Inversed Colours

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A tall letter, representing the mountain Snowdon. The pointed peak showing the summit the article speaks of, and the slab serifs representing the firm and flat ground on which the mountain stands.

Steep angular sides represent the heigt of the mountain. Varied angles in the crossbar show Snodwon as the tallest within a range, whilst dually representing the track which the 4x4 was driven up. The letter is constructed through four clearly defined parts- the two sides, the crossbar and the serifs, which represent the 4x4 vehicle itself.

The holiday theme of this article lent itself to the rounded and relaxed design of the character. The global subject was a prompt for the letter to be a rounded, smoothly curved shape, as well as the large counters.

The proportioning of the letter was a representation of the percentage figures stated in the article, and the larger lower counter shows the increase in these figures .which the article refers to.

The circular shape the character is designed around shows the jovial comedy subject of the text. The use of curved serifs show the aptitude of the actors for their profession, while the contrast in shape highlights the forced vibe of Brannagh’s performance.

The uneven spacing and balance of the serifs portrays the difference in the skill of the two actors in their roles.

Heavy weight lines and wide shape of the letter are representative of the references in the article to obesity and health. Serifs mark the formality of the topic, it being an official government tax.

The large counter can also be interpreted as the way the life expectancy of the Danes is expected to increase. Rounded and wide, the character is a portrayal of the state of the health of may of the Danish population, according to the article.

A tall letter, representing the mountain Snowdon. The pointed peak showing the summit the article speaks of, and the slab serifs representing the firm and flat ground on which the mountain stands.

Steep angular sides represent the heigt of the mountain. Varied angles in the crossbar show Snodwon as the tallest within a range, whilst dually representing the track which the 4x4 was driven up. The letter is constructed through four clearly defined parts- the two sides, the crossbar and the serifs, which represent the 4x4 vehicle itself.

The holiday theme of this article lent itself to the rounded and relaxed design of the character. The global subject was a prompt for the letter to be a rounded, smoothly curved shape, as well as the large counters.

The proportioning of the letter was a representation of the percentage figures stated in the article, and the larger lower counter shows the increase in these figures .which the article refers to.

The circular shape the character is designed around shows the jovial comedy subject of the text. The use of curved serifs show the aptitude of the actors for their profession, while the contrast in shape highlights the forced vibe of Brannagh’s performance.

The uneven spacing and balance of the serifs portrays the difference in the skill of the two actors in their roles.

Heavy weight lines and wide shape of the letter are representative of the references in the article to obesity and health. Serifs mark the formality of the topic, it being an official government tax.

The large counter can also be interpreted as the way the life expectancy of the Danes is expected to increase. Rounded and wide, the character is a portrayal of the state of the health of may of the Danish population, according to the article.

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