Historic Nantucket, July 1976, Vol. 24 No. 1

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Elisabeth Gayer's Letter An interested member of the Association, Mr. Walter Weston Folger, of Chattanooga, Tennessee, in continuing his research on the Gayer Family has found a letter in Flora Thomas' book "The Builders of Milford", (pages 8 and 9), which he has sent on for the enjoyment of our readers. Written by Elisabeth Gayer, it has a brief introduction by Miss Thomas, and reads as follows: Of the families some are a good deal more prominent than others, and even in that Swiss Family Robinson kind of life, had a higher social status. The Gayers, for instance, are put down as English gentlemen, William Gayer being brother to a Sir John Gayer of Bombay. William Gayer married Dorcas Starbuck, and their daughter Dorcas Gayer married Jethro Starbuck. It is an in and out connection that goes through all the twenty families and is somewhat difficult to follow. One of the most interesting letters of the Starbuck collection is one from a junior, William Gayer's widow, Elisabeth, dated London, January 5th, 1712-13. The writing is beautiful, and decorated with scroll work of the most elaborate kind. It is to Jethro Starbuck: Loving Brother and Sister, Having of this opportunity was not willing to slip it to acquaint you of the death of my dear Husband who departed this life the eleventh of November and likewise I have wrote to Sister Coffin by same conveyance and have likewise sent her ye Copy of my Husband's Will which if you please to go to her she will let you see itt and yt will satisfy you what my Dear Spouse has left you which shall be performed as I have mentioned to Sister Coffin in her letter. Ye Estate being out of my hands but in my Lady Gayer's, as soon as I receive any part from her will write you a line or two as to ye payment of your legacy and should be glad of a line or two from you how you and all our relations do doe in those parts. Pray. Brother and Sister, though my dear Husband is gone which has been no small loss to me, I hope you will not be a stranger to me, who shall be very desirous at all times and by all conveyances to hear from you and if in any thing I can serve you here pray Brother and Sister freely command me who

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