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Fresher’s Ball 2022
Freshers Ball 2022, was the most colorful event at CIU this year. The annual event consisted of Mr. And Miss. CIU competi ti ons as well as a welcome party for the freshers. MTN pulse Uganda, was the event sponsor and really took the event to the next level. They set up an amazing stage, and had the students parti cipate in a number of acti viti es like board games, the 360 camera, dance competi ti ons and many more.
Mr. and Miss. CIU were tested on their intellectual abiliti es, confi dence and ability to represent their cultural heritage appropriately. All the parti cipants were brilliant, but Bumpenjje John Mary and Sarah Levi Wani came up on top taking the ti tles of MR. and Miss. CIU. The CIU guild were very acti ve in the preparati ons of the event and the event was very well att ended. Mr. and Miss. CIU will be ambassadors for the University across the country.