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OPERACIJA GTTTOM ''Lej, lej, lej. Kaj pa imamo tukaj?'' je zapredla Lisica. Zajec je prestrašeno gledal. ''Um, korenčke??'' Planila je na njega in odprla svoja usta, da bi ga požrla. Zajec Zajček se je umaknil na levo in zbežal. Lisici je spodrsnilo in padla je čez rob v temno luknjo. Zajček je veselo skakljal naprej, nato se je spomnil, v katero luknjo je padla Lisica. Zdirjal je nazaj, primaknil dolgo vejo in pomagal Zvitorepki. Lisica, ali Zvitorepka kot so jo klicali, se mu je zahvalila. ''Si v redu?'' jo je vprašal, ko se je čistila. Bila je vsa sajasta in sluzasta kot motorno olje. ''Bom preživela,'' je odgovorila. ''Padla sem na kup umazanih, strupenih in ostrih stvari. Med tem sem se spotaknila v sod z zdrizasto tekočino. Naravnost v to neživljenjsko močvaro!'' Vse živali tega gozda so vedele za ta odlagališča. Največja so bila tri pri Odlomljenem Vrhu in dva na severu Velikega gozda. Na začetku so bila sumljiva, vendar ne nevarna. Zdaj? Zastrupila so večino rek Velikega gozda in uničevala življenje v tleh. Nekaj je bilo treba ukreniti. Zvitorepka se je pritožila Sovi Oki, vrhovnem sodniku v tej skupnosti. Globoko v osrčju gozda, med koreninami Najstarejšega Drevesa, se je zbral koncil. Stari medved, Rjavi Medvedi, Sova Oka, Zajec Zajček, Ris, Jelen in njegova sestra Doe, kosi, vrane, veverice, krdelo Sivih Volkov, polh, siničke in cel sprevod drugih radovednih ptic, ter Ježi in Svinje. Vsi pomembni so prišli. ''Pozdravljeni na zboru in sestanku najvišje pomembnosti,'' je začel Oka. ''Naša edina tema so Strupene Močvare ali odlagališča.'' ''Zakaj odlagališča?'' je zanimalo veverico. ''Ljudje odlagajo svoje stvari na naš dom in smetijo na naših tleh. Zastrupljajo in ubijajo našo preteklost, sedanjost in prihodnost. Žal se ne zavedajo, da so tudi oni bili del tega in da v bistvu škodijo tudi sebi.'' Sivi Volk je zarenčal:'' Dol z njimi!'' ''Bodi potrpežljiv, moramo opazovati

naše nasprotnike. Fino bi bilo, da bi naredili nekaj, kar bo pokazalo,...'' ''K-Kaj??'' je zakrakala Vrana. ''Vdrimo v njihove domove, Give them a taste of their own medicine. Dol z njimi!!!'' ''Strinjam se! Preveč nas je trpelo in umiralo zaradi njihove nevednosti in egoizma!! Nikoli ne pomislijo, da bi skrbeli za druge! Dol z njimi!!!'' je ponovila Zvitorepka. ''Dol z njimi!!'' so kričale srake. In tako je bilo odločeno. Ljudem bodo vrnile milo za drago. Vrane in srake so bombardirale njihove ''avtomobile'', medvedi so začeli krasti med po mafijsko, živali so odnesle njihove smeti in jih ''odložile'' na parkirna mesta. Kaos. Še pri lovcih, so se zajci uprli. Zajčji kung fu. Ljudje niso vedeli, kaj se je zgodilo. Zdaj, po treh mesecih noben človek ne stopi v Veliki gozd. Zastrupljene reke so se očistile. Mati narava, življenje je dobilo čas, da je popravilo napake svojih otrok. Tudi živali so se umirile. Poslale so izvidnico, da je poročala o stanju ''ekološkega vedenja'' ljudi in, glej ga, no, - niso več smetili. Sprejeli so zakone in se jih držali. Tudi drugod po vsej pokrajini se je spremenilo. Mogoče živali niso ravnale ravno moralno in so udarile z železno pestjo, vendar je delovalo. Počasi, zelo počasi se je stanje začelo izboljševati. Stari medved, poglavar Rjavih Medvedov in vodja Rdečih Tac so postali pravi mafijski voditelji. Brez njih in medu operacija GTTTOM ne bi bila uspešna. Seveda so jih ptice strmoglavile na tla. Vsi v skupnosti Velikega gozda so bili enotni in ljudje so se veliko naučili od njih. Sova Oka je zaskovikal. Seveda, tudi živali se učijo od ljudi. ''Ni nauk te pravljice, da začneš vojno. Eno od misli je, da lahko nekaj narediš sam za nekoga, ki vedno daje in redko kaj vzame - narava. Da se ustaviš in vidiš, kaj ljudje počnejo za vsakim vogalom, da spoznaš, da nismo sami na tem planetu, da se zahvališ življenju za vse možnosti, kar ti jih je dalo. Čas je da se zavedamo, da z zanemarjanjem narave škodujemo sebi in drugim. Vsi.'' Anja Zupan, 8.b

OPERATION GTTTOM ‘‘Look, look, look. What have we got here?’’ purred Fox. Rabbit looked frightened. ‘‘Um, carrots?’’ She lunged at him and opened her mouth to swallow him. Rabbit Little moved to the left and ran away. Fox slipped and she fell over the edge into a dark hole. Little happily hopped and then he remembered which hole the Cunning Fox fell in. He ran back, shifted a branch and helped her out. Fox thanked him. ‘Are you all right?’’ he asked when she was cleaning her fur. She was covered in ash and slimy from motor oil. ‘‘I’ll survive,’’ she answered. ‘‘I fell on a pile of dirty, poisonous and sharp things. After that I tripped into a barrel of oil. Right in this lifeless marsh.’’ All the animals in this forest knew about these dump sites. The biggest were three at the Broken Top and two in the north of the Great Forest. In the beginning they were suspicious, but not lethal. Now? They poisoned most of the rivers of the Great Forest and destroyed life underground. Something had to be done. Cunning Fox or Curled tail complained to the old Owl, the supreme judge in this community. Deep in the heart of the forest, between the roots of the Oldest Tree, the council gathered. Grand Bear, Brown Bears, old Owl, Rabbit Little, Lynx, head of the deer and his sister Doe, blackbirds, crow, squirrels, a pack of Grey Wolves, The Dormouse and a parade of curious birds, Hedgehogs and Hogs. All the important animals were here. ‘‘Welcome to the meeting of the highest importance,’’ the old Owl started. ‘‘Our only theme is the Poisoned Marsh or dump sites.’’ ‘‘Why dump sites?’’ wondered a squirrel. ‘‘People dump things in our home and leave trash on our ground. They poison and kill our past, present and future. Sadly, they do not know that they were a part of this too and that they damage themselves as well.’’ The Grey Wolf growled. ‘‘Down with them!’’ “Be

patient, we have to observe our enemies. Why don’t we do something that will show…’’ ‘W-what??’’ a crow cawed. ‘‘Let’s break into their homes, Give them a taste of their own medicine. Down with them!!’’ “Agreed! Too many of us suffered and died because of their ignorance and egoism!! They never think to care about others! Down with them!!’’ repeated Curled Tail. “Down with them,’’ the ravens shouted. So it was decided. People will get what they deserve. Crows and ravens bombarded people’s vehicles, bears started to steal honey, the mafia style, animals took their trash away and ‘dumped’ them on parking spots. Chaos. The rabbits stood up against the hunters. Rabbit’s kung fu. People didn’t know what happened. Now, after 3 months no human dares to step into the Great Forest. Poisoned rivers were cleaned. Mother Nature, life was given time to fix the mistakes of her children. Even the animals calmed down. They sent a patrol to report about the ‘ecologic behaviour’ of the people and what do you know- people stopped polluting. They approved the laws and kept to them. Elsewhere, over the whole country things changed. Maybe the animals didn’t do things morally and they acted with an iron fist, but it worked. Slowly, really slowly the state began to improve. Old Bear, the chief of Brown Bears and the leader of Bloody Paws became real mafia leaders. Without them and the honey, operation GTTTOM wouldn’t succeed. But birds crashed them back on the ground. Everyone in the community of the Great Forest was equal and people learned a lot from them. Old Owl howled. Of course, even animals learn from humans. ‘‘The point of this story is not to start a war. One of the thoughts is to do something for someone, who always gives and rarely takes- nature. To stop and see what people do behind every corner, to know that we aren’t alone on this planet, to thank life for all the chances it gave them to you. It’s time for us to realize that with

neglecting the nature, we harm ourselves and others. All of us.’’

NOV ZAČETEK Jutro je, sončno in veselo, saj se bo danes zgodila zelo pomembna stvar. Gozd in živali v njem bo pozdravil nov član. Skotil se bo majhen medvedek. Vsi že nestrpno pričakujejo tisti trenutek, ko bo majhna, kosmata glavica radovedno z velikimi in rjavimi očkami pogledala v ta zunanji svet. Nihče ne ve, kako se bo počutil, saj vsi živijo na velikem divjem odlagališču. Tukaj nimajo primerne hrane. Prehranjujejo se s stvarmi, kot so plastične vrečke, posamezni deli starih avtomobilov, deli pralnih strojev in podobnim. Sploh ne vedo, da to ni prava hrana. Nekateri še nikoli niso okusili kakšnega mesa in zelenjave. Sploh ne vedo, da obstaja svet, ki je veliko lepši od tega, kjer živijo. Še huje pa je to, da morajo do vode dolgo hoditi, potrebujejo pa jo prav vsak dan. Starši pa morajo s seboj nositi tudi mladiče, ki ne sesajo več mleka, saj morajo tudi oni piti. Ker pa prav vsak dan ne morejo hoditi do izvira, hodijo pit v bližnjo reko, ki je zaradi odpadkov precej onesnažena. Mama medvedka je začela ta trenutek glasno stokati: » Začelo se je, začelo, prav zares se je začelo!« Vse pa ni potekalo po prvotnih načrtih. Ko se je prikazala majhna glavica, so bili vsi navdušeni, ko pa so videli, da ima oči zaprte, so vsi umolknili. Prav vsi so vedeli, čemu molk. Nato pa je ježek s piskajočim glasom rekel: » Pa saj je ta otrok vendar mrtev!« Mama medvedka je začela jokati. To je bil že njen tretji otrok, ki se ji je skotil mrtev. Temu je bilo tako seveda zato, ker se je prehranjevala s plastičnimi vrečkami. Vsi so žalostni in potrti odšli domov. Naslednje leto pa je bila breja mati risinja, ki je pričakovala prvega otroka.

Vsi so bili spet polni pričakovanj. Ko je skotila, je na svet sicer prišel mali ris, ko pa so si ga natančneje ogledali, so videli, da se je skotil brez ene noge. Takšen pa seveda ne bi mogel preživeti, zato mu mama ni dajala mleka in čez čas je poginil. Druščina pa je naposled le sklenila, da pojdejo po svetu, da vidijo, če res obstaja kak lepši svet. Vsaka družina je šla v svojo smer. Dolgo so hodili, dokler niso prišli iz gozda. Pred nekaterimi družinami so se raztezale dolge avtoceste, pred drugimi pa so se dvigale mogočne stavbe s stotinami nadstropij. Živali so vsaka na svojem delu sveta raziskovale ta zunanji svet. Niso se mogle odločiti, če jim je všeč, prepričane pa so bile, da jim je tu bolj všeč kot tam prej. Nekateri so se od večmesečne dolge poti kar zgrudili na tla, večino pa so polovili in jih namestili v živalski vrt. Tam so se imeli lepo; hrano so dobili prav vsak dan, počutili so se varne, bili so na toplem, ustvarili pa so si tudi nove družinice. Največja škoda pa je bila ta, da jih večina ni nikoli živela tako, kot živi večina živali. Nikoli niso plenili in nikoli niso svobodno tekli po gozdu. Mladički se niso igrali po cvetočih travnikih in vdihavali svežega zraka, nikoli niso jedli, ko se jim je zazdelo, in pili, ko se jim je zahotelo. Medvedja družina je dobila veliko novih, še neizkušenih medvedjih mladičev, prav tako pa se je razširila tudi risja družina. Najbolj pa so bili veseli tega, da so se zmeraj imeli radi in so si zmeraj prihiteli na pomoč. Tudi, če niso živeli v popolnih razmerah, so bili zadovoljni in srečni. Spoznali so, in tega tudi učili svoje otroke, da so v življenju najbolj pomembni ljubezen,veselje in družina. To so najpomembnejše kapljice življenja. Živa Ferara, 7.b

A NEW BEGINNING It's a sunny and happy morning, because today a very important thing will happen. A new member will say hello to the forest and the animals in it. A small bear will be born. Everybody is impatiently expecting the moment when a little, fluffy head with big brown eyes will curiously look into the new world. Noone knows how he will feel, because they all live in a big wild dump. They don't have any right food here. They eat things like plastic bags, small parts of old cars, parts of washing machines and things like that. They don't even know this is no right food. Some of them never tasted meat or vegetables. They don't know that there's a world much more beautiful that the one they live in. And what is even worse, they have to walk a very long way to get water they need

every day. And parents have to take their cubs, that don't drink milk anymore, with them because they have to drink water too. They can't walk to the spring every day, so they have to drink water in the very polluted river nearby. Mum bear started moaning and groaning: ''It started, it really started!'' But the things weren't as planned. When the little head appeared, they were all excited, but when they saw that he had his eyes closed, they all went silent. They all knew why silence. Then the hedgehog said with reedy voice: ''That child is dead!'' Mum bear started crying. That has been her third child born dead. And that was because she was eating plastic bags. They all went home sad and depressed. Next year the mother lynx was expecting her first baby. They were all full of expectation again. When she whelped, a little lynx came out, but when they took a good look at him, they saw he was without one leg. He couldn't survive like that, so his mother didn't give him any milk and after a while he died. The company finally decided to go around the world to see if there's a better place to live in. Each family took a different way. They were walking for a long time until they came out of the forest. Some of the families saw long motoways and some other families saw some very high buildings with hundreds of floors. The animals were exploring different parts of this new world. They couldn't decide if they like it here, but they were sure they like it more than the old dump. The long trip exhausted some of the animals so much that they fainted, but the most animals were caught and taken to the zoos. They liked it there; they got food every single day, they felt safe, they weren't cold and they found new partners and started new families. The only sad thing was that the most of the animals didn't live like other animals usually live. They never had to hunt and they never had an opportunity to freely

run in the forest. The baby animals didn't play around on the blooming meadows and breathe fresh air, they never ate when they felt like eating and they never drank when they wanted to. The bear family got many new, unexperienced bear babies and the lynx family expanded too. But most of all they were happy because they always loved and helped each other. Even if they weren't living in perfect conditions, they were happy and satisfied. They realized that the most important things in life are love, happiness and family. And they taught their children to think like that too. These are the most important drops of life.

GOZD HRASTA DOBA Včasih je bil na mestu, kjer je danes veliko naselje, imenovano Nova vas, velik poplavni gozd hrasta doba. Bil je zelo obširen, ampak čez čas so ga začeli sekati in začeli graditi velike bloke. Stari drevesi pred sedaj stoječim in delujočim Lidlom sta zelo ogroženi. Sta dva izmed preostalih dreves iz tega gozda. Prav tako je hrast Dob pri Dom Bosko centru tudi pripadal temu gozdu. Zelo stari drevesi pri Lidlu preživljata neugodno življenje. ¨ Kako je bil včasih bolj svež zrak in kako smo drevesa uživala življenje. ¨ je vzdihoval prvi Dob. ¨ Pa še res je. Zdaj pa moramo samo še živeti utrujajočo življenje med velikimi bloki in veliko izpušnimi plini! ¨ je dodal drugi. „Zdaj sva ostala samo midva in najin prijatelj čez hrib. Vse najine prijatelje so posekali!“ je žalostno rekel prvi. „Zakaj so jim mogli vzeti življenja?“ se je spraševal drugi. „Nedvomno zaradi teh velikih blokov, kot jih imenujejo ljudje. Ampak meni so bolj podobni velikim škatlam betona!« je vzkliknil prvi. „Ali se samo meni zdi, da ljudje vedno več sekajo gozdove zaradi teh blokov in stolpnic?“ je vprašal drugi prvega. Prvi malo pomisli, nato pa hitro odgovori: „Meni se tudi tako zdi. Vedno bolj krčijo gozdove, da bi zgradili tovarne ali naselja. Pa zrak je tudi vedno bolj onesnažen!“ Čez čas prileti mimo majhen ptiček in se usede na vejo prvega Doba. „Zakaj sta tako slabe volje?“ je vprašala ptička. Drugi odvrne: „Veš kaj ptička. Ali se ti ne zdi prav, da ljudje sekajo naše prelepe gozdove in nam tako kradejo življenjski prostor.“ Ptička pomisli in odgovori: „Ravnokar sem razmišljala o tem, ko sem letela k vama. Mislim, da je to zelo narobe. Tako onesnažujejo zrak in prav tako kot vam drevesom in nam živalim kradejo življenjski prostor!“ „Oh, vesela sva, da se

strinjaš z nama in mislim, da se še veliko drugih živih bitji strinja z nami.“ sta v en glas povedala hrasta. „Zdaj, ko tukaj namesto lepega hrastovega gozda, čeprav je bil poplavni, stojijo bloki, nimam več veliko vej, da bi se usedla na njih ali si naredila gnezdo!“ je rekla ptička. Hrasta in ptička so se še nekaj časa pogovarjali. Kmalu je nastopila noč in ptička je prespala kar na prvem Dobu. Zjutraj pa je vprašala prvega: „Hrast zakaj pa imaš nekaj vej odžaganih? Ali so ti ljudje naredili kaj hudega?“ „Ptička ne boj se! Tokrat so mi ljudje pomagali. Odžagali so mi nekaj vej, ker me je napadel Hrastov kozliček, ki nas hraste objeda. Tokrat se lahko zahvalim ljudem, ker so mi odžagali teh nekaj vej.“ pove prvi.. „Ali vas ptičke nič ne ogroža? Ali imaš kaj prijateljev?“ vpraša drugi. „Nas ne ogroža hrastov kozličev, ampak nam primanjkuje svežega zraka in veliko gozda. Lahko pa nas ulovijo kakšna druga živa bitja in si nas privoščijo za kakšen obrok. Imam pa tudi nekaj drugih prijateljev moje vrste in seveda sta tudi vidva moja dobra prijatelja. In vidva imata kakšnega prijatelja vajinega rodu?“ vpraša ptička. „Enega pa res. Živi čez hrib, ampak on je že zelo star in ogrožen Nima prav veliko vej... no skoraj nobene nima in tudi spomladi mu ne zrastejo novi zeleni listi.“ reče prvi. Ptička odvrne: ¨Oh, pa je res ubogi in osamljen. No pa bom odletela k njemu in mu delala še malo družbe, če lahko?“ „Seveda lahko, samo ne ustraši se, ker ima okoli sebe postavljeno ograjo, da ne bi kdo kaj napisal na njega in ga še bolj ogrozil! Pa še nekaj, pozdravi ga v najinem imenu!“ odgovori drugi. Tako ptička zapusti svoja nova dobra prijatelja in odleti k staremu hrastu Dobu, ki je zelo osamljen. Hrasta sta za nekaj časa utihnila, nato pa v en glas vzkliknila: „ Oh, ko bi se lahko vrnila v tiste dobre stare čase, ko je bil še tukaj velik hrastov gozd. Kako sva uživala v svežem zraku. Tako pa so naredili veliko škodo, saj so večino najinih

prijateljev posekali. Prav tako so izsušili mokrišče.“ Tara Bosil, 8.b

THE DOB OAK FOREST In a place now called Nova vas there used to be a big flooded Dob oak forest. It was very broad, but within some time people started cutting it down and building big blocks of flats. The two old Dob oak trees in front of the Lidl shop are very endangered. They are the two still standing trees of that oak forest. The Dob oak tree at the Dom Bosko Centre also belonged to that forest. The very old trees at Lidl live a very uncomfortable life. ''I remember the fresh and clean air and I remember what a pleasure life used to be,'' the first Dob oak was sighing. ''You're right! Now we only have to live this tiring life among these big flats and exhaust fumes,'' the second oak added. ''Now there are only we and our friend over the hill left. All our friends have been cut down,'' said the first oak sadly. ''Why did they have to take their lives?'' the second oak wondered. ''It's definitely because of these big blocks of flats as people call them. But they look more like big boxes of concrete to me!'' the first one shouted.''Am I the only one who thinks that more and more trees are being cut down because of the flats and skyscrapers?'' the second one asked the first one. The first oak was thinking for a moment then quickly answered: ''I also think so. They are deforestating to build factories and urban areas. And the air is also more and more polluted!'' After awhile a little bird flew and sat on a branch of the first Dob oak. ''Why are you two in such a bad mood?'' the bird asked. The second oak answered: ''You know what, birdie? Don't you think it's not right that people cut down our beautiful forests and in this way steal our habitat?'' The bird was thinking for a while and then answered: ''I was thinking about this while I

was flying to you. I think it's very wrong. They are polluting the air and stealing your habitat and animals' habitat!'' The oaks answered at the same time: ''Oh, we're glad you agree with us and we think many other living beings agree with us.'' The bird said: ''Now, when there are blocks of flats here instead of oak forest, although it was flooded, I don't have enough branches to sit on and make a nest!'' The oaks and the bird were still talking for awhile. Soon the night came and the bird fell asleep on the first Dob oak. In the morning she asked him: '' Oak, why are some of your branches cut off? Did people hurt you?'' The oak answered: ''Don't be afraid, little bird. This time people helped me. They cut off some branches because of the great capricorn beetle, that nasty little thing that is hurting us. This time I can only thank people for cutting off my branches.'' The second oak asked: ''Are you, birds, endangered by anything? Do you have any friends?'' The birdie said: ''Well, we're not endangered by the great capricorn beetle, but we would need more fresh and clean air and more forest. Or we can be caught and eaten by other living beings. I've got some friends among my species and of course you two are my good friends too. Do you have any friends among your species?'' The first oak said: ''Well, we do have one. He lives over the hill, but he's very old and endangered. He doesn't have many branches left....well, he almost doesn't have any branches anymore. And when spring comes he doesn't have any new green leaves.'' The bird said: ''Oh, he's really lonely. If I may, I will fly to him and make him some company.ÂŤ The second oak answered: ''Of course you may, but don't get scared because there is a fence around him so noone can write anything on him and endanger him even more. Say hello to him in our name!'' So, the birdie left the good new friends and flew to the old and lonely Dob oak tree.

The oaks were silent for a while then exclaimed together: ''If we could just go back to that old days when there was a big oak forest here. How much we enjoyed the fresh air! They did such a damage by cutting down most of our friends and drying the wetland.''

NELI V POSTOJNSKI JAMI V Postojnski jami je živela človeška ribica po imenu Neli. Med svojimi sovrstniki je najmanjša, saj meri v dolžino dvajset centimetrov, medtem ko so njeni prijatelji večji od nje okoli deset centimetrov. Ampak Neli njena majhnost sploh ne moti, saj jo imajo prijatelji radi, kljub temu da je majhna. Skozi leta potikanja po jamah je ugotovila, da ji njena velikost pride zelo prav, ko se igrajo skrivalnice, saj se lahko skrije v kotičke jame, kamor drugi ne morejo. Morda se zdi malo smešno, da se človeške ribice igrajo skrivalnice, saj živijo v temi in imajo zakrnele oči. Imajo zelo dobro razvita druga čutila, s katerimi iščejo prijatelje, ko se igrajo skrivalnice. Neli in prijatelji so že navajeni, da občasno starejše in večje človeške ribice ujamejo in jih dajo obiskovalcem za nekaj časa na ogled v posebne akvarije, v katerih je zelo podobno okolje kot v jami. Ker so ponavadi na razstavo šle odrasle človeške ribice, si Neli ni mislila, da se bo tudi ona znašla tam. Vsaj ne kmalu. A ravno to se ji je pripetilo, ko so se s prijatelji, kot vsako popoldne po kosilu, igrali skrivalnice. Neli je brezskrbno odplavala do manjšega bazena ob poti, kjer raziskujejo jamski potapljači, čeprav so ji starši že velikokrat povedali, da naj raje ne hodi tja, ker jo lahko ujamejo in dajo v akvarij na ogled. Ljudje jih gledajo, njihovi otroci pa tolčejo po stenah akvarija, kar za človeške ribice ni prijetno. Poleg tega so na svetlobi, ki je v jami ravno ni. Ker je bila Neli zelo pozabljiva, je pozabila svarila staršev in se skrila v mali bazenček. In kar naenkrat je ob svojem telesu nekaj začutila. Bilo je gladko. Spoznala je, da to ni bila stena bazenčka, temveč plastična vrečka. Bila je ujeta. Neli se je zbudila v neznanem okolju, kjer je bilo proti njenemu domačemu veliko svetleje. Ni vedela, kako je prišla

sem. Šele čez nekaj časa se je spomnila, da jo je ujel potapljač. Ugotovila je, da je bila ujeta z namenom, da si jo lahko ogledajo ljudje. Najprej je bila zelo prestrašena, saj ni vedela, ali bo še kdaj videla svojo družino in prijatelje, a se je po pogovoru z drugo človeško ribico Leonom pomirila. Leon je bil v akvariju že večkrat in ji je razložil, da vsako človeško ribico po nekaj dneh spustijo nazaj k svoji družini. Neli se je po petih dneh v akvariju počutila slabo. Verjetno zaradi svetlobe in pomanjkanja prostora. Njena koža je potemnela. Ko so jo oskrbniki jame opazili, so sklenili, da jo izpustijo nazaj v njeno domače okolje. Neli je bila presrečna, ko je po petih dneh spet videla svojo družino in prijatelje. A nekaj se je spremenilo. Voda je bila drugačna. Težje se je dihalo in hrane je bilo vedno manj. Neli in ostale človeške ribice so bile več dni lačne. Bile so obupane. Na srečo so znanstveniki, ki preverjajo vodo v jamah, opazili, da je voda onesnažena. Ugotovili so, da so za onesnaževanje krivi sosednji kmetje, ki svoje njive gnojijo s škodljivimi umetnimi gnojili. Uslužbenci jame so kmete prosili, če lahko njive od sedaj naprej gnojijo z naravnimi gnojili, da voda ne bo več onesnažena. Kmetje so nasvete upoštevali in od takrat naprej Neli in ostale človeške ribice živijo srečno v čisti vodi. Lara Oset, 8.a

NELI IN POSTOJNA CAVE In Postojna cave lives an olm named Neli. Among her peers she is the smallest, because she has 20 centimetres in length, while her friends are longer than her for about 10 centimetres. But Neli doesn't mind her length, because her friends like her even though she is small. In the years of roaming through the caves she found out that her size is very handy, when she's playing hide-and-seek with her friends, because she can hide in the corners of caves where others can't go. Maybe it seems a bit funny, that olms are playing hide-and-seek, because they live in dark and they have atrophied eyes. They have well developed other senses which help them looking for their friends when they're playing hide-and-seek. Neli and her friends are used to the fact that sometimes older and bigger olms are caught and shown to the visitors in special aquariums where there is a very similar environment to the one in cave. Usually the grown up olms go to the aquariums, so Neli didn't think she'll ever get there. At least not so soon. But exactly that happened to her while she was playing hideand-seek with her friends, like every afternoon after lunch. Neli carelessly swam to the smaller pool by the path where the cave divers usually explore, even though her parents told her many times not to go there because she can be caught and given into the aquarium where poeople watch them and their children bang on the walls of the aquarium. This is not pleasant for olms. Furthermore, the olms in aquariums are in the light which is not in the cave. Neli was very forgetful, so she hid in the small pool. Suddenly she felt something next to her body. It was smooth. She realised this was not the wall of the pool but a plastic bag. She was caught. Neli woke up in an unknown environment, which was very bright comparing to her natural habitat. She didn't know how

she got here. Even after some time she remembered that a diver caught her. She found out that she was caught so that the people could see her. At first she was very scared because she didn't know if she would ever see her family and friends again but after talking to another olm Leon she calmed down. Leon was often in the aquarium and he explained her that after a few days every olm can go back to his family. Neli felt sick after five days in the aquarium. It was probably because of the light and lack of space. Her skin got darker. When the keepers of the cave noticed that, they decided to let her go back to her natural habitat. Neli was very happy to see her family and friends after five days. But something has changed. The water was different. It was harder to breathe and there was not much food left. Neli and other olms were hungry for days. They were desperate. Luckily, the scientists who check the water in the caves noticed that the water is polluted. They found out that this is the guilt of nearby farmers who fertilize their fields with harmful fertilizers. The keepers of the cave asked the farmers to fertilize their fields with natural fertilizers so the water won't be polluted anymore. The farmers took their advice and from that on Neli and the other olms have lived happily in clean water.

NA DNU PIRANSKEGA ZALIVA Sedeli so na koralnem grebenu in gledali lepoto morskega dnu. Riba, mehkužec in stari moder rak ter njegovih pet vnukov so opazovali, kako se razvija morski svet. Pod njihovimi plavuti in tipalkami so se razprostirale prelepe korale. >>Oh, ko bi vi vedeli, kakšne še lepše korale so se tukaj razprostirale, ko sem bil jaz še mlad!<< je izustil stari rak in globoko ter z veliko žalostjo zavzdihnil. Mehkužec je samo gledal in gledal, na koncu pa je rekel: >> Verjamem, odkar je tu ta ogromen plinski terminal, je vse uničeno. Če pogledaš navzgor, vidiš plastične vrečke, kako plavajo na površju. Ali ljudem čisto res ni nič mar za to prelepo pokrajino?<< Riba je izdahnila: >>Očitno jim res ni mar. Pomembne morske živali umirajo zaradi onesnaženega okolja.<< Tako so obupani sedeli, saj so vedeli, da so nemočni, ker so ljudje veliko večji od njih in uboge živalice so za ljudi le še eno nepomembno bitje. Stari rak je spet začel modrovati: >> Še dobro, da so nas zavarovali, če nas ne bi, res ne vem, kako bi potem živeli. Jaz sem tako ali tako zelo star in slaboten. V tako onesnaženem okolju ne bom dolgo preživel. Če bodo pa moji vnuki živeli v takšnem okolju, sploh ne bodo doživeli moje starosti in to me žalosti.<< Minevali so dnevi in meseci in v tem malem podmorskem mestecu se je veliko spremenilo. Korale so začele razpadati. Vse je razpadalo. Kot bi bil konec sveta. Riba, rak in mehkužec so se spet pogovarjali, kako bi preprečili uničenje mesteca. Tako so nekega dne odšli do plinskega terminala. Skupaj so zavzdihnili, se pripravili v upanju, da bodo uničili terminal in rešili podmorski svet pred totalnim uničenjem.

Rak reče: >> Jaz sem že star, ne vem, če mi bo uspelo.<< Riba in mehkužec sta ga z vso močjo spodbujala, naj ne obupa. A rak ni zmogel. Na tla se je nemočno ulegel in od tako onesnaženega zraka zaspal za vedno. Riba in mehkužec sta hotela jokati, od jeze in obupa sta začela tepsti po plinskem terminalu. Po nekaj urah sta obupala, saj sta videla, da iz tega ne bo nič. Žalostna sta se vrnila v razpadajoč dom. Nekega dne pa so ljudje uslišali želje živalic. Plinski terminal je izginil. Ni bilo ne duha ne sluha o njem. Pod morjem so živali skakale od veselja. Bile so srečne. Riba in mehkužec sta se spominjala dobrih starih časov in družbe starega raka ter se smejala in jokala hkrati. Riba je rekla: >>Zahvalite se ljudem, ker so rešili naš svet!<< Mehkužec pa je dodal: >>Očitno le niso tako hudobna bitja, kot sem mislil!<< Vsi so bili spet srečni. Maša Leburič, 8.a

ON THE BOTTOM OF PIRAN BAY They sat on the coral reef and watched the beauty of the sea's bottom. Fish, mollusc, The Wise Old Crab and his five grandchildren were watching, how the sea world evolved. Under their fins and tentacles were beautiful corals. ''Oh, if only you knew how more vivid the reef here was when I was young,'' said The Wise Old Crab and sighed sadly. Mollusc watched him for some time and then commented: ''I believe that since there is a giant gas terminal here everything is destroyed. If you look up you see plastic bags swimming on the surface. Are people really so careless about this beautiful landscape?'' Fish said: ''Obviously they don't care. Many important sea animals are dying because of the polluted enviroment.'' They desperately sat there because they knew that it was beyond their power to do anything. People are bigger than they are and poor animals are for people just another unimportant creature. The Wise Old Crab started to philosophize: ''Luckily they've protected us with law, if they didn't I don't know how we would live. I am really old and weak. In this polluted sea I won't live long. But if my grandchildren live in such an environment they won't await my age. That saddens me.'' Days and months went by and this little underwater city changed a lot. Corals began to fall apart. Everything was falling apart. Just as it was the end of the world. Fish, Crab and mollusc were talking again how the destruction of the city could be prevented. So one day they went to the gas terminal. They sighed and started hoping that they'll destroy the terminal and save the underwater world of total destruction. The Wise Old Crab said: ''I am old, I don't think I can do it.'' Fish and mollusc encouraged him. But The Wise Old Crab couldn't do it. He laid on the bottom of the sea and fell to

never ending sleep. Fish and mollusc wanted to cry but because of anger and desperation they started to hit the gas terminal. After some hours they gave up. Sad and in tears they returned to their ratty home. One day somehow people heard their plea for help. The gas terminal dissappeared. There was no sign of it. Under the sea all the animals jumped in joy. They were happy. Fish and mollusc remembered the old days and the company of The Wise Old Crab. They smiled and cried. Fish said:'' Thank people because they saved our world.'' And mollusc added:'' I guess people aren't as evil as I thought they are.'' They were once again happy.

OTROK IN HRASTA Včasih, ko je bilo mesto še majhno mestece, ga je na severu obdajal gozd. Tam so rasla velika in mogočna hrastova drevesa. Toda mesto se je širilo in raslo. Ljudje so se priseljevali in posekali so vsa drevesa razen treh. Dva izmed hrastov sta tik pod hribčkom na katerem stoji šola, in zraven trgovinice, kamor otroci radi zahajajo. Redko kdo se ustavi in prisluhne, kako hrasta šepetata. Vsem se nekam mudi, vsi hitijo po opravkih. Pojavil pa se je nekega dne otrok, ki se je, ne meneč se za okolico, usedel pod hrasta in jima prisluhnil. Slišal je njuno zgodbo. Prvi hrast je dejal: >Tako žalostno se mi zdi mesto, neizmerno otožno in sivo. Ko so posekali najine brate in sestre, je njihov duh, duh narave, odplaval stran. Ni ga več, a zdi se, da ga nihče ne pogreša.< Drugi hrast se je zazibal v vetru, kot da bi prikimal. Nato pa je zašepetal: >Mogoče pa tega ne opazijo, ne opazijo žalosti med njimi, vsi verjamejo nasmeškom, pa čeprav niso iz srca. Le otroci se še iskreno smejijo in se veselo igrajo na travi, nabirajo rožice in objemajo drevesa. Blizu dreves teče potok, tudi on je žalosten in pravi: >Tudi zame ni več sreče, vame mečejo smeti in le še račke se tu in tam igrajo z mano.< Otrok se zamisli. Gleda v nebo, gleda hrasta, potok in okolico. Gleda in razmišlja. Nato pa dobi idejo. Naslednji dan so pri pouku likovne vsi narisali zeleno mesto, eko mesto, ki skrbi za okolje. Razobesili so slike po mestu in mimoidoči so si jih ogledovali. Vsem so se zdele prisrčne in zanimive. Odločili so se, da če lahko otroci skrbijo za okolje, lahko oni tudi. Tisto pomlad so meščani skupaj očistili potok, okoli hrastov posadili rože in uredili mestni park. Mesto je od takrat bolj zeleno in veselje in duh narave sta prišla nazaj.

NeĹžka ÄŒervan, 8.b

THE CHILD AND THE OAKS Once upon a time when the town was a small town there was a forest in the north. Big and mighty oak trees grew in the forest. But the town was getting wider and bigger. More people came to live in the town and they cut down all of the trees except three of them. Two of the oaks are right under the hill where the school stands and next to the market where the children like to be. Rarely someone stops and listens to the whispering of the oaks. Everybody is in a hurry, everyone runs errands. But one day a child, who did not care about what is going around him, sat down under the oaks and listened to them. He heard their story. The fist oak said: ''The town seems so sad, very sorrow and grey. When they cut down our brothers and sisters, their spirit, the spirit of nature, glided away. It's gone but it seems like no one is missing it.'' The second oak swayed in the wind as if like he nodded. Then he whispered: ''Maybe they don't notice that, they don't notice the sorrow among them, everybody believes smiles even if they don't come from hearts. Only the children smile honestly and play happily on the grass, pick up the flowers and hug the trees. Near the oaks there's a stream. He's sad too and he says: ''There's no luck for me either. Trash is thrown in me and only the ducks play with me from time to time.'' The child thinks. He looks at the sky, looks at the oaks, the stream and the sorroundings. He's looking and thinking. Then he gets an idea. Next day everybody in the art class draws a green town, an eco town that cares for the environment. They hanged the drawings around the town and the passers-by looked at them. They all thought that the drawings were nice and interesting. They decided that if the children can take care

of the environment they can too. That spring the townspeople together cleaned the stream, planted flowers around the oaks and tidied the city park. The town has been greener since then and the spirit of nature and joy came back.

RISJI POHOD V PRAGOZD Nekje na Kočevskem se razprostira zaščiteni Rajhenavski pragozd, gozd vseh gozdov. Prav tu, okoli teh debelih starih dreves ter sredi prečudovitih jas, živi rod risov, latinsko linx linx. Čeprav so na tem področju v preteklosti že izumrli, so jih naselili nazaj in prav o tem teče danes pogovor, kajti stara risja samica Vesna je ena izmed onih, ki so jih pripeljali s Slovaške. Povabila je vse malčke na zgodbo vseh zgodb o njeni mladosti in otroštvu. »Kar pridite v votlino! Malčki, danes vam bom pripovedovala o tistem gozdu, v katerem sem s tetko Štefo in mojo prijateljico, učiteljico Rifko, preživela svoje otroštvo. Tam so živeli še Vitko, Vlaško in Arpad, vaši dedje. Vsi mi smo prišli iz tistega gozda. Bil je lep in verjetno tudi še vedno je, vendar je bilo tam veliko ljudi«, je pripovedovala Vesna. Nato pa je risek po imenu Comet vprašal: »Kaj so to ljudje?« Vesna mu

je odgovorila: »Ljudje so tiste čude živali, ki hodijo samo po zadnjih nogah in so bolj bele. No, te čudne živali so nas pripeljale v ta prečudoviti gozd brez lovcev. Sedaj pa pojdite spat! Jutri vas čaka dolg in naporen dan, ker greste na pohod po pragozdu!« Naslednji dan so se mali riski z učiteljico Rifko odpravili na pohod. Ko so prispeli do debelega drevesa in na njem zagledali neko nenavadno reč, jim je Rifka razložila: »To je avtogram medveda, ki ga je dal drevesu v zahvalo, ker je smel jesti med iz njegovega panja«, jim je razložila učiteljica. Kasneje pa so prišli iz zaščitenega območja in kar kmalu so naleteli na divje odlagališče. Comet je zavriskal: »Igrišče!« Zelo hitro ga je Rifka popravila in rekla: »To ni igrišče! To je divje odlagališče - smetišče, ki so ga naredili ljudje. Pripeljali so se v nekih ropotajočih živalih, ki imajo namesto nog kolesa. Sem niti pomotoma ne zahajajte in ne raziskujte, ker si je Thunder, ko je bil še majhen ris, zastrupil želodec in je hudo zbolel. Komaj je ozdravel. Raje se zadržujte v zavarovanem območju. Bolje bi bilo, če bi se počasi odpravili domov, preden zabredemo v težave. Kaj pravite?« Razred pa je v en glas zavpil v odgovor: »Da, pojdimo domov.« In odšli so nazaj proti zeleni jasi, ki jim je služila za učilnico. Cometu ni in ni šlo v glavo, zakaj zavržejo ljudje hrano in stvari, ki jih imajo. Risja družina dobi v gozdu vse, kar potrebuje za življenje. Če česa ne potrebujejo ali ne morejo pojesti, to z veseljem porabijo druge živali. Da bi kaj metali stran? Kje pa! Ti ljudje so res čudna vrsta živali, da tako pokvarijo njihov čudoviti gozd. Nato je Comet dobil krasno idejo. Stražili bodo pragozd in ko bodo naslednjič zaslišali tisto nemogoče ropotanje, bodo naprosili sosede medvede, da stopijo na svoje zadnje tace in prestrašijo nepridiprave. Svoje smeti naj ljudje odpeljejo kar k sebi domov in jih lepo porabijo!

Nika Zaveršek, 8.a

THE LYNX'S TRIP IN THE VIRGIN FOREST Somewhere in Kočevje there spreads out protected Rajhenav virgin forest, the forest of all forests. Right here, around these old trees and in the middle of wonderful clearings, there lives a family of lynxes, in latin lynx lynx. In the past they were extinct in this area but people brought them back. And right now they are talking about the coming back. Vesna, the old lynx female, was also brought from Slovakia. She invited all of the children to listen to the story of all stories about her childhood and her youth. ''Come right into the cave! Little ones, today I will tell you about the forest where I spent my youth with aunt Štefa amd my friend and teacher Rifka. Vitko, Vlaško and Arpad, your grandfathers, also lived there. We all came from that forest. It was beautiful and probably still is, but there were a lot of people there,'' told Vesna. And then a little lynx named Comet

asked: ''What are people?'' Vesna answered: ''People are strange animals that walk on two legs and are more pale. Well, these weird animals brought us into this beautiful forest without hunters. Now go to sleep! Tommorow you're going to have a long and gruelling day, because you're going on a trip around the virgin forest!'' The next day little lynxes went for a walk around the forest with their teacher Rifka. When they arrived to a wide tree and saw a strange thing on it Rifka explained: ''This is an autograph of a bear. He gave it to the tree as a gift for eating honey from its hive.'' Latter they went out of the protected area and saw a wild dumpsite. Comet shouted: ''Playground!!'' Rifka quickly corrected him and said: ''This is not a playground! It's a wild dumpsite made by people. They drove here in rumbling and rattling animals that have wheels instead of legs. Don't even try to come here and explore because Thunder, when he was young, poisoned his stomach and got very ill. He barely got healthy again. Better keep in the protected area. It's better we go home now before we land into trouble. What do you say?'' Class shouted together: ''Yes, let's go home!'' And they went back to the green clearing that served as a classroom. Comet couldn't understand why people throw away food and things they have. The Lynx family gets everything it needs to live in the forest. The things they don't need or can't eat other animals happily use. To throw anything away? No way! People are really strange kind of animals that spoil the forest like that. Then Comet had a great idea. They will guard the virgin forest and next time they hear the impossible rumbling they will ask their neighbours, the bears, to scare people. People must take their own rubbish home and use it!

REŠEVANJE GOZDA V gozdovih je veliko divjih odlagališč, zato so nekatere živali, kot na primer polh, volk, medved in ris, v veliki nevarnosti, da bodo izumrle. Divja odlagališča škodujejo tudi rastlinam in okolju. Nekega temnega jutra se je zgodaj prebudil debeli polh. Sicer je bil še malo zaspan, a je kljub temu odšel na zajtrk. Naenkrat je obstal. Enkrat se je treščil po glavi, da je ugotovil, če pravilno vidi. Videl je kup smeti tik pred svojim domom. Hitro je zbudil svoje sosede sivega volka, godrnjavega medveda in čopastega risa. Polh je rekel:,,Ljudje so nam nametali smeti pred naše domove.“ Vsi so bili zelo jezni. Ris in volk sta dejala:,,Dobro premislimo, kaj bomo naredili s temi smetmi. Tukaj jih pač ne moremo pustiti.“ Polh je premišljeval in na koncu predlagal:,,Nesimo jih na smetišče in upajmo, da se kaj takšnega ne bo več ponovilo.“

Zvečer, ko se je stemnilo, so začeli z delom. Smeti ni in ni hotelo zmanjkati. Volk je dejal polhu: ,,Pazi, kod stopaš, da se ne poškoduješ!“ Polh mu je odvrnil:,,Tudi ti pazi, saj imaš večje tace, kot pa jaz.“ Vneto so odnašali smeti na smetišče in na koncu jih je vendarle zmanjkalo. Po končanem delu je ris dejal:,,Zdaj se lahko ponovno zabavamo, ne da bi se poškodovali.“ Vsi so bili zelo zadovoljni in so se utrujeni odpravili na dolg spanec. Nekaj tednov so imele živali mir, vendar pa so ljudje kaj kmalu nanosili smeti nazaj. Kupi smeti so se kar nabirali in temu početju ni bilo videti konca. Polh in medved sta se pogovarjala. ,,Moramo dopovedati ljudem, da nas s temi smetmi zastrupljajo.“ je rekel polh. Medved mu je odvrnil:,,Ne le nas, ampak vse živali in rastline. Moramo narediti boljši načrt za rešitev tega problema.“ Takrat je mimo priletela modra sova. Pokimala je s svojo veliko glavo in dejala:,,Predlagam, da naredimo ljudem natanko to, kar so oni naredili nam.“ Polh in medved sta v en glas vzkliknila:,,To je briljantna ideja! Le kako se tega nismo spomnili že prej?“ Polh, medved, volk, ris in sova so čez noč zbrali skoraj vse živali iz svojega gozda. Vsem so povedali za njihov načrt in vsi so se takoj strinjali, da bodo sodelovali. Naslednji večer so se živali zbrale pri največjem hrastu v gozdu in si razdelile delo. Polh in medved sta vodila skupino, ki je zbirala plastične odpadke. Volk in ris sta poskrbela, da so bile pobrane vsa steklenice. Sova pa je z ostalimi živalmi pobrala vse kovinske odpadke. Ko so pobrali vse odpadke, je sova glasno ukazala:,,Sedaj pa le pojdimo v mesto in odložimo smeti pred vsaka vrata.“ Vsi skupaj so se odpravili v mesto in vsak hiša je dobila svoj kup odpadkov. Po končanem delu je polh rekel ostalim živalim:,,Upam, da bo tokrat naše delo zaleglo.“ Tudi ostale živali so mu pritrdile in skupaj so se odpravili nazaj v gozd.

Tako so živali ljudem pokazale, kako je potrebno ravnati z odpadki. Živali so upale, da bodo s tem dosegle, da ljudje ne bodo več odlagali svojih smeti v gozd, ker to ni prijazno niti do okolja niti do živali. Rok Bosil, 7.b

SAVING THE FOREST In the forests there are a lot of wild landfills and because of that animals, such as dormouse, wolf, bear and lynx are in great danger to be extinct. Wild landfills harm plants and the enviroment, too. On a dark morning the fat dormouse woke up early. He was still sleepy but he went to have breakfast. Suddenly he stopped. He couldn't believe his eyes and smacked himself because he thought he was still dreaming. There was rubbish in front of his home. He quickly woke up his neighbours: the grey wolf, grumpy bear and tufted lynx. The fat dormouse said: ''People threw rubbish in front of our homes.'' Everyone was angry. Lynx and wolf suggested: ''Let's think about this carefully. What are we going to do with the rubbish? We can't leave them here.'' Dormouse was thinking and finally suggested: ''Let's take them to a landfill and hope this won't happen again.'' In the evening when it got dark they started to work. There was so much rubbish. Wolf said to the dormouse. ''Watch out! Don't hurt your paws!'' And he replied. ''You too.You've got bigger feet than I.'' They were carrying rubbish to the landfills for quite so time and finally their work was finished. Lynx said: ''Now we can have fun again without the fear of hurting ourselves.'' Everyone was very happy and they went home to have a long sleep. For some weeks there was no rubbish but people started to bring it back again. Piles of it were mounting up and it seemed this would never stop. Dormouse and bear were talking: ''We have to tell these people somehow that their rubbish poisons us.'' Bear replied: ''Not just us but all animals and plants. We have to make a better plan to solve this problem.'' And then the wise owl flew by. It nodded her big head and said:'' I

suggest we do the same to people as they did to us.'' ''That's a brilliant idea,'' bear and dormouse exclaimed. ''How come we haven't thought about this before?'' At night dormouse, wolf, bear, lynx and owl gathered all the other animals in this forest and told them about the plan. Everyone agreed. The next evening all the animals gathered by the biggest oak tree in the forest and decided who will do what. Dormouse and bear led the group which was picking up plastic rubbish. Wolf and lynx made sure to pick up all the bottles. Wise owl and the other animals took metal rubbish. After they had picked up all the rubbish the owl commanded: ''Let's go to the city and dump the rubbish in front of every door.'' They all went to the city and every house got a pile of rubbish. After the animals finished their work fat dormouse said to the other animals: ''I hope this will definitely do.'' Other animals nodded and they all went back to the forest. This is how animals showed people how to do with the rubbish. Animals hoped they achieved that people won't throw rubbish into forests anymore because that isn't good either for the enviroment nor for the animals.

KAPLJICE ŽIVLJENJA NADALJEVANJE ZGODBE Panda, puma gorila in koala so se prek oceana vračali v svoje domove in prinesli še veliko drugih semen ter jih sadili v puščavi. Otrok jim je pomagal in skrbel za vodo za živali ter rastline. Velik del puščave so porasla drevesa in rastline. Manjkale so samo še druge živali. Zato so prosili za pomoč veter, ki jim je z veseljem pomagal. Po svetu je ponesel sporočilo in odzvalo se je mnogo živali. Prišle so kačo, ki so se lepo zlile z okolico. Odzvale so se tudi ptice, ki so bile prave klepetulje. Prišli so volki, sloni, žirafe, šimpanzi, jeleni, lisice… Tukan je vsak dan zapel budnico in zbudil živali okoli sebe. S tem tigri, gepardi in jaguarji niso bili preveč zadovoljni. Golob in sova sta odšla, ponosna da sta zasejala življenje na še pred kratkim tako pustem območju. Nastali so

prelepi gozdovi. Zadala sta si, da bosta prepotovala celo Afriko in na nenaseljenih območjih zasejala semena življenja. Reke sta prosila, če lahko uberejo novo strugo prek puščave, da bodo lahko še tam živele vodne živali in rastline. Dolgo so živeli v sožitju z ljudmi, ampak nekega dne je na ozemlje gozda prišlo pleme. Ker so se ustrašili velikih mačk, so jih nekaj ubili. Niso vedeli, da so tukaj živali miroljubne. Živali so bile osuple zaradi nenadnega napada, in tudi one so se odzvale nasilno. Ljudje, ki so preživeli, so pobegnili nazaj ampak živali so slutile, da še ni konec, zato so se odločile za načrt, ki bo končal nasilje. Pajki so spletli ogromne mreže, da bi zaustavili ljudi, da bi prisluhnili. Ko je pleme spet prišlo, se je ujelo v mreže in še preden so docela dojeli, kaj se dogaja, se je pred nje postavil golob in naglas rekel: ''Nočemo vojne. Ker ste zadnjič reagirali nasilno, nam ni preostalo nič drugega, kot da reagiramo na enak način. Predlagam premirje. Vi ne ubijate nas in mi ne ubijamo vas. Vsi dobro vemo, da smo mi močnejši in nas je več.'' Ko so se ljudje končno prebili prek mrež, jim je poglavar rekel, naj se umirijo. Rekel je: ''Tudi jaz menim, da bi bilo bolj preudarno, da nismo v vojni.'' Pleme je odšlo na obrobje gozda, prehranjevali so se samo še z rastlinami. Golob in sova sta ugotovila, da sta Afriko že dovolj poselila. Odločila sta se, da je čas, da se lotita še drugih celin. Odpravila sta se v Južno Ameriko, da poselita subtropske puščave. Pozvala sta reke, naj uberejo nove struge ter prosila za pomoč veter, da pošlje sporočilo živalim z ostalih celin. Ampak nobena žival se ni odzvala. Golob in sova sta sklenila, da bosta raziskala, zakaj je temu tako. Odpravila sta se v Azijo. Srečala sta nosoroge in jih vprašala, če so prejeli sporočilo vetra. Povedali so jima, da niso prišli, saj jim je tukaj, kjer so, všeč. Golob in sova sta jim razložila, da morajo

biti živali iste vrste na večih kontinentih, ker če se zgodi, da bi na enem kontinentu njihova vrsta izumre in na drugih celinah ni te vrste, je njihova vrsta za vselej izumrla. Nosorogi so sprevideli, da so se motili, zato so odšli z golobom in sovo v Južno Ameriko. Na poti so srečevali mnoge živali in jim pojasnjevali, zakaj bi se jim bilo modro pridružiti. Tako sta golob in sova kmalu imela za seboj veliko različnih živali. Tako sta za nekaj časa z zelenjem prekrila veliki del subtropskih puščav Južne Amerike ter ustvarila raznovrstne ekosisteme. Odpravila sta se še po drugih celinah in naseljevala živali in rastline. Obiskala sta Afriko, da bi pozdravila stare prijatelje. Videla sta, da je tam zdaj zelo lepo in sklenila, da bosta tam tudi ostala, saj sta že naselila velik del sveta. Sandra Knez, 8.b

THE DROPS OF LIFE FOLLOW – UP STORY Panda, puma, gorilla and koala went over the ocean back to their homes. They brought a lot of seeds of different trees and planted them in the desert. The child helped them. He was bringing the water for the plants and the animals. A big part of the desert has already been planted with plants but there weren't any animals. There was the wind which helped messaging the animals all over the world to come to Africa. Many animals responded. The snakes came and they blended in with the nature. The birds responded too and they were talking all the time. Wolves, elephants, giraffes, chimpanzees, stags, deer and many other animals came too. Every day toucan sang a morning song and woke everybody up. Tigers, cheetahs and jaguars weren't fine with that. The pigeon and

the owl decided to leave. They were proud that they created so beautiful environment with amazing animals. They created a beautiful forest on the area which used to be a desert. They had a mission to travel around Africa and on uninhabited area plant the seeds of life. They asked the rivers to redirect their river-beds, so they would be running through the newly planted forests and that fish and water plants could live there too. They lived in harmony with humans for a long time but then a tribe came to their forest. The tribe got scared and killed some animals. Animals weren't used to human company so they paniced and killed some men from the tribe. The rest of the tribe retreated back from the forest but the animals sensed that it hasn't been over yet. They made a plan. The spiders knitted webs to stop the tribe for a while so it could listen to the animals. When the tribe came they got entangled in the webs. Before the people from the tribe could realize what happened the pigeon said aloud: ''We don't want war. The last time you reacted violently, we had no other choice that to react the same way. I recommend truce. You don't kill us and we won't kill you. We both know we're stonger than you and there's more of us.'' When the tribe got out of the webs the chief said: ''I agree with you. I think it would be wiser if we're not in a war.'' The tribe went down to the edge of the forest and they started to eat only plants. The pigeon and the owl found out that they settled enough life in Africa's desert. They decided that it was time to settle other continents too. They went to South America to inhabit the subtropical deserts. The rivers redirected the river-beds and the wind blew the message to animals around the world. Not even one animal responded. The pigeon and the owl decided to find out why the animals didn't come. They went to Asia. They met rhinoceroses and asked them if they got the message. The rhinoceroses

explained that they didn't come because they like it here where they live. The owl and the pigeon explained that the animals of different kinds must be on different continents because if it happens that they get extincted on one continent they won't get extincted entirely. The rhinoceroses realized that they were wrong and they joined the pigeon and the owl on their journey back to South America. On their way they met many other animals and they explained the animals why it would be smart to join them. So the pigeon and the owl brought back to South America lots of different animals that were carrying seeds of different trees. In a short time they covered a big part of South America's subtropical deserts and created assorted and amazing ecosystems. So the pigeon and the owl went to other continents to settle life there. They visited their old friends in Africa. They saw it was very beautiful there, so they decided to stay there, because their job to sow seeds of life was done.

GOZD Tam, v gozdu majhne državice Slovenije živi veliko živali. Radi jih vidimo, slišimo, včasih dobimo priložnost in jih celo čutimo. Nekaterih pa se prestrašimo, kot na primer volka, risa, rjavega medveda. Te živali si povedo veliko stvari. O nas, o njih in o okolju, v katerem živijo. Nekega dne se srečata volk in ris. Pa pravi ris: »Čuj, volk, ali te kaj moti v našem gozdu? Dedek mi je vedno pripovedoval o tem, kako se spreminja, a ne na boljše, temveč na slabše. Že res, da imamo onesnažen zrak in vedno manj prostora, ampak ne vem, če to vpliva na naše število.« Volk začudeno pogleda in nato pove, da je mislil, da so razlogi za njihovo ogroženost izsuševanje potokov, ujme in bolezni. Tako se odločita, da bosta to zadevo malce preiskala in povprašala sta veverico, ki jima je povedala, da imata oba prav, a njo bolj moti kmetijstvo, ki zastruplja tla in tako tudi drevesa – njen dom. Pove jima, da tudi njene vrste primanjkuje in da večinoma krivi preštevilne srne in jelene, ki ji odžirajo drevesa, ko so še mlada. Ko pa pride noč, prileti mimo netopir. Ko vidi to nenavadno druščino, jih vpraša, kako so se tako redke živali lahko sploh zbrale skupaj. Nihče ni vedel odgovora. Netopir se začne pritoževati, češ da le redko spi zaradi raznih del v gozdu, kamnolomov, gradenj in preštevilnih ljudi, ki ga opazujejo, kako spi in se ob tem zabavajo, kot da je to nekaj posebnega. Kot da oni nikoli ne spijo! Živali so nato sklenile, da bodo protestirale, dokler ne bodo pustili gozda pri miru. Skrivale se bodo pred njimi, včasih pa tudi koga napadle. Glasovi bodo potihnili. Gozd bo tako postal ljudem neprijeten. A pozabile so na to, da bodo ljudje v gozd tako odlagale še več. Divja odlagališča bodo postajala vedno bolj pogosta. Problem je na videz nerešljiv!

Morda pa žival le lahko kaj naredi za boljši gozd. Tako so ris, volk, veverica in netopir sklenili, da bodo postavili znake, ki bodo precej podobni tistim na cestah, razlika bo le v materialu. Uporabili bodo namreč les. Na znaku bo pisalo: PROSIM, ODNESI ODPADKE S SEBOJ!, ali: PREPOVEDANO KAMPIRANJE IN KURJENJE!. Veverica je skupaj z ostalimi živalmi beležila spremembe in ugotovila, da se stanje izboljšuje, pa čeprav le počasi. Vsi so bili veseli, saj je gozd postal lepši prostor za bivanje. Urška Červan, 8.b

THE FOREST In the small country Slovenia there is a forest where many animals live. We like to see them, hear them and sometimes even get the opportunity to feel them. Some of them make us scared, for example wolves, lynx and the brown bear. These animals say lots of things to each other. About us, about them and about the environment they live in. One day the lynx met the wolf. The lynx said: ''Listen, wolf, is there anything you don't like in our forest? My grandpa always told me about how it's changing, but it's not getting better, it's getting worse. It's true we have polluted air and less and less space, but I don't know if that effects how many of us there are.'' The wolf looked astonished and then he told he thought the reasons for their endangerment is in drying the streams, storms and illness. So they decided they're going to find out more about that. They asked the squirrel about it. She told them that they're both right but that she's more worried about farming because it's poisoning the ground and the trees – her home. She told them that there are less and less squirrels because the deer and the stags are eating young trees. When the night came a bat flew by. When he saw the company he asked them how so rare animals were able to come together. Nobody knew the answer. The bat started compaining that he can't even sleep well because of the works in the forest, the quarries, constructions and too many people who are watching him while he's sleeping and they are having fun as if this is something rare. Like they never sleep! The animals decided that they'll protest until people leave the forest alone. They decided that they will hide and sometimes even attack someone. The voices will quiet down. The forest will become exasperating. But the animals forgot that this way

people will throw even more rubbish into the forest. The wild landfills will become more and more common. The problem looks unsolvable. But maybe the animals can do something for a better forest. So lynx, wolf, squirrel and bat decided to set the signs that look like the ones beside the roads. The only difference will be in material because they'll use wood. The signs will say: PLEASE, TAKE THE RUBBISH WITH YOU!, or: NO CAMPING OR LIGHTING OF FIRES!. Squirrel and the other animals made notes and found out that the things were getting better slowly. Everybody was happy because the forest became a better place to live in.

PEACE FOREST – ENO umetniški projekt ob Mednarodnem letu gozdov 2011 Gospod Esko-Pekka Tiitinen je napisal knjigo The Drops of Life (Kapljice življenja). Učenci ENO šol v Sloveniji (med njimi je tudi naša šola) so na osnovi zgodbe Kapljice življenja napisali nadaljevanje zgodbe oziroma napisali novo zgodbo, ki izpostavlja najbolj pereče ekološke probleme v Sloveniji. Vsako zgodbo so tudi ilustrirali. Enako so naredile tudi druge ENO šole po svetu. Vsaka ENO šola je nato izbrala dve oziroma tri najboljše zgodbe in ilustracije ter jih poslala nacionalnemu koordinatorju, ki bo izmed vseh prispelih zgodb izbral dve najboljši v Sloveniji. Zgodbi bosta prevedeni v angleščino in objavljeni v spletni knjigi z naslovom Gozd miru. Knjiga bo izdana online 16. 9. 2011 na ENO konferenci na Finskem. Prav tako bo izdana na vrhu generalne skupščine v New Yorku, 21. 9. 2011. Gozd miru bo prispevek k mednarodnem letu gozdov. Mentorice: Nataša Gajšek Ključarič, Maja Grenko, Milena Smisl

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