies normally held annually. The recipients were St. Gabriel’s Ambulance Trust, His House and Michelle House.

hierdie geleentheid gereël om erkenning aan die senior burgers te gee en ook om die dag vir hulle spesiaal te maak.

Donation to St Gabriels Ambulance Trust

Donation to His House

Moira Gemeente wil kerk bou Marshallino Beukes Die Moira Gemeente van Afrika het onlangs begin met ‘n fondsinsamelings-veldtog, ten einde hul eie kerk in Swakopmund te bou.

Volgens die gemeente se woordvoerder huur hulle tans ‘n perseel en het hulle onlangs besluit om ‘n kerk van hul eie in die vakansiedorp op te rig. Die kerk het afgeskop deur N$5 lootjies aan die publiek te verkoop en die wenner het

‘n kruideniersware mandjie ter waarde van N$700 losgeslaan. Hulle is tans besig om N$10 lootjies by Shoprite en Pick 'n Pay in die dorp te verkoop. Hierdie gelukkige wenner gaan op 25 Oktober 2014, wanneer die trekking plaasvind,

kruideniersware ter waarde van N$1 000 wen. Die publiek word gevra om op die uitkyk vir die kerk se verteenwoordigers by bogenoemde twee besighede se ingange te wees en kaartjies te koop, ter ondersteuning van ‘n goeie doel.

Donation to Michelle House


15 AUGUST 2014

Kudu Gas project to be expanded Business Reporter The State-owned power utility Nampower confirmed this week that it has opted to increase the capacity of the proposed gas-powered power plant.

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

to commence by the end of 2014 and the project is expected to be completed within 36 months. Nam-

power intends for the gasfuelled power plant will go into full operation in the fourth quarter of 2017.

WBCG to promote Walvis Bay Port at Durban Conference

The Port of Walvis Bay is increasingly prized as a key destination for imports and exports to and from the region and the expertise and views of local professionals are increasingly sought after.

The chief executive officer of the Walvis Bay Corridor Group will be one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming African Ports Evolution conference, set to take place from1-3 September at the Durban International Convention Centre. The conference features over 35 high level speakers, who will share their industry insights; delegates will also discuss new opportunities in port expansion, as well as how to access the larger African marketplace. Other keynote speakers include Fernando Couto

Johny Smith WBCG CEO

(CEO Portos Do Norte SA, Mozambique), Tau Morwe (CEO Transnet National Ports Authority), Nadia iljoen (Industrial Engineer, Growth and Intelligence Network), John Omingo (Head of Commercial Shipping Kenya Maritime Authority) and Brenda Horne Ferreira (Senior Transport Corridor Advisor). The annual African Ports Evolution 2014 provides maritime industry professionals with up to date information and solutions for boosting the integrity of port operations, modernising facilities, and in-

creasing bulk and container throughput. It also provides a great networking opportunity, according to the organisers. With a lively mix of keynote addresses, panel discussions, case study presentations and many networking sessions, conference attendees will gain an overview of the entire African ports and terminal ecosystem and have an opportunity to rub shoulders with respected professionals in the field, including port and supplychain directors and export managers.

Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay today at 06:27 and sunset will be at 17:46. The moonset will take place at 09:46 at 280º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (77º) at 22:51. The first high tide will be at 05:45 and the next high tide at 18:10. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund today at 6:26 and sunset will be at 17:46. The moonset will take place at 09:46 at 280º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (77º) at 22:51. The first high tide will be at 05:45 and the next high tide at 18:10. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:30. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Saturday at 6:26 and sunset will be at 17:47. The moonset will take place at 10:31 at 284º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (74º) at 23:48. The first

low tide will be at 00:15 and the next low tide at 12:25. The first high tide will be at 06:35 and the next high tide at 19:05. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Saturday at 06:25 and sunset will be at 17:47. The moonset will take place at 10:31 at 284º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (74º) at 23:48. The first low tide will be at 00:10 and the next low tide at 12:20. The first high tide will be at 06:35 and the next high tide at 19:00. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Sunday at 06:25 and sunset will be at 17:47. The moonset will take place at 288º west at 11:17. The first low tide will be at 01:15 and the next low tide at 13:30. The first high tide will be at 07:35 and the next high tide at 20:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Sunday at 06:25 and sunset will be at 17:47. The moonset will take place at 288º

west at 11:17.The first low tide will be at 01:05 and the next low tide at 13:20. The first high tide will be at 07:30 and the next high tide at 20:05. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Monday at 06:24 and sunset will be at 17:47. The moon will rise in the east (71º) at 00:42 and will set in the west (290º) at 12:04. The first low tide will be at 02:30 and the next low tide at 14:55. The first high tide will be at 08:55 and the next high tide at 21:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Monday at 06:24 and sunset will be at 17:48. The moon will rise in the east (71º) at 00:42 and will set in the west (290º) at 12:05. The first low tide will be at 02:25 and the next low tide at 14:50. The first high tide will be at 08:50 and the next high tide at 21:30.

Port Log


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

1 050 megawatts,” Mr Shilamba told Bloomberg last month. Construction of the power plant is expected

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?

aru ru

cember Nampower intends to sign the agreement with US-based oil and gas explorer, Tullow Oil Plc, the main contractor developing the Kudu Gas Fields. “We have agreed on the basic principles of the gas sales agreement and details on the price range and other issues are still being negotiated,” Shilamba said. “The equipment available today to generate around 800 megawatts falls in the range 850 to



Kudu fields are located about 200 kilometers east of Oranjemund. Nampower’s MD Director Paulinus Shilamba told Bloomberg this week that the plant will generate 1 050 megawatts and cost around US$1.3 billion to construct. Prior to the change of plans Nampower had proposed a gasplant with a capacity of 800 megawatts at a cost of US$1.2 billion. It is understood that by De-

Obtaining Fishing

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

15 AUGUST AUGUST 2014 2014 15



Accidents involving children worrying

Staff Reporter

Deputy Mayor Benson Uakumbua

Picture by Bernabé Blaauw

During the Ordinary Council meeting in the Kuisebmond Council Chambers on Tuesday last week, the deputy mayor of Walvis Bay, Councillor Benson Uakumbua, delivered a speech on behalf of the Mayor Uilika Nambahu urging the community to watch out for the safety and wellbeing of youth and children roaming the streets. “I am concerned about the wellbeing and safety of these children, especially in light of the fact that fatal road accidents involving youth and specifically children of school going age are being reported in our city,” Uakumbua conveyed in the mayoral speech. “I would like to call on all parents and guardians to ensure that

the children in their care are not exposed to road traffic accidents and other preventable incidences while playing in the streets or being in the streets at night.” Similarly, all parents who have children riding bicycles to schools are encouraged to ensure that their children are wearing the prescribed helmet at all times and wear visible clothing to

avoid becoming a victim of road accidents. There has also been an increase in binge drinking amongst our youth and adults alike. Young drivers are making themselves guilty of speed limit violations while others are simply testing their abilities on the roads at the expense of other road users and their own passengers. “I believe it is high time

that novice road users understand that their vehicles or the vehicles they drive are not extensions of themselves and as such, should not be used to showcase or demonstrate their driving capabilities,” Uakumbua continued. “I will continue to encourage both our municipal traffic and Nampol Traffic and further other law enforcement agents to

assist in minimising road traffic crashes on our roads.” It is only through a multisectorial approach comprising of the community, law enforcement agents and other roleplayers can we make a meaningful positive impact on our road safety situation,” the deputy mayor concluded.

Swakopmund Trade Expo 2014 launched Sharlien Tjambari

The coast will host a historic event when the very first Swakopmund International Trade Expo (SWAITEX) 2014 takes place from 9-11 October.

The official launch of the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (NCCI) Swakopmund International Trade Expo 2014 ( S WA I T E X ) , t o o k place at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre in Vineta on Tuesday. This event serves not only to expose the Erongo Region but the entire Namibia to both local and international investors. SWAITEX will serve as a unique opportunity to accelerate Swakopmund’s devel-

opment, turn it into a leisure town, create employment opportunities for the youth, and create opportunity for the development of the Erongo Region’s infrastructure, transportation and logistics resources. SWAITEX is targeting business community, municipalities, financial and economic institutions, research institutions, diplomatic community and many more. The Expo will start on 8 October with the Annual SME Deve-

lopment Conference on the 9th in a series to be hosted for the second time in Swakopmund; this will be a full day conference which aims at addressing challenges facing the SME sector. The theme for this conference is Growth at Home. On 9 October SWAITEX 2014 will have its grand opening which will be officiated by Prime Minister Hage Geingob. Exhibitions of products and services will take place on 10 October, as well as

Mayor Kambweshe and Chairperson of NCCI, Hafeni Heinrich information seminars for sponsorship opportunities. The Expo has a clear

focus on promoting access to international markets, as well as encouraging innovation

and the creation of new products.The SWAITEX 2014 is sponsored by the First National

Bank of Namibia with N$50 000 and Standard Bank of Namibia with N$65 000.


15 AUGUST 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.


Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments

I need an answer


G4S vat minderjariges vas

Ebola awareness

Met die skoolvakansie op hande en minderjariges wat die strate op horings neem in gedagte, het G4S Sekuriteitsfirma in Swakopmund verlede Vrydagaand hierdie sosiale probleem aan die horings gepak. Daleen Agenbag Dis jammer dat die wet net op sekere plekke geld. In Henties word die besighede se lisensies afgevat daaroor. Hoekom nie ook in Swakop? Derick J D Marais Die ouers net so skuldig. Watter ouer laat sy kinders 03:00 inni nag rondloop. Andelene Eksteen Ja dan wonder ons hoekom teenage pregnancy, vigs, selfmoord en al wat gruwel is so highly rated is dit begin by reëls by die huis ons was streng grootgemaak en nou is dit glo modern om vroeg ryp vroeg vrot te word... Llewellyn Anthony Voed hulle sommer nou al op... dis die rowers en diewe van môre.

Cordelia Klein Regtig ook, want ek sal nooit in 'n ontspannings plek in loop en my vriendin se kind daar sien sit en nog toelat nie en nie iets doen nie regtig is ek ook bly, want net so as ouer voel ek iemand anders moet dit ook doen as my kind daar is. Reginald Scott Farao Dus tyd dat iets gedoen word. Hans Eisenberg G4s moet liewer by hul werk hou en sekuriteit lewer, want as n alarm afgaan vat hulle hul tyd om te kom, nou weet ek hoekom, dis reg dat munderjariges vagevat word en die se ouers ook, maar los dit vir 'n instansie wat dit veronderstel is om te doen. Makoyaa Bachelor

Amagulu As long they dont beat up our kids than they are doing a good job. Chris Zaako Good job G4s and I hope it doesn’t stop there! Dalene de Villiers Goed gedoen, gaan so voort. Jasmine Beukes Jul is topz boy well done. Danny Beukes Welcome to cowboy world... ken net die regte mense en jy is veilig. Ons as ouers stel die voorbeeld vir die kinders, wat word

by die huise gedoen? Just askin... Vaughn Lupp Now illegal detention. Eugene Du Plessis Baie goeie voorbeeld! Irene Nabo Tjituka Haingura Include up to the group of 18 age please! It should be done in Windhoek too? Please please thank you! Renthia Kruger Good job G4S! Well done! Thank you!

Hosea Kutako back on track

After the downgrading of Windhoek’s Hosea Kutako International Airport, two weeks ago, the Airport has regained its former Category 9 status. Siegfried Desouza Uiseb Hope!!! Henry Baaz Jones Welcome

I am writing to you in the hope that through your newspaper MAYBE I will get an answer, because for the past three days I have been calling the Municipality of Walvis Bay’s offices for enquiry, but to no avail! Exasperated! perty and to keep neigh- my property? I would like to know, as a bours/strangers away from How do I keep this from homeowner what are my my yard and from blocking happening? rights to protect my pro- (parking) in my entrance to Oligen Swartz

to Windhoek.... and then the customs staff are so unfriendly the foreigners are even scared

to go through... geeez. Es Xz Yaaaay!!! Uta Himmel Well Done.

Dear namib times, while I think it is commendable that you dedicate nearly two entire pages in your Tuesday edition at your own cost to present four slides from the International SOS Ebola Awareness Toolbox Talk presentation (while the Ministry of Health and Social Services so obviously completely skips that chance of informing the public about the disease), I do have an issue with the fact that you select only four out of a total of 19 (!) slides - especially that you apparently avoid to present slides 3 and 9, making it appear as if the worst that could happen when you contract the Ebola virus is that “you can become very sick”. I think that is a gross mis- Due to only extracting four I would like to *urge* you to representation of the risks, if slides from that presentation, at least mention the inevitable the said slides clearly indicate you make it look like getting outcome of an Ebola infecthat up to 90% (!) of all Ebola infected by Ebola will at most tion in your newspaper infected people *WILL DIE* result in what is presented on (which is *DEATH*, not just (slide 3), which is then reite- slide 8 of that presentation, you possibly becoming “very rated on slide 9 under the namely “you can become sick”) - and of course to also bold and capitalized heading very sick”. present the contents of slide “MOST PEOPLE WITH The blunt reality however 10 and following that deal EBOLA DIE” - on a slide is: if you do not belong to with “How *NOT* to catch titled “Ebola - death is com- the 10% that are extremely Ebola”. mon”. lucky, *YOU WILL DIE Ebola will not discuss its risks While I can understand the FROM EBOLA* - that is, if with you first or hold some motivation to “avoid any you do not take the necessary workshop with politicians panic”, I can not at all con- precautions to avoid getting on how to best inform the done that you knowingly infected in the first place. public about it, before it (since the full presentation Precautions you then fail to spreads. It will *kill* you, as well as all the additional mention anywhere in your and indiscriminately so. information available on the Tuesday edition. And it will have an easy time International SOS website is This is akin to telling someone doing so, if the Ministry of obviously available to you - that when he’ll have a crash Health and Social Services as it is to anyone that knows with a car at high speed, the decides to withhold vital inabout it) “play down” the worst that could happen is formation about that disease risks involved when it comes that “you will get one terrible from you in a rather questo Ebola. headache” - as your head hits tionable attempt to “avoid I (and many others I know) first the steering column, then any panic”. do not get a panic if someone the windscreen and finally the This type of action actually briefs me about the serious- object you crashed into, since makes the *MoHSS* an even ness of a situation and gives you omitted to mention that greater risk to the Namibian me clear advice on how to he should buckle up first - and public than the current Ebola possibly stay away from it, that only around 10% of crash outbreak in Wet Africa poses while it indeed gives me one victims that do not wear any at this time - while we would *heck* of a panic to know that seatbelts actually survive any still have enough time to *despite* more information crash. Is telling people that personally prepare for that being readily available, you they should buckle up in order disease and learn how to as a newspaper as well as to avoid to very likely die avoid an infection. the Ministry of Health and in a car accident “spreading Gerard Jensen Social Services decide to panic”? Then why would you Due to limited space availcut the vital parts from such stop short of telling the public able, it is impossible for us a presentation (here: actual about the inevitably deadly to publish the whole prerisk assessment as well as risks of an Ebola infection sentation as it will be a newspossible ways to avoid getting as well as how to avoid an paper on its own. I am sure infected - as presented by the infection in the first place? that is quite understandable. International SOS on their Here is the link to the full We started off with a few website dedicated to Ebola at presentation: slides and will publish the rest https://www.internationalsos. https://www.internationalsos. if and when space is available. com/ebola/index.cfm) and as com/pandemicpreparedness/ Thank you for providing the such *withhold* important p a n d e m i c u p d a t e s d o c s / link for those who have access information from the public B 3 9 6 1 2 4 2 - 9 7 D 2 - B 0 4 5 - to internet who want to see regarding that disease. 2A6AC81AD2FEEDEA.pdf the whole presentation. - Ed

Calling for stories, memories and old photographs for a book celebrating 20 years after Walvis Bay’s reintegration A unique opportunity for anyone with links to Walvis Bay to be personally involved in a book on the town’s reintegration into Namibia - and the 20 years of progress hence. Municipality of Walvis Bay appointed Virtual Marketing to produce such a book. This year’s commemoration of the 20th anniversary of our reintegration into Namibia offered us an opportunity to celebrate the uniqueness of this town, and to reveal what went on behind the scenes to facilitate this momentous event. Many ordinary Namibians have interesting stories to tell about things that happened to them personally, especially during the period between

Namibia’s declaration of independence in 1990 and Walvis Bay’s reintegration into the fledgling sovereign state in 1994. Our approach entails telling the historical road to reintegration through people’s memories, anecdotes, stories and moments gathered from a wide spectrum of wellknown and ordinary people. The team asks anybody with relevant stories or photo-

graphs to please contact Elaine at elaine@whonami or 081 652 3830; Hannelie at hannelie@who or 081 688 9065; or Thea at thea. or 081 271 9255. Submissions should please reach us by no later than 15 Aug 2014. Namibia. https:// walvis20years/ Hannelie Turner

15 15AUGUST AUGUST2014 2014



IPM Namibia adopts global HR Standards for Namibia The President of the Institute of People Management of Namibia, Mr Tim Ekandjo, officially launched the HR Standards & Global HR & Management Qualifications in the capital today. The launch took place at the Polytechnic of Namibia and was attended by over 70 HR professionals from different corporates including that of the public sector. Speaking at the launch, Mr Ekandjo said that IPM Namibia’s primary mandate was to ensure that the HR profession becomes a respected discipline and that is why IPM adopted the slogan, “The Face of HR Excellence in Namibia”. “Our agenda is therefore to ensure that HR members can hold their heads high alongside their colleagues in other professions. We can however only do so when we are properly structured and when there is professionalism across the board, and not with a select few.” Ekandjo said that this launch is therefore paramount in that it marks a significant milestone in HR’s journey of excellence. “The HR Standards will enable us to benchmark ourselves against international standards desig-

ned in Africa for Africa! The significance of the qualification we are launching here today is that it was designed in Southern Africa, by Africans for all of Africa meaning it is relevant to the challenges we face as HR professionals in Africa.” Namibia has become only the 6th country in Africa to adopt the global standards which will give the HR profession credibility. Ekandjo highlighted the disciplines of professionalism, a universal code of conduct, consistent standards and most importantly ethics and credibility. “I am therefore happy that this qualification will address all these disciplines and ensure a global standard he concluded.” Also speaking at the launch was the CEO of the South African Board of Personnel Practice, Mr Marius Meyer who shared insightful

information on the current state of the Human Resource profession and current trends and challenges. “We need to strengthen HR’s credibility but we cannot do so without standards and inconsistent practices, and this qualification will therefore raise the bar,” he said. The HR Standards qualification was workshopped by over 468 HR professionals across Africa who identified 11 HR competencies. The qualification has attracted great interest across the globe with over nine provinces in South Africa already implementing it, the USA, UK, Australia and the Netherlands in full swing and in Africa South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Ghana and Namibia being well on course. Interested participants will register their interest with

IPM Namibia who will facilitate the courses. The Polytechnic of Namibia who is also a partner has agreed to provide facilities where the course will be

rolled out. Mr Ekandjo also announced that the 4th IPM Conference has been scheduled for the 13-14th October 2014 and all HR

professionals are encouraged to register for the Conference. The launch was co- sponsored by the IPM Namibia, Polytechnic of Namibia, Olthaver &

List, Telecom Namibia, Air Namibia, Nampower, Emergence Growth, Institute of Leadership & Management, SHRM and the SABPP.

Cross-border payments set for higher growth Institutions such as the World Bank and African Development Bank (AfDB) indicate that African countries only carry out about 15% of their trade with one another. However, SWIFT data on cross-border payments shows that the figure is slightly higher at 23%. “Intra-African trade is still relatively low though and ranks among the smallest levels of intra-regional trade globally. Almost 70% of the European Union’s trade takes place within the bloc,” says SWIFT head of Africa South, Hugo Smit. Improved cross border payment systems could facilitate intra-regional trade. Whilst intra-regional trade is determined by economic fundamentals of supply and demand, the lack of efficient regional payment systems could add significant costs to intra-regional trade. Steps that have been taken The Southern African Development Community (SADC) last year launched an electronic payments

platform for the bloc. Called the SADC Integrated Regional Electronic Settlement System (SIRESS), it is designed to allow transactions among banks in member countries to be settled in real time and without the need for the funds to flow through third-party clearing banks. SIRESS has so far been highly successful: Seven of SADC’s 15 members have already joined Three more are scheduled to join in the next few months. Around 40 commercial banks are currently participating. A large volume of trade-related transactions is already being settled through the system.

The next phase for SIRESS will be to accommodate low-value, or retail, transactions such as remittances, scheduled to be implemented by the end of September. Provided that the commercial banks’ systems can accommodate this it could pave the way for the transfer of small payment amounts within SADC. The many benefits of SIRESS SIRESS will not just eliminate unnecessary banking costs. It will also give governments and economists a more accurate picture of the levels of intraregional trade. With half of cross-border African payments being made in

dollars - and the flows thus going to the US, at least initially - it is difficult to assess African trading patterns, which makes it tough for policy-makers to forge strategies to boost regional commerce. Moreover, it is thought SIRESS will lead to greater financial inclusion. By eventually being able to handle remittances and small transactions, it will help bring flows that are currently cash-based into the formal financial system. “The big question is whether SIRESS can bring about greater trade within SADC. There is no guarantee that it will. But a system that makes the cross-border payments

process easier and for cost-efficient can only be good in the long-term for encouraging greater trading between southern African countries,” says Smit. About SWIFT SWIFT is a memberowned cooperative that provides the communica-

tions platform, products and services to connect more than 10 000 financial institutions and corporations in 212 countries and territories. SWIFT enables its users to exchange automated, standardised financial information securely and reliably, thereby lowering

costs, reducing operational risk and eliminating operational inefficiencies. SWIFT also brings the financial community together to work collaboratively to shape market practice, define standards and debate issues of mutual interest.


15 AUGUST 2014

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home based business (Hair Salon) ON ERF NO: 4339 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Kabeljou Street, Kuisebmond.


In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a K K Hair Salon and Barber Shop on the site.

môre 10vm

Die volgende moet verkoop word: Mitsubishi Delica - Haarsalon wasbakke en toerusting - sigaretmasjiene - elektriese gitaar - yskaste - sitkamerstelle - kantoormeubels - oefenmasjiene - poeltafels wasmasjiene - waterpompe - TV’s -

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 29 August 2014.

EN NOG VEEL MEER. Vir verdere inligting skakel die afslaer. Tel. 463113 of 0811294030

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Klaudia Hainghumbi, Private Bag 5015, Walvis Bay.


Vacancy available for: Experienced Estate Agents, to join our dynamic team. EARN A BASIC SALARY + COMMISSION!!! Please email your CV to

In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Bed and Breakfast on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 5 September 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Julie Slippers, P.O. Box 5417, Walvis Bay.

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF NO: 6571/18 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Uranium Street In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Mwadinomo Kindergarten and Day-Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 29 August 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Elina Ndawapeka Shidolo, P.O. Box 7629, Kuisebmond, House no 6571/18, Uranium Street, Walvis Bay.

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE 66/2014 RENOVATIONS TO WALVIS BAY GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE 1. Tenders are hereby invited for the renovations to Walvis Bay golf course club house. 2. The following documentation shall accompany the tender document: · Certificate of Fitness · Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission · Certificate of Good Standing with Receiver of Revenue for VAT purposes 3. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashiers at a price of N$115.00 per set, (15%VAT included). Enquiries: - Mr. J Landers, Room 108, Telephone +264 64 201 3351 and e-mail – 4. The tender clarification meeting, followed by a site inspection, is to take place at 09:00 on Friday 22 August 2014, in Room 120 (Dolphin conference room) of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. 5. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documentation as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board before 11:00 on Friday 05 August 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre may be used for the deposition of tenders. 6. Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderer's representatives who choose to attend in Room 120 (Dolphin Conference Room) of the Civic Centre directly after the closing of tenders. JAJ KRUGER Secretary Tender Board

15 15AUGUST AUGUST2014 2014




Wammie ‘inspired by nature’

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel*witschia Every Hospital Monday,next Wednesday and Friday: Book to indoor pool. Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * 19 Aug.: Kuisebmond Secondary School “36 Years of *History Every- Reunion’’ Tuesday:- Gala Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Dinner at School Hall. Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 20 Aug.: Kuisebmond Secondary School “Reunion *Ex-learners 19 Aug.: Kuisebond School “36 Years of & TeachersSecondary Soccer & Netball. History Reunion’’ Gala Dinner at School Hall. * 22 - 24 Aug.: Die Hentiesbaai Visfees. * 20 Aug.: Kuisebmond Secondary School “Reunion * 22 Sept. - 4 Oct.: Walvis Bay Arts & Craft Expo (Daily Ex-learners & Teachers Soccer & Netball. from 10:00 - 18:00). * 22 Sept - 4 Oct.: Walvis Bay Arts & Craft Expo * 3-4 Oct.: Die WalVIS 2014 fees by die Jan Wilken Sta(Daily from 10:00 - 18:00). dion. * * 3-4 Oct.: Die WalVIS 2014 fees by die Jan Wilken * Sport 9 Oct. - 1 Nov.: Erongo Trade Expo. Stadium



Mavourlene Gaes

Valencio Morning “Wammie” Ntinda was born in the 80’s in Endola, a village in northern Namibia, where he attended school at Iipumbu Senior Secondary School. At school he used to freestyle with friends and it is here that he realised that God had given him an amazing voice. Wammie resides in Walvis Bay and the coastal town has been his home for the past five years. The humble artist had no trouble expressing his love for music and when asked where he gets his inspiration from he replied, “It comes from nature.” “I loved music so much that as a young boy, I used to make handmade guitars from small oil drums I found lying around, and sticks and wires to make the drums” he added. Wammie acknowledges it was not easy to

make it in the music industry but he chose to persevere. In 2009, he decided to go studio hunting so that he could record a few tracks from his song book. During his hunt, Wammie one day approached a complete stranger in the street and asked him if he knew of any recording studio. He was directed to Mtufu Records. When he eventually made his way to the studio, he found DJ Namupala and Karri playing the keyboard. “I asked them how much it would cost to record with them and they gave me a quotation for recording just one song,” he said. The quotation was

pricy considering that he was not employed at the time. He managed to raise enough money to record his first song that same year called “Vateleinge” which means help me in Oshiwambo. According to him the song received great airplay on radio stations across the country. Hearing his music being played on the radio was the kind of motivation he said he needed, to continue pursuing a career in music. Wammie went back to Mtufu Records in 2013 and this time he decided to record a full 19 track album titled “My signature”. Besides the album last year, he also released

two other songs, “Ekandona” meaning lady in Oshiwambo and “Limbwesha”. Wammie plans to release the album by the end of October

this year and concluded by saying that, although he came to Walvis Bay to look for a job and has got one now, music is still his passion.

* *EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce marketmarket in centrein EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce of town frontin of front Wild Rocket - Hans Kriess Arcentre ofintown of WildCafe Rocket Cafe - Hans cade from 09:00 - 12:00. Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. **Bridge: Bridge:The TheSwakopmund SwakopmundBridge Bridgeclub clubmeets meetsevery every Monday evening evening at at 19:00 19:00 at Monday at Lions Lions Old Old Age Age Home. Home. Contact:Ed EdBarbour Barbour064-405 064-405604. 604. Contact: * Markets * Marketsat atthe the Last Last Resort ResortCentre: Centre -Last LastSunday Sundayofof everymonth. month.They Theyare are situated situated at every at 55 Libertine LibertineAmadhila Amadhila street,one onestreet street up up from from the the Jetty. street, Jetty. Markets Markets@ @10:00 10:00- 14:00(29 (29June, June,33Aug, Aug.,3131 Aug., Sept. 2 Nov.). 14:00 Aug, 2828 Sept & 2&Nov). * Swakopmund * SwakopmundToastmaster: ToastmastersMeet meetsevery everyfirst firstand and thirdMonday Monday of of the the month month at at the third the Europa Europa Hof Hof Hotel, Hotel, Bismark Namibia from from19:00 19:00- BismarkStr Str 39, 39, Swakopmund, Swakopmund, Namibia 20:30. 20:30. *Shalom Market: Market: Every Every Saturday Saturday12 12 kms kms eastwards eastwards * Shalom outside outsideSwakopmund Swakopmundalong along the the Swakop Swakop river. 23-Aug.: Micasa at Vineta Sports Field. * *15 16 Aug.: SISCShow - Indoor SoccerNorth 5-A-Side. open Micasa at 14h00. * Gates 23 Aug.: Show at Vineta North Sports Field. *Gates 30 Aug.: Stefanus Roman Catholic Church, open atSt 14:00. DanceCatholic with Swingers at the * Tamariskia, 30 Aug.: St Langarm Stefanus Roman Church, TamaSwakopmund Town Hallwith starts 20:00 tillatlate. riskia, Langarm Dance Swingers the Swakop*mund 5 Sept.: SICS - NCCI Town Hall starts Gala 20:00Dinner till late. - Namibian Junior Inline Trials * *512-14 Sept.:Sept.: SICSSISC - NCCI Gala Dinner. 9-11 Oct.: SICS - NCCI Business Expo * *12 - 14 Sept.: SISC - Namibian Junior Inline Trials. * 9 - 11 Oct.: SICS - NCCI Business Expo.


* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the to Tennis Swakopmund. Oil * Mole Everynext Saturday: Open courts Air Artsin Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings paintings - weather permitting. permitting. *weather Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery * Permanent Collection: Haus Gallery in in Bismarck Street. Woermann Fine collection of the Bismarck Street.Arts Fine Association’s collection of the “South Swakopmund Swakopmund West Arts Association’s “South West Namibian Masters’’ and Masters’’ and contemporary artcontemworks. porary Namibian works. Open to SaturOpen Mondays to art Saturdays 10:00Mondays to 12:00 and 15:00 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. todays 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily,daily, including Sun* Swakopmund Museum: Open including days 10:00-17:00. Sundays 10:00-17:00. * Sam * Sam Cohen Cohen Library: Library: Monday Monday to to Friday: Friday: 08:00 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 -to17:00 andand the second Saturday per month 13:00/15:00 17:00 the second Saturday per 09:00 -09:00 13:00. month * *Die Galerie, Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and Die Galerie,Walvis Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Hours: MondayMonday - Friday: and South African Artists. Gallery 08:00 - 13:00 Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30. Friday: 08:00&- 14:00 13:00- 17:00. & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday *08:30 Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of - 12:30. South Swakopmund: African Artists. Fine Gallery hours: *Namibian Art Stop and Gallery, collection - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. ShopArtists. No. 2 Brauhaus of09:00 Namibian and South African Gallery Arcade. hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 * Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our counBrauhaus Arcade. - Our people. *try Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our * Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end country - Our people of February. * Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


15 AUGUST 2014


The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology in Arandis on Wednesday, 03 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Electrical: General

Fitting & Turning

Diesel-/Petrol Mechanics


Lukas, Joel L Paulus, Daniel Hedimbi, Fabian Hoaës, Sari Mû Wilhelmina Abraham, Sunny Frans T Augustus, Christian N Ngutjinazo, Michael J Zemuundja, Steven Furia Shaapopi, Matheus Simon, Simon Shaamwapeni Shipweya, Rauna Namutenya Shetunyenga, Wilhelm S Andreas, Phillemon Amunyela, Lazarus Ndume, Bethi N Iyambo, Tangi Tiranus Silas, Eino Hanghome, Ester N Nghishiko, Moses Shipopyeni Mbahee, Disney Dennis Strydom, Terence Falco Mvula, Martha Lerry Thomas, Victoria Nangula Gei-Nub, Andrew Enricho Naboth, Imanuel Ngulungu, Matride Jepeni Manuele, Hafeni Ngutjinazo, Munioruzo

Kakehongo, Hendrik Hafeni Blatt, Johnatane Shiimi, Immanuel Angala Phillipus, Vilho Alweendo, Jairus Pendapala Elia, Aili Hango, Titus Andjenda Sililo, Sydney Muyambango Philemon, Fillemon Ndafatate Nehale, Bolly Fransisco, Willem Iyaloo Benjamin, Thomas N Walfried, Augustina Mukuambi, Muniao Veikko, Gandja-Ayihe S Guidao-Oab, Dantago LPI Iipinge, Julius TM Thobias, Christoph Amakali, Saima Inandikoka Nambala, Abias Shatimwene Kakunde, Mateus Tavati H Jambulu, Clemenus Henghali Gebhard, Gabriel Dhiginina Alweendo, David Kondjeni Iitembu, Hilma Shenyenga Nanuseb, Hoku Gavin M Haimbodi, Vaino Nauta Shefeni, Martin Natangwe Silvanus, Onesmus Namundjanga, Leonard TK

Claassen, Elton Rainier Samuel, Abed Visagie, Willy Bradon Lugambo, Josepha Tuyoleni Shanyengana, Waldheim K Hiiko, Rodney Uaeta Kainde, Paulus Natangwe Amutenya, Nesimus Nanyanga, Evalistu Nghitumu Awarab, Marius Antoni Joram, Joram Tautunyenge Hakandume, Joseph H T Kakololo, Salmon Metumo Joseph, Joseph Nghilifavali Matheus, Joel Shefeni Samuel, Frans Nganjone, Brolin Uendjipa Petrus, Saviour Penoshili Mweshipopja, Titus Fabianus Erastus, Indila Haitamba, Joseph N N Auene, Vaino Simaneka Gamadam, Charles Nangolo, Tega Eluid Frans, Lebus Nghitumu Gariseb, Mario Kauvee, Herold Kuyambera Haimbodi, Apollos Metumo Iitula, Kristine Shagwana Shapumba, Thomas Kandjumbwa, Pinehas D Abraham, Cohen Megameno

Higinus, Vistorina P Mwikinghi, Silas Shikongo, Kefas Namulo, David N Nailenge, Elias S Shatumbu, Taimi K Shimbome, Eugenia N Simon, Gabriel I Haixwema, Petrus S Johannes, Hilma Vitus, Vitus N Hafunda, Nghipukuluka N Iita, Martha M Negandjo, Hinampata T David, Festus H Sikuvi, Rufinus M Uukongo, Martha N Halaiwa, Kefas T Nghishiiko, Josef T Paulus, Lukas Kandowa, Martha T Nghimane, Timoteus T-O Shamena, Martha GN Moses, Jakob Pilukeni, Petrus Shinyengu, Erastus Shaduva, Petrus Wandjiva, Lonia N Nevonga, Victor Kalola, Johannes


Zaaruka, Erold Fitting & Turning Ikwambi, Sem Engelbert, Immanuel Kakehongo, Hendrik Hafeni Instrumentation Shindaadhi, Martha TK Blatt, Johnatane Mc Clune, Ives Georgean Kuushomwa, Hailwa S Shiimi, Immanuel Angala Hartung, Reginald V Kashava, Joseph SH Phillipus, Vilho Namusha, Malakia Kanime Alweendo, Jairus Pendapala Feris, Leon Anzio Romario Makili, Tomas Nghuudivali Petrus, Johannes Elia, Aili Kambonde, Sakeus T Sheehama, Petukeni KE Hango, Titus Andjenda Heita, Elias N-O Sililo, Sydney Muyambango Shoozi, Leena Ndapanda N Kandume, Matheus Lipuleni Philemon, Fillemon Ndafatate Shilomboleni, Johannes S T Klein, Danzil Nigel Kuume, Auguste Kesho Nehale, Bolly Huanda, Simon Ngikalele Hifivali, Wilhelm Fransisco, Willem Iyaloo Neshuku, Tauno Tangi Gabriel, Gotlieb Ingashipwa Benjamin, Thomas N Haihambo, Otruye Koshinge Ampweya, Diana Etuthole Walfried, Augustina Shimuni, Emilia Kakoto, Jackson IT Mukuambi, Muniao Geingob, Beatus Johannes Ningilenimo, Gideon Natangwe Veikko, Gandja-Ayihe S Adams, Gregorius K Nghifewa, Paulus N Guidao-Oab, Dantago LPI Shetunyenga, Ester Akathingo, Pendapala Iipinge, Julius TM Titus, Naithen Jaccomo G Shimakeleni, Sakaria Panduleni Thobias, Christoph Limbondo, Lukas Kampale Amakali, Saima Inandikoka Daniel, Andonia N Florian, Florian S Nambala, Abias Shatimwene Frans, Kosmas Ekandjo, Herlindis N Absalom, Ottilie Nenalasha Kakunde, Mateus Tavati H Mbonge, Matheus Nghifewa Jambulu, Clemenus Henghali Nghikongwa, Lukas K Hofeni, Jason IA Gebhard, Gabriel Dhiginina Kativa, Ntjamba Abraham Shuuya, Epafras Alweendo, David Kondjeni Simon, Tuuliki Ndapandula Thomas, Paulus Jonas, Jason N Iitembu, Hilma Shenyenga Uukongo, Johannes N N Johannes, Johannes P Nanuseb, Hoku Gavin M Haihambo, Seveleni K Haimbodi, Vaino Nauta Carpentry/Joiinery Shefeni, Martin Natangwe Bricklaying/Plastering Silvanus, Onesmus Namundjanga, Leonard TK Silas, Hilza, H Namukwambi, Loide I Moses, Albertina N Rainhard, Severen Kaleinawa, Paulina Air-conditioning Kafe, Paulus P Mbida, Vilyo DT Hailapa, Erastus P Kamenye, Elias Hafeni, Daniel Shikonda, Ignatius Kanyemba, Sedkia Hatukapeni Reinhold, Lea Stefanus, Mennas AH Lukas, Pius A Sebiu, Andreas Shipanga Severen, Daniel N Hailaula, Dennis Sakaria N Shilongo, Olivia N Sakaria, Johannes S Sigopi, Petrus A Nghiyoonanye, Liina N Uutoni, Rebekka N Haindongo, Moses F Lungameni, Vilho Magano Nandago, Fanuel M Nambondi, Jeremia S Ipinge, Wilhelm Martin, Sakaria M Johannes, Rosvita Shaanika, Hilya M Shikongo, Nyanyukweni N Matias, Joseph S Simeon, Anny N Joel, Simeon Shaanika, Veronika Shikwena, Petrus Anghuwo, Immanuel J Andjamba, Petrus Ipula, Sipra Saima N Hakandjebo, Jeremia Jankie, Andrian Jankie Iikango, Shilunga P Uusiku, Reinhold Masen, Julio Given Haroldt Toivo, Eliaser I Iikuti, Festus S Nghinyangela, Rebekka T Nambedi, Elzabeth N Absalom, Moses Simeon, Paulus Shomongula, Pendapala Nghinyengwa, Ndahafa N Mwemba, Lifumbo Anther Kakende, Melina T Kambonde, Julius T Nakathingo, Tomas

Clothing Production Matias, Ndahambelela Shipepe, Matheus Endjala, Selma N Itula, Hilaris TT Ilungu, Hilma M Elifas, Petrina T Iiyambo, Victoria N Immanuel, Paulina Wilpard, Heldi N Mwoongela, Sion Nangolo, Selm K Natanael, Monika Nghiloto, Daniel Ndume, Tresia Kakorua, Popietjie Johannes, Elizabeth Nambala, Aina S Mbeeli, Justina NN Imbondi, Beata n Nangombe, Elizabeth N Dickson, Fiina S Alfeus, Tuhafeni N Nghiloloka, Susanna NN Tomas, Hilka Iipinge, David N Andreas, Anna Iiyambo, Lahja ND Kaen, Linda A

NIMT NORTHERN CAMPUS: TSUMEB: SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the NNC, Tsumeb on Monday, 01 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Boilermaking/Welding

Diesel-petrol Mechanics:

Electrical – General


Elias, Sivanus S Tobias, Lusia Tuhafeni Nantana, Rafael T Nafuka, Hilde Haufiku, Moses V Shipanga, Petrus T Newaka, Johannes K Hamushila, Wilhelm Kondo, Kaali T Ngulungulu, Johannes AS Ileni, Isak Tangi Shalongo, Saveel T Kakunde, Mateus TH Shikongo, Petrus K Ithindi, Johannes Nuukunde, Jesaya Gabriel, Fillemon T Immanuel, Leonard Iipinge, Julius TM Jesaya, Kaino N Nelundu, Eliakim H Dumeni, Ndawedelwako K Shalipo, Junias Petrus, Rufus N Haufiku, Erastus N Nevonga, Jeremia Shihepo, Jona N Kornelius, Sakaria M Ndatunga, Inosensiu N Iita, Fiina MN Shitumbapo, Jesaya H Namupala, Hilda N

Thikundeko, Eliphas D Enkono, Paulinus T Amakali, Benyamin K Kandjimi, Petrus M Shafashike, Lukas S Mwiila, Jonas Uusiku Aktofel, Josef Pendukeni Ndashaalako, Job Uusiku, Amutenya FM Haufiku, Elvis ES Uupindi, Thomas U Tomas, Kefas NP Natanael, Paulus N Kainde, Paulus N Nghinamwaami, Sakaria N Andreas, Hilaria M Johannes, Abraham Haipinge, Simon K Alweendo, Sem Namalemo, Natier Asser S Manene, Manene N Amushila, Matheus N Nakanyala, John BN Nghiyalwa, Fabian NL Johannes, Napanda LH Mangonga, Matheus S Hamupembe, Josua K Mikael, Daniel K Jacob, Matheus

Haindongo, Jackson HM Amupolo, Gabriel AT Shaanika, Nakashwa JE Awala, Tuhafeni Martin Shavuka, Abraham Kambonde, Rejoice N Shivolo, Sam S Uupindi, Joel Amateta, Toini Kahohoi, Hosea A Ashipala, Nikanor T Shivute, Joseph N Endjala, Monica NHT Shikongo, Otto-Inodhina Embumbulu, Ester Albino, Salotte NM Tshehama, Allex Victory, Ester Nghipondoka, Paulus H Phillipus, Albertina Katewa, Panduleni H Hakakwa, Rosalia Haiduwa, Helena Moses, Moses N Ileka, Martin JP Iipinge, Lazarus Shigwedha, Justus Mbundu, Tomas K Ndafelai, Leena N Nembwaya, Sakaria K Matatias, Johannes Nambinga, Titus N Paulus, Netesia N

Van Rensburg, Mornè Hunibeb, Wesley I Kaulinge, Martha M Paulus, Wilhelm I Haufiku, Kareb N Kaurema, Simon N Shimwandi, Kredula K Ndinoita, Erickson T Shoombamo, Wilhelm M Neumbo, Cornelius N Amushila, Castro PNO Haufiku, Elise N Shitilifa, Amalia N Nghinaunye, Tuyenikomwene Kamati, Andreson PM Ikela, Samuel Eliakim Joel N Wilhelma, Wilika N Hango, Abiatar N Nepembe, Eliander N Wilhelm, Wilhelm S Shigwedha, Filippus Pinehas, Elizabeth N Nanyanga, Evalistu N Johannes, Martha H Ameb, Godlieb Nekongo, Andreas K Hangula, Josua V Heita, Jonas M Kaambulwa, Eliakim Nkanga, Martin K Mundjele, Julio T Mwashitwanai, Ludwigh

Autotronics Nambala, Ester Ndeuya Endjambi, Luise Shekupe Nekwaya, Matias Kandali Hango, Festus Ndeyapo Nauyala, Maria Uupula, Liita S Simeon, Petrus Iiyambo, Sabby Ivula, Frieda Nangula Shitumbapo, Jesaya H Shifa, Anastasia K Erastus, Kristine NT Helmut, Amon Ndjene, Simon Penda, Timoteus Angala Penda, Andreas Ingo Makondo, Elina Nambata Ekandjo, Tomas Shaanika Haimbodi, Naleshe Fillipus, Maria Mweneni Abisai, Isack

Fitting & Turning Uulumbu, Omuwa NAV Ndeshipanga, Linda T Hamunyela, Hilarius P Kondo, Lukas N Abiniel, Festus P Josef, Martin H Nekongo, Andreas K Kanime, Erastus E Jesaya, Filipus K Shinexungi, Simon Shali, Adolf P Shilongo, Leonard Likonga, Hendrina I Paulinus, Leena N Nangolo, Lavinia Hamunyela, Valde Shilongo, Lydia Shindyoba, Salme W Kanguloshi, Islon N Moses, Fredinand T Uushona, Martin T Amadhila, Hilja P Mukena, Aldrina S Taddeus, Titus Nuuyoma, Albanus Haihambo, Festus N

NB: Should you intend not to be a trainee of the NIMT as such, please notify the NIMT immediately. By not being at the NNC on 01 September 2014, you will loose your place. Also: If the registration fee of N$2,000.00 – non-refundable – has not been paid on 01 September 2014, you will have forfeited your opportunity. Please bring the ID/Passport and latest payslip from your parents/guardian along. All enquiries etc: The Registrar, Mrs A Stephanus: Telephone: 064-511800. We hope to welcome you on 1 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp at NNC Tsumeb.

NIMT: NET & NBCT CAMPUS: ARANDIS SPECIAL TRAINEES: SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology in Arandis on Wednesday, 03 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Diesel Mechanics



Lichtenstrassen, Klaus Ferdinand Katuuo, Uendjianga Dias, Elia Nangolo Klara Mutaleni, Pavarotti Eduardo Khamuxab, Alisius Mokhatu, Mpho Salif Helao, Matheus Mongoyo, Tashif Franklin van Wyk, Marcelino Lorenzo Oe-Amseb, Gerhard Gaochab, Judi Mendrud Marvellous Mcree Schwartz, Rowan Ganeb, Elton Asser Bessinger, Hewitt Brandell Costa, Anna Loini Kafute Nakwahonga, Diinineni Natutye Lucky Carpentry/Joinery Tiboth, Heinrich Joseph Shikongo, Przybylski Kotze, Rohan Nowaseb, Jeffrey Jonavan Stoffel, Denzil Vickey Engelbrecht, Curtley Morgan Swartbooi, Fernando Kaapanda, Paulus Nel, Sheldon Dick, Atreyu Jesintho Malenga, Phillimon Kriess, Jens Kilian Plumbing/Sheetmetal Kwedhi, Harold Nikodemus Niipare, Simeon Heita, Johannes Rogers, Byron Nghiueuelekwa, Twapandula Pamplin, Jordan Zaahl, Deodath Rezano Tomas, Abed Nepolo Goreseb, Romario Ernest Adams, Kyle-Joseph NB: Should you intend not to be a trainee of the NIMT as such, please notify the NIMT immediately. By not being at the NIMT on 03 September 2014, you will loose your place. Also: If the registration fee of N$2,000.00 – non-refundable – has not been paid on 03 September 2014, you will have forfeited your opportunity. Please bring the ID/Passport and latest payslip from your parents/guardian along. All enquiries etc: The Registrar, Mrs A Stephanus: Telephone: 064-511800.


NIMT NORTHERN CAMPUS SPECIAL TRAINEES: SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology in Tsumeb on Monday, 01 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Diesel Mechanics



Jacobs, Marcus Albertus Vermaak, Jean Pierre Shipalanga, Andreas Linekela Katjimune, Kamuhitua Murangi, Warona Mweshitomba, Theofelus

Muinjangue, Unomasa Amalwa, Leonard N Ntinda, Wilbard Sindano Haukushembe, Moses M Kadhikwa, Elizabeth

Kavela, Esko Shipandeni Mieze, Tjiveriuo Gettho Amadhila, Pinehas Macacu

NB: Should you intend not to be a trainee of the NIMT as such, please notify the NIMT immediately. By not being at the NNC on 01 September 2014, you will loose your place. Also: If the registration fee of N$2,000.00 – non-refundable – has not been paid on 01 September 2014, you will have forfeited your opportunity. Please bring the ID/Passport and latest payslip from your parents/guardian along. All enquiries etc: The Registrar, Mrs A Stephanus: Telephone: 064-511800. We hope to welcome you on 1 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp at the NNC, Tsumeb.

The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology in Keetmanshoop on Friday, 05 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Diesel Mechanics



Both, Berendt Samuel Kristian, Gerson Gowaseb, Anthony Ricardo van Wyk, Darell Alberto Lindenn Nestor, Mathias Tulipomwene Hartung, Ludwig Abri Cloete, Damon Romario Bussel, Divan Franco Kruger, Rudie

Andreas, Aune Tonata Kakololo, Matheus Mateiko Cloete, Josty Leandro

Ernestu, Nathanael Kasekele Hamukwaya, Matias

Bricklaying Mathias, Lamona Thomas Ernestu, Ester Mutango

NB: Should you intend not to be a trainee of the NIMT as such, please notify the NIMT immediately. By not being at the NSC on 05 September 2014, you will loose your place. Also: If the registration fee of N$2,000.00 – non-refundable – has not been paid on 05 September 2014, you will have forfeited your opportunity. Please bring the ID/Passport and latest payslip from your parents/guardian along. All enquiries etc: The Registrar, Mrs A Stephanus: Telephone: 064-511800. We hope to welcome you on 5 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp at the NSC, Keetmanshoop – next to the Suiderlig High School

15 AUGUST 2014


Church women support female inmates The Bethel Congregational Church Walvis Bay women donated 41 single bed Fleezy blankets, tioletries, sweets and giftbags to the 41 female inmates of the Walvis Bay Prison. This was part of the International Women's day celebrations. The chairperson of the organisation, Pearl Scholtz said, “It is better to give than to receive.

Our Congregational women's mission is 'To reach out to all pheres of the community'. To observe the happy faces of these 41 women were priceless and amazing.�




15 AUGUST 2014

Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities (Welfare Registration No Wo362) NIMT SOUTHERN CAMPUS: KEETMANSHOOP: SEPTEMBER 2014 INTAKE The under-mentioned applicants have to start their training period at the NSC, Keetmanshoop on Friday, 5 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp: Boilermaking/Welding

Diesel-petrol Mechanics:

Electrical – General

Fitting & Turning

Iihuhwa, Abraham Nehwana Kuutembukwa, Simeon Aikanga, Junias Ndawanalange Jatileni, Tuhafeni Twapewa Hango, Teodor Katonyala Ndemuya, Mweshipandeka S Newaka, Johannes Kuutumbeni Iipwakena, Paulinus Ishitile Aron, Erastus Shatimwene Sem, Priskilla Tupatuleni Shigwedha, Asser Hambelela Muandi, Tjiyandjewa Ivan Hailaula, Priskilla Shambekeleni Fanuel, Israel Ankonga, Sakaria Kagwe Autanga, Heinrich H Negodhi, Gabriel Irimari, Shapumbu Nikolae Nghimane, Timoteus T Paulus, Lukas Lidker, Frans Pendapala David, Iyaloo Shalongo Hafeni Amakali, Katrina Mutaleni N Noah, Elizabeth Ndeshiyala Hamunjela, Eradius Nghijoonanje Shihepo, Annanias Kalondo, Ingashikuka Abraham

Shitaleni, Filemon Twaifanwa L Andreas, Benhard Vitus, Vitus Ndalikokule Matti, Aron Shaanyenenge, Daniel Mengela Simeon, Petrus Iipinge, Toini Nangombe Nghidulika, Stet-son Tuhafeni N Moshako, Johannes Ndivayele, Filippus Nicodemus, Romanus Bundje, Johannes Taapopi Absalom, Gerson Hidinwa Mwashindange, Hendrina S Losper, Leandrew, Dylan Nambale, Konias Daniel, Ananias, Ntoni Siweka, Linus Iitana, Sackaria Panduleni Paulus, Vincen Natangwe Katutu, Johannes Hamutenya, Simon Mpepo Asino, Johannes Andreas, Nathanael Nambahu, Nesmus Tangeni Johannes, Mandume Johannes Munkundi, Reinhold Angula Nelenge, Moses Shawapala Shilongo, Paulus

Uushona, Simon Sheepo Uushona, Helena Loteni Shipopyeni, Frans Christiaans, George Andrè Aitana, Edwina Ndahambelela Nghipundjwa, Theofilus N Kapala, Tangeni Josua Penda, Sadrah-Kuume T Amupadhi, Albert N T N Nginga, Devillers Mandjoro Nangobe, Abraham Lumbu, Abraham N Nauyoma, Andreas Meleksedek, Fillipus Shighwedha, Justus Mudjuu, Thobias Johannes, Anna Fudhaninaye Shilongo, Andreas Indila Nghipundjwa, Excel Vange K Matjayi, Daniel Chivambo Nandago, Fillemon S Munenguni, Brave A I Shangheta, Verner Haipinge, Victoria Ndeshitiwa Eliakim, Elina Shekupe Hanai, Festus Shinana Imene, Simon Kambala Nakaambo, Tuwilika Taimi

Ndeshipanda, Fenni Moses, Valerio Rashadt Nakangombe, Petrus Kemanya Gabriel, Hofeni Taleni Nelulu, George Hafeni Siluka, Stevie Junior Kathindi, Tobias Shaale Nkandi, Andreas Naboth Kashima, Jonas Ndinomwene Ikela, Nikodemus Shapwa, Abed Uirab, Engelhard Willem Ismael Matheus, Erastus Pendapala Ndapuka, Martin Nghuumbilemo Kashuupulwa, David L Uusiku, Immanuel M Kuutondokwa, Moses H Dishena, Fredinand Abisalom, Gerson Hidinwa Immanuel, Martin Amupolo, Ndapewa Ndazilepo Nambambi, Johannes Tangeni Shishiiveni, Abel Ndapewoshali Aitewa, Penny Power Petrus Nelenge, Michael Kaufiwetu Vanhu, Josephine OSM

Bricklaying/Plastering Shitalangaho, Simon P Shihepo, Vilho Timoteus, Petrus A Kahandya, Michael T Nambondi, Jeremia S Hangula, Nelson U

NB: Should you intend not to be a trainee of the NIMT as such, please notify the NIMT immediately. By not being at the NSC on 5 September 2014, you will loose your place. Also: If the registration fee of N$2,000.00 – non-refundable – has not been paid on 5 September 2014, you will have forfeited your opportunity. Please bring the ID/Passport and latest payslip from your parents/guardian along. All enquiries etc: The Registrar, Mrs A Stephanus: Telephone: 064-511800. We hope to welcome you on 5 September 2014 at 07:30 sharp at the NSC – next to the Suiderlig High School

P O Box 682, Swakopmund, Namibia

The organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities will present a Flea Market on Saturday 23rd outside the old LITTLE FOOT NURSERY AREA. Pancakes, Tea, Coffee, Books, Toys, White Elephant and much more. For stalls contact Almut at 081 299 1902

Lizelle Cordier's Holiday Program for Modeling Classes Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Windhoek & Tsumeb * Build confidence * Posture correction * Photographic modeling with fun shoots! * Catwalk training * Etiquette & Fashion Male & Female - Age groups: 4-6 years, 7-12 years, 13-18 years, 19yr and older I train kids for our upcoming competitions, photo shoots, fashion shows & International Modelling If you want to become a International model - LC'S MODELS is the right place to start! I just came back from Italy after taking 6 Namibian girls to Rome for training, portfolio's, castings & competitions. 4 of them will return to Italy again end of August!

Find me on facebook: LC'S Models, Email: Cell: +264 81 287 7580

15 AUGUST 2014


Spring School at SSS Sharlien Tjambari The official opening of the Erongo Regional Spring School took place at Swakopmund Secondary School on Monday and learners from different towns and cultural backgrounds in the region came to the coastal town of Swakopmund to participate in this annual event. The Spring School serves to assist and prepare learners in the Erongo Region for the end of year examinations. A total of 300 Grade 12 learners from different high schools attended the week-long Spring School, which was hosted by Swakopmund Secondary School. In his opening remarks

the Inspector of Education, Mr E Uirab, said opportunity comes once in a lifetime. He also stated that the key to success is education and that learners should put their prime focus on education and put everything else aside. The inspector of Education for the Swakopmund Circuit, Mr E

Olivier, in his motivational speech noted that the outcome of learners’ participation and commitment of this Spring School is in their own hands. “The choice is totally yours. Only you can decide what you are willing to sacrifice, what you are willing to offer, and what you are willing to contribute.



I trust that you understand that whatever your decision, only you and you alone will benefit from that or lose out this golden opportunity,” Olivier said. The opening of the Spring School for Grade 10 learners is taking place today at Coastal High School in Swakopmund.

Your child deserves a chance to live a full


• Baby dumping can kill your baby • You will be arrested • Phone us, your baby can be adopted

0 8 1

2 2 1

8 0 8 1



15 AUGUST 2014


WALVIS BAY PHARMACY is looking for a front shop assistant and a

registered pharmacist assistant. Experience in a pharmacy is essential. Email your CV to

Only short listed candidates will be contacted.

15 AUGUST 2014



15 AUGUST 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste

Fünf Antworten auf Helgas Preisausschreiben: Die Sieger Gesundheitsfragen Tagebuch Mit Sunblocker endlich stundenlang lekker tänen.

1. Beugt Olivenöl Herzgefäßerkrankungen, insbesondere Herzinfarkt, vor? Ja, der Anteil des schädlichen LDLCholesterins sinkt durch das Antioxidans Polyphenol im Olivenöl. Es ist allerdings unbedingt darauf zu achten, dass ein ,,Extravirgin” (Natives), kaltgepresstes Qualitätsöl gekauft wird. Die meisten kommerziell erhältlichen Olivenöle haben einen sehr geringen Polyphenol-Gehalt, da sie industriell verarbeitet und oftmals lange und schlecht gelagert werden. 2. Funktioniert Hustensaft? Nein. Die meisten Hustensäfte, die über den Ladentisch verkauft werden, haben eine zu geringe Dosis Kodein und Dextromethorphan, als dass sie wirksam sein könnten. Nur Hustenblocker, die ältere Antihistaminika enthalten, erleichtern den Husten. 3. Kann die Einnahme von zuckerhaltigen Erfrischungsgetränken ( Soft-

Folge haben? Ja. Durch zuckerhaltige Limonaden und Ähnliches schnellt der Blutzuckerspiegel rasch in die Höhe. Solche Blutzuckerspritzen schaden langfristig den Insulin-bildenden Zellen in der Bauchspeicheldrüse. Wer seinen Durst täglich mit gezuckerten Getränken löscht, hat deshalb ein erhöhtes Risiko für Diabetes mellitus Typ 2. 4. Bieten Sunblocker d e n g a n z e n Ta g Schutz? Nein. Der Name täuscht: Ein Sunblocker kann die Sonne nicht endlos blocken, sondern zeichnet sich nur durch einen besonders hohen Lichtschutzfaktor aus (30 und mehr). Die Gefahr dabei: Viele Menschen fühlen sich damit sicher geschützt und vergessen, den Sonnenschutz in regelmäßigen Abständen zu erneuern und vor allem gleichmäßig aufzutragen. 5. Ist Glutamat ein Rauschgift? Ja. Trotzdem wird die umstrittene Substanz als sogenannter “Geschmacksverstärker”

Swakopmund (sk) Zum 75sten Geburtstag bekam Hannelore Frowerk aus Walvis Bay von Ihrer Freundin eine Reise zur und einen Aufenthalt auf der Solitaire Gästefarm geschenkt. Getankt wurde in Solitaire, wo Frau Frowerk das frische Grab des Wüstenbäckers Percy McGregor alias Moose fotografierte. Es fehlt eigentlich nur noch ein Grabstein in der Form eines Stücks Apfelstrudel.

Der im Januar verstorbene Wüstenbäcker hat Solitaire mit seinem Apfelkuchen berühmt gemacht. Foto: Hannelore Frowerk

in unzähligen Fertignahrungsmitteln und Würzmitteln eingesetzt, obwohl es sich hierbei um einen der schwersten Gehirnzerstörer handelt, der in Schweden daher seit langem in Babynahrung verboten ist. “Geschmacksverstärker” sind keine Gewürze, sondern Substanzen, die unabhängig vom Aroma eines Nahrungsmittels ein künstliches Hungergefühl im Gehirn simulieren, um den Absatz theoretisch geschmacklich ungenießbarer Produkte zu ermöglichen. Beim Glutamat handelt es sich, neurologisch betrachtet, um ein Rauschgift. Es ist eine suchterzeugende Aminosäureverbindung, die über die Schleimhäute ins Blut geht und von dort direkt in unser Gehirn gelangt, weil die recht kleinen Moleküle des Glutamats unsere schützende Blut-Hirnschranke zum Teil problemlos überwinden. Eingesandt!

Moose’ Grab in Solitaire

Helgas Tagebuch auf e i n e m P a s s a g i e rdampfer: Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 1. Ich habe alles für die Kreuzfahrt gepackt meine schönen Kleider, Bikinis und Höschen. Zum ersten Mal ganz alleine auf Reise. Wie aufregend! Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 2. Ich war den ganzen Tag vom Meer umringt, wunderschön. Habe Delfine und Wale gesehen. Traf heute auch den Kapitän scheint ein sehr netter

Mann zu sein. Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 3. Habe am Schwimmbad gelegen, ein paar Golfbälle geschlagen und Darts geworfen. Der Kapitän lud mich beim Dinner zu sich an den Tisch ein. Habe mich sehr geehrt gefühlt und hatte eine wundervolle Zeit. Er ist ein sehr attraktiver und aufmerksamer Mann. Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 4. Habe U$ 80000 im Spielkasino gewonnen. Der Kapitän lud mich zum Dinner in seine Kabine ein. Welch ein Mahl mit Kaviar und Sekt! Er bat mich, die Nacht zu bleiben. Ich habe das Angebot abgeschlagen, weil ich meinem Mann nicht untreu werden wollte. Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 5. Wieder am Pool gelegen. Sonnenbrand bekommen. Rest des Tages in der KlavierBar verbracht. Der Kapitän sah mich und legte mir etliche große Drinks aus. Welch ein charmanter Mann! Er lud mich wieder in seine Kabine ein, aber ich ließ mich auf nichts ein. Er sagte, er würde das Schiff versenken, wenn ich sein Angebot noch einmal abschlüge. Ich war schockiert. Liebes Tagebuch - Tag 6. Heute habe ich 2600 Menschenleben gerettet, und zwar gleich zweimal! Eingesandt!

Sean Badenhorst und Bianca Scheffer aus der 11. Klasse der Walvis Bay Private High School genießen die gemütliche Atmosphäre in der Probst-Bäckerei. Foto: Susann Kinghorn Die Antworten zu dem Antworten zwischen Probst Cafè und ResProbst-Preisausschrei- diesen beiden Preisen taurant im Werte von sind als richtig be- N$ 150,-); ben lauten wie folgt: 3. Theone Lempert 1. Die Probst-Bäckerei wertet worden). aus Walvis Bay (Preis: in Walvis Bay gibt es Die Gewinner sind: 1. Brigitte Buchner- Ein Gutschein von W. seit 1957? 2. Die beiden Farben Lassen aus Walvis Probst Cafè im Werte weiß und blau mar- Bay (Preis: Backuten- von N$ 70,-). kieren das Gebäude der silien vom Willi Probst Herzlichen GlückCake-Decor Shop im wunsch! Probst-Bäckerei? 3. Ein halbes von den Werte von etwa N$ Die Preise können im Namib Times-Büro in leckeren Rohhack- 180,-); Brötchen kostet bei der 2. Giesela Kubirske Walvis Bay abgeholt Probst-Bäckerei N$ aus Walvis Bay (Preis: werden. 12,- bis N$ 15,- (alle Ein Gutschein von W.

Werbung wagen und gewinnen

Henties Bay Road, Swakopmund


15 AUGUST 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Neue Schülermitverwaltung an der NHS

Swakopmund (sk) Die Schüler der Namib High School haben ihre Schülermitverwaltung neu gewählt. 16 Jungen und Mädchen wurden für die pflichtbewusste und verantwortungsvolle Aufgabe gewählt, die Schülerschaft dieser renommierten Küstenschule zu repräsentieren. Inzwischen hat die Schülermitverwaltung ihre erste Entscheidung getroffen und eine Betreuerin unter den Lehrkräften ausgesucht. Frau Yolanda Horn unterrichtet das Fach Lebenskunde und wird dem Schülerrat mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen.

Hinten v. l.: Anthony Plaatjies, Hildegard Jochelson, Romario Mouton, Byron Katumbo, David de Beer und Frau Yolanda Horn. Mitte v. l.: Heather Maletzky, Faith Mwafufya, Linzy Kaoseb, Rodriquez Mauha, Conchita Matthys und Bill Ackermann. Vorne v. l.: Chloe Brandt, Kylie Williams, Patience Kamesiepo, Mark Schiefer und Sebrina Schneider. Foto: Privat

Haltet unsere schöne Küste schön sauber!

Möchten Sie zeigen, dass Kinder gar nicht so dumm sind? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; Fax: 400182; E-Mail: susannkinghorn

Bodo, du bist jetzt 11 Jahre alt und kannst nicht mehr in meinem Bett schlafen.

Aber Vati ist doch noch viel älter.

Worte der Woche Lustige Sprüche Wir hatten einen Musikstudenten. Er war zunächst beethövlich, schenkte meiner Tochter ab und zu einen Strauß und wurde schließlich mozärtlich. Er nahm sie beim Händel und führte sie über den Bach in die Haydn. Dort konnte er sich nicht mehr brahmsen. Ja, und nun haben wir einen Mendelssohn und wissen nicht, wohindemith. Ursprung unbekannt

1. ...klar hab ich zugenommen. Ich wog mal 3500 Gramm! 2. Ich habe Fantasien mit zwei Männern: der eine putzt, der andere kocht! 3. Ich muss meinen Heiligenschein wieder abnehmen, er hat gegen die Hörner gedrückt. 4. Ich hab das mit dem One-Night-Stand mal ausprobiert, aber ich kann im Stehen echt nicht schlafen. 5. Am gerechtesten verteilt ist die Intelligenz: jeder meint, genug davon zu haben. 6. Wenn Dummheit blaue Flecken machen würde, wäre die Welt voller Schlümpfe. 7. Liebe Toilettenbesucher! Nach Rücksprache mit verschiedenen Ärzten wurde

uns glaubhaft versichert, dass man sich an der Klobürste KEINEN Bruch heben kann. 8. Ich habe meine Ernährung umgestellt: Die Chips liegen jetzt links vom Laptop. 9. Liebe Sonne...ich weiss, wir hatten unsere Probleme. Oft warst du mir zu heiß und zu grell. Ja, und die Sache mit dem Solarium....das war nichts Ernstes! Ehrlich! Du fehlst mir. Bitte komm zurück! 10. Was man heute Rap-Musik nennt, hieß früher Stottern und war heilbar... 11. Parzival ist eine Oper, die um sechs anfängt, und wenn man nach drei Stunden auf die Uhr schaut, ist es zwanzig nach sechs.

Locker vom Hocker In Auto und Hitze gefangen!

Liebe Küstenleser, gerade hat er wieder für Schlagzeilen gesorgt: der Hitzetod im Auto. Ein 33jähriger Mann aus Georgia/USA hat seinen einjährigen Sohn Cooper sieben Stunden lang alleine im Auto sitzen lassen und so dessen Hitzetod herbeigeführt. Vor etwa drei Jahren ist der Berliner Dackel Ajax fast zum Opfer seines Auto-Gefängnisses geworden und musste von einem Arzt gerettet werden. Sein Herrchen hatte ihn am Weidendamm in Berlin-Mitte im Auto gelassen. Zunächst kein großes Problem, weil der Wagen im Schatten stand und dadurch erträgliche Temperaturen herrschten. Doch die Erledigungen des Dackel-Besitzers dauerten länger als geplant. Der Wagen stand schliesslich in der prallen Sonne, und es herrschte eine unerträgliche Hitze. Als sein Herrchen zum Auto zurückkehrte, lag Ajax bereits hechelnd auf dem Rücken. Der Hundebesitzer besorgte Wasser in einem Restaurant und rief einen Tierarzt an. Dieser legte dem völlig ausgelaugten Langhaarrdackel, dessen Körper auf 41 Grad e r h i t z t w a r, e i n e Infusion an. Ein Eimer Wasser und ein nasses Handtuch brachten Abkühlung. Spätestens beim Lesen über einen fünften, sechsten oder siebten Hitzetod-Fall wird man wahrscheinlich kopfschüttelnd ob der Ver-

zetod eines anderen auf dem Gewissen haben. Mein Sohn Andreas und ich waren im heißen Sommer im Januar dieses Jahres mit dem Auto unterwegs. Da wir die Klimaanlage laufen hatten, waren alle Fensterscheiben hochgekurbelt. In Omaruru beschlossen wir, uns bei SPAR ein kaltes Getränk zu kaufen. Ich blieb im Auto, Andreas stieg aus, knallte die Tür zu und schaltete total unbewusst die Zentralverriegelung ein. Es dauerte nicht lange, da lief mir der Schweiß in Bächen am Körper herunter. Der Knopf zum Fenster-

anfall und trommelte wie wild an die Scheibe, wo schwarze Passanten an diesem Samstag Mittag vorbeihasteten. Durch das Trommeln wurde auch noch der Alarm ausgelöst. Ein junger Schwarzer blieb stehen. Ich schrie durch die Scheibe und gegen den jaulenden Alarm an, er solle im SPAR nach Andreas fragen, ich sei im Auto eingeschlossen. Hunderte von Gedanken schos-

Dackel Ajax war dem Hitzetod gerade noch entronnen. Foto: Per Mail zuggesandt öffnen war durch die Vollautomatik des Polo Classic und die Zentralverschließung außer Betrieb gesetzt, wie ich zu meinem Entsetzen feststellen musste. Ich suchte, schon halb in Panik versetzt, nach einem Knopf, der die Verriegelung wieder rückgängig macht. Keiner zu finden! In meiner Verzweiflung drehte ich mich dann mit dem

sen mir durch den Kopf, u.a.: ,,Wie kann ich am besten die dicke Scheibe einschlagen? Mit den Füßen oder Fäusten?” Als mein Sohn nach nur 12 Minuten, die mir wie eine Ewigkeit erschienen, das Auto endlich öffnete, war ich nass wie nach einem Bad und in panischer Heulverfassung. Ich kann Ihnen sagen, liebe Küstenleser, ei-

Schwitzendes Kind im Auto. antwortungslosigkeit Rücken zur großen und Dummheit von Vorderscheibe, Knie an Menschen zum nächs- den Sitz gezogen und ten Gedanken überge- machte mich ganz rund hen. Ich aber habe mal und klein, um mögein kleines Vorgefühl lichst wenig Hitze aufdessen bekommen, zunehmen. Dann zog was ein furchtbar qual- ich mein Oberteil aus, voller Tod sein muss, da die Sonne erbarund somit lese ich über mungslos aufs Dach solche Sachen nicht brannte. Obwohl ich einfach hinweg, son- mir wiederholt laut dern plädiere für eine befahl: ,,Ganz ruhig heftige Bestrafung all bleiben!”, bekam ich derjenigen, die den Hit- plötzlich einen Panik-

Foto: Internet nen Hitzetod im Auto wünsche ich meinem ärgsten Feind nicht. Seien Sie gewarnt und schauen Sie bei Ihrem vollautomatischen Fahrzeug, ob es einen Knopf gibt, der es von innen öffnen kann, wenn von außen die Zentralverriegelung eingeschaltet wurde. Ihre

Susann Kinghorn


15 AUGUST 2014


My client is a Namibian leader in the manufacturing industry and an equal opportunity employer and has a vacancy for a Company Secretary in walvis bay IF YOU ARE INTERESTED AND COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. A qualified Company Secretary or a Degree in Law (Commercial) 2. A minimum of 5 years' experience as a Company Secretary on a Senior Managerial level 3. Excellent knowledge of the Companies Act, Good Governance, legislation governing organisations 4. Must have excellent verbal, numeric, and logical reasoning ability 5. Must have excellent command of the English language 6. Must be able to work in a detailed and structured manner 7. Must be able to take decisions and initiate action 8. Must be able to work with people on all levels in- and outside the organisation 9. Must adhere to principles and values (high integrity) and confidentiality 10. Must be able to write and report 11. Must have excellent analytical ability 12. Must be able to plan and deliver on results 13. Must have excellent administrative skills 14. Must be adaptable 15. Must be goal orientated and have achievement drive 16. Must be willing to travel a lot as part of the position 17. Must be willing to work flexible hours

AND wish to execute the following RESPONSIBILITIES:

1. Organising, preparing agendas for and taking minutes of board meetings and annual general meetings; 2. Maintaining statutory books, including registers of members, directors and secretaries; 3. Dealing with correspondence, collating information and writing reports; 4. Ensuring decisions made are communicated to the relevant company stakeholders; 5. Monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment and taking appropriate action; 6. Liaising with external regulators and advisers, such as lawyers and auditors; 7. Managing matters related to insurance and properties; 8. Developing and overseeing company policies 9. Overseeing and monitoring the administration of the group pension schemes 10. Overseeing and renewing insurance cover required by the group 11. Entering into and drawing up various contractual agreements.

THEN WE ARE EXCITED TO RECEIVE YOUR CV AT: by not later than 22 August 2014 please take note that only e-mailed CVs will be processed




15 AUGUST 2014

Kia reveals first official photos of third generation Sorento First photos of the all-new Kia Sorento released today confirm that the third generation of the popular SUV will feature a new look, with bold, swept-back styling and sophisticated surface detailing. Longer, lower and wider, with an extended wheelbase, the new Sorento builds on the success of the outgoing model, delivering a premium look and feel, with more space and numerous innovative features. With the brand's hallmark design features and a more mature appearance, the new model is instantly recognisable as a Sorento. The new look is an evolution of the current vehicle, incorporating fresh visual elements inspired by the Kia Cross GT concept that debuted at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show, carrying over the long bonnet and the distinctive treatment of the wide D-pillars from the previous generation. The exterior styling of the new Sorento was led by Kia's Namyang design studio in Korea, with significant levels of input from the brand's Frankfurt, Germany and Irvine, California design

studios. The front of the new Sorento features a larger, more upright 'tiger-nose' grille, with a distinctive three-dimensional diamond pattern, and long, swept-back headlamps. The lower roofline, higher beltline and more muscular, rounded shoulders at the rear give the car a dramatic appearance. The sleeker look is enhanced by an increase in length (+95 mm to 4,780 mm)* and a 15 mm reduction in height (down to 1,685 mm), while the 80 mm longer wheelbase (now 2,780 mm) ensures more passenger space in all three seat rows. Soon-Nam Lee, Vice President of Overseas Marketing, Kia Motors Corp., said, "While we have retained the name based on the tremendous success of the outgoing model, the all-new Sorento has been completely redesigned and re-engineered, and promises to surprise customers

with its thoroughly updated styling, a host of new convenience and

safety technologies, as well as enhanced space, driving comfort and

handling response." The all-new Kia Sorento will be showcased

in Korea in late August and make its European premiere on Thursday,

2 October, at the 2014 Paris Motor Show.

15 AUGUST 2014


Toyota dominates on the force fuel 450 at Sun City

Action at Sun City A maiden victory for brothers Johan and Werner Horn, in the Malalane Toyota Hilux secured the top step of the podium for Toyota; while Castrol Team Toyota's Leeroy Poulter drove a stunning race from 17th position all the way to third overall. The Force Fuel 450 at they would have liked, ble race car - especially Sun City turned into a and the crew lost a sig- in rough terrain. tough grind for Poulter nificant amount of time "Leeroy and Rob showand navigator Rob Ho- before continuing at race ed unbelievable pace towie, but the result was pace. day," said Hall after the This opened the door for event. "One can only worth it. "We are very pleased the Horn brothers, who speculate what the result with our results on the simply kept it neat and might have been, had Force Fuel 450," says tidy from start to finish, they started higher up the Team Principal Glyn earning their maiden order." Hall. "Though it is un- victory in style. For Tay- As it was, this was fortunate that Anthony lor/Murphy the day got Poulter's fourth podium and Dennis didn't finish worse when their Cas- in his maiden Cross the race." trol Team Toyota Hilux Country season (includThings started well for suffered a transmission ing the two heats of the defending champion problem, forcing them Toyota 1000 Desert RaAnthony Taylor and na- into retirement. This ce), placing him third in vigator Denis Murphy. placed the Horns on the the championship after During the 100 km-long top step of the podium five rounds. Their victoprologue, run on Friday for the first time, with the ry on the Force Fuel 450 August 8th, Taylor/Mur- Ford of Gary Bertholdt secured the Horn Brophy went fastest in the and Siegfried Rousseau thers 25 points, and production vehicle cate- in second place. moved them into second gory. But the Horn broth- For teammate Leeroy place in the season standers were snapping at their Poulter, it was a long, ings, just three points shy heels, just four seconds tough day in the dust. of Taylor, who still leads back. For Poulter it was a Starting in seventeenth despite his DNF at Sun tough prologue, as this is position on Saturday, he City. his first full season in the clearly had a lot to do In Class S, for producDonaldson Cross Coun- when the race got under tion vehicles with entry Champhionship, and way. gines up to four liters, as he is still racing as an But even he and navi- well as solid rear axles, unseeded driver - which gator Rob Howie didn't the result was similar to meant a poor starting po- dream of a podium finish Class T. Jannie Visser sition for the prologue, when they started. and Joks le Roux, in the resulting in a time that "It was really difficult Ruwacon Racing Toyowas just over six minutes in the dust, but we man- ta Hilux took class honslower than that posted aged to pass quite a lot ours, with Luke Botha by Taylor/Murphy in the of cars early on," says and AndrĂŠ Vermeulen, leading Castrol Team Poulter. in the Force Fuel ToyoToyota Hilux. "By the time we were ta Hilux coming home When the flag dropped nearing the end of the in third place. The two for the start of the race, second loop, we were Toyotas were split by at 8am on Saturday up to fourth - and then the BMW X3 of Willem morning, Taylor/Murphy passed Johan van Staden Vos and Werner Weiss. made their intentions in the Nissan for third. Thanks to their wins in clear as they muscled We couldn't believe it!" both classes, as well as their way past one of the Having started the race various other strong fiSpecial Vehicles ahead more than six minutes nishes, the manufacturer's of them, losing a wind- behind Berthold and award on the Force Fuel screen in the process. Rousseau, Poulter and 450 at Sun City went to But then disaster struck: Howie closed to within Toyota. The next round The pair suffered a punc- 35 seconds at the end of of the Donaldson Cross ture in the rough terrain, the race. Poulter also Country Championship and was forced to stop to commented that the re- is Round 6, and takes change the wheel. Un- cent changes to the sus- place at Vryburg on 12 fortunately the change pension setup has resuland 13 September, 2014. didn't go as smoothly as ted in a faster, more sta-




15 AUGUST 2014

VACANCY Sales Person Namib Off-Road Centre requires a young, energetic, enthusiastic Sales Person Please send 2 page CV to


SUBMIT YOUR CV WITH SUPPORTIVE DOCUMENTS BEFORE 30.08.2014 TO Fax Number: 064 - 209855 E-mail: Only short-listed candidates will be contacted Contact Number: 064 - 209955

We expect the applicants to meet the following criteria: · Be in possession of a recognized qualification and practical experience. · Be responsible and self motivated. · Capable of professional interaction with clients. · Be able to work under pressure. · Be fully bilingual (English and Afrikaans). · Must have own transport (Valid divers licence). · Must be prepared to travel. · Curriculum vitae. · Certified copies academic and professional certificates and testimonials. · Proof of Namibian citizenship / permanent residence. Please note: Only suitably qualified applicants need apply. Only short list candidates will be contacted for an interview. No documents will be returned.

2x I.L.S. Practioners

Main Responsibilities: - Practice as Intermediate Life Support - Maintain accurate administration and monitoring - Ongoing in work training - Maintain fleet - Maintain accurate stock control - Ad hoc duties

Bob Mould & Scheffer Architects Walvis Bay offers challenging opportunities for two Architectural Technicians. A good working knowledge of Archicad, Altantis, Caddie and Sketch-up will be a necessity.

Interested persons should submit the following documents to

Applications are invited from suitably qualified committed professionals for the following positions in the Erongo Region:

Requirements: - Minimum Grade 12 - Namibian Citizenship / Permanent Resident / Work Visa - Proof of valid registration with the Health Professions Council of Namibia - Experience in the field - Experience in training competency - Excellent interpersonal communication skills - Excellent computer literacy - Valid driver’s license (Code8/10) essential. PDP with advanced driving skills - Be prepared to work shifts and travel as needed


Excellent organising & planning skills


15 AUGUST 2014

BUYER PENNYPINCHERS WALVIS BAY Pennypinchers, a leading retailer of building materials, seeks a suitable qualified candidate to fill the above role. A market related remuneration package including all standard benefits for a position of this level is offered. The main functional responsibilities are: · Co-ordinating and purchase all stock for the business · Ensuring that only approved suppliers are utilized · Ensuring that pre-determined stock levels are not exceeded · Minimising stock-outs · Control dead and surplus stock · Attend to all local and store specific pricing Minimum Requirements: · Matric · Related qualification advantageous · 3 years buying experience is essential Knowledge and Skills Required · Good computer knowledge (Word and Excel) · Excellent product knowledge · Kerridge knowledge · Organisational skills · Attention to detail · Customer focus · Quality orientation · Negotiation skills · Communication Skills Applications should be submitted in the form of a CV to Johan van den Berg via e-mail: Closing date for this position is: 23 August 2014 If you have not had a response within one week, please consider your application unsuccessful.

No.9 Fin Street P. O. Box 1676 Walvis Bay Namibia

Tel: +264 64 270 700 Fax: +264 64 204179



VACANCY – MATE We currently have a vacancy for a Mate on our Monk Trawler vessel. Preference will be given to suitably qualified candidates from designated groups as envisaged by the Company's Affirmative Action Plan. REQUIREMENTS -

Namibian Citizen Deck Officer Class 6 /Mate II Minimum 2 years' experience as a Mate in Monk industry Minimum Grade 12 certificate Must be in possession of valid advanced safety certificate

Key Performance Areas: Will have overall responsibility to: - Ensure the safety onboard the vessel. - Keep navigational watches. - Maintain and execute onboard HACCP procedures. - All duties and orders from the Skipper must be adhere to The position reports to the Fleet Manager and Skipper. In return we offer a market related remuneration package as well as a pension and medical aid benefits. The closing date is 22 August 2014. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned. Detailed CV's can be forwarded to: The H R Officer Freddie Fish Processors (Pty) Ltd P.O.Box 1676 Walvis Bay E-mail:


15 AUGUST 2014


Public Accountants and Auditors A Small Audit / Accounting Practice in Walvis Bay requires a

Competent Bookkeeper/Accountant Personal Requirements ∙ Experience in an accounting / audit firm environment preferred. ∙ Minimum of 3 years exposure to accounting up to trial balance level. ∙ Relevant degree/diploma in accounting or studying towards such degree/diploma would be beneficial for the applicant. ∙ Knowledge in Pastel (or similar accounting package), Excel, Word and Outlook essential. ∙ Should be able to work under pressure and prioritise time ∙ Must have a valid driver's licence

Principal Accountabilities ∙ Accounts function to Trial balance, reconciling cashbooks, journals, reconciliations of creditor's statements, salaries, and completion of statutory returns and preparation of monthly management accounts. ∙ Liaison with clients and Receiver of Revenue Please state salary expectation The successful candidate will be part of a small team of professionals and will report directly to the Partners of the firm. The ideal candidate should be able to work unsupervised and have good social skills.

Application to be submitted by no later than 22 August 2014 to Only short listed employees will be contacted.



15 AUGUST 2014



SERVICES FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town! TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541 LATIN BELLIES A fun and energetic combination of belly dancing and latin dancing Shimmy and cha cha your way to fitness Angeline: 081 607 4324 A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA



Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia The device that really help Smokers to decide on their own time if they wanted to quit or change the bad habit. You choose your flavor, your own vaporizer size or color or style. We stock a wide variety , and have a special on. Starter Pack for N$ 250.00 More than 60 flavors for N$ 50.00 on 10ml bottle Visit Largo Video for FREEDOM on your habit. Tel: 205 525 081 407 5773

Dr Absalom The healer and Astrologer This is your time to be free from all your problems like: Finance, business, untrustworthy partners, looking for a job, your relationship is not good or serious court cases, being in jail and wanting to come out, bewitched, recover lost or stolen properties etc. If you have unfinished jobs from other doctors. Contact: Dr Absolom 081 247 6336

KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET Upmarket Spacious House-Vogelstrand 3 bedroom Double garage 1 bedroom flat N$16,500.00 Centre Town Furnished 2 bedroom Apartment N$ 9,000.00 Office Space N$ 5,500.00 mile 4 3 Bedroom flat Double Garage 3 bathrooms N$ 8,800.00 Hage Heights-Executive apartment 3 bedrooms,lounge kitchen Water and Electricity included N$ 16,500.00 Ocean View 1 bedroom flat N$4,500.00 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom double garage N$ 9,800.00 Waterfront 3 bedroom unit Double garage N$ 9,300 Ocean View-Newly built houses 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms lounge kitchen and double garage N$ 12,000.00 Ocean View 3 bedroom House double garage N$ 11,000.00 Tamariskia 2 Bedroom town houseN$ 6050.00 2 bedroom flat N$4,300.00 FOR SALE!! Newly Build Upmarket Townhouses-FOR SALE 3bedrooms,3 bathrooms, 2and half garages,lounge and kitchen N$ 1,650 000.00 centre town 2 bedroom apartment N$1,050 000.00

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





TO LET: Kramersdorf Central Park: 2 Bedroom townhouse with B.I.C in secure complex, open plan living are, fitted kitchen with oven and stove, 2 bathrooms, double remote garage, private enclosed courtyard with outside braai. N$6000.00 Excl Water. Prepaid electricity. Deposit 1 month’s rental. Available immediately. NO AGENTS Contact: 081 327 4830 or 081 122 5233 a/h

Rentals Office at Walvis Bay: Newly renovated office, with strategic location in Sam Nujoma Avenue 211, halfway between Walvis Bay CBD and Industrial Area. Monthly Rental of N$ 11 200 (VAT included. W/E excl. Deposit of N$ 10 000 payable by signing of lease agreement. Available from 1 October 2014 Contact Deon at 081 124 0627 for more information.

TO RENT: Ocean View 4 bedroom house (2 on - suite) Lounge, dining, T.V, Study, Laundry room Outside braai area Double garage N$ 15 000.00 W/E excl. Contact: 081 127 0910 081 127 0858



HOUSE AVAILABLE IN KARIBIB 2 Bedroom Kitchen and living room Bathroom. Shower,toilet and basin Water and Electricity included N$ 6000.00 Contact: 081 370 7152

GEMEUBILEERDE EENSLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL BESKIKBAAR VANAF 1 SEPTEMBER Naby Ocean View Spar (Gousblom Str. 14) Swakopmund: Oopplan sitkamer eetkamer en kombuis. Ingeboude kaste. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Garage fasiliteite vir een voertuig. Alarmstelsel. Geen troeteldiere. Verkieslik nierokende, enkellopende huurder. N$4500.00p/m Kontak: 064 463 943 of 064 463 291 of 081 128 5407 vir afspraak vir besigtiging. TE HUUR: Dadelik beskikbaar Bachelor flat in Walvisbaai vol gemeubeleer,, Alarm, W/E ingesluit geen garage privaat parkering in erf. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit van N$ 3 000.00 p/m Kontak: 081 712 9603 TO LET: Swakopmund 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom 1 Garage. Garden N$ 5800.00 Martina: 081 124 3885 HOUSE TO LET OCEAN VIEW Spacious 4 bedroomed executive home to let in good area. 2 lounges, lovely kitchen and double garage. N$17 000pm Barbara Pam Golding Properties 081 656 2619 ZU VERMIETEN In Swakopmund Werkstatt 150m² Plus büro 90m² Miete N$9000 plus benötigt Tel: 064 405 408

TE HUUR: Meersig Area Baie veilige en netjiese woonstel vir enkel persoon (Verkieslik ‘n dame) Sitkamer, kombuis met kaste. Slaapkamer (apart van ander vertrekke) met kaste. Badkamer met bad + toilet W/L ingsl. Alarm ingsl. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Kontak: 081 147 6475 TE HUUR: Hermis Vir enkel persoon. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Deposito N$ 1 500.00 Onmidellik beskikbaar. Kontak: 081 737 2570 Swakopmund middedorp: Groot huis, 6 minute tot by strand. Houtvloer, 3 slaapkamers, bad, stort, toilet, 1 gastetoilet, kombuis, spens, sitkamer, eetkamer, biblioteek, braaikamer. Buite: 2 gastekamers met stort + toilet, 3 buitegeboue met stort + toilet, waskamer, 3 motorhuise, groot tuin. Kan as B+B of kafee gebruik word. N$ 15000.00 of te koop. Kontak: 081 346 6216

TO LET: Walvis Bay 1 bedroom flat with alarm N$ 3 400.00 p/m Deposit negotiable. W/L incl. Immediately available Contact: 081 418 8004 TO RENT: Shop in centre of Walvis Bay, opposite Pick n Pay Shopping Centre, to rent for N$10 000 p/m. W/E excl. 1 month Deposit required. Available as from 1st of November 2014 or sooner Please contact: 081 277 9268 or email: House To Let: Swakopmund, Vineta North Ext 16 Double Storey 3 bedroom house. 2 bathroom (1 x full bathroom on suite) , spacious living room, 1 toilet beneath stairs, open plan kitchen and scullery. Lots of cupboards. Outside braai, spacious double garage with wash bay. Solar Geyser and prepaid electricity. Alarm. N$11000.00 with deposit excluding water and electricity. Deposit payable in 2 months. Available 1 September. Contact: 0811270928 TO LET: Swakopmund 49m² Shop at busy Shopping Centre Contact: 081 244 7065 HOUSE TO RENT: Meersig 2 bedroom, toilet / bath Open plan kitchen / lounge, Double garage N$ 4 500.00 W/E excl. Deposit required N$ 4 500.00 Available 1 September Contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717

TO RENT Swakpmund, Vineta: 3 Bedroom Townhouse, 2 Bathrooms (1 on-suite), Open plan Kitchen with lounge and inside braai. Garage, own entrance. Very secure. Rent: N$8500.00p/m + deposit. W/ Incl, E/ Excl. Contact: 081 786 0089

TO RENT: Longbeach Furnished flat Open plan bedroom and lounge with separate kitchen and bathroom. On site parking behind gates. One person. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Two people. N$ 6 000.00 p/m W/E incl. DSTV. Contact: 081 368 8259

FLAT AVAILABLE IN TULINAWA One Bedroom, open plan Kitchen and Lounge Burglar bars, Alarm, Build in Cupboards and stove. N$ 2700 ( Water & Electricity inclusive) Call 0812111778 or 0813107163

HOUSE TO LET VOGELSTRAND Modern 3 bedroomed home with open plan living areas. Walk to the beach. Outside room with shower. N$13 000pm Pam Golding Properties 081 656 2619 Barbara

TO LET MAHETAGO (SWAKOPMUND) 2 Bedrooms, bathroom N$2800.00 W/Incl 2bedrooms, bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3850.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity 3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge and Tandem Garage N$6500.00 W/Incl OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2300.00 W/ Incl Bachelor flat N$2700.00 W/ Incl JABULANI Bachelor flat N$2900.00 W/L Incl Single person Available 1 Sep 2014-0814 1 bedroom, bathroom and kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Incl Single person Avble 1 Sep 2014 All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yahoo .com PAMGOLDING PROPERTIES SUNA 081 210 7823 suna.kritzinger@pamgoldi TO RENT Swakopmund Town Centre N$6000.00 Sunny open plan 2 bed, 2 bath flat, 2 garages LONGBEACH N$4000.00 Batchelor flat with balcony fully furnished PENTHOUSE N$ 11000.00 O WHAT A BEAUTY! ! ! 3bed, 2 bath, 2 garages huge living area with indoor braai Vineta N$6000.00 Stunning open plan 3 bed, 2 bath flat, 1 garage and 1 parking Mile 4 N$6600.00 3 bed,2 bath,2 garages Outdoor braai beautiful sea view Ocean View N$11000.00 3 bed 2 bath 2 gar free standing house Office space in busy busness centre 1 bathroom FOR SALE N$1,850,000 Spacious, near school 4 gar, 3 bed, 2 bath, indoor braai BARGAIN BARGAIN ! ! ! N$1,390,000 This 3 bedroom house Is Charm with economy! LOCK UP AND GO! !N$1,100,000 In a secure complex 3 bed,2bath, singel garage Sea view to die for (064) 461311




18 AUGUST 2014



Cell: 081 127 2736 TO LET Swakopmund, Central 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan, fully furnished (quality furniture), large kitchen, 2 garages, 200m from the sea Rent: N$8000 per month FOR SALE Swakopmund, Central 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 garage, secure Price: N$1.5 mil


AGENT: CHARMAINE 081 129 7692


Fairways Sole and Exclusive Mandate Newly built 2 bed, 1 bath house with open plan kitchen & garage. Potential of extension. N$ 1 280 000.00 Saloom 081-3821888 Lagoon Big 3 bed, 1 bath townhouse with beautiful location. Kitchen, BBQ, Scullery, courtyard & garage. N$ 1 150 000.00 Saloom 081-3821888 Narraville Sole and Exclusive Mandate Modern and newly built 3 bed, 2 bath house with, Lounge, Open plan Kitchen to dining room, double garage & outside flat . N$ 1 150 000.00 Saloom 081-3821888 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR


Lovely north facing 3 bedr home, 2 bathr, kitchen, laundry, double garage. Sliding doors leading to large private sunny garden.

N$1 590 000 CC Reg FAIRWAY ESTATE Stunning double storey home, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, office, open plan living fitted kitchen, BBQ, laundry, outside room with bathr, double r/c garage. BARGAIN.

N$1 790 000

JOEY 0811293293


SWAKOPMUND TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE N$ 1,490 000 Mil OR TO LET N$6700.00 EXCL Water & LIGHTS CENTRAL TOWN LOCK-UP GO Open Plan Kitchen Lounge & Indoor Braai 3 Bedrooms Full Bathroom Guest Toilet Tandem Garage Walking Distance 2 SHOPS – BEACH RESTAURANTS ******************* TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE VINETA N$ 1,080,500 Open plan Kitchen 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 1 Garage Safe and Secure ******************* TO LET 2x Retail Shops 60/75m² N$60 PER SQM, Swakopmund, Water Cube.





CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot&Plan. 2&3 Bedrooms, 1&2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic, lounge/dining, garage. PRICE RANGE FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs

Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT



2% -3% KOMMISSIE VERKOPE 6% op 2 jaar verhurings *Sentraal Town House N$1,339m 180m², 3 kamers, instapkaste. En suit bad kamer met 2½ bad Leefarea met kombuis en braai graniet tops en d/garage *Meersig, N$1,590m, netjiese huis, 3 bed, bad Gaste toilet, kombuis, sit kamer met tandem Motorhuis met tuin of te huur N$ 7 600.00 p/m met opsie om te koop *Meersig N$1,399m nuwe kompleks Keuse van simplex of duplex 2 bed of 3 bed, 2 bad kamers en d/garage. Met eie erf en direkte straat ingang elk *Meersig Erf 502m² N$ 566,500 Meersig N$2,060m 4 slaapkamer huis 240m² op 1200m² erf Wat onderverdeelbaar is Binne en buitebraai, dubbel garage. *Meersig wardasie N$2,2m prys N$1,854m groot familie huis op 1250m erf 5 kamers, sitkamer, 2 tv braai kamers 3 badkamers, garage en stoor kan 4 parkeer *Lagoon N$3,7m luukse huis 4 bed, 3 bad 4 garages met woonstel en swembad *Sentraal naby skole groot luukse enkel verdieping huis N$3,060m was N$3,5m *Langstrand seefront erf Beidekante toegebou N$2.060m *Dolfynstrand N$1,339m, N$1,648m 2x town houses met see uitsig en tandem motorhuise met meubels ingesluit. *Dolfynstrand N$1,777m Luukse 250m² see uitsig Town house in cc 3 bed 2½ bad d/garages direk straat ingang. wardasie N$ 2,1m. *Swakop Tamariskia N$1,648 groot 3 bed huis met 2 bed woonstel op groot erf. *Swakop nuwe ware houses cc 239m² Met kantore vanaf N$1,695m of te Huur N$10.000 p/m plus vat *Sentraal woonstel 2 bed gemeubeleerd Vir 2 persone met garage N$ 6 500 p/m. W/ ingsl. KURT 081 242 6713 WALVISBAAI epos:propertypowerwvb@g NO 12 PETER DIXON STR LAGOON

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE SWAKOPMUND SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Unique Townhouse Development. 8 x 3 bedroom units with 2 bathr, 1 en suite. Balcony overlooks the beauty of the desert. Double garage. N$ 1 650 000-00 FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CENTRAL House, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 Garages N$ 1 900 000-00 FAIRWAYS Plot and Plan. 3 Bedr. unit each with own bathr, guest toilet, open plan kitchen/living area, double garage N$ 1 450 000-00 TO LET Shop in Centre of Walvis Bay for N$ 12 650.00pm W &L excluded. 1 Month deposit required, avail.1 November or sooner. MEERSIG Newly build 3 bedr. house 2 bathr, open plan kitchen /lounge with indoor BBQ Double Garage N$ 11 000.00 p/m excl Water & Electricity. MEERSIG Newly build 2 bedr house 2 bathr, open plan kitchen /lounge, single garage N$ 9000.00 p/m excl water & Electricity MEERSIG Neat family home, 4 bedr. house, 2 bathr, outside BBQ, double garage Imme. available, no pets N$ 9300.00 p/m (Neg) OFFICE: 064 22 1417 Hannelie: 081 124 2292 Glenda: 081 462 3618 Chantell: 081 609 4077 Aina: 081 329 7934 Ruanca: 081 237 0071 Merle: 081 726 1990 Shelagh: 081 304 5900

WALVIS BAY CBD SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, sitting room & kitchen. From N$ 1 150 000-00 Claudia 081 605 1984 KUISEBMUND NEWLY BUILT 3 BED, 2 BATH, UNITS WITH SINGLE GARAGE. LARGE ENCLOSED YARD. A RARE FIND AT N$ 699 000-00. CLAUDIA 0816051984 FOR SALE 1 bedroom house on a big plot more than 300 square meters for sale in Walvis Bay. Price N$ 42 000 cash. Contact 0816782824

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Longbeach 200m from sea!!! 3 bed, 2 bath unit with open plan kitchen/lounge with stove & garage Pre-paid electricity. N$1 190 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518

SWAKOPMUND RESTAURANT FOR SALE SOLE MANDATE Centrally situated – popular restaurant on the market. Tastefully decorated – all furniture, fittings and equipment included. Ample parking. Only serious buyers need apply. Barbara Pam Golding Properties 081 656 2619

Walvis Bay Central CC REG. Furniture included!!! 3 bed, 2 bath unit with open plan kitchen/lounge & garage with paved courtyard. N$ 995 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH CC Reg Safe and secure complex, 1 bed, 1 bath flat with kitchen/lounge & Balcony with BBQ, N$ 795 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 MTN PROPERTIES VINETA: 3 Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, kitchen bic with stove. Dining, lounge, Laundry Outside braai area and single garage. N$1.5 Mil MAHETAGO: 2 Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen bic with stove. Dining, lounge and single garage. N$1.12Mil LONG BEACH: Bachelor flat Bathroom, Garage Registered CC N$645 000.00 KUISEBMOND: 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge and single garage. N$510 000.00 ARANDIS: 3 Bedrooms bic, bathroom, Kitchen Lounge and single garage. N$370 000.00 Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yahoo .com FOR SALE Walvis Bay: 1 Bedroom house on a big plot more than 300m². Price: N$420 000.00 cash. Contact: 081 678 2824

LOCK UP AND GO MI CASA WALVIS BAY 2 bed, 2 bath apartments with garage N$ 895 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Emily 0812930335


SWAKOPMUND Very spacious plots near mile 4 for as low as ± N$635 000 for 734m² Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn

WALVIS BAY FAIRWAYS Upmarket & Stylish double storey 3 bed, 2 bath townhouses with double garage & courtyard. N$ 1 695 000-00 Joey 0812780518 Saloom 0813821888 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET TAMARISKIA HOUSE 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen/lounge/dining. Water & lights excluded. N$4,980-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320


SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn

Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 0818709950

HOUSE FOR SALE Mondesa - Tulinawa Swakopmund: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, sitting room. Garage. Own yard. Burglar bars and Alarm. N$850 000.00 Contact: 081 258 2317

Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs

PROPERTIES WANTED Urgently looking for property to buy or sell for our cash and pre-approved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund & Walvis Bay

Feel free to contact Yolande 081 251 9377

I am looking for a house to buy in Tamariskia or Mondesa. Not a Townhouse or build together house. Maximum N$750 000.00 Contact: 081 331 6798 081 229 2020 LOOKING TO BUY: I am looking for a house to buy in Walvis Bay, for any amount up to N$ 630 000.00 I am bank approved Only serious sellers Just call no sms required No agents please. Contacts: 081 668 7035 081 636 7999 WANTED: Looking for a 2 bedroom flat / house B.I.C, garage, open plan kitchen - livingroom. Water incl. ± N$ 4 000.00 In Walvis Bay (Town or Narraville) From 1 October 2014. Contact: 081 667 5957 081 773 5430

Urgently looking for Property to buy or sell For our cash & preapproved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & North of Namibia. Claudia 0816051984


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES

15 AUGUST 2014


PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET: NEAR DUNESIDE HIGH SCHOOL 1x bedroom flat immediately available. bic in bedroom, kitchen, sitting room, shower & toilet. water & electricity included, alarm included. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Contact no: 081 122 0727 AFTER 5H00

WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. WANTED TO BUY: Looking for a second hand freezer to Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 495 8126 TE KOOP GESOEK: Soek ‘n bakkie te koop vir N$ 24 000.00 in Walvisbaai of in Swakopmund Kontak: 081 373 9056 FLATMATE WANTED: Looking for a female flatmate with sober neat habits. 3 bedroom flat in Lagoon N$ 2500.00 each Contact: 081 648 1590


YOSHI BED & BREAKFAST Gladly welcomes you to Walvis Bay We offer clean and friendly bed and breakfast facilities in the centre of town. We are located in Moses Garoeb Street within 500 metre radius of all shops, gym, police and important facilities. Be our guest and enjoy the beautiful coastal experience. Contact: 081 148 6387 081 140 5392

ACCOMMODATION SELF CATERING ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IN WALVIS BAY, NARRAVILLE N$ 150.00 Single N$ 200.00 Double AND N$ 290.00 per unit Contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717

VACANCIES VACANCY SWAKOPMUND Receptionist Applicant must have good communication skills & computer experience. Must be fluent in English, Afrikaans. Any other language will be an added bonus CV's can be mailed to: yolanda.remaxatlantic@ karin.remaxatlantic@ KARIN: 0814090778 VACANCY: Cashier Needed Requirements: Must have sober habits Non smoker Must have at least 2 years experience SMS name and surname to: 081 418 2904 Casual needed for retail business. Minimum requirement Grade 11 and fluency in English and Afrikaans. Experience as cashier is of advantage. Please hand in your CV with a short handwritten note why you would be a suitable candidate. OTTO GÜNTHER Swakopmund Tel 402621 VACANCY: Office Administrator Walvis Bay Responsible for office admin Duties. Must have solid financial admin skills. Place orders. Adhoc duties required. MS Word/Excell/Pastel competencies. If you are suitable qualified send your CV to reception7890@gmail. com

VACANCIES: BOILERMAKER / WELDER Coded with at least 5 years experience in the marine industries Sober Habits Please no SMSes or Miscalls. Hand CV in at Sylver Engineering @ Tunacor Premises

VACANCIES Junior Receptionist: The successful applicant will report directly to the Resident Manager. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Female ·Namibian Citizen ·Computer Literate (Windows, Office, Outlook) Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Knowledge of another European language would be an advantage ·Good people skills ·Good telephone skills ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Be prepared to work shifts ·Must be a Team Player ·Must enjoy working with people ·Must be a Swakopmund Resident with own transport Driver/Security Guard: The successful applicant will report directly to the Resident Manager. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Namibian Citizen ·Age Group 25+ ·Valid Code B (08) Driver's Licence ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Previous experience in the Security Industry is a prerequisite ·Good people skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Must have solid traceable references Interested applicants must email their CV to or personally hand their CV in during office hours No telephonic enquiries will be entertained. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview!

Bike Drivers needed in Swakopmund

VACANCIES VACANCY: Scaffold Supervisor We have a position for a Scaffolding Supervisor in Walvis Bay: Requirements: Scaffold safety Control and Inspection Certificate Scaffold Safety for Supervisors Certificate Grade 12 Mathematical Skills Basic Fire Fighting Drivers License Minimum 5 years experience Good communication skills at all levels. Closing date 18 August 2014 If you are interested in applying for this position, please e-mail or deliver your CV and supporting documentation to: Email: scaffolding.pelican@ Hand delivery: Office Number 8 Naras Investment Business Centre C/o 3rd Street East and 14th Road Walvis Bay Only short listed candidates will ne contacted!! VACANCY: Receptionist Walvis Bay If you comply with the following requirements: Be open to learning Honest, self motivated and have a sense of confidentiality Be computer literate (MS Word, Excell and Outlook) with good typing skills. In possession of a Grade 12 Certificate. Good communication skills in Afrikaans and English, additional language will be an advantage. And wish to execute the following Responsibilities: Operating the switchboard General administrative tasks Ad-hoc duties as requested by senior staff Take ownership and full responsibility of the reception area

Company will provide motorbikes! Permanent (Full time) bike driver! Applicants will need of the following: Motorcycle licence, good knowledge of direction and quickness. SOBER HABITS ESSENTIAL. Please be so kind to mail us your CV to doffcc3@africaonline. or fax to 064-400211.

Kindly forward your CV to: bestcheernamad@gmail. com or post CV to HR at BEST CHEER INVESTMENTS NAMIBIA (PTY) LTD P. O Box 4676 Walvis Bay Only short listed candidates will be notified No documentation will be returned A candidate may undergo psychometric assessments

All-rounder Handyman For work shop and building Sites, pluming, electrical, Woodwork in swk Needed, Starting Imediate, CV to or call 081 679 16 40.

EDWARD YON CONSTRUCTION Opsoek na messelaars en pleister manne. Kennis en goeie ervaring. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Kontak: 08:00 - 17:00 081 328 9557 Geen miscall + sms

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

VACANCIES VACANCY SENIOR BUYER • The services of a senior buyer are required to Start soonest. • Must have at least 3 years experience in hardware, timber and building material. • Be English and Afrikaans speaking, German would be an advantage. • Computer literate • We offer a competitive salary, medical aid and pension scheme Please fax CV to 064-406180 or e-mail it to Closing Date: Friday the 22nd of August 2014 Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

CARS FOR SALE: 2013 Discovery 4 xS Coil spring suspension 32 000 km N$ 500 000.00 Contact: 081 124 0755 FOR SALE Swakopmund: 1.4 Opel Kadet 2 door. 15inch mag rims, CD Player included. N$15 000.00 Contact: 081 200 4722 FOR SALE: Toyota Hilux D4D 4x4 2011 Model 47 000km Kontak: 081 380 6185 081 611 8327 FOR SALE: 2010 Ford Fiesta 1.6 Titanium Full house, mag rims N$ 142 000.00 neg. Edgar: 081 147 3230 FOR SALE: 2010 T/Fortuner 74 000 km, 3.0 D4D N$ 220 000.00 16 Seater 2002 Iveco 105 000 km N$ 80 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 127 5728 For Sale Honda 1300 Fit with A/T Only 72000km Excellent condition and very Economical n fuel Price N$58,000 Phone: 0812708005 FOR SALE: Jetta 4 1.6 2002 Model. Cell: 081 360 3319 CAR PARTS FOR SALE Swakopmund: Ford Bantam 1.6i XLT Computer box - N$1500 Fusebox with wiring N$650 Complete interior wiring (loem) - N$850.00 Gearbox Mounting N$350 Bonnet - N$500 Steering wheel - N$300 Petrol Tank - N$450 Left door - N$550 Parts still in good condition Cell: 081 712 9929 Tel: 064 405 940



FOR SALE: Selling Big Band Saw. Contact: 081 127 2557

ADULT TOYS AND EROTICS: Naughty Gifts, Quality Lubricants and Arousal Gels. Passage shrinkers for woman available in Gel and Tablet to insert. Effective affordable erection tablets for men. With our experience from 1995. We stock the REAL Stuff, not fake. From N$99.00 for 4 pack. On Special: Viquor 10 pack for N$150.00. Single Pills N$30.00. Erotic Bubble Gum for Men & Women. Erection & Enlargement pumps for men. A wide range of toys & vibrators for women. NEW: Pheromone body sprays and oil which make you more attractive for the opposite sex. With us, erectile disfunction no more a problem. Visit our facebook page Adult Toys and Erotics. Remember, your shopping with us is fun, friendly, confidential and private. Not for sale to persons under 18. Deliveries countrywide. (Discreet packaging). Contact us on 081 407 5773.

FOR SALE: Tino Sleepr. Roof tent for sale. Contact: Cell: 081 256 2328 Tel: 064 400 065 FOR SALE Swakopmund: 210L Defy chest freezer N$1500.00 Contact: 081 200 4722 FOR SALE: 7 x 12m brand new tent for sale. All accessories included. White in colour FOR HIRE Chairs and tables for hire Contact: 081 323 9402

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE PICK a BARGAIN We buy & sell 2nd hand furniture & household appliances We beat any cash offer Louise 081 032 4865 Guts 081 259 3175 PICK a BARGAIN Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse meubels & uishoudelike toerusting Ons verbeter enge ander kontant aanbod Louise 081 032 4865 Guts 081 259 3175

SERVICES MATRIC DANCE DRESSES; WEDDING DRESSES Designing of your dream dress at affordable prices. Also: - Bridesmaids - Mother of the bride - Evening - Day wear - Alterations - Invisible mending Call Salomie Lifestyle creations at 081 728 4865 Situated in Swakopmund

TO RENT: 6m Containers to rent Phone Chandre / Karin 064 209 166


15 AUGUST 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR


CARS Tele/fax: 064- 407 101

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail:

2009 Mazda 6 N$ 127 000 NO DEPOSIT


2009 Mini Cooper N$ 119 900 NO DEPOSIT

John 081 619 8179

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 2001 VW Combi 300 000 km 1.6i Aircon still working. N$ 55 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 410 0837 081 419 5886




JOB WANTED: I am a 36-yer-old lady looking for domestic work or cleaning for 3 days only. Tuesdays, Wednesdays of Fridays in Walvis Bay or Longbeach. Contact: 081 295 4077 081 128 2633

TABITHA: I am a 26-year-old and have 3 years experience. Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay and Longbeach, can be housekeeping, ironing, washing, cleaning and taking care of old age people. For 2 / 3 days. I am honest, trustworthy and responsible person. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 395 6539

Job wanted: I am 36 years old and looking for domestic work - 5 days in Swakopmund. Can also take good care of children. I am very hardworking and can work under pressure. Contact: 081 659 5321

LISKA: Hardwerkende middeljarige vrou is opsoek na huiswerk, kan stryk, huis skoonmaak, en kinders kyk. Walvisbaai, Langstrand en Dolfyn strand. Kontak: 081 471 2691

Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

Pick A Bargain We buy & sell tnd hand furniture & household equipment We will beat any cash offer Louise 081 032 4865 Guts: 081 259 3175

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

JOB WANTED: A 33-year-old is looking for work in Walvis Bay. Not a drinker or a smoker. Looking for general work, plumbing, baking and domestic work or any other work. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 362 7908 081 353 0178

MONICA: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Meersig and Lagoon. Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 218 8762 JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old man is looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 495 8126



WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae in Swakopmund of Walvis Bay. Ek drink nie. Kan kinders ook oppas. Kan inslaap werk ook wees. Kontak: 081 032 2671 MAGRETH: I am looking for domestic work or babysitting or office cleaning work. Contact: 081 485 2547

Hire a 5ton Skip Bin Call:081 617 7306 Omakolokoto Skip Bin Rentals & Sales

Günther Harry Minneman (Siggi) * 1952.02.16 + 2014.08.08 BEGRAFNIS: vind plaas Saterdag, 16 Augustus 2014 om 14:00 vanuit huis, no 35, Hidipo Hamutenyastr, Hermis (Hillside) na begrafplaas te Walvisbaai VIR VERDERE NAVRAE KONTAK: 081 231 0722

DEATH NOTICE THEME: Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The LORD is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?

Julia Shikongo “Kuku Kalulu”Nuule

Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience:

· Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods

Paul Albertus Louw (Paulie)

Maria Nambata Amadhila and family hereby announces with sorrow the passing on of our beloved mother, grandmother, great grandmother, sister and aunt on 10 August 2014.

ROUDIENS: Vrydag, 15 Aug 2014 19:00 by huis no 19, 16de Weg, Walvisbaai

MEMORIAL SERVICE Friday, 15.08.2014 18h00 Hosianna Parish, Kuisebmond

BEGRAFNIS: Begrafnis vind plaas Saterdag, 16 Aug 2014 11:00 vanaf huis, 16de Weg No 19 en 11:30 vanuit die VGK Kerk, Narraville

FUNERAL SERVICE Saturday, 16.08.2014 07h00 at home, No.24 C/o Sandfontein&Sandwich Road, Kuisebmond; 08h00 from home to Kuisebmond Cemetery. ENQUIRIES Willem Ashipembe: 081 312 1445 Cedric Shilongo: 081 129 6807 Lucky Shipanga: 081 340 2111 Martha Mupupa: 081 258 2911 Nduuvika Mutumbulua: 081 390 4610

DOB: 10.10.1927 DEATH: 10.08.2014

* 1950.02.14 - + 2014.08.06

NAVRAE: Lani - 081 278 6710

15 AUGUST 2014



15 AUGUST 2014

L J Füscher (Don)

Henry Jacobus Cookson Comrade Cookie

*03.09.1938 - +07.08.2014

*28.11.1950 - + 04.08.2014

BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag, 16 Aug 2014 09:00 vanuit die Lewende Water Kerk, Walvisbaai

FUNERAL: Saturday, 16 Aug 2014 11:00 at Narraville Primary School Hall

NAVRAE: Nita 081 798 4451 Pieter 081 273 5341

Villa Peterson * 09.07.1946

+ 04.08.2014

Met diepe leed neem ons afskeid van ons koorleier van 45 jaar. Die leemte wat sy heengaan nalaat sal nooit weer gevul kan word. Vir ewig sal ons met verlange terug dink aan ‘n dierbare koorleier vir lewenswysheid, toegewydheid en ‘n ongebluste passie en liefde vir sang en musiek. Ons sal hom altyd onthou.

Enquiries: Elmo 081 319 8258

Aletta M. Waterboer * 15 / 02 / 1935

Rus in vrede liewe Villa tot ons weer ontmoet. Met diepe medelye

Swacapella Koorlede To my Sunshine daughter Alone in a faraway place, a lovely girl is sitting. Maybe she is smiling or maybe she is crying. The 17th August - what a memorable date for your dad. Long ago I promised you that I would always be there for you on your birthday. For the past 26 years I fulfilled that promise. I was always there when you woke up on your birthday to congratulate you and lift you up on my lap. But this year it all changed. You are no longer here so that we can celebrate your birthday together. The only thing that has been left behind for us to treasure is the beautiful moments that we shared. A time ago you were telling your mom and dad that it would be your last birthday. If we only knew what you meant. Thank you for the wonderful daughter you were.

Happy Birthday - DAD

Happy Birthday


We love you and miss you so so much

From your entire family THANK YOU

* 17/08/1987 - + 08/12/2013

Thank you to our Heavenly Father for giving us the sunshine of our lives and to NAMPA, Namib Times, New Era and all the media, Carike's wonderful friends/family/colleagues , father Kapena and Roman Catholic parishes in Walvis Bay, community of Walvis Bay, Lüderitz, Rehoboth and the whole of Namibia and to each and everyone who SMS, send messages, pray and supports us each and every day

+ 06 / 08 / 2014 ROUDIENS: Vrydagaand, 15 Augustus 2014, 19:00 by die United Congregational Kerk, Tamariskia BEGRAFNIS: Sondagoggend, 17 Augustus 2014, 08:00 vanaf huis, Granit Ave. 416, Tamariskia, 09:00 Kerkwaarts. NAVRAE: Eldorico: 081 206 2616 Kowie: 081 149 0493

Happy 1st Birthday in Heaven to my baby: "Carike” I wish you were here today for your 27th birthday even for just a little while so I could say Happy Birthday "Baba" and see your beautiful smile. The only gifts today will be the gifts you left behind; the laughter, joy and happiness...precious memories...the best kind. Today I’ll do my very best to try and find a happy place...struggling to hide my heavy heart and the tears on my face. I'll sit quietly and look at your picture thinking of you with love; hoping you're doing OK in Heaven up above. May the angels hold you close Shonnie and sing you a happy song... and I'll be sending wishes to you today and all year long.... I love you and miss you so so much each and every day.

From: MA

15 AUGUST 2014



De Duine u/17 spark, u/19s play this weekend


De Duine Secondary School and Windhoek Gimnasium, were crowned the winners in the A and B Division under 17 League of the Bank Windhoek Schools Netball Super League, respectively. De Duine Secondary School took home N$5 000 for winning the B Division and Windhoek Gymnasium took home N$8 000 in cash for winning the A Division. In what could be described as an upset in the B division, De Duine Secondary School won the title defeating Mokganedi Tlhabanello High School in the finals, by a narrow margin of 23 - 20.

The results were as follows: A Division 1st Place - Windhoek Gymnasium (N$8 000) 2nd Place - Elnatan Private School (N$4 000) 3rd Place - Edugate Academy (N$3 000) 4th Place - Otjiwarongo Secondary School (10 Netball balls) B Division 1st Place - De Duine Secondary School (N$5 000)

Guan’s corporate soccer and netball fun day

2nd Place - Mokganedi Tlhabanello High School (N$3 000) 3rd Place - Pro-Ed Academy (N$2 000) 4th Place - Tsumeb Gymnasium (10 Netball balls) The finals of the Under 19 League will be played in Windhoek today and tomorrow at the Windhoek Gymnasium sport grounds. Members of the public are invited to come and watch. The De Duine u/17 girls with their winnings

New committee members for Walvis Bay Golf Club

Guan’s Packaging is inviting Erongo based companies to join their corporate fun day (soccer and netball) wich will be held at the Kuisebmond Stadium from 12 - 14 September. The due date for registration is Friday 5 September 2014. Between 25 - 30 teams of 20 players will be able to register for soccer and between 15 20 teams of 14 players will be able register for netball. The winning soccer team will receive N$11 000, 2nd place N$6 000,

3rd place N$ 3 000 and 4th place N$ 2 000. The winning netball team will receive N$ 5 000, 2nd place N$ 2 000 and 3rd N$1 000. A company may enter as many teams as it wishes. Participation fee for soccer is N$1 800 and for netball N$800 per team.

(Fltr) Frans Grobler, Coenraad Fourie and Brendon Britten

Riders compete at the 2nd FEI Qualifier ReiterVerein in Swakopmund (RVS) hosted the 2nd official Namibian Eventing Qualifier tournament, sponsored by CTM Swakopmund, at the RVS Eventing Park last weekend. The dressage was followed by a show jumping test in the afternoon. The first Qualifier (sponsored by NS Electric) took place in July this year. The riders had to obtain a minimum of 3 clear rounds over 1m high in the cross-country in order to qualify to ride next year’s international FEI One Star tournament track. Namibia’s very first FEI tournament held at the RVS track is scheduled to take place from the 13 – 15 February 2015. Selina Schneider with her horse CTM Nik Nak took home gold in the

Last week the Walvis Bay Golf Club elected their 2014-2015 committee members at their Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The members of the committee include Joao Sardinha (President), Corne Schalkwyk (Chairman), Harman Smidt (Captain), Shane Westerdale (Vice-President) and other additional members. The municipality fundraiser will kick off at the club today. “At this stage we have a big field and hope for good weather,” said Anton van Rensburg, a representative of the club. Following the golf day will be a birthday party. Saturday will boast an-

other event sponsored by KIT Group. The monthly club champs has moved to 6 September. The results for the PISCS Medal event are as follows: Overall Gross- Brendon Britten -75 Overall Nett – Frans Grobler – 64 A-Division Nett –Eugene Venter -70 B-Division Nett – Pieter van Aarde – 67 C- Division Nett – Hannes Crafford – 67also won the Jackpot with 14 points

Coastal cricket kicks off

The 18th annual Coastal Junior Cricket Festival (CJCF) will this year be held from 18 - 22 August.

Tanya Uys was the only rider to secure her 2nd qualifier for the FEI champs next year 70cm class. Teagan van der Pool won the 80cm class on her horse Spice Gold leading the dressage, show jumping as well as the cross-country test. Kira Rohloff won gold for the 90cm class. The competitors in the 1m class were Daniela Kolb on Manna from Heaven, Tanya Uys on Locarno Millennium and Holger Kleyenstuber on Rathmor Sapphire. These three

riders attempted the second from three qualifiers which are needed in order to ride in the International FEI One Star Eventing tournament. Tanya and Millennium were the only pair this tournament, to secure their 2nd qualification round. The 3rd Qualifier will be held at the Claratal Stud / Gymkhana Club in Windhoek on 23/24 August. This will also be the first official round to be

held on the new Eventing track at Claratal. The RVS will host the 4th and second last Qualifier on the Sphinxblick Stud near Usakos on 13/14 September. This will also be the 7th RVS Sphinxblick Eventing tournament. In November, the RVS will host the final Qualifier, which will be the FNB Namibian Eventing Championships 2015.

Organised by Welwitschia Cricket, a Sub Union of Cricket Namibia, this year’s event is sponsored by Walvis Bay Salt Refiners and will for the first time be known as the Walvis Bay Salt Refiners Coastal Junior Cricket Festival. The festival is dedicated to all junior school-going cricketers (under 11 and under 13) and focuses on cricket development and the promotion of the game whilst also giving young cricketers and coaches the opportunity to prepare for the upcoming school leagues. In 2003 and 2006 the

festival won the International Cricket Council (ICC)’s development awards for the best junior cricket promotional program-development initiative. Many senior Namibian cricket players played their first ever cricket matches as juniors at this festival. Eleven members of the Namibian u/19 squad who participated in the 2014 ICC u/19 Cricket World Cup in Dubai played at this festival in 2007 & 2008. The organsers look forward to this year’s cricket festival and are certain that the new junior faces will make the most of this oppor-

tunity and enjoy the fun. They also hope this festival will again give special memories to all those u/13 players in action for the last time at this festival. This year’s participating teams include Windhoek Afrikaans Privaatskool (WAP u/11 and u/13), Windhoek Gymnasium Private School (u/11 and u/13), !Nara Primary School (u/11), !Nara PS Girls (u/11), Walvis Bay Primary School (u/13), Namibia Girls (u/13), St George’s School (u/13), Pro-Ed Academy (u/11 and u/13) and Combined XI (u/13).


15AUGUST AUGUST2014 2014 15

Erongo riders at the Barex FEI World Jumping Challenge Franmari Lang from Omaruru, last year’s winner of the Namibian league and 9th overall Zone 7 rank, will defend her Namibian title at the 2014 Barex FEI World Jumping Challenge, held from today till Sunday. Ms Lang will be competing with her horse Seeis Mon-Gold. Experienced riders from the Erongo region Annette Kunzle, her daughter Michelle Kunzle and Lara Knickel will join Lang. Newcomers, also representing the Namibian flag, is Caroline Coulson, Amy Matthysen, Salom Nghinamito and Suleika Hasseon. This year’s event is hosted by the Nubuamis Riding Club and Role Equestrian Centre for the

second consecutive year. The World Jumping Challenge is an annual event offered by the International Equestrian Federation to allow less experienced riders to compete at international level without having to leave their home country. The competition is open to riders 15 years of age and older and is offered in three height categories of 1.20m, 1.10m and 1.00m. Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and

Mauritius make up Zone 7 of 10 geographical zones grouping countries across the world. Zimbabwe’s Sophie Kirkman and her horse currently leads the Zone 7 Category A. Competitors will compete against each other in individual and/or team events in the same size arena with the same course in the presence of an FEI (International Equestrian Federation) show jumping judge and course builder.

WBPHS rugby pluk vrugte Bernabé Blaauw

Harde werk en ‘n streng kondisionering program in die gimnasium het gesorg dat drie rugbyspanne van Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskool (WBPHS) na die finale van die skole ligas deurgedring het wat vandag en môre by die Hage Geingob Rugbystadion in Windhoek plaasvind. Mnr Willie van Zyl, hoofafrigter van die eerste rugbyspan, het gesê dat hulle in September verlede jaar begin het met ‘n kondisionering program in die gimnasium ter voorbereiding van die 2014 rugby seisoen. Volgens hom is dit die eerste keer in die geskiedenis dat drie van die “Burgers Equipment Walvis Bay” rugbyspanne van WBPHS na die finale van die skole ligas deurgedring het en dat dit die trotste oomblik is in sy afrigting loopbaan van 24 jaar by die skool. “Wys jou net dat harde werk altyd vrugte afwerp. Ek is innig dankbaar vir die span se toegewydheid en die ouers se ondersteuning,” het hy bygevoeg. Die 0/14A span speel vandag om 14:30 teen Privaatskool Elnatan van Stampriet nadat hulle vir MK Gertze Hoërskool van Rehoboth geklop het. Die tweede span speel

môre om 10:30 teen Dr Lemmer Hoërskool, ook van Rehoboth, in die finaal van die 0/19C liga nadat hulle Pro Ed Akademie van Swakopmund se eerste span met 19 - 17

in die halfeindstryd geklop het. Die eerste span speel môre-aand in die skild finaal van die Superliga teen Tsumeb Gimnasium vir die brons medalje.

Franmari Lang on Seeis Mon-Gold

Kudus toets môre krag teen Suburbs

Kudus en Western Suburbs se kragte sal môre in 'n vriendskaplike wedstryd ter voorbereiding vir die uitspeelwedstryde volgende naweek gemeet word. Die Kudus het N$5 000 bygedra tot die huidige ligakampioene, Western Suburbs, se reisonkostes na môre se wedstryd toe. Môre se kragmeting

behoort vir Kudus 'n goeie aanduiding te gee hoe gereed hul is om volgende week vir Rehoboth aan te pak. Die wedstryd skop af om 15:15 en Kudus

nooi almal uit om die dag te kom geniet. Hekgeld is N$20 per volwassene N$10 per skolier en N$10 per voertuig. Albei Kudu spanne

speel volgende week teen Rehoboth 1 en Unam 2 onderskeidelik alhoewel daar nog onsekerheid is oor waar dit sal plaasvind.

Table Tennis stars gear up for Swakop Open Namibian Table Tennis stars are getting ready for the annual Swakop Open, held by the Walvis Bay Table Tennis Club and sponsored by Salz Glasgow at Westside High School, in Swakopmund on the 23rd of August.

WBPHS in aksie

This is the fourth year that the tournament is held after its inception in 2011.

Colin Wang Yuqing (open singles) as well as HeikoFleidl and Reinolt Schurs (open doubles) will be

defending their titles. The Namibian Table Tennis Assosciation (NTTA) urges all interested play-

ers to submit their entry on or before 20 August via email to info.ntta@

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