NAPCP July 2018 Issue of Inspired Magazine

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Featuring Our February 2018 Image Competition Winners



See Our Best New Emerging Child Photographer!

Interviews, Printables and More!

Ready. Set. Summer.

Blue summer skies are sprinkled with cotton candy clouds, which means we’re going to the beach,

brewing pitchers of fresh iced tea, and harvesting garden-grown fruits and vegetables. We even have refreshing sips of the season available to you right here within the pages of your July issue of Inspired magazine. Summer is a beautiful time for photographers to celebrate the artistry of our livelihood and come alive in new, creative ways. Slice open a juicy melon, put up your bare feet, and chill out with this July edition of Inspired magazine.

Dive into the pages to follow, featuring interviews with winning and placing photographers from our

February 2018 International Image Competition. Enjoy their words, their work, then crack a beverage and explore with your own camera and feel a zest for your work again!

Speaking of the International Image Competition, the Inspired by NAPCP Gallery Event and Print

Competition is now open to submissions. Are you thinking about your entries? We want to encourage you to get back to the basics of what sparked your love for photography in the first place. Whether you capture new imagery or select a particular photo you believe to be simply sensational, be sure to enter this exciting and elite competition. Remember, as a NAPCP member you receive 2 free submission credits! Also, NAPCP image competitions are qualifiers for our coveted Photographer of the Year title!

If you want to absorb and be inspired by unique work before deciding on your Inspired images,

look no further than the portfolio of our 2018 Best New Emerging Child Photographer, Mariana Moraes of Mariana Moraes Fotografia. Congratulations on your unforgettable accomplishment, Mariana! We would love for you, dear readers, to lift up Mariana (as well as the other finalist photographers) with encouraging and warm words of praise.

For those of you in the thick of birthday season or leaving for family vacations, we have some bright

printables and NAPCP Store goodies to assist you with style and easy-breezy fun! In the pages ahead you’ll find all you need for a fully styled (and gender neutral) birthday celebration, and our popular Snapshot Travel Guide, sure to bring a cheerful element to your next trip.

We hope what’s inside is as refreshing to you as a delicious, cold ice cream cone. After you’ve turned

the final page, may we suggest a cannonball in the pool, a drive with the windows down, or enjoying a glass of chilled Chardonnay? Whatever’s next, have fun in the sun! It’s summer, and memories are just waiting to be made.

Splish splash, The NAPCP Team

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TA BL E O F CO NTE N TS Pg. 4 ........................... Snapshot Travel Guide Pg. 5 .........................News & Announcements Pg. 6 ...................Image Competition Winners

Pg. 24 ...........................2018 BNECP Winner Pg. 25 .........................Summer Birthday Pack Pg. 26 .........................Inspired Gallery Event

Pg. 28 ...............................Articles You’ll Love Pg. 30 ....................Video Series: Willy Wilson Pg. 31 ...............................Marketing Monday Pg. 32 ..............................#NAPCPInstaFaves Pg. 33 ............................Membership Benefits


H A S A RRI V ED Experience your best trip ever! Use this guide for image inspiration through a new place, adventure or even your own backyard. See the world around you in new ways and add fun to your travels. Have a marvelous time and, most importantly, capture moments for the memory book!


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right now

Now accepting Marketing Monday submissions!

july 2018 Enter your images for the Inspired by NAPCP Gallery Event print competition!

august 2018 Make your way to Atlanta for the 2nd annual Inspired Gallery Event.

september 11th - 18th Our next NAPCP Gatherings. Mark your calendars!

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Image by Ricardo Silva, "The Journey Begins" N A P C(Children, P I n s p i r e d M a gFebruar a z i n e J u l yy2 02018) 18 | 7


CRYSTAL MERCREDI | Drifting | SECOND PLACE, Babies What sparked your passion for photography as your profession? I grew up in a pretty transient community and noticed at an early age that photos helped me keep memories alive after my friends moved away. In high school I learned to shoot manual and develop film, which began an obsession that I unfortunately couldn’t afford to keep through university. After starting my family that initial longing to freeze time returned and the affordability of digital made photography possible even on maternity leave. If you could choose for your photography to relay one message, what would that message be? The one message I want my photography to be able to exude is the indescribable bond between parents and their children. It’s the look in everyone’s eyes, the fingers gripping necks, the squeeze that makes fear disappear, and the laughter that is so real you can hear it no matter how many years have past. Your placing image is so precious, and also quite simple. Do you feel this is a reflection of yourself? This a reflection of where I am right now, which is trying to take things slow and be open and aware of opportunities, whether photographic or otherwise. Watching my children sleep is my favourite way to slow life down and reset. I sensed my heavy eyed little one would soon be in a deep sleep so I knew I would have an opportunity to save the moment.

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Above: 1st Place Babies - KC Crow, Not Quite One. 3rd Place Babies - Katie Rain, Love Reflecting Three Times Over.

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RICARDO SILVA | The Journey Begins | FIRST PLACE, Children Where do you see your business in the next few years? Increasingly focused in editorial and commercial work/kids’ fashion. If you weren’t a photographer, what would your profession be? Filmmaker Tell us about your perfect session, imaginary or real. I am not trying to give a “beauty pageant” answer but it honestly is any session through which I can emotionally move people in a positive way, in the present and in the future.

Left Page Top: 2nd Place Family - Clare Ahalt, Musically. Left Page Bottom: 3rd Place Family - Tina Krafts, Summer Suspended.

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SUZANNE TAYLOR | So Many Memories | FIRST PLACE, Family What is your favorite part of a family session? My favourite part of a family session is watching the family interact together. While toddlers and young children make a session really easy because they are fun to tickle and snuggle, the older kinds normally bring a different energy to the shoot and you see some really tender moments between all the family members and allow their moments to develop naturally. Being in front of the camera can be uncomfortable. How do you make clients and their families feel comfortable and trust your direction? I let them be themselves. I hate being posed with my family -- it never works out 100% and then the resulting images are easily nitpicked by myself and the client. Allowing a session to flow naturally lets them embrace the chaos and not worry about forcing smiles. From where do you seek inspiration? I seek inspiration from a few photographers online but mostly myself. A few years back I was obsessed with social media and my ability to create new and interesting work suffered immensely. It burned me out ... the feeling that I lost my edge and consequently I was not making art I loved. This year I decided to focus on my family first and photography second. Really being in-tune with my kids and not worrying about ‘the masses’ has me back on track. 1 2 | N A P C P I n s p i r e d M a g a z i n e Ju l y 2 0 1 8

Above: 2nd Place Family - Julie Campbell, Mother of Five. 3rd Place Family - Pam Bell, Playfulness.


BRANDY INKELAAR | Creek Goddess | FIRST PLACE, Maternity As a busy professional, what tips do you have for staying motivated and organized? I stay organized in the studio by doing a quick clean up at the end of each day. I take things over each evening for the wash and bring them back the next morning. I like to keep my lenses and camera in the studio and just bring my memory cards back home with me. This way my gear is always there ready to go. 17hats is a game changer for contact with clients and getting information to them. I stay motivated by shooting things out of my typical photography genre. I really like to do composite, fine art self portraits. I am always motivated by learning new things. Workshops are a great motivation. I also find doing another type of art other than photography will inspire me. For example, a painting class sometimes will inspire me try something new with my camera. I like to choose one lens and use that lens for a solid week on personal shots, to inspire me. Will you share your favorite digital workflow tool? My very favorite tool is my Wacom tablet! It is inspiring in itself, in that I feel like I am drawing and coloring all day. Right Top: 2nd Place Maternity - Hayley Johnson, Elegant Expectations. 3rd Place Maternity - Abigail Lemenager, Summer Stroll Right Bottom: 2nd Place Seniors - Willy Wilson, Live the Life You’ve Imagined.

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MEGAN DRANE | On Top of My Game FIRST PLACE, Seniors What would you say are the most common challenges you face during a session? How do you work around or with them? I’ve been a professional photographer for over 10 years now, so very little throws me anymore. At this point I think my biggest challenge is falling into ruts and shooting without thinking, without expanding or challenging myself to get new poses/lighting/etc. It takes conscious thought on my part, and unfortunately, my brain tends to go into auto mode when I start working; I try to remind myself to slow down and think. We love your distinct editing style! How did you discover this extension of your artistry? Thanks! Seeing a Joel Grimes image years ago made me just stop. I loved it, and then I wanted to figure out how to get that sort of look because whenever I was drawn to other photographer’s; it was usually an edgy style that belonged on a commercial advertisement. I like clean and contrast-y images with mood. So once I saw Joel Grimes’ work, I of course went and looked him up and saw that he offered workshops. Since then I have taken other workshops from other artists with similar looks, to hone my skills. Once you get the tools, you can walk on your own. I’ve picked up pieces here and there and now feel I have my own look.

3rd Place Seniors - Megan Drane, The Start.

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MELISSA ZIMMER | Never Let Me Go | FIRST PLACE, Siblings If you could have any superpower, what power would you hold? This is a tough question! I think I would want the power to stop time (is that an option!?) - with three young kids I often feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day and being able to stop time would help me out tremendously these days! If that’s not an option I think I’d want the power to fly - it would eliminate the need for a drone! Where do you find inspiration? My biggest source of inspiration is from my family. My husband started his own business seven years ago and encouraged me to do the same. From a business standpoint he is my biggest supporter and motivator. When I’m behind the camera, I look for real emotional connections. When clients walk in the studio I don’t like to start shooting right away. I like to chat for a few minutes, get to know them a bit, and observe their interactions together. Their connection and stories help inspire me every single day! What about photography is most challenging to you? Time management! (See above with the freezing time comment!) I want to do it all, learn it all and I feel like I’m always hitting time constraints. Learning easier workflows, scheduling smarter, and making time for myself and my family have been a big focus in 2018! I feel like I’m getting better but there is always room to improve.

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3rd Place Siblings - Megan Drane, The Moment I Saw You, I Loved You. 3rd Place Children - Becca Wohlwinder, Lost Boy.

Above: 2nd Place Siblings - Kate Lemmon, I Will Show You the World. 3rd Place Siblings - Barb Toyama, Waves of Joy.

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TRACY SWEENEY | Fall Whirl | FIRST PLACE, Toddler If you could be second shooter to any photographer, who would it be? I wouldn’t want to so much second shoot for her, but more like just be present on any absolutely any Annie Leibovitz shoot -- sort of a fly on the wall. What is one thing you wish another photographer had shared with you when you started your official business? It sort of happened organically over time fortunately, but early on, I felt really isolated in this industry. Community is so important for personal and professional growth and I wish I had a mentor or cohort with whom to bounce ideas and ask questions. Outside of photography, what other creative outlets do you enjoy? I love to read. I was an English teacher for many years. I also love to travel and eat! My favorite thing is a great meal with a glass of wine.

Left Top: 2nd Place Toddler - Kim Hildebrand, Family Pet. Left Bottom Row: 3rd Place Toddler - Pamela Salai, Rocking Unicorn.

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SAREN CASSOTTO | Forever Connected | FIRST PLACE, Newborn What do you think it is about you (or your shooting style) that portrays such a feeling of comfort and warmth in your images? I don’t shy away from taking on younger siblings as I feel those sibling shots are the “money” shots clients are always wanting the most -- capturing that sweet sibling love makes mamas’ hearts (and mine!) melt! Tell us about your first meaningful photography experience. I started photography professionally after picking up a DSLR when my daughter was a baby. It’s very cliche, I know, but photographing my two children has been the reason for and meaning behind my professional career in so many ways! If you could only use one piece of gear (other than your camera body) during every single session, what would it be? Pandora radio on my little speaker, playing the Stand By Me radio station; it eases everyone’s tension and is timeless!

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Above: 2nd Place Newborn - Svetlana Aleynikova, Cherry Blossom. 3rd Place Newborn - Amy Tripple, First Reflections.

8 We are overjoyed to share with you the winner of NAPCP’s 2018 Best New Emerging Child Photographer Contest, Mariana Morales of Mariana Moraes Fotografia. We received hundreds of nominations and were blown away by the caliber of new photographers brought to our attention. From 20 semifinalists, our esteemed panel of judges narrowed the field to only 6 finalists. Voters submitted tens of hundreds of votes for their favorite artist — a photographer who epitomizes the qualities we were looking for in our 2018 Best New Emerging Child Photographer: passion, breathtaking work, an eagerness to learn and foster best business practices, commitment to community, and a creative and unique vision.

Congratulations, Mariana Morales!

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Stor ytellers Wanted 3 CREATIVE CATEGORIES: Color. Water. Explore.


s p o n s o re d by


ARTICLES YOU’LL LOVE Inspiring words written by our members, for our members.

Personal Projects for the (Literal) Win

As artists, having a routine creative practice is how we advance our work to the next level. One of the best ways to push yourself and the boundaries of your creativity is through personal projects. It’s one of the best ways to develop your voice as a photographer and to create portfolio work that is rich with intention and honesty. For many photographers, a secondary benefit is those personal projects turn into competition winning images.

We talked with some of our talented NAPCP members who have used their personal projects to win photography competitions, gain media attention, and get published. Here is a roundup of our conversations. Read more.

Meet Willy Wilson: Willy is an art and film school trained photographer. She works in a photo-journalistic style using natural light and natural laughter. Capturing moments and your memories of your little ones and loved ones is her greatest joy.

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How Paying It Forward Made Me Love Photography Again I know what you’re thinking . . . Give away free photo shoots? As in, not make any money? This girl is nuts! But hear me out for a minute!

I got started as a photographer on a whim! My sister-inlaw, after complimenting me on my photographs for years, finally convinced me to start my own business. I was on maternity leave from work at the end of 2011 and it was the perfect time to “set up shop”. Let me tell you that I was one of the lucky ones. My business picked up almost immediately. I suddenly found myself a mom of two, working a full time job and running my own business on the side. Still, I loved photography — that’s how this all got started — so I certainly wasn’t complaining! Read more.

Meet Whitney Schloss: Whitney is a portrait photographer located in New York, serving NY and NJ. She specializes in Maternity, Newborn, 6-9 mos, One Year / Cake Smash and Family. Whitney works with both natural light & studio light and is an on location photographer.

15 Pictures to Take of Your Children This Summer As summer is in hi-swing, it is the perfect time to capture those fleeting blissful moments of your little ones. Whether you are enjoying a summer vacation, local festivities, or lazy days, attempt to capture the simple things that become indelible childhood memories. Here are some simple ideas for 15 photographs to take of your children this summer. Read more.

Meet Tracy Sweeney: Tracy, of Elan Studio, is a maternity, newborn, child and family photographer in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

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# N A P C P I N S TA FAV E S The images of these amazing photographers caught our eye in July. Visit them on Instagram and follow along! Tag #NAPCP on Instagram and you may see your work in a future issue of Inspired.











@M RS esphotog











winning image by melissa pereira

Membership Benefits Read about NAPCP and see the many benefits of NAPCP membership, on our site. Download freebies and preview member-exclusive videos; get to know the heart of our association! LEARN MORE

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Back cover image - “Soar” by Suzanne Taylor

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NAPCP Issue 67

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