SELMAS feedback

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Your insights

Your insights A chance to consider CfE in the wider context CfE has got to deliver an educational experience for David’s son that gives him hope of a way out of this cycle. It’s a big ask, but that is the challenge

Your insights David’s story really hit the mark. Can’t believe I live in such a violent country

Your insights Unrealistic probably, but once again being made aware of inappropriateness of traditional exam structures in identifying the kind of learning CfE represents

Your insights The importance of giving and sharing with colleagues. We are very good as practitioners in sharing our knowledge, ideas and thoughts with students and giving them all we can. We must do more of this with our colleagues!

Your insights

David’s story was very thought provoking This can’t be one size fits all. We need to focus on systems, local communities and the need of individuals – we need to start from the child

Your insights The inability to separate what we do as teachers from the bigger social issues Maybe it’s time to stop waiting for the answer from outside and start creating answers for ourselves. Risky but necessary!

Your insights How critical Early Intervention is and the need to know your pupils and their families well in order to offer the best support The importance of communicating with all interested groups – teachers, pupils, parents and the community

Your ideas

Your ideas Need to do more collaboration across agencies (inspired by Linda’s talk) Take “Skunkworks” ideas back to school for discussion Found the whole day interesting, inspirational and thought-provoking. Big insight I had today was we do know what we are doing and just need to trust our judgement and begin to make a difference – especially for those most vulnerable and challenging who need our help

Your ideas I think we needed to discuss the [potential of CfE for providing solutions to problems like David’s story. There must be hope – we must believe we can make a difference Learning Rounds I like the 0-12 model at Solihull and would like more info

Your ideas Play Start Really interested in Parent Days Pleased to hear a classroom teacher saying that she has felt that Learning rounds has left her and her colleagues feeling empowered

Your ideas Persuade SQA to assess courses produced by school Remove or radically change the monitoring role of HMIE More joined up working with educational staff- joint training

Your ideas Enjoyed Richard Jennings approach to leadership. Reluctance (in a way) to engage with a non-educationalist. However his approach is refreshing and he will bring a new dimension to East Lothian Council (Stolen) Scarp HMIE model and go for professional judgement from colleagues

Your ideas Virtual schools – great! Consider working on SQH Using ICT to track and monitor pupil progress and to involve more parents in the decision making process of target setting Idea from Richard Jenning’s Community Vehicle

Your intentions Will try out Learning Rounds at school. Thought that was an excellent way forward for my school Will follow up some of the references and speak to one of the contributors Learning Rounds will be taken on board at XXHigh School

Your intentions Skunkworks really interesting – may use model for staff. Plan to look at River City, GLOW and Canvas – look again at this Community Vehicle – may use this with staff. Will look at ZZ High school website Will look at SQA Brochure

Your intentions Development of “Vehicles for Leadership within school To do the mnemonic of “What do we do” with staff Rethink the opportunities at all levels and stages within CfE

Your intentions I like the Learning Rounds model and will investigate further The intention to share good practice through learning groups and the engagement of parents in early year’s education through family days. I intend to use Community vehicle information for staff CPD Intend to change our monitoring practice to a “learning group” activity

Your intentions Give staff time to be creative Strive to know my pupils and families much better. It’s never too late to give support; but the earlier the better To reassure staff and to provide more information about CfE

Your intentions To research other authorities ideas/practices Thinking of our practice and how it can be changed Reinforced intention to try Learning Rounds

Your intentions Will now go back to school to “get on with the job” “Skunkworks” idea – thinking differently

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