Product Packaging Packaging created for products from the VELA ranges. Three ranges are available: body, hair and face. Packaged products here show products items across the ranges. Further products are proposed within each range- eg, make up remover within the face range. Suhail & Regor- Hair products, Markab- Body product, and Ke- Face product. Matte finish moulded plastic with spot varnish on the type and logo shapes. CMYK Printing with a 5 colour palette.
Range Packaging Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution
Bauer Bodoni Std
VELA product range & distribution
Colours and Type Although the print process would be CMYK, the designs are set up to work with just 5 colours- plus tints and opacities. Bauer Bodoni is used for the brand name, providing an elegant look to the products.
Colours & Type Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution
Orion Typeface Based upon constellations of stars, this typeface combines simple geometric shames and lines to form a full set of capitals and small caps.
Typeface Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution
Launch Night Invitation Sent out to patrons of Harvey Nichols, cosmetics & beauty specialists and media. Invitation also available upon request via website. Die-cut on white ~200gsm stock. CMYK colour process.
Launch Night Invite Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution
Vela Website Website showcasing all products in each range, The Proposed products would also be included. Site would have features for online ordering, RSVP-ing to the launch night, and further information about all the products.
Screen Media Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution
Product Sales Signage for the store front- will be positioned within Harvey Nichols as a department on the cosmetics floor. Bag for product sales would be given out with purchases and free samples on the launch night.
Distribution Naomi Farrar Product Range Distribution