29 minute read
A More Self-Reliant European Foreign Affairs and Security Agenda
EU-CHINA COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT ON INVESTMENT (CAI) A prime example of Europe’s initiative in pursuing economic independence is the EU-
China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). Disenchanted with Trump’s protectionist economic policies and tariffs, the EU sought to develop “strategic autonomy,” practicing engagement rather than confrontation with China.187 As Germany held the EU presidency in
the latter half of 2020, Merkel was able to push the goal of improved investment strategies in
the automotive industry which would benefit German companies, including Volkswagen and Daimler.188 The EU-China investment deal was struck at the end of 2020 and has yet to be
ratified. Nonetheless, it preemptively denies Biden a chance to form a multilateral front against the economic giant, possibly driving a further wedge between the U.S. and Europe. However,
many in the EU remain displeased with China’s questionable human rights record and wonder
how much the EU should sacrifice its humanitarian values for an advantageous economic agreement. Accepting such a trade-off would demonstrate the EU’s confidence in working with China without the support of the U.S.
The pandemic has forced several countries to pay closer attention to domestic spending
and pre-existing economic ties, leading to an acceleration of the China-EU deal aimed at
improving investments and mitigating fallout. The implications of the coronavirus pandemic
and lockdowns will continue to have negative implications on the global economy, yet most
European countries took advantage of low interest rates and EU budget rule suspensions to
mitigate damage done to national economies. As the EU is typically averse to protectionism,
the economic repercussions of the pandemic have spurred uncommon governmental financial support and the politicization of corporate decisions.189
As the EU and individual European countries maneuver themselves towards greater
economic independence, Europe is also looking to solidify its unique, yet powerful role in
the international system. While the EU is known for its regulatory and normative powers, the effectiveness of its foreign and security policies is less clear. Bracing itself against rising
aggression to the east and continuing to navigate delicate relationships to the south east and in
the Maghreb, the EU will need to focus on developing an independent and effective foreign
affairs and security agenda.
SECURITY Europe faces several internal and external security threats, yet most European countries
seek to fulfill their security agendas independently, outside of the EU’s purview. Russian aggression remains one of the most salient issues for greater European security and stability, as
well as (related) cyber-attacks that directly and instantaneously target European institutions.190
Within the EU, there is new focus on corruption and cyber security, strategies that are central to Russia’s growing influence and potential to undermine reform in countries along its western border. Some leaders within the EU, particularly France’s President Macron, with tentative
agreement from Germany and Luxembourg, have pushed for further international cooperation in
the form of a European army that would defend against putative enemies such as China, Russia,
and possibly even the U.S., as a response to Trump’s hostile stances towards NATO.191
Some members of the EU have articulated who important it would be, should a security
crisis arise, that those involved demonstrate timely reactions and autonomy, ensuring an effective
safety net should the U.S. be occupied by its own set of domestic issues.192 In turn, the U.S. may
find it beneficial to have more independent allied security forces to advance its own interests in the region, and at less expense. This thinking is evident in the repeated calls by recent U.S.
leadership, primarily Trump, for increased defense spending by NATO member states to reach
to the required 2% GDP.193 In line with all these motivations, the EU has committed to an goal
of increased security independence, which has only recently been doubted as gaps in funding
caused by Brexit and the coronavirus pandemic become more evident.194 Indeed, this security
independence is necessary, as indirect methods of subverting EU authority by Russia and
others make it difficult for the U.S. to get involved. The EU is already creating and expanding organizations to establish greater security within Europe, including PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation), the European Defense Fund, and the European Peace Facility. 195
However, these attempts at increasing security are, according to the European Council on
Foreign Relations, “underfunded relative even to their original, fairly modest, ambitions.”196
Both Europe and the U.S. can and will benefit from mutual foreign policy and security goals. Biden’s inauguration ushers diplomacy to the forefront of American efforts to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons.197 According to NATO, the U.S. and other allies have
engaged with Russia regarding its development in missile systems for years, but Russia shows
“no willingness and took no steps to comply with its international obligations, leading to the
demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty” during Trump’s tenure.198
In the early stages of his presidency, Biden has demonstrated a willingness to negotiate with Russia, renewing the New START treaty, which limits possession of nuclear weapons in both
Despite Biden’s moves to recommit to a meaningful U.S. security presence in Europe, European leaders are cognizant of the fact that, even during the Obama administration,
Americans hoped Europe would tackle their immediate security challenges themselves. European
and American leaders alike will inevitably have to work together to tackle the most severe threats
to European security, but Europeans are more aware than ever that they must defend themselves
first before calling on American assistance.
FOREIGN POLICY Negotiating the EU’s relationship with the wider world continues to be conducted
primarily at the national level; member states by and large manage their own independent
relationships with other countries and organizations. A poll by the European Council on Foreign
Relations reflected that “large numbers of EU citizens want an EU that has [the power to reclaim sovereignty from outside players] and that can control its external borders, promote more resilient supply chains, and act decisively on climate change.”200 According to researchers
Mark Leonard and Jeremy Shapiro, “such autonomy should not be confused with retreat into isolationism or protectionism. Europe’s openness and the resulting interdependence are the very
essence of the European integration project.”201 By enhancing member relations and coherence in
the foreign policy realm, the EU may become less dependent on non-EU partners, the U.S. being
chief among them.
President Biden has consistently reiterated his promise to prioritize multilateralism and work with the European Union. One of his top priorities is revitalizing European transatlantic
relations that were eroded by President Trump. Western European nations, particularly Germany, suffered the most under Trump’s policies and are looking forward to an improvement with a
lifelong transatlanticist now in office.202 As Vice President under Obama, Biden has already established strong, long-lasting relations with European leaders and plans to be more involved
in international treaties and institutions by rejoining the Paris Agreement and reengaging with
the World Health Organization (WHO).203 Furthermore, due to Biden’s strong commitment to promoting democratic values and norms, his foreign policy will likely be unforgiving in relations
with undemocratic regimes and dictators; he hopes to work with Europe to reverse the recent
autocratic gains made by China and Russia.
The foundation of the EU-U.S. relationship is largely concerned and interconnected
with trade policy and security.204 However, European countries recognize Biden will need to prioritize domestic affairs before he can turn to relations with Europe. Many European officials acknowledge, almost resignedly, that though Biden’s rhetoric may differ from Trump’s, he is still likely to continue some aspects of his predecessor’s “America first” campaign, giving priority to mending political divisions in the United States. Therefore, despite the leadership change, it may
be some time before the U.S. is able to reestablish its former ties and relations with European
countries. Those nations must now decide, whether individually or as a union, which matters
they can consult and work with the U.S. upon and which they may more effectively address
Based on a detailed analysis of their responses to the 2020 U.S. election, European nations now view the United States with greater skepticism. The lead-up to and the aftermath of
the presidential election has led to a decrease in European confidence in American democracy. In particular, the Europe Union can be expected to assert its own identity and assume a more
prominent leading role in global affairs, especially in the realm of climate change, regardless of
the foreign policy goals pursued by the United States. While European countries will most likely welcome assistance from the United States, their leaders recognize that they must continue to
work towards independent strategies and policies for tackling European problems and assume a
greater autonomous leadership role, as the European community no longer views the U.S. as a
reliable long-term ally.
There is reason to be optimistic about the transatlantic relationship, however. President
Biden has pledged to take a more active role in international affairs, and his recent move to rejoin the Paris Agreement signals his intention to follow through on his campaign rhetoric. His
commitment to climate activism and his condemnation of authoritarianism signals a realignment
of American and European views, which should lead to an at least partial warming of relations.
Moving forward, the extent to which these policy priorities and approaches remain in-step,
especially given the unpredictability of polarized politics in both the U.S. and Europe, must
be closely monitored. In this way, Biden’s plea for unity and an economic rebound may have significant transatlantic implications in reversing some of the damage done by President Trump. While relations between the U.S. and Europe have suffered, the prospect of a more reliable international American presence may be enough to begin to repair the transatlantic relationship.
Though the focus of the individual reports was at each assistant’s discretion, nearly
all researchers discussed the political, social, and economic ramifications of the U.S. election found in their research through a range of sources, including media outlets, publications, official statements, and interviews
1 Riccardo Alcaro, “The Fraying Transatlantic Order and Europe’s Struggle in a Multipolar World,” in America’s Allies and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony, eds. Justin Massie and Jonathan Paquin (London: Routledge, 2020), 143-60. 2 Richard W. Mansbach and James M. McCormick, eds., Foreign Policy Issues for America: The Trump Years (New York: Routledge, 2019). 3 Robert Costa and Philip Rucker, “Trump Questions Need for NATO, Outlines Noninterventionist Foreign Policy,” Washington Post, March 21, 2016, https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2016/03/21/donaldtrump-reveals-foreign-policy-team-in-meeting-with-the-washington-post/. 4 Ana Swanson, “Trump Administration Escalates Tensions With Europe as Crisis Looms,” New York Times, March 12, 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/12/business/economy/trump-european-union-trade.html. 5 Justin Massie and Johnathan Paquin, eds., America’s Allies and the Decline of U.S. Hegemony (New York: Routledge, 2020). 6 Thomas Wright, A Post-American Europe and the Future of U.S. Strategy (Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, December 2017), https://www.brookings.edu/research/a-post-american-europe-and-the-future-of-u-s-strategy/. 7 Stanley Hoffmann, “France, the United States, & Iraq,” The Nation, June 29, 2015, https://www.thenation.com/ article/archive/france-united-states-iraq/. 8 Pew Research Center, America’s Image in the World: Findings from the Pew Global Attitudes Project (Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, March 14, 2007), https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2007/03/14/americas-image-inthe-world-findings-from-the-pew-global-attitudes-project/. 9 Ibid. 10 Robert Kagan, “The World America Made-and Trump Wants to Unmake,” POLITICO Magazine, September 28, 2018, http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/09/28/donald-trump-unga-liberal-world-order-220738. 11 Amanda Macias and Nate Rattner, “Here’s What Each NATO Country Contributes Financially to the World’s Strongest Military Alliance,” CNBC, December 4, 2019, https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/03/each-nato-countrys-financial-contribution-to-the-military-alliance.html. 12 European Union Objectives can be found in full here: https://europarlamentti.info/en/values-and-objectives/objectives/#:~:text=The%20European%20Union’s%20main%20objective,that%20these%20objectives%20are%20 achieved. 13 It is important to note that while the United States and the EU represent the two largest economies in the world according to nominal GDP, with China coming in third with $14.3 trillion, the United States and the EU become the second and third largest economies in the world, respectively, when accounting for purchasing power parity. See Kimberly Amadeo, “Largest Economies in the World,” The Balance, last modified December 10, 2020, https://www. thebalance.com/world-s-largest-economy-3306044; see also, Prableen Bajpai, “The 5 Largest Economies in the World and Their Growth in 2020,” Nasdaq (blog), January 22, 2020, https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/the-5-largesteconomies-in-the-world-and-their-growth-in-2020-2020-01-22. 14 Gary D Espinas, “Ukraine’s Defense Engagement with the United States,” Journal of International Affairs 63, no. 2 (2010): 53-63. 15 “Read the Transcript of Trump’s Call with the Ukraine President,” ABC News, September 25, 2019, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/read-transcript-trumps-call-ukraine-president/story?id=65849015. 16 Alyona Getmanchuk, “Whatever His Name. 6 Things Which Will Remain Unchanged for Ukraine after the U.S. Presidential Election,” New Europe Center (blog), November 4, 2020, http://neweurope.org.ua/en/analytics/bezpryv-yazky-do-prizvyshha-6-rechej-dlya-ukrayiny-yaki-ne-zalezhatymut-id-rezultativ-vyboriv-u-ssha/.
17 Joseph R. Biden, “Why America Must Lead Again,” Foreign Affairs, November 30, 2020, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-01-23/why-america-must-lead-again. 18 Anna Myroniuk, “Biden will support Ukraine against Russia, but demand corruption Fight,” Kyiv Post, November 10, 2020, https://www.kyivpost.com/ukraine-politics/biden-will-support-ukraine-against-russia-but-demand-corruption-fight.html. 19 U.S. Department of State, “U.S. Relations With Poland,” January 21, 2021, https://www.state.gov/u-s-relationswith-poland/. 20 Jamie Dettmer. “Why Biden Win Would Pose Problem for Central Europe’s Populist Leaders,” Voice of America, October 1, 2020, https://www.voanews.com/europe/why-biden-win-would-pose-problem-central-europes-populistleaders. 21 Joanna Plucinska. “Poland Warns EU Countries against Rapprochement with Russia,” Reuters, August 8, 2019, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-poland-russia-ukraine/poland-warns-eu-countries-against-rapprochement-withrussia-idUSKCN1UY1JP. 22 Michael Crowley, “Poland’s Right-Wing President Meets With Trump and Gets a Pre-Election Boost,” New York Times, June 24, 2020, https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/politics/trump-andrzej-duda-poland.html. 23 Aleks Szczerbiak, “Why Is Poland’s Law and Justice Party Still so Popular?”, European Politics and Policy-London School of Economics (blog), October 1, 2019, https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2019/10/01/why-is-polandslaw-and-justice-party-still-so-popular/. 24 Monika Scislowska, “Poland’s Top Court Rules out Abortions Due to Fetal Defects.” Associated Press, October 23, 2020, https://apnews.com/article/international-news-poland-abortion-europe-birth-defects-9258358858a72911663cd1d276a8fbd2. 25 Dominik Tolksdorf, “While Conflict with the EU Is Likely to Continue, Poland’s Government Banks on Close Relations with the White House,” Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (blog), May 12, 2020, https://us.boell.org/en/2020/05/12/ while-conflict-eu-likely-continue-polands-government-banks-close-relations-white-house. 26“Hungary’s Viktor Orban Says He Is Rooting for Trump Victory,” Associated Press, September 11, 2020, https:// apnews.com/article/viktor-orban-united-states-hungary-virus-outbreak-europe-f3c4aed15c8cbf81c9200453e70e83ae. 27 Gabriela Baczynska and John Chalmers. “Hungary’s Orban Convinced Trump Will Win U.S. Election, Has No Plan B,” Reuters, September 25, 2020, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-hungary-orban-trump-interview/hungarysorban-convinced-trump-will-win-u-s-election-has-no-plan-b-idUSKCN26G29M. 28 Adam Payne, “Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban Endorses Trump and Denounces the ‘Moral Imperialism’ of the Democrats,” Business Insider, September 21, 2020, https://www.businessinsider.com/viktor-orban-endorses-trump-denounces-moral-imperialism-of-democrats-2020-9. 29 “Hungarian Press Roundup: Prospects of U.S.-Hungarian Relations,” Hungary Today, November 12, 2020, https:// hungarytoday.hu/press-roundup-biden-president-us-election-relation-hungary/. 30 “With Donald Trump out, EU Nationalists Are down a U.S. Ally,” Deutsche Welle, November 10, 2020, https:// www.dw.com/en/with-donald-trump-out-eu-nationalists-are-down-a-us-ally/a-55559084. 31 Bogdan Góralczyk, “Gambling with the Trump Card.” Visegrad Insight, November 19, 2020, https://visegradinsight.eu/viktor-orban-gambling-with-the-trump-card. 32 Economic performance data for Portugal can be found here: https://www.worlddata.info/europe/portugal/economy. php#:~:text=Worldwide%20gross%20domestic%20product%20in,23.252%20US%20Dollar%20per%20capita.&text=Inflation%,20in%20Portugal%20was%20in,same%20was%20year%20at%201.63%25. 33 Lívi Franco, assistant professor and senior researcher at the Institute for Political Studies at the Catholic University of Portugal and associate researcher at the pan-European think-tank, European Center for Foreign Relations (ECFR), interview conducted via zoom by Emilia Castelao, December 21, 2020. 34 Melissa Huan, “Perspectives on the U.S. Election: a View from Portugal.” Atlas Lisboa, November 2, 2020, https://www.atlaslisboa.com/perspectives-on-the-u-s-election-a-view-from-portugal/. 35 Julie Ray, “Biden Inherits a Battered U.S. Image Abroad,” Gallup, December 17, 2020, https://news.gallup.com/ poll/327629/biden-inherits-battered-image-abroad.aspx. 36 André Azevedo Alves, reader, Economics, Political Economy, and Public Policy at St. Mary’s University Twickenham London, interview conducted via zoom by Emilia Castelao, December 21, 2020. 37 Richard Wike, et. al., “Detailed Tables: Confidence in U.S. Presidents, U.S. Favorability,” Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project, October 1, 2018, https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2018/10/01/appendix-a-detailed-tables-u-s-image/.
38 Jon Henly, “Minority of Europeans Think U.S. Election Will Be Free and Fair–Poll,” Guardian, October 8, 2020, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/08/minority-of-europeans-think-us-election-will-be-free-and-fairpoll. 39 Gustavo Palomares Lerma, “Cómo Afectan Las Elecciones De EEUU a Europa (y a España),” El Diario, October 28, 2020, https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/elecciones-eeuu-2020/afectan-elecciones-eeuu-europa-espana_129_6325091.html. 40 Enrique Stuyck, “¿Qué Ganamos Con Biden?” El Diario Vasco, November 11, 2020, https://www.diariovasco. com/opinion/ganamos-biden-20201111001916-ntvo.html. 41 Olatz Burriuso, “Por Qué Todos (Menos Vox) Quieren Que Gane Biden,” Hoy, November 6, 2020, https://www. hoy.es/elecciones/eeuu/quieren-gane-biden-20201105212617-ntrc.html?ref=https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F. 42 Rubén Rozas, “España Reacciona a Las Elecciones De Estados Unidos y La Amenaza De Trump De Recurrir Al Supremo,” El Plural, November 4, 2020, https://www.elplural.com/politica/espana/espana-reacciona-elecciones-unidos-amenaza-trump-recurrir-supremo_252287102. 43 Javier Ansorena, “Tambores De Violencia En Un País Partido En Dos,” ABC, November 3, 2020, https://www.abc. es/internacional/elecciones-eeuu/abci-elecciones-eeuu-tambores-violencia-pais-partido-202010302319_noticia.html. 44 Paolo Magri, et. al., “Gli USA e Il Mondo: Il Futuro Dei Rapporti Con L’Italia.” ISPI, October 21, 2020, https:// www.ispionline.it/it/pubblicazione/gli-usa-e-il-mondo-il-futuro-dei-rapporti-con-litalia-27921. 45 Giovanna De Maio, “Why the U.S.-Italy Relationship Matters.” Atlantic Council (blog), September 2020. https:// www.atlanticcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Why_the_US-Italy_Relationship_Matters.pdf. 46 Ibid. 47 John Henderson, “Think Trump will be a disaster? Just ask the Italians,” The Local It (blog), November 9, 2016, https://www.thelocal.it/20160801/think-trump-would-be-a-disaster-just-ask-the-italians. 48 Mark Donovan, “Berlusconi’s impact and legacy: political parties and the party system,” Modern Italy 20, No.1 (2015): 11-24. 49 “2020 U.S. Presidential Election (view from Europe),” YouGov, 2020, https://docs.cdn.yougov.com/bbfds33upk/ YouGov%20-%202020%20US%20presidential%20election%20view%20from%20Europe.pdf. 50 Jon Henley, Antonio Voce, and Seán Clarke, “Italian Elections 2018-Full Results.” Guardian, March 5, 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2018/mar/05/italian-elections-2018-full-results-renzi-berlusconi 51 Shaun Walker and Tom Phillips, “Rightwing Populists Place Their Bets on Four More Years of Trump,” Guardian, October 18, 2020, www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/oct/18/rightwing-populists-place-their-bets-on-four-moreyears-of-trump. 52 Nicola Casarini, “Italy Oscillates on China,” Echowall, June 22, 2020, https://www.echo-wall.eu/currents-context/ italy-oscillates-china. 53 Francesco Bechis, “Se Gli Italiani Preferiscono La Cina Agli Usa (e Alla Ue),” Formiche, April 21, 2020, https:// formiche.net/2020/04/italiani-preferiscono-cina-usa-ue/. 54 Christopher White, “Pope Francis Congratulates Biden on Election Win,” National Catholic Reporter, November 12, 2020, https://www.ncronline.org/news/politics/pope-francis-congratulates-biden-election-win. 55 Steven R. Weisman, “U.S. and Vatican Restore Full Ties After 117 Years,” New York Times, January 11, 1984, https://www.nytimes.com/1984/01/11/world/us-and-vatican-restore-full-ties-after-117-years.html. 56 Paul Moses, “Vatican Diplomacy and the Iraq War,” Commonweal Magazine, January 13, 2020, https://www. commonwealmagazine.org/vatican-diplomacy-iraq-war. 57 Teresa Welsh, “Pope Francis Brokers Renewed Relations Between U.S. and Cuba,” U.S. News & World Report, December 17, 2014, https://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/12/17/pope-francis-brokers-renewed-relations-between-us-and-cuba. 58 Adam Peck, “Donald Trump Is Now in a Holy War with the Pope,” New Republic, February 18, 2016, https://newrepublic.com/article/130136/donald-trump-now-holy-war-pope. 59 Tina Nguyen, “Pope Francis Calls Out Trump, Accuses Him of ‘Pro-Life’ Hypocrisy,” Vanity Fair, September 11, 2017, https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/pope-francis-trump-daca. 60 Claire Giangravé, “With Biden Victory, Pope Francis May Find a Natural Ally in the Second Catholic President,” America Magazine, November 9, 2020, https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2020/11/09/biden-vatican-pope-francis-election. 61 Will Weissert and David Crary, “Pope Francis Congratulates Biden for Winning Presidential Election,” PBS Newshour, November 13, 2020, https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/pope-francis-congratulates-biden-for-winning-presidential-election.
62 Nina Berglund, “Norway Heaves a Huge Sigh of Relief,” News in English, November 9, 2020, https://www.newsinenglish.no/2020/11/09/norway-heaves-a-huge-sigh-of-relief/. 63 Claire Parker, “Why It Matters When Trump Affronts Denmark, a Stalwart U.S. Ally since 1783,” Seattle Times, August 21, 2019, https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/denmark-has-been-and-important-u-s-ally/. 64 Merrick Tabor, professor of Political Science at Stockholm University, email interview conducted by Ryan Merrigan, December 16, 2020. 65 Helen Jones, “The Copenhagen Post - Danish News in English,” CPHPOST, November 6, 2020, https://cphpost. dk/?p=120106 66 Neils Bjerre-Poulsen, associate professor, Institute for American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark, Email interview conducted by Ryan Merrigan, December 15 2020. 67“What Are Norway’s Politicians Saying about the U.S. Election?,” Local, November 4, 2020. https://www.thelocal. no/20201104/what-are-norways-politicians-saying-about-the-us-election 68 Merrick Tabor, professor of Political Science at Stockholm University, email interview conducted by Ryan Merrigan. December 16, 2020. 69 U.S. Embassy in Ireland, “Policy & History,” September 15, 2017, https://ie.usembassy.gov/our-relationship/policy-history/ 70 U.S. Department of State, “US. Relations With Ireland,” July 27, 2020, https://www.state.gov/u-s-relations-withireland/ 71 “President Trump Meeting with Irish Prime Minister,” C-Span, March 12, 2020, https://www.c-span.org/video/?470295-1/president-trump-defends-travel-ban-europe-stop-coronavirus-spread. 72 “Irish Communities Linked to Trump & Biden Show Colours before U.S. Vote,” Euronews, November 2, 2020, https://www.euronews.com/2020/11/02/us-elections-irish-communities-linked-to-trump-and-biden-show-their-colours-ahead-of-vote. 73 Shauna Bowers, “Irish in U.S. Respond to Biden’s Election: ‘A Big Dark Cloud Is Being Removed from the Country,’” Irish Times, November 08, 2020, https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/abroad/irish-in-us-respondto-biden-s-election-a-big-dark-cloud-is-being-removed-from-the-country-1.4403758. 74 U.S. Department of State, “U.S. Relations With the United Kingdom,” U.S., February 6, 2020, https://www.state. gov/u-s-relations-with-united-kingdom/. 75 Andrew Rawnsley, “A Joe Biden White House Will Have Little Time and Less Love for ‘Britain’s Trump.’” Guardian, October 25, 2020, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/oct/25/johnson-dangerously-closeto-one-us-president-wht-if-biden-wins. 76 Richard Wike, Janell Fetterolf, and Mara Mordecai, “U.S. Image Plummets Internationally as Most Say Country Has Handled Coronavirus Badly,” Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project, December 10, 2020, https://www. pewresearch.org/global/2020/09/15/us-image-plummets-internationally-as-most-say-country-has-handled-coronavirus-badly/. 77 Alan McGuinness, “Boris Johnson Congratulates Joe Biden and Talks Brexit in First Phone Call with President-elect,” Sky News, November 10, 2020, https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-congratulates-us-presidentelect-joe-biden-on-victory-in-phone-call-12129386. 78 Gabriela Galindo, “US President Donald Trump Tests Positive for Covid-19,” Brussels Times, October 2, 2020, www.brusselstimes.com/news/world-all-news/133843/us-president-donald-trump-tests-positive-for-covid-19. 79 Alexander De Croo (@alexanderdecroo), “Congratulations @JoeBiden with your election as 46th President of the United States,” Twitter post, November 7, 2020, https://twitter.com/alexanderdecroo/status/1325128292484050947 80 Jason Spinks, “Belgium’s Prime Minister Criticised after Congratulating Biden,” Brussels Times, November 8, 2020, http://www.brusselstimes.com/news/belgium-all-news/politics/139768/belgiums-prime-minister-faces-twitter-criticism-after-congratulating-biden-kamala-harris-democracy-open-vld-electoral-systems/. 81 Catherine E. de Vries and Isabell Hoffmann, “Together Apart: Trumpism and its effects on European Public Opinion,” Eupinions, October 28, 2020, https://eupinions.eu/de/text/together-apart 82 Simon Desplanque, assistant professor, Economic, Social, and Political Sciences, Universite Catholique de Louvain, interview conducted by Grace Rozembajgier, December 16, 2020 83 “Biden and the World: What a U.S. Presidential Transition Means,” Council on Foreign Relations, November 12, 2020, http://www.cfr.org/article/biden-and-world-what-us-presidential-transition-means. 84 “Trump Victory Not Isolated Phenomenon: Belgian Far Right,” Reuters, November 9, 2016, http://www.reuters. com/article/us-usa-election-belgium-farright/trump-victory-not-isolated-phenomenon-belgian-far-right-idUSKBN13416C.
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pean-leaders-vow-to-keep-fighting-global-warming-despite-us-withdrawal. 151 European Commission, “EU Climate Action and the European Green Deal,” accessed April 9, 2021, https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/eu-climate-action_en 152 Eric Bradner, Betsy Klein, and Christopher Hickey, “Biden Targets Trump’s Legacy with First-Day Executive Actions.” CNN, January 20, 2021, https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/20/politics/executive-actions-biden/index.html. 153 The White House, “Executive Order on Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis,” January 20, 2021. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/01/20/executive-order-protecting-public-health-and-environment-and-restoring-science-to-tackle-climate-crisis/. 154 Chatham House, “Impact of the U.S. Election on Global Climate Politics,” November 25, 2020, https://www. chathamhouse.org/events/all/research-event/impact-us-election-global-climate-politics. 155 Ibid. 156 Ursula von der Leyen, “The European Green Deal – Our New Growth Strategy.” European Commission, December 11, 2019, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ac_19_6745. 157 European Commission, “The Just Transition Mechanism: Making Sure No One is Left Behind,” https://ec.europa. eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal/actions-being-taken-eu/just-transition-mechanism_en. 158 Thomas Haahr and Natalie Kate Kontoulis, “Parliament Supports European Green Deal and Pushes for Even Higher Ambitions,” News: European Parliament, January 15, 2020, www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/pressroom/20200109IPR69902/parliament-supports-european-green-deal-and-pushes-for-even-higher-ambitions. 159 European Commission, “A European Green Deal: Striving to be the First Climate-neutral Continent,” https:// ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/european-green-deal_en. 160 Zack Colman, “Europe Threatens U.S. with carbon tariffs to combat climate change,” Politico, December 13, 2019, https://www.politico.com/news/2019/12/13/europe-carbon-tariff-climate-change-084892. 161 Olivia Lazard, “Climate Change and Europe’s New Geopolitical Role,” Carnegie Europe, October 27, 2020, https://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/8305. 162 “La Doctrine Macron: Une Conversation Avec le Président Français,” Grand Continent, November 16, 2020, https://legrandcontinent.eu/fr/2020/11/16/macron/. 163 Richard Maher, “Europe’s Far-Right Parties Got a Boost from Trump, but Will They Govern?,” Conversation, February 19, 2017, https://theconversation.com/europes-far-right-parties-got-a-boost-from-trump-but-will-theygovern-72319; 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of the Democrats,” Business Insider, September 21, 2020, https://www.businessinsider.com/viktor-orban-endorses-trump-denounces-moral-imperialism-of-democrats-2020-9; Kakissis, “Pro-Populist Media In Eastern Europe Promote Trump’s Baseless Voter Fraud Claims.” 170 Miguel Ángel Belloso, “Por Qué Detesto a Biden,” Ok Diario, November 9, 2020, https://okdiario.com/opinion/ que-detesto-biden-6396297. 171 Steven Erlanger, “European Populists Who Looked to Trump Now Look Away,” New York Times, January 13, 2021, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/13/world/europe/trump-europe.html. 172 Heather Ashby, “Far-Right Extremism Is a Global Problem.” Foreign Policy, January 15, 2021,
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Enzo Ambrose
Catharina Brunner-Lopez Emilia Castelao
Emma Dudrick
Will Forsen Katherine Huffert
Genevieve Klien
Madison Kranz
Victoria Kuprewicz
Grace Ma Ryan Merrigan
Sophia Michetti
Nora Murphy
Maggie O’Brian Bridget Paulmann Grace Rozembajgier
Meilin Scanish
Gavin Shust
Joseph Speicher
André Azevedo Alves, reader in economics political economy and public policy at St. Mary’s
University, Twickenham, London
Heinz Gärtner, academic director,Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Lívia Franco, professor and senior researcher at the Institute for Political Studies at the Catholic
University of Portugal (IEP-UCP) and associate researcher at the European Council on Foreign Relations
Merrick Tabor, professor of political science, Stockholm University
Niels Bjerre-Poulsen, associate professor, Institute for American Studies, University of Southern
William Collins Donahue, Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C., Professor of the Humanities; director, Initiative for Global Europe, Keough School of Global Affairs
Advising Team
Anna Dolezal, student programs assistant manager, Nanovic Institute for European Studies
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