New Curator Established by John N. Welch THE NANTUCKET HISTORICAL Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Victoria T. Hawkins as Curator of Collections. Recognizing the growing demand and responsibility of maintaining its historical buildings and collections, the Association has created the position of curator in order to meet the challenge. Born and raised in Glastonbury, Connecticut, Ms. Hawkins graduated from The Northfield School for Girls (presently The Northfield-Mt. Hermon School), East Northfield, Massachusetts, and from Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Her varied professional career has ranged from fashion editing in New York City to marketing in the educational audio-visual industry. From a family with strong interests in fine arts, Ms. Hawkins found her avocation in history and antiques. In 1980, the opportunity to manage an antique shop brought Ms. Hawkins to live on Nantucket. She became a member of the Association and this past spring helped ready the 1800 House, after almost two years of silence, for its reopening to the public in June. As Curator of Collections, Ms. Hawkins underscores the conserva tion of the artifacts within the existing collections as top priority in her list of responsibilities. Additionally, with the support of professional ex pertise, she will direct the refurbishing of the five historic house ex hibits. With its tri-centennial in 1986, the Oldest House is at the top of that list. Viewing education as a function necessary to the prosperity of the Association, Ms. Hawkins believes that by determining the purpose of each house and developing that focus through appropriateness of contents, each house becomes a strong educational tool. She also hopes to realize the potential of the Hadwen House and the Greater Light as sites for lecture series, musical evenings, art exhibits, garden parties and other events intended to stimulate interest in Nantucket's strong cultural and historical heritage. In assuming full responsibility for the Association's exhibits, she will oversee the conservation and restora tion, day-to-day housekeeping, and the strengthening of the docent corps. Ms. Hawkins will be involved in planning future museum exhibits, grant applications and fund raising in order to promote the growth and prosperity of the Association. An ever increasing list of exciting and fruitful projects will need the support of many hands. Ms. Hawkins en courages members who have an interest in helping or who have ideas to contribute to contact her at the Old Town Building.