[Outdated] Nancy Yeh | Selected Works 2020

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I’m an architecture student at the University of Waterloo, School of Architecture, and am going into my 4th year in 2020. I have more than one year of work experience at 4 different firms worldwide, and this portfolio encapsulates my academic work as well as some personal works from 2017-2019. Enjoy!


Address 1877 148a st ,Surrey, BC Canada V4A 6R5 Phone

+1 (778) 681 1477

Email nancy031831@gmail.com LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/nancy-yeh-19980318/ Website

nancyyeh.com Languages

English Mandarin ( Traditional)


nancy yeh • 2020



nancy yeh • 2020


Re: Recommendation for Nancy Yeh To whom it may concern, I recently had the pleasure of working with Nancy while she was on a work term period (May – September 2019) at our Toronto offices of Perkins& Will (P&W). I was Nancy’s supervisor over number of tasks and projects during this period. She proved herself to be outstanding in her collaborative approach and integrate quickly within the project team. While at P&W, she worked on several projects at varying scales and was able to shift to tasks of varying complexity without any difficulty. The tasks on these projects ranged from making physical models to digital model later 3D printed. The projects included architectural and large-scale interiors projects – She worked on the design and building permit drawings for the interior renovation for the Social Service Network (SSN) – a Pro Bono project as part of P&W Social Responsibility Initiative for 2019. She was also part of the team for a largescale interior renovation of Microsoft offices in Toronto. The Microsoft project comprised of 130,000 square feet (at approximately $30m contract value) – Nancy worked as part of a team to produce the construction documents. Nancy was professional, diligent, and methodical in her approach – she communicated and worked effectively within the team. Her comments were always insightful to the task at hand, and more importantly she always asked good questions. She also had minor involvement in the RBC Borealis feasibility study, and The McArthur Hall Renovation Project at Queens University, and the Western (University) Entrepreneurship and Innovation Centre. These projects, as is often the case, were on a very strict time schedule, requiring the whole team to work in a rigorous, and efficient manner. Nancy very quickly proved herself to be reliable and invaluable in her focused approach on every task. She is very hands‐on with her approach to everything she does while handling multiple tasks while ensuring each is executed promptly and efficiently. Lastly, her versatility with the use of different computer software, allowed her to carve out a distinct role for herself within the team. She always had the confidence and respect of her colleagues. What she lacked in practical experience, she more than made up through her enthusiasm and quick succinct responses. Her ability to engage the issues at hand, question and offer suggestions to a given problem often helped in making decisions towards achieving the required milestones. Nancy has a great future as an architect and will be an asset to any project and practice. I whole heartedly recommend her and look forward to following her progress. If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,

Yasin Visram Associate, Senior Project Manager (Yasin.Visram@perkinswill.com)

110 Yonge Street, 12th Floor Toronto, ON M5C 1T4 www.perkinswill.com


nancy yeh • 2020


December 22, 2018 Dear Sir / Madam, To whom it may concern, Diamond Schmitt Architects (DSAI) are very pleased to recommend Nancy Yeh following her Waterloo Co-op work term from September to December 2018 in the capacity of Student Architect. During her work term at DSAI Vancouver, Nancy collaborated with teams on two large scale residential projects, Mirvish Village in Toronto and Oakridge redevelopment, a large scale complex high-rise residential project in Vancouver, BC. Nancy adapted well to the project and team structures and quickly became a valuable team member. For the Oakridge project, Nancy focused on the interior layouts and prepared Revit drawings for the Design Development phase. Her involvement on Mirvish included the development of unit layouts. With her proficiency in most design and graphic software, Nancy also helped out designing graphic posters for the NLA office event, demonstrating good graphic design skills. Nancy has also demonstrated commitment to her work, was responsible and put effort to achieve the scope assigned to her efficiently. Nancy’s contribution was greatly appreciated by the team. We are confident Nancy would be a positive asset to any firm that hires her and wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Sincerely,

Ana Maria Llanos, Architect AIBC, OAA, MRAIC Principal



nancy yeh • 2020

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academic • 3A studio


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academic • 3A studio


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academic • 1B studio


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<site strategy axo >

species habitat

human infrastructure



<existing vegetation/ planting strategy>

<site plan 1:1000>

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15m 30m



Dry grasses Tall grasses Bushy shrubs Shrub type 2 Fiddlehead fern

<site plan 1:500> 0m




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academic • 2B studio


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o t h e r s • c o m p e t i t i o n s 39

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WORK EXPERIENCES Taipei, New York, Vancouver, Toronto Co-Operative Program

2017 -2019

Perkins and Will Toronto, ON Co-op Internship, 2019 May -August Architectural Intern In Perkins and Will, I’ve worked on variety of projects ranging from interior probono projects to model making for interview porposals for university campuses in Ontario. I mainly worked on preparing permit and tender packages for Social Services Network, Toronto. Other works include producing contruction drawings and documents for Microsoft Toronto Headquarter and participated in feasibility studies, design charettes and produced presentation packages for RBC Borealis. On the hand modeling side, I’ve developed strong 3D printing and laser cutting skills for an office client interview proposal of Western E&IC building, Queen’s DunMcArth Hall and much more. For details, please review my reference letter from my supervisor at page 6.

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Courtesy of Westbank Diamond Schmitt Architects Vancouver, BC Co-op Internship, 2018 September -December Student Architect My work experience at Diamond Schmitt Architects consisted of design developement and construction documentation phase of Oakridge, a high rise residential project in Vancouver BC. I spent the majority of my time with the project team and worked heavely mainly on Revit, developed a strong team bonding and working skills as well as technical Revit skill.

others • work experience


HLW International LLP New York City, United States Co-op Internship, 2018 January -April Architectural Intern

I had an 4-month architectural Co-op internship in HLW International LLP head quarter office in New York, and I was assigned to work in the base building department. I spent the majority of my time with the architectural team and I completed a variety of design tasks including design research, developing 3D models and renderings, preparing for presentations, bidding documentation, and construction documentation with assist of team members. I also developed my revit skill during my 4 month intership at HLW as I was working on revit for the majority of the time. I’ve worked on many different project types such as high-rise residential towers, hotel renovation as well as interior design at many different phases of the project. The rendering above and the work beside is a design proposal that I worked on for an office building lobby renovation in New York City. I’ve also worked on architectural graphics and rederings such as presentation packages and Donor’s book.

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Continuous canopy and ceiling improve street presence, and connect exterior to the back of the elevator lobby.


2. Design complements forms of existing facade. Lobby fl oor paving extends out to property line to enhance sense of arrival . Daylight and view to the city are maximized while redcuing street noise. Create a more welcoming arrival and a place of repose







圓境綠能生態聯合建築師事務所 Ecoland Corporation Architecture Firm Taipei, Taiwan Summer Internship, 2017 June - August 3D Rhino Modeler Side View The project I was working on in Ecoland was an undeveloped commercial building in the corner of the science park in Guangzhou Science city, Guangdong, China. Since it was located in a park and the company’s target was green designs, the design team descided to create two commercial buildings into irregular tree-like shape connected by a shopping mall at the bottom which is suppose to be a hill. I spent the majority of my time with the design team and I was involved in various stages of the project. I sketched and recreated first stage designs for the building to become more sustainable and calculated the floor area several times to meet the client’s need. However, my main task was to model the commercial building in Rhinoceros to make it closer to reality and convinient for construction but still keep the irregular tree- like design at the same time. The pictures on the right are the design that I modelled for the company and what the architect showed to the client.

Bird Eye View

others • work experience


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others • models • photography


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others • sketches


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