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«Interesting facts about Ukraine» «Цікаві факти про Україну» Мета заходу: Розширити знання учнів про свою країну англійською мовою; активізувати країнознавчі знання й мовні уміння; розвивати навички колективної роботи, логічного мислення; виховувати почуття любові до рідного краю, гордості за свою країну; поглибити знання сучнів про історичні та культурні пам’ятки нашої країни. Обладнання: карта України, ноутбук, проектор, фонограми пісень, відео. Очікувані результати: Розробка відкритого виховного заходу спрямована на виховання любові до своєї Батьківщини, піднесення патріотичного духу. Цікаві факти про українську мову, пісню, танок, культуру та традиції. На прикладах відомих українців про величезний внесок у розвиток світової науки, культури, спорту в учнів формується прагнення до досягнення життєвих цілей. Учні усвідомлюють необхідність збереження та подальший розвиток культурних надбань українського народу; необхідність толерантного ставлення до меншин, що проживають на території нашої країни; необхідність збереження єдності та територіальної цілісності України. Виховний момент простежується протягом усього заходу. При проведенні свята спрямовується увага на патріотичне виховання. Розширюється кругозір і обізнаність учнів про рідну країну. Сьогодення наповнене різноманітними подіями, що стосуються кожного громадянина країни. Життя підлітка завжди наповнене як особистими, так і суспільними переживаннями. Дуже часто ці переживання впливають на настрій, навчання, здоров’я учнів. Для покращення морального настрою досить важливо звертати увагу на патріотичне виховання молоді. Це стане запорукою небайдужості як сьогоднішнього, так і прийдешніх поколінь громадян. Найкращою мотивацією до суспільної праці є розвинуте почуття гордості за свою державу, співпереживання за минуле, співпричетність до сьогодення і творення її майбуття. Саме тому патріотичному вихованню молоді надається одне з пріоритетних значень. Хід заходу T: Good morning, dear friends! Nice to meet you. Our today meeting is dedicated to our Motherland. I hope it will help you to understand how important is to love our Motherland – Ukraine. Love it when it is in trouble, love it when it is happy. Слайд № 1 (відео) Welcome to Ukraine!!! Discover a part of Ukraine in Your heart …. With it’s natural beauty …Listen to melodic sounds… Hand down the craft skill …. Educated nation is our future… Fall in love with colourful landscapes… Dissolve in the endless wheaten fields … Create your own fashion style… Be a fan of Ukraine…Look into the rich Ukrainian inheritance …Let’s fly over the Carpathians… Together we are many and we are not defeated… Live by traditions… Excite the best sights… Feel the coolness of crystal clear water… Feel the drive of ethnic folk… - Be proud to be Ukrainian

―Love Ukraine, like sun that you love Like wind, like grass, and like water, Whenever you're happy, in moments of gladness, At times of trouble, do love. Love Ukraine when asleep or awake The glamorous your Ukraine The beauty of it, always alive and new And language of hers full of charm. Amongst the brother-made nations, like garden in dew She shines through the ages again Love Ukraine with all of your heart And all of the deeds that you make...‖

Ukraine is the largest state in Europe situated entirely in Europe, appeared on the map of the world in 1991. It was quickly recognized by the international community. It is the largest country on the European continent.

Ukraine is geographic center of Europe. The geographic center of Europe is on the territory of Ukraine not far from Rakhiv in Zakarpatia oblast. As far back as 1887, experts of Austria Hungary had determined this point. ―Permanent, exact, and eternal place. Very precisely, using special apparatus made in Austria and Hungary, with scale of meridians and parallels, set the Center of Europe. 1887.‖ Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks led through Ukraine. It was a famous trading path. Along the Dnieper, the route crossed several major rapids and passed through Kiev, and after entering the Black Sea followed its west coast to Constantinople.The route allowed traders along the route to establish a direct prosperous trade with Byzantium. Five Ukrainian objects are protected by UNESCO, they are included in the World Heritage Site as a cultural and natural values and heritage of all mankind. 1.St. Sofia Cathedral is the world famous historical and architectural monument of the first half of the 11th century. The name of the cathedral comes from Greek word "sofia", which means "wisdom". Built in the times of Yaroslav Mudry, the cathedral served as a social, political and cultural center of Kievan Rus, where foreign ambassadors were received, chronicles were recorded and the first Russian library, founded by Yaroslav Mudry himself, functioned. For many years St. Sofia Cathedral served as a burial place of Kiev princes. In the cathedral remains of Yaroslav Mudry, his son Vsevolod, and Vladimir Monomakh are buried.The cathedral is famous for its mosaics and frescos by Byzantine masters that date back to the 11th century. 2. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra is a unique monastery complex, which was visited by more than 43 millions of tourists from all over the world. The name of the monastery comes exactly from the caves (the word «pechera» in Ukrainian means a «cave»), the word «lavra» means status, it received large and influential monaster-

ies, which size was like small towns with streets (lavra means «street» in Greek). Lavra caves is the system of underground passages, divided into two parts — Far and Near Caves. At first caves were occupied by the monks who lived there, later in caves started to bury dead settlers of the monastery. There are legends about the extent of Lavra caves, — it’s said that underground passages stretches under the Dnieper and also connects Lavra with other monastery caves of Kiev and Chernigov. 3. L’viv – the Ensemble of the Historic Centre represents a crossing point of cultures and architectural traditions. The trade routes in the Middle Ages attracted a number of ethnic groups with different traditions: Ukrainian, Armenian, German, Jewish, Polish, Italian and Austrian. These groups lived in separate communities, and left their own religious and artistic marks on the city.

4. Struve Geodetic Arc-is a chain of survey triangulations stretching from Norway to the Black Sea, through ten countries 5. Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians are the largest remaining 'virgin' forests of the European beech. Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians cover areas of Zakarpattia and Prešov Regions. Over 70% of the site is located in Ukraine. They also hold the largest and tallest beech specimens in the world. Відео Сім чудес України

World's First Constitution In 1710, Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk introduced ―Pacts and Constitutions of Rights and Freedoms of the Zaporizhian Host‖, at that time a super-progressive document which meant to separate powers into three branches and regulate the rights and responsibilities of the government and citizens. Some researchers believe that this document is one of the world’s first constitutions. For example, U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1787 and French and Polish in 1791. Відео

Ukraine is a 4th educated nation in the world: 99.4% of Ukrainians aged 15 and over can read and write. 70% of adult Ukrainians have a secondary or higher education. Ukraine has about 150 colleges and universities, of which the most important are at Kiev, Lviv, and Kharkiv.

The first university in Eastern Europe (1576) The National University of Ostroh Academy is the successor of Ostroh Slavic, Greek and Latin Academy, the first higher educational establishment of the Eastern Slavs. It was founded in 1576 by Prince Vasyl-Kostiantyn of Ostroh. Among the graduates of the Academy were such famous political, cultural and church figures as Hetman Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachnyi, brothers Demian and Severyn Nalyvaiko, Meletii Smotrytskyi, Iov Boretskyi, Zakharia Kopystenskyi and Yelysei Pletynetskyi. Herasym Smotrytskyi was its first rector. The Ukrainian language took the second place in the world on melodic criteria after Italian. Also, it was ranked as the third most beautiful language in the world on the following criteria: phonetics, lexicon, phraseology and sentences structure after French and Persian languages at the linguistic contest which was held in Paris in 1934. The most frequently used letter of Ukrainian alphabet is ―п‖ (p). Three letters – ―ф‖ (f), ―ї‖ (ji) and ―ґ‖(g) are the least used. The ―f‖ is interesting – the nation started using it not long ago, and only Ukrainian words of foreign origin contain it. An expression puzzling all foreign is ―Ta ni‖, literary translated as ―yes no‖. Usually it is used as an objection to someone’s expression and actually means no. For example: - Is it far from here? - Ta ni, it takes just 10 min to walk there. People in Ukraine are friendly, hospitable, well-educated, kind-hearted and hardworking individuals, many of them have brought significant contribution to the world many different fields, these may include athletics, art, theatre, literature, business. The first Ukrainian woman known in the world was Olga, the wife of Prince Igor, who came to power after his death. It was a strange and exceptional event for that time: a woman governed the huge state since 944 till 969; this fact demonstrates her talent and iron will. She was a wise politician and experienced leader of the state. She was good at governing her lands – she established the new laws and founded the new cities. Another Ukrainian woman, became the ruler of the Ottoman Empire – Hürrem (Roxolana) or Lisovska Anastasia, the wife of Suleiman II, mother of Suleiman III.

She was one of the most powerful and influential women in Ottoman history and a prominent figure during the era known as the Sultanate of Women.

The city of Berdychiv in central Ukraine’s Zhytomyr Region is known for its rich sacred heritage. The Zhytomyr Region, in particular Berdychiv, played an important role in the life of classical French author Honore de Balzac. He married Ewelina Hanska at the Church of St. Barbara. On 2 March 1850 in the Church of St. Barbara, Abbot Wiktor Ozarowski blessed the marriage of de Balzac.. The Radziwills paid for an organ to be installed in the church on which, according to tradition, composer Frederic Chopin played. In the city of Sambir in Church of The Birth of Virgin Mary,which was built in 1738,the relics of St. Valentine are preserved. There are two treasures in the church interior: the miracle-working icon of the Virgin Mary and relics of St. Valentine. Do you know about whom Pablo Picasso said: "If we had an artist of such a level, we would make the world talk about her"? Pablo Picasso was delighted with the works of the Ukrainian artist Catherine Bilokur. When he saw her at the exhibition in 1954, he said, her works were brilliant and compared her with the famous painter Seraphine Louis.

Do you know which city the great Russian novelist Mikhail Bulgakov called the most beautiful in the world? Mikhail Bulgakov said about Ukrainian capital and one

of the oldest cities in Europe: ―There is no more beautiful city in the world than Kyiv". The Klitschko brothers are the ones of the world’s best boxers in the heavyweight division. They always come out to the ring under the blue-and-yellow Ukrainian flag. Olga Kurylenko, a Ukrainian-born actress and model. She was born in1979, in Berdyansk. She found success as an actress for her role as Nika Boronina and then rose to fame by playing Bond girl Camille Montes in the 22nd James Bond film. Milla Jovovich is an Ukrainian-born actress, supermodel, fashion designer, singer and public figure, who was on the cover of more than a hundred magazines, and starred in such films as The Fifth Element , Ultraviolet . She was born Milica Natasha Jovovich in 1975, in Kiev. Ukrainian powerlifter, Dmitry Khaladzhi included in the Guinness Book of Records as the author of more than twenty records. Ukrainian power lifter Dmytro Haladzhi is one of the strongest people on the planet, according to Guinness Book of World Records. He can bear a tractor on his chest, lift 150 kilos with his little finger and keep 30 people on his neck. The Ukrainians invented many useful things: Igor Sikorsky was born in Kiev and migrated to the United States, invented the helicopter. Sergei Korolev invented a rocket engine. Korolyov and his team in 1961 launched the first spacecraft, which was with a man on a board – Yuri Gagarin.

In 1930's, outstanding Ukrainian scientist Yevgen Paton supervised the development of the method of automatic arc welding which significantly increased productivity and quality of engineering. Engineer Evgeny Paton played a direct role in the design and construction of the bridge. Paton Bridge is one of the bridges across the Dnieper in Kiev named after its constructor Evgeny Paton. Built between 1941 and 1953, is the world's first all-welded bridge Yuriy Budyak, commander of one of the Boer units during the Boer War (South Africa) in 1899-1902 saved a young English journalist from execution. The journalist's name was Winston Churchill. Being saved, Winston helped Yuriy to enter the Oxford University and his father paid for the Ukrainian's study. In 1917, Yuri worked in the government of the Ukrainian People's Republic. In 1943 Yuri Budyak died in a Soviet concentration camp.

There are four microminiatures museums in the world. The museums are located in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, in Moscow, in Hungary and in Andorra. The museums are founded thanks to the world famous talent of Nikolai Syadristy. His name has been already entered in the history of world art. What can be seen in the Kievan Museum of miniatures? You will be amazed with the description of each microminiature as the scale there is not measurable in millimeters. Actually it is measurable in thousandths of a millimeter. Have a look at "Rose in the hair", for example. There is the cavity drilled inside the human hair along its length. A caravan of golden camels is set in the eye of the needle hinting on the well-known phrase from the New Testament that it is easier for a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the heavenly kingdom. You can see the world's tiniest book too. That is Kobzar by Shevchenko. Nikolai Syadristy is the man who really shoed a flea. One of the world’s most famous songs ―Summertime‖ is inspired by an old Ukrainian lullaby. George Gershwin wrote one of the world’s most famous songs, ―Summertime‖, after being inspired by an old Ukrainian lullaby called "Oi Khodyt Son Kolo Vikon" (The Dream Passes by the Windows) performed by the Ukrainian National Chorus. And it's not surprise because parents of George Gershwin were from Odessa (Ukraine).

―Carol of the Bells‖ is a Ukrainian folk song One of the most famous Christmas songs ―Schedryk‖ (a folk song written by a Ukrainian composer, Mykola Leontovich) is known to the rest of the world as ―Carol of the Bells‖ or ―Ring Christmas Bells‖. Based on an old Ukrainian folk song, the original lyrics describe a swallow flying into a household to proclaim the plentiful year that the family will have. The folk melody was sung in many Ukrainian villages. The song has been used many times in the soundtracks for films and television. Ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters in the world As of 2011 Ukraine was the worlds 3rd largest grain exporter. Ukraine – a major producer of grain. If Ukraine’s grain harvest of 2013 were loaded in railway cars, the length of the train would be equal to the distance between Kyiv and Rio de Janeiro.Ukraine is in the world’s seven largest producers of sugar, vegetable oil, pork and potatoes. Among the top five global producers of honey. The first frame hive was invented in Ukraine in 1814 by Petro Prokopovych. During last years Ukraine surely takes a place in the three worlds leaders in honey

producing. Ukraine leaves behind European countries in honey producing and, at the same time, is the first in the world in honey producing per a head (1,5 kg). When Ukraine got independence, it was populated by 19.4 million pigs. Today there are two times less. And although one of the Ukrainian authentic dishes is salo, the pig fat, and the nation has a reputation of pork eaters, an average Ukrainian consumes only 18 kilos of it per year. That is three times less than an average German. Every country has its own national dish. In Ukraine we have too some national dishes. One of the dishes known all over the world is varenyky. They are very tasty with sour scream. Everybody who tastes it says it`s really delicious. Another dish that cannot be compared to is Ukrainian borshch. I don`t think that someone can cook it better than our Ukrainian women. The world’s heaviest aircraft is An-225 Mriya is created by the Kyiv-based Antonov design bureau. The plane was designed to airlift space shuttles and rocket boosters, however is now carrying oversized payloads. Ukraine owns the biggest manganese ore in the world – 11 per cent of the planet’s deposits. The country also has plenty of iron ore, counting for 7 percent of the world’s deposits. Ukraine owns a quarter of fertile black soil of the world. Black soil – the most fertile soil of our planet. During the Second World War, the Germans took out Ukrainian soil in Germany by trains. Вчитель: А зараз ми проведемо конкурс «Чи знаєте ви?» Вчитель читає запитання, а учні говорять відповіді. Що означає слово «козак»? (Вершник, вільна людина.) Козацький човен. (Чайка) Герб України (Тризуб) Найвідоміша козацька страва. (Куліш.) Дерево, з якого добувають дьоготь. (Береза) Кому не дозволялося заходити на територію Запорозької Січі? (Жінкам.) Обрядовий хліб, який печуть на Великдень. (Пасха) Свято дівочої долі. (Катерини) Найвища гора України. (Говерла) Найвідоміший футболіст України сучасності. (Андрій Шевченко) Грошова одиниця України. (Гривня) Приміщення, в якому жили козаки. (Курінь) Колір прапора України. (Блакитно – жовтий) Розписані великодні яйця. (Писанки) Найбільше озеро України. (Синевир) Головна обрядова дія Андріївських вечорниць. (Гадання, Кусання калити) Зібрані цього дня лікарські трави вважаються найцілющими. (Свято Івана Купала) Скільки страв повинно бути на столі у Святий вечір? (Дванадцять) Народна назва одного з найголовніших літніх свят, до якого православна церква приурочила свято Трійці. (Зелена, Клечальна неділя – «Зелені свята») Швидкий український танок. (Гопак) Хто з українських письменників узяв собі псевдонім – назву своєї національності. (Леся Українка)

Tunnel of Love is a beautiful spot in Klevan, Ukraine. A three kilometer railway section leads to the factory. The train goes three times a day and delivers wood to the factory. However, the trees make a green corridor, which attracts many couples, as well as photographers for its eye catching avenue. It is said that if you and your beloved come to the Tunnel of Love and sincerely make a wish, it will come true. This might be a new romantic place to discover. The longest cave in Ukraine is called ―Optymistic‖ and it is situated in Podillya. It is a gypsum cave in the deep 20 meters with an extension 216 km. The longest cave in the word and second in general for extension, it gives up only before Mammoth cave in USA. The caves are called the eighth wonder of the world, the kingdom of eternal darkness. Possession of the mysterious and unknown is open to those who dare to take a journey to the underground labyrinths created by nature. The beauty of the caves is impossible to describe or convey through photography or film. This should be seen! Few people know that Ukraine has the largest desert in Europe within its territory. It is called the Oleshky Sands and located in Kherson Region, in 30 km near Kherson city. This so called ―desert‖, consisting of sand dunes is 15 km wide and even has it’s own oasis. It’s hard to believe, but there is no such wide open space covered with sand in Europe. Sometimes you can see small ―tornados‖ there.In the summer the desert sand gets hot up to 75 degrees Celsius. The British scientists from the University of Leeds discovered a unique underwater river at the bottom of the Black Sea. Researchers working in the Black Sea have found currents of water 350 times greater than the River Thames flowing along the sea bed. The undersea river even has rapids and waterfalls. Khreshchatyk Street in Kiev is the shortest yet widest main city street in the world. Its length is 1.2 km. Arsenalnaya Metro Station located in Kiev is the deepest in the world (105 meters). The station was built in 1960. According to some reports, the tunnels near Arsenalnaya house secret shelters built specially for the political elite. It was made that deep for military purposes with secret huge bunker hidden between Arsenalna and Khreshatic stations. The third most visited McDonald’s in the world is located in Kiev, near the train station. This restaurant has always been in the top five most crowded McDonald’s in the world. The official Guinness world record: Ukrainians recently made the world’s largest glass of champagne – 56.25 liters. The gargantuan flute holds about 75 standardsized bottles of Champagne First modern kerosene lamps are invented by Ignacy Łukasiewicz, in Lviv in 1853 and Robert Edwin Dietz from USA, at the same time, independent of each other. In March 1853 this lamp illuminated pharmacy’s "Under the Golden Star" window (now pharmacy at Kopernika street, 1). And 31 July that year Lviv City Hospital surgeon Zagorski conducted the first night emergency surgery with the help of kerosene lamps which lit the operating-room. Subsequently, oil lamp was presented at the International Exhibition in Munich.

In Ukraine, as with many Eastern European countries, smiling is only for laughter, rather than for a friendly hello. Don’t feel weird if Ukrainians don’t smile at you, since all it means is they’re not laughing at you! "O Sole Mio" was composed by Eduardo Di Capua in Odessa during April 1898. Setting his music to the poem by Giovanni Capurro, Di Capua drew his inspiration while touring Crimea with his father (a violinist street musician). Di Capua and Capurro sold the rights of the song to the Bideri publishing house for 25 lire. Ukrainian national costume is called ―vyshyvanka‖ – a plain white shirt made of linen and decorated with floral or ornamental embroidery. Worn by both men and women on numerous occasions. The best ones are still hand-made. Another part of the women traditional costume is ―vinok‖ – a wreath made of real or fake flowers with long colorful ribbons attached to the back of it. Each color of the ribbons decorating wreath, also had its own meaning. For example, green was the symbol of beauty and youth, purple stood for wisdom.On the day of Ivana Kupala, young women place their wreaths in a river or lake along with a lit candle. If a woman’s vinok drifted away, she would marry. Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square), the central square of Kyiv, nowadays is being clearly associated with the struggle of Ukrainians for democracy, freedom and European choice. It is here that the citizens of Ukraine proved many times to the world that they are a European nation, which is ready to defend European values.It is here that in 2013 began a Revolution of Dignity, perhaps the only time in European history, when the people fought and died for their rights under the EU flag. In the modern history of Ukraine, the Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) became known worldwide for the events of the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity. At the end of 2013, when the leadership of the state refused to sign the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, the Maidan Nezalezhnosti and Khreshchatyk Street became the epicentre of non-violent civil protest, called EuroMaidan, which subsequently covered the whole Ukraine.

Ukraine is a really amazing country with many interesting places to see,,, Ukraine is the coutry with seas of sun-flowers streatching below blue sky. It ia a country of the beautiful women, picturesque nature, delicious cuisine. I LOVE YOU MY BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY!!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART...

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