We created a three part solution that will not only raise awareness of Glayva Liqueur with an audience of young professionals, but also encourage people to mix and enjoy the drink in a variety of ways. My own part of this was designing packaging and a cocktail book, as well as constructing the type logo.
Overall Resolution OUGD203- YCN- Whyte & MacKay Naomi Farrar
Cocktail Recipe Book To encourage people to make their own Glayva drinks with new and exciting ways to mix the liqueur.
Cocktail Book OUGD203- YCN- Whyte & MacKay Naomi Farrar
Foil Print Finishes A lot of progression went on with the foil finish for the packaging. Printing onto black paper producted a sophisticated looking effect, however this stock didn’t hold the foil. Next, laser printing over the foil left the alignment off centre. After two failed attempts the result was an aged looking texture in foil for the logo and details on the bottle tube.
Print Finishes OUGD203- YCN- Whyte & MacKay Naomi Farrar
Typography As the only one with a type focus in the group, I took on the role of creating a new Glayva identity, and choosing the typeface to go with it. I picked Copse for it’s rounded serifs and balanced weight of lines, it seemed to reflect the qualities Whyte & MacKay wanted to show about their drink.
Typography OUGD203- YCN- Whyte & MacKay Naomi Farrar
Also Submitted As a group we each had a focussed area to work on for the resolutions- we also submitted a screen based advert, and printed promotions for the public domain. All these elements were created working closely together so that they work as a consistent brand identity.
Other Elements OUGD203- YCN- Whyte & MacKay Naomi Farrar