January 2025 Nassau Bay Compass Rose Newsletter

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On December 11, the Parks and Recreation Committee hosted the city’s second annual holiday celebration, bringing families together for a fun-filled evening of festive activities

The event began with children decorating beautiful wreaths, which now adorn the city’s antique lanterns, adding a cheerful touch to the streets. The festivities continued at Howard Ward Park, where Mayor Pro Tem, Lucie Sommer, led a ceremonial tree lighting at the gazebo, spreading holiday spirit throughout the community.

Following the tree lighting, families joined together for Christmas caroling through the city, filling the air with joyful melodies. Guests enjoyed seeing festive decorations and holiday lights, and the children especially delighted in singing for neighbors and watching the tree light up

Thank you to the Parks and Recreation Committee and all the volunteers who helped make this wonderful event a success!





First Day to File for Place on a General Election Ballot: Mon January 15, 2025

Last Day to File for Place on a General Election Ballot: Wed February 14, 2025 at 5pm

Last Day to Register to Vote: Fri April 3, 2025

First Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance: Mon. April 21, 2025

Last Day to Apply for Ballot by Mail: Tues. April 22, 2025

Last Day of Early Voting by Personal Appearance:Tues. April 29, 2025

Last day to Receive Ballot by Mail (Election Day 7pm): Sat. May 3, 2025.


The City of Nassau Bay is set to deepen its connection to the stars with the planting of two new Moon Trees in David Braun Park on January 31st and February 1st. This event pays tribute to two former Nassau Bay residents Apollo Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and “Astronaut Maker” George Abbey, honoring their pivotal contributions to space exploration

Residents may recall the City’s first Moon Trees two sycamore trees at City Hall and two loblolly pines at David Braun Park planted in 2023 These trees are part of a remarkable legacy tracing back to the Apollo 14 mission. During the mission, Astronaut Stuart “Stu” Roosa, a former smoke jumper for the U S Forest Service, carried 450 tree seeds to space to study the effects of zero gravity and radiation on plant life. These seeds have since given rise to the Moon Trees, living symbols of the intersection between Earth’s natural wonders and the boundless possibilities of space exploration

On board Apollo 14 was Nassau Bay resident, Ed Mitchell, who has a Moon Tree dedicated to him in 2023 in David Braun Park on the path near Reflection Garden that the Parks & Recreation Committee renamed the ‘Moon Walk’

Friday night, January 31st at 5:00pm will begin with the planting of a tree dedicated to the ‘Astronaut Maker’ and former Nassau Bay resident George Abbey, who hosted the 2023 Moon Tree Event The ceremony will feature special guest Rosemary Roosa, President of the Moon Tree Foundation and daughter of Astronaut Roosa. She will share the story of her father’s mission and its lasting impact on scientific research and space heritage

Other special guests will speak of upcoming Space Program events in store at NASA and the blossoming Artemis program, followed by a reception

On Saturday, February 1st at 12:00pm in David Braun Park will be a 2nd Moon tree planting, kid focused event This tree will be dedicated to former resident of Nassau Bay, Astronaut Buzz Aldrin The planting will be followed by the Boy Scouts rocket launch, a presentation by the Moon Tree Foundation President, Rosemary Roosa, and lunch.

These plantings represents the latest effort by Nassau Bay’s Parks & Recreation and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful Committee’s efforts to celebrate the City’s deep ties to space exploration From the Moon Tree planting to the naming of Apollo Dog Park and future plans for commemorative artwork and an Astronaut Statue at City Hall, the Committee is dedicated to ensuring the city’s unique heritage and its residents’ contributions to space exploration are recognized and preserved

The entire community is invited to attend this special event and celebrate the city’s enduring connection to space exploration










How can we make our great community even better in 2025? If you have any thoughts on that subject, there’s something positive you can do to make your ideas become reality Tell us about your brilliant notion and ask us to fund it Click the Projects tab at NassauBayCANBE.org, fill out the Projects Form, and submit it to us for consideration Or, go old school and talk to someone on the CANBE Board about it

Registrations for the 2024 Reindeer Fun Run exceeded 400, and again this year, many runners and walkers were out-oftowners. This event is a great way to give people a look at what our community has to offer Help us recognize and honor residents and businesses whose properties make Nassau Bay beautiful.

Nominations for the 1st Quarter Beautification Award are now open Please send your recommendations for a deserving residence or business to coleen@cammgroup.com.


Food Distribution for January, 2025

On Saturday, January 4, 2025, St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church (18300 Upper Bay Dr. in Nassau Bay), will host its monthly food distribution This distribution is available to any individual or family and there are no restrictions on where you live.

In December, 2024, we served over 500 people in just 90 minutes. We usually serve over 35 lbs. of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and other items to each person or family The Galveston Food Bank will arrive in the St Thomas parking lot about 7:45 am and distribution will begin about 8:00 am until about 9:30 am. Community members are always welcome to serve with St Thomas volunteers in this ministry

For more information, please contact Fr Mike Stone at rector@sttaec org We can do more together!

HHappy New Year from the Nassau Bay Garden Club! Our first meeting of 2025 will be held on Tuesday, January 14 at Nassau Bay’s City Hall in the City Council Room. The meeting begins at 9:30 am with refreshments and some time to socialize, followed by the program and guest speaker at 10:00 am Members and the public are always welcome to attend.

We are pleased to have Risha Brown from Harvest for the Hungry as our guest speaker at the January meeting. Harvest for the Hungry is a non-profit organization that secures thousands of pounds of healthy farm-to-table food The organization serves residents in Brazoria, Fort Bend, and our own Harris County to feed thousands of families struggling with hunger. For more information about this incredible organization visit: https://harvestforthehungrytexas.org

Mark your calendars! The NBGC’s biennial fashion show will be held at Lakewood Yacht Club on April 11, 2025. Check out NBGC on Facebook, Instagram or our website at www.nassaubaygc.org


January 9 – February 12, 2025

St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church

Fr Mike Stone will lead a short-term bible study on in Krist Hall on Thursdays from 9:00-10:00 at St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church, 18300 Upper Bay Rd., Nassau Bay. The study will use the book and video series entitled Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine This study explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, Amy-Jill Levine discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions.

Chapter topics include: Giving sight to the blind: metaphors of understanding; “Take up your pallet and walk” (the paralyzed man): On the role of caregivers; A bleeding woman and a dead girl: The importance of women’s bodies; Walking on water and stilling the storm: Ecological readings of the Gospels; The feeding of the 5,000 (or more): The centrality of bread; and the raising of Lazarus: Taking death seriously. These topics are all very relevant in today’s world.Books are available on Amazon. For further information, please contact Fr Mike Stone at rector@sttaec org

St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church

Celebrate the season of Epiphany with a hot breakfast from the St Thomas Holy Smokers on Sunday, January 5, 2025 from 9:0010:00 am in Krist Hall.

Donations made for the breakfast go to support Episcopal Relief and Development. During and after the meal will be an opportunity to hear from St Thomas’ new associate rector, Sean Steele, on his biography, call, and vision for ministry with St Thomas.

This is a wonderful chance to gather together for food, fellowship, and faith


Are you looking for a place where your child can grow and learn in a loving, faith-filled environment? St Paul Catholic Church’s Early Childhood Program is inviting your family to join ours! Registration for our spring session is currently open but spots are limited Upcoming events in January include “Pajama Days” and “Parent/Child Craft Days ”

We offer many exciting learning opportunities, including an introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in our STEM Center. Additional programs include Wiggle World, Library, and Chapel Extra classes offered include “Paint ‘n Play,” “Books Alive,” “STEM and Friends,” and “Brain Gym” which is a stretching/exercise class. Tours are scheduled by appointment and additional information is available on the website at www stpaulcatholic org under the MDO/PreK tab or contact Sheri @ 281-333-0176 or szombory@stpaulcatholic.org.

As a friendly reminder, annual assessments have been mailed out, and are due by January 1st.

Late payments will be subject to a 6% late fee Please use one of the following payment options: https://app.payhoa.com/auth/payment-login or a check to NBHA at 1322 Space Park Dr , Suite 121, Nassau Bay, TX 77058.

Keep your eye out for the free monthly movie nights at the pool Come see your favorite flick with your neighbors and friends while enjoying concessions, a food truck/coffee truck. Have a favorite you would like to see, please let us know by survey https://forms gle/NFCT2tfuuPhGF2kx7

Would you like to sponsor a movie night? E-mail the office for details nassaubayhomesassociation@gmail com

Mark your calendar for the monthly board meeting on the third Thursday of each month at 6pm in the cafe conference room at 1322 Space Park Drive.

The Mayor and Volunteers from the Parks & Recreation Committee and Keep Nassau Bay Beautiful Committee hosted a holiday lunch to recognize and thank the Public Works team for their hard work throughout the year The event provided an opportunity to thank the team’s efforts in maintaining and improving our city.

Attendees enjoyed a festive atmosphere, good food, and a chance to reflect on the many accomplishments of the past year. This event highlighted the vital role Public Works plays in keeping our city safe, clean, and well-maintained

Thank you to Public Works and everyone who helped make this event a success!

Public Works Staff and City Volunteers gather during the holiday lunch

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