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COMENEWS 5 We play! Number 5


January 2014

Page 2 : France Page 7 : Malta Page 15 : Bulgaria Page 19 : UK Page 23 : Belgium Page 27 : Poland Page 30 : Italy Page 35: : Finland Page 37 : Norway

EDITO… Here is the fifth edition of the newspaper ‘COMENEWS’, created by the pupils of the participating schools and countries of the Comenius project. It is the compilation of 3 months of work, meetings and exchanges between the schools. The theme chosen is ‘WE PLAY’. In this newspaper you’ll find comics, adventures of ’Mr. O’ and games made by all participating children. Enjoy!
























POLAND Children games in Poland In our free time, we like to play different games. During the breaks at school, we spend time playing games such as: Tag It's a game on a small or larger area . A person who is a tag catches up and has to touch any of the other children before he or she squats or touches for example a wood thing. If he or she is touched, they become a tag. There are plenty of types of games, one of them is a frozen tag. It consists in the fact that a person is caught with legs apart and can not move until the other person does not move under her legs. A tag wins if he or she can catch (freeze) all participants playing the game. A tag can be combined with "Old bear fast asleep." At the end of all the songs, they disperse and the "bear" wakes up and chases the participants, and the person who he touches first becomes the bear and the game begins again. Peekaboo The rules are not complicated and I think they are known to all of you. The person (or group of individuals) covers his or her eyes and counts to a fixed number, and the other participants playing this time look for the best hiding place. The winner is the one who is found the last. A person found first becomes looking for in the next round. Rubber game How to play the gum? The rules are simple, but extremely difficult to describe. To play you need a flexible rubber, in which there are two people, a third jumps. You have to jump and pop . You jump at the lowest level to jump, then at calves, knees, thighs, and on up until the neck. He who can do that at all levels is unmistakably called a true champion. Stalking The younger children can have fun playing stalking – a game that will turn an ordinary family on an exciting adventure walk. One person goes and leaves behind traces, such as tying a coloured ribbon on the branches of trees, or drawing with chalk arrows, so that others can find it later. Stalking is similar to the search for a hidden treasure. In some mysterious place such as trees cracking, you hide "a treasure chest". Mark the path to the treasure with arrows made out of sticks, chalk-drawn or pre-prepare a simple map, through which children will find a sweet surprise. Caps Draw a line on the ground with a piece of chalk or stone on the pavement, beaten with a stick on the ground or smooth sand on the edge of the sandbox. The track width is dependent on the number of participants - the more players, the greater should be the track. Mark the start line and the finish line, and between them everything could "happen", The track can turn. Set the caps at the start, side by side, the front side to the back, and flip a cap to move forward. We snap a change and so we race to the finish line. Falling outside the line of the track means missing a turn. The winner is the player whose cap crosses the finish line first. The game should begin by collecting a sufficient number of caps and flags to decorate the countries whose representatives take part in cycling races. An interesting idea may be a small change in the rules such as caps adorn the flags of countries participating in the Euro 2012 tournament.

Hopscotch The game is based on skillful passing through the eight fields, throwing a pebble and maintain for a long time on one leg. A participant throws the first stone and is on one leg, jumps in the field, raises the stone, skips and jumps out the rest of the field outside. You jump in the “arms� both on the way to and in the way back. For the last field ("head"), he or she jumps, rotates in the air and jumps back. This game can freely be played and diversified by e.g. arranging squares with numbers in the shape of an envelope, or using a snail shell or putting a pebble on the bent legs while jumping. And so on and so on ...





FINLAND Mölkky All time classic Finnish midsummer game Game Rules STEP 1 First of all you have to decide, who starts the game. One way to find out the one who starts is to choose it by the birthdays of the players. For example, the one born in January starts, and the one born in December is the last. Simple as that. If however two players are born in the same month, it goes by date. You can choose the starting player as you want, but this is a good way to find it out! STEP2 Now you must decide, what is your score limit in the game. For longer games, lower score limit is obviously better than high. You might want to start with a lower score limit if you’re playing for the first time. There is a rumor, that two men from Härmä played mölkky for as long as two weeks, with only dinner as a break, and it finally ended to a draw game. STEP3 Adjust the pins in the shape of a triangle on the ground. Players take a good distance away from the pins, so that players are not too far away from them, and not too close. The basic idea is to knock down the numbered pins with the mölkky. Mölkky is a simple piece of wood, not to be too exact. Player throws the mölkky against the pins and gets as many points as it says on the pin. For example, if you knock down 3 pins, one of them says 1 point, another one says 2 points, and the third one says 3 points, it makes overall 6 points. Mark the results on some piece of paper. After you’ve thrown and marked the results, switch turns in the order you already decided on step 1. STEP 4 The winner is the one who first reaches the score you decided about on step 2 Remember to reward the winner! And before everything, have fun with



NORWAY January 2014

Indoor activities

Mandalas In the 2nd grade we colour mandalas. We colour them, cut out the circle, and glue them on colored paper or cardboard. We make collages on the classroom wall. We have also made window decorations. Then we color, cut out the mandala and put oil on. Then the mandala becomes more transparent. Beautiful!

Mandala means: decorations in a circle. It is from a language called sanskrit. They use mandalas a lot in the hinduism and the buddhism.

NORWAY Colour some mandalas! Find your best crayon, put some good music on and ENJOY!

Drawing page












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