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i gravani anastasia was born in patras in 1987. She earned her masters in architecture-engineering in 2011 from the Technical University of Athens. During her undergraduate studies, she had the opportuntity to attend several projects, dealing with the urban structure and the theory and histrory of architecture and construction. She participated in workshops and exhibitions and she is looking for an opportunity to pursue an academic and professional career abroad.





4 dweiiing





LIfES P.16

_far from equilibrium



_reactivating the urban void

P.4 P.24



_4 spatial categories

_communal spaces .lycabettus



_construction a n a l y s i s



_public service multiple functions building P.26 P.48


_r e a c t i v a t i n g the urban void the




d i p l o m a . p r o j e c t











collaborator : alevizou panagiota supervisor : papalexopoulos dimitris_ stavridis stavros





REACTIVATING THE URBAN VOID _The principal thought begins from the city of Athens in order to compose a general method of dealing with the urban void.

Void: Lacking of physical and mental content. Urban: Belonging to the city. Understanding the term as an empty space located inside the urban limits, focus in the reduction of density and in the space break phenomenon, excluding parks and green areas; the urban void could be a need of the city and its space relations, an absence in the urban conditions: context, programme, grid, texture and the urban - territorial relation. It is attempted an analysis of the urban structure based on the characteristics of the urban void. �Metaksourgeio� is chosen as the area of investigation due to the specificity of its void. It is a background consisted of empty spaces uniformly distributed in the urban web in relevance with inert buildings. Having determined the space of intervention, it is attempted the specification of the proper function for its reactivation. This results from the analysis of the progress of the area and its contemporary situation focused on two opposite tendencies. On the one hand the productive function which descends and on the other hand the cultural function that increases. The project intends to investigate the coexistence of these two tendencies, in order the cultural increasement to consist a factor of reactivation of the production. The proposed intervention refers to a uniformly distributed net of workshop spaces in purpose to stimulate the already existing net of production. The proposed workshop spaces refer to the production of the scenery of the National Greek Theatre which plays a special role on the evolution of Metaksourgio area. Moreover the function through the remaking procedure cooperates with the cultural web of the area. This function does not exhaust the urban void, but occupies a part of it in order to reconsiderate the borders with the public space.

http://www.youtube watch?v=aeZKPUuq

e.com/ qkmM


city of athens _urban structure leading to metaksourgio area


metaksourgio area_ production net and cultural functions


national theatre_ reorganization of the production procedure

national theatre_ existing organization net

10 metaksourgio area_ existing urban void free spaces

metaksourgio area_ existing urban void inert buildings


central area of intervention hole

metaksourgio area_ existing urban void underground hole

central area of intervention _hole

metaksourgio area_ avdi square _plan of the central area of intervention





central workhop space /plan_ level -4m

construction details / workshop’s facade filter


public space

computing storage_exhibition central workhop space /section E-E’


public space


central workhop space /section Γ-Γ’


small workhop space /plan _zero level

intervention at zero level of inert buildings_small workshops’ net


small workhop space /section A-A’


_ e x t e n d e d u r b a n . l i n e s .lifes u r b a n . d e s i g n _ s t u d i o . 9










collaborator : alevizou panagiota_ktena olga supervisor : stavridis stavros_terzoglou ion The content of the project refers to Urban Design, intervention in large scale that determines the form of the urban structure and its components: the built, the urban void, the square, the public space, the transportantion infrastructure and the urban landscape. Dwelling is the basic component of the intervention, due its large scale around the area. The rest of the functions cooperate with the dwelling, in purpose to complete the urban space. The unbuilt and the free space plays a major role in the area’s structure. The purpose of the urban design is to integrate new functions to the area, as part of a wider reconstitution of its components which consists the existing situation.

area of investigarion


The area of intervention is Tauros, at the intersection of Peiraiws and Hamosternas avenue. The build density is low, in comparison to the city of Athens, regarding to the existence of industrial blocks and the train railway. The area of Tauros was established as a refugees’ settlement at 1922.Due to the programme of OEK (organization of social dwelling) which took place from the early ’60, were built the blocks of social dwelling The recent establishment of the cultural and educational centers, the commercial malls and the existence of two metro stations, upgraded the urban identity of the area. In addition to the positive and negative impacts, comes the issue of upgrade the social blocks of dwelling. diagram of functions _ free space in the form of urban park (50 % of the area) _social dwelling (15.000 m2 ) _local center (5.000m2) Main idea Basic argument was the heterogeneity between the neighboring areas. The principal gesture is the extension of the urban lines, from the dwelling area of Tauros to the area of the intervention, in purpose to organize it under a unified urban structure. On these basic urban lines are established the blocks of social dwelling. In between them exists a web of free spaces, which refers to private and public use. In addition to the free space cooperates a web of commercial and leisure functions, which the area of intervention.


plan of the proposal _section level +14,00m



20 dweiiing









22 dweiiing


_section of one dwelling block



plan of one dwelling block_section level +14,00m


plan_ types of dwelling unites

_ f a r . f r o m e q u i l i b r i u m t























supervisor : papalexopoulos dimitris http://issuu.com/nat.gr/docs/farfromequilibrium

_far from equilibrium NTUA, February of 2011



“The phrase “far from equilibrium” is borrowed from the field of the thermodynamics where, especially in the last four decades, it has come to refer to the special states of a system in which it is most likely to produce radical, productive and unforeseeable behaviors. When close to equilibrium, the disturbances, anomalies and events passing through a system are easily absorbed and damped out. But a system is moved further from its rest places it becomes increasingly ordered and differentiating. The more ordered and differentiated, however, the more unstable and expensive the system becomes. We accurately think of ourselves today not only as citizens of an information society, but literally as clusters of matter within an unbroken informational continuum: “We are all transistors, in the literal sense”. So long as we are vital, our principle work is to capture and artfully incorporate the signals that surround us. Life is a case of maintaining a very delicate structure _ourselves_ a significant distance of from equilibrium nearly all times, and at others _in order to evolve, grow and invent_ very far from equilibrium indeed. In common parlance, equilibrium and instability have opposite associations: equilibrium is calm and steady and sure, instability is danger and impurity itself. I believe that design is a highly advanced form of rationality, perhaps the highest there currently is, at any rate one that has surpassed art in so many ways in our era, and that it is a legitimate vehicle of the deepest human strivings. In this sense, even more we are in need of a clear and unsentimental commentary and discourse about the designed environment. Far from equilibrium denotes for me a duty to write from the very fringe of coherence, the duty to imagine what is not being said and say it as if it were real and not only invented. To do this, one has to make an ethos out of the «far from equilibrium state»…... ”

This text refers to the question about the relationship between human action, _using design as one paradigm_ and the past or contemporary environment, or even with the future reality. _From one side, science attempted to present one global model of absolute organization, in which the intervention is limited, as everything is already perfectly equilibrated. This option of the_total_order, was accepted too early, putting aside the intervention. How can someone draw a new line, on an already perfect canvas? Is the equilibrium the absolute state of the existence? On the other side, everything around us seems to be so unpredictable. On a daily basis we observe indications of instability at the natural systems, which very early had leaded to further investigation. The results came at the 19th century, with the demolition_of_the ordered_standards and the proof that every system tends to obtain the maximum disorder. We talk about the thermodynamic theory. If someone accepts that everything tends to the maximum disorder, what is the role of evolution? How can we respect design if there is no actual offer to the existing situation, if everything is irrevocably prescribed to its deconstruction? Seems like a boring film, that everyone knows what will happen. _We come to the conclusion that the human existence is between_two_incompatible_realities. Between these theories the sense of the words is confused. Design expresses the human spirit, it is a part of evolution. According to the first theory, the intervention disturbs every time the existing order, while according to the second, the intervention has no meaning, as the deconstruction of every system is prescribed. But what is the role of the occasional intervention, if evolution always creates larger islands of order, with the cost of creation of even larger disordered oceans at the world system? _Actually the effort of understanding was intense, and wanted to describe the environment in sense of our daily live. At the beginning of the previous century, the world was no more constructed as before, its elements were not combined as in the past. The spirit had to fend off the philosophy of ordered standards and has been moved to a totally new theory that had serious impact on the subjects of knowledge, understanding and presentation of the reality. Nothing was absolute and everything could be reorganized. The efforts of this change and the description of a new standard of construction order are remarkable. We came to a new standard, which is described by complexity, forms and states that cannot always be predictable. _However, we missed one step. The existing theories, which had described these unpredictable situations as exceptions of the rule, weren’t enough. Creation_and_evolution_couldn’t_be_districted_as_exceptions, as rare paradigms far from the expectable. The homeostasis of the systems was not sufficient. The legalization of the structures far from equilibrium is based on a contemporary theory, of the last decades. This theory proves that the real condition of the_matter_remains_for_a_while_equilibrated_and_then_is_moving_far_from_equilibrium, looking for states that offer more safety. _We can understand the meaning of this theory by thinking that is the only theory that unites the scientific research with the real human action. It gives reason to the human intervention, and determines time as something actual. Space and time, are not considered any more as isolated and static parameters that always contribute predictably. We pass from the sterilized idealization to reality, that has no certainty but an amount of possibilities. _The purpose of this essay is to approach these basic terms and to investigate the rotation of the theories in relevance with the perception of the environment. At any moment, we embrace a different point of view referring to the systems which component our reality. This point has a direct impact to the role that has to play intervention, or more specifically design. As Kwinter mentioned: “To do this, one has to make an ethos out of the «far from equilibrium state»…... ”


area of intervention

design pedion tou areos _urban park


alexandras avenue



_public service multiple functions building

_p u b l i c . s e r v i c e


b u i l d i n g architectural.design_studio.7-8



: marda






chortogiannhs alexis nelly_moraitis kostantinos

The project introduces the question about the design for complex functions and buildings of public use. We have to confront the relationship between design and construction, as well as the relationship with the urban web and free space. During the design process, at first place it is attempted to be determined the role of the public building in the urban web and the vertical development of the building’s parts in order to design a block of functions that cooperate with each other and incorporates in the urban environment. Moreover, the second part of the project deals with the construction details of the building, the interior design and the free spaces of the block. During this part it is attempted to understand all the parameters that complete the design process and support the proposal. The design programme refers to the building of SADAS (Hellenic Union of Architects), which will shelter its organization offices, a conference hall, the library, a restaurant and coffee shop and the exhibition area. The area of intervention has been chosen near the urban park of pedion tou areos, which plays a major role in the city center. It is a corner area, between Ioulianou street, Zaimh street and Alexandras Avenue, which is the main urban line that unites the center of Athens with the North part of the suburbs.

in between space

alexandras avenue

composition of different functions

300m2 Library 500m2 Conference hall 400m2 Restaurant- coffee shop 300m2 Exhibition area 350m2


pedion tou areos _urban park


collaborator supervisor :

alexandras avenue


_public service multiple functions building


conference hall





second entrance/outdoor amphitheatre library

constraction restaurant/coffee shop


The main idea of the proposal is to create two major blocks, one for the permanent functions, and one for the public access, creating an in between free space at the center of the area. _The public block contains the exhibition area at zero level, the restaurant and coffee shop at medium level and the conference hall at the topic. This block is located at the Alexandras avenue’s façade, referring to the city center and completing the high skyline of the urban web. _The second block shelters the offices, and the other permanently functioning spaces. It is located at the back side of the area of intervention, having lower density and referring to the neighborhood’s scale. _The library plays the role of the connector, creating an in between indoor space at the medium level, in relation to the inside yard of the building block. The roof is accessible, offering the opportunity of a second entrance from the backside to the major block, through an outdoor amphitheatre which cooperates with the free space at zero level.

exhibition (FIRST LEVEL)

/Organization offices /Offices of scientific research


offices _second block

_in between space Alexandras viewport

exhibition _public block

Alexandras avenue

plan_ level -4m


section _in between space

conference hall


section model_ public block

south viewport


constraction _ialexandras avenue

_public service multiple functions building

public block

library_space coonector

offices _second block



conference hall

restaurant_coffee shop


section_ public block


_construction details





_public service multiple functions building


_communal spaces .lycabettus urban

_ c o m m u n a l s p a c e s . l y c a b e t t u s Architecture of outdoor urban and natural sites






public spaces in / design studio 8a





collaborator: kuriazi asimina . hortogiannis alexis supervisor : th. pantzaris / i. terzoglou


the project deals with the approach, research methodology and design of the Interior and outdoor communal activity space. The relation between private and public space and the integration into the urban tissue are the main points of concern, focused on artificial and natural elements defining spaces.

The hill of lycabettus is placed in the center of the city, offering a natural park for the urban structure of Athens, although there is no real connection between the daily life of the city and the hill.


The proposal is based on the effort to redesign the access and the movements on the hill, as well as the creation of a public space at the top of the mountain. This central area, is placed on the ancient marble quarry of athens, which nowdays is covered and used as a parking area. _central public space

landscape _redesign of pedestrian walkways’ net

vasilisis sofias avenue

alexandras avenue


theatre of lycabettus

kolonaki area

neapoli of athens

athens web hill’s boundary/ dwelling area hill’s boundary/ central uses central uses main pedestrian walkway second pedestrian walkway

strefis hill

panepistimiou avenue

_communal spaces .lycabettus urban _ ancient marble quarry of athens

_central public space


_in between area



_city view

_The ancient marble quarry of athens was placed at the top of lycabettus, although today it remains covered and it is being used as a contemporary parking area. _The main intention is to remove the adds and reveal the natural level of the ground. By this simple step it is created an in between area, a natural amphitheatre. Moreover, the link with the city comes througn three decks which offer a connection area from the hill to the city’s view.

39 _natural amphitheatre

_city view _zenetos theatre

_central public space / plan




_redesign of pedestrian walkways’ net / plan

40 a

_redesign of pedestrian walkways’ net / section a

_redesign of pedestrian walkways’ net / section b


_4 . s p a t i a l c a t e g o r i e s Digital Documentation and Information Management in Design and Construction studio.9










collaborator:alevizou.panagiota _ktena.olga_poulokefanou.dimitra supervisor : papalexopoulos dimitris






a b c d

_the project attends to construct a sheltered route consisted of repetitive sections, which is expanded into the city and transformed depending on the characteristics of the urban space. The parameters of transformation a. The repetition, which means the number of sections ΚεΝτΡιΚή ΙΔέΑ b. The dimensions of the section _ Πρόκειται για μία στεγασμένη διαδρομή από επαναλαμβανόμενες διατομές, που διαχέεται στην πόλη c. και The extrude ofμε ταthe section μεταλλάσσεται ανάλογα χαρακτηριστικά του αστικού περιβάλλοντος. Οι παράμετροι σύμφωνα με τις οποίες ορίζεται και μεταλλάσσεται η συγκεκριμένη διαδρομή είναι οι d. _ακόλουθες: The type of the section επανάληψη, το πλήθος δηλαδή των διατομών. The1.2. ΗΟιsection being transformed every time that changes διαστάσεις τηςis διατομής. 3. Το πάχος της διατομής. the4. Τοcategory of the urban environment in which is placed είδος της διατομής.(σχήμα) theOι διατομές structure. μεταβάλλονται κάθε φορά που αλλάζει η κατηγορία του αστικού περιβάλλοντος στο οποίο τοποθετείται το στέγαστρο.

a. both sides build Α. Κτισμένο περιβάλλον εκατέρωθεν In this case that there are buildings at both sides, the repetition has high density, and the extrusion is minimum, in purpose to permit the entrance, _Στην περίπτωση που η κατασκευή περιβάλλεται από κτίρια εκατέρωθεν, οι διατομές είναι αρκετά τα μήκη αυτών λαμβάνουν τις in ελάχιστες ώστε building’s η στεγασμένηentrances. διαδρομή while at πυκνές, the same time create space frontτιμές of the επιτρέπει την κίνηση, ενώ παράλληλα ελευθερώνει χώρο μπροστά στις εισόδους Theνα structure consists of squared των κτιρίων. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωσηsections. ως διατομές επιλέγονται οι τετραγωνικές. b. build / landmark Β. Κτισμένο/άκτιστο περιβάλλον – Τοπόσημο in case that the route passes by a landmark, then the sections have a _Όταν η προτεινόμενη διαδρομή συνορεύει με κάποιο κτίριο ή μνημείο), οι διατομές έχουν C schema, in order to turn the viewτοπόσημο( the landmark, andτότεthe dimensions σχήμα Π, ώστε η διαδρομή να ενισχύει την κίνηση προς το τοπόσημο και οι διαστάσεις λαμβάνουν μέσες τιμές. are medium sized. c. bothsides unbuild Γ. Άκτιστο περιβάλλον εκατέρωθεν if the structure is placed at a free space, the repetition has law density, περίπτωση που περιβάλλεται από ελεύθερο χώρο εκατέρωθεν, οι διατομέςin αραιώνουν, the_Στην dimensions areη κατασκευή maximum, consisting a perforated structure purpose οι διαστάσεις τους αυξάνονται, ενώ ενισχύεται η διάτρητη αίσθηση σε μια προσπάθεια ενοποίησης με τον to ελεύθερο be united with the free space. At this partοι τετραγωνικές. of the structure, the χώρο. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ως διατομές επιλέγονται square sections are chosen. Δ. Κτισμένο περιβάλλον – Άκτιστο περιβάλλον d. build / unbuild _Στηνstructure περίπτωση που is η κατασκευή περιβάλλεται από κτίριο μια πλευρά και ελεύθερο χώρο στην άλλη, if the between a building andστηfree space, the sections have οι διατομές λαμβάνουν τις μέσες τιμές τους, ενώ το σχήμα τους είναι Π, προκειμένου ν’ανοίγονται προς τον medium size ελεύθερο χώρο.and C schema, in order to turn to the free space.

_Γενικότερα, λοιπόν, συμπεραίνουμε ότι στους κενούς ελεύθερους χώρους οι διατομές αραιώνουν οι διαστάσεις τους μεγαλώνουν και τείνουν να ενοποιηθούν με τον υπάρχοντα ελεύθερο χώρο, ενώ στο κτισμένο περιβάλλον η διαδρομή είναι πιο συμπαγής, οι διατομές πυκνότερες και οι διαστάσεις τους μικρότερες προκειμένου να τονιστεί η κατά μήκος συνεχής διάσχιση.

Process The route that is being sheltered, is the only geometrical component that is introduced (curve), consisting the path on which the sections are placed. On this curve we pick up the points on which the characteristics of the urban space change. The parts of the route are determined according to the 4 spatial categories, which have already being analyzed.


For each category it is applied the following process: _We choose the repetition of the section (divide_distance), at each space category of the route. The choice of the divide_distance is determined by an integer value slider, (minimum 1m, maximum 10m). With the command pull, if the route is not linear we have the possibility to project the point on the curve.

_ Πρόκειται για μία στεγασμένη διαδρομή από επαναλαμβανόμενες διατομές, που διαχέεται στην πόλη και μεταλλάσσεται ανάλογα με τα χαρακτηριστικά του αστικού περιβάλλοντος. _ Οι παράμετροι σύμφωνα με τις οποίες ορίζεται και μεταλλάσσεται η συγκεκριμένη διαδρομή είναι οι ακόλουθες: 1. Η επανάληψη, το πλήθος δηλαδή των διατομών. 2. Οι διαστάσεις της διατομής. 3. Το πάχος της διατομής. 4. Το είδος της διατομής.(σχήμα)

_each one from the points that we described above, is copied and and being moved 4 times on the direction x and y. These four points describe the frames in which are placed the sections. A slider is used to choose the dimensions of the framework. (minimum 4,5m, maximum 7,5m).

Oι διατομές μεταβάλλονται κάθε φορά που αλλάζει η κατηγορία του αστικού περιβάλλοντος στο οποίο τοποθετείται το στέγαστρο.

_the next step is to determine the type of the section for each spatial category (closed polyline, section C, arc, ellipse etc). The section is thickened the command που η κατασκευή by περιβάλλεται από κτίριαoffset. εκατέρωθεν, οι διατομές είναι

Α. Κτισμένο περιβάλλον εκατέρωθεν

_Στην περίπτωση αρκετά πυκνές, τα μήκη αυτών λαμβάνουν τις ελάχιστες τιμές ώστε η στεγασμένη διαδρομή να επιτρέπει την κίνηση, ενώ παράλληλα ελευθερώνει χώρο μπροστά στις εισόδους των κτιρίων. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ως διατομές επιλέγονται οι τετραγωνικές.

_using the command loft, the curves that have been designed become surfaces. These lofts are extruded, with the use of a slider. (maximum 1m)

Β. Κτισμένο/άκτιστο περιβάλλον – Τοπόσημο

_Όταν η προτεινόμενη διαδρομή συνορεύει με κάποιο τοπόσημο( κτίριο ή μνημείο), τότε οι διατομές έχουν σχήμα Π, ώστε η διαδρομή να ενισχύει την κίνηση προς το τοπόσημο και οι διαστάσεις λαμβάνουν μέσες τιμές.

Γ. Άκτιστο περιβάλλον εκατέρωθεν _Στην περίπτωση που η κατασκευή περιβάλλεται από ελεύθερο χώρο εκατέρωθεν, οι διατομές αραιώνουν, οι διαστάσεις τους αυξάνονται, ενώ ενισχύεται η διάτρητη αίσθηση σε μια προσπάθεια ενοποίησης με τον ελεύθερο χώρο. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση ως διατομές επιλέγονται οι τετραγωνικές.

Δ. Κτισμένο περιβάλλον – Άκτιστο περιβάλλον _Στην περίπτωση που η κατασκευή περιβάλλεται από κτίριο στη μια πλευρά και ελεύθερο χώρο στην άλλη, οι διατομές λαμβάνουν τις μέσες τιμές τους, ενώ το σχήμα τους είναι Π, προκειμένου ν’ανοίγονται προς τον ελεύθερο χώρο.

_Γενικότερα, λοιπόν, συμπεραίνουμε ότι στους κενούς ελεύθερους χώρους οι διατομές αραιώνουν οι διαστάσεις τους μεγαλώνουν και τείνουν να ενοποιηθούν με τον υπάρχοντα ελεύθερο χώρο, ενώ στο κτισμένο περιβάλλον η διαδρομή είναι πιο συμπαγής, οι διατομές πυκνότερες και οι διαστάσεις τους μικρότερες προκειμένου να τονιστεί η κατά μήκος συνεχής διάσχιση.

_to cut the model, we pick up the sections that have same extrusion


_4 spatial categories design






_lanfor(M)oncloa sustainable.parametric.architecture

U P M _ E T S A M . 2 0 1 0 collaborator:raab.nataly_fotakis.alexandros supervisor : Técnicas de Acondicionamiento: Consuelo Acha Matemáticas: Antonio Casas y Alfonso Casal Proyectos: José Ballesteros [coordinador]






The principle idea of the proposal depends on the location of the urban space in the web. Having in mind the main points of access from the Ciudad Universitaria and Moncloa metro stations and the north-south movement through the area of intervention, we divide the area to stripes at the “x” direction dictating the spaces of different functions while permitting the circulation. Lighting and ventilation come through the “y” direction. According to the building’s programme we have separated the functions of the area at the following categories: class, landscape (trees area or free space) and supporting space (offices, stores and cafeteria). With the division of the area to stripe module of 5m, we have to introduce the height, the length and the location for every different function. The grasshopper is organized according to this separation, having 3 different types of stripes, one for every function. Within these stripes, every space is connected with the others of the same kind using the jitter command, which alternates the form of the roof according to one range of established heights.


_landfor(M)oncloa design






a./first test /position of the jitter slider at 0,0,0 /high values during summer /low values during winter_night

b./change of the jitter values to understand its influence on the values

c. /final test changing the jitter /form of the spaces optimal /no big change of the values

vista 1

d./ test without the tree areas /with less shadow the values rise radically /decision to keep the tree areas and introduce covered spaces with fabrics e./ test de height /change of height of the roof (min=2.10m, elimination of height at 0m) /the state of values no improves

vista 2

escala 1/250


_construction a n a l y s i s

_ c o n s t r u c t i o n . a n a l y s i s viewport a m i l o p o t a m o s k i t h i r a . i s l a n d Construction.analysis.and.intervention.on.traditional.buildings/studio8










collaborator:georgiadou a., zoumpou v., krini e., kuriazi a., papastratis s., pieridou e., rizopoulou s., sarakinioti v., sklaveniti e., stamou a., souliotis a., hortogianis a. supervisor : _Efessiou Irene _Tsouras Vasilis viewport b


During the project it is attemted an analysis of the traditional construction systems, as long as the restoration and conservation of traditional buildings. Studying on their construction and measured drawing of their construction elements on site provides full documentation analysis of damages and their causes. Finally we deal with suggestions for re-use and restoration of buildings focusing on repair and reinforcement.

_plan/ level 1st floor



_general plan/ level 1st floor


_construction details/perspective/ viewport b



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