Portfolio maimo natalia 2016

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PORTFOLIO Teaching Practicum 2

2016 Student: Gisel


GUIDE FOR REFLECTION TO DESIGN EVALUATION REPORTS Self-evaluation/ peer evaluation report ( select the correct one)


This form is intended as a guide to help you organize your ideas when writing either your self-evaluation report or the peer evaluation report for your mate. The peer and self- evaluation report should be uploaded on the platform the same week the practice takes place. So as make the teacher in charge reflect upon her practice before the following class. Please, write a short paragraph for each headline. Remember to include them in the pedagogical folder at the end of the year. Please, don’t write a long narration, just write a report that is useful to your mate and the teacher to interpret what happened that day Institution: Class:-----------------------charge:--------------------Date:-----------------------Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson: Use of materials and resources: Management of time (timing / pacing): The students’ Attitude (their reaction to the activities) Uses of language along the class (a)

Use of English


Use of Translation/ Spanish


TTT (Teacher Talking Time )


Provision of Comprehensible input

Student teacher in


Handling of the group (a)

organization of participation


management of discipline


organization of students interaction

Other aspects to consider:        

The weakest point of the teacher that day ( mention at least 3 aspects that could be improved) The strongest point today of the teacher that day An aspect clearly improved An aspect in the process of improving An aspect I/you should consider improving/ work hard to improve A part of the lesson that you would change A part of the lesson that I particularly liked was Other comments /remarks



When writing the report, take also into account the teacher’s observation grid. Final report: They should not be just a regurgitation of what is in the report. They should be succinct, and focus on the reader's attention on the most significant aspects of your achievement as you see them. They should indicate your ability to reflect on your performance insightfully and honestly. You might write about - a significant development, in line with what the teacher has said in the report - special opportunities you took up during the practice - special features of the program you developed - areas of strength, or specialisation which you developed or applied - aspects of teaching which you feel are particularly important to you - how the practice has extended your range of experience - your understanding of the complexity of the teacher's role, including extra-curricular commitments - your preparedness and enthusiasm for your first appointment Your writing should be structured coherently, professional in expression and in its use of language, error free, and use an appropriate and positive tone (this does not exclude touches of humour). It should also use gender inclusive language. However, try not to sound like a curriculum statement! If you experienced difficulties and these are reflected in the report, be honest about them, but couch them in terms of being a positive learning experience for you. Write about how you might 'do it differently' in your first appointment. Do not use your comments box to write 'thank-yous' to your supervising teacher and school! However, you can talk about the support and positive learning environment which was provided insofar as these contributed to your success. UNIT ( SKELETON) PLAN







TIMETABLE: e.g. Fridays from 9 to 10

SUBMISSION DATE: e.g. Monday 23rd April

PRESENTATION DATE: e.g. Monday 11th May

DESCRIPTION OF THE GROUP (In separate sheet) Indicate group size, level, attitude towards the language and any other relevant information)

………………………………………………………………………………………………………. THEME: e.g. Food

LINGUISTIC EXPONENT/S: action verbs ( prepare, cook, pour...) Tense: Simple present regular verbs.........etc-

PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Grammar Structures and vocabulary Students know

GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Since they are general, you will include what your aims are.Use the following format. e.g. By the end of the unit, Sts will :   

Develop their oral skills through students’ interaction Gain new vocabulary related to food Be encouraged develop a sense of creativity

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES TO BE USED:e.g. Name activity, and explain the purpose of its use

FINAL TASK: It should be a concrete, real-to-life task that will look back to the work of the whole unit. Eg. Designing a shop, writing a magazine, creating a leaflet, about food, or restaurants, tasks that will require the use of all the language used in the


Mathematics ( work out expenditure: payment of salaries, taxes,etc. Nutrition: Healthy and unhealthy food



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Reading material that contains the principles you have based your classes on




………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SPECIFIC THEME: LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS(Grammar and Vocabulary) A. Items to be taught

B: Re-cycled items

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: When announcing objectives you should bear in mind an action to be performed by students. These objectives will contribute to the realization of your aims. E.g How will you go about developing Sts’ oral skills? Probably through class discussion, role plays, interviews, etc Each objective is to be consistent with the L. Exponent, the theme, the function, the activities and the evaluation criteria

ALL THE ACTIVITIES SHOULD APPEAR IN THE PLAN. Specify the following items: 1.

Nature of the activity: brainstorming/ game…


Individual/ pair work




3. Technique: 4. Realia used: 5. Correction (How the students will check their results are correct) 1. OPENING TASK(S) ENGAGING STEP (WARM UP RELATED TO THE THEME IN QUESTION) 2.



MACROSKILLS: (skills students will develop: reading, listening, speaking, writing. Each skill will appear twice in the whole plan) Each will imply the use of a task with a specific purpose and objective

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: Every class the student teacher will include one of the following in the plan


Activity that involve the use of Netbooks

Poster/ realia



Prop to contextualize settings




Timing: A two periods plan should contain 5 varied short activities / A 45’ plan 3

Indicate the time allotted and let the students know about it

The class will consist of


An opening ( greeting, explanation of objectives, video)

2. Transitions between each activity that marks the ending of an activity and the beginning of the next one 3. A closure: marked by the ending of the last activity. An and of the class activity (activity 5) should summarise, recap the contents covered, by either a game, a crossword, etc.

Include just one game per plan

• Every class the students are expected to be taught either new items of vocabulary or processes

Before planning, please, read the file “Some consideration for the Teaching Practicum Course”

OBSERVATION GUIDE The student teachers will observe along 8 Weeks (16 periods) an associate teacher (cooperating teacher). They are to observe the associate teacher’s roles and make note of classroom organization, management routines and classroom resources. The student teachers are also encouraged to interact with and assist students where they see a need. The student teacher should demonstrate professional initiative in seeking ways to be a helpful person in the classroom. The student teachers will also observe management routines, teaching/learning strategies, forms of teacher assessment, accommodations for special needs learners and use of multimedia. Answer these questions in your observation notebook (not the performance one) to be shared in one of our face to face classes after your 3°rd and 4 th observation week. Part A: Organization of the Whole Week/Day



Find out information either through observation or interviewing the cooperating teacher the following issues: 1. Are there any subjects that are combined /integrated (i.e., language arts/art/ science learning activities taught together or at the same time)? Why are they combined? 2. Which subjects, routines and activities occur every day? (e.g. opening exercises, D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read), 5’ singing, etc.) Part B 1. Organization of the Physical Space in the Classroom Attach a sketch or a photo of the organization of the physical space in the classroom. Is the organization of the physical space ever changed? If so, explain why?

2. Organization of the Students When are there opportunities for the students to work independently, in pairs, in small and large groups? How successful are these arrangements in this group? Why do you think? Part C Management Routines and Rules: Teachers have developed routines that are used daily in the classroom to manage student behaviour. Rules are clearly stated and explain to the students what is expected of them in the classroom. For example, “Students will treat each other with respect.” Routines include daily classroom procedures that need to be maintained consistently. For example:



“procedures for leaving the class to go to the washroom”. Complete the chart below listing what you observed during your classroom visit.

9. Is there any school’s Code of Conduct in the institution? Provide examples of how the is followed in the classroom, or on the school yard. Include a copy of the manual if available. 10 . Describe the lunch room routines or procedure for nutrition breaks or other food issues (who supervises, where etc.) Describe any special procedures Part D. About the teaching approach and the activities done



1. What did you notice about the teacher’s role? (Traditional vs. facilitator/moderator etc. 2. What did you observe about the students’ roles in the classroom? 3. Which teaching resources and aids are used? What did you observe about the of materials and resources? 4. What is the structure of the class? What teaching/ learning theories can be reflected in the class? 5. How are the contents presented? What techniques were you able to observe? 6. What is the nature of the activities used in the class? ? Are they grammar-based? Content-based? Task-based? Are all the activities pedagogically valid, in the sense that they are effective teaching artifacts? 7. What did you observe about the students’ attitude? Is there any kind of activity in which the students’ response is more enthusiastic? Which one? Why do you think this is so? 8. What could you observe about the students´ performance during the lesson? 9. How is time managed in the class? Do the students take too long to do the tasks assigned? How many activities do they do in a period? How can you describe the management of time (timing / pacing) along the class? 10. Are the students using any textbook? Which one? 11. How are the students evaluated? Does evaluation entail grammarbased task-based, project-based outcomes? Or a blended style? Please, specify. 12. Reflect on your observation days in the classroom. In your opinion, why do you think that classroom teachers and schools have many rules/routines/ procedures for students to follow? Choose two or three rules/ routines/ procedures that you think are important for you to have in your future classroom. Briefly describe with examples why you chose those particular rules/routines/procedures for your classroom. Maimo Natalia Gisel.



The aim of this essay is to show the evaluations on the videos at the platform. The videos are about authentic material, alternative assessment and students project. In these videos we can see different evaluations referring to constructivism. On the first video the teacher evaluates the oral production and fluency of her students using authentic material. On the video we can see different authentic material such as realia (objects), printed texts, images and multimedia. These are tools to develop our classes but they are also a way to evaluate our students productions.in this video the focus is on the material that we choose for students. On the second video the topic is alternative assessment in which you can directly evaluate the learner language skills by using their language to communicate or for a purpose . we must take into account that the evaluation criteria will differ depending on the level and the aim of the lesson. for example, the portfolio is a way to evaluate the progress of students by collecting their material and showing them their progress. On the last video the children make a project of a plane and this is how they are evaluated. The teacher guides them but the idea is theirs. Students are proud of their own progress and teachers too. Finally, the videos used to evaluate the progress of students. That is the aim of constructivism. Every student has a unique way of building their knowledge and a different time for it. Evaluating their progress is the best way to give them a feedback because here we take into account that they are all different and their progress will be different too. The feedback is about the process in which they get into the result and not focus just on the result.




LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS: Opposite adjectives (big-small, tall-short, pretty-ugly...) Regular determiners (this- that, those- these) Verbs (drink, brush, watch, sleep, go…) Short questions and answers (do you…? Yes, I do. No, I don`t…) Letter U and its pronunciation. Poems. Healthy and unhealthy habits (eat, drink…) PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: numbers up to 20, colours, family, food, parts of the body, can and can`t, animals, toys, adjectives, days of the week. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of this unit the children will be able to:

      

Answer short basic questions about their routines. Use the regular determiners. Use and identify opposite adjectives. Learn basic phrases to ask for help. Identify healthy and unhealthy habits. Learn how to produce the phoneme of the vowel /u/. Know how to write a short poem.

GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES TO BE USED: In this unit students will:           

Listen and repeat a short story named “Sam`s sand castle”. Change the ending of the story orally using pictures. Match the opposites adjectives. Make a routine`s chart. Make a word search of days of the week Complete a crossword of opposite adjectives. Play Simon says with verbs and routines. Listen to a poem and they will work in groups of four and make a short poem. Watch and sing the “vowel u song video”. Stick on the board pictures of objects with vowel “u”. Make a chart with words with the vowel “u” and its pronunciation.



FINAL TASK: The students will be asked to be dressed as gymnastics, doctors, nurses, football players, dancers, chef, butcher, greengrocer and fast food workers. First, they will draw, paint and cut food, fruits and vegetables on white sheets of paper. The teacher will ask them to imagine that they are un a grocery. They will put the food pictures on a poster of the grocery sections. They will choose one healthy food and one unhealthy food that their character would eat. They will stick that food on a poster. Finally, that healthy and unhealthy poster will go to their dining room. MATERIALS AND RESOURCES: flashcards, posters, videos, CD, cards, photocopies.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: _Video from YouTube “Letter U Song Video” by Have Fun Teaching. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zJLiJIf8c_c _Unit 5 from Student`s book 1, SUPER MINDS by Cambridge. _Unit 5 from Story Fun 1, by Cambridge. _CD from Super minds 1, by Cambridge _CD from Story Fun1, by Cambridge. DAILY PLAN CLASS PLAN #1 STUDENT TEACHER’S NAME: Maimo Natalia Gisel INSTITUTION: Carlos Maschwitz School COOPERATING TEACHER: Marcia COURSE: 1st PERIODS PLANNED: 2 SUBMISSION DATE: 23/06/2016



LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS A. Items to be taught: routines and food. B. Re-cycled items: numbers, colours, day of the week, verbs. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students will:  Make a summary of their week.  Be aware of some verbs. PROCEDURE: Opening: Good morning song. Nature of the activity: Listening, repeating and miming. Technique: The teacher will sing and mime a song to the children. They will be asked to repeat it with her. *Song: Good Morning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9Q7Y3t4m3g Task 1: days of the week. Nature of the activity: Word search. Technique: The teacher will show students an uncompleted poster which has a chart of the week and will ask them for help to find the days of the week missing on a poster of a word search and to organize her week. The teacher will show students a poster with the word search and ask them to find the days of the week on it. She will give them a photocopy of the word search to stick on their copy books. *Word search: Days of the week Comentado [G1]: Ok, but in the following plan write the rubrics that should be written on the borad. on the board “Find the words” even if they cannot understand you’ll tell them the meaning and they will copy the words…. All the activities should have the rubrics

*Days of the week chart: Stick the days in the correct column. stick stick stick stick stick stick stick

Task 2: days of the week Nature of the activity: Oral interaction



Technique: Once they find the words, some students will write them on some teacher’s coloured cards and the chart will have the days of the week in different colours. Then she will ask them to put in order the days of the week on the chart. The teacher will ask them: *How many days does the week have? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Task 4: Wake up, daily routines. Nature of the activity: Listening and repeating. Technique: The students will go to the audio classroom and they will watch a video about routines.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUXkj6j6Ezw MONDAYGWWFRIDAYETRITUSGDUSLHLAMNEUXRQTNESNYUZUSSDD TSZRTDAAFDADTAYYFADAHYSRAYHYPP Comentado [G2]: Stick the day in the correct column Comentado [G3]: First show the video several times and make the kids repeat..then, use the chart so that they can recognise the words…  The students will imitate the teacher´s mimes about the video routines. Task 3: Minion´s routine. Nature of the activity: oral interaction Technique: The teacher will show them pictures with The Minion´s routine. The teacher will show to them a poster with the pictures and they have to match with the right sentence. Activity: *On Mondays I play with Agnes. *On Tuesdays I play computer games. *On Wednesdays I eat bananas. *On Thursdays I drink water. *On Fridays I eat pizza.



*On Saturdays I watch television. *On Sundays I play with the Violet minion Task 5: Student´s routines Nature of the activity: writing and repeating. Technique: The teacher will show them some cards with student’s routines and she will give them a photocopy of it. They will repeat and mime the routines with the teacher. Students will stick and write on their copybooks sentences about routines. Comentado [G4]:

*sentences: I______________ to school. I______________ my teeth. I______________ a bath. I______________ my hair. I______________ up. I______________ to bed. I______________ my face. Task 6: Food and the week. Nature of the activity: writing. Technique: The teacher will stick on the board a poster with food. She will ask them some questions about their meals. Questions: _Do you know these foods? _Which of these foods do you like the most? _What do you eat for lunch?



_Do you like fruits? The teacher will show them a poster with some sentences of the Minion´s routines. Student´s will read and repeat them. Minion’s sentences: I EAT BANANA on Mondays. I EAT A HAMBURGUER on Tuesdays. I DRINK JUICE on Wednesdays. I DRINK MILK on Thursday. I EAT A HOT DOG on Fridays. I EAT A SANDWICH on Saturdays. I EAT AN APPLE on Sundays. Closure: singing a song and miming. Nature of the activity: listening and miming. Technique: The teacher will ask the students to open the book at page 60. They will repeat the song with the teacher twice. Then they listen to it and they will sing it with mimes. Comentado [G5]: This is not very communicative…. Do you know what you eat each day? Again,prepare a poster with pictures of food, and days about you and ask them to read it….. Natalia eats fruits on Fridays…….

MACROSKILLS: Speaking, listening and writing. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Criteria for evaluating the learning process: *Participation. *Understanding of words and meanings. *Use of previous knowledge.



MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:  A word search poster.  Two routine’s chart posters.  Routine´s cards.  Television and audio classroom.  Video https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=eUXkj6j6Ezw  Class book’s CD.  Tape recorder. Very good ..just make the changes and use it. The plan is passed


LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS A. Items to be taught: short questions and short answers, asking for help and phoneme short /a/. B. Re-cycled items: routines, food, adjectives, verbs, routines. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students will:    

Gain new vocabulary related to their routines and habits. Be aware of some phrases to ask for help. Be aware of the short /a/ phoneme Recognize shot questions and short answers.

PROCEDURE: Opening: Singing the song “Wake up” and miming with the teacher. Nature of the activity: Oral interaction. Technique: the teacher will sing and mime the song then she will ask students to follow her. “I wake up,



I wake up. I wash my face, I wash my face. I brush my teeth, I brush my teeth. I eat breakfast, I eat breakfast. I brush my hair, I brush my hair. I go to school, I go to school. This is what I do when I wake up in the mornings. This is what I do when I wake up.”

Task 1: “Short questions and short answers” Nature of the activity: Listening. Technique: The teacher will ask the students to open their class book at page 61. The students will listen to the classroom cd and do the activity 1 on the class book. They will repeat the questions and the answer in loud voice. *Questions. Page 61_ Class book. _Activity 1.



Macroskills: listening and speaking.

Task 2: “Yes, I do or No, I don´t” Nature of the activity: Oral Interaction.

Technique: The teacher will stick a poster on the board with some questions on it. The teacher will give them a photocopy of it and students will have to ask it to their desk mate and write the answer. Then, the teacher will count how many students do each action and how many don´t and she will write the quantity on the poster.


_ Do you watch tv? _Do you play video games? _Do you eat vegetables? _ Do you drink water?

Realia used: Chart of questions. Macroskills: speaking. Task 3: Asking for help. Nature of the activity: Oral Interaction and listening. Technique: Students will be asked to open the class book again at page 62 and 63 and to take a look at the pictures of the story. They will listen to the story twice. The teacher will give them a photocopy with some questions and she will ask it orally. Then, some students will pass to the board to write the answers. Questions:



_ What can you see in the pictures? _What´s the name of that animal? _How many boys are there? _How many girls are there? They













After that, the teacher will ask them to open the activity book at page 62 and do the activities 2 and 3.

Macroskills: reading and writing.



Realia used: class book, activity book and photocopies of the questions. Task 3: I need help. Nature of the activity: Oral interaction Technique: The teacher will show them a poster with three sentences that appear in the story to ask for help and she will ask students to repeat it. Then, she will stick three pictures in which people ask for help at the same poster on the board and will give the students a photocopy of it to stick on their copybooks. The teacher will ask them what is happening in each picture orally and they will match the picture with the right sentence.

Realia used: Pictures, poster and photocopies of it.

Macroskills: speaking. Task 4: Asking for help video. Nature of the activity: Singing and dancing. Technique: The students will be asked to go to the audio classroom. There they will watch a video of asking for help. They will sing it and dance it with the teacher.



Realia used: video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBPGvBlaz8 Macroskills: Listening. Task 5: Short /a/ phoneme. Nature of the activity: Pronunciation and repetition. Technique: The teacher will show them some pictures of things with the short /a/ phoneme. They will repeat its names and they should identify the sound short /a/ in them. The students will watch a video of short /a/ phoneme. They will watch it twice and they will sing it with the teacher. *Realia used: video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU7geFPKs74 and Pictures with short /a/ phoneme:

Macroskills: Listening and speaking. Closure: Short /a/ Bingo. Nature of the activity: Game with the short /a/ phoneme. Technique: They will go back to their classroom. The teacher will give them a bingo card and they will play bingo with the words with short /a/ phoneme that the teacher has shown them. The winner will have a chocolate and the others will win a lollipop. Realia used: Bingo cards. PHONETIC BINGO (student´s words)



PHONETIC *umbrela *bus




(teacher´s words)

*jump *cup




*mud *mum *sun




Macroskills: Listening.

EVALUATION CRITERIA: Criteria for evaluating the learning process: *Participation. *Understanding of words and meanings. *Miming


A routine’s question poster. Pictures with short /a/ phoneme. Class book’s CD. Photocopy withquestions. A white poster. Three pictures of situations to ask for help. Tape recorder.


     


Photocopies of asking for help. Poster with short /a/ words. Bingo photocopies. Audio classroom. Video of “asking for help” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoBPGvBlaz8 Video of short /a/ phoneme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UU7geFPKs74


LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS B. Items to be taught: healthy and unhealthy habits B. Re-cycled items: routines, food, adjectives, verbs, routines, asking for help, habits. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students will:  

Identify healthy and unhealthy food. Identify healthy and Unhealthy habits.

PROCEDURE: Opening: Song Nature of the activity: repetition and miming. Technique: The students and the teacher will sing and mime the “wake up” song. Macroskills: speaking and listening. Task 1: FOOD



Nature of the activity: Vocabulary Technique: The teacher will stick on the board a poster to match the food with the names. She will give them a photocopy of it to stick on their copybooks. She will ask some students to do it on the poster. They will repeat the names of the foods.

Realia used: poster and photocopies of the activity. Task 2: HEALTHY and UNHEALTHY. Nature of the activity: Listening and thinking. Technique: The teacher will show them a poster of a sad fat child called Bob and a happy slim child called Tom with their foods. She will point each food and ask the students to repeat the names. Then she will ask them a few questions about these children´s habits.



Questions: _ What does Bob eat? _What does Tom eat? _ Is tom fat or slim? _ Is Bob fat or slim? _Who is sad? _Why? Then the teacher will stick a healthy sign on Tom´s side and an unhealthy sign on Bob´s side. She will explain them that Tom´s habits are HEALTHY and Bob´s routines are UNHEALTHY. She will give them a photocopy of Tom and Bob to stick on their copybooks. 

Explanation mimes.


_Healthy habits make you feel HAPPY. IT makes you grow stronger. _Unhealthy habits make you feel SAD. It makes you grow weaker.

Then, students will be asked to open the class book at page 66 and they will do the activity 2 of that page.



Realia used: class book, poster and photocopies of Bob and Tom. Macroskills: listening. Task 3: Healthy food. Nature of the activity: Thinking. Technique: The teacher will give them a photocopy with food and they will circle the healthy ones. The teacher will stick a big picture of the same activity on the board and students will pass and do it.

Realia used: Photocopies and poster of food. Macroskills: writing. Task 4: Final task: Healthy and Unhealthy food at the grocery store.



Nature of the activity: Buying at the grocery store. Oral interaction. Technique: Students will get dressed as gymnastics, doctors, football players, nurses, dancers, chef, butcher, greengrocer and fast food workers. They will go to the audio classroom, where they will watch and sing a video about the super market and healthy food. The audio classroom will be dressed as a grocery store with posters and paper food on it. The students will be asked to choose two healthy foods that their character will eat. They will share it orally with their partners. Then the teacher will ask them to stick one of their options in a poster of healthy food and to write the name of the food behind. The poster will be stuck in the lunch room later. 

Example poster.



Realia used: decoration of the audio classroom, video of the supermarket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNpBYtcILv0 ,video of the healthy and unhealthy food https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cZ60zhvMlGk&list=PLS4pDq3nAKjkTHQpHbDg17iqSZO9EovPL&index=1 , poster of healthy food. Macroskills: speaking and writing. Task 5: Simon Says Nature of the activity: Game. Technique: The teacher will divide them into 3 group sand she will tell them to mime the what she says. She will show them the mimes twice and the she will say the sentence in loud voice and students should do the mimes. The winners will have a lollipop and the others will have a candy.



Macroskills: listening. Task 6: Ask to your partner. Nature of the activity: Classroom Interaction. Technique: They will go back to the classroom. There, they will be asked to open the books on page 67 and to do the project 1 to their classmates. Realia used: Classbook.



Macroskills: speaking, reading and writing. Task 7: Healthy and Unhealthy routines. Nature of the activity: Recognizing healthy and unhealthy habits. Technique: The students will be asked to do the activity at page 66 in the activity book. The teacher will show them bigger pictures of that activity and they will identify which are healthy and which are unhealthy habits. Realia used: Activity book and pictures.

Macroskills: writing and speaking.



MACROSKILLS: Speaking, listening, reading and writing. EVALUATION CRITERIA: Criteria for evaluating the learning process: *Participation. *Understanding of words and meanings. *Miming

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES:            

A poster with food habits of Bob and Tom Photocopy of food vocabulary. Photocopies of Bob and Tom´s habits. Posters to create the grocery store. Photocopies of food. Class book’s CD. Posters of healthy Food Tape recorder. Big pictures of the activity book. Audio classroom. Video of the supermarket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNpBYtcILv0 Video of healthy and unhealthy food https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=cZ60zhvMlGk&list=PLS4pDq3nAKjkTHQpHbDg17iqSZO9EovPL&index=1




LINGUISTIC EXPONENTS A. Items to be taught: Opposites adjectives and Regular Determiners. B. Re-cycled items: routines, food, adjectives, verbs, routines, asking for help, habits, family, parts of the house and animals. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson students will:

  

Identify new words and actions related to the story. Identify opposites adjectives. Identify determiners.

PROCEDURE: Opening: Song Nature of the activity: repetition and miming. Technique: The students and the teacher will sing and mime the “wake up” song. Macroskills: speaking and listening. Task 1: Pictures of the story. Nature of the activity: Oral interaction and Listening. Technique: The teacher will show them a poster with the pictures of the story “Sam´s sandcastle”. Students will be asked to say what they can see in each picture. Then they will open the Story Fun Book and listen to the audio of it. The teacher will stop at each paragraph to repeat and check comprehension. Realia used: Story Fun book, Chapter 5, and bigger pictures of the story.



Macroskills: Listening and speaking. Task 2: “The beach� Nature of the activity: Oral interaction and repetition. Technique: The teacher will stick on the board a poster with some questions in which students have to mark the right answer and she will give them a photocopy of it. The teacher will read each question and students will choose the right answer at the boar and on their photocopy. Circle the right option: _Where is Sam?

At the beach _ What does he make?

At school


A sandwich


A sandcastle

_What happens to the sandcastle?

A GIRL breaks it

A WAVE breaks it

_Which animal mends the sandcastle?

A lizard

A duck

Realia used: Story Fun Book, photocopies and poster. Macroskills: Speaking, reading and Listening. TASK 3: Determiners. Nature of the activity: Oral Interaction. Technique: The teacher will show them a poster of the regular determiners “this, that, these and those� and she will make them repeat those words and copy it on their copy books. The teacher will stick a picture of the beach and she will make them some questions pointing some parts of it. _What it THIS? _What is THAT? _What are THESE? _What are THOSE? Realia Used: Picture of the beach and poster of determiners.



Macroskills: Speaking and listening.

Task 3: Opposites at the beach. Nature of the activity: Game and Classroom Interaction. Technique: Students will watch a video about opposite adjectives. They will sing and mime it with the teacher. The teacher will show them a poster to match the opposites. The teacher will give them a photocopy of the activity. They will do the activity at the board. Opposites. Match the opposites.

















Realia Used: Video of opposites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAqBPjEX5yM and poster and photocopies of the activity.

Macroskills: Speaking and Listening. Closure: Crossword. (extra activity) Nature of the activity: Review. Technique: The teacher will give them a crossword´s photocopy to stick on their copy books. She will stick a poster with the crossword on the board and students will complete it. Realia Used: Photocopies of the crossword and a poster with the crossword.


Macroskills: Speaking and writing.

EVALUATION CRITERIA: Criteria for evaluating the learning process: *Participation. *Understanding of words and meanings.






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A poster of activities of opposites. A poster with pictures of the Story Fun Book. Photocopies of the activities. Poster of the crossword. Poster of Regular determiners. Audio classroom. Video of Opposites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAqBPjEX5yM Tape Recorder

Self-Evaluation Report Class 1 Student Teacher in Charge: Maimo Natalia Gisel Institution: Carlos Maschwitz School Observer: Marcia Tiburzi Course: 1st year Date: 24/08/2016



Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson was not active. The use of materials and resources was vast and colorful. It caught children´s attention. The management of time was weak. The teacher loose time by organizing children´s seating arrangement and by asking for silence. The students’ Attitude was weak. They did not understand that they should had followed the new teacher. They didn´t understand the situation and the role change of the teacher. Handling of the group The organization of participation was good the whole group had a chance to participate at the activities and the tasks. The management of discipline was weak. Some students didn´t recognize the new teacher as a figure of authority in the classroom. The organization of student’s interaction was weak. Students were not interesting on follow instructions of the new teacher in charge. Uses of language along the class. The lesson was delivered in English without translations. Miming was used to check understanding of vocabulary. Children found it difficult to understand. There was more Teacher Talking Time than Student Talking Time. Children were afraid of speaking English. Other aspects to consider Children didn´t remember the name of the new teacher in charge so when there was a question they asked It to their Miss. The students found difficult to follow basic instructions although they were written. The teacher in charge should organize activities with numbers because children found letters difficult to follow. The teacher´s level and tones of voice was not well used.

Self-Evaluation Report Class 2 Student Teacher in Charge: Maimo Natalia Gisel Institution: Carlos Maschwitz School Observer: Marcia Tiburzi and Dominguez Gabriela.

PORTFOLIO Course: 1st year Date: 29/08/2016




Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson was active The use of materials and resources was colorful. The audio was too low. The student teacher in charge had to sing the songs in loud voice because children could not heart it clear. The management of time was good but there was a loss of time by shearing the books and correcting the activities. The students’ Attitude was good. They participate and try to mime and follow the teacher´s reading. Two boys were not interesting on the activities but they did the miming. Handling of the group The organization of participation was good the hole group had a chance to participate at the activities and the tasks. But the fasters students got bored because they finished activities fast. The management of discipline was good. Boys were talk active about football matches but while the teacher was miming she got their attention and children followed her. The organization of student’s interaction was good. Students helped each other to guess the meaning of words, to follow the reading and to do the bingo game. Uses of language along the class. First, the lesson was delivered in English without translations. Miming was used to check understanding of vocabulary. Children found it difficult to understand it. The coordinator teacher asked the student teacher in charge to use Spanish with students and to use translation. Finally, students guessed the words in Spanish and the teacher asked them to translate it in English. That method worked. There was a lot of repetition and Students talking time. The teacher could hear and correct student ´s pronunciation. Other aspects to consider Children were glad to see the student teacher in charge. They loved having won the presents of the bingo game. The teacher in charge used a song to calm them down and it worked. The lesson had to be short because of the time. The next lessons will be re organized to be sure that the time will be enough for it. Self-Evaluation Report Class 3 # Final Task Student Teacher in Charge: Maimo Natalia Gisel Institution: Carlos Maschwitz School

PORTFOLIO Observer: Marcia Tiburzi and Dominguez Gabriela. Course: 1st year Date: 05/09/2016




Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson was active. They loved the activities and the material used. The use of materials and resources was vast and colorful. The audio was better and children enjoyed the videos. They oved the pictures that the student teacher in charge brought. The management of time was better this time. The student teacher in charge reorganized the plan so the time got perfect for each activity. The students’ Attitude was good. Each student participated by choosing and sticking the pictures of healthy food. They debate orally about healthy and unhealthy food. Handling of the group The organization of participation was good the hole group had a chance to participate at the activities and the tasks. The management of discipline was good. Boys were very curious about the teacher´s material and touched it. They wanted to participate. The organization of student’s interaction was good. Students helped each other to guess the meaning of words, they used the laminas in the classroom to indicate the names of the foods they did not remember. They loved their paper suits made by the student teacher in charge. Uses of language along the class. The lesson was delivered in English with some translations of specific words. Pictures helped students to understand the vocabulary. There was a lot of repetition and Students talking time. The teacher could hear and correct student ´s pronunciation. Other aspects to consider There were about nine children absent. It was a rainy day. The teacher in charge avoided the first break time because the final task was in process. Then the coordinator teacher told her not to do it again. The material used was gifted to the teacher and children loved their suits. Pair-Evaluation Report Class 1 Student Teacher in Charge: Santillán Rodrigo Institution: Carlos Maschwitz School Observer: Maimo Natalia Course: 3rd year

PORTFOLIO Date: 20/09/2016




Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson was active. The use of materials and resources was vast modern and colorful. It caught children´s attention. The management of time was weak. The teacher loose time by organizing children´s seating arrangement and explaining the activity. They did not have time to check the activity and to do the final task. The students’ Attitude was good. They understood the activity after a short demonstration. They exchanged information and made new “rules” for the activity. Handling of the group The organization of participation was good the whole group had a chance to participate at the activity. The management of discipline was weak. Some students did not do what the teacher asked them to do. The teacher had to call students attention many times. The organization of student’s interaction was good. Students follow the teacher in charge but they gossiped during the activity. Uses of language along the class. The lesson was delivered in English with some key words translations. Students made basic questions in English. There was more Student Talking Time Teacher than Talking Time. Children were enthusiastic talking about the technology real material they were working with. Other aspects to consider Children didn´t pay much attention to what the teacher in charged asked them to do. The teacher´s level and tones of voice was not well used. There was not an introduction or a welcome to the students.

Pair-Evaluation Report Class 2 Student Teacher in Charge: Eva Luna Institution: Carlos Maschwitz School Observer: Maimo Natalia Course: 4th year

PORTFOLIO Date: 20/09/2016




Organization of the lesson: Students´ performance during the lesson was active. They loved the activity and there was a continuation of the previous activity they had done. The use of materials and resources was good. They reused the cards they had been working with the previous lesson. Children´s work were fantastic. The management of time was perfect. The students did the activity and finished the previous one. They re-check the hand-made work and finished the lesson by giving them presents. The students’ Attitude was excellent. They understood the activity easily and the did it very fast. They exchanged information and the ones that finished earlier helped the others. Handling of the group The organization of participation was good they participated and helped each other. The management of discipline was great. The teacher used clear short instructions and used a clear tone by talking to students. The organization of student’s interaction was amazing. The group was coordinated and they exchanged information between them. Uses of language along the class. The lesson was delivered in English with some key words translations. Students interacted in English and they played by trying to talk in English all the time. There was more Teacher Talking Time than Student Talking Time. The teacher talked all the time in front of the board helping students with the activity. Other aspects to consider The First routine´s activity given was too easy, short and useless. Children did not like it and it was too long. The children found difficult to do the last activity of cutting and pasting because the teacher did not show it in an easy way.

Maimo Natalia Gisel Teaching Practicum 2 Carlos Maschwitz School, Primary Level 02/10/2016 Final Personal Conclusion I have observed First Year Primary English lesson at the Carlos Maschwith School and I have noticed that the teacher´s work there was close similar to the kinder garden teacher. The teacher



has to develop some mother´s instinct with the children and their relationship gets stronger. I could have noticed that the affective filter is almost lower when the teacher does the “mother´s role”. Children learn in a passive way, which means, they are closer to acquire the language than to learn it. I loved the way children learn the language by constructivist methods. The teachers work very hard with constructivist concepts and projects. By this way I can appreciate the fruits of their efforts. I think these methods are very effective with young children and they create a good atmosphere. However, I do not like the lack of physical space that the building has. It conditions the lessons and the student´s play time.

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