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CIU wins 1st Runner up Exhibitor Award at the 13th Blended National Council for Higher Education Institutions Exhibition

On the 13 th of September 2022, CIU participated in the 13th Blended National Council for Higher Education Institutions Exhibition at UMA show grounds Lugogo. The exhibition gives high school students in their final year, an opportunity to interact with institutions of higher education and get guidance on their options for further studies. The Theme this year was “Enhancement of teaching, learning and assessment with ODEL in higher education.”

During the exhibition, institutions displayed how they were using Open Distance and E-learning (ODEL) and CIU won 1 st runner up for best private institutions effectively implementing ODEL.


The guest of honor Hon. Tayebwa Thomas Deputy Speaker of Parliament encouraged the government to provide scholarships for students whose parents could not afford school fees. He also encouraged students to be hungry for success and to work hard for their goals.

By Daphne Bukirwa

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