Virtual Edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6391 FRIDAY 26 SEPTEMBER 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website

Marienheim koshuis steeds in puin


Valskerm uitnodiging

Bladsy 2

Black-out burglars

Marshallino Beukes

Die seuns-afdeling van die Marienheim Rooms Katolieke koshuis in Tamariskia, Swakopmund, is gedurende Januarie vanjaar deur ‘n see van vlamme verswelg en tot hede is geen reparasiewerk gedoen nie. Page 4

Alhoewel Brandweerhoof Adri Goosen en sy span vuurvegters verbete probeer het om die brand onder beheer te kry, is ‘n groot gedeelte van die perseel totaal verwoes. Al die

GRN to buy Areva

CHEC - culture clash? Page 6

Namport donates food

Page 33

Van Rensburg No 1

Page 36

Staff Reporter After demonstrating in front of Namport and the premises of China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) camp this week, Namibian workers have been suspended from the harbour project on Wednesday giving them 48 hours to prepare for a hearing that will be held at their premises today at 10:00.

With the camp project coming to an end (originally intended for end September) many camp workers are now worried that they would be left without employment starting October. The namib times spoke to various workers, Namport and members from CHEC. “The contract between Namport and CHEC covers wage and employment agreements,” Elzevir Gelderbloem, port engineer at Namport confirmed. “However, the ex-

act stipulations of the contract are confidential, but the contract does require CHEC to follow local industry best practice on labour issues, and it goes without saying, that all the applicable laws of Namibia must be adhered to,” Gelderbloem continued. “CHEC will follow the Namibian law and Labour Act to deal with this strike,” Aaron Hsu, deputy project manager for CHEC, told the newspaper. “The strike was an illegal

strike, hence all 70 employees who participated in the illegal strike got suspended and were notified of their disciplinary hearing date,” Hsu continued. Investigations are still underway, however, workers made serious allegations about one of the site managers working in the harbour area, Zu-Ling Rui, and suspicions arose over the role that the human resources (HR) division, Afrisay Group Holdings, play in the company. “We had four high rank-

Continues on page 2

besittings van die kinders, beddens, skoolboeke en ander meubliment het in die slag gebly. Vader Anthony Spencer het op daardie tydstip aan die koerant genoem dat

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Moordenaars steeds op vrye voet Marshallino Beukes

Ongeveer drie maande is verstreke na die sinnelose moord op Steven Eigab, in Swakopmund se Mondesa woonbuurt en dit blyk asof die ondersoek ‘n doodloopstraat bereik het. Eigab is met ‘n mes doodgesteek, nadat ‘n stryery tussen hom en ‘n vriend blykbaar ontstaan het. Die oorledene het op die toneel beswyk en die vermeende aanvaller het op die vlug geslaan. Inligting dui daarop dat die verdagte wel bekend aan die polisie is, maar dit tog regkry om die lang arm

Steven Eigab se gebroke ouers tydens sy begrafnis van die gereg te ontduik. Volgens ‘n familielid van die oorledene kry hulle geen terugvoering van die betrokke ondersoekbeampte nie, ten spyte van hul pogings om tot hulp te wees met die ondersoek. Daar word beweer dat die verdagte homself in Windhoek bevind en hierdie inligting is blykbaar aan die

polisie verskaf, maar geen aksie word skynbaar in die verband geneem nie. ‘n Moedelose en gebroke mev Sophia Eigas (56), oorlede Steven se moeder, het vandeesweek die koerant besoek en haar teleurstelling in die manier waarop die saak hanteer word, uitgespreek. “Hulle [polisie] weet pre-

Vervolg op bladsy 2




Namib High School doen dit in styl Marshallino Beukes Matrikulante van Namib High School in Swakopmund het die verrassing van hul lewens gekry, nadat hul amptelike uitnoding na hul matriekafskeid deur ‘n valskermspringer van Swakopmund Skydiving Club afgelewer is.

All Banking Systems Down at Standard Bank Namibia Marshallino Beukes

Many Standard Bank customers in Namibia were frustrated and confused when the bank’s electronic system went offline across the country yesterday morning. The bank’s PR & Corporate Communication Manager issued a statement today to announce that ‘An infrastructure related incident caused our entire banking system and other electronic chan-

nels to go down. “Please note that customers on Business On Line (BOL) can access and transact all functionalities. “Our IT Team has identified the problem and is addressing it on

an urgent basis. Standard Bank Namibia sincerely apologises for the inconvenience caused by this incident and we are considering all options available to make up for the inconvenience.”

Hierdie unieke inisiatief is deur skoolouers, wat op die skool se Matriekafskeid Beplanningskomitee dien geneem en was beslis ‘n eerste vir enige skool in die land, indien nie die wêreld nie. Die skool se matriekafskeid gaan op 24 Oktober gehou word en hierdie beloof om nog meer opwindend en vol verras-

sings te wees. Die leerlinge gaan by Live It vir ‘n skemerkelkie vergader, waarna hulle na ‘n geheime bestemming geneem gaan word. Nie een van die matrikulante dra tot hede kennis van presies waar hierdie bestemming is nie en dit gaan beslis die “cherrie on top” wees.

Sunday’s blackout: Erongo RED explains Erongo RED told members of the press that they will no longer accept planned outages from NamPower without the Anixas power station being available to carry the electrical load. This came after the planned power outage from 07:00 to 12:00 of Sunday turned into an outage that lasted the entire Sunday (from morning until evening) and early Monday morning in some areas such as such as Kuisebmond, Narraville,

Langstrand etc. One of the power lines should have been available from 13:00 according to NamPower’s notification which, together with Anixas, would have been sufficient to supply to Walvis Bay. Unfortunately, NamPower experienced technical pro-

Moordenaars CHEC- culture clash? Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

sies wie my kind vermoor het, maar dit lyk nie asof hulle enige moeite doen om geregtigheid te laat seëvier nie,” sê sy. Talle ooggetuies het op die betrokke dag die tragedie waargeneem en waarom leidrade nie opgevolg word nie is ‘n ope vraag. “Is ons polisie onbekwaam om hierdie tipe sake te ondersoek en op te los, of word hulle dalk omgekoop?” is gevra. Hierdie is nie die enigste moordsaak wat ‘n raaisel bly nie, nadat die moordenaar/s van Bronita Boois (15) ook steeds sy/ hul vryheid geniet. Boois is op 15 Desember

verlede jaar naby Shalom Parish Church in Agaat Straat, Kuisebmond, met ernstige kopbeserings in die straat gevind. Sy het dieselfde dag in die Walvisbaai Staatshospitaal aan die wonde beswyk. Ook in hierdie geval is talle leidrade wat opgevolg kon word. In nog ‘n onopgeloste moordsaak, is die oorskot van ‘n 13-jarige dogtertjie, Rachel Boois, gedurende Mei vanjaar in ‘n halfgeboude huis in Hentiesbaai gevind. Sprake dat sy ook verkrag was, het die rondte gedoen. Geen arrestasie is tot hede uitgevoer nie.

Marienheim koshuis Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

die Swakopmund Rotary Club met die aanvang van die 2014 akademiese jaar, staal-kaste ter waarde van ±N$ 100 000 aan die koshuis geskenk het. Hierdie kaste, wat as hangkaste vir die kinders gedien het, is ook vernietig in die brand. Die koshuis huisves ‘n totaal van 120 kinders, wat by verskillende skole in die dorp studeer. Drie-en-veertig van hierdie leerlinge is seuns en daar is vandees-

week verneem dat die seuns steeds verplig is om in twee klaskamers te slaap. Onvoldoende fondse blyk die probleem te wees en ‘n Fonds is intussen geopen om finansies te in vir die herbou van die koshuis. In ‘n amptelike brief vra die koshuis bestuur vir barmhartige Samaritane (gemeenskap, besighede en owerhede) om hulle in hul uur van nood by te staan en by te dra tot die fonds.

ing meetings regarding employees’ complaints and concerns two weeks ago, with all of our top managers including acting project manager, deputy project managers and assistant project managers as well as all our HR teams and HR from Namport participating in the meeting,” Hsu said. “An average of 5 - 6 hours per month has been omitted from my payslip since April, which I estimate to be around 30 - 50 hours that I did not get renumerated for from then until now. What happened to those hours? Does Afrisay get some of our hours as commission, similar to what may happen if an employment agency gets commission from workers?” a worker, who preferred to stay anonymous, asked. “AfriSay Group Holdings is not a labour hire agent and only provides human resources consultancy services to CHEC,” Hsu said. “They do not receive any commission from workers. AfriSay Group is contracted by CHEC and the company pays a monthly retainer fee directly to AfriSay Group Holdings.” When asked how hours and payments keeps track of time CHEC explained that “the employee and supervisor checks and signs timesheets on a daily basis.” According to workers, site

Die uitnodiging word ontvang

manager Rui has allegedly been swearing and threatening Namibian workers making it very clear that if either of the workers belonged to a union that their contracts will not be renewed. According to the source the same site manager was the reason why more than 13 Namibians lost their jobs by the end of August, when their month-to-month contract came to an end. “If the problem was the Namibian workers why does only one site manager (at the harbour) have a problem with us and the other site managers work fine with us?” one worker asked. “Sometimes communication between Chinese supervisors and local workers are not properly conducted due to the cultural differences of both countries,” Hsu explained. “CHEC has organised and arranged sufficient and professional trainings upon our Chinese supervisors to assure the coordination work is conducted smoothly and properly. CHEC had a training course with our supervisors to be familiar with the local law and Labour Act, and scheduled another course regarding to the differences between Chinese culture and Namibian culture,” he said. Apparently workers did not receive any warnings prior to being notified

that they were being dismissed. Afrisay allegedly responded by saying that they cannot do anything as CHEC was both the HR consultancy and the workers’ employer. If you do not work according to the Chinese they must find other work, members said they were allegedly told. They were also told that certain phases of construction require certain jobs as well, workers were told. “We work on different phases of the project at the moment and the specific person’s skill is needed for a specific period of time,” Hsu confirmed. According to workers, the Namibians who were dismissed due to the ending of their contracts have now been replaced by Chinese ‘general workers’. Job positions such as welders, electricians, forklift-drivers and even general workers are being filled by Chinese nationals, according to workers. Before the strike broke out, workers were allegedly told that all welder positions, will from now on, only be filled by Chinese. Originally semi-skilled workers such as plumbers, electricians etc were employed at N$20 ph, however, after their jobs were threatened by Chinese replacements, certain semiskilled workers accepted working at the N$13.26

blems. NamPower assigned a team from Windhoek to investigate who restored power to the entire Walvis Bay at around 03:30 on Monday. However by 06:40 the electricity tripped again but the team were able to restore power within the

next hour. Nampower has apologised for the events and give assurance that they will be investigating. Erongo RED insisted that no planned power outages will be accepted in future without the Anixas power station being fully operational.

Continued from page 1 ph that general workers receive. Tax allegedly gets deducted from each worker, even if they are employed on a monthto-month basis and even though they are not registered for tax (do not have a tax registration number). “CHEC must abide by the relevant laws such as the labour law and CHEC should follow local industry best practice in terms of wages,” Gelderbloem confirmed. “Currently there are about 100 Namibian employees and over 300 Chinese employees, many of whom are doing unskilled and semiskilled work,” a worker said. “There are no limits on the amount of workers required in the agreement between Namport and CHEC, however all unskilled and semiskilled labour must be sourced from within Namibia,” Gelderbloem continued. The workers union, Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (MANWU), have had discussions with CHEC, however, they stated at the time of going to press that they will not be able to comment until the final meeting has taken place. According to workers they were told by the HR division that they would be employed on a probational period of three months in March, after which an opportunity of being em-

ployed on a contract basis for a year would exist prior to starting work with the company in March. Instead, the majority of the workers (with the exception of a few Namibians) have been reinstated either on a three month or a month-to-month basis. “The duration of the whole project is about three years, all the contracts CHEC signed with employees are less than three years, thus, there is no permanent contract, only fixed term contract,” Hsu said. “The company signed fixed contracts with every employee for a certain contract period,” Hsu explained. “Depending on the work involved, level of skilled required and on the expected duration of that specific task, some of the contracts are for three months, six months and one year duration. Most of the general workers got three months contracts simply due to the amount of general work required during this time in the project schedule.” Meetings with the trade union, AfriSay and the company has been ongoing, however, at the time of going to press, a resolution of terms have not yet been met. When asked whether CHEC feels that a resolution would be reached Hsu confidently answered “We have no doubt that a resolution will be reached.”


Workers meeting to discuss their concerns

GRN workers prepare to challenge NAPWU Jade McClune There are signs of trouble brewing within the ranks of the ministries of education, health and defence, as workers on the lower end of the pay-scale are preparing for protest action, aimed firstly at the union that is supposed to represent them. At a meeting held in Swakopmund on Saturday a number of institutional workers, including cleaners, caretakers, matrons and labourers gathered at the office of the Namibia Public Workers Union (NAPWU) to discuss their concerns. One of the leading shop stewards, who preferred to stay anonymous, said there is strong support from the workers' side. The aggrieved workers are mainly based in the education ministry, but are joined by members of the defense force, health workers and regional council employees. They sent a letter outlining their grievances to NAPWU's regional coordinator, Mr John Ngolombe, at the end of July, but received no response to date. The workers strongly suspect their concerns are being suppressed and are planning a mass demonstration against the union leadership at NAPWU's office in Swakopmund on Friday. "With a meagre salary of N$2 000, how will you support a family with food, shelter, education, clothes... while ministers get all this for free?" They are demanding a basic salary of at least N$8 000 for cleaners: "We can't afford to buy houses as we are underpaid. We are not invited to workshops. We are not invited to take part in sports activities," they wrote. "The discrimination is still like in the apartheid era. People in the offices are the only ones that can pursue further studies", whereas cleaners are denied such opportunities. "There is no promotion system for cleaners. We can't get study loans or advice... Once a cleaner, always a cleaner." The letter to NAPWU followed a decision by the affected workers on 5 July to bring their concerns to the attention of the Prime Minister through the official channels of the union. At that meeting, they decided to take further action over low wages, discrimination, lack of promotion and what they termed corruption in the appointment and promotion of staff. They also allege that there is corruption in the appointment of government staff: "Some of the vacancies in our office are internal, but they don't notify all workers." The workers say that jobs and promotions are reserved for "family members" of managers "and certain ethnic groups". The cleaners are also worried that they work with dangerous chemicals on a daily basis, but do not get adequate health and safety training: "Where will we get training?" they asked. We are "overloaded with work and if you complain to the principal, they tell you to go to NAPWU and tell them." They are also unhappy that other employees are allowed to work overtime, but not cleaners in the education sector: "We also have a lot of work, but are not allowed to work overtime," or on weekends. Cleaners are also required to do maintenance work without any payment, they said. Asked about the allegations, Mr Ngolombe said NAPWU is aware of the issue and participated in the meeting last Saturday. He has forwarded the workers' letter to NAPWU head office in Windhoek and is awaiting a response from headquarters, he said. He also confirmed that institutional workers on the lowest end of the payscale received a 10% increase earlier this year. "Nobody came to me to let me know (about mistreatment). It is not the job of the union to sniff out every problem. They should tell us, so that we can deal with the issues and investigate." Regarding the alleged mistreatment, he said no-one reported the issue: "At the moment these are still rumours. We have no details, about where and when this took place, but there is no way we would tolerate the mistreatment of workers 24 years after independence." There are indications that workers are mobilising in other regions to put pressure on NAPWU, which is affiliated to the ruling party. The workers' demonstration against the union leadership in the Erongo region is set to start at 16:00 on Friday.






22 September

Livius Wapunduka (53) appeared on a charge of negligent driving. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 12 months imprisonment or a fine of N$4 000. Leonardus Katimba (41) and Brendan Moses (20) appeared on charges of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 29 October. The accused is on bail. Genielle Monique Pretorius (20) appeared on a charge of uttering a forged document. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 8 months imprisonment or a fine of N$3 000. Piet Nakanene (29) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 7 October. The accused is in custody. Johannes Hainana (35), Asser Jafet (27) and Barabas Iipinge (24) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 6 October. The accused are in custody. Frans Kandume (26) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 15 October. The accused is in custody. Tomas Ahas (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The accused is at large. Johannes Petrus Vermaak (21), Salmon Hangula (35) and Tomas Shingoya (44) appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 October. The accused

Regional Court Andreas Valombola (30) appeared on charges of robbery and possession of a firearm without a license. The matter was postponed to 26 September for fixing of a trial date. The accused is on bail of N$10 000. Uiseb Inry Dunga (30) appeared on two counts of rape and attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 17 October, for legal representation. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Kefas Kauzuu (30) appeared on a charge of rape. The case against the accused was withdrawn, because the matter was postponed for plea and trial for the second time; complainant has never been to court and seems not to be interested in the case. Hermanus Awiseb (25) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 17 November for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Magistrate's Court Paulus Ishidimbwa (27) appeared on charges of possession of suspected stolen property and house breaking. The matter was postponed to 24 September, because the accused



REPORT Walvis Bay

are on bail. Hange Paulus (46) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused not guilty. Herman Nakafngo (33) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 22 October. The accused is on bail.

23 September

Mateus Sostenus (29) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 4 years imprisonment. Anthony Heinrich De Kock (28) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused not guilty. Given Monarisha Nauises (32) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 14 October. The accused is on bail. Frans Shininganyamwe (29) was absent at his hearing on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused is at large. Harold Dausab (40) appeared on a charge of attempted arson. The matter was postponed to 2 October. The accused is in custody. Lee-Roy Murphy (24) appeared on a charge of assault. The matter was postponed to 24 October. The accused is on bail. Nestor Katangolo (34) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 3 November. The accused is on bail.

Jesselonia Christina Murphy (41) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused not guilty. Lieth Blanche Siglinde (29) appeared on a charge of fraud. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 2 years imprisonment. Nafuka Salom Ngishidivali (25) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 6 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000. Imelda Majiedt (32) appeared on a charge of assault. The matter was postponed to 23 October. The accused is in custody.

24 September

Shityeni Lengwene Tomas (33) and Manfred Seibeb (30) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm, touting a firearm and theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused not guilty. Charles Katjipotu (50) appeared on a charge of fraud. Case was withdrawn. Alfred Nuukongo (41) appeared on a charge of uttering a forged document. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the caused guilty and gave a sentence of 6 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000. Antanisuis Haukongo (31) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 November. The accused is on bail. Tomas Daniel (37) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 12 months imprison-


was absent. The accused is on bail. Gerson Gaweseb (47) appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and failing to ascertain injuries sustained. The matter was postponed to 6 November for trial. The accused is on bail. Webster Mukena (34) appeared on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and no driving license. The matter was postponed to 16 October for trial. The accused is on bail. Immanuel Ndengu (37) appeared on a charge of attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 28 January 2015 for trial and plea. The accused is on bail. Bonifasius Nalungu (24) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 26 January 2015. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Aron Ndemumana (23), Ludwig Iipinge (30), Rebeca Salatiel (29), Joseph Immanuel (32) and Emilia Kandjambanga (27) appeared on charges of malicious damage of property and assault by threat. The matter was postponed

to 5 February 2015 for trial. The accused are on bail of N$800. Mathilde Gaoxas (35) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Ephraim Tobias (30) appeared on a charge of failure to pay maintenance. The matter was postponed to 10 October and referred to the Otjiwarongo magistrate’s court. A sixteen year old appeared on a charge of attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 18 February 2015 for continuation of trial. The accused have been warned. Brian Nuseb (18) and two seventeen year olds appeared on a charge of assault to do grievous bodily harm. The case was withdrawn on request of complainant. Teofelus Iyambo Petrus (18) appeared on the charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 8 December for further investigation. The accused have been released in the care of a guardian. Almureau Naomab (18)

ment or a fine of N$4 000. Nepela Herman (38) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Case was withdrawn. Culton Gam-Kheiseb (18) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 October. The accused is in custody. Kenahama Nannii (30) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 28 October. The accused is on bail. Eddy Rafeal (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 16 October. The accused is on bail. Ezegiel Chikalu (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 23 October. The accused is on bail. Justus Kalomo (32) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave a sentence of 90 days imprisonment or a fine of N$1 000. Erikki Mumangeni (28) and Martin Shafa (27) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 9 October. The caused are on bail. Lee-Roy Murphy (24) appeared on a charge of assault. The matter was postponed to 2 October. The accused is on bail. Frans Kandume (26) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 3 December. The accused is in custody.

appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 8 December for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Moses Mateus Serovasiuis(49) appeared on the charge of attempted murder/ The matter was postponed to 4 March 2015 for trial and plea. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Ronie Menjono (29) appeared on the charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 26 November for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Linus Matheus (31) appeared on the charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 2 March 2015 for trial and plea. The accused remains in custody. Mathew Ndjamba Ndumba (22) appeared on the charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 6 November for lab results. The accused is on bail. Sylvain Khemes (38) appeared on a charge of arson. The matter was postponed to 15 October. The accused remains in custody.

The body being removed from the crime scene

Murder in broad daylight Madelaine Laubscher

A young man was stabbed to death in Walvis Bay in Meersig on Tuesday after an altercation over goods that he allegedly stole from the suspect, resulted in murder. The namib times arrived at the scene while police officers were busy investigating the scene where the body of the deceased, Mr Zabian Bauwers (19), was discovered at approximately 10:30. Nampol inspector Erastus Iikuyu told the newspaper on Wednesday that it is suspected that after a confrontation between the

suspect and the deceased occurred, a fight started, resulting in Bauwers being stabbed. “The suspect, Mr Ricardo Maasdorp (28), was arrested. He had an argument with the deceased over goods that were allegedly stolen on a previous occasion. From that a fight transpired and Bauwers was stabbed

with a knife. He died on the scene. His next of kin had been informed,” Iikuyu said. According to Iikuyu both parties involved were destitute members of the community. Maasdorp has been charged with murder and appeared in the Magistrate's court yesterday morning.

Commissioner Samuel //Hoëbeb with some of the recovered goods

Black-out burglars arrested Madelaine Laubscher

Nampol recently had a breakthrough after arresting six suspects for burglary at a local business in Walvis Bay on Sunday night while the electricity was off, stealing N$87 000 worth of merchandise. According to the Nampol Regional Commander, Commissioner Samuel //Hoëbeb, the burglary occurred at Ellerines Furniture and it is suspected that the burglary that occurred at Supatronix at a previous occasion recently, involved these same suspects. “We tried our best to prevent any criminal activities during that night due to the power outage. However the suspects cut through the roof of Elle-rines with the use of a cutting torch and stole contents to the value of N$87 000,” he said. According to him these stolen goods include seven LG flat screen televisions, two Samsung flat screen televisions and one Tek flat screen television. They also stole four Tek home theatre speakers, one LG mini hi-fi system speaker, one Samsung DVD home entertainment system, two Tek channel home theatre systems,

three Tek subwoofer speakers, one LG mini hifi system, two Sony home theatre systems, and one Samsung subwoofer speaker with a remote. They also stole items of which the owners must still be contacted. These include two Acer laptops with a bag, a laptop charger, an E-Book reader, a portable DVD player, a Samsung Galaxy Tab and a Canon printer. A truck was also impounded that is suspected to have transported the stolen goods from the scene to a certain Kuisebmond resident’s garage for storage. The six culprits were arrested in Kuisebmond on Tuesday. The manager of Ellerines said they only learnt about the burglary on Monday morning. “Due to the power outage the backup battery ran out thus the alarm was not activated and the suspects gained entry through the roof.

We are very happy that the items have been recovered. We would have suffered a great loss if it was not recovered,” he said. Commissioner //Hoëbeb said at first it was suspected that the culprits were not from the Erongo region, but the police soon learnt that they are indeed local community members. “Some of these suspects were also active in card cloning. I am very proud of our investigators and the Narraville neighbourhood watch. Thank you for your commitment. We express our deepest gratitude to the community and most of all the investigators. We want to believe that as long as criminals remain behind bars, the crime will reduce in the Erongo Region. Together we can make our region safe,” he concluded. The six suspects appeared in court yesterday.





GRN wants to buy Areva’s desalination plant

Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?

Jade McClune

News surfaced this week that, following repeated promises to build a new desalination plant, the Namibian government now intends to buy Areva Namibia’s plant, located a few miles north of Swakopmund.


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

nated water. Managers at Namwater make no secret of the fact that the Omdel has become relatively depleted, partly due to drought conditions, but also due to the high rate of extraction by NamWater. The coastal towns of Swakopmund, Walvis Bay and Henties Bay need at least 4.5 million m³ of freshwater per year and the risk of contamination of freshwater sources is a very real threat. Experts have warned that lowering the water table in the delta raises the risk that seawater would rush in and destroy the precious underground freshwater reservoirs.

Previously NamWater was allowed to extract between 9 and 10 million m³ of potable water annually from the Omdel aquifer and 6 million m³ from the Kuiseb River to supply Henties Bay, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, as well as mines, but Namwater’s license to extract water from the Omaruru Delta (Omdel) expired in October 2013 and under the terms of the new permit it may not extract more than 4.5 million m³. Subsequent agreements between Areva, Swakop Uranium (Husab mine), Langer Heinrich Uranium mine, as well as Rössing Uranium, allowed the mines to buy 10 mil-

lion m³ of desalinated water via Namwater, but it appears the arrangement was not cost-effective. Rössing announced in July that it now plans to build its own desalination plant with a capacity to produce 8 200m³ of water per day at the site of the existing Salt Works, north of the town of Swakopmund. Areva’s desalination plant near Wlotskabaken was inaugurated by then Minister of Trade and Industry, Prime Minister Hage Geingob in mid2010. Areva is expected to make an official announcement once the terms of the new deal are agreed to.

Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay today 06:47 and sunset will be at 18:59. The moon will rise in the east (100º) at 08:02 and will set in the southwest (258º) at 21:01. The first high tide will be at 04:30 and the next high tide at 16:45. The first low tide will be at 10:15 and the next low tide at 22:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund today at 06:47 and sunset will be at 18:59. The moon will rise in the east (100º) at 08:03 and will set in the southwest (258º) at 21:01. The first high tide will be at 04:30 and the next high tide at 16:40. The first low tide will be at 10:05 and the next low tide at 22:30. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Saturday 06:46 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon will rise in the southeast (104º) at 08:44 and will set in the southwest (255º) at 21:55. The first high tide will be at 05:05 and the next

high tide at 17:15. The first low tide will be at 10:45 and the next low tide at 23:05. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Saturday at 06:46 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon will rise in the southeast (104º) at 08:44 and will set in the southwest (255º) at 21:55.The first high tide will be at 05:00 and the next high tide at 17:10. The first low tide will be at 10:35 and the next low tide at 23:00. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Sunday at 06:45 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon will rise in the southeast (107º) at 09:28 and will set in the southwest (252º) at 22:50. The first high tide will be at 05:35 and the next high tide at 17:50. The first low tide will be at 11:15 and the next low tide at 23:45 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Sunday at 06:45 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon

will rise in the southeast (107º) at 09:28 and will set in the southwest (252º) at 22:50. The first high tide will be at 05:35 and the next high tide at 17:45. The first low tide will be at 11:10 and the next low tide at 23:35. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Monday at 06:44 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon will rise in the southeast (109º) at 10:16 and will set in the southwest (250º) at 23:46. The first high tide will be at 06:15 and the next high tide at 18:30. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:55. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Monday at 06:44 and sunset will be at 19:00. The moon will rise in the southeast (109º) at 10:16 and will set in the southwest (250º) at 23:46. The first high tide will be at 6:10 and the next high tide at 18:25. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:50.

Port Log

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

The desalination plant during construction

aru ru

designed to supply Areva’s Trekkopje mine with water and was built at a cost of N$3 billion. Trekkopje was expected to produce 3 000 tons of uranium per annum, but was put into maintenance early in 2013, ostensibly due to the decline of the uranium price on the world market since the nuclear meltdown at Fukushima, Japan, in March 2011. In December 2013, the government first announced that it plans to build its own plant at Mile 6 at a cost of N$1.6 billion north of Swakopmund, but it appears this plan has now been shelved. The depletion of water in the Omaruru Delta (Omdel) aquifer in recent times presents a major risk factor to the mining industry, as it became clear that in the medium to long term the mines would not be able to continue operations, or carry out any major expansions without access to desali-


Namibia will make an offer to buy Areva’s water desalination plant, which has the capacity to produce 20 million cubic meters of water from the sea, Bloomberg reported this week. “We can’t have water in the hands of a private company, it’s a resource that’s supposed to belong to the government... Cabinet has made a decision for us to acquire that plant. We are busy with technicalities before we make an offer,” Mr Joseph Iita, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, was quoted as saying. The PS reportedly said that a negotiating team will be established shortly and once an agreement between the parties is reached, the plant would become the property of state-owned water utility, Namwater. The capacity of the plant may also be expanded once the deal is signed, he added. The plant was originally

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies




26 SEPTEMBER 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.


Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments


Man stabbed The body of an unidentified man was discovered in Meersig, 6th Road West moments ago. It is believed that he has been stabbed to death. Uta Himmel Walvis Bay is becoming a scary place. Hope there were some witnesses. Condolences and strength to the family. Alexes Taylor My gosh this is sad, condolence to the family. Brigitta S Mouton Not nice at all stop killing each other all u do is landing urself in jail. Westcoast Fly Goodheart This is bad for wb. Minga Davids Oh no Namibia aint land of the brave anymore. LAND OF THE GRAVE now. Dallaz KaOndoka Ef-

raim May his soul rest in peace. Vernon Sylvia Knowles Oh bloed! wat gaan aan. Herman Aimhenge Condolences to the family. Tanya Rentzke Duidelik is Walvisbaai nie meer veilig nie. Diane Alberts Sjoe waars die dae toe ons met oop deure kon slaap?? Bid vir die familie! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka Wtf is happening is Wvb? Merlene Greyvenstein I grew up in Walvis

Bay and go home once a year. Co incidentally again next week. I live in Witbank, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Walvis Bay is soooooo safe in comparison to what we experience daily in even the safest little town in South Africa. You still have such a lot to be thankful for in terms of peace in your beautiful country and your beautiful Walvis Bay. God bless you all. My heart goes out to the victim and family of this senseless murder this morning.

Joriz Wasofficer Jonker His family was lookking forward 2 hve him home unfrtntely he ended up in the kingdom of god... may his soul rest in peace. Emilia Uushona May his soul rest in peace. Whoever did that wil not rest he or she wil come out and face the judgement day... god slaap nie what have he done... why’ why’ the killing in Walvis Bay what happend to us trully lets pray for his familie and friends.

Erongo RED - help asseblief

Ons het dieselfde oorgekom soos Wilmien, maar my brief kan baie langer wees. In Swakopmund kan hulle nie in die staanspoor sê watter vorms jy alles nodig het om aansoek vir “PrePaid”-krag te doen. Elke keer as jy die een vorm bring is daar nog ‘n ander een nodig. Ons aansoek was al in Junie 2014 ingedien met die hoop dat ons krag in Augustus kan kry, maar min het ons geweet hoeveel tyd ons in hul kantore moes deurbring. Blykbaar weet

hulle ook nie waar hulle die vorms wat jy indien bêre nie. Eers nadat my humeur gedreig het om uit te breek en ek begin dreig het, kon skielik die komputers in gang gebring word en ook die selfoon is opgetel. In al die ure wat ons in die Erongo RED kantore deurgebring het, het ons nooit ‘n telefoon hoor lui nie. Telefone word glad nie beantwoord nie.

Ook in Walvisbaai was dit ‘n probleem om enigsins verder te kom. Op die laaste werksdag van Augustus was ons krag uiteindelik aangesluit. Soos reeds genoem kan ek nog uitbrei. Nou wag ons in spanning op terugbetaling van deposit van ons vorige blyplek. (Na aanleiding van brief 12 September 2014). Heidi (064 402 674)

Found missing pitbull. Contact 081 146 1986

Rare visitor at our Help needed coast

Ms Gladys Kuhlmann (35) is an unemployed mother of two beautiful daughters. She tries very hard to accommodate all the needs of her children and what is saddening, is the fact that her eldest daughter was born with disabilities.

A resident of Walvis Bay, Mr Manfred Dedekind, could hardly believe his eyes when he came upon a leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonix) around 15:00 Sunday afternoon between the Sandwich Harbour border fence and the third beacon (“derde paaltjie”). Barrine Blom Spotted him this morning south of Jakkalsputz. Thinks he’s on the end of his travelling road. Looking very tired and not in a good condision. Posted a lot of pictures today on fb. Kim Jansen van Rensburg I recall from a kayak/boat trip quite a few months back already that she is in fact a regular or long term resident of our coastline, and yes she has a field day feasting on the seal pups - I would check with the boat and kayak tour guys and gals for more info.

Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze They are known to be very aggressive, however, there’s a wonderful video online of a female trying to feed dead penguins to a wildlife photographer who wanted to study their behaviour and caught it all on film. CNemoGlobal Fisheries Minister Bernard Esau has been the subject of more controversy this week as to quota allocation. Addressing stakeholders at the annual Namibian Fishing Industry meeting in February, Minister Esau said that “despite a decline in the total

allowable catch (TAC) for some species the contribution of the fishing sector to the GDP generally showed an upward trend and was forecast to slightly improve for 2013 on the back of global recovery.” Profit from hake operations showed a substantial improvement as a consequence of revenue growth and operating efficiencies; horse mackerel TAC remains the same as 2013 at 350 000 tons noting that the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources continued to allocate further quota to new

rights holders. Last year Minister Esau also said that “seal harvesting does not contribute significantly to the GDP in terms of jobs or income”. If fish stocks are not depleted, what is the rationale for continuing the seal hunt? Seal populations can be managed by immunocontraceptive vaccine. The seal hunt does not benefit the nation brand, the controversy only harms it. We urge the MFMR to end the annual seal hunt and shift its efforts to the aquaculture industry instead.

Skindertonge maak vrou se lewe hel

“Genoeg is genoeg!” Dit was die woorde van mej Jennifer Wana aan die koerant, nadat sy blykbaar al vir bykans drie jaar onder die tweesnydende swaarde van skindertonge moes deurloop. Ella Gouws Dis Walvisbaai die, mense het hopeloos te min werk en te veel tyd op hande en di meeste wat skinder is tipiese huisvroue, plaas van

gaan soek werk en hou op jul dag opkikker met k** stories oor ander mense. Vivien Vivier Heyman Ja Walvisbaai kan jy net 'n rooi lug

noem want jy boeb skaars dan se hulle jy het ge**, en so loop dit. Mev jy moet jou kop hoog hou want die wiel draai en daai wat sulke stories vertel is

jaloers op u. Renay Cloete Ja wat nu wonder ek waaroor hul nu gn praat, los ander mense uit en vee voor jo deur.

Tammy-Ann Kleinsmith Mouton Carballo There should b support 4rom the government for ppl with disabilities and their families... but no their pockets needs 2 b filled 1st.... A country should provide and support their vulnerable citizens, like the old, those with disabilities and those with long term illnesses... what a shame. Georgina Angelica van Wyk I think there is someone that should be banned from this post as he is attacking all religious comments with negativity. There is a great God and he will provide for this woman and her children, as he will not put this stumbling block called suffering if he hasn’t placed it there as a test of her faith and strength on this earth. God will and will always provide for his children. Keep the faith of

the Lord our God and he will provide for you. And for those that are willing to donate, i think we should hand all things in by the namib times so that they can give it to her. Eileen van der Schyff I cannot believe some of the comments I read in this thread! The women has a special needs child and is willing to do something to help her child. The world is in the state it is because of ignorant judgmental people like some of you who commented here. How to help you people who only have negative things to say and not using your time for anything better, I’ll be damned if I knew! But how to help this lady, I know! And that is what I’ll do! Shaun Smith God I pray that You almighty Father will transform every tear and sadness in smiles and

happiness. please Lord I beg You to intervine with all Your might. Lord Your the provider and protctr. Lord you take care of orphns and widows and there for I know You will came through. Amen. Sister just believe cos He is the way the light and the truth. Unotjari Katundu My friend, wll keep you in prayer’s. With the Almighty anything it’s possible, never loose hope. Sad to read your story. Oummy Gotlieb But she had a job and she quit cause the was no one to stay with the child? I am confused. Frank Boye Why don’t you do what is written in your book of fairy-tales...? Sell all your belongings and give to the needy? But of course all you “Christians” conveniently ignore that part.

Quad bikes cause community uproar

Recently there have been many complaints about children riding on their quad bikes during weekends causing noise pollution in certain neighbourhoods that have the Walvis Bay residents raging.

Heibri Butterworth Clark Gaan def daai nr begin bel. First str north, meersig klink so op naweke. En dan is daar nog 'n ouer wat sy kind in 'n golfkarretjie laat ry in die str. Ons het so 3 weke terug amper 'n ongeluk gemaak, die kind het voor ons

gejaag en toe op die sypaadjie gery en omgedraai pad se kant toe weer, was nie seker wat hy wou doen ni, maar ja, ons moes briek aanslaan. Mari Brand-Oelofse Hier in Windhoek gaan dit ook rof, lê en slaap hulle roes af, en wanneer ons bietjie wil rus, is dit sulke tyd, op

en af in die straate, ek will nie meer jinx nie, ek word te veel gestraf! Marina Bester Baie bedrywig in Evergreen en Christiaan Eiman straat in Narraville ook! Frank Boye We need something like this in Windhoek! URGENTLY!




New Coastodians pledge to protect the coastline The annual Coastal Biodiversity Week ended on Saturday with a mass coastal clean-up along the Namibian coastline. Teachers and volunteers collected rubbish from the beaches and found that the most prevalent items discarded by people along the coast include plastic bags, glass and plastic bottles, cans, caps, lids and food wrappers. Ms Caty Shemuvavula of the Namibian Coastal Management Project (Nacoma) says it would be safe to assume most of the rubbish was left there by visitors. She notes that the estimated time for plastic bottles to decompose is 450 years, aluminium cans 200 years and plastic bags can take around 20 years to decompose. The Municipalities of Oranjemund, Lüderitz, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, as well as the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Ministry of

Fisheries and Marine Resources, Nadeet, Namdeb Diamond Corporation, Plastic Packaging; Rent-a-Drum, various churches and schools, as well as individual volunteers took part in the clean-up. The second part of the Coastal Biodiversity Week, which lasted from 13 to 20 September, also served as an educational platform to teach people about the environment through raising awareness on the conservation of coastal biodiversity. (Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in a particular habitat or ecosystem and sustainable development.) The first phase took place between 2 to 8 June 2014 under the theme: 'Raise your Voice, Not the Sea Level'.

Fundraising dinner

Recipients of the scholarship grant with Mr Rod Braby at the fundraising gala dinner A gala fundraising dinner was held on Friday at Swakopmund to solicit funds for the Coastal Environment Scholarship Fund, to assist students to undertaking post-graduate studies in environmental management. “The importance of having students in the field of environmental management should not be doubted, parti-

cularly because there is a need for individuals with the capacity to contribute to the sustainable management of

the environment”, Mr Rod Braby said at the gala dinner. The recipients of grants this year were Ms Nangula Amutenya, who will be completing her Master's degree in Environmental Management at the University of the Free State, as well as Mr Petrus Uushona and Ms Selma Iipinge, who are both enrolled at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology for the Master of Science degree in Environment Management. Mr Jacobs Jacob is the first PhD grant recipient and will undertake his doctoral research at the University of KwaZuluNatal starting in 2015.

Arbor Day at Tamariskia Playground in Swakopmund. On the left is Ms Celeste from Suzuki Auto Namibia, who sponsored each school in Swakopmund with a tree and Councillor Louise Madi (on the right) with learners looking on.

Hooked on heritage Colour in the clouds Namibia Monday, mony at Museum held.

Heritage Week started on 22 September where a cerethe Independence Memorial in Khomas, Windhoek, was

A traditional Namibian feast will be held at the Xwama Cultural Village in Katutura today and this Saturday will see a walk on culture starting at the Leutwein Graveyard in Robert Mugabe Avenue in Windhoek. Throughout this week guided tours were held at the Independent Memorial Museum, a talk on meteorites held at the Post Street Mall, The Power Stone was screened at the FNCC and a poetry evening was held at the National Art Gallery in Namibia.

The storm clouds that gathered over the desert Tuesday morning painted a kaleidoscope of colours in the sky but unfortunately only a bit of rain fell between Langstrand and Walvis Bay. Photo by Bernabé Blaauw









Year end function and Prize-Giving of

Kudu Rugby Club with Whani Jansen Where: Atlantic Hotel When: 4 October 2014 Time: 19:00 Bread: N$250.00 single Including buffet Dress Code: Formal

Cash bar available

For more info contact: Mario Mouton 0812842350

Nuwe ho毛 kwaliteit beddens - laaikaste - sitkamerstelle - muureenhede - kombuiskaste - eetkamerstelle - slaapkamerstelle - hangkaste - tafels en stoele

Wakkie & Bettie Olivier 27 September 1974

1 Kor. 13:4-7 Die liefde is lankmoedig en goedhartig. Die liefde is nie jaloers nie, dit praat nie groot nie, raak nie opgeblase nie, gedra hom nie onwelvoeglik nie, soek nie sy eie belang nie, raak nie ergerlik nie. Dit hou nie boek van die kwaad nie. Dit is nie bly oor onregverdigheid nie, maar is bly saam met die waarheid. Dit verdra alles, glo alles, hoop alles, verduur alles.

Heidi, Cardo, Lolla, Jaco en kleinkinders


Tel: 463 113 or 081 129 4030

For all your display adverts email to:




Tel: 463 113 or 081 129 4030


GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, 15 October 2014 will be held at Walter Kuhles Hall, Narraville at 18:00 MEMBERS NOT PAID UP CAN PAY AT DOOR

For more information contact 081 2457986

Annual General Meeting Notice is hereby given of the AGM of Kudu Rugby Club to be held on Saturday 11 October 2014 at the Narraville Clubhouse at 14:00. All management, players and interested people are invited to attend. The new committee of 2015 will be elected at this meeting.



Diego releases album inspired by violence


Mavourlene Gaes

Nanyemba Aaron “Diego” Mushi, who inherited his stage name from a telenovela character, is a soft- spoken kwaito artist heating up the entertainment scene with his fiery lyrics and even dedicated his latest album to the series of passion killings that rocked the nation this year. He may have been born in Ombango, Zambia during the liberation struggle but according to Diego, Namibia is home because both his parents were born here and Walvis Bay is where his heart is. Diego has been singing since 2009 and said he could not imagine doing music in another genre other than kwaito. He added that the love he had for music

blossomed after he joined the church choir, where he met a few guys and formed a band they called Diego and management production. Although the group did not last long and split after some of the members decided to further their studies, leaving Diego stranded, they managed to record a gospel song which gave him just enough motivation to continue with his music career. According to Diego, everything changed in 2011 when internationally renowned local musician Gazza had a show in Rundu and he (Diego) performed a gospel track “Kalunga Mpakalo” which means where is our God living, in Oshiwambo. “Gazza approached me and invited me to go with him to Windhoek


because he wanted to collaborate on a gospel song,” he explained. Diego agreed and they completed a track titled “I wanna go”, but instead of accep-

The Amazing Spiderman 2 BoxOffice Competition Start date:26 September 2014

End date:03 October 2014

Readers are eligible to win when they correctly answer the question(s) provided and so stand a chance to win one of the prizes mentioned above. The Amazing Spiderman 2 BoxOffice Competition

2 x Amazing Spiderman Hamper (t-shirt, min flask, pencil case, pen, glass/mug & bag) Rent The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and win a trip for two to London. BoxOffice is giving one lucky fan and a partner an opportunity to swing into London and experience this exciting city like never before! Register for BoxOfficeby SMS'ing your smartcard number to: More information log-on at

Questions* Which movie should you rent and watch in order to stand a chance to win a trip to London and on which DStv product?

ting payment for helping with the song he spoke to Gazza who in turn agreed to help him release an album. He released his first album that same year (2011) which he called “Ndakula Paife” meaning I am old now. It contained 15 tracks, which was quickly followed by his second album “Namibia one type” recorded at Moonlight Produc-

tions. “My albums have been doing well and my fans are responding well to every album I release, which is not only motivating but it also helps with the financial side because they buy my music,” he said. His third and latest 16 track album, “Stop killing” will be on sale as from next week.

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * Up to - 4 Oct.: Walvis Bay Arts & Craft Expo (Daily from 10:00 - 18:00) at the Lagune Restaurant at the Walvis Bay Angling Club. * 27 Sept.: Hansa Draught Oktoberfest at Atlantis Sport Club from 10:00. * 27 Sept.: Vrye Pinkstergemeente presents Woman of Integrity at Huis van Brood Narraville. * 27 Sept.: The International University of Management presents Miss IUM Walvis Bay Campus 2014 at Atlantic Hotel 18:00 for 18:30. * 1 Okt.: WalVIS fees Wynveiling by Walvisbaai Stadsaal om 18:30. * 3 Oct.: Velvet Lounge 7th Birthday Party with DJ Paul (SA) * 3-4 Oct.: Die WalVIS fees 2014 by die Jan Wilken Stadion. * 4 Oct.: Kudus year end function and prize giving with Whani Jansen at Atlantic Hotel at 19:00. * 4 Okt.: Potjiekos Kompetisie by die Hengelklub. * 24-25 Oct.: Walvis Bay Round Table, Show Time (Goes To Hollywood) at Duneside Hall starts @ 19:00. * 29 Oct - 1 Nov.: Erongo Trade Expo

SWAKOPMUND * EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. Markets @ 10:00 14:00 (29 June, 3 Aug, 31 Aug, 28 Sept & 2 Nov). * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. *Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 27 & 28 Sept.: Alte Laundry Swakopmund Entertainment & Casino presents Ras Levi & Ras Mann. * 8 - 10 Oct: SICS - Benguela Current Commission Conference. * 9-11 Oct.: SICS - NCCI Business Expo. * December: Festive Entertainment – the award winning ZIP ZAP CIRCUS seen by over 66 000 fans and a Music Concert – watch the Press for details.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 12:30.



REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning from General Residential to Local Business on Erf 1083, 134 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay.

REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning from Single Residential to General Residential 1 on Erf 921, 172 HageGeingob Street, Walvis Bay.

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to allow for a Business Development on the site.

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is here-by given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to allow for a High Density Residential Development on the site.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 10 October 2014.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 10 October 2014.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay {081 170 0960}

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay {081 170 0960}

NOTICE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Take notice that Bruce I Stewart (Town and Regional Planner) on behalf of Vivien Investments One Hundred and Fifty Nine CC, intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipal Council for: REZONING: FROM SINGLE RESIDENTIAL WITH A DENSITY ZONING OF 1/500m² TO SINGLE RESIDENTIAL WITH A DENSITY ZONING OF 300/m² ON ERF NO.: 1153 TOWNSHIP: MEERSIG STREET: Temple Road, House No. 10(a) In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, it is the intension to rezone the said erf in order to erect/-establish 2 sectional title units or subdivision into two portions of each site. Parking will be provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. Further take notice that the plan of the proposed development lies for inspection on the Town Planning Notice Board, First Floor, Room 101 , Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning) Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The final date for objections is 17 October 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS: APPLICANT: Bruce I Stewart P. O. Box 2095 WALVIS BAY





Johan and Corrie Burger invite you to stop over at Omaruru Rest Camp nestled on the banks of the Omaruru River.


all en suite

The magnificent trees and lush greenery are a haven for birds and birdwatchers alike. We have airconditioned conference facilities and offer fax and internet services. Enjoy a break at our indoor sports bar or relax at the sparkling pool in the garden.

Friendly staff will attend for different tastes, from best home style cooking, pizzas and little bites to hunger busting take-aways. Cell: 081 244 4466 Tel. No. : +264 64 570 516 Email:

Walvis Bay Arts and Crafts Association P. O. Box 3062 Walvis Bay It is with great pleasure, that the Walvis Bay Arts and Crafts Association will once again be hosting the annual and eagerly awaited exhibition. This year the expo's venue has very kindly been donated by, Christina and Bennie, the new owners of Lagune Restaurant, Walvis Bay Angling Club/ Hengelklub. The couple saw the of coffee and an array of for the little ones. potential of Lagune breakfasts or delicious The exhibition is being held in the Club hall and Restaurant, not to men- cake in the mornings. tion the beautiful location Later, maybe a glass of what a feast for the eye, right at the lagoon. The wine or a beer while you heart and soul it promises décor has been changed watch the flamingoes and to be. The local talent has and is crisp, clean and then indulge in anything once again been increfrom snack baskets, cala- dibly hard at work and welcoming. Bennie is the one who mari or cordon bleu to bur- our displays include keeps the thirsty patrons gers and too many more fabric works, wood dishes to mention. There is works, mirrors, candles, happy in the pub and Christina is a whizz in the also a kiddies menu and a Christmas décor and so many other goodies that it kitchen. So what a plea- swing and slide play area really is a “must see!” As with any organization we have bid farewell to a few exhibitors but it is with great pleasure that we welcome the new members and their fantastic creations. The expo opens on Monday 22 September and is open daily from 10:00am to 18:00 including weekends. There is no entrance fee and WSK/Saamkoop is available. Closing day is 4 October at 13:00 when we shall once again pack up for another year. So come along, bring a friend or two and enjoy good food, a beautiful view and the best shopping ever! Morgan Matthews Chairlady, Walvis Bay Arts and Crafts Association.







An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste “Finnische Erinnerungen im Woermann-Haus”

Am Samstag, den 20.September 2014, eröffnete im Woermann-Haus die Ausstellung „Black and White: Finnish Memories of Northern Namibia“. Die einzigartige Ausstellung zeigt 30, von finnischen Missionaren gemachte, Fotografien des Nordens Namibias. Sie ist eine gemeinsame Bemühung der namib is c hen Mu s eumsvereinigung, der finnischen Botschaft in Windhoek und der Swakopmund Kunst-

ehemaligen Missionshaus ist heute das Nakambale Museum untergebracht, das die Kultur der Ovambo und die Geschichte der Missionare thematisiert. Das Museum ist benannt nach dem Pionier der finnischen Missionsarbeit im namibischen Norden Martti Rautanen, der unter anderem die Bibel in Oshivambo übersetzte. Den Spitzname Nakambale, der so viel bedeutet wie „Der, der den Hut trägt“, bekam er von den Ovambos ver-

So besuchten finnische Missionarskinder noch bis in die 1980erjahre ein Internat in Swakopmund. Die Fotografien sind eine Spende des Missionsmuseum in Helsinki für das Nakambale Museum. Dort wird die Ausstellung im Anschluss an ihren Aufenthalt im Woermann-Haus in Swakopmund dauerhaft zu sehen sein. Im Mai diesen Jahres war sie bereits in Windhoek in der National Art Gallery of Namibia zu sehen.

‚Swimming. In 1909 and 1910 therewere good rains. Children could swim and play in the ponds that were left. Two large lakes attracted hundreds of people who waded through the water catching fish. Could these two lakes be Oponona and Etótha? (Selma Rainio, 1910).” vereinigung. Die ersten Missionare aus Finnland erreichten 1869 Namibia und 1870 das Ovamboland. Dort errichteten sie 1871 die Missionsstation Olukonda in der Region Oshikoto. Im

liehen, da diese seinen Namen nicht aussprechen konnten. Auch wenn die Missionare im Norden tätig waren, so gibt es doch auch eine historische Ve r b i n d u n g z u Swakopmund.

Die Bilder entstanden um die Jahrtausendwende und zeigen das Leben der Ovambos und der Missionare während der Anfänge der finnischen Missionsarbeit. Die ältesten Aufnahmen sind ver-

mutlich die ersten Fotografien, die im Norden Namibias entstanden. Bereits 1911 wurden die Bilder in Finnland ausgestellt. Die finnische Botschafterin in Namibia, Anne Saloranta, konnte auf Grund einer Krankheit leider nicht wie geplant an der Eröffnung teilnehmen. Vor den etwa vierzig Gästen verlas Christiane Berker von der Swakopmund Kunstvereinigung stellvertretend die Rede der Botschafterin. Saloranta beschrieb die Bedeutsamkeit der Erhaltung kulturellen Erbes, für das diese Ausstellung ein ausgezeichnetes Beispiel sei. Die Fotografien seien etwa 103 Jahre nach ihrer ersten Präsentation in Finnland zurück in dem Land, aus dem sie kämen und dem sie rechtmäßig gehören. Sie stellte auch die schon fast 144 Jahre andauernde gemeinsame Geschichte Namibias und Finnlands, die ihren Anfang mit den Missionen im ehemaligen SüdwestAfrika nahm, heraus. Vor allem betonte sie die Partnerschaft und deren Entwicklung. Die Ausstellung sei ein bemerkenswertes Beispiel für die gemeinsame Reise, die wahre Partnerschaft und die immerwährende Freundschaft, so Saloranta in ihrer Rede.

Photo left: “Taimi and Lydia. The two girls are described as 'foster children' who had been adopted by the Finnish missionaries. (Hannu Haahti, 1911).”

Dass heute eine echte st att ei ner missi onarischen Kooperation

bestünde, hob auch Timo Palander, Honorarkonsul Namibias in

Finnland, hervor, der der Ausstellungseröffnung als Gast beiwohnte. Die Swakopmund Kunstvereinigung ist erfreut die Fotografien präsentieren zu dürfen, vor allem auch angesichts der National Heritage Week, in der Namibia vom 22. bis zum 28. September sein kulturelles Erbe feiert. Die Ausstellung „Black and White: Finnish Memories of Northern Namibia“ ist noch bis zum 4. Oktober 2014 im Woermann-Haus in Swakopmund zu sehen.

“Die Gäste der Ausstellungseröffnung konnten bei einem Glas Wein (oder Wasser) die historischen Fotografien betrachten und besprechen.”

Impressionen eines Jerries – Farmleben

Ich stehe auf der burg“, direkt südlich Ankunft wird sie von kann, wird erst der Ladefläche eines der Chuosberge, etwa 18° Celsius in Swakop- Transporter entladen: 50 Kilometer süd- mund auf etwa 35° B e n z i n k a n i s t e r , VW-Transporters. westlich von Usakos. ansteigen. Ziegelsteine, etwas Mehr oder weniger Nur wenige Kilometer Na, das klingt doch Proviant. Bei dieser erfolgreich versuche außerhalb der Küs- s c h o n e h e r n a c h „Packliste“ hätte mir ich die drei Hunde, die tenstadt steigt die Afrika! in Swakopmund schon links von mir stehen, Außentemperatur, die Am Nachmittag kom- klar werden können, sitzen und liegen, von wir über die digitale men wir an. dass unser Weg uns den zwei sichtlich Anzeige im Auto beo- Bevor ich mich in der weg führt von der nervösen Hammeln bachten. Bis zu unserer Sonne entspannen Stadt mit ihren Superzu trennen, mit denen ich mir ebenfalls die Ladefläche teile. So konzentriert darauf, den Frieden auf dem Transporter zu wahren, blicke ich nicht nach vorn. Das rächt sich, als der Transporter einen Baum und seine tiefhängenden, dornenbesetzten Äste passiert. Die nächsten anderthalb Wochen werden einige Kratzer meinen Nacken zieren. Aber von vorn: Wir verlassen vormittags Swakopmund. Unser Ziel: Farm „NordenDie Sonne ist schon hinter den Chuosbergen verschwunden.

märkten und Tankstellen, wo immer alles mehr oder weniger direkt zur Verfügung steht. Der Ausblick von der Terrasse des Farmhauses verdeutlicht genau das: Kein Haus, kein Auto, kein Mensch ist von hier aus in der Ferne zu erspähen. Bei einer Farmrundfahrt kann ich die Sonne und das herrliche Panorama genießen. Solche weitläufigen Landschaften hatte ich mir in Deutschland ausgemalt, wenn ich an meine bevorstehende Zeit in Namibia dachte. Auf dem Rückweg zum Farmhaus nehmen wir die zwei Hammel mit, die für die Kratzer in meinem Nacken (mit)verantwortlich sind. Am nächsten Tag helfe ich die Schafe zusa-

mmenzutreiben. Vor mir tr otten s ech s Schafe, die ihre Schritte nur beschleunigen, wenn ich ihnen zu nahe komme, immer wieder nehmen kleine Eidechsen vor mir Reißaus und trotz des frischen Ostwindes wird mir beim Laufen durch die Savanne schnell warm. Das, in Kombination mit mit dem bereits beschriebenen wunderschönen Panorama, macht mir wieder einmal klar, wo ich bin. Nach zweieinhalb Wochen, die ich (zum Zeitpunkt des Farmesuchs) in Swakopmund verbracht habe, erscheint mir zumindest im Küstenort einiges alltäglich (dabei aber nie langweilig!). Immer wieder rufe ich mir selbst ins Gedächtnis, wie weit ich von meinem zu Hause entfernt bin, als würde

ich es sonst vergessen. Hier auf Nordenburg habe ich keine Chance es zu vergessen. Nach meinem zugegebenermaßen oberflächlichen Einblick in die Arbeit eines Schafhirten, den ich dennoch überlege in meinen Lebenslauf aufzunehmen (aus Prinzip!), muss ich Nordenburg leider viel zu schnell den Rücken kehren. Etwa vier Stunden später bin ich in Windhoek und zwei Tage später zurück in Swakopmund. Die Städte und ihre Supermärkte und Tankstellen haben mich wieder. Und doch hoffe ich, bald mal wieder am Farmleben teilzunehmen und den Menschen und den Städten ein wenig zu entfliehen. Niklas Becker




An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Locker vom Hocker


Hinter den Kulissen einer Probe des SMVG Es ist Donnerstag,

Originalzitate aus Schüleraufsätzen: - Der Zug hielt mit kreischenden Bremsen und die Fahrgäste entleerten sich auf den Bahnsteig. - ...und wir gingen mit unserer Lehrerin im Park spazieren. Gegenüber dem Park war ein Haus, wo die Mütter ihre Kinder gebären. Eine Gebärmutter schaute aus dem Fenster und winkte uns freudig zu. - In Frankreich hat man die Verbrecher früher mit der Gelatine

hingerichtet. - Meine Eltern kaufen nur das graue Klopapier, weil das schon mal benutzt wurde und gut für die Umwelt ist. - In Leipzig haben viele Komponisten gelebt und gewürgt. - Graf Zeppelin war der erste, der nach verschiedenen Richtungen schiffte. - Alle Welt horchte auf, als Luther 1642 seine 95 Prothesen an die Schlosskirche zu Wittenberg schlug.

19 Uhr. Nach und nach treffen die Sänger des Swakopmunder Männergesangsverein im Swakopmund Club ein. Einige ölen ihre Stimmen noch schnell mit einem frisch gezapften Bier, bevor sie in ein Hinterzimmer verschwinden und die Theke vorerst recht einsam zurücklassen. J e d e Wo c h e z u dieser Zeit trifft sich der SMVG zur Probe. Diese beginnt zunächst mit einigen Stimmübungen,

„Veronica, der Lenz ist da“, das im Original von den Comedian Harmonists gesungen wurde, sorgt nicht unbedingt für Begeisterung in den Reihen der Sänger. Es sind zwei der anspruchsvollsten Lieder, mit denen die Probe heute beginnt. Einige Tenöre haben leichte Schwierigkeiten mit den hohen Tönen, sodass der Tenor die Lieder zwei bis drei Mal alleine durchgehen muss. Zum Teil scherzen die Bässe über ihre Sangesbrüder, zum

heben. Der Tenor soll aber auch noch Gelegenheit zum Scherzen haben. Wie über die -zum Teil- textlich weniger anspruchsvollen Passagen der Bassisten („bombombombom“). Beim zweiten Lied der Comedian Harmonists an diesem Abend „Wochenend und Sonnenschein“ lockert sich die Stimmung und spätestens beim gemeinsamen Bier an der Bar des Swakopmund Clubs nach der Probe sind etwaige Unstim-

führt, dass dieses Lied zumindest für den Rest des Abends in meinem Kopf festsitzt. Diese Privatvorstellung wird natürlich angemessen mit einer Runde honoriert. Das Angebot der Pianistin Linette Potgieter mitzusingen, habe ich zum Wohl aller Anwesenden abgelehnt. Der Gesangsverein freut sich aber immer über Verstärkung, die dabei

Worte der Woche Was am Menschen witzig ist

Jemand fragte einmal meinen Freund Jaime Cohen: „Was ist eigentlich an den Menschen so witzig?“ Cohens Antwort war: „Sie denken immer verkehrt herum: Sie wollen schnell erwachsen werden und sehnen sich später nach der verlorenen Kindheit. Um Geld zu verdienen, setzen sie ihre Gesundheit aufs Spiel, und geben später viel Geld aus, um wieder gesund zu werden. Sie denken so sehr an die Zukunft, dass sie die Gegenwart vernachlässigen. Und am Ende erleben sie Paulo Coelho: Sei wie ein weder die Gegenwart noch Fluss, der still die Nacht die Zukunft. durchströmt – Geschichten Sie leben so, als würden sie nie sterben, und sterben, als und Gedanken hätten sie nie gelebt.“

Möchten Sie auch zeigen, wie man andere zum Lächeln bringt? Melden Sie sich diese Woche noch bei Niklas Becker; Cell 0812747007; E-Mail: Zwecks Werbung setzen Sie sich mit Mikkie Kriel in Verbindung; Cell 0812869519; E-Mail:

Ein Teil des Swakopmunder Männergesangsvereins beim Auftritt im Rahmen des diesjährigen „Swakopmund musiziert“. Von links: Linette Potgieter (Klavier), Ulf Göthje, Holger Ahrens, Joel Nambuli, Herbert Schier, Wüdo van Wyk, Hans Thomas, Heinz Czech, Karl-Ernst Otto, Jochen Schwietering, Arvid Grosche, Andreas Bauer, Rüdiger Moisel, Peter Brüggemann. Vorne: Chorleiterin Dörte Witte bevor es das Einüben der Lieder gehen kann. Heute beginnen sie mit „Bel Ami“ von Hans Fritz Beckmann. Ein paar Sänger seufzen leise. Auch das zweite Lied des Abends

Teil wird aber auch diskutiert und zum Beispiel die Liedauswahl bemängelt. Man merkt, dass den Herren des SMVG i h r H o b b y, d a s Singen, wichtig ist: Fehler oder Probleme werden nicht hingenommen, sondern besprochen und versucht zu be-

migkeiten vergessen. Auf Wunsch eines einzelnen (mir!) stimmte der SMVG nach der Probe noch „Halleluja“ von Leonard Cohen an. Die Version des Chores ist näher am wohl populärsten C o v e r v o n J e ff Buckley, was dazu

hilft, die lange Tradition der deutschsprachigen Sänger in Swakopmund zu erhalten. Im Oktober feiert der Verein, der ein fester Bestandteil des kulturellen Lebens im Küstenort ist, sein 112jähriges Bestehen.














''J.C. Engineering has the following vacancy open: - We are looking for a highly experienced

FITTER OR WORKSHOP MANAGER - With a minimum of 5 years experience in the industry of working with vessel repairs, syncrolift, tailshafts and rigging etc. Please call our office 064 200 934 / 081 128 5931 for an interview with your CV at hand.''




2 Control Room Operators Needed: Must have grade 10 or 12 Certificate and 1 year experience Must be mature and able to work under pressure Must be willing to work weekends/shifts Must be computer literate Must speak English, Afrikaans will be added advantage

2 Technicians needed to install Alarms and CCTV's

Must have grade 12 Certificate Must have 1-2 years experience in this field, certificates will be requested Must work under pressure and be flexible Must have a valid driver's license

To be part of our team, send your detailed CV to NO DOCUMENTS WILL BE RETURNED

REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning from Single Residential to General Residential 1 on Erf 1098, 1099 and 1100, (house numbers 108, 110 and 112 respectively) Khomas Hochland Street, Kuisebmond. Adjacent Erven 1098, 1099 and 1100 are to be consolidated to allow for the rezoning to General Residential 1. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is here-by given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to allow for a High Density Residential Development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 10 October 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay {081 170 0960}



Toyota presents stunning vision for new SUV Toyota has released images of a stunning concept car that provides the first hint of a type of vehicle the company would like to bring to the small SUV market. The innovative Toyota C-HR concept, which will have its world premiere next week at the Paris Motor Show, presents a bold new dynamic design language.

The striking blue C-HR concept introduces an expressive new "diamond architecture" styling theme to the segment and features a hybrid powertrain.

Below its compact, sensual cabin profile, the lower bodywork has been sculpted to represent the faceted surfaces of a highly-durable, precision-cut gemstone. The front view debuts new styling themes that hint at a future design direction for Toyota vehicles - a further development of the com-

pany's "under priority" and "keen look" design identity. From the side, the highly-faceted lower

body, aggressively angular rear shoulders and muscular wheel arches are contrasted with an

exceptionally sleek cabin profile. Highly-distinctive, aeroinspired, floating rear

light clusters further enhance the broad shoulders of the concept car's lower bodywork.

Team Zietlow starts the African leg of its World Record Drive attempt Volkswagen's Touareg started its African leg of the World Record Rainer Zietlow and co-driDrive attempt on Wednesday, when it entered Egypt. vers Marius Biela and Mat-

Rainer Zietlow with the Mayor of Honningsvag, Kristina Hansen at the start of the CapetoCape World Record Drive attempt in Nordkapp, Norway.

thias Prillwitz are attempting to set a world record of driving over 17 000km from the northernmost part of Europe in Nordkapp, Norway, to the southernmost part of Africa, Cape Agulhas, in just under 10 days. Rainer Zietlow is attempting to set his third world record following his two successful world record drives from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska along the "Panamericana" in 11 days and 17 hours as well as a world record drive from Melbourne to St Petersburg in 17 days and 18 hours. Team Zietlow's World Record Drive attempt officially started on Sunday, 21 September in Nordkapp, Norway at 3am (local time) when the Mayor of Honningsvag, Kristina Hansen pressed the start button of the stopwatch. The Mayor of the Cape Agulhas Municipality, Councillor Richard Mitchell, will press the stop button when the Volkswagen Touareg reaches the southernmost point in Africa at the Cape Agulhas monument in the Agulhas National Park. So far, the non-stop driving (the Touareg will only stop for re-fuelling) has seen Team Zietlow passing through Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germa-

ny, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey. In Africa, Volkswagen Touareg will drive through Egypt, Sudan, Ethopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe before finally reaching South Africa. Challenges awaiting Team Zietlow include potholes in Sudan and Ethiopia, countless switchbacks in the African highlands and the infamous "Road of Hell" with its corrugated and volcanic rock surface in northern Kenya. The Touareg will drive through varying temperatures from freezing in Norway to mid-40 degrees Celsius in Sudan. Team Zietlow has been posting daily reports on its experiences on its website: www.touareg capetocape. com. It includes a blog with photos and videos detailing each day's stage. The current position of the Touareg is also shown on a virtual map that is updated every five minutes. The team has pledged to support "Food & Trees for Africa" with the planting of nearly 600 trees around the city of Johannesburg in October 2014. These trees will make the entire "Touareg CapetoCape" project, including the record drive and the scouting tour early this year, CO2-neutral.



Feasting the Senses: Infiniti Q80 Inspiration The Paris Auto Show is fast approaching and companies are jockeying for position in the eye of a media storm. Infiniti presents Q80 Inspiration: Infiniti's vision of categorybreaking, supreme luxurious driving; a topof-the-line four-seat fastback that rises above the crowd. It's an audacious and elegant step forward for Infiniti as a global player; designed to shake up the status quo in the premium large four-door club; a no-compromise ambassador of drivercentric powertrain and onboard technologies. At 15:30 on October 2nd in Hall 5 of the Parc des Expositions de Versailles in Paris, Infiniti will introduce the progressive Q80 Inspiration to the media and provide details on its hybrid-electric powertrain strategy as well as on additional technologies. In profile, Infiniti Q80 Inspiration extends to 5052 millimeters with a long wheelbase of 3103 mm framed by custom 22-inch fivedual-spoke lighweight alloys. It strikes an imposing stance with its width of 2027 mm and height of 1350 mm. "After showing Q30 Concept and Q50 Eau Rouge, Infiniti is eager to show the upper range of our portfolio expansion," says In-

finiti Executive Design Director, Alfonso Albaisa. "In Q80 Inspiration, we wanted to capture that unforgettable feeling when you experience something important, something beautiful, something magnetic for the first time." The Q80 Inspiration's expansive, edgy, sensual interpretation of the Infiniti brand really makes a statement. There are no side-door mirrors to break up the aesthetics of the unmistakable profile, the full roof length of the teardrop passenger greenhouse is accentuated by lightweight acoustic glass, and its doors open portal style which allows the stunning cabin to be fully on display while driver and passengers step in and out with ease. A concept as impactful as Q80 Inspiration is set to push boundaries in more ways than through the beauty of its attention-grabbing skin. The cabin is able to bring together the four occupants in a highly stylised and personalised ambiance of the highest quality. Carbon-fiber, aluminum, and leather surround those inside in

spacious "1 + 1 + 1 + 1" seating. Earmarked for an advanced adaptive suspension, the light and rigid chassis combines with the acoustic glass all around and additional sound deadening to promise a driving and ride experience among the very best. A design and technological highlight to which Infiniti's four worldwide design studios will refer regularly in coming years, the Q80 Inspiration fourdoor fastback is to be taken as clear intent to have an entry into the newly defined premium fastback segment.

Far all your motoring news and adverts contact Mikkie at 081 286 9519 or emails to: or










BAY AUCTIONEERS SANAH DAY OF DOLPHIN 2014 This special event proves to be one of the biggest occasions of the year in Swakopmund and along the West Coast. The management of Dolphin Rugby Club hereby invites all interested nonprofitable organizations to submit tenders to sell the following during this event. Food: · Braai vleis · Steak rolls · Hot dogs · Pan cakes · Potjie kos · Other (specify) Drinks: · Beer/Ciders · Soft drinks · Other (specify) Refreshments: · Ice cream · Sweets · Chips/popcorns · Other (specify) Application form as well as specifications & conditions can be obtained from the following persons: Calvyn Besser 0811226349 Mouries Burns 0812296250 TECHNIC HOUSE Klaus Demtschuk NEW ADDRESS: 2 Matadi Matheis company Anton Lubowsky Street East Kramersdorf Tel: 064 405 212 Cell: 081 825 5214

UNITED DEMOCRATIC FRONT OF NAMIBIA - UDFInvites all its Members and Supporters at Office hours: Time/Date: Monday - Thursday, 09h00 16h00 Venue: Next to Jabulani Gambling House - will see flag at the house For more info contact: Tina: 081 637 8621

GRAND OPENING 01 October 2014 One stop paint shop, 52 Hidipo Hamutenya Str. Swakopmund. Lots of opening specials on all major paint product ranges, brands include Medal paints, Dulux, Plascon, Vehicle paint and related products from Chem Spec at low low prices and promotional items also up for grabs, shop on low promotional prices for the first 4 days!! Lots of stock available.

Dringende Boedel veiling

4 Oktober 10h00 97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai

Meubels, restaurant toerusting Lessenaars, Kombuis goedere Kitaar, gym toerusting, en te veel om te noem Sien fotos op Facebook Besigtiging oop Tel 0811475475 Cell 0811475333

Asset Disposal Auction for and on behalf of Namib Nights Tourism 27 September 10h00 No130, 6th Street Walvis Bay Marque tents, draping, Mobile toilets, Cottage tents, trailers, dance floor, dome tent, shower bags, gas lamps, camp tables & chairs, Lanterns & Lights, pillows & linen, beds & mattress, 5000lt & 1000lt water tank, cars, bakkies, SUV’s, building material, furniture, much more Viewing on facebook or on days before the auction Terms & Conditions apply

bayauctioneers@ 064 220 387 081 143 4368





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12inch = N$1200.00 14inch = N$1600.00 16inch = N$1650.00 18inch = N$1800.00 20inch = N$1950.00 22inch = N$2200.00 24inch = N$2300.00 26inch = N$2450.00 28inch = N$2700.00 30inch = N$2900.00 Cash or lay-byes for 3 months Flexi roll available + Curl activator for Brazilian and buy Handbags and get the small one free. Aragan oil Shampoo + Conditioner and treatment available Contact: 081 319 4700

CLASSES BeatAccMath Presents Back to school XTRA CLASSES WE FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS TO MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING Accounting Grade:8-12 Mathematics Grade:8-10 Location: Narraville, Walvis Bay Grade 8-10 N$ 300/class/month Grade 11-12 N$ 400/class/month Cell: 081 497 2195 email: Smarter children.Better Namibia


Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged BELIEVER'S FELLOWSHIP CHURCH SWAKOPMUND A Dynamic Church invites you for our GLORIOUS SERVICES Time: Thursdays & Fridays @ 18h00 - 19h00 Sundays @ 08h30 - 11h30 Venue: Opposite Fruit & Veg by Reliance Motor/Commercial Marine Swakop Join us for The Worship, the Fellowship, the Embrace, the Word, the Prayer, the Love & His presence! Contact: 081 227 9436 081 370 3759 ERONGO BRICKWORKS 9” Blocks 6” Blocks 4½” Blocks Super Bricks Standard Bricks Rock face Bricks for the Nation! Cell: 081 616 4455 4429 Langer Heinrich Str A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES JUMPY JUMPY JUMPY!! For kids birthday parties. Book for your jumping castle at coastal jumpy for cheap prices. Small Castle 3x3m Small Casle 3.75x3.75m Big Jumping Castle 3x6m Kids 20 chairs and 5 tables with covers. Contact: 081 289 6640 081 608 5648 Email: coastal.jumpy@gmail. com THE SKYPE CALL CENTRE International Calls Copies, Fax and email CC Registrations CCTV Cameras with remote access (Next to Motovac) Open Daily 07:30 to 21:30 Contact: 081 242 2224 064 209 435

FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:

JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL Your link to a Drivers Licence Contact: 081 237 6355

We are the experts in: aFurniture removals aAll cleaning services in and around the house a Small renovations a Expert painting a Removal and transportation of all unwanted goods a Letting and renting of your property In need of any of the above. Please call 064-462723 or Cell: 081 272 3440 for excellent service. KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance

SERVICES Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, No job to small 8 year roof repair guarantees 081 63 86 300 LEONARD UUPINDI CONSTRUCTION Renovations: Bricklayer, interlock, plumbing, painting, tiles, ceilings, Built in cupboards. Contact: 081 272 4326 NEW DOCTOR IN TOWN: Can solve all kinds of problems Marriage problem, weak penis, lost lover, pregnancy, stolen cattle, court cases, business, bad luck, family problems, school problems, work problems, broken families, promotions at work, tender and many more... You can contact me: 081 615 7494 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR LOVEMORE BANDA (Since 1972) He is here in Walvis Bay to help those who have problems & diseases except HIV. To clean out bad luck, bring back lost lover, to be liked at work & promotions. To boost business/customer attraction. Penis enlargement, libido, periods pains lots of blood or no blood at all. To win competitions, revenge, to pass exams, divorce, pregnancy problems, to be married to a rich person, to protect body from witches. Is your lover stingy with money?? Do you want your lover to think only about you?? Jealous people never win. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life. Dr. Lovebanda needs the results not the reasons. Sundays on appointment. Contact: 081 043 7612 WE DO: Vehicle License Renewal Vehicle registration Police clearance Roadworthy Call us Anke: 081 315 1732 Ems 081 322 8848

BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741

I buy gold and silver jewellery and coins. Contact 081 344 3794 081 315 9178

SERVICES PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848 DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541


Baard Transport / Block & Brick

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

OLIVIER BUILDERS: Specialise in: - Building - Plumbing - Renovations - Interlocks - Carpentry - Tiling - Painting - New Additions And all Building related activities. Call for a free quotation Wakkie Olivier: 081 680 7000 081 302 9971 Quality workmanship with best prices. Bank approved clients welcome!


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES



SERVICES Professional Installers Welwitschia Centrum next to path care Tv Repairs DSTV & Sound installation Alarm CCTV Access control Contact: 081 214 4113 Payroll Services We will handle the following for you: Salaries, Overtime PAYE Returns, Recon's and Certificates Social Security Returns, Applications and Terminations Please feel free to contract me Cell: 081 1472668 Email: silverpayrollservices@ BABY LOVE DAY CARE: Werkende Ma’s kan hulle Babas, vanaf 3 Mannde tot 24 Maande met n rustige hart in goeie hande kom los. Kontak: Huis: 064 461 997 Sel: 081 694 0562

BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

Healing Power A traditional healer who will solve your problems physical and spiritually by using African Traditional medicine and ritually prayer. Solve your problems which you have been experience for such a longtime and free yourself from witchcraft trap. Call Ell Kareem: 081 661 6732



TO RENT: Outside rooms with bathroom. N$ 1750.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 1 000.00 deposit. Contact: 081 402 7738

TO RENT: ARANDIS One x4 bedroom house with bathroom and kitchen now available to rent. It is neatly tiled and has a geyser. It has pre paid electricity installed. Deposit will be required. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 360 7641

TO RENT: Narraville One bedroom flat, kitchen & bathroom. One or two persons N$ 2 900.00 p/m W/E incl. Available any time. Meeu Street Narraville. Contact: 081 723 7005 TO RENT: Spacious 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms (1 en suite), huge tv room, open plan kitchen / dining room, 1x garage, huge yard with boundary walls in secure and safe area near Narraville entrance. Walking distance to schools and shops. N$ 8 000.00 p/m Water incl. No deposit required. Available 1 October Contact: 081 410 9888 TO RENT: Bachelor flat Walvis Bay 172, Theo Ben Gurirab @ a blok of flats Very neat and sunny bachelor flat for single person. Lots of cupboards. Kitchen, bathroom (shower), lock up garage, spacious courtyard with remote gate. Alarm. Pre paid electricity. Water excluded. Sorry no pets. Available 1 October. N$ 3 300.00 p/m Plus deposit. Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 TO RENT: Two Bedroom Duplex: Walvis Bay 172, Theo Ben Gurirab @ blok of flats Brand new, modern two bedroom duplex with lounge, kitchen nd 1½ bathroom. Lots of cupboards. Alarm. Lock up garage. Courtyard with remote gate. Pre paid electricity. Sorry no children and no pets! N$ 5 300.00 p/m Excl water. Deposit. Immediately available. Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 TO LET: Hermis W/Bay Edelweis Heights 1x2 bedroom flats (brand new) with BIC and under roof parking. Pre paid electricity. N$ 4 800.00 p/m Water not included. Please call the owner 081 170 0633 081 418 8004 TO RENT: Narraville Inside room. W/E included. Plein Street House nr 9 N$ 1 200.00 p/m Available 1 October Anna: 081 427 9184

TO RENT: Narraville Seewier Street 2 bedroom flat N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 866 9393 TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor flat Open plan kitchen / sitting room, main bedroom, shower, toilet + alarm. W/E incl. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Available 1 October Contact: 081 124 5778 Spacious bachelor flat to rent in Tamariskia, next to Rossing foundation. 1 Bedroom with built in cupboards, living room, bathroom with hot water. Interlocked yard with parking space. N$ 2800.00 water included, deposit required. Available Immediately 2014. Contact: Sililo@0813252047 or 0812447701 or Ernest @0811284734. To Rent in Tamariskia, Erf 2 Vrede Rede Str Swakopmund: Bachelor Flat Available Price N$2750.00 p/m with prepaid electricity Please contact Leandri 0811500932 or Lukas 0812391692 TO RENT: HERMES, NEAR DUNESIDE SCHOOL Newly built 2 Bedroom flat with BIC, fitted kitchen with oven + stove, Shower/toilet. N$ 5000.00 W+E incl. + deposit (neg.) Available 01 Sept'14 Contact: 081 149 4669 / 081 399 1823 Outside room with own kitchen, shower and toilet available in Kuisebmond, Namport side. N$ 2500.00 p/m Deposit excl. W/E incl. Available from 1 October Contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717 TE HUUR Myl 4: 3 Slaapkamer “See front” huis. N$9500.00 Kontak: 081 127 6666 081 122 5525 TO RENT: Narraville Bachelor flat with shower, toilet. W/E incl. N$ 2 300.00 p/m No Deposit Available 1 October Contact: 081 277 7372


MONDESA To let Inside rooms N$ 970-1460 W/L Inclusive 2Bedr house,2Bathr lounge,kitchen N$ 4400.00 W/Incl Lapaloma flats Bachelor flats N$ 1700.00 W/L Incl Single person Monte coastal flats Outside room with bathr N$ 1250.00 W/L Incl Oletweni 2Bedr house ,bathr,kitchen N$ 3000.00 W/Incl Mahetago 2Bedr house,bathr lounge,kitchen,garage N$ 4500.00 W/L Excl Outside room with bathr N$ 1600.00 W/Incl TAMARISKIA 1Bedr flat,open plan kitchen bathr,garage N$ 3500.00 W/L Incl Single person MILE 4 Flat,fully furnished 3bedr,3bathr,open plan kitchen double garage N$ 9000.00 W/Excl pre-paid electricity All these properties are immediately available Viewing can be secured strictly on prior appointments All deposits required FOR SALE MAHETAGO 3bedr house,2bathr,lounge kitchen,garage with flat of 2bedr,kitchen,bathr N$ 1.0 Mil TULINAWA 2Bedr,2bathr,lounge,kitchen N$ 500 000.00 strictly cash Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995

WALVIS BAY WAREHOUSE to rent. Walvis Bay Industrial Area 760 m² including office and ablution facilities. 640 m² yard space. Immediately available. Cost: N$ 4 35,000.00 (excl. VAT) Please contact: Chris 081 127 1143 TE HUUR: Besigheidsperseel te huur vanaf 1 Oktober. Geleë 6de straat (Ou Blue Marine Building) N$ 5 500.00 p/m W/E uitgsl. Kontak: 081 129 0860

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




TO RENT: Walvis Bay Fully furnished flat to rent in town on a daily basis. Including alarm. N$ 400.00 per day. Contact: 081 147 7262 081 122 6308

TO RENT CBD - Swakopmund: 2 Garages tor ent 41m² - N$1000 per month each. Contact: 245 6116


HOUSE TO RENT: 2 Bedroom BIC, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge & garage, Tamariskia, Swakopmund. Monthly rental fee N$ 4 300.00 & deposit N$4 000.00 (negotiable), water inclusive + prepaid Electricity. Call 0812372304. TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou area, Mola Mola Cresent Erf 3574/31 Big room, open plan kitchen, bathroom with G4S alarm. W/E incl. Available immediately. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Contact: 081 413 1320 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET MAHETAGO (swakopmund): Inside room N$1700.00 W/L Incl. Flat 1 Bedroom, Kitchen and bathroom N$3190.00 W/ Incl. 2 Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge N$4950.00 W/ Incl TULINAWA: 1 Bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2300.00 W/L Excl 1 Bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2500.00 W/L Incl For single person only 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen bic with stove N$3800.00 W/L Excl LANG STRAND: Bachelor flat with garage. N$4600.00 W/L Excl MONDESA: Bachelor flat N$2220.00 W/ Incl JABULANI: 1 Bedroom, bathroom and Kitchen N$2900.00 W/L Incl Single person only 1 Bedroom, bathroom and Kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Incl Single person only All deposits are required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Emial:

TO LET 42sqm. 2 rooms, suited for therapy/beauty rooms, offices/small shop, from 1.Nov Otto Günther Courtyard Cell 081-202-7810

TO LET Waterfront 3 bedroom Town House double garage N$ 9,300. Centre Town Unfurnished Sea View 2x bedrooms , 2x Bathrooms Flat N$ 8,000. Mile 4 Furnished Flat- 3 bedrooms ,2 bathrooms and Garage N$ 8,800.00 3x Bedroom flat Double Garage 3x bathrooms N$ 8,800. Hage Heights-Executive apartment 3 bedrooms,lounge kitchen Water and Electricity included N$ 15,000.00 Ocean View-Newly built Town houses 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms lounge kitchen and double garage N$ 12,000. Ocean View 3 bedroom House double garage N$ 11,000.00 Newly renovated House 3x Bedrooms Double Garage N$15,000 Furnished Town House 3x Bedrooms 2x Bathrooms Guest Toilet Single Garage N$10,000. Unfurnished Spacious Town House 3x Bedrooms Double Garage N$9,500. Tamariskia- For Sale Free Standing House N$870 000 Flat- to let 2x Bedrooms N$4,500 (2 people) OEAN VIEW - FOR SALE Newly Build Upmarket Townhouses-FOR SALE 3bedrooms,3 bathrooms,2and half garages,lounge and kitchen N$ 1,650 000. NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA- TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE 2x bedrooms 2xbathrooms Kitchen Garage & alarm system Starting from N$ 670,000 Exclusive and Elite Estates Diana Mc Clune Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@ gmail .com

TO LET Swakopmund-Mahetago 2- bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, kitchen a lounge and a garage. N$4300 incl water with prepaid electr. 1-bedroom flat, bathroom, sitting room and a kitchen. N$3300 incl water with prepaid electr. A bachelor flat with BIC, shower and toilet. N$2200 incl water with prepaid electr. Walvis Bay-Kuisebmund 1 bedroom flat with kitchenette and shower N$2350 incl water and electricity Holiday apartment at On the Beach , Swakopmund : 2 bedrooms, two bathrooms, kitchen and sitting room with a sea view. available immediately for N$2000/day. For more info call 081 241 5447 TE HUUR SWAKOPMUND SENTRAAL Luukse ! 2 slaap woonstel kamer, by see, Motorhuis, ultra veilig. Ten volle gemeubileerd N$ 8500.00 ********** MYL 4 Luukse,3 slaapkamer woonstel, Ten volle gemeubuleerd, 2 motorhuise, Klein tuin, dupleks, diere welkom. Deposito kan afbetaal word N$ 6500 pm AANDAG ! Ons soek ook huise, woonstelle te huur op lang termyn. SKAKEL : JP CAPRICORN ESTATES 081 127 2736





SWAKOPMUND WATERFRONT Huge, beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath unit with Open plan living with indoor BBQ, private garden & double garage. N$ 2 150 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

TOWN CENTRE Lovely 2 Bedr flat, 2 Bath, LOTS of BIC Huge openplan living area, S/ Garage N$ 6 600.00 MILE 4 STUNNING SEA VIEW Secure 3 Bedr, 2 Bath apartment. D/ Garage Outdoor BBQ, small Garden area. N$ 6 600.00 PM OCEAN VIEW NEW START 3 Bedrh, 2 bathr, open Plan living area, small Garden INCL Water. N$ 8 300.00 PM VALUE FOR MONEY Huge 4 Bedr house 2 Bathr + guest toilet Full sea view, Open Plan Living area. Pet Friendly garden. N$ 22 000.00 PM CONTACT US TODAY KARIN: 0814090778 RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033

SWAKOPMUND NONIDAS PLOT Peaceful living on 5,3ha plot with 4 bed house with 2 offices & 3 garages. 2nd 2 bed house with garage. Staff quarters and workshop, greenhouse and much more… N$ 6 400 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 OTAVI 2 X 1,700m² VACANT PLOTS One with borehole, tank And pump. N$ 330 000-00 & N$ 500 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 SWAKOPMUND PICTURE PERFECT! New 3 bed with open plan Kitchen/living with indoor BBQ, double garage, Enclosed outside entertainment Area. N$ 2 450 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

Walvis Bay


TO LET Houses Meersig Ext 1 Newly build 3 bedr. house lounge to fitted kitchen, study and 4 garages for N$13 200.00 W&L excl Call Moira 0811476475 or Lana at 0813501827





DEBBIE 081 666 0140 debbiedutoit@pamgolding. To Rent Mile 4 N$5900.00 This sunny 3 bedroom apartment have a stunning ocean view with a outdoor braai 2,5 bathrooms and a double garage No pets House in Swakopmund N$12 000.00 4 bedroom house with a 1 bedroom flat 2 Garages beautiful Garden next to the sea side. Ext 15 N$ 10 000.00 3 Bedrooms with 2 bathrooms 2 Garages, Indoor braai Beautiful Garden

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot & Plan. 2&3 Bedrooms, 1 & 2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic, lounge/dining, garage. PRICE RANGE FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 PLOT & PLAN FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Henties Bay Road. N$ 535 000.00 Contact: 081 270 7865 PROPERTY: If you want to Sell or Rent out your property Call: 081 161 6912 HOUSE FOR SALE (Plot and Plan) House in CC: Big 3 Bedroom, double garage, open plan Lounge/Kitchen/Scullery. Erf 6204 Ext. 22 690m² Swakopmund, adjacent to mile 4 N$1 680 000.00 Contact: 081 127 6049

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Running Clutch + Brake repair shop for sale. Contact: 081 127 6666 081 122 5525 FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924 LOOKING FOR ERVEN/HOUSE TO BUY in Swakopmund. In the following Locations: - Tamariskia - Mondesa - Mahetago - Tulinawa Fillipus:081 128 1814 TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE Mile 4- 4-Shores 3 bedrooms flat, open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil Ocean view - Seagull Haven 3 bedrms townhouse, 2 bathrms, openplan kitchen indoor braai, 1 garage and a courtyard. N$ 1. 35 mil Mondesa-Mondi Haven 2 bedrooms flat, 2 bathrooms; kitchen and sitting room, 1 garage N$ 590 000 Vineta Swakopmund 4-bedrooms house, main room with walk-incupboard. Kitchen, Living room, dinning room, indoor braai, bathroom, double garage on a 1000sqm erf. N$ 2.3 mil. WINDHOEK Pionnerspark Ext 1- 3 bedrooms house, a lounge , a sitting room, dinning room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, laundry, outside self containing room. A 2 bedrooms flat with kitchen, sitting room and two bathroom. Double garage and a carport. N$ 3.1 mil. Otjomuise: Three bedrooms house, sitting room, kitchen and Garage with two bachelor flats at the back for N$ 1.4 mil. Great as investment property, current income is N$ 15 500. For more info call 081 241 5447

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


TE KOOP 3% KOMMISSIE TE HUUR 6% KOMMISSIE Walvisbaai sentraal N$6500.00 p/m Gemeubeleerde woonstel 2 bed.1 bad a motorhuis *Meersig nuwe dorpshuis N$ 8600.00 p/m 2 bed ,2 en-suit bad,2 motorhuise *Gemeubeleerde huis, 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 Motorhuis N$18000 p/m (1jaar 2015) Te huur met opsie te koop Meersig groot familie huis en erf N$1,8m gewaarborgde offers welkom Wardasie N$2,1m. Te koop Meersig groot huis 3 bed met 2 bed Woonstel met 4 motorhuise n$1,854m *Naby skole 3 bed huis,1½ bad,3 motorhuise Groot erf N$1,648M *N$2,060m Meersig groot huis groot erf *Meersig nuwe dorpshuise met erf 3 bed 2 bad 2 motorhuis met erf N$1,399 *Fairway N$1,499m nuwe huis 3 bed,2 bad,2 motorhuise *Meersig erf 502 N$618 000 *Langstrand seefront erf N$2,060m *Dolfynstrand N$1,648m ,seefront woonstel 3 bed,2 bad,2 motorhuis *N$1,777m wardasie N$2,1m Dorpshuis met seeuitsig 3 bed, 2bad, 2 motorhuise *Otjiwarongo prag plaas N$27,5m huis+gastehuis olimpiese standaard swembad *Meersig , nuwerige 3 bed baie groot,1½ bad, 2 motorhuise, sit / eetkamer met kagel en ruim kombuis ruim erf N$1,5m KALLIE 067-221077 (PLASE NOORDE) KARIN 0811283319 (LODGES NOORDE) KURT WALVISBAAI 081 242 6713 CHARLENE LANGSTRAND 0811475705 Soek eiendom te koop en te huur EPOS propertypowerwvb@gmai

FOR SALE Second hand business in Swakopmund Owner wants to retire Phone Gerry 081 129 4030

PROPERTIES FOR SALE CENTRAL N$ 4200.00 1 bed flat, incl. water & elec. N$ 6200.00 - 2 bed upmarket townhouse on third floor with basement garage (no pets) N$ 12 300.00 - Offices (90 m2) with 2 bed flat, garages & yard space MEERSIG EXT.1 N$ 13 000.00 Upmarket 3 bed spacious house with double garage, excl. water & elec. NARRAVILLE N$ 4000.00 - 2 bed flat, no garage. N$ 3300.00 - 1 bed flat, incl. water & elec. KUISEBMOND N$2050 - brand new bachelor flat in NHE area N$ 2600.00 - bachelor flat with bathroom, incl. water & elec. (2 persons only) N$ 2300.00 - bachelor flat with bathroom incl. water only (2 persons only) N$ 3200.00 - 2 bed flat with single garage (Eyuva Village) INDUSTRIAL N$11 385 - brand new 150m² workshop with offices N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf N$75 000 excl. Vat 2000m² warehouse with offices N$ 85 000 excl. Vat warehouse in prime industrial area with offices Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 GOLDING PROPERTIES Pam Golding Properties SUNA 081 210 7823 Suna.kritzinger@pamg FOR SALE VINETA N$1,200 000.00 Apartment with 3 bedroom, 2bathroom and single garage in a security complex CITY CENTRE N$980 000.00 For the business men This apartment are the Perfect place to have for investment for yourself or to rent out ABSOLUTE PERFECT FOR B&B OCEAN VIEW 10 Bedrooms huge and with en-suites Lot of potential to extend Big Yard Various vacant plots for sale contact us for assistance INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY FOR SALE 498 m2warehouse 2 bathrooms, Kitchenette, 3 offices 1808m2 erf enclosed yard




PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES suna.kritzinger@pamgol PROPERTY TO RENT CENTRE OF TOWN N$6000.00 Spacious flat with a scenic view !!! 2 Beds, 1, 5 Bath, Double Garages No Pets SWAKOPMUND N$ 12 000.00 Absolute value for money 4 Bedroom house next to the ocean With a flat and 2 Garages FOR SALE N$ 1 070 000.00 SWAKOPMUND 2 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms Entertainment area with open plan kitchen Indoor braai and spacious living area Single Garage ON SHOW SATERDAY THE 19 SEPT FROM 11HOO TO 15 HOO VOGELSICHT N$2 354 000.00 This home with the double garage Is a home that you can lock up and go for the comfort Scenic view to the ocean And offers you 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Lots of space in the open plan living area with A indoor braai

WALVIS BAY 20 4505




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



FAIRWAY ESTATE Well positioned sunny home offers 4 bedr, 2 bathr, huge open plan living area, BBQ, fitted kitchen, granite tops, scullery, double r/c garage, pretty garden N$1 980 000 cc Reg CENTRAL This spacious Townhouse in upmarket complex has 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan living, BBQ, fitted kitchen, guest toilet, double r/c garage, tiled throughout. Size 213m² N$ 1 700 000

Joey 081 1293293


FOR SALE Hermes: Great investment opportunity 3-bedr house with 2 x 1-bed flats and 1 X bachelor flat. Rental income N$16 000.00. Selling price N$2 100 000.00 Secure family home with big yard, indoor bbq & entertainment area. 3 bedrs, 2 bathr, 2 garages + car port, outside room and alarm system. Selling price N$1 680 000.00 Central: Large erf with and double garage. Pre-paid electricity. Close to schools. Room for expansion. Selling price of N$1 750 000.00 Very neat 4-bedr. house and lovely garden, situated in an established neighbourhood, unique finishes. Selling price N$2 180 000.00(neg) Brand new modern apartment, 2 bedr. Safe & secure. Under roof parking. Selling price of N$690 000.00 Meersig: 2-bed, flat with garage. Safe & secure in complex. Selling price of N$880 000.00 Please contact: Elmari 081 250 7176 Eugene 081 737 9708 Cecilia 081 129 5407 Lydia 081 241 8980 DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND ON SHOW! ON SHOW! SATURDAY - 27.09.2014 10h00 - 15h30 HAGE HEIGHTS 10h00- 15h.30 Follow the pointers to Hage Heights, Saphir Str Comfortable family home with 3 bedr, 2 bathr, indoor BBQ, large erf and 1 bedroom flat and 3 Garages Price: N$2,756,000 Please call Ilene -0811270063












SELF CATERING ACCOMODATION AVAILABLE IN WALVIS, NARRAVILLE N$ 150.00 Single N$ 200.00 Double And N$ 290.00 per unit For more information contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717

All-rounder Handyman For work shop and building Sites, pluming, electrical, Woodwork in swk Needed, Starting Immediate, CV to or call 081 679 1640.

QUALIFIED DIESEL MECHANIC VACANCY Qualifications essential Experience in servicing trucks, loaders, forklifts and similar CE license will be an advantage Email CV's to or call 0811461600

FOR SALE 50% Of Sports bar for sale in Swakopmund. New addition Tamariskia Contact: 081 337 9650

Air con, installer Technician Needed, Swk 081 638 6300 Brick layer Plasterer Tiler Needed in Swk 081 679 1640 Painters needed swk immediate 081 679 1640 VACANCY: Urgently looking for a receptionist & cleaner For a new Medical Practise Requirements: Must have grade 12 Must be computer literate Typing skills are required Email cv: fabiolahembapu@ Contact nr: 061 401 359 Fabiola: 081 810 0741

Capricorn Estate Agency Agent: Elani van Staden “BUY * SELL*RENT” “Swakopmund & Langstrand” Ocean View Beautiful unfurnished, 1 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, single garage, pre-paid meter, water included & small pets allowed – N$ 4480.00 Ocean View Beautiful unfurnished, 2 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, huge kitchen and entertainment area, tandem garage, pre-paid meter, water included & small pets allowed – N$ 6720.00 (Available end of September) Mile 4 Stunning unfurnished, 2 Bedroom, 2 full bathroom, huge tandem garage, pre-paid meter, pets allowed – N$ 8400.00 Mile 4 Beautiful 2 Bedroom, 1 full bathroom, single garage, pre-paid meter, furnished or unfurnished – N$ 6160.00 – N$6720.00 To Buy Newly build houses ranging from 1.8 to 2 mil Agent: Elani van Staden 081 867 1654 elani@realestatesnamibi FOR MORE LISTINGS, VISIT ME ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE!! Facebook Page Name: Capricorn Estate Agency - Elani van Staden And many more, you are more than welcome to give me a call if you are looking for anything specific!

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: Looking for a house or flat to rent in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 256 9448 WANTED: I am bank approved and is looking for a house to buy in Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond. Up to N$ 700 000.00 Contact: 081 668 7035 081 636 7999

WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. WANTED: Looking for a small bakkie Toyota, Nissan, Mazda or Opel, or any other 1400. Between N$ 40 000.00 and N$ 50 000.00 Price negotiable or will make an offer Walvis Bay Contact no for further information and appointment: 081 424 0573 WANTED: Looking for a tenant for a two bedroom house in Walvis Bay, Kabeljou street. Call if interested 081 278 0918 WANTED TO HIRE: Looking for a gambling license to hire with the option to buy. Contact: 081 223 3333 WANTED: 13’Rims met of sonder bande vir motor trailer. Tel: 081 241 1235

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


Fouche-VanVuuren Legal Practitioners require the services of a dynamic self -driven personal assistant to two legal practitioners. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: "Grade 12 "Namibian Citizen or holder of immigration status entitling you to take up employment in Namibia "Computer literacy "Attention to detail and accuracy "Excellent communication skills Only short listed candidates will be informed. Forward CV To Tassie@fouchevanvuure BAR LADY WANTED: Desert Tavern is looking for friendly, reliable persons to work as a bar lady. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans Cv’s can be submitted @ Desert Tavern after 15h00 in Swakop Str or emailed to Only short listed candidates will be contacted. SHAPE A AUTO Walvis Bay Looking for a spray painter Should have experience Please fax CV to: 204580 Call Hendry Jooste: 081 124 7972 Administrative/Personal Assistant. 3 years administration experience is required. Email CV`s bengling@nedbank.

FRONT END LOADER OPERATOR Certified with valid license Mechanical experience will be an advantage Experience essential Call 0811461600 or email CV to CE DRIVER VACANCY WITH CRANE LICENSE CE License and brick crane operators license essential Email CV's to or call 0811461600 VACANCY: Temporary Post as shop assistant At Largo Video Walvis Bay for a bilingual Namibian Citizen Capable to work under pressure, shifts, also weekends and holidays. Friendly, honest, healthy Persons to hand in Cv’s at Largo Video Closing day: 3/10/2014

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PRICE LIST FOR FISH: · Crabs/kg N$60.00 · Hake /skin on 2-4 5kg N$295.00 · Hake / skinless 5kg N$195.00 · Hake F/crumbed 5kg N$250.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks 5kg N$160.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks kg N$35.00 · Fish Mince/Blocks kg N$45.00 · Mince Pillows/kg N$40.00 · Fishfingers/kg N$49.50 · Snoek Whole/kg N$39.00 · Snoek chops/kg N$40.00 · Angel whole/kg N$30.00 · Angel Fillets 5kg N$210.00 · John Dory whole/kg N$20.00 · Sole/kg N$75.00 · Yellow tale whole/kg N$55.00 · Red fish/kg N$28.00 · Kabeljou N$60.00 · Kingklip whole N$95.00 · Hake Heads N$8.00 · Chicken Quarters 10kg N$380.00 ALSO SELLNG ORIGINAL 100% BRAZILIAN HAIR! Please contact: 081 734 7532 Thank you

FOR SALE: Turbocharger Shake machine, user gide and video for weight loss N$1500.00 Contact: 081 122 4360

MOTORBIKES FOR SALE: 1 Quad bike, not running but in good condition. Make an offer Contact: 081 337 9650 FOR SALE: Brand new Yamaha YBR 125 Red Motorbike N$12 000.00 Contact: 081 122 4360

GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, Big and small, And planted. 081 638 6300


5 Ton Truck to hire for all your transport needs. Furniture, rubble, pipes etc. Contact: 064 204926 0812129664 0817997904 TO HIRE: K.K Hair Salon & Barber is offering chairs for rental for N$ 600.00 Available from 1 October Deposit N$ 600.00 Contact: 081 471 6540 TO HIRE: Precious Hair and Beaty Salon is offering chairs for rental N$ 600.00 Available from 1 October Deposit N$ 600.00 Contact: 081 353 5893


TE HUUR NARRAVILLE: Rium 2 slaapkamer woonstel, sitkamer, kombuis en badkamer (geen kaste). Sober grootmense Geen troeteldiere & Geen kinders. Beskikbaar vanaf 2 Oktober 2014. 16, Evergreen straat. Kontak: 081 755 5599.

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a hardworking lady for domestic work. I can start any day from Mondays to Fridays Contact: 081 603 2564

SITUATION WANTED MAGRETH: I am looking for domestic work, 2/3 days or a week. Contact: 081 247 1877 LAINA: I am a 30-year-old-lady, trustfull, reliable and honest. I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Have 2 years experience in domestic and office cleaning. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 341 1984 JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old lady is looking for work. Can be in a restaurant, shops, cleaning offices or any domestic work(Narraville) Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 711 2411 JOB WANTED: I am looking for a job. I am trustworthy and can concentrate. Mondays - Fridays (5 days). I hae sober habits. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 839 8427 081 427 0476 081 617 1531 Here, U help altyd U kinders JOB WANTED: We are 2 ladies looking for work. One is 21 years old and the other one is 26 years old. Housekeeping or baby sitting work. In Swakopmund. Can start immediately. 21 year old: 081 210 8042 or 081 609 2634 26 year old: 081 689 7761 IMELDA: I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Lagoon or Meersig. Contact: 081 811 0823 JOB WANTED: A lady is looking for domestic work such as washing, cleaning, ironing and working in markets or in shops. In Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig and Langstrand. Can start immediately Contact: 081 715 0418 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady, looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. For 3-5 days a week. I am trustworthy and can start immediately. Contact: 081 242 6750 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for Office work or domestic work in Swakopmund. I am willing to start anytime. Contact: 081 484 1299



CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication E-MAIL: OR


Toyota Hilus Canopy 2.5 for sale. Fits a Izuzu or Nizzan N$10 600.00 Contact: 081 220 4991 081 814 6505



We offer great performing vehicles in excellent, clean and neat conditions, amongst others the following: 4 x 4 Nissan D/C 4 x 4 Toyota D/C 4 x 4 Mitsubishi Pajero Sedans BMW Station Wagon CONTACT: Tel 065-238 416 Cell: 0811495565 Fax: 088640079 Email:

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE We Buy and Sell furniture & household items of value 97 Sam Nujoma ave Walvisbaai 064220387





Suspicion over EVMs Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) have remained under suspicion over their alleged tamparability and security problems during elections. After rulings of the Delhi High Court, the Supreme Court as well as demands from various political parties, the Indian Election Commission (EC) decided to introduce EVMs with Voter-verified paper audit trail (VVPAT). Security Problems descriptions of several machine.

An international conference on the Indian EVMs and the tamparability of the machines on 13 February 2010, came to the conclusion that the Election Commission (EC) of India was evading its responsibility on the transparency in the working of the EVMs. On 28 April 2010, an independent security analysis was released, including video demonstrations, of two successful attacks on a real EVM, as well as

other potential vulnerabilities: Before voting: One demonstration was based on replacing the part inside the control unit, which actually displays each candidates' vote totals. This substitute component can be programmed to "steal" a percentage of the votes in favour of a chosen candidate. A fte r vo tin g : Th e second demonstration used a small clip-on device to manipulate the vote storage memory inside the

Votes stored in the EVM can then be changed during the time between the close of the election and the public counting session. The researchers where also surprised to find that the votecounting software in the EVMs is programmed into so-called "mask-programmed micro-controllers", which do not allow it to be read out and verified. These chips are made in the US and Japan, therefore nobody in

India knows for sure what software is in these machines and whether it counts votes accurately. Observers came to the conclusion that even brief access to the machines could allow for manipulation of election results.

Court Cases

On 25 July 2011 the Supreme Court of India asked the EC to consider a request by a petitioner to modify EVMs by having them produce a slip printed with the symbol of the party in whose favour the voter cast his ballot. On 17 January 2012, Delhi High Court ruled that EVMs are not "tamper-proof". The court, furthermore, found it "difficult" to issue any directions to

the EC in this regard, but added that the EC itself should hold wider consultations with the Executive, political parties and other stake holders on the matter. When on 27 September 2012 an appeal was lodged with the Supreme Court (against the undecisive ruling by the High Court), the EC submitted that a field trial for a VVPAT (Voter verified paper audit trail) system was in progress, whereupon the Supreme Court posted the matter for further hearing to January 2013. The EC had by then ordered the manufacturers of the EVMs to produce machines that will generate a "paper trail" of the vote cast.

BEL CMD announced that the "EVM software will be modified and a printer attached to it. When you cast a vote, the serial number and 'some data' will be generated as a printout." It appears that, when the voter presses the button for the candidate of his choice in the EVM, a paper ballot with the serial number, name and symbol of the candidate will be printed. The printouts can be used later to cross check the voting data stored electronically in the EVMs.

International Usage

In October 2006, Netherlands banned all EVMs (with or without Paper print out).

Problems with ensuring secrecy of the ballot due to risk of electronic evesdropping were the reason for the ban. In March 2009, after almost two years of debate, German Supreme Court declared that EVMs were unreliable and unconstitutional because the average citizen could not be expected to understand the exact steps involved in the recording and counting of votes. In April 2009, Republic of Ireland banned EVMs in their elections. (Full references with regard to all statements of fact are available – AvW – Feb 2013).

National Assembly Notice Of Question I give notice that on Thursday, 2 October, 2014, I shall ask the Honourable Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development the following: 1. In which way is the Hon Minister going to allay the anxiety of the opposition parties and win the trust and confidence of the electorate as a whole in the Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs in short), while there exists scientific proof since April 2010 that the Indian EVMs acquired by the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) are vulnerable to fraud, as discovered and explained in finest detail, including video demonstrations, by a research team of three renowned security analysts, who carried out two successful attacks on real EVMs and identified several other potential vulnerabilities? 2. Is the Hon Minister not aware that the same Indian EVMs were repeatedly subject to court interventions, when Ø in July 2011 the Supreme Court of India asked the Indian Electoral Commission to consider and respond to the request that the EVMs should be modified by providing a simultaneous printout of the voter's ballot on paper; Ø in January 2012 Delhi High Court ruled that EVMs are not "tamper-proof", and added that the Electoral Commission of India should hold wider consultations with the Executive, political parties and other stakeholders; and Ø in October 2013 the Supreme Court of India directed the Electoral Commission of India to introduce Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail system for the next general elections in India, in order to ensure free and fair elections? 3. Does the Hon Minister really mean to dispute the fact that, with the current EVMs, there is no way whatsoever of verification of the ballot in case of an election challenge? 4. Can the Hon Minister agree that the only way to ensure trust and confidence of the electorate in the EVMs is by adding a Voter Verifiable Paper Trail, which will enable the voter to see a paper printout of their electronic ballot, displaying name and/or symbol of the chosen Party or Candidate, before dropping in a ballot box? 5. How does the Hon Minister explain his allegation a few weeks ago in this assembly that "the technology for the paper trail is not yet available", while it is reported from India that Ø the Electoral Commission of India informed the Supreme Court that EVMs with the Voter Verified Paper Trail were successfully and satisfactorily used at 21 polling stations in Nagaland during assembly elections in February 2013; and that Ø the New Delhi constituency utilized EVMs with Voter Verified Paper Trails in its constituency elections on the 4th of December 2013, enabling voters to verify if their vote was recorded correctly, and being hailed as successful and a positive experience!? 6. Can the Hon Minister comment on the banning of EVMs and the reasons for the banning by the following countries: Ø Netherlands (2006) – due to the secrecy risk of electronic evesdropping; Ø Republic of Ireland (2009) – due to lack of transparency and trust; Ø Germany (2009) – Supreme Court declares EVMs unreliable and unconstitutional due to lack of transparency to a common voter; Ø United States – California and other States ban EVMs without Paper Trail; Ø UK and France – not implementing? Anton von Wietersheim, MP 23 September 2014.

AIDS Activist Bernard Kamatoto with Lukas Ndameke from one of the support groups who received donations and Namport peer educator Yvonne Mutambulua

Namport donates to worthy cause Mavourlene Gaes Namport donated food to the value of more than N$10 000 to different HIV/AIDS support groups around the Erongo Region and made their final stop at the Walvis Bay Multi-purpose centre on Tuesday where they handed groceries over to three of the groups. According to Advocacy and fundraising manager of Namibia Network of AIDS Service Organisations (NANASO), Zack Makari, NANASO was pleased to hand over a portion of goods they received from Namport from the plea that both strong hand and weak hand need each other. “Namibia is affected by HIV/AIDS and the country is facing a challenge of food security, to the extent that some patients started throwing away their medicine because they could not drink them on an empty stomach,” Makari said. He added that they are very happy a prestigious company such as Namport came on board to assist them in the fight for zero new HIV infections and he urged other companies, businesses or even individuals who want to lend a helping hand to feel free in doing so, because every little help counts and there are people across the country in need of their help. He concluded by saying everyone should understand that by giving to others, they are not sponsoring or donating but, that they are investing. In total, nine support groups received the donations. Usakos 1, Arandis 1, Swakopmund 3, Walvis Bay 3 and Henties Bay 1.

NAMIB TIMES Available at the following outlets

in Windhoek for your convenience:

· Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods



To Errol Prosser & Family with the loss of mother

Mrs B Prosser

Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared they brought into our lives.

Our Condolences

From: Trust Market Ship Chandlers & Bakery, West Coast Fishing Co and Westhook Fish Processers

Raymond Singh *1.06.1939 - + 20.09.2014 Memorial Service Saturday, 27 September 2014 @ 10h00am Holy Rosary, Roman Catholic Church, Swakopmund Rest in Peace Daddy Margaret, Nanette, Miemie, Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren

Contact: Nanette 081 272 1380

We take leave of our long time friend and member

HUBIE RAUBENHIEMER Rest in peace loyal friend To the family, our most sympathy.

Committee and Members O C P D

We bid farewell to our Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandmother.

Hubie Raubenheimer 26 October 1926 - 19 September 2014 Her presence in our lives will be missed. Johan and Anke with Aidin Roelof Klaus and Anita and family Piet and Eugenie and family Harald and Babbie and family A memorial service will take place in the Baptist Church, 25 Schwester Frieda St, Vineta, Swakopmund, at 11:00 on Monday morning 29 September. In lieu of flowers, please donate to: Caring for People with Disabilities A collection box will be available at the church, or contact Ms Almut Slabbert at Tel (064) 405788


MARIE DIEDERICKS * 25 / 04 / 1933 + 19 / 09 / 2014

Met leedwese maak ons bekend die afsterwe van ons geliefde Mammie, Ouma en Oumagrootjie. Sy het vir ons ‘n skatkis van kosbare herinneringe agtergelos. Die grootste en kosbaarste van alles, ons geloof om aan vas te hou.

Rus in Vrede Renthia, Attie, Marie, Ole, Shani en Thano Ps 49:16 “Maar God sal my siel los koop van die mag van die doderyk, want Hy sal my opneem. Sela” ROUDIENS: Saterdag, 27 September 2014 om 11:00 In die Saal van die Welwitschia Versorgingsoord, Fase 2, Vineta, Swakopmund





Round 7 of Enduro Series completed

Forty-nine riders took part in Round Seven of the Bank Windhoek Namibia National Enduro Championship Series (co-sponsored by Moths Transport) which took place at Farm Ravensburg in the Okahandja district. The riders battled it out for the podium places as this was the second last race for the 2014 championship series. The riders lined up to take on the sand, rocks and obstacles the organisers had included in the race. Two-thirds of the competitors managed to complete the race while some entrants suffered mechanical problems and others did not finish due to tough and demanding conditions which upset the less prepared and fit riders. In the National Bike Class, Henner Rusch put on a good display and won his sixth race in the series. Shannon Rowland raced her way to victory in the Ladies

Quads. In class 10, there were three entrants, Mark Johnston in third place, behind Marius Faul in second place and Nickey Hohmeier who won this class. In class 9, there was only one entrant and Juan Tyran took the honours. Four riders entered class 8 and two of those Did Not Finish (DNF). Franco Junius won the race followed by Dennis Dembski in second place. Class 7 had the most entries with 15 entrants. RJ Visser finished in third place, behind Sven Grünert who was beaten by six minutes for the top step by Tom Moths.

Class 5 had four entrants, and two of the riders had a DNF. In second place was Frank Ahlreip and the current leader Sven Schneidenberger won this class. Class 4 the National Ladies had four entrants with Shannon Rowland extending her lead and taking top honours. Coming in second place was Julia Moths, followed by Maike Bochert in third place. In Class 3, Heiko Bernstein had a DNF due to quad problems. The class, in which only two riders entered was eventually won by Gary Rowland. In the Open Class (Class 2), Henner Rush took the win twenty-

five minutes ahead of second placed Ingo Waldschmidt. A new name to the podium of the Open Class was Sigi Pack who took third place out of the nine entries. Class 1 had eight entries with the current favourites, Kai-Uwe Brettschneider and Jörn Greiter taking third and second place respectively, while Kai Hennes, who normally rides in the open class, came in first place. The eighth and last event for the 2014 season will take place on 18 October on the Farm Neu Heusis, which is a new venue with a new race track.

The results were as follows: Class 1 1 Kai Hennes 2 Jorn Greiter 3 Kai-Uwe Brettsch- neider 4 Frank Schneiden berger 5 Glen Brown 6 Olaf Pack DNF Pascal Henle DNF Marcel Henle Class 2 1 Henner Rusch 2 Ingo Waldschmidt 3 Sigi Pack 4 Heiko Stranghöner 5 David Brown 6 Werner Wiese DNF Tommy Gous DNF Dirkie Baard DNF Guenther Gladis

Class 3 1 Gary Rowland DNF Heiko Bernstein Class 4 1 Shannon Rowland 2 Julia Moths 3 Maike Bochert 4 Claire Brendel DNF Jolly Fourie Class 5 1 Sven Schneidenberger 2 Frank Ahlreip DNF Martin Diek mann DNF Stefan Goike Class 7 1 Tom Moths 2 Sven Grünert 3 RJ Visser 4 Crone Visser 5 Juergen Gladis

6 Gerald Heiser 7 Ronnie Adams 8 Nickle Visser 9 Gunter Grasreiner 10 Uwe Jacobi 11 O Babluty 12 Bryan Holmes DNF Duard Wiese DNF Julia Menthrup DNF Alain Noirfalise Class 8 1 Franco Junius 2 Dennis Dembski DNF Franco Routh DNF JL Opperman Class 9 1 Juan Tyren Class 10 1 Nicki Hohmeier 2 Marius Faul 3 Mark Johnston

Eight days to Lucky Star Marathon The Lucky Star Marathon, Namibia’s premier coastal running event, is taking place on 4 October this year. Apart from being the premier marathon event in Namibia, the Lucky Star Marathon serves as a qualifier for the Two Oceans and Comrades marathons. The event is unique in the sense that the course follows the scenic main road between Swakopmund and

Walvis Bay, where runners are able to enjoy the cold Atlantic Ocean on the one side, and the rolling sand dunes of the oldest desert in the world, the Namib Desert, on the other side. Etosha Fishing, the main sponsors of the event, aims to promote community involve-

ment and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle among the youth through this event. For this reason, significant focus is placed on involving schools from across the country. The marathon attracted approximately 790 runners in 2013 and with the participation

of 10 SADC countries in the Southern Regional marathon division, hope is that this year’s event will be even bigger and better. Apart from the scenic nature of the marathon, the event offers four different routes with varying levels of difficulty to satisfy the ap-

petite of hard core athletes and fun runners alike. The full marathon (42.2 km) and the school relay (10.2 km) will start in Walvis Bay, whereas the 21.1 km and 10 km races will start in Swakopmund. Starting times of the respective events are

06:00 for the full marathon; 06:30 for the school relay; whereas the fun run and the half marathon will start at 07:00. Full details are available on the Etosha Fishing website: www. For those athletes still interested in entering, closing date for regis-

trations has been postponed to 29 September. Online registration is encouraged on the Etosha Fishing website. Entry fees for the different races are as follows: Full marathon N$100; Half marathon and fun run - N$80; School relay team N$80.

Laerskool Walvisbaai hou atletiek

Op 19 en 20 September was Laerskool Walvisbaai se jaarlikse interhuis kompetisie. Dit was ‘n baie suksesvolle dag met verskeie uitstekende prestasies. Die beste baan atlete was Teresonja Howoses en Curryn

Blizzard. Die beste veld atlete was Athena Beukes en John Faul. Curbé Beukes was die junior Victrix Ludorum en Miguel van Wyk

Thorsten Salpeter op pad na nuwe rekords In die 100m was sy ou rekord 12.93 sek waar sy nuwe record 12.78 sek is. In die 200m was sy ou rekord 27.30 sek waar sy nuwe rekord 25.53 sek is. Hy was` ook die Senior Victor Ludorum gewees.

die junior Victor Ludorum. Geraldine Nieuwoudt was die senior Victrix Ludorum en Thorsten Salpeter was die

senior Victor Ludorum. Die Krewe het die gees beker en die Krappe het die span beker gewen.

Ouderdomswenners: Voor: Maryke Spangenberg, Jacques Peters, Alejandro Naobes, Karmien de Wet, Miguel van Wyk, Curbe Beukes Middel: Nadine Willemse, LouwRossouw, VialliVisagie, Ranga Lucas Agter: Bryan Gordon, Thorsten Salpeter, Nicole Wittmann, Anina van Rensburg, Christine de Smit, Geraldine Nieuwoudt



Bart’s Bash at Walvis Bay yacht club Twenty-eight boats took part in the Walvis Bay leg of the world’s largest sailing race, the Barts Bash, on Sunday 21 September. The Walvis Bay yacht club’s race started at 10.30 on Sunday with boats such as the Optimist, Dabchick,

Laser, Hobie and others taking part in the race. Dormac Marine sponsored the event and Hit Radio

and local Walvis Bay Radio Eros provided music for the event. Four other countries in Af-

rica took part in the event - Botswana, Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania. Sailing clubs across the

Anton van Rensburg number one Walvis Bay golf news Forty-one consecutive years of sponsoring by Old Mutual Short Term Insurance Company, surely this must be a Namibian record for a company to support a club.

Anton van Rensburg (left) and Impie Brand

The weather conditions were perfect for the 39 entrants this year and all was set for good scores and that is what we got. Stephan Jacksch and Anton van Rensburg started very good with 23 points each on the first nine holes followed by Pikkie Champion on 21. Desmond Benson, 12 points and Brendan Britten, 13 points struggled on the first nine holes. Seems that they missed windy conditions, but at least they both played better golf on the second nine holes. Jaans Stander did not finish that well at all, making bets at the start he wanted to shake hands after nine holes, but at least continued like a good sportsman should, ending the day on a total of 23 points. Practice boet and thanks for the money! Stephan Jacksch spent too much time in the club house after nine holes and messed it up on the second nine with

a mere 13 points to end on 36, this to the great delight of his playing partners that had consistent scores on both nine holes. 2-clubs were scored by Brendan Britten, Johny Borges and Wayne Hart. Nearest to the pin was Johny Borges and Wayne Hart. The final outcome was as follows: 1st Anton van Rensburg - 44 points, 2nd Sergio Figueredo - 40 points C/O, 3rd Rocco Viljoen - 40 points C/O, 4th Johny Borges - 40 points C/O, 5th Bertie Coetzee - 40 points C/O, 6th Willie van Zyl - 37 points C/O, 7th Victor Clara - 37 points C/O, 8th Amandio Sardinha - 37 points C/O, 9th Pikkie Champion - 37 points C/O, 10th Lady T Grobler - 36 points. A competition that was started 41 years ago by Hans Frielingsdorf and today is continued by Impie Brand, manager of Old Mutual Short term insurance Co is still very popular in Walvis Bay.

Impie and staff, what can we say about your support? You and your staff are all great and we can only salute you all. See you again next year! Subs - Enough said about this. All subs due by 30 September! If you are not on the handicap system any more, you will know why. Remember, that once you are off the handicap system, it costs the club a fee to reinstate you. It does not happen automatically. FNB Namibia Coastal Open - This weekend we host one of the prestigious Namibian golf events, the FNB Namibia Coastal Open. Remember, the course will be closed as from 12:00 today in preparation. Those who are playing, please note that the use of alcohol on the course will result in disqualification. A big thanks to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for fixing the Golf Club Avenue surface.

globe all sailed a race, coordinated by the Andrew Simpson Foundation, in a 24 hour period in an

attempt to make a new Guinness World record for the largest sailing race in 24 hours.

760 clubs in 67 different countries with over 17 366 sailors took part in this event.

Boat BoatClass ClassBoat Boat Class Class Sail SailNumber Number Sail Sail Number Number Skipper SkipperName Name Skipper Skipper Name Name Elapsed ElapsedTime Time Elapsed Elapsed Total Total Time Time Distance Distance Total Total Distance Distance

Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 24 24Matias MatiasRocher 24 Rocher 24 Matias Matias Rocher Rocher 20.14 20.14 20.14 20.14 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 104815 104815Stoney Stoney 104815 104815 Buhrman Buhrman Stoney Stoney Buhrman Buhrman 20.44 20.44 20.44 20.44 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 90131 90131Misha Misha 90131 90131 Hartman Hartman Misha Misha Hartman Hartman 22.19 22.19 22.19 22.19 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 75191 75191Jorg Jorg75191 Diekman 75191 Diekman Jorg Jorg Diekman Diekman 23.21 23.21 23.21 23.21 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 90819 90819Lauren Lauren 90819 90819 Davidson Davidson Lauren Lauren Davidson Davidson 24.17 24.17 24.17 24.17 2540 2540 2540 2540 Laser Laser Laser Laser 144538 144538Hartmit Hartmit 144538 144538 Dichl Dichl Hartmit Hartmit Dichl Dichl 24.38 24.38 24.38 24.38 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie14 14 Hobie Hobie 14 14 43122 43122Eliot Eliot43122 43122 Oosthuizen Oosthuizen Eliot Eliot Oosthuizen Oosthuizen 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 2540 2540 2540 2540 Hobie Hobie16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 16 75883 75883Susan Susan 75883 75883 Steyn Steyn Susan Susan Steyn Steyn 27.07 27.07 27.07 27.07 2540 2540 2540 2540 Class 14 Sail Number Skipper Name Time 28.00 Total 2540 Distance Hobie HobieBoat 14 14 Hobie Hobie 14 60460 60460Robert Robert 60460 60460 Glover Glover Robert Robert Glover Glover Elapsed 28.00 28.00 28.00 2540 2540 2540 Laser Laser Laser Laser 32 32Klaus KlausBachhofer Bachhofer 32 32 Klaus Klaus Bachhofer Bachhofer 30.02 30.02 30.02 30.02 2540 2540 2540 2540 16 24 Matias Rocher Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser 90131 90131Karl Karl 90131 Hartman 90131 Hartman Karl Karl Hartman Hartman 31.05 31.05 20.1431.05 31.05 2540 2540 25402540 2540 Hobie 16 104815 Stoney Buhrman 20.44 2540 16 Misha Hartman Suleman Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser 99789 9978990131 99789 99789 Rah'hiyyah Rah'hiyyah Rah'hiyyah Rah'hiyyah Suleman Suleman Suleman 31.30 31.30 22.1931.30 31.30 2540 2540 25402540 2540 16 75191 Jorg Diekman Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser Rudolf Rudolf Nechvile Nechvile Rudolf Rudolf Nechvile Nechvile 31.45 31.45 23.2131.45 31.45 2540 2540 25402540 2540 16 Lauren Davidson Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser 22657 2265790819 Jessica Jessica 22657 22657 Venter Venter Jessica Jessica Venter Venter 32.09 32.09 24.1732.09 32.09 2540 2540 25402540 2540 144538 Hartmit DichlMichaels Hobie HobieLaser 14 14 Hobie Hobie 14 14 41367 41367 Clayton Clayton 41367 41367 Michaels Michaels Clayton Clayton Michaels 32.15 32.15 24.3832.15 32.15 2540 2540 25402540 2540 14 16 Eliot Oosthuizen Hobie HobieHobie 16 16 Hobie Hobie 16 105425 10542543122 Craig Craig 105425 105425 Gibson Gibson Craig Craig Gibson Gibson 32.48 32.48 25.2632.48 32.48 2540 2540 25402540 2540 16 75883 Susan Steyn Garcia Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser Claudia Claudia Garcia Garcia Claudia Claudia Garcia 34.13 34.13 27.0734.13 34.13 2540 2540 25402540 2540 14 Robert Glover Laser Laser Hobie Laser Laser 55804 5580460460 Zé-Elias Zé-Elias 55804 55804 De DeZé-Elias Zé-Elias Jongh Jongh De De Jongh Jongh 36.10 36.10 28.0036.10 36.10 2540 2540 25402540 2540 37.59 37.59 37.59 37.59 Laser 32 Klaus Bachhofer 30.02 2540 Miura Miura Miura Miura NAM19 NAM19 NAM19 NAM19 Leslie Lesliekoen koen Leslie Leslie koen koen 2540 2540 2540 2540 Karl Hartman Laser Laser LaserLaser Laser 55831 5583190131 Haut Haut 55831 55831 Labuschagne Labuschagne Haut Haut Labuschagne Labuschagne 41.05 41.05 31.0541.05 41.05 2540 2540 25402540 2540 VAN VANDE DESTADT STADT VAN VAN40 40 DE DE STADT STADT 40 40 Peter PeterDavidson Davidson Peter Peter Davidson Davidson 41.16 41.16 41.16 41.16 2540 2540 2540 2540 LaserKeel Rah'hiyyah Keel Keelboat boat Keel boat boat NAM NAM17 17 NAM NAM17 17 99789 Robert Robert Key KeyRobert RobertSuleman Key Key 46.45 46.45 31.3046.45 46.45 2540 2540 25402540 2540 LaserKeel Rudolf Nechvile Keel Keelboat boat Keel boat boat John JohnPollock Pollock John John Pollock Pollock 50.34 50.34 31.4550.34 50.34 2540 2540 25402540 2540 LaserGibsea 22657 Jessica Venter Gibsea Gibsea Gibsea Dario DarioDe DeGouveia Gouveia Dario Dario De De Gouveia Gouveia 56.38 56.38 32.0956.38 56.38 2540 2540 25402540 2540 Hobie 14 41367 Clayton Michaels Optimist Optimist Optimist Optimist Chelsea Chelsea De De Chelsea Chelsea Gouveia Gouveia De De Gouveia Gouveia 61.40 61.40 32.1561.40 61.40 2540 2540 25402540 2540 Hobie 16Chick 105425 CraigKotchoubei Gibson Kotchoubei Dab DabChick Chick Dab Dab Chick Alexandra Alexandra Alexandra Alexandra Kotchoubei Kotchoubei 75.17 75.17 32.4875.17 75.17 2540 2540 25402540 2540 Laser Claudia Garcia Michiel Michiel Coetzee Coetzee Michiel Michiel Coetzee Coetzee RTD RTD RTD RTD 34.13 2540 2540 25402540 2540 LaserOptimist 55804 Zé-Elias DeSuleman Jongh Optimist Optimist Optimist Zahra ZahraSuleman Suleman Zahra Zahra Suleman DNS DNS DNS DNS 36.10 2540 2540 25402540 2540 37.59 Miura NAM19 Leslie koen 2540 Laser 55831 Haut Labuschagne 41.05 2540 VAN DE STADT 40 Peter Davidson 41.16 2540 Keel boat NAM 17 Robert Key 46.45 2540 Keel boat John Pollock 50.34 2540 Gibsea Dario De Gouveia 56.38 2540 Optimist Chelsea De Gouveia 61.40 2540 Dab Chick Alexandra Kotchoubei 75.17 2540 Michiel Coetzee RTD 2540 Optimist Zahra Suleman DNS 2540

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