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Massive Swakopmund


extension regional postal operators’ AGM for Swakop Jade McClune

In a bold move that is bound to redefine the face and the future of the town, the Swakopmund Municipal Council resolved last week to extend the town’s boundaries. There is no further room for industrial expansion or the development of new townships under the current town plan. If the new map is approved by all concerned parties, the surface area of Swakopmund would be around 6.4 times as large as it is currently. The new town boundary would extend beyond the desalination plant to the north of Wlotzkasbaken and would stretch 40 km eastwards. “The eastern boundary will be extended up to a point where it intersects with the Mile 8 boundary, or ultimately up to the desalination plant situated just north of Wlotzkasbaken.” It was further recommended that the extension should include a portion of land to the south of the Swakop River. Swakopmund would expand by 1 242km² (124 152 hectare). In comparison, the total surface area of the existing town scheme is only 193 km² (19 289.89 ha). The new town map would cover a surface area of more than 1 435km² (143 549.04

ha). The revised municipal boundaries would extend deep into the Dorob National Park though and this has sparked some concern. The management committee said in its submission to Council at the end of May that “It must be taken into account that the area applied for consists of the Dorob National Park and the intention to extend will have to be discussed and approved by the relevant custodians,” meaning the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. In recent months Council leaders bemoaned the fact that there is little room for further expansion and housing development. A critical assessment of Council’s own decision to sell unserviced erven to private developers revealed that the municipality lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars over the past decade. Most of the profit from servicing land was creamed off by a handful of companies who tendered to buy the erven at fire-sale prices and sell them for top dollar, causing a

Dorcas Mhungu

The Southern African Postal Operators Association (SAPOA) encourages its members to become digitally compliant and embrace new technologies that are threatening the postal service providers to become “endangered species”. The chairman of SAPOA, Thatho Mosisili made the appeal in her address at the 13th Annual General Meeting hosted for the first time in Namibia at the coastal town of Swakopmund on Wednesday. “SAPOA prides itself in a relatively short but rich history characterised by professionalism, service quality and unity of purpose and pursuit of regional communication agenda. As an association SAPOA committed itself to embrace change and respond to it

effectively,” Mosisili said. She added that embracing technology must be viewed as a key factor to value adding products and services for customers. She noted that the regional body will strive to move towards the paperless mode in all its operations, taking the green route. She also said there is need to keep reviewing strategies so that postal service providers offer a good range of highly sophisticated products to customers and keep abreast with

international trends. Mosisili added that the service providers have an obligation to ensure that systems and processes are interoperable and robust enough to meet the demands of the customers. “The postal business is no walk in the park. Our letter business has declined by 4%, the parcel business increased by 1%, financial services skyrocketed by 81%... and employee productivity fell by 5 %. Figures suggest that more needs to be done to retain the traditional business, the letter and parcel business, and that more creative work is needed to sustain

the growth recorded in financial businesses.” Mosisili said corporate building services were 25% down compared to budget and the Association battled to revise its program of activities. She said economic outlook in the region is not promising and there are indications that inflation will remain relatively high, making the cost of loan facilities expensive. “Government resources will reduce funding in the postal service sector but I see a great picture

Continues on page 2


Support against phosphate mining

Page 6

C Gals


der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Locker vom Hocker eit der Lüfte zum Zehnjährigen

Spanerbe an gtagen ai Pien und ehnten e Rost Lodge, ein nd ein ndeten iste. wungwowärmr und lfgang der die g geWestair „Die e wurdurchr wirknseres ns liegt pielerin von chickern in en Taen mit denen on laneskreis

Page 9

Locker vom Hocker

Solitaires Wüstenbäcker

als trinken”, hatte er Liebe Küstenleser, wenn Percy McGregor mal gesagt), und wir gewusst hätte, dass er hielten ein kurzes als ,,bekanntester Bä- Schwätzchen. Er ercker Namibias” (Allge- kundigte sich nach unmeine Zeitung vom 5. serer Südenfarm SpieFebruar 2014) in die gelberg bei AiAis, und Geschichte eingehen ich lobte seine Backwürde und viele Bür- kunst. Er war stets ger als auch Besucher freundlich, doch der dieses Landes seinen kurze Plausch endete berühmt gewordenen meist in einem LaApfelstrudel nun ver- mento des Wüstenmissen, vielleicht hätte bäckers auf das Leben. er dem Leben weniger Entweder war es die missmutig entgegenge- k a r g e N a m i b l a n d From left Dr Douglas Zimbango Zimpost Managing Director, Thato Mosisili SAPOA Chairman and auf das sehen. Durch sein schaft, Continues on page 2 Ambrosius Iipinge General Manager of Nampost Photodie by ihm Dorcas Mhungu äußerst geschäftiges Gemüt schlug oder der Lizette und Matthias Röttcher strahlen vor Glück nach der erfolg- Leben als Bäcker- Fakt, dass keine Frau reichen "Rettungsaktion" und punktgenauen Landung im meister in Solitaire am das einsame Leben mit Flugwettbewerb. Foto: Konny von Schmettau Rande des Namib- ihm dort am Hintern Naukluft-Parks und der Welt teilen wollte. und Gewürze, um eigeseinen relativ frühen Dann klagte er wiehin zur 12-sitzigen Ritz International Airnes Biltong herzuTod im Alter von 57 im „Caravan“, einer Neu- port“ über Berge und erwerbung von Scenic weite Ebenen, über den stellen, bis hin zu de- Januar dieses Jahres Air, waren die unter- Kuiseb-Canyon und taillierten Angaben, war es ihm jedoch nicht schiedlichsten Model- am Tsauchab entlang wie man in der Wüste vergönnt, sein Leben noch einmal Revue le dabei, darunter meh- bis hin zum Sossusvlei. überlebt. Unter großem Beifall passieren zu lassen, um rere Cessnas, Cheetahs Kleine Landebahnen in und sogar zwei Old- der Wüste mussten wurden schließlich die feststellen zu können, dass er vielen Mentimer, und zwar eine angeflogen und vor Ort Preise verliehen: Cessna 170 (Peter gestellte Aufgaben ge- Den ersten Preis als schen mit seinem leGesamtgewinner teilte ckeren Gebäck große Keil) sowie eine Piper löst werden. Cub (Nico Louw). Be- Bei der ersten Zwi- sich das Team Moppel Freude bereitet hat. sonders spannend war schenlandung auf dem Pack und Dave Hard- Ich kenne ,,Moose” die Präsentation der Flugfeld der Namib wicke, die aus Süda- (woher der Spitzname amibia, südafrikanischen Fir- Naukluft Lodge konn- frika angeflogen wa- kommt, ist mir unbeen und ma Sling, die mit zwei ten die Piloten ihr Ge- ren. Der zweite Preis kannt) seit über 20 an der brandneuen Proto- schick beim Schießen ging an Matthias Rött- Jahren. Kennen ist l und typen in die Wüste flo- auf eine Zielscheibe cher, der auch als Ge- natürlich übertrieben. ch auf

17 bestand damalsPage nur aus einer kleinen TankMotoring stelle und einem bescheidenen Laden, in dem hinten gebacken wurde. Außer Moose lebte noch eine Handvoll anderer Menschen dort, und ab und zu kamen halt ein paar Page 22 Besucher vorbei. Es gab zu der Zeit auch noch keinen Handyempfang in der Gegend, was diesem entlegenen Ort in der ö-


6 JUNE 2014


Massive Vrouens ontken handel AGM extension in for Swakop Continued from page 1

double-edged problem of escalating property prices, scarcity in affordable housing stock and a simultaneous loss of income to the local authority, which was previously responsible for servicing its own erven. It is understood that there is only one block left for residential development within the existing town scheme. Officials are now looking for new avenues to expand. Any room for southward expansion beyond the river is constrained by the fact that it is largely duneland. The only direction the town can grow is in a northerly and easterly direction, it was suggested, but town planners are painfully aware that Swakopmund is “currently landlocked in terms of growth” towards the north due to the location of the Salt Works. “With future development in mind it is only

sensible and logical to extend the town boundaries,” the management committee argued. On 27 May Council accepted the argument and the newly proposed map. The application to the Minister of Regional and Local Government is literally in the post. In August 2011 there were 210 inhabitants per km² in Swakopmund and the total size of the population was around 44 725. The population has been growing at a rate of 6.51% (2 912 people) per year, meaning it has already exceeded the 50 000 mark. Walvis Bay had a population density of 1 911 inhabitants per km² and had 62 096 residents at the last survey. The average yearly growth population growth rate for Erongo is +3.43%. The region has a density of 2.4 inhabitants per km².


ahead of us. We now have a SADC postal strategy planning tool to translate identified business opporJade McClune tunity into tangible results. The financial serTwee vroue wat tereg staan op die klag dat hulle minderjarige meisies vir seks aan ‘n vices continue to register middeljarige man, woonagtig in Vineta, Swakopmund, verkoop het, het vandeesweek in remarkable growth thanks die Hooggeregshof onskuldig gepleit. to the mobile communication platforms.” she said. Gwen Nelwebe (38) The majority of SADC en Johanna Lukas countries are taking (22) van Mondsa, conscious decisions of Swakopmund was appointing the post ofaangekeer nadat ‘n fices as a strategic partjong leerling aan ner in service delivery. haar vriende op skool Mosisili underscored the vertel het dat die need to prioritise capacity twee betrokke was building and training in in ‘n reëling met order to expose key staff ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse to best practises of postal business. man, wat die vrouens She noted that building glo geld aangebied strong human capacity is het om hom van jong fundamental to what the maagdelike meisies postal service operators te voorsien. have set to achieve.

Daar was sprake onder die polisie dat die bedrae tot ongeveer N$10 000 beloop het en dat sekere vrouens skynbaar vrywillig ingestem het om hul dogters te laat molesteer in ruil vir geld. Dit het een van die beskuldigdes se familielede tydens Nelwembe en Lukas se

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office

In case you didn’t know In August 2011 there were 210 inhabitants per km² in Swakopmund and the total size of the population was around 44,725. The population has been growing at a rate

of 6.51% (2,912 people) per year, meaning it has already exceeded the 50 000 mark. Walvis Bay had a population density of 1,911 inhabitants per km² and had 62,096 residents at

the last survey. The average yearly growth population growth rate for Erongo is +3.43%. The region has a density of 2.4 inhabitants per km².

Swakopmund new boundaries Swakopmund (ERO)








Swakopmund population growth

Continued from page 1



Lukas (links) en Nelwebe gedurende hul eerste verskyning in Swakopmund se landdroshof in 2012 eerste verskyning voor die Landdroshof in Swakopmund aan die namib times genoem. Die twee is sedert Oktober 2012 in aanhouding. Die betrokke kinders was glo tussen die ouderdomme van 13, 14 en 18. Lukas het aan die namib times na die eerste verhoor genoem dat die man met wie hulle betrokke was se naam ‘Martin’ is. Dit het intussen aan die lig gekom dat ene Marthinus Pretorius, ‘n voormalige kontrakteur op Areva se Trekkopje myn, die hoofverdagte is. Daar word vermoed dat Pretorius reeds vroeg snuf in die neus gekry het en die polisie ontduik het deur uit die land te glip na Suid-Afrika. Hy word steeds gesoek. Volgens berigte in die nasionale pers het Lukas vandeesweek erken dat sy wel een van die kinders na Pretorius se huis toe

geneem het, maar sy dring aan dat sy nie geld ontvang het nie en ook nie ten doel gehad het om die kind vir seks te verkoop nie. Sy het glo gedink die man gaan ‘n organisasie stig om minderbevoorregte kinders te help. Sy ontken volstrek dat sy enigsins geweet het dat Pretorius met van die kinders omgang gehad het. Die verhaal het egter ‘n krom draai geneem toe Lukas self verwagtend geword het, vermoedelik terwyl sy in aanhouding in Narraville polisie stasie was. Sy het in Augustus 2013 geboorte gegee aan ‘n baba, maar aangesien sy agter tralies was vanaf Oktober 2012 het haar swangerskap wenkbroue laat rys. Mense wou weet hoe sy verwagtend geword het in die tronkselle. ‘n Interne ondersoek is deur die polise in November van stapel gestuur, en DNA resultate sou geneem

word om te bepaal wie die pa is. Die stasiebevelvoerder van Narraville is ook kort daarna verskuif, alhoewel geen direkte verband tussen die twee gebeurtenissse bevestig kon word nie. Op een stadium het die polisie voorgedoen dat Lukas deur ‘n gat in die muur van die Narraville polisie selle verwagtend geword het. Ondanks haar toestand en die feit dat sy moes borsvoed was Lukas geen borg toegestaan nie, op grond daarvan dat enige kontak met die staat se getuies - wat meestal baie jonk is - ‘n bedreiging vir die saak teen haar kon inhou. Die verhoor duur tansvoort in die Hooggeregshof in Windhoek, maar Regter Damaseb het Maandag reeds beslis dat die hof se deure gesluit sal wees aan die publiek wanneer die staat se getuies vandeesweek na vore tree.

Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 Advertising Classifieds Marketing/Sales Jacqueline Farmer Cell +264 81 147 7653 Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Dorcas Mhungu Cell +264 81 409 8414 Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Sport Otis Finck Cell +264 81 299 1211

Swakopmund Office

Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 4610824 Advertising Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 Anri Jacobs Cell +264 81 892 9893 PRO-Print Jenny Jackson - Swakopmund Cell +264 81 149 2155 Moya Davids - Walvis Bay Cell +264 81 208 4047





Walvis Bay

Licius Hindjou (28) and Lennon Hindjou (26) of Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay appeared in court in connection with charges of murder and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. Their initial arrest dates back to an incident in 2009. Lennon Hindjou faces an additional charge of crimen injuria. The two have been out on bail of N$2 000 each since 23 May, but will have to return to court on Friday 6 June for the fixing of a trial date. Abednego Williams (18), of Tubasia, Karibib, who is accused of stock theft, dating back to a reported incident in January 2009, must remain in custody at Walvis Bay prison. His case was remanded to 25 July to allow him time to get legal aid. Marvin Uirab (20) and Ran-

dy Keister (25) also appeared on a murder charge relating to an incident in January 2004 wherein Benjamin Hansen (25) died at Usakos shortly after he was stabbed in the neck with a broken bottle while at a Karibib restaurant. In January 2012 their case was again postponed to February 2013 to grant them more time to get legal aid, but the case had to be postponed again this week for the same reason. Uirab remains in custody and Keister is out on a warning. The case resumes on 20 June. Allen John Camm (29) of Vineta, Swakopmund, stands accused of theft by false pretences and defrauding prospective car owners by presenting himself as an importer of luxury vehicles. Money was transferred to him

but the vehicles never arrived. Camm was in court on 23 May. His case was also postponed for a second time to allow him more time to get legal aid. He is out on N$20 000 bail and the case resumes on 25 June. Jessalonia Murphy (40) and Rosetta William (28) appeared in the Regional Court in connection with charges of theft and general deficiency. The two former employees of Remax Coastline Properties in Walvis Bay were first arrested in December 2012 on charges that they were involved in the disappearance and theft of an estimated N$400 000 from their employers accounts. It was reported at the time that the missing amount could be much higher. Both are out on bail of N$7 000. The case resumes on 25 July.

Serial rapists before court Court Reporter

A 14-year old boy was found guilty on two counts of rape in the Swakopmund Regional Court on Tuesday. The rapist, whose name cannot be published due to his tender age, was arrested at Walvis Bay in December 2012 in connection with the said charges. He was released on a warning into the custody of a guardian this week and will have to return to court on 4 July. His case was remanded in order for the authorities to prepare a ‘juvenile pre-sentencing report’. Victor Tangeni Vaino Kustaa (22) breathed a sigh of relief when the charge of raping a minor was withdrawn against him, on the grounds that the prosecu-

tion had no prima facie evidence to prove the charge of rape. He was found guilty on an alternative charge of committing a sexual act with a child under the age of 16 years. Kustaa was sentenced to a fine of N$5 000 or two years in prison and was further sentenced to one year in prison, suspended for five years on condition. His N$3 000 bail was also refunded. Eben Esser Uazeua (31), who was arrested at Omaruru in January 2013 is similarly charged with three courts of rape and one count of grievous bodily assault, had his N$600 bail extended to 27 June. Suspected rapist, Aldrin Mahoto (32), from Omuthiya, was released on a warn-

ing. His case dates back to May 2012, and trial has been partly heard and will resume of 17 June. Lesley Dyers (31) of Narraville, Walvis Bay, who was before court to face a rape charge in connection with an incident in April 2013, when he was arrested, also saw his bail of N$1 500 extended until 14 August. Michael Ikela (24) of Kuisebmond, however must remain in custody. He is on trial for breaking into someone’s house with the intention to rob and rape. Three female witnesses were in court on Tuesday to seal the prosecution’s case. At the request of the defence Ikela’s case was postponed to 13 August.

6 JUNE 2014

Shack fire victims appeal for help Mavourlene Gaes

Three brothers who are victims of a recent shack fire that gutted 11 shacks in Oshivelo Street, Kuisebmond, are appealing for help to reconstruct their shack. The trio lost all their possessions in the inferno including important documents. The brothers Bryslee Katjingisiua (24), Joel Tjikuzu (29) and Esra Tjikuzu (22) will accept any form of assistance financial or material in order to start erecting another shack. Joel, the oldest brother and owner of the shack was visibly shaken by the incident but tried to put up a brave face when he described the ordeal in a recent interview with the newspaper. He said things have been hard for them after the catastrophe. However, he added that family members who live outside Walvis

Bay have given them assistance but a lot more is required to erect the dwelling and buy other household needs. The brothers expressed gratitude for all the help rendered so far. Joel recounted the events on the fateful day and said that his brothers were not at home that Sunday when he received a call on his cell phone informing him that his shack was on fire. He immediately rushed home and got the shock of his life as he watched helplessly how his television, bed and other belongings were burning to ashes. Currently, the brothers have been offered

shelter by their sister living in the same suburb. They come from a village a few kilometres outside Gobabis and came to Walvis Bay in search of work. Because of the high unemployment rate in Namibia and retrenchments in the fishing sector, only one of them, Joel secured employment. Rising above their circumstances, the brothers approached the Walvis Bay Municipality who agreed to sponsor them with tents. Anyone willing to lend a helping hand can contact Joel Katjingisiua on 081 357 5774.

Theft in the Lagoon Piquet Jacobs

A brown leather briefcase was stolen on Wednesday at the Walvis Bay lagoon. Personal belongings of Anthea de Klerk and a petrol order book, with order numbers: 298, 299 and 300, of the company R.E.D. Graniti Namibia (Pty) Ltd was in the briefcase.

There are no suspects regarding the missing items and no futher information was available at the time of going to press. If anyone has any information regarding

the stolen briefcase, the personal belongings or the company petrol order book, please contact Mr J De Jager at 064 203545. A case was opened at the Police Station in Walvis Bay.

Top municipal official in hot

water over erven Anthony John Scholtz (40) of Henties Bay, a top official at Henties Bay Municipality, who faces charges of corruptly using his office “for gratification” and of using a false document by an agent, was before court on 23 May. Employed as a Strategic Executive at the Henties Bay Municipality’s Corporate Service Department, Scholtz allegedly facilitated and authorised the unprocedural sale of erf 2238 and erf 2239 in Henties Bay, to an acquaintance of his, one Jan Slippers. These erven has already been awarded to Ms Lineekela Kalimba by the Henties Bay Municipality.

Apparently Ms Kalimba had bought the erven in 2008 at a closed bid auction, but after she saw that these specific erven were again advertised to be sold at a municipal auction, she took the matter to the AntiCorruption Commission. A search warrant was issued by the Prosecutor General in March and upon searching Scholtz’s

house ACC officials allegedly found incriminating evidence in, whereafter he was formally charged. Scholtz made his first appearance in connection with corruption charges in March. The case was remanded to 23 May and last week the case was postponed again to 25 July to give him time to apply for legal aid. He is currently out on a warning.


6 JUNE 2014


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Unqualified support for the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources In their regular report on issues pertaining to the town of Swakopmund, Swakopmund Matters declared their full support to Cabinet’s decision to place a moratorium on marine phosphate mining.

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

ning activities. He unequivocally confirmed that he and his Ministry remained committed to the Moratorium and the reasons why it had to be imposed. Until and unless the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources himself makes a statement in which he overturns his abovementioned commitment to the Moratorium and the protection of Namibia’s fishing and marine resources, Swakopmund Matters shall discard all other statements and interpretations by whomever as misin-

formed, illconsidered and highly questionable. At most LL NP may have been given permission for the construction and operation of its experimental/ temporary phosphate separation facility in Lüderitz - nothing more. In any case Swakopmund Matters and all those sharing a common commitment to the marine environment and its resources shall continue to monitor every activity of each of the marine phosphate companies, and especially LL NP in Lüderitz.”

In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 03:40 and the next low tide at 15:45. The first high tide will be at 10:05 and the next high tide at 22:25. The lunar phase will be a Waxing Gibbous. We will have 10 hours and 46 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 10 hours and 51 minutes. On Sunday, 8th of June of 2014, the sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:38 and sunset will be at 17:24. The moonset will take place at 01:48 at 264º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (99º) at 13:48. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 04:45 and the next low tide at 16:50. The first high tide will be at 11:10 and the next high tide at 23:25.

The lunar phase will be a Waxing Gibbous. We will have 10 hours and 46 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 0 minutes. On Monday, 9th of June of 2014, the sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:39 and sunset will be at 17:24. The moonset will take place at 02:42 at 259º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (103º) at 14:30. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 05:35 and the next low tide at 17:45. The only high tide of the day will be at 12:05. The lunar phase will be a Waxing Gibbous. We will have 10 hours and 45 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 12 minutes.

Port Log

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

A marine phosphate mining plant

Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides Today the sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:38 and sunset will be at 17:24. The moonset will take place at 00:05 at 273º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (90º) at 12:32. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 02:30 and the next low tide at 14:35. The first high tide will be at 08:45 and the next high tide at 21:20. The lunar phase will be a First Quarter Moon. Tomorrow we will have 10 hours and 46 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 11 hours and 33 minutes. Tomrrow, 7th of June of 2014, the sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 06:38 and sunset will be at 17:24. The moonset will take place at 00:56 at 268º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (94º) at 13:09.


aru ru

fore our ministry also feels that they should be allowed to proceed”. The report interpreted that support and permission as a “decision to sidestep” the moratorium on marine phosphate mining imposed by the Cabinet last September. Today “Die Republikein” used the above quoted confirmation by Mr Matengu to conclude that the Moratorium had been killed off and that LL NP, being described as a “SWAPO-ally”, and other companies can now proceed with marine mining activities while LL NP may “construct its fertilizer factory” in Lüderitz. Both Mr Matengu’s statement and “Die Republikein’s” interpretation are in stark contrast and indeed in conflict with the uncompromising stand the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources took in the National Assembly on 10 April 2014 to the effect that he had not changed his position regarding the moratorium on marine mi-

Obtaining Fishing


“We want to reiterate that we shall not relent in our support for the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in his resolute commitment to the Cabinet’s moratorium on marine phosphate mining. We shall continue to advocate and promote his undertaking to ensure that proper scientific investigations are duly carried out which will allow the Government to make an informed decision about the future of marine phosphate mining in Namibia. We do this as a result of a news report on 3 June 2014 quoting the spokesperson for the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Charles Matengu, as confirming, in the following words, the reason why Lev Leviev NP (LL NP) was given permission to proceed with its phosphate plant in Lüderitz: “Our support is on the basis that Lev Leviev had already acquired most of the machinery worth millions needed to conduct such activities, and there-

6 JUNE 2014


HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies


6 JUNE 2014


Mr Andre Oosthuizen in front of the site of the new hotel

Gondwana gets going with new hotel Jade McClune

Swakopmund central business district is set to undergo some exciting changes over the coming months as two new hotels take shape and nearby the longawaited new railway station and shopping mall start to rise out of the dust. A new hotel is currently under construction on Theo-Ben Gurirab Street. In the first week of May OJ Construction had started to demolish the older shops and houses that used to stand on the premises to make way for new architecture.

It took around two weeks to break down the aging structures and a week-and-a-half to clear the site. Mr Andre Oosthuizen of OJ Construction, the main contractor on the project, explained briefly this week that they are

building a boutique hotel with courtyard and a range of accommodation options, including selfcatering. The height of the buildings will vary from two to three-storeys in parts. Oosthuizen said they will be casting the foundations

by the end of June and will pour the first slabs by end August. The project is worth around N$39 million and will take an estimated 15 months to complete. He said they are optimistic about the project, because it will add some-

thing new to the attraction of the town, and while construction is ongoing, the project would create a number of jobs for local people, particularly bricklayers and carpenters. Mr Mannfred Goldbeck’s Gondwana Lod-

ges had bought up a number of properties on the corner of Gurirab and Maxuilili streets over a period of several years with the aim of eventually consolidating these into one property, on which the new hotel will now be built.


power to the people







Closing Date: Document Enquiries: Document Fees:

13 June 2014 Mrs. A. Welgemoed N$400 (non-refundable)

Closing Date: Document Enquiries: Document Fees:

13 June 2014 Mrs. A. Welgemoed N$400 (non-refundable)

Telephone: Facsimile:

+264 (0) 64 214 600 +264 (0) 64 214 601

Telephone: Facsimile:

+264 (0) 64 214 600 +264 (0) 64 214 601

Documents in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Tender No. 08/2014: New Substation Building, Karibib” addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee must be placed in the tender box at the Enquiries desk at: 91, Hage Geingob Str, Erongo RED Building, 1st Floor, Walvis Bay or be posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P.O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by: 10:00 on Friday, 13 June 2014.

Documents in a sealed envelope clearly marked: “Tender No. 09/2014: New Substation Building, Usakos” addressed to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee must be placed in the tender box at the Enquiries desk at: 91, Hage Geingob Str, Erongo RED Building, 1st Floor, Walvis Bay or be posted to the Chairperson of the Tender Committee, P.O. Box 2925, Walvis Bay, to reach him at the latest by: 10:00 on Friday, 13 June 2014.

Please note no faxed or e-mailed documents as well as documents received after the specified closing date and time will be considered for evaluation.


TEL + 264 64 214 600 FAX +264 64 214 601 91 HAGE GEINGOB STREET P O BOX 2925 WALVIS BAY NAMIBIA




6 JUNE 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.

letters the to

or edit

namib times reader’s comments

Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.


Tourists targeted at the Lagoon

Tourists are being targeted by criminals at the Walvis Bay lagoon and every day someone is a victim. The prying thieves break into vehicles while visitors admire the majestic flamingos and seabirds. Johan Trompie de Scande Sal dit ooit ophou by die see? Dit gaan al vir meer as vyf jaar so! Ek self het al deurgeloop! Dink mens moet hulle ‘n “trap” stel en vang! Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze So we know its happening. Now what? This article doesn’t even offer any solution or advice from the police or anyone else. Suretha Tjombe Walvis Bay’s crime rate is growing as fast as the town. Please something needs to be done urgently! Peter Baron Van Ginkel Your NHW must work together , like in Swk then it will stop. Emy Nendongo The municipality then should place security guards there... if this

License troubles

Is it the norm to make prospective drivers license holders stand in a queue from 5am and then only 20 candidates get a chance? This is what I was told to do in Swakopmund if I want a license, When I asked why this is done I was told that this is how it is done. No explanation.

The way things are done here is Stone Age. What happened to good old appointments? Should this practice be upgraded somehow?

Swakopmund NATIS is retro-active, according to other NATIS offices. NATIS, please comment. Andrew Carney

Stiltes na die storms Ek wonde maa' net bo' oo' my glasie Guinness. Ek ka' nogie di klou'tjie by my oo'tjie kry nie, wasie groot lawaai maa' net oo' di topinaa' raads ve'kiesin of mut ons maa' nog wag vi' daai wag opie findings va' di ombudsman?

Mr Frans points to thebroken glass has been an on-going situation... Franz VernonMuller So if they know this area is a high risk area why don’t they do something about it? Evane Storbeck Same as in Wind-

hoek, ridiculous! Sandra Jakstaite The last time my car was broken into at the lagoon, police asked me why I am upset if I have insurance and can recover the damages.

Head-on collision in Swakopmund

West Coast Safety reports that a serious Motor Vehicle Accident took place in Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Swakopmund in the vicinity of Mototec late Saturday night. Diana Antonio Lomba U’ll reach your destination whereever, whenever... Drink & driving leads to speed and less concentration ... and it kills. We don’t listen! Maryke Nel Its my husband and for your opinion he was coming from a meeting and the taxi came straight into him

coz they saw the roadworks too late... How many lives will these road works still take? Laura le Roux Very sad indeed. Andre Rossouw It seems that you have a problem with drivers in Swakop have no road respect i grew up in Windhoek

1960;s 70;s Dagbreek primery then Siuderhof and H.T.S Windhoek is it save to come back there. Penny Dawson Its really sad when people speed - speed kills. Stiven Naobeb Speed kills people.

‘n Mens wiet mos sekere sake neem maa' di ewigheid maa' intussen gaa' di sake maa' voorts soos normal in di topinaa' geledere. Dis maa' hoe sake staan ini topinaa history... kla ka hulle maa' kla maa' daa' gad niks va komie. Een ding word met di ander een toegedoek. Tot di topinaa' weer met iets of geldsake debatteer. So gepraat van moola.. Soos ons maa' almal wied of sekere van ons wied besit di topinaa' aandele in 'n sekere fishing company om presies te wies 10%.Ek wonder maa' of di 'Chief' nogie aandele mut verteenwoordig met di 14% wat di "Geagte ini selfde fishing company besit? Vra maa' net? Gaan di topinaa ok di jaar dividends kry of gaan hulle wee' vi di volgende 20 jaar wag (moola wat netie ou gurus kry eni lads wat

vi' di driver licence di ewigheid leer. vra maa' net?). Dan is daa' di UriAdventure scenario. Waar di topinaa met di Uri staan wied n mensie (di verwantskap) of is dit nou di Uri- Adventure en di topinaa elite society? Uri provide mos kama alles aan di elite mense van di karre totie hunting tripies. (iets wat di elite tannies vreeslik geniet... drank glasies ini hande lekka vatie buttocks oppie stoele). Wonder of di topinaa ok share ini Uri het of di elite mense ini naam van di topinaa? Destyds ini laat sewetige jare het di namib times ‘n berig geplaas van di groot trek van di topinaa. Di plaasgronde wat vi di topinaa gegee is ini suide, met di establishment van di park Naukluft. Daa' was n onderhoud met di destydse

voorsitter van di topinaa sekere mista Nathan Kasper gehou. Di onderhoud dui daa' op aan dat di topinaa dwarsvoet geweier het. Ek het ‘n voeltjie hoor fluit dat hulle nog daa' oor praat. Isi groot trek nog aan? Wat van di narra bolle daa' sonder kan hulle mosie lewe ni? Di gebeendere onder elke bossie en so. Laastens wil ek net ietsie oorie nuut gekose boetjies en tannies vra. Di topinaa het vi vereniging ge'vote... (hulle het mos nou di dag ge'vote) Ini eerste amptelike raads vergadering word reeds uitsonderings gemaak, net di Seniors vergader met Chief, nadat di Juniors vir hulle inhuldiging self gesorg het... nehh man wat gad an metie Topinaa? Kry net lus en trek hulle almal oorie skoot. Ole Zarov

6 JUNE 2014




on their way to Latvia

This year the C GALS will participate in the eighth World Choir Games in Riga, the capital of Latvia.

The honour of being invited by the Interkultur organisers of the World Choir Games to participate in Latvia in July, stems from the high marks that the choir received in two previous choir examinations. An interesting variety of ladies, from schoolgirls to professional women, including mothers and grandmothers as well as from a wide range of professions, form the basis of the C Gals Chamber Choir, under the expert leadership of Wilna Liebenberg. The choir consists of ladies from both the coastal towns of Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. The choir has grown from an informal choir to a very dedicated chamber choir. These women rehearse often and do not mind spending their free time learning traditional dances, recording songs and rehearsing choral music in all gen-

res - from spiritual to traditional music, including popular music whether a cappella or with accompaniment. In 2010 the choir passed with 91% in the Trinity Guildhall Silver Choral Assessment and in 2011 the choir once again passed with 91% in the Gold Choral Assessment of Trinity Guildhall. Interkultur is an organisation that organises up to 14 international choir competitions and festivals worldwide each year, amongst which the World Choir Games. Interkultur is dedicated to unite people of all cultures, nations and ideologies through music. According to GĂźnther Titsch, the founder and current president of the Interkultur organisation, they “build bridgesâ€? through choral music and his philosophy is to create a peaceful co-existence where racial, cultural or ideological preju-

The C Gals Chamber Choir dice has no place. The first International Choir Games was held in Budapest in 1988 and is now a biannual event. This year more than 500 choirs from all over the world participate in Riga in this growing international

choral event. To add to the excitement of the venture, the C Gals have been chosen as one of 40 choirs to participate in the mass choir with over 900 choristers at the closing ceremony of the Games. The C Gals depart on

6 July to Riga where they will participate in four categories including Musica Sacrae, Popular music and Traditional music in the Open Category. As part of their preparation the choir hosted a concert in Walvis Bay in April. They will

once again have concerts with the music, which they will perform with during the competition in Latvia, at the German Lutheran Church in Swakopmund on Friday 27 and Saturday 28 June. Tickets are N$100 per person and can be

obtained from choir members or at Die Blumenkorb, tel 064404 620. Come and enjoy an evening of choral music in the beautiful German Lutheran Church and get transported through different genres of music.

6 JUNE 2014




6 JUNE 2014

Kabab House Grand Opening

Halaal Restaurant - A Taste of Pakistan

c/o 11th Road & Sam Nujoma Ave (opposite Standard Bank) Walvis Bay Halaa l Open 10:00 - 23:00 Cell: 081 476 4962

Saturday 7 June 2014 Open for Lunch and Dinner



PUPKEWITZ NISSAN WALVIS BAY (+26464) 206-152, Cnr. 18th & 11th Road

Alex: 081 141 0580 Mauritz 081 343 0850 Pieter: 081 146 0214

6 JUNE 2014




Registration of Interested and Affected Parties FOR THE ERECTION OF A BROADCASTING ANTENNA IN WALVIS BAY Radio Eros intends to erect a broadcasting antenna at 20 Morse Road, Hermes, Walvis Bay. The antenna will consist of a 50mm diameter pole, 12 metres in length. The antenna will be utilized to provide a localized radio station. EnviroSolutions cc has been appointed to conduct an environmental Impact Assessment, which is in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Management Act 7 of 2007. All interested and affected parties are hereby invited to register as I & Aps by: Date: Friday 20 June 2014 Contact Details for further information: EnviroSolutions Contact Person: Alan Jenneker Email: Tel: +264 64 404438 Cell: 0813832929


6 JUNE 2014


Namib Off-Road Centre requires young, Namib Off-Road Centre requires expeenergetic, enthusiastic sales people. rienced workshop fitter. Send 2 Page CV to

6 JUNE 2014



The World

Through my lens Anri Jacobs

This week I put together a few tips to make your photography more exciting by adding detail, taking away detail, blurring, shooting in low light, and much more. There are so many different small things we can use to add depth, mood, and emotion to our photography. Here are a few tips. Shooting in low light Shooting in low light can create a great atmosphere and set a mood in your images. Shadows play a great role in photography as they help define the shape of the subject. Shadows give depth to your images. Shadows also play a magical role in allowing the viewer to see depth in your images since they have to fill the gaps themselves. If you want

to create special scenes try shooting in low light even when the weather is bad, early in the morning and late at night. Take photos at night For those living in the city, you can make use of the urban areas around you, and at night they have a beautiful atmosphere to offer you. The tungsten lights and street lamps can be used to enhance your photography.

Use colour in your images


Shooting in low light

Using telephoto lenses Using a telephoto lens brings the background closer to the subject, and along with this a wide aperture puts the rest of the scene out of focus. Using out of focus areas in your image along with bokeh effect (bokeh is the term used to explain the blur, or the aesthetic quality of the blur in photography, and is usually seen in good quality macro shots, in the areas that lay outside the depth of field) creates a mysterious mood in your images. You can achieve this best with a prime lens, but alternatively you can achieve the same effect with a short telephoto lens with a

small aperture of f4 or f5.6 which will still give you a narrow depth-of-field. Detail shots When shooting, it is always good to incorporate shots from various angles and positions to give a greater perspective of the story you are trying to tell. Wide angles to set the scene as well as close up detailed shots will add great depth to your photo story. Use of colour in your images It is very tempting to use bright colours in your im-

ages to help create mood. Something more interesting would be to use a limited range of colours in your image. This will however help you to set the mood of the image much easier. Using the white balance in your camera can allow you to play with cold light and warm light. Whilst white balance is usually used to create a neutral colour balance, you can alternatively use it to create warm or colder images depending on what mood you want to evoke.


WALVIS BAY • Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 6 June: Round Table Winter Knights project. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. • 14 June: Bank Windhoek 4x4 Vasbyt at Dune 7. • 20 June: Safari Dance - Namib Desert 4x4 Club. • 25 & 26 June: Desert Hearts Revue presented by Walvis Bay Private High School. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 28 June: Canoe Combat and Festival at the Lagoon. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre - Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 2 August, Saturday: St Petrus Rooms Katolieke Kerkbasaar op kerkgronde. • 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.


• Bridge: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: swakoptm • Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. • Up to 8 June: Group - Exhibition at Woermann Haus Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil & acryl paintings under the title: “Colours - Celebrating Life.” • 8 June, Sun.: Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre: Interdenominational Day of Prayer - from 14h00 - 17h00. • 1 to 3 August: Springbokfees (Hosted by Springbok Legend): SISC Opening 1 August 2014.


• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00, 15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 to 19:00 Monday to Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people. • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.


6 JUNE 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Nostalgie: Die Mole damals! Zum Worte der Woche Schmunzeln Was man zum Grillen braucht: Männer: Fleisch und Bier Frauen: Decke, Servietten, Korkenzieher, Mückenschutz, Alufolie, Salat, Saucen, Besteck, Kräuterbaguette, Feta.....

Die Mole mit gemütlichem Strand-Cafè und Pavillon in den dreißiger Jahren. Infolge des stets zunehmenden Schiffsverkehrs im alten Südwestafrika, durch die rasche Entwicklung des Hinterlandes bedingt, wurde der wirkliche Ausbau eines Hafens immer dringlicher. Wieder gab es Meinungsverschiedenheiten: Brücke oder Steindamm? Die Entscheidung fiel auf die Errichtung eines künstlich erstellten Leichterhafens oder Beckens. Endlich, Ende 1898, traf der Regierungsbaumeister Friedrich Wilhelm Ortloff in Swakopmund ein und begann sofort mit den nötigen Vorarbeiten, wie zum Beispiel Erstellung einer Wasserleitung aus dem Swakop zur Baustelle (zur Herstellung der 600 Zentner schweren Betonblöcke). Vorher war die Beschaffung von Trinkwasser jedem Einwohner selbst überlassen. Ein nicht

allzu weit entfernter Steinbruch wurde gefunden und eine Feldbahn von dort zur Baustelle angelegt. Arbeiter, sowohl europäische als auch einheimische, mussten in Dienst gestellt und für deren Unterkünfte und Beköstigung gesorgt werden und so fort, was etwa 10 Monate in Anspruch nahm, Am 2. September 1899 wurde der Grundstein zur Mole gelegt. über die gewaltigen Schwierigkeiten, die bei dem Bau zu überwinden waren und die hier nicht im einzelnen angeführt werden können, gibt die einschlägige Literatur beredet Auskunft. Sie konnte schließlich am 12. Februar 1903 in Form einer würdigen Feier ihrer Bestimmung übergeben werden. Dieser ins Meer hineingetriebene Steindamm hatte eine Länge von 375 m, der Querarm war 35 m

lang, die Kosten betrugen 2,5 Millionen Mark. Doch erfüllte dieses dem Ozean abgerungene Bauwerk nur für eine verhältnismäßig kurze Zeit seinen Zweck, obwohl es vorerst eine ganz wesentliche Erleichterung für den Landungsverkehr darstellte. Schlepper konnten in diesem Hafenbecken mit ihren Leichtern die von den auf Reede liegenden Schiffen übernommene Ladung ohne Schwierigkeiten landen. Drei dort angebrachte Dampfkrane sowie eine Feldbahn sorgten für die Weiterbeförderung. Aber man hatte wohl die Süd-Nord-Drift des Atlantiks nicht genügend in Rechnung gezogen, jedenfalls sammelten sich alsbald an der Südseite des Steindammes große Sandmengen an, die sich über den Molen-

(Aus, Swakopmund Eine kleine Chronik; zusammengestellt von Ursula Massmann)

Buch versus Kindle Es ist vorbei, Buch. Du bist minderwertig in der heutigen Technologie.

Nächste Woche, das ist gewiss, erfolgt wieder ein Küstenquiz!

kopf hinaus fortsetzen, aus denen schließlich eine Sandbarriere an der Einfahrtsrinne entstand, die im Juli 1904 nur noch bei Flut von den Schleppern und Leichtern überwunden werden konnte. Es wird berichtet, dass zu dieser Zeit manchmal 20 Dampfer auf Reede lagen und auf Abfertigung warteten, daher wurde ein Tag- und Nacht-Löschdienst eingerichtet. Auch die inzwischen eingesetzten Baggervorrichtungen waren außerstande, der stets fortschreitenden Versandung des Molenbeckens Einhalt zu gebieten, und so musste 1905 der Landungsbetrieb dort ganz eingestellt werden, und 1906 versandete die Mole vollkommen.

Diese kleine Flamme kann dich vernichten.

Dein unförmiges Format ist überholt.


Haltet unsere Küste sauber!

Es wäre ein harter Schlag für die Industrie, wenn sich Paare zum Valentinstag einfach nur Vertrauen und Respekt schenken würden.

Zwecks Werbung melden Sie sich bei Mikkie Kriel 0812869519

Worte sind süß wie Gesang der Geigen, Worte sind’s, die den Menschen zeigen, Worte sind Gnaden, die uns erreichen, Worte sind himmlische Kräfte und Zeichen, Worte sind Träger echter Empfindung, Worte die Bürgschaft dauernder Bindung, Worte können betören, verführen, Worte können ein Volk aufrühren, Worte können uns prägen und peinigen, Worte können uns martern und steinigen, Worte können Krankheit bringen, Worte sind wie Fallen und Schlingen, Worte sind schärfer als Messer und Klingen, Worte können Zerstörung bringen, Worte können schlagen und stechen, Worte können Menschen zerbrechen, Worte können graben und wühlen, Worte können die Rache kühlen, Worte können vernichten, verderben, an Worten kann Liebe und Leben sterben, Worte können verwunden, verletzen, Worte können Seelen zerfetzen, Worte können uns stärken und nützen, ein Wort kann uns halten, ein Wort kann uns stützen. Worte können befreien, erlösen von Mächten des Dunkels, von dem Bösen, Worte können verbrüdern, versöhnen, Worte trocknen quellende Tränen. Gebt acht auf der Worte züngelnde Flammen, sie können auf ewiglich euch verdammen. Gebt acht auf die Worte, die ihr sagt, dass ihr nicht leicht ein Glück zerschlagt. Maria Bocek (Eingesandt von Brigitte Mracky)

Was ist eine Großmutter?

Ein achtjähriges Mädchen auf die Frage: Was ist eine Großmutter?: ,,Eine Großmutter ist eine Dame, die keine eigenen Kinder hat, die aber anderer Leute Kinder aufpasst, und ein Großvater ist eine Manngroßmutter. Er geht spazieren und erzählt den Jungs vom Angeln und von Autos. Großmütter haben nie etwas zu tun, sie sind nur einfach da. Sie sind alt, deswegen rennen sie nicht oder spielen Spiele, doch manchmal fahren sie uns doch zum Supermarkt. Wenn sie mit uns spazierengehen, haben sie es nie eilig. Gewöhnlich sind Großmütter dick. Sie tragen eine Brille und haben komische Unterhosen an und sie nehmen ihre Zähne und den Kiefer nachts raus. Manchmal spielen sie

mit uns Karten und lassen uns gewinnen. Sie beantworten alle unsere Fragen, zum Beispiel, warum hassen die Hunde Katzen? Oder warum ist Gott nicht verheiratet, und wer hat eigentlich Gott geschaffen? Ich denke, auch ich

werde eines Tages eine Großmutter sein, aber eine ganz andere, eine smarte. Jeder sollte sie haben, denn sie sind die einzigen Erwachsenen, die Zeit für uns haben.” (Eingesandt von Brigitte Mracky)

Foto: Per Email erhalten


6 JUNE 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Freiheit der Lüfte zum Zehnjährigen Locker vom Hocker

Swakopmund. Spannende Wettbewerbe an zwei vollen Flugtagen lockten im Mai Piloten mit Familien und Freunden zum zehnten Jubiläum auf die Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge. 24 Flugzeuge, ein Hubschrauber und ein Gyrocopter landeten auf der Wüstenpiste. „Wir hatten ein wunderbares Flugwochenende!“, schwärmte Lodgeinhaber und Organisator Wolfgang Kücki Kühhirt, der die Ve r a n s t a l t u n g g e meinsam mit Westair durchführte. „Die Flugwettbewerbe wurden begeistert durchgeführt, doch der wirkliche Spaß unseres jährlichen Fly-Ins liegt nicht nur im spielerischen Messen von Können und Geschicklichkeit, sondern in den gemeinsamen Tagen und Abenden mit den Piloten, von denen die meisten schon lange zum Freundeskreis gehören.“ Teams aus Namibia, Südafrika, Belgien und Dubai nahmen an der Flugshow teil und viele freuten sich auf das Wiedersehen, gute Gespräche und den Austausch von Fliegergeschichten, die manchem Jägerlatein in nichts nachstanden und allenthalben für Gelächter sorgten. Von den 24 Flugzeugen, die auf der Landebahn ankamen, nahmen zwölf Teams aktiv an den Wettbewerben teil, die anderen kamen als Besucher. Von der kleinsten Maschine bis

Solitaires Wüstenbäcker

Liebe Küstenleser, wenn Percy McGregor gewusst hätte, dass er als ,,bekanntester Bäcker Namibias” (Allgemeine Zeitung vom 5. Februar 2014) in die Geschichte eingehen würde und viele Bürger als auch Besucher dieses Landes seinen berühmt gewordenen Apfelstrudel nun vermissen, vielleicht hätte er dem Leben weniger missmutig entgegengesehen. Durch sein äußerst geschäftiges Lizette und Matthias Röttcher strahlen vor Glück nach der erfolg- Leben als Bäckerreichen "Rettungsaktion" und punktgenauen Landung im meister in Solitaire am Flugwettbewerb. Foto: Konny von Schmettau Rande des NamibNaukluft-Parks und hin zur 12-sitzigen Ritz International Air- und Gewürze, um eige- seinen relativ frühen „Caravan“, einer Neu- port“ über Berge und nes Biltong herzu- Tod im Alter von 57 im erwerbung von Scenic weite Ebenen, über den stellen, bis hin zu de- Januar dieses Jahres Air, waren die unter- Kuiseb-Canyon und taillierten Angaben, war es ihm jedoch nicht schiedlichsten Model- am Tsauchab entlang wie man in der Wüste vergönnt, sein Leben noch einmal Revue le dabei, darunter meh- bis hin zum Sossusvlei. überlebt. rere Cessnas, Cheetahs Kleine Landebahnen in Unter großem Beifall passieren zu lassen, um und sogar zwei Old- der Wüste mussten wurden schließlich die feststellen zu können, dass er vielen Mentimer, und zwar eine angeflogen und vor Ort Preise verliehen: Cessna 170 (Peter gestellte Aufgaben ge- Den ersten Preis als schen mit seinem leGesamtgewinner teilte ckeren Gebäck große Keil) sowie eine Piper löst werden. Cub (Nico Louw). Be- Bei der ersten Zwi- sich das Team Moppel Freude bereitet hat. sonders spannend war schenlandung auf dem Pack und Dave Hard- Ich kenne ,,Moose” die Präsentation der Flugfeld der Namib wicke, die aus Süda- (woher der Spitzname südafrikanischen Fir- Naukluft Lodge konn- frika angeflogen wa- kommt, ist mir unbema Sling, die mit zwei ten die Piloten ihr Ge- ren. Der zweite Preis kannt) seit über 20 brandneuen Proto- schick beim Schießen ging an Matthias Rött- Jahren. Kennen ist typen in die Wüste flo- auf eine Zielscheibe cher, der auch als Ge- natürlich übertrieben. gen, um diese erstma- messen, unter Geläch- winner für beste Ra- Wir begegneten uns lig offiziell zu präsen- ter und lustigen Kom- diopraxis ausgezeich- einmal im Jahr, wenn net wurde. Der dritte ich mit Mann und Kintieren. mentaren. Bei den Wettbewerben Für die meisten Lacher Preis ging an Heiner dern auf der Durchreise ging es hoch her. Na- sorgte die theoretische Schlusche. Als „Gen- in den tiefen Süden v i g a t i o n s g e s c h i c k , Rettungsaktion einer tleman der Lüfte“ Namibias war und wir Fertigkeiten beim Ra- frei zu wählenden Per- schließlich wurden bei dieser Zwischendioverkehr und Fin- son aus der Wüste, die Heiner Schlusche und station eine kleine digkeit waren ebenso zunächst mit einem Mike Böttger ausge- Pause einlegten, um unseren alten Defengefragt wie die Instruk- Überlebungspaket für zeichnet. tion mitfliegender zehn Tage ausgestattet Mit einem lachenden der-Landrover noch Gäste und Höflichkeit werden musste, und und einem weinenden einmal vollzutanken, im Umgang mitein- zwar mit einem Maxi- Auge verabschiedete ein gewaltiges Stück man sich am Montag- Apfelstrudel zu vertilander. Und dann ging malbetrag. der Spaß los, und zwar Die Ausstattung der morgen voneinander, gen und frisches Farmmit einer Art Schnit- Notfallpakete war fan- denn so viel Spaß und b r o t z u k a u f e n . zeljagd vom „Rostock tasievoll und reichte Austausch verbindet ,,Moose” stand dann von Landkarten und nicht nur die Piloten hinter der Theke, mit Angaben, wo im Kui- miteinander, sondern hochrotem Kopf von Henrietta legt seb Wasser zu finden auch die Besucher und der Ofenhitze und sitäglich Eier. cherlich auch vom Alsei, über in Palmblätter Organisatoren. Und wenn sie eingewickelte Wasser- Konny von Schmet- kohol (,,In diesem Nest es nicht mehr kann man nicht anders flaschen sowie Fleisch tau tut, landet sie im Kochtopf.

Na, Henrietta, wieder ein Dutzend?

Möchten Sie zeigen, was Druck bewirken kann? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; Fax: 400182; E-Mail:

als trinken”, hatte er mal gesagt), und wir hielten ein kurzes Schwätzchen. Er erkundigte sich nach unserer Südenfarm Spiegelberg bei AiAis, und ich lobte seine Backkunst. Er war stets freundlich, doch der kurze Plausch endete meist in einem Lamento des Wüstenbäckers auf das Leben. Entweder war es die karge Namiblandschaft, die ihm auf das Gemüt schlug oder der Fakt, dass keine Frau das einsame Leben mit ihm dort am Hintern der Welt teilen wollte. Dann klagte er wie-

bestand damals nur aus einer kleinen Tankstelle und einem bescheidenen Laden, in dem hinten gebacken wurde. Außer Moose lebte noch eine Handvoll anderer Menschen dort, und ab und zu kamen halt ein paar Besucher vorbei. Es gab zu der Zeit auch noch keinen Handyempfang in der Gegend, was diesem entlegenen Ort in der ö-

Der 50jährige Percy alias Moose McGregor im Jahre 2007 in Solitaire, als die einsame Ortschaft am Rande des Namib-NaukluftParks ihrem Namen noch gerecht wurde. Foto: Susann Kinghorn derum darüber, dass er den ganzen Tag nur arbeiten muss und es im Leben nicht weit gebracht hat. Wenn er doch nur gewusst hätte, dass die Erinnerung an

den Namibwüste seinen extra Zauber verlieh. Heute leben bereits über 100 Leute in der kleinen Ortschaft im südwestlichsten Zipfel

seinen Apfelstrudel auch nach seinem Tod nicht auszulöschen ist. Was - außer dem Apfelstrudel - sehe ich noch, wenn ich heute an Percy McGregor denke? Ich traf ihn 1991 das erste Mal, in einer Zeit, als Solitaire weniger als ein Stecknadelkopf auf der Landkarte ausmachte und seinem Namen wirklich noch gerecht wurde (Solitaire = Solitude = Abgeschiedenheit; Einsamkeit). Genau dieses Bild einer einsamen, kleinen Siedlung habe ich vor Augen. Solitaire

der Khomas-Region. Es gibt die große Solitaire Country Lodge mit Schwimmbad und zwei Restaurants. Für die Backstube mit dazugehörigem Cafè ist ein weiteres Gebäude errichtet worden, und es wimmelt von Autos. Ich wünschte, ich könnte Moose wissen lassen, dass er Teil meiner schönen Erinnerung an die Oase der Stille mit dem Duft von Apfelstrudel und frischem Kaffee ist. Ihre Susann Kinghorn


6 JUNE 2014

6 JUNE 2014




6 JUNE 2014

Night of the Arts

Saturday 14 June 2014 @ 19:00 Gala Evening @ the Walvis Bay Town Hall Fantastic performing artists, Delicious 3 course Dinner, Auction, Dance with live music Tickets @ N$ 500 p/p: Contact Ina: 081 205 9909

Exquisite Art Exhibition

Various Artists from Walvis Bay, Swakomund, Karibib, South Africa. Open to the public on Sunday 15th June from 10:00 until 15:00

Fundraising Event for His House Care Centre


6 JUNE 2014


Pallets manufactured by Waterbay Woods

Tel +264 64 205-377 • Cell +264(0)81 146-2171 • Fax 0886 21006 PO Box 2938 Walvis Bay •

COMPANY / PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Waterbay Woods was founded and initially started its very small operation in July 2008 by Fritz, but gradually, through hard work and dedication we became known for our product and service and have grown to the extent that we can now proudly call ourselves one of the leading pallet manufacturers in Namibia. The prime objective of the Company is the supply and manufacture of timber pallets (we only make use of kiln dried timber) of all sizes and crates with lids for a vast majority of exporters based in Namibia etc. We also have a Heat Treatment Facility for the treatment of all wooden products, crates, pallets, wooden containers etc. (for countries requiring heat treatment) in accordance to ISPM No.15. We will do your treatments even if the product was not manufactured by Waterbay Woods.

Outdoor Furniture

We also make various furniture, benches, table/chair combinations, doggy houses, and lots more. For your quote please do not hesitate to contact us.

Table with 6 chairs N$2 000

Bedroom chair, table with drawer N$700

Bar Chairs N$326 each

1.2m (4 Seater) N$850, 1.5m (6 Seater) N$1 100

School table with chair N$450

Inside/Outside Benches N$900

Inside/Outside Benches N$900

Double Bed N$1 100

Doggy Houses Big N$1 050, Medium N$800, Small N$450

Pallets made to your request

Timber for manufacturing pallets

FRITZ 081 146 2171 • RHETA 081 461 5319 • PIETER 081 754 8032

Boxed crates before they are sealed.


6 JUNE 2014

Chevrolet Utility and Isuzu KB

lead GMSA sales charge in May The locally assembled Chevrolet Utility and Isuzu KB continue to show a strong presence in the local Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) market.

In May 2014 the 6th Generation Isuzu KB had the best sales month of the year and was the bestselling General Motors South Africa (GMSA) vehicle with 1 482 units retailed followed closely by the Chevrolet Utility with sales of 1 353 units. For the first five months of 2014, Isuzu sales are up 13%. The company sold a total of 5 008 vehicles in May 2014, achieving a market share of 10% in South Africa,

an increase of 196 vehicles compared to April 2014. May proved to be a much stronger trading month compared to April with an industry increase in total monthly sales of some 3 400 vehicles. The May 2014 sales are however 9.2% below the total industry sales achieved in May 2013. Brian Olson, GMSA Vice President of Vehicle Sales, Service and Marketing, remarks: "The local

automotive industry is clearly showing signs of weakness in increasingly challenging economic times. The South African economy is showing signs of slowing down which is putting significant pressure on new car buyers." Opel continues to grow steadily with sales up 50% for the first five months of 2014. Total GMSA market share is up 0.4 share points over the same period

Isuzu KB continue to show a strong presence in the local Light Commercial Vehicle market

6 JUNE 2014



May 2014


NAAMSA retail sales A higher number of holidays in April provided an appearance of high vehicle sales in May of 7.4%. The harsh reality is that the new market has declined by 9.2% year-on-year. In contrast, Ford sales continued to stay clear of the haze, recording continued growth, not least the 19.2% increase year-to-date on the first five months of 2013. “The market is showing severe signs of pressure,” said FMCSA's Vice President Marketing, Sales and Service, Mark Kaufman. “Industry sales were significantly depressed so little solace should be taken from May's apparent increase over April. Current consumer confidence is only marginally higher than the low levels experienced during the 2008 - 2009 global recession.” Yet Ford sales remain buoyant driven by sustained demand across its model line-up. EcoSport sold its highest volume and remained as segment leader for the third time this year.

“Demand remains very strong for the compact SUV, so much so that our supply simply cannot keep up,” said Kaufman. Equally its bigger brother, the Ford Kuga, sold its largest volume since August 2013 as the popular and value-

packed SUV continues to entice buyers with its combination of smart technology, features and performance. Ford's locally manufactured Ranger spent its second month this year selling more than 2 000 units. Its domestic success

(2 018 sales) was mirrored by Ford's export numbers, with 4 089 Rangers delivered outside of South African borders. “Our Silverton Assembly Plant is running efficiently and maximising production across two shifts,” said Kaufman.

“There is boosted confidence in the product, also aided by resurgence in the European market.” According to the National Association of Automobile Manufacturers of South Africa (Naamsa), passenger car sales accounted for 32 984 units, 11.3%

down year-on-year. Light Commercial Vehicles (LCVs) performed marginally better, 5.1% down year-onyear to 13 866. “There is no doubt the motor industry is facing challenges,” said Kaufman. “Consumers are getting squeezed

and product companies need to find ways to provide more value to these consumers. Ford's EcoBoost engine is one of the ways that Ford has been doing well during the downturn by providing fun-to-drive vehicles that are also fuel efficient.”

6 JUNE 2014








1. Tenders are hereby invited for repair work to bituminous streets and sidewalks. 2. Tender documents are obtainable from the cashiers at, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264 64 201 3327, at a price of N$595.00,(non-refundable) (15%VAT included). Enquiries: - Mr. J A Louw, Room 107, Telephone +264 -64 201 3289 or e-mail: 3. The following documentations shall accompany the tender document: · Certificate of Fitness · Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission. · Certificate of Good Standing with the Receiver of Revenue for VAT purposes 4. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board before 14:30 on Friday, 27 June 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre may be used for the deposition of tenders. 5. Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderers' representatives who choose to attend in Room 120 (Dolphin conference room) of the Civic Centre directly after the closing of tenders. J A J Kruger Secretary Tender Board

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish an Accommodation establishment (Bed and Breakfast. The purpose of the rezoning is to make the zoning of the site correct for an Accommodation Establishment; the purpose of the consent is to allow development of the site to proceed before the rezoning is approved. The current zoning of the site allows only the erection/establishment of a subsidiary dwelling with consent of the Council. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 27 June 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay {081 170 0960}


MUNICIPALITY OF HENTIESBAY NOTICE Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63 (2) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, that the Municipal Council of Henties Bay intends to sell by way of private treaty, the Erf 1112 Omdel (Ext 3), “General Business” zoned in extent approximately 1454m², to Ms. Sirkka Haufiku, at a selling price of N$ 87, 240.00 for the establishment of a restaurant. Further take notice that the locality and layout plan of the property lies open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the municipal council situated at the corner of Jakkalsputz Road and Nickey Iyambo Avenue. Any person (s) having an objection (s) to the intended alienation of the property may lodge such objection (s) fully motivated thereof to the undersigned, before 20 June 2014. The Chief Executive Officer P O Box 61 HentiesBay


Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have vacancies for the following

Salesperson Windhoek & Swakopmund

Purpose of the position: • Selling of furniture and household appliances • Customer care and after sales service Qualification and knowledge: •Grade 12 • Drivers license •At least two years experience in sales The following will be to the advantage of applicants: •Knowledge of the furniture industry • Knowledge of applicable computer programmes Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English and Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate Key performance areas: • New customer canvassing and follow-up • Follow-up and completion of sales transactions • Administrative completion of relevant documentation • Customer service Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: The Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd. E-mail: (Swakop) E-mail: (Windhoek) Closing date: 21 June 2014 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.


6 JUNE 2014


Consent: Bed and Breakfast ON ERF NO: 1491 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Moses Garoeb Street

Consent: Home based Business (Place of Instruction) ON ERF NO: 6359 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay STREET: Hematiet Street

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Bed and Breakfast on the site.

In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Computer Training and Printing Services on the site.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 27 June 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Mrs F.T. Mwandingi, P.O. Box 2608, Walvis Bay.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 27 June 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Rauna T Haufiku, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NOTICE 45/2014 RENDERING OF CLEANING SERVICES AT THE MARKET MALL, INDUSTRIAL UNITS AND BUSINESS STALLS IN THE KUISEBMOND SUBURB, WALVIS BAY. 1. Tenders are hereby invited for the Rendering of cleaning services at the Market Mall, Industrial Units and Business Stalls in the Kuisebmond Suburb, Walvis Bay for the period 1 August 2014 to 30 June 2016 for the Economic Development Division of the Department Community & Economic Development, Municipality of Walvis Bay. 2. Tender documents are obtainable from the Cashiers, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264 64 201 3236. Tender documents shall be issued against the payment of N$34.50 (including VAT). 3. The following documentation shall accompany the tender document: 路 Certificate of Fitness of the Municipality of Walvis Bay 路 Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission 路 Certificate of Good Standing with Receiver of Revenue for VAT purposes or proof of VAT registration (if applicable) 4. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documents as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board on or before 11:00 on Friday, 27 June 2014. For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay, may be used for the deposition of tenders. No late tenders for any reason whatsoever will be considered by the Local Tender Board. 4. Tenders will be opened by the Tender Board at 11:05 on Friday, 27 June 2014 in the presence of tenderers' representatives who choose to attend, at the Dolphin Conference Room, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay 5. Telefax tenders will not be accepted. 6. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Council reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the tender. 7. Technical enquiries are to be directed to the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Department of Community & Economic Development, Mr. Martin Nambuli, at telephone (064) 2013367 or fax (064) 209714 or email JAJ KRUGER SECRETARY LOCAL TENDER BOARD


6 JUNE 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR




IQS Namibia Erongo NOTICE Please be advised that the following Estate Agents is no longer in the employment of Remax Coastline Property Centres in Walvis Bay & Swakopmund and is in no way associated with Remax: - Manie Kritzinger - Suna Kritzinger Please contact our offices for future assistance or enquires. 064212440 / 064464033 / 0816051984


PLAAS OP VEILING Klingenberg Nr. 274 / 5 Grootfontein 5466 Hektaar Donderdag 26 Junie 2014 @ 12H00 WAIVER BESKIKBAAR! Veilingsperseel: Namboer Windhoek Geboue: Hoof gebou 180m² / 3 Slaapkamers , 2 Badkamers Buite geboue 160m² / 2 Badkamers , 3 Voertuig afdakke / Stoorkamer Kampe: 12 Kampe Waters: 5 Boorgate 2 ingerig met son panele 2 met windpompe 1 met “mono” pomp + lister enjin Sterk en vlak water Wild: Kudu's Eland Klein wild

Lyn-ca Walvisbaai BELONING AANGEBIEDN$ 1 000 - 00 Sy het weggeraak in die omgewing van Meersig / Meerpark Is ongeveer 4 jaar oud. Bel asb: 081 273 3507/ 081 260 9387

TRAINING INTENSIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT TRAINING: Obtain excellent personal assistant skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact Elmarie 081 764 2090 081 632 8999

INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Obtain excellent manage-ment skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: Elmarie 081 764 2090 081 632 8999.

Veilingsvoorwardes: Aanbod voor veiling sal oorweeg word. 10% Deposito asook 6% koperskommissie plus BTW op omset, betaalbaar deur suksevolle koper met toeslaan van bod. Fotos: Vir enige navrae, of besigtiging kontak: Piet Coetzee 081 124 2242 Zirk Coetzee 081 200 3542 Kantoor: 061 259 607 Epos:

CLASSES HOMEWORK CLASSES After School Care Monday-Thursday 14h00 - 17h00

Classes are held at the Teletubbies Day Care Centre. We focus on the child’s reading in Afrikaans and English and Spelling to improve their skills. Classes starts from Monday 10 June 2014 @ 14h00 We are having places for small kids also from 1 year old - 6 years old. Contact Boneth: 081 318 7781 BeatAccMath Presents Extra Classes for Mathematics and Accounting Grade: 6-10 Location: Narraville, Walvis Bay Price: N$ 300.00/month For more information email beataccmath@gmail. com or

Phone 081 497 2195


I QUIT SMOKING. Up to 90% success rate with a proven, quick, natural and pain free method. Yulandi 081 7655 446


Brazilian Keratin Treatment





with personal attention. TO RENT: Call for a 6m Containers free quoteto rent Phone Riana JOHANN STEYN 064 128 209 0848. 166. 081

The Skype Call Centre *Internet & WIFI *International Calls *Copies and fax Opens Daily 07:30 - 21:30 Next to Motovac & Town Centre Contact: 064 209 435 081 242 2224

ARCHITEC DRAWINGS Techno Consultants Call: 085 637 6015 081 669 3371

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887.

Party Kids PRODEL Jumping Castle for hire& in CONSTRUCTION Walvis Bay RENOVATIONS: Swakopmund. For all your renovations Contact: 081 242 needs 7787 and construction

HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502

Special for June N$ 650.00

SERVICES DROMME: Tuinvullis dromme te huur vir alle tuin afval. Dromme word eenmaal per week skoon gemaak. Walvisbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock: 081 607 8320

FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:

Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock 081 607 8320

TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund


All hair types incl. ethnic hair. Brilliant treatment for broken, frizzy and processed hair. Promotes growth and shine appointments @ 081 383 8009 HAIR AND BEAUTY Sanah Brazillian Hair Specials in 100% quality virgin Brazilian Human Hair 10 inch N$1 350.00 12 inch N$1 500.00 14 inch N$1 650.00 16 inch N$1 850.00 18 inch N$1 950.00 20 inch N$2 150.00 22 inch N$2 250.00 24 inch N$2 350.00 26 inch N$2 450.00 28 inch N$2 800.00 30 inch N$3 000.00 Flexi rods available call or visit us at Namport, Walvis Bay or contact: 081 233 2893

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Baard Transport / Block & Brick

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA Are you in the need for Cash! Cash! Cash! and you have Jewelry. You can bring it to our shop in Swakopmund, Walvis Henties and Arandis even if its broken and revive cash immediately you can also loan Money against your Jewellery for a 30 day period Contact No: 081 344 3794 081 663 0163

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”

PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 NEWLY OPEN MOTOR DIVISION OF HS ALUMINIUM, GLASS & STEEL WORX More than 20 years experience in the following: * Fixing of exhaust systems *Customizing of exhaust systems * Replacing of coilsprings, shocks and leafesprings * Repairing of startermotors, alternators, CV joints and wheelbearings * Complete engin overhauling * Panel beating and spray beating STEEL MANUFACTURING Specializing in the following: * Industrial roof rusts * Stainless steel balcony, hand and stair rails * Safety gates of any size Call us now for a free quotation at the following numbers: Henni: 081 276 7661 Schalk: 081 217 1689 081 346 8343

HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Call us for any maintenance or emergency breakdown. 081 485 0762 081 669 5061 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome. DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, male weak erections, enlargement, body slimming, work and business promotions, bad luck, education (memory), court cases, win gambling and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection from being fired at work. Diseases like blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, poor vision and tears from the eyes, swelling of stomach and feet. Adults above 70-years and kids below 5-years free treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. SLABBERT CONSTRUCTION: For professional services in the following: Any type of building work, all types of renovations, repair and sealing of roofs, paint work, paving, interlocks, tiling. We specialize in water and sewer reticulation. Please contact us via: Cell: 081 617 6900 Email: Slabbertconstruction@gm VERF Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwrke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!!

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..

Stenleys Building and Renovations for all your building and renovation jobs Contact me at 081 315 9178 for free Quotations. We specialized in the following: * Building * Roof Sealing * Carpentry * Painting * Interlocking (pawing) * Welding * Tilling and Renovations we are operating in Swakop, Walvis bay and Henties bay. RAY’s JOINER Swakopmund: WHAT I DO: - Decking - Laminated Floors - Bathroom Cupboards - Bedroom Cupboards - Gates - Garage Doors Contact Raimo Engelbrecht: 081 298 1255 081 758 2273 P.O. BOX 3876 Vineta Swakopmund Email: DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541

6 JUNE 2014



Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

DR LUWA The professional African healer are here to solve all your daily life problems: - Bring back lover the one you love most - Pregnancy problems - Manhood Enlargement - Divorce matters - Remove bad luck in your body - Personal protection - Boast your business - Clear debt account - Sell your property quickly - Win contract big tenders - Win gambling - Get promotion at work - Protection of your property - The magic wallet and stick - Serious court cases - Chase tokoloshes in house and many more.

Roof repairs & renovations 8 year repair guarantees 081 63 86 300

PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE (Plot and Plan): Erf 5866 Ext.23 Swakopmund, adjacent to Mile 4 Corner ERF N$1,485,00 Contact: 081 127 6049 HOUSE FOR SALE Erf 6215 Ext.22 Adjacent to Mile 4, Swakopmund: N$1,520,000 Contact: 081 127 6049

Call Jan - 081-2708005 Hannes - 081-1498777 Irma - 081-3684469 PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY IS WEALTH PROPERTY IS WEALTH

FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.

FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT CLOSE TO LAGOON 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, tandem garage - N$ 1 100 000.00 HOME LARGE ERF HERMES 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, 2 garage N$ 1 400 000.00


3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, fireplace, balcony, tandem garge sea view N$ 1 280 000.00 Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 Jackie – 081 246 3590 Hettie – 081 270 4333


MILE 4 TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$1,6MIL OCEANVIEW TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$1,6MIL MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot&Plan. 2&3 Bedrooms, 1&2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic lounge/dining, garage. PRICE: FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 GLORY REAL REAL ESTATE FOR SALE NEW UPCOMING UNITS SWAKOPMUND 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan Garage N$ 520 000.00 1 bedroom, 1bathroom, open plan. Garage N$ 450 000.00 Contact Toini: 081 457 0543


Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Saloom 0813821888 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs


Town - Flats Room with shower and toilet, W&L included N$2035.00 Bachelor flats in Hermis for N$2310.00 W&L included 1 Bed flat in town for N$3245 W&L incl 1 Bedroom flat, open plan with bathroom N$3850.00 1 Bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, bathroom (Big) for N$4950.00 2 Bed flat+garage in Hermis N$5000.00 Houses 3 Bed house, 2 bathrooms, double garage Meersig for N$11 000.00 3 Bed house, 2 bathrooms + 4 garages and 1 Bed flat Meersig for N$11 000.00 3 Bed house, 2 bathroom + 4 garages and 1 Bed flat in Lagoon for N$13 200.00 3 Bed house, lounge, tv room, single garage plus carport in Meersig for N$12 100.00 Call Moira at Cell 0811476475 or Lana Cell 0813501827 or our office at 064-202788 for viewing


FOR SALE Swakopmund Coastal Estates House with flat Vineta - Quiet area Close to shopping centre 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Lounge with wooden floors. Fireplace, Study with safe. Kitchen Tandem garage. Plus 1 Bedroom flat N$1 800 000.00



Narraville 1 Bed flat for N$3025.00 W&L included 1 Bed flat for N$2350.00 and N$2750.00 W&L Exl 2 Bed flat for N$3500.00 W&L Incl Kuisebmond 2 Bed flat for N$3625.00 W&L Exl Industrial to Let : Offices in town to let for N$3630.00 Water and Alarm included Shop Central town available from the 1 June, 310 m² for N$70 m², VAT excl. 180 m² and 260 m² Shop/showroom with office/store rooms to let in Heavy Ind for N$70 m² 760 m² + offices and ablution- yard space 640 m² for N$44 275.00 Warehouse in Light Industrial, 200 m² for N$9 900.00, excl Vat Call Moira 0811476475 or Lana 0813501827 or



COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai - Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217

KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance

FOR SALE Swakopmund Coastal Estates Flat Central - Safe complex Walking distance to all amenities 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Open Plan Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Balcony, Garage, Lift N$1 380 000.00 Call Jan - 081-2708005 Hannes - 081-1498777 Irma - 081-3684469




FOR SALE: 25 ha plot near Omaruru ideal for your retirement. Irmgard Redecker Estates 0812533157 Irmgard@redeckerestat

For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only N$860 000 (excluding commision) Contact Neville Smith Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320





NEED A LIQUOR LICENSE??... We help & advise you to obtain a liquor license within 60 days! Call: Elmarie 081 764 2090. 081 632 8999.

Call Jan 081-2708005 Hannes - 081-1498777 Irma - 081-3684469

WAREHOUSE IN WALVIS BAY. 173 m² ready for occupation. In complex. Irmgard Redecker Estates 0812533157 irmgard@redeckerestate




On the Beach Ground Floor Flat Sea View Secure your holiday destination 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms Open plan lounge , Dining Room, Kitchen , Indoor Braai. Underfloor Heating 2 Remote Garages, Alarm Intercom Furniture included N$1 950 000.00

Erf for Sale: Oceanview Ext 9 597m² Serviced, pre approved plans N$ 560000.00 negotiable Contact Owner 081 287 4323 No Agents.


Hennie: 081 276 7661 Schalk: 081 217 1689 081 346 8343

FOR SALE: Swakopmund Coastal Estates



STEEL: Steel safety doors, trailers, roll gates, steel burglar bars, industrial gates, roll bars (Bakkies) Bakkie ralls

Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.



Aluminium Doors/sloding doors Shopfronts, shower doors Balustrades, aluminium sliding gates Gates, Burglar bars, garage doors, fly screen doors








CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

LAGOON New on the market, lovely family home, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, huge fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, garage parking 3 cars BONUS spacious

1 bedr flat, fitted kitchen lounge & bathr.

N$ 1 900 000 CENTRAL Walking distance to all

amenities. Duplex town-

house 3 bedr, balcony, 1 full bathr, open plan lounge, dining, TV room, fitted kitchen and single r/c garage. – BARGAIN!!!!!! N$ 1 080 000

JOEY 081 129 3293


If you want to buy or sell contact our our Agents Ruth 081 240 7350 Jackie 081 246 3590 Karien 081 250 4690 Hettie 081 270 4333 Office 064 - 202788

HOUSE FOR SALE – PELICAN VILLAGE 2 Bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, open-plan Kitchen & lounge, Single Garage Valuation N$880 000, SELLING FOR N$800 000.00 Cell: 081 143 6730 or after 17h00 081 235 3550

TO RENT SWAKOPMUND CLOSE TO TOWN Lock up and go 3 bedr 2 bathr D / Garage Fully furnished N$ 14 300.00 p/m SWAKOP INDUSTRIAL 485m² Ware house with 180m² yard Very secure N$ 17050.00 + VAT p/m More Warehouses to rent From N$ 10 000.00 to N$ 30 000.00 p/m MILE 4 STUNNING 3 Story House Entertainment area, Indoor BBQ, D / garage 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Furnished Sea View N$ 15 200.00 PM LONG BEACH BACHELOR FLAT Fully Furnished, Car port Secure complex close to main beach N$ 4 200.00 p/m ARANDIS NEWLY BUILD UNITS 2 Bedr, 1 bath, open plan Kitchen / Lounge, Carport N$ 3000.00 p/m SPACIOUS 5 Bedr House, 2 Bath, Carport, Huge garden, Pet N$ 4 500.00 p/m W&E excl CONTACT US TODAY (064) 464 033


6 JUNE 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Glory Real Estates For sales: Fairways.

6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 4 garages. 2 open plan kitchen, 2 lounges B.I.C Alarm Systems N$ 1.99 milj Kuisebmond Kabeljou Area 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, kitchen, sitting room N$ 785 000.00 Light industrial Plot 3474 N$ 2.4 milj Call Toini: 081 457 0543

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET MONDESA OPPOSITE COMRADES 1 X Bachelor Flat Including water Prepaid electricity, with hot water Own Bathroom with Shower/Toilet/Basin Rent N$1850.00 p/m Deposit N$1850.00 Non Refundable Contract Fee of N$150.00 applies to all Lease Agreement Single or Couple – no families Immediately Available Contact @ 081 246 4906 or 462225 TO RENT: Flat with Garage in Vineta, Swakopmund Close to Wöermann Brock Mall & Vineta Shell Service Station Price: N$4500,00 W&E included Available from 01 July 2014 Contact owners at 081 204 0032 or 081 251 2657 TO RENT Centrally located in Swakopmund: Bachelors flat, big Kitchen, shower and bedroom. Safe with own entrance and alarm. No garage. N$4000.00p/m + deposit. W/L Incl. Contact: 081 147 5127 081413 0574 TO RENT - Tamariskia: 1 small bedroom, Kitchen/Sitting room plus hot water shower/Toilet and hand basin. Partly furnished. N$3000.00 p/m. W/L Incl. Sorry no children or animals. Cell: 081 201 1159 TO RENT - TamariskiaSwakopmund: Bachelors flat. N$2500. W/L Incl. Garage apart. Contact: 081 258 2960




TO RENT: Opposite Welwitschia Hospital 2x2 bedroom flats with BIC, stove, single garage. N$ 5 500.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 5 000.00 Deposit negotiable Contact: 081 480 7088

FLAT TO RENT: 19 Marlyne Str. Kuisebmond 1x bedroom, open plan kitchen, shower, toilet & hot water W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 Deposit: N$ 1 000.00 Negotiable. Contact: 081 255 5272 081 204 7462

TO RENT: 2x bedroom, 2x bathroom Open plan kitchen/living area. Electronic garage door Full alarm system Prepaid electricity Plenty of space in front for a garden N$5500pm water & electricity excluded Contact: 081 143 4206

FLAT TO RENT: Furnished flat to rent Longbeach DSTV, parking behind gates N$ 4 500.00 p/m Sleeping one (single) Or N$ 6 000.00 p/m W/E incl, Sleeping two (sharing) Contact: 081 368 8259 064 205 714

To let: Central Walvis Bay. Two bedroom flat ( b. i. c & stove) with garage, spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom. W/E excl. Very secure. N$ 4950.00 + Deposit Available immediately Contact Thommy at 064-207997. email:

TE HUUR: Ruim een slaapkamer woonstel met motorhuis naby Venus Supermark. N$ 4000.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Deposito verlang. Kontak: 081 122 2151 TO RENT: 2 bedroom house in Kuisebmond near Kabeljou Street. W/E excl. N$ 3 300.00p/m Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: 1 flat with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge and kitchen. N$ 2 800.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 235 6549

DANTE SQUARE Swakopmund: Retail / Office space available! (Various m² available) Please contact: 081 758 4048 TO LET Swakopmund SHOP SPACE IN BUSY SHOPPING CENTRE 135M² CONTACT: 081 244 7065

FLAT TO RENT: Kabeljou Area, Kuisebmond. 1 Big room, kitchen, shower and toilet N$ 2 600.00 p/m W/E incl. No deposit. Immediately available. Call: 081 269 0484 081 275 0779 To Rent-Lagoon Area-2nd floor 3 bedroom flat in complex (bic main Bedroom) Bathroom, kitchen (bic), Sitting room, Garage, W & E excluding, no pets N$ 6500.00 Deposit Neg Contact: 0816481590 / 0813706678 To rent: Near Woermann & Brock Mondesa Open plan bachelor flat with kitchen sink, own shower and toilet, warm water, built in cupboards and DSTV connection. Contact: 081 859 4767 HOUSE TO RENT: 2 bedroom house to rent in Narraville, Walvis Bay Open plan kitchen Pre-paid electricity. Water excluded. N$ 3 500.00 Deposit: N$ 1 500.00 Contact: 081 793 9867 081 403 9004

TO RENT TamariskiaSwakopmund: Bachelors flat with sitting room/lounge, Kitchen with build in stove. Own shower & toilet with hand basin with hot water. Pre-paid electricity, water Incl. N$3200.00pm + deposit N$3200 Contact: 081 124 6606 FLAT TO RENT Mondesa Ext. 3 House number 950 Swakopmund: Next to Shalom Church. 2 bedrooms with bathroom & shower. Open plan kitchen (small). Water Incl, prepaid electricity. Available this month. Contact: 081 318 7781 081 275 1033 TO RENT: Longbeach / Langstrand Large 3-bedroom duet townhouse with ocean views and big garage. No levies. Private Sale N$1,6 million. Call 081 128 8392 TO RENT: Bachelor woonstel te huur in Lagoon Area Walvisbaai Ten volle gemeubileerd. Veilig en privaat. W/K ingsl. Gedeeltelike DSTV Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Geen troeteldiere of kinders. Geen garage. N$ 3100.00 p/m Plus deposit. Kontak: 081 247 1687 TO RENT: 3x Bachelor flats to rent in Narraville N$ 3 000.00 p/m N$ 1 000 deposit W/E incl. Contact: 081 240 8716 TO RENT: 2 Rooms near shops. N$ 1 500.00 p/m W/E per room Contact: 081 129 9406

TE HUUR: Narraville Bachelor woonstel met kombuis + badkamer W/L ingsl. N$ 2400.00 p/m Deposito onderhandelbaar Vir enkel persoon of twee. Skakel: 081 327 9800 TO RENT: Immediately Available: 1x Bedroom b.i.c 1 x Open Plan kitchen with lounge · 1 x Toilet and Shower · N$1900.00 · Near to Duinesig Combined School area ·Single and working tenant Contact: 081 868 0686 TE HUUR: Een slaapkamer woonstel agter in erf by Vogelstrand te huur gemeubileer of sonder meubels.Met alarm en eie garage. W/L ingsl. Geen diere. Enkel person N$ 3 000.00 twee persone N$ 4 000.00 Skakel Petro 081 252 3553

TE HUUR: Bachelor flat te huur in meersig. 1x bedroom N$ 3 000.00 W/L ingsl. Kontak Mr Smith: 081 228 8009 081 485 0195

Swakopmund FULLY FURNISHED Apartments 2 - 3 Bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen open plan Living, inside braai, on ground and other in apartment complex. N$ 8800. - N$ 12 000. w&L excl Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR RENT TAMARISKIA TOWNHOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, single garage, N$6000.00 OCEANVIEW TOWNHOUSE Spacious 3 Bedroom 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, double garage, small garden N$8500.00 SWAKOPMUND TOWNHOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, single garage, Upmarket fully furnished Wi fi and dstv included 14300.00 TAMARISKIA TOWNHOUSE 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge/dining, single garage, fully furnished N$6000.00 MAGDA 081 478 8213 064-412320 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET TAMARISKIA FLAT Batchelor. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. Water included & prepaid meter. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS FLAT Batchelor. 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 HOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan Kitchen, lounge IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064412320


LAPALOMA FLATS Inside rooms N$ 1300.00W/L Incl single person JABULANI 1bedr flat,bathr,kitchen N$ 2300.00W/L Incl Single person OLETWENI 1Bedr flat ,kitchen bathroom N$ 2200.00 W/Incl Bachelor flats N$ 2500.00 W/L Incl TULINAWA Container house 1bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 1600.00 W/L Excl JABULANI 2bedr house,bathr,lounge kitchen N$ 3000.00 W/L Incl All these properties are immediately available Viewing can be secured strictly on prior appointments All deposit required FOR SALE MAHETAGO House3Bdr,2bathr, lounge kitchen,garage with flat of 2bedr,kitchen and bathr N$ 1.050 000.00 Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesna

Swakopmund To Rent Pelican Place, 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room, inside braai, Single Garage. N$ 5500.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Swakopmund To Rent Tamariskia freestanding house 2 Bedr, 1 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room, spacious erf. N$ 4750.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Arandis To Rent House 3 Bedr, 1 full bathr, kitchen , living room, dining room, carport, spacious erf. N$ 3300.00 excl w&L Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843


Swakopmund To Rent Eureka Court 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Single Garage, Guest toilet, inside braai, NO DOGS N$ 5500.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Longbeach To Rent 2 Bedr, 2 Bathr, kitchen open plan living room, Outside braai, single garage. N$ 6000.00 excl w&L Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 Nadia: 085 562 2111 Swakopmund To Rent Brand new house, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, kitchen, living room, family room, inside braai, double remote garage, scullery, gas geysers, N$ 11 000.00 excl water, prepaid Seeff: Ansu 081 242 9198 Charlene: 081 365 3843 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET ARANDIS 4Beds,bath,Kitchen, Lounge N$3600.00 W/L Excl HAGE HEIGHT Bachelor flat with Garage N$3850.00 W/L Incl MAHETAGO Outside room N$1200.00 W/Incl Inside room with bathroom N$2000.00 W/Incl TULINAWA 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$3700.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity OLWETWENI Outside room N$1200.00 W/L Incl 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl 2bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Garage, Alarm system N$4400.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity MONDESA Inside room N$1900.00 W/L Incl Bachelor flat N$2750.00 W/L Incl All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@

6 JUNE 2014



Classifieds E-MAIL: OR


To let Tamariskia 2bedrooms flat with stove and oven, DSTV connection, alarm system automated garage in secure complex. N$4600 month Deposit Required Contact 085 124 9826

PROPERTIES WANTED LOOKING FOR HOUSES TO SELL / RENT IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: 1.KUISEBMOND 2.NARRAVILLE 3.WALVISBAY \ MEERSIG \ LAGOON \ HERMES 4.SWAKOPMUND \MONDESA \ VINETA 5.ARANDIS 6.OMARURU 7. HENTIES BAY PLEASE CONTACT THE FOLLOWING: Contact: Willie: 081 608 2290 / 081 147 6788 Christi: 081 425 1991 Office: 064 220444 Receptionist: receptionwdestates@ LOOKING FOR A HOUSE TO BUY IN WALVIS BAY OR IN SWAKOPMUND. N$ 400 000.00 CASH CONTACT: 081 233 2893 I am looking for a 2 bedroom or a 1 bedroom flat in Tamariskia, Vineta, Central town in Swakopmund. Please contact 081 337 2686 WANTED Looking for a 1 bedr. flat with bathr. (shower) kitchen/ lounge and garage in Swakopmund to rent. ± N$ 3500.00 – 4000.00pm. long term. Please phone Edith Klimas Tel: 462687 during office hours



FOR SALE AS IS: Mr2 - Need engine Model 1990 Colt dubble cab 4x4 Model 206 Engine in good condition Needs body Toyota Landcruiser 4x4 model 1993 80 serious - station wagon - 4.2 diesel Combi TDI Model 2009 Contact Hendry Jooste: 081 124 7972 FOR SALE: 2000 Hilux 2.4 Diesel 4x4 N$ 70 000.00 2007 Isuzu K6200 2x4 N$ 55 000.00 Uno 2 door N$ 18 000.00 Contact: 081 284 1788 FOR SALE: 1992 Toyota Cressida 24 GLE 310 000 km Good running condition. N$ 25 000.00 Contact: 081 200 7018 081 150 5750 FOR SALE: 2006 Nissan Hardbody double cab with canopy. N$ 90 000.00 Negotiable. Or swap for some value Contact: 081 304 8711 FOR SALE: Iveco bus 22 seater for hire. Please contact: 081 473 1590 For sale Nissan Skyline 2005 Model 250GT V6 sedan 89 000km on the clock car in very good condition N$75 000 neg Contact 081 344 3794 081 663 0163 FOR SALE: Honda Civic V-tec. 2000 model. 183841km. N$40 000.00 Contact: 081 298 1255 FOR SALE: Toyota Hilux 4l 4x4 Automatic 2008 D cab Km 100 000,Arb,suspension,2 tanks 2 batteries, underbody, tow & hitch pin, dynaPro Mt tyres N$ 245 000 Contact: : 081 337 4149

FOR SALE: CASH PAID 2007 / 8 Opel corsa INSTANTLY for bakkie your broken & Engine recently overhauled 1.4i irreparable Gold Canopy + CD player. Jewellery, also bits N$ 55 000.00 & pieces. Negotiable. Call at Ford bantam or mazda rustler black steel trallie Desert Jeweller & Ford bantam 94 - 99 Curios gearbox only S a m N u j o m a 2001 Hyundai H100 with Avenue round headlights engine W a l v i s B ay, only Make an offer opposite KFC. Contact: 081 263 2814 Your ID is essential.


FOR SALE: 2002 Suzuki Grand Escuda 169 000 km Wit 5 deur. Baie netjies N$ 65 000.00 O/H Kontak: 081 146 2256 URGENT SALE 2012 Chevrolet Aveo L/S 1.6 (As new) Carbon flesh (metalic black) 33 500 km N$ 130 000.00 Neg. 5 years service plan + underbody. Contact: 081 349 0898 081 274 6821 TE KOOP: 2001 Landrover Discovery TDS 5 7 deur N$ 78 000.00 Kontak: 081 205 4242 FOR SALE: 2011 Kia Cereta 2 l 46181 km Fully serviced. N$ 130 000.00 1991 Suzuki VX 800 motorbike Good running conditions N$ 40 000.00 Can view anytime Walvis Bay Contact Hennie: 081 210 0849 FOR SALE: Beach Buggy for sale. White kagoo shape. Swakopmund N$24 000.00 Contact: 081 127 0876

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE Swakopmund: Cane set consisting of 2 seater + 2 chairs and Table as new. N$1300.00 Cell: 081 283 3451 FOR SALE: Dining room set with dresser, Solid wood, Oval Table 6 chairs. Table can be made smaller into round table. Old Fashioned. Contact: 081 272 4460 Swakopmund AVO N: Cosmetics and Jewellery!!! For all your beauty needs. Women and Men. Best Prices. Products available. Visit us: Africa Potato Shop Opposite Wimpy Swakopmund Contact: Sufranje van Zyl 064-404 626 081 127 9922 FOR SALE: Affordable Bathroom design, Frameless showers, glass splashbacks and much more We also do renovations and paintwork of existing buildings. Very reasonably priced. Call Dieter 081 169 0805


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


FOR SALE: New Roullette Jckpot Machine. Contact: 081 122 6175 081 146 1909

at Klimas Glass (Tel: 462687)

4x 2-Cup suction lifter (load capacity: each 60kg) Suitable for glass and other flat sheets.

Price for one: N$ 550.00 incl. Vat

MOTORBIKES 2007 Yamaha Raptor, 700cc Limited Addition for sale Very good condition New tires Never been raced N$ 42000.00 Contact 081 141 6300

ANIMALS ANIMALS: Marmotte / Guinea pigs cudly longhaired N$ 40 each 081 127 5442

ACCOMMODATION Accomodation Monitronic Success College 6 thStreet (Behind Shoprite) Tourists, Travelers and visitors. Neat and safe rooms for overnight bedding. Double: N$ 400.00 Single: N$ 300.00 For bookings please contact: 081 671 6418 081 617 5952

BARLADY Desert Tavern is looking for friendly, reliable persons to work as Barlady. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans Cv’s can be submitted @ Desert Tavern after 15h00 in Swakop Str or Emailed to: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

VACANCY: x 2 Tracers x 2 Debt Collectors

FOR SALE: 5 Brand new single beds with matresses. N$ 800.00 each. Contact: 081 350 1860

FOR SALE: Sitkamer stel for sale 6 seater N$3500.00 Contact 081 200 4722

Absolute Tracing, Debt Collecting & Claim Consultancy CC Vatno: 3530258-01-5

Abtrac is looking for x2 Tracers and x2 Debt collectors


FOR SALE: 3 Piece block oven, hob + extractor fan. N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 240 8716


ADH INDUSTRIAL PARK Field Street no 4 Office 11 P. O. Box 3126, Vineta Tel / Fax: 064-400841 Cell: 081 1243711 Email: abtraccoast@mweb. com


FOR SALE: Various sizes of exceptional crocheted tablecloths/bedspreads and table / dressing mats 3 sets of beautiful, light ecru, cotton hand embroidered tablecloths (2x tea table cloths each with 6 matching serviettes and tray cloth) (plus 1x dining-table cloth with 8 matching serviettes) 1x pure white, cotton Damask tea table cloth with 8 large Damask serviettes Contact: 064 500 425 081 304 5737


SELF CATERING ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IN NARRAVILLE N$ 150.00 Per room, per nite / per person N$ 200.00 Per room, per night / sharing For more information Contact: 081 147 3158 081 247 2717

VACANCIES Absolute Tracing, Debt Collecting & Claim Consultancy CC Vatno: 3530258-01-5 ADH INDUSTRIAL PARK Field Street no 4 Office 11 P.O.Box 3126, Vineta Tel / Fax: 064-400841 Cell: 081 1243711 Email: m Abtrac is looking for a Retired Construction Foreman for 2 years contract. VACANCY: Retired Construction Foreman RESPONSIBILITIES: - Ability to read plans. - Ability to manage stock and co-workers. - Joinery and Plumbing experience will be an advantage. REQUIREMENTS: - Should have 10 years experience. - No chance takers. - Should have own accommodation. - Must have a valid Driver's licence. You can fax your CV to 064-400 841 or contact Berlin Bamm on cell: 081 652 9697 or Tel number: 0664400 841

RESPONSIBILITIES - Locate and monitor overdue accounts. - Record information about financial status about customers. - Locate and notify customers of delinquent account. - Advise customers of necessary action and strategies for debt repayment. REQUIREMENTS: - Namibian citizen. - At least 2 years experience. - Should be computer literate. - Should be willing to work extra hours.. - Should be able to work under pressure And independently. You can fax your CV to 064-400 841 or contact Berlin Bamm on cell: 081 652 9697 or Tel number: 064-400 841

VACANCY: Position : Domestic Worker should be able to work on Saturdays. Requirements : Experience in cleaning + ironing a must. References should be available Must be able to communicate in English, Afrikaans is a definite advantage. To start ASAP. Please contact : 081 617 8637 DIENSTE BESKIKBAAR: Ound verpleegster soek om na bejaardes om te sien. Beskik aan ‘n Kode 08 Lisensie. Walvisbaai. Kontak Alet: 081 295 6962 JOB OFFER: 2x part time / shift workers Shift A 08:00 - 15:00 Shift B 15: 00 - 21:30 Internet Café 1x Teller (Kuisebmond) Contact: 064 209 435 081 242 2228

VACANCY: Panelbeater needed with at least 5 years training and references. Contact Hendry Jooste: 081 124 7972 Vacancy: Employment opportunity for a Auto Electrician & opportunity for a Auto Electrician apprenticeship Applicants mail your CV To: VACANCY: Nail Technician Required Bio Sculpture Certified. Email CV to: VACANCY: Looking for Front End loader drivers at Baard Group with SOBER BEHAVIOR Must have a licence to operate a front end loader Please bring your CV to our office next to the horse stable's in Walvis Bay NO CV's WILL BE RETURND Please do not mail or fax CV's Closing date: 10 June 2014 VACANCY: Boilermaker Welder Fitter Contact: 081 644 8037

HOUSEKEEPER Applications are invited for the position of Housekeeper at Medical Imaging, Swakopmund Requirements: · Grade 12 certificate · 2 years experience in general cleaning · Fluent in Afrikaans and English · Positive attitude and a team player In return, Medical Imaging offers an above average salary, pension and medical aid benefits, as well as a housing subsidy. Curriculum vitae can be e-mailed to: Closing date for applications: 13 June 2014. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted.



6 JUNE 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR





TINA: Ek is ‘n 41-jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk, kan Maandae en Donderdae wees. Ht goeie verwysings kan onmiddellik begin. In Walvisbaai Kontak: 081 362 3400

MARIA: Ek is ‘n vambo dame, opsoek na werk vir 3 dae. Kinders oppas, skoonmaak, maar geen stryk of in Narraville nie. Kontak: 081 207 5248

WERK GESOEK: Ek soek huiswerk, skoonmaak werk. Ek is baie betroubaar en hardwerkend. Vir 5 dae in Swakopmund of Walvis Bay. Elsie: 081 883 2798

DESIREE: Ek is ‘n betroubare dame opsoek na huiswerk of skoonmaak werk. Vir 3 / 5 dae, kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel: 081 274 6537

WERK GESOEK: Ons is 2 dames opsoek na werk een is 34 jaar oud en soek vir 2 dae werk, Dinsdae en Donderdae. Ander is 31 jaar oud en kan kinders oppas in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Altwee het verwyssings en is betroubaar. 34jaar oud: 081 221 2261 31jaar oud: 081 313 1034

JOB WANTED: A 27-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Very hardworking and honest. Has 3 years experience in cleaning and ironing. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 650 0154

MARTHA: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for work. It can be in Hotels, Guest Houses, Take aways, restaurants, office cleaning or housework. I have hospitality and catering diploma and computer certificate. I am fast and very hardworking. Contact: 081 407 7764 JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old lady is looking for domestic work or babysitting. Very hardworking if interested. Can speak Afrikaans. Contact: 081 655 4918 RUTH: I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work intake or out from Monday to Friday. I am willing to start immediately in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Contact: 081 665 1272 FRIEDA: Ek is ‘n jong dame opsoek na huiswerk. Kan enige werk wees vir 3 dae per week, kantoor skoonmaak. Drink of rook nie. Kan dadelik begin. Contact: 081 380 1490 JOB WANTED: A 23-year-old lady looking for any kind of domestic work. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 608 2749 JOB WANTED: A 22-year-old woman looking for domestic work or office cleaning. In Walvis Bay and Langstrand. Can work at Hotels or Guesthouses. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 884 8783 JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old lady is looking for receptionist work, filling, answering telephones or any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Has a bit of computer skills but willing to learn or get training. Can speak Afrikaans and English. I stay in Town. Contact: 081 371 5144 MARY: I am a young 22-year-old lady looking for domestic work or babysitting. I am very hardworking and good with kids. Willing to start anytime as soon as possible. Contact: 081 657 5246

JOB WANTED: Looking for work in Walvis Bay. I have 17 years experience. Logistics and Office Administration, Import & export. With Code 8 driving license. Contact: 081 667 2707 ANNIE: I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. 3 days or 5 days in a week. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 627 7867 BEVERLY: I am looking for waitress job or house cleaning. I have experience. Contact: 081 236 0060 WERK GESOEK: ‘N 39-jarige-vrou is dringend opsoek na 5 dae werk in Lagoon of Dorps area. Kontak: 081 447 6610 081 348 6024 Na 5 uur UETUU TUNEEKO: Ek is ‘n 37-jaar oud en is opsoek na huiswerk. Ek is baie hardwerkend. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 657 5167 WERK GESOEK: Jong dame opsoek na werk is 25-jaar-oud. Bereid om enige werk te doen. Huis skoonmaak werk vir 2/3 dae per week. Kan na kinders omsien. Baie betroubaar en hardwerkend. Kan so gou as moontlik begin. Kontak: 081 668 2710 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare, hardwerkende dame is dringend opsoek na werk in Walvisbaai, vir 2 / 3 of 5 dae per week. Kan huis skoonmaak. Kontak: 081 619 94821 JOB WANTED: A 34-year-old lady is looking for domestic work it can be cleaning, washing and ironing. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days in a week. Contact: 081 277 5718

MAGDALENA KAHERE(37): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk vir die hele week. Ek ken die werk goed. Ek is betroubaar. Kontak: 081 609 4612 JOB WANTED: I am a 31 year old woman looking for domestic work 3 days, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Beverly: 081 300 6472 Swakopmund LOOKING FOR DOMESTIC WORK: My employer moved away and I am urgently looking for domestic or office cleaning work in Swakopmund. I am a hard working single mother and have good references. Please contact me (Willemiena) on 081 287 4136 and I will give you my references contact numbers for confirmation. DIANA: I am a 28-yearr-old lady looking for any domestic work, babysitting, office cleaning and I have experience in working as a cashier for 2 years. Start any time. Contact: 081 662 0445

WERK GESOEK: Ek is 35jaar oud, opsoek na huiswerk. Dinsdae en Donderdae in Swakopmund. Ek drink of rook nie. Kan 2 dae werk n week. Kontak: 081 278 2369

JOB WANTED: I am a young woman of 35 years old and looking for housekeeping work for 2-3 days a week. Tuesdays and Thursdays and Saturdays. I have working experience and have references. Can start immediately. Contact: 081670 0538

WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame soek werk by Bed&Breakfast plekke. Het goeie kennis en kan kook soos Buffet Breakfast, Buffet Lunch, Buffet Dinner, etc. Of dalk huiswerk kan kos maak. Kan enigetyd begin. Kontak: 081 239 5047 081 432 3815


RENT A CHAIR: For a Nail Technician or Beauty Therapist. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 381 0800


URGENT SALE: Opel Zafira N$ 40 000 or best offer, Gearbox needs work. No rust. Sold “voetstoots / as is” Contact Owner: 081 148 8066 Can Am Quad 4x4 in perfect condition 800 cc only 88 hours N$ 90 000 New quad Trailer to match N$ 35 000 081 63 86 300

WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na huiswerk vir 2 dae, kan was, stryk of enige ander tipe werk. Kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 361 8463 NEVILLE: I have licence CE Matric with GP with 4 years experience. Looking for driving trucks or busses. Long distances or local. Contact: 081 431 3712


VACANCIES VACANCY: Building Construction foreman looking for a suitable vacancy Available with immediate affect Is transferable. Contact: 081 205 9935

Need a personal trainer in Swakopmund? Just contact me 081 288 1177 All-rounder Handyman For work shop and building Sites in swk Needed Starting 6 June, CV to

OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Saws *Concrete Mixers * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@

JOB WANTED: A 20-year-old lady is looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 479 6451

JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old lady is looking for domestic work for 2 days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 639 4014

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Painters needed in Swakop CV to Swakopstrandrentals@iwa 0816791640




EASY PACKAGE 3 MONTHS PACKAGE 1 weekly Group class of Choice

ONLY N$ 720.-


3 MONTHS PACKAGE 2 weekly Group class of Choice


ONLY N$ 1256.-



Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


6 JUNE 2014



6 JUNE 2014




Bank Windhoek National Senior Golf Championships

Senior golfers from around the country participated in the Bank Windhoek National Senior Golf Championship that took place on 30 and 31 May 2014 at the Windhoek Country Club Golf Course. The competition was in the form of an individual stableford on both days and 24 players participated in the event. The overall winner was Basie Engelbrecht with a score of 76. In second place after the two days was Jan van Wyk with a score of 73, and third was Johnny Adams with a score of 70. The winner in the category for over 70’s was Vic Moll with a score of 70 and second was Gert Goosen with a score of 69. In the over 80 category, Wolfie Trossbach was the winner with a score of 72. Wolfie is 86 years old and is still a force to be reckoned with on the golf course. The four nearest to the pin contestants were Wolfie Trossbach (3rd hole), Johan du Toit (9th hole), Dirk Steenkamp (13th hole) and Klaus von Klitzing (17th hole). At the prize giving ceremony, Riaan van Rooyen, Head: Corporate Communication and Social Investment at Bank Windhoek, said that although most companies concentrate their sponsorship towards the youth, this sponsorship was a small way for Bank Windhoek to thank seniors for their contribution towards building the country.

The four golfers who got nearest to the pin at the Bank Windhoek Senior National Golf Championship were f.l.t.r. Dirk Steenkamp (13th hole), Johan du Toit (9th hole), Wolfie Trossbach (3rd hole) and Klaus von Klitzing (17th hole).

The overall winner of the 2014 Senior National Golf Championship that took place at the Windhoek Country Club Golf Course on 30 and 31 May 2014, was Basie Engelbrecht who had a score of 76. He is pictured receiving his prize from Riaan van Rooyen, Head: Corporate Communication and Social Investment at Bank Windhoek.

The winner in the over 70 class was Vic Moll (right) with a score of 74. Basie Engelbrecht, the Vice-President of the Senior Golfers Society of Namibia handed his prize to him.

The winner in the over 80 class was Wolfie Trossbach (right) with a score of 72. His prize was handed to him by the Vice-President of the Senior Golfers Society of Namibia, Basie Engelbrecht.

Rossmund Golf Club News This last week, whilst the sea was lashing the coast with high Springtides (?) and damaging properties on the beachfront, golfers were able to enjoy a sunny peaceful spell on the Course. Diners at a local restaurant last Thursday, complained that the fish on their plates were cold, raw and not gutted or filleted. Last weekend the National Seniors held their Annual Competition in Windhoek,

and local Senior Vic Moll was successfully the overall runner-up, and winner of the over 70’s competition. Well done Vic. The local Seniors held their monthly Competition last Thursday (kindly Spon-

sored by Ocean View Spar) and Flippie Beukes was the winner on 36 points. At the same time the Africa Youth Games took place in Botswana and Namibia was represented by a team of three players;

Caro Els, Jessica Dreesbeimdieke and Kasomo Paulina - (other countries had teams of 4). As a team they scored 470 points and just missed a Bronze by 1 point (to Kenya) and South Africa won the Gold with

More action that can be expected in the fourth round of the Bank Windhoek Namibia National Enduro Series which will take place at Uis on Saturday.

445 points. Individually, Caro won a Silver on 229, missing the Gold by just 2 strokes, Jessica came 5th and Kasomo came 11th. Well done to our Juniors, you did us proud. In the May monthend ‘feeshing’ Medal Competition, kindly sponsored as ever by Novanam, the overall winner was Bruno Rombero (70); A Div. Denis Haimbondi (71), B Div. Helmut Ndjendja (72), C Div. M.Pascual(73). The ladies winner was Titana Seratana (80) and the best Junior was E Uushona (72). There were 8 x 2 clubs. The first round of Matchplay has now been concluded, and the 2nd Round must be finished by 30th June 2014. Wednesday’s 18 hole golf this week was won by Eben Berg (37)- runner up, Tony Boesch (36) and the best 9 holes was won by Gerhard v d Merwe

(19) Join us this weekend and get your name down for Saturdays’ Betterball Stableford, generously sponsored by Sandvik. Sages will be playing in Walvis Bay this Sunday. Also on Sunday 8h June it’s a TIGER FUNDAY – through Sand and Bush, at Rossmund. Rules for the day - all shots to be played as the ball lies, ball may not be dropped or picked up and all shots count. Lost ball to be penalised by a one stroke penalty with the consumption of …. on the next tee box. Phone the Club for more informationm if necessary and book your place as soon as possible. Prize giving at a spit braai afterwards – bring the family and have a great day at the Club. Remember, if you want to win your game of golf, the best Club in your bag is your pencil!


6 JUNE 2014

Martin van den Berg (left) and Corne Schalkwyk holding up the Walvis Bay-Tsumeb Interclub Golf Trophy. The 12-year old competition takes place twice a year.

Walvis Bay golf Siranda Horn (top) and Vizamuje Ujaha (left) in Gaborone

Coastal athletes

shine in Gaborone Madelaine Laubscher

Siranda Horn (16) and Vizamuje Ujaha (16) from Swakopmund represented Namibia and competed at the Africa Youth Games in Gaberone, Botswana, where each managed to gain third place for high jump. They are both from the Swakopmund Striders Athletics Club. Siranda is from Pro-Ed Academy and Vizamuje from Westside High School. According to their coach, Mr Hennie Horn, the two definitely proved that they are the third-best high jumpers in Africa for the u/17 category. Siranda reached a height of 1.7m and Vizamuje jumped 1.99m. Their aim for next year is to get a record behind their names because they feel that this was only the beginning of greater things to come. “They are both under 17, but they proved that they are able to compete against older athletes. Namibia sent 18 athletes to Gaborone. During the COSSASA games that also took place in Botswana from 16 to 21 April, Vizamuje came third and Siranda second in the boys and girls under 17

categories. Afterwards, they travelled to the Africa Junior Championships in Potchefstroom, South Africa to compete in the under 19 category. Ten countries were competing where Vizamuje came second and Siranda third,” said Mr Horn. Earlier this year in Namibia Vizamuje received a gold medal at the National School Championships for boys under 17, while Siranda received a gold medal at the Senior National Championships. During this competition manage to beat the former champion, Michelle Pretorius, who is currently studying at Tuks University in South Africa

“They will be going on a special winter exercise program to ensure that they receive proper training during the cold months. The Namibian record for girls u/17 is 1.70m and for boys the record is 2m. The Erongo Region is full of talent,” Horn said.

While some of us were off to Tsumeb, Willie van Zyl of Westfire offered to sponsor Saturday’s golf. 36 players on a Tsumeb weekend was a very good turn out and according to Willie a well-enjoyed day of golf and rugby that left tears and laughter. The club’s player that still hold the record for the most points (50) in an individual stableford format a few years ago, Deville Dreyer, was back on his old form and stampeded the field with 44 points to take first place. He started with 24 on the first nine and backed it with a 20 pointer on the second nine holes. Good solid golf Deville. Youngster and new member, Martinus Marais, was rewarded for all his efforts and outplayed his dad. It is good to see the eagerness from this little man and soon he will be up there with the rest. We cannot say the same about another new application for membership pending from Jacques Myburgh, not the same as in RSA Jacques….seems a bit more practise on our course will help. Better luck next time. Two clubs scored by Pieter Burger, Deville Dreyer, Mathew Stander with two of them, Jonas Katti and Desmond Benson. The results were as follows: 1st Deville Dreyer - 44, 2nd Amandio Sardinha - 42, 3rd Pikkie Champion Snr - 41, 4th Pieter Heunis - 40, 5th Jonas Niilenge - 40, 6th Peet Poggenpoel - 39, 7th Desmond Benson - 38, 8th Lady T Grobler - 38, 9th

Martinus Marais - 37, 10th Mathew Stander - 37. Thank to Willie and Westfire, see you again next year. Nostalgia - Tickets are still available at N$75 per person payable at the bar. There will be no bookings for tables please as it is first come first serve. The tables that will be in the pool area are reserved for the band and their friends and family. You will have enough space in the rest of the club nearer to the band. Sanlam Cancer - This Saturday is the ever popular Sanlam Cancer Day. You all know how it works. Winners on the day go to Windhoek for the regional finals. Division winners in Windhoek will go on an all expenses paid trip for the finals at Sun City. Note that we are charging an additional fee of N$20 for the competition. This money will be donated to the Cancer association. The fee is not compulsory however, but your kind assistance for this worthy cause will be appreciated. Tsumeb - 12 years of tradition continued as we played our 23rd Interclub competition last weekend in Tsumeb. Although only eight teams from Walvis Bay travelled to Tsumeb, we were once again spoiled by the Tsumeb Golf Club and their hospitality. A Big thank you to Martin van den Berg, sponsoring also for the 12th year in a row in Tsumeb. We had great fun and laughter,

cannot tell all the stories, but we had great steak again. One of our senior players for the 12th year but did not eat his steak. We will ask Tsumeb to vacuum pack his steak, freeze it and he can bring it along. The weather played along nicely and the greens were very good. Their bunkers have new sand and even Jaans Stander could play bunker shots. Some of our players were a bit tired after the previous night out on the town. Some fell asleep by 7 o’clock, but still managed to move around until 2 in the morning. The wonders of the human body! Another had to only take two shots to have the attention of the entire town, and the rest enjoyed the great spit braai and excellent food on offer. Unbelievably we had a draw. That was announced after our biggest player stole the cup right in front of the entire Tsumeb spectators. Who said a big boy can’t be seen? Martin accepted that we take the cup along to Walvis, as a draw on home ground is the same as a loss. He promised us at least 20 teams on 23 August in Walvis Bay to take the cup back to Tsumeb. Well, we will have to wait and see Martin… Thanks for another great and unforgettable weekend. We love you all. World Cup - World Cup starts next week. Superbru entries are N$ 300.00 per player. Pool code is: saneherb. We also have a fantasy league that is just for fun. Pool code: runswoad.

All eyes are on the fourth round of the Bank Windhoek Namibia National Enduro Series which will take place at Uis on Saturday.

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