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2013 | Fort Kochi | Sanjay Antony


re to stay thought | paper | scissors

Editor’s Note It’s a proud moment to bring the latest edition of THOUGHT PAPER SCISSORS, the NASA India Newsletter to you. This time around, we aim in bringing the vision of the 59th year Council of NASA India, that is, to reach out to student members more effectively by updating them with news of activities and intiatives done by the Association. I thank all the TPS team members (student members from various parts of the Nation), NASA India Council members and all the Ex-Usecs and present USecs who co-operated sincerely to build up this ‘dream’. Its time to be connected more efficiently through all means of communication and let us do our best to uplift the entire Nation’s face with more beautiful and meaningful design works. Sanjay Antony Editor-in-Chief

NASA India

ISBN 978-81-924268-6-0

2016 | Bandra, Mumbai | Sanjay Antony

a loud shout

_past _58th year NASA India Report - By Sabareesh Suresh, 58th NASA India President _58th year Gallery _LBC-NASA India Exposure Programme 2015

_present _59th year Council members _59th year Gallery of Events till July 2016 _USec Stories


_Zonal NASA Conventions,NASA India 2016

This is the preface of the Newsletter of one of the largest Architecture student organizations in the world, in its 59th year of impact on the Architectural community in India, and this is truly amazing!

_the TPS Team

NASA India carries a rich history of providing a brilliant platform for Architecture students to learn and interact. The association saw a tremendous year in terms of growth and outreach, change and reform, evolution and revolution in its 58th Year, standing rightfully by the year’s theme, Re-Evolution. I became a part of this wonderful organization in 2013 as a Unit Designee for my college. I was a part of multiple conventions, events, competitions and other forums through NASA India over the years as I became Unit Secretary, and then went on to become the 58th National Vice President. NASA India has impacted thousands of people like me, given us unforgettable experiences, skills, learnings and so much more. I cannot fathom the amount of direct and indirect impacts NASA India has had over the last 59 years. What is extraordinary is that such a dynamic organization, where the leadership and the membership changes every year, conventions and events taking place in different events, and still it functions like a well-oiled machine, continuing its purpose and expanding its goals, year after year. In its 58th year, we realized how important it is to strengthen our process, focus on creating a value for every student associated with NASA India, digitize the way we function and make documentation and publications a priority. This edition of ‘Thought Paper Scissors’ is also special because it’s the first one to be released online, to reach all of NASA India’s stakeholders and really talk about what the association is upto, a brilliant initiative by the 59th year’s Council. I hope you will enjoy and cherish this effort and support other endeavors of NASA India, to continue and build its platform for the Architectural community of India. Saagar Tulshan Ex-Vice President, NASA India

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he 58th Year started with the introduction of the theme for the year ‘{Re} Evolution’ An amalgamation of the words evolution and revolution, which we imbibed not just into the year’s competitions and events but also into the way we worked and built the association. A bit of evolution in our thoughts and a bit of revolution in the way we perform. It is rightly said that eventually, we have to accept full and total responsibility for our actions - everything we have done, and everything we ought to do. We have to with care, and use them with respect as to the transformations they can achieve. As a council our focus was to strengthen the systems and processes of the association, increase efficiency in the way we function through standardization and use of technology. We rethought not just what we do but also our short and long term goals, at the same time building a credible brand for NASA India in the Architectural community.

We realized it is necessary for us to reanalyse our roots so as to have a better understanding about the association. This brought about affirmative change and helped us provide better solutions to a lot of present scenarios. The 59th Year was also revolutionary in being the constitution amendment year of the Association. We took this opportunity to revisit every aspect of the governing constitution and make changes deemed necessary by the entire association and its stakeholders.

As a council our focus was to strengthen the systems and processes of the association, increase efficiency in the way we function through standardization and use of technology

2015’s first official meeting, the First Council Meet (FCM) was hosted by DIT Dehradun. This meeting had two main focus points. One, to create awareness amongst the general council about the association from bottom up regarding its history and functioning and the second being the constitution and its aspects, including the year’s agenda for amendments. The FCM was a major point in our year where we moved from a model of hierarchical functioning to a community model where the general council is directly involved in the functioning of the association. This meant more transparency and more efficient communication internally & externally for NASA India. We tested the ‘National Strategic Committee’ programme at the FCM where we broke down the association into its elements. For example: trophies, conventions, collaborations, etc and formed groups of Unit Secretaries to contribute and innovate to that aspect. Although still in a nascent stage, it helped us understand the working the organisation from fresh perspectives. This year we also focused on using our rich network of alumni who are excelling in different fields and locations. Advice and inputs from them has helped us a lot. We have also initiated specific programs to recognize and assemble an official alumni network of NASA India. A major block in the functioning of the association for the last 6 years was sorted out by clearing all pending audits. This has been a big accomplishment in achieving complete financial clarity.

NASA India | 02

A very interesting engagement was made with EASA, the European Architecture Student’s Assembly where we sent a delegation of four council members to represent NASA India. It was the first time that India was represented at this 35 year old congregation, and also the first time a South Asian country attended the prestigious assembly. A fruitful long term partnership has been forged between the two platforms. The annual convention format was put through intense scrutiny and analysed for new and better ways of engaging Architecture students of India. The nature of the annual convention was altered. We went back to our roots and to what the convention stood for in its inception - interaction, learning and sharing knowledge, which we felt had been lost over the years.

The nature of the annual convention was altered. We went back to our roots and to what the convention stood for in its inception interaction, learning and sharing knowledge, which we felt had been lost over the years.

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With this in mind we introduced a workshop centric convention where the purpose was to build, learn and get involved in different workshops ranging from construction, knowledge, arts and crafts, computer aided design, etc. Participants learnt skills, gained knowledge and created an end product through these workshops. On the spot events were discontinued to promote positive interaction between participants and limit the competition to the trophies. The convention is now designed to create a positive impact on the location through architectural and cultural interventions in the form of workshops. We realised that conventions are not meant to leech on a host location and then disappear, they are meant to leave a lasting positive impact on both the host and on its participants. The NIPC started functioning in its first year as a full-fledged publication and documentation wing of the Association. Processes were put into place for efficient documentation and digitisation of trophy work and publications of NASA India. Our annual national magazine, ‘Indian Arch’ was hosted by the IES Shibpur and successfully distributed at the annual convention. The publication showcased an extensive tribute to the Indian master Architect Charles Correa. The NIPC also successfully accomplished and launched two volumes of the first ever NASA India Trophy Books, which are a compilation of the short listed entries of all the trophies of 58th Year. Similar Trophy Books will be launched every year from now on.

yes no it’s time to voice your opinion

It was our aim this year to reach out to every student of Architecture of our member colleges and make sure they benefit through this brilliant platform. In this endeavour, we redesigned our online platform, introduced an online library project which hosts all the trophy work and publications of NASA India. We have also initiated work on an internship platform that is meant to bridge the gap between students looking for internships and firms/Architects looking to offer internships. Zonal Conventions were hosted successfully by each zone and various approaches were tried out to lift the standards of these conventions. Apart from these conventions, ZCMs and panel discussions were also held. We understand that without proper transition of knowledge, experience and information, it is impossible to carry forward responsibilities of operations and functions on a National scale. This is why a special attention was given to systematically pass down all the necessary information and learning to the new council, so that long terms goals are not lost in transition and time is not wasted on recovering lost information. It has been a year of realizations for us at the association, realizing that our strengths lie in our rich history and our extensive network & outreach. At the same time realizing that our dynamic nature creates a weakness of information and data loss. We know that if this is kept in mind, NASA India will continue its growing impact on the Architectural community positively. With the end of our tenure, we would like to express immense gratitude to everyone associated with NASA India, through the years that have passed and that are yet to come. I take this opportunity to thank the council members and the tireless efforts and dedication of each one of them without whom none of our accomplishments would have been this steady and strong. With this, I would like to wish the next council all the very best for their tenure and hope that they create great impact, help drive the Architectural community forward and take the association to new heights.

(Extreme Top) Ammendments were achieved made by voting (Centre) Workshops held during ANC at GCPIA (Above) College of Engineering, Trivandrum, celebrating at winning the NASA India Le Corbusier overall Trophy

Sabareesh Suresh Former President, 58th National Council, NASA India Sabareesh’s entire college journey has got him involved with NASA India, from hosting a successful Zonal Convention as a unit secretary, to becoming Zone President of Zone 6 in the 57th year and rising to the occasion in the 58th year of NASA India as the president. Sabareesh now works in Delhi with Aum Architects, and lends his knowledge to the 59th council as and when needed. NASA India | 04

Annual NASA Design Competition The Annual NASA Design Competition is one of the biggest design competitions conducted in India with 500+ entries and 40+ Jury members to shortlist the top 100 colleges of NASA India to send delegations to the Annual NASA Convention. ANDC 2015 was hosted by Padmashree DY Patil School of Architecture in Pune and received a phenomenal response from all over the country. The ANDC format does not jump into design solutions to a specific requirement but makes the students identify their own design problems, understand and analyse them. The competition brief explores different contexts every year, from social issues to adaptive reuse and encourages the participants to translate the brief, understand the context and produce a conceptual & schematic solutions.

zone 1 (Extreme Top) The Zone 1 family of 2015-16 (Top) Dance performance at the Zonal NASA convention (Right) Panel discussion hosted by Sharda University (Bottom left) ZCM hosted by Chandigarh University (Bottom Right) Celebrations by D.I.T. University at the Zonal NASA Convention

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(Top Left) Celebrations at the Aetas Zonal NASA Convention 2015 hosted by I.P.S.A Indore (Top Right) Fashion parade at Aetas Zonal NASA Convention 2015 (Left) Winning entries Exhibited (57th year) at Rizvi College of Architecture. (Top) Sheets exhibition of Zone 2 (Bottom) The Zone 2 family of 2015-16

zone 3

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(Extreme Top) The Zone 3 family of 2015-16 (Middle left) Discussions during Zonal Precons (Middle Right) Celebrations at Zonal NASA Convention (Bottom left) Display of sheets at the Zonal NASA Convention (Bottom Right) Dance performance at the Zonal NASA Convention

(Left) Award Cermenony at the end of Zonal NASA Convention (Middle left) Sports events during the Zonal NASA Convention (Middle Right) Lectures and Workshops at the Zonal NASA Convention (Extreme Bottom) The Zone 4 family of 2015-16

zone 5

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(Extreme Top) The Zone 5 family of 2015-16 (Others) Various events held at the Zonal NASA Convention 2015 titled Imbibe hosted by Srinivas School of Architecture, Mangalore on the 23,24,25 of October 2015

(Top left) Panel Discussion hosted by College of Architecture, Trivandrum (Above) Workshops held at Continuum, Zonal NASA Convention (Left) The Keynote Speech by Ar. Raj Rewal at Continuum (Below) The Zone 6 family of 2015-16

a treasure trove

LBC-NASA India exposure programme

The Laurie Baker Centre for Habitat Studies (LBC) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Association of Students of Architecture, India (NASA India) to conduct a 4 day exposure programme on Laurie Baker’s approach to architecture and building construction. Having started in the year 2012, the students of architecture of different colleges from all over India are the participants of this programme. The enthusiastic participation of the students has made this programme a great success and the LBC proposes to continue the programme in the years to come. The primary aim is to expose the students to Laurie Baker’s approach to architecture and building construction so that the alternatives in architecture that is cost effective, affordable, environment friendly and aesthetically appealing building construction techniques can be transferred to new generation for sustainable habitat development. The objectives of the programme is to organize lectures on Baker’s Philosophy and Approach, to conduct practical sessions to give experience in the different construction techniques which Laurie Baker followed and advised and also to organize site visits to completed as well as ongoing projects that are based on the cost effective building technologies and Baker’s construction approach. The course is designed by incorporating lecture series, hands on training, site visits and interactive session at night. The four day programme has twenty eight hours for first three sessions.

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I am glad to know that the National Association of Students of Architecture, India known as NASA India has decided to Reactivate the publication of its Newsletter.

We at the Laurie Baker Centre for Habitat Studies in Trivandrum greatly appreciate the work and activities of the NASA. Over the past four years, the LBC has developed a special relationship with NASA through the conduct of a series of what we call ‘LBC-NASA exposure training programmes’ for students of architecture from different colleges and departments spread all over the country. Through this programme the LBC is trying, with active participation from its sister-organization COSTFORD, to disseminate ‘cost-effective and environment-friendly architecture and building construction techniques’ based on the philosophy and practice of the famed architect Laurie Baker. Since 2012, the NASA-LBC collaboration has seen the enthusiastic participation of around 2500 students through 42 training courses. This 4 day training programme has now been estabilised and continues to enjoy the participation of hundreds of students. The 2016 programme commenced on 8th August 2016 having about 18 courses ending in the month of December, 2016. Although not formally covered by a collaborative agreement with NASA, I would also like to draw attention to our highly successful two-week long Summer Schools in Architecture for senior students as well as young architects and planners, the sixth of which is currently going on at the LBC in Trivandrum. Both the above training programmes are anchored on the concept of ‘Green habitat’ that is increasingly becoming a dire necessity in today’s world of heightened carbon emission and resultant climatic and other changes taking place in different parts of this mother-habitat called Earth. The LBC’s fouracre campus located 13 kms away from the centre of the Trivandrum city has been greatly appreciated by our participants for its lush greenery, environment friendly lifestyle, quiet and serene surroundings with a unique style of teaching and training that encourages student participation in classrooms and workshops as well as visits to the architectural creations of Laurie Baker and his disciples. I would appeal to all those interested members of NASA India to keep visiting our website ( for updates, publications and news about the activities at LBC. With best wishes, K.P. Kannan Chairman, LBC

NASA India | 14


the annual NASA India

The Indian Arch, annual NASA India magazine aims at reaching out to every single student pursuing architecture covering a wide range of trending architecture and it’s associated activities. It is indeed a rich history of our Association to have articles by eminent architects across the world over several editions of Indian arch. Started back in 1986, the very first edition was brought out by SPA, Delhi with student works from various colleges to what is now serving the perfect medium for those with a passion towards architecture, journalism, photography and lot more. The transformation has been tremendous while history becomes invaluable. The 29th edition saw a great boost in the standards of this publication, featuring insightful interviews of eminent architects, articles written down exclusively for us by stalwarts of the profession, and much more. We are proud to say that we have circulated 2000 hard copies of the journal nationwide to Architecture Schools and Architects, and innumerable more will have access to the soft version.We are indebted to one of our founder members, Department of Architecture, Town & Regional Planning, IIEST Shibpur for helping us to publish a quality journal which we can proudly proclaim to be one of the better publications our association has produced. Into the 30th year of Indian arch edition,this article becomes incomplete without crediting our viewers, which has been growing drastically. 15 | thought paper scissors | august 2016

a new world awaits you TPS 2016 now available here

National Association of Students of Architecture, India. HQ - Dept. of Architecture, School of Planning and Architecture, 6 Block B, IP Estate, New Delhi -110002. NASA India | 16

58 council


the tran

From Top Left: Murari Kumar Raja, Saagar Tulshan , Rahul Palagani, Rahul Palagani, Divyank Karnavat, Shashank Rao, Ankith Narayanan, Sabareesh From Bottom Left: Rohan Oberoi, Shashikant Bhambhani, Sonam K


, Harsh Chhabra, Pranesh Wardham, Sumairha Mumtaz, Srivardhan Rajalingam, h Suresh, Akshay Dahiya, Ankit Kumar and Tahir Noronha Kumar, Twarit Manglik, Mukesh Byrareddy with Sanjay Antony

59 council


My college life wouldn’t have been so interesting without NASA India in it. It has simply made my attitude towards anything and everything positive. Basically it has made me think in a different perspective, realize the importance of Time and Patience. It has also made me a better budding architect through its exposure and opportunities. Hosting 2 back to back NASA events in the highest altitude, in the Queen of hills, that was considered almost impossible was simply one the best experiences as the Unit Secretary. It’s now time to contribute something back to the association that gave me so much to cherish about over the past 2 years.”

McGan’s Ooty School of Architecture Z620

“See NASA India as a platform not just to compete, but to learn, enjoy and infer knowledge. Enjoy each and every bit of the association, its activities and not just the trophies and conventions.

Srivardhan Vice President

On this note, at the onset of the 59th year of NASA, it makes me feel so less to not talk more about NASA India. For a revolution to take place, we must never be satisfied. We must revisit our greatness and let it not become a matter of the past. In fact, to generate a reinvention in the greatness of mankind, we ought to continue to sharpen the saw and hone our talents. Never shall we forget that our lives are but a revolution, and the spirit of this revolution needs to be kept alive in order to evolve. Lest we begin to shudder when we think of the future that lies in front of us.”

NASA India 58th National Council


Ar. Sabareesh Advisor (58 President)

“Let me start off by being honest. I googled NASA India to help me with my writer’s block and I found that the National Association of Students of Architecture is a platform for interaction between students of varied cultural backgrounds through which they could learn and share their knowledge. To me, and for those of us deeply involved, NASA India is much closer to the heart than just a platform. It was wonderful to brainstorm with the Annual Year report 2015-2016 {Re} evolution movement since it triggered the brain and enhanced to a great level.

SPA, New Delhi Z101

Ankit Treasurer

“We must always remember that exchange of knowledge has always been the motto of the association.

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I have come to realize that, what sets NASA India apart is, its ability to bring together students from across the nation and now, the world, and give them the platform to compete, interact and learn. I feel honoured to bear the responsibilities that come along with the honorary title of Treasurer, NASA India. NASA has taught me a variety of skills that has made me grow in ways I did not think was ever possible.”

Executive Council Members

Soon after the end of my USec term, I unexpectedly became a Zonal President. My Presidential tenure went by smooth and I thank the wonderful team of people I had acting as my spine for the same. I cannot stress enough on how important it is to make friends who would stand by you at all times. NASA India is the perfect platform. I’ve built some amazing relationships over the year of me being a ZP, and I will cherish them for the rest of my life. Working closely with the EC, I also learnt so much about NASA India and also gained a new perspective about this beautiful organisation. This brings me to the last stages of my journey with NASA India. There’s a long way to go, and a lot to take back from this. On a personal note, the whole journey of NASA India is a very important aspect of student life. There is much to learn and take away from this experience. You grow as a person and it reflects in our personality. You meet so many people, travel, explore and share experience. It puts you out there to face the world even before you start your career, and when you do, you will be ready to take it on. So go ahead, make mistakes, learn, unlearn and learn again. You have a wonderful opportunity lying in front of you. Be responsible, respectful and make the most of it. All the best.”

But there are a few things that keep us going, like the enthusiasm of students, our fellow Council members within whom we find good friends, the new heights this Association touches every year and all the things the Association has taught us.”

Goa College of Architecture Z505


Public Relations

“You are the decision makers in NASA India and so, be diligent and responsible. NASA India aims to touch each and every one of us eternally. We ought to accept the stimulus from NASA India and work together to bring up the standard of Architectural education NATION WIDE. Coming from a college with considerable history and a handful of trophies in the distant past,we were going through a dry spell in the recent years. I felt some drive was needed and hence, being highly active was my goal as a USec. I wish to imply the same agile activeness in the 59th year of NASA India and put up a performance that our beautiful organization deserves. NASA India is 59 years old, but what do we really have to show for it? We stand for one of the most noble principles of all. Ie: to be a non-political voice of architecture students and to provide a platform for students to explore architecture and themselves.My goal this year is taking NASA India to the the tip of every Architecture student’s tongue. Despite it sounding difficult, it ought to be understood as very much possible.”

SPA, New Delhi Z101

We work to make this association better and it gives contentment to see our hard work paying off. There is a lot of hard work involved to make things happen for an Association like NASA India and at many levels it requires us to compromise with our marks, attendance, family and friends. Often we bunk our classes because we have to go meet a collaboration, attend a convention or meeting etc.


“NASA India has been guided in its evolution by dedicated teams over 59 years. Make sure you make the best out of this platform. I’ve been a volunteer and then a part of the EC since the past three years. Its work mostly here, closed room meetings, endless discussions, letters, emails, agreements, disagreements, proposals, rules, constitution, experience, history (and the poor gal who has to write minutes of all this!).


Sri Venkateshwara College of Architecture Z515



“My whole journey with NASA India, just like everyone else’s, started with me becoming a UD. Brimming with excitement and a zeal to learn, I felt my days being a UD ended too soon. When looked back, I realise how important those initial stages were in laying a foundation for the more intense time I had lying ahead of me. USec days are probably the wonderful ones when you learn the most breaking with so many people, in college and outside. I grew so much as a person in my year of being a USec. Working on trophies taught me a lot of intangible lessons on communication, delegation, and team work which are so crucial in life.

I.E.D. Gujarat Z206

Came into Architecture which I was passionate about and worked hard in trophies to attend my first NASA Convention. In this journey I got to know about different perception of people towards architecture. As a UD, I got to learn a lot from my USec, Swapnil Patel who not only taught me softwares and things related to architecture but taught me how to live life. Before long, my USec tenure started and ended taking all important decisions and managing relations with my mates (UD, batch mates, seniors, juniors, super seniors). I was elected as the Zonal President of Zone 2 which I am very glad to be and hope to serve my tenure with the same zeal that took me to this post.”

Zonal President, Z2

“Being a part of NASA India provides a fantastic platform to come together as an association. And by being together, we progress to become a family, working together towards advancement in Architecture. Every day, we learn something new, allowing us to evolve and take family to the next level!


I got introduced to various trophies, events, workshops and various guest lectures. I got to blend with my seniors and work on trophies. The opportunity to host FCM 2015 as the USec of DIT University gave a fantastic platform to interact and bond with people over different events and also to get introduced to the working of the NASA India Council.”

DIT University Z123


Zonal President, Z1

“I have always had passion for buildings and moving beyond stereotypes to create something out of the box. This led me to pursure architecture, where I found likeminded people in NASA India. NASA India has fascinated me since the first time I got to hear about it from my faculty. The very idea of a student body that brings together students of Architecture not just across the nation but also beyond the borders together, to compete and interact, is exciting. The enthusiasm, the festivities and the united spirit that surrounds each convention transports us to a different world all together.


Zonal President, Z3

Smt. Manoramabai Mundle College of Architecture Z315

“From Delegate--Unit Designee--Unit Secretary-- Zone President. Each phase was a wonderful period of transition in my life. Being a delegate, I have a lot of cherished memorie, working on NASA India projects, specially the sleepless nights, enjoying convention, the DJ nights, interacting with people, making new friends, the most memorable train journeys we have and the best part, the band sessions with all the zones. Life is just fantastic.

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Being a UD and USec, handling responsibilities were at time a bit difficult. Managing the trophies with the trophy heads working with the delegates required lots of patience. Looking after registrations usually take a very drastic turn. Often, I felt as if I was climbing a mountain full of challenges. Still, I got to learn how to handle situations, which prepared me for my present tenure as the Zone President. Now, managing my zone and working for its betterment is as fantastic as it could ever be. NASA India is an excellent platform to showcase the work our Architecture colleges do across all academic years. It gives students additional motivatedion in their work and improves the overall standard. Every student should be actively involved in NASA India atleast once during their course span. Interacting with so many students of different states and colleges, seeing their style, technique and workmanship promotes professionalism. Also the student gains a lot of knowledge and learns many new activities being implemented in various colleges. Seminars attended by the top Architects also adds a lot of value and knowledge to a students life. From Conventions to Panel Discussion, every part of NASA India is filled with excitement and knowledge and drives passion to be a part of it. NASA India is the best thing an Architecture student can have in their student life. Enjoy it and try to gain as much knowledge you can.”

Karpagam University Z623


Zonal President, Z6

A movement which turned into an organisation aiding in development of Architectural education, created a foundation over the years helping in the overall development of an Architectural student. This platform encourages students to participate and involve themselves in Architecture culture comprising of design competitions, workshops, exchange of design learning between students and professionals. Training students to explore and discover their passion in the vast field of Architecture was yet another brilliance happening here.”

Caricature artwork by Anuchand Ram SOA, Rajiv Gandhi Institute Of Tecthnology Z643

“NASA India was an unexpected gift for me and after getting elected as the Unit Designee, things started changing. Being a normal student, I was nervous for the first couple of months but not for too long. The way I communicated, the way I accept responsibilities, and the way I responded to crucial situations in my college started becoming better. Looking back to those days, I can definitely say that I have learned a lot from the people around me. The things I observed being around my USec, my HOD, all the GC, ZC & EC members helped me a lot to do my duty properly and in a professional manner. Handling the posts brought out a clear professionalism in me to face issues, to find out a proper solution for those issues and to motivate my College team for a better performance in competitions. With all the lessons learned from the various ups and downs, it’s clear that NASA India made me be a Leader and I thank Almighty God for this wonderful Gift. My Parents, my brother and sister, my professors, all my friends who criticised me and stood up for me in all crucial situations and last but not the least, my UD and Usec, thank you so much for all your support.”

Zonal Council Members NASA India | 22

BMS College of Engineering Z504

“Being a part of NASA India provides students with knowledge and experiences which will last a lifetime. With the current form of education concentrating on academic goals, NASA India provides a platform for exploration in design and opportunities to interact with other creative minds. Make the most of the opportunity NASA India provides and experience the convergence of creativity with a great scope of learning and interaction. This was an organisation which looked simple when I joined the course of Architecture, but once I got to be a part of it, I realized how its family which works together making Architectural education better. This continues to awe me to a great extent.

Zonal President, Z5

As is the story of every college, you have to fight back all the shortcomings and have to handle things with or without the support of faculty. Through such challenges, I learnt a lot as a UD, which helped me do my job as a USec very well, to lead my college performed very well throughout the year. ANDC and LIK were tedious tasks and we heaved a sigh of relief when we got citation and special mention. I also had to tackle many situations where I had to choose over my friends for healthy participation of my college. Those situations made me a very strong person and the results show that my decisions were apt.”


Faculty of Architecture, Dr. APJAKTU Z423

Zonal President, Z4


“My experience over the past 2 years as USec and UD has been amazing. I wanted to be a part of the association ever since I heard of about and it was a moment of pride when I was elected as UD. The journey thereafter has been both tough and interesting.

“I became a part of NASA India in 2013 as the Unit Designee of my college. Suddenly I was pulled into this amazing world of people from all over the country, enjoying what they do and learn, exploring Architecture in multiple ways. I was overwhelmed. I attended a bunch of competitions, conventions, and forums and absolutely fell in love with what this organisation was doing for the community.

In 2015, I contested for the position of the National Vice President with success. The following term which was the 58th year of the organisation has definitely been one of the most intense and brilliant experiences of my life. The travel, the learning, the network, the amount of building myself as a person, has been amazing. I love exploring organisation dynamics & leadership, and of course my muse, Architecture. NASA India gave me the perfect platform to explore both. NASA India has enhanced my competency and skills as an organisation and thought leader, as a change agent, an opinionated member of the society and given me the chance to play a role in the future and community of architecture. And I am sure, I am only one of those thousands and thousands of people NASA India has done the same for, and that’s what you call impact!”


Ex-Zonal President, Z6, NASA India Holy Crescent College of Architecture Z647

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Former Secretary NASA India 58th National Council

“I have experienced NASA India from different viewpoints, but if I am to share one, it would be the experience I have had of being a delegate. It was a great cocktail of emotions - happiness, sorrow, super recharge, tiredness, anger, eagerness, shock, bravery and many more. To this day, I get goosebumps when I look back upon those times. But above all, now looking back, a sense of achievement is what satisfies my heart. As wise men say, a beginning well taken is a journey half done. Everything else I went on to be in NASA India stems from my time as a delegate. It made me understand the association from the bottom up. One might reach to different heights, but the period of being a delegate is unmatchable. It offers hands on experience where you get to learn and evolve in the grand ecosystem that NASA India offers. I request everyone to always think and act as a person open to learn so that imbibe the best out of this system.”


Former Vice President NASA India 58th National Council

Ar. Saagar

Then, in 2014 I went on to become the USec of my college, I realised the immense amount of potential the association had and the amount of impact it creates to the architectural community. An organisation of such scale, run by students for students, with no political, religious or any other inclinations but just one goal of providing a platform to learn and interact. I wanted to play a bigger role.

“It is ‘We’ who shape the future of the association. It’s activities and functioning should be always proclaimed by the needs of the present times. The scenario of the Architectural fraternity within the country has to be for the better of the education of student Architects. Through the various opportunities NASA India has provided, it has moulded me in becoming a better orator, organiser and most importantly a better student. Architecture is just one among many aspects that NASA has bettered me in and stands testament to the far reaching scope of NASA India.”

Ex Council Members

new initiatives

The 59th year of NASA India started off on a very positive note. This year, we are looking to strengthen the foundation of NASA India so have a strong base, making it easier to strive towards bigger goals. The council started off with a vision - to reach out to every single student of Architecture across the country. To achieve this, we had to look back deep into the very roots of NASA India. The first step to achieve this vision was the task of building a detailed database of every college associated with NASA India. Only with the support of all the USECs, have we been successful in putting together such a database. Another key component in reaching out to a wider group of people was going Digital, the NASA India website. A lot of effort has been put into building a new and improved website. It’s finally time for ANDC !!! Thinking from a delegate’s point of view, we decided that a person attempting the competion should have the freedom to choose what they want to do. We wanted a brief that would give elementary importance to the ideas and concepts rather than technical details. Out of about 10 briefs put in front of us, we chose the one that welcomed ideas and was open-ended.

the 59th year

One more important area we’ve been working on is the USEC ID cards. We believe that the designation of a Unit Secretary is a very important post in NASA India, and it is not given the importance it deserves. ID cards will give the USECs an identity and also make them easily recognizable during meets and conventions. The primary aim of the 59th council is to reach out to every single one of the budding Architects pursuing architecture in our country. We found the website to be the perfect platform for reaching out to such a mass. We have also started digitalizing all data for easy and convenient administration and record. Our new website is aimed at serving the Association for a minimum of 3 years, dynamically evolving with time. We made it a single platform for registrations of various events, submissions of various trophies, digitalization of all forms A to X, an interactive map showing all colleges in it along with a lot more. We had around 10 vendors across the nation who came up with their proposals and chose the best one considering a lot of factors, including the above mentioned. We expect this digital ground to be functional in the best way possible. We are also incorporating Content Management System (CMS), User roles for every student and bootstrap – mobile/tablet friendly version. An initiative which was started in the 57th year, the use of graphics and illustrations which are often more effective means of communication when compared to plain text would be continued through this year. The Design Team 3.0 was launched in March 2016, consisting of student designers across the country. The D-Team will be awarded with certificates recognizing their valuable contribution towards the association. It’s our privilege to bring back ‘Thought Paper Scissors’ as a bi-annual newsletter which will focus on covering activities in our association for better transparency and awareness in our functioning. We believe that as a body of and for the Architecture students of India, we should share our initiatives, our thoughts and the way we work with every single student member. A dedicated team of student members have been involved in designing the TPS, whose efforts will also be recognized with certificates from NASA India.

Contributions by Shashank President, NASA India andasd

Srivardhan Rajalingam Vice President, NASA India NASA India | 24


The concept of a Zonal Council Meet (ZCM) is to inculcate the new batch of Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees with the NASA Spirit, while their tenure officially starts at First Council Meet. Most of the newly promoted Unit Secretaries are still fresh and are not in a position to instruct the unit designees well enough. The Zonal Council Meet is that bridge, facilitated by the Council who themselves were once Unit Secretaries and Unit Designees. The ZCM is an initiation to the Unit Designees into what is NASA India. Often with informal team–building activities intermingled with the formal meetings. The ZCM is also a platform for Observer Colleges who are still learning the ropes of NASA India to get a chance to voice concerns and speak up. In the National General Body Meetings, Observer colleges are not permitted to speak while the meeting is in session. This event is the venue where bids for the Zonal Convention are presented and opinions can be voiced by the new Unit Secretaries and Zone President. All in all, the ZCM is the first step of both the new Executive/Zonal council and the new General Council of NASA India to start the year well and we are proud to announce that we had record participation in all of the respective Zonal Council Meets this year and each of them went very smoothly.

ARCH 101

We at NASA India have planned to conduct a series of talks and events to be held in collaboration with different colleges in a particular region, through which these colleges can also display their work and show their institution’s philosophy and methodology of working, to help and inspire other students. The aim of these events is to create a platform for interaction, and to share knowledge at a regional level. This particular event, the ARCH 101 Talk series was a Pilot project held in collaboration with Dayananda Sagar School of Architecture, SJB School of Architecture and Planning, and Department of Architecture, BMS College of Engineering on 26th march 2016 in Bangalore.

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The first council meet is the first General Body Meeting of all the USec’s of NASA India. It is the place where the council presents the Audit and report of the previous year, both at a National and Zonal level. There is a session of reflection on the actions of the last council and how we can learn from it. Especially regarding conventions and trophies; member college USec’s can give inputs on the same. The Council then proceeds to introduce the initiatives that have been started by them for the forthcoming year and how every college in the nation can assist them. Bids for Annual Convention, the Indian Arch and Zonal Convention are presented; and opinions are taken on the bids. The Pending publications and documents of the colleges who did not manage to attend the Annual Convention are also verified and distributed. Finally Observer colleges can bid for membership status following deliberation the EC shall inform the colleges who have got promoted as well as colleges who have applied for registration for the year are informed if their registration has been approved or not. The FCM is the place where for the first time the new council gets to experience a national platform and voice their initiatives and concerns at a massive level. The FCM of the 59th year of NASA India had an all-time record participation of 214 colleges.

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ARCH 102 In line with the theme of the 59th year of NASA India, the ARCH 102 Talk series, experienced both the aspects of Evolution and Revolution as part of a continuous sequence of events amidst the bigger PARADIGM of human enhancement. Hosted by Z673, Eranad Knowledge City College of Architecture, Kerala; the convention witnessed 500+ student delegates from Zone 5 and Zone 6, and 35 professional architects. ARCH102 featured thought provoking sessions by some of the finest international practitioners spanning 2 days on the campus, the 16 th & 17 th of July, 2016.

NASA India | 34

Illustration by Albert Tom Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Z680 Poster design by Rites Bera (DTeam) NIT Rourkela, Z434

U Sec Stories 01

z620 |


z615 |



Illustration by Reya Ahmed Techno India University, Z436

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W hen I was asked to write an article narrating my USec story, I was overwhelmed with countless memories and wasn’t sure how to fit all my thoughts in four paragraphs! I had heard of this huge intercollege fest called NASA Convention even before joining college and it had me intrigued. I expected a regular college fest. I found out how wrong I was until I fell amidst the ongoing pantomime of NASA India, after being elected as the Unit Designee of my college! At first, it seemed like; being the (2nd) bottom most ring of the ladder, I had no grasp of any protocol or duties. The whole NASA story seemed very hard to comprehend! Every day presented new challenges starting from filling out Forms A,B,C,D etc. to obtaining ‘on-duty’ leave and bribing friends to stay over and help and yes! The epitome of all challenges collecting the funds!

So what is it like being the Unit Designee? Well, I think I can compare the experience to being a local bus conductor. I know, it sounds insane! But just think of it. The conductor of a bus has to deal with diverse passengers - the grumpy ones, the ambiguous ones, the adamant ones and a whole lot of other types. He has to deal with the hassle of giving out tickets, collecting money, handing out change, while at the same time helping the driver and answering passenger’s never ending queries and problems! Now, the driver represents the position of the Unit Secretary more or less. The driver navigates the entire bus through deadly traffic, traffic blocks and countless red signals, with the sole aim of trying to reach the destination on time! Which is exactly what the USec tries to do; He/She has to try and get the trophies done on time despite all the obstacles that comes in the way. Apart from this story of a rickety bus ride, being the Unit Secretary gave me immense returns in the form of memories, friends and knowledge. Throughout my tenure, I have seen people grow as individuals, I have seen passion and perseverance of the highest forms, I have experienced both joy and tribulations, and I have learnt that hard work really pays off. I can conclude by saying that the whole roller coaster ride is so worth the pain!

Riya Rajesh McGAN’s Ooty School of Architecture z620

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A fter taking civil engineering as my Bachelor’s course and completing 1st year in it, it was a life changing decision to realize and follow my passion into Architecture and join the Architectural fraternity of NIT Calicut. I have always been motivated by extracurricular activities, be it recreational or academic and the same motivation led me into NASA India. My first encounter with NASA India came in the form of zonal convention that was held in RAC Coimbatore 2012 - 3 days of excitement, enthusiasm and competitive spirit all around with a perfect amalgamation of technical as well as creative activities. It realized NASA India is not just about a few lectures and competitions, but it is an experience which motivates people towards the spirit of Architecture. I loved the atmosphere in the department created prior to the Zonal Convention comprising hectic schedules, submissions and then preparatory work for ZONASA, it was great to be a part of the group and to see everyone working rigorously to meet the deadlines. Fun is always a part when a group works together and we were no exception, although the work went through day and night, there were 3 other 1st years other than me and obviously interaction was an integral part through which I got very close to most of the seniors. After ZONASA my aim was to become the Unit Secretary of my college and to lead from the front. NIT Calicut although considered one of the top most college for Architecture had not qualified for ANDC since 7-8 years. Not because we can’t but due to unprecedented reasons. So, my eyes were set to take NITC into Annual NASA Convention. On that course I became the Unit Designee in the 2nd year, met lot of new people, made good friends and visited various places along with the Unit Secretary. The next year I had my chance when I became the Unit Secretary but again we couldn’t qualify for the ANDC but I was not going to give up. It was an eager wait for any opportunity which would allow me to take a team to the National Convention and the opportunity came. It was announced that by conducting NASA day celebrations an entry ticket could be gained, although not a complete one but a partial one which would allow me to take half the number of delegates. 57th Annual NASA Convention was the biggest and most wonderful memory of my life which changed my life forever. Although it was a struggle, no story is complete without its share of twists ‘n’ turns and this had a few too. Initial encounters with the faculties for the permissions and funds were stressful enough, over which on the 3rd day of ANC our college was hosting an International Conference and thus our Head of the 37 | thought paper scissors | august 2016

Department wanted us to be present. So he wished for us to come back from ANC on Day 3, which was an unacceptable proposition. At last we were all set as the permissions and reservations were done. As I already mentioned no story is complete without its twists and it started with me and a friend missing the train to Chennai as we were late taking prints for reports and sheets. With all the rest of the crew already on the train and the convention starting next morning so in desperation we booked general tickets to erode from Calicut and boarded a train which luckily was going to Pondicherry but the twist did not end there, due to our tiring day we fell asleep and in the morning found that one of my bags was missing. We panicked as I had the rest of the delegate fee and other required papers! But the stars were with me, for the stolen bag had nothing other than the reports. Thanking God almighty for that and cursing ourselves for being so irresponsible we reached the ANC centre. Now good news was that we reached earlier than the rest of the crew which was coming via Chennai. It gave me great satisfaction to see the spark in each and every delegate of my crew, I could see the enthusiasm as they were going to be a part of the ANC. Now since we were participating for the first time in many competitions we were like the under docks. Every moment was a blast and since we worked really hard, we were confident that we are going to score good and the blessings came in the form of our maiden Citation trophy of ANC and it was the Convention Trophy, and the best thing about this trophy was the prize money which kept us motivated for it (3000 euros + Internship with Architect Anupama Kundoo in Madrid, Spain with a Stipend of 1000 Euro / month). I was shocked and I still wonder that why many of the colleges didn’t know about the trophy, that’s a pity. I wish other college USec would have been keener on the trophy briefs. Prize distribution ceremony was a beginning which started with the citation for Convention trophy, then came WLP (World Largest Painting) in which we got the 2nd Prize with a cash prize of 25,000/-. Well by this time I thought to myself “we did more than what was expected of us by our faculty”. After that I was chilling and enjoying with my friends but also feeling sad that the rest of my batch was not around to cherish those wonderful moments. It’s an irony that when everyone was having fun and enjoyment, I along with my friend were working on the GRIHA presentation all night. But I would say that sitting paid us well as When the actual prize distribution ceremony started I was really surprised to hear the first call of Z-615, We got the special mention award for the GRIHA trophy. “Wo kehte he na, dene wala jab bhi deta deta chappar phaad ke”, it was the same feeling. It was not all good news though, and then came a call from the college stating, “Students must reach the campus for the International Conference”, which would mean we had to leave couple days prior to the end of the event, but after lot of

requesting a few of us got an extension for a day but unfortunately the rest of the crew had to leave just before the prize distribution ceremony. Overall it was a great experience as the party started, with that my NASA India dream came to conclusion and I definitely believe that if one has got the guts and passion for the things and if he is persistent enough, I am sure his dreams will come true. For a student the feeling of accomplishing something only comes when his Gurus are proud of him. After reaching back college I was eager to meet the Faculty. They were proud that we have got laurels to the department and plus they felt confident on us as a team. They wished us all the best and assured us full support for the upcoming activities related to NASA India which would be a great turn around for our department and students and thus it followed with the numerous parties.

P.S- well there is a lot to be told in the story but it’s better to keep it for some other day and it will be great to have a chat once we meet somewhere sometime. I hope you would be interested to hear the next part of the story- “How I got the Internship in Madrid because of NASA and being Unit Secretary for the college.” Thank you for this opportunity, to share my experience, NASA India.

Ankit Kokil NIT Calicut z615

Illustration by Albert Tom Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Z680

a typical convention routine NASA India | 38


Many people are fascinated by the idea of having a past life or experiencing simultaneous existences parallel universe. These glimpses into alternate in a realities offer unique to help us understand ourselves in ways that enables us to move ahead to our goals…. Being a USec of 58th year of {Re}-Evolution I experienced a lot and gathered a bucket full of memories from start of journey as a delegate to Unit Designee to Unit Secretary till the handover to this present 59th year of council. I am glad to share my experience and suggest you to be faithful towards your duty and maintain a healthy relationship with your college and even with the Executive Council and General Council.

Illustration by Arjun KJ NIT Calicut, Z615

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I really appreciate the 58th council for their coordination and management in all aspects. As I respected my duties and devotedly worked for NASA India maintaining a balance with the academics, I hope the present USecs also help to run the Association smoothly. You should not work only just to win the trophies but also with enthusiasm learn and make other people learn. I enjoyed working as a USec and appreciate the contribution of our Zone President Divyank Karnavat and hoping the same from present Zone 3 President Sonam Kumar. I would like to convey my regards to all the USec from my zone who were with me throughout this amazing journey. Thank you! For your immense support and coordination in zonal activities throughout the year. To be on a post it’s very difficult to manage academics as well as NASA India work. But one thing’s for sure - you learn time management and good leadership quality. It’s really fun joining NASA India. You get to know number of people from all around and get fascinated. I hope the present USecs will work with great zeal and take this year of ‘PARALLEL PROJECTIONS’ to a great height of success. All the best guys and wish you all great success ahead!

Sweekar Mehta D Y Patil School Of Architecture, Pune z330

indian arch ‘17 The Indian Arch 2017, the widest circulated student-run Architectural Journal in India is under way. The digital version of the NASA India Journal, ‘The Indian Arch’ is now available online . The 29th edition saw a great boost in the standards of this publication, featuring insightful interviews of eminent architects, articles written down exclusively for us by stalwarts of the profession, and much more. We sincerely hope that all our readers will be inspired from this journal , and work harder towards contributing this year so we can end up publishing better editions in the coming future. Please visit for further details. NASA India | 40

Zonal NASA Conventions Illustration by Ramkumar Adhiyamaan college of engineering, z605

Zonal NASA Conventions are one of the important events initiated by National Association of Students of Architecture, India to keep up the interactions within colleges in each respective zones of NASA India. Each ZONASA is unique with respect to the culture and lifestyle of respective zonal areas in the Nation. ZONASAs are a preparatory platform for all colleges to perform well in Annual NASA Convention. Each Zonal Presidents are incharge of their respective zones ZONASAs. Official posters of six ZONASAs are published after this page. More details regarding each ZONASAs will be updated in the next edition of THOUGHT PAPER SCISSORS.

Illustration by Ashutosh Rokade BKPS College of Architecture, Z302

Illustration by Shivani Girish Mahajan Dr. DY Patil School Of Architecture, Z330

Creating a compilation of all the activities across NASA India and showcasing them to the outer world is not a easy task. We are extremely grateful for useful contributions by several students to make TPS 2016 possible.

TPS team Sanjay Antony Editor-in-chief President, Zone 6

Rohan Mundra Creative Editor Z649

Known as the TPS Illustration team, this group of students used their creative talents in designing and creating several artworks which enhance the look and feel of TPS 2016. the TPS Illustration team Aboobacker Bazil, Z627 Albert Tom, Z680 Amal Unnikrishnan Nair, Z330 Anuchand Ram, Z643 Anuja Vishwanath shinde, Z330 Arjun KJ, Z615 Ashutosh Rokade, Z302 Kirthi Pillai , Z330 Ramkumar, Z605 Reya Ahmed, Z436 Sareen Shikalgar, z330 Shivani Arvind Gagare, Z330 Shivani Girish Mahajan, Z330 Simran Kaur Saini, Z330 Soumyashree Nanda, z405 Supriya Priyadarshini Prusty, VSSUT Tambe Akshay Sukhadeo, Z330 Cover Page Ramkumar, Z605 Proof Read Shijo Jose, Z101

National Association of Students of Architecture ISBN 978-81-924268-6-0

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