FRIDAY 30 MAY 2014
Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net
Land ownership wrangle delays N$5 billion project
Dorcas Mhungu
Mayor on traditional & cultural values
The Municipality of Henties Bay may lose a N$5 billion shrimp and prawn aquaculture project if a land ownership wrangle continues, Oshana Aqua Shrimp and Prawn Hatchery (Pty) Ltd director and chairperson, Sackey Natangwe Aipinge on Tuesday, told delegates attending an Aquaculture and Marine Development Summit, organised by the Henties Bay Municipality. day the newspaper was not able to get comments from the implicated land owners. The company has already invested in a pre-feasibility study and EIA assessment to the tune of USD 60 000 (N$ 625 000). The one year pilot project will create jobs for 10 people. The full project will employ 30 direct jobs and 200 seasonal jobs. Total employment opportunities will be 480. The project will also train locals to ensure that skills are main-
tained and distributed. Projected yearly revenue from shrimps on a 30 hectare farm is around N$2 billion. Changing dietary habits globally are
creating a growing demand for seafood, particularly from the health conscious consumers of industrialised nations.
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Vicious Dogs on the loose Picture by Dorcas Mhungu
Bay Municipality all claim to be the owners of the piece of land. The finalisation of the EIA is being delayed by the land wrangle. “It has been a year now and each day we are incurring costs and counting our losses as a result of the haggling and bureaucracy. If it does not happen (allocation of land), we will take the project to Walvis Bay or approach the Regional Council and do the project in Swakopmund,” Aipinge said. Due to the public holi-
He said the implementation process was stalled when the company contracted to do the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Study, Tortoise Enviro Consultants cc held a Public Participation meeting early this year. Aipinge said the allocated piece of land at Jakkalzputs is government land that the Henties Bay Municipality allocated to the company for the project but the University of Namibia, Ministry of Environment, Namibia Wildlife Resorts and Henties
Sackey Aipinge (left) and a project partner
Noble’s drugs case Mass Housing Project postponed again stands accused of being found in possession of drugs (crack-cocaine) to the value of N$1 400, when he was arrested during an undercover operation in October 2013. Noble offered to pay N$10 000 bail, and report to police twice a day, but he will remain behind bars as his bail application was re-
Gavin Noble
jected once again. The reason for refusing him bail was summed up as a “premature decision” by Magistrate Matulich. In most cases the granting of bail is a common occurrence and is granted on condition that the suspect will return to court until the pending criminal matter is finalised. But in some instances, such as Noble’s case, the State opposed the granting of bail as it is in public interest. Noble is a habitual drugs criminal with 18 previous convictions. Noble’s lawyer, Mr Jan Wessels, feels that the state has a weak case against his client.
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061 Music Celebrates
Recent media reports suggested that the Government had put on hold the scheme it initiated to construct 185 000 houses, worth N$45 billion by 2030. 30 MAY 2014
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
It was further stat- ister or the President prevailing housing Page 11 Namibia, vom Hocker ed that the National or a Cabinet resolu- backlog in Locker which (sk)has already Housing Enterprise tion,” Kaumbi stated Swakopmund Teures Leben! ,,Ich wünsch mir eine reached worrisome (NHE), which was via email. webenklorolle und cirBadewanne!/Jetzt bin Liebe Küstenleser, neulich traf ich zum ca N$ 7,- pro dickerer noch ganz klein, proportions. appointed to oversee One of the suc- ich /aber solch eine von wiederholten Male ei-- Luxusklorolle kommt bei Shop- das auf einen durchsoll’s sein!/ ne Bekannte Power-Oyeno, Delthis gigantic project, cessful tenderers at Ur-Oma Fürs Museum wäre das rite. Ja, natürlich bei schnittlichen Preis von Shoprite, denn da sind N$ 2,- pro Tag pro Perschöön –manne!” Group Holdings was stripped of this Swakopmund, Po- So ta dichtet Eberhard die Lebensmittel doch son. Aish, wenn ich am bil- daran denke, dass ich 1980 an meine Eltern Ja, das Swa- kammakastig and Ferusa are the wer-Oyeno, was also Tölken. responsibility. kopmunder Museum ligsten. Und bei den mir in der Schulzeit für schrieb, als ich gerade heutigen horrenden einen halben Cent ein als Eerstejaar-Matie würde sich über eine contractors assigned These reports were contacted, and the Zinkbadewanne, pas- Preisen und der grauen Kaugummi kaufen in Stellenbosch zu stuWirtschafts- konnte! Das heißt, für dieren begonnen hatte. zu seinem Kup- Wolke to construct a der total Man- send dismissed as “ma- company’s krise, die nun auch einen Tag Poabwi- Darin erwähnte ich, ferbadeofen, riesig Richard13 ein Page volle Kanne das süd- schen heute, konnte dass Cliff ,,Vielleicht hat houses of 3 034 in licious rumors” by aging Director, Mr freuen. jemand so etwas als liche Afrika getroffen man in den siebziger Live Konzert in Kapstadt gibt. Gleichzeitig Jahren 400 Kaugumhat, geht man dorthin, irgendwo zu Swakopmund, whilst Mr Uazuva Kaum- Paulo Shipoke, not- Gerümpel sprach ich meinen mis kaufen!!! Der Hö-vom stehen und freut sich, wo man am wenigsten Locker Moneten aus dem Portwennthe er das Museum 7 Sirs Group will ed that they, as a bi, Nostalgie: NHERomantisch Senior mit Rosen bemalte, Zinkbadewanne auf e r f r e u e n k ö n n t e ” , monee ziehen muss. Das bedeutet: zu Shop- Hocker verzierten Füßen. Foto: Internet meintbe Herr Tölken. responsible for Manager (Technical contractor, “unforturite für Lebensmittel, zu PEP Stores für of 1 595zu Big Services and Pro- nately are not at lib- the erectionHundedecken, Daddy oder Mr Price houses in Walvis erty to comment on pertySwakopmund Management). (sk) Fließen gebracht. für Kleidung und zur Kennen wir doch alle ist eine Be- Nachbarin zum HaareBay. such high level is- Shiatsu “There is no in irgendeiner Form:truth handlungsform, die scheiden. steifen Nacken, verden Menschen Zurück zu meiner Thesein seiner projects al- Besues”. in those newspaper spannte Schulter, unGanzheit erfasst, als kannten, die ich just bewegliche Hüfte, Einheit von Körper, dort traf, wo kostenbeready kicked off at The main aim of the articles. Schmerzen. Geist und Seele, und wusste Bürger einkaugibt eine japanische eine tiefe Ent- fen - towns eben nicht bei the coastal TheEs articles do not Mass Housing Pro- bewirkt Behandlungsmethode, spannung, die uns zu Woolworth und SPAR, diese UnpässlichRuheare und in Ge- full wo diejenigen and swing. ihren evendie quote the min- ject is to address the innerer keiten lindern kann. lassenheit führt. Die Einkauf tätigen, deren
Museum sucht Zinkbadewanne
Sie nennt sich Shiatsu und kann auch als Akupunktur ohne Nadeln bezeichnet werden. Sie beruht auf dem chinesischen Erfahrungswissen, dass der Mensch auch von der Energie bestimmt wird, die in seinem Körper entlang der so genannten Meridiane fließt. Ist diese Energie ausgeglichen, fühlt sich der Mensch wohl, ist sie blockiert, fühlt er sich überfordert, müde, ohne Vitalität und manchmal auch krank. Shiatsu hilft dem gesunden Menschen, mit seiner Energie in Einklang zu kommen und zu bleiben. Es wirkt vorbeugend gegen
,,Selbstheilungskräfte” werden angeregt und gestärkt und wir finden wieder Zugang zu unserer eigenen Lebensfreude und kraft. Elisabeth Kossmann hat in Europa viele Shiatsu-Kurse und Seminare besucht. Sie lebt seit gut 7 Jahren in Swakopmund, wo sie die Akkupressur anbietet. Zur Zeit gibt es bei ihr einen WinterSpezialpreis von N$ 350,- pro Behandlung, die eine Stunde dauert. Zu erreichen ist sie unter 407201/ 081320 3928 oder per E-Mail: eekossmann@gmail. com
Cool Sun 10 x 200 ml
Big Brother is back
Die Fingerdrucktherapie aus Japan
Foto von Buchdeckel: Störungen und Erkrankungen, verbessert die Beweglichkeit und Körperhaltung. Dem kranken Menschen kann es helfen, als Begleiter verschiedener Therapien, seine Leiden zu lindern. Mit anderen Worten, die Gesundheit hängt von einem ungehinderten
Susann Kinghorn Strömen der Lebensenergie ab. Shiatsu wird in ruhigen, fließenden Bewegungen auf einer weichen Matte am Boden praktiziert. Durch den sanften Druck der Hände oder Daumen entlang der Meridiane wird die blockierte Energie wieder zum
3forN$100 Attatieta, das sind leckere Brötchen! Swakopmund (sk) Raith Gourmet Gelateria lockt mit köstlichem Speiseeis, besonderer Wurst- und Käseware, leckeren Kuchen und knackigknusprigen Brötchen. Bei diesem Quiz galt es, drei Fragen zu dem Delikatessengschäft zu stellen. Hier nun die Antworten, die zahlreich eingingen: 1. Das Geschäft befindet sich in der Tobias Hainyeko-Straße
Geld vom Himmel regnet und die gar nicht mehr wissen, wo das Ovimariva eigentlich herkommt. Sie machte mich auf den hohen Preis von einem Tütchen Erbsen aufmerksam, da sie gerade vorhatte, eine Erbsensuppe zu kochen. Ich wiederum meinte, dass es sogar eine kostspielige Angelegenheit sei, auf Toilette zu gehen. Ich weiss nicht, wie es bei Ihnen ist, liebe Leser, aber wenn meine beiden Söhne gerade zu Besuch da sind, dann kaufe ich sofort das einlagige Papier, denn - egal ob relativ billiges einlagiges oder teureres zweilagiges Klopapier - , es muss jeden dritten Tag eine neue Rolle herhalten. Bei einem Preis von etwa N$ 5,- pro Spinn-
Class 1 Potato Pockets 7 kg
Assorted Simba Chips 125 g
Page 15
hepunkt des Glücks Wunsch und meinen war, wenn man sich ein Kummer darüber aus, Creamy Toffee für 7 soooo gerne einmal die Cent leisten konnte. An Songs ,Devil Woman’ diesem zähen, süßen und ,We don’t talk anyStück Karamelltafel more’ dieses britischen konnte man stunden- Popstars live hören zu lang herumlutschen wollen, was allerdings und den Genuss bis Stewing unbezahlbar A GradefastBulk Beef war bei in die Ewigkeit hinaus- dem Preis von N$ 2,zögern. Und heute? pro Konzertkarte. HeuHeute beisst man drei- te würde ich wohl mal in ein Mars oder per kgknappe N$ 1000,- daeine Crunchie Bar und für zahlen müssen. i s t i n S e k u n d e n - Wenn ich es mir recht schnelle N$ 8,- los. N$ überlege, ist das Leben 8,- bedeuteten damals heute tatsächlich teuer, 110 Tafeln Creamy aber war es das nicht Toffee, deren Genuss auch damals schon? bis ans Lebensende ge- Warum sonst konnte reicht hätten. Ghottwitt ich mir das Live Kon(Gott weiss), wenn ich zert von Cliff Richard reich gewesen wäre, für N$ 2,- nicht anhöhätte ich damals die ren? Regale leergekauft und Ihre bräuchte heute kein an- Susann Kinghorn, die deres Genussmittel meint, dass ein Creamehr. my Toffee damals Neulich fand ich in trotzdem viel leckerer einer Schublade A Grade einen Groundwar BeefalsMince eine Crunchie Brief, den ich Ende heute.
zwischen Photo Behrens und Otto Günther. 2. Die Wurstdelikatessen kommen aus Kapstadt. 3. Das Eis wird nach italienischen Rezepten hergestellt? Gewonnen haben: 1. Wilfried Trümper (Ein Frühstück für 2 Personen im Werte von N$ 250,-); 2. Brigitte Mracky (Ein Frühstück für eine Person im Werte von N$ 100,); 3. Dietmar Piebrock (Ein Gutschein für Eiscreme•im von• WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • E&OE • WHILE STOCKS LAST ACTUAL PRODUCTS ON OFFER MAY DIFFER FROM VISUALS SHOWN, AS THESE ARE SERVING SUGGESTIONS ONLY! • HAMILTONS ADVERTISING 230514 • NO HAWKERS NOWerte TRADERS Ob Pfefferminze oder Joghurt, Zitrone oder N$ 60,-). Die Preise sind im Wiener Mandel, das Speiseeis bei Raith Swakopmunder Büro Gourmet Gelateria lockt in diversen Geder Namib Times ab- schmacksrichtungen und Farben. zuholen. Foto: Susann Kinghorn
BIG DEAL 3forN$100
dispels fears
Marshallino Beukes
Class 1 Potato Pockets 7 kg
not “on ice”
Piquet Jacobs Gavin Noble, an alleged drug dealer in Walvis Bay who is facing drug charges, appeared before Magistrate Andre Matulich on Wednesday and had his case postponed to 18 June. Gavin Henry Peter Noble (53)
Page 5
N$49.99 per kg
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30 MAY 2014
Henties Bay focuses on acquaculture Dorcas Mhungu
The Municipality of Henties Bay held a two day Aquaculture and Marine Development Summit that drew more than 100 participants. Addressing delegates at the opening ceremony, deputy minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Dr Samuel Ankama said Namibia’s efforts to attract investors in mari-culture are retarded by lack of onshore land for aquaculture establishment. He warned executives who deliberately delay development projects because they want a stake in the projects. “Such individuals are cancerous to the system and must be rooted out as they are retarding development. It is our shared
responsibility that as citizens of this beautiful country we devise positive mechanisms and attitudes that will enable aquaculture development without delays,” the minister warned. Dr Ankama urged financial institutions like the Development Bank of Namibia, Agribank and commercial banks to avail funds for the establishment of aquaculture projects. A study conducted by the Norwegian Government indicates that for a small size commercial fish farm to begin operating, a minimum
investment of N$15 million or more is needed. He added that Namibia has several advantages that offer a solid foundation for the establishment of successful projects. The Policy and legal framework are already in place for the development of a responsible aquaculture sector, the 1500 km largely uninhabited coastline, excellent security along long stretches of the coast, high primary productivity of marine water, and the already well-established processing, packaging and marketing systems.
“With these advantages there is a wide range of potentially important forms of aquaculture which could benefit Namibians. These include the possibility of very large scale further development of the existing operations in farming marine shellfish, and new developments that include farming with species such as kabeljou, tuna and sea-cucumber,” minister Ankama said. Namibia envisages that by the year 2030 aquaculture will have grown to become a thriving industry. Dr Ankama
said the Government of Namibia has identified aquaculture as one of its top priority areas for development. Commercial Marine acquaculture is presently dominated by oyster production carried out in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Lüderitz and Oranjemund. Challenges dogging aquaculture at the moment are availability of suitable land, pollution from ports or ships, hydrogen sulphide eruptions and access to finance. “Our Government strongly supports aquaculture development
Deputy Minister Ankama through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources. In addition the National Standards Institute has joined forces in the creation of the necessary legislative and research environment for Aquaculture to de-
velop in Namibia. The progress being made in the commercial Mari-culture sector is testament to that, especially with respect to oyster and abalone production,” the minister said.
A decade later, NamWater still mulls desalination plant Jade McClune
Desalinated water is the only viable option for coastal industries and communities, NamWater says.
Speaking to delegates at the Chamber of Mines conference in Windhoek last week a senior manager in Namwater’s water supply division for the south of the country, Coenie Koegelenberg, said from the standpoint of the national water distributor, it would be best that all mines are supplied fully with desalinated water. Koegelenberg reiterated Namwater’s long-standing promise that “towns are to be phased in when groundwater sources (have been) fully utilised”, without specifying when exactly, or what is meant by “fully utilised”. Namwater has over the past decade made repeated promises in this respect and justified above-aver-
age tariff increases over the past decade on the grounds that it would build a desalination plant. Naturally there has been an expectation among residents that the benefits of desalinated water would one day trickle down to the household consumer, but that has not happened yet. Namwater announced again last year, when it became clear that the corporation was extracting more water from the Omaruru delta (Omdel) than the aquifers could sustain, that they had decided to go back to the drawing board to look into the desalination option. High-level managers at Namwater make no secret
of the fact that the Omdel has become relatively depleted in recent years, partly due to conditions of drought, but also due to the high rate of abstraction by NamWater, most of which is channelled to uranium mines in the region. It has been pointed out that the depletion of the underground water sources places at risk the long-term sustainability of coastal industries and communities that depend on the delta for fresh water supplies. The risk of contamination by seawater is also very real and experts have warned against lowering the water table in the delta to the extent that salt water rushes in and destroys
the underground freshwater reservoirs. As recently as November it was reported that desalinated water would be pumped into the delta to replenish it, but it is not clear whether this was implemented. There is widespread concern that the quality of household water has steadily deteriorated in recent years at Swakopmund, but as yet there is no clarity on this important question. Residents at Swakopmund have also repeatedly asked when the desalinated water will reach their homes. AREVA Namibia, which operates the desalination plant near Wlotzkasbaken has an agreement to sup-
ply Rössing and Husab mines with several million cubic metres of water per year, but when asked directly last week when residents at the coast will be able to access desalinated water for household use, CEO Hilifa Mbako was not forthcoming. Namwater’s Koegelenberg confirmed though at the same event, that NamWater and the Ministry of Agriculture, Water & Forestry are currently consulting on the way forward to secure a source of desalinated water. The preliminary discussions are due to be concluded by the end of the second week of June 2014, at which time a decision will be announced.
Namport outlines strategic plan for Port of Walvis Bay Jade McClune The Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) is set to initiate major changes to the face of Walvis Bay over the next decade as it pushes ahead with plans of expansion in an effort to position itself as the premier port on the west coast of Africa. The new container terminal under construction at Walvis Bay harbour is due to be commissioned in March 2017, the CEO of Namport, Bisey /Uirab said last week. Namport awarded the N$3.38 billion contract for the construction of the new terminal to China Harbour Engineering Company in November last year. The new terminal on reclaimed land will expand the port’s footprint by 40 hectares (400 000m²), including a 600m quay wall, that will enable it to handle an additional 750 000 TEU per year. “By 2017, the volume of cargo handling and railway transported cargo is double that of 2012, and the Port of Walvis Bay has become the preferred African West Coast port and logistics corridor for south and
central African logistics operations,” according to the projections of the National Development Plan (NDP4). Construction of the north harbour project, known as the SADC Gateway Terminal is expected to be completed between 2016 and 2020. It will add an additional 1 330 hectares (13.3km²) to the existing port infrastructure, with a 10 000 m quay wall and 30 large berths. The cost of creating the SADC Gateway terminal is set at around N$30 billion. During phase 1, work will start in 2016 on a tanker jetty, capable of accommodating two 60 000 tonnes DWT Tankers at a time. /Uirab said the tanker jetty will be beneficial to the mining Industry, as will enhance the port’s capacity to supply fuel for mining
operations. A new ship-and rig-repair facility (Marine Repair and Supply Base) will also be a key component of the north harbour project. Beyond 2020, a large multi-purpose dry bulk terminal will be constructed during phase 2 of the SADC Gateway. In the third phase, the Botswana Coal Terminal, consisting of at least 5 berths will be set up to handle around 65 million tonnes of coal per year, most of which is destined for China and India. The coal terminal will be linked to the Trans-Kalahari Railway line and the Walvis Bay Industrial Park to be constructed behind Dune 7 on Farm 58. /Uirab told high-level representatives of the mining industry in Windhoek last week that the existing con-
tainer terminal will become a multi-functional terminal, with deep-water berths 1 to 3 for vessels with overall length of up to 300m, as well as larger bulk / break bulk vessels. The existing port also offers a large area for stockpiling. In terms of services to the mining industry, Namport’s chief said the port currently offers bulk and break bulk berths for vessels up to 198 m, which are typically used to for transferring project cargo, mining equipment, Ro-Ro vessel berthing, etc. The port is also used for the import of sulphuric acid and mining chemicals imports in containers and bagged bulk. /Uirab noted that they are looking at a proposal for a private Bulk Sulphur Handling Plant, with a handling capacity up to 70 000 tonnes of sulphur at a time.
The Walvis Bay Bulk Terminal Multi-Product facility currently handles metal ores, concentrates, lead, zinc, copper, manganese and coal. Walvis Bay Salt Refiners Terminal is used for salt exports and Okorusu Fluorspar Terminal for fluorspar exports. The recently established tanker jetty can accommodate a 40 000 DWT tanker, he said and the harbour also offers three floating docks, owned by EBH Namibia, that can accommodate vessels up to 190m long and 33m beam. In terms of the dry port facilities, /Uirab said that the Zambian operation is already in full swing and that Botswana’s dry port will be operational by mid-2014, but it appears that Zimbabwe’s dry port project has been delayed by financial difficulties.
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30 MAY 2014
Traditional and cultural values important – Mayor Bernabé Blaauw During the Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday evening in the Kuisebmond Council Chambers, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Councillor Uillika Nambahu, said that future generations are at risk of losing their traditional and cultural values.
Mayor Nambahu started her address with a brief overview of the history of Africa Day, which was commemorated on Sunday, and reiterated the importance of the day for Namibia and the African continent. With reference to the importance of the African history, she noted that future generations are at risk of losing their traditional and cultural values, especially in the face of great influences driven chiefly by the media and other social platforms. She said that it is the loss of such values that result in the lack of respect for oneself and the environment or ethical consideration that manifests itself in criminal activities such as thievery and
gender based violence for example. She added that it is regrettable seeing this continent and country go to waste while it is blessed with so many resources and for whom many have paid such a dear sacrifice towards its freedom. Mayor Nambahu pointed out that it is “our” responsibility to lead by example and teach our children the history of how far we have come as a continent and as a country, otherwise the youth will take it for granted that things have always been this easy. The council meeting continued after her speech and the following recommendations of the Management Committee were approved:
Township Establishment on Remainder Erf 192, Kuisebmond, comprising of 157 single residential erven. Revision of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme (Amendment Scheme No 35), a fullscale town planning scheme review. Amendment Scheme No 36, for the rezoning of Erf 925, Walvis Bay (Single Residential to Local Business), Erf 6418, Kuisebmond (Single Residential to General Residential), Erf 3538, Narraville Extension 5 (Public Open Space to Business 1), Portion 213 of Walvis Bay Town and Townlands (Undetermined to Business 1). Need and Desirability for 33 Township Establishments for the development of erven.
This decision includes the creation of two new suburbs namely Portville and Duneville. The lease, by private transaction, of 10 000 m² (1 ha) of an unserviced piece of land at the landfill area to Rent-a-Drum for the purpose of a material recovery facility for a period of ten years. Council took note of the progress report on the timeline of the project dealing with the acquisition of industrial land at the heavy industrial area behind Dune 7, Farm 58, for the construction of a Gas Fired Power Plant. The amendment of Palm Tree Investment CC to P.A.M. Tree Investment CC and the sale of 13,8968 hectares (138 968 m²)
of an unsurveyed/unserviced Block Erf 5758, Kuisebmond to P.A.M. Tree Investments CC at N$5/m² (N$694 840). The request of the Sparta United Recreation Club to extend the current cricket oval and to relocate the Netball facilities. Council will also enter into an agreement with Sparta to support the project with an amount not exceeding N$200 000 and all the facilities wil remain Council property. The reservation of a Portion of Farm 37 for the purpose of Asparagus farming. Council took note of the legal opinion from DF Malherbe and Partners on the proposed Public Private Partnership (Joint Venture) with AFRIKUUMBA
Mayor Uillika Nambahu (Pty) Ltd and that the draft Joint Venture agreement be finalised for consideration by Council by 20 June this year. Erongo Recycling Solutions to begin a recycling service for households in Walvis Bay.
Over-expenditure on the VIP Mini Bus vote of N$30 542.45 to be added to the budgeted amount of N$400 000 for the purchase of a vehicle for the exclusive use of the Councillors.
‘I am’ becomes a watchword FNB Namibia officially announced their newly revamped values to which “I AM” is now added. Ian Leyenaar, chief executive officer of FNB Namibia said that all FNB employees would now look at the five values of the company and say I’m helpful, I’m effective, I’m ethical, I’m innovative and I’m accountable.
“The new approach is for each employee to accept personal responsibility for the way we behave in accordance with our values. We now start each value with “I am”, making it clear that, while we are striving for a collective
behaviour in terms of our values, it starts with each one of us individually—it starts with “ME.” Leyenaar elaborated and advised that, I’m helpful, for example at FNB Namibia means that employees are hu-
mane, compassionate and respectful in their dealings with other people. “The African term ‘Ubuntu’ fits this concept perfectly. Modesty is a quality we should all aspire to—so it’s important that we remain humble
at all times. Further—it is in the spirit of helpfulness in the everyday operations of the bank and in every area of the organisation that we should aspire to resolve and sort out challenges quickly,” Leyenaar added.
He requested his staff members to encourage each other to create a work environment in which expertise is freely shared and everyone help each other to succeed. “Only then can we deliver on our promise to customers”. Last-
ly - offer to help others even if there’s nothing in it for you. You might need help sooner than you know and then you’ve already put helpfulness out there,” he concluded.
visitor’s entry permit. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$1 000 or a sentence of 3 weeks imprisonment. Martin Nambala Shilongo (20), Caroline Engelbrecht (46) and Christo Jantjies (30) appeared on charges of theft under false pretenses. The case was postponed to 21 August 2014. The accused are on bail. Mei Ji (36) appeared on a charge of bribery. The case was postponed to 4 June 2014. The accused is on bail. Frans Godfried (21) and Sylvester Gaogab (28) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 26 June 2014. The accused are in custody. Festus Asino (28) and Joseph Nakambunda (26) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification. The case was postponed to 31 July 2014. The accused are on bail. Tuyeni Titus (25) was absent at his hearing on a charge of theft. The accused is at large. Thomas Amenku (59) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. Eliader Seblon (38) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 20 August 2014. The accused is on bail. Leonard Apollus (35) and Levi Shilongo (34) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave them a fine of N$5 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. 23 May 2014 Tuyeni Titus (25) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014. The accused is on bail. Sean Hanker (25) appeared on a charge of possession of a firearm without a license. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$2 000 or a sentence of 6 months imprisonment. Dyau Shanyengange (54) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$5 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. Moses Hikopua (32) appeared on charges of theft. The case was postponed to 6 June 2014 and transferred to Windhoek. The accused is in custody. Thomas Petrus (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 6 June 2014 and transferred
Nurses guilty
Three Registered nurses, who were on duty on the day of the death of late Juliana Kleopas and her baby, were found guilty on all charges.
Walvis Bay 22 May 2014 Thomas Mumbasha (29) and Michael Mulundu (27) appeared on charges of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave them a fine of N$4 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. Henry Keyser (33) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 19 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Martin Mweeimenange (23) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 26 June 2014. The accused is on bail. Erasmus N Johannes (49) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 2 June 2014. The accused is on bail. Paulus Amunyela (33) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused not guilty. Dyau Shanyengange (54) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 23 May 2014. The accused is on bail. Jean-Pierre Du Plessis (24) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. Edsel Heinrich Smith (31) was absent at his hearing on a charge of theft. The accused is at large. Amon Naruseb (27) appeared on a charge of robbery. The case was postponed to 19 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Epafras Matheus (39) appeared on a charge of uttering, tendering or acceptance of forged altered or counterfeit notes. The case was postponed to 30 June 2014. The accused is on bail. Vincent Mooky Gertze (28) and Henry Johns (18) appeared on charges of theft. Magistrate Andre Matulich found Gertze not guilty but Johns guilty. Abraham Shivute (26) and Sunday Nehale (age unknown) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 13 August 2014. The accused are in custody. Kenneth Kazehuiza (28) appeared on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and no driver’s license. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$4 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment on the charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. He gave him a fine of N$1 000 or a sentence of 3 months imprisonment on the charge of no driver’s license. Daniel Nathan Weston (25) appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of
30 MAY 2014
to Windhoek. The accused is in custody. 27 May 2014 Sheryl Wilma Maclobo (37) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was struck from the roll. Gavin Henry Peter Noble (52) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014. The accused is in custody. Michael Goagoseb (38) and Jumbo Malani (40) appeared on charges of possession of depence-producing substances. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave them a fine of N$700 or a sentence of 60 days imprisonment. A minor (16) appeared on a charge of possession of depence-producing substances. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014. The accused is being detained in a safe place. Lora Maamberua (25) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 17 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Salatiel Haihambo (28) appeared on a charge of indecent assault. The case was postponed to 3 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Petrus Enkali (59) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. Moses Hikopua (32) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 9 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Moses Haimbodi (29) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$4 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. Kristof Shipanga (34) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$4 000 or a sentence 12 months imprisonment. Nelson Handura (38) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Magistrate Andre Matulich found the accused guilty and gave him a fine of N$4 000 or a sentence of 12 months imprisonment. Joseph Ekuumba (27) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 18 June 2014. The accused is in custody. Tomas Daniel (37) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 18 June 2014. The accused is in custody.
Kleopas died in labour at the Katutura State Hospital in 2012. The Health Professional Council of Namibia instituted a hearing last year which was concluded recently. The nurses are Bertha Mutikisha, Isebel Akawa and Leopoldine Mbendeka. The Professional Conduct Committee chaired by Mr Albius
Maswahu found them guilty of all the charges related to neglecting to correctly diagnose the health needs, prescribe, provide and execute correct nursing regimen for the patient, neglecting to determine the health status and the psychological response of the patient and neglecting to keep an accurate record of all
actions performed. They are all suspended for two years from practicing of which one year is suspended on condition that during that period they are not found guilty of unprofessional conduct. Kaijata Kangueehi represented the complainant, while the Shikongo Law Chambers represented the accused.
AVID case continues
A state witness in a N$30-million fraud and corruption trial of Avid Investment said that Ralph Blaauw was the contact person between the Social Security Commission and the little known investment outfit at the time. Witness Gideon Muelder, who was the Social Security Commission Manager of Corporate Finance, testified that Blaauw’s role was like that of a marketing officer or an
employee of Avid. The seven people accused of defrauding the Social Security Commission through Avid Investment pleaded not guilty at the start of their trial last week.
All the accused claimed ignorance of the activities of Avid and heaped blamed on its late portfolio manager and chief executive officer Lazarus Kandara.
Interpol making strides The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol) says it has made progress in combating crime at international and continental level.
According to the Head of Interpol Regional Bureau for Southern Africa, Chilika Simfukwe the use of global communication channels and an internationally recognised aler system allows Interpol to prevent several crimes and through excellent cooperation among members states, the Regional Bureau successfully uncovered transnational organised crimes. Simfukwe noted that through the use of its
communication channels, Interpol intercepted criminals who committed crimes in their countries and fled to other countries in the region. He said Interpol provides targeted support to member countries in fingerprint, DNA analysis and disaster victim identification. The Interpol regional chief believes that with such support, criminal intelligence analysts will provide information re-
lated to specific areas of crime and criminal organisations and inform member states on time. Simfukwe said despite numerous success stories, Interpol faces financial constraints among member states, which have a negative impact on its operations. He said due to a lack of extradition laws between member states, criminals take advantage of such loopholes to escape justice.
Lesotho heads SARPCCO
Lesotho has taken over the chairmanship of the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Co-operation Organisation, SARPCCO. The country’s Commissioner of Police, Khothatso Ts’ooana, took over from Namibia’s InspectorGeneral Sebastian Ndeitunga. Lieutenant-General Ndeitunga described his tenure as having been challenging and successful to him and the region. He pointed out financial constraints as one of the major impediments hampering the efficient operations and stressed that the regional police body helped in reducing crossborder and transnational crimes.
He identified joint police and community-policing initiatives as effective means to maintain safety and security in the SADC region. Commissioner Ts’ooana welcomed his new assignment, and said that Lesotho started to support SARPCCO operations despite financial constraints. “Police co-operation is important towards combating of crimes as shown by the current crime rate since the formation of SARPCCO 19 years ago’” he said.
Trial date set for
Conradie and Damases The N$60-million corruption case of prominent lawyer, Dirk Conradie and his co-accused Sara Damases, could go on trial in April 2015.
Prosecutor Edios Marodedze informed Judge Elton Hoff about this arrangement between him and defence lawyer Slysken Makando last week.
30 MAY 2014
Vermiste tieners word steeds gesoek Madelaine Laubscher
Awian van Schalkwyk (17) en Kim Swarts (15), wat sedert 7 April vermoedelik saam weggeloop het, is steeds vermis en die soektog duur voort. Gerugte dat hulle in Namibië kan wegkruip doen ook steeds die rondte. Kim is van Amandasig en Awian van Centurion. Hulle het vermoedelik op ’n swart Honda CBR 125 motorfiets (VFV 299 GP) gevlug, in die nag van 6 April. Volgens Kim se ma was hulle net vriende, maar nadat die namib times op `n later stadium met Awian se ma gesels het was daar bevind dat hulle wel in `n romantiese verhouding betrokke is. “Ek voel so moedeloos. Albei kinders kom uit liefdevolle huise. Awian is my middel kind en Kim is die enigste kind. Awian het niks voor die tyd aangedui dat hy beplan het om weg te gaan nie. Hy het slegs `n brief gelos met die woorde “dit is tyd dat ek moet weggaan”. Nadat hulle weg is kon ek wel agterkom dat hulle dit vooraf beplan het omdat hulle enige moontlike spoor hoe ons hulle kan vind doodgevee het. Awian het sy motorfiets, wat eers rooi was, kort voor hulle weg is laat swart sprei.
Hy het vir die man wat dit oorgesprei het gese hy is haastig, want hy wil Namibië toe gaan saam met sy neef,” het sy ma vertel. Volgens Awian se ma is Kim alles vir Awian en die twee is smoorverlief. Hulle was glo nooit verbied om mekaar te sien nie. “Hulle het mekaar gereeld gesien. Elke naweek was hulle saam en soms deur die week ook.” Die koerant het vir Awian se ma gevra om `n boodskap aan die kinders te rig. “Dit is vir ons uiters belangrik dat daar nie `n vertrouensband gebreek word nie. Niemand is foutloos nie en ons wil hê hulle albei moet weet dit maak nie saak wat fout is of wat gebeur het nie, ons wil hulle graag net terug hê by die huis. Awian se sussie mis sy kos wat hy altyd gemaak het en almal verlang na hulle. Ons wil hulle ondersteun en bystaan met wat ook al fout is. Geen prob-
leem is so groot dat dit nie opgelos of hanteer kan word nie. Awian, julle hele lewe lê nog voor julle en ons wil graag help om die beste te maak van wat voorlê. Ons het julle gemis op Moedersdag. My grootste wens is dat julle net terug sal kom sodat Kim haar verjaardag op 9 Junie by die huis kan wees. Ek weet julle dink julle is nou al groot. Julle is albei baie intelligent. Deel van volwassene wees is om om te gee vir `n ander. Kim, moenie jou ma nog meer laat seerkry deur haar te laat verlang en wonder waar jy is op jou verjaardag nie. Ouerliefde verstaan mens slegs eendag as jy self kinders het. Babas kom nie met `n handboek nie. Elke kind is uniek. Geen ouer maak moedswillig foute nie. Ons is en bly baie lief vir julle,” het sy gesê. Awian se ma het ook vertel dat hulle nie vermoed dat die kinders ontvoer is nie. “Alle leidrade word deur privaatspeurder André
NOG STEEDS OP SOEK: Kim Swarts en Awian Van Schalkwyk Putter, opgevolg maar is tot dusver negatief.” Awian se ma het ook genoem dat hulle sukkel om dit op televisie te kry. “Ons wil dit graag op televisie laat uitsaai, maar ons sukkel selfs om sekere koerante in Suid-Afrika se belangstelling te kry. Hulle het glo geïnsinueer dat dit nie nuuswaardig genoeg is nie en dat hulle spasie beperk is. Hulle het dit vir Kim se ma gesê,” het sy vertel. Die koerant het self met privaatspeurder André Putter gesels. “Daar is gerugte dat hulle in Namibië of die Noord Kaap kan wees.
Ek het leidrade opgetel dat hulle in Otjiwarongo kon wees, maar niks is bevestig nie. Ek dink dit was maar nog altyd `n fantasie vir hulle om Namibië te besoek want Kim se stiefpa kom van Namibië af en hulle het glo gefantaseer oor die land. Kim het `n perd waarvoor sy bitter lief is wat sy net so agter gelaat het. Hulle kon paspoorte vervals het, want hulle het nie paspoorte gehad nie. Ek glo nie die motorfiets kon hulle baie ver neem nie, maar hulle het genoeg geld om self aan die lewe te bly. Ek glo vas hulle het hi-
erdie oor `n lang tydperk beplan. Hulle doen regtig moeite om nie gekry te word nie. Ons het die huise besoek van altwee tieners en ons kan sien dat altwee uit baie goeie huise kom. Ek dink hulle glo hulle is nou groot en wil hulle eie lewe leef. Ek kan my nie blind staar teen die feit dat hulle in Namibië kan wees nie,” het hy gesê. “Ons het vanoggend `n terugslag beleef. Awian het in Januarie al `n afspraak gemaak om uit te passeer en sy afspraak was geboek vir vandag. Ek het gehoop hy sou skelm opdaag sodat hy
wel sy rybewys kon kry, maar ongelukkig het hy nie opgedaag nie en ons is terug by `n doodloopstraat,” het hy bygevoeg. Volgens gerugte was `n meisie wat soos Kim lyk in Swakopmund gesien by Binnelandse Sake (Home Affairs), en volgens lesers in Namibië lyk altwee baie bekend. ‘n Vermiste persone-saak is by die Suid-Afrikaanse polisie aanhangig gemaak. Indien enige persoon inligting het oor die kinders, skakel privaatspeurder André Putter: 084-485-6448, of Missing Children SA: 072-647-7464.
Vicious dogs worry Narraville residents Madelaine Laubscher
Concern has been raised about a pack of four dogs, described as dangerous, that are allowed to roam the streets of Narraville unaccompanied.
Sources said the dogs belong to a resident of Narraville and they harass other dogs in the area. It is further alleged that the dogs almost attacked a local resident last Wednesday. According to the sources, the owner of the dogs resides in Skipper Street in Narraville and sometimes allows the dogs to roam the streets. “The dogs are dangerous. It is two American pitbulls, a boerboel and a crossbred rotweiller causing havoc in the streets of the suburb. We have seen them walking in a
group on more than one occasion. These dogs are a danger to the community and need to be put under control,” a source said. Another source told the newspaper that these dogs have also attempted to attack a man. “The dogs went into a resident`s yard and wanted to attack him. He managed to scare them off. The dogs also attacked another dog during the weekend. My children are free spirited and they often play outside. These dogs pose a danger to my children seeing that they are aggressive. The owner
of these dogs should either keep them in his yard or the dogs must be confiscated by the police,” he said. The Walvis Bay SPCA was approached for comment and they said that, “The SPCA was not contacted about these dogs before. It is a matter that the animal protection services of the municipality must handle, seeing that these dogs are aggressive and are prone to attack.” Mr Deville Dreyer from the health department of the municipality said that he contacted the
owner of the dogs. “I am aware of the problem. It is very hard to catch these dogs as they run away from the car when we want to catch them. I spoke to the owner of the dogs. He said that his dogs are in the yard. We will do an inspection. I will also contact the Walvis Bay SPCA for assistance to inspect. If the complaints continue in the future, the dogs will have to be removed,” he said. The newspaper could not get a comment from the owner of the dogs at the time of going to print.
30 MAY 2014
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
The off-the-cuff briefing was called in response to several media reports and inquires which alleged that Namport are engaged in the illegal handling and storage of dangerous goods such as radioactive material, spent nuclear cartridges, plutonium and explosives. “There is no dangerous cargo stored outside the boundaries of the port. It is the norm that people declare goods in transit. There are always those individuals with mischievous agendas such as the people who brought in counterfeit cigarettes in the past. We act as soon as we become aware of any dodgy activities. Native Holdings will be liaising with Namport and no nuclear material or waste will be stored,” said /Uirab who stressed that Namport did not have a problem as was insinuated at the meeting in Narraville. According to him Namport was inundated with calls concerning the handling and storage of dangerous goods following a much publicised public meeting, held by EnvroSolutions on behalf of Native Venture Holdings, with regard to the proposed establishment of a temporary dangerous goods storage facility at
the former navy radio bunker on the outskirts of Narraville in Walvis Bay. Native Storage Facility managing member Mr Thomas Jonas, who also attended Tuesday’s press briefing, caused a furore when he said he had done his homework and discovered that dangerous goods are currently stored at various non compliant locations within the harbour area and surrounding warehouse facilities before being dispatched to their final destinations. He made the statement during a public meeting in Narraville last week. He also said that capacity is limited at the harbour and storage facilities of dangerous goods and materials require legislation and standards compliance which is lacking in certain instances. Jonas refuted having made the statements and also denied having drawn in Namport during the discussion in Narraville. “The presentation was made by EnviroSolutions. There is definitely a need for such a storage facility,” he said. /Uirab went to great lengths and explained that an application for the importation of arms, ammunition or explosives must be accompanied by a valid
import permit issued by the Namibian Police and must be transported under police escort from the perimeters of the port to its final destination or in case of transit cargo to the border of the next country. “As per our records and since the inception of Namport in 1994, no nuclear waste or any other form of radio active goods has been landed in Namibian Ports. The only exception is the export of Uranium oxide (yellow cake from Namibia’s Uranium mines) which is allowed to be stored on port premises for a maximum period of three days before shipment due to low radiation levels,” said /Uirab and pointed out that pre and post radiation readings are taken for every shipment to ensure that naturally occurring radiation background levels are not exceeded. He further stated that Namport had no direct or indirect interest in the establishment of a hazardous cargo facility intended by Native Venture Holdings but recognised that the establishment of such a facility may have positive spinoffs for Namibia. The port authority’s engagement with Native Holdings dates back to 2012. Namport is-
sued a letter of support to the project on the condition that Native Venture Holdings obtain all necessary statutory approvals and source their own business. “Native Storage Holdings approached Namport and explained the concept. We like what we heard. The country needs these materials” he commented. /Uirab explained that ports all over the world serve to facilitate the movement of seaborne trade and play a vital role in the economic growth of countries. Namport serves as a conduit to receive and handle various types of cargo including dangerous cargo and the processes and procedures for the handling of such material are aligned to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) and the Namibian Law, where applicable. The landing and loading of all dangerous goods are preceded by a written submission and deceleration of such goods by a client. Namport evaluates and assess dangerous goods handling requests against the requirements of the IMDG Code upon receiving an application before approval is granted and this procedure applies for all goods in transit
through the port. He also pointed out that in so far the storage of dangerous goods are concerned, some classes of such goods are compatible with certain other classes and can be stored together while some classes are incompatible with certain other classes and are stored separately in order to avoid any dangerous situations from arising. Incompatible dangerous goods stored at Namibian ports are stored as per the IMDG Code’s segregation table. Special cargo such as Class 7 (Radio Active Material), Class 1 (Explosives) and Class 6.2 (Infectious Substances) are not allowed to be discharged at night-time and may not be stored in Namibian ports. Such cargo must be removed from the port the same day it is landed. It is common knowledge that huge quantities of ammonium nitrate are used by the mining industry. Namport has only landed one such cargo in the past and most consignments currently arrive by road. According to a source the quantity of ammonium nitrate needed is set to increase manifold due to the large scale of mining operations at Husab mine.
Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:35 and sunset will be at 17:24 on Friday, 30 May of 2014. The moon will rise in the northeast (69º) at 07:50 and will set in the northwest (291º) at 19:04. The first high tide will be at 03:25 and the next high tide at 15:55. The first low tide will be at 09:20 and the next low tide at 21:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:34 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moon will rise in the northeast (69º) at 07:49 and will set in the northwest (291º) at 19:05. The first high tide will be at 03:20 and the next high tide at 15:50. The first low tide will be at 09:10 and the next low tide at 21:30. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:35 and sunset will be at 17:24 on Saturday, 31 May 2014. The moon will rise in the east (70º) at 08:37 and will set in the west (289º) at 19:55.
The first high tide will be at 04:00 and the next high tide at 16:30. The first low tide will be at 09:50 and the next low tide at 22:10. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:35 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moon will rise in the east (70º) at 08:37 and will set in the west (289º) at 19:56. The first high tide will be at 03:55 and the next high tide at 16:25. The first low tide will be at 09:45 and the next low tide at 22:05. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:36 and sunset will be at 17:24 on Sunday, 1 June 2014. The moon will rise in the east (72º) at 09:22 and will set in the west (287º) at 20:46. The first high tide will be at 04:35 and the next high tide at 17:05. The first low tide will be at 10:25 and the next low tide at 22:50. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:35 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moon will rise in the east
Port Log
(72º) at 09:21 and will set in the west (287º) at 20:46. The first high tide will be at 04:30 and the next high tide at 17:00. The first low tide will be at 10:15 and the next low tide at 22:40. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:36 and sunset will be at 17:24 on Monday, 2 June 2014. The moon will rise in the east (74º) at 10:03 and will set in the west (284º) at 21:36. The first high tide will be at 05:10 and the next high tide at 17:40. The first low tide will be at 11:00 and the next low tide at 23:30. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 06:35 and sunset will be at 17:25. The moon will rise in the east (74º) at 10:03 and will set in the west (284º) at 21:36. The first high tide will be at 05:05 and the next high tide at 17:40. The first low tide will be at 10:50 and the next low tide at 23:25. Source: TIDES4FISHING.com
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
Namport Chief Executive Officer Bisey /Uirab addressed the media in Walvis Bay on Tuesday, concerning the handling and storage of dangerous goods by the company.
aru ru
Namport dispels radioactive waste fears
IT’S NOT LIKE THAT: Namport Chief Executive Officer Bisey /Uirab flanked by Native Storage Facility managing member Mr Thomas Jonas (right) and Executive for Risk Management at Namport Raymond Visagie.
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
30 MAY 2014
Aunt Emmie
Open hearts
for Furry Ones
Support in Loss
Piquet Jacobs A recent challenge within the Manica group of companies to collect as much dog and A Loss and Grief Retreat was cat food for the Walvis Bay SPCA resulted in the collection of food worth more than held at the St Petrus CathoN$4 000, toys, blankets and cleaning products. lic Church Hall on Saturday.
Walvis Bay’s Aunt Emmie turns 100
The staff members of Ocean Liner Services (OLS) and Manica Business Centre (MBC) coordinated the collection efforts and the Human Resource and Finance Departments collected
about N$2 300 worth of pet food. The Pandula Trust, which is an employee-managed charity fund within Bidvest Namibia, also contributed towards the collection efforts and donated N$2 000
worth of food, blankets, toys, brushes and detergents to the SPCA. The collection coordinator of MBC, Soenet Geel said it was heart-warming to see the staff members opening their hearts
for dogs and cats through this charity drive. “It was a fun activity with lots of healthy rivalry between departments. We greatly appreciate the contributions,” she said.
Madelaine Laubscher A resident at Huis Palms in Walvis Bay turned 100 years on Monday, becoming a centenarian. Family members and members of Huis Palms decided to celebrate the memorable occasion on Saturday, before her birthday. The namib times attended the celebration along with family members who came from South Africa, Germany as well as local friends. A spokesperson from Huis Palms, Mrs Winie Lubbe, spoke to the newspaper about this special occasion. “Aunt Emmie was born in 1914 and she will be 100 on Monday. The day was a memorable occasion to those who attended the party. We thank all the sponsors for the cake, platters, all
the flowers, balloons and the beautiful banner,” Lubbe said. Family members said it is amazing that Aunt Emmie is not on any medication and has no medical conditions that usually come with old age. “Thank you to all the Huis Palms personnel and for the effort that you put in. We would like to thank Pastor Martins from Swakopmund who delivered a very inspiring message, which we are also very grateful for,” Lubbe Cindy Vermaak (OLS), Michelle Geere (SPCA), Soenet Geel (MBC) and Sylvanus Shetunyenga (OLS) said.
The retreat was held to give a support structure to those who are struggling with grief and who are still mourning the death of a loved one. The event was attended by various members of the community; some had the opportunity to share their experiences with the group. Speakers at the event gave advice and supportive information surrounding the grieving process. One testimonial given at the event was that of an elderly woman from South Africa, who had a vision from her grandmother who told her to come to Walvis Bay where the grandmother is buried, and to visit the grandmother’s church which is the Catholic Church, St Petrus parish. The various stages in the grieving process are shock and denial, confusion, emotional release, anger, guilt, depression and isolation, and finally, recovery. Even though the duration of the stages in grieving may differ from person to person, the process is still basically the same. However, even though these feelings are common to everyone who grieves, the important thing to remember is that grief is part of the human experience and part of what makes us all just that - humans. At the event a decision was made to start a Loss and Grief support group which will be available for anyone struggling with grief. For enquiries, Valencia Izaaks can be contacted at 0818785565.
30 MAY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.
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namib times reader’s comments
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Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.
Theft at Standard Bank an ‘inside job’ A 21-year old employee of Standard Bank was taken into custody at Walvis Bay on Monday in connection with a fraud case involving large sums of money transferred from bank clients to a private account. Annalie Swartz Anyone can fall in such a trap, nobody is perfect. We just need to resist the temptation to fall 4 satan and by resisting we need to bow down and pray.... Ask God to guide and protect us and give us strength to make the right choices or decisions. We are not allowed to judge or blame because it’s not our place to do that. If God can forgive and forget our wrong doings or sins why shouldn’t we also do that? Nadrin Williams We should not be so concerned with the culprits and their punishments but more concerned by the little progress/effort some of our banks have made to prevent/stop such crimes. This type of criminal activity has been around for quite a while now and little has been done to fight it, except for the random “bust” now and then. What’s more worrying is the ease at which these criminals have access to our personal bank accounts. Isn’t our money supposed to be ‘safe’ in our bank accounts? Let this be a challenge to the banks to act and improve on this weakness of theirs or let the justice system start making examples out of those participating in these crimes... And huge bail amounts would not suffice for anything, after all these fines are being paid for with the money’s of others and not their own. Glen Farmer Die dinge gebeer wat snax is dt word n m....... storie as dt caluds/ basters is met pics en al.. ma as dt di andrs is hoor en sien mense niks van dai storie ni Elmarie Bottros OORDEEL kom NIEMAND toe nie OORDEEL BEHOORT AAN DIE HERE Ms Diergaardt my bemoediging vir jou Psalm 35. Sion’s Daughter I work for this bank and that specific branch, I tell you people you dont know call you and offer you things to help them, employees must pray , some man will act inlove with you, too, but the branch manager Ronnie Einbeck was mos kama so strick way back, did he gt tired of security for things as this to happen, vra maa net , maah shame , we will
pray for her , , sy is biekie klein en dom . Gene Eugene Ek trust ni meer n bank met my geld ni,di banke vertrou ons dan oki eens met n pen ni,hulle maak hulle penne met kettings vas asof ons diewe is ma wil he ons moet hulle met ons gelde vertrou Wondie Mouton Presies Sion’s Daughter.. mens kan so gou mislei word.. Ek dink sy besef sy het n fout began.. Dit is vir haar n groot les nou, een wat sy haar kinders eendag kan leer..dis regtig nie in ons hande om te oordeel.. Bolla Kiewiet Matthias Ag shame..d duiwel s lustig dis rerig maaklik om met geld te werki...k kry geen lekerte vi wat d jonk dameki moet deurgaan ni... it can b u tomorrow onthou ma net. Desiree Wesche Julle almal wat so klippe gooi het ook julke sondes net jammer dit haal nie die koerant. Hou op om te oordeel want jy is nie volmaak. En as jy nie iets goed van iemand re se het bly liewer stil. Sies julle is soos klomp aasvoels wat nie kan wag om iemand te verskeur. Hierdie meisie het dalk ouers en familie wat seerkry deur julle comments. Ek ken haar nie persoonlik maar ek dink nie sy is iets aan julle verskuldig. So gaan ondersoek julle liewer self en kyk of jy perfek is dit behoort jou besig te hou dat die arme meisie kan rus kry waar haar siel. Sy het genoeg om mee te deal. Dis n skande om te sien wat van die wereld geword het dat mense net sit en wag om hulle te verlustig in ander mense se downfall. Desiree Wesche Mag God met jou wees. Net jy weet hoekom jy dit gedoen het. So sad sy is so jonk. Nouval Hammerslaght Noupiés Wow kni glo sy ht dt geduni,sy waz hoof miesi by rhs en sy isi iemand wt mt di gud kn stani daa mut nt n goie rede w3z hkm dt gebr ht sterke Monique. Charmian Daniels De Klerk Dis rrg n gebedsaak. dati geld so mense se lewens mt oorneem. ek voel baie jamr vha omdt sy so jnk is en ng agtr trallies mt sit. sterkte aan ha familie. Cameron ‘Urs Truly’ Pieterse Sluit hulle vi 10 jaar toe.
Querita Hardnick Presies hulle is net trouble makers en hulle doen dinge wat vreeslik unlawful is. Kry die meisie baie jammer Jerynthia Rinty-Barbie Martin Die ouens is ou katte.. k glo hle ht ha gbruik.. shame.. so jonk n toekoms is darmee heen.. tah.. sterkte an jle.. al ht jle my oki n wilson gkoopi.. Gawanas Dandago Bly biddend, keni vn ons dag ni, en hu op judge, jul keni wt gebeur ht ni...I thnk th guys use her. Ann-Louise Thorsen Dalton Crime never pays, short term maybe, long term never. You will get caught some or other time. It’s time to leave other peoples money alone Natassia Klukowski Tise ats mense geld is oki meer safe bydi BANK nie,maar weer onner die matrass begin bere.lag Ambroz Appolus Wat prat jule, ds n zula. As j regkm is jo kop deur, mar as j flop is vas. Ai tog Diergaardtjie Livia Miller Desiree Wesche ek stem heeltemal met jou. Meeste van dies Wat sulke nasty goed comment is niks beter nie. Almal is sondaars so hou op klippe gooi. Rolande Reid-Savoldelli Groot hart maak so mense leer van ander se foute en die treurigheid van die banke moet end kry!!!ms. D dont worry this is ur test and u can come out stronger and reformed! Martha Feris Titus She is so young, may God give her peace nd strength. she was maybe just a pion in this whole scam wit the guys. We pray for u dear Hafeni Vapanouwe Haikali Even my money is stolen from my standard bank acc bt i got no notification Michelle Louis Odendaal Racism is not the answer all colours have the same colour blood grow up and realise that wrong is wrong no matter your skin colour and yes the other have had there pics shown many times and std bank seems to have many mislead people working for them as for the pens been tied down i agree it is a sad story for this young lady but if u sin u must pay Wilma Van Wyk Nimand is volmaak ni almal mk
voute sy ht n vout gmk dt geen nimand di reg om haar t oordeel ni... Wilhelmine Cackau Kanime Laat hule tog maar net sit, as ek tenminste ook bietjie van dai geld geproe het sou ek hule jammer gekry het, kyk hoe swaar kry ons aner mense maar steel steel ons ni, dis hule wat het wat nog net wil he. Sit maar agter die trallies jong. Sion’s Daughter Og this response of Einbeck, stand your man for your bank why involve other banks, og neee lol!! we are not the only bank money is drawn from ...hahaha Memory Kangueehi Mense wil oor nag ruik raak and there is always a good price to pay for that...... Peter Baron Van Ginkel Julle sien die probleem is , die manne was al voorheen betrokke met soort gelyke dinge en albie het n goeie werk ook nog( gehad) , nou hoekom steel jy dan nog. Linda Julius Who authorised that transaction? Vivien Vivier Heyman Sy moet lank sit en die mans hulle is sleg hoe kan hull so steel van ander af en hoe slap hulle in die aand well daar is een man daar bo wat alles sien en ek hoop dat die regte regs stappe sal geneem word teen hulle. Jenny’s Pictures Namibia Elke mens maak n besluite....soms vat jy die maklike pad....soms die moeilike pad......KIES ALTYD EERSTE DIE MOEILIKE PAD.....EN LEER HOE OM DAAR DEER TE GAAN....DIT IS HOE JY SUKSES KAN BEHAAL....DIE MAKLIKE PAD....IS N GEVAAR!!!!! So.....Dink....voor jy iets wil STEEL....wat nie joune is nie!!!!!! Thelma Kleinhans Hulle sal nie sit nie, sal seker borg gegee word en dan doen hulle dit net weer. Dis hoe dit maar gaan.
RDP resolutions
The Rally for Democracy and Progress Youth League (RDPYL) held its ordinary Central Committee meeting on the 17th-18th May 2014 at Okambonde, Oshikoto Region. The meeting had a major aim to complete its executive structure, elect delegates to the RDP’s forthcoming Electoral College and the Central Committee elected cadres to lead the wing at its National Executive Committee (NEC) level. The RDPYL also deliberated on wide-ranging strategic matters aimed at strengthening the Wing and the Party as it readies for the forthcoming elections, as well as those concerning the Namibian youth. It hence passed the following resolutions: That the automatic qualification onto the parliamentary list must be discouraged; that the continuous flagrant violation of our citizens’ dignity by Municipalities, especially Oshakati Town Council and the City of Windhoek, where shelters of residents are being demolished must be vehemently
condemned. These acts remind us of the South African apartheid regime; that the blackmailing by some regional councillors in rural areas that they will stop social programs, such as drought relief and old age pension grants, must be rejected and that they should know that social programs are funded by all Namibians through our taxes and meant for all Namibians irrespective of their political affiliations; that the National Youth Service (NYS) must take youth volunteers seriously. This comes as we have noted that the NYS takes in trainees for employment into programs that are completely different from the ones trained for and often underpaid. The RDPYL resolved to take up the matter further; that the Ministry of Veterans Affairs compensates the surviving relatives of fall-
en ex-combatants. Families of fallen heroes, whose blood waters our freedom, languishing in poverty must be compensated; that political intimidation has come and gone, and RDPYL will no longer allow the political harassment as we conduct our campaigns; that the continuous employment of expatriates at the expense of skilled Namibians, as we see at NHE and the 200 Chinese nationals at Husab Mine, should be stopped forthwith and skills transfer mechanisms be put in place for Namibians to be empowered; that the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources consider the allocation of fishing quotas to all the 14 regions for regional development. RDPYL Deputy Secretary General Immanuel Shikukumwa
Swakopmund Matters The Benguela Current Commission (BCC) has stated its support for Namibia’s decision to put a moratorium on seabed phosphate mining, given uncertainties around whether the action is potentially dangerous to the environment. Read full article at the following link: http://www.namibiansun.com/ business/diamond-mining-maythreaten-coast.66001. NOTE the following section: The BCC’s Executive Secretary, Dr Hashali Hamukuaya, highlights that the BCLME is one of the most productive marine ecosystems on earth and a globally significant centre for marine biodiversity. “It is also worth noting that Namibia has placed a moratorium on mining the seabed for phosphates, partly because of the closeness of the mining area to fishing activities and nursery areas
for certain deep-sea fish species,” he says. The BCC supports Namibia’s application of the precautionary principle, which stipulates that mining practices should not be undertaken if the consequences remain uncertain or if the action is potentially dangerous to the health of the environment”. The original article appeared in SA Mining Weekly with this link: h t t p : / / w w w. m i n i n g w e e k l y. com/article/diamond-miningmay-threaten-namibiascoastline-2014-05-16
30 MAY 2014
The World Through my lens Anri Jacobs This week I have a few tips for you rather than focusing on one topic. Try and work these tips into your photography and see your photography improving and becoming more interesting by the shot. Incorporate action in your shots. This can be done by playing with your shutter speed, something I spoke about last week. This can be an interesting setting to play with and you can use it in various ways depending on what you want to show. You can use it by slowing down your shutter speed and show your subject in action, or you can speed up you shutter speed and freeze your subject right in the middle of the action. Reflective Surfaces This is something different to use, even when doing self-portraits. Making use of reflective surfaces such as water mirrors or anything re-
flective for that matter can add new depth and meaning to your image. Using different aspects such as reflective surfaces will allow you to stray away from the norm and create unique shots that will set you apart from the rest. You will find that when you start paying attention to deeper details such as these you will start developing your personal style much faster. Focus on natural light Natural light has so much beauty to offer, if we only take the time to see and use it. You can make use of the high ISO settings that the brand new cameras offer us, when you find yourself in a situation
Focus on natural light
with extreme low light. By not using flash in low light, but rather harnessing all of the light with a high ISO you can create stunning effects. You may however find that in low light situations that you have difficulty with your camera’s auto focussing. In this situation you should make use of manual focusing. Play with colour Following on the previous point of harnessing all the colour that scenes have to offer, I want to point out again that colour affects the mood of your image. Carefully monitor a location’s colour as it changes from morning till night and choose the mood and colours that will best compliment your subject. Mistakes can be good Remember that making mistakes can often result in one of the best images you have ever created. Plus digital photography allows you to be able to easily correct your mistakes and try again if you did not get the desired result. Very often we have
to go back to a shoot and re-shoot it completely in order to get it perfectly the way we want it. Change in perspective Something I’ve spoken about before, is the various angles we use and the different effects that they can have on our image and subject. Remember that shooting pictures from a higher angle than the subject can be degrading, except if you want this effect. Therefore sometimes it might be a good idea to get down low and get to your subjects level for a different perspective.
Change Perspective
Small sun
Use Reflective surfaces
30 MAY 2014
061Music celebrates Anri Jacobs
O61Music is giving back to fans at the coast for their support over the years by hosting an event to celebrate 061Music’s 5th birthday, and celebrate the return of the 061Music label to the top rankings in the music industry. Having received eleven NAMA nominations and released six albums under the label, the number one Hip hop brand in Namibia has every reason to celebrate. The coastal affair themed ‘The Invasion’ is a celebration of 061Music’s longevity and success. With Sinna-G having won NAMA 2014 Best Collabo with Kanibal and Catty Catt set to release his highly anticipated second album called ‘The Big Catt’, the 061 Invasion Party is a toast to 061 Music’s longevity and
success. The event will take place on Saturday, 31 May in Swakopmund. Performances by 061 Crew, Dice, D-Jay and
Bertholdt, including the 061 babes to entertain guests, are lined up. DJ Ladies Choice will keep the audience on their feet, the whole night.
30 MAY 2014 MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992, (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of Walvis Bay intends to extend the current one year Lease Agreement, entered into between the Municipality of Walvis Bay and Walvis Bay Endurance Club, for a further period of five years, portion of land situated next to the Walvis Bay Equestrian Centre and Namib Riding Stables and bordering Union Street and Shalom Park, portion of portion 194 of the remainder of portion B, Town and Town lands, No. 1. The rental will be N$4 95000 per annum plus N$74250 (15% VAT) with 10% increase per annum. Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection for interested persons until Tuesday 10th June 2014 at room no. 230 second floor, Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre. For more information Mr. D Mouton can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013239 during office hours. Written objections, duly
motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 on Friday, 13 June 2014.
A VICTOR GENERAL MANAGER COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbuma Drive Private Bag 5017 WALVIS BAY Fax: (064) 209714
30 MAY 2014
Big Brother is back WALVIS BAY
e winner, Namibian
e Chas Big Brother Africa Th
Dillish Mathews
It’s another year, and the wait is over as Big Brother Africa returns for Season 9 of the games that will see another house-full of fans walk away with experience and good times, and one ultimate winner walk away with a prize that will change their lives. Africa’s biggest and liveliest reality show hits the screens on 7 September 2014. Namibia stands a chance at winning yet another season. Are you ready for the drama, loads of laughter and tears? Big Brother Africa will never disappoint! Get ready to be dazzled when Africa’s biggest reality series hits the screens on 7 September 2014! It’s Big Brother Time and since the first season, the reality series has attracted some funny, dramatic, weird and wonderful characters that have kept viewers glued to their screens 24/7. Some housemates who have been part of this massive show have had their talents realised and have gone on to grace TV screens; newspapers and have their profiles trending on every social
media site, blog and sphere. Season 9 is no different. In fact, housemates and viewers alike will be pleasantly surprised at how Biggie intends to rise to this one. And in true Big Brother fashion, fans of the show and potential housemates will have to wait and see how he will turn the dreams of some deserving and eager youngsters into reality, and transform them into household names. Entry is open to the same 14 countries with the only exception being Angola which will be replaced by newcomers Rwanda. As a result of the change, participating countries this year are: Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zam-
bia and Zimbabwe. Entries are only open to persons over the age of 21, who are citizens of one of the participating countries and must have a valid passport. Producers are looking for persons who are entertaining and
passionate about the Big Brother experience; and they have to be fluent in English. Big Brother Africa is produced by Endemol SA. Audition dates will be finalised in June and more information on Big
Brother Africa 9 will be made available over the next month, so stay tuned to DStv, follow the action on Twitter and Facebook and keep checking the website: www.africamagic.tv/ bigbrother
• Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 31 Mei: Vlooimark (flea market) aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk, Walvisbaai, M.O.T.H. parkeerterrein regoor Woermann & Brock. • 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. • 6 June: Round Table Winter Knights project. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 14 June: Bank Windhoek 4x4 Vasbyt at Dune 7. • 20 June: Safari dance - Namib Desert 4x4 Club. • 25 & 26 June: Desert Hearts Revue presented by Walvis Bay Private High School. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 28 June: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 2 August, Saturday: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. • 5 August: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.
Dillish Mathews
House band for NAMA’s The 2015 NAMA’s will have a dedicated NAMA’s house band that will play for all performing artists, according to Tim Ekandjo, NAMA Executive Chairman. “We would like to accommodate more live band performances but it becomes challenging when every performing artist want to perform with their own band. The idea is therefore to set up a dedicated NAMA in-house band that will be tasked with playing on the night for all performing artists that have the desire to perform with a live band. We are therefore calling on band members who are interested in joining the NAMA house band to submit their names and
short experience to our offices so that we can conclude this process in the next few months. We would like to finalise it now because we are well aware that this band will need sufficient time to get used to practising various music genres, and we will of course keep this band active with rehearsals so that they get used to each other,” said Ekandjo. The NAMA’s are therefore looking for two bass guitarists, two lead guitarists, two saxophonists, two drummers, and four
keyboard players. The reason we want two per instrument is because we want to have backup just in case a member cannot make it for whatever reason. This year the event did incredibly well with the introduction of professional dancers and that is why the standard of performances was different. That increased the currency of the show and the organisers are looking at upping the levels in different areas of the show.
• Bridge: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 to 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: swakoptm @gmail.com. • Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • Up to 8 June: Group exhibition at Woermannhaus - Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil & acryl paintings under the title: “Colours Celebrating Life.”
ART EXHIBITIONS • Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 to 17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday toFriday: 08:00 to 13:00 & 14:00 to 17:00. Saturday: 08:30 to 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 to 19:00 Monday to Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country-Our people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.
30 MAY 2014
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Päng - oder wo sind die Originale geblieben?
Er hieß mit Spitznamen Spatz und war ein Original. Jeden Morgen, wenn er in die Klasse kam, stellten wir mit Begeisterung fest, dass er immer noch dieselbe Hose anhatte, mit demselben Loch, das durch eine handfeste schwarze Sicherheitsnadel verschämt zusammengehalten wurde. Er trug sie auch bei festlichen Anlässen, zu Kaisers Geburtstag, und sogar im Theater zu Don Carlos, wo wir anderen mit frisch gebügelten und rausgewachsenen Konfirmationsanzügen erschienen. Aber während wir unsere faulen Witze machten und Programmblätter im Schaukelflug ins Parkett hinabschickten, saß er mit glühenden Backen und bekam nasse Augen, als Marquis Posa vom König Gedankenfreiheit verlangte. Und ging still nach Hause. Mit der Sicherheitsnadel im Hosenboden, die zur Feier des Tages gegen eine neue, blanke vertauscht war. Man wird es schon gemerkt haben: Dieses Original war kein Lehrer, sondern ein Schüler. Darin bestand seine besondere Originalität. Und die Sicherheitsnadel am Hosenboden war keine Schlamperei, sondern Trotz. Eine innere Auflehnung gegen die bürgerliche Ordnung. Wir waren furchtbar stolz auf ihn. Die andern Klassen beneideten uns. Und als er eines Tages aus unerklärlicher Ursache mit einer anderen Hose ohne Loch und Sicherheitsnadel kam, waren wir empört und haben ihn verprügelt. Das war dumm von uns. Denn beinahe hätte er daraufhin auf dieses Wahrzeichen verzichtet, aus Trotz gegen die Klasse. Aber der Trotz gegen die Schule war stärker. Er hatte noch andere Ticks. Er redete unsere Erzieher niemals mit „Herr Professor“ oder „Herr Oberlehrer“ an, sondern sagte mit kindlicher Stimme: Herr Lehrer. Dieses aber bescheiden in der dritten Person. Es war für uns ein erhebender Augenblick, wenn er sich manchmal in der Mathematikstunde mit seiner knochigen Länge erhob und mit sanfter Stimme erklärte: „Verzeihung, der Herr Lehrer hat einen Fehler
wieder Päng! Aber Päng mit einem Ausrufungszeichen. Da erkannte man, dass der Schüler einem unwiderstehlichen Drang gehorchte. Und ließ ihn gewähren. Lieber richtige Lösungen mit Päng als den pänglosen Unsinn, den die andern schrieben. Im Grunde genommen: Es war gar kein Tick von ihm, kein unwiderstehlicher Drang. Sondern Trotz. Ein Stück Revolution. Im Grunde genommen: Die Schule glaubte auch gar nicht an einen Tick. Sie tat dick und rot an den nur so. Sie war die Rand: „Was heißt Klügere. Päng. Päng?“ Unser Spatz blieb die Antwort Aus: Spoerl, Heinschuldig. Er schrieb rich: Päng. In: sein „Päng“ beharrlich Spoerl, Heinrich: hinter alle richtigen M a n k a n n r u h i g Lösungen. Und richtig darüber sprechen. waren seine Lösungen M ü n c h e n : P i p e r . immer. Und der Mathe- 1968. S. 67 – 72 matiklehrer griff zum Äußersten und schrieb an den Rand: „U.d.V.“ „U.d.V.“ war gefürchteter als Arrest. U.d.V. hieß: Unterschrift des Vaters und bedeutete häusliche Katastrophen. Nicht bei Spatz. Einen Vater hatte er nicht, und seine Mutter hatte vor ihm, dem höheren Schüler, einen grenzenlosen Respekt. Sie krakelte glückstrahlend ihren Namen dahin, wo ihr Sohn mit dem Finger zeigte, und hielt es für eine besondere Auszeichnung. Dann begann die Stufenleiter der Strafen: Eintrag ins Klassenbuch. Eine Stunde Arrest. Zwei Stunden Arrest. Schließlich Konferenz. Die Konferenz fragte, warum er das tue. Er zuckte die Achseln. Ob er das nicht unterlassen könne? – Doch. Er tat es weiter. Nur ein einziEntspannende ges Mal schrieb er kein Päng hinter die Lösung; das war, als er die Höhe eines Turmes mit 0,0000073 Meter heElisabeth rausgerechnet hatte und zu faul war, den Kossmann Fehler zu suchen. Aber das war nur eine AusTel. 407201 / 0813203928 nahme, die die Regel E-Mail: eekossmann@gmail.com bestätigte. Das beharrliche „Päng“ kann sich keine Schule auf die Dauer bieten lassen. Man versuchte es mit Möchten Sie zeigen, wie interessant Güte. Man war Pädagoge, Biologe, Psychodie Welt sein kann, wenn man loge. Man schloss mit sie einmal aus einer anderen ihm einen Vergleich: Wenn er seine Freude Perspektive betrachtet? Melden über eine gelungene Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Lösung durchaus nicht unterdrücken könne, Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; dann soll ihm ein AusFax: 400182; E-Mail: rufungszeichen gestattet sein. Unter der susannkinghorn@gmail.com nächsten Arbeit stand
Werbung wagen und gewinnen!
gemacht.“ Er konnte sich das erlauben. Dieses und anderes. Er war ein ausgesprochener Talentflegel. Flegel waren wir alle, aber er verband damit eine geradezu pathologische Intelligenz, mit der er alles erschlug. Er war einer von denen, die es später im Leben schwer haben, weil ihnen in der Jugend alles zu leicht fiel. Nur an sein Päng konnte die Schule sich nicht gewöhnen. Er hatte in einer mathematischen Klassenarbeit eine besonders elegante Lösung gefunden und in der Freude seines Herzens hinter das Resultat das Wort „Päng“ geschrieben: „x = y (a-b). Päng .“ Es war ihm ganz in Gedanken herausgerutscht. Aber als es dastand, machte es ihm Spaß, und er ließ es stehen. Päng war bei uns ein viel gebrauchtes Wort. Es hieß so viel wie basta oder hurra oder wassagst-du-nun. Im mündlichen Unterricht konnte man es durchgehen lassen, wenn es auch keine mathematische Ausdrucksweise war. In einer Klassenarbeit war es fehl am Platze. Unser Mathematiklehrer nahm es nicht tragisch und begnügte sich damit, durch das Päng einen wohlwollenden roten Strich zu machen. Das hätte er lieber nicht tun sollen. In der nächsten Arbeit stand es wieder: „Der Schnellzug braucht mithin sieben Stunden sechsundvierzig Minuten. – Päng.“ Diesmal gab es einen missbilligenden roten Kreis um das Wort. Einen Kreis, wie man ihn sonst um einen Klecks oder Schmutzfleck bekommt. Die nächste Arbeit endigte wieder mit Päng. Da wurde der Mathematiker böse und schrieb
Ich muss unbedingt aufhören, meinen Kollegen und Kolleginnen zu sagen: ,,Wie dumm kann man nur sein?!” Sie fangen an, es als eine Herausforderung zu sehen!
Worte der Woche
Ansprache an Millionäre Warum wollt ihr so lange warten, bis sie euren geschminkten Frauen und euch und den Marmorpuppen im Garten eins über den Schädel hauen? Warum wollt ihr euch denn nicht bessern? Bald werden sie über die Freitreppen drängen und euch erstechen mit Küchenmessern und an die Fenster hängen. Sie werden euch in die Flüsse jagen. Sinnlos werden dann Schrei und Gebet sein. Sie werden euch die Köpfe abschlagen. Dann wird es zu spät sein. Dann wird sich der Strahl der Springbrunnen röten. Dann stellen sie euch an die Gartenmauern. Sie werden kommen und schweigen und töten. Niemand wird über euch trauern. Wie lange wollt ihr euch weiter bereichern? Wie lange wollt ihr aus Gold und Papieren Rollen und Bündel und Barren speichern? Ihr werdet alles verlieren. Ihr seid die Herrn von Maschinen und Ländern. Ihr habt das Geld und die Macht genommen. Warum wollt ihr die Welt nicht ändern, bevor sie kommen? Ihr sollt ja gar nicht aus Güte handeln! Ihr seid nicht gut. Und auch sie sinds nicht. Nicht euch, aber die Welt zu verwandeln, ist eure Pflicht! Der Mensch ist schlecht. Er bleibt es künftig. Ihr sollt euch keine Flügel anheften. Ihr sollt nicht gut sein, sondern vernünftig. Wir sprechen von Geschäften. Ihr helft, wenn ihr halft, nicht etwa nur ihnen. Man kann sich, auch wenn man gibt, beschenken. Die Welt verbessern und dran verdienen das lohnt, drüber nachzudenken. Macht Steppen fruchtbar! Befehlt! Legt Gleise! Organisiert den Umbau der Welt! Ach, gäbe es nur ein Dutzend Weise mit sehr viel Geld… Ihr seid nicht klug. Ihr wollt noch warten. Uns tut es leid. Ihr werdets bereuen. Schickt aus dem Himmel paar Ansichtskarten! Es wird uns freuen. Erich Kästner
30 MAY 2014
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Museum sucht Zinkbadewanne
Nostalgie: Romantisch mit Rosen bemalte, Zinkbadewanne auf verzierten Füßen. Foto: Internet
Swakopmund (sk) ,,Ich wünsch mir eine Badewanne!/Jetzt bin ich noch ganz klein, /aber solch eine von Ur-Oma soll’s sein!/ Fürs Museum wäre das schöön –manne!” So dichtet Eberhard Tölken. Ja, das Swakopmunder Museum würde sich über eine Zinkbadewanne, passend zu seinem Kupferbadeofen, riesig freuen. ,,Vielleicht hat jemand so etwas als Gerümpel irgendwo zu stehen und freut sich, wenn er das Museum erfreuen könnte”, meint Herr Tölken.
Locker vom Hocker Teures Leben!
Liebe Küstenleser, neulich traf ich zum wiederholten Male ei-ne Bekannte bei Shoprite. Ja, natürlich bei Shoprite, denn da sind die Lebensmittel doch kammakastig am billigsten. Und bei den heutigen horrenden Preisen und der grauen Wolke der Wirtschaftskrise, die nun auch volle Kanne das südliche Afrika getroffen hat, geht man dorthin, wo man am wenigsten Moneten aus dem Portmonee ziehen muss. Das bedeutet: zu Shoprite für Lebensmittel, zu PEP Stores für Hundedecken, zu Big Daddy oder Mr Price Fließen gebracht. für Kleidung und zur Shiatsu ist eine Be- Nachbarin zum Haarehandlungsform, die scheiden. den Menschen in seiner Zurück zu meiner BeGanzheit erfasst, als kannten, die ich just Einheit von Körper, dort traf, wo kostenbeGeist und Seele, und wusste Bürger einkaubewirkt eine tiefe Ent- fen - eben nicht bei spannung, die uns zu Woolworth und SPAR, innerer Ruhe und Ge- wo diejenigen ihren lassenheit führt. Die Einkauf tätigen, deren ,,Selbstheilungskräf- Geld vom Himmel regte” werden angeregt net und die gar nicht und gestärkt und wir mehr wissen, wo das finden wieder Zugang Ovimariva eigentlich zu unserer eigenen herkommt. Sie machte Lebensfreude und - mich auf den hohen kraft. Preis von einem TütElisabeth Kossmann chen Erbsen aufmerkhat in Europa viele sam, da sie gerade Shiatsu-Kurse und - vorhatte, eine ErbsenSeminare besucht. Sie suppe zu kochen. Ich lebt seit gut 7 Jahren in wiederum meinte, dass Swakopmund, wo sie es sogar eine kostspiedie Akkupressur an- lige Angelegenheit sei, bietet. Zur Zeit gibt es auf Toilette zu gehen. bei ihr einen Winter- Ich weiss nicht, wie es Spezialpreis von N$ bei Ihnen ist, liebe 350,- pro Behandlung, Leser, aber wenn meine die eine Stunde dauert. beiden Söhne gerade Zu erreichen ist sie zu Besuch da sind, unter 407201/ 081320 dann kaufe ich sofort 3928 oder per E-Mail: das einlagige Papier, eekossmann@gmail. denn - egal ob relativ com billiges einlagiges oder teureres zweilagiges Klopapier - , es muss jeden dritten Tag eine neue Rolle herhalten. Bei einem Preis von etwa N$ 5,- pro Spinn-
webenklorolle und circa N$ 7,- pro dickerer Luxusklorolle kommt das auf einen durchschnittlichen Preis von N$ 2,- pro Tag pro Person. Aish, wenn ich daran denke, dass ich mir in der Schulzeit für einen halben Cent ein Kaugummi kaufen konnte! Das heißt, für einen Tag Poabwischen heute, konnte man in den siebziger Jahren 400 Kaugummis kaufen!!! Der Hö-
1980 an meine Eltern schrieb, als ich gerade als Eerstejaar-Matie in Stellenbosch zu studieren begonnen hatte. Darin erwähnte ich, dass Cliff Richard ein Live Konzert in Kapstadt gibt. Gleichzeitig sprach ich meinen
hepunkt des Glücks war, wenn man sich ein Creamy Toffee für 7 Cent leisten konnte. An diesem zähen, süßen Stück Karamelltafel konnte man stundenlang herumlutschen und den Genuss fast bis in die Ewigkeit hinauszögern. Und heute? Heute beisst man dreimal in ein Mars oder eine Crunchie Bar und ist in Sekundenschnelle N$ 8,- los. N$ 8,- bedeuteten damals 110 Tafeln Creamy Toffee, deren Genuss bis ans Lebensende gereicht hätten. Ghottwitt (Gott weiss), wenn ich reich gewesen wäre, hätte ich damals die Regale leergekauft und bräuchte heute kein anderes Genussmittel mehr. Neulich fand ich in einer Schublade einen Brief, den ich Ende
Wunsch und meinen Kummer darüber aus, soooo gerne einmal die Songs ,Devil Woman’ und ,We don’t talk anymore’ dieses britischen Popstars live hören zu wollen, was allerdings unbezahlbar war bei dem Preis von N$ 2,pro Konzertkarte. Heute würde ich wohl knappe N$ 1000,- dafür zahlen müssen. Wenn ich es mir recht überlege, ist das Leben heute tatsächlich teuer, aber war es das nicht auch damals schon? Warum sonst konnte ich mir das Live Konzert von Cliff Richard für N$ 2,- nicht anhören? Ihre Susann Kinghorn, die meint, dass ein Creamy Toffee damals trotzdem viel leckerer war als eine Crunchie heute.
Die Fingerdrucktherapie aus Japan
Swakopmund (sk) Kennen wir doch alle in irgendeiner Form: steifen Nacken, verspannte Schulter, unbewegliche Hüfte, Schmerzen. Es gibt eine japanische Behandlungsmethode, die diese Unpässlichkeiten lindern kann. Sie nennt sich Shiatsu und kann auch als Akupunktur ohne Nadeln bezeichnet werden. Sie beruht auf dem chinesischen Erfahrungswissen, dass der Mensch auch von der Energie bestimmt wird, die in seinem Körper entlang der so genannten Meridiane fließt. Ist diese Energie ausgeglichen, fühlt sich der Mensch wohl, ist sie blockiert, fühlt er sich überfordert, müde, ohne Vitalität und manchmal auch krank. Shiatsu hilft dem gesunden Menschen, mit seiner Energie in Einklang zu kommen und zu bleiben. Es wirkt vorbeugend gegen
Foto von Buchdeckel: Störungen und Erkrankungen, verbessert die Beweglichkeit und Körperhaltung. Dem kranken Menschen kann es helfen, als Begleiter verschiedener Therapien, seine Leiden zu lindern. Mit anderen Worten, die Gesundheit hängt von einem ungehinderten
Susann Kinghorn Strömen der Lebensenergie ab. Shiatsu wird in ruhigen, fließenden Bewegungen auf einer weichen Matte am Boden praktiziert. Durch den sanften Druck der Hände oder Daumen entlang der Meridiane wird die blockierte Energie wieder zum
Attatieta, das sind leckere Brötchen!
Swakopmund (sk) Raith Gourmet Gelateria lockt mit köstlichem Speiseeis, besonderer Wurst- und Käseware, leckeren Kuchen und knackigknusprigen Brötchen. Bei diesem Quiz galt es, drei Fragen zu dem Delikatessengschäft zu stellen. Hier nun die Antworten, die zahlreich eingingen: 1. Das Geschäft befindet sich in der Tobias Hainyeko-Straße
zwischen Photo Behrens und Otto Günther. 2. Die Wurstdelikatessen kommen aus Kapstadt. 3. Das Eis wird nach italienischen Rezepten hergestellt? Gewonnen haben: 1. Wilfried Trümper (Ein Frühstück für 2 Personen im Werte von N$ 250,-); 2. Brigitte Mracky (Ein Frühstück für eine Person im Werte von N$ 100,); 3. Dietmar Piebrock (Ein Gutschein für Eiscreme im Werte von N$ 60,-). Die Preise sind im Swakopmunder Büro der Namib Times abzuholen.
Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience: Ob Pfefferminze oder Joghurt, Zitrone oder Wiener Mandel, das Speiseeis bei Raith Gourmet Gelateria lockt in diversen Geschmacksrichtungen und Farben. Foto: Susann Kinghorn
· Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods
30 MAY 2014
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30 MAY 2014
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Shop 14, Maerua Lifestyle Centre, Windhoek (061) 303 840 • Cnr Schlachter and Moses Garoeb Street, Swakopmund (064) 419 600 • www.homecorp.co.za All terms include deposit, VAT/GST and finance charges. Terms subject to credit approval. Accessories optional extras. Bring your ID and latest payslip/salary advice to ensure rapid response to your credit application. We will beat any price on presentation of a written quote from another retailer within 10km of the Home Corp Store, if stock is available at the other retailer. Products may vary from photograph. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. No dealers allowed. Handset specifications subject to change without notice. While stocks last. E&OE. GO Advertising 70215 RHP
30 MAY 2014
30 MAY 2014
Night of the Arts Saturday 14 June 2014 @ 19:00 Gala Evening @ the Walvis Bay Town Hall Fantastic performing artists, Delicious 3 course Dinner, Auction, Dance with live music Tickets @ N$ 500 p/p: Contact Ina: 081 205 9909
Exquisite Art Exhibition
Various Artists from Walvis Bay, Swakomund, Karibib, South Africa. Open to the public on Sunday 15th June from 10:00 until 15:00
Fundraising Event for His House Care Centre
30 MAY 2014
The Nissan NP200 Loaded limited edition Nissan’s popular NP200 half-ton bakkie is now available in an exciting new limited edition. The locally-built and developed Nissan NP200 Loaded features a host of value-adding enhancements and special additions, and will be available in a production run of just 300 units. Building on the NP200’s already impressive credentials, the new NP200 Loaded seeks to enhance its lifestyle and sports appeal with visual upgrades forming the essence of its unique list of accessories. The Nissan
NP200 is a dual-purpose vehicle, providing great versatility and practicality for business use with features including an 800 kg payload, a standard rubberised load box (1 250 litres) and a speciallydesigned tailgate which can handle 300 kg - a feature common in much
larger pickups. The tractable petrol engine in the LOADED limited edition makes loadlugging easier, with peak torque (200 Nm) available relatively low down in the rev range (3 000 rpm), matched to short ratios for the first three gears.
Personal use is enhanced by the smarty-designed and spacious cabin, which features numerous storage spaces for a practical and comfortable lifestyle vehicle. NP200 Product Manager at Nissan South Africa, Isa Giunta comments: “The Nissan NP200 features class-leading specification, high quality levels and a tough
personality. Features like this have seen over 63,000 NP200’s sold to date, proving time and again it is South Africa’s favourite half-ton bakkie. The large cabin and smart design has also been highlighted by our customers, who find the NP200 to be a reliable and great value-for-money bakkie with low service and parts costs. “In the IPSOS product quality research survey, the NP200 was awarded the Overall Satisfaction title for its segment, two years in a row. The revered Kinsey report also points out that parts pricing is a very strong NP200 trait. In addition, the NP200 builds on the legendary reliability and strong South African ties created by its forebear, the Nissan 1400 Bakkie. The Nissan NP200 Loaded limited edition, rides proudly on existing NP200 qualities and offers an exciting and sporty new look, while maintaining a great price. As the name suggests, the new NP200 Loaded has been fitted with smart extras while maintaining top-level value-for-money. Based on the 64 Kw/ 128 Nm Nissan NP200 1.6 with air conditioning and the safety package (ABS and dual airbags), the NP200 Loaded is available exclusively in white, and features special “Loaded” branding which incorporates silver and red accents in the decals, carpets and seats. Loaded-specific equipment inside includes full leather upholstery, a frontloading CD/MP3/WMA/ radio/USB/aux and Bluetooth-enabled audio system, special black carpets and remote central locking. On the outside, stainless steel nudge- and sports bars, black roof rails, a black tonneau cover and specially-designed NissanConcept alloy wheels complete the Loaded look. All accessories have been specifically developed and approved for the NP200 Loaded and do not affect the vehicle’s standard and class-leasing 6-year/150 000 km warranty. Totalling a value-add of 29%, the extras fitted to the Nissan NP200 Loaded represent exceptional value and unique appeal, with a resultant vehicle price difference below their R25 000-extra worth and one which still makes the NP200 Loaded a classleading value proposition.
30 MAY 2014
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE 42/2014 RENDERING OF CLEANING SERVICES AT DOLPHIN PARK RESORT FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2014 TO 30 JUNE 2016 1. Tenders are hereby invited for the RENDERING OF CLEANING SERVICES AT Dolphin Park Resort for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016 for the Economic Development Section of the Department Community & Economic Development, Municipality of Walvis Bay. 2.Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashiers, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264-64-201 3236. Tender documents shall be issued against the payment of N$34.50 (including VAT). 3. Tenders, sealed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Local Tender Board on or before 11:00 on Friday, 20 June 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre should be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Local Tender Board. 4. Tenderers shall take note of the fact that the submission of the following documents with the completed tender will be to your advantage: a) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Social Security Commission. b) Business Registration Certificate (with your respective local authority). c) Certificate of Good Standing in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT), if applicable. 5. Tenders will be opened by a committee of the Local Tender Board directly after the closing of tenders in the presence of Tenderer's representatives, who choose to attend, in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. 6. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender. 7. Further information can be obtained from the Supervisor: Resorts, at telephone 081 143 1291 during office hours. 8. Site inspection meeting on Wednesday afternoon, 30 May 2014 at 10:00 Dolphin Park. J A J KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE 43/2014 RENDERING OF CLEANING SERVICES AT ESPLANADE PARK BUNGALOWS FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2014 TO 30 JUNE 2016 1. Tenders are hereby invited for the RENDERING OF CLEANING SERVICES AT Esplanade Park Bungalows for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2016 for the Economic Development Section of the Department Community & Economic Development, Municipality of Walvis Bay. 2. Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashiers, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264-64-201 3236. Tender documents shall be issued against the payment of N$34.50 (including VAT). 3. Tenders, sealed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Local Tender Board on or before 11:00 on Friday, 20 June 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre should be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Local Tender Board. 4. Tenderers shall take note of the fact that the submission of the following documents with the completed tender will be to your advantage: a) Certificate of Good Standing issued by the Social Security Commission. b) Business Registration Certificate (with your respective local authority). c) Certificate of Good Standing in respect of Value Added Tax (VAT), if applicable. 5. Tenders will be opened by a committee of the Local Tender Board directly after the closing of tenders in the presence of Tenderer's representatives, who choose to attend, in the Dolphin Conference Room at the Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. 6. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender. 7. Further information can be obtained from the Supervisor: Resorts, at telephone 081 143 1291 during office hours. 8. Site inspection meeting on Wednesday afternoon, 30 May 2014 at 14:00 at Esplanade Park. J A J KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD
30 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
HOUSE OF ANGELI - Clothing alterations - Customised leather handbags - Wedding and function make-up - Matric farewell and wedding dresses Customised & personalised service Available after hours & weekends if needed Contact Karen on: 081 376 2211 NEW NEW NEW Town Hoppers offers a DAILY shuttle between Wb and Swk or vice versa for working people. Starting 02.06.14. Contact us : CELL: 081 210 3062 TEL: 407223
PROPERTIES FOR SALE CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com
BISMARCK APARTMENT! 2 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom with guest wc, kitchen and open plan lounge. Small balcony with seaview and single garage!
Retha Muller 081 250 2889
LAGOON PRIME AREA Location, location. location!! 3 Bedroom house on a huge corner erf (1138m²) Best investment !! N$2.15 Reg in CC
LAGOON Cosy 3 bedroom house with open plan living, fitted kitchen,2 bathrooms and double garage. Needs a little TLC N$1.62 Reg in CC
FAIRWAY ESTATE Brand new 3 bedroomed house with open plan lounge, dining, BBQ and modern fitted kitchen,2 bathrooms and rc double garage. Grab me today !! N$1.59 Amanda 081 128 4836
HOUSE FOR SALE Erf 6215 Ext.22 Adjacent to Mile 4, Swakopmund: N$1,520,000 Contact: 081 127 6049 HOUSE FOR SALE – PELICAN VILLAGE 2 Bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, open-plan Kitchen & lounge, Single Garage Valuation N$880 000, SELLING FOR N$800 000.00 Cell: 081 143 6730 or after 17h00 081 235 3550 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE MILE 4 TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$1,6MIL MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 magda@cfsnamibia.co m www.cfsnamibia.com
ERF FOR SALE: Oceanview Ext 9 597m² Serviced, pre approved plans N$ 560000.00 negotiable. Contact Owner: 081 287 4323 No Agents.
FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT CLOSE TO LAGOON 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen Lounge, 1 garage UNIT N$ 880 000.00 NEAT HOME MEERSIG 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, 2 garages N$ 1 680 000.00 Light Industrial Erven 2989m² N$ 2 2400 00.00 3062m² N$ 2 295 000.00 Contact: Ruth 081 240 7350 Karien 081 250 4690 Jackie 081 246 3590 Hettie 081 270 4333 www.grobbiesestates.com
Classes Starts on 12 May 2014 Call: 081 778 6480 Email: prinellyacademy13@gm ail.com
TERABYTE COMPUTERS We offer professional, affordable & innovative ICT & Technology Solutions: - Sales of computers & notebooks - Hardware & Software upgrade - Computer & Laptop repairs - Windows 7 & 8 Installation - Antivirus installation - Sales of computers accessories & Tablets Contact Raymond (Computer Technician) 081 467 6366 Email: Raymotonane@gmail.com
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund
June Intake 2014 - IT Skills - Basic Computer - Customer Service - Tour Operation - Tourism and Hospitality - Front Office Skills - Bookkeeping - Office Administration - Human Resources - Food preparation - Waitress/Waiter - House Keeping NB: JOB ATTACHMENTS AVAILABLE!!!
NEED A LIQUOR LICENSE??... We help & advise you to obtain a liquor license within 60 days! Call: Elmarie 081 764 2090. 081 632 8999.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only N$860 000 (excluding commision) Contact Neville Smith Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsna mibia.com
House for sale Swakopmund Newly build house with flat in ext 15 Erf 844m² Total area under roof 334 m² House 211m² Garages 50m² Flat with garage 73,5m² Main house Three bedrooms each with en suite bathroom Braai / entertainment area Outside toilette for domestic worker Open plan kitchen with separate scullery Alarm system with beams outside Flat Single garage open plan living kitchen area bedroom 4 x 4 meter Bathroom Selling for N$ 2,55 mil 081 128 4612 or 081 691 1368
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE OCEANVIEW TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$1,6MIL MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 magda@cfsnamibia.co m Www.cfsnamibia.com HOUSE FOR SALE (Plot and Plan): Erf 5866 Ext.23 Swakopmund, adjacent to Mile 4 Corner ERF N$1,485,00 Contact: 081 127 6049
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT Mondesa-Oletweni: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, big kitchen, big lounge area. Build in cupboards in the kitchen and main bedroom. With garage, small garden, burglar bars. Water included, prepaid electricity. N$5500.00p/m Contact: Nester: 081 234 0425 Theolinda: 081 148 7970 081 290 1400 TO LET Swakopmund SHOP SPACE IN BUSY SHOPPING CENTRE 135M² CONTACT: 081 244 7065 TO RENT Tamariskia: 1 small bedroom, Kitchen/sitting room plus hot water, shower/toilet and hand basin. Partly furnished. N$3000.00p/m W/L Incl. Sorry no children or animals, suitable for single person. Deposit required. Cell: 081 201 1159 TO RENT MONDESA HOUSE 467 STREET:ONGULUMB ASHE STREET.: 2 BEDROOM HOUSE TO RENT PRICE:3500.00 PM. WATER &ELECTRICITY EXCLUDED (PREPAID ELECTRICITY) CONTACT: 081 243 9716 TO LET Swakopmund Garage: - 38sq N$1550.00 + VAT - 52sq N$1950.00 + VAT Contact: 085 580 0700
TO LET: 2 bedroom house. B.I.C, stove, remote, controlled, single garage, big bathroom, lounge. Neat and in Centre of town. No dogs is allowed. N$ 7 500.00 W/E incl. Deposit N$ 6 000.00 payable over 2 months. Contact: 081 655 6880
HOUSE TO RENT: Centre of Town W/Bay N$ 6 000.00 Water incl. Electricity excl. Deposit payable in 2 months Available 01 June 2014 Cell: 081 252 9876
TO RENT: 3 bedroom house, double garage to rent in dolphin beach, available immediately for N$ 7 500.00 Can be rented out furnished or unfurnished contact 081 208 9694 / 081 208 4915 For details. TO LET Swakopmund Garage: - 38sq N$1550.00 + VAT - 52sq N$1950.00 + VAT Contact: 085 580 0700 FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Theo Ben Gurirab, Street Bachelor flat, Bathroom (shower+toilet), Open plan kitchen. W/E incl. N$3000.00 p/m N$3000.00 deposit Contact: Dennis Henry 081 480 0272, 081 280 2328 TO RENT: Narraville 3 bedroom, B.I.C in 2 rooms and in Kitchen. Living room / kitchen. Water incl. Prepaid electricity. Boundary wall. N$ 5 500.00 p/m N$ 3 000.00 deposit. Contact: 081 232 622 Call after 16h00
TO LET: Brand new one bedroom flat, with single garage in back yard, private entrance, outside braai. bic's in kitchen, burglar bars. water incl, elect extra prepaid. N$ 4 500p/m. Fairways. Dep req. Available 1 July 081 333 5230 FLAT TO RENT: with Garage in Vineta, Swakopmund Closed to Wöermann Brock Mall & Vineta Shell Service Station Price: N$4500,00 W&E included Contact owners at 081 204 0032 or 081 251 2657 Arandis - Huis te Huur 3 Slaapkamers, Sitkamer, Kombuis, Toilet, badkamer en Garage. N$4000.00 p/maand + Dep, Water en Elektrisiteit (Prepaid) uitgesluit Kontak: 0814224843 Onmiddelik Beskikbaar TO RENT Mahetago: Room to rent. N$1800p/m W/E Incl and hot water available. Safe environment. Contact: 081 211 6991
SWAKOPMUND Ruim Een slaapkamer woonstel naby nuwe binnenshuise sportkompleks, oopplan kombuis met binnebraai, motorhuis en eie ingang. N$ 6 000p/m, W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 147 2897
TO RENT Vineta: 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen + Garage. N$4000.00 W/E Incl. Call: 081 616 3069 081 322 1788
TO RENT: Sam Nujoma Avenue, nr 184 Narraville 1 bedroom flat with en suit bathroom, open plan kitchen and lounge available as from 02 June 2014 N$ 2 700.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 728 8126 081 274 8396
OFFICE SPACE TO RENT Dr Libertine Amadhila Avenue Swakopmund Next to Rpyal Computers: 2 offices, 1 bathroom, kitchen, store room and reception area. N$5073.00 Available immediately. Contact: 081 691 6148
TO RENT: Independence Beach Kuisebmond. Erf 4547 2x1 bedroom flat with toilet each for N$ 1 800.00 1x1 bedroom flat with kitchen and toilet for N$ 2 500.00 Both W/E incl. Immediately available. Contact Eliud: 081 489 6067 Omungulu - mbashe circle
DANTE SQUARE Swakopmund: Retail / Office space available! (Various m² available) Please contact: 081 758 4048 TO RENT: 41 Namib Street, Narraville 2x1 bedroom + kitchen W/E incl. Tel: 064 220 116 Sel: 081 414 6889
30 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
WORKSHOP / STORAGE Town Centre: 196m². W/E Excluded. N$11 000.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905
TE HUUR: 1x een slaapkamer en 2x bachelor woonstelle in die dorp. N$ 2000.00 vir Bachelor Elk: N$ 3000.00 Vir enkel kamer. Deposit vooruit betaalbaar. W/E ingsl. Skakel: 081 881 0471
TO RENT Town Centre: 2 bedroom flat, BIC. Garage. Open plan kithcen - Lounge. W/L Included N$6500.00 Deposit Extra Contact: 085 129 4905 TO LET: 3 bedroom house with BIC & stove and garage in Town, together with newly build 2 bedroom flat fitted with BIC and single garage on big yard for N$ 15 000.00 p/m W/E excl. Deposit N$ 15 000.00 Available 01 June 2014 Contact: 081 278 0246 TO LET: 3 bedroom house with BIC & Stove and single garage on big yard, in Walvis Bay Town. N$ 7 500.00 p/m W/E excl. N$ 7 500.00 Available 01 June 2014 Contact: 081 278 0246 TO LET: Newly Build 2 bedroom flat fitted with BIC and single garage at back of house in Walvis Bay Town. N$ 5 000.00 p/m W/E excl. Deposit N$ 5 000.00 Available 01 June 2014 Contact: 081 278 0246 TO RENT AM STRAND central: 2 bedrooms lots of bic, 1 bathroom bis, Kitchen lots of bic. Large open plan living area. Tandem garage. Curtains, stove, Tvdish N$5500.00 Tel: 462 852 WOONSTEL TE HUUR SWAKOPMUND VINETA: 1 Slaapkamer + badkamer + toilet, kombuis + sitkamer. Ten volle gemeubeleurd. N$3000.00, deposito word ook gevra. Water en krag ingesluit. Kontak: 081 429 2790 TO RENT: Fully furnished 2 bedroom flat in Lagoon Area, with open plan kitchen, DSTV & WIFI. W/E incl. No pets or children. N$ 4 900.00p/m. Contact: 081 129 7407 081 148 2521
TO RENT: Narraville Water incl. Shared prepaid electricity N$ 2 700.00 p/m N$ 2 000.00 deposit Contact: 081 260 6609 TE HUUR: 2x slaapkamer 1x badkamer Oop plan kombuis en sitkamer 1x garage Klein yard. N$ 4 500.00 W/K ingsl. Kontak: 081 280 0376 TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Narraville. Ingeboude kaste in kombuis & kamer. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Deposito betaalbaar. W/L ingsl. Kontak: 085 583 9993 081 289 9353 HOUSE TO LET Narraville Evergreen Str 46 nest to Makarios Mini Market and Take Away: 4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, double sitting rooms and kitchen available to rent. The house is very spacious with a comfortable backyard to relax. The house is conveniently situated close to a mini market and easy to catch a taxi to town. Prepaid electricity will be installed shortly. N$6500p/m W/Incl. Deposit: N$6500 Contact: 081 360 7641 TE HUUR: Gemebuleerde 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met Carport te huur in Swakopmund, Ocean View, Quiver Straat, Uitbreiding 15, Verkieslik aan 2 enkel persone of jong paartjie met sober gewoontes. Bedrag vooruitbetaalbaar N$5,200.00 per maand + Deposito. Koopkrag uitgesluit Woonstel beskikbaar vanaf 1st June 2014 Kontak: Mr van Wyk: 081128 8281 TE HUUR: Ruim een slaapkamer woonstel met motorhuis naby Venus Supermark. N$ 4000.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Deposito verlang. Kontak: 081 122 2151
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO RENT: Great opportunity for investors for sale Mondesa, Swakopmund 2x2 bedroom flats
Kontank koper soek erf te koop ± 500m² Sentraal, Lagoon, Fairways of Meersig. Kontak: 081 314 9438 Soek huis te koop tot ± 1,4 m. Sentraal, Lagoon, Fairways of Meersig. Kontak: 081 314 9438 of na ure 204 988
LAPALOMA FLAT To let Inside rooms N$ 1300.00 2bedr house, lounge, kitchen bathr N$ 3800.00 W/L Excl Mondesa court flat,2bedr,2bathr,lounge kitchen,garage N$ 4500.00 W/Incl JABULANI 1bedr flat,bathr,kitchen N$ 2300.00W/L Incl Single person OLETWENI 1Bedr flat ,kitchen bathroom N$ 2200.00 W/Incl TULINAWA Container house 1bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 1800.00 W/L Excl TAMARISKIA 2bedr house,bathr,lounge kitchen N$ 5000.00 W/L Excl All these properties are immediately available Viewing can be secured strictly on prior appointments All deposit required FOR SALE MAHETAGO House3Bdr,2bathr,lounge kitchen,garage with flat of 2bedr,kitchen and bathr N$ 1.050 000.00 Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesnamibi a.com To let Vogelstrand Luxury 3bedroom town house, 2 Full bathroom guest loo, kitchen with stove and oven indoor fire place, braai double garage ,sea view in secure complex. N$7900 per month Tamariskia Bacherlor flat flat with a garage in a secure complex N$3300 Contact 085 124 9826 TO LET 2 Bedroom ,furnished, garage N$ 5700.00 1 Bedroom flat CBD furnished N$ 5500.00 2 Bedroom flat central N$ 5700.00 Bachelor flat Langstrand N$ 4600.00 2 Bedroom flat with garage N$ 5300.00 80m² Industrial space N$ 7200.00 JP 27 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES
TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS FLAT Batchelor. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS FLAT Batchelor. 1 Bedroom bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com Www.cfsnamibia.com
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET OCEANVIEW TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$8500.00 MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 magda@cfsnamibia.co m www.cfsnamibia.com CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR RENT
1x1 bedroom flat on one erf. N$ 650 000.00 Cost excluded. Monthly rent income N$ 7 500.00 p/m for all. Contact Jacky: 081 722 8000 Zelda: 081 376 2436 TO RENT Swakopmund Mondesa: court town house with two bed rooms, bath rooms, kitchen and big lounge, and garage. With these extras buglers bars, prepaid electricity, newly installed extra cupboard in kitchen, newly painted interior. Going for N$650,000 neg. please contact 081 204 3365 TO LET MONDESA OPPOSITE COMRADES 1 X Bachelor Flat Including water Prepaid electricity, with hot water Own Bathroom with Shower/Toilet/Basin Rent N$1850.00 p/m Deposit N$1850.00 Non Refundable Contract Fee of N$150.00 applies to all Lease Agreement Single or Couple – no families Immediately Available Contact @ 081 246 4906 or 462225
TAMARISKIA TOWNHOUSE 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, single garage, fully furnished N$6000.00 MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 magda@cfsnamibia.co m Www.cfsnamibia.com FLAT TO RENT Woerman Mondesa Area Swakopmund: Open plan room with own shower and Toilet. Alarm & warm water. Single person or young couple please. NO KIDS. N$2900.00 W/L Incl. Available immediately. No deposit required. Rental payment to be paid before vacate the flat. Call: 085 239 0860
OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Saws * Pumps * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect
LOOKING FOR FLAT: In Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Area, with garage. Not a big place Price range: N$ 1000 N$ 1 500.00 Contact: 081 519 6025
WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. WANTED: Looking for 1999 Nissan primera engine 081 373 9480 081 256 9213 WANTED: Looking for a 4x4 Toyota Bakkie. 1999 - 2004. Must be in a good condition. Contact: 081 302 0089
FOR SALE Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D S/C 2009 Model “FULL HOUSE” 127 000 km N$ 190 000.00
081 450 7609
FOR SALE: Beckman canopy for Isuzu GWM D/cab Contact: 081 227 3725 081 847 6848 FOR SALE: 2006 Nissan Hardbody 3.0 130 000 km N$ 95 000.00 Contact Max: 081 285 9839 FOR SALE: 2005 Izuzu K.B 200 Bakkie white in colour Good service history. Power transmission, tow bar and canopy. 17900 km. With radio and cd player. N$ 89 500.00 Cash We can negotiate just contact: 081 255 4945
CARS FOR SALE: 2009 VW Polo Classic 1.6 Comfortline. 202 000 km One owner; full service history. Neat condition; no accidents Reliable; economic; spacious boot N$ 83 000.00 Contact Hermann Volkmann: 081 129 9161 TE KOOP: 2001, Landrover Discovery Series 2 TDS x2 Kontak: 081 205 4242
Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444
FOR SALE: 2009 Toyota Corolla Advance Full Services Full house N$ 125 000.00 Negotiable. 137 000 km Contact: 081 274 8343
Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150
FOR SALE: 2007 Honda TRX450 ATV Very good condition Limited use N$ 30 000.00 Negotiable Contact Francois: 081 820 1987
email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
FOR SALE: Hmmm Heerlike koeksisters, Fudges En verskillende koeke. Vir verdere navrae skakel Rita en Babie: 081 428 3829 FOR SALE: Canopy for sale. Nissan Np 200 Contact: 081 296 9233 FOR SALE: Southern Cross Electric Lawn Mover 2200 WATT. Good condition N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 149 0664 FOR SALE: 1x Money safe ± 150 kg N$ 300.00 1x Double Bed Nam Yellow Wood (Handmade) N$ 5 000.00 1x Heavy Weight Trolleys N$ 800.00 2x Cold Smoke Drums N$ 2 000.00 Contact: 081 244 1342
30 MAY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Looking for 1994 - 1997 Toyota bakkie 4x4 to buy Not more than N$ 60 000 Contact: 081 496 1888 081 236 4083
CENTURY REAL ESTATE ON SHOW NARRAVIllE SUNVALLEY Plot an Plan well design 2 & 3 Bedroom houses from N$ 635 000 - N$ 950 all cost incl only few available. LAGOON Plot for sale 470 m² N$650 00.00 Contact Evy 081 255 7511
TE KOOP: - Snowmaster ysmasjien 60kg ys per 24uur - AEG skottelgoedwasser 12 plek. - Vulcan bain marine + bakke 3 fase krag Contact: 081 778 6999
DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, MTN PROPERTIES male weak erections, ARANDIS e n l a r g e m e n t , b o d y NEW DEVELOPMENT s l i m m i n g , w o r k a n d 2bedrooms bic, bathroom business promotions, bad Open-plan kitchen bic luck, education (memory), Braai area, Parking area court cases, win gambling N$435 000.00 and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection MAHETAGO from being fired at work. 3Bedrooms bic,2 Diseases like blood bathrooms pressure, asthma, diabetes, Kitchen bic with stove poor vision and tears from ,lounge, study room the eyes, swelling of Single Garage, boundary stomach and feet. wall Adults above 70-years and & big yard 600sqm kids below 5-years free N$1.26m treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. Malakia Cell: 081 297 7253 Email:malakiapropertie PROPERTIES s@yahoo.com
FAIRWAY ESTATE Modern cosy and sunny 3 bedr double storey house offering 2 bathr, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, BBQ, office, guest toilet, outside room, laundry, double r/c garage and lovely garden. N$1 850 000 CENTRAL Walking distance to all amenities. Lovely 3 bedr Duplex townhouse, consists of open plan, lounge, TV room, fitted kitchen, balcony, 1 full bathr, single r/c garage . BARGAIN!!!!!!! N$1 100 000 Joey 081 129 3293
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot&Plan. 2/&3 Bedrooms, 1&2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic, lounge/ dining, garage. PRICE RANGE FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com Www.cfsnamibia.com
PROPERTIES TO RENT MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET NARRAVILLE 3bedrooms bic,1bathroom kitchen bic with stove Single Garage N$5000.00 W/L Excl HAGE HEIGHT Bachelor flat with Garage N$3850.00 W/L Incl TAMARISKIA FLATS: 2bedrooms bic, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove Lounge and Garage N$5500.00 W/Incl Prepaid electricity 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$4950.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity TULINAWA 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$3700.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity OLWETWENI Outside room N$1400.00 W/L Incl 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl For Single person only 2bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Garage, Alarm system and boundary wall N$4500.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity MONDESA Inside room N$1900.00 W/L Incl Outside room with private bathroom N$2200.00 W/L Incl Bachelor flat N$2750.00 W/L Incl All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com
FOR SALE: Freezer room for sale. 3 phase. 1.5 x 1.8 x 2.2 N$17 500.00 Contact: 081 122 6826
ACCOMMODATION SELF CATERING ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IN NARRAVILLE N$ 150.00 Per room, per nite / per person N$ 200.00 Per room, per night / sharing For more information Contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717
VACANCIES Full-time English teacher needed at MYO In Swakopmund Mondesa Youth Opportunity Trust needs an experienced English teacher from June onwards. Applicants must have good class control. Native Englishspeakers preferred. Working hours from 11am until 5pm. No pension or medical aid offered. Phone 064 403572 / Email myotrust@iway.na
Vacancy available: DIESEL MECHANIC 10 year's experience required. Applicants should have/be: -Namibian Citizen or work permit -Hardworking, reliable, able to work independently. -Able to work overtime Salary depends on experience and qualifications. Interested applicants should email CV's to bmwalcon@iway.na We will contact valid candidates for an interview. WILMA SALON Wilma Salon is opsoek na n Barber vir African hare. “Specials for nails: Unbelieveable price, only N$140 for both your hands and toes(N$90 for hands and N$50 for toes) with free of charge foot spar” Contact: 081 294 6287
Looking for a lady between age 45 – 50. Must have 5yrs experience working at an old age home. Need to take care of old people in Keetmanshoop. Must be independent. Please send sms to 081 146 4995. Leave your Name and contact nr. BARLADY Desert Tavern is looking for friendly, reliable persons to work as Barlady. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans Cv’s can be submitted @ Desert Tavern after 15h00 in Swakop Str or Emailed to: info@desert-tavern.com Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
VACANCY: Sales person required Age range: 18 - 30 years Send CV to: advertelectrical@gmai l.com
Martina: Is opsoek na huiswerk. Maandag tot Vrydag vir 3 dae n week. Sal engie tyd begin werk Kontak: 081 442 4237 081 323 8180
JOB WANTED: Enkel moeder is opsoek na huiswerk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Het 6 jaar en 6 maande ondervinding en baie goeie verwysings. Kan ook na bejaardes omsien. Rook of drink nie. Kan naweke help indien dit nodig is. Kontak: 081 395 6316 081 488 1476
Merlien: Is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae. Skakel: 081 206 0523 JOB WANTED: I am 38 years old. I have grade 10 and looking for a job as an operator . I have a certificate for the following machine and have 3 years experience: - Komatsu HD 352-Rigid frame dump truck - Cat 730, 740, 740barticulated dump truck - Bell B40D-articulated dump truck - Komatsu-WA420, WA500, WA600 - CT-988H-Wheel Loader - CAT 740-Water Tanker - BELL 872D-Motor Grader - CAT824G I also have driving licence code C1 and 10 years driving experience. Contact: 262 1451
JOB WANTED: A young 27-year-old lady is looking for office administration, receptionist, clerk, typist or personal assistant job. Very reliable and have experience, hardworking and very honest. Can start as soon as possible. Thanks in advance. Contact: 081 227 8285
Namib Times
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
SITUATION WANTED Esmarelda(35): I am a herero woman. I am looking for domestic work. For 2-3 days a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays in Swakopmund. I have working experience and references. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 616 4365 JOB WANTED: Job wanted: I am a 22 year old lady looking for work as a cashier or cleaning work. I have grade 10 + Computer certificate. I am hard working and can start any time. Contact: 081 899 5984 JOB WANTED: I am reliable and hardworking. I am looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. From Monday to Friday. I can do cleaning, laundry and ironing. I can also look after children. I have 5 years experience. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 789 9421 WERK GESOEK: Jong dame baie betroubaar is opsoek na huiswerk, kan kinders oppas, huis skoon maak was en stryk. Vir 2 dae of’n hele week. Kontak: 081 879 6415 JOB WANTED: A young 27-year-old lady is looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Housekeeping, office cleaning. Has a certificate in Office Administration. Contact: 081 352 0814
30 MAY 2014
German Journalists visit Walvis Bay Dorcas Mhungu
A press delegation from different media houses in Germany visited Namport recently during their tour of Namibia. The commercial counsellor at the Embassy of Namibia in Germany, Dr Mekondjo Kaapanda-Girmus said the aim of the visit by the German journalists was to introduce Namibia to the reporters as a business location, tourist - and investment destination because the country has a lot to offer for German com-
The Journalists with Namport management
panies. The group of 14 journalists travelled throughout the country and held meetings with different stakeholders and members of the communities. The group visited Walvis Bay to gain an insight of the transport and harbour logistics. “Namibia and Germany came a long way since 1800 and the rela-
tionship has both good and bad memories, but the future is what is more important and must be crafted by the two nations and work together as two equals for the eventual good of the two countries. The scope of the benefits of the trip must be widened to consider the importance of Walvis Bay in southern Africa
to cater for the 300 million people in the SADC region and Namport’s endeavour to provide a logistical supply chain to its landlocked neighbouring countries,” said Namport chief executive officer, Bisey /Uirab. The journalists also visited the Sea Work and Omankete fish processing factories in Walvis Bay.
Farewell to an International Icon Piquet Jacobs
Dr Maya Angelou, a poet, memoirist, dancer, singer, actress, playwright, producer, director, teacher, civil rights activist and women’s rights advocate, who kicked down the door for many African-American and other female artists, passed away on the morning of 28 May. She was 86 years old. Angelou was born Marguerite Annie Johnson on April 4, 1928, in St. Louis, Missouri. She was raised in Stamps, Arkansas, by her paternal grandmother, Annie Henderson. By 1951, Angelou was married to a Greek electrician, former sailor, and aspiring musician Tosh Angelos, despite the condemnation of interracial relationships at the time and the disapproval of her mother. She then moved to New York City with her husband and her son so that she could study African dance with Trinidadian dancer Pearl Primus. Her marriage came to an end in 1954. Angelou got the opportunity to tour through Europe with a produc-
tion of the opera Porgy and Bess during 1954 and 1955 and in 1957 she recorded her first album, Miss Calypso, which was reissued as a CD in 1996. This led to her appearance in an off-Broadway review, which inspired the film Calypso Heat Wave, Angelou sang and performed her own compositions. In 1993, Angelou recited her poem “On the Pulse of Morning” at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton, becoming the first poet to make an inaugural recitation since Robert Frost at John F. Kennedy’s inauguration in 1961. In June 1995, she delivered what Richard Long called her “second ‘public’ poem”, entitled “A Brave and Startling Truth”, at the com-
memoration of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. She published seven autobiographies, three books of essays, and several books of poetry, and is credited with a list of plays, movies, and television shows spanning more than fifty years. She received dozens of awards and several honorary doctoral degrees. In all, she received over 30 honorary degrees, granting her the Dr Maya Angelou title. In Angelou’s lifetime, she was closely associated with people like novelist James O. Killens; major African-American authors, including John Henrik Clarke, Rosa Guy, Paule Marshall, and Julian Mayfield; civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.;
actors, Abbey Lincoln, Roscoe Lee Brown, James Earl Jones, Louis Gossett, Godfrey Cambridge, and Cicely Tyson; Malcolm X; Rosa Guy; James Baldwin; cartoonist Jules Feiffer; editor Robert Loomis; singer Roberta Flack; Oprah Winfrey; Alfre Woodard and Wesley Snipes. Angelou campaigned for Senator Hillary Clinton of the Democratic Party in the 2008 presidential primaries. When Clinton’s campaign ended, Angelou put her support behind Senator Barack Obama, who later won the elections. She is well known for her quotes such as, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never
Dr Maya Angelou forget how you made them feel.” And “I’m a woman, phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, that’s me.” Angelou was found dead by her caregiver. She had reportedly
been in poor health and had cancelled recent scheduled appearances. Tributes were paid by Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton. Harold Augenbraum,
from the National Book Foundation, said that Angelou’s “legacy is one that all writers and readers across the world can admire and aspire to be.”
30 MAY 2014
Goju-Kai Namibia back from Japan
Ten senior Namibian Goju-Kai karate practitioners recently returned from Tokyo, Japan after having taken part in a karate training and cultural exchange event with Goju Kai Japan for 10 days during the first half of May. The official handing over of belts and certificates will be held at Atlantis Sport Club and will be preceded by a training session on 14 June. The Namibian contingent joined a South African group to train with some of the top masters in the style of Goju Kai karate. This exchange and training event is by invitation only and has become an annual occurrence which gives students of the martial art of karate the opportunity to experience the culture and roots of the art in the place and origin of Goju Kai karate. The Namibian contingent was led by the Chief Instructor in Namibia, Shihan Leonard Martin (5th Dan black belt) who has also graded and trained many times in Japan and has achieved high accolades in a number of the World Championships hosted by the Interna-
tional Karate-Do Goju Kai Association over the past twenty years. Members of the Namibian contingent were invited to attempt at grading to their next belt levels, with the following results being achieved: Ryan Geyser th (5 Dan black belt), rd Dean Theisinger (3 Dan black belt), Bruno Lourenco (2 n d Dan black belt), Eugene Strauss (2nd Dan black belt), Diego Brandt (2nd Dan black belt), Jacques Paulsen (1st Dan black belt), Katelin Martin (1st Dan black belt) and Angel Zhang (1st Dan black belt). It is a highlight for any karate student to be graded by the most senior members in the organisation, and the level of skills displayed by the Namibian students was at a very high level. Of specific significance, was the achievements of Sensei Ryan Geyser and Katelin Martin. Ryan being the first novice
member of Namibia Goju Kai, whom as a white belt beginner, has climbed the ladder and achieved the very th high grade of 5 Dan black belt. Katelin is the daughter of wellknown Shihan Leonard Martin, and has now ensured that his legacy continues, his karate has now gone full circle with his daughter's achievement to the much coveted 1st Dan black belt. Namibia Goju Kai has a long history with Japan with its Founder and President, Renshi Shihan Trevor Norval (6th Dan black belt) training under the founder of the style during his earlier years in karate. The style of Goju Kai was introduced to Namibia when Shihan Trevor Norval returned to Namibia in 1990. Since those humble beginnings, dojos have been established in Windhoek, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay offering traditional
karate teachings as well as the latest training in sport karate. Goju Kai Namibia with the dedication of its Senior instructors has
since produced some highly qualified karateka who have proved themselves in the local and international karate arena. Goju-Kai
Namibia offers tuition to all ages at their dojos in Walvis Bay, Windhoek, Swakopmund. For more information, please contact: Walvis Bay: Shihan Leonard
Martin (081129 7015). Swakopmund: Sensei Sammy Neumann (0812777522) or Windhoek: Sensei Ryan Geyser (081127 6341).
Walvis Bay Golf Flippie Beukes wins May Seniors Competition News
ROAD RUNNING COMRADES: Back from left: Werner Bachman, Johan Bronkhorst, Hendrik Kabooy, Front from left: André Bester, Liesl Myburgh.
Coastal runners ready for comrades Runners from all over the world will once again be taking part in The World's Greatest Ultra Marathon (The Ultimate Human Race) on 1 June 2014. This year the 89th Comrades Marathon will be a “down run” from Pietermaritzburg to Durban over the distance of approximately 89km. The runners get 12 hours to complete the race. The race starts at 05:30, South African time, with cutoff at
17:30. A few of our Coastal runners will be going to Kwazulu Natal to take on this big race and we wish them all the best of luck. We know that each one of them has run many hours and kilometres, some up to 1 600km, in preparation for this day and we trust that they
will all reach their personal goals. Werner Bachmann (WVB) will be doing his 8th, Johan Bronkhorst (SWK) his 3rd, Hendrik Kabooy (WVB) his 3 r d , André Bester (WVB) his 23rd and Liesl Myburgh (WVB) her 5th.
The long weekend took its toll once again as we only had 33 players for the Club Sponsored event. Still a good turnout sponsor. Should be an considering that some individual compeplayers were off to tition and the entry list Gobabis to play the will be up by tomorrow morning. Eastern Open. A few prizes were up At this stage only 18 for grabs last Saturday members are joining and the youngsters the “fight” in Tsumeb. stepped up to grab top It seems this long r e s u l t s . F r a n c o i s standing interclub Champion topped the competition does not leader board with 41 attract a lot of players points followed by this year. Pieter Fox on 39. Those who still want Nardo Sardinha is still to go must please conin the mix and took tact me today before third place on a count 14:00 via e-mail. I o u t o n 3 8 w i t h need to give figures to Devillie Dreyer that the Tsumeb organisers. followed. G u n t e r H e i t m a n n Remember that Noscame back from Cape talgia tickets are availTown or rather back to able at the bar. Please Earth and won the pay and collect your wooden spoon on 19 tickets for another points. About time we unforgettable evening that is coming up on take his money. Rocco Viljoen scored 14 June. two 2-clubs and Mario Thursday is AscenPolster and Koot sion Day and the club Potgieter one each. will be closed as per Rocco, sorry for not liquor license. paying your two club If you want to play on money, but if divots Thursday, you are are not repaired, most welcome and regardless if it was those of you that store your caddie, you are your golf clubs inside the club, please collect deemed to get fined. This coming weekend on Wednesday. Willie van Zyl and Wednesday night we W e s t f i r e i s o u r braai. See you here
Last Tuesday saw a good turnout of senior golfers who came to compete for the champion's trophy as well as one of the bottles of “grape juice”, as always kindly sponsored by Ocean View Spar, our friendly grocer on the hill.
Co-sponsors for the month were Frikkie van Rooi and Dennis Anderson. After being a regular contender for the most golf award, Flippie Beukes decided to show us that he can still play this wonderful game and finished off with an excellent 37 stableford points. In second place on 36 points was Vic Moll and third, also on 36 points, was Francois Loots. It was a welcome back to the Seniors Captain, Bruce Burns, from his recent “visit” to Cape Town. We all wish him a speedy recovery and hope to see him back on the fairways soon.
Four medals for Namibia’s swimmers Namibia's top junior swimmers, Sonja Adelaar and Zanré Oberholzer, won two medals each in the African Youth Games swimming competition in Gaborone, Botswana.
Adelaar won gold in the 100m freestyle in a time of 59:01 as well as silver in the 200m freestyle in a time of 2:08:43. Oberholzer claimed the gold in her favorite discipline, 100m backstroke, in a time of 1:04:46 as well as bronze in the 50m backstroke with a time of 30:43. With these four medals Namibia claimed the third place overall in the Gaborone 2014 swimming competition, with South Africa in first place and Egypt in second. On the overall medals table for the Youth Games Namibia is placed fourth in the interim rankings with the top five as follows 1st South Africa, 2nd Egypt, 3rd Algeria, 4th Namibia and 5th Nigeria.