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Clarke Internati onal University has had several outreach acti viti es this year 2022 and has managed to partner with several partner organisati ons to reach out to more schools and communiti es.

CIU partnered with Reach a Hand Uganda this year, so that young people in secondary schools can get to know more about the University and what it off ers. We engaged several schools including St. Elizabeth Nkoowe, Lowell Girls School, Elite High School, Naalya Secondary School. We also parti cipated in the Brave Girls Festi val, and Brave Girls Tournament, and we were able to create a CIU Girls Soccer team to this eff ect. We also parti cipated in career days of some of the schools including Masaka Secondary School.


Reach a Hand has gone ahead to see us as a valuable partner to contribute to their mandate as well as ours, and we parti cipated in the launch of their strategic plan for the next 5 years. We are excited about this partnership and look forward to a look term relati onship with them.

The diff erent insti tutes and schools within the University have also been able to parti cipate in several events including the School of Public Health which parti cipated in the Hepati ti s B 2-day event which was led by Ms. Alimah Komuhangi. Day 1 was an outreach for awareness in the community of Nakawa and the Day 2 the team att ended the scienti fi c symposium and the Dean of Public Health, John Alege made his contributi on at the symposium

Come 2023, we look forward to visiti ng more communiti es and schools as the country conti nues to discover the Clarke Internati onal University brand and the contributi on it is making in the Health and Business Industries.

By Julia Nansubuga

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