Historic Nantucket, July 1978, Vol. 26 No. 1

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"Oliver S. Chase, a Young Nantucketer in Search of Wealth and Adventure" by Andre Aubuchon (Continued from an article begun in our April issue.) OLIVER HAD MOVED to Providence to make his fortune, but in his six months with the Neptune Company, he was unable to win a promotion. He was not able to contribute to the support of his parents from the forty dollars he received every month, and the gifts he had sent to his sister and her children became less frequent. As early as November, 1865, he had written to Lizzie: "I wish I could do more for them (his parents), and I hope the day is not far off when I shall be able to." Despite his wishes, he found himself so hard-pressed that he failed to send the traditional New Year's gifts home to Nantucket, though his sister had made him a generous present. "Yes," Oliver wrote to Lizzie, "the box and contents came along all right and safely, and came very acceptable to me, and I thank you very kindly for all. It will be quite beyond my power to pay such kindness, but yet I will hope that, at no distant day I may be enabled to at least partially return your kind favors." Remarking on the ties Lizzie had sent, he added: "These long ones are just what I want, and I shall be pleased to wear them as occasion demands." It must be admitted that Oliver did not scrimp and save, and that he was a spendthrift by the standards of frugal Nantucketers. He travelled, went to dances and lectures, and bought the most fashionable clothing. The description of his wardrobe suggests that he was a "dandy". In one letter he described a necktie he had purchased: "Dark blue with spots (diamonds)...very pretty. It goes on like a butterfly making it have the appearance of being a scarf." In the same letter, he explained that he had paid twelve dollars - more than one week's pay - for boots: "They are a daisy pair. They are of the best French calf skin..." He penciled in, "and are paid for...",as if he thought it wise to mollify a sister who might

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