Virtual Edition

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President Pohamba paid a surprise visit to the National Mass Housing Project in Kuisebmond yesterday. National Housing Enterprise (NHE) representative Michael Ileka introduced the President to Mr Elvin Naidoo of 7Sirs construction company and took the President on a tour of the NHE project. According to Ileka the President expressed satisfaction with the progress being made by NHE in Walvis Bay and called on the organisation to continue delivering. The President was relaxed and made some recommendations with regard to the layout and the sizes of houses being constructed. He strolled around the site and telephoned the NHE chief executive officer Vincent Hailulu and invited him and the Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development, Charles Namoloh to pay him a visit as soon as he returns to Windhoek. Photo by O Finck

Largest Namibian -owned Fishing vessel launched

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Port skyline to change forever

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Lize Ehlers

Swakopmund massa behuisingsprojek skop af Marshallino Beukes

Die Namibiese regering se doelwit om binne die volgende 17 jaar behuising vir elke landsburger te skep, het te midde van vele negatiewe publisiteit en teenstrydighede, ook vandeesweek in Swakopmund afgeskop. Die plan is om altesaam 3 034

Page 16 huise in die kusdorp te bou.

Locker vom Hocker Die getal is die grootste hoe-

veelheid huise wat landwyd in 'n dorp gebou gaan word. Die suksesvolle tenderaars is Power Oyeno-Namibia (2 034 eenhede), Ferusa Capital (600 eenhede) en Delta Group (400 eenhede). Hulle het Dinsdag amptelik die erwe vanaf die nasioPage 20 nale behuisingsonderneming

(NHE) ontvang. Die eerste sooi behoort teen volgende week gespit te word. Tydens die oorhandigingseremonie het die Besturende Direkteur van Power OyenoNamibia, mnr Paulo Shipoke, genoem dat 12 sub-kontrakteurs, waarvan 70% kusgebonde is, met hierdie projek behulpsaam gaan wees. Hy het ook genoem dat hulle dit goed gedink het om inwoners

van die DRC woongebied, nie net met behuising tot hulp te wees nie, maar hulle ook ‘n kans te gun om self deel te wees van die projek, by wyse van ‘n eie onderneming wat gaan help met die bouery. Die plan is blykbaar om 80 eenhede per maand kaf te draf. Tydens hierdie geleentheid het die eerste burger van Swakopmund, mnr Juuso

Kambueshe, aangedui dat die stap deur kontrakteurs, om werksgeleenthede vir DRC inwoners te skep, prysenswaardig is. Kambueshe het ook genoem dat hierdie die eerste stap tot die afskaffing van plakkershutte in die dorp is. Mnr Uazuva Kaumbi van NHE, wat hoog in sy noppies met die verwikkelinge is, het dit ‘n dag “vir feesvieringe”

genoem en aangedui dat die suksesvolle tenderaars onder meer op grond van hul vorige ondervinding aangestel is. Hy het ook te kenne gegee dat die tender nie net die oprig van wonings behels nie, maar ook die diens van die erwe. Uitbreiding 9 (Mondesa) is volgens aanduidings die eerste area wat baat gaan vind by hierdie projek.



Swakop Uranium starts

Husab mining operation Jade McClune

A high-powered delegation of politicians and business leaders attended a ceremony at Swakop Uranium’s Husab mine to mark the official start of mining operations on Thursday. President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Founding President Sam Nujoma, as well as the Minister of Mines and Energy, Isak Katali, featured prominently on the list of VIP’s at the ceremony, which took place at the site of the new mine, some 65 km east of Swakopmund. Construction of the Husab Project started in November 2012 and first production is expected in the last half of 2015. Swakop Uranium owns the Husab ore body and will operate the mine, which it has been constructing since the first blast was detonated in March 2012. The company says that Husab will be twice the size of the nearby Rössing Uranium Mine. “Yes, it will be almost double the size. One of the two Husab pits will be comparable to Rössing’s pit,” the company says on its website. The proposed new tailings storage facility will be approximately 4 km². It is estimated that the Husab Project could contribute 5% to Namibia’s Gross Domestic Product, 20% to the country’s exports and up to N$1.7-billion per year for government coffers. Husab has a potential mine-life of more

than 20 years, with uranium reserves estimated at 280 million tonnes. It is being developed as a large-scale load-and-haul open pit mine, feeding ore to a conventional agitated acid leach process plant and will use 39 haul trucks, with a payload of 327 tonnes each, as well as 4 front-end loaders, 3 rope shovels and 4 hydraulic face shovels. A loaded truck weighs about 570 tonnes and an estimated 680 million litres of diesel will be used across the mining operation over the life of mine. After twenty years, the Zone 1 pit will be approximately 3 km long, 1 km wide and 412 m deep, the company says. The Zone 2 pit will be about 2 km long, 1.3 km wide and 377 m deep. Each of the pits will be about the size of the adjacent Rössing Mine’s pit. It is estimated that Husab has the potential to produce 15 million pounds of uranium oxide (U3O8) per annum, more than the total current uranium production of Namibia. In comparison, the world’s largest uranium mine, McArthur River in Canada, can produce up to 18 million pounds per year.

Swakop Uranium understands that “No radioactive material may be disposed of at either Walvis Bay or Swakopmund waste centres” and says that “Controls will be in place to ensure that contaminated material does not leave the site.” Hazardous (toxic) waste that cannot be recycled will be managed as per the Waste Management Plan (EMP) and audits will be conducted on all activities during the construction phase to ensure compliance with the terms of the EMP, the company says. Noting that sulphuric acid, produced on site, imported or obtained from an off-site plant, will be used as the main processing chemical, Swakop Uranium said, “All hazardous waste, except radioactive waste, will be collected at the waste transition yard prior to packaging, as per the Walvis Bay Hazardous Site’s requirements before being transported to Walvis Bay.” The company notes that China General Nuclear Power Company’s (CGNPC) investment in Swakop Uranium is the biggest in Namibia since the country’s independence, and “by far the single biggest investment by Chi-

na in Africa”. It says more than US$100-million (N$1 billion) was spent to get the project to the construction phase and a further US$2-billion (N$20-billion) will be required to bring the project to fruition. State-owned Epangelo Mining Company holds a 10% stake, valued at N$1.8 billion in Swakop Uranium. Taurus Minerals Ltd of Hong Kong holds the majority 90% stake. Taurus in turn is owned by CGNPC Uranium Resources and the China-Africa Development Fund. Husab was previously owned by an Australia-based exploration company, Extract Resources. In April 2012 Taurus Minerals made a successful takeover bid for Extract Resources, by first launching a successful takeover bid for its majority shareholder, Kalahari Minerals plc, which owned 43% of Extract. In April Taurus followed up with a US$2.2 billion takeover of Extract. The new mine is located in the northernmost part of the protected Namib-Naukluft National Park, approximately 12 km south-west of Arandis.

Mathematics Congress huge success Marshallino Beukes

The 9th National Mathematics Congress took place in Swakopmund from 27 to 30 April and was attended by 225 mathematics teachers and educators from all regions of the country.

This annual event is organised with the support of the Ministry of Education and private sector sponsors. Its aim is to inspire and motivate mathematics teachers and expose them to new insights in mathematics teaching and learning. Dr Retha van Niekerk from the North-West University (South Africa), an internationally recognised expert and researcher in early childhood education, together with Ms Barbara Peters of UNAM, presented workshops on “measurement, space and shape” for the junior primary teachers. Ms Kerryn Vollmer,

a teacher educator from Cape Town, introduced teachers to teaching materials and approaches to develop algebraic thinking in senior primary and junior secondary learners. Mr Marc North from KwaZulu-Natal focused on financial mathematics for senior secondary learners. The inputs from the South African guest lecturers were supported by presentations of 14 local experts and teacher educators. At this occasion, Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHM) has once again reaffirmed its commitment towards Mathematics and Science develop-

ment in the country, when it donated N$190 000 toward the hosting of the Congress. LHM has been the main sponsor of the conference for the past six years. According to LHM’s Managing Director/General Manager, Simon Solomons, Mathematics, as one of the three fundamentals of education (reading, writing, and arithmetic), remains a key skill in the mining industry, especially in the uranium sector where it is used in all processes associated with the exploration and mining of the uranium ore.

FNB opened a new branch in Kuisebmond on Wednesday. The opening of the second branch in Walvis Bay brings significant relief to its clients and ending long hours of waiting at month-ends. The branch will be officially opened next week.

9 MAY 2014

IMPRESSED: Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard

Esau yesterday officiated at the launch of Namibia’s largest 100% Namibian-owned fishing vessel, christened the Leader, in the Port of Walvis Bay. He was taken on a conducted tour of the N$200 million vessel by Mr Kent Yen, one of the Directors of Atlantic Pacific Fishing (PTY) LTD. Photo by Otis Finck



Walvis Bay

30 April 2014 - Urich Eugene Conlan (23), Daniello Zamir Britz (24) and a minor (15), appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine. The minor was absent. The case was postponed to 23 July 2014. The charge against the minor was withdrawn. The other accused are out on bail. - Mweeimenange Martin (23) and Kondja Ya Kondja (20), appeared in court charged with theft. Their case was postponed to May 14. Martin is out on bail and Ya Kondja is at large. - Matias Kashungu (30) appeared on charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft and malicious damage to property. The accused was found guilty by Magistrate Andre Matulich on the charge of housebreaking and sentenced to 12 months imprisonment. The accused was found not guilty on the charge of malicious damage to property. - Amupadhi Megameno (24) and Ruben Megameno (37) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 8 May 2014. The accused is on bail. - Rogero John Hays (20) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood alcohol level. The case was postponed to 3 June 2014. The accused is on bail. - Petrus Andreas (47) appeared on a charge of arson. The case was postponed to 7 May 2014. The accused is on bail. - Carlos Moller (27) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 3 June 2014. The accused is on bail. - A minor (17) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 24 June 2014. The accused is in custody. - Kenahama Nannii (30) appeared on a charge of rape. The case was postponed to 28 May 2014. The accused is on bail. - A minor (17) and Jimmy Van Wyk (19), Van Wyk was absent, appeared on charges of rape. The case was postponed to 21 May 2014. The minor is in custody and Van Wyk at large. - Muatjie David (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 8 May 2014. The accused is in custody. - Sakaria Ugwanga (26), Jimmy Links (19) and Silvanus Neib (27), Ugwanga was absent, appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 22 July 2014. The accused are on bail and Ugwanga at large.

- Christalline Von Broen (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 6 August 2014. The accused is on bail. - Sakeus Jacob Iyambo (32) and Christalline Von Broen (28) appeared on charges of theft and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The charges against Iyambo were withdrawn. The case was postponed to 6 August 2014. The accused is on bail. - Christalline Von Broen (28) and Jonas Derricks Nolekule Katti (31) appeared on charges of defeating or obstructing the course of justice. The charges against Katti were withdrawn. The case was postponed to 6 August 2014. The accused is on bail. - Jerome Vos (21) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The case was postponed to 5 June 2014. The accused is on bail. - Junias Shaanika (39) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The charge against the accused was withdrawn. - Matheus Nujoma (21) and Lance Abrahams (28) appeared on a charge of robbery. The case was postponed to 4 June 2014. The accused are on bail. - Muynga Whisco Sibungo (21) was absent at his hearing on a charge of rape. The accused is at large. - Quinton Van Wyk (39) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The case was postponed to 21 July 2014. The accused is on bail. - Petrus Keib (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 10 July 2014. The accused is on bail. - Manaso Mberura (18) appeared on a charge of rape. The case was postponed to 12 June 2014. The accused is on bail. - Aron Shivia (23), Vendelinus Shivolo (20) and Jason Jason (20) appeared on charges of robbery. Shivia and Shivolo were found not guilty. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found Shivia and Shivolo not guilty. The case was postponed to 18 June 2014. The accused is on bail. - Manfred Schroeds Wayne (27) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The case was postponed to 2 July 2014. The accused is on bail. - Xaweb Teddy (28) was absent at his hearing on a charge of assault by threat. The case was postponed to 15 May 2014. The accused is on warning. - Natalia Nambinga (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The accused is at large. - Nikanor Nghilivali (28) appeared on a charge of assault. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and

REPORT sentenced to 30days imprisonment or fined with N$600. 2 May 2014 - Vincent Mooky Gertze (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 22 May 2014. The accused is in custody. 6 May 2014 - Brandon Losper (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to commit a crime unknown to the state. The case was postponed to 28 July 2014. The accused is on bail. - Robert Jackson (18) appeared on a charge of robbery. The case was postponed to 8 May 2014. The accused is in custody. - Siyongo Mishake (34) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 7 May 2014. The accused is on bail. - Matheus Alweendo (35) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 20 May 2014. The accused is on bail. - Ralph Uiseb (18) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 20 May 2014. The accused is in custody. - Abisai Indongo (30) and Andreas Shangula (33) appeared on charges of theft. The case was postponed to 15 May 2014. The accused are in custody. - Desdelius Titus (24) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The case was postponed to 24 July 2014. The accused is in custody. - Ricardo Langane (26) appeared on a charge of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. The case was postponed to 2 June 2014. The accused is in custody. - Petrus Shikesho (29) appeared on a charge of theft. The case was postponed to 16 July 2014. The accused is in custody. - Paulus Shaanika (age unknown) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was postponed to 24 July 2014. The accused is in custody. - Aloisius Ndemumona (30) appeared on a charge of theft. Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis found the accused guilty and sentenced to 60 days imprisonment or fined with N$1 000. - Belinda Van Staden (33) appeared on a charge of contempt of court. The case was postponed to 21 May 2014. The accused is on warning. - Andreas Tjindjumba (27) appeared on charges of indecent assault and assault by threat. The case was postponed to 4 June 2014. The accused is on warning.

Swakopmund Regional Court - Fillemon Shilongo (35) appeared on charges of murder and attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances. The matter was postponed until 22 May 2014 for the trial to continue and judgment. - Hascum Winckler (20) appeared on a charge of murder. The case was postponed until 22 May 2014. - Johannes Kavali (20) appeared on charges of rape, assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, common assault and assault by threat. The matter was postponed until 9 June 2014 for plea and trial. - Immanuel Nowaseb (28) appeared on charges of rape and assault by threat. The trial will continue on 30 July 2014. - A 15-year old boy appeared on a charge of rape. This matter was postponed until 1 September 2014 for plea and trial. Magistrate’s Court - Regan Witbeen (23) appeared on a charge of murder-attempted murder

(assault). A warrant for his arrest was issued and the matter was postponed until 10 June 2014. - Mattheus Oxurub (52) appeared on a charge of possession of game meat. The matter was postponed until 18 September 2014 for plea and trial. - Marlyne Nguazireko (29) was found guilty on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. She was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or N$5 000. - Rivanus Arnold Xoaxub (24) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 31 July 2014, awaiting the Prosecutor General’s decision. - A warrant of arrest was issued for Granville Kotze (39), after he failed to turn up for his court hearing. He stands accused of refusing to give specimen (DUI) and escaping before being locked up. The matter was postponed until 13 May 2014. - Natasha Noabes (26) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The case was

9 MAY 2014


withdrawn on request of the complainant. - Sedlack Harald (54) appeared on a charge of common assault (Domestic Violence Act). The matter was postponed until 16 Ju-ne 2014 for further investigation. - Heino Van Zyl (38) appeared on a charge of breaching protection order. The case was withdrawn on request of the complainant. - Jaco Blaauw (41) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. This matter was postponed until 5 August 2014. - Liesle Engelbrecht (36) appeared on a charge of fraud, alternatively theft. The matter was postponed until 16 July 2014 for further investigation and for a suspect to be added. - Jerome Philander (35) was found guilty on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. He was sentenced to 36 months imprisonment, of which 12 months are suspended for 5 years.

Oorskot van 13-jarige in Hentiesbaai gevind Marshallino Beukes

Die rustige gemeenskap van Hentiesbaai is in skok en ongeloof gedompel, nadat die oorskot van ‘n 13-jarige dogtertjie, Rachel Boois, Sondag in ‘n halfgeboude huis op die dorpie gevind is. Volgens adjunk Kommissaris Otilie Kashuupulwa is die graad 6 dogter se lewelose liggaam omstreeks 15:30 die namiddag ontdek en die polisie vermoed dat sy tussen Vrydag, 2 Mei en Sondag 4 Mei 2014 vermoor is. Sprake dat die dogtertjie ook verkrag is doen die rondte, maar kon egter nie bevestig word nie, aangesien

die nadoodse ondersoek dit, asook die oorsaak van haar dood sal uitklaar. Beriggewing dat sy moontlik verwurg is, kon nie deur die polisie bevestig word nie. Volgens bronne is die oorledene oorspronklik van Windhoek, maar het ten tye van haar dood by haar grootmoeder in Hentiesbaai gewoon. Teen gistermiddag

was geen arrestasie nog uitgevoer nie en polisie ondersoeke duur voort. Die oorskot is in Elandstraat in die Omdel woonbuurt van die dorp ontdek. Enigiemand wat oor moontlike inligting, wat tot die aankeer van Boois se moordenaar (s) kan lei beskik, word versoek om die naaste polisiekantoor te kontak.

Cassinga weekend crashes claims 13 lives The national road network experienced an influx of road activity as scores of people drove to various destinations for the Cassinga long weekend. The MVA Fund Call Centre recorded a total of 57 crashes, which claimed 13 lives in separate incidents over the past long weekend. Records at the MVA Fund Call Centre further reveal that nine of the deceased were passengers in the vehicles they were in, two were drivers and the status of the other two is not known. The fatalities have increased compared to eight recorded over the same period last year. Crashes declined by 14 and injuries went down by 13. A total of nine people perished at the crash scene and 3 succumbed to their injuries in hospital while one person died on the way to the hospital. Although there is a notable decline in crashes and injuries, more people continue to die in these crashes, this time on average four persons were killed in one crash, a regrettable reality that calls for more stringent measures and increased road safety interventions. Overloading and night driving are contributing factors to mass fatalities and vehicle owners are urged to refrain from this risky practice. The MVA Fund appeals to all road users to assume individual and collective responsibility

of a safe road network at all times. The MVA Fund as a key player in road safety will continue to create road safety awareness through targeted interventions in selected regions where road crashes are rifer, to mitigate probable loss of life on our roads. The interventions will also target the young, who mostly bear the brunt of these crashes. But all in all, we all have a responsibility to protect each other on the roads. An analysis of road crash data as recorded by the MVA Fund Call Centre (1-5 May 2014) is as follows; Crashes were reduced by 20%, injuries reduced by 12% and fatalities increased by 62%. More crashes occurred in the Khomas region with a record of 21(37%), Erongo11 (19%), Oshana 6 (11%) and Oshikoto region 5 (9%). No crashes were recorded from Zambezi, Ohangwena and Omusati region during the long weekend. Roll-overs and pedestrian-related crashes have continuously been the highest types of crashes. Seventeen or 30% of the total recorded crashes were a result of rollovers followed by pedestrian-related crashes (11 or 19%). Roll-over types of crashes are mostly attributed to

speed. Thursday recorded more crashes than other days, with 16 accidents. This could be because Thursday was a public holiday, and a good number of people travelled to different parts of the country. Saturday recorded 10 crashes, and only 8 were recorded on Monday. Seventeen crashes occurred between 16:0021:59, representing 30% of the total record. A total of 72 vehicles were involved in crashes during the Cassinga Holiday, of which 38 (53%) were sedans followed by 29 Pick-ups. Privately owned vehicles made up the highest number of crashes. A total record of 40, 8% were public transport vehicles and information on 19 others is not known. A total of 129 people were injured during the long weekend. More young people aged between 16 and 35 were injured in crashes. Forty nine people in the pre-mentioned age bracket sustained varying degrees of injuries. Passengers formed the majority of people injured in crashes, giving a total of 76 passengers. Ten drivers were also injured.The number of injured persons classified by gender show that the majority were male.


The ER CANADA, the first 5 700 TEU the country. vessel operated by the CMA CGM The CMA CGM Group is present in Group to call Namibia on the ASAF Namibia through its two agencies in service, arrived at Walvis Bay today Walvis Bay (head office) and Windhoek (May 9th). with 22 employees in total. The CMA CGM Group is pleased to announce the improvement of its Asian Africa (ASAF) service which will de-ploy 12 vessels of 5 700 containers (TEU) in direct service to Namibia starting May 9th thus becoming the first carrier with vessels of this capacity to call Namibia directly. The CMA CGM Group thus furthers its development in Africa where it is present since 2001, when the West African Express (WAX) One of the CMA CGM fleet vessels trade was created - linking West Africa with China. Consolidated The Group offers six services linking with the acquisition of DELMAS, the Namibia with all continents worldmaritime transport expert in Africa, in wide. 2006, the CMA CGM Group is now the These include MIDAS service leading transport in Africa and number WEEKLY - linking Middle East, Arab, Gulf, Indian Sub-Continent (India, one in Namibia. With the 5 700 TEU vessels calling Pakistan, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Namibia in direct service, the CMA Kuwait). ASAF service WEEKLY CGM Group confirms its ambition to linking Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, reinforce its offer in the area and to Thailand, China, Japan, South Korea, support the economic development of Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand.

WAX service WEEKLY - linking Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. WAX 3 service - WEEKLY - linking Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand. WAF Feeder - every 10 day service connecting DRC and NAMIBIA. KHULU service - every 21 days service connecting US gulf (Houston). CMA CGM, founded and led by Jacques R Saadé is the world’s third largest container shipping company and has a turnover of 15.9 billion USD in 2013. Operating a fleet of 428 vessels, the Group serves more than 400 ports around the world. In 2013, the Group carried 11.4 million TEUs (twenty-foot equivalent units). With a presence on every continent and in 150 countries through its network of 650 agencies and branch offices, the Group employs more than 18 000 people worldwide and 2 400 in it’s headquarter in Marseilles.

Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 5:30 h and the next low tide at 17:35 h. The only high tide of the day will be at 12:00 h. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:26 h and sunset will be at 17:31 h on Sunday, 11 May 2014. The moonset will take place at 3:06 h at 266º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (96º) at 15:14 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 0:15 h and the next high tide at 12:45 h. The first low tide will be at 6:20 h and the next low tide at 18:25 h. The sun will rise in Swakop-

mund at 6:26 h and sunset will be at 17:31 h. The moonset will take place at 3:06 h at 266º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (96º) at 15:14 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 0:10 h and the next high tide at 12:45 h. The first low tide will be at 6:10 h and the next low tide at 18:20 h. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:27 h and sunset will be at 17:30 h on Monday, 12 May 2014. The moonset will take place at 4:01 h at 261º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (101º) at

Port Log

15:54 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 0:55 h and the next high tide at 13:25 h. The first low tide will be at 6:55 h and the next low tide at 19:05 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:26 h and sunset will be at 17:30 h. The moonset will take place at 4:00 h at 261º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (101º) at 15:55 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 0:50 h and the next high tide at 13:20 h. The first low tide will be at 6:50 h and the next low tide at 18:55 h. Source: TIDES4FISHING.COM

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/O Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Mile 72

Riv er

The CMA CGM Group is now officially the first carrier offering a direct service of 5,700 containers (TEU) vessels to Namibia.


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

aru ru

Walvis Bay port skyline forever

Obtaining Fishing


CMA CGM Group to change

The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:26 h and sunset will be at 17:31 h on Saturday, 10 May 2014. The moonset will take place at 2:14 h at 270º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (92º) at 14:35 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 5:40 h and the next low tide at 17:45 h. The only high tide of the day will be at 12:05 h. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:25 h and sunset will be at 17:31 h. The moonset will take place at 2:14 h at 270º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (92º) at 14:35 h. In the high tide

9 MAY 2014


HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

9 MAY 2014




9 MAY 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters.

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Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.

namib times


reader’s comments

Vrou verloor hand by werk,

soek hulp Me Elsa Arises (30) het op 18 Julie 2012 haar linker hand verloor,

na ‘n ongeluk met ‘n vleis-saagmasjien by haar vorige werksplek, Debonairs Pizza in Swakopmund.

- A peril to society or an advantage?

Madelaine Laubscher

Public opinion was sought on whether Facebook as a social media platform is good or bad for the communities.

The majority of people contacted rated it positively and negatively based on issues taken into consideration. “When it comes to relationships, Facebook has been cited for causing some of the marital problems and break-ups. However, the same platform has been an excellent marketing tool. Facebook connects people in various parts of the world. Others complained about the time that people now spend on the site rather than with their families. Some people also abuse the site to expose each other’s private matters and trading insults,” another commentator said. According to Information Space, since Facebook`s launch in 2004, it has grown and continues to grow at a mind boggling rate. It is the most

popular social networking site with 50% of the 900 million users logging in daily. However there are still people who do not use Facebook at all. The reasons why Facebook can be viewed as being bad is the fact that some users have become addicted and neglect other areas of their lives. However the good side of using Facebook is that you can easily get connected to friends. It takes two seconds to join a new site through Facebook Connect while it takes a good 10 minutes to connect to a contact using the other conventional methods. Facebook sends out reminders for upcoming events and birthdays. Almost everybody is on Facebook which makes it an incredible resource for businesses. Communication has been made easy.

Ria Hancke Hoekom kan sy nie vergoed word deur ongevallefonds? Dis tog besering aan diens. Leon Nienaber Dit is tyd dat werkgewers na hulle werkers begin kyk. Denise Van Bergen Sooner or later, we all have to take responsibility for our own lives. We all help one another - including

employers - but eventually, each one of us has to make the effort ourselves, which is what I understand this lady to be doing by making an appeal through the press. Chala Swk Tattooking Betaal di vrou uit og di damn land. Bonita Werner Is sy goed met kinders en moet sy by die kus bly?

Henties Bay Mario Fernando Leukes Regering moet nie later state of emergency roep. Spaar solank vir mother nature se disaster.... one day is one day! Peet de Smit Dink nou, skielik reën dit vir ‘n week. Waar gaan daai huise wees? Dit gebeur net een keer in elk van ons leeftyd. Gaan my gat af lag!

Evy De Klerk Shiwagala Net Henties kan so mooi wees. Talitha Taljaard Ek wil nie een van die huise op die rand van daai duin wees nie! Jane Buhren Hentiesbaai? Jane Buhren Waar is die oord in Namibia. Neville Kenneth Baker Die plek sal mos nie lank staan nie.

Gross Barmen Hot Springs Resort to re-open

No to vandalism!

The amount of damaged road signs at the coast is becoming worrisome. How much does the municipality spend to have damaged signs repaired or replaced and who pays for this? We as community members should not just fold our arms and sit back in ignorance while this continues to

happen. It’s time we stand up and expose the vandals by naming and shaming them. Use your phone to take a picture when you catch them in the act so that they can be charged and be prosecuted.

The popular Gross Barmen Hot Springs Resort will re-open by or before August 2014. Denise Van Bergen That will be wonderful - my annual visit there was a highlight in my life, look forward to going back again. Gee, Louwrens Schrader, you are a cheerful soul, hey? Louwrens Schrader Dan kan die volk dit weer begin afbreek. Luzane van Rensburg Hulle moet net die pryse opstoot en beheer hou dan sal dit nie gebeur nie.

Jacky Bornman Ken daai plek as kind en het daar lekket geëet en geswem. Hoop nie die niks gewoonte weesings kom verpletter weer als nie. Lisa Ramsden Jaftha Wow I remember that place! I lived in Namibia from 1989 to 1993 and that was the “inplace” where the people flocked to and enjoyed themselves... Well Done! Janice Jasmine Leonard Yipeeee... Sooo can't wait!

9 MAY 2014

E-cigarettes Madelaine Laubscher

The new smoking law will be active in Namibia from July 2014, in this regard, some shops have started selling electronic cigarettes better known as e-cigarettes. Critics say the e-cigarettes are not only overpriced but also a health hazards. However it is not banned in public areas. The namib times spoke to the Legal Advisor in the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS), Mr Joseph Siseho, who said “Smoking cigarettes containing tobacco is illegal in public areas as from 1July. The legislation does not specify whether e-cigarettes are allowed in public areas or not, but if it affects the nonsmokers then it would be considered unacceptable. e-cigarettes are not banned in public areas. However it may not be advertised as cigarettes imitating tobacco cigarettes. We are trying to stop the effects of second hand smoking.” According to PolicyMic, e-cigarettes are not just expensive, but also dangerous.“A New York Times feature discussed how the liquid nicotine capsules used to refill them can easily poison children and has a potential to explode.

Perhaps most potentially damning of all is recent data that suggests e-cigarettes can still cause cancer. A new study published in Clinical Cancer Research reveals that ecigarette vapour affects human bronchial cells in strikingly similar ways to regular cigarette smoke. It can do so by causing

mutations in gene expression, explains team member Avrum Spira, and the findings have prompted researchers to plan further investigation into whether affected bronchial cells will behave more like cancer cells in the future,” sources say. According to Howstuffworks, electronic cigarettes are an alternative method of consuming nicotine. “Manufacturers design e-cigarettes to look like regular cigarettes, containing no tobacco. Quality control is one of the main issues health experts have with e-cigarettes.

They argue that manufacturers may not disclose all of the chemical ingredients used in their products. It may be impossible for users to know what they are consuming. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) conducted a small study to analyze a sample of nicotine cartridges from two manufacturers. Cancer-causing compounds found in tobacco were also found in some e-cigarette cartridges. One of the toxins found was a toxic chemical used in antifreeze,” another source said. The Tobacco Products Control Act of 2010 came into effect on the 1 April 2014 and the affected establishments have three months to make the necessary changes before the deadline of 1 July 2014. The Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Richard Kamwi said on March 13 that smoking in public spaces such as s hop ping malls, sport fields, schools, workplaces, restaurants, airport lounges and public transport will be a punishable offence in Namibia from July.





China considers building industrial Park at Walvis

It emerged this week that China is looking at ways of assisting Namibia in the establishment of an industrial park in Walvis Bay and Air Namibia is considering direct routes between China and Windhoek. China is already Namibia's largest export market; exports to China amounted to N$1.4 billion over the past year, up from N$939 million in 2011, says Ringo Abed, Namibia's newly appointed ambassador to China. Mineral and marine products make up the bulk of Namibia's exports to China. Non-industrial diamonds accounted for the second-most exported product in 2013. Uranium ore and concentrates have been the main export commodity over the past few years and this is expected to rise significantly as Husab uranium mine commences this week with production. Ambassador Abed indicated this week to a gathering of journalists in Beijing that talks regarding the establishment of an industrial park

at the harbour town of Walvis Bay are ongoing. He said the project would seek to improve Namibian companies' capacity to meet the local industries' demands for goods and services and would likely attract investors through large-scale manufacturing enterprises, including agricultural processing, solar power and energy generation, fisheries and mineral processing. The ambassador was quoted as saying that in view of the increasing number of travellers between China and Namibia, the embassy has proposed that Air Namibia introduce direct flights between Windhoek and Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. He believes that a direct flight route would enhance economic and cultural relationships between the countries

No Fuel Price Hike in May The Ministry of Mines and Energy has announced that pump fuel prices for May will remain unchanged. The month of April started off with low prices pump prices in trying times. It is for this reason of crude oil per barrel seen last year owing to that it has decided to keep fuel prices unchanpoor manufacturing data from China and ged to absorb the recorded over-recoveries Europe, but as political tensions between Rus- through the National Energy Fund for a rainy sia and Ukraine intensified, Brent crude, which day. is the benchmark for the Namibian-imported The Ministry is embarking on a fuel marketing oil, climbed above US$106 per barrel in Singa- project which aims to authenticate the fuel that pore as concerns were raised about the possi- comes into the country for domestic consumpbility of a deeper diplomatic rift between Rus- tion and the one on transit to neighbouring sia, one of the world's biggest producer of oil, countries. Through this project, it also seeks to Europe and USA. verify actual volumes of fuel sold for domestic In Libya, the western Zawiya oil port is now consumption, from which levies are collected, operating normally after protesters vacated the against the volumes imported, from which the entrance, a situation that halted oil production customs and excise duties are collected. To in the country in the past month. Despite these fund this project, a 2 c/l increase in the NEF positive developments, the production of oil in levy is granted effective from 7 May 2014. the country still remains low and that still Moreover, the latest Petroleum Activities underpins crude oil prices. In Nigeria, a bomb Return report has indicated that oil companies explosion in a bus station in the outskirt of are not getting enough returns on their investAbuja has caused a nagging fear about the ments in the petroleum sector and there is a spread of violent attacks, which would conse- great need to adjust their margins just enough quently disrupt oil supply. to encourage further investment in the years The South African rand, to which the Namibian ahead. dollar is pegged, has still been under pressure The Ministry has, therefore, granted a 10 c/l in April, seen breaching the key NAD 10.60 increase in the industry (profit) margin to mark against the US dollar in which crude oil is ensure the oil industry keeps the country “wet” priced. (supplied with oil at all times), effective from 7 The mark is, however, favourable compared to May 2014. the previous month. Investors in South Africa The under/over-recoveries per product on the are hoping for a resolution to a month-long BFP import parity landed in Walvis Bay calcuwage strike in the platinum sector which has hit lated as at 25 April 2014 are: output at the world's biggest producer of 95 Octane Unleaded Petrol: (1.612) c/l industrial metal, undermining export. Diesel 0.05% S: 40.642 c/l Filtered through the local market, the conse- Diesel 0.005% S: 45.115 c/l quences of the abovementioned factors were Thus, Walvis Bay pump prices will remain minimal on petrol in terms of under-recoveries, unchanged as follows: and favourable on diesel which pulled through 95 Octane Unleaded Petrol: N$ 12.29 per liter with substantial over-recoveries. Diesel 500ppm: N$ 12.82 per liter The global market is, however, volatile and the Diesel 50ppm: N$ 12.92 per liter Ministry has to keep a watchful eye on it by Pump prices at various inland destinations ensuring that it is in a position to subsidise fuel countrywide will also remain unchanged.

Consumers petition Coca Cola on controversial ingredient The world's largest beverage-maker, Coca-Cola, plans to remove a controversial ingredient from some of its brands by the end of 2014, following an online petition. Brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, is found in Coca-Cola fruit and sports drinks such as Fanta and Powerade.

Activists say an element of the additive, also found in flame retardants, could have negative health effects. The health concerns stem from the fact BVO contains bromide, which is found in brominated flame retardants. According to medical researchers, excessive consumption of soft drinks containing BVO has been linked to negative health effects, including reports of memory loss and skin and nerve problems. Rival Pepsi removed the chemical from its Gatorade sports drink in 2013 and planned to stop using it in the rest of its products. Pepsi uses the ingredient in its Mountain Dew and Amp Energy drinks.

9 MAY 2014

Laundromat for Kuisebmond Old age home

Otis Finck Grindrod Terminals Operations Manager Johnny Ferreira officially handed over a Laundromat valued worth N$275 000 to the Kuisebmond Old Age Home on Wednesday. The newly constructed facility The partnership between Grindrod consists of an area for doing and the Kuisebmond Old Age washing and a store room. home started in 2012. The It is equipped with two washing company's first donation consisted machines and a tumble dryer. of a flat screen television, beds and Grindrod initially planned to equip mattresses. Grindrod also sponthe Laundromat with three sored the Old Age Home signage washing machines but the Old Age board. home requested that the company The Mayor, Uillika Nambahu rather replace one of the washing initially scheduled to officially machines with a deep freezer receive the donation could not which they identified as an urgent make it due to another commitneed. ment at Husab mine.

Be vigilant of banking scams Bank Windhoek once again warned clients to always remain cautious when conducting banking transactions, whether it be over-the counter transactions, ATM transactions, Point-of-Sale (POS) transactions, Cell Phone Banking or Internet Banking. Fraudsters are conti- “When conducting pretend to be bank nuously developing banking transactions officials, requesting new techniques to rob through Internet Bank- clients to provide, or unsuspecting clients of ing, there is the risk of a confirm, their personal their hard earned fraudster accessing details. Clients are money. your information on- advised to ignore such “Clients are reminded line. Therefore, always calls as Bank Windto always treat their make sure your com- hoek will not commucards like they would puter, laptop, cell nicate with clients via treat cash, even when phone or tablet's anti- telephone to ask them paying at a POS device virus, spyware and to verify their personal in shops and restau- firewall protection is details. rants. If you are in a active and up-to-date.” Bank Windhoek canrestaurant and the Clients are also re- not accept respondevice is far from you, minded that Bank sibility for financial stand up and accom- Windhoek will never losses due to the client pany the waiter to the communicate with giving information to device. The rule is to c l i e n t s v i a e m a i l persons pretending to always keep your card requesting them to pro- work for the Bank or in sight at all times”, vide or confirm their fraudulent emails. said Ina Muir, Forensic personal details or up- Always report suspiAuditor at Bank Wind- d a t e t h e i r o n l i n e cious activities or hoek. “Clients should account profiles. suspicious communialso not share their PIN Clients should also not cation/correspondence number with anyone or click on website links to your nearest branch allow anyone to see it, a t t a c h e d t o t h e s e or contact Ina Muir at not even a bank offi- emails. Tel: (061) 2991359 or cial”, added Muir. Fraudsters are now also Email: muiri@bankMuir further added: calling clients and

Financially-savvy married couples

Marriage affords spouses the potential of combining their income and sharing household responsibilities. This means married couples may be more likely to qualify for a home loan and enter the Namibian property market, purchase a car or two, or save for a holiday with the children. The array of credit options available today, however, requires that married couples carefully focus on their financial needs and then plan accordingly. “With the level of household debt at high levels, as recently pointed out by the Bank of Namibia, both spouses need to exercise financial discipline and make major financial decisions together as a team, as their individual spending habits can affect their joint estate. Loans and debts caused by one spouse can affect the couple's joint estate, but this depends on the type of marital regime they are married under. If they are married 'in community of property', the joint estate is held liable for any debts incurred by any spouse, but if they are married 'out of community of property', the spouse responsible for incurring the debt is the one held liable”, said Anton Smit, Executive Officer: Credit at Bank Windhoek. “In practice though, regardless of which marital regime applies, financially savvy spouses would take care not to become heavily indebted, and assist each other to manage their finances prudently”, added Smit. Financial over-indebtedness may cause unnecessary strain on a marriage and, in certain cases, may even lead to divorce. A divorce could further add to the financial woes with assets being divided (equally or not), legal fees, and maintenance costs of children to name but a few. Financially savvy spouses therefore communicate and express their concerns about wasteful expenditure, cut back on unnecessary spending, and prioritize the careful management of their financial obligations together. Drawing up a household budget is thus key and contributions from all members of the family, including children, will go a long way in becoming financially independent. “Each household budget will differ from family to family, and will depend on the lifestyle of each family. The budget must work for you and your family and include all expenses from groceries, water and electricity bills, to clothing, eating out at restaurants, and vehicle maintenance. Provision should also be made for unexpected expenses and increases in interest rates on house mortgage, vehicle payments, food prices and fuel price increases”, concluded Smit.

9 MAY 2014



Search for “Women of Excellence” is still on Standard Bank Namibia is urging all Namibian citizens to nominate outstanding women from their respective communities for the 2014 Women of Excellence Award.

The bank, in collaboration with the Miss Namibia Pageant, is searching for excellent women at women-run charity organisations. Nominees are placed in one of two categories which are; women who have contributed greatly to the less privileged and secondly, women who have shown “a spirit of generosity and kindness.” “Standard Bank Namibia's main involvement with the Miss Namibia Pageant revolves around its sponsorship towards the Namibian Women of Excellence initiative,” explains Surihe GaomasGuchu, Public Relations and Communications Manager, Standard Bank Namibia. She said Standard Bank supports the development, empowerment and recognition of women in all sectors of society. By sponsoring the Miss Namibia Pageant and the Namibian Women of Excellence project, Standard Bank Namibia is contributing towards raising awareness of the important role women play in the Namibian communities, says Gaomas-Guchu. The Bank launched its fourth search for the Standard Bank Namibia Women of Excellence Award during the crowning event last year. These

winners will be announced during the pageant in August 2014. Last year, Standard Bank Namibia rewarded Women of Excellence, Michelle McLean of the Michelle McLean Children's Trust and Patricia Sola of the Hope Initiative Project with a total of N$35 000-00 each. Michelle McLean was recognized for the amount of funds she raises and invests in needy communities every year, while Patricia Sola was recognized for the amount of time she volunteers towards the Hope Initiative Project. “Women of Excellence” entry/nomination forms can be collected at the Standard Bank Head Office in the Town Square Centre, Windhoek on the 4th floor, Marketing Department, or from all Standard Bank branches from the branch manager. The entry forms can also be downloaded from the Miss . Namibia website: Nomination forms should be submitted by Friday 20 June 2014. Judging of entries will be done as from Tuesday 24 June 2014. Standard Bank Namibia is one of the gold sponsors of the Miss Namibia Pageant upon which it once again pledged N$70 000 this year.

FNCC calls for World Music Day registration Annually, on the 21 of June - the day of summer solstice - communities the world over celebrate World Music Day. This year, the French originating Fête de la Musique will take place in Windhoek, Swakopmund, Ongwediva and Keetmanshoop. The FNCC is now calling for registrations in all four participating towns. As is tradition on World Music Day, concerts are free of charge and all artists perform for free. Musicians from all walks of life and any genre are invited to register for participation. World Music Day is an excellent opportunity for both upcoming as well as established artists to showcase their talent to a large and diverse audience. Windhoek will host a concert at the Palmtree

Park next to the train station during the day (10:00- 18:00), to be followed by another concert at the Warehouse Theatre in the evening (20:00 till late). Keeping with the previous years' success, both Windhoek and Swakopmund will host live music performances only no backing tracks! Ongwediva and Keetmanshoop, however, will also accept music acts with backing tracks. This year marks the 19 t h anniversary of World Music Day in Namibia. The FNCC is facilitating the event with the support of Total Namibia, Areva, dbAudio, the National Arts Council of Namibia, BaseFM, Westcoast FM and the Warehouse Theatre.

Registration Deadline: Friday, 23 May 2014: If you are an artist and would like to perform on World Music Day, please register until Friday, 23 May! Download your registration form on or collect a hard copy at registrations points in your town. S WA K O P M U N D : Registration form at West Coast FM Studio, Att. Carlichia. Contact: Carlichia Pretorius / 081 62 93 3 1 1 . Ve n u e : S w a kopmund Amphitheatre from 11am to 7pm. WINDHOEK: Registration forms at FNCC and BaseFM (Clemens Kapuuo Str, Katutura). Contact: Guillaume Ripaud,

387 333. Venues: Palmtree Park, Bahnhof Street, from 10am to 6pm; Warehouse Theatre from 8pm till late. ONGWEDIVA: Registration form at Scooters Pizza / Ongwediva; NBC Oshiwambo Service / Oshakati; and Remind Trading Enter-prises / Oshakati. Con-tact: DJ Remind / 081 2424245; DJ Maldini/081 2152749; DJ Punyati/ 081 2415645. Venue: Maroela Mall, Ongwediva, from 9am to 5pm. KEETMANSHOOP: Registration form at Keetmanshoop MultiPurpose Youth Centre. Contact: Salomon Kinda / 081 60 41 080. Venue: Keetmanshoop MultiPurpose Youth Centre, from 10am to 5pm.

Last year's five finalists for the Standard Bank Women of Excellence Award


9 MAY 2014

Meet budding photographer Jeandre Diederiks Anri Jacobs

One image can speak a thousand words. it possible to take macro pictures from a distance, which Photography is perhaps one of the most powerful is even better.” mediums that exists. With an image a photographer In the past discussions held with other brilliant possesses the power to change someone's life or photographers in Namibia about what photography situation drastically. means to them brought to the fore varied meanings. We sometimes forget the power that lies in our hands to Hanre Jacobs said “This is why photography is change someone's life or situation in a moment. Once important in everyday life; it captures a rare moment that that shutter has slammed open and cannot be recreated. For me it is a way to shut much like the blink of an eye, meet new people and to be a part of a we possess the power to change the small moment in their life, whether the world we live in. It is always moment is staged, like during a photo exciting to find new young talented shoot, or filled with raw, true emotion, photographers in Namibia, who like at a family event. A truly great possess the talent and potential to photograph will always be something become a great photographer. you look back on and you will relive the Jeandre Diederiks is one of these. moment, like you are living it for the first This young man is only 17 years time. That is why this image is so iconic old but he already has been to me; it captured a moment that would swooped into the world of photootherwise be lost in between a hundred graphy. more.” According to A J Kruger “The Jeandre picked up his first camera word photography derived from the in 2012. It was love at first sight Greek photos- for “light” and -graphos when he picked up the Canon for drawing. And that is what it exactly DSLR. He fell in love with it means, when taking a photo you're instantly and wanted to learn more. drawing with light, it may be during the He shared his greatest inspiration day, but where you learn it the best is with Photographer, Jeandre Diederiks long exposures. The most important thing and influence in photography with us, “The person that made me to me as a young Namibian photographer is interested in photography was Stuart Hebbard the owner not to impress people with my photos but rather to tell a of the snake park in Swakopmund. He offered to teach story, a story people can understand and take with them. me the basics of photography as soon as I got a camera. It's a subject you can use to store emotion and as well as So at that time I bought a small "mik en druk" camera memories. To Jeandre photography is simply a way of just to get started.” Jeandre draws most of his inspiration self expression, which is probably one of the most from the man that first introduced him to the world of important things it should be to a photographer. When photography, Stuart. He continued saying, “Stuart is a this is what photography means to you, it will reflect in good photographer and his wildlife photographs in- your images and your loud inner voice will be proudly spired me to start learning more. It made me work hard heard. so I can also be that good one day.” Jeandre notices the almost lost and forgotten importance Every photographer has a favourite piece of equipment that photography possesses. He shared, “Photography is in his photography kit. Jeandre recently upgraded to a essential for self-awareness and a way to cherish Canon EOS 600D. He said his favourite piece of memories.” Through our unique identities each one of us equipment is his 55-250 Macro lens. “It is my favourite tells our story in a different way to the next person, and because I love Macro photography so much and it makes using this in your photography is what distinguishes you

Miss Namibia 2014 Pageant gets N$70 000 At the launch of the 2014 Miss Namibia Pageant on 29 April 2014, Standard Bank Namibia has confirmed their gold sponsorship. In her speech, Surihe GaomasGuchu, Corporate Communication Manager at Standard Bank Namibia, said: “Standard Bank Namibia has over the years continued to pledge its support to the Miss Namibia Pageant and I am glad to inform you that we are once again committing N$70 000 this year.” She explained: “Standard Bank's main involvement with the Miss Namibia Pageant revolves around its sponsorship and support towards the Namibian Woman of Excellence initiative.” “Standard Bank supports the development, empowerment and recognition of women in all sectors of society. By sponsoring the Miss Namibia Pageant and the Namibian Women of Excellence project, Standard Bank is contributing towards raising awareness of the Standard Bank Namibia's PR and Communications Manager Surihe Gaomas-Guchu important role women play in (middle) posing with the previous Miss Namibia beauties. Standing from (l to r) are our Namibian communities,” Paulina Mululu 2013, Happy Ntelamo 2009, Marelize Roberts 2008 and Tsakana Nkandih 2012. said Gaomas-Guchu. “It also stresses that the Bank's support Hope Initiative Project with a total of N$35 000 towards the Miss Namibia Pageant goes beyond each. The other three finalists: Esme Coetzee of the beauty pageant. the 'Step out of Poverty through Encouragement, Ultimately, our support focuses on women that Education and Support' (S.P.E.S.) charity; Regina are contributing to the upliftment of the poor and Kondombolo of the Hephata Project and Lizethe needy,” she highlighted. Leandra Ann Ehlers of Uyelele each received During her reign in 2014 Miss Namibia will work N$10 000. “We are thrilled that Standard Bank closely together with the charity organisations of has confirmed their commitment towards the this year's Women of Excellence winners. Last 2014 Miss Namibia Pageant. year Standard Bank Namibia rewarded Women of Thank you so much. It is most appreciated,” said Excellence, Michelle McLean of the Michelle Conny Maritz, National Director of the Miss McLean Children Trust and Patricia Sola of the Namibia Pageant.

from the next photographer. He explained that his style of photography is paying attention to the smaller details and this is what he thrives on. One of his favourite images is an image he took of an insect with his macro lens. This image is phenomenal to him because of the beauty and colour of this remarkable insect and his capability to capture this beauty in moment in the form of an image including all the beautiful fine details that make this insect a natural beauty. Jeandre is still in school and not sure whether he will pursue a career in photography, yet he believes that this might be a lifelong hobby or a way of making some extra money by doing exactly what he loves the most.

Dutch bring 800 (N$11.500) by bicycle to Young Africa

Family, and colleagues of Dirk Bellens from Young Africa, donated N$11 500, to buy a solar heater for Young Africa's Solar Centre in Kuisebmond. The money will be and nine young men. to other young people. handed over to the Most of them aspire to To add a local social directors of Young set up their own solar goal to the holiday trip, A f r i c a N a m i b i a c o m p a n i e s i n t h e Dirk's colleague raised future, bringing solar the money from donatomorrow. On their way from to their rural homes in tions made by family, Victoria Falls to Cape the northern part of the friends and colleaTown,16 Dutch peo- country, where most gues. More than 800 ple travelling by villages are not con- was raised for the solar bicycle from Victoria nected to the grid. They heater. With this, Dirk Falls (Zimbabwe) to also want to pass on and Yvette can train South Africa, pass their knowledge and more youngsters to Walvis Bay on their s k i l l s a s w e l l a s help them built a solid way to Cape Town. offering employment and sunny future. One of them is a former colleague of Dirk Bellens, together with his wife Yvette, the founder the solar center of Young Africa in Kuisebmond. At the center, they provide youngsters with practical skills training in installation and maintenance of solar panels, in combination with other solar energy technologies, as well as basic electronics. This gives them a good opportunity to make a living out of the rising demand for solar panels. Last March the first training course started for five young women

9 MAY 2014


FNB AWARDS 2013/2014

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NOTICE AMENDMENT OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Take note that the Municipality of Walvis Bay, intends to rezone Erf 162 Langstrand (Extension 1), from “Undetermined” to “Business 1” with a Bulk of 2.0. Erf 162 Langstrand is situated along the Main Road B2, at the corner of First Street, first entrance of Langstrand from Swakopmund. The erf measures approximately 10 286m² in extent and is currently zoned “Undetermined” in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. The property is currently undeveloped. It is the intention of the Municipality to further dispose of the land to a client who wishes to develop Business Related Activities. On-site parking will be provided in accordance with the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. The proposed development plans lies open for inspection on the Town Planning Notice Board, 1st floor, Civic Center Municipality, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such an objection together with the grounds thereof, to the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Town Planning Section in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice. The last day of the objections will be 13 June 2014. Hilia E. Hitula Town Planner Municipality of Walvis Bay Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Namibia Tel: +264 64 201 3339 (Notice No. 34/2014)

9 MAY 2014

CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY APPLICATION FOR THE EXEMPTION OF RATES LEVIED ON RATEABLE PROPERTIES FOR THE YEAR 2014/2015 Notice is hereby given in terms of section 75 of the Local Authorities Act, 1992, (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, that applications from qualifying institutions for the exemption of rates levied on rateable properties for the year 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 must be submitted on the prescribed application form by no later than Friday 30 May 2014 at 12:00. Applications for exemption shall only be received from religious, educational and charitable institutions and amateur sporting organisations not for gain, as contemplated in section 75 of the said Act, while the Municipality of Walvis Bay reserves the right to grant exemption / not to grant any exemption irrespective of the qualifying status of any applicant. Application forms and further details are available from the Manager: Corporate Services, Room 201, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay during normal office hours. Note that it is not the responsibility of the Municipality to inform qualifying institutions to apply for the exemption of rates, nor would any late or non-qualifying applications be considered. Francina Mwandingi Acting General Manager: Human Resources and Corporate Services

Consent: Day Care and Pre-Primary ON ERF NO: 4907 TOWNSHIP: Namport STREET: Kaimbi Cresent In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Day Care and Pre-Primary on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 May 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Muhongo Susana M, Erf 4907, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent: Home based business (Hair Salon) Drocas Hair Salon ON ERF NO: 5929 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Helmutndungula Street In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Drocas Hair Salon on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 106, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 30 May 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Niiteke Taabita, P.O. Box 1118, Walvis Bay.

CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent: Day Care and Pre-Primary ON ERF NO: 6207 TOWNSHIP: Tutaleni STREET: Guineafowl In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Day Care Centre and Pre-Primary on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 May 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Kahima Anna I, Erf 6207, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

9 MAY 2014




9 MAY 2014


Anri Jacobs This amazing duo has been gracing stages and wowing the audience with its melodious voices since they met and were crowned Trustco's Star Performer in 2013. Immediately they clicked. After touring Namibia searching for talent they wrote Woestynroos in the tour bus and later recorded in Pretoria. Lize Ehlers is a celebrated Namibian singer/ songwriter and a 9-time Namibian Music Awards Nominee for her independent albums Fairy Circle Love (2011) African Cleavage (2012) single Uyelele (2013) Best Live Performer & Best Single Non Album Woestynroos (2014). However for Andries this was his first year in the NAMAs. Andries Hendrik Potgieter is a talented young South African man who has left his mark on the South African music industry and has recorded with some of the biggest names in that country. These include two time Grammy-winners, Soweto Gospel Choir and Steve Hofmeyr. His voice has also been heard on international platforms where he vowed audiences in Disneyland, New York, Atlanta and Namibia. Woestynroos got the duo nomination at the NAMAs for Best Single Non Album. Lize said it was thrilling to be nominated. The duo was very excited to be a part of the NAMAs this year and Lize shared that the expectation to receive a world class show was met. When asked about the making of Woestynroos, Lize said, “Our passion for our partners, our understanding of the Afrikaans language and the poetry of desert roses and the fact that we wanted our individual sounds to fuse and work made Woestynroos what it is.” She said the song means a lot to the duo and provides the opportunity to talk about love and everything that comes with it, the formation of the desert rose, the formation of love and the truth of commitment. Andries Hendrik has five

albums under his belt and is working hard on another three will be released during 2014. He is also the artist that has been chosen by the FAK (cultural organization) to record an album with FAK songs that are older than 75 years. Andries Hendrik and producer, Dirk van Niekerk, reworked the old songs such as 'Sarie Marais' and 'Die Alibama' so that youngsters would also like to listen to these 'older' songs. In 2011, he recorded the Stand as One album with South African Music Awards (SAMA) winner NedineBlom and Soweto Gospel Choir. He was also selected as the face and voice of Solidarity's Basta-album where he collaborated with singing icon, Steve Hofmeyr. Making his mark in South African music is however not where he stopped and he soon took his rich music culture from Africa and shared it with the world. In June 2012, he was invited to perform in the USA at a major entertainment event, held biannually in Florida. The vibrant performance which included a remix of Vicky Samson's 'My African Dream' and Johannes Kerkorrel's 'Halala' amongst others had the American audience on their feet. Andries Hendrik described the performance, “Performing on stage in my native tongue, Afrikaans, with the African drums thundering over the speakers, was one of the best experiences of my life as a performer.”The performance definitely made an impression and led him into the international spotlight and his first recording on American soil, with a duet named Halfway around the World. The song was written and produced by Grammy-award winning producer, Nate Butler at Icon Studios in Atlanta


From left to right: (Manager & husband) Hendrik Ehlers, Liz Ehlers & Andries-Hendrik Potgieter

and so far 45 million records have been sold worldwide. In 2013 Andries Hendrik featured as a judge on the first talent search in Namibia. Trustco's Star Performer included a 30-episode television series that was broadcast on NBC where he met the beautiful Lize. Lize-Leandra Ann Ehlers better known as Lize Ehlers is a Namibian singer who has won artist of the month awards and was nominated as the Namibian Ambassador of the Arts in 2013 and is the recipient of the top 5 Standard Bank Woman of Excellence Award. With various collaborative performances with S.A world and jazz heroes like Jimmy Dludlu and SolaeloSelota, Lize has shared stages with Zaharah and Simphiwe Dana and recently proudly represented Namibia at South Africa's Afriganza and performed Woestynroos

with Andries-Hendrik Potgieter to a live and TV audience of over 13 Million. Lize told namib times that her first performance was when she sang at a teachers' school concert at the age of three and at church at the same age. She continued, “Music kept the family smiling and laughing and grooving. My mother made me sing before I could even read. My late parents had great influence in my life musically and I am forever grateful that I was taught how to sing and perform and share. It is the thread in my home and career. It truly puts everything into perspective and relieves all pain and describes all moods,” she describes how music makes her feel. Commenting on AdriesHendrik's creativity she said, Andries-Hendrik has branched into so many forms of incredible

creativity from being an author to a model, designer, to a very successful scout and businessman. Lize is however not only a singer. As recipient of the Best Actress Award in Namibia 2007 2008, Lize works in various forms of art. She hosted UB40 Concerts in Namibia in 2011. “Andries and I are planning singing workshops to catapult singers to a new standard in Namibia and to show singers how to think big. Lize and Andries's fans can look forward to Andries's Fashion Career as model and designer of Fleaq Andries is fresh from the New York Fashion Week runway and South African Fashion Week Runway. “It is more than two countries coming together. It is two strangers becoming friends and colleagues based on respect, honour and creativity. What can be better?” she asked.

In Studio (from left) Dirk Van Niekerk (Next Music) Andries-Hendrik Potgieter, Lize Ehlers & Abel Knobel Pretoria

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 14 May: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. * 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. * 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. * 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. * 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show. * 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. * 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. * 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. * 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. * 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. * 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. * 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. * 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.


* BRIDGE: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: *Shalom Market: Every Friday and Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 3 May - 8 June: Group - Exhibition at Woermannhaus - Art gallery: Known Namibian artists will exhibit oil & acryl paintings under the title: “Colours Celebrating Life.” The opening intro-duction will be held by Ms Christiane Berkrer at 3 May, 17:00. *10 May: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church presents Live Langarm Dance with B Brother’s (Rehoboth) at the Tamariskia Town Hall. * 11 May: Vortrag - Feenkreise “Fairy circles” Oasen in der Namib Wüste, verursacht durch Sandtermiten? Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Norbert Jürgens Universität Hamburg at 18:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. * 30 May - 1 June.: NIHA International Business League at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre. * 8 June.: Interdenominational Day of Prayer at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre. * 28 June.: Oceanview Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre. * 28 July - 3 Aug.: SISC Open Week at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre.

9 MAY 2014




9 MAY 2014

GWM introduces extended

warranties and service plans

GWM South Africa has announced the extension of its warranties, as well as the introduction of new service plans on selected vehicles to

offer customers additional peace of mind and support. Says Warren Olsen, Chief Operating Officer of GWM

South Africa: “Purchasing a new vehicle is a major financial commitment, and everyone wants the reassurance that their manufacturer will be there for

them should the unforeseen occur. In addition, service plans enable the customer to breathe a little easier around their vehicles'

scheduled services, and are likely to ensure that vehicles get serviced at the prescribed intervals, facilitating optimal functioning.” He adds: “The move to extend our warranties and introduce service plans therefore shows GWM customers that we have the utmost faith in our vehicles, enough to make this investment, and that we are dedicated, more than ever, to giving our customers the after-sales support they so rightly deserve.”

Extended warranty period

Going forward, GWM customers who purchase a new GWM vehicle - with the exception of Steed Single Cabs will be covered by a 5-year/100 000 km warranty (the warranty has been extended by two years). All Steed Single Cab models will be sold with the current 3-year/100 000 km warranty.

Service plans with selected new GWM vehicles

A 5-year/45 000 km service plan will be standard with the GWM C20R compact hatch, as well as the GWM M4 mini-SUV and GWM C30 sedan, both intended for launch soon. The soon to be launched GWM C50 sedan and GWM H6 SUV will be available with a 5-year/60 000 km service plan. Service plans will not apply to GWM Steed Double or Single Cabs. With the extended warranty and service plans, GWM South Africa is proving to its customers that the brand is serious about its after-sales service and its future in South Africa. To keep GWM vehicles as good as new and owners as excited about the brand as the day they drove their GWM off the showroom floor, 76 dealers nationwide provide friendly and professional after-sales service, which includes the local dealership Pupkewitz GWM, with branches and service agents all over Namibia. Uwe Kessler, Dealer Principal at Pupkewitz GWM, Windhoek expressed his excitement of the addition of the service plans. “These service plans not only improves the value of the vehicles, but also gives customers peace of mind, as our number one concern are our customers.”


9 MAY 2014


Nissan NAVARA is still Africa’s most powerful bakkie

• NAVARA continues to top power charts since launch • World-leading diesel and petrol engine best in class technology The Nissan NAVARA continues to top the power and torque charts in the South African bakkie market, standing its ground against fierce competition from newer rivals in recent years. Proving that NAVARA was way ahead of its time when it was originally introduced in 2005, its range of petrol and dieselpowered bakkies still offer the best performance. Product Marketing Manager at Nissan South Africa, Marinus Venter, comments: “The Nissan NAVARA was launched as a new-age bakkie with class-leading technology and refinement and today

it continues to lead from the front in several aspects of design, engineering, style, purpose and technology. The fact that it is still proving a popular choice in 2014 shows just how innovative and engaging the NAVARA continues to be. It is a great embodiment of our ‘Innovation that Excites’ ethos. “This excitement is pro-vided courtesy of the pickup’s petrol and diesel V6 engines in particular, ensuring NAVARA continues to be the bakkie to beat in South Africa.” 4.0-litre V6 petrol means business The smooth and meaty 4.0-litre V6 petrol engine fitted to the Nissan NAVARA LE includes advanced design features like Electronic Throttle Control with secondary mapping in 4LO mode (in the 4x4 model), Continuous Valve Timing Control (C-VTC), Nissan

Variable Induction Control System (NICS), a silent timing chain, micro-finished camshaft and crankshaft surfaces, molybdenum-coated pistons, a resin intake manifold, a digital knock control system, highcapacity muffler and a lightweight aluminium block. Nissan produces more than one million V6 engines each year making it the largest manufacturer of V6 engines in the world. The VQ series found in NAVARA has been ranked among the ten best engines in the world for the last fourteen years, and is related to the earth-shattering twinturbocharged V6 engine which powers the famous Nissan GT-R. V9X diesel V6 tops diesel charts Developed to deliver high levels of performance with outstanding fuel

efficiency, competitive emissions and classleading refinement, the 3.0-litre turbocharged common rail diesel motor fitted to the range-topping NAVARA 3.0 dCi 4x4 LE astounds with its 170 kW and class-leading 550 Nm – making the NAVARA the only one-ton pickup vehicle in South Africa to feature a diesel V6 engine. The torque is available from as low as 1 700 rpm and pulls consistently all the way to 2 500 rpm, 500 Nm of which is available from as low as 1 500 rpm. Idle speed is low at 650 rpm, with the usual NVH connotations associated with diesel engines nonexistent. The results are strong low-end performance with comfortably refined power delivery and exceptional throttle response. Flipping over the coin, the strong diesel performance

bestows the Nissan NAVARA 3.0 dCi 4x4 LE with a towing capacity of 3 000 kg. Key to its smoothness and responsiveness, a veeangle of 65 degrees and construction from Compacted Graphite Iron (CGI) ensures the benefits of a cast iron block - including high levels of stiffness and noise absorption - are maintained, but without the weight penalty. Although CGI is heavier than pure alloy construction, stiffening ribs and extra sounddeadening material are no longer necessary, contributing to a comparatively modest weight gain. The class-leading torque and highly competitive specific power outputs are delivered thanks to the adoption of a comparatively large single turbocharger which is mounted within the vee

of the engine, an intercooler, and the use of latest-generation Bosch common-rail fuel injection which incorporates piezo injectors operating at 1 800 bar. This combination of engine refinement, highend packaging, excellent specifications and a ’go anywhere, do anything’

attitude to life is what carries the Nissan NAVARA forward - still Africa’s most powerful bakkie. For More Information: Louis Langford, General Manager, Pupkewitz Nissan, Tel +264 61 2916800 nissanwhkdp@


9 MAY 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Worte der Woche Nachrichten der Swakopmund Residents Association

Swakopmund (sk) Die Jahreshauptversammlung der Swakopmund Residents Association am 29. April war sehr gut besucht. Die folgenden Komiteemitglieder sind gewählt worden: Holger Ahrens – Vorsitzender; Lutz Hecht – Vize-Vorsitzender; Peter Steinkopff – Schatzmeister; Margit

waltung gerichtet, in dem sie ihren Unmut über den Verfall dieser architektonischen Schmuckstücke äußerten. Eine gute Nachricht ist die Tatsache, dass bei der letzten Ratssitzung für die Renovierung der städtischen Gebäude ein Betrag von N$ 19,5 Millionen gebilligt wurde. Somit

bittet die Verkehrsabteilung darum, diesbezüglich streng durchzugreifen. Nach einer sechsmonatigen Verzögerung sind die Finanzen der SAIM SA (Southern African Inter-Municipal Sports Association)-Spiele, die im September letzten Jahres abgehalten wurden, publik gemacht worden. Die

Mensch, Du wirst alt! Der Name! Mensch, wie war der noch? Erinnerungen kommen hoch. Du kramst in der Vergangenheit, hast tausend Dinge griffbereit. Doch, wie sich das Hirn auch quält, der Name! Nur der Name fehlt. Und sicherlich erkennst du bald: So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt.

ein unakzeptabler Verlust von N$ 1 111 563,84. Ein immenser Geldbetrag ist somit durch Misswirtschaft zum Fenster hinausgeworfen worden. Das hat Bürgermeister Juuso Kambueshe sehr verstimmt, und er hat sich persönlich dazu verpflichtet, das Organisationskomitee der Stadtverwaltungsspiele neu zu gestalten, um solch einen gravierenden Fehler nicht zu wiederholen. Es sollte an diesem Punkt erwähnt werden, dass Ratsherr Peter Steinkopff sich von Anfang an gegen das Projekt, ausgesprochen hatte, das in einem finanziellen Desaster endete. Der Bürgermeister lobte die stetige Anwesenheit der S.R.A.-Komiteemitglieder bei den monatlichen Ratssitzungen. Auch würdigte er die konstruktive Kritik der S.R.A. Das Komitee der S.R.A. dankt Bürgermeister Kambueshe herzlich dafür. Eingesandt (Übersetzung von Susann Kinghorn)

Seitdem das neue Swakopmunder Rathaus in der Rakotokastraße fertiggestellt ist, stehen sowohl das historische Statdverwaltungsgebäude von 1907 als auch das ,Altes Amtsgericht’ der Öffentlichkeit zum Verkauf zur Verfügung. Foto: Susann Kinghorn d'Avignon – Sekretä- können sich die Swa- Einnahmen des Events rin; Hilda Geduldt, kopmunder auf eine betrugen N$ 1 226 Anne Grant, Abilas zukünftige Verschö- 150,-. Diese setzten Gaseb, Valencia Beu- nerung ihrer Stadt sich aus zwei Beträgen kes; Immanuel Som- freuen. vom Stadtrat zusamseb and Kerry Mc Eine weitere erfreu- men:- N$ 1 196 200,Namara als weitere liche Nachricht ist der (Steuergelder) und N$ Mitglieder. Fakt, dass die Ortsbe- 29 950,- (Geld, das aus Die Exekutive der hörde ihre Intention, anderer Quelle geneS.R.A. sprach erneut den Parkplatz vor riert wurde). Die Kosihren Kummer über Woolworth zu be- ten betrugen N$ 1 145 den maroden Zustand bauen, rückgängig ge- 588,33. Somit ergab der historischen Bau- macht hat. Er bleibt sich ein Überschuss ten in Swakopmunds somit ein öffentlicher von N$ 80 561,67. Da Stadtmitte aus, zum Parkplatz. Leider wird der Beitrag des SteuerBeispiel des Woer- nicht genug Kontrolle zahlers von N$ 1 196 mannhauses und Da- darüber ausgeübt, dass 200,- durch den Orgamaraturms, des ehe- Autofahrer im Zennisationsablauf der maligen Stadtverwal- trum der Stadt nur eine SAIMSA-Spiele nicht tungsgebäudse und Stunde dort parken, zurückgewonnen wer,Alten Amtsgerichts’. wie es das einleuch- den konnte, ergab sich Die Komiteemitglie- tende Gesetz vorder haben erneut einen schreibt. Die S.R.A. Brief an die StadtverSchatzi,

Altsein mit Humor

Werbung wagen und gewinnen!

Die Figur!

1. Entsetztes Aufkreischen der Ehefrau: "Oh, mein Gott, die Waage zeigt schon wieder zwei Kilo mehr an!" Ehemann: "Aber so beruhige dich doch Liebling, du bist ja noch gar nicht abgeschminkt." 2. Sagt die dicke Frieda zu den beiden Jungs, die sich über ihre Körperfülle lustig machen: "Ich bin dick, ihr seid hässlich. Ich kann abnehmen und was macht ihr?" Zwei ältere Herren sitzen in der Bahn, ein Dicker und ein Dünner. Plötzlich sagt der Dicke zum Dünnen: "Sag mal, du siehst aus, als hättet ihr zu Hause nichts zu essen!" Entgegnet der Dünne: "Ja, und ich sehe gerade den, der daran schuld sein könnte!"

schau dir mal diesen süßen Welpen an. Der sucht ein neues Zuhause!

Eine alte Dame wurde gefragt: ,,Würden Sie in Ihrem reifen Alter lieber Parkinson oder Alzheimer haben wollen?" Die Antwort der weisen Frau: ,,Ganz bestimmt lieber Parkinson! Es ist besser, die Hälfte des Weines zu verschütten als zu vergessen, wo ich die Flasche Wein nun eigentlich hingestellt habe.” Eingesandt von Renate Witt

Vom vierten Stock steigst du herunter, trittst auf die Straße, noch ganz munter. Doch plötzlich fragst du dich verdrossen: "Hab ich auch oben abgeschlossen?" Du kannst dir selber nicht mehr trau'n und steigst hinauf, um nachzuschau'n. Und sagst - die Faust vor Zorn geballt: "So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt." Du brauchst was aus dem Küchenschrank. Du weißt auch, was. Na, Gott sei Dank. Du öffnest ganz gezielt die Tür und fragst dich prompt: "Was wollt' ich hier?" Nun grübelst du. Dich packt der Frust, denn gerade hast du's noch gewusst. Und so was lässt dich nicht mehr kalt. So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Bevor man eine Reise tut, versteckt man erst sein Sparbuch gut. Man ist ja länger nicht zu Haus und das Versteck kriegt keiner raus. Kommt man zurück, geht' s Suchen los: "Wo habe ich mein Sparbuch bloß?" Warum ich so was nie behalt?! So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Du sitzt im Zug. Du bist auf Reisen. Da fällt Dir ein: Das Bügeleisen!!! Von Urlaubsfreuden schon beflügelt, hast Du noch schnell ein Hemd gebügelt. Nun denkst du ständig an zu Haus: "Mein Gott, ist der Stecker auch raus?” Zwingst dich zur Ruhe, mit Gewalt! So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Zum Frühstück nimmst du drei Tabletten. Sie sollen dein Gedächtnis retten. Du fragst dich plötzlich ganz benommen: "Hab' ich sie wirklich eingenommen?” Und schluckt man sie, du hast's vergessen, stets vor dem oder nach dem Essen? Du weißt nicht, welche Vorschrift galt. So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Du bist es leid und legst im Nu, dir ein Tablettenkästchen zu. Unter den Fächern - keine Frage, steh'n säuberlich die Wochentage. Am anderen Morgen denkst du nach: "Was hab'n wir heute - Donnerstag?" Du schmeißt das Kästchen, dass es knallt. So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Du siehst nicht gut! Der Arzt kommt drauf und schreibt Dir Augentropfen auf. Alle vier Stunden sollst du nun, die Tropfen in die Augen tun. Doch jedes mal - es tut dir leid vergisst du die genaue Zeit. Völlig verzweifelt sagst du bald: So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt. Du kaufst dir – so was gibt es schon 'ne Armbanduhr mit Weckfunktion. Du freust dich, nun ist alles klar, sie piept auch pünktlich, wunderbar! Doch schaust du sinnend auf die Uhr und fragst dich: "Warum piept die nur?" Sie piept, wie aus dem Hinterhalt. So fängt es an. Mensch, du wirst alt.

Möchten Sie zeigen, wie tierlieb Sie sind? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; Fax: 400182; E-Mail:

Maschinen kann man reparieren, Getriebe, die schwer gehen, schmieren. Kommt beim Computer nichts mehr raus, dann wechselt man Module aus. So hat man vieles schon erreicht, beim Menschen geht das nicht so leicht. Drum kann der Rat nur dieser sein: Mach Dir nichts draus, stell dich drauf ein. Eduard Wunderer


9 MAY 2014

Loss and Grief “Loss and Grief”


Understanding death and human suffering ... blaming God? Blaming yourself? Angry? Depressed? Lost appetite or interest in life? Feeling Alone? Are you struggling to cope? If you have lost a loved one, you are welcome to join. Saturday, 24 May 2014 08:00 - 17:00 St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Narraville - Main Hall For more information, call: (064) 200064 or 081 621 7960 Michelle Rieth, 081 124 0402 Veronica Smeda, (064) 202074 Father, 081 272 4877 Deacon Damaseb, 081 294 3004 Hilma Kawiwa

9 MAY 2014


CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent: Home Based Business (Boutique) ON ERF NO: 3710 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Hunes street In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Boutique on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 May 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Veronika Maulundange, Erf 3710, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.


Caretaker Looking for responsible couple to manage Lagoon Chalets Requirements: · Maintaining chalets (general repairs) · Managing workers · Working weekends will be necessary · Fluent in Afrikaans and English · Handy man experience will be an advantage. · Report to management · Sober habits. Dedicated. Hardworking · Salary package : basic salary + accommodation Only shortlisted candidates will be interviewed and notified. CV’s can be delivered to Lagoon Chalets at the reception or email to Further details will be discussed at interview.


CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Consent: Bed & Breakfast ON ERF NO: 600 TOWNSHIP: Meersig, Walvis Bay STREET: Schaaf Bed & Breakfast In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Schaaf Bed & Breafast on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning). Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 May 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Sonia Schaaf, P.O. Box 1356, Walvis Bay.


VACANCY: HYDRAULIC PIPE FITTER Key Responsibilities: · Make up Hydraulic Fittings and Hoses on site · Willing to travel and work Offshore Education and Experience · Grade 12 · Experience in making up hydraulic hoses · Knowledge on hydraulic fittings and Hoses · Valid driver's license · Namibian citizens · Based in Walvis Bay Written applications which include a CV and covering letter should be submitted to the following address: Email: Closing date: 16 May 2014

9 MAY 2014


9 MAY 2014


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 50 (1)(a) of the Local Authorities Act 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, that Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street (Opposite Salt Works) and Nelson Mandela Road (Existing rail crossing at Mondesa) will be channeled into two-way traffic or closed for traffic for road works on the following dates as follows: 1. Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street, half of this street will be closed for traffic for road layer works at any time as from 6th May 2014. 2. Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street will be completely closed for traffic for rail track work crossing this street as from 24th May 2014 to 31st May 2014, both days inclusive. 3. Nelson Mandela Road, half of this road will be closed for traffic on Friday 16th May 2014 as from 12h00 to start with road preparation work for the relocation of the existing rail track crossing this road. 4. Nelson Mandela Road will be closed for traffic as from 06h00 on Saturday 17th May 2014 until Sunday 18th May 2014 to relocate the existing main railway line to its new position across this road. Appropriate road signs will be erected to direct the traffic via alternative routes. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during the construction period.

INVITATION TO SUBMIT PROPOSALS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROJECTS The Municipality of Walvis Bay hereby INVITES any individual, organisation or institution to submit PROJECT PROPOSALS to the ENVIRONMENTAL FUND for financing activities that facilitate the proper management of the environment and natural resources within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Walvis Bay. Project proposals should support and be consistent with Municipal management policies, plans and programmes (PPP). Such projects should in particular: · be supportive of the municipality's "Integrated Environmental Policy"; · be successfully implementable, and have the capacity for adaptation and replication; · include local participation and benefit local groups; · integrate environment, social and economic considerations as well as promote national, regional and local development PPP; · promote sustainability, and work towards local environmental enhancement. Kindly note that the fund does not provide loans for environmental management activities. Interested parties are invited to submit relevant project proposals to the Environmental Fund Management Group (EFMG). All interested parties are encouraged to attend the project proposal workshop for examples of environmental projects and clarifications: Venue: Kuisebmond Training Centre Date: 27 May 2014 Time: 14:00 Application forms for grants can be obtained during the workshop or at: Municipality of Walvis Bay Department of Water, Waste and Environmental Management Rikumbi Kandanga Road Tel: (064) 214 300; Fax: (064) 214 310 Email:; Website: Completed application forms and any additional supporting documentation e.g. formal business plan, references, etc. should reach the above office not later than 12:00, Friday 13 June 2013.



9 MAY 2014


9 MAY 2014



VACANCY: 1 X DEBT COLLECTORS’S CLERK Applications from persons experienced in debt collecting in terms of the provisions of the Magistrates’ Court Act for appointment as from 02 June 2014 are hereby invited. A matric pass in English and bookkeeping of at least 50% will be a recommendations. CV’s to be delivered in a sealed envelope to the offices of C L de Jager & Van Rooyen at 192, Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay or by e-mail to Short listed applicants will be contacted for interviews. MUNICIPALITY OF HENTIES BAY NOTICE OF LEASE BY WAY OF PRIVATE TREATY In terms of section 30(1)(t) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23 of 1992), as amended, read in conjunction with section 63 of the mentioned Act 23 of 1992 notice is hereby given that the Municipal Council of Henties Bay is of the intention to lease, by private negotiation, the under mentioned property, with the option of renewal, to Messrs Bianca Bridal Boutique for the purpose of establishing a playground (indoor and outdoor). The lease shall be N$750.00 per month escalating with 10% per annum “2500m² unsurveyed portion of Portion 82 of the Farm Hentiesbaai Town and Townlands No 133, situated adjacent to the area known as the supertube area” Further take notice that the locality and layout plan of the area lies open for inspection during office hours at the offices of the municipal council situated at the corner of Jakkalzputz Road and Nickey Iyambo Avenue. Any person(s) having an objection(s) to the intended leasehold of the property may lodge such objection(s) together with grounds thereof to the Municipal Council of Henties Bay within 10(ten) days after placement of the second advertisement at the above mentioned street address or at the following address: The Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay P.O. Box 61 HENTIES BAY

Or Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Henties Bay C/o Jakkalzputz Road & Nickey Iyambo Avenue HENTIES BAY

The leading Security Service Provider in Namibia


Deployment Officers Walvis Bay Requirements: Age between 20 to 40 years Grade 10 certificate or higher Code 8 Drivers Licence Previous Security Experience Well spoken in English and in Afrikaans No criminal record Police Clearance already done or proof of application Physically fit and healthy Willing to undergo training Namibian Citizen Curriculum-Vitae can be delivered at, C/O Nangolo Mbumba Drive and Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay before 12h00 on Friday 16 May 2014 at 09:00

Security Officers Walvis Bay Requirements: Age between 20 to 40 years Grade 10 certificate or higher Well spoken in English and in Afrikaans No criminal record Police Clearance already done or proof of application Physically fit and healthy Willing to undergo training Namibian Citizen Recruiting - (only with full CV) CV's will only be taken on 12 May 2014 at 09:00 (No pre-delivered CV's will be accepted.) Interviews: Will be held during the abovementioned period. Address: C/O Nangolo Mbumba Drive and Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay



9 MAY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR




LOST: !Ne !Ne went missing in Mondesa on 22/03 Please contact Wycliff 081 250 0237 or the SPCA 064 - 404419 / 081 477 4395 when you find her.

LOST: Mickey Mouse, female cat went missing in Ocean View on 01/04. Please call Chrissie Turck 081 612 6270 or Devin Viljoen at 081 633 6250 or the SPCA 064 - 404419 / 081 477 4395 when you see her.

FOUND: Male, Jack Russell found on the road towards Henties. Please contact the SPCA if he is your buddy 064 404419 / 081 477 4395


LOST: Ingwe, male Staffi went missing from his home in Hage Heights on 24/04. Reward offered for his safe return. Contact Marie 081 256 6787 or the SPCA 064 404419 / 081 477 4395





Brazilian Keratin Treatment


OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.

FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

N$ 750.00 All hair types incl. ethnic hair. Brilliant treatment for broken, frizzy and processed hair. Promotes growth and shine appointments @ 081 625 9407

HAIR AND BEAUTY Sanah Brazillian Hair Specials in 100% quality virgin Brazilian Human Hair 10 inch N$1 350.00 12 inch N$1 500.00 14 inch N$1 650.00 16 inch N$1 850.00 18 inch N$1 950.00 20 inch N$2 150.00 22 inch N$2 250.00 24 inch N$2 350.00 26 inch N$2 460.00 28 inch N$2 800.00 30 inch N$3 000.00 Flexi rods available call or visit us at Namport, Walvis Bay or contact: 081 233 2893

HEALTH LOST: Schnucki, a neutered male cat went missing from his home in the Birds View Complex, Dr. Eugene Muller St, Ocean View. Contact Heiko 081 128 0306 or the SPCA 081 477 4395 / 064 - 404419 or Theresa 081 799 4655 when you see him or find him.

FOUND: Male, Jack Russell found in our Klappe on 05/04. Please contact SPCA Swakop to claim your friend 064 404419 / 081 477 4395 LOST: Shilah, 13 year old black and white mix breed female with 3 legs (no photo) went missing near Waterfront around 17/04 Please contact the SPCA Swakop if you know of her whereabouts 064 – 404419 / 081 477 4395

LOST: Cupcake, female Dackel with distinct darkish ears, back & tail went missing from Shalom Farm in the Swakop river (camel farm) end of March. Please call Ilana 081 127 7907 or the SPCA if you know of her whereabouts 064-404419/081 477 4395

LOST: N$500 Reward. Butzi, a long hair Dackel female went missing between Omaruru & Usakos on 04/05. Contact 081 884 1737 or the SPCA 064 404419 / 081 799 4655

LOST: Junior, male Jack Russell went missing near Mile 32 on 23/04. Contact the SPCA immediately when you find him 064 404419 / 081 477 4395 / 081 799 4655

LOST: Struppi is a 12 year old JR wire hair cross & nearly blind. She went missing from River Lodge in Kramersdorf on 03/03. Contact the SPCA when you do 064 - 404419 / 081 477 4395

NAMA AWARD PROMOTION We’re selling quality Brazillian Hairs, we give a Grantee, NB: 12-30 inch Inch” PRICES 12”inch N$1200.00 14”inch N$1250.00 16”inch N$1600.00 18”inch N$1900.00 20”inch N$2100.00 22”inch N$2300.00 Contact: 081 844 2342 081 336 0019 081 647 2938


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appliance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960. Roof and Home Renovations Call the Austrian "Gunther" For a free Quote 081 63 86 300

For professional services in the following: Any type of building work, all types of renovations, repair and sealing of roofs, paint work, paving, interlocks, tiling. We specialize in water and sewer reticulation.




For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.


Baard Transport / Block & Brick LOST: Porra, male Maltese went missing in December 2013 near Swakopmund Primary School in Vineta. Please contact Mrs Bock 081 355 4711 or the SPCA 064–404419/081 477 4395

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:

Please contact us via: Cell: 081 617 6900 Email: Slabbertconstruction@gm

HAIMBILI CLEANING SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom remodelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519.Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance

JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL In Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. We offer driving lessons for N$90.00 per hour or pay for more than 10 hour for N$85.00 per hour and N$150.00 for natis's test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor - failing is not an option. CONTACT: 081 418 3595 081 296 9477 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome. A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR. KHOROMANA Is back in Walvis Bay after a long time. Home with very powerful medicine for various problems & diseases. Lost lovers, peaceful marriages. Business customer attraction. Removal of bad luck. Complicated court cases. Protection of witch craft from body & houses. Removal of tokolosh. Work and promotions Producing of babies Nightmare problems Penis enlargement, Gambling. Weak erections Revenge. Unfinished jobs by other doctors. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life Contact: 081 495 8023. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.

* Rental of Front End Loaders and Tippers * Removal of Building Rubble/ Rubble * Earthworks/ Filling Please Contact: Office: 064 217901 Cell: 081 128 3806


Party Kids Jumping Castle for hire in Walvis Bay Swakopmund. Contact: 081 242 7787 Ons koop Goud, Silver en Diamante We buy Gold, silver and Diamonds Swakopmund Walvis Bay ,Henties Bay and Arandis 081 344 3794 VERF Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwrke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!! Groot Trailer met versigte drywer en werkspan. Beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings, rommel verwydering in Walvis tot Swakop. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Kock 081 607 8320 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR Harry Gama A very powerful and experience doctor with a difference is in Walvis Bay for the first time. Exxpert in Lost lovers, peacefull marriages business customers attraction. Bad luck, catch thieves. Court cases. Protection of bodies and houses from witch craft. Removal of tokoloshis. Penis enlargement. Charms for luck. Gambling. Weak erections. Work promotions. Complicated diseases and other problems. Revenge and many more!! Call the old man: 081 661 1554 In Walvis Bay “BRILLIANT MINDS” HOMEWORK CENTRE We present homework classes for grade 1-7 When: Monday to Thursday Time: 14:00 - 17:00 Location: AGS Pleroma Church, in the Central of Walvis Bay next to the old Parade that is now the Paint Shop. Contact Thelma Strauss: 081 413 3600 Email: thelma.kleinhans@gmail .com

COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217.

9 MAY 2014



Classifieds E-MAIL: OR


The Skype Call Centre *Internet & WIFI *International Calls *Copies and fax Opens Daily 07:30 - 21:30 Next to Motovac & Town Centre Contact: 064 209 435 081 242 2224 TSAUTAGO CAR HIRE: Cars available for rent at affordable rates. Contact: 081 231 8572 081 339 9875


FOR SALE: New House for sale Swakopmund - Vineta N$1 520 000.00 Contact Du Plessis: 081 127 6049

TE KOOP Swakopmund: 1 slaapkamer woonstel in Kompleks, sentraal gelee. (CC) Oopplan kombuis met ingeboude stoof. Sitkamer met klein balkon. Tandem motorhuis(parkeer 2 motors) Sel: 081 241 1235 MTN PROPERTIES For sale: MAHETAGO: 3 bedroom bic, 2 bathrooms, kitchen bic, with stove, Lounge, Study room, single garage and Boundary wall. N$1.26mil Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: Malakiaproperties@yah


MAYS TRADING CC Flat For Sale ,Walvis Bay, N$1 450 000 2 bedrooms ,open plan kitchen Brand new, secure complex, garage Good area, Modern design Walvis Bay,House , N$1 480 000 3 bedrooms bathroom , garage, BIC, 1250m², good area, central Kuisebmund, House N$ 850 000 8Bedrooms, kitchen, tanderm garage 326m²,very neat (tenants in rooms) Walvis Bay,House, N$ 1590 000 3 bedrooms, bathroom, spacious kitchen ,lounge, office, entertainment area with braai, Beautiful garden,2 garages, huge erf. Plus bachelor flat with builtin-kitchen cupboards Walvisbay House, N$ 1570 000 Hermus ,double storey house top floor ,spacious on-suitbedroom, ground floor 3 bedroom, 2bathroom lounge with built-in braai , tv room, kitchen with lots of BIC Walvis Bay,house, N$ 2.1 million 3bedrooms ,2 bathrooms, Built-in braai ,Study, Builtin cupboards, Built-in stove Blinds on all windows, Interlocks, 4 garages Bachelor flat with kitchen BIC Alarm system, Garden, Boundry walls Extension2,Langstrand Erf,N$550 000 582m²,boundary walls Heavy Industrial erf, N$ 17 million 6000 m²(N$2834 p/m²) Warehouse on Erf 2000m² Boundary wall New Industrial Erf,N$4,7million 4200m²,Boundary walls ,Newly built office space(100m²) Plot & Plan ,fairways, N$1670 000 3 bedrooms, 2bathrooms, open plan kitchen with granite toppings and lots of BIC Lounge with indoor braai Double remote garage ,interlocks, boundary walls Fairways,House, N$2 200 000 Lounge, diningroom, entrance hall, modern kitchen, office, 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, guest toilet, Tv room with indoor braai, Jacuzzi room, laundry with staff toilet ,double remote garage, boundary walls Walvis Bay Flats 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, garage, laundary, N$ 750 000 1 bedroom, lounge, kitchen, garage, N$700 000 Narraville ,Houses for sale 2 & 3 bedroom houses N$650 000-00 to N$850 000-00 Brand New, quality houses Boundary wall We are urgently looking for houses, properties, town houses to buy for preapproved clients in Narraville , Kuisebmund , Walvis Bay, Long beach and Dolphin Beach. Contact Tracey: 081 302 3806 Mounien: 081 860 1938 Email:mickeymays@iway. na



Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES FOR SALE Vineta - 2 bedroom apartment, open plan kitchen, lounge, garage N$900 000.00 Meersig - 3x 500m² ervens N$670 000.00 Negotiable Lagoon - Bachelor flat, kitchen, garage N$670 000.00 Kuisebmond - 2 bedroom flat in a complex, garage, open plan lounge, kitchen N$420 000.00 TO RENT: Long Beach - Fully furnished 3 bedroom double storey house, guest toilet, Build-in Ensuite, common bathroom, double garage, small court yard, braai area, entertainment area, wooden deck N$9 000.00 p/m To view contact Emma: 081 122 8067

CFS Properties For sale Swakopmund Hage heights Smart 2 bedroom apartment in a secure complex with single garage only 5 minutes from the beach. BIC very spacious for only N$860 000.00 (Excluding commision) Contact Neville Smith Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsnami

PLOT FOR SALE: Arandis Erf with a size of 594 m² available to buy for N$70 000.00 (Negotiable) The plot is situated in the centre of town near banking facilities and the Arandis Town Council. Contact: 081 360 7641 FOR SALE: Private Sale 2 Bedroom House N$ 65 0000 with extra income of N$3 000.00 p/m No Agents Contact for more details. 081 259 6919


PRIVATE SALE OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bedroom Townhouse in Secure complex with double garage, 2 bathrooms, BIC. Indoor Braai plus established garden. Registered in CC. No transfer Duties or Agents Commission. Contact: Cell: 081 256 2328 Tel: 064 400 065 FOR SALE: Longbeach / Langstrand Large 3-bedroom townhouse with ocean views and big garage. No levies. Private Sale N$1,695 million negotiable. Call 081-1288392

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE OCEAN VIEW HOUSE Plot & Plan. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan kitchen, bic, lounge/dining, double garage. N$1,575,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE FOR SALE WALVISBAY NARRAVILLE HOUSE Plot&Plan. 2/&3 Bedrooms, 1&2 bathrooms, kitchen, bic, lounge/dining, garage. PRICE RANGE FROM: N$638,173-00 TO: N$1,000,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL ERVEN OCEANVIEW N$405 000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320

FOR SALE: 4 bedroom house, one kitchen, toilet and big yard. Opportunity to extend. N$340 000.00 For viewing: Penguin Street 893 Contact: 081 360 7641

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


House for sale Swakopmund Newly build house with flat in ext 15 Erf 844 square meter Total area under roof 334 square meter House 211square meter Garages 50 square meter Flat with garage 73,5 sq meter Main house Three bedrooms each with en suite bathroom Braai / entertainment area Outside toilette for domestic worker Open plan kitchen with separate scullery Alarm system with beams outside Flat Single garage open plan living kitchen area bedroom 4 x 4 meter Bathroom Selling for N$ 2,6 milj will be ready for occupation at end of May 2014 081 128 4612 Or 081 691 1368

PROPERTIES TO RENT FLAT TO RENT: 1bedroom Port sight & Lagoon N$3500.00 p/m W/E excl. No garage. Contact: 081 490 3138 085 143 0577 TO RENT: Dolphin Park 3 bedroom house, double garage to rent in dolphin beach, available immediately for N$7500.00 can be rented out furnished or unfurnished Contact: 081 208 9694 FLAT TO LET Long Beach Priar Da La Costa: 2 bedrooms with BIC, 2 bathrooms, kitchen with built in stove and cupboards, sitting room, a balcony(3rd floor), braai place & double garage. NO PETS ALLOWED. N$5400.00 W/Incl, prepaid Electricity. Great dune views. No deposit. Contact: 081 386 6706 081 427 7310 081 208 4915 FLAT TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom + kitchen BIC Bathroom Small Back yard W/E incl. N$3000.00 p/m Deposit neg. Contact: 081 724 7204

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Narraville 1bedroom flat. BIC, open plan kitchen / lounge. Built in stove, security. N$2 800.00 + deposit. W/E incl. Available 1 June 2014 Contact: 081 261 3495 081 247 5248

TO RENT: Jabulani / Mondesa 2 room flat with bathroom & kitchen. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Electricity excl. Deposit negotiable. Garage N$500.00 Contact: 081 252 6778 TO RENT: Kuiesebmond Shower W/E incl. N$1 800.00 p/m Preferable a single man or lady with sober habits. Available immediately. Contact: 081 454 4911 TO RENT Vineta: 1 bedroom flat with open plan kitchen / lounge and option of Garage. N$4500.00 W/L Incl. Call: 081 616 3069 To view FLAT TO RENT Swakopmund: Furnished flat in town centre. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen/lounge with built in braai, washing machine, single garage, all in secure complex. N$5500p/m W/E Excl. Deposit required, sorry no animals, lots of cupboards. Contact: 081 201 1159 TO RENT Mondesa: Big bedroom, can be divided into a lounge/bedroom, Kitchen, bathroom. N$2800.00p/m + Deposit. W/L Incl. Contact: 081 367 5319 081 287 9620 TO RENT: A fully furnished 2 bedroom flat + garage to rent at Long Beach on a daily or monthly basis. Contact Welma: 081 295 4702 FLAT TO RENT: Narraville N$2 500.00 p/m Dep. N$1 000.00 Payment of deposit can be discussed. W/E incl. Near entrance of Narraville. Garage also available for rent at N$400.00 p/m Very private and clean. Now available 081 355 0758


TO LET VOGELSTRAND Luxury 3bedroom town house, 2 Full bathroom guest loo, kitchen with stove and oven indoor fire place, braai double garage ,sea view in secure complex. N$7900 per month Tamariskia Bacherlor flat flat with a garage in a secure complex N$3300 Contact 085 124 9826 TO LET SWAKOPMUND 2 B/ROOM,BATH, GARAGE N$ 5800.00 3 B/ROOM,2 BATH, GAR N$ 5900.00 1 B/ROOM,BAL, BRAAI, GARAGE N$ 5700.00 2 B/ROOM,TOP QUALITY FURNITURE, GARAGE SECURE COMPLEX N$ 7600.00 BACHELOUR, CLOSED BALCONY, BRAAI FURNISHED N$ 4800.00 FOR SALE ! ! NEW ON MARKET! VINETA 3 BEDROOMS LARGE, 2 BATH, MOD KITCHEN, LOUNGE 64m/ 2,PARQUE FLOORING FLATLET, TANDEM GAR. N$ 1.95 m COSY 3 BEDROOMED EXTRA LARGE FAMILY HOME,3 BATH, IORNING/ SEWING ROOM 2 GARAGES,100 m/2 ERF ,BEAUTIFUL GARDEN, ALARM 1.95 m ELANI CELL 081 867 1654 JP CELL 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES

Containers Available To rent / Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150 TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent without garage. W/E incl. N$2 800.00 Contact: 081 244 1342 TO RENT Swakopmund: 1 bedroom flat in complex, near Shoprite. Tandem garage (parks 2 cars). Small balcony. Water included. N$3700.00p/m Cell: 081 241 1235


9 MAY 2014


Suna: 081 210 7823

TO RENT SWAKOPMUND KRAMERSDORP Secure 2 bed flat BIC, open plan. 1 garage. Fire place, Lock up and go. N$ 5 500.00 MILE 4 3 bedr. free standing house, kitchen with lots of BIC, outside BBQ Double Garage N$ 10 000.00 DUET house 3 Bedr. 2 bathr. Indoor BBQ, extra BIG Double garage Close to beach N$ 9 500.00 ARANDIS STAY IN STYLE - 2 Bedr. 1 bathr. open plan, modern look N$ 3 000.00

INDUSTRIAL Shop space from: N$ 5 500.00 Warehouses from N$ 10 000.00 CONTACT US TODAY FOR YOUR DREAM HOUSE

TO RENT Vineta-Swakopmnd: House to rent. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen, Laundry room, Sitting room, Eating room and Garage. N$7800.00 W/L Excl. Contact: 081 856 3916 To Rent: Office and Warehouse Prime area, Centre of Town Warehouse 150sqm Tel: 202028 Cell: 081 292 5420 FLAT TO RENT: Narraville W/E incl. N$2400.00 p/m 50% deposit upfront and other 50% split over 2 months. Immediately available. Contact: 081 213 0284 TE HUUR: Lagoon Enkel plek vir 2. W/L ingsl. N$2500.00 Dadelik beskikbaar Kontak: 081 367 3584 081 666 4438

NARRAVILLE 3bedrooms bic, bathroom Kitchen bic, lounge Garage, plus bachelor flat N$8000.00 W/L Excl Avble 1/6/2014 TAMARISKIA Flat: 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$4950.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity 2bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, N$4500.00 W/ Incl. prepaid electricity. TULINAWA 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen bic with stove N$3800.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity OLWETWENI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl For Single person only 2bedrooms bic, 2bathroom Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Garage and boundary wall N$4500.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah

FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Hermis Available as of 1 June 2014 1 bedroom with bathroom. Open-plan kitchen and living area with BIC. W/E included. Situated walking distance from town, school and Welwitchia Hospital. N$3600.00 plus deposit Contact: 081 207 7651 TO RENT: 94 Kruis str, Narraville. 1x room available to rent for single person for N$1400-00 p/month, Water incl. Electricity is pre-paid. Toilet + shower apart/shared. N$500-00 once-off deposit. 1x room for N$1900-00 p/m water included. Electricity is pre-paid. Own toilet + shower; N$500-00 once-off deposit. For viewing, call 081 211 2005


PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA COURT – WALVIS BAY, 180m² 3bed, 3bath apartments N$ 1 620 000.00 each SALOOM 081 382 1888 RHODA 081 413 1313 EMILY 081 293 0335 SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE DOROTHEA PARK WALVIS BAY Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge,Sitting & kitchen. N$ 1 150 000.00 each SALOOM 081 382 1888 RHODA 081 413 1313 EMILY 081 293 0335 LOCK UP AND GO MI CASA –WALVIS BAY 2 bed, 2 bath apartments garage N$ 895 000.00 SALOOM 081 382 1888 RHODA 081 413 1313 EMILY 081 293 0335 IYALOO COURT ARANDIS 2 bed, 1 bath house with open plan kitchen / living area, outside bbq & parking area, safe & secure complex. FROM N$ 435 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Manie 0813179334 KUISEBMUND Newly built 3 bed, 2 bath, units with single garage. Large enclosed yard. A RARE FIND AT N$ 699 000-00. CLAUDIA 0811277783 NARRAVILLE Sole, exclusive Mandate. Brand new development Newly built 3 bed, 2 bath

units, lounge, kitchen, indoor braai & garage. N$ 865 000-00 each. CLAUDIA 0816051984

Urgently looking for property to buy or sell for our cash & pre-approved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund & Walvis Bay

CLAUDIA 0816051984

Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


SKOU EIENDOMME 3% KOMMISSIE EIENDOMME EN AGENTE GESOEK *N$1,648m naby skole groot erf en netjies 4 slaapkamer huis, huis met 3 garages en buitekamer *Meersig N$3,6m 6 kamers,4 garages erf oor 2000m² geboue 460m² Wardasie N$4,3m *Sentraal N$1,030m duplex ruim 3 bed, bad, stort en 2toilets, son kamer en baie kaste en garage in klein kompleks lae levie. *Meersig N$1,399m nuwe kompleks Keuse van simplex of duplex 2 bed of 3 bed,2 bad kamers en d / garage. *Meersig erf N$669,500, 502m² met grensmure *Meersig N$1,9m 3 bed huis met flat Groot erf, groot oop plan leef en onthaal area met d/garage Wardasie N$2,6m. *Sentraal vir ontwikkelaar ou huis met 1500m² erf N$2m *fairways N$2m Dubbel verdieping 4 bed huis ,3 bad kamers Met 2 bed woonstel en 3 garages. *Sentraal N$1,545m 3 bed huis met woonstel en d / garage op groot erf. *Langstrand Seefront erf N$2,060m 2 erwe reeds gekonsolideer. *Langstrand N$1,210m 3 bed huis,2 badkamers met erf. En tandem garage. *Dolfyn Strand N$1,3m, N$1,5m, N$1,6m 3x town houses met see uitsig. En tandem motorhuise meubels onderhandelbaar *Te Huur Walvisbaai Lagoon 345m² huis en woonstel met 3 garages N$15000 p/m *Ware House 230m² met kantoor. Baie parkeer plek N$9750 p/m vat uitgesluit. *Verhurings gesoek,2 jaar kontrakte Met slegs 6% kommissie en 5% eskelasie Per jaar. Geen admin fees ,deposito en huur Betaalbaar aan eienaar. KURT 081 242 6713 Propertypowerwvb@gma


DEVELOMENTS OTJIWARONGO New Development! 2 bedr. Apartments, single garage N$1 020 000-00 3 bedr. Apartments, double garage N$1 120 000-00 MEERSIG 3 bedr, 2, bathr. double garage N$1 399 000-00


SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Meersig 2 bed, 1 ½ bath house with sitting room open plan kitchen & garage for 6 cars N$ 1 100 000-00 Saloom 0813821888

NARRAVILLE DEVELOPMENT Plot & Plan. You choose between 2 & 3 bedroom house From N$635 000-00 to NS1 000 000-00

SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE W/Bay Central 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse lounge, dining & garage. N$ 1 150 000-00 Saloom 0813821888

DOLPHIN BEACH 2 & 3 bedr, sea view apartments N$1 075 000-00 N$1 200 000-00 and N$1 550 000-00

SWAKOPMUND EXT 22 3 bed, 3 bath house, 2 garages N$ 1 650 000-00 Manie 0813179334

3 bedr. apartment, modern and upmarket complex. Granite tops in kitchen. N$1 800 000-00 MEERSIG Large 5 bedr. home for sale, can be converted to B & B N$2 300 000-00 FAIRWAY 5 bedr House. Choose your own fittings for kitchen and bathroom. N$3 400 000-00 DOLPHIN BEACH Erf for Sale, 750sq m @ N$600 000-00 AFRODITE BEACH 2 x Plots for sale N$ 1 590 000-00 LANGSTRAND Family Home for Sale 4 bedr. Open plan Entertainment, Loads of storage space N$2 950 000-00 LANGSTRAND Erf for sale 538 sq m @ N$530 000-00 LANGSTRAND: TO LET 2 Bedr. Flat. 1 Garage. Water included. N$6 600-00 per month LAGOON: TO LET Fully furnished 1 Bedr. Flat N$4 500-00 p.m. LIGHT INDUSTRIAL – WALVIS BAY warehouses for sale warehouses to rent Price to be confirmed WAREHOUSE 4 SALE Light industrial area N$6 300 000-00 WE ARE URGENTLY LOOKING FOR RENTAL PROPERTY Please call: Office: 064 22 1417 Hannelie: 081 124 2292, Glenda: 081 147 5143, Chris: 081 617 8399, Aina: 081 329 7934 Shelagh; 081 304 5900

WALVIS BAY Sale of PTY 10 000m² Industrial plot. N$ 9 800 000.00 Claudia 0811277783

SWAKOPMUND EXT 22 3 bed, 3 bath house, 2 garages N$ 1 750 000-00 Manie 0813179334

SWAKOPMUND 3 bed, 3 bath house, 2


Walvis Bay

064-202788 FOR SALE

Starting out? Then this one is for you. New Development! 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, 1 garage, courtyard N$ 880 000.00 Central Close to School large Erf 3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, laundry, Servants room, 3 garages N$ 1 700 000.00 Close to Lagoon Large Family Home, 6 bed, 6 bath, Open plan Lounge, BBQ, Kitchen, Flat, 2 garages N$ 3 600 000.00 Selection of Industrial Warehouses From N$ 3 950 000.00 – N$ 15 750 000.00 For Properties do not hesitate to contact Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 Jackie – 081 246 3590 Hettie – 081 270 4333


garages. Choose your own

plan N$ 1 575 000-00 Manie 0813179334


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


VOGELSICHT 3 bedr. Townhouse, 2 bathr, small garden. outside BBQ, close to beach N$ 7 900.00

TO LET KUISBMOND KABELJOU 3bedrooms,1bathroom Toilet, kitchen bic with stove Single Garage N$5300.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity








CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



MEERSIG Price reduced to sell today Spacious family home 3 bedr, 2 bathr, huge open plan lounge, dining, TV room, lovely fitted kitchen, BBQ, laundry, 3 garages. BONUS 1 bedr flat, beautiful garden. Plot size 1224 m² N$ 1 850 000 MEERSIG Situated in quiet area. Smart 3 bedr, 2 bathr home with open plan living, fitted kitchen an BBQ, outside guest bedr, separate office, garage parking 4 cars, many interlocks. N$ 1 700 000 FAIRWAY ESTATE Well situated vacant plot 578m² - start building

your dream home now. N$695 000

Joey 0811293293


LONGBEACH 4 bed, 3 bath apartment, with open plan living, balcony with sea view, patio and parking area. N$ 1 600 000-00 LONGBEACH 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse 1 garage, patio, balcony All furniture included! N$ 1 175 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

SWAKOPMUND Neat 2 bed, 1 bed Townhouse, open plan kitchen /Living area and garage in Secure complex. N$ 850 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950

Swakopmund Sole & Exclusive Mandate Brise De Amer 134-163m² 2 & 3 bed townhouses with double garage selling from N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 0818709950 Manie 0813179334

WALVIS BAY A Family Home Cosy 3 bedr house, fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 2 bathr, dble garage ONLY N$ 1 580 000,00 Sole Mandate - Meersig Invest NOW in this prime situated double storey 4 bedr house, fitted kitchen, lounge, bbq, 2 bathr, 2 garages with garden, close to lagoon N$ 1 680 000,00 cc Meersig Prime Area Spacious 3 bedr home, fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 2 bathr, double garage, & flat N$ 2 200 000,00 Warehouse & Office for sale 173.93m² N$ 1 480 000-00 New Development Warehouse & Office for sale 272 m²(only one left) N$ 1 600 000-00 Lydia 081 241 8980 Cecilia 081 129 5407 Nadia 081 274 5081


9 MAY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR



FORSALE: 2009 VW Polo Classic 1.6 Comfortline 202 000 km One owner, full service history Neat condition, no accidents Reliable, economic, spacious boat. N$ 83 000.00 Contact Hermann Volkmann: 081 129 9161

FORSALE: PurebredBullterrier puppiesforsale. 2Xmales&1Xfemalestill available. Readytogototheirnew homes. Kindlycontact Shaun 081 269 9890 or Lizelle 081 271 4030

FOR SALE: 2010 Toyota Hi-lux D4D 2x4 3.0L Extras: N/bar, R/bar, T/bar, Canopy, Running boards, Mag rims. One owner, Full Service History. 140 000km. N$240 000.00(neg) Contact Pieter: 081 127 0623

FOR SALE: 1 x 40litre Engel (fridge/freezer) + cover and 92 Amp deep cycle Battery. Excellent condition. Tel: 064 400 065 Cell: 081 256 2328

FOR SALE: Peugeot Partner 2005 Panel Van, 1.9 Diesel, Manual, Fuel saver, Running condition, Need some attention, N$ 38 000.00 - o.n.o. 081-330 1001 SWK TE KOOP: ‘N 24 buis Dr. Kern sonbed te koop. Kontak Welma: 081 295 4702 For sale Vw kombi 2.6 Exclusiv Mint touring condition Spotless N$90 000.00 Contact: 081 63 86 300 FOR SALE: E 30 car body for sale N$7000.00 Contact: 081 200 4722 FOR SALE: 2010 Toyota Hilux 3D D/C 2x4 125 000km Full service history Canopy, Tow bar. Excellent condition N$270 000 Contact: 081128590

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TE KOOP Diesel pomop vir Mazda 25 T. D. Goeie toestand N$10 000.00 Samsung DVD / CD speler Met USB sok. Nog in waarborg. N$400.00 Kontak: 081 227 9871 XBOX 360 CONSOLE With 250 Gb HDD 2 Wireless controlers Cooling fan, 12 Games, Webcam GOOD AS NEW N$ 2000.00 Cell: 081 129 7172 081 399 3930 Can-am 800cc 4x4 Revenger V-twin Less than 100 hours Like new on brand new trailer. N$130 000.00 081 63 86 300


Te koop 6 seater sitkamer stel baie mooi en baie sterk hout. in Swakopmund N$4000.00 Contact 081 200 4722

GARDENING FOR SALE FOR SALE: COMPOST made from kelp, 5 different manures plus 5 more ingredients. Matured for 2 years, no smell, no flies. Get your garden ready for our eastwind - south west wind -riddled winters. 081 127 5442 for Swakopmund, 081 731 0898 for Walvis Bay

Palms of sale Fern tree palms 6 years old now in 120 ltr containers Can dig and plant for Buyer. 081 638 6300.

PALM TREES FOR SALE WERE N$150.00 NOW N$50.00 Swakopmund 0811246227 / 0811273100.

BOATS FOR SALE: 5m Boat for sale With 2x 40Hp outboard engines N$35 000.00 Contact: 081 333 2712


WANTED TO RENT: I am looking for a place / shop to rent for a hair boutique in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund in the area of town or central business district. Please contact me. 081 233 2893 Very Urgent !! WANTED: Looking for a bachelors flat to rent in Town or Kramersdorf, near Town. For 1 person only. Price: N$2000.00 - N$2500.00 Contact: 081 810 3498



CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential.

VACANCY: Fleet / operations assistant Requirements * 3 - 5 years experience in trucking * Experience in mining industry would be an advantage * NOSA * Experience in operations control * Code CE Drivers Licence will be an advantage * Must be willing to travel * Must be able to work under pressure * Must have strong leadership qualities

SOEK: .22 geweer in goeie toestand. 7.65 pistool in goeie toestand. Sel: 081 241 1235

VACANCIES VACANCY Lottholm Hardware: 1. ASSISTANT MANAGER: • Male above 45years • English & other languages advantages • Computer Literate • Knowledge in light, electrical & plumbing pre-request 2. CASHIER • Female above 25years • English and other languages advantages • knowledge in hardware products pre-requested 3. PACKER: • Male above 40years • Salary depend on experience • Applicants must have sober habits Application closes at Friday 15h00 Application must be addressed to: Tel: 064 221 920 Fax: 064 220 136 Cell: 081 122 7515 Or email: lottholminvestment@gma Or ERF number 4279, 5th Road & union Street, near Walvis Bay Tourist Information Centre. VACANCY: Lagoon Chalets looking for carpenter/handy man. Start immediately. Phone 081 128 3806 or drop CV off at Lagoon Chalets. NGANDU AT SEA LODGE Walvis Bay We have a vacancy for a night porter. If you are older than 25 and do not drink or smoke you can hand in your CV at the lodge or mail it to Closing date: 15 May 2014 VACANCY: All rounder handyman for swk Workshop and building sites.

VACANCY: Bay-Route Driving School Walvisbay Vacancy: Driving Instructor Interested candidates can Contact: 081 207 7651

Key Performance Areas * Develop fleet dispatching strategies to achieve production targets * Fleet Administration within organisation *Supervision of maintenance and repairs of trucks * Regulation of Drivers of organisation * Co ordinate daily schedules and routes of drivers * Management of Logbooks Please forward CV to: The Manager Best Cheer Namibia Investment CC P O Box 4676 Walvis Bay bestcheernamad@gmail. com

SITUATION WANTED WERK GESOEK: Ek is ñ 35jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund vir 2-3 dae n week. Ek drink of rook nie. Kontak: 081 679 1936 081 390 5233 WANTED: Linda is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Langstrand for 2 to 4 days a week, hardworking and very honest. Please call 0813601968 LAVINIA TSAES: Looking for domestic work or an type of job in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 609 8719 JOB WANTED: I am a 23 year old lady looking for any kind of job in Swakopmund. Domestic work, cleaner in Hotel, restaurant or office. I have 3 years experience, hardworking an d reliable. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 76 6181 WANTED: A hardworking, reliable, trustworthy lady is looking for domestic work or housekeeping work including ironing. For 3 or 5 days a week. In Swakopmund. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 878 0069 081 341 7508

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




KASAONA: Is looking for driving job in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. With Code C1 license. Has 6 years experience. Contact: 081 892 8114

MWALE MATENGU SHARON: I am looking for work must be in a bar, guest house, shop or take away. I have grade 10 and is very hardworking and honest. Contact: 081 342 7881

RENATHE: I am a 35 year old woman looking for any kind of domestic work, house cleaning, ironing from Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 751 5667

JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old lady is looking for domestic work or office work. Has a certificate in Office Administration and 7 years experience in domestic work. Very hardworking and can work under pressure. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 681 8704 YOLANDA: Is baie betroubaar en is opsoek na Saterdae strykwerk kan goed en netjies stryk, ek sal van 3 uur af begin. Maandeliks in Walvisbaai / Dorp. Kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel: 081 879 5580 NDATIRA: I am a 22-year-old lady looking for cleaning and ironing work. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 601 9146

WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na werk van Maandae tot Saterdae / Sondae. Nagskof vanaf 19:00 af. Kontak: 081 200 2053 ANITA& MARIA: We are looking for cleaning job and ironing for five days. Meersig and Lagoon. Contact: 081 688 8031 081 474 6577 LOOKING FOR JOB: Lady is looking for receptionist or office administration. Qualified and has experience. Can move to Walvis Bay as soon as possible. Contact: 081 213 0284 BONITTA: I am a 21-year-old looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 305 3470

ERK GESOEK: ‘N 26 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk, strykwerk, kantoor skoonmaak werk vir 3-5 dae per week. Kan na kinders omsien. Betroubaar en hardwerkend. Kan onmiddelik begin. In Swakopmund Kontak: 081 763 4614 WERK GESOEK: Ek is n 32 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund. Ek werk baie goed. Ek bly in Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 391 2845 W ELISE: I am a 43-year-old woman looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 298 6479


9 MAY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



FOR SALE: FOR SALE Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D S/C 2009 Model “FULL HOUSE” 127 000 km N$207,000.00

081 450 7609


Make/ model Chevrolet cruze 1.6L Year 2013 Odometer 30 000 km Condition Immaculate Price: N$ 190 000 Contact: 081 140 9525 Under warranty and service plan


KUISEBMOND 3 bed, 2 bath house with kitchen, dining, lounge & garage N$ 755 000.00

OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Saws * Pumps * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: D/Storey flat avail in Narraville. N$3000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 129 8492


WALVIS BAY - Central CC REG. 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen/ lounge, courtyard & garage. Levies only N$590-00pm. Furniture included. N$ 999 000-00 Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

FREE Large box of recorded cassette tapes Contact Des 081 127 9817 FOR SALE: Complete set includes books cards etc:Learn and Understand “Astrology” (The art of Divination) N$1 000.00 6x Cast Iron Steak Plates together with wooden boards. N$500.00 Contact Des: 081 27 9817 FOR SALE: 2 Axle Trailer 12m with Container Locks Good Condition N$60,000.00 VAT Contact: 081 450 7609


WALVIS BAY - Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath unit with, Open plan kitchen/ lounge, dining room & 2 garages. Investor can get N$6500-00 pm N$ 1 400 000-00 WALVIS BAY - Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath house with small office, laundry open plan kitchen/ lounge, dining, indoor braai & 2 garages. Paved courtyard. Investor can get N$ 6000-00 pm N$ 1 695 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518

SWAKOPMUND BRISE DA MER SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 134 - 163m² 2 & 3 Bed Townhouses with double garage from only N$ 1 245 000-00 each. Gogga 081 870 9950 Manie 081 317 9334

LONG BEACH 554m² vacant erf N$ 650 000.00 KUISBMOND 4 bed, 2bath house with ,kitchen ,lounge, dining room & garage N$ 640 000.00 MEERSIG EXT. 1 Newly build 3 bed, 2 bath house with openplan kitchen, Entrance hall, lounge, dining, laundry, scullery & 2 garages N$ 1 770 000.00 Emily 081 293 0335

CARS FOR SALE: Isuzu bakkie Body N$ 8 000.00 Contact Tony: 081 283 5858

Friday 9 May 2014 HEALING OUR BLINDNESS. Ananias said,”Saul, my brother, the Lord has sent me, Jesus who appeared to you on the way by which you came, that you may regain your sight...” Acts 9:17. Saturday 10 May 2014 OFFER YOUR HAND “He gave her his hand and raised her up...” Acts 9:41 Lord, help me today to embrace the power of your resurection Sunday 11 May 2014 SUFFERING TRANSFORMS US “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in his footsteps.” 1 Peter 2:21. Monday 12 May 2014 CHALLENGING THE STATUS QUO So when Peter went up to Jerusalem the circumcised believers confronted him, saying, “You entered the house of uncircumcised people and ate with them.” Acts 11:22 Tuesday 13 May 2014 SHEEP MAY SAFELY GRAZE. “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My father who has given them t me, is greater than all... ” John 10:27-29. Lord, may my children prosper by trusting in your power and listening for your voice.

Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience:

· Maerua Super Spar · Fountain O.K Foods

9 MAY 2014

Elia Haimbili * 10.05.1963 - + 02.04.2014

Ps 121. Happy Birthday my dearest in Heaven. We were meant to be with each other in real life. Miss your smile, compassion, footsteps. Only God knows why HE took you away. Love you so much.

Missed by your wife - Annette, Twice, Maggy, Ndapewe, Sherpherd

Paulina “Juffrou” Shikongo Psalm 136:1 “Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good, His Love is eternal”

MEMORIAL SERVICE: Friday, 9 May 2014 19:00 at Meduletu Hall


Saturday, 10 May 2014 10h00 at home, 2476 Namuandi Str. Meduletu Mondesa. 11h00 at church, Roman Catholic Church, Mondesa.

* 24 May 1995 + 01 May 2014

Enquiries: Rebecca Joseph: 081 249 0956 Titus Shilongo: 081 284 5198



Fritz Buys Djuwella

* 26 / 05 / 1960 - + 03 / 05 / 2014 Psalm 121 v 1 It is with great sadness that we announce the passing away of our beloved Father, Brother & Uncle... Requiries: Charles: 081 208 4412 Prince: 081 229 1044 Monia: 081 382 0785

Eli Engelbrecht * 27.05.1927 - + 05.05.2014

Pa, vir 86 jaar was Pa by ons. Rus sag in Jesus se arms.

Van u verlangende kinders

Johan Sauermann Met mooi herinneringe sê ons totsiens aan hom. Ons gun u die rus Van: Martin, Hilda Johansen & Kinders


Jakes Jacobs * 17.09.1967 - + 03.05.2014

ABRAM BRANDT (AEBS) PSALM 121 Ek kyk op na die berge, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom. My hulp kom van die Here wat hemel en aarde geskape het.

“Jou stem is stil jou plek is leeg, maar Pappie jy sal altyd in ons harte lewe.” ROUDIENS: Vrydag aand, 9 Mei 2014 19h00 by die huis ,3464 Tulinawa, Swakopmund

* 17/04/1957 + 29/04/2014

BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag oggend 08h00 by die huis, 3464 Tulinawa, Swakopmund 09h00 vanuit St Stefanus Rooms Katolieke Kerk Tamariskia, Swakopmund NAVRAE: 0812220412 / 0817671090

Die diens vind plaas op Saterdag, 10 Mei 2014 om 11:00 vanuit die N.G. Kerk Meersig Gemeente te Walvisbaai Vir navrae kontak: Antonette: 081 216 6310

To Charmaine Ramothibe & children It’s the little things, the small everyday occurrences that you’ll remember.. The laughs, the stories, the smiles and even though it seems like you can never recover from the loss it is the very memories that will help push away and bring back the smiles.

Love: Colin, Christine, Wesley, Romano, Justin & Jason

Howard “RAYMOND” Ramothibe * 10 / 09 / 1955

To Charmaine Ramothibe & children Gone is the face we loved so dear. Silent is the voice we loved to hear. Sweet are the memories Heartaches are sore Someday we’ll meet to part no more From: Audrey, Chris, Gianni, Anika & Joshua

Patience Zinzi M. Mosimane

FUNERAL: Saturday, 10 May 2014 8h00 at the house 09h00 from ELCRN Church, Shalom Congregation, Kuisebmond. NAVRAE: Bennie Kooitjie 081 268 8313 Taelo Mosimane: 081 257 0455

* 20.10.2011 - + 02.05.2014

+ 26 / 04 / 2014

JOHANNES 14:1-6 Laat julle harte nie onsteld word nie, glo in God, glo ook in My. In die huis van My Vader is daar baie wonings, as dit nie so was nie, sou Ek vir julle gesé het. Ek gaan om vir julle plek voor te berei. En as ek gaan en vir julle plek berei het, kom Ek weer en sal julle na My toe neem, sodat julle ook kan wees waar Ek is. En waar Ek heengaan, weet julle en die weg ken julle. Thomas sé vir Hom: Here ons weet nie waar U gaan nie, en hoe kan ons die weg ken? Jesus antwoord hom: Ek is die weg en die waarheid en die lewe, niemand kom na My Vader behalwe deur My nie. Jou teenwoordigheid sal in ewigheid gemis word Baie liefde vir ALTYD en VEREWIG ~LEROY, GAIL en KENYA~

Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us everyday... Unseen, unheard, but always near... Still Loved, Still Missed Best Husband and Father in the WORLD! ~CHARMAINE, CLARENCE, CONCHITA~

No farewell words were spoken, No time to say goodbye, You were gone before we knew it, And only God knows why. Our hearts aches in sadness, And secret tears flow. What it meant to loose you, No one will EVER know LOVE YOU ALWAYS DADDY!!! ~RAYMONDY, GEORGE, SKYLER & MILANIA~

God saw the road was getting rough, and hills were hard to climb He closed your weary eyelids and whispered “ peace, be thine” It broke our hearts to loose you so soon but you didn't go alone, Part of us went with you the day God called you Home... ~LOVE, MARLON, SUEL-ANNE, LEANDRO & SIMONE~

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