Daily plan 3 final task final version 03 09 2016

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LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS A. Items to be taught: healthy and unhealthy habits B. Re-cycled items: routines, food, adjectives, verbs, routines, asking for help, habits. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students will:  

Identify healthy and unhealthy food. Identify healthy and Unhealthy habits.

PROCEDURE: Opening: Song Nature of the activity: repetition and miming. Technique: The students and the teacher will watch, sing and mime the “wake up” video. Macroskills: speaking and listening. Task 1: HEALTHY and UNHEALTHY video. Nature of the activity: Repetition Technique: The students will watch at the video of healthy and unhealthy food twice. Realia used: Video about Healthy and Unhealthy food: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=cZ60zhvMlGk&list=PLS4pDq3nAKjkTHQpHbDg17iqSZO9EovPL&index=1 Task 2: At the grocery store.

Nature of the activity: listening and repeating. Technique: The classroom will be dressed as a grocery store with posters and paper food on it. Students will watch and sing a video about the super market. The teacher will show them some posters and cards of food and they will repeat those names. Realia used: video about the grocery store https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cZ60zhvMlGk&list=PLS4pDq3nAKjkTHQpHbDg17iqSZO9EovPL&index=1 Task 3: Final task: Healthy and Unhealthy food at the grocery store. Nature of the activity: Buying at the grocery store. Oral interaction. Technique: The teacher will ask them to imagine that they are at the grocery store and will give them some items for them to get dressed as gymnastics, doctors, football players, nurses, dancers, chef, butcher, greengrocer and fast food workers. The students will be asked to choose one healthy food that their character will eat. They will share it orally with their partners. Then the teacher will ask them to stick one of their options in a poster of healthy food and to write the name of the food behind. The poster will be stuck in the lunch room later.

Task 4: Bob and Tom. Nature of the activity: Listening and thinking. Technique: The teacher will show them a poster of a sad fat child called Bob and a happy slim child called Tom with their foods. She will point each food and ask the students to repeat the names. Then she will ask them a few questions about these children´s habits.

Questions: _ What does Bob eat? _What does Tom eat? _ Is tom fat or slim? _ Is Bob fat or slim? _Who is sad? _Why? Then the teacher will stick a healthy sign on Tom´s side and an unhealthy sign on Bob´s side. She will explain them that Tom´s habits are HEALTHY and Bob´s routines are UNHEALTHY. She will give them a photocopy of Tom and Bob to stick on their copybooks. 

Explanation with mimes.

_Healthy habits make you feel HAPPY. IT makes you grow stronger. _Unhealthy habits make you feel SAD. It makes you grow weaker.

Task 5: Healthy food. (Possible extra activity) Nature of the activity: recognizing healthy food. Technique: The teacher will give them a photocopy with food and they will circle the healthy ones. The teacher will stick a big picture of the same activity on the board and students will tell her orally which are the healthy food.

Realia used: Photocopies and poster of food. Macroskill: Speaking. Task 6: Healthy and Unhealthy routines. (extra activity) Nature of the activity: Recognizing healthy and unhealthy habits. Technique: The students will be asked to do the activity at page 66 in the activity book orally with the teacher. they will identify which are healthy and which are unhealthy habits.

Realia used: Activity book.

Macroskills: writing and speaking.

MACROSKILLS: Speaking, listening, reading and writing. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Criteria for evaluating the learning process: *Participation. *Understanding of words and meanings. *Miming

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:         

A poster with food habits of Bob and Tom Photocopies of Bob and Tom´s habits. Posters to create the grocery store. Photocopies of food. Posters of healthy Food. Sweets Notebook and Monitor. Video of the supermarket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNpBYtcILv0 Video of healthy and unhealthy food https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cZ60zhvMlGk&list=PLS4pDq3nAKjkTHQpHbDg17iqSZO9EovPL&index= 1

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