SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6386 TUESDAY 9 SEPTEMBER 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net
"Buurtwag" rand aan
Keep your lens close for tonight’s supermoon (moon perigee), an incidence where the full moon or new moon is closest to earth on its elliptical orbit.
Twelve additional days for voter’s registration
Bladsy 2
Snoek seisoen begin
A number of days have been set aside for the Supplementary Registration of Voters, which started on Monday and will last until 20 September 2014. Continues on page 2
Ba ldsy
Jakkie Louw
Ebola strategy for Erongo
Staff Reporter
On Friday the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) and Ministry of Health and Social Services (MHSS) called for an emergency strategic meeting with local ship chandlers and agents, Namport staff, immigration officials, doctors and medical staff members to devise measures to prepare for the possibility of the Ebola virus entering the Erongo region.
Key stakeholders are currently putting their heads B aldsy together to formulate a strategy to protect Erongo Spring feast from the fatal disease. Over 1 500 deaths from the Ebola virus has been recorded within the last three weeks of this year, which amounts to more than 40 persent of all recorded deaths from the disease since it was disPages 13 covered in the 70s. virus is sporadic, SPCA Golf Day The Doctor Jean-Paul Musasa from the MHSS explained. Certain diseases reach an infestation peak and thereafter start to drop. “Some specialists have projected 20 000 deaths to still be expected before the virus is under control,” Musasa Page 24
warned. The disease that stems from the Ebola River, a headstream of the Mongala River in northern Congo (DRC), claimed its first reported victim in 1976, later an incident of Ebola was reported in South Sudan. More recently infections have been reported in Kenya, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. With Namibia’s neighbouring country, Botswana, screening vehicles travelling from infected areas, the question whether Namibia will conduct the same method is looming on the shoulders of the country’s immigration decision makers. Within the Erongo region,
the airport and Namport were identified as two entry points which accommodate high numbers of foreign travellers, however, as was pointed out, the coastal area is exposed to entry from any foreign vessel that can drop anchor in the area. Vessels from across the globe are currently around the coastal area. It is therefore important to not only have measures in place for the official entry points, such as the harbour and airport, but to formulate a system for foreign vessels dropping anchors around the area and making use of the marine industry in the bay as well. Local agents may service
or take supplies onboard the ship and crew members may enter the harbour town. A local ship agent pointed out that Port Health inspects all foreigners travelling to Walvis Bay and called for an Ebola-centric strategy between Port Health and Namport. Any vessel, whether anchored or moving through the port, needs to submit a shipping and health declaration form issued from the Directorate of Maritime Affairs, an official explained. This helps to track where the vessel is travelling and whether any members have been affected by illness.
Continues on page 2
The technical name is the perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. A supermoon happens once or twice a year when the full moon is closer to Earth than during other full moons. During this time, the moon may appear brighter and larger in the sky. Moonrise is reported to be at 19:20 and moon set reported to be 06:56. 2014 boasted two supermoons, the previous one being occurring on 10 August. The next supermoon is expected around September 28, 2015. Generally it is considered that if a full moon is closer than 360 000 kilometers (ca. 223 694 miles) at perigee, it is considered a supermoon. The combined effect of the sun and moon on the Earth’s oceans, the
tide, is greatest when the moon is either new or full. At lunar perigee the tidal force is somewhat stronger, resulting in perigean spring tides. But even at its most powerful this force is still relatively weak causing tidal differences of inches at most. The moon apogee, or the farthest point from the Earth (micromoon), will occur on 20 September. Moonrise will be 04:07 and moonset 15:48. If a full moon occurs when the Moon is farther than 400 000 kilometers (ca. 248 548 miles) at apogee, it is considered to be a Micro Moon The 23rd of September marks the Spring Equinox where the sun shines directly on the equator and the length of day and night is nearly equal – but not quite.
Ebola Twelve additional days for voter’s strategy registration Staff Reporter
for Erongo
Continued from page 1 Members who supply and deliver necessities and transport inspectors to ships that have dropped anchor may be at risk as vessels may not have been cleared by officials prior to the inspection being done on the vessel. The disease can be transmitted through skin contact, body fluids or an infected object. Human as well as non-human primates (chimpanzees, gorillas, etc) can be affected by the virus. A member of the Welwitschia Hospital stressed that anyone entering a possible infected area should wear adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, overalls and masks to prevent any possible infections. Key stakeholders will meet during this week to formulate more specific measures to prevent and control a possible infestation within Erongo and the rest of Namibia.
A number of days have been set aside for the Supplementary Registration of Voters, which started on Monday and will last until 20 September 2014. The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) sent a reminder to prospective voters on Monday, saying: “Don’t forget to register to vote. Registration has started today and ends on the 20th of September 2014.” The ECN will afford eligible and would-be eligible voters a chance to register during the supplementary registration processes ahead of the 2015 Regional Councils and Local authority elections. The aim is to ensure that all those, who could not be registered for local authority elections in particular during the general registration of voters (GRV), will be registered. “The ECN would like to inform eligible voters, who may not have been able to register for the local authority elections for a variety of reasons
that they will be able to register during the said supplementary registration exercise. This period will also cater for people who turn 18 between now and the weeks preceding the forthcoming elections. Those who lost their voter’s card, moved to a new constituency, or missed out on the GRV earlier this year, or changed their civil status will need to do corrections on their cards, as well as those whose voter cards were lost or damaged. Those who turned 18 after the recently concluded registration of voters will also have an opportunity to register as a voter. To register, voters must provide proof of 12 months’ consecutive residency in their respective local authority areas. This can be done by providing water and electricity bills or telephone
accounts from their municipal, town or village councils. In a recent statement ECN chairperson, Adv Notemba Tjipueja, said the ECN “is fully aware that the utility bills are in most instances not in the name of all the members of the households and that the expansion of our cities and towns has resulted in residents who live in areas where it is virtually impossible to prove residency.” He said there have been many complaints about the registration requirements applicable for Local Authorities elections in particular: “The ECN noted with concern that the stringent requirements for registration as a voter in a local authority area has discouraged many eligible voters to register in their respective local authorities. We fervently hope that the ongoing electoral
Electronic Voting Machines will be used during the elections. The ECN says it facilitates verification of documents, capturing of voters’ data, taking photographs, signature and finger prints, as well as verification of voter data and finally, to issue voters’ cards. law review process will consider appropriate registration requirements for local authorities.” He also noted that “in some instances, the voter cards that were issued may have certain spelling mistakes and factual errors” and therefore “the ECN will make use of this opportuni-
ty to rectify any of the mistakes on the voter’s cards”. “The 3rd General Registration of Voters exercise was a mammoth national task as it indeed entailed an unchartered territory of enormous proportion for a young democracy such as Namibia and a relatively small institution like the
ECN,” he said. The registration process involved 699 teams (including 142 mobile centres), 3 852 registration points, 3 866 temporary registration officials (including 58 at diplomatic missions abroad) and 1 268 deployed police officers. The ECN has also registered 3 441 eligible Namibians abroad.
“Buurtwag lede” rand glo aan
Marshallino Beukes
‘n Twee-en-veertigjarige inwoner van Swakopmund, mnr Herman Goseb, voer aan dat hy Sondagnamiddag deur vier lede van die Swakopmund Buurtwag aangerand is. Goseb het gister aan die namib times sy nagmerrie verhaal vertel en wou weet of dit reg is dat lede van die publiek aan hierdie tipe mishandeling blootgestel moet word. Volgens hom verkoop hy gereeld gekerfde makalani pitte en semi-edelgesteentes in die omgewing van die Jetty in Swakopmund. Op die betrokke dag het ‘n persoon hom blykbaar daar benader en gevra waar sy permit is en wat hy daar soek. Hy het aan die persoon genoem dat hy nie ‘n permit het nie,
aangesien die Munisipaliteit nog nie een aan hom en anders, beskikbaar gestel het nie. “Dit is my enigste vorm van inkomste en ek kan nie by die huis lê sonder werk nie. Hoe moet ek dan vir my kinders sorg?” vra die pa van twee seuns (8 en10). Die persoon het skynbaar aan hom genoem dat hy spore moet maak daarvandaan, en versterking is daarna gebel. Goseb vertel dat hy in die rigting van die tennisbaan, weg van die Jetty, gestap het, waar
Walvis Bay Office
SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication
Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net Advertising desiree@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Jacqueline Farmer Cell +264 81 147 7653 lolla@namibtimes.net
‘n persoon uit ‘n voertuig na hom geroep het en beveel het om tot by die voertuig te stap. Hy noem dat hy geweier het en aan die persoon gesê het dat “hy mos kan sien hy is oppad” en ook waarom hy na die voertuig moes gaan. Hy het volgens sy vertelling voortgestap en in die omgewing van die nuwe Strand Hotel het drie mans hom van voor benader. Een van die drie wou blykbaar weet wat sy probleem is en nadat hy geantwoord het dat hy geen probleem Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Dorcas Mhungu Cell +264 81 409 8414 dorcas@namibtimes.net Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 madelaine@namibtimes.net
het nie, is hy blykbaar gevra of hy hardeg#t is. Vervolgens is die persoon met die bakkie gekontak en met sy aankoms het hy blykbaar gesê dat Goseb hom hardgebak gehou het en hom gevloek het. Hy het blykbaar al geselsend nader gestap en skielik ‘n botteltjie pepersproei uitgehaal en Goseb in die oë gespuit. Een van die drie wat te voet was het blykbaar sy voorbeeld gevolg en ook sy botteltjie pepersproei op Goseb gebruik. Die persoon wat met die voertuig aangekom Journalists Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 piquet@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 mavourlene@namibtimes.net Sport sport@namibtimes.net
Mnr Herman Goseb wys sy stukkende bril aan die koerant het, het blykbaar hier- die items kerf gekonfis- enige aanranding nie. na ‘n “prodder” (skok- keer en rassistiese aan- Hy het wel gesê dat stok) uitgehaal en hom merkings is volgens die hulle op ‘n tydstip op herhaaldelik teen sy klaer ook gemaak. Hy die uitkyk vir ‘n makaliggaam geskok, totdat het Maandagoggend lani verkoper was. hy op die grond neer- steke by die Staatshos- Volgens hom het die geval het. Een van die pitaal gekry vir die oop polisie die saak bevesvier het hom hierna in wond en ‘n klag van tig, maar die Buurtwag die gesig geskop en aanranding met die se naam is nie in die ‘n oop wond onder sy doel om ernstig te be- verslag deur die klaer linker oog veroorsaak. seer is by die polisie genoem nie. Na nog ‘n skop in die gelê (CR 21/09/2014). Goseb noem egter dat ribbe het Goseb stil Op navraag het mnr hy “die lede van die gelê en die vier het die Mike Nederlof, aan Swakopmund Buurttoneel verlaat. Hulle het spits van sake by die wag ken” en dat hy blykbaar ook Goseb se Swakopmund Buurt- dit ook aan die polisie makalani en die skerp wag, genoem dat hy genoem het. Die saak messie, waarmee hy geen kennis dra van word ondersoek. Swakopmund Office Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 4610824 swk@namibtimes.net Advertising lee-ann@namibtimes.net shene@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net
Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Anri Jacobs Cell +264 81 892 9893 anri@namibtimes.net
PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@nambtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Walvis Bay Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@nambtimes.net
Man spring van die kaai en verdwyn Jade McClune
Nooddienste personeel is steeds op soek na die oorskot van 'n man wat Saterdag van die kaai in Swakopmund afgespring en verdwyn het. Daar was Saterdag- klere begin uittrek het, Een bystander het middag groot bohaai voordat hy in die genoem dat hulle wel op die kaai nadat dit water gespring het. kort na die man ingeaan die lig gekom het Die voorval het onge- spring het, iemand sien dryf het met sy dat 'n man, wie se veer 15:00 gebeur. identiteit nog nie Die voorval het 'n kop onder water, maar bekend gemaak is skare mense gelok d i e p e r s o o n h e t nie, hom glo op die terwyl lede van die genoem dat dit gelyk kaai uitgetrek en in Nasionale Seeredding het asof die persoon Instituut (NSRI) rond- sy eie kop onder die die see gespring het. om die kaai geswem water probeer hou. Volgens een ooggeen duik het op soek na Ander het hardop tuie, wat op daardie gewonder hoekom die vermiste man. tydstip saam met haar familie in die restau- Die NSRI span het die iemand al hul klere rant op die kaai was area deursoek, en kon sou uittrek as hulle vir middagete, het met hul boot, brander- v a n p l a n i s o m hulle 'n middeljarige planke en lewens- selfmoord te pleeg. man tot by die eind- redders in die water Ander toeskouers was punt van die kaai sien geen teken van die van mening dat hy dalk wou gaan swem stap, waar hy al sy man vind nie.
Accident on B2 road
en moontlik ‘n hartaanval in die water gekry het, maar die redes vir sy daad bly steeds onder 'n wolk van onsekerheid. Teen saktyd Maandag was daar nog geen teken van die verdwene man nie, maar kenners van die see langs die Namibiese kus, noem dat dit moontlik is dat die Benguela stroom die liggaam waarskynlik verder noord kan stoot en dat dit moontlik langs die strande aan die noorde van Swakopmund gevind sou word. Onder die wat betrok-
ke was by die reddingspoging was daar sprake dat die persoon moontlik 'n Damarasprekende man was, maar dit kon nog nie deur die polisie bevestig word nie. Daar word wel verneem dat die nooddienste en owerhede reeds die identiteit van die persoon ken en dat die rede vir sy beweerde selfmoord ook aan hulle bekend is, maar die sou geen verdere inligting verskaf tot tyd en wyl die drenkeling se oorskot gevind is nie.
Die toneel langs die kaai waar na die vermiste se liggaam gesoek word
Die klere van die vermiste wat hy op die kaai agtergelaat het
Seuntjie verdrink op Arandis 'n Tweejarige kind se liggaam is Saterdagmiddag in ‘n poel rioolwater op Arandis gevind.
In a second incident on Saturday, motorists on the B2 road between Walvis and Swakopmund reported that there was an accident on the stretch between Langstrand and Swakopmund. According to an update by West Coast Safety Initiative "a Corsa pick-up tried to overtake while a truck was approaching from the front, causing the driver of the Corsa to leave the road and overturn in the dunes". The vehicle had to be retrieved from the sand, but fortunately nobody was seriously injured.
SAFER TOGETHER: West Coast Safety Initiative presented a Care Award to the namib times on Friday for the newspaper's contribution to raising safety awareness among residents at the coast. Here Mr Aubrey Oosthuizen is seen handing over a certificate of appreciation to Ms Jenny Jackson at the namib times office in Swakopmund.
Die woordvoerder van die polisie in die Erongo Streek, Adjunk-kommissaris Kashuupulwa, het oor die naweek bevestig dat 'n tweejarige seun te Arandis oor die naweek verdrink het. Luidens berigte het the seuntjie in ‘n poel rioolwater, minder as een kilometer van die Arandis woonbuurt, verdrink. Die polisie het genoem dat die kind een van drie was wat Saterdag omstreeks 12:00 van hul huise gestap het, sonder dat enigiemand bewus was dat hulle by die riooldam gaan speel. Volgens die polisie het die tweejarige seuntjie in die riooldam geval, met noodlottige gevolge. Die ander twee kinders het glo huis toe gehardloop om hul ouers van die voorval in kennis te stel, maar hulle was te laat om die kleintjie te red.
Dog’s death leads to assault charge Madelaine Laubscher On 30 August four Walvis Bay residents were arrested and charged for kidnapping and assault on three minors that were allegedly assaulted with a panga, a hammer and a spade after being tormented for six hours. After last week's court proceedings, the State's case vastly differs from that of the accused. Curven Nathan Vries (21), Logan Pretorius (25), Andre Ashley Januarie (20) and Sandra Riobo (18) were arrested after they caught the boys who were allegedly sent by two adults to steal Mr Pretorius' dogs at his house in Meersig. Their first court appearance was last Monday. On Thursday, only Riobo was granted bail to the amount of N$2 000 as she is in school and her final examinations are underway. The Walvis Bay SPCA Kennelmaster and investigating officer, Mr Peter Brookes, was the first witness on Thursday who told Adv. Shakespeare Masiza (representing the accused) that Pretorius is a registered breeder and he can confidently say that his dogs show no evidence of dog fighting. “We have been examining his dogs. He has never denied us to do so either,” said Brookes. He also said that dog theft is a problem. “We recently caught three boys in the act in Hermes who stole a full grown Boerboel. When questioned, they admitted the dog was not theirs,” he said. The
identity of these minors could, however, not be revealed. Pretorius, who is the father of a six year old girl, stood trial on behalf of all four of the accused. He gave his version of what transpired on 28 August. “Around lunch time I arrived home and found my small gate open. I went inside the yard to see if all my dogs were there, but they were not. I found my eight month old baby boy 'Micklo' lying next to the yard.” According to him the dog clearly showed signs of strangling. “I picked him up and took him inside and poured water into his mouth as I thought it would help. Soon after, I left the house. When I returned home at around 16:00, Micklo was dead,” he said crying. Pretorius asked Vries to bury the dog in the backyard as he was emotionally unable to do it himself. “I went to lie down. At 18:00 I heard the dogs barking and saw boys hanging over the fence with ropes in their hands trying to catch the dogs. I rushed outside, but they fled on their bicycles.” Pretorius said. According to him they
chased after the boys with one car and caught them. “In the car I told them I will take them to the police, but they begged me not to. Thus I took them to my house to question them about my dog. I only wanted to know what happened to Micklo,” he said. Pretorius asked for their parents' number but apparently they did not have the number. “I asked what I should do with them since they did not want to give me the number nor go to the police. The bigger boy told me I should slap him instead of going to the police so I gave him a slap,” he said. One of the boys allegedly said they were sent by two adults 'Zuma' and 'Plaatjies' to steal his dogs. Pretorius denied that any of them assaulted the children with a panga, a hammer or a spade and said the children were in their presence for no longer than 30 minutes before he told them to leave. “I never gave them saltwater to drink nor did I make them lick vomit off the floor. One of the boys accidentally drank salted water I gave the bigger boy to
clean his bleeding nose and lip with, as the two smaller boys beat him after a fight broke out between them when he blamed them for forcing him to steal the dogs. The boy took a sip of the water and spat it out on the floor. I told him to clean it up. He took off his t-shirt to wipe the floor and afterwards I gave him a clean tshirt to wear. I let them go no later than 19:00,” he said. According to Pretorius, they (the accused) were playing games and at midnight realised the electricity at home was low. “When we returned from the shop after buying electricity we saw the boys are still on the street in Meersig. We asked them why they were still on the street at such a late hour. They said their aunt is not home and they asked for a lift home,” he said. According to Pretorius he gave them N$20 to catch a taxi instead. State Prosecutor Faith Chipepera, representing the children, had him under cross examination on Friday. She asked if he would dispute that he slap-
ped the one boy. “I slapped him once. The smaller boys beat him for blaming them for forcing him into trouble,” he said. Chipepera informed Pretorius that the one boy had 'poo' in his pants which is sometimes a sign of fear. “I asked the boy 'het jy in jou broek ge-A” because I smelt it and the boy said no. I agree that it could be a sign of fear but it could have been fear of the dogs coming out of the yard when they opened the gate earlier that day,” he said. Chipepera asked him if anyone could see what was going on behind the garage doors. “The door was half open and the kitchen door leading to the garage was also open. They were never locked in,” he said. Pretorius' father was called to the witness stand. The state immediately objected for the reason that he was sitting in the court room throughout court proceedings. Judge Andre Matulich told Chipepera that she is making allegations against the witness, which was a concern. “You allowed him to sit there and only when he was called as a witness, you object. That is the prior issue here,” he said. She replied that she was unaware he was in the audience. His father was questioned about allegations that one of his family members
The four accused with advocate Shakespeare Masiza offered money to the family of the minors to drop the case. “I never offered money and if someone did, I am unaware of it,” he said. Detective Constable Hauseb from the Women and Child abuse centre, investigating this case, stuck to the children's statements stating they were tormented. Adv Masiza asked him where he got his facts from. “From what the boys told me in their statements.” Masiza also asked him if someone would break into his house, would he be allowed to arrest that person as the owner of the house, upon which he replied “according to that example, yes I could.” Masiza also asked Hasueb if the boys told him that they were at Pretorius' house earlier that day to steal dogs. “They did not tell me,” he replied. Masiza asked “would you deny they went there earlier that day and if so on what basis?” The constable
denied it according to the statements of the minors. Masiza asked “is that your basis? You only know what they told you.” Hauseb replied “statements are given under oath so we believe that what the boys said is correct.” Masiza then replied saying Pretorius also gave his statement under oath and added that the story of the children in the statements differs from that of the accused, that the boys lied to him in the statements and that he cannot deny it because the only reason he said he denies it, is because of what the statements say. Hauseb, in his defense, said I believe that what they said is true even though I never asked if they were at the house earlier that day,” he said. The case has been postponed until 11 September. No bail has thus far been granted to Pretorius, Vries and Januarie.
Fleeing the scene is a crime Madelaine Laubscher
On Friday night an accident occurred in Union Street in Walvis Bay when a vehicle (white Mercedes N75000SH), belonging to a Mr ST Iipumbu, crashed into the back of a G4S bakkie at a very high speed where after the driver fled the scene on foot. The accident occurred at approximately 22:45. When this reporter arrived at the scene, witnesses claimed that the driver of the Mercedes was driving at exceedingly high speed and crashed into the back of the G4S bakkie, both travelling from the same direction. This caused the bakkie to turn around and veer off the road into a pavement, crashing into the brick walls of two residences and also hit a fire hydrant. This caused a lot of damage as the
whole area was covered in water and members of the Walvis Bay Fire Brigade had to cut off the shower of water. Minor injuries were sustained by the driver of the bakkie, while the driver of the Mercedes fled on foot into the dunes. Nampol officers, with the help of members of the Special Reserve Force and the Welwitschia Crime Prevention Team assisted in trying to locate this man by following his footprints. According to witnesses it seemed that he
was under the influence of alcohol when he ran away. It is also suspected that a certain vehicle picked him up in his attempt to escape. The officers continued in their search and it has not been confirmed if he had been caught that night. According to Nampol Deputy Commissioner Kashuupulwa, fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime. “I will have to look into the matter before I can comment on this specific occurrence, but I confirm that fleeing the scene of an
accident is a crime and could include many charges,” she noted. One of the residents living nearby the scene of the accident said, “I heard a crash and ran outside to the Mercedes as it was quite damaged and I thought the person would be seriously injured, but there was no one in the car. I realised the driver had fled the scene. The strong smell of alcohol was hanging inside the car,” he said. The shocked owner of the house whose wall was knocked over, told the newspaper that it is horrific how people drive in Walvis Bay. “The crash was so loud that I thought it was an earthquake.
I ran outside only to find that my wall had been knocked over, water shooting into the air and the G4S bakkie in my yard. I reckon from the distance that the Mercedes was from the bakkie after the accident shows just how fast the driver of the Mercedes must have driven to be able to end up that far away from the point of impact. I no longer feel safe in my own house. Something drastic has to be done regarding speeding in this town and especially in this street as not long ago two lives were lost in this same street due to inconsiderate drivers,” he said. The newspaper managed to get hold of Mr Iipumbu,
who denied that he was in an accident on Friday night. He added that he was busy at the moment and could not comment.
The newspaper informed him that whoever drove his vehicle Friday night allegedly caused an accident and fled the scene.
The damaged wall of one of the properties
The vehicle of the person who fled the scene of the accident
Water gushing from the damaged fire hydrant
Snoek seisoen is hier Die snoek seisoen het amptelik afgeskop en vissermanne is in die sewende hemel want die snoek loop weer langs die kus. Renegade Fishing Adventures van Swakopmund het Vrydag die eerste vangs aan land gebring.
Volgens die eienaar, Louis Ludik jnr het sy boot, Phat Ass, met ongeveer 80 snoeke vir die dag teruggekeer. “Hier
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
die is net die begin, op ‘n goeie dag vang ons gewoonlik so 400 snoek…”, vertel Ludik jnr.
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Die snoek loop!
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
day at 07:02 and sunset will be at 18:55. The moonset will take place at 08:37 at 278º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (80º) at 21:35. The first high tide will be at 04:55 and the next high tide at 17:15. The first low tide will be at 10:45 and the next low tide at 23:15. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Thursday at 07:02 and sunset will be at 18:55. The moonset will take place at 08:37 at 278º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (80º) at 21:35. The first high tide will be at 04:55 and the next high tide at 17:10. The first low tide will be at 10:40 and the next low tide at 23:05.
Port Log
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Mile 72
Riv er
day at 07:03 and sunset will be at 18:55. The moonset will take place at 07:51 at 273º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (84º) at 20:33. The first high tide will be at 04:15 and the next high tide at 16:35. The first low tide will be at 10:05 and the next low tide at 22:35. The sun will rise in Swakopmund Wednesday 07:03 and sunset will be at 18:55. The moonset will take place at 07:51 at 273º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (84º) at 20:33. The first high tide will be at 04:15 and the next high tide at 16:30. The first low tide will be at 10:00 and the next low tide at 22:25. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Thurs-
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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The sun will rise in Walvis Bay today at 07:04 and sunset will be at 18:54. The moonset will take place at 07:05 at 268º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (90º) at 19:30. The first high tide will be at 03:35 mand the next high tide at 15:55. The first low tide will be at 09:25 and the next low tide at 21:50. The sun will rise in Swakopmund today at 07:04 and sunset will be at 18:54. The moonset will take place at 07:05 at 268º west. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the east (90º) at 19:30. The first high tide will be at 03:30 and the next high tide at 15:50. The first low tide will be at 09:20 and the next low tide at 21:45. The sun will rise in Walvis Bay Wednes-
Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Tides
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
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Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Coastal Management Authority on the horizon Jade McClune
There are strong indications that once the Coastal Zone Management Act is passed into law it will lead to the establishment of a new coastal management authority, which will have legal responsibility to protect the coastal area.
Ms Justina Jonas (MANWU) and Mr Percy McCallum (Swakop Uranium)
Swakop Uranium, MANWU and contractors sign agreement Marshallino Beukes
Swakop Uranium and Metal and Allied Workers Union of Namibia (MANWU) signed a substantive agreement, covering the contractor’s employees for the remainder of the Husab Mine construction period, yesterday. As per the agreement, a fair negotiated settlement was reached on hourly pay rates for the contracting company’s employees. All macro and micro economic factors were taken into account, said Mr Percy McCallum, vice president of Swakop Uranium’s Human Resources and Business Support division. He described these negotiations as a further step in a smart partnership between the three parties. According to a press release MANWU committed to and will support
the contractor’s aim in improving productivity initiatives and also encourage their members to refrain from being absent from work without permission, or being guilty of poor time keeping. The parties furthermore agreed to investigate and propose an HIV/Aids programme to Swakop Uranium and MANWU, which will be done in collaboration with Namibia Business Coalition on Aids. The current Safety Incentive Bonus Scheme will also expand, agreeing
that a taxable monthly amount will be paid to all those employees within the Recognised Bargaining Unit, subjected to the employee’s monthly attendance rate and safety targets as determined by Swakop Uranium. Ms Justina Jonas from MANWU commented that in many National Projects, construction workers are only paid as per the National Minimum Wage, as negotiated by MANWU and Construction Industries Federation of Namibia (CIF). This, according to Jonas
is the first labour Agreement which allows the client to get involved in labour matters during the construction phase. She assured Swakop Uranium of the Union’s full commitment towards approving and building of sound labour relations in the project. Also present at the signing of this milestone agreement was Swakop Uranium’s Chief Executive Officer, Mr Zheng Keping and Ms Adelheid Kandjala, Special Advisor to the Regional Governor.
DOORS OPEN FROM 10HOO to 18HOO For more info. contact Karin Squirrell tel. (0027 11) 475 6074, email: karin@afritex.co.za
A draft of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Act, which is currently under discussion, has been availed to the namib times and shows that the overall aim is “to establish a system of integrated coastal management in Namibia in order to promote the conservation of the coastal environment, maintain the natural attributes of the coastal landscapes and seascapes, and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources within the coastal zone” in a way that is socially, economically and ecologically justifiable. In terms of the Act, the government, as the custodian, must ensure that Namibians benefit from the resources in the coast and in terms of the constitution, must “take reasonable and rational measures to ensure the maintenance of ecosystems, essential ecological processes and biological diversity of Namibia, as well as sustainably conserve living resources for the benefit of all Namibians, including future generations.” The new law seeks to define the rights and duties in relation to coastal areas; to determine the responsibility of the organs of state in relation to coastal areas; to control pollution in the coastal zone and other adverse effects on the coastal environment; to give effect to Namibia’s international obligations
in relation to coastal matters. Once passed into law, the Act would compel the State to adopt an eco-systembased governance approach, which recognises the interdependence among coastal processes, issues and sectors, whilst simultaneously promoting the health and well-being of all Namibians in the long term. The draft document stipulates that government “must promote an adaptive, risk-averse and precautionary approach, through appropriate planning of coastal development by: preventing exposure of people, property and economic activities to significant risk from dynamic coastal processes; protecting and restoring natural coastal defenses; and discouraging recourse to hard protection measures” (such as seawalls and structures). It also compels the State to use “science-based information methodologies to inform decisions that affect the integrity of the coast and the well-being of its inhabitants.” The law would further oblige the State to promote healthy, resilient and productive ocean and coastal ecosystems, processes and resources. The Act deals, inter alia, with marine and coastal pollution control, as well as discharge of effluent into coastal waters, the
prohibition on disposal, dumping and incineration at sea, disposal permits and emergency disposal at sea. The new law saddles the proposed Coastal Management Authority with a duty of care and remediation of environmental damage, as well as a duty to avoid causing adverse effects on coastal environment and resources, will provide coastal protection and coastal access notices, repair or remove structures within the coastal zone, monitor compliance and ensure the protection of workers refusing to do environmentally hazardous work. The new authority will also be responsible for administering existing leases on, or rights to, coastal public property, identifying unlawful structures on coastal public property and monitoring existing activities along the coast. The preamble states that “integrated coastal management should be an evolving process that learns from past experiences, that takes account of the functioning of the coastal zone as a whole and that seeks to coordinate and regulate the various human activities that take place in the coastal zone, in order to achieve its conservation and sustainable use”.
Visit our Virtual edition @ www.namibtimes.net
9 SEPTEMBER 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
letters @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times reader’s comments
acebook Suicide season a
Man missing after leaping off Swakopmund jetty Emergency services responded to an incident in Swakopmund today after an unidentified man jumped off the jetty and into the sea this afternoon. NSRI lifeguards were out in full force as a search and rescue operation got underway shortly after 3 pm. Alfeus Seale Khamuxab: He has families, it’s not good really instant to sympathy, we always make joke its sad storie plz. Yanni Bouwers: Not good... Helvi Divine: Praise very bad. Kariseb Mudani Wulf: Eish... was he skinny dippin or tryin to self destruct? Just wondering... Althea Loubser: Og bly vreeslik. Anna Kee Maldri Jooste: One more keep reason for me to keep
100m away from the jetty. Doodbang om eens voet op hom te trap. Urbanus Ndjaronguru: Look at that bad Swakop & Bbay can’t thy come up with beach patrol or beach life guards plz. Horst Lang Bad: Swakop, are you mad! Beach patrol for idiots who want to commit suicide! Jackie Woker: Lets not forget that the sea rescue services are run by volunteers. Meke Sunday Shively Imms: Bad for him and
good for the sharks, is he tired of living or what was in his mind? Ronald Grenadier: Sharks got him! Choppa Bra B: Skinny dipping... Dankie Gaomuses: Fact s,thts suicide,and now da sea has takn hs body,till furthr notice. Tl da sea has decided its time. Mike T. Sithole: The sea ate him. Or the sea creatures. They must put police there to monitor ple as they walk on the jetty. Tommie Sapula Otto: Oh! Thats bad news.
Wiaan OOm B Boshoff: Pfft, tourist! Zula Aby-Malawyer Jonez: Hope they will get the body. Yambago Msilela: Oh that ws bad. I wndr if its nt one guy i took frm tht side yestday around 03:00. Hantie Van Der Heijden: Very bad... Willem Bra Wollos Basson: Gooi vir vera ook da af trevor... Terry Ndokosho: That’s like my worst nightmare hope they find him.
Progress in mass housing, but workers bear the brunt Without a single exception, all construction workers on the mass housing project in Swakopmund, who spoke to the Namib Times this week, said they are not paid according to the minimum prescribed wage, as stipulated in the government gazette. Chris Engels: Well they seem to be doing a sterling job, the houses look wonderfull, these builders should be looked after, someone needs to kick arse. Frank Ngurimuje Khoe-Aob: One simple tiny question, dudes building houses do they hv houses? Peter Baron Van
Ginkel: Becuase the contractors has government links. Andre Plaatjie: I hope something can be done so that the workers get a living wage. Erika Glück: So they too as per the ones building at the Strand Hotel have the same complaint- just a coincidence or a
planned story?? More investigation is needed I say. Brad Withyman: But how will the boss get rich if he pays his workers correctly. This is normal in Namibia. You either steal or get robbed. Ndafa Aantu: Ek kan nie wag om in een van daai huise te woon nie,
vir wie is dit eintlik? Douglas Thompson: So sad that our government allows this , fat cats skimming all the way. Richard Reid: Why is labour law not involved if this is the case, seems to be rules for some and not for others.
A massive 78-carat diamond has been reported stolen Reports surfaced on Thursday that an enormous diamond, with an estimated value of N$64.2 million, “went missing” during the mine workers strike at Namdeb in August, when around 1 500 workers downed tools. Paulus Ishitile: They should not fool this nation at all, just because they want to recover their loss now they hide the diamond so that they can auction it to the foreign country to make more money with our resources as usual! Ur time is becoming limited MasterBenjamin Pattis: Well done!!! Would have done the same. Renier Botha: I find it surprising how you can all agree with this. Agreement with a crime, makes
people criminals. The diamond act describes the handling, the ownership and dealings in rough and uncut diamonds. Mine pay roalties to GRN for mining rights and this diamond like any other produces incomes which produces Tax income to the GRN. The street Value derived for this stone will contribute nothing to GRN, not to the mining company, not to employed of that company. Diamond does belong to Namibia, and GRN ad-
ministers is, and hence from that GRN derbies value in terms of taxes and royalties. So stealing a diamond as an act not only against the company which mined it, but also against Namibia as there is a law called the diamond act, which prohibited the handling, precession and trading in rough and uncut diamonds. So please all of you who say this is good, when you get robbed, rapped and you stuff stolen, please also pad the criminal on
the book and say “Good Job” because it is one and the Same thing. Diamond syndicates are involved in robberies, drugs, Poaching, money laundering. But like you all said, these are good people. I am ashamed at you, you should be charged with treason. Patricia Denise Lombard: Well said, most of these people hold their hands out to the GRN and then they rejoice when the GRN gets robbed of the income that feeds them.
Opinion piece by Madelaine Laubscher
Suicide, it seems, has become an accustomed occurrence during this time of the year, being labelled as ‘suicide-season’ or ‘that time of the year’. However, this should not be accepted as the norm or brushed off like it will be expected. Suicide is a very real problem in Namibia but also, very preventable. heid neem? From the viewpoint of someone who has lost a loved one to suicide I can say that it leaves a kind of void and pain that no treatment can ever alleviate. Had that person communicated early enough about the problems that started to accumulate, the emotional damage of being left behind would have never even existed as that person could have been alive today. We as a community need to pay attention to our loved ones. We are prone to become so caught up in our own lives that we never really listen when someone says ‘I cannot cope anymore’ and we brush it off like it is something that would just blow over in time. People differ and one might not be as strong as the other in certain situations. Thus we cannot simply say ‘get over yourself’ or ‘it will be okay’ and carry on with our lives. Suicide begins as any flower begins, as a seed. If that seed is fed with ignorance, harsh words, lack of attention, no love, abuse, domestic
violence, it will grow into something negative which in the end results in depression and feelings of wanting to ‘escape life’. If the seed is fed with love, patience, understanding, sympathy and healthy communication, a positive attitude will erupt. There is a cure for suicide. The cure is to stop being ignorant towards each other. Yes, we do not always mean to be ignorant, but how often do we really pay attention to those around us? Have we become a community that looks past each other because we are too caught up in our own problems? Have we become a community that is too afraid to speak up and say ‘I am not okay’…? Have we become deaf to each other’s pain? This time of the year does not have to, and more so, should not be labelled as ‘suicide season’, as it is preventable, if we say how we truly feel and pay attention. Once that person is gone, crying is too late and it simply leaves feelings of
guilt. It really is unfair to blame ourselves when someone takes their own life. However, we need to make people realise that we are not blind to their pain and that we actually do care. All it takes is a loving word, as love drives out all fear. To those who feel suicidal or that they cannot carry on with life as they are doing right now, suicide has never been and will never be the solution. Rather be brave and set an example to others who feel the same. Speak out about how you feel. If you do not speak out, how would people ever really know how you feel? If you have spoken out and feel that you have not been heard, speak out again and again until you are heard. Talk to a relative, friend, teacher or pastor. Suicidal feelings are caused by ignorance to our own feelings and that of others. Look for the cause and face the cause. That is the answer you want. Suicide destroys lives, not just your own. Reaching out to each oth-
Continues on page 9
Swakopmund - Walvis Bay Dual carriageway finally a reality!
A consultant has been appointed to provide a detailed design for the dual carraigeway between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund as part of the national Namibian road upgrade and expansion plan. Akwenye Danger John Kashwa thts grt job opportunity for th nation and country developmnt.
Katrina Hentze Sivori Great news.. Tommie Sapula Otto Why nt from W/bay to Karibib?
Rodney Andreas Jistie thank you god Albert Gaoseb Way not from Swakop to Usakos.
Festus Gonteb flooded again
Festus Gonteb Primary in Swakopmund was again flooded today by sewage water pushing up from the troubled draining system in the older parts of Mondesa.
Kariseb Mudani Wulf: Every year a different contractor “fixes” that drainage in that street. Every year it gets flooded... maybe we should have the chinese have a look-see there.
Afterall they are the new tender king pins! God bless Mondesa. Ruan Cowan: Dit is n groot skande, nou moet die arme kinders en onderwysers met hul gesondheid betaal. John John January: So
word geld gemors stel contractors aan wat weet hulle doen mense raak siek. Riccardo Robinson: Hehehehe. Dit was einde van die maand... Ria Hancke: Gebeur al vir meer as 10 jaar lank! Wie kan verantwoordelik-
9 FNB continues Nuwe spuitmasjien speel in japtrap klaar met verfwerk to grow
Die vinnige manier van verf
Marshallino Beukes Die Regering se Massa-behuisingsprojek is landwyd in volle swang en die koerant het laasweek ‘n geskiedkundige oomblik, wat die konserwatiewe manier van verf met ‘n roller en kwas betref, beleef met ‘n besoek aan Swakopmund se Behuisingsprojek. Verby is die dae van lank sukkel met rollers en kwaste. Die manne van Dulux het die koerant voorgestel aan ‘n relatiewe nuwe uitvindsel, die Graco Airless Spray Machine. Hierdie masjien behels die verf van huise ensovoorts deur middel van ‘n spuit-pistool wat met ‘n lang pypie aan die masjien verbind is. Die eerste van die meer as 3 000 huise wat in Swakopmund opgerig word is bykans voltooi en met namib times se aankoms, was daar
‘n demonstrasie van hierdie produk gelewer. Wat opmerkbaar was, was die spoed waarmee te werke gegaan word en die “spray painter” wat die demonstrasie gelewer het, Gillian Brandt, het genoem dat hy met sy medewerker, Eugene Mouton, ‘n binnekamer in minder as 10 minute kafdraf. Mnr John Van Rooyen, verbonde aan Dulux se Tegniese span, het genoem dat die voordele van hierdie masjien tydbesparing, kostebesparing en
beter kwaliteit werk insluit asook dat die manne ‘n nuwe vaardigheid aanleer. Hy het egter bygevoeg dat die konserwatiewe roller en kwas beslis nie heeltemaal gaan uitsterf nie, aangesien daar van die fyner verfwerkies is, wat slegs met die twee ou kalante gedoen kan word. Dulux is tans die enigste maatskappy wat besig is om te tender vir die lewering van verf aan die Massa-behuisingsprojek, landwyd. Mnr Jaques Beukes, ook
Suicide season a parable er on the other hand saves lives. Anyone who has ever been moved by “I have a dream” or “I think, therefore I am” knows that a single, simple hug or loving word can change a day, a life and in the end… a world. Getting people to talk about their innermost feelings and emotions in times of distress and despair is always
the best way to deal with their inner conflicts. Leaving it will escalate and cause preventable damage. Being unhappy within yourself could be taken as an opportunity to change your life. Go to that person that you simply cannot forgive and tell them how you feel, the rage, the hurt, the damage done. Go to the person that you have
wronged and tell them ‘I am sorry’ no matter what their reaction might be. At least you would feel better within. Never end your life. Rather step up and do what those who have lost their lives to suicide never did and that is facing the actual problem. When light is shed on a specific problem, it gives opportunity for improvement. Do
FNB Namibia Holdings Limited announced its financial results for the year ending 30 June 2014. Headlines earnings are up by 28.7% to N$765 million, advances grew by 17.8% to over N$20 billion and a final dividend of 67 cents per share was declared, resulting in an ordinary dividend distribution for the year of 122 cents a share, a 22% increase. According to Oscar Capelao, Chief Financial Officer
van Dulux, het aangedui dat die maatskappy spesiaal persone, soos mnr Van Rooyen uit Kaapstad ingevlieg het om opleiding aan plaaslike verwers te verskaf, asook tegniese bystand te lewer. NHE, wie
die Projek bestuur gaan die vertoon-huis, wat byna klaar is, evalueer ten einde vas te stel of hierdie nuwe metode, sowel as Dulux se verf wel aan die hoë standaarde wat daargestel is, voldoen.
Continued from page 8 not let your emotions take you to the level of wanting to die. People want to be loved, understood and accepted as they are. So accept each other’s differences. Your voice… is your life. Speak up if you feel life is too much. Do not judge those who are depressed and never be blind to someone’s tears. We need
to be compassionate for in the end it is our loved ones that will be there at the end of our journey. No degree, no bank balance, no success, no possession, no job title or relationship status will matter when we are lying on our death beds at old age. We need to take care of each other as we only have each other.
Lifeline-Childline sheds light
According to a certain parable ‘suicide-season’ is between September and October, when the most suicides allegedly occur during a year. However according to a spokesperson of Lifeline-Childline in Windhoek this is simply a parable and should not be taken as a fact as there are specific reasons why someone would attempt suicide and it is not simply due to the season. “It has in some way been proven that most suicides occur during September and October. However it is not sensible to link it to ‘suicide-season’ as there are actual reasons why people commit suicide. As a person working at the suicide hotline, we can say that most suicides occur during this time due to a build-up of problems that commence early during the year that has not been dealt with properly. The person has now reached their limit and feels they cannot handle it any longer. It could be small things such as a parent not be-
ing affectionate towards a child or having financial problems. There are various things that can trigger suicide if not dealt with early on,” she said. According to her, a minimum of approximately five suicidal persons approach them on a monthly basis. “A minimum of five persons per month is quite a lot. However we have the necessary guidelines to help a person that is suicidal. When we receive a phone call, we talk to the person, trying to make them realise it is usually due to a specific problem in their life that they feel depressed and the
problem can be dealt with. We give counselling, teaching the person the skills on how to handle emotions. At the end of the session, if the person says he/she still feels suicidal, we refer them to a psychologist for proper treatment. In cases of a highly suicidal person, we immediately admit them in hospital for the necessary treatment,” she said. The signs to look for in a suicidal person are a lack of interest in what they used to enjoy, isolation and when asked how they are, they simply say ‘I am ok” and does not elaborate on how they are doing.
According to WebMD Suicide Warning Signs are long-lasting sadness, mood swings, unexpected rage, hopelessness about the future with little expectations that circumstances can improve and sleeping problems. Suddenly becoming calm after a period of depression can be a sign that the person has made a decision to end his or her life. Another sign is when the person chooses to be alone, avoiding friends or social activities. The person might exhibit a change in attitude or behaviour, such as speaking or moving with unusual speed or slowness.
In addition, the person might suddenly become less concerned about his or her personal appearance. Dangerous behaviour, such as reckless driving, engaging in unsafe sex and increased use of drugs and/ or alcohol might indicate that the person no longer values his or her life. A major life crises and trauma might trigger a suicide attempt. Crises include the death of a loved one or pet, divorce or break-up of a relationship, diagnosis of a major illness, loss of a job, or serious financial problems. To contact the suicide hotline phone: 061 232 221.
“FNB’s top performance is underpinned by the design of relevant business strategies and the effective execution thereof, which resulted in profit before tax that passed the one billion mark to N$1 171 million while profit for the year increased by 29% to N$785 million (2013: N$608 million)”.
Stop the violence album released Mavourlene Gaes
After Simeon Iipinge (aka Iszee) and Theofelus Nuyoma (aka Dox) visited the namib times offices in March this year, they have returned announcing that they have completed another album. The duo, who makes up the Mr Sea Weather group, were both born in northern Namibia and made their way to Walvis Bay in 2000 with the hope, like many others, to make a name for themselves in the music industry. Although they started performing in 2003 they struggled to promote their music because of financial difficulties. According to Iszee it has been a tough road but
they are almost there, since they have now managed to finish their first album at last and are about to introduce their second album “Stop the violence” to the world. The two have previously released their self titled album “Mr Sea Weather” and have since been busy working on their second cd. According to them the album does not discriminate and it goes
out to everyone because of the powerful message it carries. The album consists of 16 tracks, each carrying a unique message in itself. Iszee added that they are currently busy shooting the music video for their song “Stop the violence”, which will be broadcasted on both NBC and One Africa as soon as it is ready. Like many of our local artists that want to make
a name for themselves in the industry, Iszee and Dox say they do not receive any financial help or
IN 2014
Jakkie is tans besig om te toer met sy splinternuwe album – Nommer 1. Die album geniet op die oomblik ongelooflike goeie terugvoering en met liedjies soos Nommer 1, Krokodil, Marulaboom, Tweede asem en vele meer is hierdie album ‘n moet vir elke radio. geleentheid “gelaunch” het. Hy vat jou op ‘n lewensreis deur ou New York New York se Broadway en deur ou Hollywood se strate waar “ol’ blue eyes” as jong man kon harte steel met ‘n paar note en ‘n verleidende glimlag Jakkie doen ook ‘n vertoning saam met Kevin Leo genaamd Jakkals en Leeu, ‘n rock-opera vertoning. Hulle toer die land vol met die vertoning en behaal steeds groot sukses.
Liedjies soos Voshaarnooi, ‘O sole mio en ja, selfs 3 Pikkewyne! Jakkie en sy vrou, Anel bly steeds in Pretoria met hul 2 klein dogtertjies Linke en Kara. As Jakkie nie op toer is met vertonings nie, verkies hy om tyd saam met sy familie te spandeer by die huis of om saam met pelle ‘n lekker braai te hou. Kom sien vir Jakkie Saterdagaand by die Laerskool Walvisbaai Saal (Sing Ou Gunstelinge & Sinatra) vanaf 18:30 tot 19:00.
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwit schia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 12 Sept.: Miss Junior Duneside starts at 19:00. * 13 Sept.: Jakkie Louw (Sing Ou Gunstelinge & Sinatra) by die Laerskool Walvisbaai Saal om 18:30-19:00. * 20 Sept.: Op-en-Wakker Seniors - “Stukkies & Brokkies” konsert by die Rooms Katolieke kerksaal om 18:00. * 22 Sept. - 4 Oct.: Walvis Bay Arts & Craft Expo (Daily from 10:00 - 18:00) at the Laguna Cafe at the Walvis Bay Angling Club. * 27 Sept.: Vrye Pinkstergemeente presents Woman of Integrity at Huis van Brood Narraville. * 3 - 4 Oct.: Die WalVIS 2014 fees by die Jan Wilken Stadion. * 4 Oct.: Kudus year end function and prize giving with Whani Jansen at Atlantic Hotel at 19:00. * 24 - 25 Oct.: Walvis Bay Round Table, Show Time (Goes To Hollywood) at Duneside Hall starts @ 19:00. * 29 Oct - 1 Nov.: Erongo Trade Expo.
SWAKOPMUND sponsorship from companies and would like to encourage businesses to invest in local musicians.
JAKKIE LOUW Om nie eers te praat van die lewendige vertonings nie. Met dieselfde Jakkie Louw band wat ons almal ken en liefhet, het Jakkie ook nou weer ‘n vioolspeler op die verhoog! Wat ‘n PARTY! Jakkie se Sing Sinatra ”tribute” album is ook uit en hy toer met die “show” met groot sukses regoor die land. Jakkie het reeds by die Sanlam Cansa Challenge in Sun City die mense se asems weggeblaas toe hy verlede jaar die vertoning tydens die
* EVERY SATURDAY: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. Markets @ 10:00 14:00 (29 June, 3 Aug., 31 Aug., 28 Sept. & 2 Nov.). * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 12 - 14 Sept.: SISC - Namibian Junior Inline Trials. * 13 Sept.: Breakfast for Diabetes Education at Beach Hotel starts 10:00. * 8 - 10 Oct: SICS - Benguela Current Commission Conference. * 9 - 11 Oct.: SICS - NCCI Business Expo.
Jakkie Louw
* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday: 08:30 - 12:30. * Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No. 2 Brauhaus Arcade. * Woermann Haus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our country - Our people. * Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.
Matric Farewell Duneside High School in Walvis Bay held their Matric Ball on Saturday evening. Matriculants were dressed up to the nines as they celebrated their transition from scholars to their entry into the adult world of work and tertiary education.
Big Brother studio found M-Net and Endemol SA has announced that they have found a venue to produce Season 9 of the Big Brother Africa reality show, which will air within the next month, after the Johannesburg studio burned down on 2 September. A multitude of factors had to be considered including the complex
technical requirements, logistics, technical crews and satellite link
facilities which have all formed part of the challenge.
Elderly welcome spring in style Mavourlene Gaes
The senior citizens from the Huis Palms Old Age Home in Walvis Bay were in for a treat when a popular catering company prepared a feast for them to welcome spring in style on Friday at Oceans Restaurant at the Waterfront. According to the matron of Huis Palms, Andrea Wisniewski, close to 60 of our elderly people were invited by the company and made their way over to the restaurant. Senior citizens, who showed up in their bright outfits, were ready to embrace spring. The weather playing according to the theme, our seniors made sure they made the best of their outing to the Waterfront. They were treated to a bus ride along the ocean and listened to soothing music while chatting up a storm with each other. Wisniewski also added that it is important to make the elderly feel part of the community because many hardly ever receive visits from
family and sometimes feel lonely. However, initiatives like this help them feel important and cared for by the community. The manager of the restaurant, Cornelius Nel, closed the bottom section of the restaurant, for their private party. “They need to come out from the home and feel special, besides, it is nice to make them feel important because then you feel good about doing something to help,” he said. Erika Young, who according to the elderly, plays a significant role in the lives of the elderly was surprised when she received a gift from the elderly to thank her for not only being patient but also for assisting them with a smile.
Channel O Africa Music Awards voting opens Channel O Africa, has announced the nominees for the 2014 Channel O Africa Music Video Awards (#CHOAMVA14). The winners will be determined by the amount of votes that is received on the website, mobile site and WeChat platforms. Voters are allowed to vote up to 100 times until 23 November and voting is free. The Channel O Africa Music Video Awards are the only publicly voted annual music video awards show broadcast around the continent that exclusively features African artists. Now in its 11th year, 2014 will see the awards taking place on Saturday, 29 November at Nasrec Expo Centre in Soweto Spread across 14 categories, this year’s Channel O Africa Music Video Awards nominees are a showcase of original African music befitting the 17 year old music channel. “The music as well as the videos produced on our African soil is of the same, if not even better, quality as that of those produced internationally and most of our no-
minees are no stranger to performing on global stages,” says Channel O’s Director Nkateko Mabaso. Leading with the most nominees this year is South African new kid on the Hip Hop streets Cassper Nyovest; Mr “Caracara” himself, K.O and Nigeria’s Davido with five nominations each. Nyovest flexes his musical prowess with his nominations for Most Gifted Male Video, Most Gifted Newcomer Video, the ever controversial Most Gifted Hip Hop Video, Most Gifted Southern Video as well as the prestigious Most Gifted Video of the Year categories for “Doc Shebeleza”. Davido represents West Africa with his impressive nominations for the track
“Aye” which dominated in four categories Most Gifted Male Video, Most Gifted Afro Pop Video, Most Gifted West Video and Most Gifted Video of the Year, while “Skelewu” earned him a comfortable spot in the Most Gifted Dance Video category. K.O, the man behind one of the most popular tracks that’s blazing radio and television stations alike at the moment, “Caracara”, makes his Channel O Africa Music Video Awards nominee debut as a solo artist in the categories Most Gifted Male Video, Most Gifted Duo, Group or Featuring Video, Most Gifted Hip Hop Video, Most Gifted Southern Video and Most Gifted Video of the Year.
Swakopmund Primary School News Swakopmund Primary School Grade 7 learners went on an educational excursion during the last August school holiday. The tour started on 15 August 2014 until 22 August 2014. ∙ Cheetah Conservation - Otjiwarongo ∙ Fabapharm - Otjiwarongo ∙ Etosha National Park ∙ The Namibian newspaper ∙ Namib Breweries ∙ Heroes Acre ∙ NBC TV ∙ National Airport - Hosea Kutako ∙ National Packaging ∙ Plastic Packaging ∙ China town and Maerua Mall We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the following companies for sponsoring the
tour. Your support made our trip successful! ∙ Mr Carew - Transport and Johanny and Casey, our dedicated and reliable drivers ∙ JEPE Construction company, owner Mr JP Eigowab ∙ Mr Amwaalwa - owner of Caribbean Club ∙ Mr Halupe - owner of Makiti enterprise ∙ Spur - delicious lunch packs ∙ Kentuky KFC - delicious lunch packs ∙ Mega Save ∙ Food Lovers Market ∙ Wimpy - Windhoek Wernhill Park - Lunch Packs ∙ WB Mondesa ∙ Old Mutual ∙ Metropolitan ∙ Pick-A-Pay Special “Thank You” to the parents and teachers who accompanied the learners, Mrs Subes, Ms Gaweses and Ms Noabes.
At the Cheetah conservation project
Learners getting on the aeroplane at Hosea Kutako Airport
We were at Heroes Acre
Learners at Etosha National Park
VACANCY 2x Assistant Diesel Mechanics
- Valid Driver's License - Qualified for position - Must be able to work independently - Must have experience skills, will be tested
Sober habits, must be willing to work weekends and under pressure Interested applicants can drop off the CV @ Sylver Engineering Tunacor Premises
Wesbank Transport (Pty) Ltd, as a Namibian equal opportunity employer, offers the following challenging career opportunity for a suitable candidate in Walvis Bay. The position of Auto Electrician: Workshop, reports directly to the General Manager: Workshop.
AUTO ELECTRICIAN : WORKSHOP The position's key performance areas are: · · · ·
Attend to all electrical maintenance on all company vehicles. Rewiring on all company vehicles as required. Repair faulty air-conditioning units. Fault finding / trouble shooting.
The suitable candidate will meet the following requirements: · · · · ·
Namibian Citizen with a valid, (Code BE) driver's license. Qualified Artisan – Auto Electrician (N2 or N3) 3-5 years' experience as Auto Electrician on trucks will be an advantage. Must have excellent knowledge of cranes / trucks / forklifts. Must have good knowledge of various Health & Safety legislations.
In return we offer a market related salary with Medical and Pension benefits. A written application which includes a C.V. and a covering letter should be submitted to the following address:
Website: www.namibtimes.net
The Human Resources Manager, Wesbank Transport c/o Hanna Mupetami Road 11 PO Box 2916, Walvis Bay, Namibia Fax No: +264 64 220076 e-mail: HR@wesbanktransport.com Please note: 1. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned. 2. Applicants from Designated Groups are encouraged to apply. 3. Closing Date: 26 September 2014
SWAKOPMUND YOUR DREAM HOME! Enormous 5 bed, 4 bath house with study, lounge/dining/TV, scullery, 3 garages, balcony With sea view, PLUS 1 bed Flat and beautiful Garden. N$ 4 250 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 SWAKOPMUND PERFECT LOCATION 1296m² vacant plot On the River side with Beautiful dune and sea View. N$ 2 200 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950 SWAKOPMUND JUST AWESOME! Huge 3 bed, 3 bath, brand New and sunny, indoor BBQ, Kitchen to die for, Guest WC, double garage. N$ 1 800 000-00. N$ 1 850 000-00 3 Garages. GOGGA 081 870 9950 TO LET TO LET TO LET TO LET TO LET TO LET TO
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flat w&L incl @ N$1950 p.m. FAIRWAYS 4 bedr. house, 2 garage avail. imm. N$9500pm
DIANNE 081 2396323
TE HUUR Moderne 2 slaapkamer woonstel in Kramersdorp, 3 badkamers, oopplan kombuis met b.i.c, dubbel motorhuis, groot grasperk, eie ingang N$ 7 500 uitsluitende w&L (koopkrag) Kontak Dewald 0813480090
TE HUUR Swakopmund: Gemeubileerde een slaapkamer woonstel vir 2 mense. Water en elektrisiteit ingesluit. N$500.00 per maand. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 081 269 6080 081 255 8373 FOR SALE: Mondesa erf 2945, extension 6 near Woermann Brock 2 bedroom house with kitchen, two bathrooms and a living room. If interested contact: 081 813 0400 081 657 1895 TO RENT: Kabeljou Area Bachelor flat. N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 333 8010 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Lagoon, Namport 2 bedroom house N$ 3 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 3 000.00 Payable in two month installment. Contact:081201 0951 TO RENT: Narraville Bachelor flat N$ 1 900.00 p/m Dep N$ 1 000.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 127 9201 TO RENT Swakopmund, Vineta: 3 Bedroom Townhouse, 2 Bathrooms (1 onsuite), Open plan Kitchen with lounge and inside braai. 2 x Garage, own entrance. Very secure. Rent: N$7500.00/m + deposit. W/ Incl, E/ Excl. Contact: 081 786 0089
IYANDA COURT ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND Brise Da Mer SELLING FAST! 2 & 3 bed units, 134m² - 163m² Starting from N$ 1 245 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950
KARIBIB GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY TWO BUSINESS PLOTS! Own this 3 bed, 2 bath with Garage, store room, 3 outside Toilets, 2 offices & 2 shops PLUS another erf 3233 m² , with carports For Bus Depot. N$ 2 550 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
TO LET WORKSHOPS Brand new near Harbour gate Immediately available
LONGBEACH NEVER AGAIN! SEA VIEW! Beautiful 2 bed, 2 bath townhouse, with open plan living, garage, patio, balcony, FURNITURE INCLUDED. N$ 1 175 000-00 GOGGA 081 870 9950
To let: Central Walvis Bay. Two bedroom flat (b. i. c & stove) with garage, spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom. W/E excl. Very secure. Rent is N$ 4900.00 + Deposit Available: immediately Contact: Thommy at 064-207997. email: thomas@ultratravel.net
DIANNE 081 2396323
Urgently looking for property to buy or sell for our cash and Pre-approved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund & Walvis Bay Feel free to contact: Yolande – 081 251 9377 or Nadia – 081 274 5081 yolande@truproperties.org nadia@truproperties.org
SUNA 0812107823
suna.kritzinger@pamgold ing.com.na PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES NAMIBIA PROPERTY TO RENT OCEAN VIEW. N$11 000 MODERN AND SPACIOUS 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bath, 2 Garages. Beautiful Garden and Pet Friendly FOR SALE N$ 1 070 000 SWAKOPMUND 2 bedrooms with 2 bathrooms Entertainment area with open plan kitchen. Indoor braai and spacious living area, Single Garage
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE WALVIS BAY Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. ALMOST SOLD OUT! from N$ 1 150 000-00 Claudia 0811277783 KUISEBMUND NEWLY BUILT 3 BED, 2 BATH, UNITS WITH SINGLE GARAGE. LARGE ENCLOSED YARD. A RARE FIND AT N$ 699 000-00. CLAUDIA 0816051984 NARRAVILLE Sole & Exclusive Mandate. Brand new development. Newly Built 3 bed, 2 bath units with lounge, Kitchen, indoor braai & garage. N$ 865 000-00 each. Claudia 0816051984 TO LET: 42m² Beauty/therapy room, from 1.Nov Otto Günther Courtyard Cell 081-202-7810
Mays Trading CC For Sale TO RENT SWAKOPMUND LONG BEACH Bargain of the week 2 Bedr flat, 2 Bathr Open plan living area S/garage Walking distance to the beach N$ 5 500.00 DOLPHIN BEACH LOCK UP AND GO 2 Bedr. Flat in secure complex, 2 Bath, s/garage Open plan living area right on the beach. No pets N$ 5 500.00 OCEAN VIEW PICTURE PERFECT Huge 5 Bedr. house, 4 Bath, 3 Garages, spacious Pet & Child Friendly garden. Include 1 Bedr. flat N$ 20 000.00 HUGE GARAGE Can park 4 vehicles + huge under roof parking, wash bay. 4 Bedr, 2 Bath, Study, Big entertainment room, Indoor BBQ Stunning view, perfect Family kitchen. N$ 16 000.00 CONTACT US TODAY KARIN: 0814090778 RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za
SUNA 0812107823
suna.kritzinger@pamgoldi ng.com.na PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES NAMIBIA FOR SALE ABSOLUTE PERFECT FOR B&B N$ 3 3000.00 OCEAN VIEW 10 Bedrooms huge and with en-suites 11 bathr, Lot of potensial to extend Big Yard Various vacant plots for sale contact us for assistance INDUSTRAIL PROPERTY FOR SALE 498 m2warehouse 2 bathrooms, Kitchenette, 3 offices, 180 m2 erf enclosed yard TO RENT N$ 13 000.00 4 Bedrooms with 3 bathrooms CENTRE OF TOWN 6500.00 SPACIOUS WITH SEA VIEW 2 Beds, 1, 5 Bath, Double Garages, No Pets TO RENT: Walvis Bay New, Neat and Nice two bedroom Duplex. With lounge, kitchen and 1½ bathroom. Alarm. Lock up garage. Courtyard with remote gate. Pre paid electricity. Sorry no children and no pets! C/o Theo Ben Gurirab & 16th Street. N$ 5 300.00 p/m Excl Water plus deposit. Immediately available. Contact Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 FOR SALE BY OWNER: 4 Bedrooms, Double garage. Big open plan Kitchen, Lounge. Solar geyser. Concrete Tiled roof for expansion Call: 081 278 2368
To Let Fully furnished house, 4 bed 3 bathr, kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, double garage. Including water & DSTV Price – N$11500 Feel free to contact Yolande – 081 251 9377 or Nadia – 081 274 5081 yolande@truproperties.org nadia@truproperties.org
Fairways . Sole and Exclusive Mandate Newly built 2bed house with open plan kitchen, bathroom & garage. Erf has potential of extention. N$ 1 280 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Lagoon Great location Sole and Exclusive Mandate 3 Bed, 1 bath house with kitchen, lounge bathroom & tandem garage. Plus: Outside room with bathroom. N$ 1 290 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Narraville Sole and Exclusive Mandate Modern and newly built 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge, open plan Kitchen to dining room, double garages & outside flat. N$ 1 080 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 Private Sale SWAKOPMUND HAGE HEIGHTS NO AGENTS: Cozy ground floor apartment in upmarket area.Open plan living area. 2 Bedrooms, 1 bath-room. Private courtyard. Single garage. N$850 000.00 Contact: 081 464 6006 081 846 1234
Walvis Bay , Narraville Sole and Exclusive Mandate Big house in A Big ERF 3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms , Lounge , tv room , Kitchen , ,dining room , laundry , Almost complete double garages . with plans for further extension 1080 000.00 Only Contact : Saloom 081-3821888 Saloom.remaxatlantic@ iway.na
WANTED: I am looking for a garage to rent for my car. Please contact: 081 339 0636
LONGBEACH Great Investment Opportunity!!! Stunning complex with 24 hours security 3 bed, 2 bath units with garage & carport. Small courtyard & indoor braai N$ 1 190 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 Meersig Ideal for huge family!! Spacious 5 bed, 3 bath house with open plan kitchen/lounge And entertainment area with braai and indoor swimming pool 2.5m boundary walls, 2 garages & outside alarm N$ 2 750 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 DOLPHIN BEACH Excellently situated 772m² erf N$ 750 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH Ext 2 Very well situated !! 534m² Vacant erf N$ 499 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 MTN PROPERTIES ESTATE AGENT TO LET MAHETAGO (SWAKOPMUND) ROOM N$1500.00 W/INCL 3bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge and Tandem Garage N$6500.00 W/Incl TULINAWA 1bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2300.00 W/L Excl LANG STRAND Bachelor flat With Garage N$4600.00 W/L Excl OLWETWENI Room N$1380.00 W/L Incl 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2700.00 W/L Incl MONDESA Bachelor flat N$2300.00 W/ Incl 2bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Excl JABULANI 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$2900.00 W/L Incl Single person 1bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Incl Single person All Deposit- Required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah oo.com FLAT TO RENT: Bachelors flats in Narraville N$ 3 000.00 W/E incl. N$1 500.00 deposit Contact: 081 270 7941 081 240 8716
Narraville Semidetatched House N$510 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen ,bathroom (near Narraville Primary School) Tiles, aluminium windows, built-in-kitchen and bedroom cup boards, boundary wall Narraville, Semidetatched House N$535 000 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, bathroom, spacious yard, Cash clients only Walvis Bay Industrial Erf, N$ 2.4Million 1500m² (N$1600 per/m2) Narraville, Flat N$579 000-00 2 bedrooms, lounge,fitted kitchen Garage ,secure complex Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouse (New development) 2x Townhouses N$ 1 350 000.00 3bedroom, 2bathroom Kitchen lounge entertainment area and garages 2xTownhouses N$ 950 000.00 2bedroom Bathroom Kitchen lounge garages Walvis Bay house N$1.9million 3 bedroom house with a big erf 1250m² 18th road Walvis Bay house for sale N$ 1.7 million big houses with a even size of 1250m² Walvis Bay, House , 6th Street N1,7million Erf 1108m² e are urgently Looking for a semi-detachedhouse(skakel huis)in Narraville or free standing houses for cash clients. Contact: Tracey:0813023806 Mounien: 0818601938 Email:mickeymays @iway.na
For Sale:
Park Home at Longstrand Price: N$75 000.00 Contact: 081 394 4026 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Walvis Bay Narraville Choose your own plot and plan for as low as N$635 000 for a 2bedroom house up to N$1 million for a spacious 3bedroom house with garage. If you snooze, you lose! Don't delay sign your contract today! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 email: nevillesmith@cfs namibia.com
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Approved buyer looking for 3bedroom house with double garage, 2bathroom in Ocean View, Hage Heights or Vogel strand price ± N$2 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs namibia.com TO LET: Office space available Immediately N$16 500.00 Warehouse/shop and offices 345m² N$2000.00 Offices x 6 N$ 2500.00 Offices X 2 Contact: 081 143 4263 RENT - GRANNY FLAT WITH GARDEN -SWAKOP 2 bedroom granny flat with single garage available 1st October. Private + secure. N$ 6 000.00 p/m incl water cat + small dog friendly. close to beach + WB Vineta. Contact Sharon: 081 272 1555 Erro Industrial Park Einstein Street Swakopmund 12m x 12m Warehouse, with 3.5m x 3.5m roller door in secure area to let. N$5,100.00 plus vat 081 128 4234 / 081 124 6461 Immediately available TO LET: Swakopmund 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom 1 Garage. Garden N$ 5800.00 Martina: 081 124 3885 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou Street Single flat with private bathrooms, newly built in a clean and neat area. N$ 2050.00 p/m W/E incl. Available as from 8 September 2014. Contact: 081 127 8229 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai, Hermis 1 groot slaapkamer 1 toilet & shower. Oopplan kombuis, sitkamer W/E ingsl. N$ 3 000.00 p/m & deposito Kontak: 081 227 8840 081 238 0450 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Very spacious plots near mile 4 for as low as ± N$635 000 for 734m² Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfs namibia.com For sale; Swakopmund, Mondesa: Mondi Haven: 2 bedroom flat, two bathrooms, BIC & Build in Stove, single garage, a bargain at N$570,000.00 excluding costs, contact seller at 081 149 9191 / 081 284 7563.
DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com SWAKOPMUND EXT 15 MODERN CHILDFRIENDLY HOME!! 4 Bedr, 3 bathr,(1 ensuite) Open plan kitchen/living and Entertainment area with BBQ. Separate dining room and 2 garages Size 300m2 under roof (Web ref - 673474 ) Price: N$2,650,000 ANZELLE: 0811284990 DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com SWAKOPMUND CENTRAL NEW TOWN-HOUSE DEVELOPMENT!! Selling fast!!!! 1,2 and 3 Bedr units priced from N$1,160,000 Please call Cornay 0811280594 Brian - 0812228832
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for finished house near Ocean View Spar in the range of ± N$1.4 million Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email:nevillesmith@cfsn amibia.com TE HUUR: Garage N$ 400.00 p/m Vir kar parkeering. Kontak Elizabeth Williams: 081 290 0686 TO RENT: Bachelors flat to rent in Vineta: B.I.C. Garage, own entrance, alarm. N$ 4 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit negotiable & first premium payable on day of occupation. Immediately available. Contact: 081 127 5882
DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com URGENTLY LOOKING FOR FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! WITH WAIVERS ANY AREA!! HAVE A BUYR NOW FOR OUTJO KHORIXAS AREA!! PLEASE CONTACT: DIETER- 0853028813 DAPHNE -0811299799 KRAMERSDORP FLAT TO LET Beautiful fully furnished 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground floor flat with single garage. Prepaid electricity Close to town and schools Immediately available N$8 500 Please contact Briggitta 081 666 1086 MTN PROPERTIES MAHETAGO (Swakpmund) 3 bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, Kitchen bic with stove. Dining, Lounge and Garage. N$1.12Mil MONDESA: 2 bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms. Kitchen bic with stove.. Dining, Lounge, PLUS flt of 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen and bathroom. N$990 000.00 ARANDIS: 2 Beddoroms bic, bathroom Open plan kitchen bic N$435 000.00 4 Bedrooms bic, bathroom Kithcen, Lounge Store room. N$390 000.00 Malakia: 081 297 7253 Emial: Malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com
HORUS BED & BREAKFAST Offers you moments of relaxation by the Lagoon, Walvis Bay. All rooms en suite, DSTV, Wi-Fi, breakfast included. Contact: 081 795 4978 064 207191
VACANCIES BETREKKING AANGEBIED: Walvisbaai Kids Haven Kinderhuis soek na ‘n voltydse huismoeder. Vereistes: 1. Moet lief wees vir kinders. 2. 40-50 jaar oud. 3. Geen rokers/drinkers 4. Geen afhanklikes. 5. Moer voltyds inwoon. 6. Bestuurderslisensie sal aanwins wees. 7. Sagte geaardheid. 8. Met kinders van enige agtergrond / kultuur kan werk. 9. Afrikaans sprekend. Faks verkorte CV na: 064 277751 Aandag: Maureen Skakel: 081 221 8081 Epos:baardmaureen@ gmail.com
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC We are looking for energetic and selfmotivated personnel Control Room Operators Requirements Must have Grade 10 or 12 Must be a Namibian or have permanent residency Can work under pressure Good customer skills Security training will be an advantage
Beach Lodge is urgently looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions: HouseKeeper: The successful applicant will report directly to the Resident Manager. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Namibian Citizen ·Age Group 35 - 50 ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Previous experience in the Industry is a prerequisite ·Previous experience in a Supervisory Position is a requirement · Able to motivate and support the House Keeping team · Good people skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Must have solid traceable references Junior Receptionist: The successful applicant will report directly to the Resident Manager. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Female ·Namibian Citizen ·Computer Literate (Windows, Office, Outlook) ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Knowledge of another European language would be an advantage ·Good people skills ·Good telephone skills ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Be prepared to work shifts ·Must be a Team Player ·Must enjoy working with people ·Must be a Swakopmund Resident with own transport Applicants must personally hand in CV's at Beach Lodge, 1 Stint street, Vogelstrand, Swakopmund during office hours. No telephonic enquiries or faxed CV's will be accepted! Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview!
Armed Response Officers Guards Supervisors Requirements Must have Grade 10 or 12 Must be a Namibian or have permanent residency Can work under pressure Good customer skills Security training will be an advantage Must have a valid driver's license Must be able to supervise guards Please e-mail your CV's to guards@security.com.na easwvb@gmail.com or deliver in person at Hage Geingob Street No 59,Walvis Bay, opposite JC Harris Park Vacancies: The Wreck Restaurant is urgently looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions: Waiter/Waitress The successful applicant will report directly to the Hostess. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: ·Namibian Citizen ·Previous experience in a proper restaurant is a pre-requisite ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Knowledge of another European language would be an advantage ·Friendly and energetic ·Good people skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Must have solid applicable references which can be traced Interested applicants must email their CV to hr@the-wreck.com or personally hand their CV in during office hours No telephonic enquiries will be entertained. Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview! CHEF WANTED: DESERT TAVERN is looking for a CHEF. Applicants must have restaurant chef experience and must be fluent in English or Afrikaans. Cv’s can be submitted @ Desert Tavern after 15h00 in Swakop Str. Or mailed to: info@dester-tavern.com Only short listed candidates will be contacted.
VACANCY Half day position as - ASSISTANT MANAGER: Required for our dynamic upmarket Artist supply Shop and Gallery in Swakopmund. Ideal female candidate to be between the ages of 28 and 45. Highly motivated, friendly and professional. A Office person with an Artistic heart. Duties will include: Customer re-lations, Supplier / Artist liaison, orders, book-keeping and office administration. Requirements: Be a peoples person with an Artistic background and interest, efficient or-ganisational skills, Pastel or other Bookkeeping packages a must. Remuneration will be based on experience. e-mail short CV to: swkcv@yahoo.com , subject: Assistant manager CV + Name. Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. Closing date for applications: 25/09/14
A well-established South African Outsourcing Management company seeks a highly motivated and job orientated Sales Rep for our new branch in Walvis Bay. A minimum of 3 years sales experience is required as well own car & driver's license, must also have good knowledge of the Walvis Bay area as well as contacts within the business sector. Salary to be discussed in the interview. Should you feel you have the mentioned requirements as well as a high energy level with the ability to establish new business opportunities kindly send your CV before Wednesday September 10th 2014 to ilse@southmc.co.za
WANTED For Sale 1 Quad bike,not running but in good condition. Make an offer Contact: 0813379650 FOR SALE: 2012 Yamaha Mic Scooter 115 cc Midnight purple & pink. Good condition. Helmet incl. N$ 9 000.00 Contact: 081 250 4690 Looking for a jungle gym with swing for 5/6yr olds or someone who can build one for N$1600. Contact: 081 6535965 Swakopmund WANTED: Want to buy a toyota S/C 1995, 4x4 Downward. In good condition. Contact: 081 285 5343
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE Pawn Shop 97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai 064220387 0811434368 We Buy and Sell
furniture & household items of value 97 Sam Nujoma ave Walvisbaai 064220387
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TE KOOP: Kluis te koop. Prys onderhandelbaar. Kontak: 081 256 2291
WE BUY GOLD 97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai 064220387 0811434368
CARS FOR SALE: Volvo S40 T5 Good condition. N$82 500.00 Contact: 081 638 4581 FOR SALE: 2007 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 3 door, manual 3.8 l V6 125 000 km N$ 160 000.00 Roof tack & rims (original incl) 2008 BMW 335i Manual 103 500 km M-packs, rims (original incl) FSH N$ 250 000.00 2010 Toyota Quantum Panvel Van 126 000 km N$ 160 000.00 Contact: 081 271 6857 FOR SALE: 2000 Toyota Hilux 4x4 Raider(metalic green) Double cab, canopy, seil, 22R engine( 2.4L Toyota petrol engine), spotlights, elektriese vensters, ABS brieke, nudgebar, rollbar, airbags, nuwe sony explode radio. Puik toestand. N$ 115 000.00 Kontak: 081 601 7972
MOTORBIKES For Sale 1 Quad bike,not running but in good condition. Make an offer Contact: 0813379650 FOR SALE: 2012 Yamaha Mic Scooter 115 cc Midnight purple & pink. Good condition. Helmet incl. N$ 9 000.00 Contact: 081 250 4690
SERVICES Catering for any event: We make Samosas, Moons, Roeties, Doughnuts, Koeksusters, and many more. Contact: 081 203 1324 for your order.
I buy gold and silver jewellery and coins. Contact: 081 344 3794 081 315 9178
For Sale: 50% Of Sports bar for sale in Swakopmund. New addition Tamariskia Contact: 081 337 9650
Steyn’s Renovations For all your renovations with personal attention. Contact Steyn: 081 435 0622
E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Asset Disposal Auction
PET ALERT Jannie Theron
Best wishes to our dearest Boss!
May the day be fulfilled with lots of love
Walvis Bay Convenience Centre Staff
Hire a 5ton Skip Bin Call:081 617 7306 Omakolokoto Skip Bin Rentals & Sales LOST: Bella, spayed female German Shepherd Missing since 02/09 from Seeadler St. Wearing a brown leather collar with owner's number on the inside. Call 081 408 5551 / 081 268 9973 or the SPCA 064 - 40 4419
OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Saws * Cutters * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect
FOUND: Friendly & beautiful cat found 30/08 in Vogelstrand. Please contact the SPCA to claim your purry friend 064 – 404419
Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444
for and on behalf of Namib Nights Tourism 27 September 10h00 No130, 6th Street Walvis Bay Marque tents, draping, Mobile toilets, Cottage tents, trailers, dance floor, dome tent, shower bags, gas lamps, camp tables & chairs, Lanterns & Lights, pillows & linen, beds & mattress, 5000lt & 1000lt water tank, cars, bakkies, SUV’s, building material, furniture, much more Viewing on facebook or on days before the auction Terms & Conditions apply
bayauctioneers@ gmail.com 064 220 387 081 143 4368
email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com
Michael Asheelo 10.09.1993 You’re always very special And you should know today That you are wished the nicest things That life can bring your way
FOUND 02/09: Female mix breed found at Tamariskia Clinic. . Please contact the SPCA 064 – 404419 MISSING YORKSHIRE
NEAR LANGSTRAND Lots of Love On Saturday 6 September
Your dearest Mom, Freda and Julia
Cosmetics and Jewellery!!! For all your beauty needs. Women and Men. Best Prices. Products available. Visit us: Africa Potato Shop. Opposite Wimpy. Swakopmund Contact: Sufranja van Zyl 064 404626 / 081 127 9922
2014. Our female Yorkshire got missing in the dunes behind Langstrand/Longbeach.. Her name is Pipa, if you find her please contact Cristina: 081 129 0353
Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
Big Auction!
6 Sept 2014 97 Sam Nujoma Ave Walvisbaai Restaurant equipment Furniture Electronics Building material Cars Bakkies MUCH MUCH MORE!
Koop nou vir kersfees Lay - buys accepted. Boekies kry by DOLPHINS, LAGOON CHALET RESTAURANT, Kantoor: 206 286 Swakopmunders ek is 3x per maand daar sal aflewer. SKAKEL HANNAH: 081 124 2151
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na
6M CONTAINERS TO RENT. Phone RIANA at 064-209166.
Bay Auctioneers 081 143 4368 064 220 387 Photos on Facebook bayauctions@iway.na
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
LAPTOP REPAIRS Onsite repairs whilst you wait! Laptop Screen Replacements Data recovery on Faulty Hard disks Virus removal. NO FIX NO CHARGE! Contact: 081 352 4524
Your coastal specialist in: · Building construction / renovations excavation, foundations, building, plastering, paint & roofing. · Tiles laying of floor and wall tiles. · Paving and interlocking laying of pavers and interlocks in yards and on sidewalks. ·Electrical works Installation and repair of electrical components, house wiring and fault finding. · Plumbing Installation and repair of home and industrial sewage systems. · Landscaping Design, construction and maintenance of gardens. · Refuse removal Building rubble, organic waste. · General cleaning services Yards, parks, roads and sidewalks. · Solar power products Geysers, home systems (FULL TURNKEY PROJECTS) LOWEST PRICES, TOP CLASS WORK MANSIP!!!!! CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION TODAY… 081 144 2738 / 081 365 1917 / 081 699 2441 / 081 042 1893 24 HOUR STANDBY
Times flies, technology keeps up and so should you. Contact us timeously for your expert web page design. Tyd staan nie stil nie tegnologie ook nie. Kry jou web werf in werking en adverteer jou besigheid en ekspertise.
Johan Smit
+264 64 205537 +264 81 270 4395
carloshuttle@iway.na www.carloshuttlenamibia .com.na Daily Shuttle between the Coast and Windhoek Private Transfers to any destination. Depart Walvis bay: 7am as well as 14h00 Depart Swakopmund: 8am as well as 15h00 Depart Windhoek: 7 am as well as 14h30 N$230,00 per one way trip N$180,00 pensioners older than 60 yrs Free of charge - Older than 85 yrs **Free Coffee on board** Bookings essential: 064 205537 / 0812704395 carloshuttle@iway. na www.carloshuttlenamibia. com.na
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
-Multimedia Productionhttp://exhibitions.jnsmit. -com johannwebsmit@gmail.com Femtabyte - IT & Multimedia Services-
Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960. A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA
FORMATION INVESTMENT CC: We specialize in: - Building of complete houses. - Renovations. - Partitioning. - Paving. - Pre-fab Modules. Contact Donald at Cell: 081 248 8013 For a free quote. DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541 KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance namibia.com PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Catering OutThere
…we cater anywhere!
WE HAVE NEW PREMISES MOONLIGHT RESORT (Old Rossing Country Club) Visit us here for our Sunday Lunch Buffet N$145-00 pp To book and for all your catering needs please contact Dieter on 081-127-9210
HAIR SANAH BRAZILIAN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC: Specials in 100% quality virgin brazillian hair 10 inch - N$ 1350.00. 12 inch - N$ 1500.00. 14 inch - N$ 1650.00. 16 inch - N$ 1850.00. 18 inch - N$ 1950.00. 20 inch - N$ 2 150.00. 22 inch - N$ 2 250.00. 24 inch - N$2 350.00. 26 inch - N$2 460.00. 28 inch - N$2 800.00. 30 inch - N$ 3 000.00. Flexi rods available call or visit us at Namport or contact us on 081 233 2893
SERVICES VILLA’S PLUMBING SERVICES CC 24/7 Plumbing expert. Matty Paulus: 081 245 5574 Joel Paulus: 081 403 5343 E-mail: Joelelifaspaulus@gmail. com *Water pipe burst repair, new water & toilet pot installation *Geyser leaking, installation and blocked drainage *Solar Geyser installations & Repair, Pool installation
KEES SÊ: Ek het ‘n lorry, het jy ‘n vrag?? Ek ry enige tuinvullis of bourommel weg. Bel asb: 081 298 5478
SERVICES MAINTENANCE For all your: - Welding of steel & Stainless steel. - Woodwork. - Painting. - Tiling. Call: 081 278 2368 KAMO WELDING & FABRICATING CC WE DO: Security gates Sliding gates Roofing Painting Washing lines or braaistand Or any other metallic work of your choice. Contact: 081 034 5484 Catering for any event: We make Samosas, Moons, Roeties, Doughnuts, Koeksisters, and many more. Contact: 081 388 9668 for your order. For your jumping castle needs Please call: 081 128 8904 Free delivery W/B and Swakopmund Your coastal specialist in: · Building construction / renovations excavation, foundations, building, plastering, paint & roofing. ·Tiles laying of floor and wall tiles. ·Paving and interlocking laying of pavers and interlocks in yards and on sidewalks. ·Electrical works Installation and repair of electrical components, house wiring and fault finding. · Plumbing Installation and repair of home and industrial sewage systems. · Landscaping Design, construction and maintenance of gardens. ·Refuse removal Building rubble, organic waste. ·General cleaning services Yards, parks, roads and sidewalks. ·Solar power products Geysers, home systems (FULL TURNKEY PROJECTS) LOWEST PRICES, TOP CLASS WORKMANSIP!!!!! CALL US FOR A FREE QUOUTATION TODAY… 081 144 2738 / 081 365 1917 / 081 699 2441 / 081 042 1893 24 hour standby FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!
SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR LOVEMORE BANDA (Since 1972) He is here in Walvis Bay to help those who have problems & diseases except HIV. To clean out bad luck, bring back lost lover, to be liked at work & promotions. To boost business/customer attraction. Penis enlargement, libido, periods pains lots of blood or no blood at all. To win competitions, revenge, to pass exams, divorce, pregnancy problems, to be married to a rich person, to protect body from witches. Is your lover stingy with money?? Do you want your lover to think only about you?? Jealous people never win. Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life. Dr. Lovebanda needs the results not the reasons. Sundays on appointment. Contact: 081 043 7612
ELIZABETH: Betroubare dame soek huiswerk, skoonmaak werk. Rook of drink nie. Verkieslik in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 883 2798
EUNICE: I am a 28-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Walvis Bay, from Mondays to Fridays or 3 days per week. I am reliable, hardworking and ready to start immediately or it can be sleep in work. I have 3 years experience and knows how to clean and take care of kids. Contact: 081 450 9317
WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of strykwerk. Ek is betroubaar. Vir Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 469 5705 JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady with god references and experience, looking for domestic work - cleaning, ironing or baby sitting for 3 days a week. Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays or Saturdays in Swakopmund, Long Beach or Rossmund Lodge. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 242 3674
BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: bayjoinery@ymail.com
Job wanted: A 45 year old lady is looking for a job as a care taker. Can look after elders or after children. I have experience. Can start any tie. In Swakopmund area. Contact: 081 420 4106
TV Link and Electrical cc -Gotv Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month's viewing free all for only N$ 499 -DSTV Installations Multichoice accredited installer -Decoder testing -Fault finding or extra TV points -TV's, Hi-Fi's DVD players an lot more We are in Libertina Amathila st (Opposite Multichoice office) Phone TV Link and Electrical cc at 064-406032 Swakopmund
JOB WANTED: A 26-year-old lady is looking for work in restaurants or in Supermarkets as a stock controller, stock taker, fish packer and scale. Thanks for helping me out. Contact:081 614 3898
REMOVALS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai - Swakopmund - Hentiesbaai Vinnige en Vriendelike diens. Kontak Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work or looking after kids. Can start immediately. For a week of three days. Contact: 081 687 5857 CHAMINA: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for domestic work or looking after old age woman. Studied hospitality and is able to start immediately. Contact: 081 409 3331
TABITHA: I am a 26-year-old lady with 3 years experience in domestic work. Honest and trustworthy. Looking for work in Walvis Bay and Longbeach, can be housekeeping, ironing, washing, cleaning and take care of old age people, for 3 or 2 days. I am able to work in guest houses or lodges. Contact: 081 395 5639 MONIKA: Ek is ‘n 40-jarige-vrou opsoek na werk in Swakopmund of rondom Swakop. Dinsdae en Saterdae. Kontak: 081 209 8647
LOTTOHANRA: Looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 346 0984 JOB WANTED: I am a 21-year-old lady looking for office cleaning or bar lady work. I have experience as a bartender. Urgent calls only. Contact: 081 861 8219 MONICA: I am looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Contact: 081 481 6513 WERK GESOEK: Baie betroubare vrou is opsoek na huiswerk of strykwerk. Lagoon, Meersig, Dorp of Langstrand. Geen Narraville. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 748 7902 WERK GESOEK: Hardwerkende jong dame is opsoek na kantoor skoonmaak werk, huiswerk vir 3 dae in Walvisbaai, Dorp, Lagoon en Langstrand. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 619 7583
We buy and sell second hand furniture, new furniture and household appliances. Sam Nujoma Town Square Shop 1, Lapaloma Building. ELS: 081 255 5809 LAWRENCE: 081 324 1285
Flamingo Primary School News
The school's choir and their conductor Mr Allistaire van der Merwe, has really made us proud this year with their hard work and dedication. They obtained a silver award in the ATKV Applous Choir competition for this year. Here they are pictured in their new attire A few upper primary learners who came to school during the holiday to enter a national poetry contest for Heroes Day
The grade 5's having fun at their end of term party
Above: Caitlyn Martin, Alisa Albertu, Shaida Limon, Jazzmin Smith and Selma Kalimbo wearing their hats with pride as part of the women's month celebrations, which were held every Friday during the month of August Left: Tracey - Ann Benson with a gift she received from Bank Windhoek for selling the most apples at our school for the Annual Cancer Apple Project.
Bertha Johanna McNab
* 20.01.1943 - + 05.09.2014
Psalm 50:15 Roep my aan in die dag van benoudheid: Ek sal jou uithelp en jy sal My eer ROUDIENS: Dinsdag, 9 September 2014 19:30 by E.S.K, Kerk, Narraville (Rynse kerk) BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag, 13 September 2014 08:30 op plaas Ounoois NAVRAE: Gert McNab 081 278 9413 Anne-Marie 081 351 4528
Coastal riders take honours at Okahandja Anike Maritz (13) led the charge of coastal riders gaining honours at the annual Okahandja Dressage and Showjumping extravaganza that saw 110 horses start in various events over the weekend. The youngster took home the coveted Clydon Namibia Floating Trophy on her horse Midnight Rain for the most successful child rider in
showjumping and also garnered the Trophy of the Town of Okahandja for the most successful rider of the tournament in showjumping.
Two more of the five special awards went to riders from the coast. Laura Braune (16) not only had her very first clear round on her
horse Luna Properties Pohlands Wendywood, she also won the Friend of the Horse Floating Trophy for the best junior rider in dressage and
Laura Braune on Luna Properties Pohlands Wendywood
showjumping. The trophy of the Mayor of Okahandja for the best adult rider of the show deservingly went to Michelle Kuenzle on Metzger Drilling Zambesi Bodenhausen. The Pfohls Trophy for the most successful child rider in dressage and showjumping was snapped up by 12-year old Linda Freyer from Windhoek with her horse Claratal Chromatic. The Okahandja Derby proved a daunting task for most of the riders. Michelle Kuenzle and Metzger Drilling Zambesi showed they were in a class of their own and offered the only clear round in the event that is much longer than a normal course and boast fences such as the dyke, the table, the bank and the water jump. The pair took the 1.10 – 1.30m class, second place going to Franziska Leinberger and Adcon
Camelot with four penalties. The coast also dominated the 1.00m Derby with Nicole Nederlof and Frischgewaagd Trabant the winners after only four riders out of a total field of 15 had made it through to the jump-off on four penalties each. Second and third place went to Svenja Spaeth on Davetsaub Amor and Janiz Zandberg on M&A’s Jessica after Okahandja veterinarian Dr. Beate Voigts had opted not to send her trusted Salvano into the jump-off. Fifth place in this event went to Laura Braune on Luna Properties Pohlands Wendywood. Most successful rider in dressage was Hanlie Kirchner on her horse Midgard Bonfire with two first and a second place in her three events. Dressage judges were pleased at the strong turnout in the Novice and
Elementary classes, saying this bade well for the future of dressage in Namibia and fostered hope for more competition for the two grande dames of the discipline, Alexandra Roehl on Alpha so Cool (Medium) and Franziska Leinberger on Adcon Camelot (Advanced). Apart from dressage and showjumping the weekend also saw the grooms compete against each other regarding the turnout of their charges. Winner in this event was Tauray Chashoya (Midgard Gotthardt) from Swakopmund with joint second going to Willem Boois (Sapphire) and Reinhold Basson (Zonjati Gunfire). Deon Uirab showed the competition what a shining coat and impeccably kept tack was all about, but lost out on the prizes due to disobedience of his horse Dageraad Cassius.
Davis Cup update The Namibian tennis team is currently in Egypt to participate in this year’s Davis Cup, yesterday the first match of the tournament kicked off. Today Namibia will compete in their first match. RWA bye The rankings are as studying Engineering junior level as well. in the States & playing Friday 12 Sept follows: Group A - incl ranking for the tournament Zimbabwe ZIM - 1 Madagascar MAD - 3 Nigeria NGR - 6 Rwanda RWA - 7 Congo CGO - 9 Group B - incl ranking for the tournament Benin BEN - 2 Algeria ALG - 4 Namibia NAM - 5 Botswana BOT - 8 Mozambique MOZ 10 Tuki Jacobs is our no1 tennis player currently
college tennis. This will be his 3rd appearance representing Namibia for Davis Cup. The rest of the team all have day jobs in Namibia, this will also be Hermann Kuscke’s 2nd appearance for the Davis Cup, Henco Serdyn's 2nd appearance and Ben-Piet O’Callaghan’s first appearance. The whole team represented Namibia on
Fixtures for this week: Group A Monday 8 Sept RWD vs MAD CGO vs ZIM NGR bye Tuesday 9 Sept MAD vs CGO NGR vs RWD ZIM bye Wednesday 10 Sept NGR vs ZIM RWA vs CGO MAD bye Thursday 11 Sept CGO vs NGR MAD vs ZIM
ZIM vs RWA NGR vs MAD CGO bye Saturday 13 Sept Playoffs Group B Monday 8 Sept BOT vs ALG MOZ vs BEN NAM bye Tuesday 9 Sept ALG vs MOZ NAM vs BOT BEN bye Wednesday 10 Sept BEN vs NAM BOT vs MOZ
The Namibian Davis Cup team ALG bye Thursday 11 Sept MOZ vs NAM ALG vs BEN
BOT bye Friday 12 Sept BOT vs BEN NAM vs ALG
MOZ bye Saturday 13 Sept Playoffs
Rondomtalie Jukskei op Swakopmund FNB’s Summer Corporate League Bowls We would like to thank FNB for their generous sponsorship without which the summer corporate league won’t be possible. We would also like to thank the 18 teams that entered in this year’s summer corporate league and wish them all good luck! The FNB Summer Corporate League held at Rossmund Bowls Club kicked off with a bang, seeing old friends and making new ones.
Saterdag 6 September 2014 het drie laers (Hentiesbaai, Swakopmund en Walvisbaai) rondomtalie “trips” op Swakopmund gespeel. Dit was ‘n heerlike dag en ‘n lekker opwarming vir die seisoen wat voorlê. ‘n Groot dankie aan Gieliana en haar span vir al die reëlings en lekker etes. Ons begin Dinsdag 9 September 2014 met die
oefeninge, wat plaasvind Dinsdae en Donderdae, vanaf 17:15. Let asseblief op dat ons voortaan op Walvisbaai Privaat Hoërskool se bane gaan oefen. Die bane is by die rugbyveld. Almal, oud en jonk, is
baie welkom. Kontakpersone: Bully Thorburn (Swakopmund) 081 128 2004, Willie/Des Hanekom (Hentiesbaai) 081 730 2586 en Jurie Liebenberg (Walvisbaai) 081 287 2291.
First ever SPCA Golf Day Sharlien Tjambari
The Tierschutzverein Swakopmund (S.P.C.A) hosted a Golf Day Friday at the Rossmund Golf Course outside Swakopmund. As part of their fundraising campaign, an auction was also conducted. The aim for this Golf Day was to have 20 teams with three players per team. Through hard work and dedication, members of the committee managed a total of 19 teams teeing-off and the motto for the day was “Tee-off for a great cause, let’s swing for charity”. With players displaying a fantastic mood, sunny weather and an excellent golf course, set against desert scenery, the day was made for great, long lasting fun. So much so, that they are already considering returning to the golf course in the future to raise more funds for the charity. “For us it is of utmost importance to express our gratitude to all our sponsors of the day. As always it is an extreme pleasure and very rewarding to see people stand up and support the SPCA, enabling us to give our
four-legged friends a good, warm interim home, feeding them and providing medical treatment when necessary, while we strive to find new permanent homes for them where they can become part of the family”, a media release of the SPCA reads. Peter Witt, patron & chairman of the SPCA Swakopmund, cordially thanked all participants and stressed that such events are purely possible due to the business community and private persons who go out of their way to support and donate towards good causes such as the SPCA Swakopmund. Witt also highlighted that without animal shelters, Namibia and the rest of the world would be confronted with an extreme disaster. In Swakopmund alone, the estimated number of stray dogs would increase to approximate-
ly 30 000 alone in less than 10 years. The health problems which would accompany uncontrolled strays would be unbearable for a town like Swakopmund. This is a major reason for the SPCA’s existence and why the SPCA should be supported by the community. Nineteen teams participated in the golf day and the guys from Wishy Washy scooped the first prize, with 88 points. Second place went to Track and Trucks with 78 point and Nampower took bronze, with 77 points. Three bottles of wine, products of the famous Springbok rugby player, Schalk Burger, were also on auction at the event and the first bottle went for N$600, with the other two going for N$650 each. The Springbok player will personally sign these bottles.
Golf is thirsty work
Something cold after a hot day in the sun
Fun was had by all the contestants