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CIU wins International Computer Driving License (ICDL ) for Africa’s Best Practice 2022

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The Internati onal Computer Driving License (ICDL) is a globally recognized certi fi cati on that provides individuals with the skills and knowledge necessary to use a computer and common computer applicati ons. The certi fi cati on is designed to give individuals a solid foundati on in computer literacy and is recognized by employers, educati onal insti tuti ons, and governments around the world.

The ICDL program is based on a set of internati onal standards that defi ne the core competencies required for computer use. The program covers a range of topics, including computer hardware, soft ware, operati ng systems, and common applicati ons such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentati on soft ware.


To obtain the ICDL certi fi cati on, individuals must pass a series of exams that assess their knowledge and skills in each of the core competencies.

Clarke Internati onal University is an accredited testing centre, since 2017. The testi ng centre is under our School of Business and Applied Technologies.

The University has been running public classes online and currently has started partnering with corporate companies to contribute to the skilling gap in the market today. Standard Chartered Bank has been our fi rst corporate customer, because their current mandate is to give back to their customers by providing a digital upskilling program that will help them remain relevant in this fast-growing digital era. One of the key advantages of the ICDL certi fi cati on is that it is portable and recognized internati onally. This means that individuals who have obtained the certi fi cati on can use it to demonstrate their computer literacy skills to employers, educators, and governments regardless of where they are in the world. And got the opportunity to att end the ICDL Africa Forum, in Kigali. Themed: “In what way should African governments Leverage digital skills for the workforce to contribute to a knowledge -based economy?” where CIU got THE ICDL AFRICA BEST PRACTICE AWARD 2022 EDUCATION IN THE WHOLE OF AFRICA for the astoninishing work being done with in the country.

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