Virtual Edition

Page 1



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Heroes' day clean-up

Page 3

Youth Leaque member killed

The unveiling of the plaque by Erongo Governor, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua

Tourism for the Topnaars Piquet Jacobs

Yesterday saw the launch of the Kuiseb Delta concession, a government property grant which will allow the community to operate various tourism services in the Kuisebmond Delta conservation area. The Kuiseb Delta Development Trust recently signed a contract with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism’s concession unit in Windhoek, to al-

low community members to start tourist activities in the area. Attractions such as tented camp sites, lodges, 4x4 drives, walking trails and

donkey cart rides will now be allowed to operate in this area. The Delta Trust received four bonds as per contract terms, the first bond being

for tourism, the second will be for the protection of the indigenous !Nara plant, the third being for the protection of the community heritage and

the last bond for the conservation of the Namib Naukluft and the Dorob National Park. According to Mr Ambrosius Swartbooi, the Pro-

ject Coordinator of the Traditional Authority, the battle for grant approval has been a long process as project proposals started in 2006.

Continues on page 2

Strand Hotel’s delay explained Jade McClune & Marshallino Beukes

Page 4

The Desert Poet


An der Atlanti

Worte der Woche Page 15

Worte der Woche

South African-based construction giant Stefanutti Stocks, the main contractor on Olthaver and List Group’s new hotel, the Strand Hotel, has been dogged by labour complaints of late and there are signs of industrial unrest brewing at the construction site. “It’s inhumane, we can’t survive on these wages,” some of the workers said on Thursday. Several bricklaying contractors downed tools on Monday and refused to return to work until basic rates of pay have been renegotiated. There are around seven bricklaying contractors on site, three of which stopped work this week to demand better terms.

The problem apparently arose from the fact that subcontractors pay their workers per hour, but the main contractors pay per square metre and the discrepancy has caused small companies to run into serious financial problems when the figures do not add up. One of the bricklaying subcontractors, Mr Bonny Kashululu, said he cannot afford to pay his

workers the official government-approved rates (N$26.78 for artisans), and was forced to pay the below-standard rate of N$20. Even this amount he could not afford with what he earned this month, he added. Several contractors confirmed the same predicament. One said that they have been on the site for three months, but as of August, the income

was simply not enough to cover basic wages. Paying the official wage rate was impossible given what they earn, a few contractors explained. One company received N$40 000 for work completed this month, but their labour costs amounted to N$71 000. Workers reported that several subcontractors have quit the site, though

Seite 16

this could not be independently confirmed. It is understood that Stefanutti Stocks has lately improved the offer and raised the basic rate from N$75 to N$85 per square metre for bricklaying work.

A spokespeson for Stefanutti Stocks said they are paying “market-related rates”. Kashululu maintains that Stefanutti’s rates compare poorly to what builders earn, for example on the NHE hous-

ing project in northern

Continues on page 2

Table Tennis Open

Swa m

Swakopmun Am Freitag, September, i der soweit. mund lässt Kulturaula m mental- und musik erscha An dem Kon men diesmal Gruppen teil Band Swak das JPB-Trio nergesangsve kopmund, d cato-Jugendc Flötengruppe

Ehrgeiz und Zielstrebigkeit werden eines Tages belohnt. Foto: Eingesandt! „Unter 20 Fällen macht 19 mal fester Wille und Geduld das sogenannte Unmögliche ganz über alle Erwartungen leicht möglich.“ Hermann Fürst P ü c k l e r- M u s k a u (*1785 in Moskau, gest. 1871 in Cottbus/ Brandenburg) war ein deutscher Reiseschriftsteller und Landschaftsgärtner. „Wenn der Mensch sich etwas vornimmt, so ist ihm mehr möglich, als er glaubt.“ Johann Pestalozzi (*1746 in Zürich, gest. 1827 in Brugg/Schweizer Kanton Aargau) war ein Pä-

dagoge. Außerdem machte er sich als Philanthrop, Schulund Sozialreformer, Philosoph sowie Politiker einen Namen. „Zielstrebigkeit ist eine der wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für Erfolg im 32 Leben, egal Page welches Ziel man verfolgt.“ John D. Rockefeller II. (*1874 in New York, gest. 1960 in New York) war ein US-amerikanischer P h i l a n t h ro p u n d Sohn von John D. Rockefeller (1839 1937), dem Gründer der Standard Oil und einem der reichsten Amerikaner seiner Zeit.

Zwecks Werbung melden Sie sich bei Mikkie Kriel; 0812869519 oder

SWAKOP ENGINEERING zieht um, ab 1 September zu erreichen:

SWAKOP ENGINEERING is moving, and can be found

te Wittes M Musikschule sikgruppe de sa Youth O ties, Swakop unter der Le Heinz Czech Trio Feminal Das JPB-Trio gens erst g gegründet w setzt sich a Querflöte, ei loncello und ge zusammen Instrumentali in dem Art mance Cente



29 AUGUST 2014


Accident scenes

AREVA Namibia’s Care and Maintenance Management team participated in cutting the ribbon to the new 28 km link road at Trekkopje Mine.

A safer road to Trekkopje Mine Marshallino Beukes

A 28 kilometer gravel link road from Trekkopje Mine to Arandis railway was inaugurated last Friday by the Mayor of Arandis, Mr Daniel Muhuura.

Road accidents continue to concern A number of road accidents occurred in Walvis Bay this week as a head-on collision between a Corsa bakkie and an Audi occurred on Heroes' Day, Tuesday, a car drove into a wall on Thursday morning and two vehicles collided on Wednesday afternoon. On all three occasions the injured were transported to hospital by ambulance. Auto Help towing service and emergency assistance were the first on the scene and reported on the accident on their public profile. The motor vehicle accident on Tuesday evening on the corner of Sam Nujoma Avenue and 16th Road appeared to have

happened due to one of the vehicles overtaking the other. The vehicles involved were a Corsa bakkie and an Audi. Two vehicles collided on 5th road in Walvis Bay on Wednesday with one minor injury reported. Thursday morning’s mo-

tor vehicle accident happened on the corner of Moses Garoeb Street and Circumferential Road in the early hours of the morning. The cause of the crash was unknown at the time of going to print and Nampol have launched an investigation.

Areva’s engineering team formed a joint venture with the onsite road maintenance contractor HH Schultz to construct this road. Mayor Muhuura applauded Areva saying, “This event underpins the development commitment between Areva Namibia, the Arandis Town Council and the communities that are beneficiaries to this road.”

Mr Hilifa Mbako, Areva’s Managing Director (MD), stated that their most valuable asset, their employees, will now benefit by a safer and shorter travelling time. “In comparison, this road saves costs and was done in record time. The first road, running through the central business area of Arandis, benefits the local community,” he further noted.

Mayor Muhuura underlined the importance of this link as a major investment which will not only benefit the mine, but also the overall road users in terms of less traffic on the B2 road. “Industrial development must cater for sustainable development and we need to make sure that we put safety measures in place to enable us to strike a fair balance in maintaining

our production, our workforce and our nation in a much safer environment”, the Arandis Mayor commented. “Areva Namibia has been a serious development partner and has contributed immensely to the social economic transformation of our town through the partnership that we have shared over the years,” Mayor Muhuura concluded.

Kuiseb Delta concession

Continued from page 1

A committee of 13 members has been elected to protect the indigenous !Nara plant, with assistance from the Traditional Authority and Erongo Regional Council. Members of the committee represent the 14 Topnaar settlements in the area. Mr Seth Kooitjie, Topnaar Chief, commented “We want everyone to take a sip from the Kuiseb Ri-

ver and we can assure that we are ready to take up the responsibilities which come along with this concession to build the Topnaar capacity.” “The Kuiseb Delta is a very historic site, which I am glad to see will be correctly handled,” Mr Cleophas Mutjivikua, the Erongo Governor, said in a speech prepared by the Minister of Environment

and Tourism, Uahekua Herunga. “This project will reduce poverty and unemployment, as a whole, and will provide an opportunity to generate even more benefits for the Topnaar community.” Alvine Kham, elected Chairperson of the Kuiseb Delta Development Trust, awarded the Topnaar Community Founda-

tion Trust with N$10 000, another source to uplift the community. The contract between the Delta Trust and the ministry will be simplified and another presentation will be held in Walvis Bay where the full content of the concession contract will be explained to all stakeholders involved in the project.

meet a delegate from Stefanutti Stocks to announce new terms. One senior manager at the site said they were not aware of any industrial unrest, despite the large gathering of workers in front of their offices. He said the appointment of subcontractors is done according to “the going rate” and based on the tender specifications. Speaking from Stefanutti Stocks' offices in Windhoek, Managing Director Mr Samie van Zyl said the rates are agreed on and clearly stipulated in the contracts. He said they also paid out additional amounts to cover “the shortfall” that the subcontractors experienced. Mr Van Zyl said on Thursday that he was on his way to Swakopmund

to deal with the issue. In a follow-up response he wrote that: “There is no industrial unrest at the Strand Hotel site. Our bricklaying subcontractors have said that they are not happy with their payment for the month and we have shown them that the problem is not the rate per meter square but their production.” “You cannot compare the rates paid on commercial buildings to rates paid on housing contracts, as the production rates are very different. Further to our rate we also supply the... mortar, scaffold and bricks at the area of work. We do the setting out and set up profiles, they just have to lay bricks.” Asked if the subcontractors are earning

enough to meet the official wage rates, he said: “Yes, but they must be productive. We set them up with ready-mix mortar, scaffold and bricks at the area of work to maximise their productivity. The government gazette has published production rates for the different hourly rates for bricklayers which they are currently not achieving.” The new four-star Strand Hotel is a prestigious project, which will form a new jewel in the crown of Olthaver and List Group’s extensive business and property portfolio in Namibia. Construction is expected be completed by mid-2015 and is estimated to cost around N$340 million.

Antie Zee wen ‘n kar! Strand Hotel’s delay explained Continued from page 1

Marshallino Beukes

Vir me Zeenat Abrahams (53) was verlede Saterdagaand ‘n oomblik wat sy nooit in haar lewe gaan vergeet nie, nadat sy ‘n splinternuwe Toyota Etios 1.5 losgeslaan het. Antie Zee, soos sy algemeen onder Swakopmunders bekend is, het die voertuig tydens Lewis Stores se jaarlikse toekenning seremonie by die Safari Hotel in Windhoek gewen. Sy werk in die kliëntediens-afdeling van die firma en dit is in hierdie kategorie dat sy, voor die neuse van ongeveer 850 Lewis werknemers (Namibië, R.S.A. en Botswana), die hoofprys we-

ggeraap het. Antie Zee, wat alreeds vanaf 1991 ‘n werknemer by Lewis Stores is, het aan die koerant genoem dat sy daardie oomblik, toe sy as wenner aangekondig is, nie in woorde kan beskryf nie. “Ek was sprakeloos en kan nie eens presies onthou wat alles gevolg het nadat my naam as wenner uitgeroep was

nie,” vertel sy. Op ‘n vraag wat sy met die voertuig gaan doen, of sy dit dalk in die mark gaan plaas, was haar antwoord ‘n defnitiewe NEE! “Dit is die eerste keer in my lewe dat ek iets wen en dit nogal so ‘n groot prys!”, het die ekstatiese me Abrahams aan namib times gesê.

Swakopmund, where he also has a bricklaying contract, that pays N$120 per square metre. One frustrated worker said: “They are abusing us. We are under a lot of pressure to produce and the bosses are never satisfied, but they are paying so little that we can’t survive.” The workers agreed that if their wage packets are not sorted out by Friday, they won’t return to work. Some said they simply cannot afford to. The subcontractors are concerned they will lose artisans: “The real problem for us is many of the skilled workers will leave if their wages are not in order and we can’t easily replace them.” Several groups of workers gathered at the site on Thursday, expecting to

29 AUGUST 2014



Heroes' Day clean-up Sharlien Tjambari Members of Oruuano Protestant Unity Church proved that you don’t need to do big things to be considered a hero when they arranged a Project Shine community clean-up campaign on Heroes' Day (Tuesday, 26 August). Oruuano Protestant from Swakopmund to Apart from the OruuaUnity Church is one Arandis of littering, es- no Protestant Unity of the committed par- pecially glass bottles Church, the nine other ticipants of the Project dumped on the side of groups involved in the Shine clean-up group the road. Project Shine clean-up who spent five hours In 2008 the project incleaning up a ten kilo- cluded the shoreline be- include: Hanganeni Primeters stretch between tween Henties Bay and mary School, SwakopSwakopmund and Hen- Sandwich Harbour, to mund Special and Pararemove litter from the lympics, Westside High ties Bay. Project Shine was laun- beach and preserve our School, DRC Green ched six years ago on precious shoreline. Ambassadors, St. John World Environmental According to the mem- Apostolic Faith Mission Day (5 June) by the for- bers of the church it is and Necessity Wellmer Mayor of Swakop- a fun and exciting exmund Rosina //Hoabes. perience; they enjoy ness Professions, which The fundamental goal the campaign as it also mostly consist of learof the project was to gives them an opportu- ners from Coastal High clean the main road nity to exercise. School.

Rubbish collected during the Project Shine clean-up campaign

Walvis Bay commended Dorcas Mhungu

The American Embassy Chargé d’Affaires, John Kowalski, commended the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) in Walvis Bay and the municipality , during his maiden visit to the coast last week, for giving back to the community and placing Walvis Bay at the heart of the Namibian economy. He said business owners are the ones who add positions and jobs, in order to meet new and expanding markets and they are the ones who take the chances, provide the tax base and in turn produce more opportunities for the greater community. Kowalski also said when more opportunities arise more and better people, personnel and experts are produced. The diplomat said President Hifikepunye Pohamba and the Mini-

ster of Trade and Industry, Calle Schlettwein, among other dignitaries, have expressed the need to create jobs in Namibia during visits to the United States. Addressing delegates at a dinner hosted by the NCCI and business luminary John Savva, Kowalski described the operations at the Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) as astounding. “The dynamism of this port (Port of Walvis Bay) gives me goose bumps.”

Every container is product and therefor profit which means that every container has something that helps the economy grow, he explained. “It comes from you, it flows through you, and your services that benefit the Walvis Bay community,” he addressed the partnership. “We did well coming here to establish our connections. What you have here is not just seen in Windhoek, but it is also seen in the United States as it

follows along what President Obama has set out at the African Leaders Summit,” Kowalski continued. “Africans helping Africans, Africans building Africa and you people need to be commended for that. You have taken the chances, you have gone through the hardships you have done what you know is right and you give back to the community,” Kowalski acknowledged. He noted that the Americans also realise that

the heart of any country is its commercial part. Kowalski explained that his government helps the economy to grow by assisting small and disadvantaged owned businesses because the Government understands the impact that supporting businesses has on the wider community. He told the delegates that the Millennium Challenge Corporation that is winding down was administered brilliantly by the team at the Millennium Chal-

lenge Account (MCA) Namibia. He outlined projects that were financed by the MCA Namibia which includes State veterinary offices, schools and educational equipment. He said Namibia has all that is necessary to attract people and other entrepreneurs who are willing to come and take the chance. The country’s attributes, Kowalski said, include access to the Southern African Development Community (SADC),

the port facilities, the infrastructure investment, stable government, the support from government and the example of good governance that Namibia has. “You have all the right pieces in place and we will do our best here to help attract and see if we can get a lot of containers out of that yard bound for America because it will help Namibia and it will help America,” he concluded.


29 AUGUST 2014

Youth League member shot dead Jade McClune in front of Swapo HQ Tensions are running high after a 26-year old woman was shot in front of Swapo Party headquarters in Windhoek during a protest over jobs on Wednesday. Coming one day after the celebration of Heroes Day, the killing of Frieda Ndatipo marks a turning-point in the struggle of the youth for jobs and housing, and may have an impact on the upcoming elections. Initial reports indicate that the young woman a mother of three - was killed by the police. She was part of a larger group of around 300 people, known as the 'Children of the Liberation Struggle', whose

parents died or went missing during the years in exile. The protesters returned to the Swapo Party HQ on Hans-Dietrich Genscher Street, Katutura, on Wednesday after they were forcibly removed on Monday. On Wednesday evening it was reported that Frieda Ndatipo was shot from behind while trying to flee the scene of the protest. The killing has also split the ranks of the ruling party along the lines of

The late Frieda Ndatipo

the old guard, who are largely supportive of the police action, and the youth who are opposed to it. Prime Minister Hage Geingob came out with a thundering condemnation of the protestors in parliament: “As government, we say there can be no compromise on the protection of private property and maintaining of peace. We cannot allow Namibia to become a State which is plunged into anarchy. "This is a highly tragic and regrettable event which should not tear us apart but draw us closer where we can hold hands and listen to one another. Using tragedies such as the one which occurred today for the advancement of election campaigns is not going to make government to acquiesce to demands,” the PM said, and asked the protesters to go home. One of the protestors said they had planned a peaceful event and were stunned when the police resorted to using live ammunition. She said they have been protesting there at least three times a week for many months. The desperate measures they have resorted to and

Man uses broom as weapon Mavourlene Gaes

NamRights and who was a double orphan, originated from Eenhana, in the Ohangwena Region [and] was part of close to 30 CLS demonstrators who assembled at the SWAPO Party head offices to demand employment.’’ There is red-hot outrage on the streets over the apparent killing of an unarmed woman, but also over the decision of a local newspaper organisation that published the face of the deceased woman lying in a pool of blood in front of the ruling party's headquarters, mere minutes after the incident. The decision by some news agencies to publish the victim's face immediately after the incident, has been reported to the Media Ombudsman by the Namibian chapter of the Media Institute (MISA) for investigation. The Finnish embassy in Windhoek has meanwhile issued a travel warning, saying "There is a possibility of further demonstrations and related unrest in coming days and weeks: travellers should avoid all protests as a security precaution, and also avoid travel to Katutura unless accompanied by someone who knows the area well."

Taxi driver robbed Crime Reporter

Petrus Kapewa (25) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, at the Walvis Bay Magistrates court on Thursday after he attacked Nicodemus Amunine (40) with a broom, causing an open wound on his head. Describing what happened on that fateful night, Amunine said he was out watching soccer. Before returning home he went to a nearby cuca shop as he knew people living there. When he got to the shop he found people sitting outside and started talking about soccer. He added that Kapewa was also amongst the people at the cuca shop. “They invited me in to drink beer, but I had to decline as I had to go to work early the following morning,” he said. According to Amunine he went home to retire for the night but after realising he had misplaced important keys he returned to the shop to ask the people whether they had seen keys lying around. “After they said they had not seen my keys, I went to ask Kapewa,” he added. When he arrived at the shack, the accused allegedly poured a glass of beer in his face. Amunine said he wiped the beer

repeated clashes with the police made regular headline news over the past four years, but on Wednesday events took a turn for the worse. It was reported that the police fired warning shots before opening fire on the protesters. A scuffle broke out between the protesters and the police, shortly before the shooting. The demonstrators were reportedly beaten. The incident occurred within earshot of the Katutura State Hospital, but the victim died before the ambulance arrived at the scene. At the time of publication the police had not yet released a statement, but there were unconfirmed rumours that there was an exchange of gunfire between the uniformed forces and the protesters. Director of the human rights watchdog, Namrights, Mr Ya Nangoloh Phil, is demanding to know who gave the order to shoot. He said in a statement shortly after the incident: "NamRights strongly condemns the brutal murder this morning of a 26-year old female member of the Children of the Liberation Struggle (CLS) pressure group. "The deceased, who is personally known by

from his face, asking him whether he was angry or why exactly he did that and at that point Kapewa hit him with the broom on the head. At the second attempt to hit him with the broom, Amunine grabbed the broom. The complainant said he went to the cuca shop for help and later went to the hospital for treatment where he received three stitches to the head. Kapewa denied the charges, saying he merely defended himself after being threatened by the complainant. An eyewitness, Festus Amunyela, also appeared in court and confirmed that he heard the two men arguing and later had to help a bloody Amunine to get to the Walvis Bay hospital for treatment. The accused was found guilty by Magistrate Andre Matulich and because he was a first time offender, was given a fine of N$2 000 or eight months in jail.

A local taxi driver was robbed by three men of his vehicle and N$200 who later abandoned the taxi at the Walvis Bay dumping site. The culprits, Mattheus Nuyoma (22), Joseph Shikongo (24) and Temus Ronald Lazoo (25) appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates court last week Friday on charges of robbery and aggravating circumstances. The taxi driver picked up three men around 18:00 in Kuisebmond and they said they wanted to be dropped off near the Welwitschia Hospital. Before the taxi driver reached the hospital, one of the men allegedly took out a knife and ordered the taxi driver to stop. The trio dragged the taxi driver out of the vehicle and drove away. It is alleged the men also stripped the car radio. The money and the radio were not recovered.

SWAKOPMUND Regional Court - Paulus Johannes (30), Stefanus Kanditi (27) and Joel Nambala (28) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 26 September . The accused are on bail. - Bethuel Pelle Kaendjamo (33) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 3 October. The accused is on bail. - Alfons de Klerk (41) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 24 October. The accused is on bail. - Luksa Matheus Maseka (25) appeared on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed to 19 November. The accused is on bail. - Immanuel Nowaseb (28) appeared on a charge of rape and assault. The matter was postponed to 6 February 2015. The accused is in custody.

Court A and B

- Johannes Kambonde (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 13 November. The accused is on bail. - Tyron Eckardt (21) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 3 December . The accused is in custody. - Andelus Frans Temba (25), Evan van Wyk (25), Verenal Salzmann (25), Buruxa Butkus (25), and Elago Isack (24), who was absent, appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 29 September. The accused are on bail. - Jayda Garas (22) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 7 October. The accused is on bail. - Armentos !Haobeb (23) absent, appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 9 October. The accused is in custody. - Selvyn Alroy Engelbrecht (36) appeared on a charge of corruptly accepting gratification by agent (as an inducement). The matter was postponed to 12 September. The accused is on bail. - Reviva Poolman (19) appeared on a charge of abortion. The matter was postponed to 4 September. The accused is on bail. - Meriam Shangombe (30) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 6 November. The accused I on bail - Clifford Beukes (37) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident). The matter was postponed to 14 October. The accused is summoned. - Joachin Hermanus (31) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive bloodalcohol level. The charges against the accused were withdrawn. - Riaan van der Westhuizen (28) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was post-poned to 9 March 2015. The accused is summoned. - Joseph Amukwaya (36) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 12 November. The accused is on bail. - Robert Ramazani (31) appeared on a charge of dealing drugs. The matter was postponed to 3 September. The accused is in custody.

29 AUGUST 2014



29 AUGUST 2014 Photo by Bernabé Blaauw


Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

According to a release “Everybody who is in the maritime economy specter or is interested in moving forward is invited to attend, to share their experiences and to take home new initiatives from counterparts.” The early bird registration (at a discounted rate), which can be done on the website or by contacting the organizer, closes on 31August. The theme of this year’s conference is ‘Contemporary Port Developments and Management” in alignment with Afri-

ca’s Integrated Maritime Stra-tegy (AIMS) of 2050. It will incorporate the International Association of Ports and Habours (IAPH) Africa-Europe regional meeting; the PAPC General Council and the PMAESA General Council. The objective of this Conference is to enhance the Africa Union’s drive in achieving the AIMS 2050 objectives of exploiting, in full, Africa’s Blue Economy. Africa’s Blue Economy encapsulates the entire

potential of Africa’s oceanic resources and is quoted as “offering a platform for Africa’s transformation.” In addition to being a critical source of protein, Africa’s Blue Economy provides livelihoods for fishermen and processors, supplies hard currency from exports of fishery products, and boosts government revenues through taxes. In all, fisheries alone is reported to provide livelihoods to over 10 million men and women engaged in catching,

processing and trade. The conference is geared to providing a step towards attaining an indepth awareness of the AIM strategy and how PAPC can learn to synergise with their European peers from the IAPH platform through the Africa-Europe Regional Group. The event which will be hosted by the Kenya Ports Authority is being organised by the PAPC Secretariat in conjunction with the three Port Management Associations - West and Central

Africa, East and Southern Africa and North Africa. Key speakers who will address wide ranging topical subjects have been drawn from Regional and Global Economic and Trade Organisations such as Africa Union Commission, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Econo-mic Commission for Africa UNECA and the European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) among others.

Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay today at 06:15 and sunset will be at 17:51. The moon will rise in the east (97º) at 08:23 and will set in the west (261º) at 21:12. The first high tide will be at 04:25 and the next high tide at 16:40. The first low tide will be at 10:10 and the next low tide at 22:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund today at 06:14 and sunset will be at 17:51. The moon will rise in the east (97º) at 08:23 and will set in the west (261º) at 21:12.The first high tide will be at 04:25 and the next high tide at 16:40. The first low tide will be at 10:00 and the next low tide at 22:25. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Saturday at 06:14 and sunset will be at 17:51. The moon will rise in the southeast (101º) at 09:02 and will set in the southwest (257º) at 22:05. The first high tide will be at 05:00

and the next high tide at 17:15. The first low tide will be at 10:40 and the next low tide at 23:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Saturday at 06:13 and sunset will be at 17:51. The moon will rise in the southeast (101º) at 09:02 and will set in the southwest (257º) at 22:05. The first high tide will be at 04:55 and the next high tide at 17:10. The first low tide will be at 10:35 and the next low tide at 23:00. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Sunday at 06:13 and sunset will be at 17:52. The moon will rise in the southeast (105º) at 09:44 and will set in the southwest (254º) at 22:59. The first high tide will be at 05:35 and the next high tide at 17:55. The first low tide will be at 11:15 and the next low tide at 23:50. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Sunday at 06:13 and sunset will be at 17:52. The

moon will rise in the southeast (105º) at 09:44 and will set in the southwest (254º) at 22:59. The first high tide will be at 05:30 and the next high tide at 17:50. The first low tide will be at 11:10 and the next low tide at 23:45. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Monday at 06:12 and sunset will be at 17:52. The moon will rise in the southeast (108º) at 10:29 and will set in the southwest (251º) at 23:55. The first high tide will be at 06:20 and the next high tide at 18:45. The only low tide of the day will be at12:05. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Monday at 06:12 and sunset will be at 17:52. The moon will rise in the southeast (108º) at 10:30 and will set in the southwest (251º) at 23:55. The first high tide will be at 06:20 and the next high tide at 18:40. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:55.

Port Log

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

Namport, along with port executives across Africa and Europe, are gearing up for the 10th Pan African Association Port Co-operation (PAPC) conference, to be held from 16 – 19 November in Mombasa, Kenya, this year.

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

aru ru

Gearing up for PAPC on Africa’s Blue Economy


Walvis Bay Port Scene

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

29 AUGUST 2014



29 AUGUST 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.


Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments

acebook A warning to marine jobseekers Please allow us space to warn the unknowing public about the recruitment of trainee marine engineers and navigational officers offered by [company name withheld] in Walvis Bay.

#Namlish, no further explanation needed Herman Paul Salo How does this maneja look like? Odette Carmelita Beukes You is andestand. Peter Dirks No wanders i is not com in. Mervin Gilbert Is that the new English of the Namibian version called, Namlish. Liezl Quintal Hahahaaaaha!!! Luv it! Maurishia Brock Classic lag ek nou so lekker. Joriz Wasofficer Jonker Kyk kama hu s manager ge skrf sme peepz neh. Joriz Wasofficer Jonker U nt

must speak or wrte the language if u dnt knw it... oog. Jc Joe Lalla Vries Tah lag my … af. Urbanus Ndjaronguru We were only told anyway u wil not stand there whole day waitin for to be open if u can read u wil help urself. Gerda Correia Ahh just lovely... i love it. Sustertjie Jacobs Yoh... I like it. Eben Khuruseb Memeja I think i know that meme! John Edward Forbes Vision 2030 we are off to a particularly good start.

Vivienne Aina Ndana Admin you are so outdated come up with new jokes. Eddie Claasen Lmk dit gaan die heel Tyd soe nam lish papa. Egon Jankowski Thanks guys you made my night. My stor no closed. In no longa menenja. Og guys lol. Påùlùs Nelulu Eish men. Dawn Els I LOVE! and I miss. Katrina Ndjendjela Loool lol. Napoleon Napotism Lol dankie meneja. Melany Heniven de Klerk Lol.

For the love of fried chicken

in writing this precautionary piece, but as a former bait myself, I feel it is my moral obligation to warn the jobseeker especially the youth not to fall into this trap set up by this company to catch them and use them as baits to get fishing quotas. [The company] has a dark history (starting from 2004) of enticing the Namibian youth into joining their dubious accelerated training for the purpose of becoming marine engineers and navigational officers on board their fishing vessels. To this date, none of those so-called officers who went through that training is able to take an engineering or navigational watch on their own. It takes three to four years to obtain a diploma in Marine engineering and navigation at institutions such as Cape Peninsula University of Technology, but for the company and its partner it only takes 2 weeks to obtain a grade 2 marine motorman ticket/grade 4

navigational ticket and be put on the vessels to compete with and apparently replace officers who have four years diplomas in these respective fields and in addition you will be forced to sign as an understudy for the position you are not qualified for, and these reports are submitted to the Equity Commission to deceive this government that the company is complying with the Affirmative Action Act. The majority of the trainees have left the company after realising they were in a wild goose chase. They were mere engine room cleaners and coffee makers disguised as motormen and fourth mates respectively! Lastly I understand unemployment rate is high in our country that our youths may blindly fall into this trap, but heed this adage: “He who hearkens not by mere words will hearken by the sight of his own blood,” An irate ex-employee of the company

Namibians, hold on to your licences The issue of selling Exclusive Prospecting Licences (EPLs) by Namibians came under the spotlight during Prime Minister Hage Geingob’s visit to the coast on Saturday, with the Prime Minister calling for the Ministry of Trade and Industry to educate holders of EPLs not to sell their fishing or mining licences. CNemoGlobal It is worth asking: to whom are the new right holders selling their quotas. For example, in late 2012, China Fishery Group obtained fishing quotas for

This letter was apparently found by a teacher in a Grade 10 Authors unknown class. Lukas Malan I think Tuuliki Tutu Shilongo is also in love with chicken. Hahahaha. Merlyn Laksmann Gonzalez Ahhh... its two hand writings the two kids are texting too eash other.... haha sooo funny... chicken love... gaga. Danie De Vries Some people love their chicken. Lol. Tuuliki Tutu Shilongo N wats ur point? Isnt tht private, how would u feel if i hppn to post sum privt thng of urs on fb. Vonny Booysen If this was written during exam time, its most probably done on days they are not writing... They are supposed to be studying in the

There is a story that my grandmother used to tell us that goes like this; an old man was walking a lonesome road and came at evening to a deep and wide chasm. He crossed this rolling stream that had no fear for him in the twilight dim, and when he was safe on the other side, he decided to build a bridge. Now, while he was busy with the bridge, a fellow traveler nearby asked the old man: “why are you wasting your strength with building a bridge over the chasm you have already crossed and will never cross again?” The old man lifted his gray head and said: “good friend, in the path I have come, there followeth after me today, a youth that must pass this way, the chasm that was nought to me, to the fair headed youth may a pitfall be. He too must cross in the twilight dim, therefore good friend, I am building thus bridge for him.” Of course one may rightly ask as to my motive

‘free’ times or should I say off days! Yolandi Lameez Melani Laugh out loud. Augustus Panduleni Life living! Differ from person to persn. T can b straight up / upsite down. Bartho Enid van Wyk Lol.... hilarious. Vhari Morrison Lol. Flekz KooNängwashæ Thy ar chating. Jenny’s Pictures Namibia Kosbare briefie... dierbaar! Egon Jankowski Oh my goodness I like it as lot takes me bsck when I was In primary school. We used to do that, right

letters. Dawn Els One is hungry for food, another is hungry for attention. This is sad. Nicola Meyer Tuuliki Tutu Shilongo I don’t think the problem is what they wrote, it’s how they wrote it. John Malcomx Hahahaa.... future generation. Nelson Nelitto Oxurub Lag good one. Lore Wormsbächer Priorities. Alta van der Merwe Hehe Funny! Izél van Ellewee (All teachers know their students’ handwriting!) … help us because these morons are the future!

horse mackerel in Namibia. Chinese fishing in Africa has raised some concerns among fisheries academics and NGOs. One aspect is the confidentiality and lack of

information on Chinese investments and access agreements, and the risks associated with fisheries agreements being linked with Chinese aid.

Concern over possible “bird-napping” A Walvis Bay resident, whose African Grey parrot escaped last Saturday, is distraught after the man who found the bird allegedly demanded a hefty reward before returning the bird to its rightful owner. According to the woman, she was forced to sign a letter of agreement to pay the money by the end of August before the bird will be returned. Kariseb Mudani Wulf Repeating himself, clear bird napper attitude... they become like the birds after sometime you see. Namibia Smart Lights Mnr, enige troeteldier of troetelvoël, BEHOORT aan iemand, en as jy so oulik was om die voël te vang, moes jy mos

geweet het dit behoort aan iemand, wat het jy gedoen om die eienaar op te spoor, nee jy besluit liewer om vir voël te hou. En toe eienaar by jou kom het jy vir haar voor gesê om die “kontrak” op te stel en dat sy jou einde van die maand moet betaal. Ek wil net by jou weet, is

dit hoe jy met jou naaste werk is daar geen eerlikheid en opregtheid in jou nie, moet nie aan ander doen wat jy nie aan self gedoen wil hê nie, dit is n skande. Annalise Anna Silver Ons African Grey is gesteel einde Junie!

29AUGUST 2014





29 AUGUST 2014

SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of SWAKOPMUND held at SWAKOPMUND CASE NO.: 917/12 In the matter between: ATLANTA BUILDING (PTY) LTD EXECUTION CREDITOR and HOTEL BUNDU 'N SEE CC EXECUTION DEBTOR In the execution of a Judgement of the above Honourable Court the following goods will be sold by Public Auction at Erf 211, No 6 Hendrik Witbooi Street, Swakopmund at 10H00 on Wednesday 10 September 2014. Conditions of Sale: Voetstoots – Cash to the highest bidder. 3 Pot plants 4 Tables with 10 chairs 4 Reed chairs 3 Small tables 1 Large mirror 1 Pamphlet display stand 4 Vases 1 Blue carpet 1 Safe 1 Money box Various electronics 2 Reed baskets Various stationary 6 Picture frames 1 Large mirror 2 Small elephant ornaments Deli: 6 Tables and 30 chairs 3 Fold out tables 1 Pot plant 4 White curtains 2 Wood boxes Various table decorations 5 Place mats 7 Small cups and plates 1 Las-sa CCO coffee machine 1 Electric motor 2 Black chalk boards 2 Curtain rails 10 Menus 1 Reed basket 1 Till drawer 1 Till slip printer 1 Draught dispenser 1 Card reader Scullery 1: 1 Trolley dry rack 1 Trolley shelf 1 Wood chopping block 1 Gas regulator with pipe 2 Hardboard sheets 1 Metal filing cabinet 1 Reception counter 1 Small table 1 Small advert board 1 Dustbin Office stationary shelves 1 Television Cabinet Various speed pourers 2 Glass jugs 4 Perspex sheets Sullery 2: 2 Meat shelves 1 Complete bedroom set with cabinets 1 Book shelf 1 Small crate trolley 1 Outdoor umbrella 1 Kenwood blender/mixer 1 Meat grinder hand operated 1 Glass cutting board 1 Defy fridge 1 510 L Defy chest freezer 1 Metal pie warmer 7 Picture frames 1 Pot plant Kitchen: 4 Stainless steel tables 1 Double door fridge 1 Four plate free standing cooker 2 Chairs 1 Stainless steel electric hot plate 1 Six burner gas griller 1 Four burner gas stove 1 Small gas bottle 1 Backbar oven 7 Pots 3 Pans 2 Wood cutting boards 6 Stainless steel trays 1 Glass tray 1 Elu router (wood tool) 1 Small stand 4 Cutlery baskets 58 Plates 2 Fridge baskets with various cutlery 5 Glasses 1 Espresso cups 2 Teapots 10 Shot glasses 30 Mugs 1 Toaster 1 Pepper grinder 5 Salt and Pepper shakers 13 Glass jars 2 Dustbins 2 Cook trays

1 Illy tea can 1 Picture frame 1 Large ashtray 1 Pot plant Laundry: 3 Chairs 19 Pillows 1 Opal Elna press 1 Vacuum cleaner 1 Carpet 1 Table 19 Pillow cases 2 Aprons 15 Duvet covers 5 Chair covers 5 Chef jackets Bag with bulbs 1 Bosch integrated transfer case 3 Dustbins 2 Irons 4 Lamps 3 Kettles 1 Ironing board 12 Condiment baskets Various cloths 1 Bed base 1 Fridge rack 1 Bamboo blind 3 Towels 1 Shower curtain 4 Toilet lids 2 Window cleaners 3 Brooms 2 Coffee pots 1 Water tray with various glass jars 4 Washing machines 2 Wash rocks 4 Throws Room 1: 4 Pine single beds with linen 2 Bedside tables 2 Chairs 1 Dustbin 1 Dressing table with chair 1 Mirror 1 Picture frame 3 Hallway picture frames Room 2: 1 Double bed 4 Small tables 2 Dustbins 1 Telephone 3 Curtains 2 Picture frames Room 3: 2 Single beds with linen 3 Curtains 1 Phillips television 1 Dressing table 2 Small tables 2 Normal chairs 1 Large mirror 13 Pillows 1 Duvet 1 Dustbin 1 Telephone Storeroom with various maintenance equipment and paint equipment Room 4: 2 Single beds with linen 1 Chair 1 Small table 4 Curtains 1 Dustbin 1 Picture frame 1 Mirror frame 2 Large picture frames 1 Large mirror Room 5: 2 Single beds with linen 3 Small tables 1 Panasonic television 3 Chairs with linen 1 Lamp 3 Picture frames 1 Large mirror 2 Baskets 3 Dustbins 1 Telephone 2 Curtains 3 Towels 1 Hot water flask Room 6: 1 Double bed base with headset 3 Single beds with linen 1 Wardrobe 1 Dressing table with mirror 1 Chair 1 Small table 1 Large mirror 3 Curtains

1 Picture frame Room 7: 1 Note board with markers 1 Dressing table 1 Large mirror 1 Pine single bed base 6 Tables 15 Chairs 2 Televisions 1 Small cabinet 3 Table cloths Room 8: 1 Double bed 2 Small tables 1 Wardrobe with dressing table 1 Goldstar television 2 Curtains 1 Large mirror 2 Picture frames 1 Telephone Room 9 Single bed with linen 2 Small tables 1 Dressing table 2 Picture frames 1 Mirror 1 Dustbin 1 Telephone 2 Curtains Room 10: 2 Single beds with linen 2 Bedside cabinets 1 Small table 1 Wardrobe 2 Dressing tables 1 Dustbin 1 Towel 2 Curtains 2 Picture frames 1 Mirror 1 Telephone Room 11: 2 Single beds 1 Single headboard with lamp 1 Small table 1 Chair with throw 1 Dustbin 2 Curtains 2 Picture frames 1 Mirror Room 12: 3 Single beds with linen 1 Double bed headboard 2 Dustbins 1 Dressing table with chair 1 Small table 1 Television 1 Telephone 2 Curtains 5 Picture frames 1 Mirror 1 Three door wardrobe Room 13: 4 Single beds with linen 1 Single bed with headboard 1 Small table 1 Telephone 1 Dustbin 2 Towels 3 Mirrors 2 Picture frames Room14: 4 Single beds with linen 1 Bedside table 1 Lamp 2 Chairs 1 Dustbin 5 Curtains 1 Mirror 3 Picture frames 2 Pot plants 2 Picture frames Room 15: 1 Double bed with linen 2 Chairs 1 Television with table 1 Bed lamp with telephone 3 Picture frames 1 Large mirror 1 Basket 2 Curtains Room 16: 1 Double bed with linen 2 Small tables 2 Bedside tables 2 Chairs 1 Television 3 Towels Trolley table 1 Throw 1 Bed lamp 1 Telephone 2 Curtains 1 Dustbin

2 Picture frames 1 Mirror Room 17: 1 Double bed with linen 4 Picture frames 1 Large mirror 1 Small table with bed lamp and telephone 2 Chairs 2 Small tables 1 Television 1 Small basket 2 Curtains Room 18: 1 Double bed with linen 2 Bedside tables 1 Lamp 1 Dressing table 1 Chair Small table 1 Television 2 Dustbins 2 Towels 2 Curtains 3 Picture frames 1 Mirror Room 19: 1 Double bed with linen 2 Chairs 2 Small tables 1 Telephone 1 Bed lamp 1 Television trolley table 2 Curtains 2 Dustbins 2 Towels 3 Picture frames 1 Mirror Room 20: 4 Single beds with linen 2 Bedside tables 1 Telephone 2 Small tables 2 Chairs 2 Towels 2 Dustbins 2 Curtains 3 Picture frames 1 Mirror 16 Pot plants 2 Concrete garden benches with tables 1 White cabinet Storeroom: Various wines 6 Dstv decoders 1 Wireless router 1 Bamboo blind Bulbs 2 Multi plugs 3 Gas cylinders Bar: Wood corner table with chairs 3 Aliminium tables with chairs 17 Bar chairs Aliminium frame 1 Two piece lounge suite 1 Three piece reed chair set 1 Glass top table 1 TEK television 1 Amp 1 Dvd player with 3 speakers 3 Wooden boxes 1 Small television 91 Shooter glasses 2 Small plates 1 Tray 2 Draught dispensers 2 High pressure bottles 1 Shooter tray 2 Ice buckets 25 Tot measures with stands TX Wall clock 2 Rubber shooter mats 1 VHS player 1 Redbull display tube Christmas decoration Stationary 1 Speaker 2 Cocktail shakers 1 Bag with coasters 3 Table cloths 3 Bar decorative signs 1 Chest freezer 1 Four door stainless steel under counter freezers 1 Sambok 1 Dustbin 12 Tumbler glasses 16 Glasses – big 6 Wine glasses 8 Draught mugs 1 Till 1 Cork puller 5 Bar mats 1 Dstv decoder THUS DONE and SIGNED at SWAKOPMUND on this 22nd day of August 2014. AHRENS & ASSOCIATES Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Shop 2 An der Waterkant No. 15 Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund Namibia Ref: MGS1/002

Dear Valued Friends & Guests, Join us for our

BRAAI & POTJIE SUNDAY LUNCHES starting this Sunday, 31st August, 2014 at the Rössmund Golf Course. Pre-booking is essential! Please phone 405644 to reserve your spot.

We welcome one and all to enjoy a lovely Sunday meal where the desert meets the greens!

29 AUGUST 2014



29 AUGUST 2014


Supporting Sport and Youth Development in Namibia

Upcoming Highlights:

12 to 14 September: Namibian Junior Inline Trials 8 to 10 October : Benguela Current Commission Conference 9 to 11 October : NCCI Trade Expo Business opportunities available: • Cafeteria • Office Space

Please visit our website Give us a call. We will make your dream event come true!

Contact Buttons Heyns on 0814243299 /

The Vision of the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre is to be recognised internationally as a prime sought after destination for sport and recreation programmes and events.

29 AUGUST 2014

NAMIB TIMES MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(a) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Light Industrial Erf 4480 Walvis Bay (Extension 12) to Back to Back Investment CC (the applicant) Description Erf 4480 Walvis Bay (Ext. 12) Area 7139 m² Zoning Light Industrial Purchase Price N$ 2 855 600 00 Additional amount of N$428 340 00 for VAT (15%) and N$285 560 00 as 10% for landscaping and the establishment of green belts be paid. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Tuesday, 22 October 2014 at room no.30 Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3294 during office hours.

For all your colour adverts & display adverts email to:

Written objections against the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Friday, 25 October 2014. A Victor GENERAL MANAGER: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Fax. 064-209714



29 AUGUST 2014

29 AUGUST 2014





the desert poet and musician

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 30 Aug.: Vlooimark - Gereformeerde Kerk by Moth terrein oorkant Woermann & Brock. * 6 Sept.: Breakfast for Diabetes Education at the Pelican Bay Hotel starts at 10:00. * 13 Sept.: Jackie Louw (Sing Ou Gunsteling & Sinatra) by die Laerskool Walvisbaai Saal om 18:30-19:00. * 22 Sept. - 4 Oct.: Walvis Bay Arts & Craft Expo (Daily from 10:00 - 18:00) at the Laguna Cafe at the Walvis Angling Club. * 27 Sept.: Vrye Pinkstergemeente presents Woman of |Integrity at Huis van Brood Narraville. * 3-4 Oct.: Die WalVIS 2014 fees by die Jan Wilken Sport Stadium. * 24 - 25 Oct.: Walvis Bay Round Table, Show Time (Goes To Hollywood) at Duneside Hall starts @ 19:00. * 29 Oct. - 1 Nov.: Erongo Trade Expo.

Mavourlene Gaes Lorenzo “Nomad” Beukes, a Walvis Bay based poet, musician and record-label partner, is currently working on the launch of his debut album called ‘Rondomtalie’ (roundabout) which he is planning on releasing before the end of the year. Nomad is also promoting his first single of the album “Nog ‘n Kans” (Another Chance) which is being playlisted on West Coast FM and currently in the production phase of its music video. His music, which is in a league of its own, can be described as a mixture of acoustic alternative Hip Hop but Nomad describes his music as a combination of what he sees, what he lives and what he feels. As co-owner of a record label, Nomad is not only a creative artist but he has a keen eye for business as well. “Everything I have done has been released under the auspices of Archive Records, a label I co-own alongside my family who have been my main financial sponsors.” In December 2012 he released a mix tape “Treinrit na die son” meaning

Train ride to the sun in Afrikaans and the following year he released “Gebroke harte” (broken hearts) and “Verlore poskaarte” (Lost postcards), both in Afrikaans. Nomad was born in Oamites, a copper and silver mining town between Rehoboth and Windhoek but moved to Walvis Bay in 2001 when his father found a job in the coastal town. Nomad completed his high school education at Walvis Bay High school two years later. He explained he always had a great love for poetry and used to make money selling poems, when he was still in Primary school. Explaining how he got into music, he said it all started when he met a group of guys, who were into music after his move to Walvis Bay. “We had to do a talent show for the Methodist, so we de-

cided to compose a gospel track Change just for the show and the church loved it,” he said. The song was a kind of inspiration to them to start practising Hip Hop and they decided to form a group of three, they called themselves the “No limit boys”. According to Nomad the group went their separate ways after high school because some of the group members were just not into the whole music business. At their last performance as a band, at a Hip Hop show hosted by local musician Wambuseun, Nomad introduced himself to Mark (West Coast Finest). After the band parted ways, he hooked up with Mark and the two of them decided to start a new group called “Desert Eagles” in 2004. DJay, a local Hip Hop artist,


joined the group shortly afterwards and they released an album in 2005 “The eagle has landed”. Nomad added that while they were busy working on their album, he was also busy on his own experimenting on sounds very different from what the group was doing. “As a group we were into hardcore gangster rap, the sound I was experimenting on was very different from Hip Hop. I believe sound should carry the message, they are supposed to work together,” he said. After realising he was interested in doing something other than Hip Hop, Nomad decided to split from the group and in 2006, he released his first solo mix tape ‘Road to Egoliwood’. Nomad spent the next two years after the release of his mix tape,

promoting it by making copies and handing them out at the shows where he performed, they also received internet sponsorship to promote themselves online. He worked on the Road to Egoliwood project with his good friend and Producer Rainar Von Hatten, adding that his music was also described by a German music critic as “Intense”. In early 2008, with the help of Rainar, he dropped a myspace exclusive mix tape, that was only available for downloads at myspace. In 2009 they re-mastered the “Road to Egoliwood” mix tape and uploaded it on the internet. 2010 saw the release of the “Lost in translation’ that was also made available on the internet for downloads.

Oldies Party at Alte Laundry rocks Marshallino Beukes

The Alte Laundry in Swakopmund hosted a “Triple Decades Disco Party” last Friday night, where party animals revealed how it was done during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.

Youngsters having oldies fun


This event was a one of a kind Disco Party and partygoers invaded the Swakopmund “Hot Spot” in huge numbers. Exciting prizes for the best dressed male and female were up for grabs

and free shooter coupons were handed out during the evening. DJ’s Ruby and Funky X took the crowd back to the “good old days”, during a night of fun, laughter and good music.

* Every Saturday: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. Markets @ 10:00 - 14:00 (29 June, 3 Aug., 31 Aug., 28 Sept. & 2 Nov.). * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 29 Aug.: Alte Laundry 80's Party. * 30 Aug.: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church - Bazaar on church grounds from 09:00. * 30 Aug.: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church, Tamariskia, Langarm Dance with Swingers at the Swakopmund Town Hall starts 20:00 till late. * 3 Sept.: 2014 The Rock - Spitzkoppe Community Run + Mountain Bike Challenge. * 5 Sept.: SICS - NCCI Gala Dinner. * 12 - 14 Sept.: SISC - Namibian Junior Inline Trials. * 13 Sept.: Breakfast for Diabetes Education at Beach Hotel starts 10:00. * 8 - 10 Oct.: SICS - Benguela Current Commission Conference. * 9 - 11 Oct.: SICS - NCCI Business Expo.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30. * Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. * Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people. * Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


29 AUGUST 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste

Worte der Woche

Swakopmund musiziert!

Swakopmund (sk) Am Freitag, den 12. September, ist es wieder soweit. Swakopmund lässt die NPSKulturaula mit Instrumental- und Vokalmusik erschallen. An dem Konzert nehmen diesmal folgende Gruppen teil: die Big Band Swakopmund, das JPB-Trio, der Männergesangsverein Swakopmund, der Mascato-Jugendchor, die Flötengruppe von Dör-

Sie sind eingeladen!

Ehrgeiz und Zielstrebigkeit werden eines Tages belohnt. Foto: Eingesandt! „Unter 20 Fällen macht 19 mal fester Wille und Geduld das sogenannte Unmögliche ganz über alle Erwartungen leicht möglich.“ Hermann Fürst P ü c k l e r- M u s k a u (*1785 in Moskau, gest. 1871 in Cottbus/ Brandenburg) war ein deutscher Reiseschriftsteller und Landschaftsgärtner. „Wenn der Mensch sich etwas vornimmt, so ist ihm mehr möglich, als er glaubt.“ Johann Pestalozzi (*1746 in Zürich, gest. 1827 in Brugg/Schweizer Kanton Aargau) war ein Pä-

dagoge. Außerdem machte er sich als Philanthrop, Schulund Sozialreformer, Philosoph sowie Politiker einen Namen. „Zielstrebigkeit ist eine der wesentlichen Voraussetzungen für Erfolg im Leben, egal welches Ziel man verfolgt.“ John D. Rockefeller II. (*1874 in New York, gest. 1960 in New York) war ein US-amerikanischer P h i l a n t h ro p u n d Sohn von John D. Rockefeller (1839 1937), dem Gründer der Standard Oil und einem der reichsten Amerikaner seiner Zeit.

Zwecks Werbung melden Sie sich bei Mikkie Kriel; 0812869519 oder

meb ausgebildet worden. Das erste Arts Performance Center, ein Entwicklungsprojekt unter Schweizer Leitung, ist vor zehn Jahren in Oshikuku (27 km nordwestlich von Oshakati) ins Leben gerufen worden. Im Laufe der Jahre ist etwas Großartiges gewachsen, und bis heute besuchen weit mehr als 100 junge Menschen aus vorwiegend armen und ärmsten Kreisen

te Wittes Meerdorfer Musikschule, die Musikgruppe der Mondesa Youth Opportunities, Swakop Strings unter der Leitung von Heinz Czech und das Trio Feminale. Das JPB-Trio ist übrigens erst ganz neu gegründet worden. Es setzt sich aus einer Querflöte, einem Violoncello und einer Geige zusammen. Die drei Instrumentalisten sind in dem Arts Performance Center in Tsu-

diese Bildungsstätte. Sie lernen einerseits das Spielen diverser Musikinstrumente, andererseits aber auch die elementarsten Dinge für das tägliche Leben, damit sie eine Existenzgrundlage für die Zukunft haben. Die Karten für das Konzert Swakopmund musiziert, das um 19h00 Uhr beginnt, sind bei der Muschel erhältlich (Tel 4028 74).


SWAKOP ENGINEERING zieht um, ab 1 September zu erreichen:

SWAKOP ENGINEERING is moving, and can be found from:1 September:

Grulo Electric Yard No 8 neben/ next to Cilliers Body Repairs Cell: 081 129 1553

Haltet unsere

Küste sauber!

Locker vom Hocker ,,Raucher werden ausgeräuchert!”

Liebe Küstenleser, Ja, genau so hat es unser Gesundheitsminister Richard Kamwi in seiner Rede zur offiziellen Eröffnung der Lungenklinik im Welwitschia-Privatkrankenhaus in Walvis Bay ausgedrückt und damit die neuen Rauchergesetze erneut bekräftigt. Der medizinische Privatsektor an der Küste hat es geschafft, die erste Lungenklinik in Namibia und die zweite im gesamten südlichen Afrika - nach Südafrika in Betrieb zu nehmen. Der namibischen Regierung muss man (mal) auf die Schulter klopfen, weil sie dafür gesorgt hat, dass Namibia nun zu den Ländern mit den strengsten Gesetzgebungen zum Rauchverbot überhaupt gehört. Da können die Gegner dieser Kampagne meckern, wie sie wollen, es ist einfach grandios, wie den Tabakkonsumenten, die sowohl der eigenen Gesundheit als auch der der Nichtraucher schaden, das Leben schwer gemacht wird. Ich stimme mit dem Altschüler der DHPS, Professor Christophe von Garnier, überein. Der heutige Forschungsgruppenleiter und leitende Arzt beim Inselspital an der Universitätsklinik für Pneumologie in Bern/Schweiz, der sich auch maßgeblich für die Errichtung der Lungenklinik in unserer namibischen Hafenstadt eingesetzt hat, nennt die Anti-Raucher-Beharrlichkeit hierzulande ,,etwas Hervorragendes, eine gute Initiative“. Und das ist sie in der Tat. Das Anti-Raucher-Gesetz in Namibia schließt u.a. folgende Regelungen ein: 1. Komplettes Verbot jeglicher Art von Tabakwerbung und -sponsoring; 2. Gefahrenhinweise auf Tabak- bzw. Zigarettenpackungen; 3. Dreifache Gefahrenund Rauchverbotshinweise vor allen öffentlich zugänglichen Einrichtungen (Restaurants, Bars, Geschäfte, Einkaufszentren usw.); 4. Verkauf an und Konsum durch unter 18Jährige verboten; 5. Verbot von Zigarettenautomaten; 6. Tabakkonsum ist an allen öffentlichen Plätzen sowie im Umkreis von drei Metern vor Fenstern, Türen und Venti-

lationseinlässen strengstens verboten; 7. Verbot von Tabakkonsum auch an öffentlichen Außenplätzen, sofern der Minister dieses anordnet. Nicht ganz geklärt sind die Strafen, die gegen Verstöße verhängt werden. Die Vergeltungsmaßnahmen sind Geldbußen zwischen N$ 200 und N$ 4000 oder Gefängnisstrafen zwischen einem Jahr und zehn Jahren. Ausschlaggebend aber ist vor allem die Antwort auf die Frage, ob die Regierung es auch schafft, die nötige Kontrolle diesbezüglich auszuüben. Ein Herr aus Rundu hat

sich via Leserbrief in unserer deutschen Tageszeitung wiederholt über die Anti-RaucherBestimmungen mokiert; ,,Dann soll der Herr Gesundheitsminister mal bitte in den Norden kommen. Da lacht selbst die Polizei darüber, wenn man sagt, hier kannste nicht mehr rauchen; es wird doch gar nicht ernst genommen. Ich habe Bilder, auf denen zu sehen ist, wie die Mutter im Shebeen raucht - mit Baby im Arm sowie einer Flasche Bier in der anderen Hand.” Tatsächlich bleibt abzuwarten, ob die Überprüfung des neuen AntiTabak-Gesetzes auch konsequent ausgeübt wird. Allerdings stimme ich nicht mit dem Herrn aus Rundu darin überein, dass die Regierung dann doch auch gleich Alkohol verbieten sollte, wie er in einem weiteren Leserbrief vorschlägt. Was stört mich an diesem Gedanken? Nein, nicht etwa die Angst, dass man mir das Alkoholtrinken verbieten könnte und ich gezwungenermaßen zur heimlichen Tr i n k e r i n w e r d e n

müsste, sondern einfach die Argumentation an sich. Man kann doch ein wirklich gutes Gesetz, das erlassen wurde, nicht einfach zunichte machen mit der Forderung: Wenn EIN Verbot, dann gleich ALLES verbieten, was ungesund ist. Dazu würden dann konsequenterweise gehören: Alkohol, ja, aber auch Kaffee und jegliches Koffein (ist eine Droge, wenn zu viel davon eingenommen wird,

und reizt das Nervensystem und den Darm!); Zucker (kann auch zu einer Droge werden, wenn man sich die Diabetiker-Statistiken ansieht, die durch zu viel Zuckerkonsum in die Höhe geschossen sind) ; selbst Salz, im Übermaß zu sich genommen, wirkt in unserem Gehirn wie Heroin und Kokain usw. usw. Fakt ist, dass vieles, was man in Maßen zu sich nimmt (auch Alkohol) nicht unbedingt schädlich ist, aber sobald es in Massen eingenommen wird, wird es ungesund. Eine Ausnahme bilden harte Rauschgifte wie Heroin und „Crystal Me-thamphetamine“, das in Südafrika auch als Tik bekannt steht, und Zigaretten, die schon bei der Einnahme von kleinen Mengen verheerende gesundheitliche Folgen haben können. Als Nichtraucher, der jahrzehntelang in öffentlichen Lokalen ungewollt mitrauchen musste, freue ich mich jedenfalls über dieses neue Gesetz! Ihre Susann Kinghorn


29 AUGUST 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Frauen und Quiz: Hotel Deutsches Haus!

Swakopmund (sk) Die Swakopmunder Homöopathin Marion Klingelhoeffer hat eine Website mit Gesundheitsprodukten zusammengestellt, an die man teilweise nicht immer ganz so leicht herankommt. Hier kann man Kosmetikartikel, Vitamin- und Mineralienpräparate, gluten- oder milchfreie Nahrungsmittel sowie einen qualitativ hochwertigen Wasserfilter online bestellen. Zusätzlich findet man auf www.seabreezehealth. com Rezepte, Gesundheitspublikationen sowie gesundheitstechnologische Produkte von Lifewave gegen Schmerzen, zur Generierung natürlicher Energie ohne Aufputschmittel, und für erholsamen Schlaf. Das Ziel der Betreiberin dieser Website ist


es, so weit wie möglich einen gesunden Lebensstil frei von Medikamenten zu ermutigen. Daher werden hier Produkte vermarktet, die es dem Käufer ermöglichen, seine Gesundheit besser in den Griff zu bekomme n u nd d ad u r c h überlegtere Entscheidungen zu treffen, was seinen Lebensstil anbetrifft. ,,Gesunde Menschen treffen gesunde Entscheidungen

rechtzeitig in ihrem Leben”, heißt es auf der Website des klei-nen Online-Ladens. ,,Und sie bleiben den Rest ihres Lebens bei diesen Entscheidun-gen.” Alle Produkte dieses kleinen Online-Ladens werden innerhalb Namibias versandt. Er ist demnach in jeder Hinsicht ein Geschäft, das Namibier unterstützt.

Wenn Sie Informationen auf den deutschen Seiten der Küstenzeitung veröffentlichen möchten, bitte Folgendes beachten: Die Seiten müssen bereits am Dienstag Abend fertig entworfen und am Mittwoch früh zum Drucken nach Walvis Bay gesandt werden, um am Freitag zu erscheinen. Schicken Sie daher ihre Berichte, Fotos u. Ä. bis spätestens Dienstag früh an susannking, damit sie in den Entwurf mit eingeplant werden können. Ja, wir arbeiten hier bei der Namib Times teilweise noch mit einer alten Heidelberger

Druckmaschine aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Man sagt, Gottes Mühlen mahlen langsam, aber stetig. Das heißt, man hegt die Hoffnung, dass unbestrafte Übeltäter früher oder später DOCH für ihre Untaten büßen müssen Bei uns mahlt wiederum das Malteserkreuzgetriebe der Druckmaschine aus Baden-Württemberg manchmal etwas langsam, dafür aber hoffentlich stetig. Falls Sie Nachrichten telefonisch besprechen möchten, rufen Sie an unter der Telefonnummer: 064-405 183 oder 0812538850.

Nicht zu lange warten!

Alarmstufe 1 Illustration: Eva KauscheKongsbak

Swakopmund (sk) Mir ist endlich klar geworden, warum wir Frauen eher zu Verstopfung neigen als Männer. Da wir darin brillieren, mehrere Aufgaben gleichzeitig zu bewältigen und meist rastlos am Schaffen sind, ist

Andreas Munkelwitz hat allen Grund stolz zu sein. Schon zweimal bekam sein Hotel Deutsches Haus das Certificate of Excellence von Tripadvisor überreicht. Foto: Susann Kinghorn

der Toilettengang für uns so etwas wie eine kurze Stippvisite, die schnell, praktisch und höflich abgehandelt werden soll. Männer hingegen klemmen sich ihre Wi r t s c h a f t s - o d e r Sexyfrauenzeitschrift unter den Arm, machen es sich auf der Toilettenbrille so gemütlich wie möglich und erscheinen nach 15 Minuten wieder - mit rosafarbenen Bäckchen und einem zufriedenen Glucksen in der Darmgegend. Danke, ihr Männer, ich habe etwas dazugelernt, und wenn ich telefonisch nicht zu erreichen bin, liebe Küstenleser, dann sitze ich wahrscheinlich gerade mit meinem Buch und einem seligen Lächeln auf den Lippen dort, wo auch die alten, römischen Kaiser sich nicht in der Sänfte haben hintragen lassen.

Beantworten Sie die folgenden drei Fragen bis zum 9. September und gewinnen Sie eventuell einen von drei Preisen. 1. Wie heißt die freundliche Empfangsleiterin des Hotel Deutsches Haus mit Vornamen? 2. Wie heißt das Restaurant des Hotel Deutsches Haus? 3. Wieviele Tage in der

Woche ist dieses Restaurant geöffnet? Zu gewinnen sind: 1. Ein Sundowner-Special vom Hotel Deutsches Haus im Werte von N$ 2600,- , der zwei Übernachtungen für zwei Personen inklusive Frühstück, ein Dreigänge-Menü und eine Flasche Wein einschließt; \2. Ein Mittagessenoder Dinner-Gutschein

vom Hotel Deutsches Haus im Werte von N$ 300,-; 3. Ein Mittagessenoder Dinner-Gutschein vom Hotel Deutsches Haus im Werte von N$ 300,-. Schicken Sie Ihre Antworten an susannking . Bitte KEINE Faxe mehr schicken, da die Faxmaschine ausrangiert wurde.

Die Wasser- oder Silberspinne (Argyroneta aquatica) ist die einzige Spinnenart, die nicht an Land, sondern unter Wasser lebt. Dieses fragile Wesen steht auf der Roten Liste der gefährdeten Arten in der Kategorie „Stark gefährdet“. Den ungewöhnlichen Lebensraum erschließt sich diese Spinne, indem sie die benötigte Atemluft unter einem dicht gesponnenen Netz in der Uferzone sammelt. Für das Luftholen streckt sie ihre Hinterbeine und einen Teil ihres Hinterleibes aus dem Wasser und

taucht ruckartig wieder ganz unter. Dabei nimmt sie eine Luftblase, die sich zwischen den Haaren und Beinen verfangen hat und den Hinterleib silbrig glänzend umschließt, mit nach unten. An einem der Signalfäden zieht sie sich

zu ihrem Luftdepot und streift dort die Luftblase in ihre „Taucherglocke“ ab. In diesem Luftspeicher spielt sich der Großteil des Lebens dieser Wasserspinne ab. (Eingesandt)

Die Wasserspinne


29 AUGUST 2014

29 AUGUST 2014





MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Town Planning Ordinance No. 18 OF 1954 Walvis Bay Town Planning Amendment Scheme No. 26 to 40 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1954 (Ordinance 18 of 1954) as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to compile and submit for approval with the Namibia Planning Advisory Board certain amendments to the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. The amendments to the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme will include the rezoning and reservation of land within the Walvis Bay Municipal Area. The Honourable Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development has granted approval for the compilation and submission of Walvis Bay Town Planning Schemes No 26 to 40. A map, defining the area to which Walvis Bay Amendment Schemes No.26 to 40 applies, is available for inspection during normal working hours at the offices of the Town Planning Section, Room 101, Civic Offices, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Muronga Haingura Chief Executive Officer Walvis Bay Municipality Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Notice No. /2014)

Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(a) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction, the following Business Ervens 5798 & 5827 Kuisebmond to Mr Rodrey Shafuda. Description

Erf 5798 Kuisebmond Erf 5827 Kuisebmond Area 132 m² 240 m ² Zoning Business Business Purchase Price N$ 26, 400.00 +15% VAT (N$3, 960.00) N$144,00.00 + 15% VAT (N$21,600.00) Additional amount of N$17,040.00 as contribution

Vacancy: Trainee Manager Experience and Special Skills: 1. Minimum of 2 years work experience in a retail environment 2. Sound knowledge of MS Office ( word and Excel ) 3. Good numerical and leadership abilities 4. Must be flexible in terms of working hours

towards landscaping and the establishment of green belts for th two ervens, are to be paid. Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until Wednesday, 3 September 2014 at room no.30 Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms. S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 201 3294 during office hours. Written objections against the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 Monday, 8 September 2014. A Victor GENERAL MANAGER: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Fax. 064-209714

MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND SALE OF ERF 613, TAMARISKIA Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 63 of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund intends to alienate Erf 613, Tamariskia measuring 666m², by way of closed bid to Ms Heidi Natasja Jantjies. Erf 613 is situated on the corner of Garnet Street and Tantalite Street and is zoned “Single Residential”. Full particulars of the above transaction will lie for inspection by interested persons at the Municipal Office Complex situated in Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund, Room BO-22, Ground Floor, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 05 September 2014. Contact Person: at 064-4104213

Ms M Sheehama

Any person objecting to the proposed transaction may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday, 09 September 2014 NOTICE NO 34/2014 E U W Demasius CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Summary of Main Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Ensure high standards of customer care and service excellence is achieved 2. Ensure effective stock control and management Is achieved 3. Assist Store Manager with shrinkage and loss prevention 4. Assist Store Manager with financial performance and business growth Minimum Qualifications: 1. Grade 12 2. Minimum 2 years Management or Supervisor experience Please send CV's to: or hand deliver to Clicks Walvis Bay ( Manager )


PENNYPINCHERS WALVIS BAY Pennypinchers, a leading retailer of building materials, seeks a suitable qualified candidate to undergo a training program to become a Mitek certified Truss Designer. A market related remuneration package including all standard benefits for a position of this level is offered. The main functional responsibilities are: · Design Truss according to Mitek · Prepare Quotations · Ensure manufacturing is according to design standard · Minimize wastage during Truss manufacturing Minimum Requirements: · Matric with Mathematics · Working knowledge of building materials timber specifically is essential · Drawing experience or qualification advantageous Knowledge and Skills Required · Exceptional computer knowledge (MS Word, MS Excel) · Experience in any CAD related software will definitely be an added advantage · Organisational skills · Attention to detail · Customer focus · Quality orientation · Communication Skills Applications should be submitted in the form of a CV to Johan van den Berg via e-mail: Closing date for this position is: 12 September 2014 If you have not had a response within one week, please consider your application unsuccessful.


29 AUGUST 2014

Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience: · Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND Applications are hereby invited from Namibian citizens for appointment in the following vacancy:

Town Planning Technician (Paterson C2 Band)

Main purpose of the job: Ensures compliance with the Town Planning scheme in urban development land use, designs plans and manages special projects. Requirements: Applicants should have Grade 12 (pass marks of 20) including an E symbol in English, National Diploma in Town & Regional Planning; 2 years' experience; OR Grade 12 (pass marks of 20) including an E symbol in English and 5 years relevant experience. Code B driver's license and computer literacy. Key performance areas: The successful candidate will be responsible to execute the following duties: ü Controls land use and development activities within the jurisdiction of the local authority; ü Compilation of and controlling of Council's Town Planning Policies and further development planning; ü Maintains computer aided design drawings with respect to Town Planning services for Departmental and architects use; ü Administration of Records and statistics; Maintains computer aided design drawings with respect to Town Planning services for Departmental and architects use; ü Communicates and guides internal departments, public, architects, and professionals by providing technical support and Special projects. Contact person: Mr. A van der Westhuizen at telephone no. 064 – 4104403 or Mrs S Kotze at telephone no. 064 - 4104224 Applications on the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Enquiries Counter of the Main Municipal Office Building, or on the website (, must be directed to the Manager: Human Resources, P O Box 53, Swakopmund not later than 12:00 on Friday, 19 September 2014. Applications can also be emailed to or faxed to 0886519136. NB: Proof of qualifications and testimonials should be attached to the application form. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. THE MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DISABLED PEOPLE ARE HEREWITH ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Notice Nr: V 17/2014.09.19 EUW Demasius Chief Executive Officer

Editors' Forum of Namibia

Call for applications for journalism training The Editors' Forum of Namibia (EFN) invites applications from talented Namibian youth (school leavers) from all regions of ages 18 to 25 for a week's journalism training in Windhoek, early October 2014. Applicants should have a minimum Grade 10 qualification with proficiency in English. Additionally a 300-word motivational essay is expected from the applicants and submission of copies of all other relevant documents. Closing date for applications is 01 September 2014. Please email your applications to Elizabeth M'ule at or send us a fax at (061) 237441. Only 35 successful candidates will be chosen by a selection panel. The training is being sponsored by the U.S. Government and The Namibian Media Trust.


29 AUGUST 2014

World premiere of the allnew Volvo XC90

Months of speculation ended today after Volvo Cars unveiled its all-new Volvo XC90, delivering on its promise to introduce a visually striking, premium quality seven-seat SUV with world leading safety features, new powertrain technologies, an unrivalled combination of power and fuel efficiency with a superlative interior finish.

Three years in the making and part of a USD 11bn investment programme, the all-new Volvo XC90 marks the beginning of a new chapter in Volvo's history, capturing its future design direction, incorporating its own range of new technologies and utilising its new Scalable Product Architecture (SPA) technology. "This is one of the most important days in our history. We are not just launching a car, but relaunching our brand. This day marks a new era for our company. The all-new Volvo XC90 paves the way for a portfolio of exciting new cars to come in the following

years," said H책kan Samuelsson, President and CEO of Volvo Car Group. Volvo's new face Symbolising this historic day in Volvo's 87 year history, the all-new Volvo XC90 will be the first of its cars to carry the company's new - more prominent iron mark which has the iconic arrow elegantly aligned with the diagonal slash across the grille. Together with the T-shaped "Thor's Hammer" DRL lights, the iron mark introduces an entirely new, distinctive and confident face for Volvo's forthcoming generation of cars. The all-new Volvo XC90's large bonnet with its new topography, the beltline and the sharpened shoulders connecting with the tattoo-like new rear lights are important design signatures that will be mirrored across the range. To add more visual muscle from the sides, the all-new Volvo XC90 comes with a range of wheel sizes up to 22 inches. "The overall impression, both exterior and interior, has a strong connection to the key elements of the Swedish lifestyle: the generous space, the celebration of light and the focus on wellbeing," said Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President Design of Volvo Car Group.

29 AUGUST 2014



WALVIS BAY SALT HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD J & P Hydraulics cc is a Hydraulic Marine and Industrial Supplies company. Our company consist of various divisions geared at performing hydraulic repairs and various other related projects.

VACANCY: HYDRAULIC FITTER Requirements: Matric, Valid Drivers License & Qualified for position Please forward applications by e-mail to: before 31 August 2014

J & P Hydraulics cc is a Hydraulic Marine and Industrial Supplies company. Our company consist of various divisions geared at performing hydraulic repairs and various other related projects.

VACANCY: TUNGSTEN GAS WELDER Requirements: Matric, Valid Drivers License & Qualified for position Please forward applications by e-mail to: before 31 August 2014

VACANCY - CHEF/COOK - Dynamic, self-motivated and trustworthy. - Must be able to work independently - Willing and able to work under pressure and weekends - Neat in appearance and friendly. - Must have experience and skills will be tested Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The owner P. O. Box 1324, Walvis Bay, Namibia or e-mail to jobs@

MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND Applications are hereby invited from Namibian Citizens for appointment in the following vacancy:


Main purpose of the job: Assumes responsibility for the effective operation and maintenance of the Reticulation Network and Pump stations in order to ensure adequate removal of sewerage water to the disposal works Key performance areas: The successful candidate will be responsible to execute the following duties: ü Assumes responsibility for the general operation and maintenance of the sewerage network pumps and equipment at all pump stations; ü Assumes responsibility for the general operation and maintenance of the sewerage reticulation network in town; ü Controls and maintains vehicle, tools, equipment and implements; ü Supervises subordinates; and ü Occupational Health and Safety Manage-ment (OHSM) at the Workplace. Requirements: Applicants should have a National Trade Diploma as a Fitter and Turner with at least N2; 3 years relevant experience; Code B Drivers Licence. Contact person: Ms S Kotze (Tel no: 064 4104224) or Mr W Schlechter (Tel no: 064 4104432) Applications on the prescribed form which can be obtained from the Enquiries Counter of the Main Muni-cipal Office Building, or on the website (, must be directed to the Manager: Human Resources, P O Box 53, Swakop-mund not later than 12:00 on Friday, 19 September 2014. Applications can also be e-mailed to or faxed to 0886519136. NB: Proof of qualifications and testimonials should be attached to the application form. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. THE MUNICIPALITY OF SWAKOPMUND IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. DISABLED PEOPLE ARE HEREWITH ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. Notice Nr: V 18/2014.09.19

EUW Demasius Chief Executive Officer

AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, through its subsidiary operating companies, is the largest pro-ducer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa; producing in excess of 720 000 tons of salt annually. HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCY

PAYROLL & HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR The incumbent will be primarily responsible to administer the payroll process and provide administrative support to the Human Resources department on personnel matters. KEY FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ∙ Maintain and operate the time and attendance system, including processing of clock data and maintenance of employee master data; ∙ Liaise with supervisors and shift leaders to ensure that accurate time & attendance data is received well within deadlines; ∙ Process payrolls in accordance with pay rules and ensure that all deductions are accurately pro-cessed; ∙ Assume responsibility to ensure that employee master data is correctly captured in VIP; ∙ Capture all other employee related data (leave, training, etc) in the payroll system; ∙ Track and record employee usage of sick and annual leave (and other benefits), for use in trend anal-ysis; ∙ Reconcile monthly third party payments and prepare payment requests; ∙ Assist employees with pay queries; ∙ Calculate leave and bonus provisions on a monthly basis; ∙ Compile the data required to complete the company's HR metrics reporting; ∙ Conduct audits of the payroll function and other HR programs; ∙ Treat all pay and employee information with appropriate respect and confidentiality. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS POSITION ∙ Grade 12 with mathematics, with at least 3 years experience in payroll administration; ∙ Certification in all VIP modules; ∙ Excellent knowledge of VIP Payroll, including report writing skills; ∙ Experience in using VIP's Business Intelligence module will be an advantage; ∙ Excellent knowledge of MS Office, specifically MS Excel, including ability to manipulate data into graphs. (Not negotiable); ∙ Must be highly organised and be able to perform tasks accurately against tight deadlines; ∙ Knowledge of basic human resource management processes/experience essential; ∙ Experience in administration of benefits and other HR programs; ∙ Skills in database management and record keeping; ∙ Maintain confidentiality, be dependable and have a high degree of integrity; ∙ Must be meticulous, pay attention to detail, be well organised, and proactive. Interested persons, who are Namibian Citizens or have Permanent Residence, may apply in confidence by forwarding their CV to: The HR Officer, Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2471, Walvis Bay, Namibia OR E-mail: (No faxed copies will be accepted). For enquiries: 064-213382 Closing Date: 4 September, 2014 Applicants must be prepared to undergo an extensive selection process Only short-listed candidates will be notified, and no documentation will be returned

WALVIS BAY SALT HOLDINGS (PTY) LTD AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Walvis Bay Salt Holdings (Pty) Ltd, through its subsidiary operating companies, is the largest producer of solar sea salt in sub-Saharan Africa; producing in excess of 720 000 tons of salt annually. HAS THE FOLLOWING VACANCY

SENIOR MAINTENANCE MANAGER This position, reporting directly to the Managing Director, will manage all aspects of planned maintenance, reactive maintenance, shutdowns and project work etc. They will need to take a proactive long-term approach to plant maintenance, conscientiously managing a large operational budget. The incumbent will assist in reviewing equipment replacements for the future and will work closely with various other managers such as maintenance and section supervisors etc. to maintain performance of machinery and equipment, which is critical to plant safety and operations reliability. KEY FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ∙ Managing and initiating design maintenance strategies, procedures and methods as well as all planning and schedules planned and unplanned as well as various maintenance projects, maximising efficiencies for three separate production units. ∙ Diagnosing breakdown problems and initiating continuous improvement initiatives. ∙ Initiating and verifying maintenance systems and processes to agreed standards ∙ Controlling spare parts inventory and schedule work orders. ∙ Overseeing annual maintenance budgets in liaison with client departments. ∙ Monitoring and control all maintenance costs. ∙ Initiating maintenance strategies to help with installation and commissioning guidelines t ensuring plant and equipment availability in line with accepted standards. ∙ Overseeing the maintenance and repairing of plant and earthmoving equipment (Bell and CAT), pumps and maintenance planning. ∙ Arranging specialist procurement of fixtures, fittings or components. ∙ Managing Projects from the conceptual phase through to implementation. ∙ Improving efficiencies by identifying and attending to bottlenecks. ∙ Managing Quality control, Stock control of maintenance spares. ∙ Managing legal, safety and related issues are fully adhered to. ∙ Overseeing factory optimisation and applying management systems when needed. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS POSITION: ∙ B.Sc/B.Eng (Mechanical or Electrical Engineering) or B.Tech (Mechanical or Electrical Engineering) or a Qualified Millwright or related. ∙ Preferably a minimum of 8 years' working experience working as a Maintenance or similar position in a factory/production environment ideally within a mining or manufacturing industry. ∙ Previous experience working on preventative maintenance systems is essential. ∙ Previous production experience is essential. ∙ The ability to lead a large team and department. ∙ Must have a Code B Driving Licence. Interested persons, who are Namibian Citizens or have Permanent Residence, may apply in confidence by forwarding their CV to: The HR Officer, Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 2471, Walvis Bay, Namibia OR E-mail: (No faxed copies will be accepted). For enquiries: 064-213382 Closing Date: 4 September, 2014 Applicants must be prepared to undergo an extensive selection process Only short-listed candidates will be notified, and no documentation will be returned



29 AUGUST 2014



31.08.2014 Jare lank het jy hiervoor gewag met afwagting na die geslote wêreld gekyk. Dag na dag gewonder wat agter die geslote wêreld vir jou wag. Noudat die tyd reg is het jou ouers met trots in hul oë. Met stralende gesigte ‘n sleutel in jou hand gelê. Jy is nie meer ‘n klein meisie nie maar nou ‘n volwaardige dogter. Met die draai van ‘n sleutel swaai ‘n nuwe wêreld vir jou oop. Maar wees tog versigtig meisiekind daar is nog baie wat jy moet leer moet nooit die wysheid van ‘n ouerhart met die wind laat wegsweef. Vestig jou hoop altyd op die Here want Hy wil jou lei deur sy gees mag vreugde en hoop jou altyd volg bly maar altyd ons meiskiekind. Ps 119-9-10 Waarmee sal die jongeling sy pad suiwer hou deur dit te hou na U woord. Ek soek U met my hele hart laat my nie afdwaal van U gebooie nie. Gelukkige Mondigwording

Van jou trotse Ouers, Broers, Suster en Familie


NOTICES FISH EAGLE TAKE AWAY 18th Road, new Cymot Centre Walvis Bay 20 3071 - Lala - for order Month end 24-50 Combo - Specials Available daily as from 12:00, only 20 portions per day, as long as stocks last. From Wednesday 27/08/14 Wed. - Chicken livers Peri Peri and rice, veg. One 340 ml can cool drink FREE Thur. - Spaghetti Bolognaise, one 340ml can cool drink FREE. Fri. - Russian or Bokwors and chips, one can cool drink FREE. Sat. - Spicy BBQ Game Stew, Noodles and Veg, one can cool drink FREE. Tel: 203 071

Albtros Street 308 #17 WORKING HOURS Mon - Fri 09:00 - 19:00 Sat - Sun 08:30 - 13:00 Public Holidays 09:00 - 12:00 After Hours Call: 081 651 2186 064-204976 Ventulus MCC Rally, 2224 Aug 2014, Go Kart Track, Swakopmund Inskrywings: N$150/naweek of N$30/dag. Kinders onder 10 gratis Regina by 0812301761 mcc.ventulus@gmail. com



Two doggies got lost at Mile 13 on 26/08/14. One is a white & brown mix breed named Knussie, and the other one is a black mix breed named Millie. They are Foxi size and are not wearing collars. Please be on the look out for these two, their owner is very distressed. Contact the SPCA 064 - 404419 or Jana 081 127 5912 when you find them.

MEERKAT Enige iemand wat ‘n meerkat gesien of opgetel het in Venus omgewing. Kontak Yolandi: 081 289 7713


The 2 larger dogs went missing in the mile 13 are on Monday around 12:00. Jana can be called on 081 127 5912.

TRAINING Milestone Training Workshop Book your seats limited space available Training will start on Wednesday 23 July 2014 @ 14h00 Until 16h30 in the afternoon Until 25 July 2014 from 14h00 until 16h30 Until 16h30 in the afternoon Bring along a valid ID Obtain a certificate Study material provided Exercise in training Venue 138, Theo Ben Gurirab Street Price N$ 1500.00 Contact: 0813220177 Mrs. Kolbe

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685 NAHOTA HOTEL COURSES: Food preparations / cook Waiters / Waitresses Receptionist /Front office Cleaner, Barmen Free Basic Computer. Register anytime. No qualifications needed Just a copy of your ID Swakopmund & Walvis Bay 081 462 8224 085 5531910 DIAL-A-WAITER Email:

FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:


GOOD PRICE FOR AUGUST We’re selling quality Brazilian hair We give guarantee Curly, deep wave, straight 10 inch N$ 1000.00 12 inch N$ 1200.00 16 inch N$ 1600.00 18 inch N$ 1900.00 20 inch N$ 2100.00 22 inch N$ 2300.00 24 inch N$ 2600.00 NB: negotiation available Call only: 081 844 2342 081 336 0019

CLASSES BeatAccMath Presents Back to school XTRA CLASSES WE FOCUS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS TO MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING Accounting Grade:8-12 Mathematics Grade:8-10 Location: Narraville,Walvis Bay Grade 8-10 @ N$ 300/class/month Grade 11-12 @ N$ 400/class/month For more information contact us on 081 497 2195 or email: m Smarter children. Better Namibia


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541

International Calls Copies, Fax and email CC Registrations CCTV Cameras with remote access (Next to Motovac) Open Daily 07:30 to 21:30 Contact: 081 242 2224 064 209 435 Josef driving School In Swakopmund and Walvis Special Special Special We offer driving lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay for more than 10 hour for N$85 per hour and N$ 150 for Natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor- failing is not an option.

Pragtige vistenk wat op eie kas is met glas ronding op die een kant & pomp te koop vir N$ 5,000.00 Oefenmasjien Orbitrek Elite nog nooit gebruik N$ 2,000.00 Lou-oondjie (Pie Warmer) met twee rake, baie goeie toestand N$ 4,500.00 Sakel: 081 252 0500 Swakopmund

Contact: 081 418 3595 or 081 296 9477 WE DO: Vehicle License Renewal Vehicle registration Police clearance Roadworthy Call us Anke: 081 315 1732 Ems 081 322 8848 TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund

Designing of your dream dress at affordable prices. Also: - Bridesmaids - Mother of the bride - Evening - Day wear - Alterations - Invisible mending Call Salomie Lifestyle creations at 081 728 4865 Situated in Swakopmund

"ITS HEATING UP IN SWAKOP...... Kids parties ain't fun without a jumping castle for up coming birthday parties book Ur jumping castle now to avoid disappointment..... available for N$550 full day for the one with a side water slide, includes drop off and pickup...... Whoop Whoop lets party” Contact: 081 239 3717 085 550 3629

SERVICES Healing Power A traditional healer who will solve your problems physical and spiritually by using African Traditional medicine and ritually prayer. Solve your problems which you have been experience for such a longtime and free yourself from witchcraft trap. Call Ell Kareem: 081 661 6732

“I can assist you with the following: Renewals of motor vehicle licences, roadworthy certificates, pick up and delivery of small parcels at the coast, payments of water and electricity bills. All at a nominal fee. Contact Christo at 0814052649 for more details.”


Baard Transport / Block & Brick

BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741 Dr. James is here now in Walvis Bay with very powerful medicine for various problems and diseases: - Bring back lover the one you love most - Pregnancy problems - Manhood Enlargement - Divorce matters - Remove bad luck in your body - Personal protection - Boast your business - Clear debt account - Sell your property quickly - Win contract big tenders - Win gambling - Get promotion at work - Protection of your property - The magic wallet and Stick - To stop drinking and smoking - Periods pains and no blood at all - Produce babies - To be strong in bed - Serious court cases - Chase tokoloshes in house and many more. Dr James tells your problems before you say anything to him. Consultation fee is N$ 100.00 only Working hours 7:30 to 20:30 Sundays by appointmens Contact: 081 043 7611

Steyn’s Renovations For all your renovations with personal attention. Contact Steyn: 081 435 0622

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund.

FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-ITALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!



29 AUGUST 2014






Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia The device that really help Smokers to decide on their own time if they wanted to quit or change the bad habit. You choose your flavor, your own vaporizer size or color or style. We stock a wide variety , and have a special on. Starter Pack for N$ 250.00 More than 60 flavors for N$ 50.00 on 10ml bottle Visit Largo Video for FREEDOM on your habit. Tel: 205 525 081 407 5773

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848

DR LUWA The professional African healer are here to solve all your daily life problems: - Bring back lover the one you love most - Pregnancy problems - Manhood Enlargement - Divorce matters - Remove bad luck in your body - Personal protection - Boast your business - Clear debt account - Sell your property quickly - Win contract big tenders - Win gambling - Get promotion at work - Protection of your property - The magic wallet and stick - Serious court cases - Chase tokoloshes in house and many more. Contact: 081 274 5704 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.. MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers, * Washing Machine, * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom remodelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, No job to small 8 year roof repair guarantees 081 63 86 300 MODERN Bathrooms We build state of the art Bathrooms, renovate and Design energy and water Efficient modern bathrooms. Contact Gunther 081 638 6300 LAPTOP REPAIRS Onsite repairs whilst you wait! Laptop Screen Replacements Data recovery on Faulty Hard disks Virus removal. NO FIX NO CHARGE! Contact: 081 352 4524 RUBBISH + REFUSE REMOVAL Prune trees, cut lawn Motor wrecks, cleaning of yard, furniture removal. Contact: 081 335 6901

COASTAL SECOND HAND We buy, sell and pawn We give loan on your assets. Find us at Mandume Yandemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund Next to Shell Service Station Contact: 081 258 5780 Tel: 064 406 737 Email:cashmultiplierna

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET Swakopmund 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathroom 2 Garages N$ 8000.00 Martina 081 124 3885 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET MAHETAGO (SWAKOPMUND) 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan Kitchen N$3850.00 W/ Incl 3bedroomsbic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge and Tandem Garage N$6500.00 W/Incl TULINAWA 1bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2300.00 W/L Excl OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2300.00 W/ Incl JABULANI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2900.00 W/L Incl Single person 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Incl Single person All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yaho TO RENT Swakomund: 2 Bedroom flat, 1 bathroom. Open plan kitchen & Lounge + garage. Prepaid electricity. Available 1 September 2014 N$5000.00 Contact: 085 129 0742 TE HUUR: Narraville Bachelor woonstel met kombuis en badkamer. N$ 2 600.00 p/m Deposito onderhandelbaar W/L ingsl. Vir enkel persone of twee. Skakel: 081 327 9800

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor flat in One bedroom, open plan sitting room/kitchen. Shower/toilet. W/E incl. Alarm. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Only one left. Contact: 081 124 5778 Available now!!

TO RENT: Walvis Bay Two modern duplex flat . Sunny flat with lounge, kitchen and 1½ bathroom. Alarm. Lock up garage. Courtyard with remote gate.Pre paid electricity. Water excl Sorry - No children no pets! N$ 5 300.00 p/m Plus deposit. Immediately available. Contact Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342

TO LET Upmarket Spacious House-Vogelstrand 3 bedroom Double garage 1 bedroom flat N$16,500.00

NEWLY RENOVATED: TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Narraville Bachelor flat. W/E incl. N$ 2 200.00 p/m N$ 2 200.00 deposit negotiable Contact: 081 151 6019 081 142 6608 Avail 1 Sept.

TO RENT: Beautiful brand new & spacious house for rent in Ocean view, Swakopmund. contains 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, study, open plan kitchen with scullery, sitting room, dinning with indoor braai, double garage. Good security with alarm, outside yard beams. Immediately available. N$11 000 pm, excl water. Contact owner 0811475487 for viewing arrangements. TE HUUR: Walvisbaai, Dorp Bachelor flat. W/ ingsl. Koopkrag. N$ 3 500.00 p.m + deposito Beskikbaar vanaf 1 September 2014 Kontak: 081 280 6939 TE HUUR, SWAKOPMUND: Netjiese 3-slaapkamer dupleks met toesluitmotorhuis, naby strand en inkoopsentrum vanaf 1 Oktober 2014. Geen troeteldiere. N$ 8,800.00 p/m. Eenslaapkamer-woonstel met toesluit motorhuis langs dupleks teen N$ 3000.00 (kan apart of as deel van kompleks gehuur word) Tel 081 128 6095 (Madelein) ROOM TO RENT Mahetago-Swakopmund One single outside room with toilet, shower and hot-water. N$1800.00. W/L Incl. No deposit required. Available any time. Contact Regina: 081 211 6991 081 246 4757 Swakopmund CBD Double Garage (41 m²) N$ 1000.00/Month Contact: 081 247 3026 TO RENT Swakopmund, Vineta: 3 Bedroom Townhouse, 2 bathrooms (1 on suite), Open plan kitchen with lounge and inside braai. 2 Garages, own entrance. Very secure. N$7500.00p/m + deposit. W/ Incl, E/ Excl. Contact: 081 786 0089 FOR RENT: Narraville 14 Starling Street Bachelor flat with own private toilet and shower. Available immediately. W/L incl. N$ 2 200.00 p/m N$ 1 000.00 deposit. Contact: 081 302 3193 081 302 3122

TO RENT: HERMES, NEAR DUNESIDE SCHOOL Newly built 2 Bedroom flat with BIC, fitted kitchen with oven + stove, shower/toilet. No pets, 2 people max. N$ 5000.00 + deposit (neg.) W+E incl. Available 01 Sept'14 Contact: 081 149 4669 / 081 399 1823 HOUSE TO RENT IN WALVIS BAY next to State Hospital (behind Walvis Bay Private High School): House can be used for residential or office space. Three rooms, kitchen, bathroom, garden, hurge erf (1100 m²). Available immediately. N$ 7500 00. Contact 0811482927 or 0812924197 or 061 402 455. TO LET - LONGBEACH - Very close to sea -4garages -3bedrooms - 2 full bathrooms - Laundry room - Kitchen with gas hob - Open plan sitting / dining room - Indoor barbecue - Stoep with outdoor barbecue with lovely view of the sea N$ 9,000 p/m Available 1 September 2014 - Phone 081 127 6449 / 081 129 1779 TO RENT: Fairways 1 x Bachelor flat W&E incl. Alarm system.No garage. N$ 3 900.00 + deposit Contact: 081 122 6308 GEMEUBILEERDE EENSLAAPKAMER WOONSTEL BESKIKBAAR VANAF 1 SEPTEMBER Naby Ocean View Spar (Gousblom Str. 14) Swakopmund: Oopplan sitkamer eetkamer en kombuis. Ingeboude kaste. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. Garage fasiliteite vir een voertuig. Alarmstelsel. Geen troeteldiere. Verkieslik nierokende, enkellopende huurder. N$4500.00p/m Kontak: 064 463 943 of 064 463 291 of 081 128 5407 vir afspraak vir besigtiging.

mile 4 3 Bedroom flat Double Garage 3 bathrooms N$ 8,800.00 Hage Heights-Executive apartment 3 bedrooms,lounge kitchen Water and Electricity included N$ 16,500.00 Ocean View 1 bedroom flat N$4,500.00 Townhouse 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom double garage N$ 9,800.00 Waterfront 3 bedroom unit Double garage N$ 9,300 Ocean View-Newly built houses 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms lounge kitchen and double garage N$ 12,000.00 Ocean View 3 bedroom House double garage N$ 11,000.00 Tamariskia 2 bedroom flat N$4,300.00 Exclusive and Elite Estates Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com HOUSE AVAILABLE TO RENT IN KARIBIB 2 Bedroom Small kitchen, Living area and one Full bathroom. Water and Electricity included N$ 6000.00 Contact:081 370 7152 TO RENTKUISEBMUND 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom N$ 1700.00 W/E incl. garage optional N$ 450.00 DEP. 500.00 Contact: 0814549753 /0816143833 TO RENT: Longbeach Furnished flat Open plan bedroom and lounge with separate kitchen and bathroom. On site parking behind gates. One person. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Two people. N$ 6 000.00 p/m W/E incl. DSTV. Contact: 081 368 8259

TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom lounge, kitchen, toilet, shower Safe secure. Regret no children W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 229 9700 WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Walvisbaai, naby Shoprite 1x slaapkamer, klein kombuis, stort en toilet. W/L ingsl. Geen garage N$ 2 500.00 p/m Dep: N$ 1 500.00 Tel: 081 605 7490 081 614 3799 TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel met kombuis, badkamer. N$ 2 900.00 p/m deposito onderhandelbaar W/L ingsl. Skakel: 081 327 9800

SUNA - 0812107823 suna.kritzinger@pamgol PROPERTY TO RENT CENTRE OF TOWN N$5500.00 SPACIOUS AND SUNNY FLAT 2 Beds, 1, 5 Bath, Double Garages, No Pets Mile 4 -N$6600 Entertainment area with braai and a great sea view!! 3 bed, 2 bath and 2 garage VINETA -N$6000 Large and Sunny Apartment 3 bed, 2 bath and 1 garage LONGBEACH N$8000 Lock up and go 3 Beds, 2 Bath, 2 Garages OCEAN VIEW. N$11 000.00 MODERN AND SPACIOUS 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bath, 2 Gar HOUSE EXT 15 N$13 000.00 4 Bedroom house with 3 bathrooms Double garages, Indoor braai area. And so much to offer with a kitchen to die for! FOR SALE N$ 1 450 000.00 SWAKOPMUND 3 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms, Entertainment area with open plan kitchen Indoor braai and spacious living area, Single garage Own stand

WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Evergreen Str. Narraville 2 slaapkamer, oopplan kombuis en sitkamer en badkamer. GEEN troeteldiere en kinders wat kimbies gebruik nie. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Deposito betaalbaar in twee paaiemente. Kontak: 081 755 5599



26 AUGUST 2014




WALVIS BAY 20 4505

SWAKOPMUND. Opposite the entrance of Mile 4 – 2 vacant plots adjacent to each other – size each plot

559m² -N$ 770 000 each

Block 19 opposite Mile 4 - Vacant plot - size 500m² - N$ 660 000 MEERSIG EXT. 1 Vacant plot well situated - size 816 m² Price N$ 760 000 neg. BARGAIN!!! NEW LAGOON Modern, sunny double storey home, situated in secure area offering 4 bedr, 3 bathr, huge entertainment area, BBQ open plan lounge, dining, fitted kitchen and double r/c garage. N$ 2650 000 CC Reg.

JOEY 0811293293


Walvis Bay

064-202788 FOR SALE

Meersig – Secure Complex 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, 1 garage, courtyard, BBQ N$ 985 000.00 Close to schools & town 4 bed, 3bath, kitchen, lounge dining, laundry, 3 garages N$ 2 075 000.00 Close to Lagoon Modern 3 bed, 3bath, kitchen, lounge, ind. BBQ 3 garages plus 2 bed flat N$ 3 150 000.00 Kuisebmond Good Investment 5 x Flats- BuildingN$ 1 970 000.00 7 x Flats- Building N$ 2 900 000.00

Contact Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 Hettie – 081 270 4333


VOGELSTRAND NEW SOLE MANDATE!! Charming 3 bedroomed home in this elite area. Open plan living areas with lounge/dining/ kitchen plus tv area with fireplace. Double garage. Set on a large erf this home will not disappoint. N$2350 000 Barbara 081 656 2619 Pam Golding Properties


Mays Trading CC For Sale Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouse (New development) 2x Townhouses N$ 1 250 000.00 3 bedroom, 2bathroom Kitchen lounge entertainment area and garages 2xTownhouses N$ 950 000.00 2bedroom Bathroom Kitchen lounge garages Walvis Bay, house N$2.1 million 3 bedroom house with a big erf 1250m² 18th road Meersig, N$ 2,1 million 4 bedroom house, high boundary walls ,lounge, dining room 3 bathrooms, spacious kitchen with built-incupboards and gas stove Double garage, well established garden, indoor and outdoor bbq with court yard Erf size 1200m² Long beach erf for sale N$ 500 000 543m² Walvis Bay house for sale N$ 1.9million big houses with a even size of 1250m² Accommodation For Sale, N$4,4 million 10 rooms (9 rooms fully furnished ) Each room has flat screen tv’s with DSTV decoders Office space with computers & fax machine, surveillance cameras, Lounge with flat screen tv and computer for guests,fully furnished Spacious kitchen with chairs and tables, fully equipped for guests to use Storeroom ,laundry room ,security room, parking area Plus, 3 bedroom flat with 3 on-suite-bathrooms, plus guest toilet, private courtyard, office space And double remote garage plus remote gate with private entry ,tourism license included. Walvis Bay, House, 6th Street N$1,7million Erf 1108m² We are urgently Looking for a semi-detachedhouse(skakel huis)in Narraville or free standing houses for cash clients. Contact: Tracey:081 302 3806 Mounien: 081 860 1938 Email:mickeymays@iwa





Private Sale, Family home in Fairways Estate, Walvis bay. Huge home 204m², 3 bedrooms (main ensuite with walking closet), 2 bathrooms, large lounge with dinning. Build-in braai, kitchen with scullery. Tandem garage. Completion November 2014. Priced below valuation at only N$ 1,400,000 exc costs. Contact: 081 223 0909 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2 bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ±N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsna

CENTRAL N$2600 huge bachelor flat N$ 4200.00 1 bed flat, water & elec included N$4850 1 bed flat with single garage, water + elec included N$ 5500.00 2 bed townhouse with garage (Available end of September) N$ 9500.00 4 bed huge house with 3 garages, near to schools N$ 7500.00 - 3 bed house with single garage N$ 12 300.00 Offices (90 m²) with 2 bed flat, garages & yard space MEERSIG N$ 9000.00 4 Bed house with 2 garages, only small pets LAGOON N$4000 spacious 1 bed flat with garage NARRAVILLE N$3000 1 bed flat incl. water & elec included N$ 4500.00 2 bed flat with tandem garage N$ 4000.00 2 bed flat, no garage N$ 4600.00 2 bed house with garage KUISEBMOND N$2050 brand new bachelor flat in NHE area N$ 3300.00 2 bed house, no garage N$ 2900.00 bachelor flat with bathroom, incl. water & elec. (2 persons only) N$ 2600.00 bachelor flat with bathroom incl. water only (2 persons only) N$ 3200.00 2 bed flat with single garage INDUSTRIAL N$11 385 brand new 150m² workshop with offices N$15 000 3000m² vacant erf N$75 000 2000m² warehouse with offices Please call Talitha 081337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email: nevillesmith@cfsnamibi

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Capricorn Estate Agency Agent: Elani van Staden 081 867 1654 elani@realestatesnamibia. com BUY * SELL*RENT “Swakopmund & Langstrand” Mile 4 On The Beach 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 garages, balcony, beautifully furnished, build in braai and full sea view from all bedrooms and living areas. – N$ 12 320.00 Mile 4 Fully furnished 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, Guest toilet, 1 garage, balcony, TV and DSTV. – N$ 6700.00 Kramersdorf Ho-Lo Park Unfurnished, 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, double garage, w&e excl – N$ 5600.00 Mile 4 Four Shores 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, indoor bbq, pre paid meter - N$6720.00 Vineta, House For Sale/Long Term Leasing 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, 1 bedroom flatlet with garage, beautiful garden. N$ 13,000.00pm Langstrand Furnished & Unfurnished Bachelors flats x 4 from N$4600.00 – N$ 6000.00 And many more, you are more than welcome to give me a call if you are looking for anything specific!

Lagoon Sole and Exclusive Mandate Newly renovated 3 Bed, 1 bath house with kitchen, lounge & Tandem garage . Plus outside room with bathroom. N$ 1 290 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Narraville Sole and Exclusive Mandate Modern and newly built 3 bed, 2 bath with Lounge, Open plan Kitchen to dining room, double garage & outside flat . N$ 1 080 000.00 Saloom 0813821888

We would like to welcome Nadia Meyer to our dynamic team. Feel free to contact Nadia for all your property needs.

Contact her on 081 274 5081 or 064 – 221992 or


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

PROPERTIES FOR SALE TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 4200.00 1 bed flat, water & elec included N$ 5500.00 - 2 bed townhouse with garage (Available end of September) N$ 12 300.00 - Offices (90 m2) with 2 bed flat, garages & yard space MEERSIG N$ 9000.00 - 4 Bed house with 2 garages, only small pets NARRAVILLE N$3000 - 1 bed flat incl. water & elec included N$ 4000.00 - 2 bed flat, no garage N$ 4600.00 2 bed house with garage KUISEBMOND N$2050 - brand new bachelor flat in NHE area N$ 2900.00 - bachelor flat with bathroom, incl. water & elec. (2 persons only) N$ 2600.00 - bachelor flat with bathroom incl. water only (2 persons only) N$ 3200.00 - 2 bed flat with single garage INDUSTRIAL N$11 385 - brand new 150m² workshop with offices N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf N$75 000 - 2000m² warehouse with offices Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES SUNA: 081210 7823 Suna.kritzinger@pamgo BARGAIN BARGAIN!!! N$ 2 950 000.00 Longbeach Spacious family home Open plan living area with a beautiful kitchen Indoor braai, 3 bedrooms all en-suite 3 garages, garden VINETA N$1,950,000 Lovely house and garden With Various vacant plots for sale contact us for assistance 600 m2 for N$650 000. With a sea view INDUSTRAIL PROPERTY FOR SALE 498 m2warehouse 2 bathrooms, Kitchenette, 3 offices 180 m2 erf enclosed yard Suna 081 210 7823 Suna.kritzinger@pamgo CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE: Walvis Bay, Hermes area, A lovely and neat family home for sale, near school and dr's with 3 bedrooms, full bathroom, lounge, dining room, big kitchen, barbeque / entertainment area, tandem garage, big erf, could be yours for N$1 595 000 million, below valuation Only pre-approved bank clients or cash buyers to 0812519444, NB Property Management. CC FOR SALE!! TAMARISKIA: 2 bedroom townhouse N$650 000.00 CENTRAL TOWN: 2 bedroom apartment N$980 000.00 OCEAN VIEW: Newly build townhouses 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge Kitchen. 2 ½ garages N$1.650 000.00 TO LET N$12 000.00 TAMARISKIA ERVEN 800m² = N$528 000 Newly Build Upmarket Townhouses-FOR SALE 3bedrooms,3 bathrooms, 2and half garages,lounge and kitchen N$ 1,650 000.00 centre town 2 bedroom apartment N$1,050 000.00 --

PROPERTIES FOR SALE WALVIS BAY FAIRWAYS Upmarket & Stylish double storey 3 bed, 2 bath townhouses with double garage & courtyard. N$ 1 695 000-00 Joey 0812780518 Saloom 0813821888

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Very spacious plots near mile 4 for as low as ± N$635 000 for 734m² Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs

Kuisebmund 3 Bed,2 Bath house with lounge, kitchen and garage. N$ 750 000-00 Rhoda 0814131313 Private Sale: Lagoon Lovely 4 bedroom, 2 ½ bathroom house, tandem garage parks 3 cars with a 1 bedroom flat For sale : Price N$ 1 800 000-00 negotiable, available immediately. Call the owner : 0812033437 / 0811288875

Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com

Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 0818709950

HOUSE FOR SALE Quiet Area Tamariskia: 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ bathrooms. Dining room, Lounge, Kitchen. Laundry and Garage + 2 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen & Lounge. 1 bathroom. Double garage. Big erf. N$1.5million Contact: 085 129 0742

LOCK UP AND GO MI CASA WALVIS BAY 2 bed, 2 bath apartments with garage N$ 895 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Emily 0812930335

Exclusive and Elite Estates

Lagoon Sole and Exclusive Mandate Newly renovated 3 bed, 1 bath house with kitchen, lounge, bathroom & tandem garage. Plus Outside room with bathroom. N$ 1 590 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 ERF FOR SALE Ext. 9 - Ocean View Swakopmund: Erf - 597m² Pre Approved plans. N$540 000.00 NO AGENTS. Contact: 081 287 4323

Urgently looking for Property to buy or sell For our cash & preapproved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund & North of Namibia. Claudia 0816051984

WANTED Pawn Shop 97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai 064220387 0811434368



29 AUGUST 2014




Looking for a 2 bedr house with garage & garden for 1 October.

Call: Mikkie 081 286 9519 WANTED: Approved buyer looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom and a garage in Swakopmund and in Walvis Bay. Preferably Swakopmund. Value: N$ 1 150 mil. Contact: 081 302 5688 081 285 2272 WANTED: Open erf in Narraville 600 + m² Contact: 081 229 9700



CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential.

WE BUY GOLD 97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai 064220387 0811434368 Soek: Karavaan in goeie toestand Tel: 081 241 1235 Urgently looking for a newly build bar / shebeen to place a new Jukebox or alternatively anyone that is interested in having a Jukebox in his/her bar/shebeen Kindly contact Henry @ 0814800272 / 0812802328

I buy gold and silver jewellery and coins. Contact 081 344 3794 081 315 9178

· Quality assurance and quality control Manager. · Boiler Makers · Electricians · Semi-skilled Boiler Makers · Semi-skilled Electricians · HR Manager · Site Secretary · Driver with PDP licence

FOR SALE: Mercedes 508d drop side truck in perfect working order RWC and Licenced N$ 120 000.00 Contact: 081 638 6300 FOR SALE: 2010 T/Fortuner 74 000 km, 3.0 D4D N$ 220 000.00 16 Seater 2002 Iveco 105 000 km N$ 80 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 127 5728 FOR SALE Swakopmund: Landrover defeneder Shortwheel. Puma. 2008 Model, Silver in colour. 126 000km Excellent condition. N$220 000.00 Contact: 081 279 9036

All CVs to go to the office of Social Security Commission attention Carsten Office A19


MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Ford focus rims R 15 N$ 1 600.00 Wooden Gate (Good quality) N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 127 9201

BABY EQUIPMENT: 1 Chellin car seat 1 safeay formula car seat 1 graco junior car seat 1 camping cot 1 carry cot Contact: 081 360 5898

TE KOOP: Geweerkluis vir drie gewere. Gebou volgens staatsspesifikasie. Plek vir ammunisie en dokumente. N$ 3 000.00 Kontak Walvisbaai: 081 250 4650

FOR SALES: Ultimate Cycles special 26” inch Bicycle N$ 850.00 Repairs & services We collect & deliver Contact: 081 229 9700

TE KOOP Swakomund: KIC 4 plaat stoof in goeie werkende kondisie vir N$800.00 Belangstelendes kontak: 081 227 2866

FOR SALE: Pearl vision VBX 5 peice drum kit in excellent condition for sale. Includes - 2 x Zildjian and 2 x Kappadokia cymbals and Zildjian hi-hat 5 Boom stands 6 microphones Throne Rockbags for all drums and cymbals Various extras N$ 20 000.00 Contact: 081 128 8316


ACCOMMODATION YOSHI BED & BREAKFAST Gladly welcomes you to Walvis Bay We offer clean and friendly bed and breakfast facilities in the centre of town. We are located in Moses Garoeb Street within 500 metre radius of all shops, gym, police and important facilities. Be our guest and enjoy the beautiful coastal experience. Contact: 081 148 6387 081 140 5392

VACANCIES EnI Electrical for the Husab Project

FOR SALE: Renault scenic 2004 breaking up for spares. Contact: 081 838 8029

FOR SALE: Nissan Note 2005 Model. In good condtion. 106 000km. Automatic. N$42 000.00 Neg. Contact: 081 818 8145 081 453 0778



Vacancy Offered: Dynamic company in Swakopmund seeking for an experienced Tig welder, Aluminium and S/steel welding experience will be an advantage. Please submit CV with contactable references to: OR Contact: 064 461 581 ProTrusses has a vacancy for a suitable candidate with carpentry experience. Knowledge of building materials, timber specifically is essential Must have attention to detail and be quality orientated Applications should please bring their ID with suitable references to Pro Trusses, 29 Rakotoka Street, Waterberg Park, Swakopmund. Opening date for applications: Monday 1 September Closing date for applications: Friday 5 September

The Wreck Restaurant is urgently looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions: Waiter/Waitress The successful applicant will report directly to the Hostess. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Namibian Citizen ·Previous experience in a proper restaurant is a pre-requisite ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Knowledge of another European language would be an advantage ·Friendly and energetic ·Good people skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Must have solid applicable references which can be traced Interested applicants must email their CV to or drop it off in person at The Wreck Restaurant during the following hours 1400 1800 daily. No telephonic enquiries will be entertained. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview!

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Vacancies: The Wreck Restaurant is urgently looking for a suitable candidate to join our team and fill the following vacancy: Sauce Chef: The successful applicant will report directly to the Head Chef. Applicants must comply with the following criteria:

VACANCY: Eighty Seven Trading Group CC. In order to enlarge our Company’s Business enhance and decrease the operating cost. We need two Chinese staff. The requirements hire as follows: Translator who have expertise in English & Chinese and finance. Purchaser who had 3 years experience in trading of export and import. Contact: 081 148 6387


· Namibian Citizen · Previous experience in a proper restaurant kitchen is a prerequisite · Must be able to prepare sauces, pasta and do general cooking · Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) · An ability to grill meat or fish will be an advantage · Friendly and energetic · Must have traceable references · Good people skills and a team player · Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc Interested applicants must email their CV to or drop it off in person at The Wreck Restaurant during the following hours 1400 1800 daily. No telephonic enquiries will be entertained. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview! VACANCY EMBROIDERY MACHINE -HONEST -VIBRANT -EXPERIENCE IN EMBROIDERY INDUSTRIAL MACHINES -NAMIBIAN CITIZEN -FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS -REFERENCE REQUIRED PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P.O.BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY

Go fresh (Pty) Ltd in Swakopmund is looking for 3 new drivers urgently. Requirements: – Must have code 10 licence – Valid PDP – Must have been a code 10 driver for at least 3 years. – Must be reliable and honest – Applicants must provide Police clearance and a updated Cv. Please call Jacques LeRiche Cel: 081 423 2367 or Hand deliver the cv's at Go fresh (pty) Ltd in the new industrial Area, at Electralink building BERYL’S Is j ouer as 18? Wil jy ekstra geld verdien na ure as n Bar Man? Kontak Jan Duvenhage by Beryl’s: 081 261 2090 Betroubaare en hardwerkend en met geld kan werk. SALON WILMA: Soek dringend n dame wat kan vleg veral “Fishtail”. Sy moet nie rook of drink nie. Moet n goeie persoonlikheid het. Konta: 081 294 6287 VACANCY: Transnational carriers, a newly established transport entity in Walvis Bay, require the service of a Long distance truck driver with cross border experience. Please forward a detailed CV to; a Or fax: 088 626 670 Applications close: 05.09.2014 Faithfull designers cc. Maxulili mall centre Kuisebmond. shop no. 8. agent we need 8 tailors , one designer and sewing machine mechanic 5years experience . Address Box 4621 Walvis Bay . Contact tel: 081 200 3396 S. Gava. and . S. Ndlovu - 081 363 8888

Onder Betrekking aangebied Vroulike drywer benodig wat ook toesig kan hou oor personeel. Stuur CV na sonja.sarahslaundry@ VACANCY Receptionist/cashier Position available at busy car wash in Swakopmund Applications close On 03/9/2014 12h00 Contact: 081 045 2913

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PICK a BARGAIN We buy & sell 2nd hand furniture & household appliances We beat any cash offer Louise 081 032 4865 Guts 081 259 3175 PICK a BARGAIN Ons koop & verkoop 2de handse meubels & huishoudelike toerusting Ons verbeter enge ander kontant aanbod Louise: 081 032 4865 Guts: 081 259 3175 TE KOOP Ski boot te koop. Ideaal vir snoek vangs. Kontak: 081 478 1253 ADULT TOYS AND EROTICS: Naughty Gifts, Quality Lubricants and Arousal Gels. Passage shrinkers for woman available in Gel and Tablet to insert. Effective affordable erection tablets for men. With our experience from 1995. We stock the REAL Stuff, not fake. From N$99.00 for 4 pack. On Special: Viquor 10 pack for N$150.00. Single Pills N$30.00. Erotic Bubble Gum for Men & Women. Erection & Enlargement pumps for men. A wide range of toys & vibrators for women. NEW: Pheromone body sprays and oil which make you more attractive for the opposite sex. With us, erectile disfunction no more a problem. Visit our facebook page Adult Toys and Erotics. Remember, your shopping with us is fun, friendly, confidential and private. Not for sale to persons under 18. Deliveries countrywide. (Discreet packaging). Contact us on 081 407 5773.




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


THIS ‘n THAT Home Entertainment & Gadgets Tel: 064-205525

E-mail: Not your average video store MORE THAN 8000 movies on DVD, 100s of GAMES on PS2, PS3, XBOX 360 WEEKLY NEW RELEASES ON DVD & OLD CLASSIC MOVIES. WE HAVE GAMING ACCESSORIES, ELECTRONIC and COMPUTER GADGETS, LAPTOP COOLERS, COMPLETE PC’S, LOTS OF CABLES, Waterproof Action Camera @ N$950.00. HD DVR Car Dash camera 2.5” screen @ N$599.00. +CAM for Iphone and Android phone, access your security camera with cellphone from anywhere @ N$1399.00. Nitro OTG Flash drives for smart phones. CANON PRINTERS, RADIO, MP 3 PLAYERS, CAMERAS, USB POWERED SPEAKERS, BLUETOOTH SPEAKERS, SPEAKER SYSTEMS, DIFFERENT LAPTOP CHARGERS, USB POWER ADAPTOR, TRAVEL ADAPTOR FOR SAMSUNG, POWER BANK, TABLET STAND, BLU-RAY DVD PLAYERS. Adaptors for micro cell phone sim card to fit any phone. SCRATCHED GAMES & CD’S? NO PROBLEM, WE REPAIR THEM. We have INTERNET ACCESS for Customers. We have a FANCY PHOTO KIOSK to print high quality photo’s from your stick or CD or even from your phone. DID YOU KNOW? We stock Fabulous air revitaliser machines and fragrances. We are proud for Customers rating us A Cool Entertaining place with Gadgets for all. CHECK OUT FOR LARGO VIDEO FACE BOOK PAGE

Wendy house/ garden shed for sale. N$ 4650. 081 4959 373

We buy and sell second hand furniture, new furniture and household appliances. Sam Nujoma Town Square Shop 1, Lapaloma Building. ELS: 081 255 5809 LAWRENCE: 081 324 1285


OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@


0814549753 /0816143833 2010 model 80 000 km Full house with towbar Price N$148 000 Contact: 081 200 0448


Hire a 5ton Skip Bin Call:081 617 7306 Omakolokoto Skip Bin Rentals & Sales

SITUATION WANTED TANAS: Ek is ‘n 26-jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk. Baie hardwerkend en is bereid om ‘n hele week te werk. Ek kan onmiddelik te begin. Kontak: 081 855 2611 EHREHFRIDE NAKANENE: Ek is ‘n 50-jarige vrou opsoek na strykwerk, skoonmaak werk, kinders oppas. Ek is baie hardwerkend. Kontak: 081 472 0885 JOB WANTED: Looking for 3 days work in a week. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Contact: 081 042 1621 Job wanted: I am 21 years old looking for a job. I have experience in stock controlling, sales person and cashier. Contact: 081 351 6826 WERK GESOEK: Ek is n betroubare dame opsoek na huiswerk of enige tiepe werk vir 3 dae of 5 dae n week. Ek is eerlik en fliks. Kontak:081 474 9867

SITUATION WANTED WERK GESOEK: Twee dames van 33jaar, is opsoek na huiswerk, kinders oppas of na ou mense versorg. Het 8 jaar ondervinding. Drink of rook nie. In Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 393 0782 081 618 6512 ZELDA: Ek is ‘n baie betroubare dame opsoek na 3 dae huiswerk. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Kan netjies werk. Kontak: 081 474 2992 MAGDELENA: A middle aged lady is looking or domestic work, cleaning, ironing and can also take care of children. Very patient and have good experience and references. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 471 2691 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk, kan baie netjies skoonmaak en kan ook stryk. Het meer as 7 jaar se verwysings. Kan vooruit begin. Meersig, Lagoon, Langstrand. Kontak: 081 726 3143 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare 41-jarige dame is opsoek na 5 dae of 3 dae werk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Kan ook goed na kinders en oumense omsien. Baie hardwerkende en behulpsaam. Rook en drink nie. Het 10 jaar verwysings. Kontak: 081 480 8534 Merlien: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk. Woensdae en Vrydae. Skakel: 081 206 0523 WERK GESOEK: A 36-year-old woman is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Langstrand. Has 5 years experience and a Certificate of Hospitality and housekeeping. Contact: 081 300 0736 081 208 5613 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame 34 jaar oud is opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 620 1948 JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old looking for any kind of job. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 763 2250 081 045 6464

29 AUGUST 2014

29 AUGUST 2014



29 AUGUST 2014

Josef Naobeb “Dulaan” * 1948-12-10 + 2014-20-08 Psalm 121 v 1 Ek slaan my oë op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom? Van Familie en Vriende. Navrae: Romano - 081 464 8609/Alios - 081 146 0602

AL-CAPONE CRUSENDO TITUS “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.’’

(Psalm 23:4)


* 10.04.1989 - + 20.08.2014

FUNERAL: Saturday 30 August 2014 09:00 At home 21 Christiaan Eiman Street, Narraville 09:30 From Lutheran Church, Narraville

Friday 29.08.14 19:00 At House of Jermaine Isaacs 21 Christiaan Eiman Street, Narraville

Contact Marlo Green 0811427108/Jermaine Isaacs 0814933026

For all your colour/display adverts call Lolla at tel. 205854 or email to:

29 AUGUST 2014



Walvis Bay trashes Namib Diesel

Social Doubles League Squash


Walvis Bay Golf Club proofed to be in a league of their own, after winning 15 out of 17 games against the visitors from Tsumeb during the weekend’s competition at the harbour town. This could be considered as a big hiding after the draw in Tsumeb during May this year. Sponsors are the key to a great event and once again people dug deep into their pockets to make this annual event a huge success. Barlow World, Caterpillar and Waco Africa were the main sponsors, ensuring a weekend of good golf and a competition to be remembered for years to come. On Friday they kicked off with a nine hole competition sponsored by Rock Builders. This was a new event to be introduced and the trophy up for grabs was the Johan Viviers & Piet Lambert floating trophy. This new event attracted more than usual Tsumeb players on a Friday and more than 20 players took

For the second consecutive year, Fuel Pump Repairs Africa’s Jaco and Clifford de Witt, proved that they are still the undisputed champs of Social Doubles by lifting the trophy for the Namib Diesel Social Doubles League without losing a single match.

Martin van den Berg and Herman Smidt with the trophy part. Gunter Heitmann and Bennie Lombard walked away as winners. On Saturday morning 70 players took to the field, for 17 match plays in the Walvis vs Tsumeb Cup and the weather played along nicely. Many a team had revenge in mind, whilst others just wanted to get even for hidings of the past. Dries Coetzee and Morne Schreuder finally met their demons by way of Duane Sanders and Jason Barnard. They got a hiding from the Walvis team, crushing them on their biggest loss since playing together, losing 6&5. The Tsumeb club captain was also silenced, after losing 6&4 to Anton van Rensburg and Jaans Stander. Richard Davidson, cosponsor, had the luck of the day. Hole in one

on the last hole and according to him it was pure skill. Results: 1st Jonas Niilenge & Patrick Shigewele; 2nd Peet Botha & Quinten van Wyk; 3rd Morne Roux & Stephan Jacksch; 4th Andre Burger & Renier Bosman; 5th Keith Fulton & Pikkie Champion; 6th Wayne Shaw & Carlita Shaw; 7th Chris Heunis & Jeanne Heunis; 8th Jaans Stander & Anton van Rensburg; 9th Heinie Franken & Linda Loots; 10th Piet van Niekerk & Kurt Brits This Saturday is Magic Discounters. Everybody wins a prize! Two ball alliance, better ball with a yellow ball counting double points and rotate on alternate holes between the players. Get your names on the entry sheet.

(Fltr) Jonas Niilenge, Johan Fourie and Patrick Shigwele. Bertus Walters van Securitas (hoofborg) oorhandig ‘n tjek aan Heletjé Grobbelaar van die Bybelgenootskap vir die gholfdag

Gholf vir Bybelvertaling Securitas & Bybelgenootskap Gholfdag

Die jaarlikse Securitas en Bybelgenootskap Gholfdag vind hierdie jaar Vrydag, 12 September by die Windhoek Country Clubs plaas en alle gholspelers word uitgenooi om golf vir ‘n goeie doel te kom speel. Volgens die organiseerders beloof vanjaar se gholfdag om ’n heel nuwe ervaring met baie verrassings te wees. Die tema van hierdie dag sal vanjaar “Om die wêreld in 18 putjies” wees. Spanne word gevra om dus vandag nog in te skryf om teleurstelling te voor-

kom. Alle fondse wat ingesamel word deur die gholfdag sal vir Bybelvertaling en -verspreiding aangewend word. Spanne kan inskryf teen N$3 000 per span. Die inskrywingsfooi sluit in ‘n geskenksakkie, eetgoed by halfweghuis, koeldrank, asook eetgoed

saam met die aand se prysuitdeling. Voorkeur vir afslaantye word gegee aan spanne wat eerste inskryf. Vir meer inligting of om in te skryf kan Heletjé gekontak word by die Bybelgenootskap (061) 235090 of e-pos pa@

“An awesome achievement you guys. Looks like the other teams will have to work hard at their game to try and topple them from the throne next year,” says Trevor Heath. In the B section, Blackie Zwart and Bertus Fokkens followed suit and ended up with max points to lift the trophy which is a superb achievement. “Thanks once again to Namib Diesel for the continued sponsorship of this popular annual event. The teams enjoyed it thoroughly. The play was hard and socialising was just as hard. Mondays and Wednesdays are going to be sorely missed until next year,” he said. The results for the final week were as follows: Wednesday 20 August In the A Section, Gateway Shipping bt Crown Jewels 3-0. Boeties bt Castle Lities 3-0. Hopefully Trev and Brandon will continue playing together. They could definitely be one of the teams to beat in the future. EAE Sparkies bt Koel by the Pool 3-0. Michi/ Trev applied the pressure and any resistance soon evaporated. Supatronix bt Terra Nova 3-2. Stefan/Sergio played a super game to take the long hard match from Jan/Danie Jansen. Fuel Pump Repairs Africa bt Mr & Mrs Smith 3-2. What a great match. In the B Section Rent A Drum bt Steel Africa 3-1 to stand alone at the top of the leader board. Matt & Ann bt Girl Power 3-1. Matthys/Anna Maria

pulled off a great win against Lindsay/Anina. Magic bt Underdogs 3-1. Friday 22 Augsut In the A Section Boeties bt Crown Jewels 3-0. Mr & Mrs Smith bt Supatronix 3-0. Fuel Pump Repairs Africa bt Castle Lities 3-1 to stay at the top of the table. EAE Sparkies bt Gateway Shipping 3-0. Ai, once again Michi/ Trev had to play second fiddle to FPRA. Koel by the Pool bt Terra Nova 3-2. Jacques/Phillip de Villiers played well to take out Jan/Matthys. In the B Section Rent a Drum bt Underdogs 3-0 and made certain they stayed at the top of the table. Double Trouble bt Girl Power 3-2. A female doubles contest. Anneke/ Zaan just managing to outplay Lindsay/Anina. Steel Africa bt Matt & Ann 3-1. Chris/Doyle stood firm, played well to assure them the 2nd slot. The final points standing were as follows: A Section: Fuel Pump Africa 45, EAE Sparkies 41, Mr & Mrs Smith 35, Boeties 33, Supatronix 30, Gateway Shipping 26, Terra Nova 18, Crown Jewels 14, Koel by the Pool 12 & Castle Lities 9. B Section: Rent A Drum 30, Steel Africa 26, Double Trouble 21, Matt & Ann 19, Girl Power 15, Magic 10 & Underdogs 7. The Namibian Open will be commencing on 5 September. There is still time to enter so if you have not already done so, make sure you do, it is going to be another awesome event.

Jaco & Clifford de Witt

Blackie Swart and Bertus Fokkens

Doyle De Haas and Chris Bruyns

Sharde Fisher and Pieter Beukes



29 AUGUST 2014

The overall winners of the Table Tennis Open

Swakop Table Tennis Open springs surprises The Salz Gossow Swakopmund Table Tennis Open took place at the West Side High School over the weekend. Upsets and close wins were at the order of the day to ensure an exciting event. Many juniors travelled to the coast to stake their claim for a trophy and to catch the eyes of selectors for inclusion in development groups. In the u/18 boys Ronaldo Vogel provided an early upset when he beat second seed Dietrich Möwes in a very tough 5-set match. Vogel went through as winner in his group and later eliminated fellow Rehoboth High School team mate, Conwin van Wyk to book a place in the final. Local boy and reigning number one seed, Darren Strauss proceeded through the playoffs with ease. In the final against Ronaldo Vogel he under-

lined why he is number one, and having “home advantage” he continued on his merry way to clinch the u/18 singles title with a dominant 3-0 win. The bronze medals were won by Dietrich Möwes and Conwin van Wyk. The u/18 girls proceeded as expected with topseeded Kaitlyn Beukes and Reese Saunderson winning their groups and semi-finals to face each other in the final. Reese was quickly off the mark to claim the first two sets to lead 2-0 against the number one seed. Kaitlyn however fought back and levelled the sets at 2-2 to set up a

mouth-watering final set. The final set lived up to expectations and the two young girls had the crowd on their feet a number of times with great attacking shots and counter strikes. Reese eventually just edged Kaitlyn for a narrow win of 11-9 in the final set. Bronze medal winners were Ciara Thorburn and Jesse Joseph. Kaitlin Beukes and Darren Strauss then joined forces to battle Reese Saunderson and Dietrich Möwes in the final of the u/18 mixed doubles. As expected this final went down to the wire with Kaitlin/Darren narrowly beating Reese/


Dietrich 3-2. Kaitlin/Darren had to dig deep in the final set when they appeared buried at 5-0 down. They erased the gap but at 8-10 down, the no.1’s looked set to lose. They never stopped fighting back and eventually claimed the deciding nail-biting set with 1311. Jesse Joseph and Ronaldo Vogel claimed the bronze medal. The senior men also added their share of excitement and upsets. Veteran Theo Beukes, only ranked 14th, arrived at the event with a mission. During the play-offs he ended top of arguably

the strongest group where he unexpectedly beat number one Heiko Fleidl and also ended any aspirations of Rudi Saunderson and Roger Beukes. Beukes continued to eliminate Reinolt Schurz in the quarter final and in one of the semi-finals he produced one of the biggest shocks of the event when he eliminated one of the tournament favourites, Ramon Hansen. Another surprise came from local player, Derick Rooza (16th ranked) who beat big names Ashley Julius (ranked number two) and Reinardt Stanley during the play-off





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Valid till 13. September 2014

he eventually reigned supreme with 3-1. Ramon Hansen and Rudi Saunderson teamed up for the men’s doubles. They continued their unbeaten run for 2014 by eliminating the number one pair of Fleidl and Schurz in the semi-final before clinching the title with a strong win over Reinardt Stanley and Johan Malan. The combination of Theo Beukes and Wayne Greene claimed the bronze medal. The next tournament is the SKW Open scheduled to take place on 20 September at the SKW in Windhoek.

matches. He continued his good run in the quarter finals where he eliminated Johan Malan. His good spell came to an end in the semi-final against Heiko Fleidl, who booked his pot in the final against Theo Beukes. Having lost earlier against Theo Beukes, Fleidl who is also hailing from Swakopmund, had other plans for the final. Fleidl however did not have things his way as he had to fight back in two of the sets where he was well behind. His determination, stamina and home-ground advantage ensured that






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