October 2024 Nassau Bay Compass Rose Newsletter

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Scott Kline, Street/Drainage Supervisor, retired after 40 years of dedicated service to the city of Nassau Bay. His responsibilities included the cities maintenance over the storm water lift station, storm water lines, inlets, street signs and streetlights.

Throughout his career, Scott was a very important asset in the city’s Infrastructure and Street Committee’s vision and planning future needs His background in construction, electrical, concrete, and welding has been very important in his Supervisor position and saved the residents money by projects preformed in house.

Scott has been on the city’s Hurricane Ride Out Team since 1984 He was first to respond and last to leave, until his responsibilities to the city was completed

“Scott has always brought a wealth of knowledge to the table when discussing Storm Water Infrastructure and Projects. There is not much he cannot figure out and he has always been a boots on the ground Supervisor.

I am always happy to see an employee retire in good health and spirit Not only has Scott been a great Supervisor, but a good friend I hope he spends time enjoying life, classic hot rods working in his shop, and grandchildren, he has earned it ”


Join the Special Events Committee for the City of Nassau Bay’s Halloween in the Park at David Braun Park on SAT October 19th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM

We will have games, face painting, a costume contest for individuals by age group, best group costume and best pet costume and a “trunk or treat.”

Come and listen to DJ Christine Alan, who is a singer and songwriter by trade. She has a special connection to our Nassau Bay Events as she was half of the Music Duo, “1050 major” The other half was our very own Sgt. Kaila Sullivan.

Local businesses and individuals are encouraged to participate in the Trunk or Treat event Come advertise your business and pass out candy (please no sales during this event).

We will line up at 5pm backed up in front of the pavilion in the parking lot. We are encouraging golf cart participation by our residents once again this year There will be an award for best-decorated golf cart.

We must ask that all participants be ready to start at 5:45 PM. Space is limited so please RSVP for the event by contacting Michelle Micheli at 832-4960349 or mmicheli@peoplepc.com



Starting on October 6 and running through November 13, there is a great opportunity for people who are life-long learners to take advantage of free classes being held at the Bay Area Community Center in Clear Lake Park, offered each Wednesday from 11:00 am to noon for the 6 classes The presentations are being made by Clear Lake people, many of whom you will know

We are starting with Tina Farrell, talking about her fascinating book “Miracles in the Pacific during WWII”. The next week will be followed by NASA’s Joyce Abbey, who will be giving us information about “The SystemsGo Aerospace Project” Then, Director Tom Pylate from ABNC will give us a background of Armand Bayou and will bring a few surprises With Halloween approaching, on October 30 Sally Jordan will spook us with a Halloween story, followed by a lesson on the “how to’s” of writing your own short story. Then Helen Goodman will be giving an Intro to American Sign Language, with the opportunity to learn some of the basic signs and to be able to practice it with others in the class Our presentation finale for this series will be Jill Reason, the Executive Director of the Bay Area Houston Ballet Theatre. She will be giving us a view of “Behind ‘The Nutcracker’”, along with some of the people in roles for the upcoming production of “The Nutcracker”.

You won’t want to miss any of these outstanding speakers While reservations are not mandatory, they will be appreciated by the local organizers of this great new endeavor. To let us know you plan to come, send an e-mail to: reservationsSUTL@gmail.com The program is named “Step Up to Learning”, and we look forward to sharing these great topics with you for this very first series There will be more to follow


Greetings Nassau Bay Homes Association and Nassau Bay residents! We are excited to announce that there are dry slips available to rent at the Nassau Bay Marina, located at 18250 Nassau Bay Drive. We encourage you to contact the Nassau Bay Homes Association office at 281333-2570, or by email at NassauBayHomesAssociation@gmail com if you are interested in renting a slip Please visit our website at NassauBayHomesAssociation.org to see what all the marina offers.

Mark your calendar! The 24-25 Fiscal Year Budget Hearing for Nassau Bay Homes Association is scheduled on Thursday, October 3rd at 6pm in the cafe conference room located at 1322 Space Park Drive. We hope to see you there!


On Saturday, October 5, 2024, St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church (18300 Upper Bay Dr in Nassau Bay), will host its monthly food distribution This distribution is available to any individual or family and there are no restrictions on where you live In September, 2024, we served over 400 people in just 90 minutes. We serve over 35 lbs. of fresh fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and other items. The Galveston Food Bank will arrive in the St Thomas parking lot about 7:45 am and distribution will begin about 8:00 am until about 9:30 am Community members are always welcome to serve with St Thomas volunteers in this ministry For more information, please contact Fr Mike Stone at rector@sttaec.org. We can do more together!

St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church invites everyone in the area to come to its annual Community Pet Blessing on Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 pm at the gazebo in Howard Ward Park in Nassau Bay. All pets are welcome, whether alive or stuffed. St. Thomas has blessed horses, bearded dragons, fish, and birds as well as the more traditional dogs and cats. Please be sure they are in a container or on a leash. We ask that you consider bringing a bag or two of pet food, old towels and blankets, cleaning supplies, toys and/or treats that will be shared with Bay Area Pet Adoptions. This organization is a no-kill shelter that relies primarily on local contributions for survival. They will attend the Pet Blessing if you would like further information. Checks to BAPA or cash will also be accepted. Hope to see you and your animal family there!


The St. Thomas Pumpkin Patch returns for its SIXTH year and our pumpkins will be available for visits, pictures, and purchase on SUN, Sept 29 through the end of Oct Our pumpkins are all organically grown by Native Americans in New Mexico and can be used for cooking as well as decorations There will be many sizes, colors, and some spectacular shapes of pumpkins to accent your home décor for the fall.

Payment is accepted by cash, electronic transfer, and all credit cards through St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church (Alex or Mike) and Scout Pack 1965 (on the weekends) The Pumpkin Patch is located at 18300 Upper Bay Rd in Nassau Bay

For more information, please email Zac Whirley at pumpkins@pack1965 org Come along and visit this wonderful way to start off the fall season!













Go Nauticats!

CANBE has gifted the Nauticats $8,500! The Nauticats Board plans to use these funds for safety-related improvements to the Nassau Bay pool where they hold their daily practices and home meets Work will begin during the off-season

Last year we funded an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) for the team Ninety percent of cardiac arrest victims who receive treatment with an AED in the first minutes survive, a reassuring statistic for Nauticat parents and spectators at meets

GayleNelsonpresentschecktoNauticatsPresidentLisaRedmond Fromlefttoright: KathyPrior,KourtneyArlan,ScottSchuh,GloriaSummey, GayleNelson,JanetThayer,LisaRedmond,ChivonFlynn.


Give yourself a pat on the back if you have supported any of our fundraisers Your support helps us fund projects like this that make Nassau Bay a better place to live.

Our biggest fundraiser is the Reindeer Fun Run & Walk on December 14th. Please go to NassauBayCANBE.org for information and registration link Local businesses, please contact ghnelson2016@gmail com to learn how you can become a sponsor of this popular local family event.

The NBGC’s first excursion of the 2024-25 club year will take place on October 1 to The Enchanted Forest Anyone 55 and over is welcome to ride the bus, which will leave at 9:15 am. There is no charge. Please plan on arriving at the St Thomas parking lot at 9:00 am Each attendee is responsible for his/her own lunch. Members will be given priority, but the excursion is open to the public and a waiting list is expected for this event

For more information, see the Enchanted Forest website at, www enchantedforestrichmondtx com or contact the garden club at info@nassaubaygc.org .

Join us for our October 8th meeting. Barbara Ramos, our guest speaker, will demonstrate how to make décor for our gardens with upcycling! Learn how to transform the old into works of garden art. The meeting will be held at Nassau Bay’s City Hall in the City Council Room The NBGC meets on the second Tuesday of the month from September-May The meeting begins at 9:30 am with refreshments and some time to socialize, followed by the program and guest speaker at 10:00 am Members and the public are always welcome to attend

Mark your calendars! The NBGC’s biennial fashion show will be held at Lakewood Yacht Club on April 11, 2025 More information to follow.

Did you know you can follow us on social media?

Check out NBGC on Facebook and Instagram or you can always visit our website at www nassaubaygc org

On Saturday, October 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. the Nassau Bay Police Department will be partnering with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to give our community an opportunity to rid their homes of potentially dangerous expired, unused, and unwanted prescription drugs.

Citizens can bring any pills for disposal to the parking lot of the Nassau Bay City Hall at 1800 Space Park Drive, Nassau Bay, Texas We will have a drive thru drop-off set up in the parking lot to collect and dispose of the drugs, you will not need to leave your vehicle.

Be aware that the DEA cannot accept liquids or needles or sharps, so ONLY pills or patches will be accepted.

This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked

Nassau Bay PD would like to welcome Officer Genesis Montano to the team Officer Montano started with NBPD on August 12 and was sworn in by Chief Cromie. She graduated from the Police Academy in July.


St Paul Catholic Church’s Early Childhood Program is inviting your family to join ours! Registration is still open but only a few spots remain. Upcoming events in October include a visit by the NBFD in their fire truck and our “Critter Carnival!” Both events are loved by students and parents alike!

We offer many exciting learning opportunities, including an introduction to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in our STEM Center. Additional programs include Wiggle World, Library, and Chapel.

Tours are scheduled by appointment and additional information is available on the website at www stpaulcatholic org under the MDO/PreK tab or contact Sheri @ 281-333-0176 or szombory@stpaulcatholic org

Council Special Recognition - Employee Retirement: Scott Kline 40 Years of Service. Nova Vita Mental Wellness Center (Pastor Randy Miller). Introduction of Reserve. Officer Roger Free and Officer Genesis Montano Proclamation proclaiming October 6–12, 2024, as: “Fire Prevention Week.” 17th Annual Texas Outlaw Challenge - 2024 Presentation by Paul Robinson

Council held a discussion – Regarding multifamily housing and public health. Received an update –Regarding improvement to the City’s livestream and video recording.

Council adopted Ordinance No. 02024-08-12Atemporarily waiving building permit fees for all building inspections fees associated the repair of property, homes and businesses damaged from any hurricane declared as an emergency disaster designation.

Council adopted the Fiscal Year 2025 Annual Budget. City Council approved to accept the 2024 Certified Taxable Values and 2024 No-New-Revenue and Voter-Approval Tax Rates. Council Approved the Proposed Tax Rate and schedule a public hearing for September 23, 2024

Council approved establishing fees for Emergency Medical Services and repealing all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith.

Council appointed the following Board Members Brian Brown, Jason Small, Jim Stoa, James DeForest, and Oudrey Hervey to serve on the Nassau Bay Maritime Safety Committee for a two (2) year term.


St. Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church wants to invite you to our 2024 Fall Festival, October19, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

There will be activities for the whole family, such as a bouncy house, sumo suits, and a rock climbing wall. You can also participate in ax throwing (12-2), blowup games, or get your face painted.

A lunch will be available for purchase, either to eat at the festival or to take home, featuring pulled pork and brisket sandwiches or hot dogs, and all the fixings! Fruit Cobblers for dessert will be available for purchase as well from our Scouts You can

browse through our Book Sale for treasures you have been wanting to read or for gifts or attend an auction with delightful holiday gifts You can listen to live music from 9-10:30 and 12-2, visit the craft show with items from local artists, or watch the amazing circus feats from Cirque LaVie from 10:30-12 Please be sure to visit our pumpkin patch for pictures and purchase You can also become a sponsor for the various activities at the festival and receive free lunch tickets and publicity for your company or organization

The church is located at 18300 Upper Bay Dr in Nassau Bay and you can contact the church at 281-333-2384 for additional information Come out and have a great time!

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