NAPCP December 2018 Issue of Inspired Magazine

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Featuring Megan Gonzalez of Upon Waves



Submit Your Best Black and White Images for Next Month’s Issue!

2019 Educational Summit Details, Elevating the Newborn Industry, and NAPCP InstaFaves!

‘Tis the season ...

The holidays come but once a year but when they come they bring good cheer! This December,

our wish for you is courage for the present and hope for the future. Happy Holidays!

Our final NAPCP Gatherings of 2018 were held around the world, over the past week. We hope

you were able to enjoy fellowship and food with your photographer peers! If you weren’t able to join us this month, NAPCP Gatherings will resume in 2019! We look forward to welcoming a new team of NAPCP Ambassadors, from within our community, in the coming months. Interested in becoming a NAPCP Ambassador? Applications will open soon; be on the lookout in the Member Community and make sure you’re reading your bi-weekly edition of Jubilate to stay in the know!

Speaking of NAPCP leaders, this month’s edition of Inspired features St. Johns, Florida

photographer Megan Gonzalez, of Upon Waves. Meg’s images are filled with soul and deep love. We are thrilled to not only share her with you here, but at the January 23rd, 2019 Educational Summit, at which Meg will be speaking. Meg has been on quite the journey over the past few years and she is anxious to share with you what she has learned. Meg was also a semifinalist in our Best New Emerging Child Photographer contest, a well-deserved honor she credits with giving her an extra push. You’ll feel Meg’s beautiful light shining on you as you peruse her feature pages!

With only a few weeks remaining until we gather together at NAPCP’s Atlanta headquarters for

our 2019 Educational Summit, time is running out to register with early-bird pricing! You don’t want to miss our exciting speaker lineup. Visit the summit website for more information on attending in-person or online, and register today!

This month’s feature article is by Jessica Lynch, of Jessica Lynch Photography! A Boston and

South Shore fine art portrait photographer, Jessica is passionate about newborn safety, and elevating the newborn photography niche. She strives to create natural and organic heirloom art that will withstand the test of time, and in this issue she shares steps newborn photographers can take to ensure that they are not only raising the bar for newborn photography, but maximizing profit as well.

Finally, just around the corner is our inaugural reformatted and redesigned Inspired magazine!

We invite you to submit your work for our “Black and White” themed January 2019 issue. If you are not yet a NAPCP member, submit your application now to receive featured artist preference.

All the best to you in the new year.

With good will, The NAPCP Team

TA BL E O F CO NTE N TS Pg. 4 ............................... Free Printable Gift Tags Pg. 5 ........................................What’s Happening Pg. 6 ......Featured Photographer Megan Gonzalez

Pg. 27 ....................................Marketing Mondays Pg. 28 ...........................2019 Educational Summit

Pg. 30 .................Elevating the Newborn Industry Pg. 38 .............January 2019 Inspired Submissions Pg. 40 .................................... #NAPCPInstaFaves Pg. 41 ..................................Membership Benefits





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WHAT’ S HA P P E NI N G right now Take advantage of early-bird pricing and register now for the January 23rd, 2019 Educational Summit in Atlanta -- right after Imaging! Online seats available, too! Register before Christmas Eve and be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card! Submit your favorite black and white images for the January issue of Inspired Magazine! More info on page 39.

January 2019 If you can’t make it to Atlanta, we hope you will join us virtually on January 23rd to watch the 2019 Educational Summit LIVE from the comfort of your own couch -- pajamas optional!

February 2019 Sign up to host a Marketing Mondays segment in the NAPCP Member Community. Share your favorite tips and tricks, what’s in your camera bag, your favorite things, or come up with your own topic!

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Images by Megan Gonzalez of Upon Waves

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egan Gonzalez, of Upon Waves, lives in St. Augustine, FL with

her husband, three children and two boxers. She considers herself an advocate for storytelling and has centered her photography business around capturing love, connection and emotion over all genres (including maternity, newborn, children, families, and weddings). When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family, attending and serving at church events, walking at the beach, fishing, reading, listening to music, and writing. She is currently working on writing a book she hopes to have published. Turn the page for Megan’s feature!

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AT A GLANC BEHIND Started photographing when: I was about seven years old. I was at my ballet recital, waiting in line to have my picture taken, when my parents asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I pointed at the photographer thinking to myself, “What better job could there be than to capture beauty and freeze time?� Officially opened business: 2015 Favorite camera: Currently my Nikon D610 (but dreaming of going hybrid someday) Lens of choice: 50mm 1.8

Megan Gonzalez

Favorite lab: Indie Print Co.

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Favorite client product: I use Design Aglow because I like to keep my frame offerings clean and simple, and the customer service is amazing! Favorite subject to photograph: My three littles! Favorite artist or musician: Crowder Favorite movie: Charlotte’s Web Recent favorite read: Letters to the Church, by Francis Chan Favorite client product: Ryan’s Denn Crystal & Walnut USBs 3 things you can’t live without: Faith, Love, and Family

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Congratulations on being the Inspired feature photographer this month, Meg! Tell us a little about yourself and how you got into the world of professional photography. Wow! Where do I start? I was overflowing with excitement, not only to hear that I would be speaking at the 2019 Educational Summit at Park Studios in Atlanta, but to learn that I would be the featured photographer in the December issue of Inspired. What an honor and privilege. I can’t even begin to express how grateful I am for these amazing opportunities - so I will simply say, thank you! I started my journey as a professional photographer in late 2015. My husband and I had just welcomed our third baby into the world when he got the news that his employer thought it best to part ways. He, being the amazing person he is, went and bought me a full frame camera and told me it was time to follow my dream of opening a photography business.

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To say I was in absolute shock over this brand new season of my life would be the understatement of the century. I was just beginning to wrap my mind around being a mother of three (under three) when the primary income in our home was stripped away from us within 24 hours of bringing baby home. It was now time to step up to the plate and get ready for the big leagues! I opened Little Tin Hen and poured every ounce of (what I thought was) myself into it! I worked day and night trying to build a successful business. I took on a job as a real estate photographer, to serve as an income until I could grow Little Tin Hen enough to stand on my own. I enrolled in workshops, read numerous photography books, practiced any chance I got, tweaked my website, offered free sessions, tweaked my site some more, tried to absorb more, attended workshops more, edited more, practiced more, worked more ... needless to say, I eventually burned out.

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I was throwing all of myself into full time photography and full time motherhood, and it was exhausting. After a while my business began to take away from my family as I grew more and more obsessed with achieving success. I was nominated for NAPCP’s BNECP (Best New Emerging Child Photographer) and chosen as one of the Top 25 Semifinalists, which gave me an extra push! I finally felt like I was on the right track, but something was still missing! Fast forward to April 2018, I realized that I had spent almost three full years pretending to be someone I wasn’t simply for the sake of being successful. I’m a believer, but I felt like I couldn’t share my faith. I’m a mother, but I felt like I couldn’t post images of my kids as a professional. I love the beach, but everyone else loves farmhouse right now. My life is messy; a professional simply can’t be messy. I found that I was wrong and I answered a call to shut down Little Tin Hen and start fresh as Upon Waves. It was about stepping out of the boat and having faith that just being myself would be far more rewarding than chasing the dream of success. Following that call has given me a life I never thought possible and suddenly I have time for my family, time for faith, time for myself, and best of all, time to do what I love without burning out! What type of photography do you tend to shoot the most and what draws you to that niche? I have learned that I am deeply inspired by sincere love, whether it be the love shared between a husband and wife, a mother and child, a set of siblings, or a person and place. My niche is simply love and storytelling. The new year is right around the corner. What are your ambitions and goals for 2019? Oh, 2019 is going to be another big year for me! My husband and I are currently in the process of having our new home built and we’ll be moving in early spring. I am excited to set up the new studio and begin booking more sessions as my youngest will be starting school. I have also started working on writing a book, so I’m hoping to be a step closer to getting published! Describe your dream shoot. My dream session would be of a small family with a little girl, on a foggy beach, with a horse. There is nothing more dreamy to me than fog.

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You are teaching at the 2019 NAPCP Educational Summit. What does cultivating an authentic brand mean to you? Will you tell us a little more about your course? I am passionate about cultivating an authentic brand because I feel that often times we try so hard to form a strong brand that we end up losing ourselves along the way. After spending almost three full years pouring all of myself into my business, I learned that the reason it wasn’t working for me was because I was the key factor that was missing from my brand. We’ve all heard it: your brand is more than just a pretty logo. But your brand is also more than a beautiful website design, a great client experience, or the products your offer. An authentic brand begins with you and staying true to yourself! Discovering Your Brand will dive into the importance of personally connecting to your client experience, being fearlessly you, getting involved in photography communities, time management, self care, and more! I am so excited for the Educational Summit and I cannot wait to see you all there!

Thank you so much, Megan! NAPCP Inspired Magazine December 2018 | 19

Three Tips F O R C R E AT I V E I M A G E RY by Megan Gonzalez

1- Try a creative lens! I own the Lensbaby Composer Pro with Edge 80 Optic. Using Lensbaby definitely presented a learning curve, but it taught me to think outside the box and embrace surprises through trial and error.

2- Challenge yourself! Give yourself a certain number of frames to work with for your session (as though you were shooting a roll of film). This forces you to think more creatively, achieving powerful and purposeful images. For an added challenge, set a timer!

3- Play with reflections! Use a prism, a mirror, your phone, or a window to create images that tell a story from a new perspective!

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We visited Megan’s Instagram feed and gathered some of our favorite captures.



Follow her at to see more beautiful imagery!

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Nikon D610

Kelly Moore Explorer

Nikon D7000 Nikon 50mm 1.8


(stays on my camera 90% of the time)

Small bottled water, prism LensPen (so necessary as

Nikon 24mm 1.8

most of my work takes place at the beach and my gear

Sigma ART 35mm 1.4

feels it), my “A” game, photo-ready baby-safe prop/ toy to keep baby happy during the session, several

Lensbaby Composer Pro with Edge 80 Optic

SanDisk Extreme Pro SD cards, camera batteries, SB-

(my favorite creative lens that I also utilize for macro

700 Speedlight (for capturing weddings), and SB-700



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AB O U T MEGAN ’S CLAS S Discovering Your Brand Meg will share 5 key elements to cultivating your authentic brand and attracting your ideal clients. • More Feeling • More Authenticity • More Community • More Time Management • More Self

R E G I ST E R FO R T H E S U M M I T e a r l y b i rd p r i c i n g t h r u d e c 3 1 s t

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NAPCP Inspired Magazine December 2018 | 27

K a te T. Pa r ke r

K at ie Rain

Tracy Sween e y

january 23, 2019

He a ther C ro w d e r

M e g an Go nzalez

A my Trip pl e

AB O U T THE SUMMIT Our theme for the 2019 summit is MORE! We don’t want you to work MORE, we want you to have a MORE successful business and personal life by harnessing the gifts you already have! We have chosen speakers that will challenge you to think of ways to create more INCOME, more BALANCE, and MORE love for life! The NAPCP Educational Summit is open to NAPCP members and non-members alike! Take advantage of early bird pricing now through December 31st!

In-Person Attendees The 2018 NAPCP Marketing Summit will take place January 23rd, 2018 in Atlanta, GA at the beautiful Park Studios. Our in-person attendees will receive the following: • Continental Breakfast & Coffee

• Box Lunch (sandwich, chips, fruit, dessert)

• Digital Download of NAPCP Creative Copy Guide,

• Digital Download of 2019 NAPCP Marketing

Email Marketing Guide, and 12 Month Content Calendar (available to download in December) • “Strong is the New Pretty” Book by Kate T. Parker

Guide (available to download in December) • Light hors d’oeuvres & cocktail reception with book signing by Kate T. Parker

$299 Member | $399 Non-Member | $450 Become a NAPCP Member & Save on Both!

Virtual Attendees Our virtual attendees will receive all of the inclusions in the download, speaker materials, a recording of the summit speakers to watch at a later time, PLUS Facebook Live access on Wednesday, January 23rd from 9am-5:30pm EST for live viewing of scheduled speakers!

$99 Member | $129 Non-Member

S IGN ME UP! Thank You to Our Sponsors

Elevating the Newborn Industry by j e s s i c a ly n c h

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In this generation of social media and Pinterest, one could argue that newborn photography has rapidly soared to the top of both first-time and seasoned parent priorities. That first positive test brings flurries of joy, nerves, and … “I hope my photographer has availability!”. Who can resist the specialty that makes you ask, “Can I fit a baby in that?”

Although charming, this specialty is not for the faint of heart. Novice to expert newborn photographers alike will tell you this. From long session hours, to the 85 degree work environment, to the spitup, the poop, and the pee … but it’s time to discuss the biggest factor: the industry standards, and how we can elevate them. In a field without any regulation, it is up to the artists themselves to hold business practices to as high a standard as if there were such accreditation.

As newborn and child photographers, we’re entrusted with the person most dear to our clients: their brand new baby. Whether it’s their first baby, or their last, the love and concern does not fade, and it’s our job to instill confidence in our skillset.

This brings me to one of my bigger passions...

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Are you taking appropriate safety measures? Safety in newborn photography doesn’t begin and end with placing babies in buckets. From the moment you have that babe in your arms, it’s your job to not only document them, but care for them in the most secure way possible. Many newborn poses are difficult to achieve for the newborn photographer and it’s extremely important to consider the safety of the newborn when posing. Always keep in mind that newborns have extremely delicate airways that can be compromised in a variety of positions and poses; the same goes for circulation. When posing, always ask yourself:

Am I confident that this pose is safe for baby? Have I maintained adequate airflow to the baby? Are extremities free from discoloration from unevenly displaced weight or improper balance? Is this baby secure from moving from their position before I am able to compose my image?

If the answer is ever “no”, or anything BUT “yes”, re-evaluate, obtain a spotter, or practice your posing additionally before using a real infant. It is always strongly recommended that you attend an in-person mentorship or hands-on workshops specifically focusing on the safety and handling of newborns. We all began somewhere, and there is no shame in learning. Many seasoned photographers offer mentorship that can greatly help you accelerate your artistry. NAPCP Inspired Magazine December 2018 | 33

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Prop shots should never be left unattended, even

that any unwell siblings may not enter the studio

for a moment.

at any time. Newborns are fragile, with brand new

Be sure that the baby is not only secure but within

immune systems; you can never be too cautious.

your arm’s reach at all times. Props should always be weighted with a weight no less than baby’s

Price yourself accordingly.

weight. I have a standard 10lb weight at the bottom

With newborn sessions ranging from 2-3 hours

of all props baby will go into. If ever in doubt, I

(or more!) in duration within the home or studio,

have parents join me in my newborn room to have

photographers are spending valuable one-on-one

a hand on or by the baby. Be sure that extremities

time with families. By supplying all necessary items

are not resting on bucket or prop edges without any

for the clients, we as the photographers are offering

cushion. As professionals, it is our job not to rely on

a full-service session model that is rarely found in

‘luck’, but rather practice proactive safety measures

any other genre of photography. From styling to

to anticipate every worst-case scenario.

composing to editing, the newborn photographer invests numerous hours into their client and their

Ensure your insurance. Being



experience. Newborn photography is a luxury! In every

order to stay in business, you need to price yourself

professional photographer should be. Nothing is

to sustain a profitable one. Once you feel confident

more important than being protected when you are

in the work you’re supplying clients with, aim to

caring for and handling newborn babies. All newborn

have an average newborn investment of $1,000 or



more. When in doubt, seek out a business mentor,

insurance. If you or your studio are not insured,

re-brand, or re-evaluate your areas that require

you are at risk. Every parent/guardian deserves the

growth. Think of it this way: If the average newborn

comfort of knowing this. Being fully insured is one of

photographer is charging $1,000 (not including an In

the top pieces of information I share with my clients.

Person Sales business strategy) per newborn session,

It’s important for them to know that their babies are

spending 3 hours in session with client, culling

in good, safe, educated, INSURED hands.

and editing 30 color images (and not factoring in







any additional/black and white/artistic edits, skin Be sure to offer a clean environment. All





retouching and more!), this can boil down to under cleaned


$12 an image when all work is said and performed.

sterilized after use. Backdrops, wraps, and outfits

This is not including pre-session consultations,

should always be laundered promptly. All items

fielding inquiries, emailing, session preparation and

that cannot be washed (like flokatis, prop buckets,

more! This specialty is worth its weight in gold — it’s

beds, tiny stuffies, tie backs, etc.) can and should

time to start pricing like it is!

be UVC sterilized. Many options are available for purchase to kill any dangerous germs that could be

Be chosen for your expertise, not your price.

potentially carried in to the studio or onto an item.

Let’s start with an example. For this anecdote, we

Floors should routinely be sterilized. Employ a no-

will use an all-inclusive pricing model (which I do

nonsense sick policy, and be sure to inform parents

not suggest or employ myself).

NAPCP Inspired Magazine December 2018 | 35

Sally’s seeking a newborn photographer. Sally inquires with Jane and Jill. Jane charges $450 for her newborn sessions and includes all images. Jill charges $600 for her newborn sessions and includes all images. Sally decides to choose the “more affordable” photographer and books Jane.

Now, let’s take a step back. If Jane and Jill are both equally skilled, this may not seem like a huge issue at first glance. The more important question here has more to do with you, as the artist, than Sally, the potential client.

What do you want to be chosen for? Your artistry, expertise, and style? Or your price? Really think about this concept, and think about it extensively. All artists should want to be chosen for their work, never for being the

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“cheaper option”. By elevating the standard we hold ourselves to, we in turn will price ourselves accordingly. When our direct competition is priced accordingly and many professionals are within the same tier, we are chosen for our skillset, not our price.

Now, this may not work for everyone — some novice photographers rely on being the more affordable option, and that’s a place we all began at, at one time or another. For those of us who’ve taken the next step, I urge you to encourage your local competition (yes, you read that correctly!) to price themselves higher, and you do so as well. Wouldn’t you appreciate being chosen because, well, you’re you?

Adopt the mentality of community over competition. Improve not only yourself but those around you, by lifting up and encouraging them to reach their highest potential. Respect this industry as the true art form that it is, and bring your competition along for the ride.

​Jessica is an avid lover of documentary and styled art. She was born to be

Meet Jessica of Jessica Lynch Photography

a photographer. She attends workshops any opportunity she gets, is always learning as much as she can and stays up-to-date on newborn photography safety and trends. She has trained under some of the best maternity and newborn photographers in the country, and some even internationally! It’s extremely important to her that her clients feel secure, confident and comfortable with her ability to photograph their families. She is fully insured and maintains a very clean, baby friendly space.

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INSPIRED black & white issue | january 2019 Something NEW for 2019! Each new issue of Inspired Magazine will include feature images for a chosen theme. It’s open to all, but our NAPCP members will always receive preference for selection. The January theme is Black & White. Send us your best images!

Submissions Now Open

Featured Competition Winners (left to right/top to bottom) - Amy Tripple, NStacey A P C Vaeth, P I n sKeri p i rJones, e d MEmilia a g a zGray, i n e Joella D e cThombs, e m b e rNina 2 0 Tantzen 18 | 39

# N A P C P I N S TA FAV E S The images of these amazing photographers caught our eye in December. Visit them on Instagram and follow along! Tag #NAPCP on Instagram and you may see your work in a future issue of Inspired.






















winning image by Rya Duncklee

Membership Benefits Read about NAPCP and see the many benefits of NAPCP membership, on our site. Download freebies and preview member-exclusive videos; get to know the heart of our association! LEARN MORE

Please visit or email us at with questions or inquiries. CLICK HERE TO PRINT THIS ISSUE

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NAPCP Issue 72

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