January 17th, 2016

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JANUARY 17TH, 2016


"Joyfully and faithfully evangelizing for Christ!"

Pastor: Rev. John Tapp Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Msgr. James C Lara Parochial Vicars: Rev. Nelson Restrepo Rev. Victor Amorose Deacons: Rev. Dr. Mark Taylor Rev. Mr. Robert Harris Rev. Mr. Elix Castro Church Office: 813.681.4608 School: 813.689.3395 Faith Formation: 813.689.9101 Youth Ministry: 813.689.4147 Pastoral Care: 813.413.8351 Food Pantry: 813.694.0541

Scan this code with your smartphone for online giving.

MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass Weekend Mass 7:00am (Monday through Friday) Saturday Vigil Mass 8:00AM (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat) 4:00PM (Interpreted for Deaf) 8:15AM (Wednesday) 4:00PM Espa単ol (Capilla) 7:00PM (Espa単ol Martes y Viernes) Sunday Masses Morning Prayer 7:00, 8:30, 10:30AM 10:30AM Family Mass (Chapel) 7:45AM (Monday through Saturday) Confession Schedule 12:30PM Espa単ol Saturday in Church: 3:00 to 4:00PM 6:00PM LifeTeen 5:00 to 5:30PM




ope Francis proclaimed 2016 as a Jubilee Year of Mercy. In his letter on this topic, the Pope states that the Church must never tire of extending mercy to others. The Church must be patient in offering compassion and comfort to all. It must speak and act in a way that powerfully brings pardon, strength, aid, and love to all. (MV, #25)

In the Diocese of St. Petersburg, our Annual Pastoral Appeal (APA) is one way we give witness to mercy, compassion, and love toward our sisters and brothers. Following Pope Francis’ example, the theme for this year’s APA is Open the Door to Mercy. This week, every parish and mission throughout the Diocese of St. Petersburg is preparing and praying for the success of this Appeal. Through APA, we fund the good works of our local Catholic Church ­ assisting all parishes, reaching out to those in need, and building up the Body of Christ in the five counties which make up the Diocese of St. Petersburg. Your gift touches countless lives ­ families struggling through pain and suffering, homelessness, unplanned pregnancy, care for the elderly, young men studying for the priesthood, diaconate formation, assistance to the incarcerated and their families, students seeking a Catholic school education, and individuals of all ages pursuing a deeper understanding of the Catholic faith. For those of you who have previously supported the Annual Pastoral Appeal, I extend my heartfelt gratitude. Your generous gift helped to transform the lives of thousands of people. To those who haven’t given in the past, I am asking you to make a gift or pledge. It is my hope that EVERY family in our parish participates in this Appeal to make it a success. Our assessment for APA is over $470,000 and can only be reached when all parishioners participate. I give 1% of my annual salary to the Annual Pastoral Appeal as part of my tithe. (I also contribute 5% to the parish offertory and 4% to other charities of my choice.) I am asking that you do the same. Please help Nativity Parish Open the Door to Mercy. Give generously to the diocesan Annual Pastoral Appeal. Letters, APA brochures, and commitment cards are being sent to the homes of all registered parishioners, Pledge envelopes will also be available in the church pews. In two weeks, our parish will be conducting our in­pew collection marking our Annual Pastoral Appeal Commitment Weekend. I pray that together we can demonstrate our charity to God’s beloved people. Thank you and may our Lord bless you always.


l Papa Francisco proclamó el 2016 como Año Jubilar de la Misericordia. En su carta sobre este tema, el Papa afirma que la Iglesia no se debe cansar nunca de extender misericordia a otros. La Iglesia debe ser paciente en el ofrecimiento de la compasión y consuelo a todos. Debe hablar y actuar de una manera que poderosamente lleva perdón, fuerza, ayuda y amor para todos. ((MV, # 25) En la Diócesis de San Petersburgo, nuestra Apelación Pastoral Anual (APA) es una manera en la que damos testimonio de la misericordia, la compasión y el amor hacia nuestros hermanos y hermanas. Siguiendo el ejemplo del Papa Francisco, el tema de APA este año es Abrir la Puerta a la Misericordia. Esta semana, cada parroquia y misión en toda la Diócesis de San Petersburgo se está preparando y orando por el éxito de esta Apelación. A través de APA, financiamos las buenas obras de nuestra Iglesia Católica local ­ ayudando a todas las parroquias, llegando a los necesitados, y edificando el Cuerpo de Cristo en los cinco condados que componen la Diócesis de San Petersburgo. Su regalo toca innumerables vidas ­ familias que luchan a través del dolor y el sufrimiento, la falta de vivienda, el embarazo no planificado, cuido para los ancianos, jóvenes estudiando para el sacerdocio, la formación diaconal, asistencia a los encarcelados y sus familias, los estudiantes que buscan una educación Católica, y los individuos de todas las edades que persiguen un entendimiento más profundo de la fe Católica. Para aquellos de ustedes que han apoyado previamente la Apelación Pastoral Anual, extiendo mi más sincera gratitud. Su generosa donación ayudó a transformar la vida de miles de personas. Para aquellos que no han dado en el pasado, les estoy pidiendo que hagan un regalo o compromiso. Tengo la esperanza de que TODAS las familias de nuestra parroquia participaran en esta Apelación para que sea un éxito. Nuestra tasación para APA es sobre $ 470.000 y sólo se puede alcanzar cuando todos los feligreses participan. Yo le doy 1% de mi salario anual a la Apelación Pastoral Anual como parte de mi diezmo. (También contribuyo 5% al ofertorio de la parroquia y 4% a otras caridades de mi elección.) Les pido que hagan lo mismo. Por favor, ayuden a la Parroquia de Natividad a Abrir la Puerta a la Misericordia. De generosamente a la Apelación Pastoral Anual diocesana. Cartas, folletos sobre APA y tarjetas de compromiso serán enviadas a los hogares de todos los feligreses registrados. Sobres de compromiso también estarán disponibles en los bancos de la Iglesia. En dos semanas, nuestra parroquia llevará a cabo nuestra colecta en la parroquia, marcando nuestro fin de semana de Compromiso a la Apelación Pastoral Anual. Rezo para que juntos podamos demostrar nuestra caridad con las personas queridas de Dios. Gracias y que el Señor los bendiga siempre.

Nativity Outreach Many thanks to the many parishioners, the Ministries of Nativity, Nativity Catholic School, and our volunteers for helping the Nativity Outreach Ministry to share the blessings of this past holiday season with our recipient families. Your generous gifts helped us to bless each of our guests with a bountiful Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas. Through your generosity we were able to provide fod for our Thanksgiving and Christmas recipients, a total of 254 families. Our volunteers handled 22,333 pounds of food for the two holiday distributions. In addition to all the groceries we distributed, we also distributed gift cards to purchase turkeys for Thanksgiving, envelopes from our “Family Gift Card Christmas Tree” and Christmas stockings which were made and distributed by the Women’s Guild. Your donated Christmas gift card envelopes from our “Family Gift Card Tree” enabled us to give an envelope to each of our Christmas family recipients ranging in family size from 1 to 8 for a total of 130 families along with their food distributions.

Be sure to get in touch with Thomas Sanjurjo, bulletin@nativitycatholicchurch.org to contribute to our bulletin. Spiritual Growth Stewardship Ministries in Action Community Bulletin OPPORTUNITIES TO GROW IN FAITH P4 ­ Stewardship Bulletin Reflection, Mass Intentions, Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference P5 ­ Pray for One Another, Liturgy of the Hours Study, Work(out)s of Mercy P8 ­ Reflexión de las Escrituras


This is such an overwhelming gift of personal entitlement for our recipient families. When you give this opportunity to a family in need, you give them far more than food or even money, you give them dignity and the freedom of choice. A heartfelt “thank you” to everyone who participated. Your response and generosity, as always, was overwhelming. We thank you on behalf of our grateful recipients.

P5 ­ Tithing Report P6 ­ Be a Light for Life, Nativity Outreach Volunteers P8 ­ Reporte del Diezmo, Dona Sangre

In addition, our Food Pantry parents picked out toys for the 125 children under the age of 10 at our St. Nicholas’ Toy Shop. This, too, was a beautiful, blessed event. All our families left with bags of gifts for their children, and also with donated miscellaneous items for gift wrapping and tree/home decorations. Also, there were a few remaining toys which we were able to share with another Nativity Ministry which helps the many needy families at the local migrant camps. These children also benefitted from your generosity.

P6 ­ Nativity Service Award, Matching Grant Success, Bereavement Counseling, Stewardship Council Table

A special thank you is extended to our Students of Nativity Catholic School, their parents, our parishioners, and all who donated toys, gift cards, and numerous bicycles for the Toy Shop. The number of bicycles was spectacular. We appreciate the opportunity to present your donations to our Food Pantry guests. Thank you for allowing us the joy of giving on your behalf. Words cannot express our gratitude and theirs. This is being written on behalf of the volunteers of Nativity Outreach who partner with you in this blessed ministry. Without their energy and giving spirit your gifts would not be given, at least not with the Christ­filled spirit that these volunteers bring to this ministry. We would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our volunteers for all of their efforts throughout 2015. Their willingness to give of their time, talent and treasure year after year is greatly appreciated. Thank you for all you do, we could not do this work without your help. You are Nativity Outreach!



P7 ­ Week at a Glance, Mark Your Calendars, Cristo Rey HS, Altar Server Vestments, Married and in Love



Stewardship Bulletin Reflection


Is 62:1­5; Ps 96:1­2, 7­10; 1 Cor 12:4­11; Jn 2:1­11

ast week we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord. That feast day represents an ending and a beginning. It was, of course, the end of the Christmas season. However, it was also the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry, as well as the beginning of what we call “ordinary time” in the Church. Thus, since endings and beginnings sometimes overlap, this Sunday is actually the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. Our readings this week not only mark the beginning of Christ’s public ministry, but they also contain some vivid stewardship imagery and meanings. The First Reading from the Prophet Isaiah extols God’s love for us. Isaiah compares that unconditional love to the feelings of a bridegroom toward his bride. The underlying idea which we must grasp is that if God rejoices because of us, we in turn need to rejoice in service to the Lord and to others. That is, after all, the joy which comes from stewardship — the joy of serving others without thought of a return. St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians, from which our Second Reading is drawn, was most likely written from Ephesus while Paul was there for an extended period of time. Although Ephesus is some 250 miles from Corinth, there were many travelers between the two cities, so most likely Paul was kept apprised of situations and happenings in the Church in Corinth. With concerns about the Corinthians returning to previous practices and drifting from the Church, Paul wrote this letter, and the content reflects his apprehensions and his advice. What St. Paul says to the Corinthians in this reading could also be applied to our understanding of what stewardship really is. With a stewardship awareness, Paul states, “There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God, who produces all of them in everyone.” We are all gifted in different ways, but regardless the gifts and the ways we are gifted, Paul makes it clear that all comes from God. When we reach that insight, we are well on our way to a stewardship way of life. As mentioned, this early Sunday in Ordinary Time, through the Gospel of John, introduces us to what is in effect Jesus’ first miracle at the Wedding Feast in Cana. This occurrence is only reported in the Gospel of St. John, but imagine the emotions at play. The Lord is there having a good time like everyone else. Our Blessed Mother is probably watching Him and remembering all that has happened, from His birth and development to now. St. Mary knew and knows that He is the Son of God. There are not many direct quotes from the Blessed Mother in scripture, but two of the more noteworthy ones are in this Gospel. Mary tells Jesus simply, “They are out of wine.” Jesus, her son but also the Son of God, responds “My hour has not yet come.” The loving Mother, who knows her Son well probably smiles in a knowing way, and merely says to those around, “Do whatever he

JANUARY 17TH, 2016

tells you.” She knows that His time has indeed come; His work is just beginning. Jesus, of course, provides the wine through a miracle with which we are well familiar. We tend to make our lives much more complex than may be necessary. It may be as simple as us understanding, as St. Paul indicates, that God is in control. Then, although it is not always simple or easily understood, we need to “do whatever He tells us.” God loves us; we need to rejoice in that and love in return. We are each gifted with many wonderful gifts. Now all we have to do is to do what God tells us over and over: love one another.

Mass Intentions | Jan 18th ­ Jan 24th 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:00 am 7:00 am 8:30 am 7:00 pm 8:00 am 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 am 8:30 am 10:30 am 10:30 am 12:30 am 6:00 pm

Monday, January 18 Deceased Members of the Mape Family The DeLeon Family Tuesday, January 19 Salvacion Pio & Nenita Ayo Regina & Pelagia Penaranda Luz & Ciriaco Gonzalez Wednesday, January 20 Britt Hardy Thomas Bailey Jr. Thursday, January 21 Alfredo, Rosalina & Linda DeVera Daniel Fernando Sosa­Vega Friday, January 22 Milagros Rosado Conrado Mactal Migdalia Gonzalez & Luisito Ortiz Saturday, January 23 Patrick Casale Al Bernacki Jaime, Sylvia & Javier Caballero Sunday, January 24 Maria Bustamante Kelly York Alexander Seacco Victims of Sandy Hook Elementary (Chapel) Sara Ambert (Spanish) Jesus & Sofia Caballero

Suncoast Catholic Mens' Conference Men, is life too hectic? Could you use a day to regain perspective and balance? Experience a new encounter with our Risen Lord. A line­up of dynamic speakers will share insights into living out authentic masculinity and heroic virtue, drawing from their own faith journeys. Mass, Reconciliation, and Benediction will give you the opportunity to reflect on what is going on in your life and how Christ can help. Saturday, February 6th, beginning at 6:30 a.m., Higgins Hall St Lawrence Catholic Church, 5221 N. Himes Ave, Tampa. Tickets include lunch and free parking. Cost is $30 for Dad or a Father/Son ticket for $30. For tickets or more information contact visit the Conference web site at www.suncoastcatholicministries.com




Pray for One Another Pray for the sick, suffering, and shut­ins to welcome the strength of God’s love, especially: Joe LaPerna, Danelle Lareau, Sharon Lee, Ron Lerch, Sean Lewis, Sharone Linares, Sandy Lockard, Mario & Perfecta Lopez, Mark Love, John Lynch, Patricia Manack, Walter F. Marion, Angel Matos, Ken Meservey, Tina Nelson, Andrew Newelinski, Barbara & Mike Nieves, Stephanie Olsen, Alisa Olson, Aleida Ortiz, Erinn Phelan, Marie Pennisi, Isabella Ramirez, Dick Riedl, Petra Rivas, Betty Rocha, Manuel Rodriguez, Ray Rocha, Pedro Roldan Sanchez, Danny Rossi, Leo Rossiter, Virginia Ruth, Maria Saenz, Dr. Charles F. Schramm, Richard Sanderson, Quinn Schiaro, Lisa Ziroli Seaholm, Josie Sellers, Bill Shea, Don Shea, Mike Showalter, Jimmy Smith, Barbara Spears, Alice Sperandio, Joan Statham, Brett Strong, Heather Sturz, William Swantek, Theresa Taffe, Suzie Taylor, Sam Troncalli, Ann Ulbricht, Christina Van Alstyne, Luis and Carmen Vargas, Rose Vier, Joan Wagner, Howard Wakefield, Christie Washburn, Auburn Wells, Barbara White, Howard Wiebeld, Vincent Wildgen, Cathy Williams, Kenneth Wilson, Evelina Zambrano, Jorge Zayas, Charlotte Zorn, George Wagner, Steve Alley, Bessie LoScalzo, Dr. Greenwell, Francis Davis, Anna Cifuni, Bienvenida Kjeer, Vincent Wilgen, Dr. Antonio Rivera, Alex Hernandez, Stephanie Koch, Kay Walczak, Louise Rogers, Christine Alvarez, Sandra J. Matson, Steven P. Woodke, Addia Limtiaco, Alex Kepler, Norma Damico, Robert Landee, Bobby Dass, Ashlyn Conly, George Thomas, Virginia

Liturgy of the Hours What is it? Don’t only Priests pray this? Liturgy of the Hours is a time­ honored form of prayer and devotion that the ENTIRE church is urged to learn about and pray. Come and learn the history of the Hours, what the devotion includes, and the basics of ‘how to do it’. This workshop with be led by Jim Ussery, a long­time practitioner and advocate for taking this deeper step into prayer. Prayer books will be on hand to ‘practice’ with. Thursday, January 21, 7:00 pm in St. Francis Room (Room D) of the Social Hall.

Work(out)s of Mercy Come join us this Sunday after the 6pm mass for dinner and Life Night in the Life Lounge!

Lascera, Rosa Valentin, Richard Byerly, Natalie Lizanich, Ed Gefre, Angel Vasquez, Theresa Franzier, Joseph Ruzzi, Virginia Pascua In your hands O Lord, we commend the souls of our recently departed. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Mary Thomas, Joyce Downs, Letty Magsanoc, Carita Mottola, Charles Sciascia Jr., Ronald J Folvarcik, Geraldine Ann Singletary

Freedom in Christ Was Christmas a hard time for you? Did old pains and memories surface? Did you do all the things you set out to do on last year’s Learn how to flex your prayer life through good works as we resolution list? take a look at the corporal and spiritual works of mercy! The Freedom in Christ Ministry can help. Come and experience Christ’s healing power. Parishioners' Tithing Report All denominations are welcome so bring a friend. Monday, January 18, 2016 7­9pm in Nativity’s Chapel Let us help you make 2016 be the best it can be You can’t go it alone­only HE’S GOT THE POWER. No reservation required. For more information, please contact Deacon Mark at 813­653­1150 or via email at: dcndrmt@gmail.com. Visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ficnativity

JANUARY 9th & 10th # of Envelopes 1,236

Mass Total $36,919.93 Online Offertory 181 $19,831.19 Vigil Lights $314.11 Total offertory to operating budget = $57,065.23 Total Collected thru 1/10 = $1,353,591.06 Represents 50.36% of the $2,688,000 operating budget revenues needed for 2015­16


JANUARY 17TH, 2016


Be a Light in the Darkness Join us for the Respect Life Meeting Monday, January 25th 7:00 p.m. Adult Education Building

Nativity Outreach Volunteers Nativity Outreach has two volunteer positions available. Please contact Carl Falkenbach at 813­707­1523.

Bethany Springs A free support group meeting weekly for women who have been effected by abortion or a traumatic miscarriage. Meetings are at 7:00­8:30 On Tuesdays, beginning February 2, 2016 and running through March 29, 2016. This group will meet at Engagement Matters 1456 Oakfield Drive Brandon, FL 33511 For more information, call Cindy Taylor at 813 505­ 9022

Assistant Warehouse Manager – assists and supervises Let the healing begin. day to day operations at our Dover warehouse, 2­3 days per week, 3­4 hours per day under Manager’s direction. Part time Administrative Assistant – prepares various forms and reports for the operation of the Nativity Food Pantry and the Nativity Food Bank, assists with phone calls and messages as well as general office duties. This position requires computer skills such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Hours are flexible.

Bereavement Counseling Support Group

It is not easy to cope after a loved one dies. So many things change. The grief one feels is normal and part of the healing process.

Nativity’s Bereavement Group Counseling provides In addition, we are continually in need of qualified truck emotional support, works to strengthen the relationship with God, and encourages one another to live life. drivers and other able bodied warehouse workers. Thank you for your continued support of the Nativity The group is led by Joann Buffington, LMHC, LLC. Outreach Ministry. There is no cost for the sessions and meets at Pastoral Care Office. Sessions start Sunday, January 31st at 7:00 p.m.

Nativity Service Award On Saturday, December 26th at the 4:00 Mass The first annual Nativity Catholic Church Service Award

For more information, please call the Pastoral Care Office at 413­8351 or email at pastoralcare@nativitycatholicchurch.org Dates: January 31st, February 21st, April 3rd, February 7th, March 6th, April 17th

Was presented to Dan Guerra for faithful Service to our home bound parishioners by Father Tapp. Dan oversees our Bus Ministry that provides rides to Masses on weekends and has done so for many years. Thank you Dan!!

Matching Grant Nativity Catholic School has met our Catholic Foundation matching grant goal!

We Had Company This Week Our Family Promise Volunteers hosted 2 families this week… Please pray for these families as they move on to the next Church and continue the process of rebuilding their lives. EXCITING NEWS!

Since the beginning of our ministry work with Family Promise, in May of 2014, 17 families have now graduated Nativity Catholic School would like to thank and are now in permanent housing! those who recently made donations towards Stewardship Council Table tuition assistance. Your donations have helped us to meet the $5,250.00 goal set by the Catholic Foundation. These funds will When: January 24 after Sunday morning masses certainly make a difference for families who This month the Stewardship Council will be featuring many desire a Catholic education for their children, of the Prayer and Bible study ministries here at Nativity. We but cannot afford it. invite you to stop by the Stewardship Council table in the If you are interested in learning more about Social Hall after Sunday Masses to find out more this cause, you may contact the Finance Office at (813) 681­ information on how to join these ministries. 4608 or Email finadminast@nativitycatholicchurch.org for additional information. Thank you!




Week at a Glance Monday ­ 1/18/2016 Church Office Closed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Tuesday ­ 1/19/2016 Legion of Mary 9:15AM ­ 11:00AM OR CRSP 3 mujeres 6:15PM ­ 9:30PM PC(Back) Womens Guild Board 6:30PM ­ 9:00PM AE DCCW Prep Meeting 6:30PM ­ 9:00PM CONV PCC Leaders 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM SH(C2) Life Teen Band Rehearsal 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM Church Wednesday ­ 1/20/2016 Meals on Wheels 10:30AM ­ 11:30AM SH(C) KofC Assembly 6:30PM ­ 9:30PM AE Oracion Charismatico 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM Chapel Chorale Rehearsal 7:30PM ­ 9:30PM Church Thursday ­ 1/21/2016 Come Clean Church 7:00AM ­ 9:30AM Church Come Clean Chapel 8:45AM ­ 10:30AM Chapel Womens Emmaus Prep 6:45PM ­ 8:00PM SH(C2) Estudio Biblico 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM AE(A) Charismatic Prayer 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM Chapel Evening Scripture Study 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM AE(B) Mens Emmaus General 7:00PM ­ 9:00PM PC(Back) Coro Hispano 7:30PM ­ 9:00PM Church Friday ­ 1/22/2016 PB&J ministry 8:30AM ­ 10:30AM SH(B) Adoration 8:45AM ­ 6:45PM Chapel Vida Joven 6:30PM ­ 9:30PM YOUTH Saturday ­ 1/23/2016 Confessions 3­4 & 5­6 Church Sunday ­ 1/24/2016 Stewardship Table 7:00AM ­ 2:30PM SH(B) 6:00PM Life Teen Mass 6:00PM ­ 7:00PM Church For all events and updates, please check the website calendar. ROOM KEY YC ­ Youth Center | SH(ABC&D) ­ Social Hall | PC ­ Pastoral Care | AE ­ Adult Education Building | LL ­ Life Lounge | OR ­ Oakwood Room | CONV ­ Convent | MP ­ MultiPurpose Room

Cristo Rey High School

Rosary for the Unborn

To Commemorate the Anniversary of Roe vs. Wade Please join us for a Rosary January 22nd 7:00 p.m. At the Memorial for the Unborn At Nativity Catholic Church

Altar Server Vestments Available FREE For The Asking St. John Vianney Parish has a large assortment of altar server vestments available. We have black cassocks, red cassocks and white surplices. Many are in very good condition. If you are interested call our pastoral assistants at 727.360.1147, x 232 or 233.

Mark Your Calendars January Men's Emmaus ­ 8th, March for Life Bus Trip ­ 16th, Catholic Schools' Week ­ 31st

Married and In Love

COUPLES OF ALL AGES. Start the new year with a Cristo Rey Tampa High School (www.cristoreytampa.org) little tune up to your marriage. On Saturday, January Cristo Rey Tampa is a Catholic, coed, college preparatory 23, 2016, there will be a one day Marriage high school grades 9­12, serving students that want to go to Enrichment program held at Nativity Parish; the college and come from families with limited or low financial program entitled “MARRIED AND IN LOVE…MOST OF resources. We offer a rigorous college preparatory education THE TIME” provides an opportunity to learn new ways to at a very affordable cost through our innovative Corporate increase the passion and strengthen your relationship. Work Study Program. All students work in professional jobs Complimentary child care will be available and the a few days a month to help pay for their education. We are fee for all materials and meals is $40.00. now accepting online applications for the 9th Grade for the 2016­2017 academic year. *Entrance Exam & Parent Please contact the Parish Faith Formation Office to Orientation* is: Saturday, January 23, 2016 from 8:30 AM ­ register 689­9101. 12 Noon. Register Online at www.cristoreytampa.org For more information contact: Alberto R. Rios Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management Cristo Rey Tampa High School 6400 East Chelsea Street Tampa, Florida 33610 Phone: (813) 621­8300 Fax: (813) 620­1500 E­mail: arios@cristoreytampa.org Web: www.cristoreytampa.org



Reflexión de las Escrituras Es 62: 1­5; Salmo 96: 1­2, 7­10; 1 Corintios 12: 4­11; Jn 2: 1­11


a semana pasada celebramos el Bautismo del Señor. Ese día de fiesta representa un final y un comienzo. Era, por supuesto, el final de la temporada de Navidad. Sin embargo, también fue el comienzo del ministerio público de Jesús, así como el comienzo de lo que llamamos "tiempo ordinario" en la Iglesia. Así que, como finales y comienzos a veces se superponen, este domingo es en realidad el Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario. Nuestras lecturas de esta semana no sólo marcan el inicio del ministerio público de Cristo, pero también contienen algunas intensas imágenes y significados sobre mayordomía. La Primera Lectura del Profeta Isaías exalta el amor de Dios por nosotros. Isaías compara ese amor incondicional a los sentimientos de un esposo hacia su esposa. La idea subyacente que hay que entender es que si Dios se regocija por nosotros, nosotros tenemos que regocijarnos en el servicio al Señor y a los demás. Esto es, después de todo, la alegría que viene de la mayordomía ­ la alegría de servir a los demás sin pensar en un retorno. La Primera Carta de San Pablo a los Corintios, de la que se extrae la Segunda Lectura, fue probablemente escrita en Éfeso mientras que Pablo estaba allí por un período prolongado de tiempo. Aunque Éfeso esta unas 250 millas de Corinto, había muchos viajeros entre las dos ciudades, por lo que muy probablemente Pablo se mantuvo al tanto de situaciones y acontecimientos en la Iglesia de Corinto. Con las preocupaciones de que los Corintios volvieran a las prácticas anteriores y se alejaran de la Iglesia, Pablo escribió esta carta, y el contenido refleja sus temores y sus consejos.

JANUARY 17TH, 2016

probablemente, sonríe de una forma de complicidad, y le dice a los que lo rodean, "Hagan lo que Él les diga." Ella sabe que su tiempo ya ha llegado; Su trabajo apenas comienza. Jesús, por supuesto, provee el vino a través de un milagro con el que estamos muy familiarizados. Tendemos a hacer nuestras vidas mucho más complejas de lo que debe ser necesario. Puede ser tan simple como comprender, como San Pablo indica, que Dios está en control. Entonces, a pesar de que no siempre es simple o fácil de entender, tenemos que "hacer lo que Él nos dice." Dios nos ama; debemos regocijarnos en eso y amar en cambio. Cada uno de nosotros estamos dotados con muchos dones maravillosos. Ahora todo lo que tenemos que hacer es hacer lo que Dios nos dice una y otra vez: ámense unos a otros.

Reporte del Diezmo ENERO 9 y 10 # de Sobres Misa Total 1,236 $36,919.93 Ofertorio realizado Online 181 $19,831.19 Total recolectado hasta 1/3 = $1,353,591.06 Representa el 50.36% de los $2,688,000.00 ingresos necesarios para el presupuesto operativo 2015­16.

Escuela Cristo Rey

Ahora ya estamos aceptando aplicaciones por el internet para el año escolar 2016­17 para el grado 9. *Examen de Ingreso y Orientación para Padres* Registre a su estudiante yendo a www.cristoreytampa.org Sábado, 23 de Enero del 2016 8:30 AM ­ 12 Mediodía para más información contacte Alberto R. Rios Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management Cristo Rey Tampa High School 6400 East Chelsea Street Lo qué San Pablo le dice a los Corintios en esta lectura también se Tampa, Florida 33610 Phone: (813) 621­8300 Fax: (813) podría aplicar a nuestra comprensión de lo que realmente es la 620­1500 E­mail: arios@cristoreytampa.org Web: mayordomía. Consciente de la mayordomía, Pablo afirma: "Hay www.cristoreytampa.org diferentes dones espirituales, pero el Espíritu es el mismo. Hay diversos ministerios, pero el Señor es el mismo. Hay diversidad de obras, pero el mismo Dios quien obra todo en todos " Todos estamos dotados de diferentes maneras, pero sin tener en cuenta los dones y las formas en que estamos dotados, Pablo deja claro que todo viene de Dios. Cuando llegamos a ese entendimiento, estamos camino a una forma de vida de mayordomía. Como se ha mencionado, este Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, el Evangelio de Juan, nos introduce a lo que es en efecto el primer milagro de Jesús en la Boda de Caná. Este hecho sólo se ha informado en el Evangelio de San Juan, pero imagine las emociones en juego. El Señor está allí pasando lo bien como todo el mundo. Nuestra Madre Santísima esta, probablemente, contemplándolo y recordando todo lo que ha sucedido, desde su nacimiento y desarrollo hasta ahora. Santa María sabía y sabe que Él es el Hijo de Dios. No hay muchas citas directas de la Santísima Virgen en las Escrituras, pero dos de las más notables están en este Evangelio. María le dice a Jesús simplemente: "No tienen vino." Jesús, su hijo, sino también el Hijo de Dios, responde: "Aún no ha llegado mi hora." La amorosa madre, que sabe que su hijo también,

Rosario por los no nacidos

Para conmemorar el aniversario de Roe vs. Wade Por favor, únase a nosotros para un Rosario 22 de enero 7:00 pm. En el Memorial de los No Nacidos En la Iglesia católica de la Natividad

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